Volume 65 - Issue 3

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Jaguars blast Delta Devils in SWAC Opener

Willie Quinn - SWAC Specialist Player of the Week


SEPTEMBER 15, 2015

Volume 65


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LiveText; wait, there’s more!

Issue 3

SGA Election Results: Congratulations! Miss Freshman

Platform beneficial to students beyond the classroom

Micah Pegues - 165 Votes

Freshman Class President Travon Nabors - 152 Votes

Southern University Law Center receives $10,000 donation for scholarships

Joshua Mcknight/DIGEST Project Director Donovan Segura explains what the LiveText platform has to offer to the Southern University student body.


Southern University partnered with LiveText Incorporated in 2010 to better manage student outcomes. LiveText is a web application that provides online academic resources for student collaboration and learning outcomes assessment. LiveText gives students the ability to create an electronic portfolio, share resumes, engage in discussion boards, complete assignments, keep record of their academic career and participate in a process that will allow for a datadriven curricular improvements. LiveText subscription codes are available for first time freshmen and first time transfer students. The LiveText fee will be applied to the student’s billing statement, meaning if the student is a first time freshman or transfer student LiveText has already been included in tuition and fees. The subscription code is good for five years and can be used once the student has graduated. Students can renew their subscription after the five years at a lower rate. After being in position for a short time, Director of the The Office of Institutionalizing and Sustaining Strategic assessment Management

(ISSAM) Dr. Donovan L. Segura and Coordinator Debra Tilson, felt that LiveText has several positive functions in which the students are unaware of. “LiveText allows us to access the students growth and ensure that there is continuous learning and improvement,” said Segura. When asked of the office improvements Segura mentioned Tilson and her efforts. “Tilson, with 18 years of employment and experience in various SU departments and divisions managed to take this process from paper to digital,” said Segura. In the past semesters students had to see personnel and receive a code that was computer generated to access LiveText. “The transition, while automated, has been smooth. The students are really satisfied with the process, quick response, and the 24 hour 7 days a week accessibility,” Segura finished. With a collective effort of The Office of ISSAM and the Division of Information and technology there is a key code management system that automatically sends LiveText subscription codes to the students via their SUBR email once paid for. When asked of the nature in which the SU Professors are

embracing LiveText Segura responded, “There have been some challenges getting faculty to buy into this culture of assessment. I think that several already have heavy loads and many may see this as an extra weight or task. Also I believe that many do not like to embrace change.” Discussing ways to overcome those challenges and overall involvement Segura went on to say, “Teachers are just going to have to adhere to it, there will no longer be an option, but now a mandate. There are critical assignments that have to be done and if not there will be consequences, because we have to change this whole process. I am aware that in the pass we would start then stop, but consistency is key. Segura also mentioned the importance of implementing LiveText into the curriculum. “Also, if we are going to require the students to purchase live text than we should mandate that the professors use live text, because it is unfair to have a student pay for something and then not use it.” With support from Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic

See LIVE TEXT page 3


NEWS Students give back to the community through the Center for Service Learning. Page 2


Students prepare for Fall 2015 Career Exploration Day. Suit up for SUCCESS. Page 6

Pictured from left are Bobby Manning, ’97; Carol Powell-Lexing, ’88; PresidentChancellor Ray L. Belton; Interim Chancellor John K. Pierre; James Ross, Jr., ’80; Louis Scott, ’78; and George Britton III, ’89, Martinet Society chapter president. Photo Courtesy/SULC


On September 4, 2015 the Southern University Law Center, located on the Baton Rouge campus, received a donation from the Members of the Northeast Chapter of the Louis A. Martinet Society. The contribution of 10,000 dollars was donated to the SULC Scholarship Fund, during the President’s Reception hosted by the

Southern University System. Over 300 alumni gathered at the Eddie G. Robinson Museum in Grambling, Louisiana, on the Jaguars’ opening football game weekend against Louisiana Tech Bulldogs in Ruston. “We understand that the students need help, and it is part of our efforts to get the Alumni involved and provide

See SULAW page 3

Southern University’s Bike Patrol Prepares for Football Season BY SU MEDIA RELATIONS

Baton Rouge, LA - Southern University’s Police Department’s (SUPD) bike patrol team is ready for some football. SUPD’s bike patrol team will be accessible for fans, students, faculty and staff to assist with directions, parking information and safety

needs this season and throughout the semester. The bikes give “officers a hands on direct connection with everyone,” said Southern University’s Interim Chief of Police, Joycelyn Johnson. “Officers

See BIKE PATROL page 3


On campus Parking Procedure. Lady Jaguars prepare for their home opener What is a Best Friend? against Southeastern. Williams earns SWAC honors. Page 5


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