Understanding black history, B1
SU remembers professor, C1
Renowned curator comes to campus, D1
Basketball clinches PSAC, E1(2)
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Tuesday, February 18,
Reporting truth. Serving our community.
Volume 63 No.
SGA candidates vie for students’ votes in speeches Hannah Pollock Managing Editor
The Student Government Association invited candidates for next year’s Executive Rules Committee (ERC) to speak Thursday afternoon following its formal meeting. Eight students will compete for five positions in the organization’s highest leadership roles. The ERC structure includes a president and four vice presidents: Internal affairs, external affairs, finance and student groups. Juniors Lucas Everidge, Stephen Washington and Siara Gutierrez are vying for the position of SGA president. Everidge, a junior political science major with a minor in sociology, believes his two years of senatorial experience make him the best candidate for the job. “Unlike my competitors, I had the pleasure of serving in the 2018-2019 SGA and while we have gotten a lot done this year, last year’s SGA was more focused on the bigger picture of working for the students we represent. Being able to compare both years has given me the perspective that is necessary to see what has worked
and what has not, and what changes need to be made to get SGA to be 10 times stronger than it is today,” Everidge said. Everidge, who currently serves as a class of 2021 senator, wants to help the student body understand what SGA does and why they do it. “We need to have external meet-and-greet type events before the senator elections so people at all interest levels — some of which may want to run for a senator position — can come and get to know the organization,” he said. He also wants to advertise a simplified version of how to start new student groups. “I want everyone here to have the opportunity to build and maintain something that they are proud to call theirs,” Everidge said. Washington, a junior management information systems major with a minor in military science, is running for president to place SGA in the best possible position for exponential growth. He believes he is the right candidate because of his approachability and listening skills. Washington’s vision for SGA is “to be the premiere student government within
Jonathan Bergmueller/The Slate
Student Government Association Senator Robert Giulian asks a question during candidates’ speeches. the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education.” Washington said making small changes will lead to big differences in SGA running more efficiently. “[I want to] streamline and simplify the process put in place governing different facets,” Washington said. He also discussed his experience putting students
first, citing his time as the student representative to the SU Council of Trustees. Washington said he will step down if he is elected. “[I want to] set a strong foundation for the student governments — and their leaders — of the future,” he said. The final candidate is Gutierrez, a junior political
science major with a minor in military science. The exploratory studies senator wants to see a better-functioning SGA with a better relationship between the organization and the student body. “I would like to build a better relationship with the SGA and the student body. With having those stronger relationships, I will uplift
under-heard students with tackling their issues headon,” she said. “As a current member of SGA, I have had opportunities to talk to students and understand the issues that they are facing. Most of the issues are talked about and not many solutions are advocated for.” See “ERC,” A2
Dunkin’ adds kiosk, cuts coffee wait time Sebastian Riefkohl Asst. News Editor
Jonathan Bergmueller/The Slate
A water main break on Cumberland Drive caused water service to be cutoff to the Ceddia Union Building on Saturday. The line was repaired later in the afternoon and water service was restored to the CUB.
Campus maintenance repairs water main break outside CUB Jonathan Bergmueller Editor-in-Chief
A water main break outside Shippensburg University’s Ceddia Union Building (CUB) early Saturday forced officials to turn off water for a few hours. The leak affected the water supply to the CUB’s bathrooms, water fountains and dining services. Maintenance workers shut off the water at noon and turned it back on after they located and fixed the break. Water spilled from an unknown source beneath Cumberland Drive near Franklin Drive, which was closed while a maintenance crew located and repaired the break. Once workers determined where the water leaked from the pipe, it was a
simple matter of digging out around the pipe and fitting a brace around it. Then, they flushed the system through a nearby fire hydrant. Finally, they filled the hole in with dirt they excavated. Ed Gutshall, the mechanical shop foreman in the Physical Plant Department, estimated it would take five to six hours to find and repair the leak. In the end, the repair was complete by 4 p.m. Saturday. Workers at the site said this was the third time in the past three months that there had been a water main break on campus. They blamed the breaks to the aging infrastructure of the 150-year-old university, and guessed the cold may have had something to do with it. University police contacted Jeffrey Kugler, the associate director for main-
tenance and operations at SU, with information about the leak at around 10:30 p.m. Friday night. Staff needed to wait until they received approval from PA One to excavate the area this morning. The physical plant employees worked from noon to 3 p.m., according to Kugler. The temperature held around 33 degrees throughout the afternoon. “These are the people that make all the professors look good,” Kugler said. “You don’t think about modern conveniences until it breaks and needs to be fixed.” The hole workers excavated is now filled in and covered up. Vehicles are able to access Cumberland Drive.
If you have ever been in a hurry to grab your morning coffee, Shippensburg University’s Dining Services has you covered. Dunkin’ Donuts recently added an electronic kiosk at which students can place orders ahead of long lines that accumulate across the bottom floor of the Ceddia Union Building. The university installed the kiosk in early January as part of a campus-wide upgrade for all dining service registers. Robert Kougher, the controller for dining services, said dining services installed the kiosk to reallocate labor and help staff during busy shifts. “It really doesn’t lessen labor, it’ll reallocate it simply for the fact that we’ll be able to make more drinks, we’ll serve more food because we
won’t have two registers running,” Kougher said. “I think the kiosk gives somebody that’s in a hurry and knows exactly what they want the option to get through the line fast.” Customers can order anything on the menu with the kiosk, with the exception of specialty items such as donuts available for certain days. However, the kiosk crashed over the weekend and was unavailable for use during that time. Kougher said the kiosk is still in the early testing phases, and the kiosk was back online by Monday. Dining services also plans to create a mobile ordering app for Pizza Hut that will allow students to place orders online and pay with a credit card or with their flex dollars. The university hopes to implement this feature by the end of the spring semester or beginning of the fall semester.
Jonathan Bergmueller/The Slate
Students can use the kiosk to place an order ahead of the line. If it is an easy order, they could get their drink sooner than normal.
Meet the candidates
Elections for the Student Government Association Executive Rules Committee will begin next week and conclude Thursday at 4 p.m.
Stephen Washington President
Lucas Everidge President
Siara Gutierrez President
Washington is a junior who wants to empower officers and senators to be able to make decisions, streamline the SGA, and create a strong foundation for future generations of the SGA.
Everidge is a junior who wants to help the student body understand what SGA does, promote student groups, and make SU a more unified community.
Gutierrez is a junior who wants to build a better relationship between SGA and the student body, effectively utilize SGA’s committees, and develop leadership within SGA.
Jordan Newsome-Little VP of Internal Affairs
Clarence “Trey” Johnson VP of Internal Affairs
Lance Hines-Butts VP of External Affairs
Newsome-Little is a sophomore who wants to introduce a “welcome month” separate from the welcome week, encourage members of SGA to know the authority they hold in office and heal the disconnect between the ERC and SGA.
Johnson is a sophomore seeking to break social barriers and establish a more diverse presence on-campus. He also wants to restore pride and spirit on campus. Finally, he wants to plan more student development events.
Hines-Butts is a senior who wants to use his position to make SGA more recognized on campus. He wants to build a better relationship between SGA and the student body.
Brenda Aristy VP of Finance
Riley Brown VP of Student Groups
Aristy is a junior who served on the Budget and Finance Committee beginning last fall. She wants to be progressive and fair to the committee and ensure all students know how to create budgets.
Freshman Riley Brown wants to create a classification system for student organizations and a system of accountability for leadership. He also wants to empower students to engage in the opportunities at SU.
From “ERC,” A1
“I want to run for SGA president because, with this platform, I can be more effective in tackling these issues head-on,” Gutierrez said. As president, Gutierrez said she envisions SGA improving its internal functionality, as well as being an honest and straightforward advocate for students. It is a two-person race for vice president of internal affairs between sophomores Jordan Newsome-Little and Clarence Johnson III. Newsome-Little is a sociology major who currently serves as a Residence Hall Association (RHA) senator. She envisions a campus where the idea of family is “reinstalled.” “Families argue and they’re not perfect; however, they guide, protect and hold each other accountable,” she said. “If elected, I will work with the senators and members of the ERC to ensure that they are accurately representing the student body, as well as fighting for equity, transparency and compassion.” Newsome-Little also wants to build a better relationship between SGA and the student body. Johnson is an entrepreneurship and finance major with a minor in Chinese who
currently represents the College of Business. He said he wants to “restore the pride and to better this illustrious university student body.” “My vision for SGA is to genuinely represent the interest of the student body though initiatives, programs and services that enrich students’ lives,” Johnson said. In the races for the four vice president seats, three students are running unopposed. Lance Hines-Butts, a senior entrepreneurship major, is running for vice president of external affairs. During his speech, he discussed the need for SGA to interact with students on campus to better communication between the organization and the student body. “Go around campus and meet them with a smiling face,” he said. Hines-Butts added the importance of connections and interacting with student groups. Brenda Aristy, a junior political science major with a minor in Spanish, is running for vice president of finance. Aristy, who serves on the budget and finance committee, said she is concerned about where her money is going. “I want the money to be spent efficiently and fairly,”
Aristy said. She also said she is determined to be progressive and fair to the committee. Riley Brown, a freshman history education major with a minor in political science, is running for vice president of student groups. Brown said he wants to unlock potential by providing clarity, equality and standards of efficiency in student organizations. “I told President Carter on the second day of orientation in the fall that ‘I will try my best to make this campus 10 times better than when I started,’ and, it starts as vice president of student groups,” Brown said. He currently sits on the budget and finance committee and the safety and facilities committee. The 2019-2020 academic year is the first year SGA implemented its changed leadership structure. When introducing the new structure in February 2019, Logan Wein, former SGA president, said any undergraduate student can run for an ERC position, excluding the president and vice president of finance positions, which require previous SGA experience. The ERC voting period begins on Feb. 24 and concludes at 4 p.m. on Feb. 27.
February 18, 2020
Your World Today
Commentary: SGA elections need more student participation
Jonathan Bergmueller Editor-in-Chief Another election season for the Student Government Association (SGA) has rolled around, and its fruits leave me anxious for the future of a university campus I will leave in several months. Senators vying to join the Executive Rules Committee (ERC) as officers of SGA delivered speeches and answered questions last Thursday afternoon. While I arrived late and missed the first four speeches, which I presume were wonderful in every right, I was able to catch the final five. All the candidates I listened to spoke well, and no doubt are very passionate for the positions and the change they might bring to campus. But, unfortunately, there were several issues with the process at large that belies greater problems within SGA. There are three candidates running for ERC positions unopposed who have very little experience on SGA. Riley Brown is running to be vice president of student groups. Brown has served on the budget and finance committee and has participated in a “special task force” made by SGA President Aven Bittinger. He also recently became a senator on the SGA. Mean-
while, Lance Hines-Butts is running to be the vice president of external affairs. Finally, Brenda Aristy is running to be vice president of budget and finance unopposed. She has served on the budget and finance committee. I take no issue with Aristy’s character or how she presented herself during her speech. However, on principle, nobody running to oversee the SGA budget (which was $3,400,000 during the 2018-2019 fiscal year) should do so unchallenged. If Aristy withdrew from the race tomorrow for any hypothetical reason, anyone, regardless of qualification or moral stature, could write in and win the position with enough votes. While it was excellent to see many current members of SGA present, it was disheartening to see so few of the faces SGA purports to represent. As a senior, I have spent four years among a variety of social circles and student groups listening to others complain about the status quo, be it on campus rules, perspectives on Greek Life or budget allocations. Yet, I only saw a smattering of community members from outside SGA. These issues lead me to ask: Is the campus devoid of student leaders willing to make change happen? Or is this indicative of something greater? The fact that so few members of campus turned out for the elections, and so few senators chose not to step up into these positions, outlines two things: The apathy of the student body at this institution and
a failure of SGA to instill confidence in the student body it represents to encourage those students to run for positions. Running to be an officer of the organization with the most agency to invoke change on campus needs to have meaning. It needs to have substance. It needs to be more than giving a five-minute speech about leadership and motivation in front of people who currently are members of SGA. What can happen to fix this? Someone once said to “never underestimate the power of a write-in.” ERC elections should not be a path of least resistance for individuals to rise to the top of what should be the most influential organization on campus. When people go unchallenged, they grow complacent and end up not serving the best they can. It is when people have to endure strife and be tested by their merits that they not only provide the best endgoal for all, but also grow as people and leaders. I know with absolute certainty from my own personal interactions there are senators deserving and more than capable of taking on these leadership positions. Why they do not run is beyond me, but I call upon these senators now to rise to the call and run via write-in. SGA could have a bright future, but it needs leaders who have experienced the process to emerge from within its ranks to take charge of the organization, instead of abandoning ship when change seems impossible or distant.
Campus Police Briefs Furnishing Alcohol to Minors and Underage Consumption Shippensburg University police were called to room 209 in Harley Hall for reports of two alcohol overdoses on Feb. 16. When the officers arrived they identified two men in the room, Noah Walseman, 21, and a 17-year-old teenager. Both men were violently ill and were sent to the hospital by EMS. Walseman has been charged with furnishing alcohol to minors and the 17-year-old was cited for for underage consumption.
Student Government Updates • All senators were in attendance, except Senators Joshua Bream, John Enerah and Noah Steinfeldt. Their absences were excused. • SGA President Aven Bittinger announced that Meredith Scarr resigned from her position as vice president of student groups. • Bittinger also announced the resignations of three senators: Megan Nardi, Alicia Hawkins and Alex Dinh. • Budgets were due last week, according to Ramses Ovalles, vice president of finance. • Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Chancellor Daniel Greenstein will visit campus on Feb. 27, according to Student Trustee Stephen Washington. • The next public SGA meeting will be Feb. 27 in the CUB
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
The Slate Speaks
Black history is imperative to understanding our culture
Every February, the United States celebrates Black History Month to remember those who fought tooth and nail for the rights of everyone living today. Black history is a significant part of America’s narrative. While some may like to hearken back to times when America was supposedly great, others carry with them a living memory of oppression, bondage and a constant battle for the equality of all Americans. Today, elementary schools pay homage to black history by educating children on prominent historical events and figures, such as Rosa Parks boldly telling the white bus driver “No,” and the Greensboro sit-in of 1960 where brave African-American students protested after being denied service at a seg-
regated lunch counter. However, there are plenty of important names in black history that public education barely skims. Inventor and scientist George Washington Carver was born into slavery under his owner Moses Carver. Both Moses and his wife taught him to read and write because no schools would allow black students to enroll. Despite being denied by grade schools and colleges because of his race, he managed to graduate from Iowa State and was hired to watch over Tuskegee Institute’s agricultural department. Carver showed that even though the color of his skin hindered his access to education, it did not define him. Muslim minister Malcolm X was
sentenced to prison in 1946 for breaking and entering and theft. During his sentence, Malcolm X joined and became a well-known leader of the Nation of Islam. Despite the accusations of encouraging racism and violence, Malcolm X was an advocate for black empowerment and human rights. Social reformer Frederick Douglass catered to the abolitionist movement by escaping from slavery. His eloquence helped to persuade a nation that slaves were capable of being intelligent American citizens. Douglass will remain a prominent figure based on his autobiographies, his support of the abolitionist movement and his distinguished
Give it a thought:
SU online portals should be centralized, easier to access for new students
Chase Slenker Staff Columnist
Shippensburg University has dozens of online portals and online service access points that first-year students have to learn. The number of portals is a bit excessive and confusing to students well-before they arrive at SU. The university should work toward greater system integration to the many systems as well as to provide greater technology training and a streamlined admissions and orientation checklist. Before students even come to Shippensburg, they get to experience the fun of attempting to activate their email, starting their admissions portal list, logging in to
the housing portal and submitting health information, nonetheless accessing the Central Authentication Service (CAS)/My Ship portal. Even as someone who is fairly familiar with technology, the whole process was overwhelming for me, and I know it was for many others. I made many calls to the technology desk about getting my email account to work, and I know others struggled to get their housing portal to work. The biggest issue behind this portal dilemma is a complete lack of a uniform checklist for the entire admissions process. This ideal checklist would entail everything one must do before stepping foot on campus, including admissions, dining, housing, student accounts, financial aid, Etter Health Center, etc. Many first-year students recall stress surrounding the whole application process and the lack of clarity on what needed to be done, when it was required and to whom it must be submitted. One student even remarked at a listening session that they felt like they were “passed around from person
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leadership skills to follow. No doubt many of our readership will have learned new names at the end of this editorial. But the education cannot end here. It is essential for us to know these names and remember these names, not only because of black history, but because of their long-lasting contributions to humanity at large. Black history is not merely black history; it is history that underlines a shared human experience recognizing all. The Office of Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) is hosting a Black History Showcase on Feb. 29 at 3 p.m. in Memorial Auditorium. It can be a great opportunity to learn more about powerful black figures.
Take five minutes:
More liberal
antics during State of Union Address
to person, department to department, like a chew toy,” as they struggled to figure out what they needed to do to verify AP credit transfers. Training for a few of these portals does exist once students arrive for orientation, but it is a small 15 minute session about email and Desire-to-Learn (D2L)/Brightspace. This training was recently expanded at the spring orientation as stated in minutes from the new student orientation committee. Ideally, the university would work to integrate some of its systems to simplify processes for students, faculty and staff. This includes registration, the Event Management System (EMS) used for room reservation, Ship link, SHIP Career Connection and the My Ship Portal among many others. This would require collaboration of many university departments but would ease the complexities of the process and decrease the stress and confusion of incoming students and families, as well as current students, faculty and staff.
Maria Maresca Staff Columnist
The State of the Union Address certainly was a newsworthy event, but for all the wrong reasons. President Donald Trump delivered an astounding speech with a plethora of achievements including historic economic growth, job creation and a resurgence of patriotism for American freedom and greatness. Roars of applause followed the announcement; however, Trump’s accomplishments cast a shadow over the Democratic Party. The proud “women in white” remained sedentary when Trump reported that women filled 72% of
Where’s your voice? •
oral ability. Entrepreneur Madam C.J. Walker earned the title of the wealthiest African American woman after establishing her own laboratories to distribute her African American hair products. However, before being an aspiring saleswoman and the first African American female millionaire, she started life on a cotton plantation as Sarah Breedlove. Out of her five siblings, she was the first freeborn in her family. After developing a scalp disorder, Walker started mixing home and store-bought hair products to relieve her hair condition. Madam Walker created her empire by working hard, promoting herself and following through; all attributes that showed powerful
the seven million new jobs instituted in the United States. Democrats also refused to rise from their chairs when Trump said the unemployment rate for Hispanic Americans, African-Americans and AsianAmericans has reached the lowest levels in history. As the night progressed, Trump introduced a variety of respectable individuals: a young African-American college scholarship recipient and a last remaining Tuskegee Airmen. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was too preoccupied fumbling her papers and repositioning her dentures to pay them any mind. The night reached its true climax when Pelosi displayed a performance of pure defiance by tearing her copy of Trump’s speech down the middle as he finished his concluding remarks. Her reaction, along with the remainder of her fellow Democrats, was not only anti-Trump; it was anti-American. Leftists are making themselves appear ridiculous and have shed light on
Management slate.ship@gmail.com Jonathan Bergmueller.........Editor-in-Chief Hannah Pollock...............Managing Editor
THESLATEONLINE.COM Reporting truth. Serving our community. Contact Us slate.ship@gmail.com (717) 477-1778 Mailing Address The Slate - Shippensburg University CUB Box 106 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257 Office Location Ceddia Union Building Room 250 Shippensburg University Adviser Dr. Michael Drager About The Slate The Slate is a weekly, volunteer, student-run newspaper published by the Gettysburg Times. Its print edition is published on Tuesdays and its website, theslateonline.com, is maintained 24/7. Weekly meetings are held on Sunday at 4:30 p.m. in The Slate office. All are welcome to attend, but we ask you notify management ahead of time. Staff positions are held on either a one semester or one academic-year term. There are no term limits. The Slate hires new members throughout the year based on its needs. The Slate does not
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discriminate against anyone based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity etc. Undergraduate and graduate SU students are hired based on skill, dedication and loyalty to the values and principles of journalism. Funding for The Slate is provided primarily by the SU Student Government. The Slate is required to payback a portion of its funding via the selling of advertising space. Ads do not represent the position of The Slate in any manner. See our Advertising Media Kit for rules and policies on ads.
their ignorance and denial of the current administration’s successes. In terms of the upcoming 2020 election, this does give Trump the advantage, but only if the American people can see through Democrats’ idiocy. The Democratic attendees of the State of the Union Address have proven that current political opinion has gone far past Trumpian dissent and is now an attack on the American way. Trump’s recalling of the valiant determination from Abraham Lincoln to Harriet Tubman is still ever-present in the history of our country, which should make any American, no matter what their political party preference is, stir with gratitude and pride. Simple respect for the president and for our great American history has gone out the window. I call upon younger generations to take notice of this attitude and defend what truly unites us as Americans. You can rip up a speech, but you cannot destroy the facts.
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Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Ship Life
Former SU professor remembered fondly by community members Justin Hawbaker Ship Life Editor
The loss of Agnes Ragone, a well-loved former Shippensburg University French and Spanish professor, brought the SU community together in grief and mourning. Ragone died after a battle with cancer at the age of 66 in early February. She valued helping others in their time of need and made sure no one would
be left behind, according to Blandine Mitaut, SU French professor. Ragone began working at SU in 1998, creating a long-lasting legacy. “She took initiative in the department [Global Languages] and changed it for the better,” Mitaut said. Ragone was a serious educator and was unselfish in her efforts to help others. Born in Algeria, Ragone had a difficult childhood. She moved around a lot and lived
Photo courtesy of Nathaniel Powles
Agnes Ragone poses in front of an evening dress made in 1990 in the Fashion Archives and Museum.
in places including England, Morocco, California, Texas and Louisiana. Ragone once fell off of a boat and broke her ankle while overseas. Despite the incident, she continued the trip and resumed teaching before finally seeking medical attention. Mitaut said this showed Ragone’s determination in helping others before helping herself. Ragone became wellknown for helping to spearhead work on the Haiti Project. The service-learning project was created to help those in need when a major disaster occurred in Haiti. The Haiti Project began in 2012 when Ragone and Mitaut traveled to the country with students. Ragone wanted to give back to the community and chose to help establish the project. The project began with the creation of a playground in Gros Mangles, a village in Haiti, on an island called La Gonâve. Faculty and students led the construction of the playground as the end of a six-credit seminar during a winter break course. Ragone wanted students to be able to research, study abroad and get an education during their trip to Haiti, Mitaut said. She wanted students to see what hardships other countries were facing. Ragone loved being a hard worker and leader for a good
cause, Mitaut said. “She was adventurous, fearless, full of energy and compassionate,” Mitaut said. Alongside the playground, Ragone also spearheaded construction of a hospital in Gros Mangles. Ragone motivated Taren Swartz, a former student, to get involved with the project and finish the hospital. “She inspired me to declare French as my third major and encouraged my participation with Project Gros Mangles,” Swartz said. Swartz plans to continue her French studies in honor of Ragone. Project Gros Mangles continued when Ragone later achieved running water and electricity for the community. The project will continue after Ragone’s death, starting with the installation of plumbing in the hospital. Other additions to the project are expected to come. Outside of the project, Ragone volunteered for the Red Cross and was also a member of the Chambersburg Hispanic American Center (CHAC). She also trained to be a tour guide before becoming a professor. In her free time, Ragone loved to swim, read and visit museums. Besides her willingness to help those in need, most students will remember her in the classroom. Eric Miller, an SU alumnus, remembers Ragone’s
French class as a place full of positive experiences. “She just had infectious energy that made going to class worth it even if it was not a class I necessarily liked,” Miller said. Miller’s favorite memory of Ragone occurred during Ragone’s French 102 class. “She split us into groups to work on our pronunciation,” Miller recalled. “My partner and I were joking around and I accidentally said something in Spanish,” Miller said. “She called me out in front of the class and said this is not her Spanish class, but if I would like I could take her Spanish class next semester,” he said. Nathaniel Powles, another SU alumnus, admired Ragone’s optimism regarding her cancer diagnosis. “It broke her heart more to leave her students than actually getting the diagnosis, but she was always optimistic that she would beat it and one day come back to the university,” Powles said. Powles said he will miss her tremendously. “Her life was a testament as to how to live selflessly and with a heart for others,” Powles said. Those wishing to help remember Ragone can donate to a fundraiser Ragone and Mitaut set up. The funds raised will go toward the villagers living in Gros Mangles and nearby communities. Visit theslateonline.com for a link to the GoFundMe.
Question of the Week:
Who is your favorite professor on campus?
Chantè Robinson, freshman “Dr. Windholz in English is my favorite professor.”
Noah Steinfeldt, junior “Dr. Lyman is my favorite for social work.”
Students gather for love-themed bingo
Jessica Oglesby Guest Contributor
Valentine’s Day might be a day for loving relationships, but even single students had the chance to enjoy the occasion. Students came together to spend time with their peers on Valentine’s Day when the Activities Program Board (APB) hosted speed dating bingo in the Ceddia Union Building (CUB) multi-purpose room (MPR), which was decorated for the holiday. Chocolate fountains and an assortment of fruits could be found around the room. Students snacked on the various chocolates throughout the night.
Prizes for the night included $15 Starbucks gift cards, $100 Wal-Mart gift cards, an assortment of love-themed baskets and a Roku with a $30 Netflix gift card. Freshman Ciera Richardson took home a self-love basket after winning her first bingo. “The bingo night had good energy in it,” Richardson said. “I recommend more people to go.” Previous bingo nights included drag bingo and sexy bingo. APB will hold more bingo nights in the coming future. Students can also look out for events like Teddy Bears and Tye Dyes, an escape room and a karaoke night.
Braeden Harris, junior “My favorite professor is Dr. Long for biology.”
Carmine Scicchitano/The Slate
The romantic-themed night allowed single students to be around their peers.
Recipe of the Week:
Ingredients: -
- Salt and pepper 1 bottle of Italian salad dressing - 1/4 cup of parmesan 2 lbs of chicken breast cheese 1 gallon Ziploc bag - 16 ounces of spaghetti Pam Cooking Spray - 1/2 cup of heavy cream
Recipe by Hannah Pollock Photos by Jonathan Bergmueller
Italian Chicken with Cheesy Spaghetti
Bailey Milnik, junior “My favorite professor is Dr. William Harris from the English department.”
INSTRUCTIONS 1. Cut chicken into small pieces. Place into Ziploc bag and pour dressing until all pieces are submerged. Marinate in refrigerator for 20 minutes. 2. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spray baking dish. 3. Remove marinated chicken from bag, spread in a single layer in greased baking dish. Season for taste. Cook for 20 minutes. 4. Boil water for pasta. Cook until softened, then drain leaving 1/4 cup of water. 5. Add heavy cream, salt and pepper and parmesan cheese to pasta and remaining water. Stir until a creamy texture is reached.
Alexi Castro, senior “My favorite professor would be Dr. Forlenza in the science department.”
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Zoey Lomison/The Slate
Ester Adler, a curator at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, studies one of the pieces on display at the Kauffman Gallery in the Huber Art Center.
Renowned art curator brings artistic experience to Kauffman Zoey Lomison Asst. A&E Editor
Kauffman Gallery hosted renowned art curator Esther Adler at the Pace Prints exhibit on Feb. 13. Adler is the associate curator of drawing and prints at the Museum of Modern Arts (MoMA) in New York. She visited the university in conjunction with New York City’s Pace Prints exhibit. She told attendees about her background and gave advice on pursuing a career in art. Art curators create, manage and present art exhibits, galleries and collections in museums. These exhibits can take anywhere from two to five years to create and open for the public, Adler said. While in the gallery, Adler chose three of her favorite prints and explained each one during the lecture. “A Room of One’s Own (Golden Dollhouse)” by Jane Hammond was the first print. James Siena created the second print, called “Sagging Grid.” Adler shared that the piece appealed to her the most. The artist created the triangular grid by pressing the shapes into inked paper. The technique is known as a reduction linocut. Arturo Herrera created the final print called “Giuseppe.” The piece is a textured collage of various different media, including printed photos and paint, with red felt that dominated the middle of the print. While at Huber Art Center, Adler shared her experiences with her education and job as an associate curator to art students. Adler received a bachelor’s of degree in art history from Brandeis University in Boston, Massachusetts. Adler then attended graduate school at the University of Maryland where
she received her master’s of degree, which focused on artist Josef Albers. Adler emphasized the importance of internships. She worked at several different museums, such as the Hirshhorn Museum in Washington, D.C., and the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) in Boston, Massachusetts, over summer breaks to gain experience to add to her resume. “The biggest struggle for me always is time. There is always more to read, always more to look for, sometimes you travel to an archive and only have three days,” Adler said. “You have to prioritize. What are you going to prioritize? What if you don’t find the piece you’re looking for? What if you find something you didn’t know existed, how does that change the scope of the project?” she added. MoMA displays roughly 3-5% of its art at any given time. Adler explained the permanent collection is what is put on display and sold to collectors and other museums. The special collection is borrowed art from other museums that is put on display for special galleries. Charles White is an African-American artist who depicted black subjects through his artwork before his death in 1979. Adler’s interest in White came from the 2013 “Now Dig This! Art and Black Los Angeles 1960-1980” exhibition by curator Kellie Jones at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles, California. Adler wrote the book “Charles White: Black Pope” in 2017, and in 2018 co-edited the catalog, “Charles White: A Retrospective.” The exhibition displayed works from several black artists from the ’60s and ’70s, including works from Betye Saar. It is currently at the MoMA Public School 1 (PS1.) Read the full story at theslateonline.com.
Poets share love, heartbreak through poetry Isabella Brignola Staff Writer
The Reflector hosted a poetry slam in McFeely’s on Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. Since it was the day before Valentine’s Day, the theme for the night was sharing poems about love, or the lack of it. Poets spoke of heartache, toxic relationships, coping with self-hatred and of their partners. One speaker, Keric Ellis, described the way that love appeared to him. He explained how love was a distant type of emotion of which he could not take hold. Ellis also emphasized the emptiness of caring for others, but being unable to receive a romantic love. He ended the piece with the line “I love, but when will I be loved?” Many pieces were traditional, while some were more out of the ordinary. Robert Greenberg recited a poetic text, dedicated to his girlfriend. This was a swift description of her and him as different aspects of nature, including beautiful imagery. Similarly, a piece from the speaker Dale Crowley was actually written by his wife. It was a letter that she had written for their granddaughter, who turned 13 recently. The crowd couldn’t help but applaud the sweet reading. Regardless of the style, the audience seemed to encourage all who spoke. There were even a few poets who confessed that their readings were their first work. Lily Hawkins recited her first poem to the crowd, which described a sandcastle in terms of a relationship, and the water of a wave destroying it.
Fitting for such a group of deep thinkers, an audience member found inspiration from hearing the poems and wrote one while listening to the performances. He explained his name was Zach. He was inspired to write, before creating a poem amidst the crowd. He wrote of a person who was broken up with, and how they still loved the other person. In all, the encouraging atmosphere created by like-minded individuals created a supportive environment for all involved. The appreciation shared with those of all skill levels nurtured the poets and crowd alike, making for an open-minded space for growth. If you missed this event, there are still other opportunities to be involved with The Reflector. The on-campus group is currently accepting submissions for its poetry, prose, and art chapbooks until March 6.
Billboard Top 10 1. The Box - Roddy Ricch
6. Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi
2. Life Is Good - Future feat. Drake
7. Roxanne - Arizona Zervas
3. Circles - Post Malone
8. 10,000 Hours - Dan + Shay & Justin Bieber
4. Memories - Maroon 5
9. Don’t Start Now - Dua Lipa
5. Dance Monkeys - Tones And I
10. everything i wanted - Billie Eilish
Movie Showtimes
Showtimes for Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 18 and 19 at AMC Classic 7 in Chambersburg
Isabella Brignola/The Slate
Host Anna D’Orazio welcomes students and members of the SU community to Post Love Poetry Slam.
1. Bad Boys for Life
7:20 p.m.
2. Dolittle
6:45 p.m.
3. Harley Quinn: Birds Of Prey
7:30 p.m.
4. Jumanji: The Next Level
4:15 p.m.
5. Parasite
7:00 p.m.
6. Sonic The Hedgehog
7:45 p.m.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Baseball, E2
Softball, E3
Name: Kryshell Gordy Sport: Basketball
Carmine Scicchitano/The Slate
John Castello (22) stands on the low block with Lock Haven’s Christian Kelly late in the second overtime of the Raiders’ doubleovertime loss on Saturday. Castello continued his dominance in the defeat, scoring 23 points and pulling down 15 rebounds.
Men’s hoops clinches No. 1 seed in PSAC East Isaiah Snead
Asst. Sports Editor
The Shippensburg University men’s basketball team clinched the No. 1 seed in the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) Eastern Division with its 87-66 win Wednesday against Millersville University. No. 24 SU played a great first half, taking a 25-point lead into halftime. They finished the game shooting 46% and won the rebounding battle for the 14th time in 15 games. Junior Jake Biss led the way with 21 points, marking his 50th career game scor-
ing in double figures. Senior John Castello posted his ninth double-double of the season with 14 points and 11 rebounds. Sophomore Carlos Carter tallied 17 points while redshirt sophomore Dom Sleva added 18 points off the bench. The Marauders never held a lead in the contest, marking the fifth time in the last seven games that SU has picked up a wire-to-wire victory. The Raiders clinched the first seed in the PSAC Eastern Division for the first time in 14 years and also achieved their fifth straight 20-win season under coach Chris
Fite. After the landmark win over Millersville, Saturday saw Shippensburg fall in a double-overtime heartbreaker by one point to Lock Haven University, 104-103. SU had its fair share of chances to win the game at the end of regulation and both overtime periods but could not get its key shots to fall. The Raiders had not given up more than 84 points in a game this season before Saturday’s loss. The Bald Eagles shot 56% from the field in the contest and all five of their starters scored in double figures.
Fite commended Lock Haven and its coaching staff after the game. “They did a really nice job of making shots and scoring the ball. I give them all the credit,” Fite said. “[Lock Haven coach] Mike Nestor always has his team prepared and they did a good job.” Castello posted another double-double and led all players with 23 points. He also pulled down 15 rebounds. Sleva posted a career-high 22 points and 11 rebounds. Biss scored 19 of his 21 points in the second half and overtime periods. His layup in the first half made him the
34th player in SU history to score 1,000 career points. Senior Daylon Carter cracked the starting lineup and scored 10 points to go along with five rebounds and five assists. Carlos Carter scored just six points due to foul trouble, but junior Kiyon Hardy stepped up off the bench and scored 14 points while dishing out three assists. The win is Lock Haven’s first win at Heiges Field House since November 2013. The Raiders are off for a full week as they will not return to action until Saturday at 1 p.m. at Bloomsburg University.
Major: Biology Class: Junior Hometown: Chester, Pennsylvania Gordy scored 13 points and pulled down 14 rebounds to record a double-double against Lock Haven. Gordy also dished out four assists and recorded two blocks and two steals. The junior was named PSAC Eastern Division Defensive Athlete of the Week for her efforts.
Women’s basketball locks up home game in PSAC tournament Matt Gregan
Asst. Sports Editor
The Shippensburg University women’s basketball team clinched a home game in the first round of the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) tournament after a pair of tight wins over Millersville and Lock Haven Universities last week. The Raiders (18-7, 15-4 PSAC) opened up the week with an 84-79 road win over Millersville (8-16, 5-14 PSAC) on Wednesday night. Junior Destiny Jefferson finished with 27 points, six rebounds and three assists. She surpassed the 1,000-point mark for her collegiate career. Shippensburg, after opening the second half with a 14-2 run, had control of the game throughout the remainder of the second half. However, the Marauders unleashed a 23-8 run midway through the fourth quarter which gave them a two-point lead with 4:17 remaining in the game. Junior Ariel Jones, who finished with 29 points, countered with buckets on back-to-back possessions, including a 3-pointer, to give the Raiders back the lead for good. The Raiders made a season-high 29 free throws against Millersville. The team dominated MU at the free-throw line, totaling 39 free throws against only nine for the Marauders. Jones led
SU with 15 attempts from the free-throw line. Jones and Jefferson combined to score 56 of Shippensburg’s 84 points against Millersville. Saturday’s game against Lock Haven played out much differently. Lock Haven (11-12, 8-10 PSAC) came into Saturday’s game with a plan to limit
“We ended up with a very balanced performance offensively.” Kristy Trn, Head coach both Jones and Jefferson, the Raiders’ top two scorers. The Raiders, in front of a big home crowd at Heiges Field House, adjusted and used a balanced scoring effort to defeat LHU 72-64. “They came out in the triangle two [defense] — and we discussed a little bit about some teams coming out and doing that to us — but I thought everyone else responded well to it,” head coach Kristy Trn said. “When they take out your two leaders on the floor, we ended up with a very balanced performance offensively.” LHU held the duo of Jefferson and Jones to only 26 points, but the Raiders received production from a plethora of players throughout the roster.
After getting into foul trouble in the first half, sophomore Aunbrielle Green finished with 11 points. Sophomore Lauren Pettis added nine points, while sophomore Lauren Mills put in eight points. The Raiders also received seven valuable minutes off the bench from redshirt junior Lindsay Embly, who played solid defense and grabbed two rebounds while Green was on the bench due to foul trouble. Junior Kryshell Gordy played arguably her best game of the season. She finished with 13 points, 14 rebounds, four assists, two blocks and two steals. She has quietly been one of the team’s most productive players this season, powered by her combination of rebounding and defense. “We basically always put Kryshell on the best offensive player from the other team,” coach Trn said. “She’s just a dynamic kid. She can play inside or outside and she has the foot speed and lateral quickness that we rely on defensively against the opponent.” Gordy was not the only Raider player whose defensive impact stood out on Saturday. Freshman Treasure George was extremely active on that end of the floor, drawing three charges while also recording one steal and one block.
The Raiders fell behind 26-19 after the first quarter of action, struggling to contain Lock Haven’s hot shooting. However, Trn emphasized pairing together consecutive stops in the second quarter, resulting in the balance of the game changing. The Raiders outscored LHU 23-8 in the second quarter, effectively going from being down seven to being up eight at halftime. Shippensburg’s offense began to struggle in the second half, although a combination of getting to the free-throw line and playing good defense helped them to maintain the lead. The Raiders found themselves right where they wanted to be at the end of the game: With a small lead and Lock Haven having to foul to send Shippensburg to the line. SU leads all of NCAA Division II women’s basketball in made free throws, and they added to that total by going 6-of-6 from the line in the final minutes of action on Saturday. “We did an outstanding job being able to take care of the ball, hit our shots from the line and not give them any chances to come back at the end,” Trn said. Up next for the Raiders is a road matchup against Bloomsburg University (1211, 9-10 PSAC) on Saturday afternoon.
Dave Krovich/The Slate
Ariel Jones reads the floor while playing point guard for the Raiders against Lock Haven. She is averaging 2.2 assists per game this season while playing alongside fellow point guard Destiny Jefferson.
February 18, 2020
Wrestling ends regular season at Kutztown Christian Eby Staff Writer
Photo courtesy of Bill Smith/SU Sports Info.
Tony Vavaroutsos racked up four hits, including two home runs, in the Raiders’ weekend series at Catawba College. The sophomore outfielder has been a focal point of the SU offense through its first two series of the 2020 season.
Baseball drops three-game set in North Carolina Chris Wurtz Sports Editor
Two weekend series and two sweeps into its 2020 campaign, the Shippensburg University baseball team might appear destined for a tough season. But the record doesn’t tell the whole story. The Raiders sit at 0-6 after two weekends of baseball after suffering a sweep at the hands of NCAA Division II No. 5 Catawba College Saturday and Sunday. SU got off to a hot start in the opener, opening up a 5-0 lead after three innings. Sophomore Lake Lloyd got the Raiders on the board with a two-run double in the second inning before SU put on a power display in the third. Sophomore Tony Vavaroutsos hit a tworun homer to center to extend the lead to
4-0, and junior Ben Werkheiser rocked a solo shot to left-center just two pitches later. Two batters later, junior Logan Williamson’s solo homer to left brought the lead to 5-0. The Raiders’ fireworks fizzled out there, however, as Catawba rattled off nine consecutive runs over the next five innings to take Game 1, 9-6. Redshirt junior Noah Inch drew the start for SU and was steady, allowing just two earned runs on eight hits in 5 1/3 innings. The Raiders fell behind 3-0 early in Game 2, but an RBI single from Lloyd and Vavaroutsos’ second homer of the day brought them to within a run in the sixth inning. However, in the bottom of the sixth, an untimely error in the field opened the floodgates for a four-run frame that extended Catawba’s lead to 7-2. Senior Kyle Lysy pitched 5 2/3 innings, al-
lowing just one earned run — but seven runs in total. Game 3 was one to forget for SU, as it fell behind early and dropped the finale by a score of 12-1. Werkheiser notched three hits and scored the Raiders’ lone run, while junior Scout Knotts picked up two doubles in the loss. Despite the grisly record, SU has shown an ability to hang wwith the best of the best in the NCAA D-II baseball landscape. The Raiders battled in close games with fifth-ranked Catawba, just a week after racking up impressive offensive numbers against Stanislaus State — who now sits at 8-1. With a young team comprised of nearly two-thirds underclassmen, SU has shown promise. Its next test comes Saturday, when it begins a four-game series with Queens College in New Jersey.
The Shippensburg University wrestling team had four victors Wednesday night in its final regular season dual meet but narrowly fell to No. 17 Kutztown. The Raiders dropped the 26-16 decision in a Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) matchup at Keystone Arena. Sophomore Connor Babcock was one of two Raiders to score bonus points on the night. He earned a victory by fall in 4:43 at 174 pounds over Kutztown’s Connor Rogovich, earning him his 10th victory of the season and giving him his team-leading eighth pin. Redshirt junior Pat Duggan dominated KU’s Mitchell Camp at 157 pounds with four takedowns in the first period, two in the second, and added a near fall in the third with two more takedowns. Duggan earned his 11th victory of the season with the 20-7 major decision. Redshirt junior Alexi Castro defeated the Golden Bears’ Anthony Emig at 197 pounds with a 5-2 decision. This marks Castro’s fifth straight victory, leaving him 10-5 on the season. Castro used a takedown toward the end of the second period to gain the upper hand before he escaped in the third to win the match. Redshirt junior DeAndre Reed rallied past Kutztown’s Mike Cusick at 149 pounds with a third period takedown, squeaking by with the 6-4 decision. The win gives Reed three victories out of his last four matches. In exhibition play, sophomore Jake Downing cruised to victory with a 12-1 major decision at 125 pounds over KU’s Connor Yourkavitch. Redshirt freshman Dan Scheib was dealt with the tough task of facing undefeated Thomas Killoran at 285 pounds. Killoran won the match by pinning Scheib in 5:40, sealing Kutztown’s victory over the Raiders. With the loss, the Raiders fall just below .500 to end the regular season at 8-10 (0-7 PSAC). SU will compete in the 2020 NCAA Super Region 1 Championships on Saturday, Feb. 29, in Erie, Pennsylvania, from the Mercyhurst Athletic Center.
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February 18, 2020
Softball opens 2020 with 4-2 weekend in South Carolina Courtesy of SU Sports Info.
The Shippensburg University softball team opened the 2020 season with a pair of victories Friday at the Snowbird Softball Freeze Out in Myrtle Beach, defeating Goldey-Beacom, 9-3, and West Virginia State, 11-6, in action from the Ned Donkle Complex. The Raiders recorded 20 hits on the day. Senior Kayla Bonawitz had five hits, including a double, and hit a sacrifice fly for one of two RBIs on the day. Junior Courtney Coy reached base six times — she was credited with a home run among her four hits — to go along with a double, walk and three runs scored. Sophomore Morgan Fetter slugged a two-run home run and a three-run home run in the victory over West Virginia State for a career-high five RBIs. Sophomore Hannah Marsteller had three hits, including a two-run triple against West Virginia State and an RBI-double against Goldey-Beacom. Marsteller finished the day with four RBIs. Freshman Alyssa Nehlen had two hits and two RBIs, while sophomore Morgan DeFeo had two doubles. Freshman Taylor Radziewicz had two RBIs on the day, including a run-scoring single, and senior Meghan Klee plated a run with a bases-loaded walk. Sophomore Tressa Kagarise and Coy were the winning pitchers. Kagarise scattered three runs (two earned) over 6.1 innings against Goldey-Beacom, allowing five hits and four walks while striking out six. Sophomore Hannah Johnson got two outs in relief in the opener. Coy recorded her third ca-
reer complete game with the victory over West Virginia State, allowing six runs (four earned) on six hits, six walks and six strikeouts. Shippensburg held a 1-0 lead through four innings of the opener against Goldey-Beacom before scoring five in the fifth and three in the sixth to distance itself from the Lightning. The two teams combined to leave 22 runners on base and walked 17 batters in the contest. SU gave up three runs in the first and two more in the fourth against West Virginia State, but countered the Yellowjackets with runs of its own in each frame. The score was tied 5-5 through four innings before a five-run fifth proved pivotal; it was capped by Fetter’s three-run homer. The Raiders then split a pair of neutral-site games Saturday at the Snowbird Softball Freeze Out, falling to No. 17 St. Anselm, 1-0, but rallying to defeat Southern Connecticut State, 8-0 in five innings, in action from the Donkle Complex in Myrtle Beach. Shippensburg (3-1) and No. 17 Saint Anselm (3-0) combined for just three extra-base hits in briskly-paced affair. Both of Saint Anselm’s extra-base hits were back-toback doubles to lead off the bottom of the fifth inning, which proved to be the difference in the game. SU had runners on third base in the third and sixth innings but could not plate them. The second half of the twinbill against Southern Connecticut featured six Raider doubles and a tworun home run by Marsteller. The game was 1-0 through two innings before a four-run third and a three-run fourth helped Shippensburg achieve a run-rule victory. Marsteller also had an RBI-double against the Owls,
while sophomore Grace Palmieri had two hits, including a two-run double. DeFeo was 5-for-7 overall on the day with two runs scored. DeFeo was 3-for-3 against Southern Connecticut. Marsteller finished the day 4-for-6 with the home run, two doubles and three RBIs. Kagarise threw a complete game against Saint Anselm, allowing a run on five hits in six innings. She walked just two and struck out five. Coy threw five shutout innings against Southern Connecticut, scattering four hits while striking out three without a walk. SU posted another split on Sunday at the Snowbird Softball Freeze Out, dropping a 7-4 decision to Le Moyne before claiming a 10-3 victory over Southern Connecticut State in games played in Myrtle Beach. Shippensburg finished the weekend with a 4-2 record, totaling 55 hits and out-scoring the opposition 42-20 over six games. SU recorded 27 extra-base hits: 20 doubles, a triple and six home runs. Eight Raiders had multiple hits on Sunday. Freshman right fielder Alyssa Nehlen reached base four times, going 3-for-5 with two doubles, a sacrifice fly, a stolen base and two runs scored. Bonawitz was 4-for-8 with a double, stolen base, two RBIs and three runs scored. Fetter and Marsteller each doubled twice, while sophomore shortstop Grace Palmieri and freshman Taylor Radziewicz hit home runs. SU and Le Moyne combined for six errors and just two extra-base hits. Fetter had an RBI-double, while Bonawitz and Nehlen each had RBIs against the Dolphins. Kagarise struck out the
Photos courtesy of Bill Smith/SU Sports Info.
Morgan DeFeo racked up nine hits in 22 at-bats (.409 average) at the Snowbird Softball Freeze Out. She hit three doubles among those nine hits.
Courtney Coy made an impact at the plate, on the mound and in the field in the Raiders’ opening tournament in South Carolina. She hit .350 with a homer and two doubles at the plate and pitched to a 2.33 earned run average. side in the first inning against Le Moyne but did not make it out of the second inning. Johnson relieved and got three more outs, striking out one. All seven runs (five earned) were credited against Kagarise and Johnson. Freshman Hannah Palinkas was busy in the circle for the Raiders on Sunday. Making her collegiate debut, Palinkas threw 3.2 innings of shutout relief against Le Moyne before coming back and earning a complete-game
victory against Southern Connecticut. Her lone blemish against the Owls was a three-run homer in the sixth inning. She walked one, allowed seven hits and struck out six in the complete-game win. The score was tied 3-3 entering the bottom of the sixth against Southern Connecticut when the Raiders erupted for seven runs. Nehlen led off with a double and came home two batters later on a Fetter RBI-double. Bonawitz singled home Fetter to make
it 5-3. SU added on five more runs with two outs, as junior Courtney Coy hit a tworun single, Marsteller hit an RBI-double, and Palmieri hit a two-run homer. Radziewicz hit her first collegiate home run in the fourth to give SU a 3-0 lead. The first Raider run of the game came on a sacrifice fly by Coy. Shippensburg does not compete next weekend. It returns to action in two weeks at the Glenville State Tournament in West Virginia.
Indoor track gears up for postseason at VMI Courtesy of SU Sports Info.
Redshirt senior Charles Bowman improved his own school record in the 60-meter hurdles on Friday to highlight the first day of action for the Shippensburg University men’s indoor track-and-field team at the 2020 VMI Indoor Classic. Bowman ran 7.94 seconds in the semifinals of the 60-meter hurdles, improving his PR by .01 seconds and his season best by .05 seconds to put himself in sole possession of fifth place on the national leaderboard for the event. He ran 8.06 seconds in prelims, and will run in the finals on Saturday. Freshman Stephon Brown posted the fastest time in the 400 meters, running a season best of 48.46 seconds that satisfied the NCAA provisional qualifying standard. Brown is the second Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) runner to satisfy the provisional standard in the 400 this season, joining redshirt-sophomore teammate Aaron Arp Jr. Sophomore Roland Miles will run in the 60-meter dash finals on Saturday after posting a pair of NCAA-provisional times — 6.87 seconds in the semifinals and 6.83 seconds in the prelims. His season best remains 6.80 seconds. Redshirt sophomore Shamar Jenkins improved his season best in the triple jump with a second-place, NCAA-provisional qualifier of 48 feet, 4 inches. The SU men’s team won the 4x400-meter relay on Saturday to cap off a successful weekend at the 2020 VMI Indoor Classic. The quartet of redshirt sophomore Arp, Brown, freshman Drew Dailey and Bowman nearly re-wrote the school and Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) record in the event, posting a time of 3:12.83 for a two-second win. The time is just .31 seconds off the school record set in 2015 at Boston’s Valentine Invitational. Shippensburg now ranks fourth nationally among schools in the event. Dailey nearly had a second record on the
day, scaring Ed Buck’s 2010 record in the 800 meters. He ran third with a time of 1:53.17 — a half-second shy of the second-oldest track record on the SU books. Miles finished third in the finals of the 60-meter dash, running another provisional qualifier of 6.83 seconds. Freshman Eric Kirk finished eighth in the 200 with a time of 22.07 seconds. Freshman Alexander Ermold ran the mile in 4:25.66, while freshman Joseph Bujdos earned his PSAC qualifier in the event with a time of 4:29.47. In the field, sophomore EJ Dorwil landed a season best in the long jump of 22 feet, 8 1/2 inches that moves him into fourth on the conference leaderboard. Freshman Kenny Rhyne cleared a collegiate-best height of 6 feet, 4 3/4 inches in the high jump. Senior Cam Strohe paced three Raiders in the shot with a put of 48 feet, 4 1/2 inches. Freshman Leah Graybill once again improved her indoor school record in the 200 meters on Saturday as the Shippensburg University women’s indoor track-and-field team wrapped up its weekend at the 2020 VMI Indoor Classic. Graybill ran third in the 200 with a time of 25.03 seconds — improving her collegiate best by .04 seconds. She ended the day anchoring the 4x400-meter relay, teaming up with junior Rachel Bruno, freshman Lieke Black and senior Jordan Higgins to run a season best 3:58.12. Senior Zarria Williams landed a new season best in the long jump of 18 feet, 9 3/4 inches — finishing fifth in the event and achieving an NCAA provisional qualifier in the process. Williams now ranks fourth in the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) for the event. Sophomore Kyra Gerber ran an indoor best in the 800 of 2:21.38 that puts her on the Top 10 of the conference leaderboard for the event. Read the full story at theslateonline.com.