The March 18 Issue of The Southern Digest

Page 1


no radiation worries for coast



SU trounced by Tulane in WNIT. pG. 5

Editor-in-chief’s call to arms pG. 7

open letter to SuS family

hard time in Big easy

Officials say radiation risks low . pG. 4

estABLished in 1928


VOL. 57, ISSUE 11

FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2011

Sharpton stresses education at SU By Breanna paul


After being rescheduled twice, Reverend Al Sharpton spoke Wednesday at the F.G. Clark Activity Center as part of the 2010-2011 Chancellor’s Lecture Series. The lecture was originally scheduled for February 2 but due to the snowstorm in the East Coast, Sharpton was unable to fly into Louisiana. The lecture was rescheduled for February 16 but then cancelled because he was needed at The White House. One of the things that troubles Sharpton is to hear people that are experts on what we’ve done, but can’t recite what we do. He mentioned how low the numbers were for Dr. King’s march from Selma to Montgomery. “We brought more people to Jena, Louisiana than Dr. King did to Montgomery,” Sharpton firmly stated. Sharpton said there is the

misnomer that you need to have everybody with you to make a difference and there’s always been a committed minority that paid the price for the rest of us. “Only 20,000 marched from Selma to Montgomery. Everybody got the right to vote,” he said. Sharpton spoke about arriving at a destination and knowing when to get off. “When I left NYC, it was pouring down raining and there was turbulence. We flew about a half hour, there was sunshine and it was clear and a smooth ride. Just because I got through the storm and the rain doesn’t mean I got off the plane. I waited until we landed and pulled up at the gate. To get off the plane because the sun is shining and the turbulence stopped doesn’t mean you’ve arrived at a destination of a full and equal society. We still have battles to fight,” Sharpton told the audience. Sharpton spoke about the struggles our ancestors fought

Ceremony turns into rally at SUNO by ThE ASSoCIATED prESS

photo By treVor JameS/DiGeSt

rev. Al Sharpton challenges audience members to not just remember history but make their own.

and the fight that the current generation is pursuing. “Dr. King fought Jim Crow. Today, you have to fight his son, James Crow Jr., He’s a little more polished, refined,

articulate but the results are still the same,” he said. “If the policies result in the same, you See Al ShArpton page 3

Residents march against violence, plant By Samantha Smith DIGEST STAFF WrITEr

A group of concerned residents of the University Park subdivision gathered to march in protest around Southern University -Wednesday night. The group planned the march to coincide with the chancellor’s lecture series event featuring the Rev. Al Sharpton. Residents marched from the back gate on Mills Avenue to the F. G. Clark Center in protest of the North Baton Rouge water treatment plant. Organizer Gregory Mitchell says that his hope is that the march will bring about positive change for the community. The North Baton Rouge water treatment plant has been the cause of major concern for the residents of the University Park neighborhood. The foul smell and the unbearable infestation of sewer flies in their homes and throughout the neighborhood


have plagued residents for more than 20 years. Mitchell says that the sewage plant has torn his neighborhood apart and depreciated the value of his home. “The treatment plant disrupts our lives on a daily bases,” said Mitchell. “We simply ask that our elected officials stand up and let us resolve this issue positively.” The North Baton Rouge Water Treatment plant is run by the city of Baton Rouge. The Mayor of Baton Rouge and President of the plant, Kip Holden, is a resident of Scotlandville and lives near the University Park subdivision. Mitchell had this to say to Holden, “It time that you have a heart, you live in this neighborhood and you know how the community is suffering, we as citizens need your help to eliminate this horrible environmental disaster.”

81° | 55° LOW

photo By polite D. SteWart Jr./DiGeSt

University place residents march to protest the community violence and industrial negligence present in the community. The march was held on Wednesday; March 16.

Student Dadrius Landus said Landus Mitchell and said that community leaders his neighbors filed a law suit have a moral obligation to the against the sewer plant in residents in this community. “It October 1996. The lawsuit was is not only a community issue it recently settled in favor of the sewage plant. is a team and a family issue. Many of the residents Southern University and the community of Scotlandville are a family and we are going See cAmpUS mArch page 3 to stick together on this issue,”


NEW ORLEANS—A ribbon cutting for a new building Wednesday on the Southern University at New Orleans campus became more of a political rally a day after the state’s main higher education board voted to consolidate the historically black college with the neighboring University of New Orleans. SUNO officials and opponents of the proposed campus merger said the dedication of the new Information Technology Center proved the campus was coming back after floods submerged it when Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005. Gov. Bobby Jindal floated the idea of a merger earlier this year, asking the Board of Regents to study the matter. On Tuesday, the Regents, after hearing a report from a consultant, voted in favor of a consolidation. But the Legislature gets the final say and New Orleans area lawmakers made clear they would oppose it. “This is a political attack on this region,” state Sen. J.P. Morrell told the crowd of about 150 outside the new building, which is next to a parking lot where several temporary classrooms are still in use as a result of Katrina. Jindal has repeatedly backed consolidation as a move to provide better higher education opportunities in New Orleans, citing among other reasons, SUNO’s low graduation rate of around 7 percent. Morrell complained that Jindal never talked to the New Orleans legislative delegation before pitching the idea of a merger. Morrell said Jindal felt safe backing a merger because he doesn’t do well politically in New Orleans. “This shouldn’t be about politics, turf or management boards,” said Kyle Plotkin, See SUno rAllY page 3

CAMPUS BRIEFS...............2 STATE & NATION................4  A & E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 NEWS.............................3  SPORTS....................5 VIEWPOINTS......................7 U N I V E R S I T Y ,


R O U G E ,

L A .

CAMPUS BRIEFS Page 2 Page 2 - Friday, March 18, 2011

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Campus Briefs TODAY CampaiGn filinG WeeK

Today is the last day for students to file for positions in SGA, Men’s Federation, and The Association for Women’s Students. All students filing packets must have their packets turned in to the office of Student Programs by 5pm today. MARCH 21 reSiDent appreCiation WeeK

The Department of Residential Life and Housing presents Resident Appreciation week March 20th through March 24th. Sunday night will be Gospel Night on the Bluff at 4pm on Mayberry Lawn, Monday night they will host a Casino Night in J.S. Jones and Dunn Hall at 7pm, Tuesday everything goes “live after 5” with a showcase in the circle in the back of campus at 6pm, Wednesday is Movie Night at Mumford Cop Out with Tracy Morgan and Bruce Willis will start 7:30pm at Mumford Stadium, and Thursday it’s the return of the latex party in F.G. Clark Activity Center at 8pm. Tickets are required for the latex party, every other event is free admission. GraD fair Seniors can order caps, gowns, rings, and announcements at Grad Fair in the Southern University Bookstore. Grad Fair will be held March 21st from 10am5pm and March 22nd from 9am -4pm. For students who do not order at Grad Fair late fees will begin on April 11th.



HI - 81°/ LO - 53° 0% CHANCE OF PRECIP

CafÉ laCumBa Come join your colleagues and faculty for a delicious and healthy lunch! All items are made fresh and can be enjoyed as dine-in or onthe-go. Café Lacumba will be serving up sandwiches, wraps, soups, salads, snacks, and beverages every Wednesday from 11AM1:30PM. Café Lacumba is located in 161 Pinkie E. Thrift Hall (between Tourgee A. DeBose Hall and James Blaine Moore Hall). For more information, please call (225) 771- 4660. MARCH 23 Southern uniVerSity SpeeCh anD DeBate SoCiety The Southern University Speech & Debate Society is now accepting applications for membership. If you are interested in public speaking, drama, writing, research, etc. then you are strongly encouraged to pick up an application. Applications are located in The Department of History office, located on the fourth floor of Higgins Hall in suite 407. Deadline for application submission is March 23rd, 2011. Southern uniVerSity hiStoriCal SoCiety If you have a passion for history, volunteerism, community outreach, and have a drive for excellence then you are asked to apply to the Southern University Student Historical Society, an organization geared towards making a difference. Applications can be picked up within The Department of History, located on the fourth floor of Higgins Hall, suite 407. All applications must be submitted by March 23rd, 2011. MARCH 24 SprinG 2011 WritinG profiCienCy eXam The Writing Proficiency Exam is scheduled for Thursday March 24th;



HI - 80° / LO - 61° 0% CHANCE OF RAIN

only those students who have registered will be allowed to take the test. Students currently enrolled in Freshman Composition 111 will take the WPE as their final examination during the last week of classes. Students taking the exam on Thursday can begin signing in at 3:15pm at their appointed sites. No student will be admitted to take the test after 3:45pm. Students should report based on last name A-J should report to the School of Nursing Auditorium, K-P should report to Harris Hall Classrooms, and Q-Z should report to Stewart Hall Auditorium. Southern uniVerSity mBa SprinG open houSe Prospective Southern University MBA students can come and familiarize themselves with the MBA program, faculty and staff, admission requirements, the curriculum, and the opportunities in and beyond the program. Students will be allowed to have their questions answered by the Associate Dean and MBA Director. The Open House will be Thursday, March 24th at 6pm in T.T. Allain Room 313. MARCH 25 12th annual GreeK Variety ShoW The Greater Baton Rouge Pan Hellenic Council presents the 12th annual greek variety show on Friday March 25th. The show will be in F. G. Clark Activity Center at 7pm. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Tickets can be purchased in the Student Programs office located in Smith-Brown Memorial Union, Second floor, Suite 203. Women in meDia SCholarShip

Women in Media, providing applications for the Jean Wheeler Memorial Scholarship to be granted

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moStly Sunny

HI - 80°/ LO - 61° 10% CHANCE OF RAIN

to an outstanding full-time senior female student during the fall 2011 and spring 2012 semesters. Applicants must have 3.0 overall and in their major and must be a major in Journalism, Mass Communications, Theater, or media related field. Applications and details can be found on the women in media website. www.womeninmedia. net. MARCH 31 ronalD e. mCnair SCholarS proGram Students are encouraged to submit an application to become a Ronald McNair scholar. Students will gain a stipend, mentored research experience, graduate school visit assistance, and GRE preparation assistance. Students must have a 3.0 GPA, be a first generation college student, have earned 60 hours of college credit, and have the desire for a Ph.D. Applications are due March 31st. Contact Veronica Freeman at 225.771.4717 or come by Higgins Hall room 208D to pick up an application.

What’s the quickest way to get news and events to the student body? Put it in the...

Campus BRIEFS Fax your campus event to The Southern DIGEST at 771-5840 Deadline for announcements are three days prior to the publication date.


SUITE 1064 – T.h.hArrIS hALL p.o. boX 10180 – bAToN roUGE, LA 70813 225.771.2231 phoNE / 225.771.5840 FAX WWW.SoUThErNDIGEST.CoM ISSN: 1540-7276. Copyright 2008 by The Southern University office of Student Media Services. The Southern DIGEST is written, edited and published by members of the student body at Southern University and A&M College. All articles, photographs and graphics are property of The Southern DIGEST and its contents may not be reproduced or republished without the written permission from the Editor in Chief and Director of Student Media Services. The Southern DIGEST is published twice-weekly (Tuesday & Friday) with a run count of 6,000 copies per issue during the Southern University - baton rouge campus fall, spring semesters. The paper is free to students, staff, faculty and general public every Tuesday & Friday morning on the SUbr campus. The Southern DIGEST student offices are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday. The offices are located on the first floor of T.h. harris hall, Suite 1064. The Southern DIGEST is the official student newspaper of Southern University and A&M College located in baton rouge, Louisiana. Articles, features, opinions, speak out and editorials do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the administration and its policies. Signed articles, feedback, commentaries and features do not necessarily reflect the views of the editors, staff or student body. PUBLICATION ASSOCIATIONS The Southern DIGEST is a member of the black College Communications Association (bCCA), National Association of black Journalists (NAbJ), University - Wire Network (U-Wire), Associated Collegiate press (ACp), College Media Advisers Association (CMA), Society of professional Journalist (SpJ), Full member of the Associated press (Ap) and the Louisiana press Association (LpA).


For more information call 225.771.5833 or mail your subscription payment of $40 to: The Southern Digest Subscriptions, PO Box 10180, Baton Rouge, LA 70813. Business, cashiers checks and money orders accepted only. No personal checks or credit card orders accepted. Make all payments to The Southern Digest.

ADVERTISER MEMBERSHIPS The Southern DIGEST subscribes to the American passage, Alloy M+M, 360 youth, Zim2papers, All Campus Media, ruxton Group and College publishers on-Line services. STUDENT MEDIA OFFICE Director - TbA Assistant Director - TbA publications Asst. - Fredrick batiste Advertising Mgr. - Camelia Jackson CONTACTS (Area Code 225) Advertising office - 771.5833 DIGEST Newsroom - 771.2231 Student Media Services- 771.5812 The Jaguar yearbook - 771.2231 yEArbooK Newsroom - 771.5829 EGo Magazine Newsroom - 771.5829 Southern University and A&M College at baton rouge is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, telephone (404) 679-4500, Website: MISSION STATEMENT The mission of Southern University and A&M College, an historically black, 1890 land-grant institution, is to provide opportunities for a diverse student population to achieve a high-quality, global educational experience, to engage in scholarly, research, and creative activities, and to give meaningful public service to the community, the state, the nation, and the world so that Southern University graduates are competent, informed, and productive citizens. Website:

The Office of Student Media is a Division of Student Affairs.


CULTURE EDITOR patrick Galloway



COPY EDITOR Erica S. Johnson



DIGEST PHOTOGRAPHERS robert Florida Jr. polite Stewart

SPORTS EDITOR Morris Dillard A&E EDITOR billy Washington

PAGE 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS & PAID CLASSIFIED INFO CLASSIFIED The Southern DIGEST is not responsible for the contents, promises, nor statements made in any classified and reserve the right to reject any ad request with explanation. No classified ads will be accepted or processed over the telephone and must accept the type font sizes of The DIGEST. ALL CLASSIFIED MUST bE pAID IN ADVANCE by CAShIErS ChECK or MoNEy orDEr. No pErSoNAL ChECKS ACCEpTED. Students must have proper ID and phone numbers to get student advertising rates. rates do not apply to students who are representatives & employees of the company. In the event an error is made in a classified ad, immediate claims and notice must be given within 15 days. The DIGEST is only responsible for oNE replacement or run in the next publication. Classified are due oNE WEEK prior to run date. paid Classified can be ordered by contacting the Student Media Advertising Manager at 225.771.5833.

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PAGE 2 / CAMPUS BRIEFS All submissions must be received by 3 p.m. each Friday for Tuesday’s Issue and by 3 p.m. each Wednesday for Friday’s Issue. pAGE 2 is only available to officially registered campus organizations, Southern University Departments. All briefs should include a date, time, contact name & number. Submit announcements to: The Southern DIGEST - Suite 1064 harris hall, Attn: pAGE 2 CORRECTIONS Fact and accuracy is our goal and our job. As the voice of the Southern University student body we are committed to ensuring to most fair, truthful and accurate accounts of our work. In the event of an error we will make all corrections on page 2. bring corrections to The Southern DIGEST office located in Suite 1064, harris hall.

Friday, March 18, 2011 - Page 3

Cyber-bullying an increasing threat By Samantha Smith DIGEST STAFF Writer

Cyber-bullying is a growing problem at universities today. Facebook, gossip pages and online streaming sites put students at greater risks of becoming a target of cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying is the use of the Internet, cell phones or other devices to text or post images intended to hurt or embarrass another person. Cyber-bullying can include threats, sexual remarks, hate speech, ganging up on a victim by making them the subject of ridicule in forums and posting false statements as facts aimed at humiliation. It can be as simple as continuing to send e-mails to someone who has said that they want no further contact from the sender. Students around campus explain instances when they have experienced cyber-bullying and cyber-stalking. “I experienced cyber-bullying when a guy that I used to date wanted to chat with me online, when I refused he started sending messages that were degrading to me and cursing me out.” Earnestine Basking, Early Childhood Education major from Baton Rouge said. “I had an altercation with a friend of a friend on facebook, she started sending me disturbing messages and when I didn’t respond she started bashing me on her facebook page. I ended up deleting her from my page.” Nicole Jones, secondary education major from

Dallas said. “I experienced cyber-bullying when I was in high school. When I joined the JROTC a lot of people would text me calling me names and telling me I was stupid for joining.” Katherine MacMurray, a freshman from

advantage of privacy settings within Facebook and other websites and social software. Also, use your common sense and do not say anything to someone online that you would not say to them in person. Cyber-bullying has heavy

you are fooling yourself.” As of July 7, 2010, cyberbullying is now a crime in the state of Louisiana. House Bill 1259 states: “The transmission of any electronic textual, visual, written or oral communication with the malicious and willful

“Cyber-stalking is a new crime wave ... Students have to be responsible while online. If you have an expectation of privacy online, you are fooling yourself.”

Col. Terry Landry SU Police Chief

Pensacola, Fla., said. Some students say that they have witnessed cyber-bullying even though they have not experienced it first-hand. Most students say that they would not get involved because of the hassle and problems that it may bring them. According to a cyber-bullying factsheet, bystanders can make a huge difference in improving the situation for a victim of cyber-bullying. They can note what they see and when they see it. They should also be careful to never encourage or contribute to the behavior. There are steps that you can take to protect yourself online: be responsible when interacting with others on the Internet; take

penalties. The university’s policies that deal with cyberbullying are listed in the student handbook under code of conduct, and are listed as code one offenses. Code one offenses may result in disciplinary probation, suspension or expulsion. Cases are handled by Student Affairs and investigated by Technology and Network Services and the Southern University Police Department. “Cyber-stalking is a new crime wave. We are working with the district attorney to prosecute this kind of cases in the proper venue,” said interim police chief, Col. Terry Landry, “Students have to be responsible while online. If you have an expectation of privacy online,

intent to coerce, abuse, torment or intimidate a person is now a crime”. Bullies over the age of 17 will face a maximum 500 dollar fine and up to six months in prison. According to a report from the Associated Press some 13 million students, about a third of all those attending school, are bullied every year, the White House said. Experts say that puts them at greater risk of falling behind in their studies, abusing drugs or alcohol, or suffering mental or other health problems. Kids who are seen as different because of their race, clothes, disability or sexual orientation are more likely to be bullied. For more information on cyber-bullying log on to www.

campus march from page 1 expressed their frustrations
“The politics in our state stink,” said protest organizer and University Park resident Shontelle Mitchell. “After 15 years of fighting, the judicial system has let us down, the mayor has let us down and our councilmen have let us down. We hope to speak to Rev. Al Sharpton in hopes that he will look into our situation and hopefully get media coverage for our issue.”
 Other protesters expressed concerns

about the health problems that they face as a result of the sewer plant. “Late in the afternoon the odor from the plant becomes unbearable; all you can do is go inside,” said Alberta McFarland, resident of University Park since 1963. She added; “This had been going on a long time and some of my neighbors have gotten really sick.”
 “All we want is what’s fair,” said Betty Jones, “I have lived in this neighborhood for 30 years, those in my family suffer from

asthma and I think it has something to do with the plant in our back yard.”
 Life-long resident of University Park, Irma Miller, shared her reason for marching in the protest.
“We hope that someone in authority will see the injustice that has been done here, this is a disgrace,” said Miller. “We hope that when we bring up some of these concerns Rev. Al Sharpton will offer us some guidance in the next steps that we can take toward finding a resolution to our issue.”

Ron Mason said about the college’s role in serving the black population. Consultants who recommended consolidation to the Regents stressed this week that it would not be a total merger and they stressed that SUNO’s culture and mission should be preserved. Nevertheless, opponents emotionally decried the move as racially divisive at Tuesday’s Regents meeting.

The plan approved Tuesday would remove SUNO from the Southern University System and take UNO from the LSU System, placing the consolidated school in the University of Louisiana System, which runs Louisiana Tech, Grambling State, Louisiana-Lafayette and other regional universities.

SUNO RALLY from page 1 a spokesman for the governor. “This is about doing what’s best for students.” Opponents say consolidation means the end of SUNO’s aim to serve the needs of the black community, a population they say is traditionally underserved by predominantly white institutions. “We don’t have to be incentivized to do it, we don’t have to be coerced to do it,” Southern University System President

Video news clips now available @

Al Sharpton from page 1 must be able to upgrade your fight,” he continued. Sharpton reminisced about a talk-show appearance with a self-described Black conservative. Sharpton said the conservative said, “I don’t agree with all that Civil Rights. I made it on my own merit. Look at my resume. I went to the best Ivy League School.” Sharpton took his resume and said, “Civil Rights didn’t write your resume but Civil Rights made somebody read your resume.” Sharpton went on to tell the audience, “We had to get America prepared to even consider how smart you are. It’s a matter of getting America where it can deal with people of color that are qualified.” Sharpton spoke about President Barack Obama and his efforts to revive the economy after the recession. “When Barack Obama took office, this country was broke and on the verge of economic collapse. He was able to wield it back,” he stated. Sharpton spoke about the greed on Wall Street causing the broken economy. He posed the question of the fix for this problem being to cut the budget of those industries that did not do anything. “How does the remedy become laying off working-class people, cutting education budgets, folding colleges into each other, uprooting HBCUs? None of that caused the problem, yet you’re going to charge those that didn’t do anything to pay to the bill for those that enjoyed greed,” Sharpton said. Sharpton spoke firmly about the merger with Southern University at New Orleans and University of New Orleans. “The merger is Anti-American. It is against the interest of the country not to preserve the institutions that will affectively deal with young people that need education to compete in society,” Sharpton firmly stated. Sharpton feels strongly about the bailouts and the tax cuts. He wonders why the rich are not being taxed but the students trying to educate themselves are forced to deal with budget cuts. “If the young are trying to go to school and get ahead, you’re begging? If you’re rich and have two or three vacation homes and private jets, all of a sudden you’re recovering?” Sharpton asks. Following the lecture, Sharpton answered questions from the audience, facilitated by Collegiate NAACP members, Nykeisha Bryer and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Beta Alpha Chapter President, Tamara Davis. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., Rho Chapter President Joshua Dubois introduced Reverend Sharpton while dance team; SU Gold ‘N Bluez saluted him through dance. Dadrius Lanus, Collegiate NAACP Vice-President gave the purpose and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., Rho Chapter Second Vice President, Michael Mallery greeted the audience.

STATE & NATION Page 4 - Friday, March 18, 2011

Experts: No radiation worry for West Coast the associated press

LOS ANGELES —The U.S. government and scientists insist that there’s no threat of radiation from Japan endangering people on the West Coast, but that hasn’t stopped roughly 1,000 worried Californians from flooding a state hotline. “Radiation is one of those words that get everybody scared, like ‘plague,’” said Dr. Jonathan Fielding, director of public health for Los Angeles County. “But we’re 5,000 miles away.” Some computer models tracking the possible path of radioactive material from the stricken Japan nuclear reactors suggest it could cross the Pacific, swipe the Aleutian Islands and reach Southern California as early as Friday. Even if particles waft to the U.S. coast, the amount will be so diluted that it will not pose any health risk. Wind, rain and salt spray will help clean the air over the vast ocean between Japan and the United States. Nuclear experts say the main elements released are radioactive cesium and iodine. They can combine with the

file photo by Bullit Marquez/ap photo

Filipino scientists at the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute use a SAM portable Gamma Spectrometer to measure the gamma radiation levels in the atmosphere at their facility in suburban Quezon city northeast of Manila, Philippines, Monday. The Government increased the frequency of monitoring radiation levels to four times daily starting Monday from the routine once-a-week following the threat of multiple nuclear reactor meltdowns at the quake and tsunami-savaged northeastern coast of Japan where fears spread over possible radioactive contamination.

salt in sea water to become cesium chloride and sodium iodide, which are common and abundant elements and would readily dilute in the wide expanse of the Pacific, according

to Steven Reese, director of the Radiation Center at Oregon State. “It is certainly not a threat in terms of human health” added William H. Miller, a professor

Committee releases drafts of La. congressional districts by the associated press

The head of the state House redistricting committee offered three proposals Thursday for shrinking Louisiana’s congressional delegation from seven to six members, all of which would pit the state’s newest Republican congressman, Jeff Landry, in a race against another incumbent to retain his seat. The scenarios offered by House and Governmental Affairs Chairman Rick Gallot, D-Ruston, would significantly redesign the state’s U.S. House districts to reflect the latest national census data and population shifts after the 2005 hurricanes. Louisiana is losing a congressional seat because its population growth didn’t keep pace with other states. Though map proposals have been floating around the Capitol for weeks, Gallot’s offerings were the first official maps to be proposed by a House leader. Lawmakers will consider those ideas and any others in a special redistricting session that begins Sunday and could last more than three weeks, to redraw the political district boundaries for the state House, state Senate, Public Service Commission, state education board and possibly court seats. The congressional remap has gotten much of the attention because the delegation itself is divided on how to rework the lines and on which incumbents’ districts to consolidate. Two of Gallot’s three scenarios would move Landry, of New Iberia, into the same

district as U.S. Rep. Charles Boustany, R-Lafayette. The third proposed map would put Landry in the same district as GOP U.S. Rep. Bill Cassidy of Baton Rouge. All of Gallot’s maps also would heavily revamp the north and central Louisiana congressional districts of Congressmen Rodney Alexander of Quitman and John Fleming of Minden, both Republicans, to create a district centered on the Interstate 20 corridor including Shreveport and Monroe. Lafourche and Terrebonne parishes would stay together in each scenario. None is the single coastal district some parish leaders have sought. One of the proposals would split up Lake Charles and Lafayette, which currently share a congressional seat. All three maps would maintain a New Orleans-based district that is a majority black seat, though it would have to head up the Mississippi River and into part of Baton Rouge because of population shifts. Gallot said his proposals were based on public comments picked up at hearings around the state about redistricting efforts. “Before we started the roadshow, I said we wanted to hear what people wanted. It would be absolutely dishonest if I didn’t come here and lay out what people said they wanted,” Gallot said. He acknowledged that he hadn’t talked to Louisiana’s congressional delegation members before introducing the maps and that they may not like his ideas.

of nuclear engineering at the University of Missouri. Earlier this week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency deployed extra radiation detectors throughout the

country to allay public concerns. On Thursday, President Barack Obama said “harmful levels” of radiation from the damaged Japanese nuclear plant are not expected to reach the U.S The radiation stations will send real time data via satellite to EPA officials, who will make the data available to the public online. The monitors also contain two types of air filters that detect any radioactive particles and are mailed to EPA’s data center in Alabama. That information, as well as samples that numerous federal agencies are collecting on the ground and in the air in Japan, also will be sent to the Department of Energy’s atmospheric radioactivity monitoring center in California, where teams are creating sophisticated computer models to predict how radioactive releases at Fukushima could spread into the atmosphere. Inside Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory near San Francisco, scientists, engineers, and meteorological experts were analyzing those charts and maps to help policymakers predict where radioactive isotopes could travel.


Friday, March 18, 2011 - Page 5

SU has hard time in Big Easy


Poor shooting dooms Jaguars in WNIT


NEW ORLEANS—As the final seconds ticked-off the scoreboard, 11-year head coach Sandy Pugh and her team began to walk near the Tulane bench, clearly stunned by the 61-31 loss to Tulane in the first round of the Women’s National Invitational Tournament Thursday night at Fogelman Arena. There were plenty of reasons for the shock on their face. On this night, Southern realized that they had played in their last game of the season. “Some of shots I thought we drew up were a little off balance,” 11-year head coach Sandy Pugh said after the game. “If you are going to shoot less than 10 percent, you’re not going to beat anybody.” Pugh identified that Southern failed to execute the game plan they prepared for this week. Without Jamie Floyd playing a starring role in the offense, Pugh knew Southern would never quit.


Alcorn names committee to begin coach search

LORMAN, Miss. — Alcorn State University has named a seven-member committee to search for a new men’s basketball coach. Alcorn State president M. Christopher Brown II says the school is looking for a seasoned coach committed to restoring the program’s reputation on the basketball court as well as ensuring student athlete success in the classroom. Brown says he also would like a coach with Southwestern Athletic Conference experience. Brown says the deadline for applications is March 22. He

pHOtO By DAVID ClARK III/DIgESt Southern’s Ashley Augerson brings the ball up against Tulane’s Danielle Nunn during Thursday’s WNIT game. Poor shooting doomed the Jaguars as the Lady Wave ran away with a 61-31 win.

“They continued to fight in spite of all the adversity,” Pugh said. “We just couldn’t finish.” Floyd had two points in 16 minutes on the court. Southern were held scoreless for nine minutes in the first period before scoring their second their second basket. They went 1 of 15 shooting, had 10 turnovers with and trailed 13-2. From there, the game was a one sided affair. The Green Waves used a 16-7 run that extended their lead 29-9 at halftime (SU’s largest deficit this season). They dominated the rest of the way, outscoring Southern 32-22. Southern went 9 of 36 in the second half, shooting 25 percent. “Tulane is a good team,”

Pugh said. “I thought they came out and did what they did do.” By then, Southern had shot 3 of 35 from the floor. “It sucks to have your worst game to be your last game,” senior guard Hannah Kador said. “You know you always want to go out with a fight and to lose by 30 is really bad but hopefully next year the rest of the squad whose coming back won’t end the way we ended.” After losing to Prairie View in the conference championship last weekend 48-44, Pugh announced that the team wouldn’t be able to accept the invitation. In fact, senior women’s administrator Pam Smith told Pugh before the tournament that funds weren’t available

to send Southern to the invitational beginning March 16. Smith said the NIT sent her an email, which included the expenses of the trip, to confirm if Southern would accept the bid. By Tuesday, the funds were met. “We signed the forms and told them we wanted to get in,” Smith said. “We faxed them over around four thirty and about nine they called and told us they were going to keep us on the grounds.” Kador led with seven points. Ashley Augerson added five points and five rebounds. Southern finished shooting 16.9 percent, 22 turnovers and five players finished with three fouls or more.

SPORT SHORTS says the school hopes to hire a new coach before national signing day on April 8. Alcorn State announced men’s basketball coach Larry Smith was named to a new job as director of athletic development. Smith went 1278 in three seasons.

SWAC Softball Roundup this weekend

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – The Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) will host its 2011 Softball Roundup this weekend, March 18-20 at the Tatum Park Softball and Soccer Complex in Hattiesburg, Miss. The roundup will showcase the softball squads from all 10

SWAC member institutions. The teams from the Eastern Division will square off against teams from the West in a round robin format. Play begins at 4 p.m. on Friday, March 18 with three games and continues with two matchups at 6:30 p.m. that evening. The tournament resumes on Saturday, March 19 with four games at 10 a.m. The roundup concludes on Sunday, March 20 with four matchups at 9 a.m. followed by contests at 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Alabama St. falls in NCAA Tournament

DAYTON, Ohio — Alabama State dug itself a 27-point first half hole that it nearly climbed out of in the opening round

of the NCAA Tournament on Wednesday. The Hornets trailed 48-21 at the half and eventually fell 70-61 to TexasSan Antonio. On three occasions, Alabama State cut the Roadrunner lead to nine points in the second half, but the first half struggles were too much to overcome. UTSA’s Melvin Johnson III scorched the first 20 minutes for 25 points and outscored Bama State by four on his own. The second half was a much different story. Alabama State opened the second half on a 10-3 run and set the stage for what was nearly an historic NCAA comeback. Alabama State finished with a 40-22 advantage in the second half, but ends its season 17-18 overall.

The Southern University women’s tennis team seems anxious to get back into action this weekend as they continue in the Southwestern Athletic Conference and play this Saturday at Prairie View A&M in the Western Division Roundup. Southern (5-5) goes into this weekend’s event with their sights set on capturing the number one spot. Despite their previous match, nearly two weeks ago, head coach Jeffrey Conyers feels confident that his team is in great shape and that they have a great opportunity to come out victorious this weekend. “I’m very confident about the match this weekend,” stated Coach Conyers, “especially with our doubles play leading the way. The game seems to ease up from there. We’re going to go after them hard in doubles then look for singles wins to close it out. All of the girls are playing at an intense level right now and we just have to continue to play that way throughout the competition.” Southern will compete at 12 noon Saturday against Prairie View, 3 p.m. Saturday against Ark-Pine Bluff and 9 a.m. Sunday against Grambling. When asked about some of the things that the team has been doing to prepare for this series of games, Coach Conyers said, “We’ve just been taking it day by day and staying hungry for that number one spot. Staying conditioned definitely has to be at the top of the list. Regardless of the number of games played, nothing will stop us from being aggressive out there.” The Western Division Roundup will decide who goes to the Southwestern Athletic Conference Championships that will be held in Alexandria April 15-17. The top three finishers will represent the West. “Staying aggressive is the main key for us this weekend,” stated Coach Conyers. “We have to compete at our ability. Being passive is simply not an option. It’s definitely a big weekend for us, so we’re coming out ready and looking to put Grambling and Prairie View at that number two and number three spot.”

arts & entertainment Page 6 - Friday, March 18, 2011

Spalding’s new effort ear candy By billy washington digest a&e editor

As gas prices continue to rise and the news on the S.O.S. campaign gradually produces more noise, one may need to take a load off and relax to escape from all of the “March Madness” for a while. Music is a rewarding and refreshing avenue to take. Not just any kind of music but rather music that calms and harmonizes with the natural vibrations of life. In this case, jazz is the perfect detour for one to escape and forget about the current conditions of the world; especially when there is a new face on the contemporary jazz scene that goes by the name of Esperanza Spalding. With only three albums under her belt and several collaborations, the 26-year-old bass player recently won a Grammy Award last month over teen pop sensation Justin Beiber, and Young Money’s protégé Drake. After listening to her recent release of The Chamber Music Society (2010) and her first two releases Junjo (2005) and Esperanza (2008), her second

Fashion week begins By ERICA S. JOHNSON


album, Esperanza, definitely stands out from her other works. Spalding’s sensual yet heavy vocals laced with melancholic toned tracks like “Fall In” and “Samba” create a smooth atmosphere for one to go into deep thought and reflect upon love and everyday life experiences. One of her more upbeat and fast tempo songs is “I Know You Know” which holds a hip hop, R&B, soul and classical jazzy vibe. Spalding demonstrates her musical abilities besides her voice in “If That’s True” which is an instrumental where Spalding shows off her skills as a bass player with saxophonist Donald Harrison and trumpeter Ambrose Akinmusire chopping along. photo by jae c. hong/ap photo This album also has a few Esperanza Spalding poses backstage with the award for best new songs written and sung in artist at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles. different languages,which include English, Portuguese and Spanish. My favorite is her songs but don’t understand just ate it up.” Esperanza is definitely “Ponta De Ariea,” because it’s the lyrics. “Being the lyricist filled with tranquil grooves and and the lead singer, I was a breath of fresh air and rhymes; even though, to be making up songs about red Spalding’s music is the antidote honest I don’t understand what wagons, toys and other childish to momentarily relieving us she is saying. Spalding even interests. No one knew what from the smog and obscuration confirmed on her website how I was singing about, but they of socioeconomic problems and people usually listen and love liked the sound of it and they woes.

Nate Dogg, whose hooks boosted rap hits, dies LOS ANGELES (AP) — Singer Nate Dogg, whose near monotone crooning anchored some of rap’s most seminal songs and helped define the sound of West coast hip-hop, has died at age 41. Nate Dogg, whose real name was Nathaniel D. Hale, died Tuesday of complications from multiple strokes, said Attorney Mark Geragos. Nate Dogg wasn’t a rapper, but he was an integral figure in the genre: His deep voice wasn’t particularly melodic, but its tone - at times menacing, at times playful, yet always charming - provided just the right touch on hits including Warren G’s “Regulate,” 50 Cent’s “21 Questions,” Dr. Dre’s “The Next Episode” and countless others. While Nate Dogg provided hooks for rappers from coast to coast, the Long Beach, Calif., native is best known for his contributions to the West Coast soundtrack provided by the likes of Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, Tha Dogg Pound and more. Nate Dogg was even part of a “supergroup” featuring Snoop Dogg and Warren G, called 213. Nate Dogg, who had suffered at least two strokes since 2008, also put out his own solo projects but was best known for his collaborations with others. Last year, Warren G said Nate Dogg was in therapy but needed help. “Everybody just gotta keep him in their prayers, ‘cause he had two strokes and that’s real dangerous. And a lot of people don’t come back from that,” he said in an interview to HipHollywood. “’Cause the game needs him, I need him.”

nate dogg After word of his death spread, tributes poured in on Twitter. “We lost a true legend n hip hop n rnb. One of my best friends n a brother to me since 1986 when I was a sophomore at poly high where we met,” Snoop Dogg tweeted Tuesday night. Like Snoop Dogg, Nate Dogg got his start on Death Row when he was signed to the groundbreaking label by Dr. Dre. Nate Dogg got his start singing in the local church choir. He dropped out of high school to join the Marines but after three years was dishonorably discharged. He briefly got involved with the drug trade before forming a musical group with Snoop and Warren G. It was Warren G who was credited with giving their music to Dr. Dre. Nate Dogg made his debut on Dr.

Dre’s classic album “The Chronic,” and immediately distinguished himself with a trademarked sound: a low, steady croon that came across as intimidating as the rap verses. His vocals made him one of the most sought after collaborators for rap songs. Fifty Cent, who tapped Nate Dogg for his 2003 love song “21 Questions,” tweeted Tuesday: “I wrote the chorus to 21 questions I needed nate to sing it for me. He had a way of making everything feel hard.” Nate Dogg could be heard on songs ranging from Ludacris’ “Area Codes” to Tupac Shakur’s “All About U” to Eminem’s “Shake That.” Even as times changed, and rappers came and went, he didn’t fall out of fashion. He faced several legal problems. In 1996, he was acquitted of an armed robbery charge; a jury deadlocked on another and he was not retried. In 2000, Nate Dogg was accused of trying to kidnap an ex-girlfriend, but those charges were dismissed. He pleaded no contest to gun possession and was sentenced to probation. In January of 2008, he suffered a debilitating stroke but a few months later was arrested for stalking and threatening his estranged wife. He appeared in court in a wheelchair. The charge was dropped a year later. Nate Dogg spent the last years of his life trying to rebound from his medical problems. “All dogs go to heaven ... RIP NATE DOGG,” tweeted Snoop Dogg.

Louisiana gets recognition for its food, culture, and often, terrible tragedies the cities here face; but rarely does the fashion scene shine. Well this March, Louisiana has turned a new leaf; in honor of New Orleans’ first official Fashion Week (which began this week), I will touch base on a few of the key fashion trends to look for this year that make my heart beat just a little bit faster each day. NOLA fashion week began March 16 and various events involving fashion will continue through March 26. For more information visit or #LAisthenewLA at goodnola. com. Oh, if only every week could be fashion week! Nineties Minimalism. A theme I dress to live by has crept its beautifully understated toes back into the game. Minimalism. Leaders like Calvin Klein and Micheal Kors have had heavy hands in designing woman’s wear with minimalist flare for decades. Even the late great Coco Chanel emphasized less is more in her quote “Before leaving the house, a lady should stop, look in the mirror and remove one piece of jewelry.” Now that theme is coming back heavy fold. Enough with sequins, studs and animal-print all on the same blouse. Structure, color scheme and focal pieces regulate this trend. Minimalism allows clothing to accentuate instead of define. With this trend, fit is key. Since clothing won’t be over embellished, the material itself will be more exposed. Where pieces fall on your body and how they are draped into shape will create visual sexuality and poise. Tight fitting Kim Kardashian looks take a back seat to wide mini dresses, structurally shaped skirts and sleek cut pants. It is exciting to see women embrace their sexuality while still remaining fully clothed. Accessories have a turn in the drivers seat with this trend. Heavy gold wear is inching onto the scene, and there is not another time to brake out your inner-Egyptian than when paired with a sleek turquoise mini, bold pant suit or little black dress. For all the shoe-obsessed, I’m talking wear-5-inchplusers-all-up-and-downthe-strip-anyday-of-the-week shoe lovers out there. Now is the best time to let your shoes steal the show. With relatively singular dimensioned clothing dominating this trend, leading an outfit with your feet has never been more fun.

VIEWPOINTS Friday, March 18, 2011 - Page 7

An open letter to the SU System family Dear SUS Family, SU, we are about to venture into a battle that could lead to our destruction. It is clear that Gov. Jindal and the powers that be have a thirst for blood and won’t stop until they are satisfied. Fear, disappointment, anger, sadness, and a multitude of numerous feelings weigh heavy on my heart, so much so that it pains me. This pain, however, will not defeat me nor will it destroy my resolve to protect what many have fought and died for us to inherit. We cannot be that generation to allow this to happen; we have far to many resources that our forefathers could only dream to have afforded to us at our disposal.

NORMAN DOTSON JR. We have opportunities now at our reach that were only dreams to people like my grandparents who had to fight at every step just to make it. They fought to have the bare minimum for us, who the hell are we not fight to further reach their goals. The day for us to become the soldiers on the battlefield of injustice fighting to

ensure that the future has something to call their own is upon us. This hour can be either be our finest or final our. I’d prefer this to be our finest hour. The clock is ticking now and every minute counts from this point forward. We must rid ourselves of the “reacting” mentality this second and take up an aggressive plan action. This moment in time is the most important moment in our tenure here at SU; our next moves will be crucial to the future of our institution. This will not be an easy road to travel and it cannot be traveled by only a few it will take everyone in this venture. This will be a tough battle to win but it is not impossible one. I can write

countless of these until my arms fall off but it will not be enough. The support of the Jaguar Nation which, up until now has only been a myth, is needed. This war will take a sound strategy developed by our leaders and the courage for everyone to stand behind it. The need to protect one’s own existence is reason enough to make war; extinction befalls us if nothing is done. Our idle sentiments will ultimately lead us to our graves, a future no one with pride would accept. Sincerely, Norman J. Dotson Jr., Editor-in-Chief The Southern Digest

Creating a ‘New’ Southern University I have been meeting with business and community leaders lately to gauge their sense of changes taking place at Southern University. Much to my surprise, many have the impression that things are business as usual, and that little change is taking place. The truth is that we are well down the road to creating a “new” Southern University. After two months here, we downsized the System office by 15 people, and reduced the budget by $1 million dollars. One month later, the Southern University Board of Supervisors approved “Project Positive Direction,”— an aggressive initiative to eliminate inefficiencies and reposition Southern as a 21st Century system of higher learning. New leadership was recruited in the finance and technology areas. Comprehensive System-wide program and personnel reviews are underway in those areas. Recommendations on staffing and structure will be presented to me by the end of March. The internal audit and data management functions have already been centralized. We are also reviewing and updating by-laws, policies, and procedures. Changes have already been enacted to focus the SU System board more on policy and less on day-to-day management. There is consensus that we have no room for politics,


patronage, or unprofessionalism in the new Southern. Such old habits will simply not be tolerated. Our Southern University System Foundation is also back on track. The audits are up-to-date and posted online. The Foundation has been restructured under new leadership and new Foundation board members have been recruited from a broader base. We have raised resources from business leaders who know how important our success is to the future of the state, and want to help us transition to a new model. Finally, thanks to a misleading newspaper headline, some people also are under the mistaken impression that Southern is opposed to increased admission standards. That is not true. Two years ago, the Southern Board of Supervisors, garnered headlines for accelerating the increase of standards

beyond state Board of Regents requirements. The acceleration was subject to additional faculty consultation, after which the faculty continued to resist the recommended increases. The acceleration was never implemented. However, Southern has agreed to meet LA GRAD Act requirements, and will increase admission standards in Fall 2012 according to the criteria. Financially and academically, that is the more prudent course. Ironically, that headline buried the story about the study done by the Baton Rouge Area Chamber, “Renaissance Southern,” which spoke to the value and potential of Southern UniversityBaton Rouge, and the changes needed to achieve that potential. Southern agrees with the report’s recommendations to create a more focused and more selective Southern-Baton Rouge. It is no secret that Southern’s reputation and image has suffered of late. Internal turmoil, poor management, and the accumulated inefficiencies of politics over time have taken their toll. What has been lost in the negative headlines is that, taken as a whole, Southern University serves the state well. Southern Shreveport is one of the best schools of its type in the nation, the Law School just became a member of the prestigious American Association

of Law Schools, SUNO, despite the eight percent six-year graduation rate (the average student completes in nine years), has beaten the odds and in 2010 awarded over 50 percent of the public bachelor degrees earned by African Americans in New Orleans, and the Ag Center has expanded its important statewide extension work to a new facility in Opelousas. Even Southern Baton Rouge, our most impacted campus, continues to excel in its nursing, engineering, and business programs, to name a few. Change is a process, and a course to which we are fully committed. We expect that in the near future Southern will be totally student-centered and repositioned as a lean, mean education machine, with centralized business operations, synergized academic offerings, and online degree availability. There is much work to be done, but we are moving inexorably toward a new Southern. We don’t have a choice because our students, the state, and the nation need us to perform at a higher level. I hope this letter helps people understand that we are doing all that we can to rise to the occasion. Ronald Mason Jr., J.D. President Southern University System SUBMISSIONS POLICY

The Southern DIGEST welcomes letters from readers commenting on current issues and other matters of general interest to the SU family and public. We set aside this space to publish these letters for others to enjoy. This newspaper is not responsible for individual opinions expressed on its editorial and opinion pages. The Southern DIGEST reserves the right to edit any contributions and or reject them without notification. Authors are encouraged to limit the length of submissions to 300 words. Letters should not include libelous statements. Offensive and personal attacks will not be permitted. The DIGEST will not print “open letters” addressed to someone else. All contributions must be type written, signed and must include the author’s address and phone number. Unsigned letters will not be printed. Southern University students should include their majors, hometowns and year in school. When referring to specific DIGEST articles, please include the date and title. All materials should be directed to the editor in chief of The Southern DIGEST, P.O. Box 10180, Baton Rouge, La. 70813. Materials may be delivered by hand to the DIGEST office located in Suite 1064 Harris Hall or can be e-mail to

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Staff editorials represent the opinions of the author and the majority opinion of the Southern DIGEST Student Editorial Board, which is comprised of the student staff of editors and columnists. The Southern DIGEST provides an open forum to educate, inform and enlighten the students, faculty and staff at Southern University, Baton Rouge, La.

Page 8 - Friday, March 18, 2011

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