The Slate 4-2-13

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Volume 65 No. 19


April 2, 2013

S h i p p e n s b u rg U n i v e r s i t y o f P e n n s y l v a n i a

It’s a

GIRL Find out why these are the three deadliest words in the world, A3


A2 April 2, 2013

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SU student forms petition for CASD to allow a Gay-Straight Alliance, A4 Ship Life


American women are the luckiest in the world today, B1 A&E

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Softball completes Kauffman gallery sweep over hosts work of SU Kutztown, E4-E5 students, D1 Front cover by Emily MaCoy

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news April 2, 2013

It’s a Girl: A film about gendercide against women in China and India Alexandra Lamb Staff Writer

The film “It’s a Girl,” which explains how gendercide, the killing of a specific sex, is affecting the populations in two different countries, was presented on Tuesday, March 26 on Shippensburg University’s campus. The film takes viewers to India and China, the two countries that are still facing gendercide issues today. People in both countries feel as though giving birth to girls is nothing but a loss. However, they think giving birth to boys is a blessing and will bring wealth to the family. The film first takes viewers to India where more girls are eliminated than are born in the U. S. One out of four girls will not make it past puberty. Couples wish for their first child to be a boy. If the child is not a boy, the mother will either be forced to kill the baby or will kill the baby willingly. The murdering of babies is usually done by strangling, suffocating or poisoning food that will be fed to the baby. Some mothers feel if they keep their baby girls, they are doing nothing but setting them up for a depressing life in poverty. If wives do not give their husbands sons, they can be severely punished. Men will take action by murdering their wives, which is referred to as a dowry death.


According to the film, more than 100,000 women are murdered each year if they do not produce sons. The murders of the wives are very rarely investigated. Women are not perceived as equal to men, therefore their deaths are not viewed as that big of a deal. Wealthy couples will turn to ultrasounds in order to see the sex of the baby. If the baby is a female, they will abort it immediately. The Preconception and Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, which was put into action in 1994, made it illegal to abort a baby because of its sex. Many families will pay a doctor to do an illegal abortion in order to get rid of their baby if it is a girl. The second half of the film takes viewers to China where things are quite similar. In China, the one child policy is enforced. Couples whose first child is a girl may try again to have a boy. If they are unsuccessful, they may not have another child. If this rule is broken and the couple is caught, the woman will be forced to have an abortion and become sterilized so they can no longer have children. This policy prevented 400 million child births in the past 30 years in China. Many couples in China will abandon their babies if they are girls. These abandoned babies are placed into homes similar to orphanages.

Political Pabulum Prop 8 + DOMA = ? Giuseppe Macri

Staff Columnist

Because they are considered non-existent, the children will never be able to lead successful lives. They are unable to attend school or obtain a job when they are older. There are 37 million more males than there are females in China. Because of the scarce number of females in China, many of them are kidnapped at a young age.

“According to the film, more than 100,000 women are murdered each year if they do not produce sons. The murders of the wives are very rarely investigated.”

People will steal little girls in order for their future sons to be guaranteed a wife. According to the film, 70,000 children are stolen each year. This film was created in order to shine light upon what is happening to people in different countries just because of their sex. Women are coming together and speaking out against gendercide in order for their children to have a better and more equal chance at life.

Proposition 8, plus the Defense of Marriage Act, equals the U.S. Supreme Court — which will decide the future formula for legal marriage, according to the federal government after hearing oral arguments last week. Hollingsworth v. Perry, or Proposition 8, is an amendment to the California state constitution passed in 2008 under Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger overturning the state Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same-sex marriage. U.S. v. Windsor is the case challenging DOMA, which was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996, and restricts federal marriage benefits and inter-state marriage recognition to traditional marriages only. After hearing oral arguments over Proposition 8 last Tuesday, March 26, and for DOMA Wednesday, March 27, the court will decide whether rights including joint tax returns, inter-state marriage recognition, immigration, government insurance and Social Security survivors’ benefits

— rights enjoyed by traditional marriages — will apply to same-sex marriages. The major defense in both cases according to various civil rights groups, the Obama administration, and a growing number of Republican Congress members is that both laws violate the 14th Amendment’s “Equal Protection Clause,” requiring states to provide equal protection under the law to all citizens within their jurisdiction. Advocates state under the clause both laws should be declared unconstitutional. The eventual court decisions will likely advance same-sex marriage on these grounds, but how far is open to speculation. Striking down the laws as unconstitutional would leave substantial deference to the states on how to apply, or not apply, the aforementioned marriage rights to same-sex couples. A judicially activist ruling guaranteeing same-sex marriages equal federal rights and benefits as traditional marriages is not out of the question. With the current court makeup of four conservative justices, including Chief Justice John Roberts, and four liberal justices, historical swing vote Justice Anthony Kennedy will likely play an important role in the majority decision handed down by the court. Though no stranger to leaning left on previous court cases, including authoring the Lawrence v. Texas decision striking down state laws banning sodomy, Kennedy is a staunch supporter of the legal right and precedence of the states to gov-

ern — a factor to take into account with the Prop. 8 decision. “You think Congress can use its powers to supersede the traditional authority and prerogative of the states to regulate marriage in all respects? Congress could have a uniform definition of marriage that includes age, consanguinity, etc.? Well, I think it is a DOMA problem. The question is whether or not the federal government, under our federalism scheme, has the authority to regulate marriage,” Kennedy said during the DOMA hearing last Wednesday. “But when it has 1,100 laws, which in our society means that the federal government is intertwined with the citizens’ day-to-day life, you are at the real risk of running in conflict with what has always been thought to be the essence of the state police power, which is to regulate marriage, divorce, custody,” Kennedy said. In early March, the Washington Post published an op-ed by former President Bill Clinton, calling on the court to make a change. “On March 27, DOMA will come before the Supreme Court, and the justices must decide whether it is consistent with the principles of a nation that honors freedom, equality and justice above all, and is therefore constitutional. As the president who signed the act into law, I have come to believe that DOMA is contrary to those principles and, in fact, incompatible with our Constitution,” Clinton said.


A4 April 2, 2013

SU student forms petition Gonzalez gives presentation on immigration in the U.S. for CASD to approve a Gay-Straight Alliance club

Photo courtesy of Flickr

Sarah Eyd

A&E Editor

On Wednesday, March 27, school board members at Chambersburg Area School District reversed their previous decision to deny the Chambersburg Area Senior High School (CASHS) a Gay-Straight Alliance.

 In February, the school board voted 5-4 against the club, sparking local and national outrage. Within hours of hearing the board’s decision, Shippensburg University student and CASHS alumnus Thomas McCalmont started a petition on in hopes of changing the board’s decision.
 McCalmont, who was a victim of bullying during his time at CASHS because of his sexuality, believes that having a GSA will provide a safe haven for LGBTQIA students. “It’s important for students to have support systems they might otherwise lack. Bullying has been an issue at the school even before I went there,” McCalmont said.

 The petition spread

through social media and was eventually featured on’s home page. It gained more than 1,000 signatures in the first week and more than 6,000 signatures when the decision was made to approve the GSA.
 The petition also caught the attention of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The union threatened to sue the school district if the vote decision was not overturned. 
The five board members who voted against the club and CASD Superintendent Joe Padasak, were the recipients of the petition, meaning every time it was signed they would receive an email. 

Carl Barton was the only one of the five to reverse his decision. “At the time that the vote not to approve the Gay-Straight Alliance was taken, a majority of this board, myself included, believed that the longstanding Cultural Society of CASHS and the proposed Gay-Straight Alliance of CASHS served the same constituency and advanced the same purpose of reducing prejudice, discouraging discrimination and enhancing tolerance

at CASHS,” Barton said at Wednesday night’s meeting.

 “I was just hoping for one board member to change their vote,” McCalmont said, after hearing the decision. McCalmont, who was present at Wednesday’s meetings said hearing the board approve the club was very emotional for him. “I did tear up a little bit. I was happy that my dream and a lot of other students’ dreams came true,” McCalmont said.

“A lot of people see me as the face for the GSA and the students. People were saying they were really proud of me, but I wasn’t the brave students who started the GSA. I feel more credit should go toward them,” McCalmont said.
 McCalmont, who is studying to become a social worker, hopes to make a career out of helping others and believes anyone can make a difference. “If everyone waits for someone else to take action, nothing will ever change. The ocean started with just a drop of water. It only takes one person to change the world,” McCalmont said.

Photo courtesy of Flickr

Juan González speaks about Latino Americans and immigration at Old Main Chapel.

Aaya Kingsbury Staff Writer

Juan González, author of “Harvest of Empire,” spoke at Old Main Chapel Wednesday, March 27. His presentation addressed many points of interest, focusing mainly on Latino Americans and immigration. He talked briefly about the new immigration policy being debated in both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The new policy would essentially determine who would or would not be allowed in America. The law itself will be voted on in the summer, and by September there is a possibility that America will have a new immigration policy. González spent much of his presentation speaking about negative connotations immigrants face, mainly those from Latin America. There were many news clips that showed news anchors talking

about how Mexican immigrants are ruining America. However, as González points out, Mexican immigrants are quite instrumental in the U.S. economy. They are, according to González, the first group of people to be brought in when the economy is not doing well, but also the first to leave once the economy is stable. Immigration has always been a part of America’s history, no matter what group is making its way to America’s shores. Immigrants make up a large percentage of the American population and contribute greatly to society. Yet, many Americans see immigrants as a threat to American security, which is why a common talking point for politicians is to say that the U.S. needs to secure its borders. González, however, explains the hole in that argument. He believes that the wall separating Mexico and the U.S. will be as effective as the Great Wall of

China was in keeping out the Mongols. Another statement by anti-immigration politicians and those who are generally opposed to undocumented immigrants is, “don’t jump the line.” This phrase refers to those who have gone through the legal process of immigration and are waiting for admittance into the U.S. The problem with this statement is that some people have been waiting 20 years to enter the U.S. legally, González explained to the audience. González ended his presentation with the idea of globalization. He said that in a globalized world, for capital it is necessary to have a globalized labor force. The presentation was eye-opening and interesting. González provided the audience with new information that contributed to a more open-minded view of immigration and the policies associated with it. April 2, 2013


Barr gives lecture on Native American History Aimee Troutman Staff Writer

On Thursday, March 28, Juliana Barr gave an intriguing speech to Shippensburg University students about the differences between European officials and European explorers who created maps of North America during the 16th through 18th centuries. Barr highlighted how many students are not taught about the advanced Native American empires and how most just assume, quite like European officials did, that vast swaths of land in North America were just uninhabited and ready for European explorers to conquer. She showed many maps, like the Antonio Pereia map that were drawn with flags on them, emphasizing how France and Spain had claim over these territories, de-emphasizing the strong claim of territory that the Native Americans had had. Next, Barr showed European explorer’s maps as a contrast, explaining that these explorers, such as the Spanish, had to draw up specific maps, showing the specific sects of Native Americans occupying every foot of North American territory. They needed to know this because if they did

not, they could enter into a Native American land where the Natives would be unfriendly, unwilling to trade and bent on killing the European explorers. Specifically, Barr explained how various Native Americans escorted the explorers as they moved throughout the territory, showing the Native Americans’ advancement in their Photo courtesy of border control. Juliana Barr discussed map In addition, she explained that cities and making techniques of 16thhighways in the U.S. 18th centuries. today are based upon the take over North America cities and highways that and rule it for their the Native Americans had own gain, disregarding once used, since they knew the centuries of Native the quickest routes and American occupation most ideal places for city throughout the land. locations in the U.S. While many do not know In addition, she much detail regarding the displayed a map drawn Native Americans, Barr by Samuel de Champlain, highlighted that they are which portrayed distinct the largest minority in the villages and farms that U.S. today. were well developed as Further, she also well as the relationships explained that many that the different Native people do not realize it but American nations had the reservations that the amongst themselves. U.S. government forced Barr’s speech these Native Americans particularly drew the to live on were similar to audience in when she concentration camps. explained how it is Barr’s speech for the unfortunate that so many annual world history have ceased to teach lecture was fascinating the many facets of the and an illuminating Native American people’s educational experience, histories. especially for those For example, she interested in learning more stressed that Europeans about Native American have almost negated the and early United States’ past due to their desire to history.

Financial Aid FAQ


2013-2014 PASSHE Foundation Scholarships This is part of a series of information from the Financial Aid Office. Although this is an FA column, any and all billing, payment and refund of fees questions should be directed to the Student Accounts Office located in Old Main Room 100 or by calling 717-477-1211. Through various scholarship programs, the PASSHE Foundation supports all 14 PASSHE universities by providing scholarships to their students. To learn more about these scholarship opportunities which may be available to you as a Shippensburg University student, please visit the PASSHE Foundation Scholarship page at www. scholarships/index.asp. You will find detailed information about eligibility requirements and award amounts. Carefully review the posting for application instructions and deadlines. Highlights of the scholarships announced are as follows. Chancellor John C. Cavanaugh International Education Award (New) — undergraduate student participating in an insti-

tutionally approved overseas program. Fitz Dixon Memorial Scholarship — for undergraduate or graduate students who have completed volunteer service. William D. Greenlee Scholarship — undergraduate student majoring in political science, journalism or communications. Highmark Scholarship — incoming freshmen pursuing a degree in the healthcare field. James M. Hughes Memorial Scholarship — for high school seniors from Philadelphia public and charter schools who participated in the Leadership Academy. M&T Bank Scholarship — incoming freshmen who demonstrate financial need and reside in Cumberland, Dauphin or Franklin County. Momentum Inc., Healthcare Scholarship (New) — undergraduate student who has completed 60+ credits majoring in a health care related field and resides in Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Juniata, Mifflin, Perry or York counties. PSECU International Education Scholarship (New) — undergraduate student participating

in an institutionally approved overseas program. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur William Phillips Scholarship — incoming freshmen student whose home address of record is one of seven northwestern Pennsylvania counties. Quido and Anna Pichini Merit Scholarship (New) — full time student (including incoming freshmen) who have a GPA of 3.5 or better and who have completed voluntary service in his/her high school, university or community. Stephen and Sandy Sheller Scholarship — undergraduate student pursuing a degree leading to a career in law, social services or art therapy. Wells Fargo Endowed Scholarship for Academic Excellence (New) — for incoming freshmen who have demonstrated academic excellence in high school by graduating in the top 25% of class and a GPA of 3.2 or higher. Dr. Lou Bohl-Fabian Memorial Fund — funding for graduate students pursuing advanced degrees in research, environment/outdoors, political science or the arts.

-Courtesy of the Financial Aid Office

Interested in writing for The Slate’s News section? Come to our writers’ meeting Monday, April 8 at 4 p.m. in The Slate’s office (CUB 250) or email us at


A6 April 2, 2013

Police Logs UNDERAGE DRINKING On Saturday, March 30, at approximately 1:26 a.m., a university police officer was on routine patrol in the G-1 parking lot when he observed a female walking through the parking lot carrying what appeared to be a bottle of beer. When the female observed the officer’s vehicle she dropped the bottle on the ground and continued walking. The officer exited the patrol vehicle and approached the female and asked her to pick up the bottle. While speaking with the female the officer noticed that she showed signs of intoxication. The female was identified as Bridget E. Distel, 19, of McLean Hall II. The bottle that she had been carrying was retrieved and was found to be a bottle of Red Bridge Beer. Distel was also found to be carrying another full bottle of the same brand of beer in her purse at that time. Distel was cited for underage drinking and was then escorted back to her residence hall where she was released. DISORDERLY CONDUCT On Friday, March 29, at approximately 11:05 p.m., the university police Department received an activation of an emergency call box located along Old Main Drive. Officers responded to the area and located a male and female in the area of the steam plant parking lot. While speaking with the couple it was determined that the female was the individual who had activated the call box. The female was identified as Cynthia M. Balmer, 21, of Elizabethtown, Pa. Balmer was intoxicated and stated that someone had dared her to push the call box button, so she did, but admitted that there was no emergency. Balmer’s information was obtained at the scene and she was advised that she would be receiving a citation for disorderly conduct. Balmer was then released. CRIMINAL MISCHIEF On Friday, March 15, at approximately 8:12 a.m., the university police were called to Naugle Hall for a report of vandalism done in the third and fourth floors of the building. Officers responded to the scene and evaluated the damage. There was extensive damage to both the third and fourth floor men’s restrooms consisting of light fixtures broken or torn from the wall, soap dispensers removed from the wall, shower hoses broken, toilets intentionally clogged and various other items or substances strewn about the restrooms. Through investigation the university police were able to identify two suspects who were responsible for the damage. Nicholas Sappone and Douglas Zappitelli, both of Naugle Hall, were subsequently charged with misdemeanor criminal mischief and disorderly conduct. Criminal complaints were filed against both of them before Magisterial District Judge Anthony Adams. In addition to the charges they will be responsible for restitution for the damages in the amount of $948.31. RETAIL THEFT On Thursday, March 14, at approximately 10:50 a.m., the manager at the University Store in the CUB notified the university police that they had discovered two incidents of thefts that had occurred inside the store. The incidents had occurred approximately a month ago, but were just discovered at the time of the report. Video surveillance footage showed two separate males removing items on two separate occasions. The items taken included jewelry, headphones, notebooks, folders and other miscellaneous items. The university police obtained the video footage from the store and are in the process of investigating the incidents and attempting to identify those responsible for the thefts. POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA / DRUG PARAPHERNALIA On Tuesday, March 12, at approximately 11:52 p.m., the university police were dispatched to the third floor of McLean Hall to assist the residence hall staff with an incident involving marijuana use. Officers were able to locate the room where the odor of marijuana was coming from and confronted a male who was occupying the room. The male in the room was identified as Jamin G. Kinard, 18, of Mclean Hall. Kinard turned over a small amount of marijuana and a smoking pipe that he had used to smoke the marijuana. The officers retained these items for evidence. Kinard was later charged with possession of a small amount of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. A criminal complaint was filed before the local Magisterial District Judge.

Photo courtesy of Shippensburg University

Three residence halls demolished; Seavers next

An aerial view shows what SU’s campus will look like with all its new residence halls.

Carolyn Seibert-Drager Staff Writer

Phase 2 of Shippensburg University’s new student housing project is well under way, with three residence halls demolished in the last several weeks and still another to be torn down this spring. The second phase kicked off with a groundbreaking ceremony on Feb. 1. Since then, project manager Bruce Herring said crews have razed Kieffer, Lackhove and McCune halls. They continue to clear debris from those sites, separating concrete, metal and other materials for recycling and disposal. As part of the construction preparation, workers will be

blasting at the Kieffer site beginning in early April. “There will be a series of blasts — one every few days for about three weeks,” Herring said. Foundation and utility work on other sections of the three sites has begun as well, he added. Crews also have started preparing Seavers Apartments and Etter Health Center for demolition, removing interior items from the buildings. Herring expects demolition of Seavers to start in mid-April. “That has to be done before summer. We are planning to paint the water tower this summer, and the only way we can access that is through where Etter is now,” Herring said.

The health center moved into its new location in McLean Hall II over spring break. At its March 15 meeting, the SU Council of Trustees approved the final part of Phase 2 — the demolition of Harley Hall, which will be done after the spring 2014 semester. That area will be converted into open space, though Herring said exact details of its layout have not been finalized. The three buildings that house new “living-learning” suites will be located on approximately the same sites as Kieffer, Lackhove and McCune, Herring said. Construction of the new buildings and the open area is to be complete by the start of the fall 2014 semester.

OPINION April 2, 2013


American women are the luckiest in the whole world


I do not think anyone really thinks about how lucky the women are in this country. We live our lives blindly. Going to school, work, home, visiting friends and family every day without a blink of an eye. But when something bad occurs somewhere else, I stop and think for a moment about how lucky I am to live in this country. The recent uprisings in Egypt have made me concentrate on why I am lucky to be

here. Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt on Jan. 25, at least 19 Egyptian women were assulted. Nineteen women who were violated, raped, threatened, hurt, had their clothes torn off their bodies and not one of the gang members was arrested. The White House’s deputy spokesperson Joshua Earnest said President Obama’s administration is “deeply concerned.” We may not live in this country that is halfway around the world, but we do care about the well-being of others. These poor women, children, sisters, daughters, wives and mothers are being harrassed and raped in a country and we cannot do anything about it. One 19-year-old woman was rescued from Tahrir Square by a volunteer with Operation Anti-Sexual Harassment. This young man said the 19-year-old woman kept saying, “It would

have been better that I’d died than live with such a shameful memory.” These women are living with the external and internal scars of these gang rapes and no one in their country cares. Egyptian leaders have said that women are asking to be raped because they are going out in public around men. Leaders in this world honestly believe that raping

morrow, she can go to the police and if caught and proven guilty, that man will serve time in prison. Maybe the man will not spend enough time in prison, but that is just my opinion concerning the matter. No matter what the cause, no woman deserves to be raped. I cannot even imagine living in a country where I feared for my life while entering the outdoors because of men. I carry Mace because if I Photo courtesy of ever need to get away, it is innocent women is accept- there. Although this would not able because they are out in stop everyone, it is some publc. This is what makes protection I have. our country so amazing. These women are attendWe do not realize enough ing public events, going for how blessed we are for our walks, getting groceries lives in this country. Not only do these women and being raped, sometimes have to deal with the pain with a knife or other weapand suffering of what they ons, on their walk back at have been through, but no any time of the day. This is very sad and sickone is punished for the act. ening to me. Not only does If a woman in the United States would get raped to- this make me sympathize

for these Egyptian women, but it also makes me realize how lucky I am to live in the U.S. I have all the rights any man does, whether people agree or not. I can have any job any man acquires and though I may make a little less per dollar — which is another topic — I can be just as qualified. Every woman in America should be taking advantage of every opportunity she has because not everyone can be so lucky. To the Egyptian women, fighting for their lives and dignity every single day with no punishments to those who harm them, I am so very sorry. No one deserves it. This is such a cruel and cold world and it is not every day that you remember that. No matter how beautiful, fun or culturally different a country is, women in America are the luckiest of all.

A new beginning is something the Catholic religon needs


Asst. Opinion Editor I am not the most religious person in the world. I was baptized Catholic and attended CCD where I made all of my sacraments. It is not that I do not believe in God, it is that I do not believe in some of the ridiculous beliefs of the Catholic religion that have been around since the start of

the church’s 2,000-year-old history. You would think that the church would try to modernize its ways and learn from mistakes that have been made in thousands of years, but I guess tradition is tradition. Anyway, the church surprised me on March 13, 2013 when 115 cardinals elected the newest vicar to God. Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina accepted his nomination and became Pope Francis I. When Pope Benedict XVI resigned from his holy position, it only made me feel like the Catholic Church had become something of a novelty. If a pope could just up and quit from the most divine position on earth with the drop of a hat, why should I look upon the Catholic religion as this divine power? With the election of a new pope there is always

Photo courtesy of

this show that is performed. There are robes inlaid with gold, there are rings and jewelry and cars that are bulletproof. It is like more of a circus, then the celebration of history.

That is what I do not like about the Catholic religion. The Vatican can be so ostentatious at times, and it just makes me feel like they are contradicting what I am supposed to believe in. So when Pope Francis was

elected, I was shocked. During his first address after being elected to the papacy, Pope Francis urged Catholics to leave their comfort zones. He was not dressed in outrageous robes, but simply a white and red cassock. According to the Washington Post, he is the first Latin American pope, the first Francis and the first Jesuit pope. His holiness chose to become Francis I, in honor of Saint Francis of Assisi, a saint who lived in poverty his whole life and only aided the poor and downtrodden. That is what Pope Francis wants to do, and that is something I love. He refused all of the elaborate offerings of becoming pope, and seems to have a very laid back and modernistic approach. People are criticizing him and the Catholic religion

are questioning his abilities but, I think members of the Catholic religion should question their own. This pope has entered the papacy in a chaotic time. The church is dealing with child sex abuse problems. Reuter’s also spoke about disunity among members of the Vatican bureaucracy. People are looking for someone to aid them, not an organization that needs someone to pray for them.



What Grinds My Gears:

Paying for a Cap and Gown


Asst. Sports Editor You know what grinds my gears? Paying for a cap and gown. I cannot believe that Shippensburg University is serious about this. I might sound like this is just me complaining about something costing money, when, of course, being a college student, I lack in funds. No, I just cannot believe that we should pay for a cap and gown. I know I am not alone in this issue and many more seniors both present and past can concur with the fact that this is the most ridiculous thing we pay for during our time at SU.

I fail to see how a cap and gown cannot be included in our tuition. Would it not make more sense to pay a small amount for every semester at school that goes toward your cap and gown once you graduate? That way, if someone failed or dropped out, the university would get some extra money that it could use toward other expenses on campus or just save it up in case something would happen. We need to be smart about this, SU. I do not think the administration even realize s the hassle it is saving itself if it would simply just use its head. I have paid for countless ridiculous things on campus, from parking tickets to bacon on my chicken wraps. I know it is not expensive and in some ways the cap and gown are in a different category, but with all the money that I put into the university you would think that it could at least cover me on this. So many other seniors can feel the pain I have when it comes to knowing I have to pay for something I am going to wear once in

my life. I remember feeling the same way when I bought my prom tuxedo. I went all out for one night just to end up regretting it the next day. Not because of the after party, but because of the fact I wasted money for an outfit that only had meaning one night in my life. This is the same thing. We are wasting our hardearned parents’ money for a cap and gown that should be handed out to us. Now, I know some of you might pay for your own, and I say “mazel tov, a tip of my hat to you.” Honestly, though, I am sure you would rather use that money for something more important. Money is definitely the root of all evil, and for most of us, this is only the beginning of the money card being a factor in our lives. If only SU could see the advantage of a small payment each and every semester that counted toward our cap and gown then I would be leaving this institution with high hopes. Now I will leave SU realizing the greed and ridiculousness that makes up America.

Disclaimer The opinions shared on these pages are not the opinions of The Slate,

but of the writers themselves. April 2, 2013

opinion April 2, 2013


In this world, what has politics got to do with it? Derek Robertson Staff Writer

The Supreme Court is considering two cases involving homosexual marriage, DOMA and Propostion 8. The Defense Of Marriage Act set the bounds for federal marriage benefits and limited inter-state marriage recognition requirements to heterosexual marriages only, while legally defining marriage to only be heterosexual monogamous partnerships. For Windsor v. United States, SCOTUS heard oral arguments on March 27th this year. In the case, the plaintiff sued as her deceased spouse's estate was taxed as if they were unmarried. On June 6, the lower court judge ruled the definition of marriage clause of DOMA unconstitutional

on a rational basis review, which is the least rigorous set of standards a law has to meet in order for the court to find a law constitutional. The Second Circuit Court upheld the ruling stating that laws targeting gays and lesbians are subject to intermediate scrutiny. California Proposition 8 was a ballot proposition passed in 2008 that made only heterosexual monogamous partnerships legally recognized in the state. The case the Supreme Court is reviewing is Perry v. Brown, or what is now Hollingsworth v. Perry. The District Court ruled it unconstitutional for violating due process and Equal Protection, and the Ninth Circuit upheld the ruling, but on narrower grounds. There certainly is no rational basis to prohibit non-heterosexual monogamous couples from governmental marriage benefits.

The laws as they stand matter in the context of dismake heterosexual monoga- cussing the oughts of law. mous partnerships a privi- It only matters that no one perverts the law to use it as an institution to infringe, instead of protect, rights, ei“For the sake of this ther by direct infringement argument, it does not or create privileged classes. It is a basic principle of matter what civilized society that the anyone's views on law treat all people equally non-heterosexuality under it. This means that it does per se, non-monogamy not matter whether 99 per se, or anything percent of people want a else are, because they particular statute if that do not matter in the statute infringes upon the context of discussing rights of that 1 percent that statute is unjust. the oughts of law.� The legalization of homosexual marriage also in no way infringes upon the rights of religious people leged class for no secular who disapprove of it. They never had the right reason. For the sake of this ar- to use the force of governgument, it does not mat- ment to make themselves a ter what anyone's views on privileged class in the first non-heterosexuality, non- place. However, we must not monogamy, or anything else are, because they do not stop merely at homosexual

marriage. There is also no secular purpose for banning any form of consenting relationships between adults. But this still does not eliminate all problems. What if there is a person who desires the security the legal benefits of marriage bring, but cannot find a suitable romantic partner to whom they should marry?

That elevates romantic partnerships to a privileged legal status over other personal partnerships. Perhaps, then, the real answer to this controversy is complete and total freedom of contract resulting in the abolition of secular marriage. After all, if love is blooming, who wants a politician involved?

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C1 April 2, 2013

Shippensburg University bookstore myths busted Casey Maun Staff Writer

Now that spring break has officially come and gone, students are shaking off the rust that quickly built up during break in order to grind out the last few weeks of the semester. This final stretch tends to be hectic with finishing up projects and papers while the dreaded finals loom in the near future. However, following the conclusion of finals, students are faced with yet another set of puzzling questions: what should they do with their textbooks? In addition, returning students are faced with the decision of how they are going to obtain their books for the upcoming semester. According to Sarah Krause, Shippensburg University bookstore manager, renting is the best option for students as it provides the students with savings up front rather than gambling at the end of the semester during buybacks. Krause also explained that the rental program has

been growing in popularity among SU students as the percentage of books rented jumped from 27 percent last spring to 40 percent this spring. With the increase in rentals, students are also saving more money. “Students opting for rental save, on average, 50 percent or more compared to purchasing new,” Krause said. “Since the new store [the new company is now Follett] opened in July of 2011, the rental program has saved students here at Shippensburg University more than $1.3 million in textbook costs.” However, some may be hesitant to rent their textbooks because they are afraid to take notes or make marks in the book because they have to return them. But fear not. According to Krause, “[the students] can still highlight, and take notes in the margins as needed; they just bring it back to us by the last day of finals.” To understand the pricing of books, Krause had to explain the factors that contribute to the cost of textbooks as well as the different options students

Photo courtesy of Casey Maun

The SU bookstore recommends renting textbooks to save money. The bookstore buys back some books for 50 percent of the original cost. have that alter the amount of money they dish out for each textbook. First, Krause said the cost of textbooks is primarily set by the publishers. Therefore, Follett offers students several options to save money such as rental, digital, and used textbooks. “Used books are sold at a discounted rate (generally

around 25 percent) while renting a textbook via RentA-Text saves students, on average, 50 percent or more compared to purchasing a new textbook,” said Krause. “Follett’s digital textbook platform Café Scribe also offers discounts of 40-60 percent off the cost of purchasing new.” The question then be-

comes how much money does a student receive when they are trying to sell a textbook back to the bookstore? According to Krause, if a textbook is being used again the following semester the bookstore will buy the book back for 50 percent of the cost. However, if the bookstore does not receive a book order from a faculty member saying that the book will be used again, then the bookstore will buy the book back for up to 30 percent. “Buyback is driven purely by demand of book usage,” Krause said. However, Krause said the bookstore cannot buy back loose-leaf books or books that are bundled with an access code if the access code is required. Because buybacks are based on local demand, Krause explained when to sell books back for classes that are only offered one semester per year. Krause described that if a class is only taught in the spring, then the best option for the student would be to sell the book back following the end of the next fall semester

when the book is needed the most. Another method for cutting textbook costs for students is through local rentals. According to Krause, local rentals are when a book is not automatically rentable, but a faculty member works with the bookstore to make the text rentable in order to cut costs for the student. An example of this would be an old edition textbook that a faculty member wishes to continue to use. “Eight faculty members participate in local rentals,” Krause said. “This program has saved students over $11,000 so far for the past two semesters.” Essentially, Krause says that there are many myths and misconceptions with regards to the bookstore; however, she says that they are there for the students and that they want to find the cheapest options for them. “Our goal is to become your university store, not just a bookstore,” Krause said.

The Lehman Library top books of the month Olivia Straka Guest Writer

As the semester gets underway, students are becoming increasingly more stressed and looking for outlets to release some of their energy. There is now a popular titles book collection in the lowest level of the Lehman Library. The library committee, paired with Student Senate will be publishing an article once a month updating students on what new titles can be found in the library that will act as a great source to relieve some stress.

Recently, new titles have just arrived and in our attempts to keep up with the times we have requested some hot topic books. “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel as well as “Fight Club” can both be found in the section. The suggestion board is being put to good use as well. If there are any titles that students would like to see put into the section they can contact the student leader of this project at As the library moves forward with trying to publicize this newfound area of the library, students will begin to see some fliers as well as slides on the digital

display in the library depicting what is available. The following are the books that have recently been introduced to the section for at least this month. Come on down and check them out. 1. “Always Something There to Remind Me” — Beth Harbison 2. “Unsaid”— Neil Abramson 3. “Girls in White Dresses”— Jennifer Close 4. “Breaking Silence”-— Linda Castillo 5. “Before I Go to Sleep”—S. J. Watson 6. “Life of Pi”—Yann Martel 7.”Fight Club”— Chuck Palahniuk

Photo courtesy of

SHIP LIFE April 2, 2013


SU Farm Club plants crops for campus dining halls Cassandra Clarhaut Staff Writer

Shippensburg’s Farm Club met last week to plant a new crop of seedlings for the spring. The food will be eaten by many Shippensburg students on-campus. Chartwells, the food service company at SU purchases some of the yield to be used in dining halls. “I think it’s really important to see where our food comes from,” Julia Saintz said of her experience in the Farm Club, “and I think we’ve become really disconnected from our food. It’s important to know where food is grown and it can be done in a little bit of space.” The farm is located behind the football stadium, near the SU Foundation building. It is protected by a rather fearsome scarecrow. Seedlings should hit the

ground growing around May 4th, which, according to the “Farmer’s Almanac,” is the last day of frost. The plants will call Kriner home until that day when the ground is soft enough and frost will not damage the crop. The club will look for a solution for Kriner’s regular closure on Friday through Sunday as to how the plants will be watered, but for now the seeds are young enough to make it through the threeday stretch. Vegetables Chartwells does not take are sold at the Thoughtful Farmer’s Market at a table in May. Leftovers are donated to Shippensburg Produce and Outreach, and club members can take home the rest for meals, graduate assistant Julia Russell said Money from Chartwells and the farmer’s market helps purchase more seeds, compost and tools. Any profit saved will

eventually go to purchase more parts for a green house to replace the current hoop house, a tarp coverage for the garden, but not an enclosure. It needs frames and glass to add to the parts of the structure they already have. The hoop house is research focused, which is what the Farm Club is working on now. After it perfects its growing methods, the team can focus on producing more in a small space. The process takes four to six weeks before the seedlings can be planted in the ground. The club cannot start them outside or the seeds will not begin to grow. The process of planting began with drilling holes in the bottom of a cup for Photo Courtesy of Cassandra Clarhaut drainage. Using her finger, Julia made a “dimple” in The Farm Club planted seedlings that will the soil, put in two or three yield food for some SU students in the cam- seeds, and covered it with pus dinging halls. a bit of dirt. Saintz said the

Staff writers wanted for Ship Life! Pitch your ideas and be published in The Slate! Contact

seeds could sprout in paper towels. Larger plants included three varieties of peppers, and yellow cherry and Brandywine tomatoes. Those were planted in plastic drinking cups as the root system will grow deeper and require more room to grow. Plants with smaller roots, like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and Prizetaker leeks were placed in shallower green trays. The best part of planting the seeds in their indoor home? “No weeding involved ­— right now,” Saintz said. Officer elections will be held at this week’s meeting, on Thursday, April fourth at 3:30. Anyone interested in a position or simply joining the group should email Julia at shipufarms@

Did you know? Professional social workers are found in all types of communities and personal life. This broad range encompasses schools, hospitals, mental health clinics, senior centers, elected office, private practices, prisons, military, corporations and in numerous public and private agencies that serve individuals and families in need. -National Association of Social Workers This is a short-term series for students in Practice with Organizations and Communities. Throughout the month of April, we will post “did you know” facts regarding this commonly misunderstood profession.


D1 April 2, 2013

SU anticipates Travis Porter performance

Emily Larsen

Guest Writer Cancel all of your plans for this Sunday night, April 7. Travis Porter is about to blow the roof off Shippensburg University. Sara Kobus, the Activities Program Board’s concert chairperson, has a firsthand account of how excited the students are for this concert. “I see a lot of students stopping to take pictures of the posters. We get tons of emails and phone calls ev-

ery day,” Kobus said. Travis Porter consists of Ali (Lakeem Mattox), Quez (Donquez Woods), and Strap (Harold Duncan). The group got its start with a strong Internet presence and seven mixtapes. After having labels come looking for them, they are now signed to RCA, who\ ich released Travis Porter’s debut album, “From Day 1,” in 2012. SU students such as Jerome Pritchett cannot wait for Travis Porter. “It’s going to be the best Sunday I’ve had in awhile.

That’s the truth,” Pritchett said. SU student Laura O’Donnell agreed. “I’m so excited for Travis Porter to give a concert on campus. This is something I definitely don’t want to miss,” O’Donnell said. According to Kobus, there has been a recent spike in excitement with the announcement of opening act Vinny Smiles. SU’s very own Kervince Michel, also known as Vinny Smiles, is looking forward to the opportunity. “I am very excited for the

chance to open for Travis Porter,” Michel said. “I feel like all my hard work is starting to pay off, and people want to give me a chance so I can build my name up and get exposure.” The doors open at 6 p.m. on Sunday, with Vinny Smiles taking the stage at 7. “On April 7, me and my team SO90ENT., which stands for straight out the ’90s entertainment, will make a movie and tear the roof off the CUB. Don’t believe me? Just watch,” Michel said.

Courtesy of Google Images

Students show artwork in Kauffman Gallery Rebecca Starliper Guest Writer

Cyborgs have never been so inviting to get close to and stare at, even as their mysterious stillness can’t seem to last for long. But that’s exactly what these sculptures are—hybrids of man and machine, lacking concrete definition or a place to call home. For now, they reside in Kauffman Gallery at Shippensburg University. Other award-winning

renditions line the square room, juxtaposing different moods against most of the hard or metallic sculptures. Liana Mosior most identifies with this motif in “No. 1, Section 5, Xinyi Road,” a portrait where a geometric conference center meshes with a girl’s complex psyche. Despite the mixed media and subject matter, dominating the exhibit is a fusion between earthly and industrial elements using man-made materials. It is the relationship be-

Pieces from SU student Kayla Chambers’ “Oenanthe Crocata.”

tween these two elements that varies in each figure. In many of the pieces, open composition expresses the physical growth one sees in the natural world. In “Metal Overtaking,” nature grows into industry as rusty leaves bind gears and cables, which twist upward, finally meeting the viewer at eye level. This vine-like apparatus grows from a hollow square platform. Like the other small or medium sculptures, Heather Latchford’s linear sculpture is displayed on a spotless white block. The quirky structure called “None” threatens to fly away with its rusty wing as its tail-light eye possesses its viewer with a vacant stare. Colin Riley combines shiny bolts and rusty gears ­—trinkets seen in the majority of these pieces. Kayla Bennett reveals alcohol as a catalyst for sexual crimes in her work. “Poignant” is a blue and brown hued lady named for her fractured and hollowed body. Viewers peered past her alluring skin into the huge holes in her chest and stomach. Her abdomen reveals what looks like partly-di-

gested bottles, melted glass and plastic in a slow drip. She is one of the only pieces lacking metal. Then there are sculptures that bring a smile. Resting in a corner, yet glimmering in the sunlight, is “Sometimes I Feel Like Cinderella,” a single slipper framework of what looks like aluminum and copper wire. The windowed corner lights up Audrey Ketterer’s princess shoe, giving it the fantastical element her title suggests. Ashly Sterner’s “Animal Print Tea Bowl” and Kayla Chambers’ “Oenanthe Crocata” comprise a woodsy tea set to redefine “refined dining.” I can picture a naturelover pouring cream from a stoneware mushroom into the bark-encrusted cups, then sipping tea from them. These three reconceptualized traditional, even formal, societal norms by naturalizing or metalizing something normally seen as delicate. “Modern Trophy” by Hannah Kunce was another delight, maybe because it is so aptly recognized as a set of antlers. These materials transform the antlers from a

Photos by Kayla Chambers

“Oenanthe Crocata” was part of Kauffman Gallery’s latest exhibit. prideful triumph to a relic to be admired. It appears the student exhibition backs up its bold claim of having “something for everyone.” Together, these sculptures mirror the conflicting views of where humans stand in relation to the environment. Each form lies somewhere on a continuum of natural and synthetic.

We are these cyborgs, finding our place somewhere between culture and countryside. Kauffman Gallery is located in the Huber Art Center and is open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Friday. The student exhibit was on display from March 3 to 28. Some pieces are available for purchase.

A&E April 2, 2013


Retired Army colonel teaches Shippensburg to dance CHRISTIAN BAHNWEG Staff Writer Many Shippensburg residents have been coming out to learn how to dance at the hands of retired Army colonel Frank Hancock. Hancock has been teaching the residents of Shippensburg Township, both young and old, how to dance the dance. Hancock teaches both beginner and advanced ballroom dancing classes every Monday at the H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center on the Shippensburg University campus. The six-week course is designed to lead dancers through the basics either as a beginner or at the advanced level. Hancock’s lessons come

in two flavors: beginner sessions that start at 5:30 p.m., and teach the basics of dances like the swing, waltz, and tango; and advanced classes that start at 6:30 p.m. The advanced class teaches dances like the foxtrot and charleston, waltz, mambo, two-step, rumba and advanced swing. The advanced class will also teach advanced steps for the dances taught in the beginner classes. Hancock has been teaching ballroom dancing for years. He also teaches lessons at the Army War College in Carlisle, Pa., with students from neighboring Cedar Cliff High School helping him out on occasion. Current SU student and ROTC cadet Sam Gutshall

is currently involved in Hancock’s lessons. In teaching locals how to dance, Hancock is bringing back an art form that so few people today know exists. The art of ballroom dancing. By going to Hancock’s lessons, people of all ages will be able to appreciate, learn and enjoy ballroom dancing. They will also learn a skill that will serve them well for the rest of their lives. Those who attend Hancock’s ballroom dancing lessons may come away with a renewed appreciation of the art, as well as a skill that will invariably come up at many points during their lives such as parties, galas, and, maybe eventually, their own wedding.

Dancers practicing new moves.

Photo courtesy of H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center

Luhrs Presents... Boyz II Men

Boyz II Men remains one of the most truly iconic R&B groups in music history. The group redefined popular R&B and continues to create timeless hits that appeal to fans across all generations. Celebrating their 20th anniversary this year with the release of their landmark album, “Twenty,” the band has penned and performed some of the most celebrated classics of the past two decades. The group’s four Grammy Awards are just the tip of the iceberg. Throughout their 20-year career, Boyz II Men has also won nine American Music Awards, nine Soul Train Awards, three MTV Awards and three Billboard Awards. The trio holds the distinction of being the best-selling R&B group of all time, with 60 million albums sold. And the reason is abundantly clear. For the past two decades, Boyz II Men has given fans a rich catalog of memorable hits filled with smooth harmonies and enduring themes with songs such as “End of the Road,” “I’ll Make Love to You” and “Motownphilly,” among many others. -Courtesy of H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center

Boyz II Men members.

Photo courtesy of H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center

A&E D3 SHAPE to collaborate with Act V

Partnering with Shippensburg University’s Act V Productions, SHAPE is excited to promote its production of “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.” On Friday, April 12 from 5 to 6:30 p.m., SHAPE will sponsor a pre-theater buffet of hors d’oeuvres, wine and sparkling juices at the gallery. With reserved tickets for the university production. The cost is $15 per person. At “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” the competition is intense and the words are hilarious. The show centers around a fictional spelling bee in Putnam County, N.Y. Six kids face off in the battle of their lives. They compete against each other as well as members of the audience. Three adults help adjudicate the proceedings: A nostalgic former spelling

bee winner, a mildly insane vice principal and the official comfort counselor completing his community service to the state of New York. SHAPE gallery located at 20 W. King St. in Shippensburg hosts the first part of this special evening. Participants have an opportunity to view “VINYL: Album Art from the Age of Records” exhibit at the gallery, gather with other patrons of the arts in Shippensburg and enjoy food and drinks. Then, all will make their way to Memorial Auditorium on the SU campus for the 7 p.m. performance of “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee.” Knute’s Pub and Grill will cater the evening’s meal, which will feature a fresh spring selection. SHAPE is a non-profit organization that aims to enrich the quality of life

in the Shippensburg community through interactive cultural, artistic and ethnic activities. SHAPE serves as an information center for the arts, promotes and supports local artists and arts organizations, provides opportunities for participation and education in the arts for all members of the community and plays an active role in helping our schools maintain the arts as an integral part of its curriculum. Act V Productions is SU’s student-run theater troupe. Act V helps students hone their theater skills and was established to further the interest of the performing arts, study of stage techniques and offer abilities to produce, act, design and direct theater productions. -Courtesy of SHAPE art gallery April 2, 2013

Interested in writing for A&E? Email Sarah or Matt at April 2, 2013



Hip-Hop Happenings

Where is Earl Sweatshirt?

Britton Kosier

Staff Columnist XXL Magazine released its annual freshman class for 2013 this week with the question, “Best ever?” on the cover. Even though XXL included talented up-and-coming artists like Action Bronson, Joey Bada$$, ScHoolboy Q, Ab-Soul and Chief Keef, I believe they missed an important artist that fits the freshman bill more than any person on the list with an exception for 18-year-old Joey Bada$$. His name is Earl Sweatshirt. The 19-year-old Odd Future artist rose to fame as sort of a mystery after Tyler, The Creator’s stardom brought attention to the

group, but there was one problem —nobody could find Sweatshirt. His music video, “Earl,” off his mixtape, “Earl,” had fans of all different genres of music going mad trying to figure out what happened to him. In February 2012, Earl returned to his home of Los Angeles after a stint in the Coral Reef Academy where his mother sent him because of the trouble he was getting into before he was known across the country as Earl Sweatshirt. Since his return, Sweatshirt has done nothing but show more and more promise of potentially becoming one of the greatest lyricists of our generation. Sweatshirt has released two music videos in the past year, “Chum” in November and “Whoa” this month, and both have generated more than 4.5 million views combined already. Sweatshirt shows progression as an artist on both singles which will be featured on his highly-anticipated, upcoming album, “Doris.”

Courtesy of Google Images


a&e April 2, 2013




Sam Stewart, Sports Editor Nick Sentman, Asst. Sports Editor Ryan Trexler, Asst. Sports Editor Bryan Obarowski, Asst. Sports Editor Contact:

April 2, 2013

Blazing its way to 19-4 SU continues torrid start, sweeps Kutztown E4-E5

Lacrosse picks up key victory over Kutztown, E7


March Madness has been absolutely wild, but what will happen next? Sam and Ryan debate



Sam Stewart Sports Editor and

Ryan Trexler Asst. Sports Editor

My oh my, what a tournament it has been. Harvard, LaSalle and the darlings of Florida Gulf Coast wrecked our brackets, sending our office pools into a fury of despair. Who could have imagined that Florida Gulf Coast would become the first No. 15 seed to make it to the Sweet 16? Who would have dreamed that No. 1 seed Gonzaga would get “shocked” by Wichita State in the round of 32? This is what makes March Madness so mad. The Big Dance has provided the thrills, and in Louisville’s case, the spills, to what has become a tournament to remember. As we head into the Final Four next weekend, Sam and Ryan take a look back at the best moments from the tournament and offer a prediction as to what will happen in the culmination of the tournament. Will the Shockers shock the nation, or will Michigan capture a trip to the title game — a game that has eluded its grasp since the Fab 5 roamed the court at the Crisler Center. We debate.


From the get-go I felt pretty good about my bracket. I had Wisconsin, Indiana, Louisville and Kansas in my Final Four — a group of teams that I thought had produced enough magic in the regular season to earn a shot at championship glory. Well, that went downhill quickly. We all know what happened to these teams. Wisconsin dropped its first round game to Ole Miss, Indiana dropped its Sweet 16 matchup to Syracuse and Michigan stunned Kansas in a comeback for the ages. It was an infuriating end to a bracket that I deemed worthy enough to submit in my bracket pools. Granted, it has been nice to see the upsets that we have grown to appreciate. Whether that team is a Florida Gulf Coast or in previous years, Virginia Commonwealth, it has been nice to see the mid-majors pick up victories against the Goliath conferences — no matter how much it shreds a bracket to pieces. Now that the glass slipper has fallen off Florida Gulf Coast, which was chomped by a hungrier Florida Gators team, there has been nothing left to root for. Sure, we have Wichita State, which could clinch the first championship title game appearance for a Missouri April 2, 2013

SU Sports Upcoming Schedule home games in caps Lacrosse April 2 at IUP 4 p.m. April 5 vs EDINBORO 2 p.m.

Photo by Alexa Bryant

Valley Conference since Larry Byrd was donning Indiana State garb, but the Shockers do not have that aura about them. Yeah, they are fun to watch to a certain extent but I have grown to love a defense that smothers an opponent. Because of that, I am pulling hard for Syracuse in the Final Four. Its 2-3 zone has stifled every team it has faced and it has been a treat to watch a team confuse other offenses as mercilessly as the Orange. Yeah, I would like to see Michigan return to its former glory, but I would love to see a Louisville and Syracuse title game because when will we be able say that we saw two Big East teams vie for a national title? With the conference being obliterated after this season, we won’t be able to say that too much longer.


You said it right Sam, March has been madness for basketball. Unlike you I did not fill out a bracket this year. Yes, that is right, I did not fill out a bracket. However, I have been watching games as much as possible. Watching Florida Gulf Coast stun every college basketball fan was exciting. I was pulling for them once they beat No. 2-seed Georgetown by a stunning 10 points. I also rooted along with No. 14-seed Harvard as it pulled the upset over No. 3-seed New Mexico. It Courtesy of was definitely something

to see. I love seeing upsets like these two. They make watching the game fun and it gives teams that come in as a low seed some hope. Now when it comes down to the Final Four I am pushing for Michigan to defeat Syracuse. I have a friend who is a huge Michigan sports fan, and I know he is excited. From watching the past few Michigan games it seems as if no one has an answer for them and I do not think Syracuse has an answer either. Looking at the other matchup I am pulling for Louisville for one simple reason — Kevin Ware. Watching his injury was just terrifying, I hope he has a speedy recovery and can come back strong next year. Louisville will be playing for Ware and this will give them a push to capture a win over Wichita State. Louisville seems to have every team figured out and the way it handled Duke just makes me think Louisville will make it to the championship without a doubt. I would like to see Michigan take the title if it can make it there. Like you said Sam, they have not had this much success in basketball since the Fab 5 days. A Michigan vs. Louisville matchup in the finals could potentially be one for the ages. Regardless of the winner, this has been a magical ride. Let’s see what happens.

Track & Field April 5-6 at Colonial Relays Williamsburg, Va. April 6 at Millersville Metrics Millersville, Pa. Softball April 5 at West Chester 2:30 p.m. & 4:30 p.m. April 6 at Millersville 1 p.m. & 3 p.m. Baseball April 2 vs. IUP 3 p.m. April 5 at Millersville 1 p.m. & 3:30 p.m. April 6 vs. MILLERSVILLE 1 p.m. & 3:30 p.m. Tennis April 2 vs WEST CHESTER 4 p.m. April 6 at Bloomsburg 10 a.m. vs. East Stroudsburg 2:30 p.m. Bloomsburg, Pa. April 7 vs. KUTZTOWN 1 p.m.

Sports April 2, 2013


Impressive weekend for SU track

Bologa, Kujawski, Flott and Bales break SU’s 7-year-old 4X4 record The Shippensburg University men’s track and field squad had three NCAA provisional qualifiers and 22 conference marks Saturday at the Fred Hardy Invitational — with the banner performance being a new school in record in the 4x400-meter relay that shattered an 8-year-old mark. Sophomore Eric Bologa, sophomore Andrew Kujawski, senior Joel Flott and sophomore Robert Bales teamed up for a marvelous time of 3:13.75 — besting the 2005 mark of 3:14.13 originally set by the highly-talented quartet of Steve Huffman, Mark Piccolo, Kenrick Marsh and Alton Richards. Last year’s 4x4 season personal record was .05 seconds away from the record — with Bales and Kujawski running on that quartet. Kujawski was clocked with a sub-48 second split on the second leg. Senior Herman Kirkland nearly landed a NCAA automatic qualifier in the

long jump with a significant season personal record of 24 feet, 5 1/2 inches. Kirkland’s jump resulted in a second-place finish and was less than four inches off the NCAA auto mark. A reigning All-American in the long jump, Kirkland was one of three Raiders who satisfied the PSAC standard Saturday along with senior Cody DeBoer and sophomore Matthew Terry. Kirkland also won the 100 meters with a time of 10.77 seconds — another event in which he was a NCAA qualifier last season. The third NCAA provisional qualifier came from sophomore Derek Nothstein in the javelin, whose throw of 191 feet, 6 inches resulted in a third-place finish. Nothstein is the defending conference champion and a NCAA qualifier in the javelin. Sophomore Andrew Korrubin also landed a PSAC qualifying javelin throw. Junior Matt Kujawski aced his sprints on Saturday — winning the 200 me-

ters with a personal-best run of 21.75 seconds and finished two spots behind Kirkland in the 100 meters with a time of 10.95 seconds. Andrew Kujawski and Bales were two of five Raiders who ran PSAC qualifiers in the 400 meters along with junior Kevin Shaw, sophomore Jordan Jones and freshman Andrew Latchford. Kujawski’s time of 48.94 seconds matches his outdoor personal record. Senior Matt Gillette, junior Dan Dreeman and Flott finished among the Top 6 in the 800 meters. Gillette paced the group in 1:53.82. Dreeman, sophomore Matt Bee, Flott and Gillette teamed up to win the 4x800meter relay in 7:46.32. Greg Pearson and Jesse Fogg had discus throws of 136 feet, 10 inches and 133 feet, 3 inches respectively for PSAC qualifiers. Pearson achieved a new personal best by more than five feet. -Courtesy of SU Sports Information

Photo courtesy of Greg Pammer

Bales helped the Raiders break an old record at the Fred Hardy Invite.

Freshman Megan Lundy and sophomore Bri Fells shine as SU women’s team earns 20 PSAC marks at weekend’s Fred Hardy Invitational in Richmond, Va. The Shippensburg University women’s trackand-field squad competed on a sunny and pleasant Saturday afternoon at the University of Richmond, totaling 20 PSAC qualifying marks in competition at the Fred Hardy Invitational. Megan Lundy and Bri Fells posted some of the fastest times for the Raiders on Saturday. The former high school teammates blazed through the 400 meters with respective times of 57.26 seconds and 58.30 seconds that figure to be among the lead marks in the conference thus far. Fells, Lundy, junior Monique Clemons and junior

Rachel Haupt ran the 4x400meter relay in 3:54.17. Senior Caitlin Stuetz took fourth in the 100-meter hurdles, finishing in 14.68 seconds. Junior Daniesa Lyles and sophomore Danesha Butler also obtained PSAC qualifiers. Freshman Briana Davis continues to excel in the discus — improving her personal record with a throw of 122 feet, 5 inches that situates her among the league’s top throwers in the event. Lyndsay Barna and Damaris Schrum landed long jumps that satisfied the conference qualifying standard. Barna’s best jump of the day was 17 feet, 5

inches while Schrum’s top mark was 16 feet, 10 inches. Freshman Heather Bolick paced the four Raider javelin throwers who landed conference qualifiers. Bolick improved her collegiate personal record by over seven feet with a throw of 129 feet. Junior Ashley Merton had a top toss of 128 feet, 10 inches — a season personal record of seven feet. SU will compete next weekend at both William & Mary and at the Millersville Metrics on Friday and Saturday. -Courtesy of SU Sports Information

Photo courtesy of Bill Smith

Lyndsay Barna earned a conference mark with her effort in the long jump.


E4 April 2, 2013

Caught in the bear trap: SU sweeps KU

Estep throws complete game shutout in Game 1, SU walks off in Game 2 Bryan Obarowski

Asst. Sports Editor With a walk-off single up the middle, the Shippensburg University softball team capped off a sweep of its doubleheader with Kutztown University on Saturday afternoon at Robb Field. SU shut out the Golden Bears in Game 1 4-0. Both offenses started the game slowly, but SU was able to mount an offensive attack in the fourth and fifth innings. Sophomore Kiersten Darhower started off the fourth inning with a buntsingle and a stolen base. Taylor Weisman drove in Darhower with a triple, and was brought home during the next at bat by Maddie Justice, who reached on a throwing error.

In the fifth inning, the Raiders loaded the bases, and brought in their third run of the game on a hit batter, walking in the runner. Jessie Trammell hit a single to the left side, bringing in the fourth run of the game. Four runs proved plenty to give SU the win in the first game. Emily Estep pitched all seven innings for the Raiders, allowing only two hits and one walk, while striking out 12 batters in the game. Game 2 was much closer than Game 1. It took the Raiders to their last atbat to earn the victory. As in the first game, both offenses found their bats to be cold. The Raiders scored their first run in the bottom half of the fourth inning from a Weisman single, bringing home Tyler

Thompson, who singled and stole second base prior. KU answered back in the top of the fifth with a run of its own. With the score tied, both offenses once again found trouble in trying to bring home the go-ahead run. In SU’s half of the seventh inning, Emmie Burke smashed a double to right field, quickly putting the pressure on KU. Burke advanced to third on a sacrifice bunt by Hilary Lyons. Rachel Shumway ended the game with a walkoff single up the middle, bringing home Burke and sending KU away with two losses on the day. SU will be away for its next three games, but will return home on April 13 to face off against Lock Haven University.

SU’s Jessie Trammell connects for an RBI single in the fifth inning.

Photos by Sam Stewart

SU eeked out a victory in Game 2 against KU to complete the sweep.

Sports April 2, 2013

Raiders on a tear

Photo by Sam Stewart

Estep has been a crucial component to SU’s success early this season.

Raiders continue success because of astounding pitching and defense Brian Evans

Staff Writer The 2013 season has been great for the Shippensburg University softball team as it added to its already impressive résumé, after compiling a 6–2 record in its spring break trip to Clermont, Fla., the Raiders swept Kutztown University to push its overall record to 19–4. The pitching rotation has been a major contribution to the Raiders’ success. Through the last 10 games, the rotation has given up only 10 runs. Junior Emily Estep has continued to be the ace of the staff going 9–2 with a 1.43 ERA, and has struck out 78 batters.

Although she has continued to be the ace of the staff there has been other major contributors on the mound for the Raiders. Liz Parkins, and Makenzie Lynn are also having solid seasons with a combined record of 10–2 while also giving up 14 earned runs. The hitting has also been a bright spot for the Raiders with senior outfielder Kiersten Darhower leading the team in with a .429 batting average and sophomore outfielder Maddie Justice is second on the team with 17 RBIs, along with 24 hits and two home runs. The work in the field has also been a tremendous help to the pitching staff with the entire Raider squad having a combined .978 fielding

percentage and only committing a total of 13 errors through 23 games. Sophomores Emmie Burke and Taylor Weisman have been rock solid up the middle for the Raiders while catchers Taylor Llewellyn and Kirstin McClune have been excellent behind the plate. The team effort has led to impressive winning streaks, most recently a seven-game winning streak that ended March 22 against the University of Minnesota-Duluth. SU faces tough contests against West Chester University and Millersville University this weekend where it will need to pick up key wins to remain atop the PSAC East.



E6 April 2, 2013

Raiders stunned by KU in four-game series

Raiders drop first three games of series, pick up pivotal win in series finale RYAN TREXLER

Asst. Sports Editor The Shippensburg University baseball team opened up a four game series against KU on Friday afternoon, the Raiders lost two hard fought games 4–3 and 6–5. Game 1: SU struck early in the first game of the doubleheader. Scoring two runs in the first inning. Freshman Mike Marcinko was able to score on a wild pitch to put the Raiders up 1–0. Later in the inning Jimmy Spanos drove in Pat Kregeloh on a single to right field, putting the Raiders ahead 2–0. Kutztown answered in the bottom half of the inning, scoring two runs of their own, one coming off a balk from SU senior pitcher Tom Bush. The second run came from a single to right center off Matt Albaugh’s bat. The Raiders regained a 3–2 lead in the third inning when Tyler Shover drove in David McKolosky. KU earned its third run on a throwing error from SU’s shortstop Mike Marcinko, all three of KU’s runners advanced, including Brett Hauck who scored, tying the game at three all. The Golden Bears’ fourth and final run came from a single of Carson Baker’s bat, scoring Kyle Stoudt.

Game 2: In Game 2 of the doubleheader SU looked to regain its composure and salvage a win. Despite the Raiders’ early 4–0 lead SU lost another hard-fought battle off a walk-off single in the bottom of the seventh. The Raiders’ bats came alive in the early innings of Game 2. SU was able to take an early 1–0 lead when Kregeloh knocked in Michael Douglas. Cal Hogan was able to draw a basesloaded walk to put SU up 2–0 at the end of the first. SU kept the scoring going in the second inning when Shover doubled to right field, scoring Marcinko. Kregeloh followed with a single to center field, driving in Shover. Kregeloh finished the day 8-of-3 with two RBIs. KU knocked the lead to two in the second inning off two unearned runs, making the game to 4–2. SU’s McKolosky added a little cushion to the Raiders’ lead when he reached on a fielding error that scored Hogan, putting SU up 5–3. KU tied the game in the third inning when it scored two more unearned runs tying the game at five all. SU looked to take the game into extra innings but were heartbroken when KU’s Ricky Gorrell singled to center field scoring Thomas Romano, capturing the win for KU.


Asst. Sports Editor New venue, same results for the Shippensburg University baseball team as it bounced back after a 7–3 defeat to Kutztown University to take the second game of the twin bill 8–2 at Metro Bank Park in Harrisburg, Pa. The Raiders earned a much-needed win against the PSAC East foe after dropping a pair of one-run games on Friday afternoon in KU. Game 1: The Raiders sent junior Shawn Paterson to the bump for Game 1 to try and derail a hot Kutztown team. However, the Golden Bears got to Paterson early when Kyle Stout hit a single to drive in Brandon in the first inning. KU added to its lead in the fourth inning when John Dockins drove in Travis Kreitz and Matt Albaugh, putting the Golden Bears up 3–0. SU cut KU’s lead to one in the fifth inning when Bobby Atwell doubled to left center, scoring Cody Kulp. Later in the inning, Mike Marcinko singled to left field, scoring Atwell to pull SU to within one. The Golden Bears took advantage of SU’s defensive Photo by Ryan Trexler miscues in the fifth and sixth innings, scoring four runs

SU’s Pat Kregeloh connects for a hit vs Kutztown.

(three of those unearned) to give them a 7–2 lead. Cody Kulp tried to spark the Raider offense in the seventh inning when he hit an opposite-field home run that barely cleared the fence, but KU’s Matt Swarmer shut the Raiders down in the bottom of the frame to give KU the 7–3 victory. Kulp finished the day 4-of-5 with two RBIs and one home run. Game 2: In Game 2 SU jumped out to an early lead thanks to a Pat Kregeloh thee-run home run that just squeaked inside the left field foul pole. The Golden Bears answered with runs in the second and third innings, but SU’s Austin Bartley, Rich Michaud and Nick Massetti shut the door from there to shut out KU the rest of the way. Massetti’s effort earned him his first victory of the season. SU added five runs to its lead, scoring two in the third and fourth innings and one final run in the sixth. After the weekend doubleheader, SU (17–8, 4–4) falls to the fourth spot in the PSAC East standings while KU (16–5, 7–1) jumps to the No. 2 spot. The Raiders will return home on Wednesday to try and get back on the winning side of things for a 3 p.m. matchup against PSAC foe Indiana University of Pa. at Fairchild Field. April 2, 2013

SU ousts CU



Raiders pick up first win of the year vs. Cheyney Sam Stewart

Sports Editor It was déjà vu for the Shippensburg University tennis team on Friday afternoon as it took a 9–0 decision over Cheyney University at the Robb Sports Complex tennis courts — mirroring its 9¬–0 victory over the Wolves one year ago today. The Raiders blanked the Wolves throughout the match, as all of their singles and doubles win-

ners won in straight sets. Julia Saintz, Brittnee Buckley, Katie Shearer, Cassie Sidone, Lisa Snader and Hannah Wolfe each earned their first victories of the season. SU (1-7, 1-0) is tied atop the PSAC East with Kutztown University (2-0). The Raiders will look to secure back-to-back wins for the first time since the 2008-2009 season when they host the Golden Rams on today at 4 p.m.

Photo by Sam Stewart

SU sails past Kutztown

Sheila Johnson and the Raiders picked up a crucial win heading into their matchup vs. IUP.

SU rallies late, earns key victory over Kutztown

Photo by Sam Stewart

SU picked up the victory 9–0 on Friday at home.

The Shippensburg University women’s lacrosse team recovered from two goals down with under eight minutes remaining in regulation at Kutztown on Saturday afternoon before scoring twice in the final 1:26 of overtime to again erase a deficit for a 7–6 Raiders win over the Golden Bears. Junior Kayla Dalzell paced the Raiders (3-5, 1-1 PSAC) with her second career hat trick, with the second goal tying the game at 5-5 with 2:43 left in regulation and her third goal again knotting things up at 6-6 with 1:26 left in overtime. Senior Lindsey Kennedy then scored the eventual

game-winner with 38 seconds remaining to complement team-highs of three assists, six groundballs and four caused turnovers. The two teams played a low-scoring first half, with the Golden Bears (2-4, 1-1) taking a 2-1 lead into intermission. SU tied it less than 11 minutes into the second half on a goal from sophomore Courtney Kennedy before taking a 3-2 lead less than two minutes later on a Dalzell strike. Kutztown then scored three consecutive to give itself a 5-3 lead with 8:20 left on the clock, setting up the SU comeback. Senior Roxanne Brown netted a

man-up, free-position goal with 7:09 left before Dalzell’s first tying goal on a Lindsey Kennedy helper. Courtney Kennedy nearly won the game with 12 seconds left in regulation on a shot that hit the post. She then had another shot twoand-a-half minutes into overtime that was saved by the KU goalkeeper. The Golden Bears scored first in overtime with 1:38 on the clock before Dalzell’s and Lindsey Kennedy’s game-ending heroics. Courtney Kennedy finished with two goals and four groundballs and sophomore Sheila Johnson contributed two assists.

Defensively, junior Bennett Widlake picked up five groundballs while seniors Sarah Chrencik and Jenna Simmons each caused three turnovers. The Raiders travel to Indiana University of Pennslyvania today for a 4 p.m. contest. IUP (5–0) is coming off a 21–6 victory over Edinboro University. IUP is currently receiving votes in the Intercollegiate Women’s Lacrosse Coaches Asssociation Top 25 Poll and a victory would garner them a Top 25 ranking. -Courtesy of SU Sports Information


Sports April 2, 2013

A Day in the Life Sam Stewart’s new web series

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