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Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
Volume 66, No. 23
April 29, 2014
Hard hats on
Construction projects provide for campus future, A5
Gay rights and god
Opinion talks homosexuality and religion, B3
Laugh it up
A look at the life of comedian Brian Regan, D2
Raider Fest successful despite wind, C2 Images courtesy of Shippensburg University Office of Marketing & Publications
Strike Out
Raider baseball falls out of playoff contention, E3
Farewell, students: It’s been fun
Dear Students, Faculty, Staff and Administrators, This is a bittersweet time of year for everybody. Seniors are graduating, underclassmen are saying goodbye to their friends for the summer while campus blooms and the semester ends. As a senior graduating in a little over a week, I am a mixture of emotions. The time I have spent at Shippensburg University has been the best four years I could have asked for. By last fall I completed my major, minor and general education requirements leaving me with free electives for my final semester. Many of my friends joke with me saying, “I did college right.” And I think I have to agree with them. I enjoyed my classes. I learned a ton, but most of all, I got involved — and I got involved early. I began my time at The Slate four years ago in August 2010 on the first day of my freshman year. I sought out the newspaper and I jumped in head first, eager to learn. Throughout my time at the paper, I learned more than I could have ever imagined, but it would not have been possible without the help of Dr. Drager, The Slate’s adviser. I will be forever indebted to him for all of the hours we put in at The Slate to make the best product, or for the thousands of questions I asked, some of them repeats, but I just wanted to be sure. Dr. Drager was the best kind of mentor. He pushed me to succeed and excel in all I do. He challenged me in a way no other educator could and continued to fan the flames of my passion for journalism. For that, I am eternally grateful. To my staff, past and present: Thank you. Thank you all for pushing me and challenging me.
You are all wonderful. You made these past four years fantastic. I do not know what I would have done without the support of everyone who put in hundreds of hours to make sure SU gets the news. We became a very strange, dysfunctional family, but that is part of what being a Slater is all about. As I close this letter and this chapter of my life, I want to say thank you to the students, faculty, staff, alumni and administrators who support us every week by reading our print edition and those who stay connected to us online. There are big things ahead for The Slate. I am jealous I do not get to stick around and help make them happen. I have the utmost confidence in next year’s staff to turn out a high-quality, professional grade product just like we always have. Finally, thank you to The Slate for the best four years of my life. With
Cara Shumaker Editor-in-Chief 2013-2014
Dear readers, This issue marks the end of my first year as managing editor, an experience I would not trade for the world. Working at The Slate is not always easy. The long hours in the CUB, the pressure to meet deadlines and the black and blue-inked fingers after delivering the papers are not glamorous, but they are always worth it. At The Slate I have been blessed with an amazing staff to manage, as well as a talented boss, Cara, and an invaluable adviser, Dr. Drager. Cara is graduating and will be missed terribly. However, her work will live through the high quality of work she taught us to produce. She was the driving
force behind the new layout of The Slate, which debuted last week. The paper looks better than ever and we hope to maintain Cara’s high standards after she leaves. Along with Cara, several other members of our staff are graduating: Paris Helman, Bryan Obarowski, Billy Kauffman, Cassandra Clarhaut, Anna Seils, Zac Davis and David Yearwood. Each of these people have contributed countless hours to putting the paper together. Though each of these individuals are irreplaceable in his or her own way, I am pleased to say we have a fresh batch of talented young staffers for next year. I have high hopes for the future of The Slate. We will work hard to provide you with updated news in print and online, along with sports updates, thought-provoking opinion pieces and relevant feature stories.
sylvania. The Shippensburg University Department of Facilities News Editor Management and Planning received basic Leadership in EnElected by their peers, student ergy and Environmental Design senators serve on two commit(LEED) certifications for Prestees, hold office hours, attend idents Hall and Seavers Hall. caucus and participate in pubLance Bryson, the lic relations events in order vice president of the to serve their constituents. department of facilAfter two semesters of diliities, hopes to have gent work, new senators are McClean II, Lackelected and sworn in to the hove, Kieffer organization for the followand McCune ing academic year. Thursday, April 24, the 2013-2014 Student Senate held its final caucus and swore in the newa l l LEED ly elected senators for the certified in the 2014-2015 academic year. future. There The meeting began with are also plans the presentation of the 2014 in the works to Sustainability in Higher Edu- have the CUB qualified to recation Award by the U.S. Green ceive LEED certification. Building Council of central PennOnce the remarks from Bryson
Celebrating 57 years as Shippensburg University’s student-run campus newspaper. Management Cara Shumaker ... Editor-in-Chief Sarah Eyd..........Managing Editor News
Mary Grace Keller..........News Editor Troy S. Okum........Asst. News Editor
Ana Guenther..............Opinion Editor
Ship Life
Hannah Wolfe...........Ship Life Editor Tu Ngo.............Asst. Ship Life Editor
Ryan Trexler..................Sports Editor David Barth..........Asst. Sports Editor
Laura Kreiser.............A&E Editor
Kyle Keevill.........Chief Designer Brandi Fitch..........Asst. Designer
Robyn Woodley.........Photo Editor
Franklin Wood...........Copy Editor
Public Relations
Erin Foreman.............PR Director Samantha New........Asst. PR Director
Abigail Brumback...Web Director Sarah Eyd Managing Editor 2013-2014
New members sworn in to Student Senate MARY GRACE KELLER
April 29, 2014
and Darrell Miller, student association fiscal officer, were finished, Student Senate continued with committee reports. Luke Perry closed his final caucus as president and passed the gavel along to Michelle Bradley, the newly elected president of Student Senate. Bradley inducted the new student senators and held the first official caucus of the 2014-2015 Student Senate. The crowd moved from CUB 119 to the SU Foundation Building where the transition dinner was held. SU interim president George “Jody” Harpster thanked the students for their dedication to the university.
Nickolys Hinton.........Ad Director
Dr. Michael Drager...........Adviser
Contact Us Phone..........................717-477-1778 Fax...............................717-477-4022
Mailing Address
The Slate Shippensburg University CUB Box 106 1871 Old Main Drive Shippensburg, PA 17257 The Slate is a weekly student-run newspaper printed by The Record Herald. All columns and opinion articles are those held by the specific writer, and not The Slate as a whole. Only unsigned editorials represent The Slate’s position. Advertisements are organized and approved by The Slate, and are not representation of The Slate or its position on matters. Advertising deadlines are the Monday before next publication date at 4 p.m. Contact for more information. Letters to the editor should be concise (no more than 300 words) and should be sent to slate.ship@gmail. com. All submissions become property of The Slate and will not be returned. The Slate will not print anonymous letters, and reserves the right to refuse to print a letter if the Editorial Board feels it is inappropriate. The Slate uses art from King Features and Associated Press Images as well as various art sources which are credited within the publication.
See SENATE continued on A6
The Slate holds weekly staff meetings on Sundays in The Slate office, second floor of the CUB. Everyone is welcome to attend. The Slate also welcomes submissions from all students. Contact for more information.
April 29, 2014
Here and Now U.S. Supreme Court upholds Michigan’s ban on affirmative action
Public drunkenness at Stone Ridge Commons
University Police were dispatched to the lobby of Stone Ridge Commons around 1 a.m. on the morning of Saturday, April 12, to take care of Dejean Pean, 22, of Stone Ridge Commons. Pean had puked in the building and admitted to the officers he had consumed alcohol. Officers issued him a portable breath test, cited Pean for public drunkenness and released him.
Scattering of rubbish causes suspicions to rise
On Saturday, April 19, University Police cited Nathaniel Lehr, 21, of Naugle Hall, for public drunkenness and scattering rubbish. Lehr was with a group of men walking near the Steam Plant when officers spotted him holding what was possibly a bottle of beer. Lehr had set the bottle on the ground and fled the area when officers approached his party. Lehr was later found around Old Main Drive and taken into custody.
Retail theft at Red’s Snack Shack
University Police charged David Bunyenyezi, 18, of Naugle Hall with retail theft on Saturday, April 1, after he allegedly took a soda from Red’s Snack Shack in the CUB without paying for it. Store employees said they saw Bunyenezi walk into the store, take a 20-ounce Schwepp’s Ginger Ale out of the cooler, put it into his pocket and leave. When officers arrived at the scene the store employees pointed out the culprit at a table eating food. Officers questioned Bunyenezi who admitted to stealing the soda, which was valued at $1.79.
Fire alarm activated at Stone Ridge Commons
The lack of affirmative action in Michigan universities may be the reason for lack of diversity in schools.
provide a mechanism for preserving and creating racial and ethnic equality in the United States,” Finkelman said, according to NPR. Other people believe that “there is nothing to fix anymore,” as Nina Totenberg, NPR writer, said. “The way to stop discrimination based on race is to stop discriminating based on race,” Chief Justice John Roberts said.
Wednesday, April 30, Mini-THON is hosting its last meeting of the semester in CUB 119 at 9:20 p.m.
On the evening of Saturday, April 12, University Police responded to the activation of a fire alarm at Stone Ridge Commons. Officers searched the building and found that the alarm was triggered manually on the second floor lobby. No fire or emergency was found. The police launched an investigation to determine who was responsible for pulling the fire alarm. Marquis Branson, 19, of Stone Ridge Commons, was cited for disorderly conduct.
Drug paraphernalia and alcohol consumption caught officer’s attention
Sean McAdam,19, of Harley Hall was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia, public drunkenness and underage drinking on Saturday, April 26, on York Drive. University Police officers spotted McAdam staggering on the sidewalk, wet and covered in dirt and falling to the ground as they approached. McAdam showed signs of intoxication, admitted to consuming alcohol and was issued a portable breath test, which confirmed McAdam was drunk. The officers called in an ambulance due to his condition and took him to Chambersburg Hospital for treatment. During the incident police found McAdam to be in possession of a glass smoking pipe, for which he was charged.
Thursday, May 1, “Constant Gardener” will be playing in Dauphin Humanities Center 051 at 6:30 p.m.
Friday, May 2, comedian Brian Regan will be performing in Luhrs Performing Arts Center at 8 p.m.
Saturday, May 3, APB is hosting “The Price is Right” in the CUB MPR at 9 p.m.
Photo courtesy of Mike Simons
Tuesday, April 29, “Ride Along” will be playing in a Orndorff Theater in the CUB at 9:30 p.m.
Underage drinking in Stone Ridge Common
On Friday, April 11, University Police found Ashley Shields, 20, of Philadelphia, Pa., staggering around on the first floor of Stone Ridge Commons. Shields showed obvious signs of intoxication and had alcohol in her possession. University Police gave her a portable breath test and determined that not only had she consumed alcohol, but that she was in need of an ambulance due to her condition. Shields was taken to Chambersburg Hospital and cited for underage drinking.
This week on campus
On Tuesday, April 22, the United States Supreme Court ruled 6-2 in favor of a law in Michigan that bans affirmative action plans when admitting students into public universities. Since then, many people expressed their concern over the court’s ruling, according to Michigan Live (Mlive). Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan was removed from the case due to a conflict of interest. Affirmative action in the context of university admissions means that schools would provide unique or extra opportunities for members of groups deemed to be discriminated on by the rest of society. In the case of Michigan, affirmative action in this arena has been banned since 2006 when 58 percent of Michigan voters passed the law. After recent court wrangling the ban is still in effect eight years later, as Mlive reported. The state’s primary and wellknown university, the University of Michigan (UM) in Ann Arbor, suffers in terms of ethnic diversity across the student body. Mlive said that UM officials think the ban
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy said on NPR that the issue was “not about how the debate over affirmative action should be resolved, but about who should resolve it.” In other words, Kennedy believes that it was the state’s and voter’s right to decide if they wanted to toss out a “voluntary affirmative action program.” Some people, like Louisiana State University law professor Paul Finkelman, who submitted a brief to the court, do not look at the court’s decision in the same light as Kennedy portrayed it. “The court has essentially said that the Constitution does not
Police Logs
Troy S. Okum
Asst. News Editor
on affirmative action is a strong cause for this lack of diversity. After the high court’s decision to uphold the law UM has to find another route to achieve diversity. In comparison to Shippensburg University, UM has about half as many African-American students as SU does in terms of percentage of all undergraduate students. When it comes to Hispanic and Latino students SU has nearly one percent less than UM. Interestingly, the percentage of students of non-Caucasian races has increased across the board for UM since 2009, three years after the law was already in place. The one exception to this is the African-American population, which has fallen by oneand-a-half percent since 2009, according to UM and SU websites. What makes this information significant is that affirmative action is not needed to boost ethnic and racial diversity. Regardless of how helpful affirmative action is to a school’s diversity some people think that it is prejudice to not employ it. One such person is Shanta Driver, the civil rights attorney who tried to convince the U.S. Supreme Court that Michigan’s ban is unfair. “This is a racist decision that takes us back to an era of state’s rights,” Driver told Fox News. A federal appeals court challenged the state’s ban, which was also an amendment of the constitution. The appeals court looked to previous Supreme Court rulings “that prevented restructuring government to disadvantage minorities,” National Public Radio (NPR) reported. Despite the lower court’s efforts to make its decision follow higher court’s precedents it was eventually overturned.
April 29, 2014
Construction projects provide for campus’ future Collin Brackin Staff Writer
By now most people have realized there are some changes coming to Shippensburg University. While inconvenient, the redirections of foot traffic are necessary in order to allow work crews enough distance to maneuver and operate safely, said Lance Bryson, the associate vice president of facilities management and planning. But, could they not wait just a few more weeks? “In order to finish the jobs on time for the fall semester it was necessary to begin the projects
around campus earlier,” Bryson said. The construction was scheduled strategically around the beginning of the fall semester which has a higher enrollment and because of the colder weather in October when the heating system turns on. Bryson explained that the strategy for timing focused on minimizing student impact, but not all inconveniences could be avoided. For example, Kriner had to be shut down during the spring semester in order to complete the construction by August, when it will reopen before the fall semester. The new and localized natural gas-powered heating plants around campus are on track to be complet-
Photos by Mary Grace Keller
The sounds of construction are all too familiar to SU students living in Presidents Hall. Construction is starting now in order to finish before fall semester.
ed before they are needed this fall. Working with the department of general services, SU will save money both in regulation standards and in the actual production of heat. Although economics drove this decision, the 40 percent reduction of carbon footprint is a positive impact of the modernization. The second phase of the construction project for campus housing is on track or slightly ahead of schedule for the fall 2014 opening dates. “We plan to have at least one residence hall open for early arrival,” Bryson said. Because of the work progressing quicker than scheduled, all three new halls, McCune, Lackhove and Kieffer, may be open for early arrival. Although not on campus property, the Cumberland Valley Rails to Trails system is also planning on starting an improvement project in the fall. This will pave the path adjacent to campus from Fogelsanger Road past Prince Street and ending at Earl Street. Included in this project is a footbridge that will connect the trail from campus to Britton Park. The extensive construction and maintenance projects that are underway currently will provide a strong infrastructure for SU for many years to come. “This is a temporary inconvenience for a positive change.
The fences outside Dauphin Humanities Center keep students away from the construction. Students have to trek a little farther to class for sake of safety.
We have to get our minds working downstream to see that this will provide for Shippensburg’s future,” Bryson said. SU will look like a new and modern campus that has some of the youngest and best buildings in all of the PASSHE system in four years time, Bryson said. After the heating and cooling projects are completed and the residence halls are occupied, there are plans for a telecommunications project that would update the Internet and electronics systems on campus. Following those projects will be the
roads and the rest of the buildings. “The facilities staff is here because they want to work here,” Bryson said. “They all work for the students and are proud of the university. There’s nothing else that would keep them here in the middle of the night plowing snow in the cold of winter. We are all are serving the needs of the university and want to provide the platform for the education of young people.” If there are any safety concerns regarding campus construction or other problems, please call SU Police at (717) 477-7447.
Kevin Paul Scott: summer is about experience, not money Codie Eash
Staff Writer “Sitting at home playing video games doesn’t look good on a résumé.” This advice came courtesy of Kevin Paul Scott, a speaker, author and co-founder of ADDO Institute and ADDO Worldwide, institutions specializing “in global leadership, student leadership and thought leadership,” according to the organizations’ website. ADDO is a Latin verb meaning “to inspire,” and through the institute’s inspiration, it received the 2012 Governor’s International Award for “New Company of the Year” in the state of Georgia. Among Scott’s specialties is discussing how college and university students around the United States can most effectively spend their summer vacations. According to Scott, students’ summer success “depends on whether
they choose to focus on collecting experiences and not collecting money.” “Invest in opportunities that provide the most experience,” Scott said. Though he acknowledged that some students must earn some form of income, he said he believes the most worthwhile activities are those which allow students to gain skills they would not have obtained elsewhere. “I don’t think that it’s important for college students to be involved in a classroom setting year round, but they should be involved in learning year round,” Scott said. “Most learning takes place outside of a classroom and outside of a comfort zone.” While attending the University of Georgia (UGA), Scott served on a 25-member executive board which worked with nearly 2,000 student volunteers to spread the word about the prevention of pediatric HIV/ AIDS. During his time with the group, earnings rose from $75,000 to $300,000 — a 400-percent increase.
Photo courtesy of Kevin Paul Scott
Kevin P. Scott is the co-founder of the ADDO Institute and ADDO Worldwide.
“We had a vision of how to run our organization, with clear money goals and a clear view of how our mission would serve the individuals we were helping,” he said. Drawing on this experience, Scott said the most valuable life skill learned outside of a classroom is leadership. “Leadership is not something you learn, it’s something you do,” he said.
“Working with a team of individuals [provides] that practical application [and] it’s where you learn the most.” Scott said that summer internships are an effective way for a college student to spend his or her time, as long as the internship fits two criteria. “First, the student must learn something they wouldn’t otherwise learn,” Scott said. “Second, they must be making connections they wouldn’t otherwise make.” He said that online summer courses can be helpful for certain students, but not others. While many students find them to be less time-consuming, some subjects are more difficult for students to comprehend in an online setting. He said many courses physically taught in a classroom are based on discussion among students, a format which is sometimes difficult to reproduce online. “Ultimately, taking online courses should be dictated by stu-
dents’ place in their college experience,” Scott said. “It depends on the course and the student.” Scott’s book, “8 Essential Exchanges: What You Have to Give Up to Go Up,” was released in 2013. One section of the book focuses on exchanging one’s wish of “being the master of none for being the master of one,” something which many students can focus on during their summer vacations, according to Scott. “It’s about focusing on your strengths, and finding the ones you’re especially good at,” Scott said. A 2007 graduate of UGA, Scott has spoken to leaders on six continents from more than 100 countries, served on a presidential campaign and a United States congressman’s staff, and has received national acclaim for his communication skills and curriculum-building efforts. More information on ADDO and Scott may be found at and
Conference draws crowd in the hundreds HANNAH WOLFE
Ship Life Editor The second floor of the Ceddia Union Building (CUB) was peppered with nearly 400 students on April 22, during Shippensburg University’s (SU) annual Celebration of Student Research Conference. In the CUB’s multipurpose room, Orndorff Theater and several conference rooms throughout the CUB, students gave panel presentations on a variety of topics, spanning across all three colleges. Students were able to present their research on posters during two sessions in multipurpose room sections A and B. Colleen Bauer, a graduate student who was presenting a poster project on social media, said that she appreciated the platform the conference provided. “It’s a good chance to showcase my work and explain to people what I’ve been doing and spending all this time on,” Bauer said. According to Marc Renault, chair of the dean of arts and sciences’ advisory council for undergraduate research, the conference was open to any student who had a project to present. The conference was an opportunity for those students to share
April 29, 2014
their work in a public space. “When you find something that nobody’s ever seen before, you want to share it. So this event is a nice way of recognizing the students who do that, and gives them a chance to present their work to others. But also, we want to show other students that research is possible. It’s a fun thing to do. It’s a gratifying experience,” Renault said. Renault added that the conference provides an endpoint to the students’ projects. “Research that isn’t communicated is missing something. And new findings need to be communicated and I think this conference plays a vital role in that,” Renault said. The evening before the conference, Kent Meyers, global director of advanced engineering project management for Volvo construction equipment, gave the keynote address in Memorial Auditorium. The talk was titled “Volvo CE — A Global Approach to Research and Innovation” and profiled Volvo’s recent transition that took several independent business units and fused them into one international company. Both the keynote address and the conference were free and open to the public.
A word from the financial aid office: Final days to file FAFSA before May 1 deadline! To receive optimum funding, each student must complete the 20142015 FAFSA no later than Thursday, May 1, 2014 at 11:59 p.m.
Geography & Earth Science department recognizes students DAVID BARTH
Asst. Sports Editor The Shippensburg University Department of Geography-Earth Science and held its annual awards reception Friday, April 25, to honor the achievements of 20 outstanding students. Gamma Theta Upsilon (GTU), an international geography honor society, sponsored the event. More than 40 students, faculty and staff attended the ceremony, which was held in the Old Main Chapel. “It was a good turnout,” said Tom Feeney, faculty adviser for the honor society. “It’s good when students are being recognized for grades but also accomplishments outside of the classroom.” Feeney was instrumental in organizing the event along with professor Tim Hawkins, who over-
the farm club for several years. “We work hard in the department but also outside of class and at the farm,” said Saintz, who received the Lawrence Tyson Wolfram Memorial Scholarship. “It’s nice to be recognized, and I am thankful to the Wolfram family and the department for that.” Many former faculty members attended the event as well as former students and GTU members. “It’s just awesome that I’ve gone through the whole program now, and it hits home how these kids are Photo by David Barth starting out where I did,” said HamProfessor Joseph Zume awards the Jack Ford Scholarship to Molly Moore, one of berger, reflecting on his time at SU in light of the upcoming graduation. 20 students the geography & earth science department recognized on Friday. “Now I’m here being recognized saw the setting up of appetizer ta- in memory of former students and bles and student research posters faculty, and most required signif- for all this hard work, along with around the outside of the room. icant academic achievement or these guys who I worked with.” Doug Hamberger, GTU presi- involvement in the department. Julia Saintz, a dedicated envident and graduating senior, made the welcoming remarks and in- ronmentalist and junior at SU, Want more news? Follow us troduced each award presenter. exemplifies that point. Saintz has @ShipUSlate on Twitter Many of the awards are named been involved at the SU farm and
continued A3
“The experience you have, the work you do…is truly a model for all students on campus,” Harpster said. Despite the large shoes the new senate has to fill, Harpster is confident t h a t the
students will live up to the challenge. Each of the 2013-2014 senators received a plaque in recognition of their work. Moving away from the more formal speeches, Luke Perry, Olivia Straka and Dylan Bensinger awarded superlatives to each senator. Some of the comedic superlatives included, “most likely to turn the senate office into a closet,” “Mr. Rogers award” and “most unique wardrobe.” After a few laughs, additional awards were given to the staff member of the year, Ashley White, and faculty member of the year, Lucinda Elliott of the biology department. Roger Serr, the vice president of student affairs, congratulated Student Senate on the work accomplished. “The kinds of students I see are the future leaders,” Serr said. “I couldn’t be prouder to work on this campus with the k i n d of students we have.” P r e s ident Michelle Bradley stepped up to the podium to send off the senators and their guests with a last few words of praise. “I have seen you all accomplish some amazing things, handle some extremely difficult issues and it was this that actually inspired me, that made me realize that we are accomplishing things here. You all inspired me,” President Bradley said. “And that’s why I’m still here, that’s why I’m coming back next year and working harder at this.” Gavel photo courtesy of Jonund
Why we need to legalize gay rights in Pa. Ana Guenther Opinion Editor
“If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: They shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them,” Leviticus 20:13. When it comes to homosexuality it could be argued that it is religion that drives societal hatred toward the gay community. Words like abomination should not be used to describe the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered (LGBT) community. Abomination should be used to describe those who discriminate against society for not conforming to our “social norms.” With that in mind, what exactly are our social norms? Do any of us have a right to designate how we should all act, or decide what we should believe in? I think not. In today’s modern society the LGBT community plays a huge role in America. In fact, The Williams Institute at UCLA school of law reported after conducting a study in 2011 that 1.7 percent of American adults identifies himself or herself as gay or lesbian. Another 1.8 percent identifies himself or herself as bisexual. recently reported that more than 38 percent of the U.S. population lives in a state that either has the freedom to marry or honors out-of-state marriage of same-sex couples. Over 41 percent of the U.S. population lives in a state with either marriage or a broad legal status such as civil union or domestic partnership. Over 43 percent of the U.S. population lives in a state that provides some form of protections for gay couples. As more and more
B1 April 29, 2014
states are working to legalize gay marriage, I think Pennsylvania should be no exception to legalizing these rights. I do not believe the government or any religion should be able to dictate how relationships should look. Every person has a right to happiness, and whether someone finds this happiness with a man or woman should not define our opinions of that individual. As of now Pennsylvania does not recognize gay marriage nor does it have any anti-gay constitutional amendments. However this could change after 11 gay couples rallied together to fight for their rights. According to CBS Philadelphia, both sides of a federal lawsuit challenging Pennsylvania’s ban on same-sex marriage are now asking the judge to skip the trial, and to make a ruling. Legalizing gay marriage is hopefully something that will come to pass soon for the LGBT community in Pennsylvania. According to the The Huffington Post, Pennsylvania voters also backed a law that would allow same-sex marriage in a vote that ended with 57 to 37 percent backing the potential law. This was a three percent increase from a Franklin and Marshall poll that was conducted in 2013. Democrats in Pennsylvania favored the proposal with 74 to 22 percent favoring while Republicans opposed marriage equality with an end vote of 59 to 36 percent. Interestingly enough, the Post also reported that gender in Pennsylvania also played a role in determining who favors marriage equality. Sixty percent of women voted that they favored gay marriage, while 53 percent of men voted that they support gay marriage. I think that it is evident to see that gay marriage is something that can be seen on the horizon for Pennsylvania residents. It is something that I feel needs to come to pass for the LGBT community.
Photo by Bruce Andersen
Silence gay stereotypes, let kids be kids Cassandra Clarhaut Asst. Opinion Editor
Photo courtesy of ZH2010, Wikimedia Commons
A trio of lesbians celebrate in a pride festival in 2006.
What is “gay?” It could refer to homosexuality, but is there a cultural stereotype that is associated with the word, which I think is a problem. It peeves me when someone asks me about my friend, a straight male, and they refer to him as gay, not because being gay is negative, but because it is an assumption. And based upon what? Gay men are considered stylish, super tan and obsessed with fashion and good hair, said Ted Allen and Carson Kressley, two stars from the show “Queer Eye,” in an ABC News article about gay men stereotypes. “There is research that suggests gay men do prefer certain professions, like fashion, interior design and hair coloring, and that lesbians are more likely to prefer sports and
the military,” the article read. It is not always true, though, that opposite gender roles are associated with homosexuality. There are straight women considered tomboys and straight men considered metro. I have no issue with homosexuality, and as a straight woman, it would actually be an honor to “be hit” on by a girl. But the people who are offended when people ask about their sexuality are probably less offended by the label and more offended by the assumption. I do not want to hear that someone who is asked if he or she is gay is offended. There is nothing wrong with that; sexuality is simply a preference, and these days, homosexuality is not taboo. The problem here is labeling people as something they are not without communicating with that person first. And if an individual does not tell you, you should not ask. Plus, this label often receives a negative connotation. Again, why?
The flamboyant stereotype in the media makes gays look obnoxious, extreme and overbearing. This is not only homophobic, but also problematic, because the representation of the one part of gay culture is represented and seems to over-shadow other homosexual styles. “But gay men are different, very different and homogeneity should never be the ultimate goal as it disallows individualism and true pride,” said David Davis Jr. of Pride celebrations in The Daily Texan earlier this week. The ultimate point I wish to make is that we should not judge someone’s sexuality based upon his or her appearance because it does not matter. Unless you are interested in potentially dating the person, it should not matter whether he or she is straight, gay, bisexual, transgender or other.
April 29, 2014
It is a good time Protecting the benefits to be gay of the gay community Zachary Aberman Staff Writer
Sex, relationships and marriage are typically pretty big parts of our lives. Whether it is a man and a woman, two women or two men, falling in love and having a strong bond with another person is an unexplainable and wonderful part of life. According to USA Today, “Right now, this country is deeply divided into two Americas, one where LGBT equality is nearly a reality and the other where LGBT people lack the most fundamental measures of equal citizenship.” Gay rights are a huge issue in America right now. People are passionate about their religious views and personal views that either support or oppose gay rights makes it a constant argument that truly does not have a correct answer. I am a straight male and my thoughts on gay rights are that if I am able to date whoever I want, and marry whoever I want than everyone else should be able to-do the same. Two men or two women promising to love each other and stick by each other is not affecting my life, so I do not think that there is a problem with it. I do feel that today is probably a rewarding time to be gay, because you are watching your rights open up and watching laws change and are seeing history change in front
of you. The Huffington Post speaks about how now is a good time to be gay, and said, “President Obama became the first U.S. president to announce his support of same-sex marriage. And one of the biggest rappers in the world, Jay-Z, said he’s got 99 problems and the gays ain’t one! Well, that wasn’t his official statement. I’m merely paraphrasing.” Television shows have been covering gay relationships and have made entertainment more accepting to gays in general. Ellen Page, the star of the popular movie “Juno” came out as a lesbian back in February at an LBGT event, and was praised for her bravery by many other stars via twitter. Anna Kendrick, star of the movie “Pitch Perfect,” tweeted “Mad mad mad mad mad mad crazy love and praise for @ellenpage today. Congrats to you, you light, talent and beauty.” This is a prime example of today’s world respecting people for coming out because of how hard it must be with all of the people who are against gays. The gay rights issue, in my opinion, is nothing more than people worrying too much about what others are doing. I see no problem with homosexuals as they see no problem with heterosexuals. Straight people get to live their lives with no hatred or debate. I think gays should be able to have the same respect.
Alyssa Varner Guest Writer
When a loved one dies, the last thing the family wants to worry about is legal battles over the deceased’s property. Even worse, though, is not knowing if you will be considered family during this time of loss. Gay marriage has been a hot button topic for politicians, religious leaders and, in all honesty, most of America. In all the noise, some rights are forgotten. I did not realize them either, until the day they affected someone I loved. I had known Terry and Stan my entire life. They were like uncles to me, buying me books for Christmas and sending me cards on my birthday. Terry was a computer programmer, and Stan was a reading specialist at an elementary school. They had been partners for more than 20 years when the unthinkable happened. Stan suffered from a brain hemorrhage and died one day later. He went into a coma and never woke up. Amidst the loss of his partner of 20 years, Terry had to worry about funeral costs and the division of Stan’s belongings and assets. Stan died relatively young and had not put any kind of will in place. Despite their many years together, Terry was not entitled to anything other than the house they lived in. He only got that because both of their names were on the mortgage. S t a n ’ s Photo by Jordy91 family was
no help to Terry either. They had been very disconnected from Stan for many years, but upon hearing of his death, they swooped in and fought for his possessions, claiming as much as they could. While Terry did not need the financial benefit of these items, he was forced to give up several sentimental items because they were Stan’s and the family wanted them. In addition, the hospital and funeral home made it very difficult to take care of funeral arrangements because he was not legally family. He was not entitled to any kind of leave from work because he was not legally married to Stan. Many people look at the system we have in place today and ask, “Why bother getting married? Is it just so they can file their taxes together?” W h a t h a p -
Photo by Njwag
pened to Terry is a heart-wrenching example of how the system can turn against a couple in a time of great tragedy. Marriage laws would protect their rights, just as they do the rights of every other married couple in our country. Evan Wolfsman of shares a startling fact in his article “Protections Denied to Same Sex Couples and Their Kids.” He tells readers, “according to a 2004 report from the U.S. General Accounting Office, there are more than 1,138 tangible benefits, protections, rights and responsibilities that marriage brings couples and their kids.” Couples who cannot marry due to sexual orientation are denied all of these. explains that the United States Supreme Court recently ruled in the case of United States vs. Windsor that same sex couples who have married cannot be denied these rights. This does not help the couples who live in the 33 states that still ban gay marriage, however. While there have been many advances in recent years that are making equality more of a reality, there is plenty that is being ign o r e d and forgotten.
April 29, 2014
Homosexuality: The Christian perspective
Abbie Brumback
I am a Christian. I support gay marriage. I do not believe homosexuality is a sin, but for people who believe that homosexuality is actually a sin, and those who believe in the Bible, a reevaluation of Christianity should be made. God states in the Bible that all humans are conceived in sin and that we must believe in Jesus to be saved of sin. There is only one way to God’s paradise: Believe that he sent his son to this Earth to die for sin. The Bible does not say that to get to heaven one must be heterosexual; it is not in the Ten Commandments. The Bible also says, “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these,” Mark 13:31. Those who persecute people who identify as homosexual are not loving their neighbor. So, Christians must first believe in God, and then love others. Showing kindness, patience and forgiveness is considered Christ-like, not criticizing or judging sinners like our-
selves. Christians should understand that judgment is not ours. Since we are all conceived in sin, and Christ is sinless, he is the only one who has the ability to judge. “Jesus declared that the person judging will be judged because judging assumes a divine prerogative; final judgment belongs to God alone, and those who seek to judge others now will answer then for usurping God’s position,” Mathew 7:1-6. Christians who wish to persecute those who identify as homosexual are defying God’s demand that man not be the judge of man. We are not worthy enough to make those judgments because we are all sinners ourselves. God created all of his children in love and with perfection. Sometimes man falls short, but He does not love any less. For those people who believe that gay marriage should not exist are actually not enacting the kindness and love that Christianity demands. Many people believe that Christianity persecutes, but Christian doctrine teaches that we should not. If people are to argue against gay
marriage because they believe it is a sin, using this premise, society should deny marriage to anyone who has ever lied, cheated, stolen, thought ill of another human being or had sex before marriage, just to name a few Biblical sins. God does not create a hierarchy of sin. “For whosever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one, he is guilty of all,” James 2:10. Murder is the same as cheating on a test in His eyes. The hierarchy is a creation of man and often the Church. So what is too sinful to be married? The ability to get married should be a social right. Marriage is a heterosexual norm but homosexuals should have the legal right to choose whether or not they wish to get married. So, yes, I am a Christian, and yes I support gay marriage. I believe that kindness and love should be given to all of God’s children and what I am entitled to, should be equal for every sex, gender, race and sexuality. I believe that when I stand before my maker, and he asks me, “Have you been kind to all my children?” all I can say is “yes.”
Matt Ramsay, Shippensburg University alumnus and Coalition for Campus Outreach (CCO) Minister, is involved with one of SU’s Christian organizations, Fuse. The Mosaic Coffee Co. owner is often spotted in the quad wearing his flat cap next to the sign “Ask a Campus Minister Anything!” In an interview with The Slate, Ramsay expressed his passion about the topic of homosexuality and the way the Christian church handles it. “This is a difficult issue for students to talk about, and for me as well. I usually don’t speak publically about the issue because there is so much baggage and because the good answers take time… but I’ll do the best I can,” he said. Q: How do you as a Christian feel about homosexuality? A: “When I was a student a decade ago, I started going to Students Advocating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Equality (SALE). I was upset with the church. I heard the nasty attacks and the bullying, hate, and ignorance; most prominently, the apathetic non-response from the voices in the church who really knew
better. I wanted SALE to have a Christian advocate and I wanted to learn from them. For two years I met with SALE. I was a fish out of water, and I was the only person there who thought the Bible didn’t condone homosexual acts. But I also believed that God is loving and gracious to all of us, and that my own temptations, attractions, and sins are not magically better than people who aren’t exactly like me. Do you imagine God cares any less about fairness for our society than he does our sexual behavior? I bet he likes equity quite a bit, so for two years I helped advocate for legalizing gay marriage whenever I could while for other events I had to recluse myself. So it was, that a Christian who still believed homosexual acts were not condoned in scripture but became friends with and advocated for the LGBT group on campus. Q: Did your gay friends impact you, and how? A: I grew very fond of those friends. They immediately welcomed me. They were funny, so seasoned by years of dealing with scorn from parents, churches,
friends, society, that the ability to make fun of themselves became natural—certainly not afraid of being different or voicing their opinions. Most profound of all was their acceptance of me. You might think with all the baggage the church heaps on this group in particular that they would have rejected me the moment I revealed my position, or “came out” to them, if you will. But after many meetings and conversations, when I was finally asked what I thought the Bible’s stance was and I shared my views, and after a lot of debating and finally disagreeing, the group did what too many in the church have been unable to do; the group still welcomed me even though we didn’t agree. They let me continue to joke with them, and to be with them. I am still impressed by them. Q: How did your Christian friends feel about these friendships? A: When I became a campus minister, I made it a point to meet with gay students. Some in the churches encouraged me. Too many chastised me. On one side, I have been called a conservative
Web Director
Photo by Jenny Mealing
Go gay rights, from the mouth of a minister bigot; the other, a liberal, a heretic, even gay. For its many triumphs and evils, the vitriol and lack of compassion displayed by the church at large on this topic will go down in history as one of its dark moments, a stain on its legacy and its witness. If God does exist (and I’ve bet my life on that proposition), and his moral law does not condone homosexual acts, then we have to know that asking a Christian who is attracted to the same gender to follow the moral law is an extremely big ask that heterosexuals cannot understand. If you accept that “pray the gay away” is not the answer for everyone, the church is basically saying the only right way to live in that scenario is by chastity or marrying someone you’re not physically attracted to. Those two options I have never had to imagine; if I did, I am not certain I could achieve either. Yet the loudest voices from the church have dispensed easy judgment and condemnation, pretending this difficult calling is a simple task, and pretending that God must somehow hate homosexual acts above all the other sins Christians all willfully go back to. Where is the
compassion of the church? Q: How do you think the homosexual community can be shown that even though Christianity disapproves of their sin, God still is love? A: I’m reminded that Jesus hung out with the “sinners” and rebuked the religious leaders for not recognizing their own sinfulness as they passed judgment on the sins of the day. Jesus loved people through their failures and selfishness, even when they betrayed him to the cross. He said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” Count me among the sinners, for I am sinful through and through. And if any sin ought to be elevated to higher attention, it ought to be the sin of self-righteousness. At the end of the day, Jesus runs with open arms for any of us. We’re all in the same boat. This Q&A session was conducted via email between Ramsay and Asst. Opinion Editor Cassandra Clarhaut. For the full text, visit
Ship Life
April 29, 2014
SU students try on yellow pages for Earth: Earth Day takes over quad with eco-friendly activities
A student pedals a bicycle that powers a pottery wheel. Another bicycle at the event was a source of electricity for the blender.
Christen Smith models a skirt made of phone book pages and a phone cord belt. Her shirt says, “call me maybe.�
Photos by Nicholos Finio
Stuart Ryerse plays the keyboard at Earth Day. Several students provided their musical talents, contributing to the atmosphere on the quad that afternoon.
Pottery on display at the festival. All of the clay and glazes used for the pottery for sale at Earth Day was made of recycled materials and fired in a biodiesel-fueled kiln.
Ship Life
April 29, 2014
RaiderFest thwarts stress, but wind tests its limits Hannah Wolfe
Ship Life Editor
Strong winds threatened to blow away booths on a blustery yet sunny Saturday. The Shippensburg University Activities Programming Board (APB) hosted its annual RaiderFest in Commuter Lot 7 on April 26. APB president Christopher Paoli said, “[One goal of the event is] just to create a huge celebration that everyone can enjoy. Just at the end of the year, everyone’s stressed, it’s nice to go to something for free and be able to win free prizes.” RaiderFest provided participants with activities such as a rock wall, balloon animal stand and sand art. Fairgoers could try their hand at carnival games like cornhole, bocce, ring toss and more. The victors in each game were eligible to design their own custom tumblers, air brushed pillowcases, spin art frisbees, street signs and photo key chains. At one activity, leap of faith, students could climb a ladder and jump off, landing on a giant cushion. “I liked feeling on top and like I was jump-
ing out into the world. It was awesome,” said Angeline Rodriguez after her leap. The following SU clubs volunteered at the event: P.O.T.T.E.R, Quidditch Club, Lambda Chi Alpha, Student Senate, Kappa Delta Phi, Social Work Organization, SU Marching Band, School of Academic Programs & Services, Circle K, SU Homecoming Committee, Ski & Snowboard Club, REACT, The Slate and Mini-Thon. RaiderFest was sponsored by the following businesses: Shippensburg University Bookstore, PSECU, Madison/ Brookside and Creekside Court Apartments, Bard Townhouses, The National Guard, Meadows Frozen Custard of Chambersburg, Red Robin, Cluggys Family Amusement Center, and Chartwells Dining Services. All fairgoers were given a punch card, $3 for non-SU students with ID and children and $5 for the general public. Each SU student received his or her first punch card free and Photos by Hannah Wolfe after that paid $3 for each additional card. All proceeds benefited the Drew Michael Taylor Creating a spin art frisbee was one of five prizes those attending RaiderFest could choose after winning Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicat- carnival games. The annual event raises money for charitable organizations. This year the proceeds ed to providing support to children in need benefitted the Drew Michael Taylor. and their families. The event went from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m.
D’Lish Bakery hopes to attract students to new location Devin Hill
Staff Writer
Shippensburg University graduate Alisha Smith and her business partners have brought back D’Lish Cake Bakery with new looks and a new menu. The local sweet spot, once located on King Street, is cranking out big variety with new flavors at its new location in the Shippensburg Shopping Center. The bakery has a full calorie menu and, also, its newest venture, a menu featuring vegan and gluten-free treats thanks to its partnership with Betsy’s Bakery out of Camp Hill. D’Lish offers more than 160 cupcake flavors including weekly gourmet specialties like the Take 5 candy bar cupcake. Smith and her partners opened D’Lish originally in July 2012 and Photo by Devin Hill remained in business until June 2013 when an agreement could not D’Lish Bakery’s new location in the Shippensburg Shopping Center offers ample seating and free Wi-Fi. The bakery moved be reached between her and the from its original location on Morris Street to the shopping center off of King Street near Little Caesars Pizza.
property’s owner regarding expansion of the business. After several months of searching for a new location, one was found that Smith hopes will attract a larger crowd, especially Shippensburg University students. She said the bakery’s previous location was not accessible enough for the local college community, but with the new offerings of free Wi-Fi, comfortable seating arrangements and a more convenient location, she and her partners hope to attract the student community. Smith has aspirations of turning her and her partners’ small business into a franchise in the future. Being self-taught with no formal, classical training, she remains dedicated to the bakery and its continued success. For more information about D’Lish, Smith invites anyone to check out and to like them on Facebook.
A new Deja Vu brings fashion to Shippensburg Sarah Eyd
Managing Editor Bright-colored scarves, prom dresses and designer T-shirts straight out of New York City — this is the sight patrons can expect to see when walking into Deja Vu Boutique. The boutique, which came under new management in early April, has seen many changes since its switch in ownership. “We’re trying to bring in better brands and more youthful things,” said Alabaster Slade, owner of Deja Vu. Slade bought the boutique out
“I want it to be a store like in NYC, Philadelphia or Baltimore, but right here in Shippensburg” of what he describes as fate. He became aware of the opportunity to buy after his other business, Guerilla Tattoo, participated in a cross-promotion with local photographer Jeremy Wolfe and other downtown Shippensburg businesses. Wolfe dressed models in clothes donated by Deja Vu and photographed them at local storefronts to promote downtown business. During the promotion, Slade saw the “For Sale” sign in the window and knew it was the perfect opportunity. “I always wanted to open a shop like this,” Slade said. “As soon as I walked in, it was perfect. It felt like fate.”
Ship Life
April 29, 2014
Slade and his co-owner Melissa Dupert officially became the owners on April 1. After working around the clock to get it ready, they opened on April 7. Slade splits his time between the boutique and his tattoo shop, while Dupert works at the boutique. “We’re unique, hip and affordable,” Dupert said. The boutique’s inventory is now an even split of new and used clothing, some straight from wholesalers and some from consignors. Slade hopes to cater to men and women in their mid-20s who are looking for unique, fashionable clothing and accessories, but also has clothes and accessories for children. Dupert and Slade also hope to incorporate more urban fashions, inspired by New York City’s street wear scene. The boutique currently sells T-shirts by famous brands such as Obey and Mishka, for a fraction of the cost. “I want it to be a store like in NYC, Philadelphia or Baltimore, but right here in Shippensburg,” Slade said. While Slade and Dupert have many ideas for the shop, some things have stayed the same. For example, the previous owner left her extensive collection of dresses, making Deja Vu one of the most popular destinations for prom shopping in the area. Deja Vu Boutique is located at 7 S. Earl St., Shippensburg. It is closed on Sundays and Wednesdays and is open Mondays and Tuesdays Photo by Jeremy Wolfe 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays 10 a.m. – 8 A model poses outside of Deja Vu Boutique. The owners strive to emulate the NYC fashion scene in their small shop on p.m. For more information visit face- South Earl Street in Shippensburg.
Professor guides students using passion for communication Maura Coyne Staff Writer
A lover of humor, hard work and, oddly enough, squirrels, has dedicated his life to helping others understand the importance of communication. “I believe that a lot of human problems can be resolved by open human communication,” said XinAn Lu, professor of human communication studies at Shippensburg University.
career as a professor, he was eager to teach American college students. He allowed his passion and courage to trump any uncertainties. Lu has achieved a great deal more than being a professor in the human communication department. He revealed that he was the only member of his entire family to attend college. He was also the only person from his Chinese village of 2,000 inhabitants to earn a doctorate degree. Photo courtesy of Shippensburg While in China, Lu earned his unUniversity dergraduate degree in English and Lu said when he arrived at Shippensburg University to pursue his literature. Lu’s master’s degree is in diplo-
macy, but during his study of politics, he was turned off by its tricks and schemes. He developed an interest in international communication. Unfortunately, there were no schools in China at the time that offered doctoral degrees in the communication field. Around 1997, Lu researched other countries’ graduate programs and selected Southern Illinois University of Carbondale. The university provided him with a scholarship and covered his living expenses. A man of many hats, Lu enjoys playing the piano and classical guitar outside of the classroom. He is
also an accomplished writer, having published several textbooks and working on personal writing in his free time. Above everything else, Lu cherishes the time he spends with his family. “It’s nothing big, but that’s the essence of life,” Lu said.
Ship Life
April 29, 2014
Student athletes take the stage at first annual lip-sync Homecoming kickoff to be held May 1 Rachel Shumway Guest Writer
Alexis Witmer Staff Writer
Once the spotlight hit center stage, Shippensburg University’s athletes turned into performers — but a little outside of their comfort zone. Aside from their daily routines on the field, Shippensburg University athletes were asked to exercise their other talents at the first “Athlete’s Got Talent.” With all proceeds going toward the Make-A-Wish foundation, team members of each sport came to show support on Tuesday night at Memorial Auditorium. The Student-Ath-
lete Advisory Committee (SAAC) hosted this year’s talent show, in hopes of raising $8,000 to grant a wish at SU. Each sports team from the university was asked to participate in the event and both male and female teams were featured in the show. A multitude of songs were chosen by all the different acts, and different dances and skits were performed. A few of the acts included N’Sync’s “Bye Bye Bye” by the baseball team and Gwen Stefani’s “Hollaback Girl” by the women’s soccer team. The Dance Troupe and men’s cross-country team both featured a song from the movie “Frozen” in their skits. All athletes certainly stepped out
of their shell for a good cause and it made for a successful fundraiser. Casey Rightmyer of the women’s soccer team said her team was flying by the seat of its pants. “We put it together in one night,” Rightmyer said. “It was a really fun experience and I would do it again if I was asked,” soccer player Steph Allshouse said. After each act, audience members voted for their favorite act up until that point by placing tickets that they purchased into a designated bucket. At the end of the night, the team with the most tickets would win “Athlete’s Got Talent.” By the end of the night, the women’s softball team won first place with the most votes. A close second
was the men’s cross-country team and third place went to the women’s basketball team. Overall, the voting was close for most of the acts. Baseball player Jimmy Spanos, co-chair for the event, said “I’m pretty pleased with the event. We raised more than $4,000 and had a very good turnout.” Spanos had teammates who performed in the talent show, who he gladly watched and supported. “Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves,” Spanos said. “It was a fun way to bring all the teams together and have a couple of good laughs while raising money. Overall, I feel we had a great turnout,” said SAAC representative Carolyn Smith.
The Shippensburg University Homecoming Committee is now getting ready for the 2014 homecoming festivities, and it is looking for students who are interested in helping. On Monday, April 28, and Wednesday, April 30, there will be a homecoming table in the CUB Great Hall. At this table, interested individuals will learn about the Homecoming Committee as well as have the opportunity to pick up applications for the 2014 king and queen. The table will be set up between the hours of 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Nomination applications for king and queen can also be picked up at the CUB information desk anytime. The Homecoming 2014 Theme Kickoff will be held on May 1 at 7:30 p.m. There will be an outdoor movie showing. This event will be located at the CUB Ship Deck Amphitheater. Also, any individuals who would like to be involved, the homecoming committee is looking to fill the graphic design coordinator position. Along with other duties, the student chosen for this job will be creating flyers and designing shirts for the 2014 homecoming festivities. Anyone interested in more information can e-mail for further details.
Photo Credit
April 29, 2014
Ten Tenors bring big-city Broadway to small-town Shippensburg on Thursday Laura Kreiser A&E Editor
The Ten Tenors are known throughout the world, with 21 albums under their belts over a 15year period. The group made a stop at the H. Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center on their Ten Tenors on Broadway tour on Thursday, April 24. The seats of Luhrs filled quickly as classic music filled the auditorium, all waiting to see this famous Australian group. WHAG 96.3’s meteorologist walked on stage to give the band a quick introduction, then revealing the band as he slid back and the curtain went up. The first thing that was quickly noticed was the stage setup. The red stage had three lower sets of steps, which held all 10 members,
of hilarious banter with the audience and between the group members themselves. They went into the song “Cheek to Cheek” a cabaret-styled song, that had the Ten Tenors, spread out on stage, not moving much. This gave the feeling of being laid back hotel lounge. They then moved on to “Sit Down, You’re Rockin’ the Boat” from “Guys and Dolls,” using chairs to help emphasize the “sit down” lyrics in the song. They also had a tribute to “The Sound of Music,” singing some popular songs such as “The Hills Are Alive” and “My Favorite Things.” Between songs, the group explained why, although many of these musicals were older, they were still classics and still being played all around the world. They also were, from what many consid-
The Tenors split off into different groups, making each part of the song sound harmonious.
in front and the two bigger tiers that held the piano and drum set on the lower of the two and the string players on the higher one, all set against a back dropped screen that changed with each song. And if this alone were not enough, under each step was a string of colored lights, only adding to the mood. Although the group quickly took back the attention, dressed in black tuxedos and bowties, once they opened their mouths, singing out “New York, New York” from the musical “On the Town.” The Tenors introduced themselves, starting, what would turn out to be, a series
ered, “The Golden Age of Broadway,” giving even more reason for them to sing these iconic songs. Still staying with the older, more classic musicals, they sang “Oh What a Beautiful Mornin’” from “Oklahoma” and “The Impossible Dream (The Quest)” from “Man of La Mancha,” silencing the crowd for the heartfelt song. The group also encouraged the audience to sing along to the songs they knew, taking notice to several audience members who were even saying they could dance in the aisles if they felt compelled. They then finished the first part
of the show with a tribute to “West Side Story,” “Falling Slowly” from “Once” and “Somebody To Love,” which many members of the audience felt the urge to to sing along. The Tenors came back from their short break with “New York, New York” by Frank Sinatra, also heard in the animated film “Madagascar” while dressed in gray tuxedos and bowties. They explained that this part of the show would hold more contemporary pieces, since there were notable pieces in more recent Broadway shows. Although they joked they would never sing something by Beyoncé, making the audience laugh, when they pronounced Beyoncé incorrectly. They moved into a tribute to “Jersey Boys” singing songs from the famous quartet that inspired the musical. They took off their bowties to emphasize the laid back nature of the orginal singing group and the musical itself. The songs included, “Sherry,” “Walk Like A Man” and “My Eyes Adore You.” To accompany this music, the group also danced, only adding to the fun. They used the microphone stands as part of some of their dancing, which helped show the group’s synchronization. They took on a somber tone, creating an emotional moment when they transitioned to “Bring Him Home” from “Les Misérables,” a musical better known known for its recent movie adaption. Then it was on to “Seize the Day” from the new Broadway show “Newsies,” which the Tenors were surprised not many members of the audience had seen yet. The show took another sobering turn as they sang “Here’s To The Heroes,” a song written just for the group. As they sang, the screen changed from pictures of nurses and doctors to firefighters and soldiers. They explained that many of them had personal ties; one member in particular explained he had two family members who fought deadly fires in Australia, since their summer brush fires could blaze on for weeks. The mood continued as they sang “Hallelujah” by Leonard Cohen,
Photos by Blake Cooper
The Ten Tenors sing their hearts out on Thursday, giving new life to old Broadway classics.
made popular again in Dreamworks’ movie, “Shrek.” They finished out with “Defying Gravity” from the hit musical “Wicked,” “Music of the Night” from “Phantom of the Opera” and “Don’t Stop Believin’” by Journey. Although, they hinted at the fact they would come out once more for a final song, they finished with “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” from “Monty Python’s Life of Brian.” Though the show was over, they were not done. They had a signing afterward, where fans could meet and chat with them. Cameron Barclay, the only member from New Zealand, had plenty to say to fans about the band and his experiences. He explained why they chose to do a show all about Broadway. He said since The Tenors are al-
ready a classical crossover, it just seemed like natural progression, as well as the fact that much of the public enjoys musicals. He also explained that they chose their songs by slowly whittling them down over a few years. Since the original list was 140 songs, it was no wonder it took a few years to get several different songs into one show. He also admitted that his favorite songs to perform are the ones from the “Jersey Boys” tribute because it involved dancing and singing. He added that his favorite song depended on what show he was doing that night. From all of this, it was only to be expected that the group that has been around for 15 years gave a wonderful performance worth seeing again.
Ben Stephens captivates the crowd as he takes the stage with his solo.
A&EFootball pants and Shakespearian tights D2 April 29, 2014
Netflix Picks ‘Texas Chainsaw 3D’ Tu Nugo
Asst. Ship Life Editor How would you feel, if you learned that you are related to the infamous serial killer “Leatherface?” Heather Miller (played by Alexandra Daddario) received an envelope telling her that she inherited a residence in Texas by her grandmother who recently died, which led to Heather being told, by her caretakers, that her real parents died when she was a baby. In hopes to learn more about her origin, Heather decided to make a road trip to Texas to find out more about her past. The “Texas Chainsaw” series has been done many times, but none of the movies have been revolutionary. The plot of the “Texas Chainsaw” series usually start the same — a group of young adults take a road trip to Texas, they pick up a hitchhiker and when they get to Texas, horrible events begin to take place. One thing that did interest me about this film is that it took an interesting turn with the “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” story. In previous “Texas Chainsaw” movies, the plot is solely from the perspective of the group of young adults, but in this version the movie starts off with a flashback of the original story of the “Texas Chainsaw Massacre.” As the introduction of the movie progresses, the Sawyer’s (aka the family of “Leatherface”) are hunted down by the sheriff and some corrupt townsfolk. As the movie progresses, I actually began to side with “Leatherface” against the townsfolk because of how corrupt and irrational they seemed. I do not usually side with the serial killers in horror movies, but in the end I was rooting for the Sawyer family. “Texas Chainsaw 3D” was released in 2013, runs for 92 minutes, with an “R” rating for mature audiences only. Should one spend 92 minutes watching this movie? My answer would have to be “no.” Even though the writers tried to take a new direction with the story, I believe the story that the movies have been based off of have never been properly made into what most people would consider to be a good movie. What is a good movie? To me, a good movie is a film that I would like to watch more than once and for me “Texas Chainsaw” is not one of those movies. I rate this movie a 4 out of 10.
A look at the life of comedian Brian Regan Mary Grace Keller News Editor
Photo Courtesy of Pam Loshak
Comedian Brian Regan hits Luhrs stage May 2, promising a night of laughs.
Have you ever woken up for your 8 a.m. class and wished that you could fall back asleep without consequences? During his early years at Heidelberg College, comedian Brian Regan felt the weight many students share. His friends called him Rip, short for Rip Van Winkle, since he had trouble waking up for class. Instead of attending early morning classes, now Regan is up late most nights performing his comedy show in cities across the United States. He will be bringing his gut-busting show to Shippensburg University on May 2 at 8 p.m. Regan will appear on the Luhrs stage to share his talents with SU students and the community. Regan’s path to a career in comedy began when he switched from an economics major to communications and theater arts. When Regan was feeling confused about what he should study, his college football coach suggested the new major since Regan’s jokes were such a hit on the field. During the fall semester Regan would gear up for football then switch to Shakespeare and plays in the spring. Exchanging football pants for Shakespearian tights did not seem like such a big change, Regan joked. Some people classify Regan’s style of comedy as observational, as many of his jokes are a retelling of everyday experiences through Re-
gan’s own “prism,” as he described it. “I’m not walking around like a sleuth trying to uncover comedy in the world,” Regan said. The inspiration for his jokes come along later when he is planning a show. Some of Regan’s jokes include bits about being stupid in school, trips to the emergency room and the invasion of cranberries into the juice aisle at the grocery store. “I try not to cater my show toward anyone in particular,” Regan said, “I just do what I think is funny.” This tactic has proved to be successful for Regan, who appeared on television with The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson and The Late Show with David Letterman. Regan taped specials for Comedy Central throughout the years and is the winner of two American Comedy Awards, according to comedians. Despite his busy schedule touring dozens of cities, Regan managed to return to college and obtain his degree seventeen years after he left Heidelberg College. Discovering his passion and talent for comedy gave Regan a career on stage, but he also lives a very normal life outside the spotlight, like when he is caring for his two children. The decisions Regan made in college helped shape his path to a career he is truly passionate about. “If your heart is telling you to go for something it’s really hard to do anything other than what the heart tells you,” Regan said.
Shippensburg students showcase writing
SHAPE Gallery promotes creativity from young students Kurt Rosenburger Staff Writer
Students from around the Shippensburg area came together this month to present their creative writing at an event known as “Young Voices” at the Shippensburg Arts Programming and Education (SHAPE) Gallery. To kick things off, Tom Crochunis of the Shippensburg University English Departmen,t read aloud one of
his pieces to ease the nervous tension around the room. Crochunis’ writing centered on a somewhat humorous personal experience he had during his teenage years. An important element of Young Voices focuses on helping students to become more comfortable sharing their writing. Following Crochunis’s display, students began to perform their works. Ranging from fiction to non-fiction to poetry, an assorted mixture of writing was read aloud.
One contributor shared a piece about what she thought her life would be like with Vincent Van Gogh. Another young student even elected to read a chapter from a book he had written himself. In preparation for the Young Voices presentation, three workshops were held in March at Shippensburg Area Middle School. The workshops were hosted by Crochunis, his student-faculty research experience students and Shippensburg Area Middle School teacher
April Hoover. This is the second installment of Young Voices. There are hopes for reproduction of this event to continue in the future. The SHAPE Gallery, located at 20 W. King St., is also currently featuring an art exhibit “Finding Everyday Beauty.” The exhibit features artwork from local artists Mary Hickman and Viktoriya Hoover.
April 29, 2014
SU Community Orchestra comes to Luhrs Nicole James Staff Writer
The Shippensburg University Community Orchestra took the audience on a cinematic journey at its annual concert this past Sunday at the H.Ric Luhrs Performing Arts Center. Director Mark Hartman led a 59-member orchestra made up of SU students, faculty as well as Shippensburg community members who performed seven pieces that contributed to their “Jazz and Film Music” theme.
It featured music from two Russian composers and one American composer. The concert also featured musicians Steve Rudolph on piano and Jonathan Ragonese playing both soprano and tenor saxophone. They treated the audience to a jazz centerpiece arranged for orchestra themselves. This guest appearance was made possible by a generous grant from the Student Association Activities Program Board. The smooth sounds of the “Russian and Ludmilla Overture” kicked off the show followed by “Night on
Bald Mt.” This piece can be heard in numerous works including “The Wizard of Oz” and “Fantasia.” The concert then transformed into the realm of jazz as Steve Rudolph and Jonathan Ragonese took over with their arrangements. They both collaboratively write to create their music which is influenced by poetry. This section featured “D’Earth, D’Moon, and D’Stars,” which was created for orchestra and piano and saxophone soloists. It continued with the pieces “The Peacocks,” “All the Things You Are” and “You and
I Must Part.” Before the performance of their last piece, Department of Music and Theater Arts Chair Trever R. Famulare took the time to acknowledge SU faculty member as well as Community Orchestra Member Dennis Ritz, who will be retiring at the conclusion of this school year. He was thanked for his years of work with the music and theater department and honored to have been a part of the SU family. To conclude the concert, one of the longer pieces was performed that is famously known from the
Steven Spielberg blockbuster, “ET: the Extra-Terrestrial.” “ET Theme: Adventures on Earth” was written by John Williams and helped the film win the Academy Awards for Best Original Score in 1982. The orchestra took the audience on an adventure sticking with the “flying” theme of the piece and the film theme of the entire performance. The audience roared with applause at the conclusion of the show and the hard work that was put forth by all members of the orchestra did not go unnoticed.
The Reflector and Write the Ship cast off new publication Natalie Sharp Staff Writer
Thursday, April 24, at 7 p.m., two Shippensburg University journals, The Reflector and Write the Ship, were released. The Reflector is an annual undergraduate arts journal
and Write the Ship is a journal of academic writing, both sponsored by the English Department. At the launch party in the Spiritual Center, Cory Stevens, editor-in-chief of The Reflector, spoke to the audience with both a thank you and a farewell as he is graduat-
ing this spring and will no longer be working with the journal. Stevens said, “The Reflector is what made me definitively decide that I wanted to go to Shippensburg… Each year, the submissions continue to astound and inspire me.” “The great and formidable Neil
Connelly,” as Stevens calls him, is The Reflector’s faculty supervisor. Connelly, an English professor, also spoke at the event and gave this advice to all writers, “Keep writing until you run out of ink. Then go buy new pens.” The Reflector and Write the Ship
both accept student submissions year-round. The Reflector, which was created in 1957, publishes fiction, nonfiction, poetry, interviews, and artwork. Write the Ship publishes fiction, non-fiction, essays, feature writing, reports and scholarly research from all subjects.
Photos by Natalie Sharp
Deichmann (right) and Cory Stevens, editor-in-chief of The Reflector (left), address the crowd at the Spirtual Center on campus.
A stack of 2014 Relfector issues wait to be taken from the spiral and laid out stack.
Album Review: “We’re All Right” by Shin High Foxes Zac
Chief Copy Editor The Shin High Foxes are a local indie/rock band with punk influences that help them create a unique blend of music only seen in Shippensburg, Pa., and the surrounding areas. “We’re All Alright,” the band’s first EP (extended play) will be releasing at the end of May, but we snagged an advanced copy to give
you a sneak peak. The album starts off with a musical prelude, which I found a bit boring, not knowing what to expect. Looking back, it seems out of place, not really flowing into the next song at all. “Hope” the band’s single, sets the mood for the EP with a catchy bassline from Preston Sheaffer as well as haunting vocals. It is by far the catchiest song from the Shin High Foxes and is a great slow, mel-
low jam that fans of Death Cab for Cutie could appreciate. “Northeast Binge” continues the trend of prominent, catchy basslines, but really shines when it shows off some of the band’s personalities when they argue who wants to “count it off” before they transition into what sounds like a jam session to finish off the track. Each song tells part of a story, which is that of self-reflection. It is very relatable for many young peo-
ple, who are simply trying to find their place in this world. “Collective Philosophy” is a perfect example of this. It is a slower song asking: “If we turn to dirt, tell me what were we worth?” “Requiem” also helps push the band’s message. This song, written to a gospel hymn, harkens back to the earlier works of Taking Back Sunday. The slow, melodic jam featuring double-canon vocals really hit home.
Perhaps the best compliment that a reviewer can pay to any musician or band is that they could feel the emotion and “get” the message that they are trying to convey. I certainly felt moved while listening to this EP and would recommend it to any indie/rock fan. But I think it is safe to say that I have hope for this local band as it looks forward to its summer tour and the future ahead.
Top 20 Billboard
Artist 1. Pharrell Williams 2. John Legend 3. Katy Perry 4. Jason Derulo 5. Idina Menzel 6. Bastille 7. DJ Snake & Lil Jon 8. Justin Timberlake 9. Chris Brown 10. Lorde 11. OneRepublic 12. Aloe Blacc 13. American Authors 14. Ed Sheeran 15. Luke Bryan 16. Avicii 17. Lana Del Ray 18. Iggy Azalea 19. Florida Georgia Line 20. Pitbull feat. Ke$ha
Song Happy All of Me Dark Horse Talk Dirty Let It Go Pompeii Turn Down for What Not A Bad Thing Loyal Team Counting Stars The Man Best Day of My Life Sing Play It Again Hey Brother West Coast Fancy This Is How We Roll Tumber
Top 10 Movies Movie
Weekend Gross 1. The Other Woman $24,700,000 2. Captain America: The Winter Soldier $16,048,000 3. Heaven is for Real $13,800,000 4. Rio 2 $13,650,000 5. Brick Mansion $9,600,000 6. Transcendence $4,105,000 7. The Quiet Ones $4,000,000 8. Bears $3,606,000 9. Divergent $3,600,000 10. A Haunted House 2 $3,265,000
April 29, 2014
Top 20 on WSYC
Artist 1. Manchester Orchestra 2. Future Islands 3. War on Drugs 4. James Supercave 5. Tweens 6. Jessica Lea Mayfield 7. SWF 8. Cloud Cult 9. Black Keys 10.Inch Chua 11.Wild Ones 12. Liars 13.Jef Barbara 14.Cloud Nothings 15.De Lux 16.Ema 17.Thus Owls 18.Mr Little Jeans 19.Bear Hands 20.Notwist
Song Cope Singles Lost In The Dream The Afternoon Tweens Make My Head Sing Let It Be Told Unplug
“Fever” Single Bumfuzzle Keep It Safe Mess
Soft To Touch Here And Nowhere Else Voyage The Future’s Voyage Turning Rocks Pocketknife Distraction Close To The Glass
Movie Schedule
Movie Showings A Haunted House 2 7:40 p.m.; 9:50 p.m. Brick Mansions
7:35 p.m.; 9:50 p.m.
Captain America: Winter Soldier2D 6:30 p.m.; 9:35 p.m.
Heaven Is For Real
7:30 p.m.; 9:55 p.m.
Rio 2 2D
7:15 p.m.; 9:40 p.m.
The Other Woman
7:10 p.m.; 9:55 p.m.
6:45 p.m.; 9:30 p.m.
*Movie showtimes are for Carmike 7 Theatre located inside the Chambersburg Mall on Tuesday Billboard information from WSYC Top 20 music information from WSYC Movie information from Movie schedule from
April 29, 2014
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Ryan Trexler, Sports Editor/ David Barth, Asst. Sports Editor
April 29, 2014
Thursday Raider softball begins road to the PSAC title against the Crimson Hawks
Hurdling to Success
Thursday-Saturday The best competition in Pennsylvania travel to SU to compete in the PSAC outdoor track championships
Track and field squads slay competition in Paul Kaiser Classic, E4
Cover by Ryan Trexler
Boxing Spotlight, E5 SU boxing club makes noise under Henderson Gym and in the ring at the national championships
What was the most memorial moment in SU during the past year?
April 29, 2014
Ryan Trexler Sports Editor
Perry Mattern Guest Writter and
Brendan Gates Staff Writer
Throughout the last 365 days there have been a lot of memorable moments in Shippensburg University sports. Some of these moments had the SU athletes and fans excitement at the highest level while others simply left them in dismay. Memorable moments have occurred on the SU campus while others occurred many miles away. Despite what moment comes to mind everyone knows of one memorable moment from an SU sports event that will last a while. In the final edition of the Hot Corner for 2014 Ryan, Perry and Brendan present their most memorable moments in SU sports from this past year.
The memorable moment that stands out in my mind is when SU field hockey star Bre White scored the game
winning goal in the NCAA national championship on Nov. 24. White was awarded a penalty stroke just over five minutes into overtime. The game was in her hands, ready for her and the Raiders to finally capture the national title. A title they had been fighting for the entire year. White stepped up to the ball and delivered a shot that snuck in-between the opposing goalies hand and leg, winning the game for the Raiders. If you put that whole sequence into perspective, all of the weight on her shoulders, it is crazy how much that one moment meant. For the national title, the all-mighty trophy to be sitting in her hands and for her to capitalize on it just sends chills down your spine. White had such a memorable year the season before, but the Raiders fell short of a national championship. In 2014 she had an equally as impressive season and the Raiders fulfilled their goal. The moment that White converted that penalty stroke was, without a doubt, the most memorable moment in SU sports in the last year and I was not even at the game.
I’m going to cheat a little here. The moment I picked happened on May 19, 2013 and was part of a season that will be referenced in history as part of the 2012-13 academic year. But it did happen within a year of this being published and the academic year was already over. Plus Ryan said I could, so here we go. Pat Kregeloh’s three-run home run in the bottom of the sixth inning against Seton Hill in the NCAA Atlantic Regional final proved to be the game-winning hit on that sunny day in Winston-Salem, N.C., sending the Shippensburg baseball team to the College World Series A little background is necessary to Kregeloh’s bomb. The Raiders lost their first game in regional play to Seton Hill, who then remained unbeaten in the regional until the 19th, forcing the Raiders to beat the Griffins twice as part of the double-elimination tournament. Kregeloh pitched in the first game of the regional on May 17th and took the loss despite eight solid innings. Two days later he threw 124 pitches in the first game against Seton Hill on the 19th to lead Shippensburg to a 10-3 win, forcing a winnertake-all game that afternoon. Kregeloh was back to manning first base for the Raiders in game two, but Shippensburg had no luck scoring runs through the first five innings against Alex Haines, who is now a member of the Colorado Rockies organization. Haines was removed after his five innings with Seton Hill leading 2-0. In the sixth, Cal Hogan and Tyler Shover reached on errors to give Kregeloh his chance. The 0-1 delivery to Kregeloh was hit high and deep, but it appeared the Raiders slugger got under the pitch. However, the ball continued to travel and travel into the left-centerfield gap before disappearing over the wall to give SU a 3-2 lead that Photo by Ryan Trexler they would hold to make their
Bre White finished her career at SU with 80 goals in 83 games played.
Photo by Ryan Trexler
Pat Kregeloh hit an astounding .355 in 2013 to go along with nine homeruns.
first appearance in the College World Series since 2008. The moment was awesome, but reflecting on everything that Kregeloh did that day made it even better. It was the perfect time for the SU star to shine bright.
My most memorable moment in SU sports over the past year was Drew Newcomer missing a 56-yard field goal in the final minutes versus West Chester University that would have potentially won the game for the Raiders on Oct. 26. While this moment is by far one that many Raider fans don’t want to relive, it stuck out to me the most because of all that was at stake for the SU football program that day. The Raiders jumped out to an early 14–0 lead The Rams countered with 21 unanswered points, all from running back Rondell White in the first half. Quarterback Zach Zulli connected with Trevor Harman, but the point after was no good so the Raiders trailed the Rams 20-21 at halftime. Newcomer made three con-
secutive field goals to take a 29-21 lead with just over ten minutes remaining in the 4th quarter but that was not enough as WCU orchestrated a 75-yard touchdown drive and added the two-point conversion to tie the game as 2929. Newcomer had one shot to make the go ahead field goal, but the kick came up just short of the goal posts. The Rams had no trouble moving down the field and and ended up making a gmae winning field goal as time ran out in the game to beat the Raiders, 32–29. A week earlier the Raiders pulled off an impressive win over Bloomsburg University that no one saw coming. The win put the Raiders in perfect position to make it to the PSAC championship with a victory over WCU, but the Raiders fell just inches short. The missed field goal was not the reason SU lost the game, there were plenty of chances that the Raiders missed. The loss is a moment that SU fans at the game, myself included, will not soon forget.
April 29, 2014
Raiders sweep Bald Eagles, but miss PSAC playoffs Brendan Gates Staff Writer
History was made at Lock Haven University on Saturday afternoon as Shippensburg University’s, Austin Bartley, etched his name in the Raider record books. Bartley, the senior closer for SU, set the new single-season and career saves records in the first of two games from Fountain Field. Three different Raiders went hit home runs in the second game to aid the Raiders’ two-game sweep in their final two regular season games, 2–0 and 6–5.
Game 1
Game 1 of the doubleheader featured little offense from both teams as the pitchers put on excellent performances. The Raiders were able to break LHU pitcher Madison Neddo’s shutout in the fifth inning when Cal Hogan and Mike Marcinko hit RBI doubles. Marcinko doubled to left center, scoring Austin Allison from second base. Hogan followed Marcinko with a double down the left field line to bring home the sophomore. Bartley came into the game in the
seventh inning to record the final out and make history for SU. With his 10th save this season and 18th in his career, the southpaw closer broke Kody Kibler’s previous school records for most saves in a single season and most career saves. Mark Curtis, the starter for SU, pitched a solid six shutout innings as he kept the Bald Eagles’ bats quiet. Curtis surrendered only three hits and struck out five batters during the final game of his rookie season. Curtis finished his outstanding first year as a member of the Raider pitching staff posting a 2.58 ERA while striking out 35 batters over 38 innings pitched.
Game 2
Both offenses broke out in Game
SU got on the board first in the top of the third inning when Hogan hit an RBI single to center field, scoring Marcinko and put the Raiders ahead early 1–0. The Raiders added to their lead in the fifth off Pat Kregeloh, Jimmy Spanos and Hogan home runs. All three homers were hit to left field and extended the SU lead to 4-0. The Bald Eagles did not go quietly when they scored three runs in
the bottom of the sixth to close the SU lead to one. In the next inning, the Raiders scored two more runs, one from an Allison double to right center that scored Trent Bond. Marcinko later singled to center field, scoring Allison to take a 6–3 lead. The Bald Eagles had a chance for a walk-off victory in the bottom of the 7th when they scored two runs from a homerun to left field but the SU bullpen stopped the damage there to secure the victory. Shawn Patterson, a normal starter for SU, came into the game in the seventh inning and recorded a save for the Raiders. Allison finished the afternoon going 3-for-5 with two runs scored and one RBI. The Raiders took three of four games from LHU over the weekend to finish the 2014 season with a record of 29–17 and 14–14 in PSAC play, but fell just short of making the PSAC playoffs. The Raiders have a chance to be selected to the regional tournament like they were in 2013, but the Raiders must wait to see if their season will continue.
Jimmy Spanos hit his fourth homerun of the season against the Bald Eagles on Saturday.
Photos by Ryan Trexler
SU’s Austin Bartley (above) recorded the final out of Game 1 to record his historic 10th save as a Raider. Mark Curtis (right) pitched six shutout innings, striking out five batters while allowing just three hits.
April 29, 2014
Raider track and field steals the show during home event
Paul Kaiser Classic a big hit for SU, women’s squad wins six events while men’s squad notches 10 wins Joe Marinelli Staff Writer
Saturday was the 10th annual Paul Kaiser Track & Field Classic held at Seth Grove Stadium. The meet included nearly 30 schools and hundreds of competitors.
Ryan Spangler and Harrison Schettler notched times of 4:04.20 and 4:04.75, respectively, in the 1500-meter run. Mike Bilotta ran a 16:06 in the 5000-meter run, a great Top 5 finish. Bilotta was the only SU competitor in this event. As for the field events, high jump was dominated by SU with Jalen Ramsey, Zach Pressel and Ja’Que Munger finishing in first, second and third, respectively. LeQuan Chapman won the long jump and Kyle Dickinson came in fifth for the Raiders. Chapman also finished second in the triple jump, while Matthew Terry finished sixth. The Raiders dominated the Top 5 in shot put as well, taking four-offive spots. They were led by Grant Smith (1), Jesse Fogg (3), Charlito Iwuagwu (4) and Ryan Hart (5). Iwuagwu and Hart took the top-two spots in the discus throw as well.
On the track, Matthew Kujawski had an excellent day in both the 100-meter (11.05) and 200-meter dashes (27.97). Robert Bales ran a 22.34, which notched him third overall in the 200-meter dash. Matthew Kujawski’s brother, Andrew Kujawski finished 11th overall with a time of 22.88. Kevin Shaw finished fourth overall in the 400-meter dash with a time of 50.21. Timmy Usher, who also ran the 400, ran a time of 50.56, Women which ranked him seventh overall. The women had an impressive In the 800-meter run, Tom Kehl day on the track and in the field as (7th) and Matt Bee (10th) both finwell. ished in the Top 10 with times of The 100-meter dash saw impres1:55.62 seconds and 1:56.65, respecsive times from Lauren Ellsworth tively.
(12.92) and Danesha Butler (12.97). Megan Lundy (55.68) and Briana Fells (55.89) grabbed the top-two spots in the 400-meter dash, while Monique Clemons finished fifth overall with a time of 59.51. Daniesa Lyles ran a 15.87 in the 100-meter hurdles to lead SU. The 400-meter hurdles were won by Butler with a time of 1:03.56. Rachel Haupt finished fourth with a time of 1:06.41. Patty Reis easily won the 3000-meter steeplechase easily with a time of 12:00.52, more than 25 seconds faster than the second place finisher. In the field, Kellie Bresz led the way in pole vault with a jump of 3.51 meters. In the long jump, Sarah Hunt led the way for SU, with a jump of 5.55 meters and Lyndsay Barna leaped 5.53 meters. In the shot put, Liz Ross won the event with a throw of 12.59 meters. In discus, Liz Ross and Brianna Davis finished in first and second. Next week, all PSAC qualifiers will compete at Seth Grove Stadium in the PSAC Championships on May 1 through May 3.
SU’s Chris Nelson spins right before throwing the shot put on Saturday morning.
Photos by Ryan Trexler
Sarah Latch (1) slapshes through the water during the 3K steeple chase, Latch finished seventh with a time of 13:06.02. Andrew Kujawski (left) and Andrew Latchford (right) make their way down the track in the 200-meter dash.
April 29, 2014
SU boxing club: Hidden underneath Henderson Gymnasium Ryan Trexler Sports Editor
Henderson Gymnasium used to home of Shippensburg University basketball and volleyball before Heiges Field House was constructed. The gym is now used for indoor softball practice while the locker rooms on the lower floor are used by the softball, lacrosse and soccer teams. One aspect of Henderson Gym that many people do not know exists is the boxing room, which was the training facility for two All Americans along with three national tournament competitors in 2014. The SU boxing club is overlooked a lot of the time because it is not among the top sports at SU. Despite the lack of publicity it does not stop the team and fighters from making noise inside the ring. SU sent three boxers, Emily Appleman, Tylik Guilford and Luke Belski, to nationals this year, but they overcame a hard fought journey to get there. Before getting to the national stage the preparation starts once the boxers step onto the SU campus. According to head coach Travis Wylie approximately 100 potential boxers come out to the first week of practice which takes place on the recreation fields. The first few weeks are used for conditioning, a span where, from what Wylie says,
is when the weak dwindle out. From there the team moves into a small room on the bottom floor of Henderson Gym. This room has a few heavy bags, one speed bag and a few scales along with a boxing ring. From that point on it is all work for the select few that decide to take on the challenge of being a boxer. The ones that do stay do not have an easy road ahead of them, but they never stop improving. “I am the smallest guy here,” Belski said. “I always have to spar with guys that are bigger than me, but when I finally get into the ring to fight someone my own size their punches do not phase me.” Appleman faces a big challenge every time she steps into the ring during practice, being that she is the only girl on the team. She does not see that as a downfall, only something that can make her better. “I go into the ring and fight some of the girls I am used to getting hit by the guys,” Appleman said. “I know they (the girls) will not knock me out, I just go in the ring and do what you have to do.” Training varies from day-to-day for the boxers, but something that always stays true is working on cardio, hitting the speed bag and increasing their punching power by hitting the heavy bag. Wylie says his fighter’s progress quickly from training session to training session and for good reason. “Each week we film them, study their weaknesses and then the fol-
lowing week we work on drilling, they no longer become weaknesses,” Wylie said. “The next thing you know they become a well-rounded boxer.” The season is a long one, mostly comprised of training with a few individual bouts, including a home event that the team held in the beginning of February. The fighters use these fights to perfect their skills before stepping into the ring on the big stage. “Just like any other fight we go to, it gives us experience,” Appleman said. SU held a successful home event earlier this year that attracted a good crowd and allowed the boxers to showcase their skills. The next stage is the national tournament, where the boxers compete against the best competition from around the United States. The boxers say they try to stick to their normal routine, despite having such a big fight. “A lot of it is just staying calm,” Guilford said. “You want sparring to feel just like that national event, you just want to have fun.” The days leading up to the big fights can be long but once the big fight comes it is all business. “I like staying calm,” Guilford said. “When you stay calm you remember your technique and can listen to coach.” From a coaching standpoint, Wylie tries to keep his coaching style the same when the big time comes. “I try not to change at all, I try to be the same person during nation-
Photo by Ryan Trexler
Luke Belski works on his punches with coach Travis Wylie over the weekend.
als,” Wylie said. “It would not be right for me to change — you do not want them to change their styles.” Nationals treated the team well this season, Appleman and Belski were named All Americans while Guilford made it to the quarterfinals. Guilford lost his bout by disqualification. From what Wylie said, Guilford got hit with a strong punch that dislocated his jaw. The boxer was unable to keep his mouth piece in and was eventually disqualified. Wylie says the future looks bright
for the team with the core group of boxers that he has returning. “Top three team in the nation, I will be drilling that into their heads from the get-go,” Wylie said. “If everyone lives up to their expectations we can honestly make a run at the national team title.” Wylie says coaching a team or an individual to a national title would awesome. He noted that this year was a big step in that direction and he expects more of the same in the years to come.
Photos by Ryan Trexler
Tylik Guilford (left) and Emily Appleman (right) train in the boxing room under Henderson Gym. Appleman earned All American status this season while Guilford made a strong run at the title, but was elimated in his quarterfinal bout.
April 29, 2014
Lacrosse loses to Lakers, drops out of playoff contention Carrie Letteer Guest Writer
It was a beautiful and breezy day for the Shippensburg University lacrosse team as it took on Mercyhurst University. The wind did not stop the Raiders from duking it out against No. 2-ranked MU, but SU ultimately fell 18–6. SU’s Sheila Johnson scored first for the Raiders on a free position shot. SU kept control of the ball for some time to keep up with their opponents early in the game. SU strung together three goals, jumping ahead of MU 4–2. There was a lot back-and-forth action between the Raiders and the Lakers from there on. The Lakers tied the game at four before MU’s Becca Himes, propelling the Lakers to a 5–4 lead. MU took full control of the ball and played strong defense over the Raiders as they took off down the field and Himes scored again. The ball was not out of their sight for long before Taylor Ventre put an-
other one in the net for the Lakers, putting them up 7–4. The Raiders and the Lakers exchanged the ball quite often in the last 10 minutes of the first half. MU’s Himes and Ventre each scored two goals while teammate Jordan Mackenzie scored one. SU’s Johnson made the last goal in the first half for the Raiders, putting SU within five. MU did not waste time putting points on the board in the second half. Anna LeGrett, Jenna Schlagenhauf, and Janelle Williams all scored for the Lakers. The Raiders tried to mount a comeback when Amanda Krok netted a goal, bringing the score to 13–6. The Lakers’ tough defense and explosive offense shut down SU’s comeback as MU answered with five-straight goals to close out the game. SU’s Johnson finished the afternoon with four goals, bringing her season total to 40. Krok and Kayla Dalzell finished the game with one goal each. With the loss, the Raiders are now eliminated from the PSAC playoffs Photo by Brendan Gates for the seventh straight year. Bennett Widlake (left) attempts to steal the ball from a Laker defender during the second half of Saturday’s PSAC matchup.
Raider softball wallops Warriors over weekend home stand Ryan Trexler Sports Editor
Late inning rallies were the key to Shippensburg University picking up two victories against East Stroudsburg University on Sunday afternoon. The Raiders (31–13, 17-11 PSAC) battled back in the fifth and sixth innings of both games, taking Game 1 by a score of 5–2 while capturing a 6–3 win in the night cap. The Raiders received an impressive pitching outing from Emily Estep in Game 1. The senior threw a complete game, allowing just two runs on six hits. Estep struck out seven in her 20th win of the season. Briana Giovenco had a stellar day at the plate for the Raiders, going 3-for-5 with three runs scored to go along with her Game 1 blast over the left center field. Jessie Trammell went 3-for-6 at the dish for the Raiders in two games on Sunday. Trammell drove in two runs during Game 2 and scored twice herself. The junior has played a significant role for the Raiders this season as a designated hitter and has hit safely in her last five games. Photo by Ryan Trexler
Briana Giovenco celebrates with third base coach Ben DeShong after hitting a homerun.
when Giovenco hit a mammoth shot that cleared the left center field fence. SU added another run in the fourth inning when Tyler Thompson drove a pitch over the heads of the ESU outfielders. Thompson legged out the hit out for a standup triple but an errant throw that bounced off the ESU catcher allowed the junior to score. ESU (14-29, 9-19) added two runs in the fifth inning, tying the game at 2–2. The Raiders answered with three runs spread throughout the fifth and sixth inning. Maddie Justice doubled down the left field line in the fifth inning, scoring Giovenco. Giovenco drew a bases loaded walk in the sixth inning, which was followed by a Justice single through the hole at shortstop, putting the Raiders ahead 5–2. Estep made light work of the ESU lineup to close out Game 1.
Game 2
Liz Parkins took the circle for the Raiders in Game 2 and struggled from the start when she gave up a one run double to left center field. The Raider offense backed up Parkins when it pushed across two runs in the second inning. Trammell drove in Taylor Weisman and Game 1 SU jumped out to an early lead later scored when Rachel Shumway
singled through the left side of the infield. ESU rebounded with two runs in the third inning, taking a 3–2 lead. The Raiders again capitalized in the fourth and fifth innings. Trammell, Justice and Shumway led the way for SU. Trammel drove in a run in the fourth and fifth inning while Shumway and Justice both drove in runs of their own. The Raiders will now play Indiana University of Pennsylvania in round one of the PSAC playoffs. The game is set for May 1 at 1:30 p.m. in Quakertown, Pa. The Raiders did not play well last season in the PSAC playoffs. SU lost Game 1, won Game 2, but lost Game 3 and were eliminated from the tournament. The Raiders have a tough Game 1 competitor in IUP. The Crimson Hawks are 29–13 overall with a 22–6 conference record. IUP is the No. 2 seed in the west division going into the PSAC playoffs. The Raiders will have to keep IUP’s Jasa Mitchell at bay. Mitchell is currently batting .375, the highest on the Crimson Hawk squad. The senior outfielder has 11 homeruns and 31 RBI for IUP thus far. Thursday’s game will be the first time the two teams meet on the diamond this season.
April 29, 2014
Natalie Eastwood: Down, but not out as a Raider runner Ryan Trexler Sports Editor
Westminster, Md., is 53 miles from Shippensburg University. Westminster native, Natalie Eastwood, is used to distance and not just from a driving aspect. The freshman is a middle-distance runner on the Raiders’ trackand-field squad, competing in mainly the five and 10K events for the women’s track team while also running cross-country. Being from Westminster, Eastwood said stumbling upon Shippensburg was a bit of a “fluke.” “I wasn’t really sure where to start looking for colleges,” Eastwood said. “My guidance counselor gave me a list with all the colleges that have journalism programs because that’s my major, so I just went through the list and I guess it took me all the way to S to find one I liked.” Eastwood said she enjoys SU and the program that they have here. Before becoming a Raider, Eastwood had a lot of success at the high
East Division
Millersville(1)........... 34-13 Bloomsburg(2) ........ 28-18 West Chester(3) ....... 25-17 Kutztown(4) . ........... 26-19 Shippensburg........... 29-17 East Stroudsburg ..... 28-17 Mansfield.................. 20-23 Lock Haven . ............ 13-28
21-7 20-8 16-12 14-14 14-14 14-14 8-20 5-23
West Division
School..................... W-L
Seton Hill(1)..............36-14 Mercyhurst(2) ......... 28-12 Pitt-Johnstown(3) ....22-22 Slippery Rock(4)....... 25-19 California.................. 25-22 IUP............................. 18-23 Gannon . ................... 15-29 Clarion....................... 8-30 () PSAC Tournament Seed
22-6 20-8 17-11 14-14 12-16 12-16 10-18 5-23
April 21
Seton Hill 18, Alderson Broaddus 6 Shippensburg 5, Wilmington (Del) 4 Millersville 13, Mansfield 3 Slippery Rock 6, Clarion 0 Shippensburg 5, Wilmington (Del) 3 Millersville 5, Mansfield 3 Slippery Rock 4, Clarion 2
April 22
Mercyhurst 20, IUP 7 Mercyhurst 8, IUP 2 Davi & Elkins 8, California 5 Chestnut Hill 8, Kutztown 5 California 11, Davis & Elkins 4 Wilmington 7, West Chester 2 Mansfield 11, Lock Haven 9
April 24
Wilmington 15, Kutztown 4 West Chester 4, Sciences of Phil. 2
April 25
Millersville 3, West Chester 2
events. Eastwood notched PSAC qualifiers in both events, the 5K coming March 3 at the Lynchburg College Dr. Jack M. Toms Open. Her time of 18:29.06 put her at No. 28 in the PSAC. The freshman notched her 10K PSAC qualifier on April 12 in the Bison Outdoor Classic at Bucknell University. She notched a time of 39:07.70, ranking her No. 15 in the PSAC. With the PSAC Outdoor Championships starting on May 1, Eastwood would be gearing up for the event, but a late season injury will hold her back from post- season competition this year. Despite not being able to compete in the championships during her first collegiate year, Eastwood is working hard to get back to the track next season. “I will be doing some cross-training along with some strength training to try and build up my legs,” Eastwood said. Eastwood performed well with little time on the track this season, which can only give her hope for a better sophomore season.
Photo by Ryan Trexler
Natalie Eastwood hopes to back on the track for SU for the start of the 2014 season.
BASEBALL School..................... W-L
school level. While at Westminster High School, Eastwood earned eight varsity letters and was a two-time all-conference and all-county First Team selection. To go along with the first team selections the former Owl was a Carroll County champion at 3,200-meters during her senior season. Upon her arrival at SU, Eastwood says the transition from high school to college went smoothly. “Coach Spence has a very relaxed and laid-back style,” Eastwood said. “He is very approachable and always appreciates when you go talk to him about different things.” Eastwood held her own during her first collegiate season of running, starting with cross-country in the fall. Eastwood debuted with a 15th-place finish at the annual Glen Piper Alumni Open/Cross Country Challenge, which is held on the campus of SU. Three weeks later, Eastwood finished 19th at the Dickinson Short Invitational, a meet that the Raiders won. When the spring semester finally rolled around Eastwood took to the track, competing in the five and 10K
.750 .714 .571 .500 .500 .500 .285 .178
.785 .714 .607 .500 .428 .428 .357 .178
Kutztown 4, East Stroudsburg 3 Millersville 8, West Chester 7 Lock Haven 4, Shippensburg 2 Bloomsburg 7, Mansfield 4 Shippensburg 3, Lock Haven 0 Bloomsburg 8, Mansfield 3 East Stroudsburg 10, Kutztown 0
Kutztown ................... 20-29 11-17 .392 East Stroudsburg .......14-29 9-19 .321
West Division
School..................... W-L
California....................29-4 IUP............................. 29-13 Gannon . ................... 21-19 Edinboro................... 17-20 Slippery Rock............ 16-25 Mercyhurst............... 15-26 Seton Hill . ................ 20-20 Clarion . .................... 4-29
April 26
Millersville 5, West Chester 2 Mercyhurst 6, Slippery Rock 0 Mercyhurst 3, Slippery Rock 0 West Chester 6, Millersville 1 Pitt-Johnstown 9, Gannon 0 Pitt-Johnstown 6, Gannon 2 Bloomsburg 6, Mansfield 5 Shippensburg 2, Lock Haven 0 Seton Hill 5, California 1 Kutztown 9, East Stroudsburg 1 IUP 22, Clarion 4 Mansfield 4, Bloomsburg 2 Shippensburg 6, Lock Haven 5 Seton Hill 6, California 5 IUP 17, Clarion 3 Kutztown 5, East Stroudsburg 3
22-0 1.00 22-6 .785 14-12 .538 12-13 .480 11-15 .423 9-16 .360 10-18 .357 3-23 .115
April 21
Lock Haven 3, IUP 0 Lock Haven 6, IUP 5 California 12, Gannon 3 Edinboro 10, Mercyhurst 6 East Stroudsburg 3, Bloomsburg 2 Bloomsburg 4, East Stroudsburg 2 Salem International 3, Slippery Rock 1 Mercyhurst 4, Edinboro 4 California 9, Gannon 0 Slippery Rock 3, Salem International 2
April 22
April 27
Gannon 12, Seton Hill 1 West Chester 3, Sciences of Phil. 0 West Chester 7, Sciences of Phil. 0
Philadelphia 9, Bloomsburg 1 Philadelphia 5, Bloomsburg 1 Seton Hill 12, California 0 IUP 9, Clarion 3 Pitt-Johnstown 7, Gannon 5 Mercyhurst 11, Slippery Rock 2 Mercyhurst 8, Slippery Rock 0 Seton Hill 5, California 3 Pitt-Johnstown 4, Gannon 2 IUP 4, Clarion 2
April 23
SOFTBALL East Division
School..................... W-L
West Chester............. 34-17 Bloomsburg.............. 26-15 Shippensburg .......... 31-13 Mansfield ................ 23-15 Lock Haven ............... 19-26 Millersville.................23-25
19-9 18-10 17-11 15-13 12-16 11-17
.678 .642 .607 .535 .428 .392
IUP 6, Clarion 2 Georian Court 3, Kutztown 2 Mercyhurst 5, Seton Hill 3 Mercyhurst 13, Seton Hill 1 Kutztown 1, Georgian Court 0 Mansfield 19, East Stroudsburg 7 Shippensburg 5, Bloomsburg 1 Mansfield 5, East Stroudsburg 4 Bloomsburg 11, Shippensburg 1 IUP 9, Clarion 2
April 24
Bloomsburg 5, Kutztown 2 Gannon 2, Clarion 0 Slippery Rock 10, Edinboro 1 Gannon 4, Clarion 1 Bloomsburg 10, Kutztown 3 Slippery Rock 3, Edinboro 1
April 25
April 19
Shippensburg 3, Millersville 0 Mansfield 3, Lock Haven 0 West Chester 5, East Stroudsburg 1 Kutztown 4, Bloomsburg 3 Clarion 7, Seton Hill 6 West Chester 9, East Stroudsburg 1 Millersville 2, Shippesnburg 1
Mercyhurst 18, Bloomsburg 7 East Stroudsburg 13, Edinboro 9 Seton Hill 18, Millersville 9 Kutztown 7, Slippery Rock 6 Lock Haven 16, Shippensburg 4 West Chester 14, IUP 13
April 23
April 26
Seton Hill 14, East Stroudsburg 13 Mercyhurst 15, Slippery Rock 6 IUP 14, Bloomsburg 9 Shippensburg 8, Millersville 7 Gannon 12, Edinboro 10 Lock Haven 17, Kutztown 0
IUP 12, Mercyhurst 2 Gannon 4, Clarion 0 Bloomsburg 10, West Chester 3 California 11, Slippery Rock 1 Shippensburg 5, Lock Haven 0 Lock Haven 8 , Shippensburg 6
April 26
April 27
Gannon 18, Kutztown 7 West Chester 8, East Stroudsburg 3 Mercyhurst 18, Shippensburg 6 Lock Haven 25, Slippery Rock 6 Bloomsburg 17, Millersville 5
Shippensburg 5, East Stroudsburg 2 Shippensburg 6, East Stroudsburg 3 Gannon 4, Seton Hill 2
May 1
April 29
PSAC Championship Tournament All games in Quakertown, Pa. No. 3 West Seed vs. Bloomsburg Mansfield vs. California Shippensburg vs. IUP No. 4 West Seed vs. West Chester
PSAC Quarterfinal Bloomsburg vs IUP West Chester vs Seton Hill
May 2
Seton Hill vs. West Chester winner Bloomsburg vs IUP winner
PSAC Division
School..................... W-L
Lock Haven(1) ......... 15-2 Mercyhurst(2) ......... 15-2 IUP(3) ..........................12-4 Seton Hill(4).............. 13-4 West Chester(5) ....... 11-4 Bloomsburg(6) ........ 9-7 Gannon .....................9-8 Shippensburg........... 8-9 East Stroudsburg...... 8-9 Edinboro .................. 7-9 Slippery Rock............ 6-11 Kutztown.................. 4-12 Millersville................ 5-12 () PSAC Tournament Seed
11-1 11-1 10-2 8-4 8-4 7-5 6-6 5-7 3-9 3-9 3-9 2-10 1-11
.916 .916 .833 .666 .666 .583 .500 .416 .250 .250 .250 .166 .083
ESU All-American Meet Womens 100 Meter Dash Finals 1. Allen, Kiara 12.04 2. Smith, Danielle 12.21 3. Mason, Erica 12.43 4. Warrick, Amira 12.54 5. Wike, Alexus 12.83 6. Douglas Grant, Jasmine 13.32 7. Setnitzky, Briana 13.42 8. Quattlebaum, Ashley 13.90 9. Davenport, I’India 14.33 10. Francois, Tricia 15.56
April 29, 2014