The November 12 Issue of The Southern Digest

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glover trial begins in n.o.



Also: SU cagers hit the road. pg. 7

Big screen version a “must-see.” pg. 9

jags look to play spoiler

5 accused of covering-up murder. pg. 4

‘girls’ inspires, sparks talk

estABLished in 1928



VOL. 56, ISSUE 15

Colleges not seeing budget boost by melinda deslatte aSSOciaTed pReSS WRiTeR

photo by david k. clark iii/digest

Students from Nicholls State University protest budget cuts to the louisiana’s public colleges during the Rally for higher education. hundreds of students from across the state converged on the State capitol Wednesday to protest current higher education policy.

Students rally against cuts, Jindal

by norman j. dotson jr. digeST ediTOR-iN-chieF

Students from all over the state of Louisiana rallied together on the steps of the capitol building Wednesday afternoon to protest the cuts to higher education. The over 500student demonstration was comprised of different groups from each campus present. A representative from each group gave a few words in reference to budget cuts and their views on Governor Jindal. Southern University’s own Albert Samuels, political science professor, spoke on behalf of the SU community. “Instead of dealing with our problems the governor has been traveling around the country selling the so called ‘Louisiana Miracle,’” said Samuels. “Then he has the audacity to lecture us about leadership. We have come to deliver a message to the governor that we will not stand for that.” Samuels also added that Jindal “inherited” a budget surplus and spent it all in “record time.” He also stated that this was due to his lack

“instead of dealing with our problems the governor has been traveling around the country selling the so-called ‘louisiana miracle.’ Then he has the audacity to lecture us about leadership. We have come to deliver a message to the governor that we will not stand for that.”

Albert Samuels political science professor

of ideas, vision, and political courage. Samuels said that the state’s solution to handle this mismanagement of funding is to cut the budgets and increase the tuition on students. According to a statement released Wednesday by Jindal’s press secretary, Kyle Plotkin, “Students and taxpayers are not currently getting the value they deserve from our colleges and universities. Louisiana ranks ninth in the country for the amount of state dollars spent on higher education as a percentage of state taxes, but we have the second lowest graduation rate in the South.” Also in recent weeks through


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speeches and editorials Jindal accused leaders in higher education of whining and should learn “to do more with less.” Many students took these comments very offensively and spoke out about his accusations. “I want this to be perfectly clear, and let this go on the record, that what we are doing here today is not whining. Students standing up for what they believe in is not whining. Fighting for an education that we can afford and that is accessible is not whining,” said Brandan Bonds, a University of New Orleans international studies freshman from Baton

Rouge. “For anyone to suggest that what we are doing is whining is completely ignorant and out right disrespectful.” According to Bonds the state is taking steps in the wrong direction and that leaders have failed at funding higher education and getting much worse. He also challenged students to not give up and that nothing has ever been accomplished by “lazy people.” LSU graduate student Ariel Gratch pushed for students not to be that generation to plead quietly but be a loud voice able See student rally page 3


Public colleges won’t get any extra money from the state this year under a Jindal administration plan to use $147 million in federal education cash to offset budget cuts. Michael DiResto, a spokesman for the governor’s financial office, said Thursday that the complex plan will shuffle all the money into the upcoming 201112 budget year, to help cope with a $1.5 billion budget shortfall. Some of that $147 million will be used to stop cuts to higher education, but DiResto wouldn’t say how much. State Superintendent of Education Paul Pastorek broke the news Wednesday to local school superintendents that the federal education money won’t be used to give them a new influx of cash as they had expected, because Gov. Bobby Jindal wants to use the money to fill budget gaps. State lawmakers will have to approve the plans before they can take effect. The education money was part of a $26 billion jobs stimulus bill approved by Congress in August. Federal guidelines require districts to use the money to pay salaries and benefits for teachers, school administrators and other staff. In a series of budget maneuvers, DiResto said the plan involves putting the $147 million into the state funding formula for local school districts to meet federal requirements for spending, but then removing the same amount of state general fund money to pay for other items. At least $68 million must be used to pay for higher education or Louisiana wouldn’t meet the federal education funding criteria to even draw down the $147 million, DiResto said. But then another $68 million in college’s self-generated dollars, like tuition and fees, will be held from this year and rolled into next year’s budget.

CAMPUS BRIEFS................2 STATE & NATION.................4  A&E.............................8 NEWS.................................3 SPORTS..............................7 VIEWPOINTS....................11


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L A .

CAMPUS BRIEFS Page 2 - Friday, November 12, 2010


mostly sunny HI - 79° / LO - 55° 10% CHANCE OF RAIN

Campus Briefs TODAY live teXt subscription codes

All first time freshmen and transfer students (summer and fall 2010) should immediately secure their LiveText subscription code. Subscription codes are available 10:00am12:00 noon and 2:00pm4:00pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays in Room 155, W.W. Stewart Hall. The last day codes will be issued is Tuesday, November 23, 2010. classic tickets available

The Southern University Ticket Office announced tickets for the State Farm Bayou Classic are still available for SU students, faculty and staff and SU System personnel. Student discounts are $20. All other tickets range from $15 to $50. Tickets can be purchased at the SU Ticket Office at 7722 Scenic Highway from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday-Friday. 1st semester Freshman scholarship

Scholarship open to all first-semester freshmen majoring in accounting and finance. Applicants must have a 22 ACT score, 3.0 GPA, good problem solving and computer skills. There is an essay required. Contact Ms. Toni Jackson in Room 235 B in T.T. Allain Hall via phone 225.771.5883 or via e-mail toni_jackson@ for an application and further details. Food and nutrition eXperts needed

The Dietetics Program


scattered t-storms

HI - 76°/ LO - 58° 40% CHANCE OF RAIN

is looking for male and female students who can become food and nutrition experts to work in healthcare settings, the food industry, sports nutrition, corporate wellness programs, and in the hospitality industry. Learn more about scholarship and career opportunities in 109 E Pinkie Thift Hall or call 225.771.4660. Food product developers and entrepreneurial eXperts needed

The Food Management/ Culinary Management emphasis prepares students for an exciting and challenging career in the nation’s largest business: food. Graduates assume a variety of careers in the food industry as research chefs or product developers or in food systems management as managers in the expanding hospitality industry. For more information come by Room 109 E in Pinkie Thrift Hall or call 225.771.4660. mumFord stadium notice

Gate No. 3 at A.W. Mumford Stadium will be closed for the remainder of Southern University home football games. Students will only be able to enter through Gate No. 6. give ‘til it h.u.r.t.s. Food drive

The SUBR League of BEEP Associates in partnership with College of Business will have canned food drive. Donations can be brought to the College of Business in Room 234. Drive ends Nov.



scattered t-storms

scattered t-storms

HI - 71° / LO - 51° 50% CHANCE OF RAIN

HI - 68° / LO - 40° 40% CHANCE OF RAIN

19. For more information contact Ms. Toni Jackson at 225.771.5883 or via e-mail at toni_jackson@ or Room 235 B in T.T. Allain.

have innovative ways you think we can reduce our budget and save money, can think of creative ways we can increase our enrollment and raise tuition rate. We want to hear from you SU! Tuesday November 16, 2010 at 6 join beep A leadership and p.m. in the School of Nursing professional development Auditorium. organization open to all NOVEMBER 17 majors campus-wide. Meetings are held every Tuesday at 11 a.m. in career aWareness and Room 222 of T.T. Allain. planning seminar (caps) Contact the BEEP advisor Nov. 17-19, A twoat or day event filled with 225.771.5883 for more career planning exercises, information. workshops, counseling and lectures that emphasize NOVEMBER 14 the selection of realistic career choices, the charting of career paths, resume’ Worship service at preparation, development of camphor memorial Camphor Memorial good interviewing skills and United Methodist Church life skills. Open to all majors. will hold their Re- Contact Ms. Toni Jackson at Consecration-Dedication or worship service on the stop by Room 235B in T.T morning of Sunday Allain Hall. November 14, 2010, at DECEMBER 7 10:55 a.m. The Service will feature guest speaker Dr. Donald C. Cottrill, regalia pick-up Provost, Director of Fall 2010 Graduates and Connectional Ministries. Faculty will be able to pick Come and be a part of this their Regalia December 7th celebration. and 8th from 9am to 4pm The church is located at in the Southern University 8742 Scenic Highway. Bookstore. If you have not ordered your Regalia please do so immediately. If you NOVEMBER 16 have any questions contact the bookstore at 771-4330. toWn hall meeting

S.O.L.A., S.G.A, The Chancellor’s Office, Office of Ombuds, and Academic and Student Affairs presents: SU Now and Forever: The Chancellor/ SGA President’s Town Hall Meeting. You are cordially invited…If you are concerned about the future of this institution,

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Friday, November 12, 2010 - Page 3

SGA breezes through loaded agenda Four bills; four resolutions discussed and passed By evan taylor digest online manager

photo by norman j. dotson jr./digest

Brandan Bond declares that the student effort to protect higher education is not “whining” as Jindal has stated in recent weeks. Bond is a freshman international studies major at UNO from Baton Rouge.

student rally from page 1 to “shake the foundation” of the building before them. Gratch told the crowd of experiences in higher education and what it meant not only to him but for the people coming behind him. Higher education has taken a large portion of the budget cuts in Louisiana over the past two years and more are to be expected for the future. Here at SU the budget has been slashed by approximately $18 million in this span and another $15 million should be expected in the next year. Jindal was not present for the Wednesday demonstration due to him being in north Louisiana on his “Building a Better Louisiana for Our Children” tour. Many students came armed with signs taking jabs at the Governor’s apparent attitude towards higher education. One sign stated “Jindil fundz my edukashon” poking fun at the effects these cuts could have on someone’s intellect. Another sign contained a philosophical quote about education, “It is only the ignorant who despise education.” All the universities in attendance had a great number of students come out and support the effort. The collective are now referring to themselves as the “Education NOW!” coalition which consists of SU, Grambling, LSU, UNO, ULL, Southeastern Louisiana University, and Nicholls State University.

Student Government Association senators addressed issues from organizational funding to emergency preparedness. The agenda included the treasurer’s report, executive report, committee reports, and the presentation of four bills and four resolutions. Demetrius Sumner, SGA President shared the executive report. Sumner said, “We want to give the opportunity to students to apply for executive positions in SGA. A committee including myself, the vice president, the outgoing chief of staff Koi Lomas who is graduating in the spring, and my executive secretary will be hosting the interviews.” Sumner briefly discussed the joint body summit that will include the system president along with other officials and administrators. “I’ve started a joint body summit to discuss how we are going to move the university forward. I’ve seen for a little while now that Southern for the last ten to fifteen years has been stuck in a rut, and it hasn’t moved forward. I bring together all of the entities of this university to discuss how we are going to jumpstart it here at Southern University; how we are going to get things started again,” said Sumner. Sumner described the program guests and what the joint body summit will be about hoping to gain valuable information to move the university forward beyond budget cuts, etc. “Including in that session will be the Chancellor and Provost, all the vice chancellors and student leadership, myself, Kye, Men’s Fed and AWS presidents. The system president cancelled his out of state trip so he could be here for

photo by trevor james/digest

Student Sentate members view notes during Thursday’s meeting. The Student Senate passed four resolutions on various topics during the meeting.

that joint body summit. So we will have all of the leadership from the System President on down here so we can finally start talking about the issues, continued Sumner. This will follow the Town Hall meeting on the November 16th. Myeisha Webb, Senate President Pro-Tempore presented the Finance committee update. “We are going to be more discretionary towards organizational funds,” said Webb. Chardonnay Spears presented the update for the Student Affairs committee and discussed the preparations to be made for the grievance forum to come. Both the SU police ticketing resolution and Emergency center restoration resolution passed. The ticketing resolution reads, “Southern University Police Department and Traffic Officers shall only issue tickets to improperly parked vehicles between the hours of 7:30am and 4:00pm on weekdays (Monday-Friday).” Both resolutions will be incorporated into law after

the signature of the Student Government President. Also an emergency center resolution was brought before the senate. The emergency center resolution reads, “The maintenance department of Southern University Agricultural and Mechanical College at Baton Rouge shall restore the Emergency Centers around campus to fully functioning and operating.” The senate released that there will be a grievance forum held on November 22nd in the Cotillion Ballroom at 7pm hosted by the Student Affairs Committee. The Forum will include the heads of each committee and include an update on committee business and accomplishments. The senate granted funds to the Mental Health Society while tabling book vouchers to student affairs committee. Student Senate meetings are held every first and fourth Thursdays of each month.

Page 4 - Friday, November 12, 2010


Friday, November 12, 2010 - Page 5

Glover trial opens

Handling of oil spill questioned By dina cappiello the associated press

By michael kunzelman the associated press

NEW ORLEANS — The chaotic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina offers no excuse for the actions of five current or former police officers being tried in the fatal police shooting of a man whose burned body was found in a car in September 2005, a federal prosecutor told jurors Wednesday. In her opening statement, Assistant U.S. Attorney Tracey Knight said Lt. Dwayne Scheuermann and Officer Gregory McRae burned the body of Henry Glover to destroy evidence in the shooting death of the 31-year-old man days after the hurricane devastated New Orleans. Knight also accused former Lt. Robert Italiano and Lt. Travis McCabe of falsifying a report to make it appear as if a former officer, David Warren, was justified in shooting Glover. Knight suggested that Katrina, which smashed some of the city’s levees and stranded thousands of people in the flooded city for days, emboldened the officers. “They thought no one was watching and no one would care about Henry Glover, but they were wrong,” Knight told jurors. McRae’s lawyer, Frank DeSalvo, told jurors his client was under stress from Katrina’s harsh conditions when he made a “very bad decision” to

photo by gerald herbert/AP PHOTO

Rebecca Glover, aunt of Henry Glover, who police allegedly shot and later burned his body in a car in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, talks outside the courthouse where five New Orleans police officers are on trial in New Orleans Wednesday.

toss a flare in the car and burn Glover’s body. “He didn’t fathom that he was violating anybody’s civil rights,” DeSalvo said. The Justice Department’s civil rights division has opened several probes of alleged misconduct by New Orleans police, resulting in charges this year against 20 current or former officers. Its investigation of Glover’s death is the first of those cases to be tried. Jurors heard that on Sept. 2, 2005, Warren was stationed at a strip mall when Glover and a friend drove up in a truck and Warren allegedly yelled, “Police, get out!” before he opened fire as Glover and the friend ran away. Warren’s partner, Linda Howard, testified Wednesday that Glover and his friend weren’t armed and posed no threat. She recalled asking Warren why he fired. “He said, ‘I didn’t hit him.’ I said, ‘Yes, you did,’” she said.

Howard said she was upset and crying after the shooting. “I just didn’t understand why it happened,” she said. Howard also testified that Warren had fired at a different man walking past the strip mall earlier the same day. The man wasn’t hurt and ran away. Howard said she asked Warren why he fired at the man. “I just wanted to see something. I didn’t hit him,” she recalled Warren saying. Warren’s lawyer, Julian Murray, said his client believed Glover and his friend were looters and that Glover was reaching into his waistband for a weapon when he fired a single shot from an assault rifle. “The man is not a killer,” Murray said. Patrice Glover, Henry’s sister, told jurors she rushed to her wounded brother’s side before he was driven to the school. “I thought my brother was going to the hospital and he would be all right,” said Glover,

who sobbed when a prosecutor showed her a photo of her brother wearing a blood-stained shirt in the back of the car. Warren is the only officer charged in the shooting itself. The charge he faces — deprivation of rights under color of law — carries a maximum sentence of life in prison or the death penalty, but the Justice Department has declined to seek the latter. After the shooting, a motorist stopped and took Glover, his brother, and a friend to a makeshift police headquarters, seeking help. Instead, officers allegedly ordered the three men out of the car and handcuffed and beat them while Glover’s body remained in the back seat, according to prosecutors. About an hour later, McRae and Scheuermann moved the vehicle containing Glover’s body to a levee. DeSalvo said his client wasn’t ordered to burn the car and body and didn’t tell anybody he would do it.

WASHINGTON—The oil spill that damaged the Gulf of Mexico’s reefs and wetlands is also threatening to stain the Obama administration’s reputation for relying on science to guide policy. Academics, environmentalists and federal investigators have accused the administration since the April spill of downplaying scientific findings, misrepresenting data and most recently misconstruing the opinions of experts it solicited. Meanwhile, the owner of the rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, Transocean Ltd., is renewing its argument that federal investigators are in danger of allowing the blowout preventer, a key piece of evidence, to corrode as it awaits forensic analysis. Testing had not begun as of last week, the company says, some two months after it was raised from the seafloor. The blowout preventer could be a key piece of evidence in lawsuits filed by victims, survivors and others. Transocean was responsible for maintaining it while it was being used on BP’s well. Investigators agreed to flush the control pods with fluid on Sept. 27 to prevent corrosion. But a Transocean lawyer wrote in his Nov. 3 letter that there have been no further preservation steps on the blowout preventer since then. The latest complaint from scientists comes in a report by the See bp spill page 6

AWOL soldier returns on Veterans Day By kristin m. hall the associated press


AWOL soldier Jeff Hanks wipes away tears as he speaks about how PTSD has affected his family Thursday In Oak Grove, Ky., across from the Fort Campbell Army post where he is assigned. Hanks said he walked away from the Army in the middle of a deployment to Afghanistan because his problems with anxiety and stress from combat have been ignored.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — AWOL soldier Jeff Hanks said he walked away from the Army in the middle of a deployment to Afghanistan because his problems with anxiety and stress from combat have been ignored. On Veterans Day, he returned to face the consequences. The 30-year-old Army infantryman said he has suffered post-traumatic stress disorder since his 2008 tour in Iraq. He tried to seek treatment at Fort Campbell, Ky., last month during his midtour leave from Afghanistan. He said when his commanders failed to help and told him he would have to immediately go back, he instead went home to North Carolina. The specialist could face less-than-honorable discharge or jail after turning himself in Thursday at Fort Campbell. “All I wanted was to be treated. Going AWOL is not what I wanted to do,” Hanks told reporters

outside the gates of the Army post. He choked up as he talked about how his actions might affect his daughters, ages 5 and 3. He said the older daughter pulled him aside one day and said: “You’re not as nice as you used to be.” As for turning himself in, Hanks said, “I am nervous but I’m ready to accept anything.” Hanks said in an interview before he left his home in White Lake, N.C., that he chose to return on Veterans Day because he didn’t want to exceed 30 days of being AWOL and face the more serious charge of desertion. His actions and the timing were supported by Iraq Veterans Against the War, and some members of the group were with him as he surrendered. Reporters weren’t allowed on the post as Hanks turned himself in. Hanks’ unit command has discretion over what happens now, but Hanks could face a court-martial See awol soldier page 6

Page 6 - Friday, November 12, 2010

Civil War vet honored with marker

bp spill from page 5

By bruce smith

the associated press

CHARLESTON, S.C. — Almost 100 years after his death, a black Union Civil War vet from South Carolina finally has a veterans marker on his grave. The white gravestone for Henry Benjamin Noisette was dedicated Thursday during a Veterans Day ceremony at a small black cemetery near an interstate. Veterans are entitled to such markers provided by the government. But Noisette’s military past was not discovered until recently by a researcher with the African American Historical Alliance, a nonprofit working to increase awareness of the role of blacks in the war and Reconstruction in South Carolina. Noisette escaped slavery and joined the U.S. Navy in 1862. The Charleston native served on the USS Huron and saw action against Confederate defenses on the Stono River near Charleston and the Ogeechee River south of Savannah, Ga. The Huron captured a Confederate blockade runner, but its crew was later ravaged by fever. Noisette, suffering from debilitating arthritis, was discharged from the Navy in 1863 in Philadelphia after being transferred to the USS Princeton, the ship name that appears on his gravestone. After the war, Noisette returned to Charleston and died in 1911. During the ceremony, the colors were posted by re-enactors representing the 54th Massachusetts — the black Union regiment

photo by bruce smith/AP PHOTO

Civil War re-enactors representing the 54th Massachusetts post the colors Thursday during a ceremony dedicating a gravestone for a black Civil War veteran.

that took heavy casualties attacking the Confederate Battery Wagner on Charleston Harbor in 1863. The battle was depicted in the movie, “Glory.” Then the gravestone was unveiled by Robert and Roberta Frasier, 61-yearold twins who are Noisette’s greatgrandchildren. Citadel cadets sang the Navy Hymn to close the brief ceremony attended by about 50 people. “I’m a former history teacher so you know I’m excited,” Roberta Frasier said. “I’m really excited about getting to know who he was.’” As a child, Frasier remembers coming to

awol soldier from page 5 and jail time if convicted, Fort Campbell spokesman Rick Rzepka said. “AWOL and desertion is a self-centered act,” Rzepka said. “It doesn’t only affect the soldier, but in a time of war puts other soldiers at risk.” Hanks said he understands that his actions could be considered disrespectful to other veterans, but said the military would continue to see high rates of suicide and substance abuse if it ignores soldiers’ mental health problems. “It’s funny that those people would say, ‘Why do you have to bring this up on Veterans Day?’” Hanks said. “So when is a good time to bring it up?” Hanks is a member of the 101st Airborne Division, which has been deployed numerous times to Iraq and Afghanistan. He said his PTSD dates to his 2008 deployment to Iraq. On his second day there, his vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device. He was rocked, but survived with no apparent injuries. He said he was more disturbed by seeing the aftermath of a car bomb outside his base in Balad that wounded many civilians, including a young Iraqi girl. “Ever since then, I think about her all the time,” he said. “I have had a lot of bad dreams, just reliving it.” During his leave from his most recent deployment to Afghanistan, his family urged him to get help, but he told them he wanted to wait until he finished his deployment. As he was saying goodbye to his wife in the airport, a loud noise set off a panic attack and he had to be treated at an emergency room.

He returned to Fort Campbell to seek behavioral health treatment, but when he was referred for a meeting with a therapist, he said he was told by his commanders that they wanted him medically cleared to return to Afghanistan the next day. He spoke to a therapist for less than two minutes and was instructed to get marriage counseling when he came back. Fort Campbell officials would not discuss the specifics of Hanks’ case because of privacy rules. Medical staff base their recommendations for deployment on the soldiers’ conditions and their ability to perform duties safely, said Laura Boyd, a spokeswoman for Fort Campbell’s Blanchfield Army Community Hospital. But unit commanders ultimately make the decision regarding whether a soldier deploys, she said. The stress has unsettled his marriage and his relationship with his children, Hanks said. “I found her and my daughters to be overwhelming,” he said. “I just thought, ‘I don’t want to deal with this.’” He said he thought about seeking treatment when he returned from Iraq but was concerned about how his fellow soldiers would react. “Once you seek it, you’re kind of an outcast,” he said. “They will ridicule you.” Hanks deployed to Afghanistan in May. He said he showed signs of a concussion and still suffers headaches after a mortar landed near him in August and he can’t forget the sound of wounded soldiers screaming in agony as they waited for a medical evacuation.

the Friendly Charitable Association Cemetery to clear away weeds from the graves. She knew Noisette was buried in the family plot but, until now, he never had a headstone in the small cemetery that he helped start. At the time, while blacks and whites could attend church together, but could not be buried in the same graveyard, Frasier said. Frasier she never knew anything about Noisette’s military service until recently. In recent years, the African American Historical Alliance has recovered the lost histories of several blacks from the area who fought for the Union.

Interior Department’s inspector general, which concluded that the White House edited a drilling safety report in a way that made it falsely appear that scientists and experts supported the administration’s six-month ban on new deep-water drilling. The AP obtained the report early Wednesday. The inspector general said the editing changes by the White House resulted “in the implication that the moratorium recommendation had been peer reviewed.” But it hadn’t been. Outside scientists were asked only to review new safety measures for offshore drilling. “There are really only a few people that know what they are talking about” on offshore drilling,” said Ford Brett, managing director of Petroskills, a Tulsa, Okla.-based petroleum training organization. “The people who make this policy do not ... so don’t misrepresent me and use me for cover,” said Brett, one of seven experts who reviewed the report. Last month, staff for the presidential oil spill commission said that the White House’s budget office delayed publication of a scientific report that forecast how much oil could reach the Gulf’s shores. Federal scientists initially used a volume of oil that did not account for the administration’s various cleanup efforts, but the government ultimately cited smaller amounts of oil.


Friday, November, 12, 2010 - Page 7

Jaguars open season in Texas digest NeWs service

The defending Southwestern Athletic Conference champion opens its 2010-11 near the beach in southern Texas this weekend, but this trip does not include making sand castles and fun in the sun. Southern kicks off its season in the two day Islander Tip-Off at Texas A&M-Corpus Christi. The Jags open play tonight with a 5 p.m. date against nationallyranked Iowa, followed by a Saturday game against either Sun Belt member Arkansas State or host TAMU-CC, a member of the Southland Conference. The Jags warmed up for the opener with a 76-48 exhibition win over Southern-New Orleans Monday at the F.G. Clark Activity Center. Southern shook off an 11for-36 (30.6 percent) shooting performance in the first half, going 19-of-29 (65.6 percent) from the field to pull away in the second half. SU forced 30 turnovers, and outscored the Lady Knights 35-

16 on points off turnovers. SU also outscored SUNO 36-18 in the paint, and 42-12 in bench points. “Execution,” said assistant coach Carlos Funchess. “ They’re going to make mistakes, but as long as they’re going hard and trying to execute, that’s the two things we look for.” Hannah Kador scored a game-high 20 points and had eight rebounds. Jamie Floyd had eight points while Essence Hopkins, Julia Jackson and Adrian Sanders each had seven points. The Hawkeyes blew out Concordia-St. Paul 101-59 in an exhibition game last week. Iowa is picked to finish second in the Big 10 and is led by All-Big Ten performer Kachine Alexander. Iowa enters the season ranked No. 22 in the Associated Press preseason poll and No. 25 in the ESPN/USA Today preseason poll. Meanwhile, TAMU-CC is picked to finish second in the photo courtesy oF su student media SLC while Arkansas State is southern’s hannah Kador puts up a shot during monday’s exhibition picked to come in third in the against southern-New orelans. the Jaguars open the regular season Sun Belt’s Western Division. tonight against nationally-ranked iowa.

Gonzaga first up for SU digest NeWs service

The Southern men’s basketball team literally opens its 2010-11 in the dog house tonight. The Jaguars travel to Spokane, Wash., to take on the No. 12ranked Gonzaga Bulldogs at the McCarthey Athletic Center, also known as The Kennel. Tip-off is 8 p.m. Central Time. Fox Sports Northwest, which is available in the sports tier of most satellite providers, will broadcast the game. The Jaguars enter the season with a revamped roster that features six returnees and eight newcomers. Southern finished 5-25 last season, the worst winloss record in school history and the Jags’ fourth-straight losing campaign. Southern will be tested by an experienced Gonzaga squad that returns four players that averaged double figures, including seven-footer Robert Sacre, the son of athletics director Greg LeFleur.

Page 8 - Friday, November 12, 2010

SU hopes to play spoiler By morris dillard digest SPORTS writer

Southern head football coach Stump Mitchell said earlier this week “discipline” remains as the course for the next two weeks before the end of the 2010 schedule. “We’ve been having too many penalties this year. It has not been our opponents that have defeated us, in our opinion we’ve defeated ourselves,” he said. Mitchell told reporters Tuesday about the lesson his team should’ve learned about penalties after Saturday’s 54-7 loss to Texas Southern. “There is no way you can win football games when you’re averaging 120 yards a game (in penalties),” he said. “Hopefully our guys have learned from that, the importance of doing what you’re suppose to do.” SU (2-7, 1-6) leads the nation with 114.9 penalty yards per game. When asked about the shocking 2-7 record and victory margins, Mitchell said it’s shocking how some of them have been as wide and some of them were as close. “Even though we may have

guys that are not as big as the opponents that we have been playing, we are talented enough to win the ball games.” Mitchell commented of inheriting the program after the departure of previous head coach Pete Richardson. “This is my team. These are my players,” he said. “My number one thing is for these guys to be disciplined. That’s photo by Trevor James/digest the bottom line.” Realistically, SU is out of Southern’s Isaiah Nelson outruns Texas Southern’s Curtis Thomas for the Jaguars’ only score in last 54-7 drubbing. The Jaguars entertain SWAC East frontrunner Alabama State Saturday in Southern’s the race and on a four-game week’s home finale. losing streak, with two games remaining against Alabama ASU has won three straight State (6-3, 5-3) in Saturday’s experiences they will have, over and rushes better is going home finale and Grambling getting to play in front of all to be the team that is going to games heading into Saturday’s contest. State (8-2, 7-1) at the Bayou these people—because I know win the game. Athletes to be honored But the magnitude of it, we that’s important to them—and Classic Nov. 28. have to tell them- we have during the senior day pre“It always a treat to come to Southern gives us that.” If Alabama State wins this to over tell them- we have to game festivities include: Southern,” said Alabama State WR Curry Allen, RB week (coming off of a spirited post it up in their lockers, in head coach Reggie Barlow. “The history and the win against Jackson State the cafeteria; so were going Gary Hollimon, FB Carlton tradition of their program; (6-3, 4-3) and Prarie View to let them know it’s a big Byrum, LB Gary Chatman, when you look at all of the (5-4, 4-3) defeats Jackson this game for an opportunity to C Ramon Chinyoung, LB HBCUs, I’m not sure if any week, Alabama State would represent the East for in the Andre Coleman, WR Corey one travels as well as they do. have clinched a championship championship game, then Cushingberry, CB Marcus hey, you have to take care of Doss, P Josh Duran, WR They have some really… birth. “We have to let them know your business and it’s our job Corderious Gregory, FS Jason really committed fans and they’re always loud. The Jag how important it is,” Barlow to make sure these guys know House, DE Jordan Miller, WR Isaiah Nelson, WR Jeremy Nation, its just always a nice said about his chances to that.” SU’s last four-game losing Paul, LB Sir Edward Staten, play for the SWAC title, “in college atmosphere.” “When you recruit these the sense of it’s just a game streak was 1994, during Pete G Roddrell Stewart, FS young men,” Barlow said, “you because he team that tackles Richardson’s second season Anthony Wells and DT Steven Williams. tell them about all of these better, doesn’t turn the ball as head coach.

Comegy fined $1K, benched for UAPB game digest news service

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — Jackson State University head football coach Rick Comegy has been suspended for one game and fined $1,000 for violating the Southwestern Athletic Conference’s sportsmanship policy following the Tigers’ game at Alabama State last week. Comegy will miss the Tigers’ Saturday game against Arkansas-Pine Bluff. Coach Comegy’s comments and actions following the contest violated SWAC policy which prohibits coaches, student-athletes, and administrators from making “Inappropr iate/derogator y comments to the media about officials, coaches, studentathletes and administrators (or designee).” SWAC Commissioner Duer Sharp said, “While the Conference office understands that Coach Comegy was leaving the field after a very competitive game and that emotional outbursts sometimes occur, the Conference office cannot

condone this type of behavior. The integrity of Southwestern Athletic Conference is something we cannot compromise.” The Southwestern Athletic Conference holds its coaches, student-athletes and administrators to the highest standards, and we expect them to conduct themselves in a way which brings credibility and professionalism to the Conference. Jackson State is currently 6-3 overall, and tied for second in the SWAC’s Eastern Division with Alcorn State with a 4-3 conference record.Alabama State (6-3, 5-3) defeated JSU 32-30 in Montgomery, Ala., last week.

arts & entertainment

Friday, November 12, 2010 - Page 11

“For Colored Girls” inspires, sparks talk By evan taylor digest online manager

Whether you are a woman or a man; colored or not, “For Colored Girls” inspires the ability to overcome personal and professional situations. “A must see movie for every race due to the fact that all the issues in the movie apply to all cultures,” said Ashley Payne, a senior biology major from Dallas. Tyler Perry and Lionsgate were able to visually present a poetic and serious story of women and the forces and situations they face. “The movie was very well organized and directed. The best part of the movie was the color theme with each character,” said Mia Crawford, SU grad student. The movie, “For Colored Girls” was strong and touching. It demands an audience’s attention and emotional response. It provokes thought and understanding. It was powerful and symbolic from beginning to end. The movie is based on the book, “For Colored Girls who have Considered Suicide when the Rainbow is Enuf” by Ntozake Shange. There are main characters who carry the movie in their words and actions.

These ladies are women of color; red, orange, brown, green, blue, yellow, white and black. The movie deterred from the original works, with input from Shange that was utilized in the script for the movie. For those who thought for colored referred to black; you will be pleasantly surprised to see that the colors mean more than black. A color for a woman is an outlook on life, a mode of thinking, and a mindset. Color is not only on the outside but, on the inside as well. Janet Jackson as Jo is the woman in red; a power and money hungry control freak. Thandie Newton as Tangie is the woman in orange; a woman all about fun. Kimberly Elise as Crystal is the woman in brown; the battered wife. Loretta Devine as Juanita is the woman in green; an educator in love. Anika Noni Rose as Yasmine is the woman in yellow; the dance teacher in the community. Whoopi Goldberg as Alice is the woman in white; a woman committed to faith. Kerry Washington as Kelly is the woman in blue; a scarred professional. Phylicia Rashad as Gilda is the woman in black; the apartment manager and overseer that connects all their lives together.

Smith, ‘Whip My Hair’ set to make music history By sam ross digest staff writer

As if being the offspring of one of Hollywood’s wealthiest couples is not enough, Willow Smith, the 9-year-old daughter of Will and Jada Pinkett-Smith, made her own mark last week with the video premiere of her hit single “Whip My Hair.” The track is kid-friendly, but has a universal appeal to it and reaches fans of various age demographics. Music industry critics are predicting Smith to make history due to the ever increasing popularity of the song and music video. If “Whip My Hair” reaches number one on the Billboard charts, Smith will be the youngest person to have a number one record. Current holders of the record are Stevie Wonder (11) and Michael Jackson (13). Smith has explained that “Whip My Hair” is not just a fun song and has a deep meaning. “[The song] means don’t be afraid to be yourself and don’t let anybody tell you that that’s wrong,” said the singer. This is perfect timing for such a positive and inspirational message given the rapid rising of teen suicide rates. The video to “Whip My Hair” debuted on BET’s “106 & Park” last Tuesday and has already garnered millions of views on YouTube. The popular song was adapted by the Muppets on “Sesame Street” with a video

mash-up entitled “I Love My Hair.” The video displays Smith as a Muppet with various hairstyles while lip-syncing the words to the sensational hit. Smith is already being compared to RocNation label mate Rihanna for her cutting edge style and her voice. The young fashionista credits Rihanna as a musical influence. A legion of high profile celebrities have praised the talented adolescent via their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Among Smith’s celebrity supporters are Solange Knowles, Ciara, Brandy, Khloe Kardashian, & Justin Bieber. In an interview Smith’s boss, Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter, had with Ryan Secrest, Carter stated, “[Willow] has an energy and enthusiasm about her music that is truly infectious. It’s rare to find an artist with such innate talent and creativity at such a young age...” He then went on to compare her to music icons Stevie Wonder and Michael Jackson, who started their careers at the age of eight, but yet managed to have universal appeal. “I believe in superstars. I believe in big records and superstars, and I think she has both,” Carter said of Smith in a recent interview with MTV News. The name of Smith’s album is still pending. Whatever she decides to name the album, she can be rest assure that it will be a huge success. Smith will be able to bring in her tenth birthday this Halloween as a hit maker and, possibly, a record breaker.

photo by quantrell colbert, lionsgate/ap photo

In this film publicity image released by Lionsgate, Janet Jackson is shown in a scene from, “For Colored Girls.”

The characters are never far from one another and there are less than four degrees of separation between the lives of all these women. The poems of the choreopoem were used with creative visuals and literary interpretations. The poems flowed from the lips of the actresses to the ears of the audience smoothly and consistently. This movie features deep symbolism and poetry from the choreopoem that translated well on to the big screen. “For Colored Girls” is all about love, unity,

and overcoming situations that are out of personal control. The movie features dance, poetry, and prose. This is a great movie for a girls night out, or a movie night between adults. This movie will leave an audience guessing all the way up until the end. The movie provokes thought and brings part of reality to theatres. The movie has relative context and dramatic interpretation. Prepare to be enlightened and touched. Pay close attention to symbolic notions towards characters.

diversions Page 10 - Friday, November, 12, 2010

The Knight Life By Keith Knight

Astro-Graph Work-related enterprises could prove to be particularly beneficial financially in the next year. The projects that are likely to be some of your best producers will have something unique and special about them. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22): Shifting conditions over which you have no control can sometimes put you at a severe disadvantage. However, these unexpected changes will now benefit you instead of work against you. Enjoy! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23Dec. 21): All your better qualities will be in evidence, but your best assets will be your sales and promotional skills. Use them well to put yourself on top of the heap. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Situations that previously produced obstacles can now generatespecialopportunities. Breathe new vitality into your work and/or whatever it is that has always brought you status and rewards. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19): Although it normally isn’t too smart to mix business and pleasure, this won’t be the case for you at this juncture. Several new business opportunities could come your way through social involvements. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20): Even if it is a bit inconvenient, try to work on and complete something that you’ve been anxious to finish. This can be a fortunate day for you, and things might not be as good tomorrow. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Something that you’ve been working toward but haven’t been able to produce as

By Bernice Bede Osol

yet could be showing signs manifesting. Stay on top of your game, success is a lot closer than you think. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Whether we like it or not, our reputations, integrity and credibility are all judged by how well we handle our finances. It behooves you to take special care to do your best. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Success is indicated in activities you take special care to manage. Don’t dilute your effectiveness by delegating some of your jobs to others who can’t do them as well as you can. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Greater possibilities for gains are indicated, if you utilize several channels that you usually don’t employ. Rather than going through your regular sources, try something new. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Two unassociated individuals who have proven to be fortunate for you in the past are likely to cross your path again. The circumstances could be somewhat different, but the results will be just the same. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Far more opportunities than usual exist concerning your work or career. One of two unexpected breaks could even come through some contacts that have powerful affiliations. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): You should do well today in activities that possess friendly elements of competition, so don’t hesitate to participate in one or two when urged to do so. You may even outshine someone who usually wins.

ACROSS 1 Farm animal 4 Mattress extra 7 PBS relative 10 Flair for music 11 Great Barrier — 13 Auel’s heroine 14 Frat letter 15 Willy or Shamu 16 Secluded valley 17 Hobgoblins 19 Freeway 20 Spider’s quarters 21 Flow 23 Horrid-tasting 26 Debate topic 28 Move side to side 29 Environmental prefix 30 Consummate 34 Golfer Sam 36 Term of endearment 38 Cold War org. 39 Copier brand 41 Turns right 42 Lobster exporter 44 Hostel 46 Short note 47 Tent dwellers 52 List detail 53 Quit flying 54 Southeast Asian 55 Bilks 56 Demolish 57 Aunts and uncles 58 Mortar trough 59 Mr. Beatty 60 Furtive DOWN 1 Dagwood’s neighbor 2 Maui neighbor 3 Hot rum drink 4 Unmanned spacecraft

5 Kind of exercise 6 Retro art style 7 Chute material 8 Beseech 9 Writer Ayn 12 Goes without food 13 Came to terms 18 Floor 22 Undoing 23 German “beetles” 24 Holm or Fleming 25 Not sm. or med. 27 London district 29 Churchill successor 31 Barely manage

32 Census info 33 UPS units 35 Principles 37 Get rusty 40 Concrete reinforcer 41 Lion’s prey 42 Ditto (2 wds.) 43 Make better 45 Renowned 46 Wisc. neighbor 48 Gusto 49 Sorts 50 Brad 51 Camera brand


Friday, November 12, 2010 - Page 11

So what’s YOUR excuse now? SPEAK OUT

Dear SU family members,

I hope my words reach you all both clearly and strongly. —Deep breath— WAKE UP! PLEASE WAKE UP! I took that “School Daze” moment because its something that I feel that these lazy and completely apathetic so-called SU family members need to do. I was happy to see on Wednesday that the steps at the Capitol building was flooded with students from all over the state rallying to preserve higher education, but I couldn’t help but think “where the hell is everyone else?” There were well over 500 students in attendance but I feel that there should have been more, seeing as two of the state’s largest universities are less than 15 minutes away from downtown. The two campuses have about 30 thousand students between them, so 500 students just don’t add up to me. Mind you, the 500 came from every nook and cranny of Louisiana. Even Grambling State made it from the middle of “no-wheres-ville” — we still got love for our fellow HBCU, but I’m just saying. If students from a school that is at least three-and-a-half hours away from here can make it then students that are at least literally up street can make it tenfold. So what’s the excuse this time? No ride? *sniffs* I smell BS, cause I know for a fact people have caught the bus to go to the

NORMAN J. DOTSON JR. mall before, so why couldn’t you do the same this time. Is it because there is no JC Penney sale at the Capitol steps or is it because you all are just plain lazy? We all find creative ways to get around town to go to a Greek party way across town, but we can’t find a ride up the street to the Capitol to fight for our school. Nor do we want to catch the bus to get there. How selfish can you be? You care so little about your university that you won’t go the extra mile to have a chance to stand up for your education – which Piyush and company are on the verge of financially and morally bankrupting — yet you can jump up and down in forums about your refund checks being late. Or you find the time to criticize the DIGEST openly in front of one of my staff members, yet lack the professional fortitude to come into the Office of Student Media and be apart of the solution instead of the problem. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe your time is well spent heckling DIGEST members from the stands at football games and hiding your face when confronted. I’d hide in shame too if I possessed that level lowly cowardice. But I highly doubt that

everyone put forth the effort to show up for dear ole SU. Now another excuse I hear is that “I have class” excuse. Come on people, we all know that we have missed class for less noble reasons i.e. the BET College Tour (which is a joke in itself to me anyway coming from a supposed black entertainment station severely lacking in the entertainment department). In no way do I condone skipping class, but I think in this situation it’s warranted. Another thing, you professors who held class in spite of this most important event are wrong as well. I know you all could have allowed students to go to this rally. Hell, it concerns you all as well. Let us not get so caught up in ourselves that we won’t allow ourselves to move forward. Don’t be so caught up in your title that you can’t see what is needed to help better your surroundings. I know its hard to see past your rank, and I’m guilty of it at times. However, I’m blessed to have people around me to check me when I do that – and checking everyone else is my job. While I’m on the subject of checking everybody, alumni, you’re next. If you spent less time down the football team’s throat and more time on the Capitol steps, I most likely wouldn’t have to write this. It seems as though you guys feel that you are above criticism, well you aren’t. Even though you have graduated and moved on to bigger things, don’t forget where you all started. If the students now are

lazy and apathetic, then you guys have failed as elder members of this family who came before us. You are just as lazy and apathetic, I dare say more so than we are. You hypocritically sit up on your high horses and tear us young folks down when you should be down up front with the rest of us showing us how its done. Instead you become enthusiasm leeches bogging down on the already low morale of today’s masses, adding on to the problem instead of being faithful guides for us. We won’t learn how to care about something outside of the Bayou Classic if that’s all we see you old buzzards crow about. So how about instead of throwing stones at us, you teach us. How about we try working together as a family, instead of operating in this abysmal generation divide that is at the root of the problem in the whole black community. I sincerely hope I angered some of you seeing that it seems to be the only proper catalyst to ignite some kind of unity in us. If any of what I said isn’t the truth then after we win this war on higher education come talk to me and set me straight. As a leader and a journalist its my duty to provoke the hearts and minds of the masses. I’ll say whatever it takes, no matter how harsh it is, to get us moving in the right direction. Find the message in the words I speak and save yourselves before it’s too late.

Sincerely Yours, Norman J. Dotson Jr.

How do you feel about the university adopting the Jaguar Blue Cards for refund checks?

BY brandi morrison Digest staff writer


“Adopting the Jaguar Blue Card isn’t really all that smart. Students do bell what they want with their refund checks. The Blue Card would not make much of a difference.”

gerrica jordan baton rouge junior social work

“I think it’s unnecessary, students should jordan have the option of how they want to receive their money.”

zippora marcell baton rouge junior animal science

“If I’ll be able to use the Jaguar Blue Card like a marcell Visa, then I’m all for it. But, if the only time I get to spend it is the bookstore, then I definitely do not want it.”

kylei thomas new orleans junior psychology

“Southern adopting the Jaguar Blue Card, to me makes thomas no sense. It was a bad decision that southern made. It also puts students in a bad predicament in regards to refund checks.” SUBMISSIONS POLICY

The Southern DIGEST welcomes letters from readers commenting on current issues and other matters of general interest to the SU family and public. We set aside this space to publish these letters for others to enjoy. This newspaper is not responsible for individual opinions expressed on its editorial and opinion pages. The Southern DIGEST reserves the right to edit any contributions and or reject them without notification. Authors are encouraged to limit the length of submissions to 300 words. Letters should not include libelous statements. Offensive and personal attacks will not be permitted. The DIGEST will not print “open letters” addressed to someone else. All contributions must be type written, signed and must include the author’s address and phone number. Unsigned letters will not be printed. Southern University students should include their majors, hometowns and year in school. When referring to specific DIGEST articles, please include the date and title. All materials should be directed to the editor in chief of The Southern DIGEST, P.O. Box 10180, Baton Rouge, La. 70813. Materials may be delivered by hand to the DIGEST office located in Suite 1064 Harris Hall or can be e-mail to

Editorial policy

Staff editorials represent the opinions of the author and the majority opinion of the Southern DIGEST Student Editorial Board, which is comprised of the student staff of editors and columnists. The Southern DIGEST provides an open forum to educate, inform and enlighten the students, faculty and staff at Southern University, Baton Rouge, La.

Page 12 - Friday, November, 12, 2010

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