Exclusive content
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Volume 61, Issue 2
Inside State of the SGA: An Address to Students News
SGA town hall meeting Enrollment/ Tuition INcrease
Sports Jaguars prep for NorthWestern State Baseball breaks ground on new facility SWAC CHampionships Relocate
Culture Healthy Relations For college Students
Commentary SGA President bray welcomes #Teamsu SURVIVAL TIPS FOR NEW STUDENTS
thoroughly engage with your SGA, as well as have great knowledge of the initiatives that your SGA are moving towards,” Bray stated.
Wednesday the Student Government Association held their first State of the Address. This event was to inform the students of the goals and activities that SGA desires to implement this school year.
President Bray stated how SGA plan to communicate more openly with the students. “The SGA will increase communication by adding events and budgets to the Southern Digest and the students’ program webpage and by utilizing a text program in order to reach more students,” she said.
The Southern Digest
The SGA officials who spoke were SGA President Simone Bray; Vice President Sara Martin; Judicial Branch representative Daniel Jordan; Senior Class President Kent Batiste, Junior Class President Nicholas Harris; Sophomore Class President Chase Evans; Men’s Federation President Stephan Loston: Association for Women’s Students President Megan Henderson. SGA President Simone Bray stated a plan to have better communication between the students of Southern University and A&M College with their SGA. “This year will bring a positive to change to the face of SGA which will provide each of you to
Bray spoke on the subject of upgrading the Smith-Brown Memorial Student Union to make it more suitable for the student body. “SGA will upgrade the union by adding a new ATM and also adding charging stations so we can charge our phones,” Bray stated. The Pavilion, located in the back of campus, is another place that SGA wants to improve quality. “We are also working to replace the grills in the Pavilion to make it a more student-friendly place,” she said.
Vice President Sara Martin stated that the Senate has been engaged in activities since this summer. One activity was Freshman Orientation. “We are able to speak to the freshman firsthand so they can get an overall experience of SGA was about and more specifically, what the Senate does,” Martin stated. Martin went on to state the positions that are available within the Senate for this school year. “Freshman has the opportunity to elect 5 students for the Senate. The sophomores have the opportunity to elect 3 students. The junior has 2 open Senate positions and the senior class has 1,” she stated. These positions will be available to be elected by September 16. Vice President Martin stated the overall initiatives for the Senate for the 2013-2014 school year. “My overall initiative is to have the Senate to be able to work together and accomplish as much as possible. I believe the best way to do that is to make sure all our administrative things are taken care of,” Martin stated.
Martin stated how the Senate was looking into the campus beautification of the campus and recycling are two topics that they are looking to implement and are currently doing research on. SGA President Simone Bray listed how SGA will serve the students. “This year SGA will change it’s attitude. This year SGA will strive to think on behalf of every student and not just ourselves. We will strive to work for the majority and not just the few,” Bray said. “We will strive to diversity our work and expand our boundaries and help motivate on-campus students, commuter students, international students and every student that feels they are a member of the Jaguar Nation.” One initiative to get students to interact with SGA more is the Active Jag card. The Active Jag card is card that students can get at the end of all SGA functions before Homecoming. Students that get 6 or more stamps will advance to an express to receive their Homecoming T-shirts.
Obama: On Syria, US world credibility is on the line BRADLEY KLAPPER / JULIE PACE
Photos of the week SU football in Houston SGA Town Hall Meeting
Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — In an impassioned appeal for support both at home and abroad, President Barack Obama said Wednesday the credibility of the international community and Congress is on the line in the debate over how to respond to the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. As Obama made his case overseas, legislators on Capitol Hill debated whether a proposed resolution authorizing military force would shift the momentum after more than two years of Syrian civil war. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee delayed a public meeting and huddled in private for more than three hours after Sen. John McCain, an outspoken advocate of intervention, said he did not support the latest version of
the Senate resolution to authorize force. The Arizona Republican said he wants more than cruise missile strikes and other limited action, seeking a stronger response aimed at “reversing the momentum on the battlefield” and hastening the departure of Syrian President Bashar Assad. On the other side of the debate, Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., said he was not persuaded to support military action, saying the military has been “decimated” by budget cuts and “we’re just not in a position to take on any major confrontation.” Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said U.S. involvement could well “make the tragedy worse” in Syria, but he predicted that advocates of military intervention would win in the Senate.
“The only chance of stopping what I consider to be bad policy would be in the House,” he said. Obama, asked in Sweden about his own past comments drawing a “red line” against the use of chemical weapons, said it was a line that had first been clearly drawn by countries around the world and by Congress, in ratifying a treaty that bans the use of chemical weapons. “That wasn’t something I just kind of made up,” he said. “I didn’t pluck it out of thin air. There’s a reason for it.” Obama said that if the world fails to act, it will send a message that despots and authoritarian
the official student newspaper of southern university and A&m college, baton rouge, louisiana
See Obama: on Syria page 3