Dining services wait time too long, B1
Meet the Pattersons, C1
Luhrs performs “The Nutcracker,” D1
Field hockey wins nationals, E1
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Reporting truth. Serving our community.
Volume 65 No. 11
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
SU’s Student Government Association holds its final meeting for the fall 2021 semester Katie Huston Ship Life Editor
The Student Government Association held its final meeting of the fall semester on Nov. 18, in the Naugle Hall conference room. The public meetings throughout the semester have been held in various locations on campus. “I would like to get some feedback as to how to make it [the meetings] more student-centered in the future,” Riley Brown, SGA president said. Brown explained that the SGA will continue to move locations in the spring semester. As the search for a permanent Shippensburg University president begins, the SGA selected a senator to represent the student body in the search. Because of university policy, the SGA is required to choose one representative and an alternative repre-
sentative to the committee. Senator Andrew Hare was chosen as the SGA’s primary representative. The members voted on Skylar Walder, vice president of external affairs, as the alternative representative. The two will work closely with one another and the presidential search committee. The Academic Affairs Committee announced that it would start working with the Career, Mentoring and Professional Development Center as the spring semester begins. “We’ve been noticing that students are not feeling prepared for after graduation. We are trying to see what we can do to connect students to the career center more,” Senator Jordan Newsome-Little said. Katie Huston/The Slate Read the full story at theslateonline.com.
SGA president Riley Brown wanted to make sure SGA would be more student-focused in the future.
Shippensburg University holds Silent Witness training in response to hate groups appearing on campus
Image courtesy of the Department of Geography and Earth Science
Timothy Hawkins spoke on taking inventory of Shippensburg University’s carbon emissions and what the university can do to reach net-zero carbon emissions. Piper Kull/ The Slate Blaise Liffick was the guest speaker at the Silent Witness training event. Liffick is the operations director of the Silent Witness Peacekeepers Alliance.
Piper Kull A&E Editor
Shippensburg University held an introductory training program for those interested in becoming a Silent Witness. Blaise Liffick, a Millersville University professor and the program’s operations director, led the presentation of “Facing the Hate: Peacekeeping on Campus with Silent Witness Peacekeepers Alliance.” The program was organized and held in response to the appearance of antagonistic hate groups on campus. Stephanie Girard, the SU Chief Diversity Officer, hosted the event this past Friday, along with guest speaker Liffick. Girard opened the event by speaking to the students about the hate groups that had been on campus recently. In order to be ready for when these hate groups return,
Girard organized the Silent Witness Training event. Liffick represented the Silent Witness Peacekeepers Alliance, and introduced the group’s goals for peaceful protest responses. The Peacekeepers are to be a non-confrontational buffer between students and hate groups in an attempt to avoid violence and arrests at events, forming a “human spiritual firewall.” Their main goal is safety and comfort for the students on a campus, as Liffick stressed that these individuals are not counter-protesters and are not meant to challenge or muzzle these street-preachers. The organization has seen success on Millersville, Kutztown, Shippensburg and Johnson County Community College campuses and has over 1,000 trained members. See “WITNESS,” A2
Climate Series talks about environment, university seeking net-zero carbon emissions Henry Mooney Asst. News Editor
Timothy Hawkins hosted an event put on by the Center for Land Use and Sustainability (CLUS) this past Wednesday. Shippensburg University established CLUS in 2003 to provide education, promote sound land planning and enhance the quality of life in the five county region of Adams, Cumberland, Franklin and Perry counties in Pennsylvania. The event sought to spread the word about Shippensburg University working on its greenhouse gas inventory and its climate action plan. The event is part of a series of talks designed to raise awareness to the climate sit-
uation Shippensburg University is dealing with right now. Shippensburg University is working on inventorying its climate emissions and wants to lower them. The climate of Shippensburg University was addressed and what the university is doing to lower its current carbon emissions. Hawkins has advice for students to get involved in helping the environment right now. “Educate yourselves on climate issues and vote for candidates that support climate initiatives” Hawkins said. Hawkins knows that the climate needs to be addressed as soon as possible. “The reality is the climate situation needs to be addressed immediately at the federal and international lev-
els,” Hawkins said. “This can only happen when there are politicians willing to make these decisions.” Students who are interested in the carbon inventory and net-zero emission movement can take the commuter survey which will be available in the spring 2022 semester, and can volunteer to participate in on-campus focus groups. This can help students and faculty understand the carbon emissions of Shippensburg University and its commuter students. Hawkins wants students to get involved right away. “Students can become involved in preparing the climate action plan. The contact link on the CLUS website is the best route,” Hawkins said.
During the event, the urgency of the climate plan was established. “We’re at a critical moment in human history when we still have the option to choose future pathways that will avoid the worst impacts of a changing climate,” Hawkins said. “That window is closing in the next decade, at which point we will no longer be able to choose the better options for humanity.” Shippensburg University and CLUS will continue to deal with the changing climate of the area surrounding it. For students interested in becoming more involved in the climate initiatives, they can refer to the CLUS website at centerforlanduse.org
A2 From “WITNESS,” A1
Some detox techniques included counseling or debriefing with other peacekeepers, discussing the day’s events with a friend or loved one, or even taking a “purposeful shower.” Turning a seemingly menial task into a cleansing process can help to remove the “toxins” and stress of the day from people. He also encouraged having a meal with fellow silent witnesses after a long day of peacekeeping. “Just discuss the good, the bad and the ugly,” Liffick said, “And always have food. Food is good.” Students on campus are encouraged to get involved when hate groups come to campus. Students are urged to reach out to Jirard if they are interested in joining the alliance as a volunteer. The goal is to create a telephone
tree to alert other students of the presence of hate groups, and seek to train other students to become peacekeepers. Liffick wants students to be ready when the hate groups come back to campus, and wants students to be able to help anyone affected by the hate groups in any way they can. Liffick sought to train the members of the audience with a few basic principles so they can respond to hate groups effectively and limit hostile atmospheres on campus. Liffick wants students to know the opposition, and urges students to “prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.” The emotional toll that these sorts of protesters can have on a student body’s mental health cannot be ignored. Students are encouraged to prepare themselves beforehand by doing activities that can get themselves
ready for the mental strain peacekeepers endure. Some activities can be listening to a certain song, preparing a mantra or even engaging in spiritual practice. Peacekeepers want to make sure events do not become sites for violence and riots and follow the Six Principles of Kingian Nonviolence after Dr. Martin Luther King. It is the goal of peacekeepers to provide nonviolent opposition to protesters or hate groups that seek to cause unrest in a social situation. Peacekeepers can do this by being there to help students, calm them down, and ensure violence does not arise. “They are trying to get a rise out of an impulsive age group,” Liffick said. Liffick suggests performing a “detox” after attending an event. Liffick noted it was crucial to do this after being near hate groups for extended periods of time.
Weather Forecast Tuesday
Man’s bingo pinball machines attract worldwide interest
Christine Lee
Associated Press
“My uncle (Michael Joseph) bought me my first one when I was 17,” he said. Glauda, 81, got the Yacht Club bingo pinball machine -built between 1954 and 1955- in 1957. Today, the Pottsville resident has more than 300 bingo pinball machines, the largest collection in the country. The oldest of the machines was made in 1951, the year the two main manufacturers, Bally and United, began making them. They were purchased from private owners and large bingo pinball machine operators. “It took my whole life to get what we have,” Glauda said. At one time, Glauda said he had more than 400 machines. However, over the years, he has sold some of them. That allowed him to get parts for the bingo pinball machines he still has. It also freed up space. “I was running out of room,” Glauda said. He collected the machines as a side project while working as a crane operator at the former Bethlehem Steel, as well as a substitute police officer and cab driver. Glauda and his son, Mike Glauda, hope to show the public the machines by opening a museum at 530 and 532 S. Centre St. in Pottsville. The museum would be housed in two buildings, one at 530 S. Centre St. and a second that will be constructed at 532 S. Centre St. Unlike the traditional pinball machines, bingo pinball machines don’t have flippers on the side. Instead, users put a coin in the machine, press the plunger and the ball lands into a numbered pocket, or hole, on the machine board. An electronic number on a corresponding
board on the backglass scoring area lights up when the ball lands in the pocket. A monetary prize is awarded if a user gets five numbers in a row, with proceeds paid out to the owner. Because the machines were considered a form of gambling, they were often deemed illegal and taken by law enforcement. The last time a bingo pinball machine was made was in 1988. Glauda has become well known in the world of bingo pinball machine enthusiasts. Over the years, he has displayed them at shows across the country and in Canada, where he has earned the nickname “Bingo Butch.” He said they have garnered interest from people in countries around the world, such as Sweden and Australia, and the collection is featured in books on bingo pinball machines by Jeffrey Lawton. Many people have said they want to see them in person, with someone saying they would be willing to come all the way from the Land Down Under to see the collection, according to Glauda’s son, Mike. “People that were talking to us were saying, ‘You should have a museum,’ “Butch Glauda said. ``It will show them this actually exists.” Lawton also had a hand in inspiring them to plan the museum. Mike Glauda said Lawton was astonished at his father’s collection. Butch Glauda provided the information for Lawton’s books, “The Bingo Pinball War: United vs Bally, 1951-1957,” published in 2010, and “Bally Bingo Pinball Machines,” published in 1999. “The only person that had what he needed for his book, photographs of a real machine, was my father,” Mike Glauda said. The machines have gained so much interest from people
around the country and the world that Mike and Butch Glauda started a Facebook group, “Bally/United Bingo by Bingo Butch,” in 2019. As of Monday, it had more than 500 members. “People from around the world ask us questions and we try to help them out the best we can,” Mike Glauda said. While they know of 10 museums nationwide devoted to traditional pinball machines, there are none for bingo pinball machines. “It’s so hard to get them as a lot of these were destroyed and can’t be replaced,” Butch Glauda said. “Old guys, like me, that played them when they were younger, they get a kick out of them.” Mike Glauda, who has been fixing the machines since he was a teen, said trying to wrap his head around what his dad has done isn’t easy. “For me to fathom what my father has accomplished is very hard,” he said. Starting a collection isn’t easy, Butch Glauda said, as many of the machines aren’t available. Both Bally and United stopped making them in 1978. The Glaudas appeared at a recent Pottsville City Council meeting to ask the governing body to approve the museum plans. City officials told them the buildings have to abide by city code and a museum needs the approval of the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission. Mike Glauda said their attorney, Frank Corry, Pottsville, is working with the commission to be recognized as a museum. Butch Glauda said a museum would allow the public to see the machines for themselves. “They can see it for real,” Glauda said. “Not only see it, but play it.”
November 23, 2021
Your World Today
Commentary: Knowledge is power in sex education
Noel Miller Editor-in-Chief
“The Talk” — it’s the most infamous part of puberty. The dreaded sit down with a parent or teacher for some of us and for others it’s a book about the body placed in our room. Sex education is often awkward for the one teaching it and the one learning. If you for some reason can’t be the one to teach your kids about sex education and their bodies, please make sure someone does. Without the proper education the sexual health and safety of children, teenagers and young adults can be at risk. I read an opinion article in The Washington Post, “After surviving cervical cancer I’m teaching my kids about sexual health to save their lives” by Eve McDavid. McDavid was about to go on maternity leave when she found out she had cervical cancer, which was caused from having contracted human papillomavirus (HPV). “Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common viral infection of the reproductive tract,” and cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer diagnosis in women, according to the World Health Organization. McDavid makes the great point that when a child gets the HPV vaccine (usually
around age 12 but as early as age 9) you don’t have to give them the sex talk. You can uncouple sex from the vaccine explanation. When a child gets the tetanus vaccine, we usually don’t go into more detail than to say, “It will keep you from getting sick if you step on a rusty nail.” We can simply tell our children and young adults, “It will keep you from getting a common virus that can lead to cancer.” The health benefits of sex education aren’t just limited to women and girls. Men and boys also benefit from education about their body parts. The other important reason to educate our children about their bodies is because it can enable them to tell someone if they have been sexually assaulted. Children are often told that there are private parts of their bodies that no one should touch, and that if someone does touch them there, they need to tell their parents. However, we should not leave it at body parts, but make sure children know the anatomical names — penis and vagina — among them. Teaching children the names of their body parts and explaining that some areas are private, creates open dialogue about bodies between parents and children. As a former easily embarrassed teenager, knowing that there was someone who I could trust to talk about a very vulnerable topic was priceless. And in the horrendous circumstances in which children and teenagers are
sexually abused, this open dialogue may empower them to tell their parents or someone else about the abuse. According to Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) when children know the names of their body parts, they may find it easier to ask questions about those parts. And when teaching children, particularly young children, about private parts make sure they know what areas should never be touched by someone else. Putting these two topics together accomplishes two goals in one conversation. Sex education alone won’t stop sexually transmitted diseases or sexual abuse, but it gives parents and children more power and autonomy to prevent or respond to these issues. Sex education isn’t just one talk about the birds and the bees when a child enters middle school. It is a multi-conversation topic that can span over several years. Parents should decide when an appropriate age is to have certain discussions in the realm of sex education, but it is imperative they do not avoid these discussions. Most parents want to put their children on the best track in life possible and make sure they have the tools to succeed. So instead of leaving it to a book you place in a child’s room or to a teacher, take the first step in the sex education journey and make it a safe and confidential environment for you and your child.
Student dies after falling 11 stories down trash chute AP Newsfinder Associated Press
A 19-year-old Penn State student who had been reported missing probably died after falling 11 stories down a trash chute in her campus apartment building, authorities said Friday. Justine Gross, a sophomore from New Jersey, was reported missing Nov. 11 after not returning to her
room the night before. Police said a municipal trash hauler had emptied a dumpster at the base of the chute early Nov. 11 and took the trash to a dump, where officers found her body early Nov. 12. Officers reviewed surveillance recordings showing the woman was alone when she entered a trash room on the 11th floor of her building, campus police said. They
believe her death was an accident but await toxicology and autopsy reports. Gross’ mother said to NJ.com that she had been told by her daughter’s friends that she had met a man who gave her “a smoke” — referring to illegal drugsshortly before she fell. She also raised concerns about some of her last communications with her daughter.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Opinion Long wait times at campus dining frustrate students Olivia Faenza PR Director
At the beginning of the 2021 fall semester at Shippensburg University, the campus opened several new dining options. A few of those places include Freshens in Kriner Hall, The Sub Shop and Chick-fil-a, both of which are in CUB. In fall 2020, Shippensburg University Dining Services also introduced the “Mobile Order” app, allowing students to order food from their smart devices. Since implementing these new dining changes, students thought food service on campus would be faster and more efficient. After a few weeks into the semester, however, many of us realized that this is not the case. There are now more food places to choose from, but it appears that there are not enough dining services workers. Some students have had to wait for more than 30 minutes to get their lunches. “I arrived at Freshens to grab lunch at 1 p.m. and did not get my food until 1:45 p.m. I had a class that started at 2 p.m., so I only had 15 minutes to scarf down my meal,” said Drake Myers, an SU senior. The lack of workers has affected the Mobile Ordering app. After ordering on the app, a wait time is listed, and you will receive a notification when the meal
Noel Miller/The Slate
New campus dining options have been introduced this year, but food wait time has also increased. Quick meals between classes are scarce. is ready to be picked up. For Emily Osilka, an SU senior, that was not the case. “I mobile ordered my lunch from Grille Works and the app notified me that my food was ready after 15 minutes. When I got there, there was only one staff member behind the counter and she said it was going to be an additional 20 minutes until my order was ready,” Osilka said. After hearing these stories and more from fellow students in the past week, it appears to be a consistent issue.
There are not enough dining employees working during lunch and dinner times. To me, although this issue may be frustrating for many students, it also seems like an opportunity for those who are looking for work. If you visit the career’s page on Shippensburg University’s official website, anyone is able to apply to be a student worker for Ship Dining Services. I say apply now, help out your fellow students and go flip some burgers at Grille Works. This story might just be your calling.
Shippensburg University Democratic Socialist Chapter statement on Kyle Rittenhouse verdict Cole Runyon
Guest Contributor
On Friday, Nov. 19, the court system handed a victory to right-wing vigilantism and continued a tradition of white supremacists being protected by the law. To be clear, Kyle Rittenhouse is a murderer who deliberately inserted himself into a dangerous situation where he did not belong, causing the tragic deaths of two people. We live in a time when Amaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice and countless others have gone without justice. History will look back at this decision as yet another chapter in the shameful story of racial discrimination in our country. Our nation was founded on the idea that all people were created equal, endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Two hundred forty-five years later, we have yet to realize this proclamation. Malcolm X summarized the state of racial justice like so, “If you stick a knife in my back 9 inches and pull it out 6 inches, that’s not progress. If you pull it all the way out, that’s not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. They haven’t pulled the knife out; they won’t even admit that it’s there.” It appears we still have yet to ac-
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knowledge the knife. Our nation’s past is one full of racist policies that has long been imbued into our legal and economic system. To pull the knife out and begin to heal we require system-wide change. It is time to build a society we can all say we are proud of being part of. That starts by saying clearly and firmly for all to hear, Black Lives Matter!
Image courtesy of the YDSA
YDSA is a student group at Shippensburg University.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Ship Life
Add a new contact; meet SU’s first family Katie Huston Ship Life Editor
Students and faculty have had to adapt to many different personalities in Shippensburg University’s administration over the years. This year Charles and Colleen Patterson have transitioned into the roles of interim president and first lady of Shippensburg University. First-year students may have been caught off guard when Charles Patterson, SU’s interim president, gave his personal phone number out to the audience at Convocation in August. However, after almost two decades in higher education, direct connection seems to be second nature to Patterson. President Patterson’s top priority has always been the students. He explained that the goal of administration is to support students and faculty. “We are here for the students; they are not here for us,” Patterson said. “Any way we can serve our students and our faculty to the best of our ability is our focus. If that means giving out my personal cell phone number to the students who feel like they have that need to reach out to the president can do so willingly. [They] have that ability to bring to light some of the challenges that they may have or some of the successes that they have.” An administrator giving out a personal cell phone number was unprecedented and surprising to many students. Yet, SU’s president uses his cell phone so students can easily access him should the need arise. This line of communication has become normal for the president. “It may be unique to some, I don’t view it as unique, I view it as a really good tool to maintain connectivity,” he said. With access to him, students have reached out in the past during times of personal crisis. Patterson was able to let the student know they were supported and helped them find the right resources they needed in the moment.
However, he sometimes just has good conversations with students. Patterson shares his number not just with current students, but with parents and prospective students. Direct involvement doesn’t end with him, as his wife, Colleen, makes just as much effort to know and interact with students. Colleen noted a time when she was the one to give his phone number to hundreds of people. When her husband was stuck on a flight, he asked her to give a welcome address to prospective students and their parents. Colleen thought that it would only be a handful of people, however it was an audience of about 200. She offered to the audience exactly what she knew that Charles would if he were there: his phone number. “Colleen showed up to open house and told everyone that was there – 200 families – to immediately text me and when I landed there were 80 texts waiting for me... and I responded to everyone,” Patterson said. “Having that connectivity allows them to understand [that] we anticipate their arrival; we look forward to them coming and continuing to be successful here at Shippensburg.” “I think as a parent,” Colleen said. “Parents are sitting there at an open house and it’s reassuring to them, [they think] ‘this is nice, I have the president’s number, if I’m going to leave’– some of these students come from hundreds of miles.” Over the years, the Patterson’s have taken on a pseudo-parent relationship with many of their students. This role can be especially helpful for the first-year students and those who are returning and readjusting to in-person learning. “We like that connection to students,” Patterson said. “That is really an aspect of the role our family plays that has brought us to Shippensburg, because as we looked at Shippensburg, we saw that connectivity that exists… that is kind of what drew us to Ship. That connection to students is something that has always existed.”
Colleen’s relationship with the student body comes partly from her experience as a parent. “I’m a mom, so I always think about what if my son wasn’t five minutes away from me? What would I want to see from a president and his wife on campus?” she said. “And [we] make sure the students are taken care of and can come to us when they need to.” The Patterson’s passion for having a special connection to students is a display of how deeply the pair truly care about the SU community. These values can be seen when the Pattersons connect with students and attend student events on and off campus “I try to be at any student events that I can be a lot of time,” Colleen said, “If Charles can’t make it to something and he’ll ask me to fill in.” Her husband chimed in that typically she is already at the event anyhow. The pair try to attend every sporting event that they are able to. “Saturdays get a little hectic because in football season we went from football to volleyball and then to basketball,” Colleen said. Colleen in particular can be found at most campus events. She also walks their dogs Oliver and Sweetie twice a day around the campus. Students often stop to say ‘hello’ or to pet their dogs, she said. Another way Colleen is active in the SU community is through the Career, Mentoring and Professional Development Center. She donates her clothing to the Professional Dress Closet, where students can go to get clothes for interview which they get to keep. She has also “gotten the opportunity a few times to help dress them for the career fairs we have at the university.” Administration can be a very draining line of work where many become jaded and detached from the classroom and community on and off campus. Patterson has worked in higher education administration for most of his career yet seems to still be absolved from the usual disconnect. Read the full story at theslateonline.com.
Carmine Scicchitano
Charles Patterson, SU’s president, and Colleen Patterson, SU’s first lady, sit down for an interview with Katie Huston, The Slate’s Ship Life Editor.
Recipe of the Week: Apple Custard Pie
Pride Center holds Thanksgiving meal Olivia Wilson
Ingredients: - 2 cups sliced apples - 1 cup sugar - 1 cup flour - 1 tsp cinnamon - 1 1/2 cups milk - 1 egg, beaten - 1 tsp vanilla - 1/4 tsp salt - 2 tbsp butter - dash of nutmeg
Asst. Ship Life Editor
Recipe courtesy of Colleen Patterson
Directions: 1. Arrange half of the apples in bottom of a 9-inch unbaked pie shell. 2. Mix sugar and flour and spread half evenly over apples. 3. Pour in rest of the apples and spread remaining sugar and flour over them. 4. Sprinkle with cinnamon and dot with butter and dash of nutmeg. 5. Pour milk mixed with beaten egg and vanilla over entire mixture. 6. Bake in oven (375°F) for about 50 minutes.
All were welcome to eat and learn about resilience at this week’s Queersgiving hosted by the Shippensburg University’s Pride Center. The event was hosted in the Pride Center on Nov. 19 as a potluck for people of all backgrounds, seeing as the holidays can be hard for many college students returning to harsh family circumstances. Katie McGonigal, graduate assistant for first year students, originally brought the idea to the center. “I had some conversations with first years regarding some hard transitions they were facing. One of the students was talking about [how] they were worried about going home for the holidays, because of how they identify,” McGonigal said. “So, I thought it would be nice to have a small get-together for people to start conversations about that and about some resiliency and coping mechanisms for when they go home for the holidays.” McGonigal then brought the idea to Alithia Zamantakis, the director of the SU Pride Center, as a possible event for all students who feel anxious returning home for the holidays. “This is the first time we’ve done Queersgiving here at Ship, but lots of queer and trans people around the country do Queersgivings with their chosen family. We decided to do it because Katie was hearing a lot from first-year students who were queer and trans how afraid
and uncomfortable they were to go home for the holidays. We decided to do something that would bring folks together; give them a holiday with people who love and affirm them and also a space for conversation around building resilience and how to take care of themselves over the holidays,” Zamantakis said. “We also thought it would be a great way to celebrate holidays without celebrating the colonial or racist parts of those holidays.” As well as having music playing, the center had a myth versus fact PowerPoint with facts surrounding colonization and the culture of intolerance throughout American history. While the Pride Center hosted the event, Zamantakis credited McGonigal and Christina Zeigler, an intern at the Pride Center, with running and organizing it. “It’s been really wonderful to be able to see the development of the students over the course of the semester,” Zeigler said. “We have several students who are freshman on campus, and they have never really been able to fully be themselves, and so just watching them build those connections and create those relationships that foster that resilience and really help them to start to create their chosen family. It’s really important in the queer community to have that chosen family of people who really lift you up and help you through times that aren’t so easy.” The Pride Center’s next event will be holding Lavender Graduation on Dec. 9, for all students.
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Choirs share message of joy with first full concert since quarantine Elizabeth Peters Head Copy Editor
Carmine Scicchitano / The Slate The State Ballet Theatre of Ukraine’s plans to perform the “The Nutcracker” were interrupted by the pandemic, but their talents were finally showcased at Luhrs Performing Arts Center on Nov. 17.
‘The Nutcracker’ brings bright, holiday cheer to Luhrs Katie Huston Ship Life Editor
The State Ballet Theatre of Ukraine presented “The Nutcracker” on Nov. 17 in the H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center. This is the second show at Luhrs this semester. Families in and out of town traveled to view the show, including President Charles Patterson and his wife, Colleen. The ballet featured 57 dancers performing renditions of the traditional Tchaikovsky ballet. Andrey Litvinov choreographed the show, which included updated takes on all the pieces in the show including the Arabian dance, the Tarantella, and the Grand Pas de Deux. The first act of “The Nutcracker” began with the dancers in front of a screen portraying an outdoor winter landscape as they made their way to the Christmas gathering. The extravagant, colorful costumes of The State Ballet Theatre of Ukraine were geared toward younger viewers with their eye-catching quality. The new costumes provided a stunning visual element that is lost in some versions of the production.
“The Nutcracker” also included special effects to enhance the fantastical atmosphere. As the audience was introduced to the Mouse King, and just before the Nutcracker transforms into the Prince, the production used fog machines. As Clara, the show’s protagonist, shrinks down to the size of the Mouse King, the Christmas tree appeared to grow behind her. The show was not only a graceful performance, but also engaging visually. The opening of the second act was much livelier as it included the more well-known songs in the ballet. The “Divertissement” section of the show was well received by the audience. Each number in the section explores a different dance style and cultural aspect as Clara and the Prince travel throughout the land. The dancers in “Chocolate: Spanish Dance” and “Trepak: Russian Dance” executed a series of impressive pirouettes, or spins done on a singular pointe shoe. The audience at Luhrs was enraptured by “Coffee: Arabian Dance” and its contortionist elements, even well after the dance
was completed. The audience’s applause rang each time the dancers returned to the stage with their tricks. The Prince’s performance was phenomenal in the “Waltz of the Flowers.” His strength in the lifts and the grace of his footwork were unmatched by others in the production. Clara achieved an outstanding dance during the Pas de Deux with the Prince. She executed spectacular pirouettes throughout the two dances. The Pas de Deux during “Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy” is a highly anticipated number in the ballet, and The State Ballet Theatre’s rendition was truly beautiful. The ballet brought a sense of wonder and fantasy to Shippensburg through dance. The State Ballet Theatre of Ukraine will continue touring the U.S.A. and Canada through January 2022 to perform their version of Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker.” Visit www.luhrscenter.com to see the shows offered in Shippensburg in the spring of 2022.
On Saturday, Nov. 20, the Shippensburg University Concert Choir and Madrigal Singers hosted their first full concert since 2019 at The Shippensburg First Church of God. The concert began with the introduction of Elizabeth Lins Shoenfelt, the choir director, and Rochelle Kniss and Leslie Shuman, the accompanying pianists, followed shortly by the procession of the concert choir from the back of the church. Lining the pews, they started with “Borgoroditse Devo” by Sergei Rachmaninoff, sang in acapella, which translates into an “Ave Maria” and is considered the composer’s favorite piece, according to Shoenfelt. In comparison to last semester’s mid-COVID pandemic concert, the acoustics of the church elevated all the voices of the choir, highlighting their melodies and flow as the sounds bounced around the room. The choir finished its procession to the main stage, moving swiftly into a bold rendition of “Down to the River to Pray.” Jasmyn Williams, a senior soloist, had a powerful voice that rung loud and strong during her moments in the spotlight, pairing wonderfully with the softer notes the rest of the chorus struck in accompaniment. After a few more words from the director, the chorus and pianist prepared themselves for their headlining song of the night “Jubilant Song” by Norman Dello Joio. The whole show had a theme of meditation and joy, and this song strung both concepts together with heavy involvement of the piano. The chorus increased its pace and volume as soloist Caitlin Sweeney, a sophomore, hit crystal clear soprano notes,
bringing home the theme of joy. The next three songs were sung only by the Madrigal Singers, a smaller section of the choir. They rang in the Christmas spirit by starting with “A Virgin Unspotted (Judea)” that had brilliant moments of staccato and filled the room with a nostalgic holiday atmosphere. The Madrigals then moved into “Glow” by Eric Whitacre, a softer, reflective piece that elicited a beautiful picture of fresh fallen snow. Rounding out their time, they finished with “Underneath the Stars” carrying beautiful crescendos that filled the entire church. Emily Palmerton, a sophomore, gave the crowd goosebumps during her solo. It felt as though she was the only person present as she delivered her notes before being reaccompanied by the rest of the Madrigals. The rest of the concert choir rejoined on stage for the final three songs, “There Will Be Rest” by Frank Ticheli, “Northern Lights” by Ola Gjeilo and “Gaudete!” The last song also featured a funky addition with the Shippensburg University Marching Band’s drumline. The combination of classical voices and assorted percussion brought an entirely new aura into the room and lingered as the concert ended and the chorus left. If you are interested in seeing either the Concert Choir or Madrigal Singers, they will have another concert at the end of the spring 2022 semester. A recording of the concert is also available on the SU Concert Choir Facebook page. The Madrigal Singers are hosting their annual Christmas Dinner on Dec. 3 and 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the Old Main Chapel. Tickets must be purchased by Monday, Nov. 29. Email Shoenfelt for reservations at EJShoenfelt@ship.edu.
Photo courtesy of Caitlin Sweeney
The Concert Choir has not been able to perform in the church since 2019.
The Music Corner What has Asst. A&E Editor Austin Trevino been listening to this past week?
Songs 1. Francis Forever 2. Tore Up
Artists Mitski Olivia Olson
3. Hidden in the Sand
Tally Hall
Toby Fox
5. Lonely (Bee and Puppycat) 6. Carry On
Brad Sucks Lillie Blue Lennox
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Women’s Basketball, E2
Gallery, F1
Field hockey wins 2021 NCAA Division II Championship
Carmine Scicchitano/The Slate
Field hockey completed an undefeated 20-0 season with a 3-0 victory over West Chester University on Sunday afternoon in the NCAA Division II Championship. Isaiah Snead Sports Editor
Freshman Tess Jedeloo won her first championship.
Shippensburg’s field hockey team completed its undefeated season on Sunday by capturing the 2021 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II Championship for the fourth time in the past five years. SU defeated West Chester 3-0 on a cold, grey afternoon at Millersville University’s Chryst Field at Biemesderfer Stadium, achieving its first undefeated season in the NCAA era. The Raiders have now won 11 straight NCAA Tournament games since 2016 and become the first team to win a national championship with an undefeated record since Massachusetts Lowell in 2010. Shippensburg got out to a blistering start and had a 3-0 lead eight minutes into the match. Senior Jenna Sluymer got the scoring started less than 90 seconds into the match, rocketing in her own rebound to give SU a 1-0 lead. Five minutes later, Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) Ath-
lete of the Year, Jazmin Petrantonio blasted in a corner entry from graduate Caitlyn Wink to make it 2-0. Less than two minutes after that, freshman Valu Paul dribbled through multiple defenders and smacked in a diving reverse shot to create the final 3-0 scoring margin. SU head coach Tara Zollinger was pleased with her team’s intensity in the game’s opening moments. “In those opening moments of the game, we were playing Ship hockey, we were passing, moving, we’ve got our eye on the ball and we’re finishing in the circle,” Zollinger said. “So the first goal itself absolutely gave us the energy in the opening moments.” Freshman goalkeeper Lindsay Tripodo made three saves in the shutout including two in the second period. Freshman Merel Hoekstra made a great defensive save in the fourth period to preserve the shutout. Sunday marked the first time that the Golden Rams have lost in the NCAA Division II Championship Game. They were previously 3-0. The Raiders roster is made up of 12
seniors, including players who made their debut in either the 2017 or 2018 season. “To see who they have grown into and the relationships that they built, I know that at the end of the day, they’re going to have each other now matter what,” Zollinger said of her senior class. Shippensburg’s seniors combined to post a 68-14 record and win multiple national championships. “This senior class will always hold a really special place in my heart professionally and personally, and I’m so grateful to be someone in their corner for the rest of their lives, too.”
Carter’s career night leads men’s basketball to win over Wilmington Isaiah Snead Sports Editor
Junior Carlos Carter’s career night led Shippensburg’s men’s basketball team past Wilmington (Del.) on Wednesday night, 84-66. Carter scored a career-high 26 points to lead four Raiders in double figures in Heiges Field House. SU started the game scorching hot, opening the game on a 19-2 run by making 10 of its first 14 field goal attempts. The Raiders took a 24-point lead into halftime and led by as many as 26 points in the half. The Wildcats made a 14-2 run to open the second half, but never got within 12 the rest of the way. Shippensburg equaled its season-high with eight three-pointers and outrebounded Wilmington by 16. The Raiders never trailed in the game. Carter nailed a career-high five three-pointers in the game and a few crowd-pleasing alley-oop conversions. He also grabbed three rebounds, dished three assists and had two steals while logging all 40 minutes. Redshirt-junior Rashon Johnson poured in a season-high 21 points on 10-16 shooting to go along with seven rebounds, three steals and two assists. Fellow redshirt-junior Dom Sleva recorded a double-double with 13 points and a career-high 16
rebounds. Senior Kiyon Hardy ran the show at point guard totaling seven points and assists each, along with five rebounds. Junior forward Luke Nedrow added 15 points, four rebounds and two assists. Wilmington’s Justin Thomas scored 20 points and Randy Rickards dropped in 17. The Raiders will return to the hardwood on Tuesday when they host Cal U. at 8 p.m. at Heiges Field House.
Carmine Scicchitano/The Slate
SU forward Rashon Johnson skies for an alley-oop.
Guard Kiyon Hardy tossed seven assists Wednesday.
November 23,2021
Women’s basketball falls to Jefferson and Holy Family Jack Ansley
Asst. Sports Editor
After starting the season 2-0 last weekend, the Shippensburg women’s basketball team dropped two contests this week against Jefferson University and Holy Family University. On Wednesday, the Raiders hosted the Rams at Heiges Field House. The first quarter was competitive as both teams traded the lead back and forth. Midway through the first quarter, Sam Yench stole the ball from the Raiders and passed to Cassie Murphy who made the layup to extend the Rams lead 10-6. From there the Rams went on an 8-4 run to end the first quarter leading 18-13. In the second quarter, the Rams continued to expand their lead by as many as 12 points. The Raiders were able to cut into the lead and brought it down to eight points at the half. Jefferson led at
halftime 31-23. In the third quarter the Rams pulled away from the Raiders going on multiple runs. The Rams held double-digit leads multiple times throughout the quarter. The Raiders went into the final quarter down 55-44. The fourth quarter was more of the same for the Raiders as the Rams lead got up to 15 points in the middle of the quarter. The Raiders would try to close the deficit, but it would be too much as the Rams won the game, 76-65. Senior Guard Destiny Jefferson led the Raiders in scoring with 25 points, five rebounds and five assists. Junior forward Lauren Pettis was behind her with 10 points. For the Rams, Cassie Murphy led the team with 25 points and seven rebounds. On Sunday the Raiders traveled to Holy Family University to take on the Lightning. The Raiders started the game off strong with an eight-point run by
Mill and Pettis. The Lightning responded with an eight to five run. After the runs, both teams went back and forth and traded the lead multiple times for the remainder of the quarter. The Raiders trailed at the end of the first quarter by three points. In the second quarter, the Raiders grabbed the lead and started the quarter with a five-point run. The Raiders went into the second half with a one-point lead, 31-30. The third quarter was back and forth as neither team was able to hang on to more than a two-point lead in the quarter. A three pointer from freshman guard Taja Colber gave the Raiders the edge going into the final quarter of the game 51-48. The Raiders were not able to hang on to their lead they fell to the Lightning 71-64. The Raiders fall to a 2-2 record on the year with the losses.
Senior guard Destiny Jefferson scored 25 points.
Photos courtesy of Bill Smith/SU Sports Info.
Shippensburg’s women’s basketball team saw their record fall to 2-2 after dropping back to back games this week against Jefferson and Holy Family University.
Wrestling splits dual meet at Bloomsburg Jack Ansley
Asst. Sports Editor
On Wednesday night, the Shippensburg wrestling team traveled to Bloomsburg for a dual meet with Bloomsburg University and Kings College. The Raiders defeated the Monarchs 26-24 but were shutout by the Huskies 57-0. In the first match against the Monarchs, Josh Jackson pinned Alex Tyson. The pin gave the Raiders an early 6-0 lead. In the 133-pound weight class the Raiders had to forfeit the match due to not having a wrestler in the class. The forfeit tied the match up at 6-6. In the 141-pound weight class, Deandre Reed defeated Noah Clawson. The decision gave the lead back to the Raiders 9-6. The Raiders were forced to forfeit the match in the 149-pound weight class. In the 157-pound weight class, Robert Zelinski defeated Raider Matt Milbrand. The decision gave the lead back to the Monarchs 15-9.
In the 165-pound weight class, John Bachar pinned Matthew Stil. The pin tied the match at 15. The Raiders were forced to forfeit their third weight class of the day in the 174-pound weight class. The forfeit gave the Monarchs the lead once again at 21-15. In the 184-pound weight class, Kade Kravitz defeated Drake Brenzie. The round gave the Monarchs a 24-15 lead. In the 197-pound weight, class Alex Fouse pinned William Grace and the lead was cut down to 24-21. The match came down to the 285-pound weight class. Raider redshirt-sophomore Danny Scheib won the final bout of the match by technical fall. The Raiders defeated the Monarchs 26-24. In the second match of the dual meet, the Raiders had to forfeit four weight classes and were shutout by the Huskies 57-0. The Raiders return to the mat on Dec. 5 when they travel to Millersville to face off against Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) rival Millersville.
Photos courtesy of Bill Smith/SU Sports Info.
Heavyweight Danny Scheib won the final bout of the night by technical fall.
SU’s record drops to 2-2 on the year after the split on Wednesday night.
Raider of the Week: Carlos Carter
- Scored a career-high 26 points - Made a career-high 5 three-pointers - Played all 40 minutes in an 84-66 win
November 23, 2021
NCAA Championship Gallery Photos by Carmine Scicchitano, Multimedia Director
Photos by Jack Ansley, Assistant Sports Editor