Tuesday, September 23, 2014
What’s Inside: News: “Musicians Meet Mold” page - 3 Sports: “Welcome to SWAC Play” - Page 4 Arts & Entertainment: “Where are the Greeks?” Centennial Homecoming Schedule: *Week One: see Page 5
Volume 63 Issue 5 The Sentinel of an Enlightened Student Body since 1926
Board Meeting addresses lingering issues; many things left uncertain his tenure at Southern there’s only been a 2
Lauren Johnson Managing Editor to 3 percent change in the pay. Next, Vice The Southern University System held its meeting last Friday September 19 at the J.S. Clark Administration Building at 9 a.m. The meeting started with a prayer followed by roll call. During the meeting many touchy subjects were addressed such as accreditation, pay raises, safety for students, illegibility of football players and enrollment. Each item was carefully addressed to total a 4 hour meeting. The first person to take the floor was Faculty Senate President Thomas Miller. Miller’s opening remark congratulated the administration on a job well done. “ I feel that we have done an outstanding job, but there is an issue we must address,” said Miller. He went on to say that during
President of Faculty of Staff began with an opening remark that said was a fact, not an opinion. “I don’t want it to be interpreted any other way. Essentially, administration is asked to take on extra duties, and should be paid accordingly,” said Samuel. During the general comment section of the agenda, many employees approached the stand to address identical concerns. A physical plant worker of 19 years commented saying, “ I understand the process of administration, but I don’t understand the process of this university.” The employee went on to say that, “yes students are here for education, but if they are not comfortable, they will not stay. There is no consistency here, we never have year round air, year round heating, and we went from 15 guys working to now only
3 employees.” Proceeding was Acting Chancellor Flandus McClinton who was questioned by the BOS. “ Is it correct that you currently want to raise Associate Vice Chancellor Moore’s pay to $105,000, even though he has lesser duties?” McClinton replied with short answers, such as “that is correct, and I’m not sure.” Chairwoman Bridget Dinvaut then suggested that there be a feasible study of the salaries of the SUS, with hope of creating fairness. Being that it wasn’t on the agenda to vote for this suggestion, it may be addressed at a later date. With a sense of slight aggravation one the board members commented saying “Are we going to sit her
4see Board Meeting on P. 3
Student Government holds Senate meeting, New Officers installed LaVarius Cotton funds. After a fairly brief discussion the (AWS), Men’s Federation, and each class which is where the minimum amount of Staff Writer sociology club was granted the needed president’s cabinet were approved. Also students were required to be present to On Wednesday September 17, 2014 the Student Government Association held its Senate meeting in the Mocha room of the Smith Brown Memorial Student Union. The meeting began at 6:30 p.m. and was called to order by Vice President Sara Martin, a senior political science major from Denham Springs, Louisiana. After the invocation, roll call and adoption of the agenda was done by was done by the secretary of the senate. The sociology club pleaded their request for organizational
funds for their trip to attend a march in New York City, New York. Next Nicholas Harris, President of SGA, presented his executive report. In this report Harris brought attention to issues affecting the student body such as the number of waste containers places around campus, which is affecting the accumulation of trash, and the amount of lighting, which ensures the safety of the students. After Harris’ report, cabinet appointments for the executives, association for women students
approved were the officials for the Senate and the judiciary positions by Harris. Clifton Bluen, of the Men’s Federation and a member of the judicial branch of SGA, requested an amendment to the judicial branch. “As we’ve seen through the years, the judicial branch isn’t very popular among students,” said Bluen. “We haven’t had a full judiciary since 2010,” finished Bluen. Bluen’s request proposed that quorum,
conduct business, is amended so that they can receive representation from each class. After the bill was deliberated, the Senate passed it. Concluding the meeting officials were administered the oath of office. The oath obligates an official, whether elected or appointed, to uphold the constitution of SGA, which ensures that they are doing
4see SGA Senate. P. 3