October 1, 2013 Southern Digest

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Tuesday, October 1, 2013






Exclusive content


Volume 61, Issue 9

Crime stats rise in latest arrest

SUPD Encourages First Call Brittany Patterson The Southern Digest

photo by Meagan L. WIlliams/digest

Southern University Police address a situation at the Smith-Brown Memorial Union. Last year nearly 100 crimes were reported on SU’s campus in 2012.

Brittany Patterson The Southern Digest

The crime statistics at Southern University rises with the arrest of five students being arrested and charged with the possession and distribution of marijuana. Southern University Police department along with the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office Narcotics Agents assisted in the arrest of the

five students last Friday. Brandon Wells, Keith Jupiter, Joshua Watkins, Trenton Nzekwesi, and Devin Stampley were all booked into the East Baton Rouge Parish Prison after the execution of several arrest warrants and one search warrant as the result of several undercover controlled buys of narcotics from targeted individuals. Nearly 100 crimes were reported on SU campus in

2012, with burglary having over 60 and over 10 drug arrests. Marcus Coleman dean of students said there is a zero tolerance for the use of drugs in the student code of conduct policy. “It states that any student caught or found in possession of a controlled substance are to be expelled immediately,” Coleman said. Jupiter, Watkins, Nzekwesi

and Stampley were all expelled after their arrest on Friday. Coleman said that students have to be charged with whatever they have done. “Anyone who want to break our university’s policy, particularly for drugs and weapons, we have zero tolerance towards that,” See Drugs page 3

Campus dining crowded due to enrollment Felix Cunngingham III The Southern Digest

The increase of students for the fall 2013 semester at Southern University has impacted the dining halls of E.N. Mayberry and Oscar J. Dunn with students’ availability and access to cafeteria dining. Mayberry Hall has an estimate of 500 seats while Dunn has 350 seats for the 1900 students housed on SU’s campus. According to Paul Roberts, manager of Dunn Hall, approximately 450 students are served during the lunch hours of 11 AM to 2 PM, and Mayberry Hall serves approximately 1150 students during the same time.

“Even though there has been an increase of students at the university with meal plans, both cafeterias become packed on occasion but it is never uncomfortable and we try to keep students in a healthy environment so they can eat,” Robert said. According to Roberts many students request for Dunn Hall to be open because of the close proximity it is to the dormitories. “Personally, I believe that both cafeterias should be open on Fridays because of the increase in numbers of students with meal plans,” Roberts said. Many students enjoy having lunch at Dunn Hall on Fridays because of the

short distance. With no class on Friday, students can make time for lunch. Joshua Perry therapeutic recreation major from New Orleans said that Dunn Hall should stay open on Fridays because of the proximity it is to students’ dorms. “It is a relief to people in the back of campus,” Perry said. Although Perry said that Dunn Hall should be open to students in the back of campus, he said athletes and band members are the cause for the crowd in the cafeteria. “They need to have their own cafeteria to keep focus for high game performance on Saturdays,” Perry said. Although other students

may request Dunn Hall to be open on Fridays because of the proximity, others said Mayberry Hall has more room, so students should be there for the large crowds. Alana Holt sophomore biology major from Las Vegas said she would prefer Dunn Hall to be open because it has more seating and it would cater to students’ needs better than Dunn Hall. “We have to take a walk from the dorms or apartments to the front of campus for class anyway so if Mayberry has more room then we should follow where there’s more available space for students,’ Holt said. On weekends the dining halls alternate cafeterias.

The Southern University Police Department urges students to sign up for the First Call Emergency Notification System so that they can be notified immediately of oncampus emergencies. First Call is an emergency mass communications system that delivers a message campus-wide to all recipients that allows them to know about any emergency that takes place on-campus. Some students said that the idea for the First Call System was a good idea and that they would sign up to receive the alerts. Ashley Morris freshman speech pathology from Bogalusa, La., gave her views on the First Call System. “I think it’s a good idea for the campus,” Morris said. Hamilton Richard freshman Education major from Bogalusa stated that he would sign up for First Call. “I’m going to signup. Its sounds like a good idea to keep me safe,” Richard said. Alexus Mosley freshman mass communications major from Covington stated that she thought First Call was a good idea. “I think it is needed especially with what is going on now-a-days such as school shootings,” Mosley said. Brittany Owens freshman biology major Covington, La., said how she felt about the First Call Notification system. “I feel that it’s really needed because of things that has happened before,” Owens said. Kevin Johnson director of ticketing and parking stressed his concerns about students signing up for the FirstCall Emergency Notification System. “I strongly encourage students to sign up for First Call. This is the best way for students to know what has happened on-campus,” Johnson said. The alerts include weather, gunmen and other emergencies that might take place on-campus. This message will be sent within the first 15 seconds on an eventtaking place. Ronald Stevens chief of police at SU stated his concern about the amount of occupants in the First Call system. “It’s for the benefit of the faculty and students on-campus,” Stevens said. Everyone is urged to sign up online at www.subr.edu/firstcall.

Inside: News The SU experience; Slave desendents fighting tax hikes Page 3 Culture Having Southern Class Page 4 the official student newspaper of southern university and A&m college, baton rouge, louisiana

Campus Life southerndigest.com

Page 2 - Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Sentinel Of An Enlightened Student Body since 1926

Campus Briefs Department or Organization that sells the most wins the Spirit contest and an Office Party.

PSE INFORMATIONAL The brothers and sisters of the Epsilon Rho Chapter of pi Sigma Epsilon Fraternity Incorporated will hold their fall 2013 Informational Tuesday Octorber 1, at 5 p.m. in the Arnett W Ace Mumford Field House (3rd Floor suite 302). Busines casual attire required. Open to all majors. Freshmen are encouraged to attend. Refreshments provided.

FASHION AND COMEDY SHOW Student Admission with Valid I.D. Card. Students are asked to donate $1.00 to Benefit St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. General Admission is $15.00 with an 18 years of age and older ID card. Featured Comedians and Models & Special Guest Host Tickets available for purchase on October 1, 2013 at SU ticket office located at the F.G. Clark Activity Center.

HONDA ALL STAR CHALLENGE If you thought you knew the Honda Campus All-Star Challenge, THINK AGAIN. The HBCU National Quiz Championship is back with a new format, new questions and more FUN! Do you have what it takes to challenge your mind and your reflexes? Get in the game and find out! Aplications are due by octber 9th the event will be Friday October 11 in the Smith Brown Cotillion Ballroom for more info contact Dolores Spikes in Honors College at 225.771.4854

Speaker series on the State of Louisiana On October 2 the Speaker series of the State of Louisiana is hosted by the Southern University’s College of Social and Behavioral Sciences will be held in the lobby of Higgins Hall from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

THE 83RD MISS SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY CORONATION AND GALA This is the ceremony for the crowning of Miss Southern University. Hosted by the Chancellor of the Batwon Rouge Campus and joined by the former Miss SU’s (The Miss Southern Sisters Organization), the Committee, Faculty Students, and Staff, Miss Southern University is honored and officially crowned as our Queen. This event takes place October 23. HOMECOMING PEP RALLY

Who’s Speaking Out? How are you preparing for mid terms? “By staying focused in class and studtying every day to review all of my material.”

Leigha Nauls Music Performance Freshman Baton Rouge

“I’ve been studying as much as possible. Me and some friends have got together in study groups to help others prepare for mid terms.” Creasha Peyton Criminal Justice Freshman Shreveport

“I’m preparing for exams by staying focused Free and Open to the in class and studying hard.” Public we will be rallying up our Jaguar Nation for the Big Game! We will Prince Gibson host performances and Mass Communication appearances by the SU Freshman Human Jukebox Marching Shreveport Band, Cheerleaders, Gold’N Bluez Dance Team, SU “Honestly, I am finding as many girls in my Football Team, Fall Sports classes to study with so I know because they are Fall 2013 teams, and More with Special always on point.” Mid-Semester Guest Performances. Examination Period The rally will be at Seymour Mid term examination for Gymnasium from12:00 PM Hodgers Crumb the fall semester is set to start 2:00 PM. Mass Communication October Freshman

SPIRIT DAY Spirit day is October 21. Students are asked to dress up in blue and gold for the day. Hosted by the AWS and MENS FEDERATION The


Hey! Want to get your event in Campus Briefs? It’s very easy to do! Just e-mail your event information to digest@subr.edu or southerndigest@ gmail.com. Please make “Campus Briefs” the e-mail subject. Also, you can fax your information to 225.771.5840. Please send in your event information at least 3 to 5 days prior to your event. Read the Digest at www.southerndigest.com or www.ISSUU.COM

ISSN: 1540-7276. Copyright 2013 by The Southern University Office of Student Media Services. The Southern DIGEST is written, edited and published by members of the student body at Southern University and A&M College. All articles, photographs and graphics are property of The Southern DIGEST and its contents may not be reproduced or republished without the written permission from the Editor in Chief and Director of Student Media Services. The Southern DIGEST is published twice-weekly (Tuesday & Thursday) with a run count of 5,000 copies per issue during the Southern University - Baton Rouge campus fall, spring semesters. The paper is free to students, staff, faculty and general public every Tuesday & Friday morning on the SUBR campus. The Southern DIGEST student offices are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. The offices are located on the first floor of T.H. Harris Hall, Suite 1064. The Southern DIGEST is the official student newspaper of Southern University and A&M College located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Articles, features, opinions, speak out and editorials do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the administration and its policies. Signed articles, feedback, commentaries and features do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors, staff or student body. Southern University and A&M College at Baton Rouge is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, telephone (404) 679-4500, Website: www.sacscoc.org. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Southern University and A&M College, an Historically Black, 1890 landgrant institution, is to provide opportunities for a diverse student population to achieve a high-quality, global educational experience, to engage in scholarly, research, and creative activities, and to give meaningful public service to the community, the state, the nation, and the world so that Southern University graduates are competent, informed, and productive citizens. Website: www.subr.edu.



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Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - Page 3

The Sentinel Of An Enlightened Student Body since 1926

Drugs from page 1 Coleman said. Due to the arrest of the five students, they are not allowed on campus and have been placed on immediate academic suspension. Coleman said that SU’s system is similar to the judicial system. “The same applies to the SU system as well, even though these processes are two separate processes,” Coleman said. Coleman said that the administration has knowledge of everything that goes on the campus of SU. “For those students that want to continue to use and sell drugs, that will be dealt with appropriately,” Coleman said.

According to the police report on SU’s campus, the five students that were arrested Friday were charged with the following: Wells was charged with the distribution of marijuana; Jupiter was charged with the distribution of marijuana also and was also charged with the possession of drug paraphernalia; Watkins was charged with the distribution of marijuana, violation of a drug free zone, distribution of Xanax, possession of a gun in a firearm free zone and the possession with the intent to distribute marijuana; Nzekwesi was charged with the distribution of marijuana, possession with intent to distribute marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and the distribution

of Xanax; Stampley was charged with the distribution of marijuana, possession with intent to distribute marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and also had an outstanding bench warrant for first offense possession of marijuana and a traffic bench warrant. Caesar: Where are you from? 

 Yuri: I’m from São José do Egito, Pernambuco - Brazil
 Caesar: What are your parents and the community where you grew up or currently live like? 

 Yuri: My parents are in São José do Egito the city where I grew up. I live in Baton Rouge now, but before I lived in Campina Grade, Paraiba - Brazil. 

 Caesar: What are your hobbies or favorite sport?

Yuri: My hobbies are: Watching movies, TV Series, play electronic Games and mainly workout. 
My favorite sports are Basketball and Handball. 

 Caesar: How do you like Southern University? 

 Yuri: I like it a lot, people here are very receptive and the food is so good. 

 Caesar: What is your major? Why did you choose it? 

 Yuri: Computer Science, because I have a love for technology, mathematics and logical reasoning. 
 Caesar: What do you miss about home?
 Yuri: My family, friends, typical foods and parties, because it is very different here. 

 Caesar: What is one thing you will take with you once you leave Southern

The SU experience; International Students

Yuri Melo

Caesar: Where are you from? 

 Yuri: I’m from São José do Egito, Pernambuco - Brazil
 Caesar: What are your parents and the community where you grew up or currently live like? 

 Yuri: My parents are in São José do Egito the city where I grew up. I live in Baton Rouge now, but before I lived in Campina Grade, Paraiba - Brazil. 

 Caesar: What are your hobbies or favorite sport? 
 Yuri: My hobbies are: Watching movies, TV Series, play electronic Games and mainly workout. 
My favorite sports are Basketball and Handball. 

 Caesar: How do you like Southern University? 

 Yuri: I like it a lot, people here are very receptive and the food is so good. 

 Caesar: What is your major? Why did you choose it? 

 Yuri: Computer Science, because I have a love for technology, mathematics and logical reasoning. 
 Caesar: What do you miss about home?
 Yuri: My family, friends, typical foods and parties, because it is very different here. 

 Caesar: What is one thing you will take with you once you leave Southern University? Yuri: The English language.

José Neto


Caesar: Where are you from? José: I’m fromTeresina, Piaui—Brazil Caesar: What are your parents and the community where you grew up or currently live? José: I grew up in the same city in which I was born. My parents have lived there since they were married. Caesar: How do you like Southern University? José: It is very nice. The people here are very friendly they help you much. My teachers are great, so I like it here. Caesar: What is your major? Why did you choose it? José: Civil Engineering. I chose it, because my father is a civil engineer and I like it so well, and can identify with it. Caesar: So you will be staying here for a year? José: I’m learning English this semester. Within the next year I will study civil engineering, but I am not sure if it will be here. Caesar: So you are one of the ones who will be staying longer than a semester? José: Yes, I am. Caesar: What do you miss about home? José: My family, friends, my mother’s food, which is so good man. Caesar: What is one thing you will take with you once you leave Southern University? José: I will miss the people here. The people here are very friendly, once I was lost and needed to go to Wal-Mart. I asked two guys how to get there; instead, he and another guy took me. That was so nice.


Slave descendants fighting tax hikes on Ga. coast Russ Bynum

The Associated Press

DARIEN, Ga. — Residents of one of the few remaining Gullah-Geechee communities on the Southeast coast opened new appeals Monday against soaring property values that brought them big tax hikes, fearful they could be forced off lands their families have owned since their ancestors were freed from slavery. The African-American residents of the tiny Hog Hammock community on Georgia’s Sapelo Island got sticker shock last year when steep increases in their property values saddled them with whopping tax bills. Skyrocketing appraisals and tax bills come amid pressure from affluent mainland buyers driving up land values while seeking property along or near the Atlantic coast. But critics say the increasing tax burden violates protections enacted to help preserve the island’s indigenous inhabitants. Made up of slave descendants long isolated from the U.S. mainland, the Gullah-Geechee culture has clung to its African roots and traditions more than any other in America. Hog Hammock — with fewer than 50 residents — is one of the last such communities from North Carolina to Florida. Julius and Cornelia Bailey saw the appraised value of the single acre on which they have a home, a convenience store and a small inn shoot from $220,285 in 2011 to $327,063 last year. Appraisers in Georgia’s McIntosh

County held firm on the new value after being ordered to take a second look in January by local authorities. The Baileys and more than 40 of their neighbors appealed anew Monday after seeing little relief from the new appraisals. Cornelia Bailey said her tax bill shot from about $800 to $3,000, though she and other island residents receive virtually no county services. They have no schools, no trash pickup, no police station and only one paved road. “So what are we paying taxes for?” Bailey said after the board shot down her appeal and at least nine others Monday. “We’re just paying for privilege of living on Sapelo Island. We don’t want to be crybabies, but it seems like we’re being treated unfairly.” Sapelo Island is separated from the mainland and reachable only by boat. Since 1976, the state of Georgia has owned most of its 30 square miles, largely unspoiled wilderness, while the tiny Hog Hammock community sits on less than a square mile of modest homes amid dirt roads. Attorneys for Hog Hammock residents argued Monday that county appraisers unfairly valued properties based on land sales between corporations and developers that were artificially high and dealt with properties never listed on the open market. They also said newer homes that have driven up property values are larger than allowed under zoning ordinances. Robert Hudley, chairman of McIntosh County’s Board of Equalization that hears appeals of property values, said his board was powerless to deal with zoning

Bruce Smith/Associated Press

Photo of a drawing of a road sign being used to designate the Gullah Geechee Heritage Corridor in the Carolinas, Florida and Georgia is seen during a meeting of the corridor commission in Mount Pleasant, S.C.

violations. He urged Hog Hammock residents to keep up their fight as the board upheld most of the higher appraisals. Its decisions can be appealed to Superior Court. “I agree with what you’re saying,” Hudley told the group. “I’m saying go to a higher court. This doesn’t need to stop here. It needs to go further.”

Culture southerndigest.com

Tuesday, October 1, 2013 - Page 4

The Sentinel of an Enlightened Student Body since 1926

J. Cole sends powerful message Having Southern with “Crooked Smile” video Ariana Triggs

The Southern Digest

J. Cole used his latest video to send a message to law enforcement in the war against drugs with the help of videographer Sheldon Candis. Cole’s video for “Crooked Smile” from his album Born Sinner, was dedicated to Aiyana Stanley-Jones, a 7-year-old girl killed in 2010 by police officer Joseph Weekley in Detroit. According to Cbsnews.com, Weekley was leading police officers in a raid on Stanley-Jones’ home to find a murder suspect. Weekley accidentally fired his weapon, resulting in the unfortunate death of the young girl. A&E’s show “The First 48” recorded the raid for the reality show, which led Stanley-Jones’ family to believe that the officers cared more about their television appearance than properly carrying out the raid. The video portrays Cole as a young man cleaning his house, cutting his grass and preparing a birthday cake and barbeque pit. Showing the perspective from both parties, Cole is shown stuffing his sneakers with marijuana while the lead DEA agent is shown preparing for the raid on Cole’s home. Zykia Stewart, a sophomore Accounting major from Gulfport, MS said she understood where Cole was coming from. Gerian Lane, a freshman Music Education major from New Orleans said

that Cole hit on a touchy subject with the video. Right now, with the few states who have legalized marijuana and those who haven’t, I feel like there still isn’t a clear definition of what a drug actually is, so I feel like they need to clarify that first before they affirm a war on drugs,” Lane said. Cole’s video sent out two different, but both powerful messages: the first is to encourage people to stay true to who they are. In the song, Cole says “They tell me I

should fix my grill cause I got money now; I ain’t gon’ sit around and front like I ain’t thought about it; A perfect smile is more appealing but it’s funny how; my ish is crooked look at how far I done got without it; I keep my twisted grill, just to show the kids it’s real; We ain’t picture perfect but we worth the picture still.” J. Cole sends out the message to encourage people to be who you are, while sending an important message to law enforcement, asking them to reconsider their war on drugs by showing how their careless actions could endanger the lives of the innocent.


Amechi Ugwu

The Southern Digest

It is a fact that much of our student body is, to some degree, concerned about their appearance, and rightfully so. We all want to be appreciated for our personal choice in clothing from day to day and enjoy the bliss of our peer’s acceptance. Heck, sometime we just want that “nice shirt” compliment only to justify our Forever 21 clearance rack See Having Class page 6

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The senTinel Of an enlighTened sTudenT bOdy since 1926

Tuesday, OcTOber 1, 2013 - Page 5

41.37222° -72.0956° We’re here giving juniors and seniors full tuition, a monthly salary, and benefits for up to two years. Where are you? The Coast Guard’s College Student Pre-Commissioning Initiative (CSPI) is right where you are. This scholarship is available to sophomores and juniors at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Hispanic Serving Institutions. You’ll get skills and training in leadership, management, marine science, and much more. Additional benefits include: • Up to two years’ paid tuition, books and fees

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• Approx. $3,600 monthly salary* Upon successful completion and graduation, students will be commissioned as Coast Guard officers, with a commitment to 3 years of active duty service. Visit GoCoastGuard.com/CSPI for more information.

*As a Coast Guard active duty member while serving as a full-time student. **Upon graduation and successful completion of Officer Candidate School.

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Page 6 - Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Sentinel Of An Enlightened Student Body since 1926

Depression in College Courtney Jacobs The Southern DIGEST

Starting college can be a big step in people’s lives. It’s their first time away from home and they are on their own. Most college students may feel sad, lonely, or depressed because of this. Feeling depressed is a normal reaction to any kind of loss, life struggle, or injured selfesteem. When these feelings become overwhelming and last for long periods of time, they can keep someone from leading a normal and active life. This is when it is time to seek medical help. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, symptoms of depression include having difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions; fatigue and decreased energy; feelings of guilt, worthlessness, helplessness, hopelessness, and/or pessimism; insomnia or excessive sleeping; irritability; restlessness; loss of interest in activities or hobbies that were once pleasurable

to partake in, including sex; overeating or appetite loss; persistent aches or pains including headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment; persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” feelings; thoughts of suicide, or suicide attempts. Depression carries an extremely high risk of suicide. Warning signs of suicide with depression include a sudden switch from being very sad to being very calm or appearing to be happy, always talking or thinking about death, clinical depression that gets worse, making comments of being hopeless, talking about suicide, and saying things such as “It would be better if I wasn’t here.” Suicide is the second leading cause of death, following accidents, among the youth and young adults in the United States. According to WebMd.com, it is estimated that 500,000 teens attempt suicide every year, with 5,000 teens succeeding. There are different types of depression, major and chronic being the most common.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, major depression—also referred to as clinical depression—is characterized by a combination of symptoms that interfere with a person’s ability to work, sleep, study, eat, and enjoy once pleasurable activities. Chronic depression—also known as dysthymia—is characterized by long-term symptoms that may not be severe enough to disable a person’s ability to live a normal life, but it can prevent normal functioning or feeling well. Durward Craig Sr, a mental health counselor at Southern University, explains the difference between depression in students. “There’s a difference in a diagnosis of depression, and depression according to a situation a student may be going through,” said Craig. “We do deal with symptoms of depression, but the majority actually isn’t freshman, it’s mostly upperclassmen.” Craig explains that the majority of freshman aren’t the ones who go through depression

Shopping for gym wear Kayla Foster

The Southern Digest

Exercising is beneficial to a person’s body; along with exercising, the proper attire can also be beneficial. Throwing anything on can be easy, but specific wear for different things can look better and in ways, help more with performance. Workout gear usually consists of t-shirts, sweatpants, shoes and shorts. Although wearing a t-shirt is the most basic and cheapest clothing,Livestrong.com suggests wearing athletic clothing designed to pull moisture away from your body and dissipate it, which helps avoid irritation and rashes. A good brand known for keeping bodies dry is Under Armour. Many athletes wear this brand for working out because along with keeping the body dry, it also adjusts to a certain temperature depending on the item bought. For example, the Under Armor hoodie is designed to trap heat for all-day warmth, as well as being water resistant, soft, and comfortable and is almost as popular as Nike. “I work out in mostly Nike Dri-FIT,” said Eddie Smith, a sophomore Therapeutic recreation major from Las Vegas, NV. “If you get it out the Nike store it can be expensive but if you go in

to Marshalls you can always find it at a good price and if Macy’s is having a sale you can go into their Nike section and find it there. The material keeps the body cool and you don’t sweat as much. Its very comfortable,” Smith said. While sweatpants are decent pants to work out in, a person may find thinner and more flexible material that is more suitable for exercising. Thin material is optional but flexibility is always the way to go when getting fit. The ideal goal is to get stretchable pants or shorts that move in different ways without hassle. “It [the clothing] depends on what type of exercise you want to do and you want to make sure that you can move around in what ever you wear,” said Kenya Magee, freshman Psychology major from Sicily Island, LA. Getting the right shoes is also important because depending on the work out, a specific type of shoes is needed. Contrary to rumors, all gym shoes are not the same. According to livestrong.com, running and jogging shoes are built for forward motion—that is, they’re good for heel strike to toeoff. They have an emphasis on thicker heels and midsoles with more flexibility in the toe area, and

have thicker overall cushioning that allows for shock absorption during impact. Training shoes are designed for various uses such as weightlifting and kickboxing. Accessories are different things needed when exercising. Accessory wear consist of wristbands, headbands, towels, socks, sport watches, types of pads, belts, gloves etc. the good things about accessories is some absorb sweat. Gym accessories are meant to stay comfortable for long periods of time. Sports watches are good for keeping track of time with their built-in stopwatches and gloves are used for weightlifting. Baseball players wear necklaces that contain titanium to increase blood and energy flow in which they believe the necklaces improve balance, flexibility and overall performance. Shopping for things to wear to the gym can be priced depending on the brand name. The more expensive brands would be Nike and Under Armour, but cheaper wear can be purchased on online websites like Amazon or eBay. Some can even be thrifted because even the cheapest gear can be useful for getting started but when used the correct way can be more valuable.

(DIGEST ART FILE) symptoms, and that it’s actually majority upperclassmen. “The core curriculum starts cracking down and they may have social or family issues going on,” said Craig. Depression can be an extremely serious medical condition, and it is important to seek help.

Having Class from page 4 purchases. However, how does one become well dressed or develop a style worthy of mention without having to sell your kidney? In the upcoming weeks, the culture section of The Southern Digest will be incorporating a new style column for students at Southern who are interested in diversifying and upgrading their wardrobe weather you’re working entry level at Exxon or workstudy in John B. Cade. Believe it or not there are literally hundreds of brands, style blogs and publications vying for your attention everyday. My objective is to not only raise your awareness of these resources but to explain how to tastefully apply them to the development of your personal style. Like any discipline, there are rules and guidelines that give that discipline structure and standard, but the well-dressed circle is one reserved for those who know the rules, but choose to break and bend them to their liking. The Do’s and Don’ts presented are personal opinion, and if guilty of one of the don’ts, no need to feel offended, that’s when the decision to ignore that rule or take a new approach becomes key. Of course the hardest part is always trying to figure out where to start, here are just a couple of principals that will prepare you

To learn more about depression, visit the National Institute of Mental Health’s website at www. NIMH.com. To receive help about depression or symptoms of depression, visit the counseling center located at the back of campus.

for just about every topic we will discuss here. 1.When building a wardrobe it is important to buy your basics first (we will discuss this in the next column) 2.Don’t be a walking billboard. I know, I know, having a polo horse on your hat, shirt, pants, socks, shoes and under garments at the same time makes you feel two tax brackets richer, but lets be tasteful. 3.Buy what you can afford. For every style you wish to achieve there is somewhere to buy it at the price you’re willing to pay. I always suggest buying the best quality your money can buy though. 4.It’s all in how it fits. One of the key parts of anything you decide to put on is the way it fits, besides the color, that’s one of the first things anyone will notice about your clothes As we continue I’ll share tidbits of knowledge that will steer you to reach your potential and place you amongst the stylish elites. The key is being open to new options. It will require some trial and error to find out what works best for you, but once you get rolling these things will become second nature. We welcome and highly encourage your style questions and suggestions for article topics you can email us at thestyledigest@ yahoo.com Just think of this as your personal style consultant.

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Fall 2013 STAFF

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The Southern DIGEST welcomes letters from readers commenting on current issues and other matters of general interest to the SU family and public. We set aside this space to publish these letters for others to enjoy. This newspaper is not responsible for individual opinions expressed on its editorial and opinion pages. The Southern DIGEST reserves the right to edit any contributions and or reject them without notification. Authors are encouraged to limit the length of submissions to 300 words. Letters should not include libelous statements. Offensive and personal attacks will not be permitted. The DIGEST will not print “open letters” addressed to someone else. All contributions must be type written, signed and must include the author’s address and phone number. Unsigned letters will not be printed. Southern University students should include their majors, hometowns and year in school. When referring to specific DIGEST articles, please include the date and title. All materials should be directed to the editor in chief of The Southern DIGEST, P.O. Box 10180, Baton Rouge, La. 70813. Materials may be delivered by hand to the DIGEST office located in Suite 1064 Harris Hall or can be e-mailed to digest@subr.edu.

Tuesday, OcTOber 1, 2013 - Page 7

Talking Politics

with Caesar Smith Jr. Will Washington do the right thing? Part Two President Obama’s Agenda continues The Democratic-controlled Senate plans to restore funding for the health care reforms that were established under the signature legislation of President Barack Obama’s first term -the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010 and was upheld by the Supreme Court last year. Contrary to his own beliefs, Cruz’s remarks did not constitute a filibuster and won’t block the key procedural Senate vote scheduled for 1:00 eastern time, when the measure began moving through the chamber’s procedural labyrinth. Cruz lacks support for his tactics from Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky and other influential veterans including Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Bob Corker of Tennessee. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called Cruz’s all-night speech a “waste of time” as the nation faced a possible partial shutdown of the government if Congress fails to authorize government spending beyond Monday. To Reid, the tactic reflected what he described as a perspective that a “bad day for government” amounted to a “good day” for tea party conservatives, according to CNN. McConnell followed Reid by praising Cruz for raising attention to the problems of Obamacare, even if he has undermined the Texas senator’s strategy by publicly announcing he would vote to overcome a filibuster against taking up the House measure. Now, since every other avenue has been exhausted, some wished to

defund the legislation by using the debt ceiling to take it apart. Smart, but not smart enough Practice discretion We must be careful, keep an eye on our governors, those who are elected to office. In due season, there will be casualties, polarizing the country is not a healthy thing, racism and discrimination certainly are not the way to make this a great country. Some argue, “We are post-racism now.” Then it leads us to classification by class, some don’t know what that means in our society. Shifting college financial aid away from needy harms states Many state university systems are shifting financial aid away from need-based aid in favor of meritbased programs like TOPS. Because performance on standardized tests like the SAT correlates closely with family income, the shift means more help for wealthier students, whose families can afford college, and less for the poor. While supporters of meritbased aid argue providing financial assistance to students with high GPAs and test scores is a way to combat brain drain, there is no evidence supporting this claim. There is, however, plenty of evidence that financial aid has a hugely positive impact on whether lowincome students graduate. Thus, The New York Times’ economic reporter Catherine Rampell writes, “By devoting more aid dollars to the likely college students rather than to more marginal ones, states are limiting the overall pool of residents who will be able to obtain college-level skills. Perhaps just as important, they are

also limiting the economic prospects of their entire populations.” Louisiana needs to stick with Common Core standards: Editorial As more far-right politicians join the rush to denounce higher standards in K-12 education, the Common Core State Standards drew a hearty defense from nola.com. Noting that Louisiana played a prominent part in developing the standards, which have been adopted by 45 states, the news website urged Gov. Bobby Jindal to reject calls from legislators to abandon the effort. “This is not a plot by the Obama administration to take over Louisiana schools. It’s not a federal initiative at all,” the editorial reads. Teachers, parents and school administrators from across the nation developed the standards under the umbrella of the National Governors Association and Council of Chief State School Officers. Each state that adopts the standards is given flexibility to create its own curriculum. Read the books They should be reading the books, a great start would be to obtain Machiavelli’s Manifesto, and it can easily be applied to all western nations. If you want to rule people, separate them, once they are separated they can be conquered. The question is, “Will there be change for better conditions? Food for Thought 20.3 - The average ACT composite score for Louisiana public and nonpublic students in 2012, compared to a national average of 21.1 (Source: Board of Elementary and Secondary Education)

Sudoku & Crossword Puzzle answers from last Thursday


Staff editorials represent the opinions of the author and the majority opinion of the Southern DIGEST Student Editorial Board, which is comprised of the student staff of editors and columnists. The Southern DIGEST provides an open forum to educate, inform and enlighten the students, faculty and staff at Southern University, Baton Rouge, La.


The Southern DIGEST is a member of the Black College Communications Association (BCCA), National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), University Wire Network (U-Wire), Associated Collegiate Press (ACP), College Media Advisers Association (CMA), Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ), Full member of the Associated Press (AP) and the Louisiana Press Association (LPA).


The Southern DIGEST subscribes to the American Passage, Alloy M+M, 360 Youth, Zim2Papers, All Campus Media, Ruxton Group and College Publishers On-Line services.

The Office of Student Media is a division of the Office of Student Affairs.

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The senTinel Of an enlighTened sTudenT bOdy since 1926

Tuesday, OcTOber 1, 2013 - Page 8

BREC Golf is Ready for

Football SeaSon!

Any customer wearing a Southern or Saints hat or shirt will receive a 15% discount off of greens and/or cart fees only. Fine Print: Customer must ask for the discount first and all customers must check in at the course pro shop to be eligible.

Sept. 14 – Dec. 29 Saturday and Sunday only, 10 a.m. to close (Full rack rate times, Twilight and Super Twilight will apply.)

Valid at all golf courses. For more information, call the course of your choice or visit brecgolf.com.

“Nightmare on Swan Street” Meagan Williams The Southern Digest

Last weekend I experienced parking at my first collegiate football game. As a transfer student, I’ve been to many games but this game was different. Unbeknownst to me the university had an infestation of panhandlers masquerading as the track team. I arrived to the game three hours early knowing that I would still be stuck in traffic so I put on my patient cap that had been almost destroyed by the good ol’ registration mambo that is also known as the registration process here at SU. Fortunately for me my cap was still intact. After driving on campus and turning off of Swan Street, there were two open fields of grass where cars were entering from both sides of the street. Upon entering the field, I was approached by a suspicious looking student rubbing his hands together like Birdman. He claimed to be a member of the track team and told me that I had to pay ten dollars to park. Now, this wouldn’t have been a problem if I hadn’t parked in that same area for the first home game and had not been charged. I showed him my commuter-parking pass and he replied that there were no more student spots available at the back of campus. Which was a blatant lie so I flooded him with questions about his identity and how I was supposed to know he was a member of the track team or even a student at SU. He said that he’d only been standing there maybe an hour, which means that all of the cars who’d arrived before he got there at two o’clock were parking for FREE. This furthered my suspicion that he was a fraud. At this point I’m thinking that he bought or stole a track and field t-shirt from the

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MEAGAN WILLIAMS book store and decided that today is the day where he comes up in the world. Oh, yes! Today is the d-a-y. My question is where was SUPD? Where was parking patrol? Where was anybody else other than this boy trying to charge me ten dollars? I looked around to find some form of law enforcement but in true Southern fashion I found an older woman with a “Traffic Control” vest on. I explained what happened and she replied, “Oh, I don’t know anything about that.” No one else was to be found. I’ve come to the conclusion that SUPD is like someone who most of us may know… They come around when you least expect them to and then have the nerve to ask for money. Since I was in a hurry and there was no one around to verify his claims, I forked over my hard-earned ten bucks and tried my very best to do it quietly. I’m aware that certain areas are restricted and students should only park in certain areas, but the lack of communication for game day parking is a nightmare on Swan Street.

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