The December 2 Issue of The Southern Digest

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Volume 57, Issue 18

Death casts shadow over bands see State & Nation, page 6

SU women start road swing at UL-Lafayette see Sports, page 7

Check out the newest SUBR alumni see Fall 2011 Graduates List, page 8

Speech students address clefts Evan Taylor

The Southern Digest

The Southern University department of Speech, Language, and Pathology graduate students discussed research on cleft lips and cleft palates at their poster session Tuesday. Topics included quality of life, surgical methods, birth anomalies effects, and intervention and support for those affected by the condition. According to the Center for Disease Control, “One in 33 babies are born with a birth defect.” Meosha Smith presented her research on the quality of life of those with cleft lips or cleft palates. “The purpose of my research was to find out are people with cleft palates or cleft lips able to live a good quality of life. Overall they can live a good life because of the options for treatment, support, speech and language therapy, and surgery,” Smith said. One in 940 babies born are born with a cleft lip while one in 1,574 babies are born with a cleft palate. Natalie Newton and Lauren Gongre reported their research on surgical methods to improve speech and general oral functions.

“The most common surgical methods to correct cleft lips and palates are reconstructive plastic surgery and palatoplasty,” Newton said. Palatoplasty is also called uranoplasty and is a surgery to restore the form and function of the oral palate. “Orthognathic surgery corrects jaw issues. Bones can be added or removed and the jaw is re-aligned. Surgery is done to improve functions such as, eating, chewing and breathing,” Gongre said. Britni Guilbeau presented her research concerning the support in the form of family networking for families affected by cleft lips and palates. “The Children’s craniofacial association allows families to form a community; sharing testimonies, and aiding in the coping process,” Guilbeau said. Natasha Etienne’s research discussed the importance of early intervention for children with facial anomalies. “It’s important to work with the child on building their consonant inventory, increasing vocabulary, and promoting awareness of oral airflow. Using specific words that are familiar can build a child’s vocabulary and work on their speech,” Etienne said. Kim Reggio’s research

photo by keldric nash/digest

The Department of Speech Pathology presented a poster session sponsored by Dr. Regina Enwefa’s graduate class called Seminar in Cleft Palate, which allowed other undergrate students and professors to learn more information about living with the condition of cleft palate. One of the students, Lauren Gongre presented her topic on Orthonnatic surgey to Graduate School Dean Mwalimu Shujaa.

concerned effects of speech and dental anomalies associated with cleft lips and cleft palates. “The dentists and orthodontists have to work together to correct and address the anomalies. 36 percent or more have dental anomalies associated with their cleft palate or lip effecting the certain sounds that are made,” Reggio said. Brooke Burks discussed velopharyngeal dysfunction and

the different treatment options and devices. “An evaluation can be done with a listening tube. More invasive is nasopharyngoscopy and videofluoroscopy. Speech therapy is not always the best option. The structure for therapy has to be in place,” Burks said. Nasopharyngoscopy examines the nasal airway while videofluoroscopy is a motion x-ray study of the throat.

All of the graduate students that presented their research are part of A graduate seminar on Cleft palate class taught by Regina Enwefa. The class worked together to conduct research and present on the topic. For more information visit or www. for resources for those affected by cleft lips and palates.

La. Democrats look to rebuild grassroots base Melinda Deslatte The Associated Press

After a string of losses and the inability to field a slate of statewide candidates this fall, Louisiana’s Democratic Party is retrenching. Party leaders say they are focused on rebuilding local support, re-establishing parish leadership committees and attracting candidates with an eye to the 2012 congressional elections. They’re planning a 64-parish “Back to Basics” tour at the start of the new year, to reach out to local leaders. “We recognize that the grassroots of the Democratic Party in Louisiana have been allowed to kind of wither, and we’re going to give a real working to grassroots on the parish level,” Louisiana Democratic Party Chairman Claude “Buddy” Leach said Thursday. Republicans say it’s a lost cause, that Democrats have lost their clout and will

remain the minority party in Louisiana. Democrats say their ability to hang onto legislative seats in this fall’s elections show they can win races when organized. However, the Democratic Party has slipped substantially in power in a state that had remained firmly blue for decades. Democrats couldn’t woo a well-funded challenger to Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal this fall — or even a full slate of candidates for all seven statewide positions on the ballot. The GOP will continue to hold all those elected jobs when the new term begins in January. Republicans took the majorities in both the state House and Senate over the last year for the first time since Reconstruction, and Democrats didn’t regain seats in the October and November elections, though they lost fewer than pundits had predicted. “The era of Democrats having anything more than paltry influence on policy is over, for the foreseeable future,” Jeffrey

Sadow, an associate professor of political science at LSU-Shreveport, wrote in his conservative political blog. Leach said he’s focusing heavily on reengaging former local officials, lawmakers and Democratic leaders in party activities and candidate recruitment. The party’s hired a communications and research director and started a new blog, while trying to revive fundraising efforts and working with national party leaders to help find and groom candidates for the upcoming congressional election cycle. “It’s my belief that when men and women see Democrats in our various communities speaking up on issues and having active meetings and town forums that these candidates will emerge. There are men and women out there who have a desire to serve,” Leach said. The Louisiana Democratic Party has successfully restarted parish executive committees in East Feliciana, West Feliciana, East Carroll and Claiborne

the official student newspaper of southern university and A&m college, baton rouge, louisiana

parishes, giving them local party infrastructure in 60 of the state’s 64 parishes. Democrats hold one of Louisiana’s congressional seats. Leach said they’ll concentrate their resources on trying to regain at least two additional districts, the northwest Louisiana based seat held by Republican U.S. Rep. John Fleming and the Baton Rouge-area seat held by U.S. Rep. Bill Cassidy. They’ll have to overcome the overwhelming unpopularity of President Barack Obama in a state trending more Republican, where Obama’s approval ratings remain low in poll after poll. Renee Lapeyrolerie, the executive director of the state Democratic Party, said the fall legislative elections showed Democrats that they can win elections even when outspent if they focus on local issues. She said voters can distinguish between national party ideology and local politics.

Campus Life

Page 2 - Friday, December 2, 2011


Athletics Department is searching for prospective student volunteers and graduate assistants interested in gaining valuable experience working in intercollegiate athletics. If you are eager to learn more about various athletic department agencies, then contact the Athletics Department today. For students interested in sports administration, contract Pam Smith, the Assoc. A.D. at 225.771.5908. For students interested in NCAA rules compliance, contact Lashonda Stirgus at 225.771.3046. For students interested in serving as tutors or working in academic counseling, contact Trayvean Scott, at 225.771.5455. For students interested in athletic media relations and marketing, contact Christopher Jones at 225.771.3495. Student must also possess a 3.0 GPA in order to serve as tutors. Duties include but are not limited to filing, answering telephones, taking minutes of meetings and organizing NCAA folders, running errands on campus and other duties. Hours of operation are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

apartments for rent

Immediate occupancy @ The Palisades Apt. 1.866.936.5544.


WANTED TO BUY 1973 SU Jazz Band record album. Also 1950, 1980 45rpm records. Call 225.687.8076.

Campus Briefs today Southern Niche

Make sure to stop by Southern Niche, a Southern University student operated retail store during their regular store hours. Tuesdays 1:30-5:30 p.m., Wednesdays 10 a.m.-2p.m., and Thursdays from 10 a.m.2 p.m. The store is located in Room 155 of Thrift Hall. Come and purchase products made by Louisiana entrepreneurs. Get in the Game

Southern University is in the final phase of searching for students to participate in the campus-wide Honda Campus All-Star quiz competition. For additional information, contact Dr. William Moore, Team Coach or Dr. Ella Kelley, Campus Coordinator at (225) 771-4845.

Receive credit for Co-op or Internship

If you are participating in a coop or internship next semester and would like to receive 3 credit hours …Please visit the office of Career Services to complete a co-op/ internship packet. Each student will have to enroll in one of the listed courses: COOP 200, 300 or 400 to receive credit. For more information, please contact The Office of Career Services at 225.771.2200.

Cap and Gown pick-up

You may pick up your caps, gowns, and regalia Dec. 2 from 12-4p.m. If you have not ordered, contact the bookstore right away so, it can arrive in time for your ceremony. Call 225.771.4330 or visit southernuniversitybookstore for more information. Graduation information is located under the Current Student drop down box titled Graduation Checkout and on the university’s main page under the calendar. Please find all information related to Graduation Check-Out at www.

Ronald E. McNair Scholars

Do you have a 3.0 GPA? Lowincome first generation college student? Have a desire to earn a Ph.D. in your discipline? The SU Center for Social Research encourages rising juniors and seniors to apply for the Ronal E. McNair Scholarship. Applicants must have earned at least 60 credit hours. For more

Athletics Internships




CLARIFICATION for Nov. 29 “Spikes recalls 1980s crisis” story

The Board of Supervisors extended the deadline for Faculty Senate President Sudhir Trivedi and the faculty to present 90 percent of faculty to offer a voluntary 10 percent furlough, following System President Ronald Mason’s position to accept 10 percent cut if 90 percent was achieved prior to Labor Day weekend. At the Board of Supervisors meeting following the Labor Day weekend, the faculty acquired 65 percent of the faculty’s signatures/voluntary furlough offers. Prior to the board’s declaration of financial exigency the faculty (who’s salaries are $30,000 or more) and the chancellor’s office were in position to forfeit 10 percent of their salary in the event of declaration. To the DIGEST’s knowledge, the system office claimed to have cut costs to bare minimum prior to declaration, according to Mason. information contact Janeal Banks at 225.771.4717. Pinkie G. Lane Poetry Contest

Southern University students can start submitting for the Pinkie G. Lane Poetry Contest. Each entrant may submit no more than three (3) poems of no more than 35 lines for each poem. The poems can be on any subject matter and in any format, provided the content is not vulgar or offensive, does not contain profanity, and is the original, individual work of the entrant. Failure to comply will automatically eliminate the entry. Poems may be rhymed or non-rhymed, lyric, narrative, satire, elegiac, epic, philosophic, or didactic. Entrants retain copyright on his/her own individual work. Poems must be typed and submitted via email to or online at the library’s website www.lib. For more information please contact committee chair Angela Proctor at (225) 771-2624, or committee co-chair Maya Banks at (225) 771-2776, maya_

The Sentinel Of An Enlightened Student Body since 1926

Who’s Speaking Out? What tasks are you anticipating other than your finals? Luke Matthews

Krystal Brue

denham springs freshman civil engineering

baton rouge freshman secondary education

“Working to obtain a 3.0 or higher GPA.”


“Other than finals, I have a lot of make up work to turn in.”

Tiranecia Alexander

Richard Davis

New Iberia, La. freshman early childhood education

jackson, miss. junior criminal justice

“Nothing other than studying for finals and one last research paper.”

“My teacher gave me a take home essay and I still have to study for my finals.”


ISSN: 1540-7276. Copyright 2008 by The Southern University Office of Student Media Services. The Southern DIGEST is written, edited and published by members of the student body at Southern University and A&M College. All articles, photographs and graphics are property of The Southern DIGEST and its contents may not be reproduced or republished without the written permission from the Editor in Chief and Director of Student Media Services. The Southern DIGEST is published twice-weekly (Tuesday & Friday) with a run count of 5,000 copies per issue during the Southern University - Baton Rouge campus fall, spring semesters. The paper is free to students, staff, faculty and general public every Tuesday & Friday morning on the SUBR campus. The Southern DIGEST student offices are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. The offices are located on the first floor of T.H. Harris Hall, Suite 1064. The Southern DIGEST is the official student newspaper of Southern University and A&M College located in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.



Articles, features, opinions, speak out and editorials do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the administration and its policies. Signed articles, feedback, commentaries and features do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors, staff or student body. Southern University and A&M College at Baton Rouge is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, telephone (404) 679-4500, Website: MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Southern University and A&M College, an Historically Black, 1890 landgrant institution, is to provide opportunities for a diverse student population to achieve a high-quality, global educational experience, to engage in scholarly, research, and creative activities, and to give meaningful public service to the community, the state, the nation, and the world so that Southern University graduates are competent, informed, and productive citizens. Website:



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Friday, December 2, 2011 - Page 3

The Sentinel Of An Enlightened Student Body since 1926

Occupy turns to specifics

NSE changes landscape James Teague

The Southern Digest

Amy Westfeldt

The Associated Press

NEW YORK — For more than two months, they were open-air communes where people came to rebuild society and start a nationwide discussion on how to close the wide gap between the rich and the poor. But as Occupy tent cities fade away, a growing number of protesters are pushing to put a clear message ahead of the movement. Alan Collinge has his list ready. Return bankruptcy protection to student loans. Bring back banking reform regulations that were removed from the Depressionera Glass-Steagall Act. End corporate personhood. “They should come up with a shortterm list of no-brainer agenda items,” said Collinge, wearing a huge sign in the rain at New York’s Zuccotti Park calling for student loan reforms. More than a dozen other protesters interviewed by The Associated Press also came up with a wish list of specifics to help end corporate greed and economic inequality. The list of demands ranged from the simple (get corporate money out of politics) to the ethereal (make sure Washington politicians act with a moral conscience). Asking Occupy protesters what, exactly, they would do to reform government and the financial system is a loaded question and a source of internal conflict. Collinge, 41, of Tacoma, Wash., said he has unsuccessfully lobbied Occupy’s general assembly meetings in New York to develop a strong platform. “A lot of people, they think that this should be sort of a catchall” for every issue, he said, the goal being to expose the economic problems in the country, not solve them. Other cities’ movements have held committee meetings with names like “cohesive messaging” to discuss strategy, but haven’t agreed on specifics. The greater purpose isn’t to influence the government or the financial system through classic demands, but to foster broad cultural changes that will gradually empower people to stop depending on big corporations and Wall Street money. “All the energy has gone into an outcry over economic conditions, with the hope that others will join us and pick up issues they care about,” says Bill Dobbs, Occupy Wall Street’s press liaison in New York. “Our best hope is inspiring other people to take action to bring economic justice.” Some observers and experts predict Occupy groups may spend the next few months focusing on smaller actions while waiting for the summer, when the Republican and Democratic conventions

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PHOTO by mary altaffer/ap photo

Alan Collinge of Tacoma, Wash., founder of, holds a sign expressing his views during an interview with The Associated Press at Zuccotti Park, Tuesday in New York. The tent cities in New York, Los Angeles and Philadelphia have faded away. And now Occupy Wall Street protesters are starting to talk more about the movementís specific goals.

would give protesters a worldwide audience. Ask around, and protesters who spent weeks living in encampments and talking about the country’s woes have a clear idea of what they want. A number have called for limiting campaign donations and getting big money out of politics. Some Occupy members want to limit the amount of money a person is allowed to give a politician. Others want to ban corporate donations specifically, or the number of campaign ads. “How did Abraham Lincoln ever become president without a television set?” asked Ryan Peterson, an entertainment company worker from Chicago who lived for weeks in Zuccotti Park. Paul Lemaire, a 20-year-old visual arts student from Brooklyn, wants the two-party system eliminated. The influence of money in politics is one of the greatest factors behind the gap between the superrich and the poor, said James Parrott, chief economist at the Fiscal Policy Institute in New York, which published a report last year on economic disparity. The call for tighter regulation of campaign contributions won’t gain traction anytime soon. The Supreme Court, in its landmark Citizens United decision in January 2010, cleared the way for corporations to spend unlimited funds to influence elections, often using money from anonymous donors. The court struck down most of the McCainFeingold law that had set tight restrictions on such donations, arguing that government did not have the right to regulate political speech. Campaign regulation, stopping wars that strain resources, halting corporate personhood — the spending power given to corporations in the Supreme Court ruling — and higher education costs emerged as key goals of the Occupy movement in Los Angeles. Organizers said they are focusing on sharpening their objectives, as police moved in to shut down the 2-month-old encampment this week. “We’ve been collecting ideas, seeing what the priorities are, vetting and researching them,” said activist Suzanne O’Keeffe, a member of Occupy LA’s demands and objectives committee.

In Minneapolis, five members of the Occupy MN “cohesive messaging committee” gathered to talk strategy at a downtown coffee shop this week, asking that protesters fill out cards expressing themes that were important to them. The most important issues, tabulated on a spreadsheet, were economic justice, democracy, education and campaign finance reform. Collinge, an aerospace engineer who later founded a website about problems with student loans, lists the congressional bill he wants passed to return bankruptcy protections to student loans. The GlassSteagall Act, which separated commercial banking from investment banking, is also cited at the top of protesters’ demands in cities across the country. Most of the restrictions that regulated the two forms of banking were repealed in 1999, and are blamed by many economists for contributing to the financial crisis. Kalle Lasn, the co-founder of Adbusters, the Canadian magazine that helped ignite the Occupy movement, supports a 1 percent global “Robin Hood” tax on big financial transactions. Similar taxes and increases have been proposed for years, including the Obama administration’s “financial crisis responsibility fee” tax proposal of last year, intended to raise $90 billion over the next decade. As individual protesters and movements fashion a platform, experts and organizers warned that defining the movement more broadly keeps everyone in and keeps responsibility in the hands of the power brokers. Said Parrott: “They’ve achieved a lot by having the open-ended process that they’ve had so far. ... They should be selective in that there are some people who are trying to glom onto the stage that they’ve created” with ideas that aren’t part of the main movement. Will Birney, who left his job as a waiter in Westport, Conn., to join Occupy’s New York movement, has one wish, although it can’t be passed into law or regulated by the Treasury Department. “I would instill a fair conscience, if people could look to morality,” said Birney, 26.

Students from foreign countries are a common sight on the Southern University campus. Many wonder how and why these students come to the decision of choosing Southern to continue their studies. Because of the National Student Exchange program, students are given a look into how foreign exchange students arrive here at SUBR. The NSE program provides opportunities for different students to study either for a semester or a full school year at another NSE college or university located either in the United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands. There are nearly 200 universities for students to choose from. Southern has been a member of the NSE program since 1990. They have had students who majored and minored in the foreign language department that would take advantage of this opportunity to spend a semester or two in places like Puerto Rico and Canada in order to help them become more fluent in a certain language. Carmen Del Rio is the coordinator for the NSE program on SUBR campus. Del Rio is the one that exchange students come to. “The students come to me in order to become part of the program,” she said. She helps those students find the desired school they want to spend their semester or year at and gets them squared away with what is needed. In order for the exchange student to be eligible for the program, they must be a fulltime enrollment student, have a cumulative 2.5 GPA, and a good standing; meaning having an academic, personal, and financial standing. Del Rio explained the two plans that the exchange student can choose from. “With Plan A, the student can pay tuition and the in-state fees at the host-campus. With Plan B, the student can pay their tuition at their home campus. However, if they were choose to stay on campus, and then they would have to pay room & board,” she explained. She also goes on to speak about the financial aid saying that the federal financial aid is exchangeable. NSE is a real great program to help students see more of the world as well as help them get more into their major.


Page 4 - Friday, December 2, 2011

The Sentinel Of An Enlightened Student Body since 1926

Bounce debuts in Philly

Lil Boosie gets 8-year sentence

Joann Loviglio

The Associated Press

The Associated Press

PHILADELPHIA — The nation’s first free broadcast network targeting AfricanAmerican audiences arrived in the nation’s fourth-largest media market on Thursday. Atlanta-based Bounce TV is an over-the-air free channel supported by sponsors and is geared toward black viewers ages 25 to 54. Unlike cable channels, Bounce TV is one of a growing number of networks carried on the broadcast digital signals of local television stations. Bounce TV executives — among them Martin Luther King III and former Atlanta mayor and U.N. ambassador Andrew Young — said the new network’s targeted demographic is vastly underserved and hungers for positive programming that speaks to them. “I believe that a network, while its primary purpose is entertainment, can have a balance so that there is information or education, or `edutainment,’ that is created by certain content,” King said at a news conference Thursday to publicize Bounce TV’s launch on Lenfest Broadcasting’s WMCN-TV in Philadelphia, ranked by the Nielsen Co. as the No. 4 media market after New York, Los Angeles and Chicago. The popular cable network BET, or Black Entertainment Television, focuses on a 25-and-under demographic with a heavy rotation of hip-

photo by matt rourke/AP PHOTO

Bounce TV co-founder Martin Luther King, III, left, accepts a gift depicting City Hall from City Representative Melanie Johnson, during a news conference Thursday in Philadelphia. The country’s first broadcast network aimed at African-American audiences goes live Thursday in Philadelphia with free movies, sports and documentaries. Atlanta-based Bounce TV will be an over-the-air channel supported by sponsors, showing programs for blacks ages 25 to 54.

hop videos that have alienated many older viewers. The cable networks TV One, owned primarily by Radio One and Comcast, and Centric, a twoyear-old BET spin-off, also court the over-25 niche but Bounce TV officials said there is plenty of room for growth — especially in the non-cable realm. According to Nielsen’s latest annual television audience report, African American households with televisions watch an average of 46.5 hours of TV every week. By comparison, the weekly average is 34.1 hours for U.S. households overall and 29.3 hours for Hispanic households. Since launching in a handful of markets Sept. 26 with an inaugural showing of the 1978 movie-musical “The Wiz,” the network has made deals with broadcast station groups

that include Fox, Gannett, Raycom Media, Belo Corp. and Meredith Broadcasting. Bounce TV is live or coming to more than two dozen cities including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, New Orleans and Washington D.C. Network executives said Bounce TV is in markets representing more than 70 percent of African American households. Network executives said the name comes from an expression in the African American community to “bounce on over” somewhere, meaning to move forward with energy and enthusiasm. Bounce has reached licensing agreements with NBC, Sony and others to offer hundreds of movies traditionally popular with black audiences, from “Do the Right Thing” to “Ray,” and “Mo’ Better Blues.” The

round-the-clock programming also features children’s shows, gospel music, reruns of TV series such as “Soul Train” and “Backstage Pass,” plus live football and basketball games from historically black colleges and universities. Original programming and live concerts are on deck for early next year, and talks are under way to bring the network to Comcast Cable early next year, Bounce executives said. “There is definitely room in the TV landscape for an African American-targeted over-the-air digital network like Bounce,” said longtime TV-industry analyst and researcher Shari Anne Brill. “For those African American homes that don’t have access to cable TV, Bounce offers a programming alternative that doesn’t really exist anywhere else.”

A Baton Rouge rapper known as “Lil Boosie” was sentenced Tuesday to eight years in prison following his guilty plea to drug charges. The rapper, whose real name is Torrence Hatch, pleaded guilty to conspiring to smuggle codeine, marijuana and ecstasy into two state prisons, the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola and Dixon Correctional Institute in Jackson, La. Dana Cummings, an East Baton Rouge Parish prosecutor, said Hatch was serving a prison term for a separate conviction for marijuana possession when he smuggled the drugs with help from a prison guard. Cummings said the guard, Joshua Wilson, also is charged in the case and awaits a trial State District Judge Mike Erwin sentenced Hatch to the new prison term. Jason Williams, one of Hatch’s attorneys, said his client tried to smuggle the drugs into prison for his personal use. Williams said Hatch has asked for drug treatment while he’s in prison. “There are a lot of musicians who suffer from (drug) abuse issues. He is one of them,” Williams said. “This is the first step toward dealing with that addiction problem.” Hatch also faces a first-degree murder charge in the October 2009 death of Terry Boyd. The trial is scheduled to start April 30. Prosecutors allege Hatch hired Michael Louding to kill Terry Boyd, who was shot through a window of his home. Louding also is charged with first-degree murder in Boyd’s death.

Kanye gets 7 Grammy noms; Adele, Mars, Foos get 6 Nekesa Mumbi Moody The Associated Press

It was Adele’s year, and when the Grammy Awards are revealed next February, it very well may be her night. But on Wednesday night, the British songstress shared in the Grammy nominations glory. While she was nominated for six trophies, including album of the year for “21” and record and song of the year for her bitter groove “Rolling in the Deep,” Bruno Mars and the Foo Fighters also received six each, and it was Kanye West who was the night’s top leader, with seven nominations. West was nominated for

song of the year for his all-star anthem “All of the Lights,” which featured everyone from Rihanna to Elton John. But even though the album from which it came, “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy,” heralded an epic album by critics when it was released last year, it was not featured in the best album category (so far, no obligatory West rant has surfaced in response). Bon Iver, the folky indie rock act that was a key part of “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” and received a popularity boost from its association with Kanye, was one of the night’s big winners, receiving four nominations, including for best artist, and song and record of

the year for “Holocene.” And last year’s critical darlings, Mumford & Sons, were once again nominated, receiving among their bids for song and record of the year for “The Cave.” Other multiple nominees were Lady Gaga, Nicki Minaj, Lil Wayne, Radiohead, and dubstep artist Skrillex, who landed a bid for best new artist among his surprising five nominations. Among the evening’s biggest eye-openers were the artists not mentioned in certain categories. Taylor Swift, who won best album in 2010 for “Fearless” and was considered to be a key favorite for her multiplatinum “Speak Now,” only got her three nominations in the country

fields, and Tony Bennett, who had a feel-good story as his “Duets II” album made him the oldest act to debut an album at No. 1 at age 85, was not nominated for album of the year, as some critics had predicted. West’s joint album with Jay-Z, “Watch the Throne,” was also ignored for best album. Mars, who like Adele was nominated in all the top three categories - record, album and song of the year - was estatic about his night. He was nominated for song and record of the year for “Grenade,” album for “Doo-Wops & Hooligans,” and best pop solo performance, among other bids. “It feels incredible. Me and

these guys, we locked ourselves in the studio not too far from here and worked on this album, especially `Grenade.’ That’s the song we worked the hardest on. That’s like our trophy right there. Of all the songs we’ve been fortunate enough to be a part of this year, we were most proud of that one,” Mars said after the nominations, some of which were announced in Los Angeles at the Nokia Theatre as part of the Recording Academy’s hour-long concert nominations special. Mars, who was part of the CBS special, along with Rihanna, Lady Gaga, The Band Perry and others, also got key nominations last year.

State & Nation

The Sentinel Of An Enlightened Student Body since 1926

Friday, December 2, 2011 - Page 5

9 judges recused from case

Wife may be key to Cain’s future Steve Peoples

The Associated Press

MANCHESTER, N.H. — He’s still plotting an aggressive campaign schedule across several states, but Herman Cain also has begun to outline a possible exit strategy from the race for the Republican presidential nomination. The former business executive, facing a woman’s allegation of a 13-year extramarital affair, says a heavy emotional toll on his family — particularly his wife, Gloria, whom he has not seen since the charge surfaced — could force him to call it quits. The shift comes as a growing chorus of would-be allies suggests he is no longer a viable presidential contender, and Cain himself says fundraising has suffered. Cain, a top-tier candidate just weeks ago, says he’ll decide in the next “few days” whether to abandon his White House bid, but not before he meets with his wife, who’s been at their suburban Atlanta home. “Since I’ve been campaigning all week, I haven’t had an opportunity to sit down with her and walk through this with my wife and my family. I will do that when I get back home on Friday,” Cain told reporters gathered at his New Hampshire campaign headquarters Wednesday night. “I am not going to make a decision until after we talk face to face.” Cain said he had spoken to his wife only by phone since Monday, the day an Atlanta television station reported the woman’s accusation. Since then,

aides have packed his campaign schedule with stops in Ohio, New Hampshire, Tennessee, South Carolina and Georgia and prepared to launch a fresh round of TV ads in Iowa. Cain sat down Thursday afternoon with the New Hampshire Union Leader, an influential conservative voice in the first-in-the-nation primary state. On the way into the building, he told reporters there would be nothing new to share until he finishes “a complete reassessment” in the coming days. On Thursday evening the former pizza executive was set to deliver a businessfocused speech at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesburo. “There were some people who thought that I was finished,” Cain said Wednesday night. “But I’m going to leave it with Yogi Berra’s comment: ‘It ain’t over till it’s over.’ And it ain’t over yet.” Many Republican operatives believe Cain’s bid is over whether he pulls the plug or not. “I don’t see how they walk away from the damage that’s been done and emerge as a viable primary candidate,” said Rick Wilson, a longtime GOP consultant based in Florida. “All these things about Herman Cain keep coming out drip, drip, drip, and they’re not handling it well. And now conservative Republicans have another place to go: Newt Gingrich.” Dan McLagan, a veteran GOP strategist based in Atlanta, said Cain “is like a zombie at this

The Associated Press

photo by elise amendola/AP PHOTO

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain reacts to supporters at his campaign headquarters in Manchester, N.H., Wednesday.

point: He’s dead but he does not appear to have noticed and has kept on walking.” “His support is all moving to Gingrich and, at some point, he’s going to look back and see that he is grand marshal of a oneman parade,” McLagan said. Gingrich has been the beneficiary — in polls, at least — of Cain’s slide in the month since it was disclosed that the National Restaurant Association paid settlements to two women who claimed Cain sexually harassed them while he was its president. A third woman told The Associated Press that Cain made inappropriate sexual advances but that she didn’t file a complaint. A fourth woman also stepped forward to accuse Cain of groping her in a car in 1997.

Cain has denied wrongdoing in all cases. Atlanta-area businesswoman Ginger White, 46, said her affair with Cain ended this year before he became a White House candidate. In an interview with an Atlanta TV station, she displayed records showing repeated cell phone calls and text messages with Cain. Cain has denied any such affair, and in a letter addressed to “patriots and supporters” called her allegations “completely false” and labeled her “troubled.” Cain’s attorney, Lin Wood, has sent a letter to White’s attorney requesting those cell phone records among other documents so Cain and his team can analyze their authenticity and content.

Ex-cop gets 5 years for shootings cover-up Michael Kunzelman The Associated Press

NEW ORLEANS — A former police officer who pleaded guilty to helping cover up the deadly shootings of unarmed residents on a New Orleans bridge after Hurricane Katrina was sentenced Thursday to five years in prison, the maximum punishment he faced. U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon said the five-year cap on Robert Barrios’ sentence for pleading guilty to a conspiracy charge was a sufficient reward for his cooperation in the Justice Department’s probe of the Danziger Bridge shootings. “I really do think that you got enough breaks out of this, and you’re not entitled to any more,” Fallon said. Barrios, 30, is one of five former officers who pleaded guilty to participating in a coverup to make it appear police

were justified in shooting six people — killing two — on the bridge less than a week after the 2005 storm’s landfall. The plot included a planted gun, phony witnesses and falsified reports, the cooperating officers testified at a trial this year. Barrios said he hopes the shootings’ victims and their relatives can forgive him. “There’s no way I can repay their loss,” he said. Barrios is scheduled to report to prison by Jan. 9. Fallon agreed to recommend he serve the sentence in a prison camp outside the New Orleans area. The other four officers who cooperated with the federal probe already have been sentenced to prison terms ranging from three to eight years. Prosecutors had sought leniency for those officers, but not for Barrios. Justice Department attor-

ney Bobbi Bernstein said investigators already had built a strong case against the other officers involved in the shootings and cover-up by the time Barrios began cooperating. “He didn’t have any new information to give us,” she said. Five current or former officers who were convicted in August of civil rights violations stemming from the shootings are scheduled to be sentenced Feb. 14. On the morning of Sept. 4, 2005, Barrios was in the rear of a rental truck that police drove to the bridge in response to another officer’s distress call. During a trial for the officers who were convicted, Barrios testified he was scared and thought somebody was shooting at police when he heard gunfire on the bridge. Barrios said he saw his partner, Anthony Villavaso, fire his weapon. Barrios said he initially

claimed he fired a shotgun on the bridge to protect Villavaso — one of the officers convicted at trial — but later denied firing any weapons once he learned the New Orleans district attorney’s office was investigating. Barrios cooperated with the federal government’s investigation, but it was defense attorneys — not prosecutors — who called him as a witness during the trial. At the FBI’s behest, Barrios secretly taped a conversation last year with Villavaso in which they argued about whether anybody other than police officers was armed on the bridge. “They had no guns out there,” Barrios said on the tape. “If you didn’t see them, you didn’t see them,” Villavaso responded. “Now I’m supposed to change my story or something because they don’t f------ believe me?”

AMITE, La. — All nine judges of the 21st Judicial District Court have been recused from hearing the case of a former administrative assistant accused of embezzling more than $1 million from the Florida Parishes Juvenile Justice Com-mission. Brenda Bickford, 61, of Hammond, is awaiting trial on charges that she created invoices for a bogus court reporting service and shifted hundreds of thousands of dollars a year into her personal bank account. The Times Picayune reports that Bickford worked 16 years as a contracted administrative assistant to the juvenile jail’s eight-member commission, which oversees the Florida Parishes Juvenile Detention Center in Tangipahoa Parish. The facility operates on $8.9 million a year in property taxes from the five parishes it serves. Ad hoc Judge Jerome Winsberg recently granted the prosecutors’ motion and gave Bickford’s attorney, Michael Thiel, of Hammond, 30 days to appeal. Thiel said Wednesday that he was unsure whether he will do so. The alleged scheme went unnoticed for four years, despite annual audits. It wasn’t until January that commission attorney John Feduccia noticed that in one year the board had paid $265,000 for court reporting services. An investigation alleged that Bickford invented B&B Court Reporting, forged board members’ signatures and spent more than $1 million in taxpayer dollars on “personal and family expenses.” Bickford, arrested in March on charges of felony theft and forgery, also was secretary to the 21st Judicial district attorney for 14 years. District Attorney Scott Perrilloux recused his office; the Louisiana Attorney General’s public corruption unit is prosecuting the case. The Attorney General’s Office asked for the recusal of the district’s judges, who appoint two of the juvenile jail’s eight commissioners, the motion states. Louisiana law requires that a judge be recused if he or she is “biased, prejudiced or personally interested” in the outcome of the case or otherwise unable to ensure fair and impartial proceedings. The attorney general’s recusal motion also notes that as the district attorney’s secretary, Bickford “likely maintained close working relationships with administrative staff as well as other employees of the 21st Judicial District Court.”

Page 6 - Friday, December 2, 2011

The Sentinel Of An Enlightened Student Body since 1926

Death casts shadow on HBCU bands Chistrine Amario & Errin Haines The Associated Press

ATLANTA — Four Florida A&M University students were expelled Thursday for their role in what is believed to be a hazing death of a marching band member, the latest blemish for a rich and cherished institution at historically black colleges. Hazing is part of the price band members pay at HBCUs to be part of a vaunted campus tradition that eclipses the prestige and popularity of the football team. Band members can endure anything from punching to paddling to being forced to drink copious amounts of water, all for a chance to perform in front of thousands of people at football games, parades and other highprofile events. On HBCU campuses, band members are often given perks and treated like celebrities. “If you were in the band, it was like you were a superstar,” said Fontreia James, a piccolo player for three years in the marching band at Jackson State University in Mississippi. “People don’t come to the games to see the football team. People come to see the band.” In the fall, halftime is game time for the band and fans at HBCUs, which are mostly in the South. Few people leave to get refreshments or take a bathroom break. The crowd cheers and applauds as the band high-steps out onto the field, dancing and marching in sync in elaborate formations, playing songs ranging from traditional marching band numbers to Motown hits to today’s chart-toppers. They do it week after week in heavy uniforms, holding instruments in the blazing heat. Band nicknames are almost as well-known as the school mascot: The Human Jukebox, The Sonic Boom of the South, and in Florida A&M’s case, The Marching 100. Started in 1892 with fewer than 20 instruments, The Marching 100 has grown to over 400 members and is regarded

as a pioneer, performing at Super Bowls, the Grammys and presidential inaugurations. The band even represented the U.S. in Paris at the 200th anniversary of the French Revolution. The most revered members are the drum majors, described as the generals. They are as popular on campus as a star quarterback would be at other colleges. Florida A&M has several drum majors, including Robert Champion, who died Nov. 19 after he collapsed on a charter bus just a few hours after a football game with a rival. Authorities have still not said how the junior died, only that hazing played a role. According to 911 tapes, he had vomit in his mouth the moments before he died and he couldn’t breathe. “We need an ambulance ASAP,” an unidentified caller says in a recording obtained by The Associated Press. “His eyes are open but he’s not responding.” Champion’s death was puzzling because of his high position within the band, and because he was an upperclassman. “Drum majors are always in the front, always in the limelight,” said Jermaine Culbreath, who was head drum major at BethuneCookman University last year. “Walking around campus, you have a lot of people speaking to you, saying they saw you on the field. Half the people, you don’t even know who they are. You have alumni coming up to you, you have all these people who really appreciate what you do.” The hierarchy within the band can get complex. Some members join a fraternity, Kappa Kappa Psi, founded on the campus of Oklahoma State University in 1919 to serve college band programs. Instrument section leaders also wield power in “mini-fraternities” within the band, according to Richard Sigal, a retired sociology professor at County College of Morris in Randolph, N.J. For example, former FAMU clarinet player Ivery Luckey said he was paddled around 300 times and hospitalized in 1998 in order to join his section, called “The Clones.”

photo by david goldman/AP PHOTO

A horse drawn carriage carrying the casket of Florida A&M University band member Robert Champion is lead by his fellow band members following his funeral service Wednesday in Decatur, Ga. The 26-year-old was found dead on Nov. 19 on a bus parked outside an Orlando, Fla. hotel after the school’s football team lost to a rival. Authorities suspect hazing but have not released any further details.

To perform on the field or at events, Luckey had to do whatever the older students told him to, said Sigal, who holds antihazing workshops at schools and was hired by Luckey’s attorneys in a lawsuit against the school. One of the worst hazing cases occurred in 2001 and involved former FAMU band member Marcus Parker, who suffered kidney damage because of a beating with a paddle. In 2008, two first-year French horn players in Southern University’s marching band were beaten so bad they had to be hospitalized. A year later, 20 members of Jackson State University’s band were suspended after being accused of hazing. Former state Sen. Al Lawson is a Florida A&M alumnus who was named to a university task force to look into Champion’s death, one of several investigations announced in the aftermath. Lawson said hazing was difficult for the school to deal with. “They’re students, but they really kind of take over. The staff is too small,” Lawson said. “You’ve got to have some people to depend on to take care of 400, 500 people. As they get to senior status, they have a lot of power. These students really don’t think

they’re doing anything wrong.” Hazing has long been a problem at college fraternities, as well as among athletic teams and other groups. But the Greek culture gets amplified at HBCUs and the bands over time have replicated that, according to Ricky Jones, author of “Black Haze: Violence, Sacrifice, and Manhood in Black Greek-Letter Fraternities.” “These cases are really paralleling what’s going on in the black Greek organizations across the country,” Jones said. “Over the years, the bands have mimicked the fraternities.” Unlike hazing at some colleges, alcohol plays a lesser role at HBCUs and in the band, Jones said. “They see going through this struggle, that has nothing to do with music obviously, but they see it as reaffirming of their dedication to the band, their dedication to their section, and a rite of passage,” Jones said. “It’s all about this very intense desire at that age to belong and be accepted. And it’s getting people killed and injured.” There are perks for the band as a whole, too. Charter buses with TVs, private cafeteria breakfasts before away games and a weekly allowance for entertainment.

The commitment begins long before classes start. During the summer, practices start before sunrise. Grueling outdoor workouts build strength and stamina and last more than an hour. Days and nights are spent together, forming a bond that lasts long after graduation. The band becomes a second family. “You looked out for your classmates,” said James, the Jackson State alumna. “I went to homecoming last month. The people I came in the band with still can reminisce, talk about how things were when we were in the band.” That bond creates a loyalty and protective culture that is hard to penetrate. Several current and former band members were reluctant to discuss hazing at their schools. While most acknowledged its existence, none said they considered themselves victims. “When I look at some of these instances where people have been hurt, it really bothers me,” James said. “Most of the people that do that tend to be these rogue people. This had nothing to do with the band. You’re just a thug. You’re bringing yourself into the band, which removes the whole unity element.”

FAMU dismisses 4 connected to death Gary Fineout & Mark Schneider The Associated Press

photo by steve cannon/AP PHOTO

Julian White, former director of Florida A&M University’s famed Marching 100 band, speaks with his wife Dennine at his side during a news conference Mondayin Tallahassee, Fla. White, who was fired by the college following the death of drum major Robert Champion, said he feels he was unfairly dismissed. Police suspect hazing contributed to Champion’s death, but have not released any more details.

ORLANDO, Fla. — Florida A&M University said that it’s dismissing four students for their role in the death of a marching band member last month, while audio of an emergency call released Thursday showed that the drum major had vomit in his mouth in the moments before he died. University President James Ammons referred to the dismissals in a memo he sent earlier this week to members of the FAMU Board of Trustees, but didn’t specify what the four students did. Authorities say hazing played a role in the death of Robert Champion, but they have not released any more specifics as they continue to investigate. Ammons says in his memo that the university has a zero-tolerance policy on hazing, then states:

“I want to report that four (4) students have been dismissed from the University in connection to the Robert Champion incident.” The 26-year-old Champion was found unresponsive Nov. 19 on a bus parked outside an Orlando, Fla., hotel after the school’s football team lost to a rival. In the 911 recording obtained by The Associated Press, an unidentified caller told the emergency dispatcher that Champion had stopped breathing and was unresponsive. Champion had just thrown up, the caller said before handing the phone to a second man. “We need an ambulance ASAP,” the first caller said. “His eyes are open but he’s not responding.” The dispatcher told the second man to place Champion on his back and clean any vomit from his nose and mouth. But the call was disconnected before the caller could say if he was successful.


The Sentinel of an Enlightened Student Body since 1926

Friday, December 2, 2011 - Page 7

Jags hit road to face ULL Morris Dillard III The Southern Digest

Senior forward Jamie Floyd played only 11 minutes and scored two points in Southern’s win over the University of Louisiana-Lafayette last year. However, Floyd scored 25 points against Tougaloo five games later, snapping the Jaguars’ four-game losing streak. For Floyd and the Jaguars, a road win Saturday against the Lady Cajuns will put them on the right track. Tip-off is 2 p.m. at Earl K. Long Gymnasium. “Right now (head) coach (Sandy Pugh) says I’m in cruise control,” Floyd said. “She says I’m not dominate enough. So, I’m trying to get my groove back. It’s coming slowly but by SWAC time, we’re gonna be ready.” After dropping their last two games, the Jaguars (1-2) are looking to return to the form that helped them reach the conference championship in back-to-back seasons. To do that, Floyd said rebounding is what the team should work on more. “We’ve got to crash the boards,” Floyd said. “That’s basically our problem right now. We most definitely have to rebound this game.” The fifth-year senior was named to the preseason ALLSWAC first team at center

by league coaches before the season. So far, Floyd averages 9.6 points per game. She scored 11 points in the Jaguars 7062 home loss Nov. 21 against Lamar. Floyd said the more the first five practices together, its chemistry would soon follow. “It’s going to be time,” Floyd said. The Jaguars had some miscues that showed in the second half against Lamar, which Pugh said was due to the excitement of what they were doing. Southern held a 33-27 lead at halftime against Lamar, shooting 50 percent from the floor. However, miscues allowed the Jaguars to drop their second straight. Last year, the Jaguars defeated the Lady Cajuns 7565, which became it second win overall through four games. “They’ve done well in the SWAC,” said ULL head coach Errol Rodgers. “I’ve know coach Pugh for years and she’s done a great job. I know she’s going to have her kids ready.” The Lady Cajuns shot their way to victory Tuesday with a 69-57 victory over Southeastern. The Cajuns held Southeastern scoreless through the first eight minutes, shot 65 percent in the second half and a season-high 50 percent in the game. “Every game is a big game, there is no exception,” Rogers

said. “We just came off a road victory at Southeastern (Louisiana). Our goal is to get better each game so when we start conference, we can compete in our conference.” The Jaguars earned their first win over Dillard, led by Essence Hopkins, who finished with a career-best 14 points. “Anytime you get a chance to play local rivals, you want to go out and have a good showing,” assistant head coach Carlos Funchess said. “It’s a winnable game for us. You take it one game at a time and it’s really important that we go out and try to get this win.” From there, the Jaguars will travel to New Orleans Dec. 11 to take on Tulane, who ended the Southern’s season with a first round defeat in the Women’s Postseason National Invitation Tournament last spring. “ULL, it’s a big one,” Floyd said. “They basically got most of their players coming back, so it’s going to be a tough one.” Saturday’s game is the Jaguars’ first of a six-game, cross-country road swing. Southern leaves Louisiana after the Tulane game take on No. 17-ranked Ohio State Dec. 13 in Columbus, Ohio, followed by a Dec. 20 date in Seattle against Pac-12 member Washington. The Jaguars then open SWAC play Jan. 3 at Prairie View,

photo by KELDRIC NASH/digest

Southern’s Jamie Floyd battles Lamar’s Monique Whittaker (23) for position. Floyd and the Jaguars look to get into a groove on the road Saturday against Louisiana-Lafayette. The ULL game is the first of a six-game road swing for Southern.

followed by a Jan. 7 tilt at Texas Southern. Southern’s next game at the F.G. Clark Activity Center

will be Jan. 7 against Grambling State, followed by a Jan. 9 home contest against Jackson State.

Fall 2011 Graduates

Page 8 - Friday, December 2, 2011

The Sentinel Of An Enlightened Student Body since 1926

This list was obtained from the Southern University Registrar’s Office and the Graduate School as of December 1, 2011. If you have any questions or discrepancies PLEASE CONTACT YOUR INDIVIDUAL COLLEGE or REGISTRAR’S OFFICE @ 225.771.5050 or THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OFFICE @ 225.771.5390. This is not the final official listing for the Fall 2010 candidates for graduation. The list will be updated daily in the Registrar’s office and Graduate school office. This list of graduates represents the most accurate information available at the time of publication. The appearance of a name on this list and/or participation in the ceremonies is presumptive of graduation, but not conclusive.

Southern University and A&M College Fall 2011 Candidates for Graduation COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL, FAMILY, AND CONSUMER SCIENCES Doze Butler, Ph.D., Interim Dean Alfreda Butler-Cook, Student Marshal Bachelor of Science Alfreda Butler-Cook, Baton Rouge Vanessa N. Caldwell, Evansville, Ind. Candice C. Cavalier, Prairieville Sherica Johnette Clark, Baton Rouge Tashauna M. Davis, New York City Stacey Danielle Domingue, Baton Rouge Kayla Marie Fontenette, St. Martinville Cheketia M. Gaines, Zachary Antonia C. Henderson, Tallulah Jessica Renea Johnson, Zachary Je’Vada A. Jones, Dallas Chanda Lynette Leatherman, Baton Rouge Brandon James Lemon, Opelousas Kiara Bernice Littleberry, Baton Rouge Raina Florence Martin, Cincinnati Kashwayne Jerome Nelson, Baton Rouge Latrice Rochelle Parker, Baton Rouge Dianna Arienna Paten, Baton Rouge Alec’Dair Darnell Scott, Baton Rouge Rahim B. Sonnier, Opelousas Tia Nicole Staes, Baton Rouge Ebony Nicole Stennis, Baton Rouge Leslie Michelle Stewart, Baton Rouge Tabitha Denise Taylor, Baton Rouge Kayla Sheriase Thomas, Baton Rouge Denise Danyetta Turner, Baton Rouge Porsche Daneen Washington, Donaldsonville Stacy Lynn Wells, Baton Rouge Jackie Leonard Wheeler II, Baton Rouge Jeremy Mikel Williams, Denham Springs Bachelor of Science in Urban Forestry Woodrow W Martin III, Jonesville Bryan Keith Scott, Greensburg Aaron John Ventress, Opelousas COLLEGE OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES Joyce O’Rourke, Ph.D., Dean Brenton Israel Mims, Student Marshal Bachelor of Arts Stanley Michael Bienemy, Baton Rouge Ashley O. Burns, Baton Rouge Quston Je’Cole Collins, Baton Rouge Mercedez Shuntaz Draughn, Shreveport Khadrereil Ferguson, Jackson Tyra Dionne McClay, Baton Rouge Brenton Israel Mims, Maringouin Caroline E. Myers, Westwego Farrah K. Provo, Baton Rouge Victoria N, Selders, Pride Marisha Dionne Sellers, Baton Rouge Kimberly Danielle Ross, Woodville, Miss. Quinteria Terianell Williams, Baton Rouge Candace Michele Wilson, New Orleans Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication Quentin Dionysos Agee, Mobile, Ala. Bianca Alisha Anderson, Baker Jikenena T. Bolden, Schriever Erin Rochelle Braxton, Columbia, Md. Tyson Durrell Broussard, New Iberia Morris James Dillard, Atlanta Taneshia Ke’Shawn Flowers, Baton Rouge Kyle Erik Grace, St. Gabriel Chanel Latrice Griffin, Baton Rouge Tranelle Marie Leon, St. Martinville Kye Jardel Lewis, Kentwood Kaelan Everett Mayfield, Florissant, Mo. Silvia Arnelle Means, Baker Shikinley Rena Mitchell, Vidalia Dave Joseph Moss III, Sugarland, Texas Hong Huynh Nguyen, Baton Rouge

LaResa Rena Pierre, Opelousas Byron Jerrod Thomas, Plaquemine Dorcas Monique Tyler, Missouri City, Texas Justin C. Wooten, New Orleans COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Donald R. Andrews, Ph.D., Dean Williams J. Ragins, Student Marshal Bachelor of Science in Accounting Kayla Ausbon, Sunshine Evangeline M. Avant, Greenwell Springs Garry W. Blackmon, Houston Damario B. Bullard, Baton Rouge Mark J. Declouette, Baton Rouge Gailyn Terrell Dixon, New Roads Howadanette L. Ferguson, Baton Rouge Tiffany T. Guillory, Eunice Brittany Hastings, Baton Rouge Paul L. Hollis, Greenwell Springs Joshua J. Keys, Lake Charles Valencia A. McNeely, Baton Rouge David P. Nolting. Slidell Krystal Robinson, North Las Vegas, Nev. Jasmine D. Tillman, Monroe Sabrina Monique Wilson, Baton Rouge Bachelor of Science in Economics Latisha Dazee O’Bear, White Castle Demarcus R. Taylor, Shreveport Brittany Joelle Waller, New Orleans Bachelor of Science in Finance Jessica Lorena Campbell, Prairieville Randall DeJohn Corbin, Baton Rouge Karyn Janelle Garnett, Baton Rouge William J. Ragins, Monroe Shontay R. Shenault, Belvidere, Ill. Ja’Quincia K. Williams, Zachary Bachelor of Science in Business Management Shameka M. Andrews, Baker Gabrielle Bolding, Baton Rouge Octavia T. Bowie, Baton Rouge Kevin Parnell Broadway, Baton Rouge Sha’Kayla Mone’t Carrieré, Baton Rouge Tabiitha Cowan, Baton Rouge Stephen L. Deggs, Baton Rouge Ron P. Edwards, Plattenville Silvette B. Ennis, Baton Rouge Tamatha Green, Vidalia Kirk J. Harrington, Savannah, Ga. Larry C. Harvey, Jr., Shreveport Chad A. Houston, El Cerrito, Calif. Herman W. Hymes, Addis Kenya J. Jacobs, Baton Rouge Natoria J. Jones, Baton Rouge Jay McBride, Gaithersburg, Md. Joseph Miles, III, Baton Rouge Melyssa J. Moses, Baton Rouge Ian Moten, Marrero Laurielle F. Roberson, Baton Rouge Jerrick M. Robinson, Baton Rouge Cameron Scott, Temecula, Calif. Ayana A. Shareef, LaMarqe, Texas Micah M. Smith, New Orleans Patrick K. Tillman, Baton Rouge Chanita N. Vazquez, Baton Rouge Chantel A. Watkins, Baton Rouge David E. Worthington, II, Danville, Ill. Bachelor of Science in Marketing Aubrey Dorsey Adams, Hueytown, Ala. Khyelle B. Anthony, Los Angeles James C. Armstrong, Lafayette Jeanitra A. Dear, New Orleans Fannie Burrell Decuir, Baton Rouge Todd Marcus Dennis, Jr., Destrehan Cayla A. Dudley, Baton Rouge Brandee D. Franklin, Spring, Texas Daria LaNiece Greene, White Castle Mark P. Jones, South Gate, Calif.

Michael Mallery, Lafayette Jeffrey T. Maples, Farmington Hills, Mich. Eric Ramon Merrida, Jr., Richmond, Calif. Bridgette R. Moss, Sugar Land, Texas Rolando T. Oliver, Richmond, Calif. Dara N. Pittman, Gramercy Dontrell K. Richardson, Orlando, Fla. Carlos Rashun Washington, Texarkana, Ark. Joseph E. Washington, Zachary Steven B. Williams, Mobile, Ala. COLLEGE OF EDUCATION VerJanis Peoples, Ph.D., Dean Angel Gabrielle Askew, Student Marshal Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education Chisesi Rae August, Baton Rouge Nicole Michelle Butler, Baton Rouge Rosalyn Annette Collins Jiles, Zachary Latonya Jones Webb, Port Allen Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education Mervin James Allen Jr., White Castle LaQuisha Chantell Comeaux, Baton Rouge Jane Leah Silvie, Shreveport Diosha Monique Thomas, Baton Rouge Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education Patra Patrice Buchanan, Baton Rouge Henry Lee Forsythe Jr., Baker Travis Raylin Antione Harris, Denham Springs Peter Albert Mars, Zachary Bachelor of Science Angel Gabrielle Askew, Baton Rouge Jerricka Angellicka Bowman, Jonesville Corey Eugene Coleman, Harvey Joshua Mark Duran, Eunice Jo`Vonna Ja`Nae Gaines, Little Elm, Texas Jennifer Rene Harrison, Baton Rouge Ishmale Le`Derrious Hart, Franklinton Hannah Kador, Baton Rouge Donrika Kibby Lord, Baker Jasmine La`Treece Moore, Las Vegas Kristin Nichelle Morris, Houston Joseph Thomas Richardson II, Brusly Joshua Charles Robertson, Gretna Demetric Antiwoine Rogers, Zachary James R. Ross Jr. , Baton Rouge Tameka Yvette Scott, Zachary Jarrett Armaud Shaw, Franklinton Gavin LeRon Simon, New Iberia Mary E. Spikes, Baton Rouge Shannon Wilmer, Pineville Bachelor of Music Education Andre Joseph Colbert, St. Martinville Chelsea Lynne Murry, Houma Jasmine Rebecca Reine, Baton Rouge Cedric Anthony Todd, Baton Rouge Jamal Anthony Washington, Baton Rouge COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING Habib Mohamadian, Ph.D., Dean Ashley Emil Kenard, Student Marshal Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Christopher Paul Banks, Baton Rouge Calvin I. Tate, III, Marrero Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering Johnathon R. Acclis, Baton Rouge Patrick Erving Blackmon, Frierson Kirt Q. Thibodeaux, St. Martinville Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engeinnering Technology Olanrewaju Yusuf Bakare, New Orleans Remi James Broussard, Lake Charles

Koshy Levon Cartwright, Marrero Joshua Demetrious Dubois, Gardena, Calif. Adrian J. Godwin, Shreveport Brad Dwight Henderson, Chalmette Ashley Emil Kenard, New Orleans William Simien, Baton Rouge Jonathan J. Spikes, Angie Daishaun Terrell Sylva-Senette, Harvey Cherise Williams, Kenner Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Jeffrey Chatman, Baton Rouge Courtney DaJean Martin, Rosedale NnZinga Thomas, Houston Josiah E. Wilson, III, New Orleans SCHOOL OF NURSING Cheryl Taylor, Ph.D., Interim Dean April E. Washington, Student Marshal Bachelor of Science in Nursing Patrina L. Bessard, Abbeville Brittany LaShelle Borne, Denver Dorecia Wright Breaux, Baton Rouge April Peterson Cosey, Zachary Lakeisia F. Darensbourg, Pineville Ricky L. Davis, Sr., Donaldsonville Larreesha Deontra Dix, Waterproof Samantha Renee’ Givens, Baton Rouge Simone Renee Green, Baker Servine A. Hayes, Natchitoches Monique Louise Hinton, Baton Rouge Gabriel Traneese James, Baton Rouge Nicole Vanessa Jones, Baton Rouge Angela Lynn LaMothe, New Orleans Terasé D. Mack, Marrero Madeline M. Seals, New Orleans Mary Kalleen Sims, Monroe Tylise LaShé Stewart, Baton Rouge April E. Washington, Baton Rouge Shamelle A. Williams, Baton Rouge NELSON MANDELA SCHOOL OF PUBLIC POLICY AND URBAN AFFAIRS William Arp III, Ph.D., Dean Antoinette Rochelle Williams, Student Marshal Bachelor of Arts Sherron Phae Douglas, Stonewall Destinique O. Dukes, Baker Brittany Reneé Guillory, Opelousas JaQuay Michelle Jackson, Lake Charles Alana Simone James, Shreveport Eddrick Martin, Baton Rouge Marquita A. Miller, Baton Rouge Alexis M. Price, Beaumont, Texas Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Amethyst Reshaye Armstrong, Bastrop Chanta Tasha Beard, Jonesville Randal Lloyd Bowie, Shreveport Nykeisha Trenette Bryer, Greensburg Ashley Nicole Byrd, Amite Katrina M. Dabney, Baton Rouge Christina Davis, Baker Juanika Ashley Davis, New Orleans Kiara Deshae Davis, Baton Rouge Ronald Floyd Dawsey, Denham Springs Demetrius Patrice DeJean, Baker Byrianne Alison Foley, Baton Rouge Jagmon ShFelton Foster, Baton Rouge Emmanuel Funchess, North Chicago, Ill. Syntara A. Garrick, St. Martinville Eric Gerrard Holmes, Belzoni, Miss. Sharanada Lynnyell Gibbs, St. Francisville Brittany R. Guillory, Opelousas Rosey M. Harrington, Baton Rouge Teshiyo Daha Harris, New Orleans Tamika Shanell Johnson, Napoleonville Jarrett A. Lassair, New Orleans Alyxandra Bianca Major, Zachary

The Sentinel Of An Enlightened Student Body since 1926

Friday, December 2, 2011 — Page 9

This list was obtained from the Southern University Registrar’s Office and the Graduate School as of December 1, 2011. If you have any questions or discrepancies PLEASE CONTACT YOUR INDIVIDUAL COLLEGE or REGISTRAR’S OFFICE @ 225.771.5050 or THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OFFICE @ 225.771.5390. This is not the final official listing for the Fall 2010 candidates for graduation. The list will be updated daily in the Registrar’s office and Graduate school office. This list of graduates represents the most accurate information available at the time of publication. The appearance of a name on this list and/or participation in the ceremonies is presumptive of graduation, but not conclusive.

Sheritha Annnette Page, Holden Wanda Davis Pea, Baton Rouge Wkeithia Shernell Tircuit, Baton Rouge Jarred Rachad Wade, Baker Ryan Corey Welch, Zachary Nikatra Keshun Whitfield, Baton Rouge Antoinette Rochelle Williams, Plaquemine Kar’Laini N. Williams, Alaexandria Britney K. Wilson, Baton Rouge COLLEGE OF SCIENCES Robert H. Miller Jr., Ph.D., Dean Tiara S. Barnes, Student Marshal Bachelor of Science Shawn Allemond, St. Francisville Jentoria V. Anderson, Zachary Tiara S. Barnes, Stockbridge, Ga. Zephra N. Bell, Asheville, N.C. Ashley N. Butler, Baton Rouge Nakia Marie Chandler, Baton Rouge Cyra Chardai Charles, Baton Rouge Kennyra L. Colson, Amite Natasha K. Curley, St. Martinville Kathryn D. Curtis, Riverside, Calif. Corey J. Cushingberry, Baton Rouge Demetrius Patrice DeJean, Baker Chaston A. Dixon, Zachary Kimberly Douglas, Baton Rouge Deana D. Fletcher, Zion, Ill. Demario D. Franklin, Baton Rouge Melanie A. Gilbert, Indianapolis Linda M. Gillis, Lafayette Byronesia R. Harold, Port Allen Kiandra Michelle Harris, New Orleans Kiara Nicole Henderson, West Palm Beach, Fla. Brandon K. Hill, Baton Rouge April N. Johnson, Ala.exandria Mary E. Johnson, Baton Rouge Ebony M. Knighten, Baton Rouge Lakeith T. Lewis, Ferriday Michael K. Lymon, Donaldsonville Regina McKee, Baton Rouge Danika Charmaine Milton, Baton Rouge Jamisha Milton, Gretna Carol H. Montgomery, Baton Rouge Jonathan M. Overstreet, Gonzales Jonathan K. Parker, Baton Rouge Tiona Lynn Pate, Baton Rouge Latricia C. Posey, Baton Rouge Catherine Raby, Baton Rouge Deon Ann Ramsey, New Orleans Yatora Remble, Baton Rouge Christina Y. Roberts, Opelousas Janay N. Robinson, Crowley Jenae M. Rowe, Baton Rouge Shelly M. Sam, Baton Rouge Latariya T. Savannah, Shreveport Deldrae Selvage, Baton Rouge Kourtney R. Signater, Baton Rouge Julien L. Singleton, Baton Rouge Ezaeria Smith, Port Allen Tanquetra C. Spears, Baker Brandon D. Thurman, Ruston Blake R. Trebert, Baton Rouge Ladarian R. Vessel, Zachary D’Mikkel J. Walker, Baker Kenya Bernice Warren, Baton Rouge Kamesha N. Washington, Baton Rouge Lauren N. White, Ferriday Javaline G. Stringer-Williams, Baton Rouge Montrice M. Willis, Baton Rouge Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Myeisha L. Anderson, Baton Rouge Earlie Barnes, Baton Rouge Christine C. Bias, Ville Platte James Darnell Brue, Jr., Port Allen Whitley C. Dominique, White Castle Khrissanthus I. LaSalle, New Orleans Britni C. Marcelin, Port Allen Roderic Kerry Morman, Atlanta Lerone R. Tigler, Marrero Trencya Trenice Tolbert, Baton Rouge Bachelor of Science in Social Work Ja’Kahta L. Brown, Alexandria

Tabitha D. Brown, Baton Rouge Ashley E. Brunious, Baton Rouge Nicoby D. Collins, Baton Rouge Joycelyn Marie Edwards, Darrow Natisha La’Shawn Fleming, Baton Rouge Tamyra A. Heim, Baton Rouge Jameeka R. Jackson, Baton Rouge Regina T. Jones, Baton Rouge William C. Laws, Denham Springs Kristina M. McCaleb, Baton Rouge Loki Crosby-Poland, Baton Rouge Lolita D. Powers, Plaquemine Laquinta L. Watkins, Amite Lashaunda D. Williams, Baton Rouge Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology and Audiology Ashley S. Gauthier, Walker Darlecca L. Taylor, Baton Rouge Carla M. Washington, Baton Rouge DOLORES MARGARET RICHARD SPIKES HONORS COLLEGE Ella Kelley, Ph.D., Interim Dean DeMarcus Taylor B.S., French and Economics Thesis Title: The Impact of the Deep Water Horizon Oil Spill on the Louisiana Economy Thesis Advisor: Dr. Melissa Waters, Economics Sherron Douglas B.A., Political Science Thesis Title: Factors Affecting the Success of African American Students Inhabiting Urban Areas: Are Standardized Tests Racially Biased? Thesis Advisor: Dr. Albert Samuels CANDIDATES FOR COMMISSION FALL 2011 United States Army Second Lieutenant Chester Hawkins U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps Hawaii Second Lieutenant Tiffany Franklin U.S. Army Quartermaster Corps Fort Hood, Texas HONOR GRADUATES Magna Cum Laude (Cum. GPA of 3.74.0) Angel Gabrielle Askew Sherron Phae Douglas Antoinette Rochelle Williams Cum Laude (Cum. GPA of 3.4-3.69) Alfreda Butler-Cook Ronald F. Dawsey Stacey D. Domingue Brenton I. Mims Hong H. Nguyen Wanda Pea Krystal Robinson William J Ragins Honors (Cum GPA of 3.0-3.39) Elizabeth O Adeola Mervin J. Allen, Jr. Evangeline M. Avant Allison E. Alford Adreanne L. Aranha Tiara S. Barnes Brittany L. Borne Olanrewaju Y. Bakare Ja’Kahta L. Brown Nykeisha T. Bryer Ashley N. Butler Candice C. Cavalier Vanessa N. Caldwell Kami D. Chapman Andre J. Colbert Rosalyn A. Collins-Jiles Randall D. Corbin Tabitha T. Cowan Kathryn D. Curtis Christopher Daniel, Jr.

Jeanitra A. Dear Mark J. Declouette Demetrius P. Dejean Larreesha D. Dix Cayla A. Dudley Checketia M. Gaines Jo’Vonna J. Gaines Samantha R. Givens Kiara Henderson Jaquay M. Jackson Alana S. James Gabriel James Angela L. Lamothe Ashley E. Kenard Kaelan E. Mayfield Michael Mallery Peter A. Mars Chelsea L. Murry Sheritha A. Page Cearra T. Prejean Joseph T. Richardson Latariya T. Savannah Marisha D. Sellers Deldrae Selvage Mary K. Sims Tanquetra C. Spears Demarcus R. Taylor Diosha M. Thomas NnZinga Thomas Jasmine D. Tillman Wkeithia S. Tircuit Aaron J. Ventress Kenya B. Warren April E. Washington Porsche Daneen Washington Javaline G Williams Jeremy M. Williams Sabrina Monique Wilson THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Mwalimu J. Shujaa, Ed.D., Interim Dean Candidates for Degrees MASTER OF ARTS Counselor Education Cassandra M. Semien, Baton Rouge Mass Communication LaTasha Nicole Gray, Natchitoches Kendall K. Lincoln, Baton Rouge Mental Health Counseling Alexis J. Alexander, Baton Rouge Shakira Laquinta Edwards, Baton Rouge Yovonda Tynese Hill, Baton Rouge Thesis: Relationship between parental involvement and socioeconomic status on the academic achievement of middle school students has changed to relationship between parental involvement and academic achievement of African middle school students Thesis Advisor: Roxanne Davidson, Ph.D. Christina Woodfork Leslie, Baton Rouge Tekia B. Long, Baton Rouge Robyn N. Palms, Baton Rouge Raychel Crystal Proudie, Baton Rouge Alexsis L. Veal, St. Francisville Jazare’ Williams, Baton Rouge Social Sciences Niiobli Armah, IV, Houston Thesis: Poverty and policy: an analysis of the strategies to empower people (STEP) Program 2004-2010 Thesis Advisor: Huey Perry, Ph.D. Tebbe N. Jackson, Baton Rouge Thesis: Tea Party USA: an examination of a third part system in American politics Thesis Advisor: Revathi Hines, Ph.D. Latisha Hull Spears, Zachary Thesis: Barack Obama: the history of a new politics Thesis Advisor: Shawn Comminey, Ph.D.

Minimiah Williams Rahman, Baton Rouge Thesis: Angola plantation: history and legacy, 1800-1990s Thesis Advisor: Shawn Comminey, Ph.D. Krysta’Lynn H. Ricard, Harvey Thesis: Effective presidential leadership and its impact on health care policy in the United States Thesis Advisor: Albert Samuels, Ph.D. MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Candisse Avery Doyle, Baton Rouge Charissa Dionne Hayes, Baton Rouge Celia S. Jackson, Baker Geraldine E. Jackson, Baton Rouge Bradley E. Johnson, Baton Rouge Dewayne E. Lewis, Baton Rouge Jarrett R. Maloy, Tallahassee, Fla. Shantell M. Mark, Baton Rouge Ian C. Martin, New Orleans Danielle M. Morgan, Geismar MASTER OF EDUCATION Educational Leadership Angela D. Boxie, Carencro Kelcy Kwaine Dotson, Baton Rouge Delisia S. Evans, Baton Rouge Kami L. Henley, Port Allen Octavia Y. Jason, Opelousas Latanya Williams Jenkins, Harvey Jeffery C. Jones, Baton Rouge Chrystal J. Kelly, Baton Rouge Calvin H. McClinton, II, Zachary Erica D. Mitchell, Baton Rouge Tara Byrd Mitchell, Baton Rouge Randall J. Morris, Baton Rouge Ebony D. Moten, Lafayette Casetta Signater Robinson, Baton Rouge Jennifer L. Sampson, Zachary Lorenza S. Toussaint, Baton Rouge Ranae T. Toval, Baton Rouge Elementary Education Shelita N. Nkadi, Gonzales Andrea Jackson Taplin, Baton Rouge Sharon C. Thomas, Gonzales Louise Guerin Stewart, Baton Rouge Richarda A. Washington-Jones, Port Allen Secondary Education Heather R. Parker, Baton Rouge MASTER OF ENGINEERING Ineaka D. Carbo, Baton Rouge Thesis: Functionally gradient syntactic foam nanoclay sandwich composites Major Professor: Eyassu Woldensenbet Andrienne N. Gobert, Opelousas Jyothis J. John, Mavelikara Kerala, India Thesis: Automated convolutional coding in secure communication using synchronized chaotic systems Major Professor: Davoud Arasteh, Ph.D. Vindhya V. Kemisetti, Adhra Pradesh, India Thesis: Fate and transport of nanoparticles in the environment Major Professor: Riyadj Al-Raoush, Ph.D. Raghvan M. Madawela, Colombo, Sri Lanka Thesis: Mechanical properties of a new hybrid foam: closed-cell syntactic foam reinforced with an open cell aluminum metallic foam Major Professor: Zhenyu Ouyang, Ph.D. Vijay Naga Dheeraj Morampudi, Adhra Pradesh, India Thesis: Static, dynamic and microstructural char¬acterization of basalt short-fiber reinforced hybrid syntactic foam Major Professor: Zhenyu Ouyang, Ph.D. Jay Humar Perneedi, Andhra Pradesh, India Thesis: Thermomechanical characterization of shape memory polymer using multi-

The Sentinel Of An Enlightened Student Body since 1926

Page 10 - Friday, December 2, 2011

This list was obtained from the Southern University Registrar’s Office and the Graduate School as of December 1, 2011. If you have any questions or discrepancies PLEASE CONTACT YOUR INDIVIDUAL COLLEGE or REGISTRAR’S OFFICE @ 225.771.5050 or THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OFFICE @ 225.771.5390. This is not the final official listing for the Fall 2010 candidates for graduation. The list will be updated daily in the Registrar’s office and Graduate school office. This list of graduates represents the most accurate information available at the time of publication. The appearance of a name on this list and/or participation in the ceremonies is presumptive of graduation, but not conclusive.

programming Major Professor: Guoqiang Li, Ph.D. Kazim Sekeroglu, Turkey Thesis: A computer-aided control framework for control, mechatronics, and instrumentation laboratory education Major Professor: Amitava Jana, Ph.D. Rukhaya A. Singleton, Baton Rouge Candis D. Washington, Baton Rouge Shantia A. White, Angie MASTER OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Candyce J. Batton, Plaquemine Tanesha L. Craig, New Llano Jared Lamar Crawford, Baton Rouge Tiffany S. Franklin, Fayetteville, Ark. Venicia L. Gray, Baton Rouge Ta’Chelle L. Herbert, Baton Rouge Michelle R. Jones, Baton Rouge Alissa N. Jordan, Baton Rouge Branden L. Lee, Baton Rouge Ranisha L. Legania, Baton Rouge Kirk P. Robertson, Baker Errica J. Taylor, Zachary Jonathan L. Williams, Baton Rouge MASTER OF SCIENCE Computer Science Sumana Adusumilli, Hyderabad, India Vishnu Prasad Rao Bontha, India Pramod Jasti, Tenali, India Goldie C. Jordan, Baton Rouge Nithin Reddy Kotla, India Sunil Muttadi, Hyderabad, India Devi Priyanka Nukarapu, Andhra Pradesh, India Anudeep Reddy Seri, Hyderabad, India Prachita Toom, Hyderabad, India Criminal Justice Edna E. Akuta, Baton Rouge Shawnda Renee Butler, Baton Rouge Richard T. Douget, Metairie Candace Gray Haynes, Zachary Frances R. Neal, Bastrop Joyce W. Roby, Baton Rouge

Nursing Adrienne L. Joseph, Baton Rouge Katherine M. Newport, Baton Rouge Crystal A. Thibodeaux, Baton Rouge

chemical method for the synthesis of cathode materials utilized in lithium-ion energy storage technology Major Professor: Edwin Walker, Ph.D.

Physics Zhaodong Li, YangLing, P.R. China Thesis: The study of electronic properties of nanostructured materials Thesis Advisor: Guanglin Zhao, Ph.D.

Nursing Priscilla Brown Jackson, Natchez, Miss. Dissertation: Perceived health status, selfefficacy, and practice of health promoting behaviors in rural Mississippi African American Males with hypertension Major Professor: Sharon W. Hutchinson, Ph.D.

Speech-Language Pathology Tasha Elbert Briggs, Baton Rouge Sheletha S. Fisher, Baton Rouge Nadra D. Mellion, Baton Rouge Therapeutic Recreation Mia A. Andrus, Opelousas Rosalind Alexander-Blue, Baton Rouge Reshon Clayton, Baton Rouge Rashanna C. Griffin, Baton Rouge Helen Moses, Baton Rouge Andra G. Smith, New Orleans Chasity P. Smith, Baker Nicole M. Walker, Plaquemine

Public Policy Ngozi O. Anadi, Ora-Erin, Nigeria Dissertation: The impact of three strikes law on crime rates in U. S. States: a panel data analysis Major Professor: James Larson, Ph.D. Mark H. Chustz, Eutaw, Ala. Dissertation: The failing electronic medical record market rural hospital experience and policy interventions Major Professor: James Larson, Ph.D.

Urban Forestry Michaela L. Danzy, Livonia Thesis: The effects of carbon copper core-shell nanoparticles on three blue stain fungi Thesis Advisor: Yadong Qi, Ph.D.

Jude T. Haney, New Orleans Dissertation: Short-term effects of public health unit consolidation and closure policies: a policy analysis, Louisiana 2011 Major Professor: Min Su Kim, Ph.D.

DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Environmental Toxicology Brian B. Bourgeois, Port Hudson Dissertation: Composition and cytotoxicity of PM2.5 collected in Baton Rouge/Port Allen corridor of Louisiana Major Professor: John Owens, Ph.D.

Dina A. Johnson, Baton Rouge Dissertation: Assessing the effects of major depression disorders on welfare recipients becoming employed Major Professor: James Larson, Ph.D.

Janana J. Snowden, Zachary Dissertation: Effects of diepoxbutane on the cell migration and drug resistance capabilities of DU145 prostate cancer cells Major Professor: Eduardo Martinez-Ceballos, Ph.D. Scott A. Wicker, Zachary Dissertation: Development of a green soft

Ekwuniru C. Nwokeji, Aba, Abia State Nigeria Dissertation: Factors that promote renewable energy production in U.S. states: a fixed effects estimation Major Professor: James Larson, Ph.D. Frida J. Wada, UMOMI in Kogi State of Nigeria Dissertation: The impact of information communication technology on banking institutions: a theoretical policy perspective of

cyber crime in Nigeria Major Professor: James Larson, Ph.D. Science and Mathematics Education Ken R. Ford, Baton Rouge Dissertation: Inquiry learning: Students’ perception of light wave phenomena in a learning environment Major Professor: Joseph A. Meyinsse, Ph.D. Angela R. Hall, Baton Rouge Dissertation: College readiness: The evaluation of students participating in the historical black college and university program for pre-college algebra in the calculus sequence Major Professor: Joseph A. Meyinsse, Ph.D. Kanika N. Vessell, Conroe, Texas Dissertation: Examination of engineering design teacher self-efficacy and knowledge base in secondary technology education and engineering-related courses Major Professor: Joseph A. Meyinsse, Ph.D. Jake K. Yah, Baton Rouge Dissertation: Challenges posed by some scientific misconceptions in mathematical physics: a case study of work done and potential energy Major Professor: Joseph A. Meyinsse, Ph.D. Urban Forestry Frederick J. Fellner, Baton Rouge Dissertation: Live oak ecosystem restoration on the campus of Louisiana State University Major Professor: Kamran Abdollahi, Ph.D. Vanessa A. Ferchaud, Baton Rouge Dissertation: Localization and identification of flavonoids/phenolics in selected southern tree species relative to ultraviolet-B radiation Major Professor: Yadong Qi, Ph.D. Jason A. Preuett, Greenwell Springs Dissertation: Screening gulf coast forest species for susceptibility to phytophthora ramorum Major Professor: Daniel Collins, Ph.D.


The Sentinel Of An Enlightened Student Body since 1926

Friday, December 2, 2011 - Page 11

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I sat through the events and seminars at the Bayou Classic Empowerment Exchange wondering where the students were … I walked through the career fair asking myself the same question … where the students were? I even looked around again when Soledad O’Brien introduced the panel for “The New State of HBCUs” panel discussion, and still very few students were present. We want to have input in our school, cities and country, yet we are not present when these discussions are taking place. I rarely see students in the Board of Supervisors meetings, Faculty Senate meetings or even at student programs … yet we complain that SGA, Student Programs, BOS, Faculty and the administration are not doing enough. How can we effectively be heard if we fail to utilize the open forums that are present for us? How do we plan to redefine our environments if we can’t redefine ourselves? Why did you come to college? Was I because you parents did and you felt you had to? Was it that you knew how important a degree would be? Is it because of the doors you could open for your community or family

Evan Taylor after graduation? Or was it just that you didn’t want to ask, “Do you want fries with that?” beyond high school? In order to change Southern University, its message, its goals and its purpose we must speak for ourselves. During the whole discussion between university presidents, a state representative, and the president/ CEO of the National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education of the validity and status of HBCUs, not once did I hear a position for students to be involved. HBCUs exist because of the demand of education from students. Students give their money, time and talent to HBCUs everyday. Students have the power to propel the message

of HBCUs or let them crumble. The best recruiter for an HBCU is a current or former student. The best example of the products that an HBCU produces is a student’s success and preparedness in the workforce. The best input governing bodies can get from a university is the educated and intellectual student. As students we need redefine our purpose and go forth and conquer. We need to take responsibility for the positions we assume and go above and beyond the call of duty to succeed. We need to get involved in a cause for the prosperity of our campus, our friends, our communities, our cities, our world and ourselves. Whether it’s financial exigency awareness, environmental conservation, wildlife protection or campus beautification; find your cause and work until it is achieved. So, I challenge you as the student body to talk to professors, your deans, your chairpersons and your administrators about how this university should be redefined. To better serve the students, faculty, administrators and alumni. Once we redefine ourselves we can redefine Southern University with a goal, a plan, and a purpose.

Page 12 - Friday, December 2, 2011

The Sentinel Of An Enlightened Student Body since 1926

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