Volume 70 - Issue 3

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Tuesday . February 6, 2018

Volume 70 . Issue 3


STAY CONNECTED: DoIT Strives to stay Online



Modern day Southern University has been gearing towards new technology initiatives each semester for the past few years to keep students engaged and educated. All throughout last year and continuing this semester, the Division of Information Technology staff and vendors have been gradually upgrading network and wireless coverage on campus. During this time, one obstacle that has proven itself over and over again is the lack of wireless services provided for the students and faculty spread across campus. The various complaints have included minimal access to wireless internet in dormitories, classrooms in various buildings, and even the library. As a result, some students, like junior Secondary Education major,

Caitilin Virdure, have found that the absences of wireless connection around campus interrupt productivity. “I understand the school feels that WiFi on our campus should be more-so utilized for school related work instead of the social media platforms. However, the slow speed of our WiFi on campus causes us as students to become frustrated. When we are using it to prioritize and complete assignments, it runs slowly, we become less likely to finish our work, and create excuses,” Virdure expressed. After numerous similar complaints and disruptions, the university has begun to make slow and steady improvements throughout the 72 buildings on campus. According to the Division of Technology and Information, the university has invested about 1.3 million dollars recently to gradually

build up the infrastructure. The Director of Infrastructure and Network Operations, Lloyd Allen has confirmed that these improvements have not yet been completed, but presumes they will be soon. Buildings deemed to be ‘incomplete’ have wireless connections, but have not been updated with multiple access points for a widespread connection. Among the incomplete buildings are Higgins Hall, 3rd and 4th floor, Blanks Hall, T.H Harris Hall, T.T. Allain, Stewart Hall, Hayden Hall, John B. Cade Library, P.B.S Pinchback, and the Smith-Brown Memorial Union, to name those directly affecting students. In addition to upgrading the aforementioned buildings, Allen revealed that there will soon be a backup internet service in case of an emergency. “We brought in an additional internet service provider with a

SUS Names Nine New Hires

different path. Once we get it setup, which will be soon, even if LONI goes down, that connection will be up and [students] won’t know the difference,” he relayed. The Associate Vice President for Information and Technology and Chief Information Officer, Dr. Gabriel Fagbeyiro has expressed that he can relate to students complaints, as he lives in student housing as well, but ensures that the goal is to be technologically forward. “One of the things that we want to do to make sure that Southern University, the only historically black university system in the nation, can take its’ rightful place in Higher Education in Louisiana is to make sure that our infrastructure is out the park. Both technology as well as the grounds,” Fagbeyiro stated. As technology continues See STAY CONNECTED page 3

Historically Black Colleges and Universities: A History of Our Own BY LANIYA SPENCER


Our ancestors were the hammers to shatter the extremely low glass ceiling placed above the African American race. From the time period of slavery to the Civil Rights Movement, colored people were not granted the same natural born rights as others. Even after the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, which abolished slavery and granted citizenship and the right to vote, limitations were still put on their everyday lives. During slavery, they were prohibited to read and write. Even after the abolishment of slavery and the Reconstruction Era, Blacks were not permitted to attend the same schools as Whites. These brave souls created their own institutions that would later be referred to as Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).

With the support of Black churches and other figures in the community, these institutions were created with a very clear objective: to provide an excellent education to those who have been denied access to it because of racial, social, cultural, and economic barriers. In efforts to grant African Americans with a higher education, HBCUs have went on to educate millions of people, giving them equal opportunities that were not always attainable. Through the legacy of Philanthropist and Quaker, Richard Humphreys, the African Institute was established on February 25, 1837. Although degrees were not issued initially, it was the first institution of higher learning for African Americans. After more than 80 years under the supervision of Quaker Board managers, it was purchased by the Commonwealth


of Pennsylvania in 1922. The institution went through several name changes until they finally became the accredited Cheyney University of Pennsylvania in 1983. Cheyney University is a broad, coeducational institution that grants bachelor’s degrees in 28 programs leading to the Bachelor’s

of Science, Art, and Science in Education. Today, this HBCU represents students of a variety of races, cultures, and nationalities who receive a quality education exceeding the original vision of Richard Humphreys. In present society, there are


Nine Southern University System positions were officially filled at the Board of Supervisors meeting held in the J.S. Clark Administration Building on the Baton Rouge campus on Friday, January 5. The need for new appointments, proposed in November 2017, stemmed from a series of concerns from system personnel and friends of the university. As a result, Dr. Ray Belton, President and Chancellor of the Southern University and A&M System, introduced Fulfilling the Promise: Creating Pathways for Student Success & Excellence, an administrative reorganization plan which sought to “ensure that the administrative models of each entity provides for optimal operational functionality and effectiveness,” citing influences such as internal and external economic instability, low enrollment, and accreditation issues. The nine positions, whose salaries exceed $60,000, have had no impact on the current budget, and are as follows: Executive Vice President/ Chancellor, James Ammons; Vice President for Strategic Planning, Policy and Institutional Effectiveness, Vladimir Appeaning; Senior Associate Vice Chancellor, Office of Academic Affairs, Luria Young; Vice President for External Affairs, Robyn Merrick; Chief of Staff, Katara Williams; Chief Finance Officer and Senior Women’s Administrator, LaShonda Stirgus; Director of Educational Talent Search Program, Ruth Johnson; Chief of Police, Edward Reynolds; and Interim Director of the LA Small Business Development Center, Ada Womack. The reorganization effort renamed the position of Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost(SUBR), previously held by Dr. Brandon K. Dumas, and appointed James Ammons to assume the additional responsibility of Vice Chancellor. Directors of Title IX, tasked with responding to violation allegations, and of Academic Compliance were also appointed. Board of Supervisors Chair and Vice Chair, Ann. A. Smith and Donald R. Henry were both reelected. Proposed goals target increases in the number of grants funded,

See OUR OWN page 3


See NEW HIRES page 3

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