4-7 GES A P see ST I L TE DUA A R G
Tuesday . May 2, 2017
Volume 68 . Issue 11
Local officials address rumors surrounding Alton Sterling verdict BY EDDIE BYNOG
Local leaders and elected officials are urging caution on the heels of what could be a tense week for Baton Rouge as the Department of Justice’s decision to release their findings of the investigation in the death of Alton Sterling are rumored to be forthcoming. In an interview with WBRZ News, Baton Rouge Mayor-President Sharon Weston-Broome addressed the rumors in an effort to calm down Baton Rouge residents. “The truth is that no one knows a specific day or a specific date,” said Weston-Broome to WBRZ. Broome went on to add that she and her office have not received any word from the Department of Justice that the decision is forthcoming. “I’m asking people to be vigilant, but not to adhere to the rumors that are flaming throughout social media and all over the place really.” That same day U.S. Representative for Louisiana’s 2nd Congressional District, Cedric Richmond, sent a letter to U.S. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, Friday afternoon urging the administration to remain transparent about the Alton Sterling investigation. See STERLING page 3
Under the Microscope:
Division of Students Affairs & Enrollment Management Under Investigation BY BRIA GREMILLION
Administrators, members of the board of supervisors and concerned alumni came together for a special meeting on April 19 in hopes of initiating an investigation of the Division of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management. According to a weekly alumni newsletter sent out by the National President of the Southern University Alumni Federation, Preston Castille, Jr., seven members of the board of supervisors were in attendance along with former SGA Presidents, Jamal Taylor and Simone Bray, alum Nonica Morgan, SUBR’s Director of alumni affairs, Derrick Warren and Camille Mayo, the president of the Los Angeles Chapter. The chairlady of the board of supervisors, Mrs. Ann Smith, PresidentChancellor, Dr. Ray Belton and creator of the 5th Quarter Club, Mrs. Sonja
Norwood were also in attendance. The newsletter states, “The meeting was a frank discussion about complaints from alumni and students from all across the country. In fact, the discussion even got a little heated at times. However, when the meeting ended, I think all who attended felt like much progress had been made, and there was a positive path forward. I think this will only be true if everyone remains committed to being vigilant about advancing our University.” Castille explains some other concerns of alumni that arose during the two and a half hour meeting. “Alumni for some time have been concerned about the conditions of the campus and the manner in which students are receiving services. They’ve gotten complaints about dormitories, about lighting, about safety and we hear, as alumni, those concerns from students and we want to do everything that we
can to ensure that the students have a safe place to go to school and that the dorms that they stay in are satisfactory. Our biggest concern is just ensuring that administration is responding to the concerns of both students and alumni as it relates to the conditions of our campus and the safety of our students,” said Castille. The meeting ended with the understanding that an investigation would proceed to take place of the Division of Student Affairs & Enrollment Management. President-Chancellor, Dr. Ray Belton has confirmed that an individual is currently engaged in investigating those allegations. “I think we owe it to the alumni federation and members within the alumni to investigate in a fair, objective manner such that any questions they may have would be responsibly
answered,” said Belton. The President-Chancellor has also confirmed that an outside party is conducting the investigation. “It is a third party, an outside agent of the University; an individual who is not necessarily employed with Southern University,” replied Belton. According to the Chancellor, a time See INVESTIGATION page 3