November 6, 2012
S h i p p e s n b u rg U n i v e r s i t y o f P e n n s y l v a n i a
Volume 65 No. 9
A2 November 6, 2012
What’s Inside... News
Celebrating 56 years as Shippensburg University’s student-run campus newspaper.
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Opinion Samantha Noviello / Opinon Editor Ana Guenther / Asst. Opinion Editor
Potential strike will hurt students, B1
CUB holds no shave November contest, A3 Ship Life
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Top five tips to make scheduling easy this semester, C1
Dylan Edgar poised to lead men’s basketball team in 2012-13, E4
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Three Dog Night rocks Luhrs, D1
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A3 November 6, 2012
Not shaving for a good cause Hurricane Sandy’s damages
at SU not as bad as expected
Sean Mcclellan Staff Writer
Helping others is always good. It lets people know that you care while also giving you a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. However, not everyone has time in his or her busy schedules to run a 5K or spend a day at a food drive in order to show support. Fortunately, for those busy men, the CUB is hosting a “No Shave November” competition to help raise money for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Inspired by the competition between Warner Music Nashville, Music Row, and Country Radio, the CUB is hosting a contest of its own between SU students of the beard-growing variety. Twenty-one men across campus will be letting their peach fuzz blossom into full lumberjack beards and competing to see who can grow the manliest facial hair and raise the most money. The rules are simple: None of the participants is allowed to shave his face, with a few exceptions. Mustaches, necks and upper cheeks can be trimmed and kept clean to
Colleen Bauer News Editor
Photo courtesy of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital website
Twenty-one men across SU campus are taking part in the CUB’s no shave November contest. Keep track of the contest on the CUB’s Facebook page. each person’s preference, and every time a contestant gets a pledge of $30 or more, he may shave. While it is too late to join the competition, you can help support each of the brave contestants and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital by pledging to the man who sports your favorite beard. Each pledge must be a minimum of $1 and checks should be made payable to Shippensburg University Student Services, Inc. or SUSSI. If you cannot find one of the men on campus, you can also email Darrell
Claiborne at djclai@ship. edu to make an official pledge. The contest will end Nov. 30, when the CUB will declare a winner. You can keep track of the competition on the CUB’s Facebook page ( where you can root for your favorite contestant. All proceeds raised will go to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. For more information about St. Jude, you can visit their website at
Although Hurricane Sandy caused severe damage to so many areas along the East Coast, Shippensburg University and the Shippensburg area got lucky. The damage here was not as severe as everyone had predicted. The Category 1 hurricane reached landfall in New Jersey last Monday, flooding and ruining shore points in New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland, and disrupting New York City. Numerous residents sustained major damage to their homes. Many areas in South Central Pennsylvania were flooded, resulting in road closures late Monday evening into Tuesday. Areas most affected by the storm were New Jersey and New York City. Although the Shippensburg borough had declared a state of emergency last Monday, the area dodged the worst parts of Sandy, receiving only excessive
rainfall and heavy winds. The state of emergency was lifted early Tuesday. According to Timothy Hawkins, professor in SU’s department of geography and earth science, SU received 3.98 total inches of rain throughout the storm The maximum wind speed recorded on SU’s campus was 33 mph. However, the wind was likely higher because the university’s wind vane is not in a good location, according to Hawkins. The Harrisburg airport recorded wind gusts up to 47 mph. Although the area Sandy hit does not often see hurricanes, Hawkins said they are always possible from November to April. However, he said this storm was out of the ordinary. “This particular storm was unusual because a hurricane and nor’easter essentially combined into a ‘super storm.’ It is a fairly rare event but not unprecedented,” Hawkins said. He also noted that there is discussion about whether global warming played a
part. “It is likely that the storm was at least a bit stronger and more damaging due to warmer oceans and higher sea levels that have resulted from global warming,” Hawkins said. He said if this is true, we will continue to see stronger, more damaging storms in the future. Most in Shippensburg were lucky enough to remain with electricity. However, millions of Americans among the East Coast sustained power outages for several days. The American Red Cross is helping with relief efforts for all of those devastated by Hurricane Sandy. “The Red Cross has provided more than 23,000 overnight shelter stays since Saturday. Tuesday night, more than 9,000 people stayed in 171 Red Cross shelters across 13 states,” according to www.redcross. org. To make a $10 donation to those who need it most, call 1-800 REDCROSS or text the word “REDCROSS” to 90999.
Santucci educates SU students on the mystery of P.O. Box 1142 Sarah Eyd
A&E Editor In 2006 when World War II veteran Fred Michel received a phone call from the National Park Service inquiring about his time in the service, he was reluctant to provide much information. Unlike other WWII veterans, Michel never really spoke about his time in the military, he never received a medal or any recognition for his service — and Park Ranger Vincent L. Santucci wanted to know why. Santucci gathered Mi-
chel’s story and the untold stories of more than 50 other WWII vets who served at the POW camp known as P.O. Box 1142. After years of interviews, dead-ends and research, Santucci and the National Park Service, with a little help from the C.I.A., have finally uncovered the details of the American military’s best kept secret. Shippensburg University history professor Steven Burg invited Santucci to share his findings. Santucci helped unravel the mystery of P.O. Box 1142 Thursday night in Dauphin Hall to a group of about 30 students, most of
whom are working toward a master’s degree in history. During WWII, all prisoners of war were distributed to war camps according to their skills. For example, Pine Grove Furnace State Park housed POWs who had forestry or logging experience. P.O. Box 1142 housed the most intelligent prisoners, including Hitler’s right-hand man Reinhard Gehlen and Nazi rocket-scientist turned NASA engineer Wernher von Brauhn. The information gathered there was so guarded and confidential that all employees, including Mi-
chel were sworn to secrecy. In fact, Michel’s wife of 60 years had no idea what the nature of his work was. After Santucci and his team interviewed Michel, their pursuit for the truth attracted the attention of the Pentagon. Reaching out for help, Santucci convinced the Chief of Army Counterintelligence to issue a letter to all WWII veterans, notifying them that their secrecy agreements are now void and encouraging them to speak about their experiences at P.O. Box 1142. Months after the letter was issued, Washington Post reporter Petula
Dvorak contacted Santucci, which resulted in a frontpage story about his findings. The Associated Press picked up the story and it ran countrywide. “That opened a Pandora’s box of information,” Santucci told students. Veterans were not the only ones taking notice. It was not long before Santucci got his very first call from the C.I.A. “Pretty soon the C.I.A and the Park Service became best friends,” Santucci said. After years of research, the unlikely team of C.I.A. agents and National Park
Service workers spoke with more than 70 employees of the camp. The interviews are all currently being transcribed and archived and will be available to the public for research purposes. Of all the information gathered and stories heard, the most shocking thing Santucci learned was how humanely all the prisoners were treated. A majority of the veterans were German-born Jews who fled to the United States in hopes of fighting the Nazi regime. However, when face-to-
See Santucci, A4
news November 6, 2012
On the campaign trail 2012 The calm before the storm — and after
Giuseppe Macri
Staff Columnist
Tragedy brings people together — and in the case of Hurricane Sandy’s East Coast landfall last Monday, the result is taking aggressive election year campaign politics apart — at least for a moment. As eight states recover from declarations of emergency and some estimated $50 billion in damages, President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney set campaign politics — and funds — aside to aid in disaster relief and recovery. With the now legendary debacle of former President George W. Bush’s mishandling of the Katrina disaster in New Orleans in 2005 still in recent memory, no president — or presidential candidate — would neglect an opportunity to lead or aid in the recovery of such a situation. Both candidates are testing their mettle as national leaders of crisis response in what was expected to be the most heated week of aggressive politics during the election year, and with their actions being judged accordingly, it is turning into a week totally unexpected. “I am not worried at this point about the impact on the election,” Obama said in response to a question about the disaster’s effect on next week’s election. “I am worried about the impact on families. I am worried about the impact on first responders. I am worried about the impact
on our economy and on transportation,” Obama said. “The election will take care of itself next week. Right now, our No. 1 priority is to make sure that we are saving lives, that our search and rescue teams are going to be in place, that people are going to get the food, the shelter, the water they need in case of emergency and that we respond quickly to get the economy back on track,” Obama said. Canceling scheduled campaign rallies in Florida and Virginia, Obama flew back to Washington, D.C., last Tuesday morning to head up the national government’s recovery effort, specifically overseeing the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)’s disaster response. FEMA is the same organization directly responsible for dropping the ball after Hurricane Katrina. On Wednesday, Obama directly surveyed the damage via helicopter and stopped in the most heavily damaged and affected areas to comfort families and visit Red Cross medical posts. Foregoing scheduled campaign events in Virginia and New Hampshire, Romney changed a planned Ohio stop into a makeshift storm-reliefevent overnight. Romney set himself apart from Obama by not only calling on the national government and states to assist, but private citizens as well, embodying a primary principle of his political philosophy in a real-time scenario — pri-
vate initiative versus public responsibility. “I want to mention that our hearts and prayers are with all the people in the storm’s path,” Romney said to supporters at the event, complete with a canned food drive. “Sandy is another devastating hurricane by all accounts, and a lot of people are going to be facing some real tough times as a result of Sandy’s fury. And so if you have the capacity to make a donation to the American Red Cross, you can go online and do that,” Romney said. “If there are other ways that you can help, please take advantage of them because there will be a lot of people that are going to be looking for help and the people in Ohio have big hearts, so we’re expecting you to follow through and help out,” Romney said. Romney used his campaign infrastructure in affected areas, including campaign centers and buses, to collect and distribute supplies in needy areas. As the storm media coverage winds down and a consistent relief effort gets under way, the spotlight on both candidates displaying leadership roles in a time of crisis could go a long way to highlighting a decided winner in such a hotly contested election, down virtually to the wire. Follow coverage of the election throughout today and tonight to see which “leader” becomes the next President of the United States.
Santucci, A3 face with some of the most notorious, powerful men under Hitler’s command, the veterans at P.O. Box 1142 interrogated the prisoners humanely, using negotiation tactics over violence and little to no intimidation. Since the details of P.O. Box 1142 were kept silent for decades, and all records were destroyed, including employee records, the veterans that served at P.O.
Box 1142 were never honored or reunited. Santucci decided to do something. On Oct. 5, 2007, the National Park Service held the first ever P.O. Box 1142 reunion. At 11:42 a.m., a flag was raised in honor of the veterans. “There was not a dry eye there,” Santucci said. After an hour of anecdotes and poignant details of the reunion, Santucci opened his presentation up to questions from Burg’s history students. Although many questions were an-
swered, one remains: why was it called P.O. Box 1142? Santucci theorizes that it could be linked to an English bedtime story or a glitch involving missing mailboxes at the Alexandria, Va., post office. For now, that still remains a mystery. Santucci is still employed by the National Park Service and has been sharing his stories for about five years. Thursday’s presentation was his second at SU.
Financial Aid Q & A
Q: I graduate in December. What should I do about my spring financial aid and my loans that will be coming due? A: December graduates will have all spring aid canceled automatically by the financial aid staff. December grads will receive an exit counseling email containing instructions on how to complete exit counseling, which is required for your federal loans. Most students will have a six-month grace period on repayment of his or her loans upon graduation. If you never left school for any reason and did not drop below half time (under 6 credits) while enrolled, you should begin payment with your lender in June/July. If you dropped enrollment at any time, you may have less than the six months. Information on all federal aid including loans and grants can be found at www.nslds. Here, one can log in with his or her Social Security number, date of birth and four-digit pin
number normally used to sign FAFSA forms to see all the aid/loans you received at any and all schools you have ever attended. Q: I plan on taking a winter course. What financial aid can I get to cover this cost? A: Financial aid is awarded on a yearly basis for fall and spring terms. There is no aid that can be given in winter. We suggest students use their fall refund to pay their winter balance with Student Accounts. If you are due a spring refund, you may speak to Student Accounts (Old Main 101. 717-477-1211) to ask if you can use your spring refund to pay your winter balance. This can also be true of summer classes. If you are planning on taking summer courses, you may not have any aid left for summer after spring is completed. Please plan accordingly and save a portion, if not all of your spring refund to pay for your summer classes. Q: Do I have to do the FAFSA every year? Nothing has changed
since last year.
A: Yes, you do have to file a new FAFSA every year. Students may begin applying for next year’s aid (fall 2013/ spring 2014) after Jan. 1 at Please plan to file this form as soon as possible and keep an eye on your email. We will send you a notification if we need additional information. Filing early and checking the status of your application often will result in quicker processing of aid funding for you in the fall 2013 term. Please contact the Financial Aid office if you need assistance in filing these necessary forms. We recommend you file the 13/14 FAFSA no later than March 30, 2013. As always, if you have any questions, please contact the Financial Aid office – Old Main Room 100 – 717-477-1131. Have a question for Financial Aid? Please send your questions to finaid@ - Courtesy of the Financial Aid Office
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B1 November 6, 2012
Class schedules cause stress and fear of the future Samantha Noviello Opinion Editor
One of the worst things that I deal with as a student is scheduling. I get so tired of my classes when the semester is coming to an end. A fresh start is always something I need and enjoy when it comes along. But the whole scheduling period is madness. First you start out with meeting with your adviser. This is only helpful if you do not know what you are doing, otherwise, it is a waste of time for both of you. Then, when you get your personal identification number to register with, you start panicking that you are not going to get in the classes you need. I go through this every semester.
I only want to be here for the four years I need to be in college to get my degree. Not only is this saving time so I can start my life sooner, but it is also saving so much money in tuition to be out in four years. Not everyone gets this lucky obviously. Many people are on the five-year plan and some get lucky enough to only be a semester behind. Whether it is from scheduling conflicts, transfering credits from previous schools or dropping classes
you were not doing well in, your schedule and years of schooling can get altered quickly. So I usually devise a plan before even looking up classes online. I find out what classes I need and figure out any possible outcome of not getting them, dropping them or doing poorly in them. This is also very stressful. Looking at your future years in college and realizing you could be here an extra semester all because you could not take that one class that is only offered in the spring, is mind numbing. So when looking up your classes you start to see there is only one section for each class you need. What is that, roughly 2530 students in that class? And most of those classes you can only take in the spring or fall semesters, so
if you do not get into the class, you are doomed. This creates anxiety, at least for me it does. I cannot tell you how stressed out I am over scheduling periods. Picking what classes you need, want and are required to take for your major is stressful enough, but add the competition of actually not getting those classes — talk about a headache. Advisers and professors do all that they can to help you get into your classes. Waiting lists are made and sometimes personal favors are done to try and get students into the classes they need to graduate on time. I think, here at Shippensburg University,
we are lucky to have the professionals we do, teaching and advising us to get where we need to be. Our education is very important to the people of this university and I am grateful
for that. But, being a person who does not handle stress well, I treat scheduling periods very seriously and it always ends badly for me. Take my advice, breathe.
Photo courtesy of
Potential strike will hurt the students Ana Guenther
Asst. Opinion Editor I have always taken pride in my education. I am not the kind of student who slacks and races to achieve the bare minimum. I study for my exams, read assigned texts and always do my homework. Granted, I may not be the best at every subject, but I try. My professors ask for my best work, and I expect the same amount of effort back from them. So, when I first heard that faculty members among Pennsylvania’s 14 state universities were negotiating a strike, I became a little upset. On Oct. 20, the union for faculty met with members of the State System of Higher Education to discuss the possibility of a strike. At the meeting, representatives of
the faculty union voted for the start of a strike authorization to take place in late November 2012. At that time, members of the faculty union will meet at each respective university to decide whether or not to strike. In an article written by The Patriot-News, union President Steve Hicks said that in the event of a strike, fall classes and finals could be interrupted. Quite frankly, I do not have time for a strike. I am scheduled to graduate on time, and I intend to. Negotiations between union members and state
representatives have been prolonged for the past two years. Faculty members and coaches of the union have been working without a contract since June 2011. The 6,000-plus members of the union are looking to improve health benefits for working and retired members, changing salaries for temporary faculty and changing retiree benefits. I understand that my professors put time and effort into their learning, and their hard work does deserve to be recognized, however, this needs to end. This strike has the capability to affect around 115,000 students who are attending the universities that these union members are a part of. Members of the union began the strike authorization process when their request for a third party arbitrator was rejected. You want a third party voice?
I have to attend school later Well here I am. If my professors are ques- into the spring? I am sorry, tioning the quality of their but the summer is my time. time at Shippensburg University, should I be questioning mine? I pay to attend this school. I came here with the mindset that I would receive a quality education. I deserve that, and so does every other student. What I find most frustrating is that no one is saying how this is going to affect me and my fellow classmates. What does this mean for the students? Would we be reimbursed? Would my classes suddenly not count? Would Photo courtesy of
Faculty members continually say they want what is fair for everyone involved especially the students. I am not sure I believe that right now. In order to create a better understanding of what is going on, something needs to be released to students to explain the situation, and how it is being handled. You want to be fair? Stop keeping me in the dark.
opinion November 6, 2012
What Grinds My Gears: PowerPoint Presentations
Nick Sentmen
Asst. Sports Editor You know what grinds my gears? PowerPoint presentations. I know that we can all attest that there is that certain professor at Shippensburg University that teaches his or her class by PowerPoint. It does not make class harder or easier; it just causes mass confusion when it comes to how we are supposed to prepare for tests. When we all have quizzes and tests that are usually based off of these notes, we never know what is actually important.
Sometimes, most of the information is simply filler words to make the slide look presentable, because you know if they only taught us what we needed to know, then we would not be in class very long. I am a senior now and I have always enjoyed the first day of classes. I highly enjoy the freshly printed syllabus being handed out in class, students longing to catch-up on time they have missed with friends and the glare of the white screen staring at us all. When I realize the class will be taught by this pale overlord, I can never tell which ideas to listen to and what to discredit.
Some professors love to make their students write every word of the PowerPoint down, and then later, cleverly make them available on D2L. Other professors will casually put test information on the PowerPoint, but they will never tell the students. The PowerPoint presentation is a tease. It shows us how easy we can have the notes, but it sends us mixed signals regarding what we should do to get these notes. I am sure most of you can agree that you have had that class where the PowerPoint notes are simply a guide, and what you should really take note of is what the professor is saying
rather than the PowerPoint. They watch as we squirm in our seats frantically copying down words before they change it to the next slide. That is just the beginning though. The professor then lectures on the true meaning of the PowerPoint, causing us to lose our train of thought because it has nothing to do with the stuff we have copied this whole time. Then, we fall behind, thus swirling ourselves into a state of utter confusion and mass daydreaming while the professor keeps talking. It is something we all suffer through, but cannot defeat. One time I would like to sit in on a class and not
have to deal with just a PowerPoint presentation. It would be great if they could just come out to us and say whether or not the notes are important or just fillers so they are not lecturing the entire time. If you want to give us the PowerPoint notes to look at, then make them available for each day. That way we can just write down the lecture notes. Also, let us know what is on the tests. Will there be questions from the presentation? If so, then we can take them seriously. If not, then we can just skip the useless writing of notes and focus on the is-
sues we discuss. Professors will give up on PowerPoint presentations when politicians stop lying. It is a never-ending cycle that will harm our kids in the future. PowerPoints can serve a purpose for those who use them correctly or they can protect a professor who does not have a lesson plan. Computers have drastically helped our forms of education, but they bring on a headache. When we see a PowerPoint presentation, we feel almost powerless. Like ants under a giant magnifying glass, we too are stuck wondering what this thing is and if it will be the death of us.
Nonsense concerning expensive student loans Derek Robertson Staff Writer
College is expensive. Higher schooling prices have risen continuously for a long time, and continue to do so. This generation of students will drown in debt with little prospect of escape, unable to acquire the sorts of careers to which their degrees pertain. Protests rang out when Corbett twice attempted to slash the Pennsylvania education budget, and Susan Spicka markets herself primarily to students by speaking of lowering costs. Why is it so expensive? Rarely is this question asked, and if it is, only a glib dismissal of “oh those evil for-profit institutions” is given to no intelligent person’s satisfaction. Only fake solutions present themselves, from
government-paid higher schooling, to governmentsubsidized loans or government price caps, without regard as to the problem. The problem is two-fold. The first is cultural: this ridiculous idea that higher schooling is a “right.” As mentioned in my previous column on healthcare, a right TO something is contradictory. This alone means education cannot be a right. The practical results are further damning. In true government fashion, governments care only about out-of-context statistics about graduation or test scores. “Everyone must have a degree!” they say, yet everyone ignores the fact of degree inflation. Not only are degree standards being lowered, but the sheer number of degrees means they have lost the value they once had. How-
ever, since everyone desires them, the price of a degree skyrockets even as the value of a degree plummets. The second problem is indeed the short-sighted and naïve “solution” of the shallow statists: governmentsupported loans. This problem echoes similar problems in the health insurance industry and banking in general. As the payment of tuition is guaranteed by government-provided easy loans (since anyone can get them), colleges are under little to no pressure to lower tuition costs; they will get their money regardless. This compounds the problem of degree inflation and the cultural fetish for the academy. Every solution presented will only compound the problem. Unfortunately, this means that the solutions are neither easy nor politi-
cally viable, which means there is essentially no hope. Even ignoring the fundamentally flawed Prussian schooling system of the U.S. (on which a whole library could be written), the academy fetish must end. Not every skill needs to be taught in an academic setting. However, the academy is the only way the state can maintain control over the schooling system; this setup is unlikely to change. Furthermore, schooling subsidization needs to die lest college be entirely unaffordable forever. The U.S.’s academy fetish puts prices high enough as it is; it is cultural suicide to encourage further artificial price increases through government intervention. In the name of helping less wealthy people acquire schooling, they are condemning the less wealthy to eternal debt. Perhaps the
only solution would be for let your schooling interfere people to pick up a book or with your education.” go to Khan Academy, taking to heart the lesson of Mark Twain: “Never Photo courtesy of
B3 November 6, 2012
Reasons why you should be voting too
We live in an apathetic society in which we are bombarded with commercials, ads, flyers, Facebook posts, news articles and other information sources. These sources spam us about the things they think we should care about, the things that we should spend our money on and even how we should spend our time. Alas! There exists one place where no one can tell us how to think — the polls. The choice is yours and that choice was not easy to get. Even after passing the 15th Amendment, which prohibited the government from denying citizens equal rights to vote, many states suppressed the voting power of minorities. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 made discriminatory
voting practices illegal. Throughout the course of U.S. history, Asian-Americans faced an uphill battle for equal rights. Asian-Americans were not able to vote because laws prohibiting them from naturalizing as citizens. Even after voter discrimination was deemed illegal, Asian-Americans still faced discrimination at the polls because of a lack of the required language assistance for limited English proficient populations or excessive demands for identification. We hear these things constantly: You should vote for the issues. You should vote for the people who cannot. You should vote because your future depends on it. I am voting for two rea-
sons: because I have the choice and because I care. I may never be able to thank the people who have made my life so much easier by fighting for my rights. Ultimately, I choose to thank them by caring about my future and the people that will come after me, simply by voting. This Election Day, exercise your right to vote because you can and no one can stop you. Norman Chen is the Southern Regional Coordinator for the Youth Vote Initiative at the National APIA Panhellenic Association. He is a senior at the University of Illinois at Chicago studying English and Economics.
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Pay it Forward Movement: Reverse trick-or-treating
Sarah Montanari and Ally Oppmann Staff Writers
“I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good work, therefore, any kindness or any service I can render to any soul of man or animal let me do it now. Let me not neglect or defer it, for I shall not pass this way again,” a Quaker saying. On Halloween night, you may have heard a knock on your door. You may have peered through the peephole to see three girls in dresses, dollar store tiaras on their heads grinning and a basket of candy in their arms. You may have thought: “For real? Trick-or-treaters in Stone Ridge? Grow up.” Then, reluctantly throwing the door open, you may have heard, “Reverse trickor-treating!” Instead of giving us candy, you were invited to take some of ours. I was elated during the reverse trick-or-treating
and loved the childish excitement as roommates were called to come to the door to share in the Halloween cheer. I also relished the chance to see the different faces of our community unite in a moment of festivity. But, most of all, I treasured the smiles that stretched across the faces of our neighbors, all because we reversed a tradition of getting into an opportunity for giving. It is so easy to isolate ourselves from the rest of the world. We have little time, a lot of stress and there is literally no time to do everything that we need to do. So forget about finding time for everyone else. College may be one of the least estranged communities — due to the intimacy of residence halls, classes and endless activities — but my personal testimony is that, most days, I numb myself to the masses around me as I rush across campus to cross off the next line on my agenda. Can anyone relate?
But what if, instead of stumbling through our days in our own little universes, we pursue acts of kindness? What if we strive to broaden our community? I love the quotation with which I opened because of its sense of urgency. It challenges us to be present and intentional with every moment that we live and it further encourages us to shift our focus from ourselves to those around us. However, it is more than just a pep talk on doing good deeds. It motivates us toward a richer existence one rooted in togetherness. I do not know why it feels so good to be kind, but I think it is because we are meant to serve each other. We are meant to live for something more than ourselves. So, Shippensburg, let us continue to pay it forward. We all reap the benefits of good deeds.
OPINION November 6, 2012
What happened to common courtesy? CARA SHUMAKER
Managing Editor What happened to common courtesy? What happened to respecting other people’s property? I honestly have no idea. The lack of common courtesy, and respect of people and their property is a growing trend among the current generation, especially in college students. I am not sure if this is correlated to the newfound independence associated with college or the lack of parents, but something is happening. And, that something needs to change. Before we figure out what happened to common courtesy, I think we should determine what constitutes common courtesy.
According to, common courtesy is defined as etiquette and is “the customs or rules governing behavior regarded as correct or acceptable in official or social life.” Does that mean in college, it is acceptable to pee in a pile of leaves in a person’s front yard? Man, I hope not. College is a microcosm of the “real world.” As far as I know, people do not pee in leaf piles in your front yard — at least, not on a regular basis. All right, so peeing in a leaf pile is kind of comical, especially when you contemplate spotlighting the squatting female, but, why was said female in the yard? Why was she on somebody’s property? Along with that, why do people
think it is acceptable to walk through someone’s yard instead of staying on the sidewalk and walking a couple of extra feet? I do not understand the lack of respect. But, to be frank, this lack of respect and common courtesy scares me. Why does it scare me? It scares me because college students are the immediate future. I am not sure I want some of my fellow students entering the “real world.” All I can say is, I hope something magical happens on graduation day to these students, otherwise, the college microcosm is going to turn into the macrocosm.
The opinions shared on these pages are not the opinions of
The Slate, but from the writers themselves.
ship life
C1 November 6, 2012
Top 5 tips to make scheduling easy this semester Anna Seils
Asst. Ship Life Editor The computer labs are full, adviser appointments are filled and an atmosphere of high stress has settled over campus; it is scheduling time. Scheduling has kicked off this week with a two-day delay because of Hurricane Sandy, which bought some time for many students putting together their last minute schedules and also brought frustration for students ready to schedule. Either way, the time has now come to gather all the course reference number (CRN) numbers that can fit on a sticky note and hold computer-side vigilance as the clock counts down the minutes to schedule. As stressful as it is, scheduling does not have to be a time of an impending meltdown. With a few tips and stress management strategies, you can get the classes you want and keep your composure. The first tip of a successful scheduling session is to plan out your future schedule complete with all the information you may need. This includes CRN numbers, professor names, class day and time and the building the class will be held in. Although this may not help
you get your dream schedule, it is a smart move to get organized and to prepare for your advising appointment. Tip two is to plan out a backup schedule. Then plan a backup to the backup schedule. If you end up not getting any classes on your first schedule, you have a second and third on which you can can rely. This is really important because instead of looking up classes during scheduling time while classes are filling, you can keep plugging in CRN numbers which gives you a better chance of getting into a class. The third tip is to take your organized schedule you planned to your advising appointment. By doing this, your adviser can look over your class choices and advise you which classes would work well for your future semester. Your adviser is also there to catch mistakes, such as classes you do not need. Do not show up unprepared to your adviser appointment. Not only does it frustrate your adviser, but it puts you at a major disadvantage to not get the classes you need. The fourth tip is one of the most important tips of all: cross-check the classes your adviser tells you to take.
Sometimes advisers make mistakes, and you do not want to graduate late because of it. An easy way to cross check is to log into My Degree Audit under the My Ship section of the Shippensburg University website. This feature allows you to look up your degree progress and tells you exactly which classes you need to take and which classes do not count. Tip five is to keep things in perspective. Skipping class to schedule is your choice, but keep in mind that it is not worth failing a class trying to get into another. If nothing has worked for you and you wind up not getting any classes you want, remember that there will always be some classes you can take, even if they are not your first choice. Perhaps you can even get some overrides into classes if you are lucky. Also keep in mind that this is just a schedule. You may feel like your world is collapsing, but it is not. Gather your support group of friends together and talk it out, or talk to a guidance counselor. Scheduling happens to all students twice a year for at least four years, so learn to cope with it now.
Photo by Anna Seils
If you are feeling overwhelmed by scheduling, the SU Counseling Center offers free counseling to students.
Shippensburg University begins new recycling project Tyler Follmer Staff Writer
Shippensburg University, along with its faculty, staff and students, is beginning a new recycling program on campus this semester. The university is implementing single-stream recycling, a new way to dispose of materials in an eco-friendly manner. Single stream recycling, also known as single-sort recycling, refers to a system in which all paper fibers, plastics, metals and other containers are mixed in a
collection truck instead of being sorted into separate commodities. New collection and processing systems are designed to handle the full mixture of recyclables. This new recycling project incorporates recycled materials like phone books, newspapers, aluminum and glass bottles, as well as plastics 1 to 7. Plastics 1 to 7 include items that range from soda and water bottles, milk containers, detergent containers and even CDs. Being able to recycle all of these materials into one
container will greatly help to reduce waste and collection costs. The convenience of this process will also hopefully increase the amount of items recycled. Recycling containers are placed throughout campus, with locations in front of the library, CUB and other high-traffic buildings. Containers are also present in all residence halls, and the residence life staff encourages students to participate in this new project. Students and faculty alike have many benefits from this type of recycling.
All of the items that can be recycled only require one bin instead of having to sort out various materials for their appropriate bin. Also single stream recycling will help to reduce the waste products the university puts out into landfills and waste disposal centers. Single stream recycling also helps to conserve natural resources and decrease raw materials used in the recycling process. If you have any additional questions or concerns, please contact Robert Koch, custodial service manager, at ext. 1453.
SHIP LIFE November 6, 2012
true life: the homecoming committee SARAH EYD A&E Editor About a year ago, I made the decision to transfer from a university five hours away from my hometown of Chambersburg, to study at Shippensburg University. Even though I was a mere 15-minute drive from my high school, I felt unacclimated and alone. So when my friend introduced me to the opportunity to join the homecoming Committee I was excited but slightly apprehensive. I had been at SU for about three weeks and knew nothing about Homecoming, football or the SU community. Was I really a good candidate for the orchestration and planning of the most important week in SU school spirit? Apparently I was. A few days after applying I received an email from one of the advisers for the Home-
coming Committee, offering me the position of public relations chairperson — and so it began. After deciding on the theme for 2012 Homecoming, my first duty was to design a logo that would be plastered on T-shirts, posters and all promotional items. Having little artistic ability and zero computer design skills, I really thought I was in over my head. Luckily, every member of the board is assigned a homecoming adviser who they personally meet with weekly to discuss progress and any problems that may arise. After hours of YouTube tutorials on Adobe InDesign software, tons of help from my adviser and some disastrous rough drafts, the
logo was finally created. through fliers, digital sig- from my time on the comThroughout the spring nage and online media. mittee. semester the committee Although at times it was I never thought in eight planned events to raise a exhausting, looking back at months I could grow so much as a leader and a person. Attending board meetings, “Yay” or “nay”-ing decisions, and being part of a team was something I never really took part in before. Other than my two-week stint with French club in ninth grade, I never had been involved in extracurricular activities. Before the Homecoming Committee, I knew nothing about small-group communication or Photo by Alexa Bryant teamwork. My resume conpresence on campus, to let all the tangible advertise- sisted of a bunch of freestudents know that home- ment pieces I created is so lance writing and interning coming is coming and it is gratifying. I did for various newspapers going to be great. Even more gratifying is and magazines through my It was my duty to get the the friendships and expe- freshman year, but never word out about these events riences I have taken away design work.
I now have an art portfolio, which I can show to potential employers — never in a million years would I have thought I would have that. No matter what your career or academic goals are, a leadership position on the Homecoming Committee can give you valuable reallife experience. The current board consists of communication journalism, psychology, business and education majors, just to name a few. Every path of life is welcome and diverse talents are needed to make homecoming week a success and fun for everyone. I have made friends and found mentors that help me in all my pursuits. The Homecoming Committee is currently accepting applications for next year’s board members and I strongly encourage anyone looking for a gratifying experience in their undergraduate career to apply.
Relationships, a thing of the past? CHRISTINA POOLER PR Director
Our time in college serves many different purposes. The primary objective of college (for most people at least) is to earn a degree that will help them in establishing a career post-graduation. Second to this pursuit, however, is the need to cultivate social connections,
including romance. It is a well-known fact that many couples met each other in college and my grandmother always said that college was a time for me to meet my future husband. While the idea of marriage does seem a little (OK, very…) daunting at this age, it is my observation that relationships in college seem to have become a thing of the past.
“Hooking-up” has become the more common practice, and in my conversations with various students both males and females seemed extremely hesitant to label their relationship to the person they may be “hooking up with.” This term itself even proved problematic in its definition, since many people had different ideas of what exactly a “hook up” was.
One senior said, “If you told me you were hooking up with someone, I would automatically assume you meant you were having sex, but you just did not want to say it.” However her friend seemed to believe that “hooking up was just making out.” However you choose to define the word, one characteristic is clear: it is not a commitment. College students are us-
ing hooking-up as the more common mode of operation, simply looking for a “no strings attached or friends with benefits situation” as one junior said. Whatever romantic comedy title you choose to use to define the circumstances, it has become obvious to many students that relationships are not the norm. We need to ask ourselves how and why this shift in the view of relationships
has changed. While it is true that not everyone is out to meet their soul mate, this new default setting may be indicative of a more concerning question: Are we afraid of commitment, or has society in general simply become too lazy to put in the work it takes to form a lasting relationship with another person?
SHIP LIFE November 6, 2012
thing changes when it as a full-time student comes to higher educaworking toward her detion, it comes from a drop gree, she had to take time in funding like the state off to earn money. schools had to deal with She worked in Anlast spring, to smaller poltioch’s financial aid deicy changes. partment, starting her on While this can make her her path as a financial aid job frustrating at times, it director. ultimately makes it more “No one ever goes into enjoyable for Tarbox, who financial aid on purpose,” loves to solve problems. she said with a laugh. Tarbox started working She continued working at Shippensburg in July of with the school’s finan2011 after moving into the cial aid department as area with her husband. she worked to earn her She was looking for a job degree. in the financial aid field After graduating from that would allow her to Antioch Tarbox earned help students, while still her masters in higher being in a smaller town, education and manageand SU fit the bill perfectly. ment, then she attended Before she moved into the University of Michithe area to work at SU, gan and received her docTarbox worked at various torate in higher education other schools including policy. Concordia and Antioch as “I always find it exceeda financial aid director, as ingly ironic that the Dewell as The American Hepartment of Education, brew Academy as a college who focuses a lot on four counselor. and six-year graduation Photo courtesy of Sean McClellan rates, would classify me as Before becoming the financial aid director at SU Sandra Tarbox has helped students with Federal a failure because I didn’t Tarbox earned several decomplete my bachelor’s student aid and scholarships. grees. degree in six years” TarShe spent nine years in economics. face today: not being able to box said. “I managed to go working her way through on and get a Masters and a Tarbox was plagued by afford tuition. college at Antioch in order a problem many students After attending two years Ph.D. Sometimes statistics to get her bachelor’s degree don’t give the complete pic-
ture.” For students struggling to get through school financially, Tarbox wants them to know that she and the rest of the financial aid department are there to help. One piece of advice she has is for students to consider paying the interest on their unsubsidized loans while they are still in school, as the interest on those loans builds up during their enrollment. For students struggling to get through school financially, Tarbox wants them to know that she and the rest of the financial aid department are there to help. Tarbox also encourages students to check out the National Student Loan Data System at NSLDS. gov. On that site a student can see how much money they have borrowed, how much they will have to repay, and have the option of consolidating their loans. “We understand that the whole process of applying for aid can be frustrating and sometimes confusing,” she said. “But we are always here to help students through it.”
Faculty Spotlight: Sandra Tarbox
Sean McClellan Staff Writer
You may not know who she is or what her position is as a member of the Shippensburg University staff, but Sandra Tarbox is a very important and influential person on campus. If you have ever had to apply for Federal Student Aid or are benefitting from a scholarship, chances are that Tarbox has helped you out. If she is not at one of her many meetings, Tarbox can usually be found working hard in her office in the Financial Aid Department of Old Main where she tries her best to get students the money they need. Her desk is covered in papers and every time it seems like it is about to be clean a new stack comes in for her to handle. While her job may not seem glamorous or easy, Tarbox has always found her job enjoyable. “The Feds like to change things constantly, which makes this job interesting,” she said. Nearly every year some-
Recipe of the Week: White Bean Chicken Chili
2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
14.5 ounces chicken broth
18.75 ounces tomatillos, drained and chopped
16 ounces diced tomatoes
7 ounces diced green chiles
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander seed 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin 2 ears fresh corn
1 pound diced, cooked chicken meat 15 ounces white beans
Heat oil, and cook onion and garlic until soft. Stir in broth, tomatillos, tomatoes, chilies and spices. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 10 minutes. Add corn, chicken and beans; simmer 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Photo courtesy of
Three Dog Night rocks Luhrs November 6, 2012
Erin Towsen
of Three Dog Night at their H. Ric Luhrs Performing Staff Writer Arts Center event Friday “Our job, of course, we’re night. Indeed, they did take going to take you back to the 1970s,” Cory Wells said the crowd back to the ’70s.
Three Dog Night kicked off their hour and a half performance with the hit “One Man Band.” After “One Man Band,” they played “Black and
Three Dog Night performs for a full audience Friday
White,” followed by “Never Been to Spain” which is a song with a country feel that later turned into a gold single. The band played “The Road to Shambala” before preparing to “slow things down and do a couple of love songs about the love for people and nature,” Wells said. “Play Something Sweet” and “Easy to be Hard” were played before the band really slowed the tempo down with “An Old Fashioned Love Song.” “[We’re] going to do some new songs that we’re working on. We approach every song as if it was a single. How many people remember 1974?” Wells said. The crowd responded vigorously with applause following his question. “Wow, lots of old people in here tonight,” Wells said. “You Can Leave Your Hat Photo by Erin Towsen On” was the next song that evening. had a group of women in the
front row while taking their shoes off to the lyrics. The band then played their first gold single, called “One is the Loneliest Number,” and they had the whole crowd singing along with them. Half way through the show, stools were brought on stage. “New thing in our contract this year. Halfway through the set and they have to come out with stools. I’m only halfway kidding,” lead singer Danny Hutton said. They preceded their set with a new song from their new album (which have the same name) “It Ain’t Easy,” followed by “Heart of Blues.” “The majority of the guys on the stage have been together for 43 years,” Hutton said. He then explained how he met each member and that he had known keyboardist Jimmy Greenspoon the longest.
Next, the band played “Liar.” The song showcased long solos by both Greenspoon and guitarist Michael Allsup. Three Dog Night did something extremely unique during their song “Mama Told Me Not to Come.” By adding a small part of the song “Shake Your Booty” by KC & the Sunshine Band and by also doing a 21st century rendition of the song. Each member grabbed a hat, and Wells rapped the “Mama Told Me Not to Come” lyrics over the beat the band created. Next, was the song “Celebrate” that was followed by an acapella version of their song “Prayer of the Children.” “Prayer of the Children” was a song written about children who get caught between the wars, explained Wells. The band finished off their set with their popular hit “Joy to the World.”
Thought Lot displays “dreamy” art James Reilley Staff Writer The dream world of painter, sculptor, photographer, filmmaker and dressdesigner Jenny Lee Maas was displayed Friday night at The Thought Lot. Maas is an artist from Pattenburg, NJ. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in 2010 from the Maine College of Art where she was a sculpture major and a drawing minor. Her work has been featured at several venues in Philadelphia. The most recent being a 2011 exhibition at the Fourth Wall Gallery. Her art will be showcased at the Thought Lot until December. During this unveiling on Friday, Maas debuted her second-shortfilm “Preceding Dawn.” Later she replayed both
her films starting with the original short “Procession at Dawn.” A consistent crowd of several dozen people were in attendance browsing Maas’ films, photographs, paintings and sculptures. Many could pinpoint a consistent theme in her art. “I would say a lot of her stuff is about self-realization,” said Shippensburg student Chris Winters. “Most of the time she is either depicting a different reality or a path away from this one.” At the event, Maas said most of her ideas originate in her dreams. Often she will do multiple pieces across several mediums covering one dream. Maas uses her films as the legend of her work. Many of her sculptures make appearances in her short-cinemas. These views of her pieces in
the dynamic setting of film result in a better understanding of her projects. Portions of the proceeds from the Thought Lot’s exhibition went toward the budget for her third film. She has written 20. “The idea is that they are shorts that in the end can all be connected together to be one long story,” Maas said. “They are all based off of dreams, symbology, guides, drama, fear and overcoming fear.” Maas also designs dresses for several Jazz musicians. Maas said that her entrance into dress design was random but that she really enjoys the work. “It’s just a niche I fell into, kind of by accident, but I love it,” Maas said. “Because I love making sparkly avant garde things, it’s perfect.” Several times during the night Maas praised the
Thought Lot. “I think (the Thought Lot) is awesome. I really do,” Maas said. “What this team has been doing is really cool, I think that a lot of the public art that I’ve been doing is changing communities, and here I see the same thing.” Maas is planning on holding a similar showing of her work at Shippensburg University sometime before the end of the fall semester. Her hope is that her pieces allow viewers to gauge and increase their awareness and perception. “It’s a beautiful thing. Art can be fantastic,” Maas said. “Every time there is something going on within humanity, whenever the government can’t talk about it or it has to be swept under the carpet for some reason, art has always been the first facet speaking out.”
Photo by Kathryn Doyle
A mannequin wearing clothing designed by Jenny Lee Maas.
D2 November 6, 2012
Down to earth poet talks race
Lauren Cappuccio Copy Editor
“How did you begin writing poetry?” He paused. “I never know where to start while telling these stories,” he said. “It usually ends when everyone leaves the room.” The students laughed around him, many holding the poet’s first published book of poetry, “Mule,” in their hands. Shane McCrae, an award-winning poet and author from Iowa, arrived at SU on Thursday to talk to students at three separate sessions. There was a talk on education and diversity, a general writing Q&A session and later on in the evening, a poetry reading of his published and some non-published poems. McCrae was sponsored by the John Taggart Reading Series, the College of Arts and Sciences, the Department of English, the Office of Social Equity, the Multicultural Caucus and SU’s literary magazine, The Reflector. During his Q&A session
in Horton Hall, McCrae talked about his experience as a professional poet and answered many questions that students had. In the beginning, McCrae used poetry as an outlet as he struggled with academics throughout school. It also helped him to express his feelings. His first poetry, he said, was written when he was 15. He claimed it was pretty dark and said it was mostly from his first poetic influence, Sylvia Plath. Now, he looks back at that time as dark and full of angst and felt it was the beginning. He spent this time developing his love for poetry, which is something he feels most people are raised with a “healthy” distrust of, including himself. “I couldn’t read poetry until after I got published,” he said, referring to a magazine that published one of his poems when he was 17. “I had a heavy disdain for poetry.” But, he continued with it, he said, partially due to his academics being poor and the encouragement he received from his poetry.
There were several questions regarding his unique style, which includes the repetition of certain words or complete changes in attitude during the lines. McCrae said during the writing process, he feels the writer thinks their way through and goes back and forth, just like the process of thinking. In terms of how he writes, he said he edits as soon as he writes lines, which is somewhat different from what other poets do. To him, if the first line is off, then those that follow will seem wrong as well. He wants his poetry to be “uniquely” his and is subsequentially known for the visual quality of them, including double spacing and repetition. Also, he spoke of a “blurry clarity” quality that he feels are what his poetry goes for. His first book “Mule” was based on personal experiences, including his last marriage that ended in divorce, his son’s diagnosis of autism, race and identity and religion. Later on in the evening, after the Q&A, Zach Savich,
associate professor of English, introduced sophomore Brittany Torrez-Alvarez, who had won a competition in her poetry class that required her to write a poem in McCrae style. TorrezAlvarez, in turn, introduced McCrae to read his work to a packed house in Old Main Chapel. He read several poems from “Mule,” including “The Cardinal Is the Marriage Bird,” “Are Roses Are,” and “In No Place.” He also read from his upcoming book “Blood” which is about life before the Civil War. The first section is about Margaret Garner, made famous by Toni Morrison’s “Beloved,” and reportedly killed her daughter when forced to return back to her slave owner. Poems he read included “Mercy” and “Children,” both written from Garner’s point of view about the act of “saving” her children from that life. He also talked about the 1811 German Coast Uprising in “Blood,” where a reported group of 500 slaves rebelled.
ers in animated movies. John C. Reilly provides the voice for the film’s title character “Wreck-It Ralph,” who is the bad guy in the arcade game “Fix It Felix Jr.” Other characters in the film are also voiced by some of my favorite actors. Sarah Silverman is the voice for another character Vanellope, and Jack McBrayer from “30 Rock” plays Felix Fix It. Other famous actors who provide voices for the film include Jane Lynch, Adam Carolla, Ed O’Neill and so many more. The entire cast in this film is nearly perfect in
their roles and give this film a comedic air that makes this film so much fun to watch. “Wreck-It Ralph” is full of comedy as well as some great action scenes and has light-hearted humor that provides laughs for the whole family. In the film, Ralph is saddened by the fact that he is always the bad guy and wants to live the good life with the other characters of the Fix it Felix game. So he sets out on a quest to get a medal in the game Hero’s Duty, where he meets Jane Lynch’s character Calhoun. His quest takes him
around the world of the arcade games and leads him to the game Sugar Rush where he encounters Sarah Silverman’s character Vanellope Von Schweetz, a glitched outcast avatar who relates with Ralph as they were castout by their games. My favorite scenes from the movie are those that highlight some of my favorite characters from arcade games from the past. Some notable characters you might recognize are Bowser, from the Super Mario games; Pac-Man; the Street Fighter characters; and one of my favorites, Sonic the Hedgehog.
Photo by Lauren Cappuccio
Shane McCrae speaking to an audience at SU.
Disney ‘wrecks-it’ with new animated film David Yearwood Staff Writer
Last Friday, Nov. 2, Disney and Disney Animations released its newest animated adventure film called “Wreck-It Ralph.” Centered on a world of arcade game characters that come to life, “WreckIt Ralph” is really a film for all ages, especially if you are like me and you are a lover of retro arcade games. Featuring the voices of some of the premier comedic actors in Hollywood, “Wreck-It Ralph” has continued to cement Disney’s standing as one of the lead-
The movie had great heart and great comedic timing and if you are worried about this being a movie just for kids, you are dead wrong. The comedy is not like what we are used to from Reilly, and it is geared toward a younger audience. However, the jokes are still very funny and the pop culture references are often geared toward a more adult audience, which I really appreciate. I had a blast watching this movie, and I think it is one of the best Disney animated movies yet. The public obviously agrees as well.
According to Box Office Mojo, “Wreck-It Ralph” will break the opening weekend record for a Disney animation movie with $49.1 million and it was also the No. 1 movie in the U.S. this weekend. Not only because of the great comedy but also because it is a fantastic overall film, I give “WreckIt Ralph” a 4.5 out of five stars. David Yearwood is a staff writer for the Slate. He reviews movies weekly on his blog “Movie Mayhem” which can be accessed on the Slate’s website.
A&E November 6, 2012
SHAPE hosts fundraiser Sarah Eyd
A&E Editor On Friday, Nov. 2, the SHAPE Gallery, located in downtown Shippensburg, opened its doors to debut its new exhibition, “Give the Gift of Art.” While most exhibits at SHAPE follow a theme, GTGOA does not. Any style of art is allowed and the only rule is that the art must come from local, community-based artists. The exhibition is also a sale. All the art is affordably-priced at the artist’s discretion and is sold on a “cash and carry” basis. “The purpose of this sale is to make art affordable,” said Trisha Grace, SHAPE’s president.“Too many people think of art as a luxury item they can’t afford.” The opening reception last Friday also doubled as the SHAPE Gallery’s 13th birthday celebration, complete with cupcakes and ice
cream. Shippensburg Area High School senior Ryan Brennan set the mood with an acoustic set, playing mellow tunes from Dave Matthews Band and The Grateful Dead. The exhibition is also a fundraiser for SHAPE as 30 percent of all proceeds will go to the gallery. The no themed-nature of the event brought an eclectic mix of art from more than 20 local artists, including paintings from SHAPE membership coordinator Mark Wojciechowski and oil paintings from local artist Julie Myers. SU professor Margaret Evans sold photography and hand-made beaded necklaces. Nature photographer Anne Cherry had full-sized photos for sale, as well as prints made into Christmas and Thanksgiving greeting cards.Carved gourds crafted into ornaments, as well as blown-glass ornaments were also for sale.
Interested in writing for A&E? Email Sarah or Matt at
SU junior Justin Rowles was impressed by the different styles of artwork. “It’s interesting to see all these different types of work coming together. It’s not just a woodwork exhibit or a sculpting exhibit, it’s
everything,” Rowles said. The sale will be going on until Dec. 21. Items can be held but patrons are welcome and encouraged to take their purchases home with them the same day.
Photo by Kurt Smith
A glass-blown ornament for sale at SHAPE.
Not ready for Halloween to be over? Check out 31 reviews of the scariest, spookiest, most skin-crawling films, on
, Hip-Hop Happenings
Joey Bada$$
Britton Kosier Staff Columnist It is tough for any artist to compare to Kendrick Lamar’s hype right now, but just before “good kid, m.A.A.d city” dropped, Brooklyn rapper, Joey Bada$$ was the one catching most of the attention in the hip-hop world. Joey Bada$$ is a 17-yearold emcee who has wowed hip-hop fans with his first mixtape, “1999.” Joey has counteracted the reemergence of the West Coast by paying a tribute to what he believes to be the roots of hip-hop. Even though he is young, Joey’s beat selection for his “1999” mixtape consisted of some of the best ’90s producers known to man like MF Doom, Lord Finesse, J. Dilla and Lewis Parker. Mac Miller ran into some trouble when he used one of Lord Finesse’s beats for “Kool Aid and Frozen Pizza,” and it came with $10 million lawsuit from Lord Finesse after Finesse believed that Miller received money from the song. Showbiz, Lord Finesse’s Diggin’ In The Crates (D.I.T.C.) crewmember, told HipHopDX that Joey Bada$$ can use any D.I.T.C. beats he wants because of what he is doing for the game. That was just another example of the belief a lot
of veteran artists have in Bada$$. After the positive feedback Joey got from “1999,” he decided to satisfy the fans who were begging for more with the release of “Rejex.” The “Rejex” cover is a crumpled up picture of the “1999” cover, and the music consists of throwaway songs from his debut mixtape. Fans awaiting Joey’s next project will be pleased to hear that the Pro Era, his crew, plans to drop their first mixtape on Dec. 21. Pro Era’s members are a lot like Joey and just as talented. Capital Steez is my personal favorite aside from Joey in the Pro Era. Steez spits with a cause and an attitude that will help him emerge as one of the better emcees coming up. Chuck Strangers is one of the Pro Era members who produces and raps. Chuck and CJ Fly gained the most popularity from the songs, “FromdaTomb$” and “Hardknock.” The “Hardknock” music video is what really brought attention to Joey and the Pro Era. Go download “1999” and let it serve as an introduction to what Joey and the rest of the Pro Era have in store for hip-hop fans who may still be stuck in the ’90s. These guys are young, hungry and have something to say.
Courtesy of Google images November 6, 2012
a&E November 6, 2012
Sports Sam Stewart, Sports Editor Nick Sentman, Asst. Sports Editor Contact:
Nov. 6, 2012
Basketball Previews are here E5-E6 Dylan Edgar has taken a leadership role this year for SU, E4
Sam discusses possible Gillette off Sean Payton destinations to S S National title
Sports Editor
With every week it seems as if the National Football League is out to get the New Orleans Saints in one-way or another. Starting with the bountygate episode, the NFL crippled a franchise that was used to success over the past few years, suspending their coach, their star linebacker and other members of the coaching staff for their roles in a pay-for-injury contest. Now, the punches keep adding up as suspended head coach Sean Payton’s contract extension has been voided for the upcoming season, making him, more or less, a free agent. The void comes with little to moderate surprise, but the question remains as to where Payton will go if he does not work out another deal with the Saints. The choices for Payton are growing exponentially throughout the course of the last few weeks as teams such
as the Philadelphia Eagles, the Dallas Cowboys and the Kansas City Chiefs have been plummeting in the standards putting its coaches on the hottest of hot seats. The Eagles have been floundering this year with Michael Vick having a serious case of fumbleitis this season. Owner Jeffrey Lurie made clear at the beginning of the year that one more mediocre season was not acceptable. With the Eagles struggling, look for Reid to finally get canned and Payton to get serious inquiries from the Eagles’ front office. The Cowboys are the best fit for Payton if Jason Garrett is relieved of his duties following this season. Dallas has underperformed this year, and the injury bug has not helped losing star linebacker Sean Lee to injury. Payton started off in Dallas and a potential return to Big D is the frontrunner. The Chiefs are an outside pick for a Payton landing. Romeo Crennel is not getting the job done and a horrid offense does not help. Payton would bring a rejuvenated offensive strategy to the Chiefs and could groom Matt Cassel into a poor man’s Drew Brees if given time. All of this rests in the Saints’ decision. However, if relieved, Payton will have many potential suitors clamoring for his services. This is just another storyline for the 2012-2013 offseason.
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Senior Matt Gillette earned an individual qualification to the 2012 Division II National Championships on Saturday morning with a fourth-place 10K finish in 31:07.1 at the NCAA Division II Atlantic Regional Championships held on the West Branch Course at Lock Haven University. The Raiders missed out on qualifying as a team for the national championships — to be held in Joplin, Mo. — with a fifth-place finish of 169 points. PSAC Champion and No. 13-ranked Edinboro University won with a score of 34 after placing all five of its scorers in the Top 10. Alex Monroe of Lock Haven — the PSAC champion two weeks ago — won the individual regional championship with a time of 30:41.1. There was a spirited race right behind the Fighting Scots, as No. 26 Lock Haven and No. 22 East Stroudsburg University also qualified for nationals by tying for second place with 95 team points. Slippery Rock was two points shy of a national championship berth (97) and finished fourth. Gillette’s 10K effort on Saturday is a new personal record by 50 seconds — his previous record best for the distance was achieved at the 2010 national championship race. It marks the highest individual place for Gillette at the regional meet and the fourth time he has been among the Top 10 — as the senior personal previously finished sixth, 10th and ninth going back throughout his career. The Raiders maintained a pack as much as they could throughout the race — a fact evidenced by SU’s No. 2 through No. 5 runners all finishing within five places and 16 seconds of one another. -Courtesy of SU Sports Information
Raiders’ win Atlantic title The No. 8-ranked Shippensburg University women’s cross-country team won its fifth consecutive NCAA Division II Atlantic Regional Championship on Saturday afternoon while senior Katie Spratford earned the individual title with a 20:20 6K from the West Branch Course at Lock Haven University. The Raiders totaled 70 points and finished ahead of No. 9 Edinboro University (90) and No. 15 Indiana University of Pa. (102) as all three teams qualified for the NCAA Division II National Championships to be held in two weeks in Joplin, Mo. Spratford’s victory was her first career regional championship and the senior was in command the entire race. She crushed her 6K personal record by 21 seconds, finishing in an impressive 20:20. Four Raider runners finished the day with All-Atlantic Region honors. Senior Amanda Raudabaugh and junior Emma Shank finished 11th and 12th, respectively, within two tenths of a second of one another (21:35.1 and 21:35.3). It is the first career All-Region honors for both runners — as Raudabaugh’s time is a 27-second personal record while Shank’s effort is a 37-second personal record and an improvement of 11 spots from her finish a year ago. Junior Stephanie Pryor took home All-Region honors for the second consecutive year with a 17th-place finish in 21:53 — a season personal record by 43 seconds. SU will train throughout the week before it heads to the national championship meet that will be hosted by Missouri Southern State University on Nov. 17. -Courtesy of SU Sports Information November 6, 2012
SU Sports Upcoming Schedule
home games in caps
Football Nov. 10 at IUP 2:05 p.m. PSAC Championship Game Field Hockey Nov. 9 vs West Chester/ IUP 1 p.m. Lowell, Mass Nov. 11 NCAA Championship Game (if win on Friday) 1 p.m. Lowell, Mass Volleyball Nov.9 at Cheyney 7 p.m. Nov. 10 at West Chester 1 p.m. Women’s Basketball Nov. 11 vs WASHINGTON ADVENTIST 2 PM
Sports November 6, 2012
Wolves’ bark scarier than bite Sam Stewart
Sports Editor One more week and one more win as the Shippensburg University football team dismantled a struggling Cheyney University squad en route to a 61-9 victory Saturday afternoon at Seth Grove Stadium. If only every win could come this easily for the Raiders, as they returned two fumbles for scores and forced five turnovers in its thrashing of the PSAC’s worst offense. The Wolves’ five turnovers were the most since Week 2 when it lost 56-0 to Indiana University of Pennsylvania. CU masqueraded its dismal offense early on when Wolves quarterback, Blaze Wasserleben, blazed his way to a 22-yard score early in the first quarter to cut a 14-0 SU lead in half.
However, that was the only bright spot for CU as it fumbled away any chance it had of winning. SU’s Mark Kahlil-Smith and Chase Fleming both rumbled their way in for scores off of fumble recoveries — a 14-point swing that the Wolves could not afford. SU’s offense again demonstrated why it is No. 1 in the nation, benefitting from strong performances from Zach Zulli, Jacob Baskerville and Mike Frenette. Zulli finished the game with 284 yards and four touchdowns during the first half of play, while Baskerville netted seven receptions for 90 yards and two scores. Frenette finished the day with 67 yards on 11 carries including a play where he bulldozed CU’s offensive line for a 5-yard score in the third quarter. SU’s backups gained some valuable experience,
getting their chance to play after Frenette’s score put SU up 40-9 in the third. Chris Lawshe stood out in the fourth quarter throwing a 4-yard touchdown strike to Pat Schuhl and rumbed for 47 yards on four carries. Emotional leader and captain, Jeff Tomasetti started the game at quarterback as he and 13 others were honored before the game on Senior Day. Tomasetti threw an interception in the first quarter, but bounced back in the fourth quarter when he drove the Raiders down the field for their last score. All attention now shifts toward the PSAC Championship game next Saturday. The Raiders will travel to IUP for the title game at 2:05 p.m. The Crimson Hawks pulled out a nailbiting 38-35 victory over Gannon University to capture the PSAC West title.
Photo by Sam Stewart
SU’s Mike Frenette ran for 67 yards on 11 carries against the Wolves.
Raiders making push toward postseason
The Shippensburg University women’s volleyball team battled with PSAC Eastern Division No. 1 seed Lock Haven University on Friday night from Thomas Fieldhouse but could not overcome its early struggles, dropping a fourset match to the host Bald Eagles by scores of 13-25, 23-25, 25-16 and 19-25. Junior Samantha Edwards led the Raiders with 11 kills. Senior setter Andrea Heimsoth contributed 40 assists and posted a team-high 13 digs. The Raider freshmen once again had a significant impact and three players stood out in particular Friday. Cristen Harris was active with nine kills and also ended up with 11 digs. Faith Athey notched six kills without a hitting error and had three block assists.
SU struggled in the opening set, as it recorded 12 of its 27 attack errors in Friday’s match during the first frame. The Raiders rebounded late in the second set to tie the score at 22-22 and get within one point, 24-23, before the Bald Eagles closed out the frame with a kill. The Raiders were most impressive in the third set, hitting .382 (16 kills, 3 errors, 34 attempts). SU raced out to leads of 5-1, 7-2 and 9-3 before Lock Haven called timeouts at 11-5 and 17-7. Heimsoth served two aces right after the timeout to give the Raiders a 19-7 advantage. SU did need to stave off a Bald Eagle rally, calling a timeout at 22-14 before closing the set 25-16. The team got back on the winning track Saturday afternoon at Mattioli Recre-
ation Center with another sweep of a PSAC Eastern Division opponent, defeating East Stroudsburg University in straight sets by scores of 25-20, 25-23 and 25-16. Gottshall continued to menace conference opponents with her net presence in the middle of the floor, totaling two solo blocks and five block assists to go along with three kills and three digs. SU wraps up its regular season next week with two more road PSAC East matches. SU will face Cheyney University next Friday night before taking on West Chester University at 1 p.m. Saturday. -Courtesy of SU Sports Information
Sports Special Feature
E4 November 6, 2012
It’s all on his shoulders
With the departure of Will Royal, Dylan Edgar is ready to lead the Raiders in the 2012-2013 season Perry Mattern Guest writer
The 2011-2012 season for Dylan Edgar had its ups and downs. As the tallest member of the team at 6 feet 10 inches, he started 23 of 27 games for the Shippensburg University men’s basketball team. Edgar scored almost 10 points per game, while also leading the team in blocked shots. The problem was, when the Raiders were in a close game in the fourth quarter, Edgar was usually seen sitting on the bench. Unfortunately, Edgar struggled from the foul line all season and head coach Dave Springer liked to go with a smaller line up during crunch time. Late in games, SU usually had only one player over 6 feet 2 inches on the court — senior Will Royal. Royal, the leading scorer last season for the Raiders, has graduated along with Jordan Stasyszyn, Dane Lauber and Craig Van Scyoc — the other top three leading scorers last season. That leaves Edgar, whose 9.7 points per game was fifth on the team, as one of only two juniors on the 2012-2013 edition of the men’s basketball team at SU. Springer has no seniors on his team for the first time since 2007. Edgar has already been named the lone captain for a team that has not been given a chance to do much of anything — mostly due to the fact that only three players on the team played more than five minutes per game last season. The Raiders have been
picked to finish seventh of eight teams in the PSAC East preseason poll. “That’s how it is every year,” Edgar said of the predictions. “We don’t pay attention to that. Our motto is ‘young and hungry’ and we know that we might be ranked last in the PSAC this year, but we’ve got a lot of talent. We do have seven freshmen, but at the same time, we’ve got a lot of guys returning and we’re talented.” Point guard Reggie Charles (7.8 points per game, 121 assists) is the only other returning starter, while Sam Pygatt (6.0 points per game) averaged 16.4 minutes in 27 games last season. Add in Akil Anderson’s 1.8 points per game and Philip Sasko’s 0.5 points per game and the Raiders have a grand total of 25.8 points per game returning from last season’s team. Edgar knows that a lot of the scoring burden now lies on his shoulders. “I mean, it pretty much makes me the No. 1 guy now that I’m the only captain,” Edgar said while sitting on a training bench near the Raiders’ home court at Heiges Field House, “I learned a lot from Will and all of them last year. I have help from Reggie because he developed a lot last year. “I am the No. 1 guy and captain, but at the same time all of those younger guys have to step up too. That’s the biggest thing — how we do will depend on how fast our young guys can adjust to the game speed and playing at this level.” Edgar has been impressive during the fall accord-
ing to Springer, especially during the team’s trip to Canada from Oct. 13-16. In the three games SU played against other schools that made the trip, Edgar averaged 19.6 points and 9.3 rebounds per game. Those kinds of numbers would land Edgar on the All-PSAC team at the end of this season. “[Edgar] has already proved that he is much more aggressive when it comes to scoring,” Springer said of Edgar’s play this fall, “Right now, he’s as confident as he’s been in his three years. He’s feeling really good about scoring. When we went up [to Canada], all three teams had a heck of a time trying to handle him.” Springer then also quickly noted that the 6 foot 10 inch center has improved foul shooting from last season. Ask Edgar about the 46.5 percent foul shooting from last year and he will probably just laugh. The “kid that has always been taller than everyone else” is as laid back as they come. Edgar comes from a family of four tall brothers — Chris, 26, stands at 6 feet 2 inches, while the other older brother Steve, 23, stands at 6 feet 5 inches. Dylan’s younger brother, Doug, is already pushing the sixfoot mark during his freshman year of high school. All four brothers have played in the Mechanicsburg High School basketball program and are extremely competitive on the court, but mostly relaxed off it. For Edgar, it was comfortable to take a backseat to guys like Stasyszyn and Royal who were the senior
leaders last season. Since they have left, the usually calm Edgar has taken his captain role by the reigns. “He kind of took charge himself,” Springer said of Edgar’s leading efforts. “He set the tone on our workouts that we did in the spring and making sure everybody was on the same page about how we were going to go about it.” “A few times guys were coming in just at the time that they were supposed to work out and he immediately jumped on them and told them to get there early. Right away I could tell he wanted to lead this team.” Edgar’s confidence shines through, now that he does not have to worry about not being on the floor, or not getting a lot of chances to score. It is his team and he is prepared to help guide a group of raw, athletic young players to success this year. The friendships that Edgar created with previous upperclassmen have allowed him to learn how to get the most out of his current teammates. “I learned a lot freshman year with Jaren Gembe and those guys,” the junior big man said. “Then last year with Will [Royal] — especially with Will — because I was the closest with him and was really around him a lot. “At any level, being a leader comes with maturity. No matter what level you’re playing at, leadership carries over. You learn from the people above you and that’s the biggest thing I’ve learned.” The Raiders open their season Nov. 16 with a contest against Chestnut Hill College.
Dylan Edgar
Photo by Bill Smith November 6, 2012
2012-2013 Season Preview Raiders look for underclassmen to compete
Sports Editor
Captain Dylan Edgar will be the leader on this young
The Shippensburg University men’s basketball team will be banking on its underclassmen to make an immediate impact if it wants to make an splash in the PSAC East during the 2012-2013 campaign. The Raiders, picked to finish seventh in the PSAC East this year, is an extremely young group that boasts nine freshman, three sophomores, two juniors and zero seniors. Concluding the 2011-12 season with a 10-18 overall record and a 7-15 mark in conference play, the Raiders lost 67 percent of its offensive production from a year ago. The underclassmen have huge shoes to fill if they want to win this year. They must replace leading scorer and rebounder Will Royal, perimeter threats Jordan Stasyszyn and Craig Van Scyoc and the main facilitator of its offense, Dane Lauber. Replacing the core of their team will be difficult for the Raiders as head coach Dave Springer will rely on Dylan Edgar to solidify the post and Reggie Charles and Joe Lococo step up in the backcourt. Edgar, the team’s captain, has stepped up his leadership role throughout the preseason. The junior has dedicated this summer and preseason to filling the void left by the team’s leading scorers. “I have been hitting the weight room a lot, and have focused on conditionPhoto by Bill Smith ing,” Edgar said. “I am getting comfortable having Raider squad. the offense run through
me and I definitely have to be smarter on the court.” With the offense revolving around Edgar, he will be called upon to finish on offense, which will allow Lococo and Charles a chance to work their magic in the backcourt. The duo will be called upon immensely to set up open looks for Edgar and others this year. Charles had a successful year last season accounting for a team-high 121 assists but also a team-high in turnovers with 92. The turnover bug plagued SU last season as it averaged 16.3 turnovers last year — a negative 3.4 margin. Springer believes that Lococo and Charles will be able to trim that margin down this year. “We have two guys [Lococo and Charles] that will handle the ball really well,” Springer said. “These guys are going to be handling the ball 90 percent of the time and that alone will help our turnover ratio.” Lococo is a prime example how a freshman’s maturity can impact a team. If Lococo and the other underclassmen can step up for the Raiders then Springer sees this group as much better than seventh in the PSAC East. However, this season will hinge on how fast this group can grow together and how quickly they can develop. “The freshman will decide how successful we are this season,” Springer said. “I think they can play with the upperclassmen in this league and depending on how quickly these guys can grow up will decide how successful we are when we get to the eastern part of our schedule.”
2012-2013 Women’s Basketball Schedule
2012-2013 Season Preview
Wert twins look to shine for Raiders this year SAM STEWART
Sports Editor The Shippensburg University women’s basketball team looks to build off last season’s success and transform that into more wins in its 2012-2013 campaign. The Raiders, picked to finish fourth in the PSAC East, boast a strong backcourt and will look for underclassmen to fill the void left by the departure of Monae Baker. SU’s backcourt is a dangerous bunch, led by Shawna and Dana Wert, and perimeter sharp-shooter Sarah Strybuc. The three, combined for over 50 percent of the team’s total points, as well as over 70 percent of the team’s total assists. The Wert twins are highly dangerous on the defensive side of the ball and their explosiveness off the dribble makes them one of the most feared tandems in the league. Their aggressiveness causes fits for opposing offenses as the two of them accounted for 69 steals throughout the 2011-2012 campaign. Their offensive prowess is equally as impressive. Dana Wert remains an excellent facilitator in the backcourt and has fed teammates with great passes and given them numerous open looks. Dana Wert’s 110 assists were the highest on the team and that has a good chance of increasing this year.
Strybuc was the beneficiary of a lot of those assists. The junior guard was the team’s main threat from beyond the arc last year as she netted a team-high 60 threepointers. Strybuc is an excellent catch-and-shoot player who has the ability to put the dagger in close games. Despite the strong backcourt, the Raiders will be looking for answers in the post. Baker, the team’s presence in the low-post, was the Raiders’ leading scorer and rebounder during the 2011-2012 campaign. Averaging nearly a double-double throughout the season (14.9 points per game, 9.5 rebounds per game), SU will need to rely on underclassmen and senior Caitlin Bamberger to fill Baker’s shoes. Bamberger, who has been fighting injury problems throughout the preseason, was a reliable rebounder and dominated the offensive glass at times, collecting 58 offensive rebounds throughout the year. Bamberger’s work ethic will aid the progression of incoming freshman Mariah Traywick and current-starter Stephanie Knauer. The two underclassmen are benefitting from Bamberger’s experience and have shown head coach Kristy Trn that they are ready to be called upon to help in the post. “I think [Bamberber] is taking the role of trying to make sure that Traywick
and Knauer are where they need to be,” Trn said. “She’s trying to show them what they need to do offensively and defensively down low.” Traywick and Knauer have shined so far this preseason and both offer different skill-sets that the Raiders can use in their arsenal throughout the year. “Knauer has proven so far in practice that she is a strong rebounder and a strong defensive player and has found the ability to give us the presence we lost with the absence of Baker,” Trn said. “Traywick is more of a finesse post-player who is more agile off the dribble and can shoot the perimeter shot.” The Raiders need to focus on finishing games in order to improve on last year’s record. In six of its 13 losses last year, the Raiders fell by five or fewer points. Finishing is something that Trn has been preaching this preseason. “We need to finish a 40-minute game,” Trn said. “Our reactions to situations cannot let them affect the next play.” The Raiders have the pieces they need to make a serious push in the PSAC playoffs, but finishing that 40-minute game will ultimately dictate how good this team can be. SU opens its season next Sunday when it hosts Washington Adventist at 2 p.m. at Heiges Field House.
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Shawna Wert and Dana Wert will be called upon to produce big numbers this season for SU.
Sports November 6, 2012
Rough start meets rough ending
Men’s soccer season starts off rough, Women’s team ends year on four-loss finishes at slighty better pace in 2012 skid, has high hopes for next year Nick Sentman Asst. Sports Editor
The Shippensburg University men’s soccer team finished its season going 5-9-2, with a 2-6-1 conference record. The Raiders went back a step this season, after backto-back years reaching the NCAA playoffs. SU, which had 23 returning players from last year’s squad, looked to push further into the tournament in 2012. SU struggled this season, losing seven of its games by one goal. The team saw nine seniors play their final game this year as the Raiders lost a tough 2-0 decision against California University of Pennsylvania last Saturday Oct. 27th on Senior Day. SU started the season rough, not being able to reach its second win until October. The Raiders did manage to go 4-3 down the stretch and look to build off of that heading into
next season. The team lost lead scorer Sam Talbot who scored seven goals and racked up 17 points and 42 shots to also lead the team. The other major contributors on offense are all returning for next season. Oli Templeton, who again led another great campaign on offense managed 40 shots this year scoring three goals. Also, junior Jonathan DeNicola had a great season with five goals and 11 points. Along with freshman Derek Adams, who saw some significant playing time, appeared in 13 games, started six and added two goals. SU lost two goalkeepers this year in Clay Sale and Andrew Foran. Both keepers saw significant action in their careers with Sale being a force for SU during the 2010 season when they became PSAC champs. Sophomore goalkeeper Kevin Hollasch led the team in saves with 38 starting six games. This experience should prepare him for next season.
An intense defense for SU seemingly slowed this season allowing 29 goals compared to the 17 they gave up last year. Seniors Austin Hill, Joe Nixon and Alex Supplee were vocal leaders on the team the past few seasons. Hill, named to the PSAC and NSCAA First Team will be sorely missed. SU had a rough go this season, not being able to come through on close games. The Raiders had injuries to players such as senior Simon Neubauer who was a major impact on the team in the 2010 season, and looked to be a force in the midfield. SU should be able to take this season as a lesson that nothing is ever guaranteed. They have some work to do, but with Templeton, DeNicola, and also 2011-2012 year’s scoring leader sophomore Chris Black, the Raiders should be another threat to contend next season. SU will look to make another NCAA run in the future.
Raiders pick up 16 PSAC cuts
Julia Brownrigg shined, but SU dropped its dual meet to IUP on Friday Sam Stewart
Sports Editor The Shippensburg University men’s and women’s swimming teams had a successful meet at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, netting 16 PSAC cuts and winning four events at John A. Pidgeon Natatorium on Friday night. Despite dropping the dual meet 109-91, the women’s team boasted eight PSAC cuts on the night.
Julia Brownrigg had an impressive night, winning the 200-yard freestyle with a time of 1:59.14, and qualifying with a PSAC cut in the 500 freestyle with a time of 5:19.47. Brownrigg also played an integral role in SU’s victory in the 400-yard freestyle relay along with swimmers Julie Brown, Carolyn Meier and Jen Flinchbaugh. Rikki Sargent also impressed at the dual meet collecting a victory in the 200-yard butterfly.
The men’s team, despite dropping the dual meet 122-80, picked up eight PSAC cuts on the night. Seniors Sean Minford and Eddie LaNoue both picked up PSAC qualifiers with Minford winning the 200-yard breaststroke and LaNoue placing second in the 200-yard freestyle, 50-yard freestyle and the 100-yard freestyle. Eric Naylor, Stew Connard and Brennan Wolter each picked up PSAC cuts on Friday.
Photo by Sam Stewart
Ashley Vellucci will see an increased role next year for the Raider team.
Sam Stewart
Sports Editor Rebuilding is a term that is used grotesquely to describe a time period in which a team is destined to have a so-so year — not good, not bad, just … average. But no other word could describe the Shippensburg University women’s soccer team’s season as sublime as this. The Raiders, with only four seniors on the team, including star defender Cassie Armold and reliable midfielder Molly Sanders, finished the season at 6-93. If only records dictate the heart that this team had. Five of SU’s losses could have gone in the win column as it lost by one goal in all of them, including a 2-1 heartbreaker against California University of Pa. to close out the year. “This year was sort of frustrating because we are so talented in every aspect,”
Sanders said. “We have skill, technique, and we were well conditioned and could hold our own with every team.” That skill and technique was demonstrated early on as the Raiders pulled out key victories against PSAC foes Indiana University of Pa., Clarion University and Slippery Rock University before stumbling late in the season, recording four straight losses. With the departure of Sanders, Armold, Katie Leverentz and Rhonda Runion, the Raiders need to fill in holes around all areas of the pitch. Defender Kylee Bricker and forwards Rachel Hess and Ashley Vellucci look to be the catalysts for the Raider squad next year. Bricker’s physical play will be much needed around the box while Hess’ and Vellucci’s ability to score from all angles of the pitch make this team potent for the 2013 season. Next year, the Raiders need to
rely on their underclassmen to fill in as role players just as they did this year. Sophomore Kate Zech shined coming off the bench, leading the team in goals and points. It is this kind of effort that Sanders said will need to be there if SU plans to make a push for a PSAC playoff berth. “They need to keep the heart and keep that fire and desire to win, because in the end, that’s what wins soccer games,” Sanders said. For the seniors, however, this season, and all the others, have been an experience they will cherish. “My general experience with the SU soccer team has been an amazing one and made my time here more than I ever expected,” Sanders said. “Even though we did not make the playoffs, that does not change how great it has been to be part of such a great team and to have gotten to play with some amazing, talented girls.”
Sports November 6, 2012