The April 27th issue of The Southern Digest

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Governor surveys damage



Also: Softball gears up for SWAC. pG. 7

It is for certain groups. pG. 10

stewart signs on with cards

Storms rip through NE Louisiana. pG. 5

Is 3D tV a health risk?

estABLished in 1928



VOL. 55, ISSUE 18

Chavis backs off election

Public invited to BOS meeting

Miss SU candidate concedes race after compromised runoff

Digest neWs serVice

By norman J. Dotson Jr. Digest eDitor-in-chieF

photo By norman J. Dotson Jr./DIGest FIle photo

Last week the Student Government Association Judiciary Branch ruled that the run-off elections were compromised and that there would be another run-off election for the Miss Southern seat. This case was then brought to the university to have an official decision on whether or not the elections should be redone. However Diane Chavis, former Miss SU candidate and Plaintiff, decided not to continue with her pursuit for a redo election. According to a note posted by Chavis on her Facebook page she said, “I decided to not have a reelection because being Miss S.U. became not honorable to me especially when people felt the need to cheat to win. This is not me being bitter these are the facts,” Chavis went on to say, “People were able to vote with out providing any identification, names were forged, and some people even double voted.” Chavis was able to prove that voter fraud was committed during the run-off election with two witnesses who confessed to committing these acts that lead to the courts original decision. Chavis had only this to say, “I just hope that this doesn’t happen to anyone else in the future, I just wanted what was fair.” Due to Diane dropping her case there will not be another election held and Kenya Warren will retain her seat as the new Miss Southern.

in this file photo, former southern University police chief Michael Morris discusses handling ticket complaints with a traffic and parking employee. he maintains he still does not know why university officials wanted to remove him from his position nearly a week ago.

Morris still seeks answers

By mary DaVIs Digest Managing eDitor

Former Southern University Police Department Chief Michael Morris accepted the university’s option to terminate, as opposed to resigning. Morris said that he didn’t want to resign and not know why he was being asked to. If provided an explanation for the university’s decision, he said he would have resigned. “Well you see, one thing I believe is that they’ll tell you that they will terminate you, but ask you to resign because if you resign you have no recourse,” said Morris. He said that after he left the meeting between himself, Chancellor Kofi Lomotey and Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration Flandus McClinton he went to inform SUPD officers about what had just happened. “I was gone for about 45 minutes. When backing out of driveway to go home McClinton called me and said ‘I need to meet you’. He then gave me the letter of termination. He took my keys with him. I later called and got the process of termination,” said Morris.


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Morris said that his initial decision was to resign, until he felt that he was being thrown under the bus, Morris said. The direction of his decision changed when Flandus McClinton made a remark about an ‘understanding’. “What understating? I don’t have an understanding, I don’t even know why I’m being terminated,” said Morris. As of late Monday evening, Chief Michael Morris was still in the unknown as to why he had been presented with the option to resign or be terminated. “I still want to know why I was terminated. They never gave me a concrete reason,” said Morris. According to Morris, the only explanation he has been granted so far is, ‘Southern University Police Department is moving in a different direction’. “A different direction from what?” asked Morris. “The only time they do this is when you have broken the rules, broken a policy, or committed a crime. I have done none of these,” explained Morris. Morris said that he spoke with McClinton Monday and when he asked McClinton what was the reason behind him

loosing his seat, McClinton said, ‘this is a personnel issue, and we don’t discuss personnel issues.’ “That’s not true,” said Morris. “They have asked someone to resign or terminate before and they have discussed it. SACS will be on campus tomorrow (Tuesday) to reaccredit university. SUPD has no Chief or Interim-Chief,” said Morris. Morris said that he has 30 days to secure an attorney. He also, said that he has been consulting with an attorney and that he is looking into why he was terminated. He also said that the attorney has been instructed him to only state facts. “I can only talk about things that I know and that’s what I’m doing,” said Morris. According to Morris, crime has dropped campuswide. He said that there hasven’t been any major incidents at a football game since 2006. “Crime is down on-campus, the numbers show this,” said Morris. Though it hasn’t been confirmed, Morris believes that his termination may be See morris page 3

The public will have its chance to meet the final three candidates for the Southern University System presidency just hours before having the chance to ask the trio questions regarding the position. A meet-and-greet reception with Jackson State University President Ronald Mason Jr., former Alabama A&M University President Robert Jennings and Leonard Haynes III, senior adviser in the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Postsecondary Education will be held Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at the A.W. Mumford Field House. The meet-and-greet precedes the Board of Supervisors meeting Friday at 9 a.m. in the J.S. Clark Administration Building. Board members will conduct interviews with the three candidates, and the public, campus administrators, faculty, staff, students and other stakeholders can submit questions for the interviews. The meeting will serve as the final interview for Mason, Jennings and Hughes before the board makes its decision on a new system head. The candidates are vying to replace former President Ralph Slaughter, whose contract ended in June and remains in litigation with SU. Interim President Kassie Freeman is not an applicant. Questions are to be e-mailed to by 5 p.m. Thursday with “SU Presidential Candidate Interview Questions” as the e-mail’s subject. Submissions may also be faxed to 225.771.5770. A live webcast of the meeting will be available for viewing by logging onto and clicking on the live webcast Board of Supervisors meeting link on the SUS homepage.

CAMPUS BRIEFS................2 STATE & NATION.................5  A&E.............................8 NEWS.................................3 SPORTS..............................7 VIEWPOINTS....................11 U N I V E R S I T Y ,


R O U G E ,

L A .

CAMPUS BRIEFS Page 2 - Tuesday, April 27, 2010




partly clouDy

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are open to students, faculty, and staff. For more information, please contact Melvin Robinson at 225.771.3212.

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Campus Briefs TODAY FInancIal aID alert

The Financial Aid Office is requesting that students apply for financial aid early. Complete your FAFSA as soon as possible for the 2010-11 award year. Students must file a FAFSA annually for eligibility consideration. SUBR’s school code is 002025. Please visit www. to complete a FAFSA online. Students and parents should apply for PINs at Your PIN will serve as your electronic signature to process the FAFSA. The preferred deadline for Summer 2010 and Fall 2010 has passed. The final loan deadline for Summer 2010 is June 11. For more information, contact the financial aid office at 225.771.2790. eXercIse & FItness center

The new Exercise and Fitness Center of the Intramural Sports and Recreation Department is open for use in the F. G. Clark Activity Center. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. Aerobic classes are offered on Monday and Wednesday evenings in Moore Hall Auditorium. The facility and classes

Beep meetInGs

BEEP Meetings are held every Tuesday at 11 a.m. in T.T. Allain Room 222. These meetings are open to all majors. For more information contact Toni Jackson at 225.771.5640 ext. 222 or at subeep@ peer tutorInG

Peer tutoring is available in the Center for Student Success in Stewart Hall Room 107. Available hours are 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Mondays-Thursdays and 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Fridays. Follow the Center for Student Success on Twitter to see exciting upcoming events: jaguar_nation. BaptIst stuDent unIon

Want to become a member of the Baptist Student Union? Want to fellowship with other students during the week? Need a place to worship? Need a place to attend for bible study, special events and trips? Need a quiet place to study? Need a place to relax and watch television? Join the T.J. Jemison Baptist Student Union, located at 724 Harding Blvd., across from LaCumba’s Den and the tennis courts. For more information, call 225.774.8924. los JaGuares latInos

Los Jaguares Latinos, Southern University’s



scattereD t-storms

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Spanish Club, meets Wednesdays at 3 p.m. in Room 320 of T.T. Allain Hall. If you are unable to attend the meetings but still like to participate, please send your name, contact number and valid e-mail address to SouthernUSpanishClub@ senIor VIsual arts eXhIBItIon

Southern University’s Department of Visual Arts is currently hosting a Senior Visual Arts Student Exhibition in Frank Hayden Hall until April 28. The exhibition gallery hours are 10 a.m.-4 p.m. daily. The exhibition is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Robert Cox at 225.771.2070. APRIL 26 css semInars

The Center of Student Success will hold two seminars in upcoming days at Stewart Hall’s Lawless Auditorium. The “Making it Through the Final Stretch” seminar will be held Monday at 4 p.m. and Wednesday at 1 p.m. The seminar is designed to keep students motivated during the final days of the semester. The “Coping with the Demands of College Life” seminar is scheduled for Tuesday at 2 p.m. The seminar is designed to demonstrate how relationships, jobs and responsibility fit into being a productive student.


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A&E EDITOR billy Washington


DIGEST STAFF WRITERS Morris Dillard patrick galloway tremaine sanders evan taylor

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - Page 3

Greeks strut stuff at show By breanna paul Digest opinions editor

Southern University’s Greek sororities and fraternities showed off their hard work at the SpringFest Exhibition Greek Show in F.G. Clark Activity Center. Students and alumni gathered on Friday, April 23 for the Annual Greek Show, as a part of the Spring Fest activities. The Beta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., the Beta Psi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., the Alpha Tau Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and the Beta Alpha Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho showcased their talent during the exhibition show. As usual, the Gold N’ Bluez performed to a master mix of Beyoncé’s “Video Phone,” Trey Songz “Say Ahh,” and Lady Gaga’s “Telephone.” Choreographer Jonas Vanderbilt stepped on the other side and danced with

the Gold N’ Bluez along with other male dancers. The host for Friday evening’s festivities did a roll call for the organizations to shout-out their specific calls; however, he neglected to call out to the members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. The members of Alpha Tau Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. performed their step to a boxing match theme. Newly elected Miss Southern University 2010 – 2011, Kenya Warren and Miss Senior, Bridgette Moss were the “poster girls” and walked across stage each time there was a new “round.” Members of the Beta Psi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. presented their performance by way of a Super Hero theme. Each member on stage donned a superhero costume with “Super K” on the cape. Their mission, to find the “Alpha Male” was completed when a member

of Beta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. appeared on stage. Beta Sigma Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., members did not appear on stage at first. Instead a young boy pursued an older female while Justin Bieber’s “Baby” played in the background. Then about 12 young boys performed a mini step. After the boys performed their step, Beta Sigma members joined them on stage to dance to the Alpha song, “Choppa Style.” They then executed a pyramid with all members to Trey Songz’s “Neighbors Know My Name.” The Beta Alpha Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. presented one member into their sorority before their performance. Phi Mu Alpha sang the National Anthem, while Christina Rogers rendered her voice for the Negro National Anthem.

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — It could take hours or it could take months to stop a 42,000-gallona-day oil leak polluting the Gulf of Mexico at the site of a wrecked drilling platform. Whether the environmental threat grows many times bigger depends on whether the oil company can turn the well completely off. Crews are using robot submarines to activate valves at the well head in hopes of cutting off the leak, which threatens the Gulf Coast’s fragile ecosystem of shrimp, fish, birds and coral. If the effort fails, they’ll have to start drilling again. The submarine work will take 24 to 36 hours, Doug Suttles, chief operating officer for BP Exploration and Production, said Sunday afternoon. “I should emphasize this is a highly complex operation being performed at 5,000 feet below the surface and it may not be successful,” he said. Oil continued to leak nearly a mile underwater Sunday at the site where the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on Tuesday. Eleven workers are missing and presumed dead. For the second consecutive

day, high waves prevented boats and equipment from going out to clean the spill. Airplanes sprayed chemicals to break up the oil. The spill initially appeared to be easily manageable after the oil rig sank Thursday about 50 miles off the Louisiana coast, but it has turned into a more serious environmental problem. Officials on Saturday discovered the leak, which is spewing as much as 1,000 barrels — or 42,000 gallons — of oil each day. The oil spill has been growing — officials said the oily sheen on the surface of the gulf covered about 600 square miles Sunday. The environmental damage would be especially serious if it reaches land. The spill was still about 70 miles from the mainland, but only about 30 miles from an important chain of barrier islands known as the Chandeleurs. The islands, part of a national wildlife refuge, are an important nesting ground for pelicans and other sea birds. They have been under serious threat since Hurricane Katrina washed out much of the sand there.

Bill to reorganize DSS passes Senate

morris from page 1 related to unsolved break-ins into the field house. “ Whoever built the apartments (in the back of campus) and the field house built some bad buildings,” he said. “There are too many ins-and-outs. The field house has no sensors or alarms,” said Morris. According to Morris, the lack of lighting and the way the buildings are constructed make them easy targets for crime, especially burglary. “I kept telling administration, let’s fix this, let’s fix this,” said Morris. Morris said that he doesn’t understand how he was expected to react to a burglary, when they didn’t have any signs or warnings that a break-in was occurring. “To me that put that stuff ahead of students and staff safety, and that’s what’s most important to me,” said Morris. He said that a few weeks ago cameras were added to the field house, where some of the burglaries were taped. “There is over 45 minutes of video footage. We made a DVD for the news station,” said Morris. According to Morris, you can make out the features of one guy, and the other’s bowlegs are a key give-a-way to his identity. Despite these efforts, according to Morris, the DVD was never released to the press. Morris said that whenever he asked why the video hadn’t been released he was told that they (officials) weren’t prepared to answer that question. “When I went to church Sunday, I was asked ‘what did you do’? See, this makes it appear that I did something wrong,” expressed Morris. The field house was furnished with over 40 flat screen televisions and

Robot subs key in cleanup

approximately 15 have been stolen. According to Morris, the university has insurance to cover the cost of the stole televisions. “The (SU) Foundation didn’t do its job. So somebody’s head had to roll for it and it was mine,” said Morris. Morris says that he doubts seriously that if the state approved for the building, they wouldn’t have approved a building with no security. “If the state funded it, where’s the money?” questioned Morris. Despite these unsolved break-ins, Morris said that he has helped alleviate some financial burdens. “When I got here, we had officers making $80,000 to $90,000,” said Morris. According to Morris, officers were working eight-hour shifts, but were signing out as though they had worked 12. For each officer that was 20 hours more a week. “I stopped that, I changed the shift 12 hours and one week with three days off,” said Morris. Also, Morris says that his efforts also helped leave some in the residential housing security budget. “ When I got here, residential housing was paying $300,000 a year for security. I changed it. Instead of $30 an hour, SUPD worked for $13 to $15 an hour. Seems to me none of that stuff counts,” said Morris. Morris said that his main concern was the safety of the students. “They are so interested in protecting that building, and not the children,” he said. After 40 years in law enforcement, Morris says this is it for him.

by the associated press

The Department of Social Services would be renamed and reorganized, under a bill that received unanimous approval Monday from the state Senate. The changes would eliminate layers of midlevel management that were targeted by a government streamlining panel as inefficient and unnecessary bureaucracy in the department that oversees foster care services, food stamps and welfare payments across the state. The proposal (Senate Bill 257) heads to the House for debate. The new agency would be called the Department of Children and Family Services. The department plans to cut 197 jobs

as part of the restructuring, saving $11 million in the upcoming budget year that begins July 1, DSS officials have said. Most of the jobs are vacant or would be cut through attrition. Four program offices would be collapsed into one office, an agency that helps disabled Louisiana residents find jobs would be moved to the state labor department and 18 DSS offices around the state would be closed and their functions consolidated to other locations. ___ A bill requiring those behind on their child support to fork over casino winnings sailed through the Senate Monday afternoon.

Page 4 - Tuesday, April 27, 2010

STATE & NATION Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - Page 5

Jindal surveys storm damage

state briefs by the associateD press

By GreG hIlBurn

Jindal taps DNR secretary to be lt. gov.

the (Monroe) neWs-star

TALLULAH, La. — Gov. Bobby Jindal spent Sunday following the 12-mile path of the tornado that tore through the northeastern corner of Madison Parish a day earlier, assessing the damage and pledging state support where possible. “I wanted to come here and see for myself the damage,” Jindal told a group of local officials at the Madison Parish Courthouse before his small caravan headed to the damaged areas. “But the most important reason I’m here is to help you get through this. “Families and business owners are facing months of hard work to rebuild, and I want you to know the state is your partner.” Jindal, who declared the parish a disaster on Saturday, said state officials will work to get relief from the federal government and tap state programs like the Department of Transportation and Development’s Emergency Response Fund. “This is another example of how the governor reacts and gets on top of the issues,” said state Sen. Francis Thompson, D-Delhi. “I have no doubt he’ll lead the charge to help us, and we’ll need it.” No Louisiana lives were lost during the twister, which eventually jumped the Mississippi River to terrorize Yazoo County in rural Mississippi, where people weren’t as lucky. At least 10 people have been reported killed in Mississippi. Officials from the Governor’s Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness reported 12 Madison Parish homes along Willow Bayou Road were destroyed and at least 20 others damaged. Mount Zion Baptist Church was blown off its foundation and splintered, and Complex Chemical Co. at the Madison Parish Port was nearly wiped out. They reported at least 40 minor injuries, with 12 hospital admissions, although all of

photo By arely D. castIllo/ap photo

gov. bobby Jindal, left, and sen. Francis thompson look at a rail cars on sunday that were blown from the tracks after a tornado ripped through the northeastern corner of Madison parish saturday morning.

those injured were treated and released. Complex Chemical owner Jerry Melton was already mapping out a strategy to rebuild Sunday afternoon. Complex Chemical employs about 80 workers, and other businesses in the heavily damaged port complex employ another 200. “I’m going to build back; it’s the American dream,” said Melton, who pledged to keep the company’s employees on the payroll even while the company’s business is interrupted. “My people are not going to lose a dollar. We’re on point and dialed in.” Homeland Security personnel said the twisted Complex Chemical facility didn’t pose an immediate threat to the surrounding area from leaks or emissions, though environmental officials are continuing a detailed assessment of the site. Jindal stopped along Willow Bayou Road to offer moral support to Alan Bishop, whose elderly parents’ brick house was destroyed. He said parents Luther and Myrtis Bishop were at the hospital being checked out, but appeared to escape serious injury.

“We’re trying to collect some of their mementos,” Alan Bishop said. “We were told we had to get my mother’s china and my father’s guns (both of which escaped damage). It’s a shock to come here and see this kind of destruction.” Crews continued to repair power lines and poles on Sunday, and by late afternoon fewer than 500 people in the parish were without power. Neighbors and volunteers were providing chain saws and other equipment to help people clean up the remnants of their homes. Volunteers and Red Cross personnel set up a relief shelter at East Willow Baptist Church. “All the neighbors here just come together and take care of each other,” said Marilyn Lee, who came to assist the Bishops. Madison Parish Sheriff Larry Cox and Jindal praised the emergency personnel and volunteers for their quick action. “Everybody moved so fast to help; they pitched in whereever they were needed and without being asked,” Cox said.

Congressman: U.S. should fight Ariz. immigrant law By Jonathan J. cooper associateD press Writer

PHOENIX — An Arizona congressman urged the Obama administration not to cooperate when illegal immigrants are picked up by local police if a tough new state immigration law survives legal challenges. U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva, a Democrat, and civil rights activists spoke on Sunday to thousands of people gathered at the state Capitol and called on President Barack Obama to fight the law, promising to march in the streets and invite arrest by refusing to comply. “We’re going to overturn this unjust and racist law, and then we’re going to overturn the power structure that created this unjust, racist law,” Grijalva said. Obama has called the new law “misguided” and instructed

the Justice Department to examine it to see if it’s legal. It requires police to question people about their immigration status — including asking for identification — if they suspect someone is in the country illegally. Opponents say it would lead to racial profiling because officers would be more likely to ask people who look Hispanic. Supporters have dismissed concerns about profiling, saying the law prohibits the use of race or nationality as the sole basis for an immigration check. Gov. Jan Brewer, who signed the measure Friday, has ordered state officials to develop a training course for officers to learn what constitutes reasonable suspicion someone is in the U.S. illegally. State Sen. Russell Pearce, the Mesa Republican who sponsored the legislation, said it’s “pretty disappointing” that opponents

Gov. Bobby Jindal is nominating his natural resources secretary, Scott Angelle, to serve as lieutenant governor. If approved by lawmakers, Angelle will take over the office after Mitch Landrieu leaves next week to become the mayor of New Orleans. The appointment will last until either a new lieutenant governor is elected or the office is abolished, as Jindal proposes. Angelle cannot take the office until both the House and Senate approve his appointment. Angelle has been secretary of the Department of Natural Resources under Jindal and his predecessor, former Gov. Kathleen Blanco. Angelle has been in a dual role for Jindal, working as DNR secretary and Jindal’s chief legislative lobbyist. Jindal says Angelle will continue as his legislative liaison even as he becomes the temporary lieutenant governor.

Efforts to shut down leak continue

NEW ORLEANS — Authorities continue to monitor the size and direction of a Gulf of Mexico oil sheen by air, while using robotic underwater equipment to try to shut off its source at a wrecked deepwater drilling platform. The Coast Guard and the companies that owned an operated the rig plan a Monday afternoon news conference in Robert, La., the site of a command center established over the weekend to deal with the crisis. The oil has been leaking at a rate estimated at 42,000 gallons a day. Workers are trying to make sure the oil doesn’t reach the Gulf Coast’s fragile ecosystem. An explosion on the floating deep water rig last Tuesday night led to a huge fire and the eventual sinking of the rig. The search for 11 missing workers was called off on Friday.

Biodiesel maker accused of pollution

photo By ross D. FranklIn/ap photo

rep. raul grijalva, D-ariz., speaks to thousands of protesters attending a rally at the arizona capitol voicing their displeasure on sunday over the Friday bill signing of sb1070 by the arizona governor, in phoenix. the sweeping measure makes it a crime under state law to be in the country illegally, and would require local law enforcement to question people about their immigration status if there is reason to suspect they are in the country illegally.

would call on the federal government to refuse to cooperate with Arizona authorities. “It’s outrageous that these people continue to support law breakers over law keepers,”

Pearce said Sunday. Protesters, some of whom came from as far away as Texas, clustered under trees for shelter from Arizona’s searing sun and 90-degree heat.

Biodiesel made from used cooking grease is considered “green.” But the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality accuses an Iberville Parish biodiesel maker of dumping grease and glycerin — a biodiesel byproduct — into a canal behind his house. DEQ Spokesman Tim Beckstrom says the canal behind 54-year-old Tommy M. Francise’s house in Plaquemine was contaminated with grease for about 100 yards downstream and 10 yards upstream. Beckstrom says Francise was arrested Friday on a felony charge of knowingly polluting state waters.

Page 6 - Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Black woman leads former whites-only Philly school By kathy matheson Associated Press Writer

PHILADELPHIA — The private boarding school for underprivileged students now led by Autumn Adkins, who describes herself simply as “a black girl from Richmond, Virginia,” would have excluded her in years past. The one-time white boys-only institution in Philadelphia did not admit its first black student until 1968 — and that was only after numerous legal challenges, months of protests, a visit from Martin Luther King Jr. and a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court. Girls weren’t allowed until 1984. Girard College — a misnomer, as it serves first- through 12th-graders — has come a long way since being established by the richest man you never heard of. And as its newest president, the 37-yearold Adkins is determined to take it further, raising the school’s profile by giving its students “a true 21st-century education.” “I have been really putting a lot of energy around making school exciting,” Adkins said. “It needs to be engaging. I’ve said to several of my administrators, I don’t want teachers wasting kids’ time — they’re young. It’s just not fair.” Stephen Girard, a French-born sea captain, amassed a fortune through shipping, trading and banking after coming to Philadelphia in 1776. He helped the U.S. finance the War of 1812 and, when he died in 1831, was likely the wealthiest man in America. Girard left about $6 million (approximately $146 million in today’s money) to the city of Philadelphia, mostly to build and endow a tuition-free school for poor, fatherless white boys. The “college” opened in 1848 and, until

photo by matt slocum/AP PHOTO

Girard College president Autumn Adkins smiles during her investiture ceremony at Girard College in Philadelphia. The private boarding school for needy children now led by Autumn Adkins, who describes herself simply as “a black girl from Richmond, Virginia,” would have excluded her in years past. The one-time white boys-only institution in Philadelphia did not admit its first black student until 1968, after numerous legal challenges, months of protests, a visit from Martin Luther King Jr. and a ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court. Girls weren’t allowed until 1984.

now, had been run exclusively by white men. Its first president was Benjamin Franklin’s great-grandson. The school’s overseers were not looking to make history after the most recent president retired. But they were bowled over by Adkins’ enthusiasm, work ethic, rigorous standards and an impressive resume that includes degrees from the University of Virginia and Columbia

University’s Teachers College. “She is highly intelligent, she is highly driven, she is extremely communicative,” said Peter Shoemaker, chairman of the board of managers. “She has evolved a very clear vision for the school.” Raised in an upper-middle class Virginia suburb, Adkins’ passion for education was inspired in part by teenage volunteer work in poor neighborhoods.

She was struck by the narrow life experiences of the children there, and later wrote in a college application that she dreamed of starting a boarding school for underprivileged students. Girard is the realization of that dream. Following high-level posts at the elite Friends Seminary School in New York and Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., Adkins arrived last summer at Girard’s 43-acre campus. The school looks like a slice of New England in rough North Philadelphia: Students in blue and burgundy blazers stroll grassy quads amid stone buildings, playing fields and a soaring chapel. The grandly columned Founder’s Hall — the original school building — was planned by Thomas Ustick Walter, who designed the dome of the U.S. Capitol. Yet Girard’s imposing walls and entrance gate became symbols of segregation when trustees refused to admit African-American students. Local activists picketed for months outside the school in 1965; King visited that August, declaring “the walls of segregation would come tumbling down.” In 1968, they did. Today, most of Girard’s 620 students are black and half are female; all come from low-income families headed by a single parent or guardian. Students are selected based on an assessment test, family interview and, if older than first grade, an academic transcript. Adkins — the descendant of a slave — believes Stephen Girard would support diversity and that the restrictions in his will, which she has read, simply reflect the era in which he lived. The new civil rights struggle, she says, is to make urban education competitive with its suburban peer.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - Page 7

Stewart signs deal with Cardinals By darrius harrison ego magazine editor-in-chief

Saturday afternoon, toward the later rounds of this year’s draft, several NFL teams began calling Southern University’s 6-foot-1 standout wide receiver Juamorris Stewart. NFL analysts regarded Stewart regarded as a “sleeper.” His performance on the field the last couple of seasons with the jaguars proves that NFL teams have definitely slept on the talented receiver this past draft. In his 2008 breakout campaign, the former twotime All-State performer out of Istrouma, caught 73 passes for 1,109 yards, with 12 touchdowns, earning first team All-SWAC honors. In his final season, he cemented himself as one of the greatest receivers in Southern history, catching 80 passes for 1,028 yards, with 11 touchdowns — leading the Southwestern Athletic Conference in all major receiving categories. He earned All-American honors from several national outlets and played in the Texas vs. the Nation college All-Star game in February. Stewart caught a 36-yard touchdown pass from Jonathon Crompton and finished his day with 90 receiving yards.

Stewart ended his career with the most receptions in school history (201) while trailing only Michael Hayes in total career receiving yards (2,668) and touchdown catches (25). “(I feel) real good about myself, you know,” he said when asked how it felt to be one of the greatest receivers in Southern history. “It was a personal goal of mine; (receivers) coach (Eric) Dooley is always in our ear, calling out his top receivers. There are some great receivers on that list. I was actually coached by one of them, Kentrell Plain; so that was kind of the thing. I wanted to prove when I got here, that I was going to be better than the guy who coached me. “I knew that being one of the best guys here would give me a great chance of playing at the next level,” he said. He was correct. Today, at approximately 2:04 p.m., announced “A look at Cards’ undrafted free agents,” naming Stewart as one of the ten names to appear on their undrafted free agent signing list. “It’s a two-year deal,” he conceded. He admits that it all has yet to set in, but he is anxious to get to work. “Right now I’m still pretty laid back, trying to stay relaxed

Lady Jags ready for SWAC By morris dillard digest SPORTS writer

photo by april buffington/DIGEST

Southern receiver Juamorris Stewart heads to the desert this week for rookie minicamp after inking a 2-year free agent deal with the Arizona Cardinals.

and not blow my top.” By Thursday, Stewart will have left Baton Rouge for Arizona’s minicamp, to focus on “being one of those guys who you see playing every Sunday,” as he put it. This upcoming Sunday, Stewart will return to Baton Rouge for a brief stint, then the following week, he is again off to Arizona, this time permanently, “to train with the team,” he said. With this newfound success,

Stewart remains humble and appreciative for the opportunities both his teammates and Southern have provided him. “I have to say thank you to Southern; the football program, for giving me a chance. Coach Dooley, he got me believing that I was one of the great receivers and that coaching staff. Definitely, to the guys on the team who I worked with over the summer… that pushed me to be the great player that I am.”

Jags drop pair to J-State; Southeastern on tap DIGEST NEWS SERVICE

Late charges came up short for Southern twice during last weekend’s home-and-home series with rival Jackson State, dropping a pair of two-run losses to the Tigers. The Tigers edged the Jaguars 9-7 in Jackson, Miss., Sunday while holding off SU 17-15 in 10 innings Saturday at Lee-Hines Field. The Jaguars (15-16, 10-4) maintains a one-game lead over Texas Southern (21-20, 11-5) in the SWAC Western Division with an upcoming series against Arkansas-Pine Bluff this weekend in the friendly confines of Lee-Hines. Southern hits the road today to take on Southeastern Louisiana (30-12) at 6 p.m. at Pat Kenelly Diamond at Alumni Field. The game can be heard on the internet at Southeastern defeated SU 8-5 at Lee-Hines a month ago in their previous meeting.

JSU 9, Southern 7 JACKSON, Miss. — The teams were tied at 3-3 after five innings of play before Trae Rutland homered off Kyle Wahl in the bottom of the sixth give JSU a 4-3 lead. The Tigers (24-14, 9-5) broke the game open in the bottom of the seventh inning. Willie Wesley led off with a walk, reached second on an error and stole third. Wesley scored on the Jaguars’ second error of the inning. Braneric Holmes and Frank Solis each reached base on Southern errors before moving into scoring position as Malcolm Tate grounded out to short. Holmes and Solis scored on Brionne Jones’ doubled to right. Rutland followed up by taking Wahl deep for the second time of the game, a 2-run blast that brought the end of Wahl’s day, and increased the Tigers’ lead to 9-3 at the end of seven. The Jaguars tried to rally in the top of the ninth inning.

James Armstrong led off with a double, but was tagged out at third. JSU pitcher Quintavious Drains struck out Kevin Williams. Drains walked Ozzie Lamis, Michael Lindsey and Frazier Hall to load the bases with two outs. Curtis Wilson doubled off Drains to bring in Lamis and Lindsey, and David Worthington doubled off Drains to plate Hall and Wilson. However, Drains got Michael Gonzales to fly out to center to end SU’s rally and the game. JSU 17, Southern 15 (10 inn.) Southern jumped out to an 8-0 lead after two innings of play, but a four-run top of the sixth by Jackson State cut the lead to 8-6. Thomas Willis’ RBI single in the bottom of the sixth increased SU’s lead to 9-6. Southern seemingly took control in the bottom of the eighth. Elliot Armstrong had an RBI single off reliever Terrance Washington. Diomedes

Gonzales scored on a wild pitch, and Armstrong scored on Washington’s second wild pitch of the inning to give SU a 12-10 lead heading into the ninth inning. Chad Hall singled off Sherrard Brooks with one out in the top the ninth and reached second on Wesley’s bunt single. The Tigers pulled the double steal after SU switched pitchers. An SU error allowed the two runs to score to tie the game at 12-12. Solis led off the top of the 10th with a double down the left field line and reached third on a sac bunt. Solis scored on a second sac bunt. Two more JSU runners scored on an SU error before Holmes’ RBI single gave JSU a 17-12 lead midway through the 10th. James Armstrong led off the bottom of the 10th with a walk. He scored on Elliot Armstrong’s RBI triple. Lamis drove in Armstrong with a base hit and Lamis scored on Kyle Smith’s RBI single to right. However, JSU held on for the win.

In their final contests of the year the Southern University softball team had no problem defeating Prairie View A&M, 5-2, 10-0, and 9-7 in the 2010 three-game series finale. While constructing their 5-2 win at Lady Jaguar Diamond softball field, SU saw senior pitcher Lanaya Jenkins earn her 11th win of the season- allowing two runs and striking out four through seven innings that provided SU a sense of comfort on a path to victory. This was Jenkins third straight season with double digit wins. Game one highlighted freshman Shawtall Steamerbatting 2-of-3 with two RBI’s and a run. Junior Victoria Stewart ended the game 2-of-3 from the plate with one RBI and red-shirt junior Jasmone Williams picked up two hits, a run and an RBI. Game two honored April Augustine, Brittany Hymes, Lanaya Jenkins and Aruba Nicholas enjoying their final regular season home contests on senior day. “It was one of those day’s where you look at the kids your losing, and you basically say your losing a pond of nucleus of your team,” said Marshall. “And the key thing is to make sure you can replace those same types of talents.” SU scored in the first three innings to take a 10-0 lead, posting 11 hits- marking the eighth time this season SU has produced double digit hits in a contest. Game three, freshman Shawtall Steamer led the way going 3 for 3 with three runs and four RBI’s and her second homerun of the year. Jasmone Williams also batted 1.000 with two runs, two hits, and an RBI. Steamer was announced SWAC softball player of the week for her efforts against PV-going 9 of 14 recording seven runs, nine RBI’s, three triples, a double and a homer. Head coach Nancy Marshall ends her 14th regular season at SU 15-26 overall and 12-5 in the SWAC. The 2010 SWAC Softball Championship begins Thursday and ending with the nationally televised championship game on Sunday. ESPNU will carry the title game live at 1 p.m. Central Time. The tournament is debuting at the Shea Brothers Softball Complex in Irondale, Ala. “It’s good to be there,” Marshall said. “We have to win each day.”

arts & entertainment Page 8 - Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Artists wow Jazz Fest crowd By chevel johnson associated press writer

NEW ORLEANS — Ledisi turned it loose at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival on Saturday. Singing the title song from her twice-Grammy nominated album, “Turn Me Loose,” Ledisi strutted across the stage at Congo Square to the delight of fans packed in and around a field left muddy from Friday’s storm that caught many opening day festival-goers by surprise. As the sound of her husky, jazzy voice rang through the air, fans danced and swayed to the lyrics of “Higher Than This” and “Alright,” which she said was written at one of her lowest points in her life. “I was ready to give up on my dream, y’all,” she said. “They told me I would never be a star and I told my mama I was going to quit. She told me, ‘You’re just going through something, but you’re gonna be alright.’ I told her, ‘Mama, that sounds like a song.’ Now she wants 15 percent every time I sing it!” Ledisi encouraged the crowd to love themselves. She also urged people to give their parents a break. “Love your parents and then forgive them. Say what you have to say and then move on. Leave those old folks alone,” she said. Michele Brown, from Atlanta,

has been a fan of Ledisi for years. “I first saw her in 2000 in Chicago at the Hothouse. She was so passionate on stage before she was a star. I’m so proud of her that she’s maintained that passion and energy and that she’s gotten the notoriety that she so richly deserves,” he said. In the middle of one of her songs, she began to scat, reminiscent of Ella Fitzgerald. Brown said: “Listen to that. You don’t get that from most singers today. You don’t get real music like this. There’s no changing of her levels here. Wow.” On the other side of the field, in the Blues Tent, Davell Crawford held the attention of hundreds packed inside and hundreds more standing and sitting outside. The blues-jazz pianist was joined at the end of his set by Dr. John and Jon Cleary. “There’s no place in the world that you can hear the diversity of music and the embodiment of our culture like you can here,” said actor Wendell Pierce, a New Orleans native who’s starring in the HBO-produced series, “Treme.” “Davell reminds me of the legends — James Brown, Ray Charles. You wonder sometimes if that soulfulness is gone forever with them, but then someone like him comes along and he’s a continuum of that spirit.”

Kevorkian: Assisted suicide ‘discussed to death’ By jeff karoub associated press writer

DETROIT — Jack Kevorkian says assisted suicide has been “discussed to death.” The assisted suicide advocate known as “Dr. Death” said Thursday the HBO biographical movie “You Don’t Know Jack” is unlikely to inspire much action but he’s delighted and honored by the “superbly done” film about his crusade. “It may stimulate a little more discussion — maybe even a little more probing discussion,” Kevorkian told The Associated Press in a telephone interview. “But it won’t stimulate anybody to act, I’m sure.” The 82-year-old from Michigan has claimed he attended more than 130 deaths before being convicted of second-degree murder in 1999. He said only the threat of returning to prison keeps him from assisting in any

more suicides. Kevorkian, who was released from prison nearly three years ago and spends much of his time writing books, said he continues to provide “moral courage” to the cause. Still, he’s not interested in merely rekindling the debate he helped spur 20 years ago. He started making headlines on June 4, 1990, when the body of a woman with Alzheimer’s disease was found in his van at an Oakland County park. Janet Adkins, 54, of Portland, Ore., received a lethal dose of drugs by pressing a button on a machine developed by Kevorkian. “You’ll hear people say, ‘Well, it’s in the news again, it’s time for discussing this further.’ No it isn’t. It’s been discussed to death,” he said. “There’s nothing new to say about it. It’s a legitimate ethical medical practice as it was in ancient Rome and Greece.”

photo by cheryl gerber/ap photo

George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic performs at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival Friday.

Marian Anderson, of Deerfield Beach, Fla., was one of the hundreds who couldn’t get in the tent so she and friends sat outside in their camp chairs they had with them. She said Dr. John and Cleary are what drew her to the festival. “It’s so geared toward music and if you love music, this is the place to get it,” Anderson said. Dr. John said collaborations with younger artists is something he’s called to do. “I’ve been blessed. Guys that passed the music down to us, Dave Bartholomew, Sugar Boy (Crawford’s grandfather, James Crawford) and taught us about stuff, we have to pass it down to the next group, the next generation,” he said.

He said he doesn’t often get the chance to do just that, but when he does, “It’s always a blessing.” Krystal Chambers and her husband, Kenneth, walked toward the Jazz Tent to hear another hometown favorite, jazz trumpeter Terence Blanchard. “Of all the festivals we attend, this remains our favorite,” he said. “The weather didn’t keep us away,” she said. “Jazz Fest is one of the few places where we can get a taste of everything, the food, the music, friends, everything in one place.” Earlier Saturday, the festival gates opened as the sun peeped through another gray sky — a welcome sight to festival-goers.

As the festival neared its close, the sun was shining and a brisk wind kept the ensuing heat at bay. Some of Saturday’s crowd wore rain boots to trudge through deep mud to get to the 12 stages where more than 60 musicians were scheduled to perform. Sam Panice of Las Vegas, Nev., watched Grandpa Elliott’s debut performance in the Blues Tent. Panice said he’s seen Elliott perform on the streets of New Orleans many times and was glad that he’s finally getting his big break. “He’s just amazing,” Panice said. “I’d go see him anywhere.” Panice, at his 16th Jazz Fest, said he’s definitely coming back for more.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - Page 9

BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY Page 10 - Tuesday, April 27, 2010

3D TV may pose risks

Cleco experiments with solar

By darryl edwards digest staff writer

The year 2010 is definitely the year for 3D. From the movie theaters to your home theaters, 3D is sweeping the nation by storm. Directors are taking advantage of 3D’s popularity, with movies such as The Final Destination, My Bloody Valentine, and arguable the best movie in the country, Avatar. With 3D being such a success in movie theaters, television makers are now implementing the technology. But is too much 3D good for you? 3D TV is great experience, unless you are drunk, pregnant, old or extremely tired. Think it’s a joke? The warning came straight from Samsung. If you go to the company’s website, a page that is titled, “3D TV

photo by Koji Sasahara/AP PHOTO

A model puts on a pair of 3D glasses to take a close took at the images shown on Sharp Corp.’s 3-D TV during a demonstration in Tokyo, Monday. Sharp is trying to play catch-up in 3-D TVs with powerful rivals Samsung and Panasonic with displays the Japanese electronics maker says are brighter and clearer.

Warning,” which states the following cautions: “Children and teenagers may be more susceptible to health issues associated with viewing in 3D and should be closely supervised when viewing these images.” And also states: “Pregnant women, the elderly, sufferers of serious medical conditions, those who are sleep deprived or under the influence of alcohol should avoid utilizing the unit’s 3D

functionality.” Basically, don’t go near the television if you fall under any of those categories, and have and ambulance ready if you are drunk, pregnant, 75 year woman who has not slept in 72 hours and decides to watch 3D TV. Surprisingly, even if you are not drunk, an extended period of 3D TV gawking can make you feel the same way. “Viewing in 3D may cause

disorientation for some viewers. Accordingly, DO NOT place your TV television near open stairwells, cables, balconies, or other objects that can be tripped over, run into, knocked down, broken or fallen over.” Why pay for alcohol when I can get drunk watching 3D TV? However, this matter is to be taking seriously. Needless to say, 3D TV isn’t for those susceptible to seizures.

ALEXANDRIA, La. (AP) — Cleco Corp., which serves about 276,000 customers in 23 Louisiana parishes, is experimenting with solar power. “There are so many renewables — solar, wind and others,” Cleco President and Chief Operating Officer Mike Madison said. “Somebody needs to test these things, and that’s what we’re doing. One of the things I want to do at Cleco is I want to get out ahead of the market. Let’s get out and figure out what works in Louisiana.” The power company installed solar panels last week on the roof of its headquarters in Pineville to collect data on whether they work well in Louisiana, what it would cost and whether the cost would be worth it. Madison said three types of stationary panels have been installed, as well as one that rotates to follow the sun. The types of panels are thin film, the cheapest and least efficient; monocrystalline, the most expensive and most efficient; and polycrystalline, between the others in both price and efficiency. Both stationery and rotating polycrystalline panels were set up.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010 - Page 11

To our “faithful” readers Dear Readers,


I’M JUST ASKING is for entertainment purposes only. These remarks do not represent the opinions of the DIGEST staff, Southern University or the Office of Student Media Services.

1. Who actually went to the Greek Show? 2. Do the Iotas have just one stroll? 3. Why do they stroll to slow music? 4. Why didn’t anyone tell them to SIT DOWN? 5. Why do the KKPsi strolls go harder than the Divine Nine Fraternities? 6. Who knows who drives the blue and orange Polo car? 7. Does Polo pay them? 8. If so, how much so we can sign up? 9. Did SGRho have their probate at the Greek Show so people would actually go? 10. Wait…was the Greek show even full? 11. When will an SU event start on time? 12. Where was the little boy’s mama who strolled with the Ques? 13. Why couldn’t he find a baby sitter? 14. Were the Que Angels busy? 15. Did the Greek Show host have beef with the Alphas? 16. Who got cold crawfish? 17. Who told J. Holliday it was okay to take his shirt off? 18. Who actually went to the concert? 19. Who was the surprise guest at the concert? 20. Did Lady Gaga perform? ——BONUS QUESTIONS—— 21. Why are there so many events not related to athletics being held in the new Mumford Field House? 22. Are the missing TVs actually door prizes at these events? 23. If so, how can we get the hook-up on a flat screen? 24. Why were some members of the baseball team about to fight each other in the dugout during Saturday’s game? 25. Were they mad that they didn’t vote twice in the SGA runoff?

This semester, I have shared with you my opinions on Facebook and texting etiquette. I have also welcomed the Saints bandwagon fans and told of my experiences voting for the first time. I also expressed my concern about how student’s pride is low. With that being said, I have become to feel loved and appreciated. Many people have come up to me telling that they read my articles and can’t wait for the next one. I mean even church members have come to me and told me that they enjoy reading my articles. I really enjoyed hearing that. However, my section is not the only section in the DIGEST. There is a State and Nation section, a Sports section, an Art and Entertainment section

BREANNA PAUL and sometimes a Business and Technology section. How come no one says, “I liked that review of Erykah Badu’s ‘Window Seat’ video.” It’s always, “When are y’all going to do the questions?” Don’t get me wrong, I really do enjoy my job. I love thinking of different topics and seeing where my fingers can lead me once I get to a computer. I just love working and being able to say what some people are afraid to say. I love hearing people saying that they have

read The DIGEST because the staff works really hard. We spend very late nights in Harris Hall under VERY EXTREME circumstances. Most of you know what I’m talking about. If anyone has a class in Harris Hall during the day – you’ve experienced the HEAT in that building. Now just imagine being in that building until two in the morning. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be freezing cold than hot. You can always add layers or buy a heater BUT you can’t take off skin or buy a fan (it makes no sense to blow hot air). Not only that, but we are under fire about people not agreeing with what we put in the DIGEST, especially what goes in the Opinions section. Wait, it is the OPINIONS section, right? If there is a

problem with what we put in the paper and you don’t agree with it – fill out an application. Our advisor always says, “If you don’t come up with a solution, then you are part of the problem.” We can’t change what we don’t know. We are always open to suggestions and new DEDICATED faces. With that said, I just want people to pick up a paper and not just open to page 7, page 11 or even page 15. I want people to read the news that is on pages 1 and 3. This is important – we try our hardest to cover real news and news that is important and affects the majority of our readers (you, the students). Read the paper, you paid for it! Blessings, Breanna

Fair is fair, isn’t it? Over the past week a few instances have occurred that just doesn’t sit well with me. As a respectable journalist I am obligated to report truthfully and fairly, contrary to what others might try and make you believe, we at the DIGEST hold these ideals to highest of standards. We only print the facts in our news stories and we back our opinions with intellectual understanding and reasoning, so if we can “play fair” in The Office of Student Media why can’t everyone else? I’m speaking of course of the run-off elections and the sudden firing of SUPD Chief Morris. First I would like to say — full disclosure/“real talk” — I don’t really care who wins anything in SGA just so long as you represent the student body in a positive way, that’s what counts to me. However, if it can be proven that the elections process was flawed and compromised to underhanded actions then it should be redone the right way, period. It doesn’t matter if no one can prove who

NORMAN DOTSON JR. voted for who once they got to the voting machine, the only the that matters is the truth and the truth is people cheated. Now they could have cheated either way, but they cheated and that is the bottom line. In all fairness this would constitute a re-election even if someone lost the drive to fight for it, as institution of higher education we are supposed to be the beacons of what’s right, and being fair is what’s right. All of those candidates deserve a fair race and they deserve to know the truth. While I’m on the subject of truth can someone tell Chief Morris and I the true reason as to why he was let go? I mean, how does it sound when you get an ultimatum

to either quit or face being fired without even knowing why? That to me is not fair. What would have been fair is saying, “Hey chief, we are having problems with the way you are running things over there could you perhaps come sit down with us so we can work on some of these issues?” Not hearing, “Chief, Southern University decided that the police department needs to go in a different direction and that doesn’t include you.” On a side note, the “go in a different direction” line has been used before (see SU Athletics and Floyd Kerr). Now I know that employees can be a pain in the butt and sometimes as their leader you say things you shouldn’t. I’m not perfect. I do that all the time, but I don’t do this out of the blue. I know how hard it is to get people to listen and work with you but I have learned that you have to keep a level of professionalism when handling those that work for you. I’m not saying that sometimes telling people “if you’re not happy, quit” doesn’t

work and shouldn’t be applied; all I’m saying is let that be your last resort and not your only option. You have to be sure that you are being fair to that person, and with all the facts presented it seems that fairness wasn’t present in this decision. Also, whatever happened to loyalty? I can’t believe I’m the one who is defending ex-Chief Morris after all the runaround he has given us, but we knew he was only doing his job and in my opinion he did damn good job of following what seems to be university protocol when handling the DIGEST. I don’t know everything but I do know that at the very least the university owes him a reason as to why he was let go. I would just like to finish by saying as a leader and not a follower I do what’s right even when people are against it, that what my parents taught me. I hope that fairness is restored somehow because this is not a good look for the university. Let’s get it together people. Stop acting like all of this does not affect you in some manner.


The Southern DIGEST welcomes letters from readers commenting on current issues and other matters of general interest to the SU family and public. We set aside this space to publish these letters for others to enjoy. This newspaper is not responsible for individual opinions expressed on its editorial and opinion pages. The Southern DIGEST reserves the right to edit any contributions and or reject them without notification. Authors are encouraged to limit the length of submissions to 300 words. Letters should not include libelous statements. Offensive and personal attacks will not be permitted. The DIGEST will not print “open letters” addressed to someone else. All contributions must be type written, signed and must include the author’s address and phone number. Unsigned letters will not be printed. Southern University students should include their majors, hometowns and year in school. When referring to specific DIGEST articles, please include the date and title. All materials should be directed to the editor in chief of The Southern DIGEST, P.O. Box 10180, Baton Rouge, La. 70813. Materials may be delivered by hand to the DIGEST office located in Suite 1064 Harris Hall or can be e-mail to

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Staff editorials represent the opinions of the author and the majority opinion of the Southern DIGEST Student Editorial Board, which is comprised of the student staff of editors and columnists. The Southern DIGEST provides an open forum to educate, inform and enlighten the students, faculty and staff at Southern University, Baton Rouge, La.

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Page 12 - Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Victims’ children build lives

Journalists killed in Nigeria by jon gambrell associated press writer

by tim talley associated press writer

OKLAHOMA CITY — Dion Thomas’ life began spiraling out of control after her mother was killed in the Oklahoma City bombing, when the straight-A student started skipping classes and saw her grades photo by Jacquelyn martin/AP PHOTO slip to D’s, F’s and incompletes. Dion Thomas, 30, of Oklahoma City, Okla., right, practices administering a test of speech She stayed in her bedroom for days, skills to Sydney Crosby, 2, as part of her speech and language pathology program in the unable to come out. No one let her see her graduate school at Howard University in Washington. mother’s body to say goodbye, thinking it Since the children’s father was not always was better for her daughter to remember million on tuition, housing and other educational costs. It has also paid for present, Lewis cared for the children after how she was alive. “I pretty much almost dropped out counseling for depression and emotional Charlotte Thomas’ death. But Dion couldn’t find her bearings. After graduation from of high school,” said Thomas, who was problems. As the bombing shattered the lives of the Northwest Classen High School in 1997, a sophomore when her mother, Social Security Administration employee victims’ families, the donations changed she drifted between menial fast-food jobs before trying college, then quickly dropping Charlotte Thomas, died in the April 19, the future for many of the children. “Going to college would have been out. “I still was not in the right mindset,” 1995, attack. Thomas limped to graduation with no difficult,” said Marisa Williams, 28, she said. Finally, she enlisted in the Army and idea what her future held. But 15 years later, who obtained a public relations degree she is a college graduate working toward an at Oklahoma State University after her found a purpose. The breakthrough came advanced degree in speech pathology at father, Jules Valdez, who worked for while she was serving at Walter Reed Army Howard University in Washington, D.C., all the Department of Housing and Urban Medical Center in Washington, when she because of a fund that ensured her tuition Development, was killed. “My parents had befriended a speech pathologist who was would be covered because of the loss she done a great job in saving, but it wouldn’t helping war veterans with brain injuries learn to speak again. have covered everything.” suffered as a child. Thomas settled on speech pathology Dr. Kyle Loudenslager, who lost his father, More than 200 children had parents killed or disabled when an anti-government General Services Administration employee as a career. The money donated after the conspirator’s truck bomb destroyed the Michael Loudenslager, said he likely would bombing attack helped pay for the schooling. Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building. Thomas not have pursued his veterinary medicine “I am so thankful for the opportunity that and others have benefited from a continuing degree at OSU were it not for the scholarship they gave me. I don’t know what I would be doing,” Thomas said. She said that after she legacy of the attack: the outpouring of help. “It’s not that I couldn’t have done it. finishes her master’s degree in a year, she donations from people who wanted to help It’s just that I wouldn’t have done it,” said may pursue a doctorate. the families of the victims. Those who remember her from high At the time of the blast, the children Loudenslager, 37, who practices at the ranged from infants to teenagers. Suddenly, Deercreek Animal Hospital in Harrah, school are amazed by the turnabout in her they were left to be raised by single parents Okla. “They gave me the opportunity to do life. “To see Dion go through what she did, I wouldn’t have expected it,” said Denise or grandparents, were placed with other what I wanted to do.” Years after the attack, volunteers and Miller, a librarian at Northwest Classen. family members or sent to homes in other case workers still checked in periodically “She had a real hard time.” states. Thomas’ older brothers have not fared as With the scholarship money available, with families, asking how the children about two-thirds have since gone on to were doing and suggesting answers for well. One brother, John Cornelius Thomas, was released on parole last year after serving college or other education programs, and problems. At the time her mother was killed, Dion 12 years in state prison for attempted the graduates now include physicians, Thomas, the youngest of three children, robbery. The other, Adrion Thomas, was lawyers, veterinarians and pharmacists. “It was not about distributing money,” was a shy tomboy who liked math and sentenced to five years following an August said Nancy B. Anthony, executive director of science and did well in advanced placement conviction for possession of a controlled the Oklahoma City Community Foundation, classes. The children “were raised with dangerous substance. Lewis said Dion Thomas’ academic which administers the fund created from love. They were the sweetest kids,” said the donations. “It was about how to help Bettie Lewis, Thomas’ grandmother. “They success would make her mother proud. “Out of evil, there is some good,” Miller were no problem at all — until their lives people restore their lives.” said. “And she found the good.” She said the fund has spent about $6 just changed.”

Haiti tosses kidnapping charges against Americans by frank bajak associated press writer

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — A Haitian judge said Monday he has dismissedkidnappingandcriminal association charges against 10 American missionaries detained for trying to take a busload of children out of the country after the Jan. 12 earthquake. Judge Bernard Saint-Vil said Laura Silsby, the last of the 10 missionaries jailed in Haiti, still faced a lesser charge for allegedly organizing the effort to transport the 33 children to an orphanage they were setting up in the Dominican Republic. Silsby faces up to three

years in prison if convicted on the remaining charge, the “organization of irregular trips,” from a 1980 statute restricting travel out of Haiti signed by thendictator Jean-Claude Duvalier. Silsby declined comment from her jail cell. Shiller Roi, a lawyer for Silsby, declined comment, saying he hadn’t yet received the judge’s written decision. The judge told The Associated Press that the charge of organizing the trip was also pending against Jean Sainvil, a Haitian-born pastor from Atlanta who also helped organize the venture. Sainvil did not immediately respond to message left on his voicemail.

The judge, who spoke to AP in a brief phone interview, did not explain the reasons for his decisions. It was the latest development in a case that emerged amid the chaos following the devastating earthquake, which the government said killed an estimated 230,000 people and left hundreds of thousands of people homeless. Border guards detained the Americans on Jan. 29 as they tried to enter the Dominican Republic from Haiti without the required documents for the children. A relative of two members of the group of Baptists said at the time that they intended to take

the children, all of whom still had at least one living parent, to an orphanage they were setting up in the Dominican Republic for Haitian children. On Feb. 17, the judge released eight of the Americans after concluding that parents voluntarily gave up their children in the belief that the Americans would give them a better life. He freed the ninth March 8, leaving only Silsby in custody. Supporters of the group said they were only trying to help the children and simply misunderstood Haitian adoption rules intended to prevent child trafficking following the earthquake.

LAGOS, Nigeria — Gunmen shot and killed a Nigerian journalist at his home the same day two others died while attempting to cover fighting between Christians and Muslims in the nation’s restive central highlands, authorities said Monday. The outbreak of violence highlights the daily dangers confronting local journalists in Africa’s most populous nation, a country where bribery and corruption prevails at all levels of government and some reporters temper their stories for fear of angering those in power. In Lagos, police spokesman Frank Mba said gunmen on Saturday night raided the home of Edo Ugbagwu, a reporter who covered court cases for the daily newspaper The Nation. Mba said Ugbagwu’s younger brother witnessed the men begin an argument with Ugbagwu that led to the shooting of the 42-yearold journalist. Mba said detectives on the case had yet to come up with a motive for the slaying. Lawal Ogienagbon, a deputy editor at The Nation, said Ugbagwu hadn’t been working on any controversial stories leading up to his death and had received no threats. “He worked in the courts. All you do is hear from both sides and whatever the judge does, you report,” Ogienagbon told The Associated Press. “We can’t say why he was killed.” In Jos, the central Nigerian city at the epicenter of recent religious violence, two journalists working for the Christian publication The Light Bearer newspaper died Saturday. The Nigeria Union of Journalists identified them as deputy editor Nathan S. Dabak, 36, and reporter Sunday Gyang Bwede, 39. The union said unknown attackers stabbed the two men to death as they were on their way to an assignment. Earlier that day, the body of a 13-yearold boy was discovered in front of a mosque in the city, sparking protests and attacks. The union called on the military and police to find and prosecute the men’s killers. “It is unfortunate that men of the fourth estate ... in Nigeria are not accorded the deserved respect and recognition in the course of performing their duty — especially in a crisis,” the union said in a statement Monday. The violence in and around Jos has left more than 500 people dead since the beginning of the year. Covering the attacks remains dangerous for reporters as well. After killings in Christian villages in March, enraged residents attacked a Muslim journalist covering a mass burial.

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