May 2013

Page 1

May 2013

A Day in the stl Rediscover the City all over the

world Gayborhoods at a Glance

Drag Stars at Sea Behind the Scenes of “Drag Race” Cruise

impressive new package National Ad Campaign Highlights the STL LGBT Community


Out of


A Paper Tiger Burns: Filming underway for Gay Themed Film

Gay Paree Paris 101 for the LGBT Traveler

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May 2013



Advertisers at a glance

Lumiere/River City Casinos 2 Gateway Men’s Chorus 3 Loop Special Business District 4-5 Hoffman/Lewis- CVC 8 St. Louis Symphony 10 Parktown Imports- Audi 12 Rehab 12 Hamburger Mary’s 15 Just John 16 Planned Parenthood 17 US Bank 17 Butler’s Pantry - Piccone 20 Pam Schneider 20 Christine Elbert 20 STL Science Center 20 Missouri History Museum 25 Washateria 25 Premiere Eye Associates 25 Scott Lokitz Photography 25 Affordable Quality Writing 25 Peabody Opera House 40 Walter Knoll 40 Duff Nuernberger Realty 42 Opera Theatre of St. Louis 45 ALIVE Magazine 45 St. Louis Efforts for AIDS 50

Clear Channel ULTRA- Save the Date Q Fest

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15K Issues Printed Monthly 300+ Points of Distribution

he n of t io t s e u Q : Month

phic emogra d t a h W you around ere ines wh determ for a you go ? n vacatio

CEO/Publisher Darin Slyman Executive Editor/Senior Writer Colin Murphy “Lets go to the beach beach, lets go get away!” I love to beach! Watching the waves crash, listening to my favorite playlist and watching hot guys surf. What more could a girl ask for?

Associate Publisher Jimmy Lesch Staff Writer Matt Jamieson Art Director Andrea Piamonte Business Manager Janae Johnson Chief Photographer Tim brenner


Advisory Board William A. Donius, Thom Halter, Colin Murphy, Jay Perez, Pam Schneider, Kellie Trivers, Sharon Tucci

Contact Vital VOICE Magazine. 4579 Laclede Ave #268 Saint Louis, MO 63108 314.256.1196



May 2013

“I look fo r close to any place a beach pool tha or t’s hot so I nice and ca all the h n watch ot get unw candy rapped.”

Photography: Tim Brenner, Darin Slyman, Mikey Berner, Corey Stulce, Halski Studio, St. Louis CVC, Empowerment Arts, Stewart Goldstein and European Vineyards Writing: Colin Murphy, Matt Jamieson, Colin Lovett, Denny Patterson, Corey Stulce, Darin Slyman, Janae Johnson, Thiago Martins de Magalhães and Eric Winters

Online Vital VOICE is your premier LGBT publication and reaches a diverse readership from thoughtful leaders and young thinkers to trend setters in culture, entertainment and beyond.

“I’m a total Mus eum and History kind of guy. I like going to places to explor e their past!”

In this issue May 2013 | Volume 14 | Issue 5


6. advertiser's at a glance the Vital voice around 9. Editor’s letter 21. Cielo— off the cuff 11. word on the web 22. taste the world of 13. One out of 10: wine A Paper tiger Burns Director Gavin Culbertson talks about St. Louis-based Empowerment Arts new gay themed film project

Stay Connected with us

26. gay paree 34. st. louis’ impressive new package

Colin Lovett details St. Louis CVC’s new ad campaign celebrating St. Louis’ LGBT Community.

On the COVER:

Vital VOICE publisher Darin “DSly” Slyman offers up his top picks for “Gay Paree”

36. a day in stl 38. all over the world: gayborhoods at a glance

Matt Jamieson profiles some of the globe’s gayest hot spots.

41. summer shenanigans at just john

43. the whipping man

makes st. louis debut

46. playd/a/tes 48. scene & Styling Vital VOICE is printed on recycled newspaper and uses soy ink for a 100% recyclable product.


s ’ t e e r c u a s c e in the


Who gets the last bite? Oops, too late. That’s what happens when this level of culinary wizardry is right in your own backyard. From Palermo to Puerto Rico, the globe is well represented, as is our homegrown comfort food, from flash-fried spinach to fried green tomatoes. Find out why The Advocate called us “…the LGBT beacon of the Midwest.” Check out our impressive packages at

10slconv_008700_03_LGBT_Print_Secrets_VITALVOICE.indd May 2013


4/1/13 10:32 AM

Editor’s letter

As the Presses


Welcome to May and another exciting installment of our Travel issue. We’ve assembled a world of features to enlighten and entertain from global gay communities to the new national campaign to promote St. Louis’ LGBT community. Whether a savvy traveler or an urbanite rediscovering the city, your itinerary awaits.

Plans are in full swing for next month’s Pride festivities and Vital VOICE invites you to celebrate LGBT Pride month at our annual kickoff party on Thursday, June 6, at 7 p.m. in Grand Center in the shadow of The Fabulous Fox. The 6th annual Metro East PrideFest will be on Saturday, June 22 in Belleville, Illinois. Check out for details. The following weekend (June 29-30) will be the STL’s destination event – the 34th annual St. Louis PrideFest. This year’s grand parade and festival will be held downtown for the first time putting our city’s diversity on full display. Check out for details. I had the pleasure of attending the 40th Anniversary Miss Gay Missouri America pageant, April 11-13 at MCCGSL. It was quite the show – “Showgirls”, to be exact, with 17 plus formers and the reigning MGM Michelle McCausland and MGA Sally Sparkles. Some 15 contestants from across the state battled it out for Missouri’s oldest and most coveted female impersonation crown. Congratulations to Kansas City’s Christa Collins on capturing the title and Vital VOICE’s own Miss Spirit of St. Louis Adria Andrews for earning First Alternate honors. Both will be competing at Miss Gay America in St. Louis, Oct. 9-13 at the Millennium Hotel downtown.

In Pride,

Colin Murphy, Executive Editor




MAy 17 Join the STL Symphony and special guest vocalist Rashidra Scott for an evening of chart-topping hits such as “Saving All My Love,” “How Will I Know?,” “Where Do Broken Hearts Go?” and of course “I Will Always Love you.”



MAy 31

June 1

The STL Symphony plays a night of Queen’s legendary hits, including “Crazy Little Thing Called Love,” “Another One Bites the Dust” and “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

The STL Symphony, along with an eight-member rock band, plays all your Pink Floyd favorites, including selections from Dark Side of the Moon, The Wall and more.

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May 2013


on the web

on the web

Every month Vital Voice selects its favorite reader comments from our social media channels. Here’s what you missed out on!

2013 PrideFest Headliners The 2013 Pride St. Louis, Inc. Board of Directors is proud to announce their impressive national entertainment lineup for the 34th Annual St. Louis PrideFest, June 29-30.


MAIN STAGE: ANDY BELL, OF ERASURE, 6/29 - 9-9:30 p.m. LATRICE ROYALE OF RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE, 6/30 - 3:40 - 4:10 p.m. JESSICA SUTTA FORMERLY WITH THE PUSSYCAT DOLLS, 6/30 - 4:30-5:05 p.m. TAYLOR DAYNE, 6/30 - 7-7:30 p.m.


I’m pumped for Latrice Royal and Taylor Dayne!! -Jess Heriford, via Facebook

Quite the lineup! -TODD ALAN, via Facebook

Taylor Dayne and Suzanne Westenhoefer!!!!! Yes!!!!!!

Jessica Sutta, YESSS -NICK PAULEY, via Facebook

Join the Conversation on

or Tweet Us at @VitalVOICEMag

LELAND CARTER, via Facebook 13

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May 2013

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One out of 10

One of 10 ain’t bad! A Paper Tiger out

A look into LGBT Life- Past & Present

Burns Written by Colin Murphy – Editor Photography by Empowerment Arts

Bullying. Most of us in the LGBT community have faced it at one point or another and sadly, there are many of us who have been shunned or shamed or even disowned by our families for who we are. Issues like these are of increasing importance to our community as we bolster the younger generation and try to help those scarred from homophobia or violence. In late 2011, filmmaker Gavin Culbertson, the founder and president of the board of Empowerment Arts found himself doing research on the bullying epidemic following a series of widely covered suicides of LGBT youth. Culbertson was working as a trainer at Bally Total Fitness, “one of three jobs I do when I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do with film stuff,” when a chance meeting with a Karate champion from Colombia, South America would change his life and inspire an exciting new project. A Paper Tiger Burns, a film produced by Empowerment Arts, is the true story based on the karate champion: The protagonist’s mother


perceives that he is gay early on and becomes very abusive in reaction. By his teens, he wants to become an actor or model, which doesn’t fit the expectations of being “macho” in 1990s Colombia and instead carries with it a stereotype of prostitution and homosexuality. He faces a number of torments culminating with his mother sending him to get severe shock therapy, stating, “I’d rather have a dead son than a gay son.” Eventually, when his older brother loses a political race for governor, his mother blames him for soiling the family image. As punishment, they send him to the most conservative place they discern in the US: St. Louis, where they think he will have no chance to become a model or gay. Culbertson befriended the immigrant, offered to train him, and in turn, was taught karate and won a championship himself.

As a gay man, Culbertson realized the importance of telling the May 2013

“That’s when I developed the idea for Empowerment Arts, which is the non-profit organization that we’re producing the film for,” he says. “We’re trying to find a way to produce feature films that are intended for a mass audience, but can be done in a non-profit model.”

“It’s a man versus nature, it’s man versus self kind of story.”

“The story slowly was unfolded to me piece by piece, he’d never told this to anyone,” Culbertson recalls. “It’s a man versus nature, it’s man versus self kind of story.”


tale. He wanted to make a film but soon discovered there was no real outlet for the project. It was too educational for the Hollywood model, wouldn’t be marketable as an Independent and might get lost in the shuffle at a LGBT film festival.

Once completed, Culbertson envisions the movie having a mass theatrical release while also providing an educational component. In fact, the movie trailer is already being used at the university level in Colombia to teach about bullying.

“The journey of the story goes from abusive childhood, in schools, with his family and you’d think when he comes to America, it would be easier,” he continues. “Now he has to deal with issues as an immigrant and also homophobic bullying. He finds himself

trying to make it in an athletic field, in karate, which is a very macho, traditional world as well. So he finds himself, once again, trying to prove to himself something he really doesn’t want to be while at the same time trying to reconcile with that past.” According to Culbertson, part of the mission of the non-profit is to give people who don’t have a voice a voice – and this is also true for the country of Colombia. “What we found there is it really is more accepting there than it is here when it comes to LGBT issues,” he says. “It was the biggest Pride parade I’d ever been to in Bogotá, the capitol city. There were millions of people there, the entire community. You really got a sense of acceptance there.” The script for A Paper Tiger Burns was completed last year and fundraising was kicked into high gear to complete the international filming first. “We wanted to be there to shoot the Pride parade,” Culbertson explains. “We’re all geared up to shoot the rest of the film. Everything else is shot here in St. Louis – there might be a couple scenes shot in Nashville – but the rest of the film takes place in St. Louis and we’ll be shooting here, primarily.” Growing up in the south the son of two ministers, Culbertson can relate to the protagonist’s story of coming of age in a culturally conservative area. “I never saw any gay people – no one was out – there was a complete layer of ignorance, this filter in front of me that was shaping my world view and my view of myself,” he recalls. “For me it was complete ignorance, suppression – I never dated in high school or middle school – I was a late bloomer.” “In the story we have, it’s based on true things where he gets taken to shock therapy, he’s sent to a mental institution, his mother beats him, he’s beaten up at school,” he continues. “We have these things happen today. Fortunately, my parents were very loving and helpful but it was always this question that was never asked until I was out of college and I was here and was able to figure that out for myself through education. I just think it would be an amazing thing for people to see that, because I’m sure it’s more of a common story than we might think.” Wanting to include the entire community, Culbertson was adamant about having transgender representation in Paper Tiger. He researched trans issues while writing the script and developed a character with the help of LGBT advisor Eli Chi. “Even in the LGBT community, sometimes the “T” gets chopped off – that’s something I really wanted to make sure to include in the film,” he states. “There’s a trans character who’s a trainer who the main character meets in the Pride parade. He’s someone who’s been through more issues than the main character, but he’s somehow more confident. What did he do? It’s someone he looks up to and a foil for the main character.” For more information on the film, including Empowerment Arts’ new kickstarter campaign, check out V





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All Over the World

Written by Thiago Martins de Magalhães

2012 was a very busy year for Vital VOICE. Besides reaching out to the LGBT and allied community of the bi state region, VV has traveled to Europe, South America and even Asia. According to Google analytics, our articles and features prove universal in appeal and have attracted readership from many different countries in the world.

United Kingdom


The United Kingdom is the foreign country which has accessed Vital VOICE’s website the most. The Brits were very interested in gay history in the past year – the top VV story read in the UK was ‘1 Out Of 10 Ain’t Bad: Sauna, Sex and Steam’ about how bathhouses came to be in St. Louis. ‘Killer Joe @ St. Louis Actor Studio’ was the second most read article. The interview with the Mistress of the Dark, ‘Vamping it up with Elvira,’ came in third.

Our friends in Canada showed their love for Vital VOICE and were right behind the UK in web access. They were as intrigued as the English by St. Louis’ bathhouses, making ‘1 Out Of 10 Ain’t Bad: Sauna, Sex and Steam’ their most accessed online article. Canada’s second favorite page on our website was VV’s landing page. In third place came the article ‘Salvation Army Hopes Gays ‘Up and Die,’ which reflects on the Salvation Army’s anti-gay policies.


May 2013


7,619 Visits


Unique Visitors


Page views

New Visitors returning visitors Some of the other countries in which Vital VOICE was accessed are India, Russia, France, Philippines, Italy, Brazil, Netherlands, Mexico, Spain, Japan, Ireland, Sweden, New Zealand and Poland. v

Australia Australia shared with the UK and Canada their likes for Vital VOICE and it was the third foreign country to have accessed our website the most. Like Canadians, Australians were also concerned about Salvation Army’s homophobia, therefore, ‘Salvation Army Hopes Gays ‘Up and Die’ was the most accessed VV article “out back”. ‘1 Out Of 10 Ain’t Bad: Sauna, Sex and Steam.’ Very politically oriented these Australians are, right?

Germany The Germans are right behind Australians in the number of visits to our website. They accessed our landing page the most, then ‘1 Out Of 10 Ain’t Bad: Sauna, Sex and Steam.’ ‘Welcome to Ste. Genevieve”, an article about the gay friendly Missouri town with French heritage, came in third.



May 2013


Off the Cuff


erched on the eighth floor of Four Seasons Hotel St. Louis at Lumière Place, Cielo provides a picture perfect getaway to sate the appetite. The restaurant and bar, conveniently located within walking distance from the region’s central business district and local attractions has been earning rave reviews, as new General Manager Cory Cuff can attest. “So many great restaurants will rest on their accomplishments and fail to recognize emerging trends or new competition,” explains the New York native. “All of our Food & Beverage Management from our Director, Stephen Wancha; our Sommelier, Michael Pechlof; fellow Restaurant Manager, Blair Schrautemeier; our Chefs, Fabrizio Schenardi and Marc Kusche to the staff in Cielo strive to constantly test the status quo.” “We are never satisfied in something

Written by Colin Murphy - Editor Photography by Darin Slyman being good enough,” he continues. “I believe we are all constant perfectionists and at the end of the day we truly want to ensure that each guest is having an experience rather than just breakfast, lunch or dinner. This energy and restlessness has led to our multiple private dining rooms including our newly renovated Gaja Wine Room, our cocktail menu and our position in the dining scene here in St. Louis.” Cuff wanted a career in the Food & Beverage industry early on – the first clue came when he asked for a book on how to properly fold napkins at the age of four. A graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, he was hired on by the Four Seasons in May of 2011 as the first MIT at the property overseeing the pool operation and quickly moved up the ranks. “Depending on the day, I will narrow down on one group of staff and focus on how we can push the envelope and enhance service in that area,” says Cuff.

“I spend a lot of time with the bartenders speaking about menu development, marketing, product usage, upcoming trends, etc.” Cuff says he has seen great things happen over the past two years and is proud of his restaurant’s work throughout St. Louis, including within the LGBT community. “I cannot stress enough the continued support Cielo will have in all of St. Louis’ communities and I look forward to doing my part to help push the food & beverage here within the city,” explains the straight ally. “We continue to be a sponsor in Urbanaire – even hosting the initial party at The Four Seasons earlier this year. Beyond that, I am happy to have made the contacts within the community that I have been able to which led to featuring several members being shown in our Arty Party series and leading to me owning my very own Jeff Kapfer original!” v





wine of

Written by Eric Winters Photography by European Vineyards


May 2013

world You may not be able to see the world in one evening, but with a few friends and some bottles of wine, you can sample the world by tasting one of the world’s most popular, yet geographically distinct drinks — wine. The story of wine mirrors the story of expansion throughout the world. Originating in the cradles of civilization, expanding throughout Europe, and in modern times, transported across vast oceans to create a wine producing industry that spans six continents, dozens of countries and hundreds of millions of wine drinkers.

Fact: Spain is the largest wine producer in the world. California is the fourth largest.


Old Wo

Grab a glass, and discover some of the great wines throughout the world. While far from a comprehensive list, these highlights will allow you to begin your own wine journey.

d rl

Italy, France and Germany have long produced some of the world’s best wines, and yet each country’s wines maintain distinct characteristics.

With nearly a million registered vineyards, it is no wonder that Italy leads the globe in wine production. The unique geography comprised of hills, mountains and coastlines has led to a wide array of unique grape varieties grown only in Italy – barbera, montepulciano, sangiovese, moscato, trebbiano and nebbiolo. Whether a dryer white or robust red, Italian wines match well with great Italian pasta, seafood, and meats.

Producing more fine wines than any other country, the French have led the world in winemaking techniques and wine trade throughout the globe. In France, wine making can be summed up by their tendency to identify wines by region not grape. After all, a “sophisticated” wine drinker should obviously know what types of grapes are produced in the Bordeaux, Burgundy, Champagne or The Loire regions. Many of today’s most popular types of wines can be traced back to French origins – cabernet sauvignon, merlot, chardonnay, sauvignon Blanc and many others. German vintners seem locked in an eternal struggle to balance their grapes’ acidity and fruit, resulting often in semi-sweet and sweet wines with crispness. Many of the best vineyards in Germany are steep vineyards overlooking rivers, where mechanization is impossible and a lot of manual labor is needed to produce the wine. Germany produces wines in many styles: dry, semi-sweet and sweet white wines, rosé wines, red wines and sparkling wines, called Sekt, yet they are best known abroad for sweet or semi-sweet wines, including rieslings, muller-thurgau and silvaner.

der Wines n U n

As a relatively young nation, Australia is seen as perhaps the most modern, technologically advanced wine-producing country in the world, with an exploding wine industry. Perhaps best known for its Shiraz grape (also known as syrah throughout the rest of the world), Australian wines tend to be robust, full of big, bold flavors. With so much technology used in the winemaking process, blending grapes has become an extremely popular technique used with great success.


es n i W

New Zealand failed to register on anyone’s wine radar until the mid-1980s when New Zealand sauvignon blanc wines took the world by storm with their intense, vibrant and exotic flavors that are simply incomparable to any other sauvignon blanc on the market today.

A number of other European countries produce their own variety of unique wines, including the oak-aged Spanish reds, the lusciously flavorful Portuguese Port, or the late-harvested sweet merlots and cabs from Hungary and Romania.

Cork-tease: noun, |kôrk-tēz| a person who talks about the wine he or she will open but never does. 25

e art o H e h T f


in can W e fri

Wine in South Africa dates back more than three centuries but did not hit shores of the United States until the 1990s due to trade sanctions against apartheid. The reorganization of the powerful KWV co-operative into a private business further sparked innovation and improvement in quality as vineyard owners who had previously relied on the pricefixing structure that bought their excess grapes for distillation were forced to become more competitive by shifting their focus to the production of quality wine. Today, many producers in South Africa have adopted new viticulture and winemaking technologies, with a strong focus on creating well-known varieties such as shiraz, cabernet sauvignon and chardonnay.

w e orld h t e t tas

wines fro

10,000 varieties of grapes exist worldwide.


Whether you’re browsing the aisles of your local wine merchant or arranging your own wine tasting, delve into the vast world of wine – stretching your tastes beyond home-grown Midwest and West Coast wines.

The best way to truly discover all the wines of the world is simple: taste them. You can create your own world tour of wines or work with one of St. Louis’ leading providers of in-home wine tastings PRP Wine International to experience new wines in an educational and fun setting. Now, go out and discover the great and bountiful world of wine! For more information about wines around the world, we recommend an excellent resource: The Wine Bible by Karen MacNeil. And to schedule your own in-home wine tasting with PRP Wine International, call (314) 432-6450 and mention Vital VOICE for a special 6-bottle tasting

for $49! v


May 2013


With low labor costs, an ideal climate and cheap land, Chile has quickly climbed to be one of the most financially successful winemaking countries, allowing for high quality, reasonably priced wines. The Chilean wine industry owes much gratitude to the deadly aphid phylloxera that destroyed nearly all of Europe’s vineyards in the mid-1800s. Unemployed winemakers from France were lured to Chile during this time and brought with them the knowledge to grow excellent French grapes in the Chilean soil. Today, Chilean cabernet sauvignon, merlot and carmenere wines can stand toe to toe with many of Europe’s great wines.



th u o es

Across the Andes, Argentina is the world’s fifth largest producer – mostly in part to its own populace’s love for wine (nearly 10 times what the average American drinks annually). Only recently have Argentinean wines hit American markets primarily as a result of one grape: the French-originating malbec, known for its peppery, dense structure.

Produced and directed by NAACP Image Award winner Lyah Beth LeFlore, this poignant, humorous, and powerful play explores love, family, woman-to-woman experiences, and religion, driven by soul-stirring gospel, jazz, and blues. Includes an all-star cast featuring Monifah Carter from TV One’s hit show R&B Divas. Written by poet-performing artist Shirley Bradley LeFlore.

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nce a r F o t s r Chee ng the i m o c e b n o ry to t n u o c h t 14 riage r a m e z i l lega Equality!

Gay Paree Written and Photographed by Darin Slyman


May 2013

feature So you’re ready to go explore Gay Paree! There is much to learn about Paris but the journey begins before you depart. I highly recommend picking up a “Cliff Notes” book on French, just so you know a few phrases to get by. People like to say the French are rude. That is so not the case. They simply don’t like it when we Americans go over and expect them to speak English to us. I have found that if you just try to say a few things in French, they will respond to you in English and help you out. It’s really just that easy. Trust me, by doing this, your entire trip will be such a breeze. Now how do you pack for such a voyage? My suggestion is to pack as little as you can but to take a large suitcase. The reason being is that the shopping in Paris is brilliant. I always take two casual and one dress outfit for starters. The rest you can easily pick up while you’re there. I’d also suggest some type of day bag to carry around with you to hold your essentials. While in Paris, keep guard of your day bag as there are many pick pockets and Gypsies that’d love to peg you as a tourist and steal your stuff. Always keep your day bag in front of you at all times. I know that the “Fanny Pack” is so not in style, but trust, it just may be the one thing that stands between you and a pick pocket – but again, wear it in the front. I wouldn’t worry about bringing hair dryers or small electrical appliances, as these will be provided for you at any hotel. Besides, the outlets and

sockets don’t work the same as they do here in the states. Now you’re packed, checked into the airport and are ready to go. On your flight over, I suggest you take along with you some over the counter sleeping pills. Pop a couple of them as you board your flight to France. It’ll make a world of difference once you arrive due to the time change. I know

“” Paris is once again a modern city awakened to the world.

you’ll be excited about your upcoming trip – however, I cannot stress enough that you sleep as much as possible on the way over so you can get onto their time zone. On the way back, I suggest you try not to sleep so that you can get back on US time. This theory has always worked for me. Yes, you’ll still experience some jet lag – but

either way, it won’t be as brutal. So you’ve arrived in Paris and have made it into the city. Guess what?? You can’t check into your hotel because it’s the butt crack of dawn there. I recommend you take your bags to your hotel and drop them off while you go out and get some breakfast and explore a little of the neighborhood where you’ll be residing. It’s a great way to get familiar with your surroundings. Find out where the nearest Metro Stop is located. Where is the nearest pharmacy, if need be. Maybe look into a few cafes that you’d like to try out and do a little window-shopping. Most hotels are open for check in after 3 p.m. So once that time rolls around, go ahead and check in and unpack. I highly recommend that as tired as you may feel, try not to take a nap. Try to stay up doing stuff until at least 8 p.m. Then you can go to bed and get a good night’s rest. Now it’s time for a little history lesson. According to, “Paris is once again a modern city awakened to the world.” Thanks in part to openly gay mayor Bertrand Delanoë, who took office in 2001 – the city has undergone major transformations. To name just a few: Paris Plage, which every summer turns the borders of the River Seine into a giant beach promenade; Nuit Blanche, which turns the keys of the city to the artists every October; and the Velib, the ubiquitous bike rental system that has changed the


They can be spotted in the thousands of cafés and restaurants, the gay bookshops or just perusing the prolific gay media options in Le Marais, getting ready for the next night out. And since Marais has become so expensive, you’re likely to meet friendly faces in every part of the city—from Montmartre to Saint Germain des Prés.” We’ve seen this exact same thing happen here in St. Louis. LGBTers will move into a neighborhood, tidy it up and then get pushed out by high prices. Indeed, it’s a trend the world over, but the heart of the Paris LGBT community still lies in the Marais.

“” From my experience with gay boys in Paris, they often adore American tourist. You’ll be

Gay men and lesbians are as integrated into daily life here as anywhere in the world.

nature of Paris street transportation. The LGBT community, meanwhile, has grown up alongside the city, and also led the way. Much of its heart still lies in the central neighborhood of Le Marais, where you will find dozens upon dozens of gay bars, restaurants, shops and bathhouses. Whether you prefer trendy or cozy scenes, whether your passion is for R&B music (and the guys that come with it), good old-fashion house music or even the always-cheesy French pop, there’s a place for everyone. While there are plenty of nocturnal adventures to be had, the Parisian club scene is not what it used to be. There are still big, cool parties now


May 2013

and then (Eyes Need Sugar, Under or Black Blanc Beur), but locals will tell you that the scene is much tamer than it once was for a range of reasons from internet hook-ups to problems club promoters have had keeping drugs such as GHB out of their venues. One of the most interesting differences between Paris and the US is that according to, “gay men and lesbians are as integrated into daily life here as anywhere in the world.” The community is less identity conscious than in many American cities, perhaps because it is less necessary: “resistance to equality eroded or went underground long ago.

surrounded by thousands of cute skinny French boys no matter where you go. The “look” in France is far different than that of the USA. Most French guys are skinny, twink-like type of guys. There are very few beefy boys around. So if big muscle studs are your choice, then Paris may not be for you! Don’t get me wrong, there are a few, but it simply isn’t the “THING” in France. These people walk and climb stairs and eat very little every day so it’s really difficult for them to gain weight, let alone big muscles. Gay Paree is still alive and kicking and I wouldn’t trade their culture or lifestyle for anything else. It may have tamed down a bit, but beside the queer culture, there is tons of art, shopping and fine dining to be had. I’ve put together a list of a few of my favorite haunts around Paris. I hope that you’ll consider Paris as your next European destination. Viva la vie Boheme.

L’espace chaud

(Hot Locations)

Café Beaubourg – (Café) FreeDJ Club – (Bar) 100 Rue saint-martin

35 rue Ste Croix de la Brettonerie

Georges – (Restaurant)

This fabulous café has to be my most favorite place to hang out during the day. You never know who will traipse in and plop down right beside you. I’ve seen Johnny Depp and Björk just to name a few. It has a large bar and terrace in front of the Centre Pompidou. Please note that this place can get expensive. So temper your spending. The French never put a time frame on hanging out but one could sit here all day with only buying an espresso.

You can’t help but give in to inhibitions when you are washed in an array of neon lighting and sipping on a strong cocktail. FreeDJ is new to the gay scene and offers a trendy and artistic atmosphere to dance the night away. One of my favorite DJs and friend in Paris is often booked here. So look for nights when DJ Loe is playing. She will not disappoint.

Located at the top of the Centre Georges Pompidou, This modern-chic fine dining restaurant is sure to wow the taste bud and the eyes. The views of Paris are amazing here. Even the servers are all model-esque. It is a bit pricy – but trust me when I say that it’s worth every Euro. I have yet to hear one bad review of this place.

Zadig et Voltair – (Shopping)

Centre Georges Centre Gay et Lesbien – Pompidou– (Art Museum) (Organization)

42, rue des Francs Bourgeois

19 Rue Beaubourg

63 rue Beaubourg

Gay boy shopping? This is your place for club wear to street wear. This store carries everything from major brands to independent designers. It’s also very easy on the pocketbook. Are you looking to be on-trend with a rock ‘n’ roll edge? Zadig et Voltair has you covered.

When this modern art museum opened in the 1970’s, its hyper-industrial-on-acid exterior raised quite the stir in a country where tradition reigns supreme. Love it or hate it, the architecture is, objectively, unique and the exhibits inside are unbeatable. Also, don’t miss the whimsical sculptures at the Stravinsky Fountain, adjacent to the museum.

This LGBT Center offers excellent resources and coordinates social activities for LGBT locals and visitors. Unlike many Paris establishments, the Centre is open daily, and on Sundays, it opens Le Café Positif, which features live music, cabaret and STD prevention workshops.

19 Rue Beaubourg


Drag Stars Written & Photographed by Corey Stulce 32

May 2013

At Sea


here are only a few things that might get us to venture to Florida: Mickey at Epcot, a resurrection of the dearly departed Golden Girls or a cruise ship full of some the mostfamous drag queens in the world.

was drama. Less than a week before departure, Carnival sent an e-mail to those of us who booked through Al and Chuck. It stated we were expected to “refrain from engaging in inappropriate conduct in public areas.”

Those fishy queens got us onboard the Carnival Glory—quickly dubbed the Glory Hole—to spend a week with about 30 contestants from RuPaul’s Drag Race seasons one through four, sailing from Florida through the Western Caribbean in December 2012.

The e-mail went on to say that only the TV drag queens would be allowed to dress in drag on the cruise, and guests who violate the policy will be disembarked at their own expense.

It was the first cruise for both me and Kendall, my partner of eight years, and before we even got on the giant liner, we were already mingling with “the stars.” Season four champ Sharon Needles—sans cobwebbed frock and fright wig and instead in a tank top and flip flops—was in line with us, ready for an Al and Chuck dot Travel first-of-its-kind vacation.

For a drag-themed cruise and less than a week before it sets off, guests are told they can’t wear drag onboard? Al and Chuck were deluged with calls and e-mails, because within two and a half hours, they sent their own e-mail to us, I guess as an effort to calm the masses. It referred to the incident as Carnival’s “no costumes rule.”

(I would say one-of-a-kind, but it was so successful, another cruise with RuPaul’s queens is planned for December of this year, hitting other ports in the Caribbean.) But before the Drag Stars at Sea cruise—as Al and Chuck dubbed it—could sail, there

Say what, Hunty?

And by that night, the story was global news. As you might expect, within 24 hours Carnival backed away from its “no costumes” rule and stated that anyone who wished to dress in drag may do so on the Glory—and that if anyone wanted to

cancel, they could and get a full refund. Truthfully, it ended being a lot of pre-cruise brouhaha over nothing. Aside from a few sideways glances from fashion-challenged rubes, the fact that there was a gaggle of drag queens on the ship was no big deal, and instead created a lot of buzz as passengers, who had no idea what they were in for, spotted some celebs from “the TV box.” About half of the passengers on the Glory Hole had booked for Drag Stars at Sea. So there was “family” everywhere, from all over the country and even factions from the United Kingdom and Australia, where RuPaul’s Drag Race does not yet air. When we finally got on the ship, our luggage had not made it to the cabin yet. So Kendall and I ventured to the main theater, where all the drag shows would take place, to get our official Drag Stars at Sea wristbands, used to enter all the drag events—and a great way to recognize fellow drag fans aboard the ship and at ports of call. Al and Chuck had promised unique, oneon-one encounters with the likes of Latrice Royale, Pandora Boxx and Jiggly Caliente—


“They’ve come to see Latrice ‘Mother Fu*king’ Royale, and that’s what they’re going to get.” highlight of the first was Mimi Imfurst from Season Three re-enacting her infamous lipsync for your life. This time, Mimi lifted Michelle—screaming— into the air and spun her around. You didn’t have to be at these special events to spot the queens though. They were everywhere and accommodating requests for photos and autographs. We tried to be polite and brief. This was their vacation, too! “Oh, sure thing, sweetie!” said RuPaul All Stars champ Chad Michaels, when we nabbed him for an autograph before he got on an elevator.

and they delivered the goods. The queens mingled among us commoners, and we began our mission of getting autographs from all of them on Drag Stars at Sea T-shirts—one for us and one for our pet sitters [also gay guys] back home. “All the girls coming together from all the seasons to one place is epic,” Latrice told me. “This has never happened before.” But getting in show-caliber drag in a tiny cruise cabin bathroom? “It’s different. It’s different,” Latrice added. “It’s gonna be good. I came here to show out. I’m here to show all the way


May 2013

During the check-in, we met Drag Race judge Michelle Visage—who was to emcee all the performances—and she promised to let me steal her away for an interview later.

Kendall and I kept our cool; others not so much. We scowled at some loud and mouthy young dudes who were bragging for all to hear about allegedly being the “first” with Mimi the night before. Then they were snapping cell phone shots of Carmen Carrera, sunbathing on the deck below with her hands covering her bare breasts and a strategic corner of yellow beach towel covering the “is she or isn’t he?” spot.

Aside from the regular cruise activities and shows, those of us there for Drag Stars at Sea got three exclusive drag shows, during which 10 of the queens would do an extended number. Plus, there were two Q&A sessions where fans in the audience got to ask anything-goes questions. A

At the evening’s red party, the Glory’s night club was claimed for the 1,300 or so of us— and it felt like we were all packed in there. Shangela nee D.J. Pierce, a fan fave from multiple seasons of Drag Race, introduced himself and his friend, and I bought them a round as we sang along to “Cotton-Eyed

out. They’ve come to see Latrice ‘Mother Fu*king’ Royale, and that’s what they’re going to get.”

Normally, I’m just the bitch with the shoulders, boobs and head. Now they see I have a lower torso and legs—and I’m nice!

-Michelle Visage Joe.” (It’s painless to buy drag queens $12 cocktails when all you’re doing is flashing your room key.) “We took over the disco, the White Meat, I mean White Heat,” Michelle Visage said, after we sneaked to the top deck and into an oversized wicker chair to escape the wind of the open sea. “Anybody who doesn’t know what’s going on might be like, ‘I want to go hang out at the White Heat. That sounds like fun.’ It was like walking into the Castro or walking onto Christopher Street on Pride day, people wearing assless chaps, walking around in G-strings. It was full-on debauchery.” Michelle befriended everyone she met onboard and drew some of the biggest applauds and accolades at the shows. “I’m glad everyone gets to see me in a

different light. Normally, I’m just the bitch with the shoulders, boobs and head. Now they see I have a lower torso and legs—and I’m nice!” the Drag Race judge exclaimed. Of course, it wasn’t all a drag. We enjoyed our excursions to the beach in St. Thomas and shopping in San Juan—where we stumbled into frenemies Phi Phi O’Hara and Jiggly sashaying down an alley together. You couldn’t throw a rock without hitting one of these queens! The drag cruise experience culminated with a gigantic finale show. We were “off the grid” for most of the week, and Al announced that the day before, the Supreme Court had decided to hear the Prop 8 and DOMA cases—and, of course, the packed theater went nuts. Then he gave a sweet shout-out to a young woman with autism who was on the cruise with her parents. The family didn’t realize they were on a Drag Race-themed cruise, and the show is their daughter’s favorite. Through tears, she profusely thanked everyone as she was presented with a bouquet and her family was seated in the VIP area with the JuJubee, Shannel and

other queens. Then Al proposed marriage to his longtime business and life partner, and the mascara began flowing. Despite high-energy performances by fan faves such as Alexis Mateo and Sharon Needles, it was Mimi Imfurst who stole the show with a fried chicken-eatin’, manic mash up of TV and film clips, bookended by the “cocksucker” phone call scene from John Waters’ Serial Mom. We met some new friends on the journey: pals Michael and Tommie from Phoenix and couple Kenny and Donovan from San Jose. This was our first “real” vacation since moving to the Bay Area from St. Louis four years earlier, so we had one request for Al & Chuck: “Don’t (bleep) it up.” They didn’t. We would sashay away on another dragthemed cruise in a hot minute. For more info on the next Drag Stars at Sea cruise, departing Nov. 30 from Miami, visit All 14 contestants from Drag Race season five will be there and about 25 more from the other seasons. v


St. Louis’


New Package

Written by Colin Lovett Photography by Halski Studio & The Saint Louis CVC 36

May 2013


or years we’ve all been lured by the appeal of the big gay cities – San Francisco, Chicago, New York, LA, DC. All feature art, culture, LGBT friendly businesses and people, gayborhoods – qualities that keep us ever-interested in vacationing and moving from the boring ole’ Midwest. But thanks to some good editorial and a recent campaign by the St. Louis Convention and Visitor’s Commission, St. Louis is on its way to being added to the list of LGBT grandeur. In 2011, for the first time ever, St. Louis made the cut for The Advocate’s list of Gayest Cities in America, ranking at #10. Citing gay-friendly neighborhoods such as the Grove, diverse bars, The LGBT Center, Pride, trans inclusiveness and a slew of art, architecture and culture, The Advocate opened eyes everywhere to our city as a hot place to be. The news spurred all sorts of chatter among the non-profit and advocacy circles, centering around how we as an LGBT community can expand upon our new ranking through growth and attract visitors and new residents based on being a welcoming city. What resulted was a task force of key leaders working with the St. Louis Convention and Visitor’s Commission to incorporate the LGBT community into its marketing efforts. The force includes Alderman Shane Cohn, Darin Slyman, Leon Braxton, Monietta Slay, Lucas Pate and its newest member, Sherrill Wayland. The meetings led to a multi-step process, beginning with creating the core branding – St. LouIS friendly – now featured on an iconic sticker slowly popping up in business’ windows and cars around town. The next major step was creating content about LGBT points of interest. Explorestlouis. com is often a stopping point for visitors and people looking to move here. By adding a St. Louis LGBT section to the already expansive site, LGBT people will quickly see that the city itself is welcoming, not just the LGBT community within the city. Featuring neighborhoods like The Grove, CWE, South Grand, The Loop, Soulard, Clayton and Lafayette Square, visitors will learn about St. Louis’ LGBT friendly accommodations, dining, attractions, shopping and events.

In addition, the page highlights some of our unique features like having the largest PrideFest in the Midwest, Vital VOICE and The LGBT Center of St. Louis – all links to a wealth of information for any potential traveler. By having this content in a place that people are already looking at when they decide to come to St. Louis, travelers no longer have to piecemeal the often important LGBT component of their search. The final and ongoing step is to stimulate interest through a marketing campaign. Facilitated by ad agency Hoffman Lewis (which, itself is a friendly company with openly LGBT employees), we will soon see 5-6 ads specifically targeted at the LGBT community. The ads, many featuring St. Louis LGBTers, use fun, tongue-in-cheek movie quotes while simultaneously showcasing some St. Louis hotspots. Ie: – “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend” headlining a scene at Busch Stadium, followed by: Bring your partner to the ballpark for some pitching, catching and people-watching at beautiful Busch Stadium. After the game, check out the action in Soulard, the Grove and the CWE. And raise a glass to the “Lou” – the city that The Advocate called “…the LGBT beacon of the Midwest.” Check out our impressive packages at The ads will specifically target LGBT travelers with both print and online segments. The print side will be seen in LGBT-related publications nationally in OUT magazine, locally in Vital VOICE, and regionally in Nashville [Out and About and Nashville Scene], Indianapolis [Midwest World and Nuvo] (both major tourism draws) and other smaller markets that do not have as much of an LGBT offering in their city such as Springfield, Rolla, Paducah and a few others. The online side will target a 250 mile radius using the Gay Ad Network, which incorporates behavioral marketing (that’s what your cookies do) to place ads on websites commonly visited by the LGBT community. The additional benefit of the online ads is that they link directly to Explore St. Louis site with all of the fabulous content.

of the diversity here – many will come for PrideFest (which the campaign builds up to), but may overlook the vast nightlife, sporting events, parks, art and culture that St. Louis bodes. By doing so, the end goal is getting the LGBT market segment to demonstrate a return on investment by traveling, moving to or opening a business in St. Louis.” The CVC is holding educational seminars with the aforementioned task force as panelists to show the business leaders of St. Louis’ hotels, attractions and entertainment industries how to attract the LGBT community. By increasing membership, the St. Louis Convention and Visitor’s Commission will serve as a liaison between the community and its members to grow and foster the LGBT community. “[The campaign] has received nothing but accolades and kudos – there has been no negativity seen by anyone,” said Hall. “We want to show the great quality of life here so that people may develop interest in moving or opening a business in St. Louis. Attitudes are prevailing and tourism is on the rise; we wanted to attract people to get the great experience of St. Louis.” The St. Louis Convention and Visitor’s Commission is a political subdivision of the State of Missouri and markets for St. Louis City and County. It receives its funding through a hotel tax and the use of event space through the use of Americas Center.


“The goal of the campaign is to show St. Louis as an open and cosmopolitan community, making it a first tier city,” says Brian Hall, Chief Marketing Officer with the CVC, of the campaign. “People who think they know St. Louis well may not know


Written by Colin Murphy – Editor Photography by Tim Brenner


May 2013


ay is the season to escape into the STL – a perfect time to rediscover the city. Sometimes it’s easy to forget all of the great things urban dwelling has to offer, and an unexpected day off and time to kill brings the perfect time to explore anew — morning, noon and night.

Morning: Forest Park Start your day in Forest Park – maybe even with a jog or brisk walk. One can literally spend the entire day in our city’s crowned jewel. An oasis of greenery and tranquil trails connect a host of destinations – mostly free – that never disappoint. Whether getting lost in a Monet at the St. Louis Art Museum, exploring our past at the Missouri History Museum, communing with nature at the St. Louis Zoo or exploring the cosmos at the St. Louis Science Center – a world of discovery awaits.

Noon: Neighborhoods St. Louis offers an array of LGBT friendly neighborhoods to explore. Grab a bite on one of the many restaurant patios in the famed Central West End or curl up with a great read at Left Bank Books. The Delmar Loop is abuzz with quirky shops and great restaurants and the Tivoli marquee always beckons with independent films. Grand South Grand is where the world collides and a globe of eateries await or pop in and peruse the fun and funky stock at Cheap TRX – an anchor in the St. Louis LGBT community for over 20 years. Soulard is a great retreat with its old brick and New Orleans’ feel – stop by Clementine’s, St. Louis’ oldest gay bar, which has been pouring stiff drinks since 1978. Lastly, there’s Lafayette Square – whether touring a stately home or lunching the day away – it’s one of the loveliest street scapes in The Lou.

Night: The Grove A quick disco nap has you are ready to tackle the town again. The city beckons with myriad nightlife options from Washington Ave. to Laclede’s Landing. But if it’s mingling with your tribe that you’re looking for, then a night in The Grove fits the bill. St. Louis’ newest neighborhood destination is queer identified and home to a host of LGBT and gay friendly haunts. From patio partying or dinner & drinks to dancing the proverbial night away, the Gateway City gayborhood is alive with options. Make sure to check out The St. Louis LGBT Center open nightly til 9 p.m. V


All Over the World

Written by Matt Jamieson

Gayborhoods No matter where you travel, every city that has an LGBT community has a “gayborhood” (gay neighborhood). It’s a central point for everyone within the tribe to feel safe, to feel like they’re home and to party. Rather than focus on the typical locations like San Francisco, I’ve expanded out, even beyond the U.S., and found some wonderful places we call home...if just for a little while.

Palm Springs, California

miami,florida South beach

Palm Beach on the West Coast and down in the Gulf, the LGBT have, and continue, to flock to Miami’s South Beach (also known as SoBe) for sand and sun. There’s plenty of fantastic food, theaters, shopping and entertainment to make your visit memorable! One major spot to definitely hit is the Gay Beach at 12th Street — a little slice of the beach that’s ours, with a gorgeous view to boot. Fun in the sun, indeed!


May 2013

Way out west, beyond West Hollywood in Los Angeles and the Castro of San Francisco, Palm Springs has become another mecca for the LGBT community. The city has so much to offer - shopping, fantastic cuisine, hiking and just all out relaxation. Palm Springs is an oasis, and caters to the LGBT community - there’s over 25 different LGBT resorts to make your trip to Palm Springs a hit!

toronto, canada

Toronto is one of Canada’s best cities, with another famous gayborhood to boot. The Church and Wellesley neighborhood is a four block enclave in Toronto, and may be familiar to some — it was the filming location for the Showtime series Queer as Folk (QaF), doubling for the Pittsburgh locales in the show. In the days before Toronto was more open-minded about its LGBT citizens, Church and Wellesley was sanctuary for anyone who needed it. The neighborhood has plenty of bars, clubs and restaurants. QaF fans will want to hit up the real-life Woody’s, where the show’s characters hung out you’ll be in for a real treat!


at a Glance São Paolo, Brazil

manchester, united kingdom You’d think for the United Kingdom, I would pick London. The problem is that London doesn’t really have a central gayborhood. 200 miles to the northwest lies the city of Manchester, another major British location, with one of the world’s best gayborhoods. On Canal Street (literally known as the “centre of the gay village”) the nightlife comes alive with bars, restaurants, clubs — the works. Its location in Manchester makes it a lot quieter than the hustle-and-bustle of London, and that’s one of the best parts of the whole trip!

São Paolo is one of the most fabulous places you can go in the whole of South America. Not only does the city have the largest Pride celebration in the world (and voted the most popular Pride celebration by Grindr users), but there are plenty of museums, parks and shopping for daytime fun. And as for night? There are some of the hottest clubs and beaches anywhere in the world. São Paolo’s just an absolute South American gem and one of the best places you can go in this continent!

Tel aviv, israel I know what you’re thinking. Yes, the Middle East isn’t exactly a shining beacon of acceptance for the LGBT community. But even amid the world’s longest running religious wars, there is safe haven for our tribe in Israel. Tel Aviv is becoming the new LGBT hotspot for travel, and it boasts beaches, nightclubs and entertainment. In a Daily Beast article, Tel Aviv estimates 50,000 LGBT travelers will come to the city this year, and the number is expected to double for 2014. v





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May 2013

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Written by Matt Jamieson Photography by Darin Slyman

Summer Shenanigans at

Winter’s over and while the weather this spring has been topsy-turvy so far, summer is near and things are getting ready to heat up at Just John! During the summer of 2013, the bar will have plenty to offer its patrons to keep them entertained while getting their drink and their party on as the temperatures go up! So we’ve put together a little preview of what you can expect from your friends at Just John this summer! The bar has recently been through some fantastic renovations, switching out all the TV for better, larger HD ones, so you can come cheer your Cardinals on with crystal-clear image and sound! The unofficial summer kick-off begins on May 18 with the 4th Annual Beach Bash! There’s so much to do during this event — from the cornhole tournament to win some extra spending money, dancing with music from an all-star DJ lineup and of course hot beach fashion on the staff and special guests! After the beach bash, keep coming to Just John for the weekly specials that will only get better as summer starts this year. The best thing, for me, about Just r Chill John le il M & ight is Miller L that

Fridays $2



$2 Bud Light ct &

Bud Sele

there’s always something going on. Each night of the week has amazing things going on at the bar, accompanied by a nightly drink special, not to mention happy hour Monday through Saturday from 3 to 8 p.m. Monday nights will have the mainstay hilarity of Homosexual Bingo hosted by the fabulous Dieta Pepsi starting at 9 p.m. The big draw here is the “cover all” - the cumulative pot that must be won by going out in 60 numbers or less. If no one wins it, the pot goes up for the next week. In addition to the comedy from Dieta on the mic, the ever-popular reaction to “O-69” when it’s called, there’s always a great Bingo Punch special every week. Tuesdays are all about the number 2. The ever-popular 2-2-2 Tuesdays feature $2 domestics, well drinks and shots (Thursday features the ever-popular $3 cherry bombs). And after 10 pm it’s all about getting up onstage and belting your favorite karaoke hits with your friends from Rendezvous Entertainment. The winning team of Laura and Kevin is always there every Tuesday (and Thursday) to help you get your funk on and belt your favorite hits! Wednesdays are going to be fantastic with the return of JANE - a night specifically aimed at the bar’s lesbian clientele. Every Wednesday will feature a different local music artist, such as the Kristen Goodman Band (KGB) or Summer Osborne on the fabulous Just John patio (weather permitting). JANE

also boasts free food, $10 domestic beer buckets and the $3 Lilly River, featuring raspberry and blueberry vodkas blended with juices! Summer weekends will be in full swing this summer at Just John. Friday and Saturday nights will be fantastic this summer. Come dance the night away as DJ Ruben_B spins the latest, hottest remixes of today’s biggest hits. Fridays feature $2 Miller Light and Miller Chill; the Saturday special is all about Bud with $2 Bud Select and Bud Light. And the week doesn’t end with Saturday. Sundays will be truly a fabulous way to cap the week off on the patio with DJ Jimmy No Show. Jimmy will be spinning everyone’s favorite tracks on the patio from 4 to 8 p.m., helping you to close out the weekend in style. And if THAT wasn’t enough, there’s Sunday Showtunes hosted by Brandon Gray and there’s happy hour prices on drinks all day, and $2.75 Absolut drink specials every Sunday from 4 to 9pm! These nightly specials will also be accompanied by some massively amazing plans for PrideFest 2013. And what are these plans? Stay tuned to the Just John Facebook page for more details on the amazing PrideFest celebrations to come! Until then, come celebrate summer, the start of a new Cardinals season and just a great time at Just John! v








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Coming in the STL Soon Written by Matt Jamieson It’s been another great month for the team at Renaissance Development Associates and Duffe-Nuernberger Realty. More locations have been acquired, and this month, the focus shifts to Lafayette Square. Let’s take a look at what’s on the slate this month:

studio location, owned by Alexis Finley and Bridgette Niedringhaus, is spacious and perfect for all the different classes offered. Yoga can be the key to inner peace and enlightenment, and with a new studio, Southtown Yoga could be your start to the keys of peace and enlightenment.

Southtown Yoga, located at 1935 Park, recently moved into the area from their old location on Kingshighway. The new

Another space “landed” is the forthcoming Tripel. The space, owned by Jim Darst located at 1801 Park and slated to open

Special Promotion 44

May 2013

this month, will be a Belgian-style pub, with a focus on Belgian craft beers (which many breweries in the area are making) and food pairings (projected to be on the menu are hand-cut frites, Flemish beef stew and ribeye). Look also for dishes that will be incorporating beer into the dish itself! As always, keep looking to this space for more spaces “landed” each month! v

Written by Denny Patterson Photography by Stewart Goldstein

The Whipping makes Man

St. Louis Debut

Premiering for the first time in St. Louis, The Whipping Man, written by Matthew Lopez, made its debut at the Black Repertory Theatre from March 20 – April 13. The Black Rep is the third African American Theatre to produce this play. It is currently one of the most regularly produced plays in the country with productions planned in over 15 U.S. cities in 2012/2013 season. The Black Rep is the country’s largest, professional African-American theatre company that was established in 1976. According to the theatre’s website,, the mission of the Black Rep is to provide platforms for theatre, dance and other creative expression from the African-American perspective that heighten the social cultural awareness of its audiences. The Whipping Man is a story of a wounded Jewish confederate soldier in 1865 Richmond, VA who returns to find his plantation in ruins by the war. The only occupants left are two of his family’s former slaves who are also Jewish. As they try to reunite to celebrate Passover, they are tied to each other by history and

faith – yet bound by hidden secrets. This show is full of surprises, mystery and secrets that must led to making a choice. This is the first play of Lopez’s to be produced and it premiered at Luna Stage in Montclair, New Jersey in 2011. The Whipping Man revisits important events in American history – the fall of the American Confederacy, the abolition of slavery and the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. According to the production’s study guide, Lopez said, “My hope is that The


“It’s musical with the words and how Mr. Lopez knew how to play the words. Somewhat like poetry.” Whipping Man tells the story of the first tentative steps of the long, painful, hopeful journey that began in April 1865 and continues today.” The study guide also details how the origins of the play came to Lopez’s mind. “The Whipping Man began in my mind with the image of an old man performing a Seder. Recently freed from a lifetime of slavery, he speaks the words of the Haggadah with a newfound understanding of their meaning. The words are hopeful, a promise of justice to come. Something ancient and distant suddenly becomes immediate. The past and the present intermingle as he becomes a part of a history that began thousands of years before his birth and that arrives finally at the moment he takes his first psychological and emotional step towards emancipation. The promised justice has finally arrived.” The show’s director, Ed Smith, is no stranger to the Black Rep. He has been with the company for over 24 years; directing over 150 plays. Shows include The Soldier’s Play, The Piano Lesson, and King Hedley.


May 2013

“It’s been a delight having a chance to direct The Whipping Man here at the Black Rep,” Smith said. It’s been a great show to, and many thanks to Rabbi Susan Talve, Rabbi Ben Kamin and Rabbi Andy Kastner for coming into our rehearsal and teaching us the language and how to go about preparing the Seder.” The Whipping Man is not a musical, but can be described musically in different ways. Smith said, “It’s musical with the words and how Mr. Lopez knew how to play the words. Somewhat like poetry.” The cast is made up of three characters: Caleb, played by Justin Ivan Brown, Simon, played by Ron Connor and John, played by Ron Himes. All three of the actors are on one accord, and they must be able to play off of each other. This can be resulted in calling the show an ensemble piece. “Mr. Lopez has a rhythm that must stay in tune with each other,” Smith said. Himes plays the older slave, Conner plays the younger slave and Brown plays the Confederate soldier. Smith has worked with Himes and Conner before, so they all knew

how to work with each other. This is the first time he has ever worked with Brown. “It was great to have him be part of a wonderful hard working dedicated group of actors who had a mission that they too believed in,” he said. The Whipping Man is a show that leaves the audience thinking, and that is what Smith likes the most about this production. “Many subjects are asked in the play. My favorite is “Choice.” We all have a choice to do or not to do. It’s your choice and nobody else.” Smith would also like to thank the design them. Without them, the Black Rep would not have a show to put on. The Black Rep’s next show, Smash/Hit! took the stage on April 24 and will run to May 18. This is the second year in a row the Black Rep has included a gay-themed play in its lineup. For more information about The Whipping Man or any of the Black Rep’s lineup, visit the company’s website, v






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Opera Theatre of Saint Louis gratefully acknowledges 2013 season presenting sponsor

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4/17/13 5:01 PM

in the City

Happy Hour Series for LGBT Professionals

Join host Leon Braxton at this hot happy hour at Bixby’s in the Missouri History Museum.

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05.15.2013 6-9PM

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Written by Janae Johnson


International mr. Leather Friday- 5/24

Vic Theater Since May of 1979, the International Mr. Leather conference and contest has been held in the windy city of Chicago! There will be themed dance parties, socials, competitions, speakers and of course leather for days. IML is pleased to announce that the Friday and Saturday Contest Events Opening Ceremonies and Pec’s and Personality will be held at the worldfamous Vic Theater. Gather your leather and head to Chi Town for a weekend of good times!

Cinco de Mayo on Cherokee Street- Sat. 5/4 The Show Me State is not shy when it comes to a day drinking celebration! It’s Cinco de Mayo ladies and gents and this year the party is on a Saturday, giving you plenty of time to recover before work on Monday morning. Over the past few years, the South City neighborhood of Cherokee has grown in music, arts and culture. Check out this up and coming community as it celebrates another year of Cinco de Mayo! There will be music, crafts, food and most importantly Tequila! The Mexican madness starts at 11 am but the festivities last all day and night long. Grab some queso and lets go!

Urbanaire- Sat. 5/11 Community Leaders, LGBT-Right Supporters and Politicians, come out for the sixth annual Urbanaire! Every year for the past five years the community has gathered together in support of LGBT civil rights. As always, there will be live entertainment, scrumptious hors d’oeuvres and delicious cocktails. This year we will celebrate at a new location, The Contemporary Art Museum in Grand Center. Come out and celebrate people, progress and potential!


May 2013


Mothers Day- Sun. 5/12 Four Seasons Hotel St. Louis She brought you in this world, and when disobedient, she may threaten to take you out! It’s your loving mother and today it’s all about her. This year, take it up a notch and wine and dine her at the beautiful Four Seasons St. Louis. The hotel offers two brunch options for Mothers Days this year. One in the Ballroom on the 6th floor with a buffet spread of over 50 items or at the ever so popular Cielo Restaurant on the 8th floor with a buffet spread of over 75 items! Both offer an exquisite appetizers and entrees with complimentary Bloody Marys and Mimosas. Complimentary Valet Parking is also available for guest. Make reservations today!

The Music of Whitney Houston- Fri. 5/17 It’s been over a year since the 6 Grammy, 30 Billboard Award, 22 American Music Award and two Emmy Award winning Diva has passed away. Celebrate the memory of her talent and beautiful music at the St. Louis Symphony. Conductor Brent Havens and vocalist Rashidra Scott will fill the evening with chart-topping hits such as “Saving All My Love, “ “How Will I Know?” “Where Do Broken Hearts Go?” and the unforgettable “I Will Always Love You.” Don’t miss out on this lovely evening of music, passion, and romance.

Marina & The Diamonds- Fri. 5/17 The Pageant This spunky Greek goddess is most recently known for her chart-topping hits “Primadonna” and “Radioactive.” Inspired by artists such as Britney Spears, Gwen Stefani and Fiona Apple her unique style of music has made her shine as much as her name Diamandis, which is “Diamonds” in Greek. Catch this cutie at The Pageant as she rocks the house for her St. Louis fans!

A Pirate of Penzance- Sat. 5/25 Opera St. Louis Arrggghhh! Come aboard the romantic story of Frederic the leap year lover and Mabel the woman who must wait for him. Frederic’s unfortunate birthday has forced him to remain apprenticed to a band of tenderhearted pirates until his 21st birthday. Will Mabel wait for the love of her life faithfully? Find out at the Opera St. Louis presentation of A Pirate of Penzance!

Anything Goes- Tues. 5/28 Fox Theatre Since its debut in 1934, Anything Goes has been rocking theatres all over the country. The Roundabout Theatre Company’s winner of three 2011 Tony Awards Anything Goes is Coming to St. Louis! Hear all of your favorite show tunes like “You’re on the Top”, “I Get a Kick Out of You”, and of course “Anything Goes”. Dock your boat at The Fabulous Fox Theatre and prepare for an evening of laughter!

Always….Patsy Cline, 5/31 – 6/30 Stages Reminisce the life of Country music legend Patsy Cline and her friendship with Texas housewife Louise Seger in the musical Always… Patsy Cline. Louise shares the heartfelt and humorous memories that she and Patsy shared before her passing at the early age of thirty. Hear classic hits such as “Crazy,” “Walking After Midnight” and “Sweet Dreams.” Come out for a night of laughter and great music!



Scene Styling

Photography by Mikey Berner

Frankie Renee Ball and Tasha Cam D at Novaks

Chip Adaberry, Mark Rieben, Shawn Everette & Shawn Woods at Rehab

Colin Lovett, Chad Johnson, Tyler Leslie & Colin Murphy at SoCo

Rob, James Zensen and John Oberkramer at Just John 50

May 2013

Hannah Schroeder and Julie Marnati at Johnny Gittos

Scene & Styling

Rosalie Lagrand and Avis Ayers at Urban Wanderers

Carl Flowers and Gene Cheek at Bad Dog Bar and Grill

Bruno, Tim Sweeny and Chuck Dyle at Rehab Bar and Grill

DeTony Tucker-Jones and Rodney Unkal Roc Jones at Attitudes

Jacob Langley and AJ Pupillo at Soulard Bastille

Sweet-T, Jean Allman, Anika Walke and Trevor Sangrey at Bad Dog Bar and Grill



May 2013

ULTRA ULTRA ULLTRA U TR RA A The VIP event during Pride weekend

Produced by Vital VOICE & ALIVE Magazine


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