November 14, 2013 Southern Digest

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

voLume 61, issue 15

INSIDE Candidates vie for Asst. Vice Chancellor News inTernaTional opporTuniTies promoTe FuTure sTuDy abroaD Trips

sPorTs mens baskeTball Fall To Tulane seniors seek To GeT win in lasT home Game

Cortney Jacobs /DIGEST From left to right: Dr. James Dabney, Emmanual Lalande, and Dr. Maria Lumpkin. Dabney is vice president of Hopkins House, Inc., located in Alexandria, Virginia. Lalande is the Assistant Dean of Students and the Director of Student Involvement at Bethune Cookman University located in Datona Beach, Florida. and is the Director of Student Involvement and Student Center at Georgia Gwinnet College located in Lawrenceville, Georgia.

BriTTanY PaTTerSon The Southern Digest

women’s baskeTball ConTinue wininG ways aGainsT slu; improve To 2-0


our birDs your bees JaGuars Go harD Gives su new sChool spiriT. eminem is baCk

CommeNTary TalkinG poliTiCs wiTh Ceasar smiTh Jr.

PhoTos of The weeK JaGuar naTion invaDes alabama souTherns baTTle oF The FiTTesT braZilian presenTaTion

The Southern University Office of Student Affairs held “Meet the Finalists: A Social Mixer,” last Thursday in the Cotillion Ballroom with the candidates who were chosen as finalists for the position of Assistant Vice Chancellor. The three finalists, Maria Lumpkin, James Dabney and Emmanuel Lalande, were each given the opportunity to interact with students who attended the program. One of the finalists, Maria Arvelo Lumpkin, is the current director of

Student Involvement and Student Center at Georgia Gwinnett College in Lawrenceville, Ga. Lumpkin said she applied for the position as assistant vice chancellor because she said she believes in SU. “I believe that my skills are in alignment with the vision of Student Affairs and it was an enticing opportunity for me,” Lumpkin said. According to Lumpkin, she said that she has been a Student Affairs practitioner for nearly 20 years and listed her qualities that made her eligible for the position. “I have worked in various leadership positions in

administration and direct services including student organizations, international education, counseling and disability services, and service learning,” Lumpkin said. Lumpkin said that she also worked with faculty and thought that academic affairs and student affairs were important. She said her career was focused on helping students in every area of their lives. “My career has been centered around developing the six dimensions of wellness for students, helping them to develop their intellectual, social, physical, emotional, occupational and spiritual spaces as they

maneuver through their collegiate experience,” Lumpkin said. Lumpkin said she believes that by listening to students, she could help SU become a better institution. “By becoming more studentcentered and focusing on helping students by engaging with them through programs and services, and focusing on their success, could produce a better student success rate,” Lumpkin said. Upon becoming assistant vice chancellor, Lumpkin said her first

See assisTaNT vC page 3

Southern students celebrate Verteran’s Day calVin adolPh

The Southern Digest The Southern University Student Government Association and the Office of Student Organization and Campus Involvement hosted a Veteran’s Day celebration on Nov. 11 in remembrance and honor of those who have fallen, retired or served the country. The SU Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps presented the Louisiana state flag and the American flag to reverence the occasion. Jon Alexander, a senior Math major and Midshipman first class of the Naval ROTC explained the importance of the day. “I think it is very important to show appreciation for those who paved the way for freedom right here in America,” Alexander said. He said that many of the Veterans paid the ultimate sacrifice and a lot of other veterans that are still with us today also made many sacrifices in serving the nation. “It’s very important to commemorate and show appreciation for all veterans,” Alexander

Calvin Adolph/DIGEST Members of the Southern University’s Naval ROTC program present the colors of the American, Louisiana and the Marine Corps flags during the celebration of Veterans Day on Novermber 11. said. Alexander also said he decided to participate in the ROTC program to join and serve. “I think it’s very important to serve and to continue standing for what this country was


founded on,” Alexander said. Mia Robinson, a senior and vice president

See veTeraNs page 3

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