Special Board Meeting
The Harlem Renaissance
The fight to end bullying
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SU Board rejects Llorens’ extension
Ariana Triggs/DIGEST Southern University System President Ronald Mason and Chairwoman of the Board of Supervisors Attorney Bridget Dinvaut speak on matters concerning Chancellor James Llorens at the board meeting held in the conference room on the 2nd floor of the J.S. Clark Administration building.
Meagan L. Wiliams EDITOR IN CHEIF Several members of the Southern University Community are saddened yet again in a recent decision made by the Board of Supervisors. After deliberating for hours on whether or not to have Chancellor James Llorens’ contract renewed, the Board of Supervisors voted not to renew the Llorens’ contract. Llorens’ last day as chancellor will be June 30, 2014. The Board and members of the SUBR community met in the J.S. Clark Administration conference room on the
second floor to conduct their “Special Meeting.” This meeting was organized after a number of events that took place in an effort to keep James Llorens as Chancellor of the Southern University flagship campus in Baton Rouge. Over the past few weeks, students, alumni, and faculty members have rallied for Llorens in support of the continuous progress he’s made throughout his tenure as chancellor. A special meeting was called in order to readdress the chancellor’s contract and assess whether or not the
chancellor’s contract should be extended or renewed for an additional three years. The meeting began at 1:31 p.m. with a call to order by the Chairwoman of the Board of Supervisors, Bridget Dinvaut. Reverend Samuel Tolbert was the only member of the board who was absent during roll call. A total of 16 members from the audience wrote down and voiced their concerns to members of the board and provided their solution on what should be done with the chancellor’s position. One of the 16 included Sara Anne Martin, SGA Vice-president who openly
explained why students were in support of Llorens and the accomplishments he’s made thus far. All speakers, except for one, were in favor of the chancellor’s contract renewal. Dr. Sudhir Trivedi, a professor in computer science at SUBR and former Faculty Senate President said that yes, people may like him [Llorens], but liking him will not increase the amount of work he has done for the university as a whole. Trivedi went on to list a number of obligations that Llorens did not fulfill.
Jerry Jones, Jr. Southern Alum
“There are plenty of Chancellors that you [the board] should have fired a long time ago, and did not. Doing this, and doing it to this guy here [Llorens] is unacceptable.”
White House: Yanukovych not actively Ukraine head Lara Jakes AP NATIONAL SECURITY WRITER The Obama administration signaled Monday it no longer recognizes Viktor Yanukovych as Ukraine’s president. The shift of support for opposition leaders in Kiev came even as U.S. officials sought to assure Russia that it does not have to be shut out of a future relationship with a new Ukrainian government. Yanukovych was widely seen as a puppet
of Moscow against Ukraine protesters who demanded stronger ties with the European Union to boost the faltering economy of the onetime Soviet state. His whereabouts were unknown after he fled the capital Kiev in the wake of deadly protests seeking his ouster U.S. officials said the International Monetary Fund was considering an aid package as high as $15 billion to help stabilize a new, transitional government in Kiev. White House spokesman Jay Carney said the U.S. would provide additional aid to complement UKRAINE Continued A3
AP Photo/Andres Kudacki A protestor holds a banner with the image of Ukraine’s President Yanukovych during a demonstration in support of Ukraine’s protests against Viktor Yanukovych’s government in Madrid, Spain, Sunday, Jan. 26, 2014. The protests began in late November in Ukraine after President Viktor Yanukovych shelved a long-awaited agreement to deepen ties with the European Union, but they have been increasingly gripped by people seeking more radical action even as moderate opposition leaders have pleaded for a stop to violence. In the past week, demonstrators have seized government administration buildings in a score of cities in western Ukraine, where Yanukovych’s support is weak and desire for European ties is strong.