February 25 issue of Southern Digest

Page 1


washington ‘blackest name’



Also: Panel discusses male images. pg. 6

The violence must stop. pg. 7

an open letter to everyone

Fashion show raises funds

Long history behind surname. pg. 4

estABLished in 1928



VOL. 57, ISSUE 9

Judge rules in favor of Jindal, Regents By eVan taylor digest Managing editor

The petition filed by Southern system students against Gov. Bobby Jindal and The Board of Regents was denied Thursday with 29 pages explaining reasons why the plaintiffs didn’t present enough natural facts. The petition originally filed for a declaratory judgment and the preliminary injunction against the board was denied according to Judge Timothy Kelley’s interpretation. “It is just wrong. I call upon the students to do what’s right. This government has a moral obligation to uphold the constitution, “ said Cleo Fields, lead attorney in the case. Demetrius Sumner, SU SGA President urged students not to leave this “burden” on a few students. “I admire the braveness of the students for standing up against

Jindal,” said Sumner. Plaintiffs went into the hearing with optimism and understanding of how the board should be physically represented according to Louisiana’s constitution. “It’s extremely important that the Board of Regents reflect the census data. 51 percent women, 37 percent minorities other than Caucasian,” said Eugenie Tobin, plaintiff and Southern University at New Orleans student. “SUNO Forever” t-shirts and Southern University paraphernalia filled the courtroom as lawyers proceeded to discuss the validity of the argument. Former State Sen. Foster Campbell was called to the stand to discuss his position as dean of senate and his intent on senate Bill 57. SB 57 was the amendment to eliminate the conflicts of

photo By wil norwooD/speCial to the Digest

southern university students walk toward the 19th Judicial district courthouse in baton rouge thursday. Judge timothy Kelley ruled against su system students trying to block a study looking into a suno-uno merger.

interest in the Board and make the representative in race and gender of the state. “The Board of Regents should reflect the population of the state of Louisiana,” said Campbell. The amendment states that 15 members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the senate must represent Louisiana in diversity by race and gender. Currently four Caucasian women serve on the board and all the remaining members are Caucasian males. “The Board of Regents is the

controlling board of all boards. I understand that The Board of Regents is all white. No one can represent the people like the people. No one can represent African Americans like an African American. The Board should mirror the state of Louisiana’s population,” said Campbell. The defense began to question how the bill would be implemented in population changes and how that would affect the board make-up. Campbell concluded his

Students race for cure By Breanna paUl digest staFF writer

Students from various organizations were among the 12,000 people at the 15th Annual Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure held last Saturday at the LSU Old Front Nine. Arriving at 6 a.m., students performed many tasks to ensure that the Race for the Cure went on without any major problems. Some of the tasks included helping volunteers complete race registration, blowing up balloons so attendees would be able to recognize different areas during the race, setting up the venue, passing out flyers with information about breast cancer, handing out water to runners finishing the race and picking up trash. Students from the Alpha Chapter of Omega Tau Pi Sorority, the Alpha Eta Chapter of Iota Phi Theta


Fraternity, Beta Psi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Collegiate 100 Black Women of Southern University and the Southern University branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People as well as students who wanted to volunteer for personal reasons showed up ready to work. The volunteer chair for the Baton Rouge Affiliate of Susan G. Komen, Angela photo By Darnell Fisher/Digest Miller worked closely with students with arranging the participants run and walk during the annual susan g. Komen race different organizations to their for the cure. designated volunteer spot. Ware had to ensure that an well at the Race for the Cure. for the Cure. Cedric Ware was one abundance of students from Last year, there weren’t that SU volunteered at the race. many students from Southern campus volunteer liaison who Prior to the race, two volunteer volunteering, so I didn’t expect helped arrange the different meetings were held to give that many students to be willing organizations to volunteer students information about the to get up at 6am on a Saturday at the race. It was his first morning to volunteer,” Miller time ever being a part of the event. “Cedric worked really hard said. She is anticipating the to make sure that Southern number of students who will be See Cure page 4 University was represented volunteering at the 2012 Race

74° | 49° LOW


testimony, “My feeling and my belief, if it is not doing what the constitution was called to do. I think it’s wrong. I think it’s terrible.” Former Sen. Donald Cravens explained the language in the bill in the Senate was addressing the need for diversity while disputing the defense’s argument regarding the language of the amendment and the guide given to Senators. See ruling page 3

Pell Grantcutting bill passes House By BranDy hayDel digest contributing writer

The U.S. House of Representatives attempted to finalize the revised bill regarding Pell Grants. However, their decision remained unsettled. On Saturday the vote tallied up 235 to 189, which argued to cut the maximum 2011-12 Pell Grant award by $845, a 15 percent decrease. “I feel that education is being placed on the back burner of the political agenda,” said Evan See pell grants page 3

CAMPUS BRIEFS...............2 STATE & NATION................4 VIEWPOINTS.....................7 NEWS.............................3  A & E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 DIVERSIONS......................8 U N I V E R S I T Y ,


R O U G E ,

L A .

CAMPUS BRIEFS Page 2 Page 2 - Friday, February 25, 2011


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the “Blackout Poetry Lounge” on Feb. 28 in the Lakefront Room in Smith Brown Memorial Union.

Insurance Scholarship, Louis Henry scholarship, and Hollywood Casino Scholarship. There is an essay required for all scholarships. For more information contact Toni Jackosn at 225.771.5640 or via e-mail at toni_ jackson@subr.edu.

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Free birthmother support group meeting Tuesday March 1st. 6 p.m. @ St. Elizabeth, 8054 Summa Ave., Ste. A. Please RSVP 225.769.8888.

Campus Briefs TODAY CaFÉ laCUmBa

Come join your colleagues and faculty for a delicious and healthy lunch! All items are made fresh and can be enjoyed as dine-in or on-the-go. Café Lacumba will be serving up sandwiches, wraps, soups, salads, snacks, and beverages every Wednesday from 11 a.m.1:30 p.m. starting Feb. 9. Café Lacumba is located in 161 Pinkie E. Thrift Hall (between Tourgee A. DeBose Hall and James Blaine Moore Hall). For more information, please call 225.771.4660. statewiDe ConFerenCe oF BlaCk eleCteD oFFiCials

The Nelson Mandela School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs host a statewide conference of black elected officials. On Feb. 25 from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. in the Cotillion Ballroom of Smith-Brown Memorial Union. FEBRUARY 28 BlaCkoUt poetry loUnge



johnson anD johnson sCholarship

Business, Engineering, and Computer Science students pursuing supply chain management are encouraged to apply for Johnson and Johnson supply chain management scholarship. For more details e-mail toni_ jackson@subr.edu. Feb. 28 is the deadline to apply. sU mBa sCholarship

SU MBA students with a 3.2 GPA or higher are encouraged to apply for the SU MBA scholarship. There is an essay required. For more information contact Toni Jackson at 225.771.5460 or via e-mail toni_jackson@ subr.edu DeVin aDDison Book sCholarship

Business majors with a 2.5 GPA are encouraged to apply for the Devin Addison Book Scholarship. There is an essay required. For more information contact Toni Jackson at 225.771.5460 or via e-mail toni_ MARCH 1 jackson@subr.edu Boeing sCholars

Business majors with a 3.0 GPA are encouraged to apply to be a Boeing scholar. There is an essay required. Contact Toni Jackson at 225.771.5460 or via e-mail at toni_ jackson@subr.edu. Deadline to apply is March 1. gala on the BlUFF sCholarships

Business majors with 2.7 GPA are encouraged to apply for a Gala on the Bluff scholarship. Scholarships include; Agnes Andrew Allstate


MARCH 25 12th annUal greek Variety show

The Greater Baton Rouge Pan Hellenic Council presents the 12th annual greek variety show on Friday, March 25. The show will be in F. G. Clark Activity Center at 7 p.m. Tickets are $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Tickets can be purchased in the Student Programs office located in SmithBrown Memorial Union, Second Floor, Suite 203. women in meDia sCholarship

Women in Media, Inc. is providing applications for the Jean Wheeler Memorial Scholarship to be granted to an outstanding full-time senior female student during the fall 2011 and spring 2012 semesters. Applicants must have 3.0 overall and in their major and must be a major in Journalism, Mass Communications, Theater, or media related field. Applications and details can be found on the women in media website. www.womeninmedia.net. MARCH 31 ronalD e. mCnair sCholars program

Students are encouraged to submit an application to become a Ronald McNair scholar. Students will gain a stipend, mentored research experience, graduate school visit assistance, and GRE preparation assistance. Students must have a 3.0 GPA, be a first generation college student, have

earned 60 hours of college credit, and have the desire for a Ph.D. Applications are due March 31. Contact Veronica Freeman at 225.771.4717 or come by Higgins Hall room 208D to pick up an application.

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Friday, February 25, 2011 - Page 3


Program melts cultures By kalisha smith

digest countributing writer

The smell of country cuisines from Kenya, India, Iran and China burst through the lobby of Thrift Hall on Thursday as people ripped and ran about preparing for The 10th Annual Ethnic Awareness Day. The creator of the event Doze Butler explained the concept of the event. “It’s the last week in February, during black history month. In 2002 we had our first Ethnic Awareness day.” The purpose of the event is to showcase Southern University’s diversity. Every year a different country is featured and each featured country from previous years was in attendance to celebrate the 10th anniversary. This year the event featured the following countries: China, Eritrea, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Jamaica, Nigeria, Latin America and Kenya. The Dean of College of Agricultural, Family and Consumer Sciences Dewitt Jones was the first to give his remarks at the event, “Various parts of the world are represented here.” Barbara Carpenter, The Dean of The Center for International Education was pleased with the event, “The thing I love most about this program is that it involves the students, and this is an opportunity for our students at Southern University to not only learn about other cultures but is also a opportunity for the international students to share their culture with the American students.” The food at the event was not the only attention grabber. Many dressed up in their native attire expressing their culture in native tongue. There were booths with the flags of each different country hanging behind them. Steamy cuisine and foreign beverages; including not quite but still Jamaican Rum Punch, with little rum. Accents were thick and the enthusiasm was evident. Students stuffed their faces and faculty enjoyed the chats with different foreigners. Each representative of a country had a chance to briefly talk about their country and what their specific booth had to offer. Kenya went first with the representative Grace Namwamba; the country was included in the event in 2003. Other country’s were present with their administrative representatives. Jamaica with Cheryl Atkinson and China with Zhu Ning. Ning expressed her plan to take seven Southern University students to China for educational research. Kamran Abdollahi represented Iran with cuisine and published texts. Nigeria was present with representative Oscar Udoh.

ruling from page 1 “The bill provides the language necessary to address these issues,” said Cravens referring to a representative board. Discussion arose after questioning began about the Senator’s guide language in comparison to what was on the people’s ballot. The guide is given to assist legislators in educating and informing the constitution and the amendment, said Cravens. He concluded, “This is inequitably contrary to this amendment and the in keeping with the legislative intent,” said Cravens. Former State Rep. Raymond Jetson discussed the part of the constitution referring to the diversity on the board. Jetson explained the intent by saying, “It’s intent was to make sure there were a diverse body to represent the diverse variety of issues. Emphasis was clear on the racial and gender makeup of the board. It was very clear what the language in the constitution was.” Jetson emphasized the significance of The Board of Regents and it’s reach and reign over the people’s institutions. “The Board of Regents is a supervisory coordinating policy board, “said Robert Levy, current Board Chairman. After the court had clarified the intent of the constitutional amendment and the role of the board, plaintiffs began to testify. Eugenie Tobin, a senior at SUNO explained her reason for attending the university,

pell grants from page 1 how her program was valuable and her fears of not being able to have a career without the existence of her institution. Referring to the value of her education at SUNO to the proposed merged institution Tobin said, “The value would be diminished. The quality is like no other in the city it’s a very nurturing environment that gives you a lot of leeway to do what you want to do and reach for what you really want to do.” Tobin brought up her fear of what a SUNO degree will remain valued to those who are graduating while SUNO may merge. “If the board continues with the merger I’m not sure what my SUNO degree will be worth, if the university no longer exists, “ said Tobin. Ellis Brent and Venese Morgan also testified; both stating their constitutional rights had been violated. Speaking about harm the students and faculty at SUNO have incurred was Victor Ukpolo, Southern University at New Orleans Chancellor. “Students are concerned with another the value of their degree, “said Ukpolo. Ukpolo continued to discuss the amount of study time students had neglected due to the mere discussion of the merger. Jeanine Kahn was the last witness in the case; she explained the process of merging and consolidating universities while maintaining continuity.

Sharpton reschedules digest news service

A prominent figure in the Black community, the Rev. Al Sharpton was scheduled to speak as a part of the Chancellor’s Lecture Series on Wednesday, Feb. 2; however due to the inclement weather throughout the country, it was rescheduled. The lecture was rescheduled to February 16, but Rev. Sharpton could not make it. “He was invited to The White House, by the President. He’s a consultant,” Chancellor Kofi Lomotey said. Sharpton has not been paid for his appearance yet because of regulations that would violate the law. “We’re certainly disappointed that we have inconvenienced people but we didn’t have any control over it,” Lomotey said. The lecture is rescheduled for Wednesday, March 16 at 6 p.m. in the F.G. Clark Activity Center.

King a sophomore Sociology major from Buffalo, N.Y. He continued, “ Despite endeavors by officials to persuade the public otherwise, the Pell Grant cuts are a perfect example of this.” Saturday’s vote cleared the bill to be considered by the Democratic-controlled Senate where it is expected to face stiff opposition. The student aid trims are said to affect all students who rely on aid from the federal government. According to Mark Kantrowitz, the publisher of FinAid has estimated that the bill will make over 1.7 million students ineligible for Pell Grants. “It’s ridiculous because so many of us (students) rely on that funding and it’s obvious that they want us to apply for more loans,” said Detroit native Danjelique Ceasor, a senior majoring in Speech Pathology and Audiology. The current spending bill expires March 4 and Congress must pass a spending measure before this deadline in order to avoid a government shutdown. Government officials claimed to be working on a short-term spending bill that would suffice until the expiration of the old bill. Hal Rogers, the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, said during a new release, “This bill represents a massive down payment on the new Republican majority’s commitment to drastically decrease discretionary funding, in order to help our economy thrive and spur job creation.”

“I’m baffled, there are funds available for everything else but the most important thing,” said India Littleberry, a senior studying sociology from Baton Rouge. “The government is only creating future problems by taking money from students that are trying to further their education.” Although the bills aforementioned are only proposed, Republicans also intend on eliminating all funding for the $758 million Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant program and for the Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership program if the bill is placed into effect. The director of Southern University’s Financial Aid, Ursula Shorty said, “All students who receive Pell are going to be affected because it’s not only going to be decreased for students who receive the maximum award but decreased for those who receive smaller awards.” According to NASFAA, during last week’s debate the House also adopted an amendment that prohibits the Department from using any FY2011 appropriation funds to implement, administer, or enforce gainful employment regulations. Officials stated that a decision regarding Pell Grants should be consummated shortly eliminating all rumors. A profile page has been created on Facebook sponsored by the NASFAA to allow students, both present and future, to express comments,


Today in History On this day in 1870, Hiram Rhodes Revels became the first African American to serve in The United States Senate. He was freedman all his life and represented the State of Mississippi. Hiram served in the 41st Congress as a Republican and laid the foundation for Blanche Bruce, Edward Brooke III, Carol Mosley- Braun, Barack Obama, and Roland Burris.

STATE & NATION Page 4 - Friday, February 25, 2011


Washington: the ‘blackest name’ in America By jesse washington ap national writer

George Washington’s name is inseparable from America, and not only from the nation’s history. It identifies countless streets, buildings, mountains, bridges, monuments, cities — and people. In a puzzling twist, most of these people are black. The 2000 U.S. Census counted 163,036 people with the surname Washington. Ninety percent of them were African-American, a far higher black percentage than for any other common name. The story of how Washington became the “blackest name” begins with slavery and takes a sharp turn after the Civil War, when all blacks were allowed the dignity of a surname. Even before Emancipation, many enslaved black people chose their own surnames to establish their identities. Afterward, some historians theorize, large numbers of blacks chose the name Washington in the process of asserting their freedom. Today there are black Washingtons, like this writer, who are often identified as African-American by people they have never met. There are white Washingtons who are sometimes misidentified and have felt discrimination. There are

Washingtons of both races who view the name as a special — if complicated — gift. And there remains the presence of George, born 279 years ago on Feb. 22, whose complex relationship with slavery echoes in the blackness of his name today. ——— George Washington’s greatgrandfather, John, arrived in Virginia from England in 1656. John married the daughter of a wealthy man and eventually owned more than 5,000 acres, according to the new biography “Washington: A Life,” by Ron Chernow. Along with land, George inherited 10 human beings from his father. He gained more through his marriage to a wealthy widow, and purchased still more enslaved blacks to work the lands he aggressively amassed. But over the decades, as he recognized slavery’s contradiction with the freedoms of the new nation, Washington grew opposed to human bondage. Yet “slaves were the basis of his fortune,” and he would not part with them, Chernow said in an interview. Washington was not a harsh slaveowner by the standards of the time. He provided good food and medical care. He recognized marriages and refused to sell off individual family members. Later in life he resolved not to purchase any

CURE from page 1 Race of the Cure. After the race, he was very exhausted from working hard in preparation, but seeing everyone’s faces made him feel better. “I volunteered with my fraternity brothers (Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc.) and other friends at Southern. I met a lot of great people and had a great time volunteering,” the senior business management major from Minneapolis said. Mahogany Hawkins, a senior political science major from Los Angeles volunteered with Omega Tau Pi Fraterrnity, Inc., a service organization on campus. “It was my first time volunteering with the Race for the Cure. Lafayette will be having their Race for the Cure on March 19 and I will definitely be in attendance,” she said. After volunteering, Hawkins was happy and overwhelmed. She really enjoyed the Survivor’s Recognition Ceremony. Nyasha Fleming, a senior biology major from Baton Rouge has been participating

in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure for the past five years. She felt extremely happy seeing all the survivors decked out in pink tutus and boas. “It was amazing! Being able to support the survivors was a wonderful feeling,” she said. Fleming volunteered with close friends and would volunteer at the Race for the Cure in the future. Janea Jamison, a junior political science major from Napoleonville volunteered on behalf of the Beta Psi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. “It was my first time volunteering with the Susan G. Komen for the Race for the Cure, but I will definitely volunteer again,” Jamison said. Jamison’s mother is a breast cancer survivor. Jamison’s heart was filled with joy when she saw all of the survivors and everyone else coming together to race to find a cure and to raise awareness for breast cancer. “After the race, I was kind of tired but at the same time happy,” she said.

Read the at WWW.southerndigest.com

photo by Frank franklin II/ap photo

Shannon Washington poses for a portrait in the Brooklyn borough of New York. George Washington’s name is inseparable from America, and not only from the nation’s history. It identifies countless streets, buildings, mountains, bridges, monuments, cities — and people. In a puzzling twist, most of these people are black. The 2000 U.S. Census counted 163,036 people with the surname Washington. Ninety percent of them were African-American, a far higher black percentage than for any other common name.

more black people. But he also worked his slaves quite hard, and under difficult conditions. As president, he shuttled them between his Philadelphia residence and Virginia estate to evade a law that freed any slave residing in Pennsylvania for six months. While in Philadelphia, Oney Judge, Martha Washington’s maid, moved

about the city and met many free blacks. Upon learning Martha was planning one day to give her to an ill-tempered granddaughter, Judge disappeared. According to Chernow’s book, Washington abused his presidential powers and asked the Treasury Department to kidnap Judge from her new life in New Hampshire. The plot was unsuccessful.


Friday, February 25, 2010 - Page 5

arts & entertainment Page 6 - Friday, February 25, 2011

Fashion show raises funds By Christie Carral

digest contributing writer

The College of Engineering raised $525 to benefit the American Heart Association with their “Red” Fashion Show that was held in the Cotillion Ballroom in the Smith-Brown Memorial Union on last Friday. Students, faculty and staff members were all in attendance to help contribute to the greater good of those who have been affected by heart disease. According to the American Heart website, americanheart.org, 81.1 million people in the United States have one or more forms of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Almost 20 ACEAT models, two fraternities, Alpha Phi Alpha and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, and the Administrative Professional “A.P.” models, made the show a successful and entertaining event. “The whole idea of having the “Red” Fashion Show, was to raise more money from a much larger crowd,” said Christina Crump, event coordinator. Her goal was to get more than $1000, the amount that was raised last year.

Crump says that she is still working towards her goal. She says that they are working on more fundraisers and will start soliciting to different companies in Baton Rouge and reaching out to former SU students. “I will try my best to get over $1,000 again,” says Crump. Crump also stated that the show was really nice and that it was great she managed to get $525. With the Alphas and Sigmas, Crump anticipated to reach her goal in one day with the crowd the fraternities. Joshua DuBois, Senior, Electrical Engineering major, Inglewood, Ca., brother to the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., was one of the students who help take the show a bit farther by performing a few steps with his line brothers. Another member from the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., Brandin Walker, Senior, Broadcast Journalism and Military Science major, New Orleans, said even though they were added last minute, their performance was to benefit a good cause. “If we had more time, we would have had a much better show, but


‘Static Shock’ creator dies by the associated press

photo by Darnell Fisher/digest Models from the Aceat Modeling Agency return for an encore after presenting their outfits too an audience supporting the Heart Association’s fashion show last Friday.

we’re going to bring down the house, anyway,” said Walker. Although the Sigma’s were added at the last minute, so

they stated, they stated that their performance was for a good cause and they did it to help benefit.

PHILADELPHIA — Dwayne McDuffie, who wrote comic books for Marvel and DC and co-founded his own publishing company before crossing over to television and animation, has died. He was 49. The Detroit native died Monday, a day after his birthday, DC Comics said. His cause and place of death weren’t immediately known. McDuffie wrote comics for the New York-based DC and Marvel, including runs on Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight, the Fantastic Four and the Justice League of America. He also penned several animated television shows and features, including the just-released “All-Star Superman” as well as “Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths” and the animated TV series “Static Shock” and “Ben 10: Alien Force.” News of McDuffie’s death was first reported Tuesday by the website Comic Book Resources. As recently as last week, McDuffie attended the premieres of the new “All-Star Superman” film in Los Angeles and New York, and was scheduled to appear at an event Wednesday at Golden Apple Comics in Los Angeles.

Panel discusses male images By Christie Carral digest contributing writer

The Baton Rouge Rape Center held a film screening series in the Nursing School Auditorium titled “Tough Guise: Violence, Media, and the Crisis of Masculinity” to depict how males and the media has made a major impact on violence in our communities and how much it has been glamorized. A discussion panel of three men and two women to explore the connection between masculinity and violence in our society and learn ways to become an ally for creating positive social change followed the film. Tony Brown, Copy Editor for the Baton Rouge newspaper The Advocate stated, “This event was very valuable, especially with violence in Baton Rouge and that this

photo by Darnell Fisher/digest A board of accomplished individuals that are involved with Southern University were at the Relationships and Trouble event that was held in the nursing building’s auditorium. (From left to right, Tony Brown, ValaRay Irvin, Deion Dorset, Summer Steib, and Keldric Emeny)

would help bring attention to violence against women.” “Society believes violence against a woman, are women issues,” said Brown. According to brrcc.org, the Rape Crisis Center website, a division of the East Baton Rouge District Attorney’s Office, one out of six American women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape in her lifetime. Among all victims, about nine out of ten are female. Another statistic from the Baton Rouge Crisis Center’s website, states girls ages 16-19 are four times more likely than

the general population to be victims of sexual assault. Of those age groups, 19 percent are African-American women. Right before the panel discussion began, a group of students, previously at the vigil held for the two students, Sheena Barnett and Ferdinand “Ferd” Dorsey, who recently lost their lives to violence, were grateful to see an event held on violence due to the past two deaths on campus. Stanley White Jr., former SGA President, spoke on the behalf of the other students that later attended the event, that were previously at the

vigil. Racheal Hebert, outreach, educator and volunteer coordinator, said that their organization are all on campuses, but it’s to target the communities around the campuses. Many students that attended the gathering were indeed impressed and shocked by the numbers that were stated in the documentary that was provided by the Baton Rouge Rape Crisis Center. Ronisha Johnson, a senior social work major from Baton Rouge, said this event was very informative.

“I wish more males were here and get a better understanding,” says Johnson. Another student, Courtney Cannon, a junior social work major from Baton Rouge, said that the topic was a good choice to consider especially with the murders of the two students. “This is something that I don’t look at everyday, it got my attention,” said Cannon. Guest panelist Keldric Emery said, “this event really gave students the opportunity to re-evaluate their concepts and masculinity images.”


Friday, February 25, 2011 - Page 7


An open letter to everyone First and foremost my heart goes out to the family and loved ones of our dearly departed SU family members Sheena Marie Barnett and Ferdinand Dorsey Jr. It is truly tragic that two of our bright stars were blackened out by senseless violence. My heart feels heavy from the lost of these two people whom anyone who has come in contact with them attest to be very good hearted and loving people. You will truly be missed… I fear the worst for our future, not only SU but also my people as a whole. This violence against one another needs to end. We are putting ourselves on a track leading to extinction and I see no effort from us to

NORMAN DOTSON JR. stop it. These two tragedies hit close to home so hopefully we are now more aware of this rise in violence in our communities and now maybe this will spark something in everyone to make a change. However change does not start with us, but we have to start with the younger generation because it’s the

plague is creeping down to them already. I heard about the child who pulled a gun on a man citing “its murder season.” —What the hell?— Kids don’t value life anymore and actually take great pleasure in executing these monstrous acts on their fellow man. Where are the morals? Where is the fear? Where are the parents? The real ones? My parents put the fear of God in me, not only that they took the time to teach me right from wrong and what morals are. What happened in recent days was a clear view that none of this was done in the lives of that child. If that was me, well

lets just say my mother would have needed lawyer for herself to get her murder charges dropped. All of that is to say that the violence in our community is real, and it’s getting worse. This world has been promised to the future by those before us yet we do nothing to better it. It is up to us to change this selfdeteriorating poison within our systems and move ourselves forward into the future that our forefathers caught hell to bring us. Let’s be the ones that saves lives, it only takes a minute to effect change in a life. Reach out, give back, and never forget the ones we lost due to senseless violence.


How has recent violence changed your perspective on campus?

Polite D. Stewart, Jr. Digest photographer

Nia D. Iyanu Baton Rouge Sophomore Psychology

“I feel the same way about the Southern University iyanu community. Black on black crime is just as dangerous and redundant.”

Chisolu Isiadinso

From the desk of the SGA President It is very rarely that I convey my thoughts about being the President of the Student Government Association and the chief representative of the student cause. Typically, I shut my mouth and do the work. This, however, is one instance that demands my expression. Over the past week, I have been overwhelmingly pleased by the compassion and support the Jaguar Nation has shown to one another. Time and time again, we have shown ourselves to be the manifestation of the purpose of HBCUs – lifting each other up towards a common goal. As we all know, our students were devastated by the unbearable loss of two of our most invaluable assets – Ferdinand Dorsey and Sheena Barnett. Both were loss as a result of violence. These losses have sparked a revolution


on campus to end violence on campus and in our local community, and have moved campus security to the top of the Student Government Association’s priority list. To memorialize our two beloved Jaguars, the Student Government Association hosted a Vigil and Memorial at the Student Union this past Wednesday. At the vigil, donations were taken to assist the family of Ferdinand Dorsey with burial and personal costs.

Out of the kindness and compassion of our Student Body, I was informed that the family raised $1,400 for the cause. This is a phenomenal accomplishment that exemplifies the level of unity and love we share for another. At the same time, our Student Body came to the rescue of our sister campus in the Southern University System. On Thursday, there was a significant court hearing downtown which would have great impacts on the future of Southern University at New Orleans. In a coordinated effort, the Student Government Association, Association for Women Students, Pan Hellenic Council and National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (the Southern University Collegiate Chapter) launched a massive campaign

to educate students and gain their participation in a court presence on Thursday. In an unprecedented number, more than 400 Southern University – Baton Rouge students participated in the rally and showed their support for our New Orleans campus. SUNO Chancellor stated that he is appreciative of our efforts and knows that “SUBR has our back.” Both of these events are prime examples of what Southern University is capable; it is what we are all about. I implore each student to keep up the fight. Please continue to find ways to support one another in our ultimate goal of self and societal advancement. The future is defined now. Let’s not let up. Enough is still enough. Now is our time to seize our destiny!

Baton Rouge Junior Political Science


“This recent violence has shown me that many students priorities are not in order.”

Yadeale Tamru

Dallas Junior Political Science

“My perspective remains the same. Things need tamru to change. SU students and the black race need enlightenment.”

Willie McCorkle III new orleans Sophomore Broadcast Journalism


“When someone you know personally is the victim of crime it really hits home.”


The Southern DIGEST welcomes letters from readers commenting on current issues and other matters of general interest to the SU family and public. We set aside this space to publish these letters for others to enjoy. This newspaper is not responsible for individual opinions expressed on its editorial and opinion pages. The Southern DIGEST reserves the right to edit any contributions and or reject them without notification. Authors are encouraged to limit the length of submissions to 300 words. Letters should not include libelous statements. Offensive and personal attacks will not be permitted. The DIGEST will not print “open letters” addressed to someone else. All contributions must be type written, signed and must include the author’s address and phone number. Unsigned letters will not be printed. Southern University students should include their majors, hometowns and year in school. When referring to specific DIGEST articles, please include the date and title. All materials should be directed to the editor in chief of The Southern DIGEST, P.O. Box 10180, Baton Rouge, La. 70813. Materials may be delivered by hand to the DIGEST office located in Suite 1064 Harris Hall or can be e-mail to digest@ subr.edu.

Editorial policy

Staff editorials represent the opinions of the author and the majority opinion of the Southern DIGEST Student Editorial Board, which is comprised of the student staff of editors and columnists. The Southern DIGEST provides an open forum to educate, inform and enlighten the students, faculty and staff at Southern University, Baton Rouge, La.

diversions Page 8 - Friday, February 25, 2011

The Knight Life

ACROSS 1 Throw a party for 5 Ben- — 8 Edinburgh duo 11 Salary increase 13 Mine yield 14 Sarcastic retort 15 Cousins’ moms 16 Undermines 18 October’s stone 20 Antique brooch 21 School kid 23 Amt. 24 Biddy 25 Genesis hunter 27 S&L deposit 31 Electric bridge 32 Pop-top beverage 33 Metric pound 34 Apply gold leaf 36 Butler, to Gable 38 Furniture mover 39 Large number 40 Where Japan is 41 Kind of cube 42 Rand of “Atlas Shrugged” 44 Dress 46 Really excited 49 Talking bird 50 Emerge 52 Piano composition 56 TNT part 57 RSVP word 58 Tailoring job 59 NASA destination 60 Edge a doily 61 Catch cattle DOWN 1 Monastery dweller 2 Perfume label word 3 Metal in pewter 4 Bar legally 5 Dog’s plaint 6 Scottish actress Mary 7 Laugh or cry 8 The other guys 9 Dwindle 10 Chan rejoinder (2 wds.) 12 Glimpses 17 Arctic craft 19 Loser (hyph.) 21 Hazard 22 “I give!” 23 Meet requirements 24 Crones 26 Hubbubs 28 Kind of duty 29 Rattle 30 Vocal sound


By Keith Knight

Today’s Answers

Astro-Graph By Bernice Bede Osol

Today’s Answers

35 Miniature 37 Wage- — 43 Brewer’s supply 45 Tom Mix film 46 — spumante 47 Minks, e.g.

48 Pupil locale 49 Soften 51 FBI counterpart 53 Alien spacecraft 54 Chips go-with 55 Summer, to Pierre

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20): No matter how much good planning you do, you still need to be prepared for the unexpected, because it is likely to happen. Be ready to roll with the punches and no one will know there were any. ARIES (March 21-April 19): Regardless of the resistance you might encounter, keep plugging forward on your dreams. However, heed warning: Do not deliberately provoke conflict with others in doing so. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Trust your past experiences to guide you instead of trusting the advice being offered by someone who hasn’t done what you’ve accomplished, no matter how smart this person might be. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): The accomplishments you are able to achieve will have to be reward enough for you, because there is a chance the compensation that was promised might be a little slow in coming. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Someone for whom you’ve done much in the past might promise a lot, but be slow to deliver. You’d be smart not to expect too much from those who never have produced. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): This is one of those days when you can achieve something quite significant and/or difficult. However, don’t allow yourself to get bogged down in details. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Go after

those things you know to have huge reward potential, but don’t allow anyone who can’t carry his/her own weight to tag along. Someone of this ilk may think s/he deserves a cut. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): Being with friends will prove to be extremely fun and rewarding, with one exception. Someone who isn’t part of the group could disrupt things if you allow him/her to do so. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22): You are smart to get all your chores out of the way as early as possible if you have plans to go out with friends later on. You may need a little time to yourself between activities to recharge yourself. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21): The good work you do will be handsomely rewarded, but take care that in your celebration for the huge compensation you don’t blow a wad on something foolish. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Your will to win makes you try harder than what’s possible for most people, so it is no surprise for you to be sought after to be part of a team. Join in, but don’t think of yourself as being a hotshot. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19): There are few people who are as self-reliant as you, so don’t think this is true for everybody. Some people need guidance and help and will do a good job for you if you let them. ——— Copyright 2011, United Feature Syndicate, Inc.

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