Volume 67 - Issue 14

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Volume 67, Issue 14

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Taking the Stage: Fall 2016 Graduation is upon us BY EDDIE BYNOG DIGEST NEWS EDITOR

Excited that their day has finally come, 428 Southern University Baton Rouge students are gearing up to take part in the University’s annual fall commencement exercises that will take place Friday, December 16 at 10:30 am. Held in the F.G. Clark Activity Center, students cheered on by family, friends and fellow classmates will receive their baccalaureate, Master’s, or doctorate degrees at the fall ceremony. With 44 students taking part in the ceremony from the Southern University School of Nursing, the school will graduate more students during this commencement than any other at the Baton Rouge campus. Mass communications major and graduating senior, Saveta Williams of Baton Rouge, Louisiana is one graduate who, like many others, is excited to walk across the stage and receive her diploma in just a few short weeks. “I’m so excited, I just mailed out my graduation invitations,” Williams said “and I’m so motivated to seek every opportunity that comes my way.” Upon graduation, Williams is planning to attend law school. Williams hopes that her mass communications, public relations degree will enhance certain skills required to handle big cases. “I’m going to be Olivia Pope out here,” Williams finished. Gershondalyn Holland is also a mass communication major from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and is just as excited to receive her Bachelor’s degree. “It’s cliché but all the hard work and sacrifice really is coming together,” Holland said. After graduation, Holland plans on working with City Year, a non-profit organization that mentors at risk youth in the Baton Rouge area. Holland also added that she plans on further developing her brand, Dig The Creative, a creative strategy umbrella with the purposes of branding, special events and non-profit. “I’m so excited to get this over with and really start branding me,” Holland said. Students attending or


participating in 2016’s fall commencement will have the opportunity to hear the words of this year’s graduation speaker, civil-rights activist and broadcasting executive, Xernona Clayton Brady. Brady, 86, is an alumna of Tennessee State University and The University of Chicago. Brady will share with the grads a wealth of experience and accolades, including her time as a talk show host, media executive and being Founder of the Trumpet Awards. According to their website, the Trumpet Awards is an annual acknowledgement of African – American entertainers, humanitarians, and political individuals. Brady will also be awarded an honorary doctorate degree at the ceremony. Students participating in the fall commencement exercises are asked to attend practice Thursday, December 15 at 10 AM in the Activity Center.

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Southern University Honor Students recognized for Academic Excellence College Honor Societies promote scholarship, high acumen and bestows honor, recognition and a lifetime of distinction to its membership. Initiation ceremonies for three honors societies were held at the Dolores Margaret Richard Spikes Honors College on Tuesday, November 22, 2016, at 6:00pm. Minimum grade point averages for the majority of the students were 3.0 and above. The 35 inductees represented physics, engineering, biology, chemistry, computer science and pre-nursing disciplines. They were recognized for high academic achievement and were inducted into Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, Beta Kappa Chi Scientific Honor Society and the National Institute of Science. In the near future, the university will host a Joint Annual Meeting for Beta Kappa Chi Scientific

(1st row) Deadra Mackie, asst. professor, Daneisha Blair, Brandy Holt, Lela Murdock, Felis Thompson-Doyle, Jovanie Smith, Jocelyn Harris, Mary Beals, instructor, De’Nita Wasington, Ashia Cook, Jazlyn Farlough, Lakeshimi Jackson, (2nd row) Erin Banks, Terrence Curry, Jalen Wagner, Geo’vantay Wilson, TaQuincy Alexander

Honor Society and the National Institute of Science in March 2017. This venue will allow all participants to present scientific projects and network with students and faculty from all across the country. The organizations are hosted by the Biological Science Department. Dr. Eduardo Martinez Ceballos, Chairman of Biology, Chemistry, and Environmental Toxicology, shared remarks which

encouraged students to remain on their course and continue to achieve greatness. He noted that there is a need for bright minds in STEM fields to share in the development of future generations and communities. Faculty sponsors facilitating the ceremonies included Deadra James Mackie, national executive secretary, Mary Beals, instructor, and Fitzgerald Spencer, Ph.D., professor. Article: Courtesy: Ms. Deadra James-Mackie, SU Honors College


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Volume 67 - Issue 14 by Southern Digest - Issuu