January 24th ISSUE

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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Volume 68, Issue 1

Tuesday . January 24, 2017

Volume 68 . Issue 1

Trump Inauguration dumped by Women’s March BY EDDIE BYNOG


Meet to Repeat:


Senate Updates Constitution BY BRANDON PRINCE


As is tradition, America swore in its 45th President, Friday, January 20 outside of the United States Capital in Washington D.C. amid protests, dissent and less than stellar crowds. Using Bibles that once belonged to Abraham Lincoln and his own family Bible, President Trump recited the oath of office delivered by, Chief Justice, John Roberts. The 70-year-old business man was surrounded by family and friends as a sparse crowd of citizens looked on and cheered. One protester was heard screaming,”no,” soon after the inauguration announcer voiced that Trump was now the 45th President of the United States. Trump then gave his 16-minute inaugural address, vowing, “From this moment on, it’s going to be America first.” Soon after the swearing in ceremony, the Trump Family participated in the traditional parade march down Pennsylvania Avenue. What has been in recent years, a packed celebration of citizens cheering on the See DUMP TRUMP page 3

Inside this Issue: Campus Briefs ...................................... 2 News ...................................... 3 Jaguar Sports ...................................... 5 President-Chancellor’s Greeting .................... 6 Arts/Entertainment ..................................... 8 Commentary .................................... 11


On Thursday, January 12th, the Student Government Association (SGA) Senate called forth their first official meeting of the year in the Royal Cotillion Ballroom to vote on and update the Constitution with revisions that they proposed. As the meeting was brought to order by SGA Vice President Breanna Perkins, Southern University students along with the newly formed Student Liberation Alliance Movement (SLAM) led by Miss Southern, Corinne Vaughn, filled the ballroom with intentions of being heard by their class senators. When the floor was opened to the students for public comments,Vaughn and others did not hesitate to address the senators and administration present with their concerns and issues. Most of the students and SLAM members centered their speeches around not having a “voice”, comments made by the SGA President Zana Harris via Twitter, claims of unapproachable SGA leaders and residential housing living conditions. When asked about her reflections of the Senate meeting, Vaughn replied, “The Senate was allowed to, once again, enact amendments which do not positively affect

Student Government Association (SGA) Vice-President, Breanna Perkins, speaks during the Senate meeting held in the Royal Cotillion ballroom on Thursday, January 12.

the students. One amendment in particular is the one which excludes the general student population from running for Miss Southern University, SGA President, SGA Vice President, and Chief Justice, if they have not already served in SGA. This supports that clique culture that has existed in SGA for years…Students should be the main priority, but our SGA has broken their side of the deal with our students. Students have allowed particular officials to represent

them, and these officials have done the exact opposite. Students must come together and take back the power.” However, as of right now the constitution upholds quite a few changes from the Senate’s last meeting. Some of the changes to the Constitution are as listed: SGA is now Student Government Association of Southern University and See SENATE page 3

Taking the Oath

New board appointments ready to serve

am looking forward to working with them to build a brighter The spring 2017 semester future for Louisiana’s students,” highlights the beginning of said Edwards in a written a fresh start as the Board of statement, according to NOLA. Supervisors prepares to serve com January 6, 2017 marked the the Southern University system with the election of a new date of the regular monthly chairwoman, vice chairman and board meeting where the new two newly appointed members. officers were installed for 2017 Governor John Bel Edwards and a swearing in ceremony was appointed 15 people to held. Two newly appointed Louisiana’s higher education governing boards on December members took the oath of office and three members were 30, 2016. Of those 15, five were named reappointed. The January board meeting apart of the 16 member Southern University System Board of began with the installation of the new vice chairman of the board, Supervisors. “The appointees I have named Reverend Donald R. Henry. According to the Southern to the board bring an array of professional and educational University official website, expertise from higher education Henry represents the 2nd southerndigest.com institutions across Louisiana. I Congressional District. He


Courtesy /SU Media Relations Taking the oath of office for the Southern University Board of Supervisors during the January 6, 2017, SU Board meeting in Baton Rouge, were two newly appointed members and three reappointed members. Pictured (left to right): Domoine D. Rutledge (newly appointed), Rev. Samuel C. Tolbert Jr. (reappointed), Chairwoman Ann A. Smith (reappointed), Leroy Davis (newly appointed), and Richard Hilliard (reappointed). SU Board of Supervisors general counsel Winston Decuir Jr. administered the oath of office.

is a planning and scheduling professional at Noranda Alumina, LLC; and co-owner of DRH Consulting Group, LLC in Gramercy. Mrs. Ann A. Smith was sworn in next as her family stood by her

side to indulge in the moment. With her right hand raised, Smith declared that, “I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as the See TAKING THE OATH page 3


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