Southern Digest February 8th, 2011

Page 1


indians seek copyright



Also: Love talks to SU athletes. pg. 5

Super Bowl underwhelms. pg. 7

Coulda used a malfunction...

sU women win 8th straight

Want cut of profits from costumes. pg. 4

estABLished in 1928



VOL. 57, ISSUE 6

Crenshaw talks leadership By samantha smith diGest staFF Writer

Navy Brig. Gen. Craig Crenshaw discussed leadership, self-discovery, and selfdevelopment in his leadership lecture in the Royal Cotillion Ballroom of Smith-Brown Memorial Union. Crenshaw was promoted to Brigadier General in 2010, and is the first SU Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps graduate to be selected to the rank of general in the United States Marine Corps. He joins the university’s nine Army generals, in the United States Military representing Southern University. Crenshaw addressed an audience of students, faculty and staff on leadership and his definition. He began by expressing his gratitude to Southern University for the opportunities and support that the university has given him. He credits his time spent here with laying the foundation for his continued success. “Southern University is an experience. My foundation starts here; your foundation starts here. The opportunities coming from this university are tremendous,” said Crenshaw. His definition of a leader is a person who is committed to selfdiscovery and self –development. He mentioned that a good leader is one who is continually seeking self- improvement. “Know yourself and seek to improve your mind, body, and soul,” said Crenshaw A strong leader develops

those he leads in the same way that a mentor develops those he mentors. When asked about finding a mentor by a member of the audience, Crenshaw explained that when looking for a mentor one must find someone who mirrors what they want to do and create a dialogue with that person. A good mentor will take ownership and help those that follow them move to the next level. “What we do as leaders will be emulated by those who follow,” said Crenshaw. He continued, “The goal of a good leader is to develop and foster a mentor relationship with those they lead.” After his brief speech on the qualities of a leader, Crenshaw opened the floor for questions. Students and faculty asked Crenshaw questions ranging about his family life, his time in the military, and his time as a student at Southern University. He encouraged students to know themselves and set goals. Students and faculty were inspired by the message delivered by Crenshaw. “This is very astonishing for me to see a Marine General from S.U. gives me a lot of insight and a lot of drive to become that one day.” Jerry Pennywell, Marine reservist. “To hear him talk about leadership that way was refreshing. For each person to evaluate your soul is what I’ll take away from this.” Dr. Cecilia Golden, Assistant Provost, Academic Affairs. Students reflected about the

Refunds issued early By norman j. dotson jr. diGest editor-iN-chieF

photo By norman j. dotson jr./digest

Navy brig. Gen. craig c. crenshaw gives advice on what qualities he feels makes a good leader yesterday in W.W. stewart hall. crenshaw is also a southern alum currently stationed in Japan.

impact of Crenshaw’s lecture. “What he said applies directly to my career goal to become a military nurse. The part that affected me the most were about mentorship and his reflective points about developing yourself as a leader,” said Alison Montville, nursing major. “It seems like people leave college without knowing how to be a leader. He gave a lot of

insight on how to be a leader and a mentor,” said Reginald Burrell. Crenshaw discussed mentorship and major points in mentor relationships. “Making connections, finding a mentor with the same likes and dislikes and networking are the points that will stay with me. Troy Watson, Professional Assistant, Navy ROTC.

Freed Google executive helped spark revolt By hadeel al-shalChi & karin laUB associated press Writers

CAIRO — The young Google Inc. executive detained by Egyptian authorities for 12 days said Monday he was behind the Facebook page that helped spark what he called “the

revolution of the youth of the Internet.” A U.S.-based human rights group said nearly 300 people have died in two weeks of clashes. Wael Ghonim, a marketing manager for the Internet company, wept throughout an emotional television interview

just hours after he was freed. He described how he spent his entire time in detention blindfolded while his worried parents didn’t know where he was. He insisted he had not been tortured and said his interrogators treated him with respect.

“This is the revolution of the youth of the Internet and now the revolution of all Egyptians,” he said, adding that he was taken aback when the security forces holding him branded See revolt page 3

In the midst of campus being closed students received their refunds as early as Friday morning, three days before the expected date of the 7th. Emails and text messages were sent out to notify students them that refund money had been disbursed to them, according to chancellor Lomotey. “We had to cut out one step and speed up a step which increased our risk but it was still at a low and acceptable amount,” Lomotey said. Approximately $660,000 had to be refunded from the university a couple of years ago. That’s nearly $100 per student in federal funds that had to be accounted for and paid back at the cost of the university, which is a large risk to encounter each year. “When I came into Southern we had to find ways to minimize our risk,” said Lomotey. “The risk comes when we have students who don’t attend class and we can’t find them to collect the money so we are left to pay what they do not. Lomotey wanted to stress that administration cannot benefit from keeping the money and that everyone worked closely together to get everything moving faster. He also wanted to thank all of the students for their patience on behalf of the administration and that they will do all they can to ensure continued improvements. As of Monday afternoon the number of students who received their refunds was estimated at 4,967. Lomotey assures students that administration will take strides to better inform students when refunds will be issued a semester in advance so that they may make preparations earlier on to avoid what happened in the past. “Please pay attention to the website for updates and check jagnet to ensure that there are no discrepancies for the upcoming semester,” Lomotey added. The very latest date that students should be expecting refunds is still Feb. 11.


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CAMPUS BRIEFS...............2 STATE & NATION................4 DIVERSIONS.....................6 NEWS.............................3  SPORTS....................5 VIEWPOINTS......................7 U N I V E R S I T Y ,


R O U G E ,

L A .

CAMPUS BRIEFS Page 2 Page 2 - Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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Classifieds professional serviCes

Word power writing services editing proofreading typing papers college student discount call 225.571.4611

Campus Briefs TODAY men’s federation Week

Men’s Federation Week is under way. This year’s theme is “Measure of a man”. There is a theme for each day with corresponding events. Ministry Sunday, Enthusiastic Monday, Achievement Tuesday, Scholar Wednesday, Unity Thursday, Recreation Friday, and Education Saturday. Calvin maCkie

Southern University Business and Industry Cluster hosts Dr. Calvin Mackie, community activist. The assembly will be at 4 p.m. today in the Royal Cotillion Ballroom of Smith-Brown Memorial Union. my game plan

The Living Learning Communities and Office of Student Success “My Game Plan=Working Smarter…not Harder.” You can learn what it will take to become a successful college student today from 2-3 p.m. and Feb. 14 form 4-5 p.m. The seminars will be in 102 and 103 of Stewart Hall. foreign langUage seminars

The foreign language department presents student development workshops to assist students. Tuesday, Feb. 8, Dr. Fatima Chajia-Fahd and Dr. Irma F. Cobb will be hosting “WRITE Path to Success” Writing


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HI - 45°/ LO - 26° 20% CHANCE OF PRECIP

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strategies for intermediate Spanish from 11 a.m.11:50 a.m. A workshop for students enrolled in Spanish 200 and 219. Along with Elementary Spanish students taking the “WRITE Path to Success” Introduction to composition writing in Spanish. A workshop for students enrolled in Spanish 101 from 11:50 a.m.-12:20 p.m. On Tuesday, Feb. 15, Dr. Thomas Miller will be hosting “Effective Approaches to Foreign Language Learning” from 11 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Dr. Phillip Elliott will be hosting “How can we improve as language learners?” from 11:40 a.m.-12:15 p.m. All sessions will be in T.T. Allain Room 323.

Café Lacumba is located in 161 Pinkie E. Thrift Hall (between Tourgee A. DeBose Hall and James Blaine Moore Hall). For more information, please call 225.771.4660.

grammar Workshops

The English Department is offering Grammar Workshops during the month of February. The workshops will be facilitated by Professor S. Tohline and are a great review for Freshman Composition and the Writing Proficiency Exam. They are offering the following workshops: Understanding and Utilizing the Past Tense Feb. 8 at 1 p.m., Writing topic sentences on Feb. 18 at 11 a.m., and Comma Errors: What are commas really on Feb. 24 at noon. All the workshops will be held in Harris Hall, Room 2024. Seating is limited to 18 students per workshop.

FEBRUARY 10 CompUter sCienCe symposiUm

The Computer Science Department hosts its 33rd annual symposium. Feb. 10-11. For more information contact 225.771.2020 or 225.771.2275. FEBRUARY 11 lane poetry Contest

The Pinkie Gordon Lane Poetry Contest. Dr. Pinkie Gordon Lane, Southern University’s nationally honored poet, was a Louisiana Poet Laureate and the first African-American woman to receive a Ph.D from Louisiana State University. Dr. Lane also served as chair of the English Department at Southern University from 19741986. This is an invitation for “budding bards” to create and submit original poems on a subject of their choice. The deadline for submission is Friday, Feb. 11. Poems can be submitted either via email ( or online at the library’s website the BlaCkoUt

SGA and Up ’til Dawn host “The Blackout” a FEBRUARY 9 Lock-in. Feb. 11 9 p.m.-1 a.m. in The Royal Cotillion CafÉ laCUmBa Ballroom of Smith-Brown Come join your Memorial Union. colleagues and faculty for FEBRUARY 13 a delicious and healthy lunch! All items are made fresh and can be enjoyed as lifetime aChievement dine-in or on-the-go. Café aWards Lacumba will be serving Student Affairs lifetime up sandwiches, wraps, achievement awards soups, salads, snacks, presents “Going Back to the and beverages every Old Landmark” honoring Wednesday from 11 a.m.- Dr. Margaret Pleasant 1:30 p.m. starting Feb. 9. Douroux, composer and

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For more information call 225.771.5833 or mail your subscription payment of $40 to: The Southern Digest Subscriptions, PO Box 10180, Baton Rouge, LA 70813. Business, cashiers checks and money orders accepted only. No personal checks or credit card orders accepted. Make all payments to The Southern Digest.

songwriter. The awards will take place on Feb. 13, at 5 p.m. in the Royal Cotillion Ballroom in Smith-Brown Memorial Union. FEBRUARY 15 an evening of afriCanameriCan Cinema

The History Department, Student Historical Society, Pi Gamma Mu International honor society, and Southern University Speech and Debate team presents African American movie screening Feb. 15 from 5-7 p.m. in J.K Haynes Nursing Auditorium. FEBRUARY 16 taBle tennis toUrnament

Come out and test your skills against the best. Smith-Brown Memorial union is hosting a Table tennis tournament on Feb. 16 in LaCumba’s playpen from 6-9pm. Awards and prizes will be given to 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. Registration ends Feb. 11. There is a $5 registration fee. rev. al sharpton


sUite 1064 – t.h.harris haLL p.o. boX 10180 – batoN roUGe, La 70813 225.771.2231 phoNe / 225.771.5840 FaX WWW.soUtherNdiGest.coM issN: 1540-7276. copyright 2008 by the southern University office of student Media services. the southern diGest is written, edited and published by members of the student body at southern University and a&M college. all articles, photographs and graphics are property of the southern diGest and its contents may not be reproduced or republished without the written permission from the editor in chief and director of student Media services. the southern diGest is published twice-weekly (tuesday & Friday) with a run count of 6,000 copies per issue during the southern University - baton rouge campus fall, spring semesters. the paper is free to students, staff, faculty and general public every tuesday & Friday morning on the sUbr campus. the southern diGest student offices are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. the offices are located on the first floor of t.h. harris hall, suite 1064. the southern diGest is the official student newspaper of southern University and a&M college located in baton rouge, Louisiana. articles, features, opinions, speak out and editorials do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the administration and its policies. signed articles, feedback, commentaries and features do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors, staff or student body. PUBLICATION ASSOCIATIONS the southern diGest is a member of the black college communications association (bcca), National association of black Journalists (NabJ), University - Wire Network (U-Wire), associated collegiate press (acp), college Media advisers association (cMa), society of professional Journalist (spJ), Full member of the associated press (ap) and the Louisiana press association (Lpa).

ADVERTISER MEMBERSHIPS the southern diGest subscribes to the american passage, alloy M+M, 360 Youth, Zim2papers, all campus Media, ruxton Group and college publishers on-Line services. STUDENT MEDIA OFFICE director - tba assistant director - tba publications asst. - Fredrick batiste advertising Mgr. - camelia Jackson CONTACTS (area code 225) advertising office - 771.5833 diGest Newsroom - 771.2231 student Media services- 771.5812 the Jaguar Yearbook - 771.2231 YearbooK Newsroom - 771.5829 eGo Magazine Newsroom - 771.5829 southern University and a&M college at baton rouge is accredited by the commission on colleges of the southern association of colleges and schools, 1866 southern Lane, decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, telephone (404) 679-4500, Website: MISSION STATEMENT the mission of southern University and a&M college, an historically black, 1890 land-grant institution, is to provide opportunities for a diverse student population to achieve a high-quality, global educational experience, to engage in scholarly, research, and creative activities, and to give meaningful public service to the community, the state, the nation, and the world so that southern University graduates are competent, informed, and productive citizens. Website:

The Office of Student Media is a Division of Student Affairs.


Rev. Al Sharpton’s lecture originally scheduled for Feb. 2, was postponed due to inclement weather in the Northeast. The lecture will be on Feb. 16 at 6 p.m. in F.G. Clark Activity Center.

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Norman J. dotson Jr.

CULTURE EDITOR patrick Galloway


LAYOUT EDITOR trevor James

COPY EDITOR erica s. Johnson

DIGEST STAFF WRITERS samantha smith Kalisha black

greek history and effeCts of haZing

SPORTS EDITOR Morris dillard

Office of student programs hosts, “Greek Life History and the Effects of Hazing” with Dr. Walter Kimbrough. The lecture will be Feb. 16 at 5:30 p.m. in the Royal Cotillion Ballroom of Smith-Brown Memorial Union. FEBRUARY 17 BiBliCal aCCoUnt of BlaCk history

The Son of Man, Leader and Teacher of the New Nation of Islam will be speaking on the “Biblical Account of Black History,” Thursday Feb. 17th at 6 p.m. This event will be at the J.K. Haynes Nursing Auditorium. For more information call 225.229.8747. Women in media sCholarship

Women in Media, Inc. is providing applications for the Jean Wheeler Memorial Scholarship to be granted to an outstanding full-time senior female student during the fall 2011 and spring 2012 semesters. Applicants must have 3.0 overall and in their major and must be a major in Journalism, Mass Communications, Theater, or media related field. Applications and details can be found at www.

PHOTO EDITOR david clark iii

DIGEST PHOTOGRAPHERS robert Florida Jr. polite stewart

A&E EDITOR billy Washington

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PAGE 2 / CAMPUS BRIEFS all submissions must be received by 3 p.m. each Friday for Tuesday’s Issue and by 3 p.m. each Wednesday for Friday’s Issue. paGe 2 is only available to officially registered campus organizations, southern University departments. all briefs should include a date, time, contact name & number. submit announcements to: the southern diGest - suite 1064 harris hall, attn: paGe 2 CORRECTIONS Fact and accuracy is our goal and our job. as the voice of the southern University student body we are committed to ensuring to most fair, truthful and accurate accounts of our work. in the event of an error we will make all corrections on page 2. bring corrections to the southern diGest office located in suite 1064, harris hall.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011 - Page 3

Haiti leader extends term By david mcfadden the associated press

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Haitian President Rene Preval will stay in office for another three months as his country chooses a successor in a delayed election, his chief of staff said Monday. Chief of Staff Fritz Longchamp confirmed Preval’s exit date of May 14 in a phone interview with The Associated Press following uncertainty about the Haitian leader’s plans. Preval’s term had been scheduled to end Monday, but his successor will not be elected until Haiti holds a presidential runoff on March 20. He had been silent about his intentions in recent days, leading to rumors that he might appoint a temporary successor. “He will stay in office until May 14. He will not leave today,” Longchamp said. An emergency law passed by members of Preval’s former party in an expiring Senate allows him to remain in office for up to three more months

photo by rodrigo abd/ap photo

Demonstrators paint slogans against Haiti’s President Rene Preval and the United Nations on a bus during a protest against the Nov. 28 election results in front of a police officer in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Sunday Jan. 23, 2011. The U.S. State Department said Friday it revoked the visas of about a dozen Haitian officials, increasing pressure on the government to drop its favored candidate from the presidential runoff in favor of a popular contender who is warning of renewed protests if he is not on the ballot.

because his 2006 inauguration was delayed. The U.S. and other nations have signaled they agree with Preval staying in office for a few months past the end of his term to avoid a power vacuum atop Haiti, where foreign governments have collectively spent billions on recovery efforts after last year’s devastating earthquake — and pledged billions more for reconstruction. “I would assume that there will be greater stability

and more movement on reconstruction with this situation if he remained than if he were to name a temporary successor — which would clearly be unconstitutional,” said Mark Schneider, special adviser on Latin America for the International Crisis Group. On Monday morning, about 50 anti-Preval demonstrators protested outside the quakedestroyed National Palace, blocking traffic with overturned trash bins and burning tires.

after the protests began. He confirmed reports by protesters that he was the administrator of the Facebook page “We are all Khaled Said” that was one of the main tools for organizing the demonstration that started the movement on Jan. 25. Khaled Said was a 28-year-old businessman who died in June at the hands of undercover police, setting off months of protests against the hated police. The police have also been blamed for enflaming violence by trying to suppress these anti-government demonstrations by force. Ghonim’s whereabouts were not known until Sunday, when a prominent Egyptian businessman confirmed he was under arrest and would soon be released. Time and again during the two weeks of demonstrations,

protesters have pointed proudly to the fact that they have no single leader, as if to say that it is everyone’s uprising. Still, there seems at times to be a longing among the crowds at Cairo’s Tahrir Square, the main demonstration site, for someone to rally around. The unmasking of Ghonim as the previously unknown administrator of the Facebook page that started the protests could give the crowds someone to look to for inspiration to press on. Whether Ghonim forcefully takes up that mantle remains to be seen, but he said repeatedly in Monday night’s interview that he did not feel he was a hero. “I didn’t want anyone to know that I am the administrator,” he said. “There are no heroes; we are all heroes on the street.

revolt from page 1 him a traitor. “Anyone with good intentions is the traitor because being evil is the norm,” he said. “If I was a traitor, I would have stayed in my villa in the Emirates and made good money and said like others, ‘Let this country go to hell.’ But we are not traitors,” added Ghonim, an Egyptian who oversees Google’s marketing in the Middle East and Africa from Dubai, one of the United Arab Emirates. The protesters have already brought the most sweeping changes since President Hosni Mubarak took power 30 years ago, but they are keeping up the pressure in hopes of achieving their ultimate goal of ousting Mubarak. Ghonim has become a hero of the demonstrators since he went missing on Jan. 27, two days

BLACKToday HISTORY MONTH in History Harry S. McAlpin became the first black admitted to White House press conferences in 1944. He became the White House correspondent for the National Negro Press Association and the Atlanta Daily World. His presence and precedence led to The Negro Publishers Association and individual correspondent’s accreditation with Congressional Press Galleries and the State Department in 1947. We salute McAlpin for his determination to be in the White House press conferences to represent the African-American community.

A crowd of onlookers watched as protesters hurled rocks and chanted “Preval is a crook!” “He must step down to avoid people getting hurt,” said 32-year-old demonstrator Gardy Lumas. The protesters were later dispersed by national police. Preval is deeply unpopular, especially in urban areas, after years of continued poverty and following his perceived inaction in response to the earthquake. Last week, Haiti decided to

eliminate Preval’s governmentbacked candidate, Jude Celestin, from a presidential runoff. The decision ended a standoff with the country’s international partners who questioned an earlier official count showing Celestin had qualified for the runoff. Instead, first-place presidential candidate Mirlande Manigat will face popular singer Michel “Sweet Micky” Martelly. Campaigning for the second round, originally slated for January, is set to begin Feb. 17.

STATE & NATION Page 4 - Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Man convicted of selling secrets

Indians seek copyright

by the associated press

Mardi Gras Indians seek slice of profits from pictures of costumes By MARY foster the associated press

NEW ORLEANS — Chief Howard Miller knows cameras will start clicking next month when his Creole Wild West Mardi Gras Indians take to the streets with their elaborately beaded and feathered costumes. Now they and members of the city’s other tribes are working to get a slice of the profits when photos of the towering outfits they have spent the year crafting end up in books and on posters and T-shirts. “It’s not about people taking pictures for themselves, but a lot of times people take pictures and sell them,” Miller said. “For years people have been reaping the benefits from the pictures they take of the Mardi Gras Indians.” Intellectual property law dating back to the nation’s founding dictates that apparel and costumes cannot be copyrighted, but Tulane University adjunct law professor

photo by kerry maloney/ap photo

Chief Howard Miller sews the patches for his Mardi Gras Indian suit Monday at his home in New Orleans. Miller hand sews every bead on his suit in preparation for Mardi Gras day. It takes almost a whole year and around $10,000 to create the unique costume. Many of the Mardi Gras Indians including Miller are attempting to copyright their suits as a piece of art.

Ashlye Keaton has found a way around that by classifying them as something else. “Their suits and crowns, their regalia, are certainly unique works of art,” Keaton said. “They are entitled to protect that art work.” Keaton got to know many of the Indians through another Tulane program, the Entertainment Law Legal Assistance Project. She was intrigued by their art, more so after she saw photos sold at the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival and at local galleries, apparently without their permission. Pictures of the Indians sell

online for up to $500 each, and books and T-shirts are also available. The first test for the Indians who have copyrighted the new costumes they will wear this year will come at Mardi Gras. The Indians revamp or completely remake their suits every year, and the copyright takes effect at the first public showing, said Ryan Vacca, an assistant professor of law at the University of Akron School of Law. Keaton started working this past year with the club members to help preserve intellectual rights to their costumes.

A former research scientist was convicted Monday of charges he stole trade secrets from Dow Chemical Company and sold them to companies in China. After a three-week trial, a federal jury in Baton Rouge convicted Wen Chyu Liu, 74, also known as David Liou, of conspiracy to commit trade secret theft and perjury. Liu worked at Dow’s Plaquemine facility before he retired in 1992. Prosecutors said he conspired with at least four other Dow employees in Louisiana and Germany to sell confidential information about the company’s production of a polymer called chlorinated polyethylene, which is used in automotive hoses, vinyl siding and other products. Liu bribed one employee at the Plaquemine facility with $50,000 in cash in exchange for Dow’s process manual and other information, according to prosecutors.

Witnesses say shots led to stampede By thomas j. sheeran the associated press

photo by mark stahl/ap photo

A Youngstown State Police University officer patrols the street near the location of an early morning shooting at a fraternity house just north of the YSU campus that left student Jamail E. Johnson, 25 of Youngstown dead and 11 injured Sunday in Youngstown, Ohio.

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio — Partygoers stampeded to escape gunfire that killed one college student and wounded 11 people at an Ohio fraternity house, authorities said Monday as they searched for a motive in the weekend shooting. Jamail E. Johnson, 25, a senior at Youngstown State University, was shot to death early Sunday as he tried to separate two groups at an Omega Psi Phi fraternity house party. Authorities say there had been a dispute, two men had left the house and then returned and sprayed bullets into the crowd. Among the injured was a critically

Expert hired in quest for historic levee label by the associated press

NEW ORLEANS — A nonprofit advocacy group has hired a retired federal expert for help in its quest to have two spots where flood walls gave way during Hurricane Katrina added to the National Register of Historic Places. announced its effort to put the locations on the National Register back in August. Organization founder Sandy Rosenthal said last week that

Mark R. Barnes, an archaeologist who is retired from the National Parks Service and is now an associate professor at Georgia State University, has been retained to help guide them through the application effort. Barnes said in an interview he is confident of approval, although it is still months away. A state panel that is a key part of the process may consider the application in April.

wounded 17-year-old. When the shots rang out, “it was practically a stampede atmosphere,” according to witness accounts, city prosecutor Jay Macejko said. Investigators did not know what the initial argument was about and had yet to determine a motive for the shooting, Youngstown Police Chief Jimmy Hughes said Monday. The two suspects were neither students at the university nor members of the fraternity, police said. The two men, Braylon L. Rogers, 19, and Columbus E. Jones Jr., 22, were charged with aggravated murder, shooting into a house and 11 counts of felonious assault, said Hughes. They were

being held at the Mahoning County Jail, said jail officials, who did not know whether the men were represented by attorneys. Court appearances for the suspects scheduled for Monday morning were postponed until Tuesday, and the charges against them could undergo “adjustment,” Hughes said. Johnson and the others were shot off-campus at a two-story brick house in a neighborhood of once-elegant homes, many of which are now boarded up. The house party had been bustling with 50 or more people early Sunday, the police chief said. Johnson apparently was trying to separate two groups when he was shot, Capt. Rod Foley said.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011 - Page 5

SU gaining momentum

Jags fall to Grambling, Jackson St.

SWAC champs win 8th straight; knock off Grambling, Jackson St.



The defending Southwestern Athletic Conference champions opened the second round of league play in grand fashion, posting double-digit wins over rivals Jackson State and Grambling State in the friendly confines of the F.G. Clark Activity Center. The first place Jaguars (13-8, 10-1) blew out JSU 72-55 Monday night while Photo by david clarK iii/digest knocking off GSU 64-53 in a Saturday Southern’s Tiffany Foster brings the ball matinee game. The wins increase SU’s down the court against Jackson State winning streak to eight games and Monday. are the Jags’ first double-digit wins in league play and first double-digit wins overall this season since a 76-51 win 47 second-half points. Allen led SU with a game-high 18 points, followed over Tougaloo Dec. 18. The wins keep SU one step ahead of by Kador with 13 and Foster with 13. Rachel Jones and Daria Hester each Prairie View A&M (12-9, 8-2) in the conference race. PV was idle Monday, scored 11 points for the Lady Tigers. but defeated Texas Southern 43-38 Southern 64, Grambling State 53 Saturday. Southern went on a 10-0 run to pull Southern hits the road this weekend in SWAC play, traveling to Arkansas- ahead early, but Grambling (10-12, Pine Bluff Saturday and Mississippi 6-5) responded with a spurt of their and Valley State next Monday. momentarily took a 21-19 lead before trailing 22-21 at the half. Southern 72, Jackson State 55 In the second half, Southern Southern went into halftime nursing a 25-21 lead over JSU (5-15, 4-7). The withstood a GSU run midway in the Jags blew open the lead in the second half and pulled away for the win. Kador led SU with a game-high 25 half, shooting 52.8 percent (19-of-36) from the field while holding Jackson points while Ashley Augerson added 15 State to 38.2 percent shooting (13-of- points off the bench. Secrett Anderson finished with a 34). The trio of Hannah Kador, Tiffany double-double of 13 points and 11 Foster and Freda Allen scored 13 rebounds while Keniqua Wyche led points each, combining for 39 of SU’s GSU with 14 points.

Southern opened the second round of Southwestern Athletic Conference play on a down note, falling to rivals Jackson State and Grambling State at home. Grant Maxey scored 20 points and grabbed 14 rebounds to lead Jackson State to a dominating 72-43 win over SU on Monday night. The Jags fell 49-45 to Grambling Saturday as Justin Patton’s 15 points and 16 rebounds helped GSU snap a six-game losing streak. The losses — the third- and fourthstraight — drop the Jaguars to 4-19 Photo by david clarK iii/digest overall and 3-8 in league play, placing Southern’s Frederick Coleman goes up for SU ninth in the 10-team conference and a layup against Jackson State Monday. on the outside looking in for qualifying for the SWAC Tournament. The Jaguars must regroup on the scoring edge in the paint. road this weekend, traveling to take on Arkansas-Pine Bluff (4-19, 4-7) Saturday Grambling State 49, Southern 45 Patton’s double-double was his third and Mississippi Valley State (9-15, 8-3) straight and seventh this season for the next Monday. Tigers (4-18, 2-8), who won their first game since beating the Jaguars 61-57 on Jackson State 72, Southern 43 The Tigers (13-10, 9-2) shot 50 percent Jan. 8. Southern led by seven early in the from the floor (14-of-28) in the opening second half. The lead went back and half en route to a 34-24 halftime lead. Jackson State opened it up in the forth, with the Jaguars ahead 42-39 with second as the Jaguars went 5-for-22 3:46 to go. Layups by Steven Dandridge and from the field (22.7 percent) and 8 of 19 from the free-throw line (42.1 percent). Derron Hobbs pushed Grambling State Southern made only one field goal in ahead 43-42 with 2:40 left. Southern got to 46-45 with 38 seconds the final 9:53 and trailed by as many as left, then Hobbs hit two free throws and 32 (72-40) with 2:16 left to play. Julius Ingram scored 17 points and Patton sealed the win by making 1 of 2 had 10 rebounds for the Jaguars, who foul shots with 1 second left. Patton shot 3 of 18 from the field, but have lost four straight. Jenirro Bush added 17 points, Tyrone made 9 of 12 free throws. Jameel Grace had 12 points for the Hanson had 11 and Phillip Williams 10 for the Tigers, who outrebounded Jaguars and Frederick Coleman had five Southern 49-34 and posted a 38-22 blocks.

Love returns to alma mater to speak to athletes by Morris dillard DIGEST SPORTS EDITOR

Bob “Butterbean” Love arrived early at the A.W. Mumford Stadium Fieldhouse Friday evening, before speaking to the Southern University athletic program. Love, who is nicknamed after his favorite food, played basketball at Southern (1963-65), before being drafted by the Cincinnati Royals during the fourth round of the 1965 NBA draft. He was the first player from Southern to be named to the AllAmerica Team by the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. After college, Love played for the Royals and was traded to the Milwaukee Bucks. “This is one of the greatest days of my life, I’ve always wanted to come back and address the

“When I graduated from Southern, I’ve always had people help me along the way and helped me to help other people as well.”

Bob “Butterbean” Love SU Hall of Fame member

athletes here, but I’ve never done it until my friend (athletic director) Greg (LaFleur) invited me,” Love said. “This is a happy day for me because I bleed blue and gold and I love this city.” Love ended his career with Chicago Bulls in 1976, finishing with 13,895 points, 1,123 assists, and 4,656 rebounds.

Despite leading the Bulls in scoring for seven seasons, Love said there are enough tools at Southern to help studentathlete become more successful, on and off the field. “I tell them to be good people because they are going to have someone to help them along the way at some part in their life,”

Love said. “When I graduated from Southern, I’ve always had people help me along the way and helped me to help other people as well.” One of the most impressive efforts during the affair was Love speaking about his stuttering disability. Love suffered from a severe stuttering problem from

childhood, which prevented him from finding employment after years in the league. “He has a lot of heart to be able to stand in front of a large crowd and try to motivate them with his condition,” said Madrid Bell of the golf team. “I respect his character not only as a person but as a man.” Before his departure, Love praised LaFleur for inviting him to speak the athletes. LaFleur, a longtime friend of Love, wanted to take advantage of the opportunity when he learned Love was in town. Whenever we can, we want to expose our athletes to as many professional athletes that are from Southern,” LaFleur said. “We want to give our student athletes the opportunity to see some of the best and brightest that came out of Southern U.”

diversions Page 6 - Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Knight Life

ACROSS 1 Knock sharply 4 Hail, to Caesar 7 Lanolin source 11 Cry of discovery 12 Prospector’s find 14 “Catch-22” actor 15 Singer 17 Harness piece 18 Good look 19 Candy-bar nut 21 Rx monitor 22 Hood’s weapon 23 Spine-tingling 26 Deadly 29 Black gem 30 Give a darn 31 Food fish 33 PBS “Science Guy” 34 One in a million 35 Dressed 36 Go higher 38 Frequent 39 Creeping vine 40 Fall behind 41 Exactly like this (2 wds.) 44 Invisible swimmers 48 — spumante 49 Clinch (2 wds.) 51 Nudge, perhaps 52 Your Majesty 53 Open meadow 54 Snacks 55 Wyo. clock setting 56 Telepathy DOWN 1 Stellar review 2 Nautical greeting 3 Marathoner’s concern 4 Refer to 5 There! 6 Magazine execs 7 Affection 8 Low-fat spread 9 Thor’s dad 10 Country 13 Knickknack stand 16 Glue on 20 Past due 23 Geological period 24 “Watermark” chanteuse 25 Deli breads 26 Pie crust ingredient 27 Rights org. 28 Provide at interest 30 Gorges 32 Banned bug spray 34 Gives it the gas

By Keith Knight

February 4 Answers

Astro-Graph By Bernice Bede Osol

February 4 Answers

35 Like zoo animals 37 London and Hong Kong 38 Ophelia’s love 40 Dens 41 Senator in space Garn 42 Annapolis inst.

43 45 46 47 50

Dele’s undoing Tree trunk Totally amazes Purse closer Zero in on

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19): Do not be hesitant or bashful about voicing your opinion on some important concerns. Your point of view or the position you take will be more significant to others than you think PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20): Prosperous undercurrents are now stirring, so keep the faith that all will work out well regardless of their initial appearance, especially where your finances are concerned. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Someone who hasn’t been one of your fans is now doing an about-face after seeing some things in you s/he admires. Keep being that warm and fun-loving person you are. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Although you might be on the minority side when the lines are drawn, if you can envision yourself to be a winner, chances are positive thinking will make it happen. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Even though you know it isn’t too smart to offer unsolicited advise, if you believe you have the solution to a problem a friend is having, speak up anyway. You may have the answer. CANCER (June 21-July 22): When merely being an onlooker, you could find yourself suddenly being drawn into a competitive situation without realizing it. Once in, however, follow your instinct and you won’t go wrong.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Set a cooperative example when with others and they, in turn, will follow suit. Once your initial gesture establishes the tone, what was once a stiff gathering will loosen up. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Follow through to their conclusions all matters you feel could be of benefit to you in some way, especially where your work or career is concerned. You’ll come out a winner. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): When placed in a position of authority, command by example rather than by a show of force and/or making demands. Reserve flexing your muscle for the gym. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22): You’re heard that old saying, “If you want something done right, do it yourself.” Keep this in mind if a critical issue arises that needs instant attention. Don’t assign it to others. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21): If you’re on your toes, your astuteness will give you the edge over certain people with whom you have some financial dealings. To your credit, you’ll not take advantage of them. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): History does have a way of repeating itself, as it is likely to do in your case. Chances are you’ll find yourself fortunate in a financial development similar to one from which you profited before.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011 - Page 7

Super Bowl needs a good malfunction or two Is it just me or has the Super Bowl sucked for the past few years? I mean the games are decent I guess but the halftime shows have really been lacking for the past couple of years now and its seriously starting to disturb me. This year’s show left me highly unsatisfied, and I was actually expecting it to be good seeing that I could readily associate faces to a name. The announcement of the Black Eyed Peas performing during this year’s halftime was a breath of fresh air from the smog of has been performers of greatness long past, it was refreshing to hear a band that knows how to navigate through Facebook without having to squint at the screen. Unfortunately BEP’s performance left me saying

NORMAN DOTSON JR. “why didn’t they just get the cast from Glee, I would have enjoyed that more!” The theme was an overly bright and strange dramatization of what would happen if Tron were to be performed completely in concert. The theatrics really had nothing to do with any of the songs being sung and singing live in person just isn’t for everyone. The lighted suits were nice at first but after awhile I just didn’t see the significance of going through a whole performance

with a spandex fire hazard suit to try and keep people interested in what became a very sad affair of a halftime performance. The singing was a little off key whenever the microphone worked correctly and all the members could remember the lyrics and dance steps. Not only that the choreography was a little one dimensional and poorly executed. We’ve pulled off better routines in the Office of Student Media during production nights. Also did anyone else notice that the “V” in their stage platform wasn’t completely lit up? That and someone’s “L.A. Gear” suit wouldn’t turn off when everyone else’s did and top to it off Prairie View’s band performed with them (yes I made a HBCU beef reference). All of that combined with a slew of other improperly

executed stunts has made this one of the least liked Super Bowl halftime shows in a while but I can say that I will remember the band because I had to do a Yahoo search to find out the name of last year’s performers, The Who. A famous band, in their day, who are more recently known for singing the opening themes for the CSI series. Their performance had no flashing lights, no choreography, and the biggest let down to me was no Horatio Cane during the show. I was half way hoping for a “wardrobe malfunction” or for a commercial break in the middle to break me from the boredom that was this florescent fiasco in hideous costumes. Next time, Fox, just skip to the third quarter so we can get to a real performance on Glee.

Commercials a mixed bag (of Doritos) Some people watch the Super Bowl only for the commercials. For this reason, companies spend LOTS of money to air their ads during the Super Bowl. Some commercials are worth the millions of dollars being spent, while others are lackluster and somewhat a waste of money. The commercials that appear during the Super Bowl are supposed to be the funniest and most exciting of the entire year. This year’s commercials evoked lots of emotions from myself. The Pepsi commercial with the couple kind struck me the wrong way. It was a tad bit sterotypical. Of course the black woman tried to control her man’s every move. Of course the black man was lusting after the white woman; that was predictable. The media continually has a black man lusting over a white woman. Often, the man gets in some type of trouble after the act. Of course the black woman attempted to hit her man. And of course the couple

BREANNA PAUL ran away after the “angry black woman” threw a can at the white woman’s head. I have a few questions. Why did she have to be black and angry? Why did the man have to lust after a white woman? Why did the black couple have to run away after the woman attacked the other woman? Why are the colors of the characters the only thing I can focus on? Doritos had numerous commercials during the Super Bowl. I wonder how much money they spent? Last year, they had the funniest commercial. “Keep your hands off my mama. Keep your hands of my Doritos.” Anyone remember that? My favorite Doritos commercial, this year, was

the one with the guy who was supposed to housesit and care for his roommate’s pet fish and plant. Long story short, the fish and the plant were dead. In the mix of it all the roommate’s grandfather’s ashes were scattered on the floor. Luckily Doritos crumbs brought everything back to life, including reincarnating the grandpa. Comedy. Another one of Doritos best commercials was the pug running towards a Doritos chip that was behind a glass door. The Pug was running in slow motion and salivating over the chip. The pug ended up knocking the door and the person behind the door down. I’m no Super Bowl ad connoisseur but I thought it would have been funnier if the pug ran into the door and just fell or if the dog was of a larger breed, like maybe a Golden Retriever. Either way, for some reason dogs running into doors is pretty funny. Just watch America’s Funniest Home Videos. The Teflora commercial was

hilarious. Why? Because some guys are so blunt and clueless like that. What girl wants a bouquet of flowers with a note attached reading, “Dear ____, your rack is unreal.”? Guys really do this. Don’t believe me? Check my Facebook inbox or any girl’s inbox with guys messaging, “can I be your friend” or “we should hang out” or “you looking sexy in your pics.” No self-respecting female wants to hear that. It’s not cute, so guys stop that! How cute were the chimps? Don’t you hate it when people park so close to your car? Ever wonder how they got out of their car without hitting yours? It’s safe to say, in order to have a funny and memorable commercial adding an animal secures it. The beaver in the Bridgestone commercial, the chimps, the pugs, the bourgeoise dogs in the Audi commercial. Overall, the commercials were pretty funny. I can’t wait to see the commercials in Super Bowl XLVI.

SPEAK OUT How do you celebrate Black History Month? BY Polite d. stewart jr. Digest photographer

ronald gleen baton rouge freshman physics


“I think back to those who died and remember that I can.”

cory vincent baton rouge senior civil engineering


church services.”

“I usually attend workshops and as a musician perform at programs and

shawn robertson grosse tete, la. senior electrical engineering

“I educate myself on the robertson achievements of African Americans and take my school work more seriously in honor of those who died for me to get an education.” ablah Hadithabdullah durham, n.c. freshman physics


“I don’t do anything for Black History Month because no one has ever shown me its true meaning.”


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Staff editorials represent the opinions of the author and the majority opinion of the Southern DIGEST Student Editorial Board, which is comprised of the student staff of editors and columnists. The Southern DIGEST provides an open forum to educate, inform and enlighten the students, faculty and staff at Southern University, Baton Rouge, La.

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