The Slate 2-25-20

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SU needs its adjunct faculty, B1

Sorority fundraises stuffed animals, C1

Art demonstration at SHAPE Gallery, D1

Coach Jones picks up 500th win, E1(2)

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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Reporting truth. Serving our community.

Volume 63 No. 18

After delays, Stewart Hall project completes within projected budget Jonathan Bergmueller Editor-in-Chief

Jonathan Bergmueller/The Slate Shippensburg University professor José Ricardo-Osorio asks President Laurie Carter a question regarding directives issued by PASSHE Chancellor Daniel Greenstein. Greenstein called on PASSHE schools to curtail the use of adjunct professors to cut back system costs.

Community discusses PASSHE directives Hannah Pollock Managing Editor

Shippensburg University faculty, staff and administration members packed the Old Main Chapel for a town hall meeting on Feb. 18 to voice their opinion about “directives” sent by Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Chancellor Daniel Greenstein. SU administrators called the meeting in response to “directives” sent via email to faculty and staff by Greenstein on Feb. 14. The directives included curtailing the use of temporary faculty, eliminating low-enrolled programs and not filling vacant staff and faculty positions. The full list is available on SU President Laurie Carter opened the discussion, “The system and individual universities like Ship face serious financial challenges that were left unattended for years and must now be comprehensively addressed,” she said. The announcement of the directives comes after universities submitted preliminary financial sustainability plans,

which the chancellor deemed “inadequate,” according to Carter. Scott Barton, senior vice president of administration and finance, and Tom Ormond, provost and vice president for academic affairs, gave a brief presentation of the preliminary financial sustainability plan, which is available on the S/ Drive in the “PASSHE Redesign” folder. The next draft of the plan is due May 22. “We must do this together,” she said. “We shouldn’t expect our students to pay for it.” “I am more committed than ever to make a life changing difference for Ship students,” Carter said. “I didn’t come to Ship to build my resume. I came to Ship to build futures.” Carter reiterated that her No. 1 priority is student success. After brief remarks, Carter opened up the floor for questions and discussion for attendees. Kara Laskowski, president of the SU Chapter Association of Pennsylvania State Colleges University Faculties (APSCUF), spoke about the confusion surrounding the directives and whether they were requirements or suggestions.

“The directives that were pushed out through academic affairs from Friday afternoon forward will only hurt and undermine our best efforts,” Laskowski said. “We know this, we’ve done it before, we’ve seen it before. And we’re here for our students and will fight for our students. And we’d like to do that with you.” “As the work goes on, if we get to the point where we feel that we cannot meet one of his directives because it will compromise the work that we have to provide to our students for them to succeed, I can assure you that I will speak up on our behalf and I will do that aggressively,” Carter said, which was met with applause from the audience. Laskowski described the struggle department chairs face as they now have to revise fall 2020 schedules and do not have the capacity to remove adjuncts while still providing a quality education for students. She said if adjuncts are completely eliminated, students will not have access to the classes they need.


The Shippensburg University Stewart Hall renovation project is finally finished after changes in construction needs pushed its completion back two months. The project totaled $5 million at no cost to students, according to Scott Barton, senior vice president of administration and finance at SU. The SU Foundation raised $1.5 million for the project, while the Keystone Recreation, Park and Conservation Fund covered the remaining $3.5 million. The conservation fund was established in 1993 to allot funds from the real estate transfer tax to Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education system schools for “deferred maintenance,” according to documents provided by Barton. Barton said the project fell under the projected budget of around $5 million. According to construction contracts signed in fall 2018, the project was set to complete Oct. 13, 2019, at around $4.5 million. Change orders added another $200,000, and furnishings within the building itself cost around $172,000. Three change orders forced workers to add 79 days to the construction plan. This pushed the completion of the project to Dec. 31. The first order changed the process contractors used to remove paint from the orig-

inal bricks in Stewart Hall. Later, the university requested changes to accommodate unforeseen site conditions. Finally, SU requested changes to handrails, front railings, door hardware and additional signage to meet all code requirements. The timeline extension broke down into 14 days for the first change order, 19 days for the second and 46 days for the third, totaling 79 days. The project achieved its substantial completion date of Dec. 31 and the university verified its completion Jan. 14, according to a document provided by Barton. The SU Foundation allowed the public to purchase and decorate bricks with custom text and designs outside the main entrance to Stewart hall. According to Barton, the foundation sold $195,000 worth of bricks. Kim Garris, the vice president of external relations and communications, said the university’s next large capital project will be a renovation of the Franklin Science Center. The Slate initially requested information pertinent to this story Nov. 20 from SU’s communications and marketing department. After several attempts to obtain the information in this story, The Slate filed a Pennsylvania Right to Know Request on Jan. 26 which Shippensburg University complied with.

October murder, drug cases head to court Hannah Pollock Managing Editor

Three cases related to a shooting in October that resulted in the death of one man and critical injury of another during a drug deal that turned sour on High Street in Shippensburg have moved to the Cumberland County Court of Common Pleas. Quentin Eric Furlow, 20, of Philadelphia and Samir Rodney Stevenson, 22, of Carlisle, had their formal arraignments on Feb. 20 while Clayton Steve Wilson, 21, of Philadelphia, was arraigned on Jan. 23. The cases revolve around a shooting that occurred at approximately 8 p.m. on Oct. 6 following a drug deal that wrong, according to court documents. According to the affidavit of probable cause, police found several large buds of marijuana, a burnt blunt and a large amount of money in a car parked in an alley behind the 200 block of High Street. That is where police found 21-year-old Shakur Richard Myers dead from two gunshot wounds to the head and chest and Stevenson with a “critical” gunshot wound to his neck. The doctors who treated Stevenson reported that the bullet nipped the top of his right lung and missed major arteries by mere millimeters. During Stevenson’s preliminary hearing in Shippensburg District Court in front of Magisterial District Judge H. Anthony Adams on Dec. 5, Trooper John Boardman answered questions from Courtney Hair Larue, Cumberland County chief deputy district attorney and Stevenson’s defense

attorney William Davis. During the hearing, Boardman shared information from the state police’s investigation. According to transcripts from the preliminary hearing, officers recovered multiple cell phones, mason jars of marijuana and drug sale paraphernalia including, a scale and plastic bags, and more than 40 grams of marijuana from the car where the shooting occurred. A .380-caliber Ruger handgun, that was reported stolen in 2017 in Lynchburg, Virginia, was also found at the scene. He also reported that police found a bloody hooded sweatshirt that was still damp to the touch, evidence related to the sale of drugs and three large-capacity magazines for a .40-caliber Glock handgun in Wilson and Furlow’s apartment during a search warrant execution that same night. During questioning at the hospital, Stevenson told police he could not remember who he was with and said, “everything happened too fast,” according to court documents. Through the investigation, Wilson was determined to be the shooter, Boardman reported at the hearing. According to the affidavit of probable cause, Wilson called someone, who later reported the information to the police, after the shooting and told them what happen. The informant told police that Wilson said Stevenson wanted to buy marijuana from him but that they did not want to meet in Wilson’s house. See “COURT,” A2

Jonathan Bergmueller/The Slate

SU Police Department detective Karl Schucholz retrieves burned books from Room 203. Police do not yet know who was responsible for lighting the fire.

Fire in FSC causes no damage; police investigate vandalism Jonathan Bergmueller Editor-in-Chief

A small fire failed to trigger smoke detectors in a lounge on the second floor of Franklin Science Center (FSC) at late Wednesday afternoon. Police are still investigating vandalisms that have occurred in FSC over the past several weeks, according to an email sent by SU police chief Michael Lee. Professors investigated a burning smell Wednesday and found Room 203, a student lounge, was full of smoke. No fire was present in the room. Physics professor Kate Shirk and chemistry profes-

sor Robin McCann said they did not hear a fire alarm. In response, a detective from SUPD investigated the scene while several fire engines were parked in the lot between FSC and the Grace B. Luhrs University Elementary School. “It is concerning that alarms did not go off,” Shirk said. “We don’t have a way in the building to notify everyone that things are all right.” “Safety is an issue here. This is an older building and needs updated,” said Robin McCann, a chemistry professor. McCann said the university has helped the chemistry department stay to code. She said facilities and manage-

ment worked hard with her at the beginning of this year to improve safety in the organic chemistry lab. However, she said Franklin has been waiting for 10-15 years for a renovation and that Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education approved such a project. Kim Garris, SU’s vice president of External Relations & Communications, said SUPD is investigating the fire, which she says was “very small and isolated and was extinguished quickly.” Garris also confirmed Franklin Science Center will be the next large capital project for the university.



While it is not fair to the adjuncts or students, it is the situation higher education finds itself “Part of what has always made Shippens- in. burg, is the sense of our own identity and purLorenz emphasized that some of the repose. We may have taken our eyes off of that. sponsibility of the problems PASSHE faces We need to make sure we protect our identity lies within the state legislature. that made students choose Ship,” Laskowski “You have to do more with less,” Lorenz said. said. Greenstein will host an open forum during Department chairs are also facing the preshis visit Thursday, at which Laskowski en- sures from PASSHE and the administration, courages all campus community members as well as the need to fulfill their department’s to insist he clarifies what he means with the duties to its students. directives. José Ricardo-Osorio is the chair of the APSCUF President Ken Mash said the or- Global Languages and Cultures department. ganization is always a bit concerned when of- He also serves as the interim associate dean ficials discuss reducing faculty. in the college of education and human serMash said the system needs to address vices. practical concerns regarding if faculty will “There is not enough clarity as to what exteach at more than one institution. This actly we are supposed to do,” Ricardo-Osorio should include a system-wide student infor- said. “We know that we have to minimize, mation system and a way for faculty to be we have to curtail, that we have to eliminate evaluated if they work at more than one uni- things, but the how we should do it is not versity. clearly expressed. It leaves a lot up to us.” Mash said there will be savings from the He said this creates a fear if he does less or chancellor’s directives, but they will not make more than what he should do. up for the lack of funding from the state. With class schedules for the future semes“The Commonwealth is severely under- ter due at the end of February, Ricardo-Osofunding,” Mash said. “The money must be rio said these types of decisions go beyond the made up in other places.” usual duties of a department chair. He added Mash explained that the provost’s oftuition increases are fice is working with “The Commonwealth is seelastic to declining enchairs to create a verely underfunding. The rollment. When there more “granular plan money must be made up in are fewer students to of action” for impledivide the fixed opermentation. other places.” ating costs of a uniCurrently, the Ken Mash versity among, tuition Global Languages APSCUF President and fees must go up, and Cultures departaccording to Mash. ment has four perKarl Lorenz is the only remaining full-time manent faculty members, including one on anthropology faculty member in the sociolo- sabbatical, and five adjuncts. gy and anthropology department. Ricardo-Osorio said the department canWhen he first came to SU there were three not operate all classes without adjuncts. He full-time faculty members, but due to retire- used the new American Sign Language (ASL) ments and lack of hiring he is the only re- class as an example. The class is taught by an maining. The other two positions have been adjunct professor and despite its healthy enreplaced by adjunct professors. rollment, he would have to remove the class “It’s not fair to the students that we have from the current offerings or place it into a adjuncts teaching instead of professors in a rotation. tenure-track position, and it certainly isn’t “It will call for being creative,” he said. fair to students if those adjuncts are elimiWhen class sizes are larger, Ricardo-Osnated because those are courses that students orio said the one-on-one interaction will be won’t be able to take,” he said. lost, and students will most likely have to do He attended one of the listening sessions more outside the classroom. Therefore, he held by the provost and Carter and said it was encouraged students to attend Greenstein’s helpful and provided clarity. The provost and open forum to express their concerns. President Carter held one and have scheduled “This is something that is going to hapanother listening session to have constructive pen,” he said. “But if we all pull together, we conversations about the process. They invited will pull through. That’s what makes Shipfaculty to attend. pensburg Shippensburg.” Lorenz said the administration is strapped. From “TOWN HALL,” A1

PASSHE Chancellor to visit Shippensburg Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) Chancellor Daniel Greenstein will kick off his spring campus visit tour at Shippensburg University on Thursday. The chancellor will host an open forum about PASSHE’s ongoing system redesign from 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. in Old Main Chapel, according to an email from SU News. During his last visit to SU on Nov. 19, 2019, Greenstein faced tough questions about the system redesign from members of the campus community. A similar scene may happen on Thursday. The chancellor’s visit falls about a

week after a town hall meeting at which SU President Laurie Carter fielded questions from faculty members about the chancellor’s directives he sent via email on Feb. 14. Greenstein introduced the directives following review of each of PASSHE’s 14 schools’ drafts of financial sustainability plans. The directives include curtailing the use of temporary faculty, eliminating low-enrolled programs, not filling vacant staff and faculty positions, ensuring effective use of evidence-based practices and implementing a system-wide academic plan, according to Greenstein’s letter.

A message from the SU Financial Aid Office:

February is Financial Aid Awareness Month! February is a great time to file your 2020-21 FAFSA To file your FAFSA, login online at, or on the new myStudentAid app (available on iOS and Android) with your FSA ID and password. Complete your information on the form, save it and then have a parent log in with their FSA ID and password to complete their information. We highly recommend you use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool to link your 2018 tax data directly from the IRS to your FAFSA. When you have entered all of the information, be sure to apply electronic signatures and submit your application. To get a sneak peek at your eligibility for Federal Grants and Loans, be sure to check the confirmation email (sent to the email account you provided on your FAFSA) to view your FAFSA results. If you are a Pennsylvania resident, PHEAA will notify you by email with your State Grant award eligibility as well. Want to see if you are eligible for FREE MONEY? Apply for Scholarships. We encourage you to apply for The Shippensburg University Foundation scholarships (online at AND the PASSHE Foundation Scholarships (online at If you are a new student or just have general financial aid questions, a great resource is Shippensburg University’s FINANCIAL AID REFERENCE AND RESOURCE GUIDE available online at pdf.

FAFSA workshops are scheduled in the Lehman Library Room 106 on: Monday, March 2 from 2-4 p.m. Wednesday, March 18 from 1-3 p.m. Monday, March 23 from 10 a.m.-noon Wednesday, April 1 from 10 a.m.-noon Our main office is located in Old Main Room 101 and our satellite office is open during the semester in Mowery Hall Room 207. Stop by and see us sometime. And since it’s February… Be sure to show your Financial Aid Office some love.

February 25, 2020

Your World Today

Commentary: Community must continue push for transparency

Jonathan Bergmueller Editor-in-Chief The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “transparent” as “free from pretense or deceit; easily detected or seen through; readily understood; characterized by visibility or accessibility of information especially concerning business practices.” Long-time readers will remember The Slate’s spring 2019 open letter to President Laurie Carter calling on her to treat The Slate as a legitimate source of information to the community, and not as a public relations arm of the university itself. We at The Slate held great hopes for positive change following the publication of that letter. President Carter, on many occasions, promised more transparency. External relations promised regular student media briefings with campus sources. Instead, the student media have found opportunities to pursue stories important to students, faculty and staff are as difficult to find as before. President Carter’s staff in external relations undermines her well-intentioned commitment to transparency. The media briefings ended after an SU student shot someone in a drug deal gone sour last October and external relations insists on overseeing or approving all information that leaves the university on the administrative side of campus. Before this administration, The Slate and other students could interview the president and other administrative officials without having someone from external relations sitting in the room. Interviews I From “COURT,” A1

Instead they decided to meet in Stevenson’s car, which was parked on Rotz Avenue. Stevenson and an unknown black male were in the front seats and Furlow and Wilson got into the back seat. Furlow gave the marijuana to Stevenson, who stalled and did not immediately give the money for the marijuana, instead took a phone call. Wilson said Myers opened the rear driver’s side door and took Furlow’s cell phone, pointing a handgun at him and Wilson, attempting to rob them. At this point, Wilson shot Myers and Stevenson and told the informant that he knew he hit them. The informant said the front seat passenger ran from the scene with the marijuana and Wilson and Furlow fled as well. Officers found Furlow’s cellphone under Myers’ el-

have conducted during my tenure at The Slate showed how difficult it is to ask questions and get answers without being interrupted or having someone demand why The Slate is asking for information. We are constantly directed to send questions via email. Sometimes our questions are answered. Other times, our emails are ignored, or we are promised followup that never comes. When we receive answers to our questions, they often scrape the bare-minimum requirement of acknowledgement. This problem has escalated so much that I needed to fall back on the Pennsylvania Right to Know (RTK) law at two points during this semester. Members of The Slate first requested information regarding the cost and timeline of Stewart Hall Nov. 21. After weeks of reporters following up without a meaningful reply, I filed a RTK to obtain the contracts related to the Stewart Hall renovation project. As it turns out, Stewart Hall was completed within budget at no cost to students. Fantastic! I applaud our administrators for their efforts. But why did external relations not verify this in November? Why did it take until February to get this public information? The administration official responsible for RTK requests has been more than helpful in aiding me in my efforts. He has treated me like a professional and helped me understand details about the Stewart Hall renovation project I was not familiar with. This allowed me to get the facts right, and I think this produced a good story, which you can read on A1. Why, then, must The Slate work through external relations to gain access to these expert sources? Why not allow us to interview sources from the start instead of making us wait weeks on-end for bow. It was remotely wiped, according to court documents. Both Furlow and Wilson were Shippensburg University students at the time of the Oct. 6 shooting. They are no longer students at the university, according to SU officials. Furlow, 20, of Philadelphia has been charged with the manufacture, delivery or possession of an illegal substance with intent to manufacture or deliver; hindering apprehension; flight to avoid apprehension; criminal use of a communication facility; and tampering with evidence. He is free on $50,000 bail from the Cumberland County Prison. Wilson, 21, of Philadelphia, was charged with criminal homicide, criminal attempt to commit criminal homicide, two counts of aggravated assault, firearms not to be carried without a

busy schedules to align so a member of external relations can sit-in on an interview and make sure sources do not say the wrong thing? External relations is attempting to obstruct, frustrate and exhaust student journalists to prevent them from producing stories that operate outside the boundaries of the “Shippensburg University narrative” as set by the university administration. By openly admitting we have problems at SU, showing the clear steps we are taking to resolve them, and encouraging everyone to tell their side of stories, we can show prospective students and the public that SU takes students’ struggles seriously. After all, quality of character (of people and organizations) rests not in the pretension of perfection but the ability to recognize and address imperfections, and show compassion throughout that process. SU needs to continue to encourage and support President Carter’s commitment to transparency. It needs to face the facts that it (like every other educational institution in the country) has problems it must recognize. And above all, it needs to cease its sideways attacks on its students’ rights to seek and report information about what is happening on its campus. This is a public university supported by tax dollars and student tuition. The students have the right to know what is happening on their campus and how their money is being spent. The Slate is attempting to produce good-faith, fair and balanced coverage of this campus. It is attempting to tell stories not only of the great things this university is accomplishing, but also the stories of conflict, strife and struggle that beset all our paths toward student success. But it cannot do so without transparency from the university itself.

license and recklessly endangering another person. Magisterial District Judge H. Anthony Adams denied Wilson bail and he remains in the Cumberland County Prison Stevenson, 22, of Carlisle, was charged with criminal homicide; robbery with threat of serious injury; manufacture, delivery or possession with intent to manufacture or deliver; two counts of conspiracy and receiving stolen property. Stevenson’s attorney filed a writ of habeas corpus, which reports unlawful imprisonment and requests the court order to bring the prisoner to court to determine whether the detention is lawful. Stevenson was denied bail and remains in the Cumberland County Prison. Wilson has a pre-trial conference on March 4, while Stevenson has a hearing on April 14 and Furlow on April 21.

Weather Forecast Tuesday













February 25, 2020

Students announce write-in bids for SGA ERC Positions

Two Shippensburg University students announced write-in bids for officer positions within the Student Government Association (SGA) this past weekend. Junior Noah Steinfeldt and freshman Ashley Smith, both on SGA, announced they would run together for positions on the Executive Rules Committee (ERC). Students can log into campus groups using their SU I.D. to access the ballot. Each student may only vote once. Voting opened Monday and will remain open until Thursday at 4 p.m., according to the online ballot.


Campus Police Briefs Woman cited for disorderly conduct Shippensburg University Police were dispatched to McLean Hall after staff reported a disturbance in the lobby on Feb. 20. Desk attendants told officers there was a group of women arguing, but they left before officers arrived. The officers were able to identify the women involved, among them 18-year-old Patricia R. Rokins. Rokins was cited for disorderly conduct.

Noah Steinfeldt VP of External Relations

Ashley Smith VP of Student Groups

Junior Noah Steinfeldt wants to help other students the way past and current students helped him. He also wants to continue to build upon relationships with students. SGA appointed Steinfeldt as the Resident Hall Association senator earlier this spring.

Freshman Ashley Smith feels as if things need to change from within SGA. She wants to make sure student groups are informed of their requirements, foster collaboration between groups and help ensure budgets are fair. She was elected as a class of 2023 senator this past year.

SU, RASE Project hold Narcan training Carmine Scicchitano Asst. Multimedia Editor

Shippensburg University, in association with the RASE Project (Recovery Advocacy Service and Empowerment), hosted a free Narcan training and handout for the community Wednesday night. Mike Boyer, education advocacy coordinator for the RASE Project, spoke to a packed room about what drug addiction is and how it affects people. The event started at 6 p.m. at The Harbor in Shippensburg. The RASE project is a non-profit volunteer organization based in Harrisburg that provides advocacy services for individuals who are seeking recovery from addiction. The Shippensburg University Alcohol and Drug (AOD) Connection program provided everyone in attendance with a dose of Narcan through a grant provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP).

Narcan, also known as naloxone, is designed to counteract the effects of an opioid overdose. It is available without a prescription as a nasal spray, and is covered by many insurance policies. While it is not a substitute for emergency medical care, it may help until first responders arrive. Pennsylvania currently ranks third in overdose deaths, according to a study by the Commonwealth Fund. In 2018, 52 people died in Cumberland County alone from opioid overdoses, The Carlisle Sentinel reported. According to Kurt Dunkel, the program coordinator for AOD, another Narcan training will be held next fall on campus. Visit for more information on the RASE project. If you or someone you know is struggling with drugs or alcohol, the SU Connection AOD Program provides resources on-campus in Room 210 in Old Main.

Students charged with possession of marijuana SU police officers responded to a fire alarm on the second floor in Naugle Hall on Feb. 22. When the officers exited the elevator, they smelled a strong odor of burnt marijuana coming from Room 225. After searching the room for signs of a fire, officers said they found a small plastic bag containing 1.5 grams of marijuana. The residents of the room, Kayla Stepteau and Aliyah Hardley, were charged with possession of marijuana. Man cited with underage drinking Front desk staff working in Naugle Hall called SU police to check on a man in the lobby who was not a resident on Feb. 22. Officers identified the man as Ethan P. Zevan. While talking to Zevan, officers detected a strong scent of alcohol on his breath. Police removed Zevan from Naugle Hall and cited him for underage consumption. Man cited with multiple offenses relating to alcohol SU police officers were patrolling in the area of Memorial Auditorium on Feb. 23 when they saw a man staggering. Officers stopped the male and identified him as Tyler Eric Scarborough. While talking to Scarborough, officers noticed several signs of intoxication. Scarborough attempted to run from police, but was caught after a short chase. Scarborough was cited for underage consumption, public drunkenness and disorderly conduct.

Cleaning The Slate

The Slate staff strives to provide readers with the most accurate content, but sometimes we miss the mark. Here, you will find corrections to fact errors we made from the previous week. The Slate staff apologizes for these errors.

In the Feb. 18 issue, on A2, The Slate published a column headlined “Your World Today: SGA elections need more student participation.� That column incorrectly stated Riley Brown was appointed to the Student Government Association this spring. At the time of this correction, Riley Brown is not an SGA senator.




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Tuesday, February 25, 2020


The Slate Speaks

Students will be affected by chancellor’s directives

College enrollment has fallen about 20% since 2010, according to Trib Live. Whether it is because of high tuition costs or general disinterest, every year fewer students decide to seek higher education. In order to balance the budget, Pennsylvania universities were directed by Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education’s (PASSHE) Chancellor Daniel Greenstein to reduce the number of temporary employees in order to support permanent faculty. This will decrease the number of adjunct professors and other provisional positions. PASSHE’s mission is to encourage individuals who seek higher education to enroll in one of its 14 universities.

However, because PASSHE’s enrollment rate is decreasing, so are its finances. Universities need to cope with these mandates by making cuts and accommodations for the directives. Higher education administrators need to prioritize having sufficient faculty. With fewer adjuncts, the student population is divided into an insubstantial number of classes. Class sizes matter. Professors are unable to effectively teach and students have more difficulty learning in large lecture hall settings. Instructors are unable to cater to each student’s needs because of the contrasting ratio. The low ratio between students and professors is what sets SU apart

from larger private universities. At larger schools, courses are offered in lecture halls with hundreds of students. For most of us at SU, our largest general education classes are around 40 students. SU’s student to faculty ratio is 20:1. This number is similar across the State System. PASSHE schools offer a personal experience and the ability to build personal relationships. At SU, students are more than a number. We have the opportunity to get to know our professors during office hours. How can we develop those same bonds when professors are burdened with twice or three times as many students as they should have?

Take five minutes: The facade of a minimum wage increase

Maria Maresca Staff Columnist

The current Democratic front-runners in the 2020 presidential race, Amy Klobuchar, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Pete Buttigieg, each hold common ground on one particular policy: Raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Though this glamorized utopian idea of increased hourly pay appears ideal, it is a ruse in every right. When examined closer, it will harm rather than help the American people as a whole. According to a 2019 study conducted by the Congressional Budget Office, increasing the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour would boost the income of 17 million Americans but would additionally put an astounding 1.3 million individuals out of work.

This is one of many reasons that 75% of U.S.-based economists advise against the jump from $7.25 to $15 per hour. Economic theory suggests that the higher the wage is, the less quantity of labor is actually needed. Simply put, labor becomes pricier to carry out for businesses which acts as a hindrance when providing sufficient, workable hours for employees. The emergence of a higher federal wage realistically produces an increased demand for jobs due to the allure of profitable gain. But, as work opportunities become limited due to heightened expense, the notion of offering more jobs is made more difficult for companies that are not willing to spend additional amounts. These two factors create a paradox which calls attention to failure of the chief reason for raising the minimum wage: Aiding those who are not able to properly provide for themselves with current wages. Although, if you are trying to survive solely on minimum wage, your financial and living situation is much more severe and goes beyond the aspect of the minimum wage dilemma. Again, because of improved pay, more highly

skilled applicants apply to traditionally lower-skilled jobs and these higher-skilled people then replace lower skilled workers because employers want to hire those with more skills instead. Outside the realm of labor issues is the concern with the amount of profit that is accrued by companies. According to the Heritage Foundation, most firms employing minimum wage workers are small businesses that have low profit margins, which represents the percentage of sales a company has translated into profit. Therefore, businesses will be obligated to raise prices in order to continue proper profit margins. With a rise in prices, a domino effect takes hold and it is projected that customers will buy less product, which equals less sales as a result. I challenge any supporters of raising the federal minimum wage, especially young people, to re-evaluate their stance based on the economic problems and employment strife it brings. Throwing more money into the game does not always equal an improvement with current circumstances. The historic economic record and with its reams of research only confirm such findings time and again.

Shippensburg University students, staff, faculty, administrators and affiliated people are welcome to submit letters to the editor for publication. Letters must be no more than 300 words and may not contain derogatory language or messages of hate or discrimination.

The Slate may reject letters for any reason.

Letters become property of The Slate.

Letters without a name and title (affiliation to SU) will not be accepted.

Letters should be sent to The Slate one week prior to the day of publication. Late letters may be accepted but published the next week.

Disclaimer •

The views and opinions expressed in this section are those of the writer and not of The Slate or University.

The unsigned staff editorial, “The Slate Speaks,” represents the views and opinions of The Slate as an organization. Participating editors help shape the staff editorial.

they are simply students. They lack years of expertise, research and education. It is not the job of students to teach their peers. While it is important to balance the budget, the quality of students’ education must be kept in check. The value of a Shippensburg education stems from the hard work of our professors. They are the ones on the front lines everyday. PASSHE needs to find a sustainable way to run its universities, but removing full-time and adjunct faculties, who students rely on every day, is not the answer. To voice your opinion on the future of PASSHE, attend the chancellor’s open forum in the Old Main Chapel at 11 a.m. on Feb. 27.

Give it a thought:

Americans don’t know black history

Chase Slenker Staff Columnist

Black History month takes place in February in the United States, which is an annual celebration of achievements and accomplishments by African Americans, both past and present. It began as “Negro History Week” as a way of remembering the crucial role of African Americans in the U.S. However, many students and Americans as a whole truly do not know and understand black history. This ignorance is not one of deliberate purpose, however as many historians say, “History is written by the victors.” This writing of history also includes our textbooks and the common knowledge passed down

Where’s your voice? •

When there are fewer students in a classroom, there is more time for interaction and conversation. The most enriching classes are the ones in which the professor knows all of the students’ names and each student has the opportunity to contribute to classroom discussions. When professors spend more time planning and grading, students have to rely on peer tutors to learn class concepts. This makes relationships between professors and students harder to build. The burden falls on students to teach each other course material when professors are too busy advising other students and conducting research. While the salaries of peer tutors are cheaper than professors,

from generation to generation. Our education system and society as a whole has only recently begun to research and educate on the subject in-depth. Black History Month continues to exist as a way to expand American education. Evaluate what you know about African American history: Historical figures, important events, cultural origins and changes, etc. I had the privilege of speaking with Lance Walker, owner of Walker’s Barber Shop in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, and barber at SHIP CUTS, about the lack of common knowledge on black history. In our discussion he challenged me and those waiting to get our haircuts to name five black historical figures who were not Rosa Parks, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Frederick Douglas, Thurgood Marshall or former president, Barack Obama. Of the six people in that room, who were a composite of different races, nobody could name five other people. I only could think of four (Clarence Thomas, Booker T. Washington, W. E. B Dubois and Malcolm X). Hopefully you fare bet-

Management Jonathan Bergmueller.........Editor-in-Chief Hannah Pollock...............Managing Editor

THESLATEONLINE.COM Reporting truth. Serving our community. Contact Us (717) 477-1778 Mailing Address The Slate - Shippensburg University CUB Box 106 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257 Office Location Ceddia Union Building Room 250 Shippensburg University Adviser Dr. Michael Drager About The Slate The Slate is a weekly, volunteer, student-run newspaper published by the Gettysburg Times. Its print edition is published on Tuesdays and its website,, is maintained 24/7. Weekly meetings are held on Sunday at 4:30 p.m. in The Slate office. All are welcome to attend, but we ask you notify management ahead of time. Staff positions are held on either a one semester or one academic-year term. There are no term limits. The Slate hires new members throughout the year based on its needs. The Slate does not

News Emma Tennant.......................News Editor Noel Miller..............................News Editor Sebastian Riefkohl..................Asst. Editor Opinion Tiana Thomas............Asst. Opinion Editor Ship Life Justin Hawbaker...............................Editor Chaela Williams......................Asst. Editor Sports Christopher Wurtz............................Editor Matthew Gregan......................Asst. Editor Isaiah Snead...........................Asst. Editor A&E Zoey Lomison..........................Asst. Editor Ryan Cleary.............................Asst. Editor

discriminate against anyone based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity etc. Undergraduate and graduate SU students are hired based on skill, dedication and loyalty to the values and principles of journalism. Funding for The Slate is provided primarily by the SU Student Government. The Slate is required to payback a portion of its funding via the selling of advertising space. Ads do not represent the position of The Slate in any manner. See our Advertising Media Kit for rules and policies on ads.

ter on this quick quiz than we all did. The odds are against you, however. Black history in America is not taught often and is by no means common knowledge. Not only do many young Americans not know black history, but they also lack background in history and civics in general. On the 2014 National Assessment of Educational Progress, only 18-27% of 29,000 eighth-graders tested “proficient” in American history and civics. Additionally, a recent Southern Poverty Law Center report shows that few K-12 teachers have the textbooks, understanding and comfort with the material to teach about slavery and the civil rights movement. The lack of competency in education, the lack of knowledge of history and the public’s ignorance on black history makes black history month so critical to the education and societal development of America. Going forward, give this a thought. Read and learn more about black writers like Maya Angelou, athletes like Jackie Robinson, musicians like Scott Joplin and so many more important people in history.

Multimedia Meghan Schiereck...........................Editor Dave Krovich...........................Asst. Editor Carmine Scicchitano...............Asst. Editor Copy Mia Furby................................Head Editor Emily Bush.......................................Editor Olivia Riccio.....................................Editor Public Relations Breann Sheckells..........................Director Michaela Vallonio.................Asst. Director Jacqueline Cavalere.............Asst. Director Olivia Faenza.......................Asst. Director Business/Advertising Nathan Farr..................................Manager General Staff Sam Fegan.......................................Writer Isabella Brignola...............................Writer Christian Eby....................................Writer Chase Slenker...........................Columnist Maria Maresca...........................Columnist Adam Friscia..............................Columnist Copyright Notice All content on and in the newspaper is property of The Slate, unless otherwise stated. No content may be taken, copied, retrieved, used or published elsewhere for any reason, unless where the law dictates it is acceptable. A signed and dated agreement must be made for Slate property to be used elsewhere, and attribution to The Slate and the appropriate staff member(s) must be given.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Ship Life

Sorority fundraises for children’s hospital through stuffed animals Dana Hoke

Guest Contributor

Students involved in Greek life or student organizations on campus may notice fundraising events hosted each semester. Shippensburg University’s Tau Lambda chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi decided to donate stuffed animals and money to a children’s hospital through a Panda Drive. Students could donate stuffed animals they no longer used. The Panda Drive was Feb. 17-19 at 57 Richard Ave. in Shippensburg; however, the sorority will accept donations and stuffed animals for the next two weeks. Morgan Barr, a sister of Alpha Omicron Pi, expressed her love of the Panda Drive. “It is something unique for people to donate to that is not like the typical food fundrais-

er or CUB tabling that you see on campus,” Barr said. “It gives people a chance to donate something physical and something that will bring joy to children when they receive it instead of just giving money.” People Involved Equally is a student club that helps people with disabilities to reach goals. Students who missed the opportunity to participate can look forward to help out in other ways in the future. Alpha Omicron Pi hopes to host a similar event next semester. This semester, they will host multiple events to help raise money for juvenile arthritis. One of these events is called “sink out arthritis,” and will be a cornhole tournament in April. Students should check flyers around campus to see when those are being held. Alpha Omicron Pi raised

Question of the Week: What motivates you to do your best?

Photo courtesy of Kristina Otte

The Panda Drive received more than 30 bears by the end of the fundraiser. at least $150 so far to buy more stuffed animals and over 30 stuffed animals have already been donated to go to the hospital.

Students who wish to donate can reach out to Kristina Otte, Alpha Omicron Pi’s philanthropy chairman and the president of People In-

volved Equally, at ko0287@ or send money to her Venmo at krissyotte.

Tim Ruskowski, sophomore “Personally, I think my parents motivate me the most because they want me to thrive, be who I am and enjoy life to the fullest.”

Alex Doupe, junior “What motivates me is I hope to be independently successful in the future.”

Carmine Scicchitano/The Slate

Students pose with their teddy bears during the event. APB plans to host similar events in the future because of the high turnout.

First-time teddy bear event features high attendance Jessica Oglesby Guest Contributor

Some people might think college students are too old for teddy bears, but the Activities Program Board (APB) and participating students thought otherwise. Students piled into the Ceddia Union Building (CUB) multi-purpose room (MPR) on Feb. 21 for APB’s first Teddy Bears and Tie Dyes event. Kiayrah Wehr, a member of APB, led the event.

“This blew up way more than I expected. There were over 130 students that came out,” Wehr said. APB is known for supplying snacks at their events. This event featured mini doughnut gluten-free choices and non-dairy ice cream. “We really wanted to be inclusive with the snacks tonight,” Wehr said. “Our events are for everyone and we love seeing new faces. It makes us really happy to see people show up and enjoy themselves.” Freshman Aurora Florek made matching bears

ShipTALKS: What is a cheap way for students to travel?

Imagine going around town in your car and running out of gas. Now imagine riding on a bus so that does not happen. You can use the Raider Regional Transit, which serves the university and the outlying community. Students with a valid SU I.D. can ride for free. Those without an SU I.D. must pay $1.25 for a one-way trip. The transit runs Monday through Saturday during the normal academic year and Tuesday and Thursday on breaks. The transit has three different routes: Red, blue and white. You can use these lines to travel around town and ride back to campus. Each

line goes to select locations around town including residences, shops and more. You should go to rrt to find locations for each line. Some of the places you can ride to include Walmart, Turkey Hill and Giant. You may also use the buses to get back to your apartment or dorm. Students who wish to use the transit should look for the bus stop signs around campus and town. If you are low on supplies or just want to get off campus for a bit, maybe the transit is the best choice. Big Red’s Snack Shack only sells so many things so it may be best to look at one of the stores

around town. Once you are finished with your errands, find the nearest bus stop indicating your wish to return to campus. If you choose to drive instead of using the buses, possibly consider carpooling with a friend to save gas money. Wherever you may need to go, the Raider Regional Transit is reliable transportation for students and others who need a ride.

Sincerely, The ShipTalker

Have a question for The ShipTalker?


for her and her boyfriend. “This isn’t my first APB event but I didn’t expect it to be this big. I recommend that people come to more APB events, especially the bingo nights because they give away a lot of cool stuff,” Florek said. APB members said they were surprised by the turnout. They ran out of bears in the first 15 minutes. Wehr said they will have another Teddy Bear and Tie Dyes night next semester because participants liked the event so much.

Cheick Diaoune, senior “Unknown outcomes are what motivate me the best.”

Recipe of the Week:

Strawberry Supreme Cupcakes Ingredients: - Duncan Hines Strawberry Supreme Cake Mix - 1 cup of water - 3 eggs - 1/3 cup of vegetable oil - 12 halved strawberries - Vanilla icing


Recipe and photo by Chaela Williams

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Blend cake mix, water, oil and eggs in a large bowl for four minutes. 2. Pour mixture into muffin pan and place in oven. Bake for 25 minutes. 3. Decorate with icing after cupcakes cool. Place halved strawberries on top.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020



Photos by Paige Shope/The Slate

Dee Henry displays several pieces of her art at SHAPE Gallery. She often combines several different items from everyday life to feature in her artwork.

Retired teacher shows off art at SHAPE Gallery Paige Shope

Guest Contributor

The SHAPE Gallery hosted a mixed media art demonstration on Feb. 22. Dee Henry, a retired teacher and now an artist, showcased her skills and shared art tips and her creativity with those in attendance. Henry created a mixed media project by using old canvas and “art supplies” including random objects found at flea markets and scraps of old projects. She created a forest scene by combining old canvas, newspaper, a cloth stained by rust and acrylic paints. Henry explained that she enjoys mixed media art because of its unpredictability. “You’re never quite sure what’s going to happen,” she said This type of art gets your hands messy and gives you the chance to give old items a new life, she added. Henry explained that by creating new types of art, she is learning just like everyone else and has a chance to express herself the way she wishes she could have when she was younger. She told attendees that if they don’t like something in their art, they should cover it, scrape it off or even burn it. Mixed media art is unique in that it does not cost much to purchase materials; anything can be used to create a mixed media piece. In her demonstration, Henry showed a collection of canvas, coffee grounds, paper scraps, maps, gears and computer parts that can be used in mixed media.

Dee Henry paints a piece during her art demonstration at the SHAPE Gallery.

Henry’s art demonstration was the first of 13 art such events being hosted at the SHAPE Gallery. Brandii Kligge will bring the next art demonstration on expressionism to SHAPE on Saturday, Feb. 29, from 1-2:30 pm. The SHAPE Gallery will also host various workshops and classes beginning in March as well as exhibits year-round. Visit SHAPE’s website at for more information about the gallery. The gallery is open Wednesday through Friday, 5-8 p.m., and Saturday, 11-4 p.m.

SU music department sets spring concert schedule Ryan Cleary

Asst. A&E Editor

The Shippensburg University Music Department released its student ensemble lineup for the upcoming semester. The woodwind and string ensembles will perform in Old Main Chapel March 29 at 3 p.m. The month of April will be prime season for SU ensembles, starting with the SU Wind Ensemble and Concert Band. The concert will feature songs from “Star Wars” and “The Avengers” as well as classics “With Heart and Voice” by David R. Gillingham and “Symphony No.5 in D Minor, Finale” by Dmitri Shostakovich. The groups will perform in the H. Ric Luhrs Preforming Arts Center Sunday, April 5, at 3 p.m. Both concerts are free. The music department will also host its first ever Percussion Ensemble concert on April 14 at 8 p.m. The group is under the direction of As-

sistant Band Director Aaron Trumbore. “[I’m] excited for putting out repertoire that’s new to everyone and exposing students to new concert percussion music,” Trumbore said. The SU Community Orchestra concert will perform in the H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center April 13 at 3 p.m. The orchestra will be working with guest violinist Blanka Bednarz, a violin professor at Dickinson College. The orchestra is performing “Butterfly Lovers Concerto” by Chinese composers Chen Gang and Zhanhao He. “This is a concert that will be very approachable and yet exotic” said orchestra director Mark Hartman. The concert choir is preparing to tour in Annapolis, Maryland, in April. Choir members will give a clinic to the Annapolis Christian School while on tour and will perform with the Cavalry United Methodist Church. The concert choir and madrigals concert will be on Mon-

day, April 20, at 7:30 p.m. at the Messiah United Methodist Church on Penn Street in Shippensburg. This concert is free to attend. In addition to the concert, the choir will send six singers to join a choir of 700 to perform Beethoven’s 9th symphony with the Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra. The students going to this festival are: Will Ayars, Sarah Davsion, Greg Lewis, Molly Lively, Gerard Marvin and Nichole Pennington. The performance will be presented at the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg. Details about the event are at For more information, contact department secetary Karen Reath on upcoming concerts and events inside the music department. Editor’s note: Ryan Cleary is a member of the Wind Ensemble, Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble.

Billboard Top 10 1. The Box - Roddy Ricch

6. Don’t Start Now - Dua Lipa

2. Life Is Good - Future feat. Drake

7. Roxanne - Airzona Zervas

3. Circles - Post Malone

8. Someone You Loved - Lewis Capaldi

4. Memories - Maroon 5

9. 10,000 Hours - Dan + Shay & Justin Bieber

5. Dance Monkey - Tones And I

10. everything i wanted - Billie Eilish

Movie Showtimes

Showtimes for Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 25 and 26 at AMC Classic 7 in Chambersburg



1. Bad Boys for Life

7:10 p.m.

2. Dolittle

4:30 p.m.

3. The Call Of The Wild

7:00 p.m.

4. Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey

7:15 p.m.

5. Impractical Jokers: The Movie

7:40 p.m.

6. Sonic The Hedgehog

7:30 p.m.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Lacrosse, E2

Men’s basketball, E2



Name: Ben Werkheiser Sport: Baseball Major: Finance Class: Junior Hometown: Doylestown, Pennsylvania Werkheiser led the Raiders’ offensive explosion against Queens. He went 7-for-14 at the dish with two home runs and nine RBIs. In 10 games so far this season, he is hitting .417 with three home runs and 13 RBIs.

Photo courtesy of Bill Smith/SU Sports Info.

The Raiders’ offense exploded for a combined 46 runs in the four-game sweep of Queens over the weekend. Head coach Matt Jones achieved his 500th career win as a coach between his 21 combined years at Shippensburg University and Elizabethtown University.

Raiders erupt at plate, sweep Queens as coach Jones gets career win No. 500 Chris Wurtz Sports Editor

In a matter of two days, the Shippensburg University baseball team may have flipped the script on its entire 2020 season. After 0-3 weekends in each of their first two series of the season, the Raiders (4-6) swept Queens (N.Y.) College (2-4) in resounding fashion on Saturday and Sunday in New Jersey. And as if the weekend was not already momentous enough, SU coach Matt Jones picked up his 500th career

win in the Game 4 victory. SU outlasted the Knights in a 19-14 slugfest in Game 1 before handily taking the final three games of the series by scores of 10-0, 6-2 and 11-2. Junior Ben Werkheiser and sophomore Tony Vavaroutsos stood out in the offensive eruption. Werkheiser went 7-for-14 at the plate with two homers, nine RBIs and three runs scored. The catcher inflicted most of his damage in Game 1 of the series, in which he went 4-for-6 with two homers and drove in seven runs.

Vavaroutsos went 6-for-11 in the series, including three home runs, seven RBIs and seven runs scored. Despite only starting three of the four games, junior Logan Williamson notched six hits on the weekend — four of which were doubles — and scored five runs. Graduate student Zack Zoller picked up eight hits — including two homers in Game 4 — and crossed the plate nine times. After the Game 1 barnburner, the SU pitching staff settled down and held the Knights in check. Senior Kyle

Lysy threw a complete-game shutout in Game 2, scattering five hits and striking out seven in seven innings of work. The Raiders then got solid efforts out of its Sunday starters as well. Redshirt sophomore Kiernan Higgins threw six innings of one-run ball in the Game 3 win, allowing just four hits and striking out two. The win was the first of Higgins’ SU career. In Game 4, junior Chris Horst pitched five scoreless innings in his first collegiate start. He struck out three and allowed just two hits. For Jones, the milestone

win comes in his 14th season at the helm at Shippensburg. He has compiled a 352-3391 record in his SU coaching career, leading the Raiders to the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) Tournament nine times. Previously, he picked up the first 148 wins of his career at Elizabethtown College in seven seasons leading the Blue Jays. Shippensburg will look to keep rolling when it hosts a three-game set against Le Moyne College on Saturday at Fairchild field. First pitched is scheduled for noon.

Swimming competes at PSAC Championships Men’s swimming finishes fourth in PSAC Championships behind Bochanski’s efforts

Photo courtesy of Bill Smith/SU Sports Info.

Aunbrielle Green attempts a 3-pointer during the Raiders’ win over Bloomsburg University on Saturday at Heiges Field House. Green scored 11 points and grabbed seven rebounds in the victory that clinched a first-round bye for SU.

Women’s basketball secures firstround bye in PSAC Tournament Matt Gregan

Asst. Sports Editor

The Shippensburg University women’s basketball team used a balanced scoring effort to defeat Bloomsburg University, 73-64, on Saturday afternoon at Nelson Field House. Shippensburg also clinched a first-round bye in the Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) Tournament due to East Stroudsburg’s win over Shepherd. The Raiders (19-7, 16-4 PSAC) had four players finish in double figures, led by junior Ariel Jones’ 17 points on 5-for-15 shooting. Junior Destiny Jefferson added 13 points, six rebounds, one block and a team-high three steals. Shippensburg overcame

a slow start, scoring only 12 points in the first quarter, to win its sixth straight contest. The Raiders’ offense responded to the slow start by shooting 10-of-17 (58.8%) from the field and scoring 22 points in the second quarter. While the Huskies kept the game close throughout, they could not overcome the Raiders’ strong defensive effort. SU held Bloomsburg (12-13, 9-12 PSAC) to 64 points and 39.1% shooting from the field. Shippensburg also recorded eight steals and totaled 23 points off of turnovers. Sophomore Aunbrielle Green finished with 11 points and seven rebounds in the win. Her efforts in the second half — nine points and six rebounds — went a long way in helping the Raiders hold

onto the lead throughout the second half. The Raiders reached the free-throw line 25 times, converting on 18 attempts. The team went 10-of-13 from the line in the fourth quarter en route to sealing the win. Shippensburg earned a first-round bye in the PSAC Tournament and Bloomsburg, despite losing to SU, clinched a spot in the tournament as well. The Raiders can finish no worse than second place in the PSAC Eastern Division. Up next for the Raiders is an important matchup with Shepherd University (19-7, 13-7 PSAC), whom the team lost to in their first matchup of the season, on Wednesday night at Heiges Field House.

• Matt Bochanski claimed the gold medal in the 200-yard breaststroke with a time of 2:02.63. He was the first Raider to win a conference title in eight years. • Jeff Beyer totaled 51 points at the meet. His top performances were finishing sixth in both the 200-yard freestyle and 1,650-yard freestyle. He is one of three seniors on the team, and he finished his career as a 16-time PSAC place-winner. • Andrew Hale posted his second consecutive third-place finish in the 200-yard breaststroke with a time of 2:05.79.

Women’s swimming finishes in seventh in PSAC Championships, totaling 463 points • Gabriella Johnson finished second in the 200-yard breaststroke with a time of 2:17.96. The senior finishes her career with four All-PSAC (Top 3) in the event. • Gracee Tothero finished in 12th place in the 200-yard breaststroke, her fourth career PSAC scoring effort in the event, with a time of 2:27.77. She also was named the 2020 PSAC Women’s Swimming Champion Scholar during the PSAC Championships meet. • Tomomi Nakano finished seventh in the 200-yard backstroke with a time of 2:08.77. Her finish moved her into seventh place all-time in Shippensburg University history in the 200-yard backstroke event.



February 25, 2020

Dave Krovich/The Slate

Carmine Scicchitano/The Slate

Sydney Costanza picked up an assist early in the second half of the Raiders’ overtime loss to IUP on Saturday afternoon at Robb Sports Complex.

Hannah Seifried notched a career-high five goals on Saturday. The sophomore has already matched her season total of goals from last season (eight).

Christian Eby

the first 57 seconds. After a response from the Crimson Hawks, Cardaci earned backto-back goals for the Raiders to tie the game at seven apiece. From that point, the lead would change four times before regulation ended at 1313. Chloe Borland would then seal the victory for the Crimson Hawks with a score on a free position in the final 1:10 of overtime, ultimately giving the Raiders their first loss on the new season. The Raiders will have two more games this week. They will hit the road to face off against Seton Hill on Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. before returning home on Saturday to host New York Institute of Technology (NYIT) at 1 p.m. at Robb Sports Complex.

Lacrosse splits in opening week of action Staff Writer

The Shippensburg University lacrosse team kicked off its season with a bang Tuesday afternoon, defeating Georgian Court 15-6, a dominant showing by the Raiders. Shippensburg (1-1) opened the game by scoring the first six goals and kept the Lions scoreless for 25 minutes at one point in the second half. Five Raiders found the back of the net multiple times. Junior Alana Cardaci and sophomores Hannah Seifried and Gabby Savarino all recorded hat tricks on the day. Sophomore Hannah Raines and senior Kami Holt both contributed two goals, while junior Jena MacDonald and sophomore Sydney Costanza each added one

goal to the Raiders’ scoring tally. Raines fueled a 6-0 Shippensburg run by scoring within the first 30 seconds of the game on a free position. Georgian Court (0-2) fought back with four goals but a late first half goal by Savarino gave the Raiders a 7-4 lead at halftime. Shippensburg would then dismantle the Georgian Court defense by notching eight straight goals to start the second half, then kept the Lions quiet in the scoring category until there was only 4:31 left in the game. Freshman goalkeeper Ally Weneta remained a dominant presence on defense for the Raiders in her collegiate debut. She earned 12 saves, with eight being in the first half.

After the commanding win over Georgian Court, Saturday had a different outcome for the Raiders as they fell to No. 25 Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), in overtime, 14-13. Seifried led the way for SU as she notched 5 goals on the afternoon, bringing her total to eight goals on the young season. Cardaci and Savarino followed with three goals each and Holt contributed another two for the Raiders. It was a back-and-forth battle the entire game. Shippensburg opened with an early 3-0 run before IUP (10) charged back, scoring six of the next seven goals and taking the lead 6-4 at the half. SU’s Savarino answered quickly to begin the second half, adding a score within

Carmine Scicchitano/The Slate

Jessica DeMarte led the Raiders with seven draw controls in Saturday’s loss to IUP.

Photo courtesy of Bill Smith/SU Sports Info.

Jake Biss scored 20 points in the Raiders’ loss at Bloomsburg. The junior sharpshooter shot 6-of-13 from 3-point range.

Men’s hoops slips at Bloomsburg Courtesy of SU Sports Info.

The Shippensburg University men’s basketball team fell behind by 14 points in the second half on Saturday at Bloomsburg and could not complete a late comeback, dropping a 78-73 decision to the Huskies in a Pennsylvania State Athletic Conference (PSAC) Eastern Division matchup at Nelson Fieldhouse. Shippensburg (20-6, 16-4 PSAC), playing its first game in a week, trailed 67-53 with 7:10 remaining but got within two points of the lead, 71-69, with 2:13 to play. The Raiders did not get closer, however, in suffering their second straight loss. Junior Jake Biss scored 20 points; he was 6-of-13 from three-point range. Biss added seven rebounds and also had three assists without committing a turnover. Sophomores Luke Nedrow and Carlos Carter were excellent on the offensive end of

the floor. Nedrow scored 16 points on 7-of12 shooting, grabbed five rebounds and had four steals. Carter scored 12 points on 6-of-8 shooting and had three steals. Senior John Castello was limited to just seven points on 3-of-12 shooting. Castello added nine rebounds, three assists, two steals and a block. Redshirt sophomore Dom Sleva had eight points and six rebounds off the bench. Bloomsburg (10-17, 7-14) got 22 points and 12 rebounds from Max Wagner. The five Husky starters scored all 78 of their points, including 16 each for Justin Anderson and Ky Mauras. The Huskies shot 51 percent from the field and out-rebounded the Raiders, 38-37. Shippensburg will host Shepherd at 8 p.m. Wednesday on Senior Night. The Raiders will honor Daylon Carter, Castello, Derek Ford and Lamar Talley in a ceremony before the team’s final regular-season home game.

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