Volume 66 - ISSUE 4

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Kayne West Strikes Again PG. 8

Don’t define Black Culture . . . PG. 11



Baseball dips in Tourney Play PG. 4 & 5

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Southern University System Board announces SUSLA Chancellor


Volume 66, Issue 4

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Visualize. Utilize.Prioritize. Southern University Spring Career Day 2016


T h e Southern University S y s t e m Board of Supervisors has named R o d n e y Ellis as the seventh chancellor of Southern Ellis University at Shreveport(SUSLA). The Board met on Friday February 19 in the Jesse N. Stone Science Lecture Hall, located on the SUSLA campus. Since the relocation of PresidentChancellor Ray L. Belton on last June the SUSLA campus has been without a chancellor. Ellis was one of three finalists’ selected to serve as chancellor of SUSLA by a 14-member search committee. After the board went into a special session President-Chancellor Dr. Ray L. Belton gave remarks before the announcing of the decision. “I would like to qualify my comments by once again offering my gratitude to the search committee who did a great job in providing us with three candidates for consideration. I would also like to acknowledge all three candidates, who I think all represented well in making presentations to the board,” said Belton. Belton also mentioned that it is imperative that the board find and identify a leader. “We must also ensure that SUSLA’s revolution continues, and it is my recommendation to the board to consider Dr. Rodney Ellis for the role of chancellor for the Southern University Shreveport campus. With in two years as the former Chancellor of Central Louisiana Technical Community College (CLTCC) Ellis was able to raise and secure almost $5 million in federal grants, and $650,000 in private funding, which were used

Show me the money: Student refund process still unclear BY TREVOR MOORE DIGEST STAFF WRITER

Jacaria Bickham/DIGEST Calvin Moore, a junior accounting major from Baton Rouge, discusses his resume with a member of the Hormel Foods team during the 2016 Spring Career Fair held in F.G. Clark Activity Center on February 17. BY BRANDON PRINCE DIGEST MANAGING EDITOR

The Southern University Department of Career Services held their Spring 2016 Career Fair in the F. G. Clark Activity Center for students to experience and

Jacaria Bickham/DIGEST Gerald Russell, a Civil Engineering graduate from St.Francisville, chats with a employer (DOTD) during the 2016 Spring Career Fair held in F.G. Clark Activity Center on February 17.

hopefully earn an opportunity for internship or job. This semester, there were 57 venders invited to interact and give students of attendance the opportunity to receive one on one interviews, and possibly secure an occupation upon graduation from Southern University. Of those vendors, there were seven new businesses that attended the career fair for the first time such as: Bancorp South, Brocade Communications, Federal Aviation Administration, Palmer College of Chiropractic, Pasco School District, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and USDA Food Safety and Inspections Services. According to the Director of Career Services, Tamara Foster-Montgomery, the department received a plethora of feedback from the approximate four hundred students in attendance. Montgomery would also like to high-light and thank the sponsors, who helped make the day possible such as Exxon Mobil, Procter and Gamble, Coca Cola, and Sasol. “The money donated by the career day sponsors will be allocated towards helping the center to provide the students with professional development programs in our leadership events.” Montgomery also said that this year a newly

See CAREER DAYpage 3

Southern University students began receiving their Spring 2016 financial aid refunds on February 11. Many freshman and first time refund recipients are complaining that they have yet to receive their refunds. “Refunds typically go on the SU Jaguar Blue Card, which is mailed to the students once enrollment is completed,” said Financial Aid Counselor, Carol Carter. “I just received my refund card towards the end of last semester. I didn’t even know we needed one,” said Family and Consumer science major Taijha Gordon of Baton Rouge. “When I found out that that’s where the University’s money was going, I had to basically call around to find out how to get my refund,” finished Gordon. Students have the option to either have their refund deposited to their Higher One Account, and access their money via their Jaguar Blue Card, or to be transferred into their own checking or savings account, which takes two to three business days. “I recieved my refund card before I started Southern University, but I did not know what it was when it arrived in the mail,” said freshman biology major Russhell Lee. Describing the process of activating the Jaguar Blue Card Lee went on to say that he was notified that any money received from the university would be loaded to this particular card. “Inside there were detailed instructions on how to activate the card itself, and it explained that all the money received from the university would be transferred to the Higher One account that could only be accessed from that card.” Carter explains that those students that do not have a Jaguar Blue card can obtain one from the Cashier’s Office. “The cards can only be requested at the Cashiers’ Office, and they will inform you on how long it will take

See SHOW ME page 3


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Volume 66 - ISSUE 4 by Southern Digest - Issuu