The Complete October 22 Issue of The Southern Digest

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XBOX 360 version available. pg. 4

Jags entertain Prairie View. pg. 5

NCCU writer questions peers. pg. 7

bCfx game ready for masses

are tweets enough?

su in do-or-die game

estABLished in 1928



VOL. 54, ISSUE 12

Officials prepare for PV game

SU reaches $80k goal by billy washington digeST STaFF WriTer

by Mary daVis

funded by the Title III grant which is used to educational enhancement,” Ware said. He also made note that the Chancellor’s Lecture Series is one of the many opportunities Southern University has to offer and encouraged everyone to take part in the exciting experience. Nicholas Berry, the activities coordinator for the Southern University’s Men’s Federation gave the purpose. He reminded everyone of the rich history and culture at Southern University. “It is

The 19th Annual Southern University System Radio-thon was held last Friday at Citadel Broadcasting. The Radio-thon broadcast aired live for 12 hours on three stations powered by Citadel Broadcasting- KQXL 106.5 FM, WEMX 94.1 FM, and WXOK 1460 AM. “The Southern University System Foundation is extremely pleased with the support that the community has provided for this year’s Radio-thon,” said Executive Director of the SU System Foundation, Dr. Ernie T. Hughes. “We are extremely appreciative that our students, alumni, and supporters have joined together for the past 19 years to make this event a huge success, and we anticipate the continuance of this tradition for years to come.” The Jaguar Nation, both alumni and current, motivated and challenged others to contribute and the outcome was successful. Contributions and pledges varied in the amounts of $25, $50, $100, $500, and $1,000. During the closing section of the Radio-thon an estimate of $70,000 was raised and a generous donation of about $10,000 was contributed by Walter C. Dumas to reach the $80,000 goal. An estimated total of $80,500 was raised last Friday. According to Hughes, the Radio-thon’s total thus far is estimated at $82,102.00. All proceeds from the 2009 Radiothon support the “Scholars of Promise Initiatives,” which places ‘Students 1st’ in terms of scholarships, assistantships and youth programs. The Scholars of Promise Initiatives is a general scholarship fund governed by an independent advisory board composed of SU faculty and staff. In addition, the SUS Foundation has waived all fees associated with the Radiothon. “The generous contributions from thousands of alumni,

See WEST page 3

See goal page 4

digeST STaFF WriTer

After the bitter taste homecoming issues left in the mouths of some Southern University supports, the SU football team and staff are hoping it does not affect the support they will receive during the team’s next home game. The Jaguars take on Prairie View A&M at A.W. Mumford Stadium today in a nationally-televised game on ESPNU. Tickets for certain sections are available on a 2-for-1 basis while faculty and staff may purchase tickets for $11 dollars each. “The biggest problem we are going to have is rain. We would like to have the crowd as big as we can because the game is going to be on ESPNU,” Chancellor Kofi Lomotey said. “We had to do a Thursday’s game because of a contract SWAC has with ESPN. Each team has to play one Thursday night ESPNU

photo by Kenyetta M. Collins/digest

Southern University Chancellor Kofi Lomotey (center right) and Student government association President Stanley White Jr. (center left) discuss solutions for students during last week’s homecoming game.

game. It’s a five-year agreement, that we’d put it off a few years, from my understanding. This was our last year to do this.” In an effort to rectify the mishaps of Saturday’s homecoming game—which included fans that were turned away due to lack of parking spaces—officials are now offering those individuals to exchange their unused tickets for a Bayou Classic ticket. The exchange must be made by Oct.

30, or the purchaser will forfeit the offered ticket. “The people who had parking passes and didn’t get to come in, we are going to reimburse them for one-fifth of the value of their parking pass, which is equivalent to one game. We’re going to allow them to exchange their unused tickets for Bayou Classic tickets,” See oFFICIalS page 3

West challenges audience in lecture by breanna paul digeST STaFF WriTer

photo by Kenyetta M. Collins/digest

Cornel West speaks to a standing-room only audience at the SmithBrown Memorial Union’s royal Cotillion Ballroom Wednesday. West was the second speaker during this year’s edition of the Chancellor’s Lecture Series.

Students, faculty, staff and citizens of Baton Rouge and surrounding areas gathered in the Royal Cotillion Ballroom of the Smith-Brown Memorial Union on Southern University’s campus at 6pm to hear Dr. Cornel West speak as a part of the 2009 – 2010 Chancellor’s Lecture Series. Cedric Ware, the executive assistant for the Southern University Men’s Federation welcomed everyone the event. He also gave an overview of the Chancellor’s Lecture Series. “The series are


79° | 66° LOW


CAMPUS BRIEFS...............2 SPORTS..........................5 NEWS.............................3 VIEWPOINTS......................7 U N I V E R S I T Y ,


R O U G E ,

L A .

CAMPUS BRIEFS Page 2 - Thursday, October 22, 2009


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to see exciting upcoming events. Jaguar_Nation


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Campus Briefs TODAY su Karate Club

The Southern University Karate Club welcomes all persons interested in training Shotokan Karate. Training is scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays at noon at the J.B. Moore Hall Auditorium. For more information, call Edwin Walker at 771.3721 or e-mail edwin_walker@ beep Meetings

The Southern University chapter of the Black Executive Exchange Program meets Tuesdays at 11 a.m. in Room 222 of T.T. Allain Hall. BEEP is open to all majors campuswide. Center for student suCCess

Students peer tutoring is available at the Center for Student Success in Room 107 of W.W. Stewart Hall. Follow the Center for Student Success on twitter

insuranCe liCensing Courses

SU’s Division of Continuing Education and College of Business will sponsor insurance licensing courses on the Baton Rouge campus. The courses, which are open to anyone interested in becoming a licensed insurance agent, will include continuing learning classes for those who are already licensed. Registration is ongoing for the classes. The starting date for the class will be determined at the end of registration. For more information about the courses or registration, call 225.771.2613. free prograM for fathers

The SU Full Time Fathers Program offers free fatherhood sessions, job training and job placement assistance to non-custodial fathers. Other services include legal assistance, life skills, financial literacy and much more. For more information, contact the staff at 225.771.3054 or fulltimefathersprogram. Clothing driVe

The Full Time Fathers Program needs your help! Donations are being accepted for new and used men’s clothing and accessories. All sizes of business/casual attire are needed. Drop off donations in Room 307A Higgins Hall on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3




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p.m.- 5 p.m. Donations 771.4845 or go to www. will be accepted from Oct. 26 until Nov. 18. Contact the staff at 225.771.3054 for more details. soCial and behaVioral sCienCes undergraduate researCh ConferenCe

The Department of Psychology is sponsoring the 11th Annual Social and Behavioral Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference Friday, Nov. 6 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Smith-Brown Memorial Union. Students in the departments of criminal justice, economics, history, political science, psychology, rehabilitation and disability studies, sociology social work and speech pathology are encouraged to submit abstracts. For more information, contact Dr. Reginald Rackley at 225.771.2990 or e-mail cozetrichard@

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Student applications for the 2009 Honda Campus All-Star Challenge’s campus competition are being accepted now until Monday, Nov. 9 at 5 p.m. The campus tournament has been postponed until Thursday, Nov. 12 at the Smith-Brown Memorial Union. Participants in the campus competition are eligible to be selected to represent SU in the 2010 Honda Campus All-Star Challenge National Championship Tournament. For more information, contact the Honors College at



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EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Norman J. dotson Jr. COPY EDITORS Kenyetta M. Collins erica S. Johnson

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Thursday, October 22, 2009 - Page 3

New housing policies at SU by breanna paul digeST STaFF WriTer

Residential Life will have new policies effective for the Spring 2010 semester. In the past, students moved in on the second Sunday of either August, for the Fall semester or January in preparation for the Spring and then pay their fees for the semester throughout the week before classes start. Starting in the spring 2010 semester, students will had to have paid their fees before moving their belongings into the residential facility. “Students will have to show their billing statement showing that they paid for their room. The wonderful thing about that for the spring semester is that we’ve already gone through the financial aid peak. Students who were awarded financial aid for the fall were also awarded financial aid for the spring semester, as well. This should not cause many problems, because we are just rolling over charges,” stated Julie Wessinger, Interim Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. The difficulty the Department of Residential Life foresees is in the fall semester. The spring semester is some-what of the test to see what kind of problems we might have. We will see small problems now which will become monumental in the fall semester according to Wessinger. There will also be a cancellation period, in which student will be able to cancel their housing for the upcoming semester. “Students will have opportunity to cancel their housing. If a student does not cancel their housing, they must pay for that room.” Wessigner stated. Students will have until Dec. 11 to cancel their housing for the spring semester, this period used to be two weeks but with these changes it is four weeks. The move-in date is Jan. 10 and classes start on January 13.

“Students will be able leave belongings in their room, only if they have pre-registered and their fees have been paid. Only students who pay beforehand will be eligible to leave their belongings in their room,” Morris Anderson, Interim Director of Residential Life, stated. Anderson would prefer if students did not leave belongings in their room. However if they do decide to leave belongings in their room, they must be secure as much of their belongings in a chest or a closet. According to Anderson, Residential Life wants to minimize liabilities and also make it convenient for out-of-state students. “We might have to make repairs on the room. There might be renovations that need to be made and we would not want to have a laptop on the bed.” Anderson added. Residential Hall Directors will have a list of who will be eligible to leave their belongings in their room. Before fall semester checkout, the hall directors will have list of who has paid their fees. Anyone who is not on the list, will not be able to leave their belongings according to Matthew Tooley, Director of U.S. Jones Hall. Also Anderson would like to eventually use electronic confirmation. “This way is easier and more efficient. Hopefully we will have this in place for the fall 2010 semester.” This will be sent out using university email. Anderson wants both the students and his staff to be on the same page about the move-in dates and checkout policies. There will be at least two confirmations letters stating the new policies, students will sign this letter confirming that they will be residing on campus for the upcoming semester which should prevent the occurrence of any problems according to Anderson. The new policies will be posted around campus. Any questions or concerns about the new move-in policy, contact Residential Life at 225.771.3590.

oFFICIalS from page 1 Lomotey said. Athletics Director Greg LeFleur estimated 400 tickets have been sold for Thursday game, in addition to the 5,700 season pass tickets already purchased by Jaguar supporters while last weeks game had over 24,000 people in attendance. Tickets for Thursday’s game have been on sale since September. Officials are hoping that at least 10,000 fans attend the game to demonstrate the mass of support Southern has from students, alumni, and other loyal supporters. “I wish our fans would understand how critical it is that we have a good turn out tomorrow because the game’s on national television and you want to do all you can so that you can represent Southern in a positive light,” LeFleur said. “If you are on national television and the stands are empty it makes a bad statement about your school and the support we’re getting in athletics.” As a result of Thursday’s game fall break was delayed a week, in an effort to have enough parking areas for fans on game day. The results of the game will have a huge influence on the turnout of the remainder of the season. Fans attending the game will see players on the team wearing pink shoelaces and sweatbands in recognition of breast cancer awareness month. “ This game means everything for this football season. We are in a do or die situation, in terms of winning the championship. This game will determine whether we have a chance at the championship or not. We can control our own destinies if we win this game.” LeFleur said.

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WEST from page 1 our responsibility to prepare current and future generations for leadership roles,” Berry said. After the welcome and purpose, members of the 2009 – 2010 Dancing Dolls did an interpretive dance. “This is a chance to see that we are not limited to what you see on Saturday night,” a member of the Dolls said. Brian Collins, president of the Southern University Men’s Federation, introduced Dr. Cornel West. Before addressing the audience, Dr. West thanked Chancellor Kofi Lomotey for inviting him. West took time out of his book tour featuring his most recent book, “Brother West: Living and Loving Out Loud, a Memoir.” West then told the audience of his ties to Louisiana, as his parents and grandparents hail from Crowley and Alexandria. When speaking on the importance of family, he reminded the audience that we must look into yourself and say who you really are. “I am my mama’s child and my daddy’s kid,” said West. Not many people knew that Dr. West was kicked out of school in third grade. He refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. “My uncle was lynched and then wrapped in the flag,” West recalls. West credits the power of love in the West family. “They provided a positive outlook for the rage instilled in me.” At the age of 10, West heard the great Martin Luther King, Jr. speak. He compared it to going see Curtis Mayfield perform. “I could tell he was “for real,’” West said of Dr. King. “I could tell they felt that was something was bigger than their ego.” West spoke of Jim Crow laws and their negative effects on the African- American community. “Jim Crow laws are a form of American terrorism,” West said. “This made Black people feel less beautiful and

intelligent and eventually we disrespected ourselves.” Throughout his lecture, West spoke of paideia. Paideia is Greek for education and instruction. “Students go to school and are still not educated,” West said. He also called for soul transformation. “Students need to look beyond the words in the book and understand the true philosophy behind them.” Dr. West challenged each generation to “Lift Every Voice.” “People need to find their own voice and not be an echo and be original,” West said. He related this back to modern music and how some artists’ are copying from the greats such as Duke Ellington and Nina Simone. West also spoke on the rise of greed in the United States since the presidency of Ronald Reagan, even in churches. “In some churches, you see an ATM before you see a cross,” West said. He also mentioned how the election of Barack Obama has ended the era of Ronald Reagan. “The era of Barack Obama has brought on empowerment of the everyday and ordinary person.” Lastly, West talked about the national healthcare plan proposed by President Obama. “This should not even be negotiable, since it is a public option. The pharmacists and insurance companies would actually benefit from the plan,” West said. He also noted the hypocrisy of the Reagan era. “They want individuals to help themselves but they are not offered the means, due to the “rich get richer” mindset that the United States government runs by. This makes welfare seemed frowned upon,” West said. call for action, West does not want students to get wrapped into protesting, that they forget about school.” The podcast of Dr. Cornel West’s lecture will be available on

Page 4 - Thursday, October 22, 2009

file photo by wil norwood/digest

More people have the chance to play Black College Football Xperience (BCFx), like the children who played a demonstration version during last year’s Bayou Classic weekend. The game was recently released for XBOX 360 and officials associated with the game are working to develop the game for Playstation 3 and the Nintendo Wii.

BCFx makes move to XBOX By darrius harrison ego magazine editor-in-chief

Sept. 29 marked the debut of the highly anticipated Doug Williams Edition of the Black College Football Experience (BCFx), which is currently the only college football videogame to date that incorporates historical aspects of HBCU’s along with its unique culture to produce the ultimate college football experience at your fingertips. The current product has been modified from its original PC version, to “give the complete experience of a black college football experience,” said CEO and Cofounder of Nerjyzed Entertainment Jacqueline Beauchamp. “If we didn’t have the musical elements as well as the drum-line challenges, it would have not been the same type of product, and we would have not been staying true to the authenticity of what a black college football experience is all about.” HBCU legend Doug Williams was selected and is featured as the games name sake for several reasons, but none more outstanding than being the first AfricanAmerican to lead a team to the Super Bowl, win the game… while gaining 340 yards and throwing 4 touchdown passes for Super Bowl XXII MVP honors. “I am a trooper for black colleges,” said Williams; “for Jackie to come to me when there are lots of other guys out there, it speaks volumes. I had the opportunity to visit the studio and when you walk into the studio you automatically realize that this is real,” said Williams. “Regardless of the notoriety and visibility, when something like that comes, to me, it’s a tribute to the individual.” When Williams described the most memorable venues of his career, NFL arenas and professional coliseums were not what he remembered most. “It’s not big coliseums, it’s [college] stadiums that have that home feeling to them; knowing all of your cousins and aunts are in the stadium… that family reunion type atmosphere; it just brought back memories. It was always good to play in Dallas against Prairie View or in Veterans Memorial Stadium against Jackson State.

When we played Houston, we played in the Astrodome… in the Superdome for the Bayou Classic,” he remembered. “First of all,” said Williams when asked about his hand in authenticating the new product, “I had a hand in putting formations and plays together from my standpoint because I had the opportunity to play at a historically black college and play in the venues. It is those aspects such as the customized stadium, accurate halftime performances, unique drumline challenges and Williams’ expertise in play generation that authenticates this videogame and makes the experience unique and different from the popular EA Sports games. “Everyone wants the opportunity to experience their history,” said Beauchamp, to be able to experience their schools and institution; now we have a platform that they can do that. “When we began the process of losing our voice, our legacy, we began, slowly but sure, we began losing our history.” Due to popular demand in the previous PC version of BCFx, Beauchamp and her team developed a process and time frame of getting their vision to a new platform [XBOX 360]. “People wanted it,” said Beauchamp, “they wanted it for the PC and on a console.” Currently the team is designing the software for the Playstation 3 and possibly Wii platforms. The demand for the innovative product is evident; people are starting to respond to the new style of gaming. “People are loving it,” said Beauchamp. “They love the football aspect of it, they love the historical aspect of it.” “They can even go into a virtual museum and find out so much about these institutions and when they get to the music experience,” she said. “We’ve had a number of alums that when you play certain songs, especially former dancing alums, they literally start dancing to the song and doing old routines.” BCFx is now available at most retail stores. “It makes you feel very good to know that even thought it was a lot of extended time put into this to keep the authenticity aspects of it at the level that we wanted, I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.”

goal from page 1 friends and community organizations during this annual initiative will provide the University with the necessary fuel to continue moving forward — transitioning the University and our students to new heights of educational excellence,” said SU System President, Dr. Kassie Freeman. Donations and pledges to this year’s Radio-thon can still be made until Friday, October 23, 2009 by logging on to and clicking on the SU Foundation link or by contacting the SU Foundation Office at 225.771.3911.



Thursday, October 22, 2009 - Page 5

Southern, Prairie View lock horns in key SWAC contest By LARRy yOUNG




he last four days following Southern’s 55-23 win over Division II Fort Valley State have brought lots of talk proclaiming the Jaguars’ 6:30 p.m. clash with Prairie View as the biggest game in Panther history. That’s not the case according to Prairie View coach Henry Frazier III. “They are all big stages,” Frazier said of playing Southern on ESPNU. “I haven’t been on a little stage yet. Sure, the Panthers (5-1, 3-0) are on a three-game winning streak and in sole possession of first place in the Southwestern Athletic Conference Western Division. Sure, the game will have heavy implications on how the West will be decided. But make no mistake about it, this game is more important to Southern (42, 1-1) who trails not only Prairie View, but Arkansas-Pine Bluff and Grambling in the West standings. The fact that SU has to win out to have a chance at playing in the SWAC Championship game gives tonight’s showdown all the makings of a big game. Not the fact that PV is undefeated. “It’s a do or die situation for us,” SU coach Pete Richardson said. “Our players understand we have to come out on top. It’s a long avenue if we come up short on Thursday night.” Home field and history are two assets SU has in its favor. Since 1963 PV has not won a game in Mumford Stadium. In their last visit in 2007, the Panthers came within a goal line stop of a victory. “It’s going to be a big challenge for our defense on the road, on a short week,” Frazier said. Then there is the belief that Prairie View is still not a legitimate player in the SWAC West running. “We’ve had to fight and claw for everything because there is still this stigma out there it’s hard to believe that Prairie View is winning,” Frazier said. “Some people can’t fathom the fact that

EaSTErN dIVISION Alcorn St. Alabama A&M Miss. Valley jackson St. Alabama St.

SWAC 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 0 3

Overall 2 3 4 3 2 4 1 5 3 3

WESTErN dIVISION prairie View Ark.-pine Bluff Grambling St. Southern Tex. Southern

SWAC 3 0 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Overall 4 1 3 2 4 3 4 2 2 4

Last Week’s results Southern 55, Ft. Valley St. 23 Grambling St. 23, Alabama St. 12 Alcorn St. 34, Alabama A&M 16 prairie View 38, Miss. Valley 0 Tex. Southern 19, jackson St. 17 Ark.-Pine Bluff—idle This Week’s Games prairie View at Southern (Thurs.)* Alcorn St. at Alabama St., 1 pm* jackson St. at Miss. Valley, 1 pm* E. Waters at Ark.-pine Bluff, 2:30 pm Grambling St., Tex. Southern—idle *—denotes SWaC game

photo by John posey/urban sports neWs

prairie View running back Donald Babers breaks free of Grambling State’s Derrick Wilhite during the State Fair Classic earlier this season. Babers will look to break free of Southern defenders in tonight’s key SWAC Western Division tilt.

Prairie View is winning. At the end of the day, we have to go in and take the victory.” Judging by the numbers, there is no way there should be a stigma that Prairie View is anything like the Prairie View of old. After putting together consecutive winning seasons (7-3 in ’07 and 9-1 in ’09), the Panthers rank third in scoring offense (26.4 points per game), fifth in

total offense (331 yards per game) and third in total defense (280.2 yards per game). And first year quarterback KJ Black, averaging 215.2 per game, trials only Bryant Lee in average passing yards. However, Black leads the conference in pass efficiency, hitting on 72.9 percent of his passes. He also earned his third consecutive

SWAC player of the week nomination after throwing for 235 yards and three touchdowns in the Panthers’ 38-0 homecoming win over Mississippi Valley. “Black is razor sharp right now,” Frazier said. “Everyone is throwing everything at him—blitz’s, zones— and he’s making correct decisions. He’s seeing it before it happens.” But this will be Black’s first game against Southern. The last three games between the two have been tight, decided by a total of 14 points. This game has all the makings of the same as Southern is a See DO-OR-DIE page 6

Page 6 - Thursday, October 22, 2009

Jaguars clobber FVSU

Errors doom ‘Cats By LARRY YOUNG

digest Sports EDITOR

By morris dillard digest SPORTS writer

photo by april buffington/digest

With thousands of family, friends, and alumni gathering together on the bluff to enjoy all of the homecoming affairs, the Southern University football team unwrapped a package of excitement as a gift for those on hand. Known as the Wildcat formation to many college and professional football fans, SU unfolded the “jaguar package” as a new rushing attack for opposing defenses to strategize against. Reserve quarterback turned running back Gary Hollimon was the first Jaguar to get a taste of the new package with a 67 yard touchdown run as his longest rush of his career. Hollimon added a 24 yard touchdown with 1:37 remaining in the first half. “He has shown that he can make plays with his legs,” said offensive coordinator Mark Orlando. “We needed a twist in our running game and he gives us a lot of ability to take that package and expand it because he can throw the ball to.” Hollimon ran for 115 yards and two touchdowns in a 55-23 victory against Fort Valley State

Southern cornerback Tim Berry (22) locks down on Fort Valley State’s Darius Williams during last week’s game. Berry performance earned him SWAC newcomer of the week honors for the second time this season.

Saturday night. “The coaches had given me a chance to show my ability,” Hollimon said after the game. With a short week ahead, Southern (4-2, 1-1) prepares to collide with Prairie View in front of a national television audience, Thursday at 6:30 on ESPNU. Still, SU has to polish up an offense that has slowly moved the chains during the last two weeks of football. For instance, Fort Valley had a slight advantage over SU at halftime in total yards (200151) passing yards (113-40) and third down conversions (5-of-11 for FVSU; 1-of-6 for SU). FVSU applied tremendous pressure on Lee throughout the first half, allowing 40 yards on 3-of-12 passing, an interception, and two sacks. However, Lee was able to capitalize on the miscues of FVSU with 192 yards passing yards and three touchdowns, including two fourth quarter


PINE BLUFF, Ark.—The Southern University Lady Jaguars soccer team were defeated by the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff 4-0. The lost drops SU to 0-2 in the Southwestern Athletic Conference and last place in the Western Division. Nakesha Rolle and Raven White posted the two goals Southern (1-11, 0-2) recorded in the contest. Goalie D’Nae Capron, who is currently ranked fifth in the conference in saves, allowed four goals and finished the match with four saves. The Lady Jags travel to Huntsville, Ala., and Montgomery, Ala., this weekend for their final road contests of the regular season. SU will face Alabama A&M on Friday and challenge Alabama State University on Sunday.

DO-OR-DIE from page 5 team with its back against the wall. “It’s been tight since Frazier was hired there,” Richardson said. “He’s a conscience young coach and he’s right there in the Houston area. They have some outstanding high school football programs there. It was just a matter of time.” No matter if some are reluctant to believe in the turnaround Frazier has spearheaded at PV, opposing coach’s see clearly. Needless to say, confidence is there. “That’s what you come to college for,” Frazier said. “You want the big stage. You want the crowd.”

get online @

touchdown passes to Juamorris Stewart, who managed to get open in the FVSU secondary for five catches and 123 yards. The SU defense anchored the progression of its offense with six interceptions in the first half. FVSU managed to move the ball into SU territory but threw consecutive interceptions that halted their drive including a 34-yard interception return for a touchdown by Andre Coleman for a 28-10 halftime lead. Jason House started the sequence of interceptions with 3:32 remaining in the first quarter. House is tied for third in the nation with five interceptions on the season. Timothy Berry joined the party with two interceptions including an interception in the end zone that brought closure to a promising FVSU scoring drive with 7:18 remaining in the second quarter. “I thought were able to capitalize on a few opportunities,” said Richardson.

Fort Valley State ripped off 10 unanswered points to lead 10-7 with 6:53 left in the second quarter. The Wildcats had just forced Southern into a punt following a three-and-out. They had the ball and the lead as the Jaguar Nation watched silently. The Wildcats (5-3) had driven to the Southern (4-2) 15-yard line and were threatening to score. Sure to come away with seven points, the Wildcats looked to penetrate the end zone. On first down running back Brandon Anderson ripped off a four yard run. On second down, quarterback Nathaniel Samas took the snap out of the shotgun and spotted a receiver running free in the end zone. Then, just like that, everything changed. And Tim Berry’s newcomer of the week award was won as he intercepted Samas, putting an end to the Wildcats’ scoring threat. “We had it going,” said Samas of his team’s momentum. “There were just too many turnovers. Four interceptions won’t cut it.” The interception, coming at such a crucial point in the first half, led to Samas getting pulled in favor of Terrance Ransom. In six first half drives, Samas led the Wildcats to 10 points but tossed three interceptions. But Ransom failed to play any better. Ransom’s first drive ended in a three-and-out. Then, in his send drive, Ransom’s first pass attempt was intercepted. Six plays later, Samas’ fourth

first half interception was returned for a TD by Andre Coleman. At that point SU led 28-10, scoring 18 unanswered points. “Anytime you turn the ball over you’re going to be in trouble,” FVSU coach Donald Pittman said. “We got ourselves in trouble. “We moved the ball but turned it over. Those interceptions changed the whole momentum of the game. That was the turning point.” Early in the third quarter there was a glimpse of hope the Wildcats could get back into the game. On their first drive, Samas led the team 64 yards as Anderson scored from three yards out on third-and-goal, bringing the score to 28-16 with 11:25 to play in the quarter. The 12 point margin was the closest the Wildcats would come the rest of the night. The next four drives ended in a fumble, a 32-yard Ransom touchdown pass to Demario Barber, bringing the Wildcats within 41-23, a missed field goal attempt and a Ransom interception. “It’s frustrating when you don’t get the ball and you’re wide open,” Harris said. “I don’t know what else to say.” In all there were nine total Wildcat turnovers, seven interceptions and two fumbles. “There were a couple misreads and overthrows on those interceptions,” Samas said. “That hurt our tempo and they just outplayed us. They deserve to win.”


Thursday, October 22, 2009 - Page 7


homecoming concert suffers setbacks “I think it is understandable that SU students want to unwind a bit and enjoy homecoming festivities. I get that. But, it is totally negligent and inexcusable behavior on the part of the administration and SGA to pay Jeezy or any entertainer that much money when the country is in a recession and the state has cut the university’s budget so much that it has been forced to fire significant number of its professors and downsize a number of its departments. I love SU but I am fed up with those people that are in leadership positions investing money into activities that in the long term is not going to benefit Southern nor enhance its student population’s educational experience. I think the university would have been better served if that money were spent on something else besides Jeezy. Let’s be honest $65,000 for Young Jeezy, that is simply ridiculous! To be sure, these comments are not meant to be divisive. Since Katrina I have not seen any improvements at SU. Given all of the problems/shortcomings there surely we can find something better to do with our money!”

Jason M. Perkins “I appreciated homecoming week. I loved it and had a great time!” Destiny Lamkin BYE GIVES JAGS BREATHER “I’m sick in tired of watching GSU in Gramblingham (that’s what they call it). Look like Coach jag said, “They need the JAGUAR NATION to be there in support.” This means sold out games and traveling every fan in the land to other places. On Thursday night on ESPNU in Baton Rouge, Louisiana when the Panthers of PVU come to town, I don’t care if the game is on TV. We need to be there in support at A.W Mumford Stadium that night. Plus, PVU can’t handle the noise that we bring to help our team out anyway. Yeah, they beat GSU but we always beat GSU. Not just the “HUMAN JUKEBOX” should be making noise. JAGUAR NATION should be making noise to. So, SUPPORT is the keyword for the rest of the season. Geaux Jags! S.W.A.C. (Southern Wins Another Championship)”

Are tweets enough for change? SPEAK OUT In the high-paced, technologically advanced age we live in today, news and information come to us at a breakneck speed. President Obama can’t sneeze without the nation knowing about it before someone can even say “bless you.” With the emergence of Facebook, Twitter, blogs and text messaging, it seems our voices are well protected behind the safety of a keyboard. But in the same breath our opinions can just as easily be ignored and brushed aside without a second thought. What will be our generation’s lasting mark on history? In the 1960s young people were willing to take a stand for civil rAreights and against the Vietnam War. Indeed, they didn’t just take a stand, they were arrested in protests. There is the old saying, “If you have something to say, say it to my face.” Tweeting and texting are not exactly like saying something to someone’s face, and there are plenty of faces with no shortage of things to say to them.


Government bailouts, the war in Iraq, health care reform … need I go on? When I see news coverage on issues like health care reform, the only people I see screaming at our representatives are at least 20 years my senior. I haven’t seen one young face in the crowd voicing their opinion. Yet, young people are the ones who will be facing rising health costs the rest of their lives. When AIG received billions of our hard earned tax money too much of the money went to bonuses and luxurious vacations. “ I’m really surprised no one your age is kicking and screaming about this. We would have burnt down the AIG building,”

my father said to me. He was right, simply posting “that’s messed up” as a Facebook status does not cut it. And once again it’s young people who will have to assume the debt that was created to pay for bailout. This country was founded on angry groups of people converging and telling the government enough is enough. Isn’t it much easier for our representatives to ignore a 140 character tweet than 50,000 screaming 20-somethings at the police barricades? We should be aware of what happens around us and realize that the ones who protested and fought in the 60s are now wearing dentures and golfing in Florida. The ball is now in our court. We are the ones everyone is looking to.

What are your plans for fall break? BY wil norwood Digest Photo editor

alisha clark fort worth, texas freshman psychology


desiree batley kinder, la. freshman business management


Are we going to air ball our chance to change history, or slam-dunk our mark right down their throats? The choice is ours.


“I am going to go home and study. Then go to a fashion show.”

jordan gregory

——— Chris Hess writes for the Campus Echo, the North Carolina Central University student newspaper, which originally published this article.

alexandria freshman mechanical engineering


“Go home, spend time with family, catch up on school work and get some rest.”

jeremy jason

Litteral Lane BYE GIVES JAGS BREATHER The new president must have good leadership skills understand education, politics, community, business leaders (local, statewide and the nation) and research. The chosen person must be a cheerleader for the school, have a sense of media relations, public relations, and be a fundraiser.

“I don’t really get a fall break. I’ll be playing soccer in Alabama.”

new orleans senior mass communications


“My plans include me finishing my research paper and watching television.”


The Southern DIGEST welcomes letters from readers commenting on current issues and other matters of general interest to the SU family and public. We set aside this space to publish these letters for others to enjoy. This newspaper is not responsible for individual opinions expressed on its editorial and opinion pages. The Southern DIGEST reserves the right to edit any contributions and or reject them without notification. Authors are encouraged to limit the length of submissions to 300 words. Letters should not include libelous statements. Offensive and personal attacks will not be permitted. The DIGEST will not print “open letters” addressed to someone else. All contributions must be type written, signed and must include the author’s address and phone number. Unsigned letters will not be printed. Southern University students should include their majors, hometowns and year in school. When referring to specific DIGEST articles, please include the date and title. All materials should be directed to the editor in chief of The Southern DIGEST, P.O. Box 10180, Baton Rouge, La. 70813. Materials may be delivered by hand to the DIGEST office located in Suite 1064 Harris Hall or can be e-mail to

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Staff editorials represent the opinions of the author and the majority opinion of the Southern DIGEST Student Editorial Board, which is comprised of the student staff of editors and columnists. The Southern DIGEST provides an open forum to educate, inform and enlighten the students, faculty and staff at Southern University, Baton Rouge, La.

Page 8 - Thursday, October 22, 2009

how the west was won...swac style

the road to birmingham comes through su

Tonight 6:30 p.m.

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