Wed. Sept 18, 2019 Vol. 65 Issue #1
Annandale High School’s
THE A BLAST Informing the Atoms since 1954
4700 Medford Dr. Annandale, VA 22003
“STRETCH DANNY!” AHS Boys football falls in a close one to Justice 26-20 SPORTS 16
Annual Taste of Annandale to be held
BY MANNY PRECHT Co-Editor in Chief Every year, the town of Annandale hosts a special culinary event near the center of Annandale. The event, called Taste of Annandale, is a public event where food trucks and stands serving different ethnic foods are set up along Tom Davis Drive and the local Giant parking lot. This year, Taste of Annandale is set to occur on Oct 5 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The event has offered many activities such as food, face paint and live music. This year, there are plans of a 5k race, live music and dance, restaurants, food trunks, an expanded beer garden, children’s entertainment and games, a chili cook-off, best-dressed pet contest, law enforcement display, and vendors.
Junior Nick Belmonte dances a traditional Bolivian dance at the Salay Bolivia USA Open House earlier this year at Patrick Henry Elementary School.
Students observe Hispanic Heritage Month BY SUAD MOHAMED Co-Editor in Chief Hispanic Heritage Month is a longstanding national observance in the U.S., mostly for the culture and arts of Hispanic nations. Spanning a four-week period over two months, the commemorative period starts on Sept. 15 and lasts to Oct. 15. It starts on this date because that is when five Hispanic nations; Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua; celebrate their independence. Celebration of this month began in 1968 when President Lyndon B. Johnson designated one week to recognize the 8 million Hispanics living in the country and their contributions. By the time President Ronald Reagan extended the week to a month, the number jumped to 20 million Hispanics. Today, there are nearly 60 million people in the U.S. who identify as Hispanic, making up nearly 17% of the population. In this community, the presence of Hispanics is more evident. Last school year, 49% of students identified as Hispanic or Latino. While many Hispanics celebrate their heritage every day, Hispanic Heritage Month is a time for all people to join in the culture in an admiring and respectful manner.
FCPS to put pads in girls restrooms BY SUAD MOHAMED Co-Editor in Chief In the past, students who needed a pad during the school day had to go to nurse in the clinic. This meant having to leave class, go down to the nurse, get a pad, go to the bathroom, and then go to class. This process can take a very long time, and some are too embarrassed to go through with it. Now, FCPS schools are working to put pads in girls bathrooms for easier access. The plan began in Justice HS. The school’s Girl Up club, which promotes gender equality, decided to stock the school’s 13 bathrooms with menstrual products. Soon enough, the FCPS School Board took notice and opened up a committee. The committee then decided that this action needed to be taken up at all schools in the county. The plan is all about accessibility. One box of pads can cost anywhere from $10 to $25. This adds up to a cost of more than $2,000 over a woman’s lifetime, according to the Huffington Post. Because they are so expensive, some people may not be able to afford them. Cheaper alternatives, like toilet paper, are not as effective and can lead to health issues. Putting pads in all school bathrooms prevents this issue and ensures that no girl has to go through any embarrassment when they need a pad.
Festivities include festivals and parpart of this school, and this country as a ties, amongst other events. whole, so I think it is important to honor Perhaps the biggest event is the El them in some way,” SHS president Barrio Latin Jazz Festival in New York Emily Shawish said. “At the same time, Every year, the Hispanic Family we can use these posters to educate peoFestival is held in Springdale, Massaple who are not aware of the importance chusetts. of these figures.” In this area, the Smithsonian InstiDuring this time period, many tute holds multiple events throughout teachers talk about Hispanic Heritage the month, including tours, dance recitMonth in class, too. als, and informa“Most of tion sessions. the time, histo“Personalry teachers and ly, it is very nice “It is nice Spanish teachto see other peo- to see other ers will bring it ple appreciate our up so that we culture and how people know what is rich it is,” senior aprreciate going on and how Andres Pachecomuch the Hisour culture Rivera said. panic communiHere at AHS, and how ty impacts this many clubs are country,” junior looking for their rich it is” Jessica Vo said. own ways to cele“It is really nice --ANDRES PACHECO-RIVERA brate this month. because a lot of senior Spanish Honpeople do not ors Society is know about it.” working on putHowever, the ting up posters notion of Hispanaround the school to honor the many ic Heritage Month has always been a bit Hispanic-American icons. of a controversy. Past examples include singer Selena The term Hispanic can be used to Quintanilla-Perez and activist Cesar identify any Spanish speaker, including Chavez. Spaniards. In addition, they plan to change the Many Latino people, a term used to display board in the language hallway identify only those from Latin Amerito show their respect. ca, are upset with the fact that Spanish “The Hispanic community is a big people are honored in this month, too.
Nowadays, most people would much rather be called Latino than Hispanic. This is because the word Hispanic reminds them of the colonialism and imperialism that many Latin countries suffered at the hands of Spain. Another issue with Hispanic Heritage Month is that sometimes, AfroLatinos feel excluded. Many celebrations do not include figures who were both Latino and black. “Sometimes, it does feel like in these honors and posters, I am seeing a lot of fairer skinned Latinos and not a lot of darker ones that look like me,” senior Jasmine Mann said. Today’s political tension only serves to stir more issues around the month. There is no doubt that President Donald Trump has shown a clear antipathy towards the Latino American community. He has cancelled DACA, putting thousands of young, undocumented Latinos at risk of deportation. His administration has controversially separated young children from their parents. Many of this children have been locked in immigration centers without basic necessities like toothbrushes and toilet paper. Additionally, Trump has attacked Latinos over and over again, through both directed attacks and misleading generalizations. CONT. Page 5
DSS to leave AHS Jennifer Crump-Strawderman to part ways after 18 years BY MANNY PRECHT Co-Editor in Chief After an amazing and impactful 18 years at AHS, Director of Student Services Jennifer Crump-Strawderman will be leaving for a position as the Director of Student Services at Mountain View High School in Centreville. Crump-Strawderman announced her plan to leave on Sept 11 and plans to have her last day be tommorow. The change is a big one for CrumpStrawderman as her new school, Mountain View, is a smaller building. She will be working with alternative education students, adults, ELL students, and students who just need an education in a non-traditional setting; a huge shift from a seemingly normal public high school. Crump-Strawderman is excited to take on the new opportunity and work on a more one on one basis with her students. Before her time at AHS, CrumpStrawderman engaged in many things that led up to tenure at AHS. “In high school, I took a course called Peer Helping which was a little different than the course offered now. We were taught counseling skills and we were paired with a middle school student as their mentor/counselor,” she said. “I realized I really liked helping people. In high school, I did not have a very good counselor and would go to see my boyfriend’s counselor instead. And my mom’s best friend was a high school counselor,” she aid. “All these experiences helped me to realize I wanted to be a counselor.” It’s obvious that Crump-Strawdermans dedication and care for what she does comes from a very genuine place. This connection with her career choice is the reason why she was so great at
DSS Jennifer Crump Strawderman plans to leave to Mountain View, a school for adult learners her job, and why she will be missed so much. However, not everything she did was related to being a counselor. “I worked as a bank teller, receptionist in a doctor’s office, and I was a substitute teacher as I paid my way through graduate school,” she said. After her time in those positions, her career as a counselor began. “Once I graduated, I worked as a long term sub counselor at Lake Braddock Secondary prior to working at Annandale. I came to Annandale because a family friend at my church recommended the school and encouraged me to apply. I left for two years after having my first child and then worked at Edison High School as a counselor but I missed Annandale. As soon as a counselor opening became available, I came back to Annandale.” In addition to her responsibility as DSS, Crump-Strawderman also faced the responsibility of attending school events. It is a school rule that school events must be attended by at least one
administrator and over the course of 18 years, one can only imagine how much of her time was spent at school events. Her persistence with her work shows her extreme level of care and dedication to what she does. Crump-Strawderman also shares the same high praise about our students and staff that we give to her. “ I think we have the best students in the county (and I have worked at two other high schools) – students here value their education, value diversity and honestly really try hard to get along with each other,” Crump Strawderman said. “I feel like Annandale is my home. I will be very sad to leave the students and the staff. I honestly believe this place is special and will always hold a special place in my heart.”
Mason District Representative Penny Gross attened Taste of Annandale last year and is expected to attend again this year. “It’s always cool to see the wide variety of food and cultures there,” senior Mustafah Qureshi said. “The food is always good and well priced and everyone is really friendly.” This year, the AHS Jazz Band Chicken and Waffles is participating in the event. This isn’t the first year the band has been involved with Taste of Annandale either. “I’m super excited to play at Taste of Annandale again because last year it was a lot of fun and the crowd seemed really into it,” Jazz band member Jackson Fournaris said. “We haven’t really started practicing yet but we’ve talked and already started picking out a few songs we want to play.” The Taste of Annandale is organized by the Annandale Roundtable, a nonprofit organization of community members.
FCPS bus fleet to make the switch to electric BY MANNY PRECHT Co-Editor in Chief Everyday, many Annandale students make their commute to and from school on their bus. In the age of climate change, riding the bus may be one of the most environmentally friendly ways to commute. Buses, like any other vehicle, still have room to become more environmentally friendly. ‘Mothers Out Fairfax County’, a local advocacy group, has been pushing for more environmentally friendly buses with their Clean Buses for Kids campaign. On August 20th, the group pushed for a change from diesel school buses to electric school buses. The result of their advocacy were a shock even to the group board members. Dominion Energy, accompanied by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, announced its support for the deployment of 50 electric school buses on August 29th. The 50 buses plan to be in action before the end of 2020. Dominion’s goal to change the entire state wide school bus fleet to electric is planned to be active by 2030. “I think the plan is great, changing buses to electric is great benefit for th environement and for students,” senior Mitchell Eggert said. The move would be a dramatic change; Virginia as a whole as 17,000 buses, 99% of which run on diesel fuel. In addition, FCPS is responsible for the second largest school bus fleet in the U.S. The benefits outweigh the costs as well, the move to electric would prevent 54,000 pounds of yearly greenhouse gas emissions from entering the atmosphere and reduces maintenance and fuel costs by more than 60 percent a year, according to Dominion. “I hope Dominion follows through with their plan,” Eggert said.