Selected Definitions
'\fixing: It is defined as a process in which two or more components within a system are converted into one mass or mixture. Ideal Mixing: It is the process in which different materials are thoroughly combined to produce homogenous product. I (I~itive Mixtures:
These are prepared by mixing two miscible liquids.
I IÂŤ'~ative
Mixtures: These mixtures are prepared by mixing insoluble solids in a vehicle in case of suspension or by mixing two immiscible liquids in case of emulsion. 'trat Mixtures: Some products such as Pastes, ointments etc do not mix spontaneously but after mixing they do not separate out easily. , wectlve Mixing: These are the mixing in which the groups of particles move from one position to another. It is also referred to as macromixing.
"hear Mixing: In this mixing, shearing forces are created within the mass of the material by the use of a stirring arm or a burst of air. iffusive Mixing: During this mixing, gravitational forces cause the upper layers of materials to slip and random motion of the individual particles takes place on newly developed surfaces. This is also sometimes known as micromixing. ~ible liquids: These liquids mix with each other in all proportion. !' ,.
i lIy miscible liquids: These liquids mix with each other at specific proportion.
mtiscible liquids: They are not miscible. , transport:
It is the movement of large portion of material from one location to another location.
¡'ulent Mixing: In this, mixing is due to turbulence. Turbulence is a function of velocity gradient between two adjacent layers of a liquid . . mar Mixing I Streamline Mixing: This type of mixing occur when two dissimilar liquids are mixed through a laminar flow, the shear that is generated stretches the interface between them. ular Diffusion: molecules.
It is mixing at the molecular level is the diffusion resulting from the thermal movement of the
I rs: These are mechanical device that are used to mix liquid materials by using blades. '" enizer; They are used to convert coarse emulsion to flne emulsion.