Selected Definitions Fluid flow: It is defined as the flow of substances that are not permanently resistant to distortion. Fluid Statics: It study the behavior of liquid at rest. Manometers:
These are the devices used to the measurement of pressure.
Fluid Dynamics: It deals with study of fluid in motion. Laminar flow: It is the flow in which the fluid particles move in straight layers or laminae. Turbulent flow: It is the flow in which fluid particles move in random manner instead of straight path on increasing the velocity. Transition flow: It is a mixture of laminar and turbulent flow, with turbulence at the center of the pipe and laminar flow near the edges. Reynolds number:
It is the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces.
Bernoulli's theorem: This states that Total energy (which consist of pressure energy, kinetic energy and potential energy) per unit mass in steady state are constant. Potential energy: It is defined as the energy possessed by the body by virtue of its position Kinetic energy: It is defined as the energy possessed by the body by virtue of its motion Vena contracta: The point at which diameter of fluid stream get less than initial volume of diameter. Flow meters: A flow meter is a device used to measure the flow rate or the amount of a gas or liquid moving through¡ pipe.
1.1 INTRODUCTION A fluid is a substance that under an applied shear stress continuously flows. The term Fluids are a subset of the phases of matter and include both liquids and gases. Fluid flow can be defined as the flow of substances that are not permanently resistant to distortion. The study of fluids can be divided into fluid statics and fluid dynamics. Fluid Statics study the behavior of liquid at rest.