Volume 67, Issue 11
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
And Still I Rise, Black America SU Honors Associate Tackles Since MLK New Position BY BRANDON PRINCE DIGEST STAFF EDITOR
Brandon Tucker/DIGEST Southern University students attend a screening of Henry Louis Gates Jr.’s Black America Since MLK (And Still I Rise) event on Wednesday, November 9. inside the Royal Cotillion Ballroom.
On Wednesday, November 9, 2016, Louisiana Public Broadcasting station sponsored a screening of the four-hour television series; And Still I Rise: Black America Since MLK. One night after the election, hopeful, anxious, and expectant eyes filled the Cotillion Ballroom in the Smith-Brown Memorial Union at Southern University to screen a film
which seemed more significant now than ever before. The night began with a quote from the Southern University System’s Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. M. Christopher Brown that resonated throughout the room and set the tone for the rest of the night. “We learned all there was to know, we taught others, then we forgot, then we forgot that we had forgotten, now we are taught by those, who were once
taught by us, knowledge that we already had.” This event featured excerpts from the four-hour, two-part documentary series written and executively produced by Harvard professor, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. The film highlights the last 50 years of Black history. From James Brown’s “I’m black and I’m Proud” to hit TV shows such as Soul Train, then on to more grave issues See STILL I RISE page 3
As of 2016, Southern University program associate and recruiter for the Dolores Margaret Richard Spikes Honors College, Eric G. Pugh, was selected as the new national secretary for the National Association of African American Honors Programs (NAAAHP). Pugh will represent Southern University as Secretary of NAAAHP for two consecutive years. “This is a great honor, and I will uphold my duties and responsibilities as secretary. In addition, I will work with the other executive officers to make sure that we continue to have this organization represent academic excellence throughout the United States,” said Pugh. According to www.naaahp. org, NAAAHP is a national academic nonprofit organization that provides honors students with opportunities to present scholarly research, network, debate, and compete academically each year at its annual conference. Moreover, students are instructed in the ways of leadership and service by participating in community service, cultural enrichment, and the annual career and
graduate school expos. The annual conference brings together Honors students, faculty, staff, and professionals
Photo Courtesy: SU Media Relations
from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), and Predominately Black Colleges and Universities (PBCU), in an intellectually stimulating environment that promotes academic achievement and appreciation of African American culture. The purpose and objectives for this year’s conference are listed as follows: develop, enhance, and support Honors program in all HBCUs and PBCUs, stimulate and encourage community service and leadership as one of See NEW POSITION page 3
Going Up? Hillary Got Trumped Elevators in Cade still inoperable BY JACQUELINE MORGAN DIGEST STAFF WRITER
When was the last time you took the elevator to the second or third floor of the library? If you can’t remember or even relate to the concept, you are not alone. Students have been taking the stairs up for a few years now. There are various components that contribute to the weight of the issue, but one main focal point is that students with physical impairments are unable to access the resources on the upper levels of the library by themselves. The second and third floors of the library holds a large bulk of the tangible resources that the library has to offer. These are resources See GOING UP page 3
The year of 2016 will go out with a bang as Donald Trump gears up to be sworn in on Friday, January 20th, 2017 as the 45th President of the United States. Trump announced his candidacy in June of 2015 and became an official nominee in July of 2016. Trump had a great lead by campaigning ahead of the other Republican Party primaries. Election night ended with Trump having 290 votes from the electoral college, with a goal of 270 for the win, and Hillary Clinton with 228 votes from the electoral college. Hillary won 20 states plus the electoral college votes from the District of Columbia, and Trump won 30 states. The mood around campus was somber as students came to grips that Republican nominee, Donald Trump, would actually become the 45th president of the
United States of America. Vivian Ordogne, freshman biology major from Slidell Louisiana, was one of many students upset with the outcome of the election. “I feel that the results of the election were bogus. I feel like my vote did not count,” said Ordogne. After the electoral votes were tallied, Trump and Clinton gave their respective speeches to their constituents. Trump started off his victory speech by paying homage to Hillary Clinton’s hard work. Saying to a packed crowd of supporters at the New York Hilton Mid-Town, “Thank you very much. I’ve just received a call from secretary Clinton,” said President-Elect Trump, “She congratulated us on our victory and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard fought campaign.” Trump ended his speech by thanking all of his family and
supporters. He also said that he is going to do a great job working for the people of America. During Hillary’s concession speech, she showed somewhat, a level of discouragement. “This is painful, and it will be for a long time, but I want you to remember this,” she said to a packed house at the New Yorker
Hotel, “Our campaign was never about one person or even one election, it was about the country we love and about building an America that’s hopeful, inclusive, and big-hearted.” Clinton added that the nation has become more deeply divided
See TRUMPED page 3