Ulolwe Vol 3 Issue 1

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THE ULOLWE SOUTH AFRICA – SUID-AFRIKA A monthly railway research / historical publication ‘n Maandelikse spoorweg historiese en navorsing publikasie Vol 3 No 1 Un-official / Nie Amptelik - Gratis Everything to do with the former SA Railways: i.e. lighthouses, harbours, staff, photos, books, RMT, stations, tugs, SAR Police, SAA, catering, pipelines, stamps, models, rolling stock, armoured trains, diagrams, etc

Hennie Heymans, Pretoria, ZA heymanshb@gmail.com January 2012

Photographer & Particulars unknown

Patron - Les Pivnic - Beskermheer 1

Contents Welcome ...................................................................................................................................................... 5 - Treindiens volstoom na inspuiting ....................................................................................................... 5 Front Cover - Voorblad ............................................................................................................................. 6 Editorial ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Main Story: 1985 Mechanical Workshops Pietermaritzburg – B Martin ............................................ 8 Wepener’s Perambulations – Jacque Wepener [Welkom].................................................................. 16 Railway History ....................................................................................................................................... 20 - CGR:................................................................................................................................................. 20 - NGR ................................................................................................................................................. 20 - OVSS ................................................................................................................................................ 20 - NZASM ........................................................................................................................................... 20 - Anglo Boer War - IMR .................................................................................................................. 20 - SAR .................................................................................................................................................. 20 - - George Museum GL 2351 Princess Alice - Cobus Holtzkampf ........................................... 20 - - Coach No 14 ................................................................................................................................. 20 - - Head Boards – Andre Geulpa’s collection ................................................................................... 21 - Transnet........................................................................................................................................... 23 - - 1991 Spoornet, SA Steam Experience – Dr Chris van Ginkel .................................................... 23 - Metro Head Board: Boland Blitz – Stefan Andrzejewski........................................................... 24 Photographs .............................................................................................................................................. 25 Stations: Howick and its former Station Master, Mr Grant Weweger – Jacobus Marais ....... 25 Old Free State mainline alignments – J Wepener & Bruno Martin ................................................... 28 Railway People – Spoorwegmense ........................................................................................................ 29 2

- Liver and Onions by Eric Samuels .................................................................................................. 29 - Desperate Measures by Eric Samuels ............................................................................................. 30 - Four vegetables for dinner by Eric Samuels .................................................................................. 31 Book Shelf.................................................................................................................................................. 32 RMT............................................................................................................................................................ 32 - Cobus Holtzkampf captured this RMT bus at the George Museum.......................................... 32 South African Airways ............................................................................................................................ 33 - Johan Botha captured these two aircraft at OT Airport ............................................................... 33 - In Lighter Vein: Vital guide to SABC TV Pronunciation ............................................................. 34 Harbours.................................................................................................................................................... 34 Pipelines .................................................................................................................................................... 34 Catering Division ..................................................................................................................................... 34 - Rape in Room - Eric Samuels ........................................................................................................... 34 SAR Police ................................................................................................................................................. 35 - Honour bestowed upon Mr HL “Les” Pivnic by the former SAR & H Police .......................... 35 - Defunct South African Police Transport Branch ........................................................................... 36 - The line is stolen at Cullinan ............................................................................................................ 37 Various Sites ............................................................................................................................................. 38 South African Models .............................................................................................................................. 38 - HBH’s model of No 116 NG “Etiro” ........................................................................................... 38 - Models by Bruce Green ................................................................................................................. 38 Outside South Africa: Egypt WW2 ........................................................................................................ 41 - C'mon George! By Lt-Col (Ret) Eric Samuels ............................................................................ 41 3

Zimbabwe: Bulawayo Railway Museum – Charles Rickwood ......................................................... 43 - 1914 – 1918: Roll of Honour – Beira & Mashonaland & Rhodesia Railways............................. 43 - 1939 – 1945 Roll of Honour: Rhodesia Railways ........................................................................... 44 - 1914 – 1918 Roll of Honour: Beira Mashonaland Railways ......................................................... 45 - 1914 – 1918 Roll of Honour Beira& Mashonaland & Rhodesia Railways: Stores Dept ........... 46 - 1939 – 1945 Roll of Honour: Rhodesia Railways CME Dept ....................................................... 47 Pandora’s Box ........................................................................................................................................... 48 Spoorwegvasvrae - Test your Railway Knowledge: Eric Samuels ................................................... 49 Mail Bag ..................................................................................................................................................... 58 - Les Pivnic ........................................................................................................................................ 58 Plaques& Rolls of Honour at Railway Stations - HBH ............................................................... 58 - Les Pivnic ........................................................................................................................................ 59 - Dave Fortune .................................................................................................................................. 59 - J Wepener ........................................................................................................................................ 59 - A Hill ............................................................................................................................................... 59 - Les Pivnic ........................................................................................................................................ 59 - Pierre de Wet .................................................................................................................................. 60 - Ashley van der Merwe .................................................................................................................. 60 - Wynand Vermeulen - DREAM TRAINS ................................................................................. 61 - John Nicholas Middleton .............................................................................................................. 61 - John Nicholas Middleton .............................................................................................................. 63 - Riana Dreyer – “The great Train Robbery” ................................................................................ 64 Filler: 1916 – Excursion Facilities ....................................................................................................... 64 4

Indemnity / Vrywaring ........................................................................................................................... 65 Next Issue .................................................................................................................................................. 65

Welcome Welcome to the first issue of the New Year – here is some good news! According the Afrikaans press Kei Rail is doing well! Over the festive season between Amabele and Umtata they transported a record number of 1037 passengers in one single day! Since its inception of Kei Rail have transported 50 000 (100%) passengers, so in one day they moved 2% of all previous users in one day! Let’s wish them well and hope they can improve!

- Treindiens volstoom na inspuiting1 Jan 03 2012 07:00 Johan Brits

Wat eens die Oos-Kaapse regering in ’n groot verleentheid gedompel het, het nou ’n rekordgetal passasiers bereik tesame met die voortdurende ekonomiese groei in die provinsie. Johannesburg. – Wat eens die Oos-Kaapse regering in ’n groot verleentheid gedompel het, het nou ’n rekordgetal passasiers bereik tesame met die voortdurende ekonomiese groei in die provinsie. Die Kei Rail-treindiens tussen Amabele en Umtata het oor die Kersfeestyd ’n rekordgetal van 1 037 passasiers op een dag vervoer. Dit is sy meeste nóg. Die Oos–Kaapse regering het dié treindiens in 2008 as middel tot werkskepping, ekonomiese groei en goedkoop openbare vervoer in die provinsie in werking gestel, maar dit het einde 2010 tot stilstand geknars nadat die regering versuim het om die diens finansieel in stand te hou. Meer as R80 miljoen is na verneem word aan Transnet se ingenieursafdeling vir spoorlyne (TRE) geskuld.




Die regering het ’n kontrak met TRE vir instandhouding en die verskaffing van passasierswaens. Die treindiens het byna ses maande stilgestaan, wat sy werknemers en pendelaars se lewe omvergegooi het. Die regering is skerp gekritiseer oor dié werkskeppingsprojek wat misluk het. Miljoene rande van belastingbetalers is aan die treinprojek bestee. Bewerings is rondgeslinger dat dit “gesneuwel” het as slagoffer van politieke binnegevegte en wanbesteding van begrotings. In ’n skielike ontwikkeling het die OosKaapse departement van vervoer in die middel van 2011 ’n kapitaalinspuiting van R67 miljoen gedoen. Die treindiens se wiele het weer begin rol. Oor die passasierrekord het me. Thandiswa Marawu, Oos-Kaapse LUR vir vervoer, gesê die inspuiting werp voortdurend vrugte af. “Die pasassiersgetalle wys ons het die regte besluit geneem,” het sy aan die media gesê. Sedert die herinwerkingstelling ses maande gelede het meer as 50 000 mense reeds van die treindiens gebruik gemaak.

Front Cover - Voorblad Particulars of artist / photographer unknown. One day I visited the late Africana expert, Sarel Retief, and saw this atmospheric picture or photograph of a piece of art on his desk. It captures a certain nostalgic time, many years ago. I believe this is British in origin. More particulars will be welcome. However I think this picture captures the ambiance of Christmas when we were boys!

Editorial Railways and Harbours remain of national importance - not only in time of war, but they also serve as a catalyst during periods of economic growth. Railways and harbours play a very important role in our National Food Strategy – especially in times of severe drought. Railways in South Africa should be subsidized and should operate nationally in the national interest. The aim of our present railways should be to get trucks of the road! Copy the idea of Switzerland – move foreign trucks to rail and have a special coach for truck drivers! Many trucks are over loaded and destroy our national road infrastructure. Special trains conveying the large trucks and their drivers can run from e.g. Beit Bridge to our various 6

harbours. [I saw that Namrail bringing freight by road from Cape Town to Upington and from there goods went by rail.] Looking back, I believe Dr Kobus Loubser2 was a far sighted General Manager fine strategist as he developed the former South African Railways according to common sense principles and from a practical business viewpoint. He took note of the economic realities and saw the importance of Lourenco Marques harbour – now Maputo. Its value to the Witwatersrand and the SAR & H was clear to him. He also looked north for revenue. More revenue creates more jobs on the railways! While other departments were fighting and trying to combat the revolutionary threat he quietly expanded his transport diplomacy into the sub-continent. SA Railways ventured deep into ‘hostile’ territory. The SA harbours continued with their work and the SAA open up new business ventures with Africa. When the South African forces wanted to invade Mozambique it was he who warned the Prime Minister, Mr John Vorster, not to invade that country but rather to focus on the north-western theatre - today northern Namibia. He said the country could not fight on two fronts. Later when destabilisation was South African policy he single handed took on Mr. PW Botha and the powerful military establishment. Loubser se dictum was derived from the Greek historian Thucydides, who said “…nothing forms stronger ties between peoples and states than common interests”. Dr Loubser’s view was “the diplomat therefore emphasises the mutual advantage that can be derived through cooperation. He strives towards contact rather than confrontation. He starts off from the premise that as contact increases, affinity of values, mutual understanding and cooperation will increase into various fields, and where he must act within an atmosphere of animosity, he can avoid a hardening of attitudes and endeavour to cultivate a climate conducive to good relations”. Fortunately sanity prevailed. Limited action took place in the Eastern Theatre – this eventually led to the Nkomati Accord. When it became necessary for the South African Police to negotiate with the heads of the Mozambique Police it was the SAR Police who introduced us to our counterparts in Maputo.

“Loubser, J.G.H. Transport Diplomacy, with special reference to Southern Africa. Sandton: Southern African Editorial Services, 1980”. 2


When the New-South Africa dawned upon us the old SAR policy dovetailed neatly with the transport strategies and requirements of the Front Line States – however the railways in South Africa have steadily been going into a decline instead of grasping the golden opportunity that the sub-continent offers! 3 If all else fails – use the rails! – Hennie Heymans

Main Story: 1985 Mechanical Workshops Pietermaritzburg – B Martin Greetings Hennie Happy New Year! I’ve attached a copy of an article I originally compiled for SA Rail in December 1985, but somehow only an abridged version and the photograph of Class 15CA # 2846 appeared on page 32 of the March/April 1986 edition. Kind regards, Bruno Mechanical Workshops Pietermaritzburg: Steam Locomotive Repairs Come To An End – Bruno Martin The last steam locomotive to be overhauled in the Pietermaritzburg Mechanical Workshops, Class 15CA No. 2846, was completed during the second week of December, 1985, thereby bringing to an end an era which characterised these workshops for over 80 years. To mark the occasion, a special test train was organised by Mr David Wills, the Assistant Mechanical Engineer, from the workshops to Victoria, on the Greytown branch, on 11 December 1985. Members of the RSSA, representatives from the press and staff from the workshops were accommodated in two DZ trucks and two swing-door suburban coaches and given the rare treat of a free ride which lasted over 2 hours.


Acknowledgement: To an expert on these matters, Mr Henry William Short a Director of DIRCO, thank

you for your kind advice and expertise after perusal of the editorial - HBH


Steam locomotive repairs were first carried out in Pietermaritzburg by the Natal Government Railways (NGR) when the running shed and erecting shop, which is still in existence, were taken into use on 19 January 1902. In 1907, the pits in the erecting shop were completed and the coal stage was modified so that longer locomotives could be accommodated. The year 1910 saw the erecting shop extended and two 35-ton overhead electric travelling cranes installed for lifting locomotives. On 1 February 1913, the workshops, which had until then been under the control of the Mechanical Engineer in Durban, were placed under the control of a resident mechanical engineer. At about the same time, the machine shop was extended and additional machinery installed, one of which was a 600 CFM “Bellis & Morcom” air-compressor to operate pneumatic hammers. This air-compressor is still in operation at the workshops. During 1913, a total of 569 engines underwent repairs in the running shed and workshops. Further extensions to the erecting shop came in 1923 for the assembly of electric locomotives when the electrification of the Glencoe – Pietermaritzburg portion of the Natal Mainline was undertaken. 40 class 1E electric units were placed in service. One of two experimental shunting locomotives for the Congella Yard was assembled at the workshops in 1936, followed by a further 10 units of the class ES in 1939 and six steam locomotives were fitted with new boilers. The following figures for July 1971 are representative of the number of locomotives repaired at the workshops in one month: • Class: 2 x S2, GDA, 12R, GF, 14R (6 locomotives) • Nature of repair: Heavy (complete strip and overhaul of locomotive, including boiler) • Average time taken: 22 days • Class: 14R x 4 • Nature of repair: Shed to shop intermediate (change wheels) • Average time taken: 5 days • Class: S2 • Nature of repair: Light (change wheels, overhaul front end, i.e. pistons, con rods, valves, valve motion, etc and sometimes renew boiler tubes) • Total number of locomotives: 11 • Average time taken: 30 days The staff establishment of Shop 1 (Erecting Shop) at this time consisted of:


• 1 Foreman, • 9 Assistant Foreman, • 37 Fitters, • 20 Trade hands, crane drivers, etc., • 71 Black labourers, • Total of 138. Over the past 82 years the following classes of steam locomotives received attention: Tank locomotives: classes A, G and M Tender locomotives: classes 1, 8, 12, 14, 15, 19 and S2 Garratts: classes GCA, GD, GDA, GF, GMA, GMAM and GO Union Garratts: classes U and GH Mallet locomotives: MA, MB and MC Narrow gauge Garratts: classes 13 and 16 Various other shops were also directly involved with locomotive repairs. These included: Shop 2 (Machine Shop), Shop 7 (Boiler Shop) and Shop 5 (Coppersmith’s Shop). The withdrawal steam from service in Natal and the closure of the iron foundry has • • • • • • •

resulted in a considerable reduction of work load for the workshops. Fortunately the wagon repair side of these workshops has bright future and many of those who were involved on steam locomotive repairs will now be accommodated on wagon repairs. An intense wagon repairs will thus partly make up for the loss of steam locomotive repairs. Although 15CA No. 2846 will be the last steam locomotive to leave these workshops, one or more steam powered vehicle will be leaving the workshops in a few weeks’ time. This is a 1902 “Marshall” steam tractor that we were restoring to full working order for the Natal Museum. This tractor has provided quite a challenge to the workshops as it arrived in a very poor condition and required extensive rebuilding. It is now, however, near to completion and should be handed over to the museum by the end of the year. It will be used as a working exhibit at the museum in Colenso. Note: This article was compiled from notes received from the Office of the Assistant Engineer, Pietermaritzburg Mechanical Workshops at Mayor’s Walk and supplemented with information from the Report of the General Manager of Railways 1902, 1923, 1936 and 1939. Class 15CA No. 2846, works number 24014, was built by North British Locomotive Company in1930. (DF Holland, Steam Locomotives of the South African Railways, Volume 2: 1910-1955.) 10






Wepener’s Perambulations – Jacque Wepener [Welkom]

At Cronnel, nearing Virginia, below all three captured at Bloemhof:


Above & below at Wesselsbron - This picture serves to illustrates the immense role that Transnet plays in our National Security – without food and the timeously distribution thereof we have the equilibrium in our society and in the sub-continent of Africa disturbed!


Petrol shunt, Kroonstad



All pictures are by Jacque Wepener and carry his copyright.


Railway History - CGR: - NGR - OVSS - NZASM - Anglo Boer War - IMR - SAR - - George Museum GL 2351 Princess Alice - Cobus Holtzkampf

- - Coach No 14: “Oldest coach in SA. Built in 1896 for the Cape Government Railways” – Carlos Veiera.


- - Head Boards – Andre Geulpa’s collection

Orange Express – 25NC No 3485 - Perdeberg 1981

Blue Train 30 – 61E 855 Klerksdorp 1969 21

Banana Express

SAR 100 1860 - 1960

“Show Train”


- Transnet - - 1991 Spoornet, SA Steam Experience – Dr Chris van Ginkel


- Metro Head Board: Boland Blitz – Stefan Andrzejewski


Photographs Stations: Howick and its former Station Master, Mr Grant Weweger – Jacobus Marais

Jacobus Marais traced the former Station Master of Howick, Mr Grant Weweger, to a pet shop where was serving behind the counter! Below SM Grant Weweger on duty at Howick – he is dressed in Black and White.



Thank You – Jacobus Marais 27

Old Free State mainline alignments – J Wepener & Bruno Martin


Railway People – Spoorwegmense Dag Hennie, Soos belowe hier is 'n paar artikels wat jy mag gebruik vir jou nuusbrief. Hennie ek sal nog meer artikels vir jou so gou as moontlik stuur. Wees net geduldig. Groete. Eric Samuels

- Liver and Onions by Eric Samuels During the late 1930s Germany was preparing for the Second World War. It purchased as much iron ore as possible. In South Africa the nearest available source of iron ore to a harbour was at Steelpoort, at the end of the branch line from Belfast over Lydenburg and Ohrigstad. Germany requested that delivery should take place as soon as possible and also with the utmost speed. My late father as a newly appointed guard and stationed at Waterfall Boven, was sent to this line to do caboose working. This entailed two complete crews working shuttle trains between those two points. One crew slept in the caboose whilst the other worked the train. A caboose was equipped with sleeping bunks, ablution facilities and even a coal stove. It was also a substitute for a van, having the required hand and vacuum brakes as well as the regulatory lamps. . My father, being off duty woke up from a deep sleep smelling liver and onions being fried. He naturally asked the guard von duty what he was doing. This guard gave the obvious answer. He also offered to share the liver arid onions with my father. The next obvious question my father asked was where did the liver come from. The other guard said he had bought a sheep from a farmer at the last water stop. He also said that my father's share of this sheep is worth a half-a-crown [present day value 25c] as he had paid ten shillings [one Rand] for it. Obviously this was a bargain. My father duly handed over the half a crown and sat down to a satisfactory breakfast. [The other half was for the off-duty driver and stoker]. 29

A slaughtered sheep hanged on a hook against the wall of the caboose. The head, skin and all other less desirable parts, as well as the newspapers used to collect the blood, were beautifully wrapped up in a bundle inside the skin. This was to be placed into the fire box of the locomotive at the first opportunity. A few weeks later my father was working a train over this section. At a water station an elderly and very dignified old gentleman got onto the train. My father asked him for his ticket. He said that he did not have such a thing. My father said that he had to pay. This gentleman refused. He said that as the personnel of the railways had stolen his sheep, it was not more than fair that he should travel on this train free of charge until he had recovered the value of his sheep. Upon being questioned the old gentleman gave the date and time of the alleged theft. It was approximately the same time and the same date that my father had eaten the liver and onions!

- Desperate Measures by Eric Samuels The same guard, who was previously mentioned, had to teach my father the route. This entails pointing out any remarkable trees, rock formation, house etc. to enable a guard to know instantly where the train was at a specific point. Now in those days the railways did not install toilets in their goods vans. Now if a man has to go, he has to go and there is no way of stopping such a natural process. This guard thought it was a golden opportunity to teach my father the art of survival on a train. He proceeded to give a practical demonstration. First the thick serge jacket and waistcoat had to be removed and neatly hung on a hook [if not yet done]. Then the tie [ditto]. Then the shoes, placed neatly on the floor next to each other. Finally the underpants were removed and hanged up. Now for the vital paperwork that has to be done. The last page of the train journal was neatly removed and folded up into a manageable size and placed firmly into the mouth so that it could not get lost. Now clad only in his black socks and his white shirt, he got out of the guard's compartment and shuffled along the steps that ran alongside the whole length of the van. At the end of the van are two diagonal handles used to place the tail lamps on the appropriate hooks on the sides of the van. Grabbing hold of one of these handles, he swung himself on to the coupler. Now grasping both handles, he crouched like a jockey on a race horse-knees bent, back 30

horizontal, head elevated, paper still in mouth, shirt tails billowing over the bare buttocks. Now at that critical moment, that moment so longed for, that moment required for immediate relief, that very moment the train ran over a level crossing. Waiting for the train to pass there were three young ladies in an open car. If they had not seen such a thing previously, they would not have known it. If they had seen such a thing previously, they would have only been pleased to see it again. Now, his mission unaccomplished and frightened out of his planned action, he crept demoralized back into the guard's compartment. He was constipated for nearly a month thereafter!

- Four vegetables for dinner by Eric Samuels Just after the main Natal-Cape mainline had been completed, an engineer was ordered to inspect the whole line. He obtained a caboose for his use and a Zulu cook was allocated to him. He gave the cook some money and told him that he had to buy enough meat and vegetables to last the pair of them for at least a week. He also told the cook that every evening he want meat and four vegetable on his plate. The cook went to the market and bought the required items. For his own benefit and at his master's expense, he bought a number of pockets of potatoes extra. In due course they proceeded off on the inspection. As it had happened the caboose was dropped off at a very remote siding on top of a hill. Then it started to rain. It was as if the heavens had opened. It poured! The rivers come down in flood, washing away anything in their paths - including the bridges. The railway lines were washed away. The roads, if any were impassable. They were stranded. A week passed. The stocks began to run out. First to go was the meat. The cook solved that problem by bartering from the local population, who were also cut off from other sources of food, chickens for potatoes. On the day that the last scraps of vegetables were prepared for dinner, a message came through that the day after the next day; a locomotive would come to fetch the caboose.


The next evening the cook prepared the last dinner. It consisted of baked potatoes, boiled potatoes, chips and mashed potatoes!

Book Shelf -

RMT - Cobus Holtzkampf captured this RMT bus at the George Museum

Sometimes one unfortunately has to crop a photograph and sometimes one has to squash one and a quarter page into one page in order to make things fit! I do everything on the Boeremanier! If have only recently mastered some of the computer’s mysteries!


South African Airways - Johan Botha captured these two aircraft at OT Airport


- In Lighter Vein: Vital guide to SABC TV Pronunciation You know you're flying SAA when you ask the air hostess for the “black pepper” and she brings you: THE SOWETAN.....

Harbours Pipelines Catering Division - Rape in Room - Eric Samuels Gedurende die laaste Vyftiger jare, het 'n groep Amerikaanse en Britse toeriste die land deurkruis per trein. Soos dit destyds die beleid was, moes alle spyskaarte in beide Afrikaans en Engels opgestel word. Toe hulle opdaag vir middagete het hulle almal gou die eers die spyskaart bestudeer. Dit het oproer veroorsaak. Hulle wou almal daar en dan 'n afskrif hê. Wat het die 34

oproer veroorsaak? Dit was die een groente, dis op die spyskaart. In Engels was dit TURNIPS IN CREAM. Die Afrikaanse naam was RAPE IN ROOM. Lees nou die Afrikaanse naam in Engels! •

Many years ago I read this account in the Sunday Times. The Americans insisted on the Afrikaans menu! They did not want turnips in cream!

SAR Police - Honour bestowed upon Mr HL “Les” Pivnic by the former SAR & H Police

Dear Les, Thanks for sharing. I have the book and your name is also mentioned in the book! – HBH.


- Defunct South African Police Transport Branch


- The line is stolen at Cullinan


This is not far from the Cullinan police station – and this is not the first time!

Various Sites • Suid-Afrikaaanse Spoorweë / SA Railways / Ulolwe link: http://www.facebook.com/groups/74709226744/ • http://grela.rrpicturearchives.net/ here you may view Col Andre Kritzinger’s excellent photographs. • Col Andre Kritzinger also has a valuable site on all South Africa’s steam, electric and diesel traction – see for e.g. South African Locomotives A-Z (Class GMA 4-8-2+2-8-4) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_African_Class_GMA_4-8-2%2B2-8-4 also see:


South African Models - HBH’s model of No 116 NG “Etiro” The paint job is finished but now the roof!!!

- Models by Bruce Green Hi Hennie, Here are photos of the “S” scale class 24 and S2. I built them for a customer, both were scratch built, but I think they look acceptable. Regards, Bruce.


Class 24

Dear Hennie My latest S scale, Sn42, SAR Class 19B 4-8-2 Hope you could view all the photos. Regards, Bruce.

SAR Class 19B 4-8-2


Completed sn42 DZ-7


SAR Sn3.5 V8 guards van

Outside South Africa: Egypt WW2 - C'mon George! By Lt-Col (Ret) Eric Samuels During the Second World War all British troops [and some Commonwealth troops too] fighting in the Middle East, Were addressed by all and sundry in Egypt as "George" irrespective of race rank religion, sex or creed. The Egyptian trains did not have any toilets in them. The Egyptian authorities obviously depended on their passengers to hold their liquor for the duration of their journeys. They also, by this means, encouraged constipation amongst their passengers. Imagine now a trainload of soldiers returning by train to the battle front after having indulged in the fleshpots of Egypt during a fortnight’s leave. At the start of the journey, it was quite rowdy. Later on it 41

became noticeable that some of these soldiers had become silent. Soon signs of distress appeared amongst them. At this stage two distinct groups could be identified: - The one group was those who were hale and hearty and the other group who were showing signs of distress. The first group will be called henceforth the Superiors. The other group will be known as the Inferiors. The Superiors quickly manned all the windows of the train from whence they kept both sides of the whole train under close scrutiny. In the meantime the Inferiors started to divest themselves of all unnecessary clothing. As the train slowed down for a station the Inferiors moved to the nearest doors. When a safe speed was reached, the doors were flung open and a mad rush into the desert followed. In this process the last remaining clothes were removed. When the whistle blew, they came back reluctantly to the train, collecting all discarded items along the way. Naturally some had lost the race against themselves! Now assuming that the stations are too far apart and the need to go is too great. This would require desperate measures from the unfortunate Inferior. He then removed all items that could obstruct rapid evacuation. He moved backwards towards the nearest window at speed. The Superiors, anticipating this move, took rapid action drills. One opened the selected window with promptness, whilst another closed the window in front of the selected one. The third closed the two downwind windows from that one. All cleared the way. The Inferior then attacked the window with his bare backside. As the: Pale posterior Of the Inferior, In the Interior, Protrudes through To the exterior, A great shout went up along the whole length of the train! All the Superiors now cram all the windows on the Inferior's side of the train. They then started to hammer in cadence on the sides of the carriages and to shout in unison:" C'mon George! C'mon George!"

Now for a remarkable fact: George "could not c'mon!" In short he could not perform. A medical marvel had occurred! "George" is healed! This was solely due to the intense audience participation of the superiors in the train! Never under estimate the power of intense audience participation!


Zimbabwe: Bulawayo Railway Museum – Charles Rickwood - 1914 – 1918: Roll of Honour – Beira & Mashonaland & Rhodesia Railways


- 1939 – 1945 Roll of Honour: Rhodesia Railways


- 1914 – 1918 Roll of Honour: Beira Mashonaland Railways


- 1914 – 1918 Roll of Honour Beira& Mashonaland & Rhodesia Railways: Stores Dept


- 1939 – 1945 Roll of Honour: Rhodesia Railways CME Dept


Thank you Charles Rickwood! • Next month – Bloemfontein Railway station

Pandora’s Box Anything can come out of Pandora’s Box, here are I few random pictures received this month:


Spoorwegvasvrae - Test your Railway Knowledge: Eric Samuels Ons bepaal ons self in hierdie vraelys tot enkele lande se spoorwegstelsels en Suid Afrikaanse treine en lokomotiewe. Kom ons bepaal hoe goed is u kennis van hierdie aangeleenthede. Vraag 1. Hoeveel lande in Suidelike Afrika se spoorwegstelsels is in wese slegs skakels tussen die spoorwegstelsels van groter instansies aan die teenoorgestelde kante van die bepaalde lande? 1. Moontlike antwoorde a. Nul. b. Een. c. Twee. d. Drie. 49

Vraag 2 Watter land in Suidelike Afrika bedryf die kleinste aantal kilometer van spoorlyn? 2. Moontlike antwoorde a. Lesotho. b. Swaziland. c. Malawi. d. ZambiĂŤ.

Vraag 3 Watter elektriese lokomotief van die SAS het in Zimbabwe diens gedoen? 3. Moontlike antwoorde a. Geen sodanige lokomotief nie. b. Klas 3E No E191. c. Klas EXP/AC/. No. ÂŁ1600. d. Klas 7E No E 7001.

Vraag 4. Die Klas 16A lokomotiewe, Nos 851 en 852, was twee baie besonderse lokomotiewe. Wat was hul uitstaande kenmerk? 4. Moontlike antwoorde a. Hulle was gebou deur SLM Winterthur; die enigste lokomotiewe van hierdie maatskappy wat die SAS besit het. b. Hulle was die enigste SAS-lokomotiewe wat Amerikaanse "BOX-POk"dryfwiele gehad het. c. Hulle het vier silinders gehad. d. Hulle was die eerste lokomotiewe wat met lug remme toegerus was.

Vraag 5 50

Watter klas konvensionele lokomotief was die grootste in afmetings en ook in trekkrag wat die Rhodesian Railways besit het, maw eiendomsreg gehad het? 5. Moontlike antwoorde a. Die SAS Klas 15E. b. Hul Klas 19. c. Hul Klas 12b. d. Hul Klas 11.

Vraag 6 SAS Klas 1-DR was baie besonderse diesellokomotiewe. Wat was hul vernaamste eienskap? 6. Moontlike antwoorde a. Hulle was die enigste diesellokomotiewe wat in Duitsland vervaardig was. b. Dit was moontlik om vanaf en lokomotief drie lokomotiewe gelyktydig aan of af te sit. c. Elke lokomotief het twee volledige stelle kontroles gehad. d. Hulle was diesel hidrouliese lokomotiewe.

Vraag 7 Hoeveel lokomotiewe met 2-10-4-wielformaat het die SAS besit? 7. Moontlike antwoorde a. Nul b. Een. c. Twee. d. Drie.

Vraag 8. Watter lokomotief het die amptelike naam "VOORTREKKER" gekry? 51

8. Moontlike antwoorde a. Klas S1 No. 374. b. Klas 12AR No 1540. c. Klas GEA No 4001. d. Klas 20 No. 2485.

Vraag 9 a. Elke spoorweg instansies het 'n uitstaande klas lokomotiewe gehad. Wat was die uitstaande lokomotief van die Central South African Railways wat uitsluitlik vir goedereverkeer ontwerp was? 9. Moontlike antwoorde a. Latere SAS Klas 8. b. Latere SAS Klas 9 c. Latere SAS Klas 10. d. Latere SAS Klas 11

Vraag 10. Hoeveel maatskappye het die Klas 15CA lokomotiewe gebou? 10. Moontlike antwoorde a. Slegs een. b. Twee. c. Drie. d. Vier.

Vraag 11. Watter passasierstrein het bedags voorrang bo alle treine, behalwe noodtreine, gehad maar het snags die laagste prioriteit op die spoor geniet? 11. Moontlike antwoorde 52

a. Die Wittrein. b. Die Shongololo. c. Makadas. d. Lilliput.

Vraag 12. "IDI AMlN" was die nie-amptelike naam van watter lokomotief? 12. Moontlike antwoorde a. GMAM -Garratt No. 4070. b. Klas S1 No. 3824. c. GEA Garratt 4049. d. Klas 24 No 3669.

Vraag 13. Wat was die amptelike naam van Klas 24 No.3675. 13. Moontlike antwoorde a. Hy het geen amptelike naam gehad nie. b. Springs c. Bartholomew Dias d. Brakpan.

Vraag 14. Waar was die naaste smalspoorlyn aan Pretoria gewees? 14. Moontlike antwoorde a. Nylstroom. b. Pienaarsrivier. c. Naboomspruit. d. Nelspruit.


Vraag 15. Wat was die vernaamste kommoditeit wat oor die taklyn Magaliesburg-Hercules vervoer is? 15. Moontlike antwoorde. a. Sand b. Groente. c. Hout d. Perskes.

Vraag 16. Hoeveel maatskappye het die Klas 15E gebou? 16 Moontlike antwoorde. a. Twee b. Drie c. Vier d. Vyf

Vraag 17 Hoeveel Klas 24 lokomotiewe is aangekoop? 17 Moontlike antwoorde a. Vyftig b. Vyf- en- sewentig c. Een honderd. d. Honderd -vyf- en- twintig.

Vraag 18. Hoeveel maatskappye was betrokke by die vervaardiging van die klasse GMA/GMAMlokomotiewe? 54

18. Moontlike antwoorde a. Slegs een b. Twee c. Drie d. Vier

Vraag 19. Tussen watter plekke het die eerste elektriese voorstedeliketreine in SA geloop? 19. Moontlike antwoorde a. Tussen Pretoria en Johannesburg b. Tussen Durban en Isipingo. c. Tussen Kaapstad en Seepunt d. Tussen Springs en Krugersdorp.

Vraag 20. In hoeveel plekke in SA bedryf Metro voorstedelike dienste met diesellokomotiewe en Klas 5M2 rytuie? 20. Moontlike antwoorde a. Geen b. Een c. Twee d. Drie.

Antwoorde Vraag 1: c - Twee en hulle is Botswana wat 'n skakel is tussen Suid Afrika en Zimbabwe asook Swaziland wat eerstens 'n skakel is tussen Komatipoort en Golela en ook 'n tak n? Mosambiek


Vraag 2: b - Swaziland. Oorspronklik het hy 316km spoorlyn gehad maar 'n gedeelte is later opgelig en 'n nuwe spoorlyn vanaf Komatipoort na Golela is gebou. Presiese afstand is tans nie beskikbaar nie. Vraag 3: c - Klas EXP/AC No E1600. Dit was aangewend by die elektrifikasie van die spoorlyn vanaf Bulawayo na Harare. Vraag 4: c - Hulle het vier silinders gehad. Vraag 5: a - Die SAS se klas 15E. Die Rhodesian Railways het ses in 1970 aangekoop. Vraag 6: d- Hulle was diesel hidrouliese lokomotiewe. Vraag 7: b - Een en dit was Klas 21 No 2551 Vraag 8: a - Klas S1 no374. Hy was die eerste van twaalf wat van meet af in die Soutrivier werkswinkels gebou was. Vraag 9: d - Latere Klas 11 2-8-2. Vraag 10: d - Vier, hulle was American Locomotive Company [ALCO], Baldwin Locomotive Company, North British Locomotive Company en BREDA [Italië] Vraag 11: a - Dit was die amptelike vervoermiddel van die goewerneurs- generaal en later van die staatspresidente van Suid Afrika. Hierdie stelling was net toepaslik wanneer die GG/SP met hom reis, andersins is hy gehanteer asof dit slegs ‘n trein met leë rytuie is. Vraag 12: a - GMAM NO 4070. Hy het die naam gekry omdat hy groot, swart en sterk was en omdat hy pragtige versier was met allerhande mooi en blink koper versierings. Vraag 13: c - Bartholomew Dias Hy was die 2000ste lokomotief wat die North British Locomotive Company en sy voorgangers aan die spoorweë in Suid Afrika verskaf het. Vraag 14: b - Pienaarsrivier. Dit was die voorloper van die Pienaarsrivier - Marble Halltaklyn. Vraag 15: a - Sand. Vraag 16: a - Twee. Hulle was Henschel und Sohn en Berliner Maschinenbau 56

Vraag 17: c - Een honderd. Vraag 18: c - Drie. Hulle was Beyer Peacock, North British Locomotive en Henschel. Henschel het 55, Beyer Peacock het 33 en North British het 32 gebou- 'n totaal van 120. Vraag 19: c - Kaapstad -Seepunt. Vraag 20: d - Drie. Hulle is Port Elisabeth, Oos-Londen en slegs die lyn KaapstadMalmesbury. Puntetelling: Tussen 16 en 20: Uitstekend! U kan trots op u self wees! U het 'n baie deeg1ike kennis van spoorwegaangeleenthede. Veels geluk! Tussen 11 en 15: Goed. U is bo die gemiddelde. Tussen 6 en 10:

U vorm 'n gedeelte van die groot meerderheid wat slegs 'n

oppervlakkige kennis het van spoorweĂŤ in die algemeen. Daar is niks om oor skaam te wees me. Tussen 0 en 5: U is darem eerlik. Dankie daarvoor. U het egter darem iets geleer. Hou net daarmee aan. Eric Samuels.


Mail Bag Thank you for all the interesting correspondence and comments. Here are some letters:

- Les Pivnic

Plaques& Rolls of Honour at Railway Stations - HBH Dear Readers With thanks I have received the memorial plaques posted up in Bloemfontein Railway Station and Bulawayo Railway Museum4. For publication in ULOLWE I would like to receive photographs of plaques from other centres as well, I think we have to capture these (brass) memorial's before they quietly go missing, as so many other items have gone before them. I also think that the various head boards starting with the Union Ltd could make an interesting article? Kind regards, Hennie


I lost the name of our correspondent - HBH


- Les Pivnic Dear Hennie I think that in view of the decline of railways and especially the trashing of stations, those plaques should ALL be transferred to the Museum of Military History in Saxonwold, Johannesburg for safe-keeping. We owe it to the soldiers who lost their lives in the two World Wars and to their families as well!! There is no respect for anything anymore in South Africa! Regards Les P

- Dave Fortune Hello Hennie, like a good Whisky you improve with age, the latest offering is superb. Many thanks, and a peaceful Xmas to you and your loved ones. •

Thanks Dave - Your photographs will feature in the next issue! - HBH

- J Wepener Jacques says we all should look at: http://www.sa-transport.co.za/trains/train_index.html

- A Hill Hi Hennie, Thank you for placing that mail and those photographs in the magazine. Regards, Adrian

- Les Pivnic Hello Hennie Thanks for the latest ULOLWE - most interesting!


I was intrigued by several photos 1. The short wheelbase caboose with clerestory roof - a type of vehicle that Pierre would love to have in his garden to entertain guests! 2. The motor coach on swing-hanger bogies - we had the 2M2s on the Reef - they were wonderful coaches to ride in. Pulling up at every stop the coach would gently bounce on that particular suspension - quite a lovely sensation! 3. The K-42 in original Orange Express livery - if that van could talk - countless trips across the Free State with a 16E or wide-box DA up front! 4. The dramatic photos of the sea going wild at P E! And much more!! Thanks Hennie! Regards Les P

- Pierre de Wet Thanks Hennie for yet another very reading it yet but it is welcome in my home.





Dankie, Pierre

- Ashley van der Merwe Hennie Net 'n klein boodskappie van waardering van iemand wat elke uitgawe van Ulolwe lees. Baie dankie vir die voorreg wat jy vir almal gun deur dit tydskrif vrylik beskikbaar te stel vir 'n ieder en elk. (Ek het oorspronklik daarvan te hore gekom op die SAR-L lys) Nogmaals baie dankie. Ek wens u en u gesin 'n geseĂŤnde Kersfees en 'n voorspoedige Nuwe Jaar toe. 60

Ashley (vdm) - Wynand Vermeulen - DREAM TRAINS Hennie Baie dankie vir die nuutste uitgawe. Kan nie ophou lees nie. Ek sluit ‘n foto in van ‘n klas 33 (Transnamib) wat ek in Keetmanshoop stasie afgeneem het. Die diesel werktuigkundige, Dave Langenhoven, sê daar is nog net so iets soos 42 van hierdie diesels in Suidwes (Namibië) oor. Wynand Vermeulen

- John Nicholas Middleton Hi Hennie I must congratulate you on Ulolwe - an excellent publication.


You were asking about the Gautrain locos - there were actually at least 5 that I knew of and your photos show a 6th (middle photo page 55) that I didn't know about. These were numbered in a "TM" series which also seemed to include track plant such as tampers. TM9 and TM10 - two 30-ton Gmeinder (Germany) 4-wheel diesel hydraulics (Type DHS20B), These have an interesting history being from a batch of 10 built in 1986 for the contract to build the Singapore Metro (these two were D07 (Gm 5658) and D03 (Gm 5654) respectively). The bottom photo on page 55 of your article is one of these. The attached photo is by Jean Dulez. TM16 - a 60-ton FAUR (U23A - Uzina 23 August) Bo-Bo diesel electric (type LDE-130) built in Romania in 1989 (serial 25465). These locos are also interesting as they were designed for Polish Railways (Class SP32) but were unsuccessful and the last 30 or so were never delivered and were sold to Romanian Industry instead. The Gautrain loco is one of these and was new to Intreprinderea Electrocentrale Rovinari, apparently this was numbered 1300-024 at that site, a number it still carried at Gautrain, it came via an agent, Tehnorail in Brasov. The attached photo is also by Jean Dulez. The U23A company in Bucharest was renamed FAUR in the mid 1980s. TM17 - a U23A B-B diesel hydraulic (type LDH70) built in Romania in 1982 (serial 23553). I do not know the history of this loco - almost certainly secondhand from Romanian industry via an agent. It was sold for scrap to Industrial Loco Services in Nigel where I photographed it last May partially stripped for parts. TM ? (not carrying number when seen in Jan 2010) - a Henschel 6-wheel diesel hydraulic of class DHG440 - there were quite a few of these and the Gautrain loco will be secondhand from German Industry but no-one has got close enough to check if it has worksplates. This is also a Jean Dulez photo. Your 6th loco (middle photo page 55) is unusual and I don't recognise the type, possibly US built. Your other photos show tampers (One is TM14 in the series which includes locos - page 54 and 57) and there is a second in white and blue colours (page 57 bottom). The latter looks like a Plasser & Theurer machine, not sure about TM14. 62

Hope this helps and grateful if you can add any more or send a hi-res photo of the mystery sixth loco (page 55 middle), perhaps I can help identify. Kind Regards, John

- John Nicholas Middleton Dear Hennie Your photos have enabled me to identify the mystery loco as a VAIACAR type TSR340 these are rubbed tyred locos built in Italy especially for this type of construction work may be not a proper loco in the traditional sense but they seem to be successful. The rest of the photos show on-track plant such as TM4 which is a ballast cleaner and TM14 a tamper, the large un-numbered white-grey vehicle is also a large Plasser tamper. Kind Regards, John 63

- Riana Dreyer – “The great Train Robbery” Goeiedag mnr Heymans, Ek het u epos adres gekry by mnr Piet Conradie. Ek is opsoek na inligting oor 'n rooftog laat 60's vroeg 70 jare, dit was etlike duisende rande wat geroof is vanaf die trein. As u enige inligting het of weet van iemand wat my kan help sal ek dit waardeer. By voorbaat dankie Riana Dreyer •

Wat ons vriende van die spoorwegpolisie?

Filler: 1916 – Excursion Facilities


Indemnity / Vrywaring The The Ulolwe contains various and sundry personal opinions of different correspondents and the compiler of The Ulolwe cannot be held responsible for any of their comments. Die Ulolwe bevat die uiteenlopende en diverse persoonlike menings van verskillende korrespondente en die opsteller van Die Ulolwe kan nie vir enige deel van die inhoud daarvan in sy persoonlike hoedanigheid verantwoordelik gehou word nie. Enige advertensies of enige sake voortspruitend is tussen u en die ander party.

Good Bye from Bloemhof – Jacque Wepener

Next Issue The next issue of “The Ulolwe” (u-lol-wê = railways in Zulu)) will be Vol 3 No 2 and will be published, DV, in February 2012 – Please send in your comments, anecdotes and photographs. Walk Tall! & Take care!

Stuur solank julle stories, briewe, foto’s en feite – Mooi loop!

Hennie Heymans – Pretoria, ZA. © 2012 heymanshb@gmail.com


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