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Volume 67, Issue 6
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Planting Seeds:
Short Changed: Custodial leadership
First Ever DeanChancellor Plans for Success
frustrated with lingering pay issues
Bria Gremillion/DIGEST Nikita Selvage, Jesse Williams, and Charlene Spears maintain University Custodian Supervisor positions and have been employed with Southern for over ten years BY BRIA GREMILLON/EDDIE BYNOG DIGEST MANAGING EDITOR/NEWS EDITOR
Southern University is filled with individuals who receive constant praise and accolades for their contributions to the Jaguar Nation, but it is the sacrifice of its overworked and underpaid custodial staff that allows SU to continue its legacy. Custodian 2 Supervisor, Charlene Spears, has been employed by Southern University for the past 18 years. As one of 15 Southern University custodians, she is tasked with the burden of cleaning and maintaining one of the largest historically black universities in the nation. As a 57-year-old heart patient, Spears spoke of how being understaffed affects her daily. “People don’t care or have any consideration for us,” said Spears. Having attended a number of board meetings, Spears states
that the cries of the custodial staff have fallen on deaf ears. “We been looked over for too long. Somebody is not listening. Somebody’s not paying attention,” said Spears. Currently, the custodial staff is suffering from a shortage of workers like never before. As recently as 2001, Southern University employed at least 73 custodians but that number has been drastically reduced in the last 8 years due in part by Louisiana’s budget woes that were created under former Governor Bobby Jindal’s leadership. Director of the Physical Plant, Henry L. Thurman III, says that the shortage is a result of low wages and other universities offering better pay to custodians. The current pay to any newly hired custodian is $7.25 and stands as one of many contributing reasons that custodians are seeking work
elsewhere. By comparison, Louisiana State University pays its custodians .30 cents to $1.00 more and has a starting pay of $8.25. Thurman says that to combat the high turnover rate, he and Vice President for Human Resources, Lester Pourciau are working very closely to try and raise the wage custodians get paid. When asked whether or not custodians could possibly see a raise to ten dollars, Pourciau dismissed the suggestion, noting that neither he nor Thurman know what the magic number will be. “As soon as there are funds available, hopefully next year, these issues will be addressed,” said Pourciau, “ believe me I understand their plights and struggles.” Custodian Supervisor 1, Jesse Williams, has been employed
with the University for ten years and only earns eight dollars per hour. “If you want people to come to work they gotta have an incentive. $7.25 for the work that you want done is not an incentive,” said Williams. Williams stressed that raising the minimum wage starting pay rate, would attract more workers. “We’d be willing to give our raise up to make it better for the other people to come into work,” Spears added. “Give us the help we need because we not gon’ see no raises, we already know this.” Currently, there are 15 people responsible for the cleaning of 46 buildings during the day. On the night shift, there are only 7 custodians to over 40 buildings. Custodian Supervisor 3, Nikita Selvage has been See NO CHANGE page 3
“Why would I argue over the last word? I have the last act,” said former Baton Rouge Police Chief Jeff Leduff during an open forum between police officers and students early Friday morning on the front lawn of the Southern University Police Department. Leduff stressed the importance of communication to his listeners as dialogue flowed between him and several others. October 7th has been deemed National Coffee with a Cop Day across the country and the SUPD did not miss out on the opportunity to interact with students during a trying time. This year, Coffee with a Cop day is first annual and stemmed from growing tension between American citizens and the nation’s law enforcement. Since the
effort was first launched in 2011 in California by the Hawthorne Police Department, it has touched all 50 states and beyond. Canada, Europe, Australia and Africa have joined in this year, according to the Coffee with a Cop website. The Southern University Police Chief, Joycelyn Johnson, said that she decided to get involved after meeting with President Barack Obama in Washington D.C. “The president talked about police departments being more in the community and doing things like this to foster relationships and communicate with the community. This is needed so that conversation won’t only happen when they call and we have to show up. This [day] gave us an opportunity to do just that. Have coffee and some conversation.” No question was left unanswered as students voiced
Aisiriuwa Egharevba/DIGEST Southern University Police Department along with members of other Law Enforcement entities gather to speak with students during the “Coffee with a Cop” event held Friday, October 7.
their concern for racial injustice and matters of police brutality, the right to bear arms and whether or not they feel safe on campus. “When it comes down to safety, I would want to know every officer that is here,” said SUPD Chief Joycelyn Johnson when the topic of campus safety arose amongst
the crowd. Chief Johnson has been serving as the Chief of Police at the SUPD since January 2013 and has been on a quest to connect her team with the student body. “I feel safe on campus. I feel more
See SUPD page 3
Several weeks ago, the Southern University Board of Supervisors evaluated applications for the next DeanChancellor of the SU Ag Center and College of Agriculture. It was the board’s decision to combine the two together so that the three land-grant units (teaching, research and cooperative extension) can be ran by the DeanChancellor. When the decision was determined final by the evaluation committee, the Board of Supervisors then named and hired Southern Alumni Dr. Bobby R. Phills as the first ever dean/chancellor. Phills was chosen over two other finalists for the job and immediately went to work. Phills biggest goal as Dean-Chancellor is to fulfill the needs of the three landgrants’ mission of teaching, research and extension, and community service. When asked what was his motivation for applying for the position, Phills answered, “To provide a reservoir of opportunities for students to grow and develop to become not only professional in agricultural but our future replacements. It’s imperative that we grow future professionals that will be able to take our place.” According to Phills, there are over fifty thousand jobs nationally that are provided to students who earn degrees in the agriculture field but currently half of those are being filled. He stresses that students of this program should study hard, strive for good grades and be ambitious in terms of wanting better for themselves. Students should also be mobile and willing to travel for the job he or she is after. Phills also commented, “I assure that better than 90 percent of our students that graduate get jobs in their major and have more than one job offer.” Now deep into the semester, Phills says that he’s excited about his staff and looks forward to working with them See PLANTING SEEDS page 3
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