Corrosion & Materials October 2011

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Vol 36 No 5, October 2011 ISSN 1326-1932

18th ICC issue!

Inside this Issue: University Profile: Curtin University Technical Note: Dehumidification Equipment Selection Project Profile: Offshore Cathodic Protection Anode Retrofitting Project Profile: Restoring Timeless Beauty for Future Generations 18th International Corrosion Congress Sponsor and Exhibitor Profiles Research Paper: Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion in Maritime Vessels Research Paper: Investigations of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) of Submerged Steel and Wooden Ship Wrecks and the Role that Bio-Concretions Play in these Degenerative Processes


Corrosion knows no national boundaries

International members welcome Membership of The Australasian Corrosion Association Inc provides a range of benefits at affordable prices. To find out more about the advantages of membership, download an information brochure from • Advancing Corrosion Control











ISSN 1326-1932 Published by The Australasian Corrosion Association Inc. ABN: 66 214 557 257 Publications Director Mohammad Ali – GHD, Editor Brian Cherry – Monash University, Associate Editors Research: Bruce Hinton – Monash University, Professional Practice: Willie Mandeno – Opus International Consultants, News: Ian Booth – Australasian Corrosion Association, Reviewers Andy Atrens – University of Queensland Nick Birbilis – Monash University Lex Edmond – Monash University Harvey Flitt – Queensland University of Technology Maria Forsyth – Monash University Rob Francis – Aurecon Australia Warren Green – Vinsi Partners Doug John – Curtin University of Technology Graeme Kelly – Corrotec Services Nick Laycock – STOS Grant McAdam – Defence Science and Technology Organisation David Nicholas – Nicholas Corrosion John Robinson – Mount Townsend Solutions Paul Schweinsburg – Queensland University of Technology Raman Singh – Monash University Graham Sussex – Sussex Material Solutions Tony Trueman – Defence Science and Technology Organisation Geoffrey Will – Queensland University of Technology David Young – University of New South Wales Advertising Sales Wesley Fawaz - Ph: 61 3 9890 4833, Fax: 61 3 9890 7866 Subscription Print Version: ISSN 1326-1932 Subscription rates to non members: Within Australia: A$72.60, incl GST, single copies A$16.50, incl GST Outside Australia: A$77, excl GST posted airmail, single copies A$22 incl GST On-Line Version: ISSN 1446-6848 Subscription rates to non members: A$22 incl GST The views expressed in Corrosion & Materials are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the ACA. Publication of advertisements does not imply endorsement by the ACA. Copyright of all published materials is retained by the ACA but it may be quoted with due reference. Australasian Corrosion Association Inc PO Box 112, Kerrimuir Vic 3129, Australia Ph: 61 3 9890 4833, Fax: 61 3 9890 7866 Email: Internet: President: Ian MacLeod Chief Executive Officer: Ian Booth Operations Chairman: John Grapiglia Finance Director: Paul Vince Senior Vice President: Peter Dove Junior Vice President: Allan Sterling Immediate Past President: Roman Dankiw Technical Director: Graham Sussex Education Director: Geoffrey Will Membership Director: Fred Salome Communications Director: Bryan Pike Publications Director: Mohammad Ali Newcastle Representative: Matthew Dafter New Zealand Representative: John Duncan Branches & Divisions Auckland Division: Sean Ryder 64 9 261 1400 61 0 418 854 902 Newcastle: Karen Swain 61 0 404 646 272 New South Wales: Denis Jean-Baptiste 61 7 3821 0202 Queensland: Cathy Sterling 61 8 8267 4744 South Australia: Alex Shepherd 61 0 418 120 550 Tasmania: Grant Weatherburn 64 27 671 2278 Taranaki Division: Ron Berry 64 4 473 3124 Wellington Division: Alistair MacKenzie 61 0 408 413 811 Western Australia: Gary Bennett 61 3 9885 5305 Victoria: John Tanti Technical Groups Cathodic Protection: Bruce Ackland 61 3 9890 3096 Coatings: Matthew O'Keeffe 61 437 935 969 Concrete Structures & Buildings: Frédéric Blin 61 3 9653 8406 61 8 9456 0344 Mining Industry: Peter Farinha Petroleum & Chemical Processing Industry: Fikry Barouky 61 402 684 165 61 3 9905 4919 Research: Nick Birbilis 61 2 9385 4322 Research: David Young 61 419 816 783 Water & Water Teatment: David Mavros 61 3 9495 6566 Welding, Joining & Corrosion: Graham Sussex Young Corrosion Professionals: Erwin Gamboa 61 8 8303 5473

4 » President’s Message 6 » Chief Executive Officer’s Message 8 » News 19 » Coatings Group Member Profile 20 » ACA Branch News 22 » ACA Standards Update 26 » ACA Technical Groups 29 » A CA Seminar Report: Petroleum & Chemical Processing Industry Technical Group Seminar 30 » A CA Symposium Report: Symposium on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion 34 » University Profile: Curtin University 37 » Technical Note: Dehumidification Equipment Selection 38 » P roject Profile: Offshore cathodic protection anode retrofitting 40 » P roject Profile: Restoring Timeless Beauty for Future Generations 44 » 18th ICC 2011 Sponsors and Exhibitors 68 » R esearch Paper:Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion in Maritime Vessels 80 » R esearch Paper:Investigations of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) of Submerged Steel and Wooden Ship Wrecks and the Role that Bio-Concretions Play in these Degenerative Processes 90 » Suppliers and Consultants

Front Cover Photo North Rankin A platform, North West Shelf Project, Western Australia. Image supplied by Woodside Energy Ltd.

The ACA is a founder member of the World Corrosion Organization

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion knows no national boundaries

International members welcome Membership of The Australasian Corrosion Association Inc provides a range of benefits at affordable prices. To find out more about the advantages of membership, download an information brochure from • Advancing Corrosion Control











ISSN 1326-1932 Published by The Australasian Corrosion Association Inc. ABN: 66 214 557 257 Publications Director Mohammad Ali – GHD, Editor Brian Cherry – Monash University, Associate Editors Research: Bruce Hinton – Monash University, Professional Practice: Willie Mandeno – Opus International Consultants, News: Ian Booth – Australasian Corrosion Association, Reviewers Andy Atrens – University of Queensland Nick Birbilis – Monash University Lex Edmond – Monash University Harvey Flitt – Queensland University of Technology Maria Forsyth – Monash University Rob Francis – Aurecon Australia Warren Green – Vinsi Partners Doug John – Curtin University of Technology Graeme Kelly – Corrotec Services Nick Laycock – STOS Grant McAdam – Defence Science and Technology Organisation David Nicholas – Nicholas Corrosion John Robinson – Mount Townsend Solutions Paul Schweinsburg – Queensland University of Technology Raman Singh – Monash University Graham Sussex – Sussex Material Solutions Tony Trueman – Defence Science and Technology Organisation Geoffrey Will – Queensland University of Technology David Young – University of New South Wales Advertising Sales Wesley Fawaz - Ph: 61 3 9890 4833, Fax: 61 3 9890 7866 Subscription Print Version: ISSN 1326-1932 Subscription rates to non members: Within Australia: A$72.60, incl GST, single copies A$16.50, incl GST Outside Australia: A$77, excl GST posted airmail, single copies A$22 incl GST On-Line Version: ISSN 1446-6848 Subscription rates to non members: A$22 incl GST The views expressed in Corrosion & Materials are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the ACA. Publication of advertisements does not imply endorsement by the ACA. Copyright of all published materials is retained by the ACA but it may be quoted with due reference. Australasian Corrosion Association Inc PO Box 112, Kerrimuir Vic 3129, Australia Ph: 61 3 9890 4833, Fax: 61 3 9890 7866 Email: Internet: President: Ian MacLeod Chief Executive Officer: Ian Booth Operations Chairman: John Grapiglia Finance Director: Paul Vince Senior Vice President: Peter Dove Junior Vice President: Allan Sterling Immediate Past President: Roman Dankiw Technical Director: Graham Sussex Education Director: Geoffrey Will Membership Director: Fred Salome Communications Director: Bryan Pike Publications Director: Mohammad Ali Newcastle Representative: Matthew Dafter New Zealand Representative: John Duncan Branches & Divisions Auckland Division: Sean Ryder 64 9 261 1400 61 0 418 854 902 Newcastle: Karen Swain 61 0 404 646 272 New South Wales: Denis Jean-Baptiste 61 7 3821 0202 Queensland: Cathy Sterling 61 8 8267 4744 South Australia: Alex Shepherd 61 0 418 120 550 Tasmania: Grant Weatherburn 64 27 671 2278 Taranaki Division: Ron Berry 64 4 473 3124 Wellington Division: Alistair MacKenzie 61 0 408 413 811 Western Australia: Gary Bennett 61 3 9885 5305 Victoria: John Tanti Technical Groups Cathodic Protection: Bruce Ackland 61 3 9890 3096 Coatings: Matthew O'Keeffe 61 437 935 969 Concrete Structures & Buildings: Frédéric Blin 61 3 9653 8406 61 8 9456 0344 Mining Industry: Peter Farinha Petroleum & Chemical Processing Industry: Fikry Barouky 61 402 684 165 61 3 9905 4919 Research: Nick Birbilis 61 2 9385 4322 Research: David Young 61 419 816 783 Water & Water Teatment: David Mavros 61 3 9495 6566 Welding, Joining & Corrosion: Graham Sussex Young Corrosion Professionals: Erwin Gamboa 61 8 8303 5473

4 » President’s Message 6 » Chief Executive Officer’s Message 8 » News 19 » Coatings Group Member Profile 20 » ACA Branch News 22 » ACA Standards Update 26 » ACA Technical Groups 29 » A CA Seminar Report: Petroleum & Chemical Processing Industry Technical Group Seminar 30 » A CA Symposium Report: Symposium on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion 34 » University Profile: Curtin University 37 » Technical Note: Dehumidification Equipment Selection 38 » P roject Profile: Offshore cathodic protection anode retrofitting 40 » P roject Profile: Restoring Timeless Beauty for Future Generations 44 » 18th ICC 2011 Sponsors and Exhibitors 68 » R esearch Paper:Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion in Maritime Vessels 80 » R esearch Paper:Investigations of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) of Submerged Steel and Wooden Ship Wrecks and the Role that Bio-Concretions Play in these Degenerative Processes 90 » Suppliers and Consultants

Front Cover Photo North Rankin A platform, North West Shelf Project, Western Australia. Image supplied by Woodside Energy Ltd.

The ACA is a founder member of the World Corrosion Organization

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Greetings Members, New opportunities arise for all of us in our daily lives to make a difference. Personal commitment and responsibility to the environment in which we live and operate should be as automatic as the way in which we tend to the needs of our bodies as thinking, working and creative machines which periodically possess elements of the divine. Reading some of the papers that are to be presented at the upcoming 18th International Corrosion Congress (ICC) is inspirational since details of the thought processes, experimental design and analysis of the resultant data let you journey into the creative space of fellow corrosion professionals. In the past year it has been my privilege to meet some of Australasia’s top minds that are committed to unravelling the mysteries of decay. The topics encompass microbial corrosion and the way in which a vast array of engineering alloys respond to the microenvironment in which they operate. It is the knowledge about how coatings specialists, metallurgists, electrochemists, applicators and surface preparation professionals all team up to solve the problems at hand that means the ACA can provide all the answers. An example of the flexible product delivery was the recent workshop on Microbially Induced Corrosion in Melbourne. Journeying into the microscopic world was a painless process as the vast experiences of Brenda Little from the US Navy combined with Roy Cullimore, the gently spoken Canadian microbiologist of the Titanic bacteria fame, to lead to a wide range of open and frank discussions. The creative responses of Western Australia’s Peter Farinha exploded peoples minds as he journeyed through the curious degradation patterns associated with hyper saline waters in remote mine sites. There was a real tension between those who


Corrosion & Materials

reported on Accelerated Low Water Corrosion (ALWC) phenomena, that seems to have reached plague proportions on some of the wharf pile structures around Australia’s coast, and those who required the real answer as to what was the controlling mechanism. This is just one example of how our organisation works across all traditional boundaries and brings together an array of creative minds to reveal the mysteries of corrosion and its decay mechanisms. Without continued research and the application of that data which leads to the development of new coatings, alloys and heat treatments, our material world will continue to degrade at an unacceptable rate. The role of the ACA in providing training workshops, professional development seminars and our annual conference is a vital element in the relentless path of corrosion mitigation. In early September an intriguing exhibition Immerse – Exploring the Deep was opened at the Western Australian Maritime Museum in which the combined roles of the oil and gas exploration companies in partnership with the museum was demonstrated in terms of overcoming quite remarkable challenges of working at great depths off the Western Australian coast. Our industry partners are on their quest to provide a secure and reliable energy supply for our island nation while the museum searches for evidence of our exquisite marine biodiversity. The model of the North Rankin A gas production platform brought the realities of corrosion management home to me as I looked at the structural steel piles, their coatings, cathodic protection, the treatments for the splash zone, the production and accommodation topsides to the final clearing point, the flare tower. I had always wondered why production companies would “waste” chemicals by burning them at a flare tower until I visited a production facility near Karratha. The chemists pointed out that bacterial maturation and chemical digenesis produces varying amounts of highly toxic sulphurous

compounds which are concentrated as the raw condensate is processed. By periodically sparging these materials up the flare stack they can be rendered innocuous and thus be removed from the production stream, rather than be an accumulating problem for storage and unusual corrosion decay processes. This display has broken the mould of normal scholarly discourse as the exhibition is about the way in which people have responded to the corrosion and operational challenges of finding and managing the collection and distribution of the undersea resources. The corrosion patina on a 1928 Ned Kelly styled helmet that was used on the first surveys of the benthic environment in the Great Barrier Reef is a reminder of how effective zinc can be as a sacrificial coating on iron in a marine setting. Communication systems were illustrated and applied to biological as well as chemical surveys of the seabed. The 18th ICC is in a few short weeks when delegates assemble from more than 55 countries to share the richness of their corrosion knowledge and sustainable management processes; the anticipated number of delegates should top 750. In response to information presented to His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia, this unique gathering has been given Vice Regal Patronage and as such it is a hallmark of the maturity of our organisation and the vital role that ACA plays. We look forward with a passionate energy to have the opportunity of presenting to you the best in corrosion, the best in mitigation in the vibrant and culturally diverse city that is Perth. The wonderful nature of Perth and its environs is supported by the fact that the meeting of the Commonwealth Heads of Government will have been in the same conference venue just a few short weeks before you all arrive. Welcome to Perth and thanks for your continuing commitment. Yours in corrosion, Ian MacLeod

Greetings Members, New opportunities arise for all of us in our daily lives to make a difference. Personal commitment and responsibility to the environment in which we live and operate should be as automatic as the way in which we tend to the needs of our bodies as thinking, working and creative machines which periodically possess elements of the divine. Reading some of the papers that are to be presented at the upcoming 18th International Corrosion Congress (ICC) is inspirational since details of the thought processes, experimental design and analysis of the resultant data let you journey into the creative space of fellow corrosion professionals. In the past year it has been my privilege to meet some of Australasia’s top minds that are committed to unravelling the mysteries of decay. The topics encompass microbial corrosion and the way in which a vast array of engineering alloys respond to the microenvironment in which they operate. It is the knowledge about how coatings specialists, metallurgists, electrochemists, applicators and surface preparation professionals all team up to solve the problems at hand that means the ACA can provide all the answers. An example of the flexible product delivery was the recent workshop on Microbially Induced Corrosion in Melbourne. Journeying into the microscopic world was a painless process as the vast experiences of Brenda Little from the US Navy combined with Roy Cullimore, the gently spoken Canadian microbiologist of the Titanic bacteria fame, to lead to a wide range of open and frank discussions. The creative responses of Western Australia’s Peter Farinha exploded peoples minds as he journeyed through the curious degradation patterns associated with hyper saline waters in remote mine sites. There was a real tension between those who


Corrosion & Materials

reported on Accelerated Low Water Corrosion (ALWC) phenomena, that seems to have reached plague proportions on some of the wharf pile structures around Australia’s coast, and those who required the real answer as to what was the controlling mechanism. This is just one example of how our organisation works across all traditional boundaries and brings together an array of creative minds to reveal the mysteries of corrosion and its decay mechanisms. Without continued research and the application of that data which leads to the development of new coatings, alloys and heat treatments, our material world will continue to degrade at an unacceptable rate. The role of the ACA in providing training workshops, professional development seminars and our annual conference is a vital element in the relentless path of corrosion mitigation. In early September an intriguing exhibition Immerse – Exploring the Deep was opened at the Western Australian Maritime Museum in which the combined roles of the oil and gas exploration companies in partnership with the museum was demonstrated in terms of overcoming quite remarkable challenges of working at great depths off the Western Australian coast. Our industry partners are on their quest to provide a secure and reliable energy supply for our island nation while the museum searches for evidence of our exquisite marine biodiversity. The model of the North Rankin A gas production platform brought the realities of corrosion management home to me as I looked at the structural steel piles, their coatings, cathodic protection, the treatments for the splash zone, the production and accommodation topsides to the final clearing point, the flare tower. I had always wondered why production companies would “waste” chemicals by burning them at a flare tower until I visited a production facility near Karratha. The chemists pointed out that bacterial maturation and chemical digenesis produces varying amounts of highly toxic sulphurous

compounds which are concentrated as the raw condensate is processed. By periodically sparging these materials up the flare stack they can be rendered innocuous and thus be removed from the production stream, rather than be an accumulating problem for storage and unusual corrosion decay processes. This display has broken the mould of normal scholarly discourse as the exhibition is about the way in which people have responded to the corrosion and operational challenges of finding and managing the collection and distribution of the undersea resources. The corrosion patina on a 1928 Ned Kelly styled helmet that was used on the first surveys of the benthic environment in the Great Barrier Reef is a reminder of how effective zinc can be as a sacrificial coating on iron in a marine setting. Communication systems were illustrated and applied to biological as well as chemical surveys of the seabed. The 18th ICC is in a few short weeks when delegates assemble from more than 55 countries to share the richness of their corrosion knowledge and sustainable management processes; the anticipated number of delegates should top 750. In response to information presented to His Excellency the Governor of Western Australia, this unique gathering has been given Vice Regal Patronage and as such it is a hallmark of the maturity of our organisation and the vital role that ACA plays. We look forward with a passionate energy to have the opportunity of presenting to you the best in corrosion, the best in mitigation in the vibrant and culturally diverse city that is Perth. The wonderful nature of Perth and its environs is supported by the fact that the meeting of the Commonwealth Heads of Government will have been in the same conference venue just a few short weeks before you all arrive. Welcome to Perth and thanks for your continuing commitment. Yours in corrosion, Ian MacLeod

Planning for ACA’s future The ACA’s Operations Committee (Board) recently spent an extended time in Melbourne developing the Association’s strategic plan for the period 2012 to the end of 2014. Senior association staff were also in attendance to work with Board members to develop a greater strategic focus for ACA activities over the next three years. Subject to final acceptance by the Board and Council, the plan realigns management activities into eight strategic areas which are supported by realistic and assessable objectives. Attainment of each of the objectives will be through a planned approach with clearly defined strategies, evaluation and reviews. For the next three years, the ACA’s management approach will focus on: Governance and organisational structure Membership Technical Education & training Events Communication

Advocacy Operational management Governance and organisational structure will be an important area of activity. Extra resources will be applied to review and develop systems to ensure the ACA has governance and decision making systems in place which encourage participation by its members. The constitution will continue to be reviewed to ensure the ACA has a structure which accurately reflects the needs of members and which provides for transparent and accountable activities throughout the association. The incorporation status of the ACA, currently under the Associations Incorporation Act – South Australia, will be reviewed to ensure the jurisdiction and corporate form under which ACA is incorporated are appropriate to the current and known future needs of the association. A greater emphasis will also be placed on providing Branches with clearer guidelines and more resources to assist with the management of local affairs and to improve on service delivery to members at a local level.

Membership numbers are currently lapping at 1500 and we expect that by the end of 2011 that target will be achieved. A target of 2000 by the end of 2014 will be the next major hurdle and when achieved will see ACA’s membership having increased by approximately 100% in seven years. Being a membership based organisation the ACA’s primary responsibility is the satisfaction of its Objects in the interest of its members. Consequential benefits will flow to the wider community as a result of the ACA’s activities. The responsibility for delivering the 2012 to 2014 strategic plan will rest with all members and staff and at all levels of governance of the ACA. Management of the plan will be provided by the Board and Council with the support of all ACA staff. Ian Booth Chief Executive Officer

Tall orders, Extreme conditions, Ambitious deadlines... tell us about it! The team at Anode Engineering have been delivering quality pipeline corrosion solutions for over 40 years. From humble beginnings, and through trying times Anode Engineering’s highly specialised team have developed the capabilities to deliver a corrosion solution to a range of projects including 1000’s of kms of pipelines throughout Australia, marine corrosion solutions, Cathodic Protection design and procurement as well as satellite monitoring and management of remote sites. Our specialised sales team can also help you with: Specialised product supply & support Cathodic protection (CP) design Pipeline asset survey and assessment/monitoring Quality pipeline fittings Electronic data collection technology CP, Exothermic welding, training


Pipeline Pigging technology Vacuum pipe lifting deployment equipment. Anode Engineering’s global association with suppliers and manufacturers of quality pipeline corrosion management products, places Anode Engineering at the forefront of technology procurement providing innovative, quality solutions to ensure maximum productivity and reliability together with industry leading technology. Anode Engineering Pty Ltd Australia & New Zealand 1800 446 400 6

Corrosion & Materials

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011



Rusting Navy choppers fight to stay in the air Reported by The New Zealand Herald on Sunday 28th August 2011, the New Zealand navy's five helicopters, worth NZ$350 million, are struggling to stay in the air as the Defence Force battles corrosion and a lack of staff to maintain the "orphan" fleet. The article referred to a Ministry of Defence report which says three Kaman SH-2G (NZ) Seasprite antisubmarine helicopters have to be flying at any one time but last October only one could get in the air and earlier this year just two serviceable Seasprites were available. The ministry report says because the need to keep the helicopters flying,

staff, and training deficiencies. It was hard to get staff to go with the helicopters when posted at sea for six to eight months. This unwillingness to serve at sea results in having difficulty retaining people with deep knowledge of the Seasprites.”

the military is constantly deferring operational level maintenance creating a "bow-wave of deferred maintenance". The article reported that engineers were finding corrosion or vibration damage and while cumulative deferral might be considered safe, the report said it was reasonable to assume the "damage will worsen the longer it is left".

The article concluded with Air ViceMarshall Peter Stockwell saying “deferring maintenance was tightly controlled, and airworthiness was reviewed constantly. Deferment was often necessary when the aircraft were on frigates at sea. It is very carefully managed.”

Damage was "being found in areas where such corrosion or damage has not been seen before", the report said. The article quoted the air force saying “the corrosion was probably caused by a lack of awareness by


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12 Corrosion & Materials

30/08/2011 9:09:54 AM

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion prevention method makes UQ Enterprize competition final A new way to prevent corrosion and odours in our sewerage systems is among the five finalists for The University of Queensland (UQ) Business School Enterprize 2011, the nation's richest business competition. The competition this year attracted a diverse range of entries ranging from medical and scientific breakthroughs, commercialising open-source software solutions, to ways to address contemporary challenges such as alternative fuels and new water treatment processes. The five Enterprize 2011 finalists, selected by an expert panel of judges, will now submit comprehensive business plans to compete for the $100,000 prize. One of the finalist is Cloevis from UniQuest Pty Ltd, which is one of Australia’s leading research commercialisation companies, specialising in global technology transfer and facilitating access for all business sectors to world class university expertise, intellectual property and facilities.

Cloevis is a low cost chemical dosing method for preventing hydrogen sulfide corrosion and odours in sewer systems. The research behind Cloevis was developed at the Advanced Water Management Centre, one of the world’s leading water technology and management research centres. The research team, led by Professor Zhiguo Yuan, has been working with some of Australia’s major water utilities for over 10 years in developing an understanding of sewer corrosion and odours.

and amounts, again substantially lowering operating costs.

Cloevis uses a two part solution; the first is a newly-developed proprietary chemical mix that has been proven in laboratory and field trials to be able to kill the sulfate-reducing bacteria that are the root cause of the hydrogen sulfide corrosion and odour problem. As this chemical mix is able to kill these bacteria, chemical dosing can be performed intermittently, substantially lowering costs. Cloevis also integrates a software tool that is able to model sulfide production and transport in the sewer network which we use to optimise the dosing location

After the Enterprize finalists submit their detailed business plans, they will receive support and coaching through UQ Business School.

Dr Tony Keating of UniQuest said “we are planning on performing a large scale field trial at a major water utility this summer. The technology may also have application in the oil and gas industry, where sulfate-reducing bacteria are also found to cause hydrogen sulfide corrosion. The research team at the Advanced Water Management Centre are currently exploring this”.

They will then have their final chance to impress the judges and showcase their plans to venture capitalists and angel investors at a “Pitch Day” on October 13, when the winner will be chosen.

Inaugural Newcastle Branch YCP award announced The ACA Newcastle Branch is proud to announce the recipient of the inaugural 2011 Newcastle Branch Young Corrosion Professional award. Igor Chaves was chosen based on the pathway travelled and motivation to carry out his corrosion research at the University of Newcastle together with the outstanding way he presented his work in a clear fashion with immense enthusiasm during his interview. The selection process was demanding on the Branch committee which initially began with eight applicants. To ensure all fairness


Corrosion & Materials

and transparency was applied, some of the Branch committee members withdrew from the judging panel where a professional relationship with applicants had been established. Applicants came from Australia and New Zealand and the list was culled to four after assessing the applications. This presented a challenge to the committee in the logistics of fairly assessing the final short list.

assessed by video conference to establish a level playing field with each going through an identical interview process. During the interview each applicant discussed how they became involved in the corrosion industry, outlined their recent corrosion work and how this work might impact on the wider community. Given the success and response of running this year’s award the Newcastle Branch is looking forward to inviting applicants in 2012.

It was decided that all the applicants, regardless of location, would be

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Planning for ACA’s future The ACA’s Operations Committee (Board) recently spent an extended time in Melbourne developing the Association’s strategic plan for the period 2012 to the end of 2014. Senior association staff were also in attendance to work with Board members to develop a greater strategic focus for ACA activities over the next three years. Subject to final acceptance by the Board and Council, the plan realigns management activities into eight strategic areas which are supported by realistic and assessable objectives. Attainment of each of the objectives will be through a planned approach with clearly defined strategies, evaluation and reviews. For the next three years, the ACA’s management approach will focus on: Governance and organisational structure Membership Technical Education & training Events Communication

Advocacy Operational management Governance and organisational structure will be an important area of activity. Extra resources will be applied to review and develop systems to ensure the ACA has governance and decision making systems in place which encourage participation by its members. The constitution will continue to be reviewed to ensure the ACA has a structure which accurately reflects the needs of members and which provides for transparent and accountable activities throughout the association. The incorporation status of the ACA, currently under the Associations Incorporation Act – South Australia, will be reviewed to ensure the jurisdiction and corporate form under which ACA is incorporated are appropriate to the current and known future needs of the association. A greater emphasis will also be placed on providing Branches with clearer guidelines and more resources to assist with the management of local affairs and to improve on service delivery to members at a local level.

Membership numbers are currently lapping at 1500 and we expect that by the end of 2011 that target will be achieved. A target of 2000 by the end of 2014 will be the next major hurdle and when achieved will see ACA’s membership having increased by approximately 100% in seven years. Being a membership based organisation the ACA’s primary responsibility is the satisfaction of its Objects in the interest of its members. Consequential benefits will flow to the wider community as a result of the ACA’s activities. The responsibility for delivering the 2012 to 2014 strategic plan will rest with all members and staff and at all levels of governance of the ACA. Management of the plan will be provided by the Board and Council with the support of all ACA staff. Ian Booth Chief Executive Officer

Tall orders, Extreme conditions, Ambitious deadlines... tell us about it! The team at Anode Engineering have been delivering quality pipeline corrosion solutions for over 40 years. From humble beginnings, and through trying times Anode Engineering’s highly specialised team have developed the capabilities to deliver a corrosion solution to a range of projects including 1000’s of kms of pipelines throughout Australia, marine corrosion solutions, Cathodic Protection design and procurement as well as satellite monitoring and management of remote sites. Our specialised sales team can also help you with: Specialised product supply & support Cathodic protection (CP) design Pipeline asset survey and assessment/monitoring Quality pipeline fittings Electronic data collection technology CP, Exothermic welding, training


Pipeline Pigging technology Vacuum pipe lifting deployment equipment. Anode Engineering’s global association with suppliers and manufacturers of quality pipeline corrosion management products, places Anode Engineering at the forefront of technology procurement providing innovative, quality solutions to ensure maximum productivity and reliability together with industry leading technology. Anode Engineering Pty Ltd Australia & New Zealand 1800 446 400 6

Corrosion & Materials

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011



A double celebration for dipping Nine staff at Perry Metal Protection in Hamilton New Zealand were recently presented with national qualifications by achieving both the National Certificate in Hot Dip Galvanizing (Introductory Skills) Level 2 and a Limited Credit Programme (LCP) in Hot Dip Galvanizing. Extractive Industries Training Organisation (EXITO) is the standard setting body for on-job training in the Hot Dip Galvanizing sector. “Prior to today’s presentation, only two other National Certificates in Hot Dip Galvanizing had been presented. So for nine to be achieved in one go is a great achievement for everyone involved at Perry Metal Protection. It’s also

positive for the Hot Dip Galvanizing industry that they are recognising the achievement, professionalism and value these qualifications bring to their operations and staff” said Peter Fowler, EXITO Industry Manager for Resources. Tu Mahutariki, a recipient, has been working in Hot Dip Galvanizing for years but was blown away to receive a certificate as recognition of his hard work. The qualification means that he can now walk onto any Hot Dip Galvanizing site and be aware of the hazards, and health and safety requirements. “With this qualification I can go anywhere” he said.

part of a suite of qualifications that bring vital skills to the workforce and provide defined career pathways. By achieving this qualification the trainees have demonstrated they have the basic skills to work safely in a Hot Dip Galvanizing environment. The LCP is a smaller group of units designed to be more achievable so that trainees have a short term goal. Qualifications are achieved in the workplace through on-job training which means employees are learning while they are earning.

Galvanizing Australia before there was Australia

The qualification has existed since 2005 but is now starting to gain a bit of momentum in the Hot Dip Galvanizing industry in New Zealand.

The National Certificate in Hot Dip Galvanizing (Introductory Skills) is L to R Back; Duane Baguley (Perry Metal Protection General Manager), Peter Fowler (EXITO), Joe Latu, Adrian Stimpson, Tu Mahutariki, Mike Spencer, Craig Bramley (Assessor), Phillip Bowen. Front; Lyle Rikihana, Bruce Keepa, Sonny Rau, Susi Batterbury (EXITO) and Tim Macindoe (Hamilton West National MP).

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10 Corrosion & Materials





In 1883, the first international telegraph system using galvanized steel poles was built in the colonies of what was to become Australia 18 years later. After 110 years of service and still fully functional, the poles were decommissioned in 1993. A testament to the durability of the galvanizing process. Compared to any other protective coating for steel, hot dip galvanizing is unmatched in its superior corrosion resistance, strong and tough coating, proven performance, sustainability and lifetime cost benefits.

Hot Dip Galvanizing – First and last line of defence Brisbane

For further examples of the durability of hot dip galvanizing please visit

24 hours a day / 7 days a week on-call service

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion prevention method makes UQ Enterprize competition final A new way to prevent corrosion and odours in our sewerage systems is among the five finalists for The University of Queensland (UQ) Business School Enterprize 2011, the nation's richest business competition. The competition this year attracted a diverse range of entries ranging from medical and scientific breakthroughs, commercialising open-source software solutions, to ways to address contemporary challenges such as alternative fuels and new water treatment processes. The five Enterprize 2011 finalists, selected by an expert panel of judges, will now submit comprehensive business plans to compete for the $100,000 prize. One of the finalist is Cloevis from UniQuest Pty Ltd, which is one of Australia’s leading research commercialisation companies, specialising in global technology transfer and facilitating access for all business sectors to world class university expertise, intellectual property and facilities.

Cloevis is a low cost chemical dosing method for preventing hydrogen sulfide corrosion and odours in sewer systems. The research behind Cloevis was developed at the Advanced Water Management Centre, one of the world’s leading water technology and management research centres. The research team, led by Professor Zhiguo Yuan, has been working with some of Australia’s major water utilities for over 10 years in developing an understanding of sewer corrosion and odours.

and amounts, again substantially lowering operating costs.

Cloevis uses a two part solution; the first is a newly-developed proprietary chemical mix that has been proven in laboratory and field trials to be able to kill the sulfate-reducing bacteria that are the root cause of the hydrogen sulfide corrosion and odour problem. As this chemical mix is able to kill these bacteria, chemical dosing can be performed intermittently, substantially lowering costs. Cloevis also integrates a software tool that is able to model sulfide production and transport in the sewer network which we use to optimise the dosing location

After the Enterprize finalists submit their detailed business plans, they will receive support and coaching through UQ Business School.

Dr Tony Keating of UniQuest said “we are planning on performing a large scale field trial at a major water utility this summer. The technology may also have application in the oil and gas industry, where sulfate-reducing bacteria are also found to cause hydrogen sulfide corrosion. The research team at the Advanced Water Management Centre are currently exploring this”.

They will then have their final chance to impress the judges and showcase their plans to venture capitalists and angel investors at a “Pitch Day” on October 13, when the winner will be chosen.

Inaugural Newcastle Branch YCP award announced The ACA Newcastle Branch is proud to announce the recipient of the inaugural 2011 Newcastle Branch Young Corrosion Professional award. Igor Chaves was chosen based on the pathway travelled and motivation to carry out his corrosion research at the University of Newcastle together with the outstanding way he presented his work in a clear fashion with immense enthusiasm during his interview. The selection process was demanding on the Branch committee which initially began with eight applicants. To ensure all fairness


Corrosion & Materials

and transparency was applied, some of the Branch committee members withdrew from the judging panel where a professional relationship with applicants had been established. Applicants came from Australia and New Zealand and the list was culled to four after assessing the applications. This presented a challenge to the committee in the logistics of fairly assessing the final short list.

assessed by video conference to establish a level playing field with each going through an identical interview process. During the interview each applicant discussed how they became involved in the corrosion industry, outlined their recent corrosion work and how this work might impact on the wider community. Given the success and response of running this year’s award the Newcastle Branch is looking forward to inviting applicants in 2012.

It was decided that all the applicants, regardless of location, would be

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011



Rusting Navy choppers fight to stay in the air Reported by The New Zealand Herald on Sunday 28th August 2011, the New Zealand navy's five helicopters, worth NZ$350 million, are struggling to stay in the air as the Defence Force battles corrosion and a lack of staff to maintain the "orphan" fleet. The article referred to a Ministry of Defence report which says three Kaman SH-2G (NZ) Seasprite antisubmarine helicopters have to be flying at any one time but last October only one could get in the air and earlier this year just two serviceable Seasprites were available. The ministry report says because the need to keep the helicopters flying,

staff, and training deficiencies. It was hard to get staff to go with the helicopters when posted at sea for six to eight months. This unwillingness to serve at sea results in having difficulty retaining people with deep knowledge of the Seasprites.”

the military is constantly deferring operational level maintenance creating a "bow-wave of deferred maintenance". The article reported that engineers were finding corrosion or vibration damage and while cumulative deferral might be considered safe, the report said it was reasonable to assume the "damage will worsen the longer it is left".

The article concluded with Air ViceMarshall Peter Stockwell saying “deferring maintenance was tightly controlled, and airworthiness was reviewed constantly. Deferment was often necessary when the aircraft were on frigates at sea. It is very carefully managed.”

Damage was "being found in areas where such corrosion or damage has not been seen before", the report said. The article quoted the air force saying “the corrosion was probably caused by a lack of awareness by


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12 Corrosion & Materials

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Vol 36 No 5 October 2011



A double celebration for dipping Nine staff at Perry Metal Protection in Hamilton New Zealand were recently presented with national qualifications by achieving both the National Certificate in Hot Dip Galvanizing (Introductory Skills) Level 2 and a Limited Credit Programme (LCP) in Hot Dip Galvanizing. Extractive Industries Training Organisation (EXITO) is the standard setting body for on-job training in the Hot Dip Galvanizing sector. “Prior to today’s presentation, only two other National Certificates in Hot Dip Galvanizing had been presented. So for nine to be achieved in one go is a great achievement for everyone involved at Perry Metal Protection. It’s also

positive for the Hot Dip Galvanizing industry that they are recognising the achievement, professionalism and value these qualifications bring to their operations and staff” said Peter Fowler, EXITO Industry Manager for Resources. Tu Mahutariki, a recipient, has been working in Hot Dip Galvanizing for years but was blown away to receive a certificate as recognition of his hard work. The qualification means that he can now walk onto any Hot Dip Galvanizing site and be aware of the hazards, and health and safety requirements. “With this qualification I can go anywhere” he said.

part of a suite of qualifications that bring vital skills to the workforce and provide defined career pathways. By achieving this qualification the trainees have demonstrated they have the basic skills to work safely in a Hot Dip Galvanizing environment. The LCP is a smaller group of units designed to be more achievable so that trainees have a short term goal. Qualifications are achieved in the workplace through on-job training which means employees are learning while they are earning.

Galvanizing Australia before there was Australia

The qualification has existed since 2005 but is now starting to gain a bit of momentum in the Hot Dip Galvanizing industry in New Zealand.

The National Certificate in Hot Dip Galvanizing (Introductory Skills) is L to R Back; Duane Baguley (Perry Metal Protection General Manager), Peter Fowler (EXITO), Joe Latu, Adrian Stimpson, Tu Mahutariki, Mike Spencer, Craig Bramley (Assessor), Phillip Bowen. Front; Lyle Rikihana, Bruce Keepa, Sonny Rau, Susi Batterbury (EXITO) and Tim Macindoe (Hamilton West National MP).

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10 Corrosion & Materials





In 1883, the first international telegraph system using galvanized steel poles was built in the colonies of what was to become Australia 18 years later. After 110 years of service and still fully functional, the poles were decommissioned in 1993. A testament to the durability of the galvanizing process. Compared to any other protective coating for steel, hot dip galvanizing is unmatched in its superior corrosion resistance, strong and tough coating, proven performance, sustainability and lifetime cost benefits.

Hot Dip Galvanizing – First and last line of defence Brisbane

For further examples of the durability of hot dip galvanizing please visit

24 hours a day / 7 days a week on-call service

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011



International Protective Coatings appoint Australasian Business Manager

John has worked with Akzo Nobel for 23 years, starting in the laboratory as a chemist, and moving into a range

of sales, business development and senior management roles in the Marine and Protective Coatings businesses both locally and overseas.

record in establishing excellent customer relationships and ensuring their needs are met. His strategic approach will prove to be a benefit to our customers and our own staff.”

Vic Fraser, Director and General Manager, Marine and Protective Coatings Australasia said, “We are pleased to see a person of the calibre of John Millett rejoining our Australasian business in this key position. John has accumulated significant experience both in his previous time with us in Australia and further enhanced his expertise in senior postings in Asia and North America. He has a proven track

BCRC (NSW) appoint Senior Remedial Engineer BCRC (NSW) is pleased to have engaged Senior Remedial Engineer Mr Anthony Duchatel formerly of Sydney Water. As Sydney Water’s Business Improvement Manager, Anthony was responsible for managing organisational reform in the asset management areas of operations and maintenance

and the management of new development. Previously Anthony was responsible for completing the provision of sewage infrastructure to the northern beaches of Sydney; improving drinking water quality in Sydney’s northern suburbs; the provisions of civil, chemical, mechanical and electrical support

Gary brought an honest enthusiasm and determination to all of his interests, which amongst many others included corrosion prevention, cathodic protection and the ACA. Gary was an active member of the NZ Electrolysis interim establishment Committee (NZEC), and his contribution will significantly influence the eventual formation of the permanent Committee. Gary first joined the ACA in the mid 1980's while working as a Cathodic Protection Technician for the Auckland Gas Company (now Vector Ltd). During this time he was actively involved on the Auckland ACA Committee, the 1990 ACA conference committee and he also produced papers, and organised seminars. After many years away from corrosion prevention Gary

joined Sulco Tools in 2007 and again became actively involved with the ACA. At the end of 2009 he left Sulco and joined Electrix as their Cathodic Protection Construction Manager, managing CP on gas distribution pipelines for Vector in Auckland and other cities and towns around New Zealand. Gary enjoyed being back in this field and with typical determination started working on ways to best deliver CP. Gary did all he could to not let his increasing health difficulties slow him down over the last years of his life, and this included continuing to work productively for his employers, the corrosion prevention industry and the NZEC (IE) right up until the very last days of his life. Through this time he was well supported by Sulco and Electrix.

services to what is now the Sydney Catchment Authority; the development of a range of ISO quality assurance systems; and the management of environmental and water quality monitoring for Sydney Water and the Sydney Catchment Authority.



Organised by local active ACA members, the ACA held a technical meeting on the 25th August 2011 at the newly established North Australian Centre for Oil and Gas at the Charles Darwin University. Assoc Professor Krishnan Kannoorpatti, North Australian Centre for Oil and Gas, School of Engineering and IT, Charles Darwin University (CDU) made a presentation on ‘Using Stainless Steels for Corrosion Resistance”.

14 Corrosion & Materials

The attendees were able to network with others in the meeting and had a pleasant evening. Another meeting on a similar topic is being planned at CDU for October.

Simple Solutions to Complex Problems

SUPER GARNET in Australia & New Zealand Abrasive Blast Media • • • • •

Two case studies were presented to show how stainless steels are different from other materials. Stainless steels are not always stainless and in order to remain stainless, certain important conditions have to be understood to apply stainless steels industrially. Krishnan

On Thursday 4th August 2011, many family, friends, work colleagues, exservicemen and old mates attended an uplifting tangi at his final resting place on the Paeahi Marae, Waitoki, Te Aroha. Gary will be sorely missed, and our deepest sympathy is extended to Gary's wife Lydia and their whanau at this time of sadness.

Exclusive Distributor for

also spoke of the effect of fabrication, mainly welding, on the corrosion behaviour of stainless steels.

High Garnet Purity (approx 99.5%) Low Chlorides Correctly Graded (7 grades available) Performance (cutting speed, profile, recyclability) Quality Certificate (to meet ISO standards) ISO 9001, ISO14000 & ISO 18000 Certified

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The gathering held at Charles Darwin University was attended by 22 people comprising of ACA Darwin members, University staff and other interested

industry members. Krishnan spoke about the general classification of stainless steels, where they can be used, their peculiarities and their unique fabrication methods. He also spoke about corrosion protection of stainless steels and pointed out in the case of stainless steels, anodic protection is used rather than cathodic protection.

Gary had many other interests and had managed the rebuilding of the Paeahi Marae, was a life member of the Koru tennis club (receiving a Community Volunteer recognition award from the Manukau City Council for his efforts on behalf of the club), established a successful fishing competition and made many other contributions.

High performance coating systems

ACA conducts Darwin technical meeting



International Protective Coatings (an Akzo Nobel Pty Ltd company), is pleased to announce the appointment of John Millett as Australasian Business Manager Protective Coatings, taking over from Jeff James who has taken a post as General Manager Marine and Protective Coatings for Thailand and Vietnam. John returns to Australia after seven years in Singapore and the USA and will be based at the Wetherill Park, Sydney office.

OBITUARY In memory of ACA NZ Branch Member Gary Street, who passed away on Sunday 31st July 2011


For information on Wattyl’s extensive product range contact Wattyl Customer Service on 132 101 or visit us at The above registered trademarks are owned by Wattyl Australia Pty Limited A.B.N. 40 000 035 914

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011



International Protective Coatings appoint Australasian Business Manager

John has worked with Akzo Nobel for 23 years, starting in the laboratory as a chemist, and moving into a range

of sales, business development and senior management roles in the Marine and Protective Coatings businesses both locally and overseas.

record in establishing excellent customer relationships and ensuring their needs are met. His strategic approach will prove to be a benefit to our customers and our own staff.”

Vic Fraser, Director and General Manager, Marine and Protective Coatings Australasia said, “We are pleased to see a person of the calibre of John Millett rejoining our Australasian business in this key position. John has accumulated significant experience both in his previous time with us in Australia and further enhanced his expertise in senior postings in Asia and North America. He has a proven track

BCRC (NSW) appoint Senior Remedial Engineer BCRC (NSW) is pleased to have engaged Senior Remedial Engineer Mr Anthony Duchatel formerly of Sydney Water. As Sydney Water’s Business Improvement Manager, Anthony was responsible for managing organisational reform in the asset management areas of operations and maintenance

and the management of new development. Previously Anthony was responsible for completing the provision of sewage infrastructure to the northern beaches of Sydney; improving drinking water quality in Sydney’s northern suburbs; the provisions of civil, chemical, mechanical and electrical support

Gary brought an honest enthusiasm and determination to all of his interests, which amongst many others included corrosion prevention, cathodic protection and the ACA. Gary was an active member of the NZ Electrolysis interim establishment Committee (NZEC), and his contribution will significantly influence the eventual formation of the permanent Committee. Gary first joined the ACA in the mid 1980's while working as a Cathodic Protection Technician for the Auckland Gas Company (now Vector Ltd). During this time he was actively involved on the Auckland ACA Committee, the 1990 ACA conference committee and he also produced papers, and organised seminars. After many years away from corrosion prevention Gary

joined Sulco Tools in 2007 and again became actively involved with the ACA. At the end of 2009 he left Sulco and joined Electrix as their Cathodic Protection Construction Manager, managing CP on gas distribution pipelines for Vector in Auckland and other cities and towns around New Zealand. Gary enjoyed being back in this field and with typical determination started working on ways to best deliver CP. Gary did all he could to not let his increasing health difficulties slow him down over the last years of his life, and this included continuing to work productively for his employers, the corrosion prevention industry and the NZEC (IE) right up until the very last days of his life. Through this time he was well supported by Sulco and Electrix.

services to what is now the Sydney Catchment Authority; the development of a range of ISO quality assurance systems; and the management of environmental and water quality monitoring for Sydney Water and the Sydney Catchment Authority.



Organised by local active ACA members, the ACA held a technical meeting on the 25th August 2011 at the newly established North Australian Centre for Oil and Gas at the Charles Darwin University. Assoc Professor Krishnan Kannoorpatti, North Australian Centre for Oil and Gas, School of Engineering and IT, Charles Darwin University (CDU) made a presentation on ‘Using Stainless Steels for Corrosion Resistance”.

14 Corrosion & Materials

The attendees were able to network with others in the meeting and had a pleasant evening. Another meeting on a similar topic is being planned at CDU for October.

Simple Solutions to Complex Problems

SUPER GARNET in Australia & New Zealand Abrasive Blast Media • • • • •

Two case studies were presented to show how stainless steels are different from other materials. Stainless steels are not always stainless and in order to remain stainless, certain important conditions have to be understood to apply stainless steels industrially. Krishnan

On Thursday 4th August 2011, many family, friends, work colleagues, exservicemen and old mates attended an uplifting tangi at his final resting place on the Paeahi Marae, Waitoki, Te Aroha. Gary will be sorely missed, and our deepest sympathy is extended to Gary's wife Lydia and their whanau at this time of sadness.

Exclusive Distributor for

also spoke of the effect of fabrication, mainly welding, on the corrosion behaviour of stainless steels.

High Garnet Purity (approx 99.5%) Low Chlorides Correctly Graded (7 grades available) Performance (cutting speed, profile, recyclability) Quality Certificate (to meet ISO standards) ISO 9001, ISO14000 & ISO 18000 Certified

Free Phone AU 1800 309 734 Free Phone NZ 0800 646 372





The gathering held at Charles Darwin University was attended by 22 people comprising of ACA Darwin members, University staff and other interested

industry members. Krishnan spoke about the general classification of stainless steels, where they can be used, their peculiarities and their unique fabrication methods. He also spoke about corrosion protection of stainless steels and pointed out in the case of stainless steels, anodic protection is used rather than cathodic protection.

Gary had many other interests and had managed the rebuilding of the Paeahi Marae, was a life member of the Koru tennis club (receiving a Community Volunteer recognition award from the Manukau City Council for his efforts on behalf of the club), established a successful fishing competition and made many other contributions.

High performance coating systems

ACA conducts Darwin technical meeting



International Protective Coatings (an Akzo Nobel Pty Ltd company), is pleased to announce the appointment of John Millett as Australasian Business Manager Protective Coatings, taking over from Jeff James who has taken a post as General Manager Marine and Protective Coatings for Thailand and Vietnam. John returns to Australia after seven years in Singapore and the USA and will be based at the Wetherill Park, Sydney office.

OBITUARY In memory of ACA NZ Branch Member Gary Street, who passed away on Sunday 31st July 2011


For information on Wattyl’s extensive product range contact Wattyl Customer Service on 132 101 or visit us at The above registered trademarks are owned by Wattyl Australia Pty Limited A.B.N. 40 000 035 914

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011



John Grapiglia joins Corrosion Control Engineering to open Perth office Platinum ACA members Corrosion Control Engineering (CCE) have expanded with the opening of their 5th Australian office. Located in Perth to service the Western Australian market (predominantly in the mining, resources and water industries) the office is headed up by John Grapiglia who has in excess of 30 years’ experience in the cathodic protection and related fields. John is a Company Director as well as the Principal Engineer and will be responsible for developing the Western Australian market for CCE, as well as providing specialist consulting services to existing and new CCE clients.

John has had many years’ engineering experience ranging from DCVG surveys, cathodic protection design, installation and commissioning, stray current and induced voltage mitigation to corrosion monitoring and control, and materials selection. In recent times, John has been involved in a variety of high profile oil and gas related greenfield projects in Western Australia. John is a past Australasian President of the Australasian Corrosion Association (ACA), a current Cathodic Protection Lecturer, and the current Operations Committee Chairman. John was also instrumental in

securing the 18th ICC Congress to be held in Perth. CCE is the largest Australian privately-owned corrosion engineering company specialising in all facets of corrosion and related fields. CCE offers clients a variety of services which include Design Consultancy, Field Surveys, Installation and Maintenance, and supply of specialised materials and equipment. CCE is also accredited under the ISO 9001 Quality Management System.

ACA welcomes new members Corporate Members Asset Integrity Australasia Asset Integrity Australasia (AIA) are a pipeline engineering company that provide a wide range of technology and processes for pipeline integrity and condition assessment. AIA provides inspection services and condition assessment reporting with a focus on non-piggable pipelines. Australasian Industrial Wrappings & Coatings Australasian Industrial Wrappings and Coatings (AIWC) is an Australian owned and operated manufacturing company, established in 1998. AIWC provide pipeline products and services for gas, oil, water, petrochemical, civil and marine pipeline systems to the entire Asia Pacific Region. AIWC also supply and install marine pile wrapping and cathodic protection systems. Australian Tank Maintenance Australian Tank Maintenance specialise in industrial liquid storage systems and facility maintenance, offering a range of services for firesystems, drinking-water, processedwater and wastewater treatment tanks. This includes Australian Standards compliance inspections, microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC) inspections, corrosion control, refurbishments, liner installs and warranty upgrades to old, structurally unsound tanks. Bachalani Construction Bachalani Constructions has experience in all aspects of remedial building and is based in both New South Wales and Queensland. This includes but is not limited to repairs of concrete spalling, treatment of steel reinforcement, waterproofing, crack stitching to masonry walls,

16 Corrosion & Materials

façade upgrades and a range of specialist flooring surfaces including decorative concrete and epoxy flooring. Olympus Australia Olympus is a world-leading distributor of high-quality optical, electronic and precision engineering products, for scientific, medical and industrial applications. Olympus’ industrial products include ultrasonic flaw detectors and thickness gages, videoscopes, borescopes, microscopes, high speed video cameras, in-line and advanced nondestructive testing systems, XRF and XRD analyzers, interferometers, and a large selection of industrial scanners, probes, software programs, and instrument accessories. Paint N Colour Paint N Colour has spent the last 20 years servicing the protective coatings needs for the agricultural, mining, transport and engineering industries in the Darling Downs and Surat Basin. Distributors for Jotun, International and Altex/Carboline, Paint N Colour also look after painting equipment needs including Elcometer, Graco, Wagner and air spray equipment. SMEC Australia SMEC is a professional services firm that provides consultancy services on major infrastructure projects. SMEC has over 4,000 employees and an established network of over 40 offices in Australia, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific. SMEC provides consultancy services to a broad range of sectors including: transport; water; natural resources and environment; geotechnical, mining and tunnelling services; urban development; energy and renewables; and social development.

Individual Members Jo-Anne Abbott Cecil Bilby of Jeff Hart Engineering Edward Bracey James Burnett of Top Shelf Painting Matthew Cleal of Kaefer Brett Cooper of Monadelphous Mark Coxon Gary Doyle of Savcor Stephen Haagensen of Hatch Chris Hargreaves of Wood Group Integrity Management Robert Igunga of Oil Search (PNG) Abdul Halim Jaafar of Newmont Nusa Tenggara Brent Matthys of Endeavour Brian Morrsion Livingston Yaks Oyali of Oil Search (PNG) Damian John Penneck of SEA Gas Stephen Ryan of SR Protective Coatings Marianne Seter of Deakin University Ali Shams of Ausgrid Anthony Smith of Rezitech Services Phillip Stroud of Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines Franz Tito of Pipeline Supervision Services Andrew Thompson Kayley Usher of CSIRO Land & Water Jennifer Walters of Thiess Felicite Ware William Ward of PCTE

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011



John Grapiglia joins Corrosion Control Engineering to open Perth office Platinum ACA members Corrosion Control Engineering (CCE) have expanded with the opening of their 5th Australian office. Located in Perth to service the Western Australian market (predominantly in the mining, resources and water industries) the office is headed up by John Grapiglia who has in excess of 30 years’ experience in the cathodic protection and related fields. John is a Company Director as well as the Principal Engineer and will be responsible for developing the Western Australian market for CCE, as well as providing specialist consulting services to existing and new CCE clients.

John has had many years’ engineering experience ranging from DCVG surveys, cathodic protection design, installation and commissioning, stray current and induced voltage mitigation to corrosion monitoring and control, and materials selection. In recent times, John has been involved in a variety of high profile oil and gas related greenfield projects in Western Australia. John is a past Australasian President of the Australasian Corrosion Association (ACA), a current Cathodic Protection Lecturer, and the current Operations Committee Chairman. John was also instrumental in

securing the 18th ICC Congress to be held in Perth. CCE is the largest Australian privately-owned corrosion engineering company specialising in all facets of corrosion and related fields. CCE offers clients a variety of services which include Design Consultancy, Field Surveys, Installation and Maintenance, and supply of specialised materials and equipment. CCE is also accredited under the ISO 9001 Quality Management System.

ACA welcomes new members Corporate Members Asset Integrity Australasia Asset Integrity Australasia (AIA) are a pipeline engineering company that provide a wide range of technology and processes for pipeline integrity and condition assessment. AIA provides inspection services and condition assessment reporting with a focus on non-piggable pipelines. Australasian Industrial Wrappings & Coatings Australasian Industrial Wrappings and Coatings (AIWC) is an Australian owned and operated manufacturing company, established in 1998. AIWC provide pipeline products and services for gas, oil, water, petrochemical, civil and marine pipeline systems to the entire Asia Pacific Region. AIWC also supply and install marine pile wrapping and cathodic protection systems. Australian Tank Maintenance Australian Tank Maintenance specialise in industrial liquid storage systems and facility maintenance, offering a range of services for firesystems, drinking-water, processedwater and wastewater treatment tanks. This includes Australian Standards compliance inspections, microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC) inspections, corrosion control, refurbishments, liner installs and warranty upgrades to old, structurally unsound tanks. Bachalani Construction Bachalani Constructions has experience in all aspects of remedial building and is based in both New South Wales and Queensland. This includes but is not limited to repairs of concrete spalling, treatment of steel reinforcement, waterproofing, crack stitching to masonry walls,

16 Corrosion & Materials

façade upgrades and a range of specialist flooring surfaces including decorative concrete and epoxy flooring. Olympus Australia Olympus is a world-leading distributor of high-quality optical, electronic and precision engineering products, for scientific, medical and industrial applications. Olympus’ industrial products include ultrasonic flaw detectors and thickness gages, videoscopes, borescopes, microscopes, high speed video cameras, in-line and advanced nondestructive testing systems, XRF and XRD analyzers, interferometers, and a large selection of industrial scanners, probes, software programs, and instrument accessories. Paint N Colour Paint N Colour has spent the last 20 years servicing the protective coatings needs for the agricultural, mining, transport and engineering industries in the Darling Downs and Surat Basin. Distributors for Jotun, International and Altex/Carboline, Paint N Colour also look after painting equipment needs including Elcometer, Graco, Wagner and air spray equipment. SMEC Australia SMEC is a professional services firm that provides consultancy services on major infrastructure projects. SMEC has over 4,000 employees and an established network of over 40 offices in Australia, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific. SMEC provides consultancy services to a broad range of sectors including: transport; water; natural resources and environment; geotechnical, mining and tunnelling services; urban development; energy and renewables; and social development.

Individual Members Jo-Anne Abbott Cecil Bilby of Jeff Hart Engineering Edward Bracey James Burnett of Top Shelf Painting Matthew Cleal of Kaefer Brett Cooper of Monadelphous Mark Coxon Gary Doyle of Savcor Stephen Haagensen of Hatch Chris Hargreaves of Wood Group Integrity Management Robert Igunga of Oil Search (PNG) Abdul Halim Jaafar of Newmont Nusa Tenggara Brent Matthys of Endeavour Brian Morrsion Livingston Yaks Oyali of Oil Search (PNG) Damian John Penneck of SEA Gas Stephen Ryan of SR Protective Coatings Marianne Seter of Deakin University Ali Shams of Ausgrid Anthony Smith of Rezitech Services Phillip Stroud of Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines Franz Tito of Pipeline Supervision Services Andrew Thompson Kayley Usher of CSIRO Land & Water Jennifer Walters of Thiess Felicite Ware William Ward of PCTE

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Introduction to Protective Coatings Non member AU Member AU $550 Member NZ* $455 Non member NZ* Adelaide May New Zealand November

$680 $620 01 30

Protective Coatings Quality Control Member AU $1415 Non member AU Member NZ* $1285 Non member NZ* Adelaide February Newcastle June New Zealand July Melbourne November

$1725 $1570 20-22 13-15 25-27 26-28

Coatings Selection & Specification Non member AU Member AU $1415 Member NZ* $1285 Non member NZ* Sydney March Perth July Melbourne November

$1725 $1570 05-07 18-20 08-10

Coating Inspection Refresher Non member AU Member AU $550 Member NZ* $500 Non member NZ* Sydney January Brisbane June Perth December

$680 $620 30 15 04

To check the currency of this information please view the latest information at

Introduction to Cathodic Protection Non member AU $680 Member AU $550 Member NZ* $500 Non member NZ* $620 Brisbane February 06 Cathodic Protection Monitoring Non member AU Member AU $1415 Member NZ* $1285 Non member NZ* Tasmania March Sydney May Adelaide October Cathodic Protection Advanced $2115 Non member Member Member NZ* $1920 Non member NZ* Sydney May Perth August

In what year was your company established?

Is your business yard based, site based or both?

$1725 $1570 19-21 21-23 22-24

Shoreguard Marine was established in 2007 in WA by Chris Murray & Barry Punter; although this year we have been acquired by Cape Marine & Offshore.

Although we have a blasting hall and spray booth we are predominantly a site based company carrying out projects in the naval bases and ship yards.

How many employees did you employ when you first started the business?

Do you offer any speciality services outside your core business?

$2480 $2255 28-01 06-10

We started with just 2 and were lucky to be on a project which grew and by the end we reached 22.

Ultra high pressure water jetting, we run specialty U.S. manufactured equipment with full vacuum recovery including remote control units.

Corrosion & CP of Concrete Structures $1010 Non member $1265 Member Member NZ* $920 Non member NZ* $1150 Sydney March 14-15 ACA/ACRA Corrosion & Protection of Reinforced Concrete $1010 Non member $1265 Member Member NZ* $920 Non member NZ* $1150 Wollongong April 02-03 Tasmania October 04-05 *All NZ courses are GST free

Shoreguard Marine

How many do you currently employ? Currently we have 26 spread between WA & NSW. This will increase dramatically as we start new projects in both WA & NSW. Do you operate from a number of locations in your home state or in other state of Australia? We have permanent operations in Sydney & Perth and can mobilise anywhere in the country as and when required. What is your core business? Our core business is corrosion mitigation and coatings application. What markets do you cover with your products or services? We service the marine, naval & petrochemical markets both in WA and NSW.

What is the most satisfying project that you have completed in the past two years and why? HMAS FARNCOMB docking, being engaged by the Commonwealth of Australia to conduct major preservation works on a billion dollar asset is the benchmark in our industry. What positive advice can you pass on to the Coating Group from that satisfying project or job? Delivering quality through training and increased inspection will deliver your clients a finished product that exceeds far beyond what the specification calls for. Do you have an internal training scheme or do you outsource training for your employees. We use several outsourced schemes including NACE/IFAP etc.

Contact Details: Barry Punter Marine Services Manager

Carboline has been global leader in the High Performance Coatings industry for over 63 yrs. For corrosion solutions and coating systems that are cost effective, talk to the Protective Coatings Professionals. Whether it be protective coatings, tank linings or fire-proofing, Carboline’s team of dedicated and trained professionals can assist you in choosing the right solution for your next project.

Mobile: 0437 706 587 Tel: 08 9418 8550 Fax: 08 9418 8511

Painting the Aurora Australis.

18 Corrosion & Materials

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Introduction to Protective Coatings Non member AU Member AU $550 Member NZ* $455 Non member NZ* Adelaide May New Zealand November

$680 $620 01 30

Protective Coatings Quality Control Member AU $1415 Non member AU Member NZ* $1285 Non member NZ* Adelaide February Newcastle June New Zealand July Melbourne November

$1725 $1570 20-22 13-15 25-27 26-28

Coatings Selection & Specification Non member AU Member AU $1415 Member NZ* $1285 Non member NZ* Sydney March Perth July Melbourne November

$1725 $1570 05-07 18-20 08-10

Coating Inspection Refresher Non member AU Member AU $550 Member NZ* $500 Non member NZ* Sydney January Brisbane June Perth December

$680 $620 30 15 04

To check the currency of this information please view the latest information at

Introduction to Cathodic Protection Non member AU $680 Member AU $550 Member NZ* $500 Non member NZ* $620 Brisbane February 06 Cathodic Protection Monitoring Non member AU Member AU $1415 Member NZ* $1285 Non member NZ* Tasmania March Sydney May Adelaide October Cathodic Protection Advanced $2115 Non member Member Member NZ* $1920 Non member NZ* Sydney May Perth August

In what year was your company established?

Is your business yard based, site based or both?

$1725 $1570 19-21 21-23 22-24

Shoreguard Marine was established in 2007 in WA by Chris Murray & Barry Punter; although this year we have been acquired by Cape Marine & Offshore.

Although we have a blasting hall and spray booth we are predominantly a site based company carrying out projects in the naval bases and ship yards.

How many employees did you employ when you first started the business?

Do you offer any speciality services outside your core business?

$2480 $2255 28-01 06-10

We started with just 2 and were lucky to be on a project which grew and by the end we reached 22.

Ultra high pressure water jetting, we run specialty U.S. manufactured equipment with full vacuum recovery including remote control units.

Corrosion & CP of Concrete Structures $1010 Non member $1265 Member Member NZ* $920 Non member NZ* $1150 Sydney March 14-15 ACA/ACRA Corrosion & Protection of Reinforced Concrete $1010 Non member $1265 Member Member NZ* $920 Non member NZ* $1150 Wollongong April 02-03 Tasmania October 04-05 *All NZ courses are GST free

Shoreguard Marine

How many do you currently employ? Currently we have 26 spread between WA & NSW. This will increase dramatically as we start new projects in both WA & NSW. Do you operate from a number of locations in your home state or in other state of Australia? We have permanent operations in Sydney & Perth and can mobilise anywhere in the country as and when required. What is your core business? Our core business is corrosion mitigation and coatings application. What markets do you cover with your products or services? We service the marine, naval & petrochemical markets both in WA and NSW.

What is the most satisfying project that you have completed in the past two years and why? HMAS FARNCOMB docking, being engaged by the Commonwealth of Australia to conduct major preservation works on a billion dollar asset is the benchmark in our industry. What positive advice can you pass on to the Coating Group from that satisfying project or job? Delivering quality through training and increased inspection will deliver your clients a finished product that exceeds far beyond what the specification calls for. Do you have an internal training scheme or do you outsource training for your employees. We use several outsourced schemes including NACE/IFAP etc.

Contact Details: Barry Punter Marine Services Manager

Carboline has been global leader in the High Performance Coatings industry for over 63 yrs. For corrosion solutions and coating systems that are cost effective, talk to the Protective Coatings Professionals. Whether it be protective coatings, tank linings or fire-proofing, Carboline’s team of dedicated and trained professionals can assist you in choosing the right solution for your next project.

Mobile: 0437 706 587 Tel: 08 9418 8550 Fax: 08 9418 8511

Painting the Aurora Australis.

18 Corrosion & Materials

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


South Australia Branch

ACA Auckland Division

South Australian Student Night

Young Corrosion Professionals Meeting Report

On the 25th of August, the South Australian ACA Branch held the second Student Night for the year at The British Hotel. The evening was aimed at tertiary students, to introduce them to the ACA and to provide a networking session with various industry representatives. The night was successful, with seven new student members signing up on the night, and ten older members coming along for discussions. Most of the students were final year Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering students from The University of Adelaide.

The ACA Auckland Division Meeting held on 25th August at the old Drake Hotel in Freemans Bay, was the 3rd Annual Young Corrosion Professional (YCP) event. The YCP evening has now become a regular feature of the ACA Auckland meeting program and this year’s event was of the usual high standard. The YCP evening was jointly sponsored by ACA and Les Boulton & Associates Ltd.

Kingsley Brown gave an introduction to the ACA, after which Alex Shepherd gave a presentation highlighting the issues facing young corrosion professionals in the international stage. All students greatly enjoyed the presentations and gave positive feedback. The common feedback given was that they now appreciated how important and how large the corrosion industry is on a worldwide scale. These student nights have been quite successful in South Australia, helping promote not only the ACA to future engineers, but also forming useful industry contacts.

Following refreshments, the presenter for the YCP evening this year was Sean Ryder of GHD, who addressed the meeting on the insand-outs of Cathodic Protection (CP). Sean noted that CP is no longer regarded as a “black art” by infrastructure constructors and it is an essential tool in the armoury of design engineers against corrosion. Sean described a number of recent infrastructure projects involving

installation of CP in Auckland and Australia, including the RNZ Navy’s recently refurbished Calliope Wharf in Devonport. ACA Auckland Chairman Michael Williams then thanked Sean for his presentation and he also thanked the attendees who made the effort to come along to the 3rd annual YCP evening.

Alex Shepherd giving a presentation to members on the ACA and the corrosion issues facing young corrosion professionals today.

Demonstration Night On Thursday 28th July, the ACA South Australia Branch held a tape wrapping and coating application demonstration night. This was hosted by David Towns from Denso who demonstrated what the correct method and procedures were for applying heat shrink sleeves, tape wrapping and liquid coating application methods to piping to 20 ACA members. The group watched a video on the surface preparation and application methods of the product and were then provided the rare ‘hands on’ opportunity to rollup their sleeves

Sean Ryder gives his address on Cathodic Protection.

Newcastle Branch August 2011 Meeting Dr. Roy Cullimore’s Visit and apply the coating systems themselves. There were several willing members who got their hands dirty and others who asked the technical questions. The products applied were Denso Petrolatum tape

Concrete Repairs and Reconstruction

system, Denso Densopol 60 tape system, Denso Heat Shrink Sleeves and Protal 7200 Liquid Epoxy. The group then headed to the Albion Hotel for dinner, drinks and a relaxed networking opportunity.

• hydro-demolition • shotcreting • formwork • crack injection • coatings and linings • carbon fibre wraps

Contact Us: Geoff Adlem Mob: 419 464 082 Office: 02 9519 8944 E-mail:

20 Corrosion & Materials

Younger members of the audience listen to Sean’s presentation.

• Cathodic protection • confined spaces

The ACA Newcastle Branch, the Centre for Infrastructure, Performance and Reliability, and the University of Newcastle recently invited experienced Canadian Microbiologist Dr. Roy Cullimore to share his knowledge on microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC).

of Surry, UK, and the University of Regina, Canada.

Dr. Cullimore is most renowned for his work relating to the RMS Titanic and its deterioration due to MIC. The Bismark and the Britannic are other infamous wrecks he has been involved with. He is the founder and president of the Canadian company, Droycon Bioconcepts, and is a former lecturer at the University

In between these engagements, Dr Cullimore was given a tour of several corrosion research sites managed by staff at the University of Newcastle. A particular highlight for Dr. Cullimore was a visit to the old lighthouse at Nelson Bay, where he expressed his desire to sit down and paint the magnificent scenery before him!

Dr. Cullimore visited Newcastle and addressed a jointly-sponsored function by the ACA Newcastle Branch and Engineers Australia. He also conducted a presentation at the University of Newcastle.

In a final gesture to celebrate his visit, the ACA Newcastle Branch arranged a special dining event for their members and Dr. Cullimore. This took place at Restaurant Deux, with a 6-course degustation menu and matched wines. Needless to say, the event was a huge success and the food spectacular. Dr. Cullimore was impressed and vowed to treat his staff to such an event when his company turned over a healthy profit, but until that time, he said fast-food fare would have to suffice. We would like to thank Dr. Cullimore for his visit and wish him all the best in his own research endeavours.

• industrial rope access

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


South Australia Branch

ACA Auckland Division

South Australian Student Night

Young Corrosion Professionals Meeting Report

On the 25th of August, the South Australian ACA Branch held the second Student Night for the year at The British Hotel. The evening was aimed at tertiary students, to introduce them to the ACA and to provide a networking session with various industry representatives. The night was successful, with seven new student members signing up on the night, and ten older members coming along for discussions. Most of the students were final year Mechanical Engineering and Chemical Engineering students from The University of Adelaide.

The ACA Auckland Division Meeting held on 25th August at the old Drake Hotel in Freemans Bay, was the 3rd Annual Young Corrosion Professional (YCP) event. The YCP evening has now become a regular feature of the ACA Auckland meeting program and this year’s event was of the usual high standard. The YCP evening was jointly sponsored by ACA and Les Boulton & Associates Ltd.

Kingsley Brown gave an introduction to the ACA, after which Alex Shepherd gave a presentation highlighting the issues facing young corrosion professionals in the international stage. All students greatly enjoyed the presentations and gave positive feedback. The common feedback given was that they now appreciated how important and how large the corrosion industry is on a worldwide scale. These student nights have been quite successful in South Australia, helping promote not only the ACA to future engineers, but also forming useful industry contacts.

Following refreshments, the presenter for the YCP evening this year was Sean Ryder of GHD, who addressed the meeting on the insand-outs of Cathodic Protection (CP). Sean noted that CP is no longer regarded as a “black art” by infrastructure constructors and it is an essential tool in the armoury of design engineers against corrosion. Sean described a number of recent infrastructure projects involving

installation of CP in Auckland and Australia, including the RNZ Navy’s recently refurbished Calliope Wharf in Devonport. ACA Auckland Chairman Michael Williams then thanked Sean for his presentation and he also thanked the attendees who made the effort to come along to the 3rd annual YCP evening.

Alex Shepherd giving a presentation to members on the ACA and the corrosion issues facing young corrosion professionals today.

Demonstration Night On Thursday 28th July, the ACA South Australia Branch held a tape wrapping and coating application demonstration night. This was hosted by David Towns from Denso who demonstrated what the correct method and procedures were for applying heat shrink sleeves, tape wrapping and liquid coating application methods to piping to 20 ACA members. The group watched a video on the surface preparation and application methods of the product and were then provided the rare ‘hands on’ opportunity to rollup their sleeves

Sean Ryder gives his address on Cathodic Protection.

Newcastle Branch August 2011 Meeting Dr. Roy Cullimore’s Visit and apply the coating systems themselves. There were several willing members who got their hands dirty and others who asked the technical questions. The products applied were Denso Petrolatum tape

Concrete Repairs and Reconstruction

system, Denso Densopol 60 tape system, Denso Heat Shrink Sleeves and Protal 7200 Liquid Epoxy. The group then headed to the Albion Hotel for dinner, drinks and a relaxed networking opportunity.

• hydro-demolition • shotcreting • formwork • crack injection • coatings and linings • carbon fibre wraps

Contact Us: Geoff Adlem Mob: 419 464 082 Office: 02 9519 8944 E-mail:

20 Corrosion & Materials

Younger members of the audience listen to Sean’s presentation.

• Cathodic protection • confined spaces

The ACA Newcastle Branch, the Centre for Infrastructure, Performance and Reliability, and the University of Newcastle recently invited experienced Canadian Microbiologist Dr. Roy Cullimore to share his knowledge on microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC).

of Surry, UK, and the University of Regina, Canada.

Dr. Cullimore is most renowned for his work relating to the RMS Titanic and its deterioration due to MIC. The Bismark and the Britannic are other infamous wrecks he has been involved with. He is the founder and president of the Canadian company, Droycon Bioconcepts, and is a former lecturer at the University

In between these engagements, Dr Cullimore was given a tour of several corrosion research sites managed by staff at the University of Newcastle. A particular highlight for Dr. Cullimore was a visit to the old lighthouse at Nelson Bay, where he expressed his desire to sit down and paint the magnificent scenery before him!

Dr. Cullimore visited Newcastle and addressed a jointly-sponsored function by the ACA Newcastle Branch and Engineers Australia. He also conducted a presentation at the University of Newcastle.

In a final gesture to celebrate his visit, the ACA Newcastle Branch arranged a special dining event for their members and Dr. Cullimore. This took place at Restaurant Deux, with a 6-course degustation menu and matched wines. Needless to say, the event was a huge success and the food spectacular. Dr. Cullimore was impressed and vowed to treat his staff to such an event when his company turned over a healthy profit, but until that time, he said fast-food fare would have to suffice. We would like to thank Dr. Cullimore for his visit and wish him all the best in his own research endeavours.

• industrial rope access

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


ACA Standards Officer Arthur Austin has prepared a schedule of the latest Standards developments. This report will comprise two parts; a search of SAI Global publications at https:// for new standards, amendments and drafts, and a search for all current publications and standards relating to one of the ACA Technical Groups. This issue will have a focus on the Mining Industry. The results of the search can be found in Table 1 showing 4 publications relating to Corrosion and Mining, one of these being a local Standard: AS/NZS 4812:2003 Non-destructive examination and discard criteria for wire ropes in mine winding systems.

A search of SAI Global at http:// for new standards, amendments or drafts of AS, AS/NZS, EN, ANSI, ASTM, BSI, DIN, ETSI, JSA, NSAI, and standards and amendments of ISO & IEC published from 13 July to 9 September 2011 was conducted using the following key words and key word groups:

galvanize or galvanized or galvanizing

BS EN 60512-9-4:2011

cathode or cathodic

Key word search on ‘corrosion’ or ‘corrosivity’ or ‘corrosive’; but not ‘anodizing’ or ‘anodize(d)’- 22 citations found; none from AS or AS/ASNZ

anode or anodic

Connectors for electronic equipment. Tests and measurements. Endurance tests. Test 9d. Durability of contact retention system and seals (maintenance, ageing)

ISO 10271:2011

Dentistry - Corrosion test methods for metallic

ISO 27667:2011

Road vehicles - Brake lining friction materials - Evaluation of corrosion effects on painted backing plates and brake shoes materials

ISO/DIS 21601

Corrosion of metals and alloys - Guidelines for assessing the significance of stress corrosion cracks detected in service

ISO/DIS 7539-11

Corrosion of metals and alloys - Stress corrosion cracking - Part 11: Guidelines for testing the resistance of metals and alloys to hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen-assisted cracking

I.S. EN ISO 10271:2011

Dentistry - Corrosion Test Methods for Metallic Materials

I.S. EN ISO 28706-5:2011

Vitreous and Porcelain Enamels - Determination of Resistance to Chemical Corrosion - Part 5: Determination of Resistance to Chemical Corrosion in Closed Systems

I.S. EN ISO 8565:2011

Metals and Alloys - Atmospheric Corrosion Testing - General Requirements

Table 1. Title search by publisher with keywords corrosion and mining – 4 citations

BS EN ISO 10271:2011

Dentistry. Corrosion test methods for metallic materials

Australian/NZ Standard – 1 AS/NZS 4812:2003

Non-destructive examination and discard criteria for wire ropes in mine winding systems

11/30214061 DC BS 7870-3.12

British Standards Institution – 1 BS 6537:1984

Specification for staple type connectors for hydraulic fluid power applications

Ford Motor Company – 1 FORD BI 103 01:2001

Ford Laboratory Test Method - Salt Spray Resistance Test For Painted Panels And Parts

LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities. Part 3. Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV. Section 3.12. XLPE insulated combined neutral and earth copper wire concentric cables with copper or aluminium conductors, having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire

Polish Committee for Standardization - 1 PN H-04641:1998 (withdrawn)

Mine Microclimate - Corrosion Rate Evaluation And Classification Of The Mine Microclimate Corrosion Aggressiveness In Relation To The Carbon Constructional Tonnage Steel

11/30214065 DC BS 7870-3.22

LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities. Part 3. Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV. Section 3.22. XLPE insulated split concentric cables with copper or aluminium conductors, having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire

11/30214071 DC BS 7870-3.50

LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities. Part 3. Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV Section 3.50: XLPE insulated, copper wire waveform or helical concentric cables with solid aluminium conductors, having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire

11/30243821 DC BS ISO 7539-10

Corrosion of metals and alloys. Stress corrosion testing. Part 10. Reverse U-bend method

BS ISO 27667:2011

Road vehicles. Brake lining friction materials. Evaluation of corrosion effects on painted backing plates and brake shoes

BS EN ISO 28706-5:2011

Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion in closed systems

BS EN ISO 8565:2011

Metals and alloys. Atmospheric corrosion testing. General requirements

DIN EN ISO 28706-1 (2011-08)

Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion - Part 1: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by acids at room temperature (ISO 28706-1:2008)

DIN EN ISO 28706-2 (2011-08)

Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion - Part 2: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by boiling acids, boiling neutral liquids and/or their vapours (ISO 28706-2:2008)

DIN EN ISO 28706-3 (2011-08)

Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion - Part 3: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by alkaline liquids using a hexagonal vessel (ISO 28706-3:2008)

durability corrosion or corrosivity or corrosive; but not anodizing or anodize(d) paint or coating; but not anodizing or anodize(d)

electrochemical or electrolysis or electroplated corrosion and concrete, or concrete and coatings The search results of 70 listings of new Standards Drafts and Amendments can be found in Table 2. A copy of the full report can be downloaded from the ACA’s website

Table 2. New standards, amendments or drafts for AS, AS/NZS, EN, ANSI, ASTM, BSI, DIN, ETSI, JSA, NSAI and Standards or Amendments for ISO & IEC Published between 23 May and 12 July 2011 Key word search on ‘durability’.- 1 0 citations found No AS AS/NZS ISO 12543-4:2011

Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 4: Test methods for durability

ISO 24415-2:2011

Tips for assistive products for walking - Requirements and test methods - Part 2: Durability of tips for crutches

I.S. EN ISO 12543-4:2011

Glass in Building - Laminated Glass and Laminated Safety Glass - Part 4: Test Methods for Durability

I.S. EN 16014:2011

Hardware for Furniture - Strength and Durability of Locking Mechanisms

11/30247793 DC BS EN 335

Durability of wood and wood-based products. Use classes. definitions, application to solid wood and wood based panels

11/30247858 DC BS EN 12975-3-1.

Thermal solar systems and components. Solar collectors. Part 3-1. Qualification of solar absorber surface durability

BS EN ISO 12543-4:2011

Glass in building. Laminated glass and laminated safety glass. Test methods for durability

BS EN 16014:2011

Hardware for furniture. Strength and durability of locking mechanisms

BS ISO 24415-2:2011

Tips for assistive products for walking. Requirements and test methods. Durability of tips for crutches

22 Corrosion & Materials

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


ACA Standards Officer Arthur Austin has prepared a schedule of the latest Standards developments. This report will comprise two parts; a search of SAI Global publications at https:// for new standards, amendments and drafts, and a search for all current publications and standards relating to one of the ACA Technical Groups. This issue will have a focus on the Mining Industry. The results of the search can be found in Table 1 showing 4 publications relating to Corrosion and Mining, one of these being a local Standard: AS/NZS 4812:2003 Non-destructive examination and discard criteria for wire ropes in mine winding systems.

A search of SAI Global at http:// for new standards, amendments or drafts of AS, AS/NZS, EN, ANSI, ASTM, BSI, DIN, ETSI, JSA, NSAI, and standards and amendments of ISO & IEC published from 13 July to 9 September 2011 was conducted using the following key words and key word groups:

galvanize or galvanized or galvanizing

BS EN 60512-9-4:2011

cathode or cathodic

Key word search on ‘corrosion’ or ‘corrosivity’ or ‘corrosive’; but not ‘anodizing’ or ‘anodize(d)’- 22 citations found; none from AS or AS/ASNZ

anode or anodic

Connectors for electronic equipment. Tests and measurements. Endurance tests. Test 9d. Durability of contact retention system and seals (maintenance, ageing)

ISO 10271:2011

Dentistry - Corrosion test methods for metallic

ISO 27667:2011

Road vehicles - Brake lining friction materials - Evaluation of corrosion effects on painted backing plates and brake shoes materials

ISO/DIS 21601

Corrosion of metals and alloys - Guidelines for assessing the significance of stress corrosion cracks detected in service

ISO/DIS 7539-11

Corrosion of metals and alloys - Stress corrosion cracking - Part 11: Guidelines for testing the resistance of metals and alloys to hydrogen embrittlement and hydrogen-assisted cracking

I.S. EN ISO 10271:2011

Dentistry - Corrosion Test Methods for Metallic Materials

I.S. EN ISO 28706-5:2011

Vitreous and Porcelain Enamels - Determination of Resistance to Chemical Corrosion - Part 5: Determination of Resistance to Chemical Corrosion in Closed Systems

I.S. EN ISO 8565:2011

Metals and Alloys - Atmospheric Corrosion Testing - General Requirements

Table 1. Title search by publisher with keywords corrosion and mining – 4 citations

BS EN ISO 10271:2011

Dentistry. Corrosion test methods for metallic materials

Australian/NZ Standard – 1 AS/NZS 4812:2003

Non-destructive examination and discard criteria for wire ropes in mine winding systems

11/30214061 DC BS 7870-3.12

British Standards Institution – 1 BS 6537:1984

Specification for staple type connectors for hydraulic fluid power applications

Ford Motor Company – 1 FORD BI 103 01:2001

Ford Laboratory Test Method - Salt Spray Resistance Test For Painted Panels And Parts

LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities. Part 3. Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV. Section 3.12. XLPE insulated combined neutral and earth copper wire concentric cables with copper or aluminium conductors, having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire

Polish Committee for Standardization - 1 PN H-04641:1998 (withdrawn)

Mine Microclimate - Corrosion Rate Evaluation And Classification Of The Mine Microclimate Corrosion Aggressiveness In Relation To The Carbon Constructional Tonnage Steel

11/30214065 DC BS 7870-3.22

LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities. Part 3. Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV. Section 3.22. XLPE insulated split concentric cables with copper or aluminium conductors, having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire

11/30214071 DC BS 7870-3.50

LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities. Part 3. Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV Section 3.50: XLPE insulated, copper wire waveform or helical concentric cables with solid aluminium conductors, having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire

11/30243821 DC BS ISO 7539-10

Corrosion of metals and alloys. Stress corrosion testing. Part 10. Reverse U-bend method

BS ISO 27667:2011

Road vehicles. Brake lining friction materials. Evaluation of corrosion effects on painted backing plates and brake shoes

BS EN ISO 28706-5:2011

Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion in closed systems

BS EN ISO 8565:2011

Metals and alloys. Atmospheric corrosion testing. General requirements

DIN EN ISO 28706-1 (2011-08)

Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion - Part 1: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by acids at room temperature (ISO 28706-1:2008)

DIN EN ISO 28706-2 (2011-08)

Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion - Part 2: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by boiling acids, boiling neutral liquids and/or their vapours (ISO 28706-2:2008)

DIN EN ISO 28706-3 (2011-08)

Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion - Part 3: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by alkaline liquids using a hexagonal vessel (ISO 28706-3:2008)

durability corrosion or corrosivity or corrosive; but not anodizing or anodize(d) paint or coating; but not anodizing or anodize(d)

electrochemical or electrolysis or electroplated corrosion and concrete, or concrete and coatings The search results of 70 listings of new Standards Drafts and Amendments can be found in Table 2. A copy of the full report can be downloaded from the ACA’s website

Table 2. New standards, amendments or drafts for AS, AS/NZS, EN, ANSI, ASTM, BSI, DIN, ETSI, JSA, NSAI and Standards or Amendments for ISO & IEC Published between 23 May and 12 July 2011 Key word search on ‘durability’.- 1 0 citations found No AS AS/NZS ISO 12543-4:2011

Glass in building - Laminated glass and laminated safety glass - Part 4: Test methods for durability

ISO 24415-2:2011

Tips for assistive products for walking - Requirements and test methods - Part 2: Durability of tips for crutches

I.S. EN ISO 12543-4:2011

Glass in Building - Laminated Glass and Laminated Safety Glass - Part 4: Test Methods for Durability

I.S. EN 16014:2011

Hardware for Furniture - Strength and Durability of Locking Mechanisms

11/30247793 DC BS EN 335

Durability of wood and wood-based products. Use classes. definitions, application to solid wood and wood based panels

11/30247858 DC BS EN 12975-3-1.

Thermal solar systems and components. Solar collectors. Part 3-1. Qualification of solar absorber surface durability

BS EN ISO 12543-4:2011

Glass in building. Laminated glass and laminated safety glass. Test methods for durability

BS EN 16014:2011

Hardware for furniture. Strength and durability of locking mechanisms

BS ISO 24415-2:2011

Tips for assistive products for walking. Requirements and test methods. Durability of tips for crutches

22 Corrosion & Materials

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Standards Update

DIN EN ISO 28706-4 (2011-08)

Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion - Part 4: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by alkaline liquids using a cylindrical vessel (ISO 28706-4:2008)

DIN 65545 (2011-09)

Aerospace series - Nuts, hexagon, with MJ-thread, self-locking, corrosionresisting steel, classification: 1 100 MPa/120 øC; Text in German and English

DIN 81249-3 (2011-09) (Draft)

Corrosion of metals in sea water and sea atmosphere - Part 3: Galvanic corrosion in sea water; Text in German and English

DIN 81249-4 (2011-09) (Draft)

Corrosion of metals in sea water and sea atmosphere - Part 4: Corrosion in sea atmosphere; Text in German and English

Key word search on 'paint’ and or ‘coating’; but not ‘anodizing’ or ‘anodize(d)’ or corrosion– 36 Publications found; 0 AS or AS/NZS Publications

I.S. EN ISO 6158:2011

Metallic and Other Inorganic Coatings - Electrodeposited Coatings of Chromium for Engineering Purposes

11/30242245 DC BS ISO 16145-1.

Ships and marine technology. Protective coatings and inspection method. Part 1. Dedicated sea water ballast tanks

11/30242248 DC BS ISO 16145-2.

Ships and marine technology. Protective coatings and inspection method. Part 2. Void spaces of bulk carriers and oil tankers

11/30242251 DC BS ISO 16145-3.

Ships and marine technology. Protective coatings and inspection method. Part 3. Cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers

BS EN 15812:2011

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Determination of crack bridging ability

BS EN 15813:2011

Road vehicles - Brake lining friction materials - Evaluation of corrosion effects on painted backing plates and brake shoes

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Determination of flexibility at low temperatures

BS EN 15814:2011

ISO 6272-1:2011

Paints and varnishes - Rapid-deformation (impact resistance) tests - Part 1: Falling-weight test, large-area indenter

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Definitions and requirements

BS EN 15815:2011

ISO 6272-2:2011

Paints and varnishes - Rapid-deformation (impact resistance) tests - Part 2: Falling-weight test, small-area indenter

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Resistance to compression

BS EN 15816:2011

ISO/FDIS 12137

Paints and varnishes - Determination of mar

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Resistance to rain

ISO/FDIS 1518-2

Paints and varnishes - Determination of scratch resistance - Part 2: Variableloading method

BS EN 15817:2011

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Water resistance

ISO/DIS 1524

Paints, varnishes and printing inks - Determination of fineness of grind

BS EN 15818:2011

I.S. EN ISO 6272-1:2011

Paints and Varnishes - Rapid-deformation (impact Resistance) Tests - Part 1: Falling-weight Test, Large-area Indenter

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Determination of dimensional stability at high temperature

BS EN 15819:2011

Paints and Varnishes - Rapid-deformation (impact Resistance) Tests - Part 2: Falling-weight Test, Small-area Indenter

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Reduction of the thickness of the layer when fully dried

BS EN 15820:2011

Paints and varnishes. Determination of scratch resistance. Constant-loading method

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Determination of watertightness

BS EN ISO 21809-1:2011

Petroleum and natural gas industries. External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems. Polyolefin coatings (3-layer PE and 3-layer PP)

ISO 27667:2011

I.S. EN ISO 6272-2:2011 BS EN ISO 1518-1:2011 BS ISO 27667:2011

Road vehicles. Brake lining friction materials. Evaluation of corrosion effects on painted backing plates and brake shoes

BS EN 4593:2011

Aerospace series. Paints and varnishes. Determination of solar absorptance

BS EN 2491:2011

Aerospace series. Molybdenum disulphide dry lubricants. Coating methods

BS EN ISO 6272-1:2011

Paints and varnishes. Rapid-deformation (impact resistance) tests. Fallingweight test, large-area indenter

BS EN 60793-1-32:2010

Optical fibres. Measurement methods and test procedures. Coating strippability

BS EN ISO 6158:2011

Paints and varnishes. Rapid-deformation (impact resistance) tests. Fallingweight test, small-area indenter

Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Electrodeposited coatings of chromium for engineering purposes

DIN EN 2491 (2011-08) (Draft)

Aerospace series - Paints and varnishes - Determination of solar absorptance; German and English version EN 4593:2011

Aerospace series - Molybdenum disulphide dry lubricants - Coating methods; German and English version EN 2491:2011

Key word search on 'galvanize' or ‘galvanized’ or galvanizing’ – 1 Standard Publications found.

BS EN ISO 6272-2:2011 DIN EN 4593 (2011-09) ISO 6158:2011

Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Electrodeposited coatings of chromium for engineering purposes

DIN 81249-3 (2011-09) (Draft)

ISO 21809-3:2008/FDAmd 1

Petroleum and natural gas industries - External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems - Part 3: Field joint coatings - Amendment 1

Key word search on 'corrosion' and 'concrete' or ‘concrete’ and ‘coatings’ – 0 Standard Publications found

I.S. EN 15814:2011

Polymer Modified Bituminous Thick Coatings for Waterproofing - Definitions and Requirements

I.S. EN ISO 21809-1:2011

Petroleum and Natural gas Industries - External Coatings for Buried or Submerged Pipelines Used in Pipeline Transportation Systems - Part 1: Polyolefin Coatings (3-layer pe and 3-layer pp)

24 Corrosion & Materials

Corrosion of metals in sea water and sea atmosphere - Part 3: Galvanic corrosion in sea water; Text in German and English

Key word search on ‘cathode’ or 'cathodic' -0 publications found Key word search on 'anode' or ‘anodes’ or ‘anodic’ – 0 Standard Publications found – None from AS/ANZS Keyword Search on 'electrochemical' or ‘electrolysis’ or ‘electroplated’ - 0 Standard Publications found ISO/FDIS 22734-2

Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis process - Part 2: Residential applications

Keyword Search on 'anodize' or ‘anodized’ - 0 Publications found

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Standards Update

DIN EN ISO 28706-4 (2011-08)

Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion - Part 4: Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion by alkaline liquids using a cylindrical vessel (ISO 28706-4:2008)

DIN 65545 (2011-09)

Aerospace series - Nuts, hexagon, with MJ-thread, self-locking, corrosionresisting steel, classification: 1 100 MPa/120 øC; Text in German and English

DIN 81249-3 (2011-09) (Draft)

Corrosion of metals in sea water and sea atmosphere - Part 3: Galvanic corrosion in sea water; Text in German and English

DIN 81249-4 (2011-09) (Draft)

Corrosion of metals in sea water and sea atmosphere - Part 4: Corrosion in sea atmosphere; Text in German and English

Key word search on 'paint’ and or ‘coating’; but not ‘anodizing’ or ‘anodize(d)’ or corrosion– 36 Publications found; 0 AS or AS/NZS Publications

I.S. EN ISO 6158:2011

Metallic and Other Inorganic Coatings - Electrodeposited Coatings of Chromium for Engineering Purposes

11/30242245 DC BS ISO 16145-1.

Ships and marine technology. Protective coatings and inspection method. Part 1. Dedicated sea water ballast tanks

11/30242248 DC BS ISO 16145-2.

Ships and marine technology. Protective coatings and inspection method. Part 2. Void spaces of bulk carriers and oil tankers

11/30242251 DC BS ISO 16145-3.

Ships and marine technology. Protective coatings and inspection method. Part 3. Cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers

BS EN 15812:2011

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Determination of crack bridging ability

BS EN 15813:2011

Road vehicles - Brake lining friction materials - Evaluation of corrosion effects on painted backing plates and brake shoes

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Determination of flexibility at low temperatures

BS EN 15814:2011

ISO 6272-1:2011

Paints and varnishes - Rapid-deformation (impact resistance) tests - Part 1: Falling-weight test, large-area indenter

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Definitions and requirements

BS EN 15815:2011

ISO 6272-2:2011

Paints and varnishes - Rapid-deformation (impact resistance) tests - Part 2: Falling-weight test, small-area indenter

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Resistance to compression

BS EN 15816:2011

ISO/FDIS 12137

Paints and varnishes - Determination of mar

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Resistance to rain

ISO/FDIS 1518-2

Paints and varnishes - Determination of scratch resistance - Part 2: Variableloading method

BS EN 15817:2011

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Water resistance

ISO/DIS 1524

Paints, varnishes and printing inks - Determination of fineness of grind

BS EN 15818:2011

I.S. EN ISO 6272-1:2011

Paints and Varnishes - Rapid-deformation (impact Resistance) Tests - Part 1: Falling-weight Test, Large-area Indenter

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Determination of dimensional stability at high temperature

BS EN 15819:2011

Paints and Varnishes - Rapid-deformation (impact Resistance) Tests - Part 2: Falling-weight Test, Small-area Indenter

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Reduction of the thickness of the layer when fully dried

BS EN 15820:2011

Paints and varnishes. Determination of scratch resistance. Constant-loading method

Polymer modified bituminous thick coatings for waterproofing. Determination of watertightness

BS EN ISO 21809-1:2011

Petroleum and natural gas industries. External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems. Polyolefin coatings (3-layer PE and 3-layer PP)

ISO 27667:2011

I.S. EN ISO 6272-2:2011 BS EN ISO 1518-1:2011 BS ISO 27667:2011

Road vehicles. Brake lining friction materials. Evaluation of corrosion effects on painted backing plates and brake shoes

BS EN 4593:2011

Aerospace series. Paints and varnishes. Determination of solar absorptance

BS EN 2491:2011

Aerospace series. Molybdenum disulphide dry lubricants. Coating methods

BS EN ISO 6272-1:2011

Paints and varnishes. Rapid-deformation (impact resistance) tests. Fallingweight test, large-area indenter

BS EN 60793-1-32:2010

Optical fibres. Measurement methods and test procedures. Coating strippability

BS EN ISO 6158:2011

Paints and varnishes. Rapid-deformation (impact resistance) tests. Fallingweight test, small-area indenter

Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Electrodeposited coatings of chromium for engineering purposes

DIN EN 2491 (2011-08) (Draft)

Aerospace series - Paints and varnishes - Determination of solar absorptance; German and English version EN 4593:2011

Aerospace series - Molybdenum disulphide dry lubricants - Coating methods; German and English version EN 2491:2011

Key word search on 'galvanize' or ‘galvanized’ or galvanizing’ – 1 Standard Publications found.

BS EN ISO 6272-2:2011 DIN EN 4593 (2011-09) ISO 6158:2011

Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Electrodeposited coatings of chromium for engineering purposes

DIN 81249-3 (2011-09) (Draft)

ISO 21809-3:2008/FDAmd 1

Petroleum and natural gas industries - External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems - Part 3: Field joint coatings - Amendment 1

Key word search on 'corrosion' and 'concrete' or ‘concrete’ and ‘coatings’ – 0 Standard Publications found

I.S. EN 15814:2011

Polymer Modified Bituminous Thick Coatings for Waterproofing - Definitions and Requirements

I.S. EN ISO 21809-1:2011

Petroleum and Natural gas Industries - External Coatings for Buried or Submerged Pipelines Used in Pipeline Transportation Systems - Part 1: Polyolefin Coatings (3-layer pe and 3-layer pp)

24 Corrosion & Materials

Corrosion of metals in sea water and sea atmosphere - Part 3: Galvanic corrosion in sea water; Text in German and English

Key word search on ‘cathode’ or 'cathodic' -0 publications found Key word search on 'anode' or ‘anodes’ or ‘anodic’ – 0 Standard Publications found – None from AS/ANZS Keyword Search on 'electrochemical' or ‘electrolysis’ or ‘electroplated’ - 0 Standard Publications found ISO/FDIS 22734-2

Hydrogen generators using water electrolysis process - Part 2: Residential applications

Keyword Search on 'anodize' or ‘anodized’ - 0 Publications found

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Technical Groups Nominations for ACA Technical Group steering committees ACA wishes to notify members of the annual general meetings scheduled to be held for each of its Technical Groups at the upcoming 18th ICC congress in Perth. These AGMs will be held as part of the associated

Group’s technical forum – please refer to the congress programme in this issue of C&M for details. The following tables list current steering committee members who have been nominated to stand for re-election.

Concrete Structures & Buildings

If any member would like to stand for nomination to a Technical Group steering committee, please contact Caitlin Granowski at ACA Head Office for a nomination form at

Cathodic Protection Nominee




Bruce Ackland


Bruce Ackland & Associates


Alireza Kouklan


SP AusNet


Richard Brodribb


M. Brodribb Pty Ltd


Graham Carlisle



Western Australia

Francis Carroll




Peter Clark


Peter Clark & Associates

New South Wales

Andrew Hargrave


Hargrave Pipeline Group


Doug Herd




Ulf Kreher




Nick Riley


Clough AMEC

South Australia

Mark Sigley


Watercare Services

New Zealand

Rajko Vukcevic




Lyndon Zimmerman



South Australia






Warren Green


Vinsi Partners

New South Wales

Arthur Austin


ALS Industrial


Hal Burkett


Painting Inspection Services

Western Australia

Ian Donoghue


Structural Systems

New South Wales

Adrian Dundas


Building Rectification Services


Philip Karajayli


Savcor ART

New South Wales

Ike Solomon




Don Wimpenny


Halcrow Group






Peter Farinha


Extrin Consultants

Western Australia

Ted Riding




Liam Holloway



Western Australia

Willie Mandeno


Opus International Consultants

New Zealand

Mick Morris


Zintec Corrosion Solutions

Northern Territory

Alan Sterling


Anode Engineering


Mining Industry

Petroleum & Chemical Process Industries Nominee




Phil Fleming


AS Harrison & Co

New South Wales





Ross Antunovich


NZ Refining Company

New Zealand

Steve Wickham



New South Wales

Arthur Austin


ALS Industrial


Dave Anderson


Petro Coating Systems


Richard Clegg


CQUniversity Australia


Dinesh Bankar


Coating Inspection Services (India)


Rolf Gubner


Curtin University

Western Australia

Fikry Barouky


Anti Corrosion Technology

Western Australia

Ripan Kapoor


Shell Refining Australia

New South Wales

Mark Davidson


Chevron Australia

Western Australia

Greg Reece



New South Wales

Peter Dove




David Monk


Mobil Refining


Rob Freedman



New South Wales

Vukan Ruzic


BP Refinery Bulwer Island


Ian Glover


Corrotek Consultants

Western Australia

Peter Golding


Galvanizers Association of Australia


Neil Krotzsch



New South Wales


Willie Mandeno


Opus International Consultants

New Zealand





George Pieratos


Dulux Protective Coatings




Will Spresser


Rio Tinto


Rolf Gubner


Curtin University

Western Australia

Dean Wall




Reza Javaherdashti


Qatar University


Mark Weston


Incospec & Associates Australia

South Australia

Robert Jeffrey


Pacific Testing

New South Wales

Geoff White




Rajko Vukcevic




26 Corrosion & Materials

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Technical Groups Nominations for ACA Technical Group steering committees ACA wishes to notify members of the annual general meetings scheduled to be held for each of its Technical Groups at the upcoming 18th ICC congress in Perth. These AGMs will be held as part of the associated

Group’s technical forum – please refer to the congress programme in this issue of C&M for details. The following tables list current steering committee members who have been nominated to stand for re-election.

Concrete Structures & Buildings

If any member would like to stand for nomination to a Technical Group steering committee, please contact Caitlin Granowski at ACA Head Office for a nomination form at

Cathodic Protection Nominee




Bruce Ackland


Bruce Ackland & Associates


Alireza Kouklan


SP AusNet


Richard Brodribb


M. Brodribb Pty Ltd


Graham Carlisle



Western Australia

Francis Carroll




Peter Clark


Peter Clark & Associates

New South Wales

Andrew Hargrave


Hargrave Pipeline Group


Doug Herd




Ulf Kreher




Nick Riley


Clough AMEC

South Australia

Mark Sigley


Watercare Services

New Zealand

Rajko Vukcevic




Lyndon Zimmerman



South Australia






Warren Green


Vinsi Partners

New South Wales

Arthur Austin


ALS Industrial


Hal Burkett


Painting Inspection Services

Western Australia

Ian Donoghue


Structural Systems

New South Wales

Adrian Dundas


Building Rectification Services


Philip Karajayli


Savcor ART

New South Wales

Ike Solomon




Don Wimpenny


Halcrow Group






Peter Farinha


Extrin Consultants

Western Australia

Ted Riding




Liam Holloway



Western Australia

Willie Mandeno


Opus International Consultants

New Zealand

Mick Morris


Zintec Corrosion Solutions

Northern Territory

Alan Sterling


Anode Engineering


Mining Industry

Petroleum & Chemical Process Industries Nominee




Phil Fleming


AS Harrison & Co

New South Wales





Ross Antunovich


NZ Refining Company

New Zealand

Steve Wickham



New South Wales

Arthur Austin


ALS Industrial


Dave Anderson


Petro Coating Systems


Richard Clegg


CQUniversity Australia


Dinesh Bankar


Coating Inspection Services (India)


Rolf Gubner


Curtin University

Western Australia

Fikry Barouky


Anti Corrosion Technology

Western Australia

Ripan Kapoor


Shell Refining Australia

New South Wales

Mark Davidson


Chevron Australia

Western Australia

Greg Reece



New South Wales

Peter Dove




David Monk


Mobil Refining


Rob Freedman



New South Wales

Vukan Ruzic


BP Refinery Bulwer Island


Ian Glover


Corrotek Consultants

Western Australia

Peter Golding


Galvanizers Association of Australia


Neil Krotzsch



New South Wales


Willie Mandeno


Opus International Consultants

New Zealand





George Pieratos


Dulux Protective Coatings




Will Spresser


Rio Tinto


Rolf Gubner


Curtin University

Western Australia

Dean Wall




Reza Javaherdashti


Qatar University


Mark Weston


Incospec & Associates Australia

South Australia

Robert Jeffrey


Pacific Testing

New South Wales

Geoff White




Rajko Vukcevic




26 Corrosion & Materials

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


ACA Seminar

Technical Groups


Water & Water Treatment Nominee




David Mavros


SA Water

South Australia

Matthew Dafter


Hunter Water

New South Wales

Nick Critchley




Warren Green


Vinsi Partners

New South Wales

Greg Moore


Moore Materials Technology

South Australia

Jon Morris


Opus International Consultants

New Zealand

David Nicholas


Nicholas Corrosion

New South Wales

Kerryn Wilson




Welding, Joining & Corrosion Nominee




Graham Fry


TechnoWeld Inspection

South Australia



Roman Dankiw


Paul Hilton


South Australia International Welding & Engineering Solutions P/L

Western Australia

Ripan Kapoor


Shell Refining

New South Wales

Graham Sussex


Sussex Material Solutions


A Technical Group Chair is appointed for a 2 year term. Those incumbent officers who are not due for re-election until 2012 AGM are: Nominee

Technical Group



Matthew O'Keeffe


Akzo Nobel


Frédéric Blin

Concrete Structures & Buildings AECOM


Fikry Barouky

Petroleum & Chemical Process Industries

Anti Corrosion Technology

Western Australia

Nick Birbilis


Monash University


David Young


University of NSW

New South Wales

Petroleum & Chemical Processing Industry Technical Group Seminar The ACA recently facilitated a seminar for its Petroleum & Chemical Processing Industry Technical Group entitled Inspection and Corrosion Mitigation Strategies in Oil & Gas Operations. The meeting was held in Melbourne at the Melbourne Marriot Hotel on 26th July 2011. The seminar of seven speakers and an open forum discussion attracted over 40 delegates from five Australia States and three delegates from New Zealand.


Oil & Gas upstream subject to corrosion and downstream operations degradat are initial drilling stage, where ion processes. From the is introduce the first oxygen d to the producing contamination processes formations, and the to the refining products, corrosiondistribution of the is the common light hydrocarbon likelihood of enemy. The occurrence risk and are the processe s and prioritize the main factors to categorizthe inspection, the method corrosion monitorin and frequency e processing of g, and its control plant. for the Oil & Gas industrie s have invested technology, heavily in materials research and development , to face the

Date: Tuesd

Time 8.15 – 8.45

ay 26th July


increasing demand for oil and energy source and petrochem gas as the world’s main the investme nt in materials ical feedstock. However, corrosion monitorin and personne l to improve g and corrosion limited. Risk control directed proactive corrosion corrosion monitorin is still very g together control is the economical most cost effective with approach to win the battle and against corrosion This Seminar aims to share . selected topics with the audience to reflect the inspection importance and corrosion management of setting Oil & Gas operation strategies s. for

2011 Locati on: Melbo

urne Marrio


tt Hotel, Melbo


Registration Welcome & Seminar Opening NDT Corrosion Surveys, Issues Gary Martin and Economic – ATTAR 9.40 – 10.20 s Protection of Pipelines Glenn Brewster 10.20 – 10.50 – Savcor Morning tea 10.50 – 11.30 Hydrogen Induced Cracking and & the Importan Stress-Or Jeff Andrews ce of Maintaining a Dynamiciented Hydrogen Induced – Caltex Refining Cracking of 11.30 – 12.10 Inspection Pressure Equipmen Programm Examination e t and Richard Clegg Metallurgical Character – Central Queensla isation of Failure 12.10 – 13.00 nd Universit Lunch y 13.00 – 13.40 Failure Analysis of Gas Trunk Alex Dziouba – ALS Global Line T-Piece 13.40 – 14.20 Reduced Corrosion Resistanc Iman Maroef – SVT Engineer e of Duplex Stainless 14.20 – 14.50 Steels by Sigma ing Consultan Afternoon tea Phase and ts How To Detect 14.50 – 15.30 It Material Engineeri ng Challenge Fikry Barouky – Anti Corrosion s in Construction of 15.30 – 16.30 Hydrocarbon Technology Open-floor Projects - An Speakers Overview Materials, Engineeri ’ Forum: 16.30 – 16.45 ng and Corrosion Summary & Control Challenge Seminar Close s In Oil & Gas Industries 8.45 – 9.00 9.00 – 9.40

Below is a synopsis of each of the presentations. If ACA members would like to purchase a copy of notes of the proceedings or would like an electronic copy of a particular presentation, please contact Katherine Webber at NDT Corrosion Surveys, Issues and Economics Gary Martin of ATTAR Hand held ultrasonic equipment is often used for corrosion surveys, but there are some issues with it. Semi-automated systems may be used but may be more costly. Other technologies, such as AE can give you a whole of structure assessment more economically. This talk briefly looked at some of the technologies in use, their limitations and advantages in both practical and economic terms. Protection of Pipelines Glenn Brewster of Savcor Pipeline protection encompasses a large number of scenarios, some of which are easily identified and measurable, and some that are completely unexpected. This presentation briefly discussed some of the elements that need to be considered and typical mitigation measures used to protect your pipelines from damage. Hydrogen Induced Cracking and Stress-Oriented Hydrogen Induced Cracking of Pressure Equipment & the Importance of Maintaining a Dynamic Inspection Programme Jeff Andrews of Caltex Refining A well implemented inspection and corrosion management system is constantly changing. Material degradation can limit inspection intervals in its own right, but the impact of changing operating conditions also needs to be addressed. Inspection plans

28 Corrosion & Materials

Inspection and Corros ion Mitigation Strategies in Oil & Ga s Operatio ns

and corrosion monitoring intervals are not static. Even small changes in operation can severely impact equipment run length and life. It is imperative to maintain a dynamic inspection regime and be aware of critical changes that might adversely impact equipment life. Examination and Metallurgical Characterisation of Failure Richard Clegg of Central Queensland University This talk examined some of the motivations for understanding the causes of industrial failures and some of the processes undertaken and tools used by engineers in studying failures. The talk presented several short case studies and looked at how information on failures can be sourced from the wider community to help understand the causes of failures. Failure Analysis of Gas Trunk Line T-Piece Alex Dziouba of ALS Global Metallurgical examination of a leaking tee fitting from field compression station gas pipe line. Reduced Corrosion Resistance of Duplex Stainless Steels by Sigma Phase and How to Detect It Iman Maroef of SVT Engineering Consultants The undesirable effects of sigma phase in duplex stainless steel performance were reviewed in this presentation. There was discussion about non-destructive metallurgical

methods to detect the presence of sigma phase in existing structures. These methods include replication, ferrite measurement survey, and hardness testing by indentation method. Material Engineering Challenges in Construction of Hydrocarbon Projects - An Overview Fikry Barouky of Anti Corrosion Technology The continual increase in the Energy demand has made the oil & gas industry the fastest growing economic sector in Australia over the last decade. Since 2004, hydrocarbon projects have reached new heights with a sustainable high level of activities in the hydrocarbon construction industry, where several challenges are arising in relation to materials and labor resources, and their impact on the construction duration, rising costs, quality and safety issues. The Technological and innovative solutions in materials engineering have successfully been used to assist the hydrocarbon industry dealing with construction challenges, however, there are still more developments and improvements to come. The presentation highlighted the major role of the Materials Engineering community in addressing, interacting with the project team to resolve construction challenges and introduce new construction materials, cost effective corrosion control, and upgrade methodologies in processing plant and equipment installation.

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


ACA Seminar

Technical Groups


Water & Water Treatment Nominee




David Mavros


SA Water

South Australia

Matthew Dafter


Hunter Water

New South Wales

Nick Critchley




Warren Green


Vinsi Partners

New South Wales

Greg Moore


Moore Materials Technology

South Australia

Jon Morris


Opus International Consultants

New Zealand

David Nicholas


Nicholas Corrosion

New South Wales

Kerryn Wilson




Welding, Joining & Corrosion Nominee




Graham Fry


TechnoWeld Inspection

South Australia



Roman Dankiw


Paul Hilton


South Australia International Welding & Engineering Solutions P/L

Western Australia

Ripan Kapoor


Shell Refining

New South Wales

Graham Sussex


Sussex Material Solutions


A Technical Group Chair is appointed for a 2 year term. Those incumbent officers who are not due for re-election until 2012 AGM are: Nominee

Technical Group



Matthew O'Keeffe


Akzo Nobel


Frédéric Blin

Concrete Structures & Buildings AECOM


Fikry Barouky

Petroleum & Chemical Process Industries

Anti Corrosion Technology

Western Australia

Nick Birbilis


Monash University


David Young


University of NSW

New South Wales

Petroleum & Chemical Processing Industry Technical Group Seminar The ACA recently facilitated a seminar for its Petroleum & Chemical Processing Industry Technical Group entitled Inspection and Corrosion Mitigation Strategies in Oil & Gas Operations. The meeting was held in Melbourne at the Melbourne Marriot Hotel on 26th July 2011. The seminar of seven speakers and an open forum discussion attracted over 40 delegates from five Australia States and three delegates from New Zealand.


Oil & Gas upstream subject to corrosion and downstream operations degradat are initial drilling stage, where ion processes. From the is introduce the first oxygen d to the producing contamination processes formations, and the to the refining products, corrosiondistribution of the is the common light hydrocarbon likelihood of enemy. The occurrence risk and are the processe s and prioritize the main factors to categorizthe inspection, the method corrosion monitorin and frequency e processing of g, and its control plant. for the Oil & Gas industrie s have invested technology, heavily in materials research and development , to face the

Date: Tuesd

Time 8.15 – 8.45

ay 26th July


increasing demand for oil and energy source and petrochem gas as the world’s main the investme nt in materials ical feedstock. However, corrosion monitorin and personne l to improve g and corrosion limited. Risk control directed proactive corrosion corrosion monitorin is still very g together control is the economical most cost effective with approach to win the battle and against corrosion This Seminar aims to share . selected topics with the audience to reflect the inspection importance and corrosion management of setting Oil & Gas operation strategies s. for

2011 Locati on: Melbo

urne Marrio


tt Hotel, Melbo


Registration Welcome & Seminar Opening NDT Corrosion Surveys, Issues Gary Martin and Economic – ATTAR 9.40 – 10.20 s Protection of Pipelines Glenn Brewster 10.20 – 10.50 – Savcor Morning tea 10.50 – 11.30 Hydrogen Induced Cracking and & the Importan Stress-Or Jeff Andrews ce of Maintaining a Dynamiciented Hydrogen Induced – Caltex Refining Cracking of 11.30 – 12.10 Inspection Pressure Equipmen Programm Examination e t and Richard Clegg Metallurgical Character – Central Queensla isation of Failure 12.10 – 13.00 nd Universit Lunch y 13.00 – 13.40 Failure Analysis of Gas Trunk Alex Dziouba – ALS Global Line T-Piece 13.40 – 14.20 Reduced Corrosion Resistanc Iman Maroef – SVT Engineer e of Duplex Stainless 14.20 – 14.50 Steels by Sigma ing Consultan Afternoon tea Phase and ts How To Detect 14.50 – 15.30 It Material Engineeri ng Challenge Fikry Barouky – Anti Corrosion s in Construction of 15.30 – 16.30 Hydrocarbon Technology Open-floor Projects - An Speakers Overview Materials, Engineeri ’ Forum: 16.30 – 16.45 ng and Corrosion Summary & Control Challenge Seminar Close s In Oil & Gas Industries 8.45 – 9.00 9.00 – 9.40

Below is a synopsis of each of the presentations. If ACA members would like to purchase a copy of notes of the proceedings or would like an electronic copy of a particular presentation, please contact Katherine Webber at NDT Corrosion Surveys, Issues and Economics Gary Martin of ATTAR Hand held ultrasonic equipment is often used for corrosion surveys, but there are some issues with it. Semi-automated systems may be used but may be more costly. Other technologies, such as AE can give you a whole of structure assessment more economically. This talk briefly looked at some of the technologies in use, their limitations and advantages in both practical and economic terms. Protection of Pipelines Glenn Brewster of Savcor Pipeline protection encompasses a large number of scenarios, some of which are easily identified and measurable, and some that are completely unexpected. This presentation briefly discussed some of the elements that need to be considered and typical mitigation measures used to protect your pipelines from damage. Hydrogen Induced Cracking and Stress-Oriented Hydrogen Induced Cracking of Pressure Equipment & the Importance of Maintaining a Dynamic Inspection Programme Jeff Andrews of Caltex Refining A well implemented inspection and corrosion management system is constantly changing. Material degradation can limit inspection intervals in its own right, but the impact of changing operating conditions also needs to be addressed. Inspection plans

28 Corrosion & Materials

Inspection and Corros ion Mitigation Strategies in Oil & Ga s Operatio ns

and corrosion monitoring intervals are not static. Even small changes in operation can severely impact equipment run length and life. It is imperative to maintain a dynamic inspection regime and be aware of critical changes that might adversely impact equipment life. Examination and Metallurgical Characterisation of Failure Richard Clegg of Central Queensland University This talk examined some of the motivations for understanding the causes of industrial failures and some of the processes undertaken and tools used by engineers in studying failures. The talk presented several short case studies and looked at how information on failures can be sourced from the wider community to help understand the causes of failures. Failure Analysis of Gas Trunk Line T-Piece Alex Dziouba of ALS Global Metallurgical examination of a leaking tee fitting from field compression station gas pipe line. Reduced Corrosion Resistance of Duplex Stainless Steels by Sigma Phase and How to Detect It Iman Maroef of SVT Engineering Consultants The undesirable effects of sigma phase in duplex stainless steel performance were reviewed in this presentation. There was discussion about non-destructive metallurgical

methods to detect the presence of sigma phase in existing structures. These methods include replication, ferrite measurement survey, and hardness testing by indentation method. Material Engineering Challenges in Construction of Hydrocarbon Projects - An Overview Fikry Barouky of Anti Corrosion Technology The continual increase in the Energy demand has made the oil & gas industry the fastest growing economic sector in Australia over the last decade. Since 2004, hydrocarbon projects have reached new heights with a sustainable high level of activities in the hydrocarbon construction industry, where several challenges are arising in relation to materials and labor resources, and their impact on the construction duration, rising costs, quality and safety issues. The Technological and innovative solutions in materials engineering have successfully been used to assist the hydrocarbon industry dealing with construction challenges, however, there are still more developments and improvements to come. The presentation highlighted the major role of the Materials Engineering community in addressing, interacting with the project team to resolve construction challenges and introduce new construction materials, cost effective corrosion control, and upgrade methodologies in processing plant and equipment installation.

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


ACA Symposium Report Symposium on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion The ACA recently facilitated a two day event entitled Symposium on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion. The symposium was held in Melbourne at the Melbourne Marriot Hotel on 10th – 11th August 2011. The international line-up of ten speakers attracted forty seven delegates from across Australia and New Zealand. Below is a synopsis of each of the presentations. If ACA members would like an electronic copy of a particular presentation or to purchase either a copy of notes of the proceedings or a DVD of the peer reviewed full papers, please contact Katherine Webber at Diagnosing, Measuring and Monitoring Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) Brenda Little, Naval Research Laboratory, USA Many techniques have been described for diagnosing, measuring and monitoring microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), however none has been accepted as an industry standard. Diagnosing MIC requires a combination of microbiological, metallurgical and chemical analyses. Electrochemical techniques can be used to measure and monitor MIC. The major limitation for MIC monitoring programs is the inability to relate microbiology to corrosion in real time. Some techniques can detect a specific modification in the system

ACA members enjoy the MIC Symposium.

30 Corrosion & Materials

due to the presence and activities of microorganisms (e.g., heat transfer resistance, fluid friction resistance, galvanic current) and assume something about the corrosion. Other techniques measure some electrochemical parameter (e.g., polarization resistance, electrochemical noise) and assume something about the microbiology. With experience and knowledge of a particular operating system either can be an effective monitoring tool, especially for evaluating a treatment regime (biocides or corrosion inhibitors). Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion: Causative Organisms and Mechanisms Brenda Little, Naval Research Laboratory, USA The relationship between microorganisms and corrosion is both predictable and complex. In aquatic environments and under some atmospheric conditions, microorganisms settle on surfaces and alter the surface chemistry controlling the rates of corrosion or shifting the mechanism for corrosion. The result is corrosion where none could be anticipated based on the composition of the bulk medium, e.g., low-chloride waters, and rates that are exceptionally fast. Under some circumstances microorganisms can also inhibit corrosion. The influence of microorganisms on corrosion depends, not only on the presence

and activities of the microorganisms, but also the nature of the metal/ alloy and the specific environment in which the organisms are growing, e.g., aerobic vs. anaerobic, ratio of aggressive anions to non-aggressive anions and nutrients. The Role of Nutrients and Water Pollution in the Bacterial Corrosion of Structural Steels Rob Melchers, The University of Newcastle, Australia This paper provides an overview of recent applied research on the effect of low level water pollution and in particular nutrient levels on the development of corrosion loss and maximum pit depth with increased exposure time. Such corrosion involves electro-chemical corrosion mechanisms but also microbial activity. The latter is very sensitive to nutrient levels such as caused by water pollution. In seawater nitrate often is the critical limiting nutrient since other potentially critical nutrients such a carbon and sulfates usually are readily available in natural seawaters. The corrosion process itself provides the necessary iron. For fresh waters nitrates tend to be available and typically sulfate is the limiting nutrient. These general observations are used to interpret data for a number of practical cases including accelerated low water corrosion (ALWC). Some degree of quantification of the effect of nutrient levels on corrosion and pitting has

Robert Jeffrey presents The Anaerobic Domain of Marine Immersion Corrosion.

been possible using interpreted field observations. Detailed relationships remain to be developed for engineering and other applications. Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Copper and Galvanised Steel Pipe Howard Fallowfield, Flinders University, Australia Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) is a mechanism increasingly being implicated in the corrosion of metals. Biofilms were detected in both copper and galvanised steel pipe, and organisms which enhance corrosion or protect metal from corrosion were isolated. Representatives of 16 genera of microorganisms were isolated and were shown to be resistant to copper, zinc and chlorine. The resistance to copper may be mediated by the enhanced production of exopolysaccharide capable of protecting the viable cells from metal exposure. The involvement of exopolysaccharides in MIC is diverse and complex. Exopolysaccharides were shown to adsorb copper, which may reduce human exposure to copper in corroding systems, however, exopolysaccharide was also positively associated with copper release by Acidovorax delafieldii. The relationship between biofilms, MIC and water quality is also complex and probably species specific. Water usage patterns, reflected by stagnation and turbulence, and the nature of copper pipe manufacture all influence MIC and add further complexity to prediction of the

outcome. The interaction between water chemistry and usage patterns may not only affect biofilm biomass but may reasonably be expected to affect the microbial ecology and the outcome of microbial competition. This is important since the order in which surfaces were colonised by either aggressive or protective bacteria influenced the outcome with regard to MIC. Continued multidisciplinary research will be required to adequately understand the complex microbiological, physical, biochemical and electrochemical interactions and to enable the implementation of sustainable management practices for MIC. The Anaerobic Domain of Marine Immersion Corrosion Rob Jeffrey, The University of Newcastle, Australia The precise role of bacteria and microbiological agents and consortia in immersion corrosion has been the subject of much interest particularly when anaerobic bacteria control the corrosion process. There are laboratory based experimental findings and images verifying the presence of such consortia but there are few images of the interaction between bacteria and corrosion processes in the literature. This paper considers the marine immersion corrosion of steel and presents images of the metamorphosis of the iron in the steel to iron hydroxide and to iron-sulphur compounds and the apparent interaction with bacteria. Some images are of bacteria cultured in clean and stagnant seawater. All

MIC Symposium delegates network during the cocktail function.

of the iron-compound related images are from steel samples immersed in actual seawater conditions during field trials. The images were obtained using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Analysis of the corroding material compounds was by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). By analysing the corroding material compounds and relating the images to known iron compound species morphologies, it is possible to make interpretations about the role of bacteria, particularly in the transformation to iron-sulphur compounds. Investigations of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) of Submerged Steel and Wooden Ship Wrecks and the Role that Bio-Concretions Play in These Degenerative Processes Roy Cullimore, Droycon Bioconcepts, Canada Traditionally microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) processes have been linked to the activities of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB). Corrosion can be initiated when hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas comes into contact with the surfaces of steels. From studies made primarily of mild steels but including concretes and woods, a pattern of microbiological activity has been observed that commonly occurs when corrosion risks are significant. These include the physical and chemical nature of the surface to which a biomass attaches and grows; the nature of the environment at the surface interface; the form of

Brenda Little during one of her two presentations. Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


ACA Symposium Report Symposium on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion The ACA recently facilitated a two day event entitled Symposium on Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion. The symposium was held in Melbourne at the Melbourne Marriot Hotel on 10th – 11th August 2011. The international line-up of ten speakers attracted forty seven delegates from across Australia and New Zealand. Below is a synopsis of each of the presentations. If ACA members would like an electronic copy of a particular presentation or to purchase either a copy of notes of the proceedings or a DVD of the peer reviewed full papers, please contact Katherine Webber at Diagnosing, Measuring and Monitoring Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) Brenda Little, Naval Research Laboratory, USA Many techniques have been described for diagnosing, measuring and monitoring microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), however none has been accepted as an industry standard. Diagnosing MIC requires a combination of microbiological, metallurgical and chemical analyses. Electrochemical techniques can be used to measure and monitor MIC. The major limitation for MIC monitoring programs is the inability to relate microbiology to corrosion in real time. Some techniques can detect a specific modification in the system

ACA members enjoy the MIC Symposium.

30 Corrosion & Materials

due to the presence and activities of microorganisms (e.g., heat transfer resistance, fluid friction resistance, galvanic current) and assume something about the corrosion. Other techniques measure some electrochemical parameter (e.g., polarization resistance, electrochemical noise) and assume something about the microbiology. With experience and knowledge of a particular operating system either can be an effective monitoring tool, especially for evaluating a treatment regime (biocides or corrosion inhibitors). Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion: Causative Organisms and Mechanisms Brenda Little, Naval Research Laboratory, USA The relationship between microorganisms and corrosion is both predictable and complex. In aquatic environments and under some atmospheric conditions, microorganisms settle on surfaces and alter the surface chemistry controlling the rates of corrosion or shifting the mechanism for corrosion. The result is corrosion where none could be anticipated based on the composition of the bulk medium, e.g., low-chloride waters, and rates that are exceptionally fast. Under some circumstances microorganisms can also inhibit corrosion. The influence of microorganisms on corrosion depends, not only on the presence

and activities of the microorganisms, but also the nature of the metal/ alloy and the specific environment in which the organisms are growing, e.g., aerobic vs. anaerobic, ratio of aggressive anions to non-aggressive anions and nutrients. The Role of Nutrients and Water Pollution in the Bacterial Corrosion of Structural Steels Rob Melchers, The University of Newcastle, Australia This paper provides an overview of recent applied research on the effect of low level water pollution and in particular nutrient levels on the development of corrosion loss and maximum pit depth with increased exposure time. Such corrosion involves electro-chemical corrosion mechanisms but also microbial activity. The latter is very sensitive to nutrient levels such as caused by water pollution. In seawater nitrate often is the critical limiting nutrient since other potentially critical nutrients such a carbon and sulfates usually are readily available in natural seawaters. The corrosion process itself provides the necessary iron. For fresh waters nitrates tend to be available and typically sulfate is the limiting nutrient. These general observations are used to interpret data for a number of practical cases including accelerated low water corrosion (ALWC). Some degree of quantification of the effect of nutrient levels on corrosion and pitting has

Robert Jeffrey presents The Anaerobic Domain of Marine Immersion Corrosion.

been possible using interpreted field observations. Detailed relationships remain to be developed for engineering and other applications. Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion of Copper and Galvanised Steel Pipe Howard Fallowfield, Flinders University, Australia Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) is a mechanism increasingly being implicated in the corrosion of metals. Biofilms were detected in both copper and galvanised steel pipe, and organisms which enhance corrosion or protect metal from corrosion were isolated. Representatives of 16 genera of microorganisms were isolated and were shown to be resistant to copper, zinc and chlorine. The resistance to copper may be mediated by the enhanced production of exopolysaccharide capable of protecting the viable cells from metal exposure. The involvement of exopolysaccharides in MIC is diverse and complex. Exopolysaccharides were shown to adsorb copper, which may reduce human exposure to copper in corroding systems, however, exopolysaccharide was also positively associated with copper release by Acidovorax delafieldii. The relationship between biofilms, MIC and water quality is also complex and probably species specific. Water usage patterns, reflected by stagnation and turbulence, and the nature of copper pipe manufacture all influence MIC and add further complexity to prediction of the

outcome. The interaction between water chemistry and usage patterns may not only affect biofilm biomass but may reasonably be expected to affect the microbial ecology and the outcome of microbial competition. This is important since the order in which surfaces were colonised by either aggressive or protective bacteria influenced the outcome with regard to MIC. Continued multidisciplinary research will be required to adequately understand the complex microbiological, physical, biochemical and electrochemical interactions and to enable the implementation of sustainable management practices for MIC. The Anaerobic Domain of Marine Immersion Corrosion Rob Jeffrey, The University of Newcastle, Australia The precise role of bacteria and microbiological agents and consortia in immersion corrosion has been the subject of much interest particularly when anaerobic bacteria control the corrosion process. There are laboratory based experimental findings and images verifying the presence of such consortia but there are few images of the interaction between bacteria and corrosion processes in the literature. This paper considers the marine immersion corrosion of steel and presents images of the metamorphosis of the iron in the steel to iron hydroxide and to iron-sulphur compounds and the apparent interaction with bacteria. Some images are of bacteria cultured in clean and stagnant seawater. All

MIC Symposium delegates network during the cocktail function.

of the iron-compound related images are from steel samples immersed in actual seawater conditions during field trials. The images were obtained using a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Analysis of the corroding material compounds was by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). By analysing the corroding material compounds and relating the images to known iron compound species morphologies, it is possible to make interpretations about the role of bacteria, particularly in the transformation to iron-sulphur compounds. Investigations of Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) of Submerged Steel and Wooden Ship Wrecks and the Role that Bio-Concretions Play in These Degenerative Processes Roy Cullimore, Droycon Bioconcepts, Canada Traditionally microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) processes have been linked to the activities of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB). Corrosion can be initiated when hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas comes into contact with the surfaces of steels. From studies made primarily of mild steels but including concretes and woods, a pattern of microbiological activity has been observed that commonly occurs when corrosion risks are significant. These include the physical and chemical nature of the surface to which a biomass attaches and grows; the nature of the environment at the surface interface; the form of

Brenda Little during one of her two presentations. Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


ACA Symposium Report

biomass growth; the interactive nature of the biomass within the matrix; and the final states of stabilization or destruction of the matrix and associated biomass. Critical to the MIC corrosive process is the form and function of the associated attached active biomass interacting with the surfaces of the potentially vulnerable matrix. Three investigative stages are described to allow investigation of the role that biomass plays in the development and functioning of corrosion. MIC processes have been observed using this three phased investigative approach and examples of investigations conducted are described including the corrosion of steels on the RMS Titanic associable with bio-concretions (rusticles); ochrous biofilm formation on steel coupons under laboratory and field conditions; above mud-line bio-preservation of wooden hulled vessels sunk in the nineteenth century; plugging and corrosion of fire sprinkler systems; and the impact of MIC on concretes.

to availability and safety of plant and equipment and has been extensively studied since its identification around 1910. MIC is an important materials degradation issue in food processing, power generation, water and waste water treatment, shipping and marine structures, pulp and paper, oil and gas, and other industries. Wherever water is used in industry the aqueous phase can become contaminated with micro-organisms and can provide an environment that supports biofilm formation on metal surfaces. Some strains of micro-organisms that exist in the biofilms can initiate and propagate biodeterioration of engineering materials such as steel, galvanised steel, stainless steels, copper and copper alloys. The financial and operational consequences of MIC becoming established in industrial water handling systems are significant. The paper describes a selection of recent case studies involving corrosion of engineering materials due to MIC. The identification and mitigation of MIC on engineering materials is outlined.

Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion– Case Studies Les Boulton, Les Boulton & Associates, New Zealand

Steel Pile MIC Management in Newcastle Port Warren Green, Vinsi Partners, Australia

Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) is a form of biodeterioration of materials that has been widely encountered in many industries for decades. Microbial corrosion has been recognised as a serious threat

Newcastle Port Corporation (NPC) has a number of steel piled wharf, berth and jetty structures in Newcastle Harbour, NSW. The types of steel piles include tubular, H-section and sheet. In the past the

rate of corrosion of steel piles in Newcastle Harbour has been so low that corrosion protection methods have not always been necessary. About 4 years ago NPC maintenance staff observed “bright-orange” localised corrosion of steel piles around the low water level, within the lower half of the tidal zone and in some instances extending to inwater sections. The “bright orange” build-up at or near low tide is of the characteristic appearance of accelerated low water corrosion or ALWC. The “bright orange” localised corrosion evident to the below water pile sections is assumed to be microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). The ALWC and MIC has lead to perforations of some piles. This paper outlines the findings of inspections and diver surveys of piles, the extent of occurrence of ALWC and MIC and details the remediation strategies that are being adopted to manage MIC on NPC steel piled wharf, berth and jetty structures. Structural pile repairs have been necessary to one berth structure due to MIC and details of the rectification works required are provided. Prior to the onset of MIC, the steel piles of one NPC wharf structure were wrapped with a petrolatum-based system. The performance of this system against MIC is raised. The protective performance of cathodic protection (impressed current and galvanic) against MIC on other steel piled structures in Newcastle Harbour is also discussed.

Biocorrosion in the Mining Industry ... Big Tanks and Big Pipes Peter Farinha, Extrin Consultants, Australia In Australia, particularly the mining states of Queensland and Western Australia, the production of mineral resources is a significant contributor to the state's Gross Domestic Product. The production of aluminium, coal, copper, gold, iron ore, nickel, alumina and other metallic ores are all subject to corrosion processes. Some processes, such as the production of titanium dioxide, are really corrosion processes in a controlled environment. Nevertheless, the harsh and aggressive operational conditions can also enhance corrosion and the use of hyper saline bore water in the Eastern goldfields in Western Australia is a prime example of a naturally inoculated microbially mixed environment. A selection of case studies are presented for carbon steel, galvanised steel, a high chromium iron alloy (3CR12) and rubber, where microbial activity was the prime deterioration mechanism. Some case studies are included to show that bacteria are implicated in many corrosion failures of critical mine site assets including tankage (the perforation of Carbon in Leach tanks in the gold industry), the deterioration of large rubber lined process equipment, the deterioration of process cooling towers and the premature failure of stainless steel Reverse Osmosis water lines. This paper comments on some of the mechanisms of MIC, the predominant causative organisms, the diversity of susceptible materials observed and the likely consequences to production. Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion in Maritime Vessels Scott Wade, Swinburne University, Australia

Les Boulton leads the open forum discussions.

32 Corrosion & Materials

MIC Symposium speakers: Back Row (left to right): Robert Jeffrey, Roy Cullimore, Rob Melchers, Peter Farinha, Brenda Little, Howard Fallowfield, Les Boulton and David Beale. Front Row (left to right): Warren Green, Scott Wade and ACA President Ian MacLeod.

The environmental conditions in many locations on board maritime vessels can favour the proliferation of micro-organisms associated with microbiologically influenced

corrosion (MIC). This paper will broadly review the internal and external environments for ships and submarines and provide several case histories of MIC in maritime vessels, both merchant marine and naval. The main focus will be consideration of the various complementary approaches required to unequivocally diagnose the presence of MIC, possibly in the presence of alternative corrosion mechanisms, and then to categorise and quantify the microbiological species present. Particular consideration is given to diagnosis that is applicable to field testing, as well as techniques that are more suitable for confirmatory laboratory based testing. Quick but accurate diagnosis is essential on maritime vessels and in shipyards where maintenance activity must be tightly scheduled and controlled, to control costs and to maximise availability. The paper also considers developments in MIC sensors, for monitoring vulnerable regions of maritime vessels, and providing early warning of the risk or onset of MIC so that preventative maintenance activity can be better scheduled. This is part of an industry move towards Condition Based Maintenance, and is equally applicable to minimising the effects of MIC on shore-based infrastructure. Finally, a brief survey of possible mitigation techniques to reduce the propensity or severity of MIC is discussed. Overall the paper considers the diagnosis, measuring and monitoring of MIC in maritime vessels from a pragmatic, operator-based viewpoint, allowing future integration with mitigation strategies that are aimed to minimise the impact on through-life costs of maintenance and repair, while maximising operator availability.

processes leave behind. This type of scientific study, otherwise known as metabolomics, is proposed as a tool for the management of water supply networks. The metabolites from a range of physico-biochemical reactions which occur within pipe biofilms are utilised in order to characterise a series of chemical compounds that are associated with microorganisms that are believed to cause microbial influenced corrosion (MIC). This research was undertaken in order to determine if the metabolomic approach may be an improved way of understanding internal corrosion in water supply networks. This concept is demonstrated experimentally by subjecting household copper pipes to bacteria believed to cause MIC in a controlled study. The metabolites which resulted from the microbial corrosion activity were extracted from the body of water, separated and identified using conventional analytical chemistry techniques. It was found by using chemometric analytical data methods that the samples could be differentiated by the metabolites that they excrete and the substrates that they consume, and hence the presence of organisms which are believed to influence corrosion could be inferred. This approach to understanding internal pipe degradation may allow water utilities to identify potential areas within water supply networks that are susceptible to internal corrosion. Sponsored by

Supported by

Metabolomic Footprinting and MIC within Water Supply Networks David Beale, CSIRO Land and Water, Australia This paper considers the unique chemical signature that corrosion inducing microbial cellular

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


ACA Symposium Report

biomass growth; the interactive nature of the biomass within the matrix; and the final states of stabilization or destruction of the matrix and associated biomass. Critical to the MIC corrosive process is the form and function of the associated attached active biomass interacting with the surfaces of the potentially vulnerable matrix. Three investigative stages are described to allow investigation of the role that biomass plays in the development and functioning of corrosion. MIC processes have been observed using this three phased investigative approach and examples of investigations conducted are described including the corrosion of steels on the RMS Titanic associable with bio-concretions (rusticles); ochrous biofilm formation on steel coupons under laboratory and field conditions; above mud-line bio-preservation of wooden hulled vessels sunk in the nineteenth century; plugging and corrosion of fire sprinkler systems; and the impact of MIC on concretes.

to availability and safety of plant and equipment and has been extensively studied since its identification around 1910. MIC is an important materials degradation issue in food processing, power generation, water and waste water treatment, shipping and marine structures, pulp and paper, oil and gas, and other industries. Wherever water is used in industry the aqueous phase can become contaminated with micro-organisms and can provide an environment that supports biofilm formation on metal surfaces. Some strains of micro-organisms that exist in the biofilms can initiate and propagate biodeterioration of engineering materials such as steel, galvanised steel, stainless steels, copper and copper alloys. The financial and operational consequences of MIC becoming established in industrial water handling systems are significant. The paper describes a selection of recent case studies involving corrosion of engineering materials due to MIC. The identification and mitigation of MIC on engineering materials is outlined.

Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion– Case Studies Les Boulton, Les Boulton & Associates, New Zealand

Steel Pile MIC Management in Newcastle Port Warren Green, Vinsi Partners, Australia

Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) is a form of biodeterioration of materials that has been widely encountered in many industries for decades. Microbial corrosion has been recognised as a serious threat

Newcastle Port Corporation (NPC) has a number of steel piled wharf, berth and jetty structures in Newcastle Harbour, NSW. The types of steel piles include tubular, H-section and sheet. In the past the

rate of corrosion of steel piles in Newcastle Harbour has been so low that corrosion protection methods have not always been necessary. About 4 years ago NPC maintenance staff observed “bright-orange” localised corrosion of steel piles around the low water level, within the lower half of the tidal zone and in some instances extending to inwater sections. The “bright orange” build-up at or near low tide is of the characteristic appearance of accelerated low water corrosion or ALWC. The “bright orange” localised corrosion evident to the below water pile sections is assumed to be microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC). The ALWC and MIC has lead to perforations of some piles. This paper outlines the findings of inspections and diver surveys of piles, the extent of occurrence of ALWC and MIC and details the remediation strategies that are being adopted to manage MIC on NPC steel piled wharf, berth and jetty structures. Structural pile repairs have been necessary to one berth structure due to MIC and details of the rectification works required are provided. Prior to the onset of MIC, the steel piles of one NPC wharf structure were wrapped with a petrolatum-based system. The performance of this system against MIC is raised. The protective performance of cathodic protection (impressed current and galvanic) against MIC on other steel piled structures in Newcastle Harbour is also discussed.

Biocorrosion in the Mining Industry ... Big Tanks and Big Pipes Peter Farinha, Extrin Consultants, Australia In Australia, particularly the mining states of Queensland and Western Australia, the production of mineral resources is a significant contributor to the state's Gross Domestic Product. The production of aluminium, coal, copper, gold, iron ore, nickel, alumina and other metallic ores are all subject to corrosion processes. Some processes, such as the production of titanium dioxide, are really corrosion processes in a controlled environment. Nevertheless, the harsh and aggressive operational conditions can also enhance corrosion and the use of hyper saline bore water in the Eastern goldfields in Western Australia is a prime example of a naturally inoculated microbially mixed environment. A selection of case studies are presented for carbon steel, galvanised steel, a high chromium iron alloy (3CR12) and rubber, where microbial activity was the prime deterioration mechanism. Some case studies are included to show that bacteria are implicated in many corrosion failures of critical mine site assets including tankage (the perforation of Carbon in Leach tanks in the gold industry), the deterioration of large rubber lined process equipment, the deterioration of process cooling towers and the premature failure of stainless steel Reverse Osmosis water lines. This paper comments on some of the mechanisms of MIC, the predominant causative organisms, the diversity of susceptible materials observed and the likely consequences to production. Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion in Maritime Vessels Scott Wade, Swinburne University, Australia

Les Boulton leads the open forum discussions.

32 Corrosion & Materials

MIC Symposium speakers: Back Row (left to right): Robert Jeffrey, Roy Cullimore, Rob Melchers, Peter Farinha, Brenda Little, Howard Fallowfield, Les Boulton and David Beale. Front Row (left to right): Warren Green, Scott Wade and ACA President Ian MacLeod.

The environmental conditions in many locations on board maritime vessels can favour the proliferation of micro-organisms associated with microbiologically influenced

corrosion (MIC). This paper will broadly review the internal and external environments for ships and submarines and provide several case histories of MIC in maritime vessels, both merchant marine and naval. The main focus will be consideration of the various complementary approaches required to unequivocally diagnose the presence of MIC, possibly in the presence of alternative corrosion mechanisms, and then to categorise and quantify the microbiological species present. Particular consideration is given to diagnosis that is applicable to field testing, as well as techniques that are more suitable for confirmatory laboratory based testing. Quick but accurate diagnosis is essential on maritime vessels and in shipyards where maintenance activity must be tightly scheduled and controlled, to control costs and to maximise availability. The paper also considers developments in MIC sensors, for monitoring vulnerable regions of maritime vessels, and providing early warning of the risk or onset of MIC so that preventative maintenance activity can be better scheduled. This is part of an industry move towards Condition Based Maintenance, and is equally applicable to minimising the effects of MIC on shore-based infrastructure. Finally, a brief survey of possible mitigation techniques to reduce the propensity or severity of MIC is discussed. Overall the paper considers the diagnosis, measuring and monitoring of MIC in maritime vessels from a pragmatic, operator-based viewpoint, allowing future integration with mitigation strategies that are aimed to minimise the impact on through-life costs of maintenance and repair, while maximising operator availability.

processes leave behind. This type of scientific study, otherwise known as metabolomics, is proposed as a tool for the management of water supply networks. The metabolites from a range of physico-biochemical reactions which occur within pipe biofilms are utilised in order to characterise a series of chemical compounds that are associated with microorganisms that are believed to cause microbial influenced corrosion (MIC). This research was undertaken in order to determine if the metabolomic approach may be an improved way of understanding internal corrosion in water supply networks. This concept is demonstrated experimentally by subjecting household copper pipes to bacteria believed to cause MIC in a controlled study. The metabolites which resulted from the microbial corrosion activity were extracted from the body of water, separated and identified using conventional analytical chemistry techniques. It was found by using chemometric analytical data methods that the samples could be differentiated by the metabolites that they excrete and the substrates that they consume, and hence the presence of organisms which are believed to influence corrosion could be inferred. This approach to understanding internal pipe degradation may allow water utilities to identify potential areas within water supply networks that are susceptible to internal corrosion. Sponsored by

Supported by

Metabolomic Footprinting and MIC within Water Supply Networks David Beale, CSIRO Land and Water, Australia This paper considers the unique chemical signature that corrosion inducing microbial cellular

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


University Profile Corrosion Research at Curtin University of Technology The Corrosion Centre for Education Research and Technology (CorrCERT) has been conducting high quality research and providing expert consultancy services to oil and gas industry for the past 20 years. The Centre’s services are diverse and catch the attention of many local and foreign companies. It is well known that industry will focus on practical problems and continue to encourage top quality researchers to find the optimal solutions. With this broader perspective in mind, Corr – CERT has jointly developed industrial projects in collaboration with some of the leading companies like Chevron Australia Pty Ltd and Woodside Energy Ltd under the banner of the Western Australian Energy Research Alliance (WA:ERA). The Centre’s research laboratory is well equipped with modern equipment facilities and is dedicated to maintain a high standard of customer service. The laboratory conducts testing as per ASTM, ISO, Australian and NACE standards and also looking forward to achieving NATA accreditation in the near future. At present, the CorrCERT is located within the Resources and Chemistry Precinct and the Department of Chemistry. The Centre is also active in corrosion education. The newly launched Graduate Certificate in Corrosion Engineering is the first in a series

of post-graduate courses Curtin University will offer to meet growing industry demand for qualified corrosion engineers and quality research in this field. The online Graduate Certificate in Corrosion Engineering program is tailored to industry needs – specifically the energy and resource industries – and can be undertaken while working as there are no requirements to attend classes at the university. It is available to Australian and internationally based students and is the only one of its kind in the southern hemisphere. The Centre has close ties with leading corrosion associations. For example, we are member of the ACA Technical Group Steering Committee: petroleum & chemical process industries, and are proud to be corporate members of the ACA and NACE International. Furthermore, Corr-CERT students who are also ACA members, are active in organising with the ACA Young Professionals an event in conjunction of the 18th ICC in Perth, which is targeted towards highschool-, undergraduate- and postgraduate students.

Core Competencies

Corr-CERT is actively involved in R&D activities related to oil & gas field

corrosion. Some major thrust areas of research are as follows: Corrosion Inhibitor Research The Corr-CERT has developed special expertise to validate specific Corrosion Inhibitor (CI) test procedures and protocols and also performs standard analytical tests for investigating and evaluating their performance, not only for the oil and gas industry, but also for cooling systems (automotive and industrial). Top-of the-line Corrosion (TOL) This is one of the critical obstacles associated during the transportation of wet gas. TOL corrosion occurs when the water vapour within the gas mixture gets condensed on the upper portion of the internal pipe wall. This problem can’t be treated by conventional methods like continuous injecting of corrosion inhibitors at regular intervals. To reduce the intensity of this problem, the CorrCERT has tried to develop a reliable method to simulate TOL corrosion in the laboratory. Initial test methods are used to develop corrosion inhibitors ability to provide protection via batch treatment or through the action of volatile compounds. Under Deposit Corrosion The oil and gas industry is often faced with under deposit corrosion when solid particles get

accumulated in the pipeline and result in severe localised corrosion. At present, the Corr-CERT is conducting research to understand the mechanism of under deposit corrosion. Once completed, this study will be very useful to oil and gas industry to develop the superior and suitable corrosion inhibitor formulations. Sour Service Research The presence of hydrogen sulphide (H2 S) in oil and gas reserves creates severe problems to control corrosion. Corr-CERT will move at the end of 2011 to a new laboratory that enables the centre to study the unique problems induced by hydrogen sulphide. Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Corr-CERT has in the recent years developed significant capabilities in studying Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) phenomena in close collaboration with A/Prof Elizabeth Watkin (School of Biomedical Sciences), who has significantly contributed to the advancement of bioleaching of mineral ores processes. Through technology and knowledge transfers, the centre is able to put a new spin on the MIC mechanisms. Furthermore, the centre is working closely together with Dr. Maneesha Ginige and Dr. Anna Kasksonen, both from CSIRO, Land and Water, who contribute with their expertise and equipment to the success of our research programs. Coatings Research The centre has significant capabilities in coatings research and testing. Recent projects included the evaluation of internal flow-coatings for dry-gas flow lines

In-House Facilities

Crevice corrosion testing of corrosion resistant alloys in simulated mine process conditions.

34 Corrosion & Materials

Curtin research staff and students.

High pressure, high temperature SS316L Autoclaves.

The Corr-CERT’s research laboratory is well equipped with modern scientific equipment. Some of these facilities include Wheel & Rotoclave Ovens, Pine Rotators, High pressure/ High temperature autoclaves,

Electrochemical test cells, Optical 3D-microscope (Infinite Focus), JetImpingement cells for high pressure and high temperature work, Computer controlled potentiostats and impendance analysers. Furthermore, climatic chambers, coatings research equipment (thickness gauges, hardness meters, indentation devices, holiday detectors, etc.) and mechanical testing equipment complete the set of equipment available in the Centre’s laboratory. The Centre’s research facilities are further enhanced with an access to hi-tech facilities like Electron Microscopes, Atomic Force Microscopy, Atomic Absorption, Differential Scanning Calorimeters, GC and HPLC from the Department of Chemistry. Through the Centre of Materials Research, under the leadership of Prof Arie van Riessen, the centre has access to XRD and XRF spectrophotometers and Mass Spectrometers. Furthermore, computational modelling facilities are available through A/Prof Visnu Pareek and Prof Moses Tade, School of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering.

Corrosion Researchers The corrosion team includes:

Prof. Rolf Gubner Prof. Rolf Gubner is the Director of the Corrosion Centre for Education, Research and Technology and the inaugural Chevron-Woodside Chair in Corrosion Engineering. He is responsible for the academic development, project management, execution of government and industry sponsored projects and leadership of the group. His current research focus covers Microbially Induced Corrosion (MIC), underdeposit- and top-of-line corrosion (inhibition) and the study of organic and inorganic coatings for the marine and offshore environment. He is also responsible for the assessment and development of corrosion inhibitors for the offshore environment.

Dr. Stuart Bailey Dr. Stuart Bailey is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry. He has done extensive research work in the areas of electro chemistry, mineral chemistry and corrosion. His expertise includes localised electrochemical methods, the influence of corrosion product scales on corrosion rates, marine corrosion, and corrosion inhibition. Dr. Katerina Lepkova Dr Lepkova is an experienced corrosion chemist with the corrosion centre. She has worked on electrochemical and surface characterisation techniques like TEM and XPS. At present, she is working on the investigations of under deposit corrosion and is successful in developing novel methods using synchrotron FAR- IR and XPS for its application in studying the interaction of corrosion inhibitor molecules with metal surfaces. Dr. Devendra Wasnik Dr. Devendra Wasnik is an experienced corrosion chemist. His major research activities include study of materials performance in H2S, CO2 and in acidic and alkaline environment at different temperature and pressure, mechanical and corrosion study of ferrous material and its characterisation by using advanced techniques like XRD, SEM, TEM, OIM and DSC. Currently, he is working on electrochemical study of corrosion resistant alloys in simulated well environment by using jet impingement.

Industry Support

Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Chevron and Woodside, which established the Chevron-Woodside Chair in Corrosion Engineering at Curtin University, the centre has steadily grown and developed towards more corrosion engineering focused projects, as the centre is providing technical services and in-house training to sponsors.

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


University Profile Corrosion Research at Curtin University of Technology The Corrosion Centre for Education Research and Technology (CorrCERT) has been conducting high quality research and providing expert consultancy services to oil and gas industry for the past 20 years. The Centre’s services are diverse and catch the attention of many local and foreign companies. It is well known that industry will focus on practical problems and continue to encourage top quality researchers to find the optimal solutions. With this broader perspective in mind, Corr – CERT has jointly developed industrial projects in collaboration with some of the leading companies like Chevron Australia Pty Ltd and Woodside Energy Ltd under the banner of the Western Australian Energy Research Alliance (WA:ERA). The Centre’s research laboratory is well equipped with modern equipment facilities and is dedicated to maintain a high standard of customer service. The laboratory conducts testing as per ASTM, ISO, Australian and NACE standards and also looking forward to achieving NATA accreditation in the near future. At present, the CorrCERT is located within the Resources and Chemistry Precinct and the Department of Chemistry. The Centre is also active in corrosion education. The newly launched Graduate Certificate in Corrosion Engineering is the first in a series

of post-graduate courses Curtin University will offer to meet growing industry demand for qualified corrosion engineers and quality research in this field. The online Graduate Certificate in Corrosion Engineering program is tailored to industry needs – specifically the energy and resource industries – and can be undertaken while working as there are no requirements to attend classes at the university. It is available to Australian and internationally based students and is the only one of its kind in the southern hemisphere. The Centre has close ties with leading corrosion associations. For example, we are member of the ACA Technical Group Steering Committee: petroleum & chemical process industries, and are proud to be corporate members of the ACA and NACE International. Furthermore, Corr-CERT students who are also ACA members, are active in organising with the ACA Young Professionals an event in conjunction of the 18th ICC in Perth, which is targeted towards highschool-, undergraduate- and postgraduate students.

Core Competencies

Corr-CERT is actively involved in R&D activities related to oil & gas field

corrosion. Some major thrust areas of research are as follows: Corrosion Inhibitor Research The Corr-CERT has developed special expertise to validate specific Corrosion Inhibitor (CI) test procedures and protocols and also performs standard analytical tests for investigating and evaluating their performance, not only for the oil and gas industry, but also for cooling systems (automotive and industrial). Top-of the-line Corrosion (TOL) This is one of the critical obstacles associated during the transportation of wet gas. TOL corrosion occurs when the water vapour within the gas mixture gets condensed on the upper portion of the internal pipe wall. This problem can’t be treated by conventional methods like continuous injecting of corrosion inhibitors at regular intervals. To reduce the intensity of this problem, the CorrCERT has tried to develop a reliable method to simulate TOL corrosion in the laboratory. Initial test methods are used to develop corrosion inhibitors ability to provide protection via batch treatment or through the action of volatile compounds. Under Deposit Corrosion The oil and gas industry is often faced with under deposit corrosion when solid particles get

accumulated in the pipeline and result in severe localised corrosion. At present, the Corr-CERT is conducting research to understand the mechanism of under deposit corrosion. Once completed, this study will be very useful to oil and gas industry to develop the superior and suitable corrosion inhibitor formulations. Sour Service Research The presence of hydrogen sulphide (H2 S) in oil and gas reserves creates severe problems to control corrosion. Corr-CERT will move at the end of 2011 to a new laboratory that enables the centre to study the unique problems induced by hydrogen sulphide. Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion Corr-CERT has in the recent years developed significant capabilities in studying Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) phenomena in close collaboration with A/Prof Elizabeth Watkin (School of Biomedical Sciences), who has significantly contributed to the advancement of bioleaching of mineral ores processes. Through technology and knowledge transfers, the centre is able to put a new spin on the MIC mechanisms. Furthermore, the centre is working closely together with Dr. Maneesha Ginige and Dr. Anna Kasksonen, both from CSIRO, Land and Water, who contribute with their expertise and equipment to the success of our research programs. Coatings Research The centre has significant capabilities in coatings research and testing. Recent projects included the evaluation of internal flow-coatings for dry-gas flow lines

In-House Facilities

Crevice corrosion testing of corrosion resistant alloys in simulated mine process conditions.

34 Corrosion & Materials

Curtin research staff and students.

High pressure, high temperature SS316L Autoclaves.

The Corr-CERT’s research laboratory is well equipped with modern scientific equipment. Some of these facilities include Wheel & Rotoclave Ovens, Pine Rotators, High pressure/ High temperature autoclaves,

Electrochemical test cells, Optical 3D-microscope (Infinite Focus), JetImpingement cells for high pressure and high temperature work, Computer controlled potentiostats and impendance analysers. Furthermore, climatic chambers, coatings research equipment (thickness gauges, hardness meters, indentation devices, holiday detectors, etc.) and mechanical testing equipment complete the set of equipment available in the Centre’s laboratory. The Centre’s research facilities are further enhanced with an access to hi-tech facilities like Electron Microscopes, Atomic Force Microscopy, Atomic Absorption, Differential Scanning Calorimeters, GC and HPLC from the Department of Chemistry. Through the Centre of Materials Research, under the leadership of Prof Arie van Riessen, the centre has access to XRD and XRF spectrophotometers and Mass Spectrometers. Furthermore, computational modelling facilities are available through A/Prof Visnu Pareek and Prof Moses Tade, School of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering.

Corrosion Researchers The corrosion team includes:

Prof. Rolf Gubner Prof. Rolf Gubner is the Director of the Corrosion Centre for Education, Research and Technology and the inaugural Chevron-Woodside Chair in Corrosion Engineering. He is responsible for the academic development, project management, execution of government and industry sponsored projects and leadership of the group. His current research focus covers Microbially Induced Corrosion (MIC), underdeposit- and top-of-line corrosion (inhibition) and the study of organic and inorganic coatings for the marine and offshore environment. He is also responsible for the assessment and development of corrosion inhibitors for the offshore environment.

Dr. Stuart Bailey Dr. Stuart Bailey is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry. He has done extensive research work in the areas of electro chemistry, mineral chemistry and corrosion. His expertise includes localised electrochemical methods, the influence of corrosion product scales on corrosion rates, marine corrosion, and corrosion inhibition. Dr. Katerina Lepkova Dr Lepkova is an experienced corrosion chemist with the corrosion centre. She has worked on electrochemical and surface characterisation techniques like TEM and XPS. At present, she is working on the investigations of under deposit corrosion and is successful in developing novel methods using synchrotron FAR- IR and XPS for its application in studying the interaction of corrosion inhibitor molecules with metal surfaces. Dr. Devendra Wasnik Dr. Devendra Wasnik is an experienced corrosion chemist. His major research activities include study of materials performance in H2S, CO2 and in acidic and alkaline environment at different temperature and pressure, mechanical and corrosion study of ferrous material and its characterisation by using advanced techniques like XRD, SEM, TEM, OIM and DSC. Currently, he is working on electrochemical study of corrosion resistant alloys in simulated well environment by using jet impingement.

Industry Support

Thanks to the generous sponsorship of Chevron and Woodside, which established the Chevron-Woodside Chair in Corrosion Engineering at Curtin University, the centre has steadily grown and developed towards more corrosion engineering focused projects, as the centre is providing technical services and in-house training to sponsors.

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Technical Note

University Profile

To mark this development, the centre will relocate at the end of the year to the School of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. This move will enable the centre to hold on tight on the existing Corrosion Science expertise, but at the same time to embrace the discipline of Corrosion Engineering more fully. Furthermore, together with our sponsors, we are now seeking to widen the industrial collaboration by seeking closer ties with not only other Oil & Gas producers, but also their suppliers, with the ultimate aim to find new and additional members to the Technical Steering Committee that steers the direction of Corr-CERT. Chevron Chevron is one of the world’s leading integrated energy companies and through its Australian subsidiaries, has been present in Australia for almost 60 years. Safety has been a focus at Chevron for a long time. We are proud that the company’s days-away-from-work injury rate is globally, among the best in the industry. Our core value of protecting our people means we safely produced more than 315 million barrels of oil on Barrow Island and delivered more than $1 billion in revenue to the WA government. Safety is a part of the value system and culture at Chevron. We’ve turned words on a page into the daily actions of our workforce. Our workforce believes that incidents are preventable and they behave accordingly. We’ve accomplished this through leadership, setting high expectations, giving people the tools and processes to manage operational risks, auditing for compliance, and then holding people accountable for their actions and results.

36 Corrosion & Materials

We are leading the development of the Gorgon and Wheatstone natural gas projects, we manage an equal one-sixth interest in the North West Shelf Venture, we are a participant in the proposed Browse LNG Development and operate Australia’s largest onshore oilfield on Barrow Island and the Thevenard Island oilfields. In 2007, Chevron’s Energy Technology Company opened a Global Technology Centre in Perth to provide research, development and technical services to Chevron’s worldwide operations. We are also proud of our environmental record on Barrow Island and are committed to maintaining the island’s biodiversity and conservation values.

Woodside Woodside is the biggest operator of oil and gas production in Australia. We are Australia’s largest independent dedicated oil and gas company. Throughout Woodside’s 57-year history we have strived for excellence in our safety and environmental performance and we aim to ensure that wherever we operate, the community benefits from our presence. Woodside produces around 700,000 barrels of oil equivalent each day from an extensive portfolio of facilities which we operate on behalf of some of the world’s major oil and gas companies. Our operated facilities* include six liquefied natural gas trains, four offshore platforms and four oil floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels. To build them today would cost more than $70 billion. We are the most active exploration company in the deepwater provinces of Australia, having participated in

around 40% of Australia’s deepwater exploration wells, including Alaric, Australia’s deepest water-depth exploration well (water depth of 1,961 m). We have been operating our landmark Australian project, the North West Shelf, for more than 25 years and it remains one of the world’s premier LNG facilities. Woodside is one of the world’s largest non-government operators of LNG plants. The natural gas we produce and market helps meet the demand for cleaner energy from our customer countries, including Australia, Japan, China, Korea and other countries in the Asia Pacific region. Our international assets include a revenue stream from Algeria, deepwater production facilities in the USA Gulf of Mexico plus exploration acreage in the USA, Brazil, Peru and South Korea. In 2012 Woodside will begin production from the Pluto LNG Project. At full capacity it will add more than 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day to our operated production. We are seeking to expand the Pluto facilities and build new standalone projects including our Browse and Sunrise LNG developments. Through the depth of our experience, the capability of our people, and our strong relationships with customers, co-venturers, governments and communities, we seek to be the partner of choice. Contact details Prof. Rolf Gubner Chevron-Woodside Chair in Corrosion Engineering Corrosion Centre for Education Research and Technology Department of Applied Chemistry Curtin University Bentley, Western Australia 6102 P: +61 8 9266 7272 F: +61 8 9266 2300 Email:

Dehumidification Equipment Selection Refrigeration or Desiccant? As we move into the spring months, your choice of dehumidification equipment changes. While you had needed additional heat in winter, your project may soon need cooling. The performance of the dehumidifier is also greatly impacted by the changing dry bulb and dew point temperature. Where desiccant dehumidifiers were used, we now might consider refrigeration type dehumidifiers.

Refrigeration type dehumidifiers These units are much like the air conditioner at your house. The coil on your air conditioner has a condensate line that is constantly dripping while the unit runs. This is the water that the air conditioner is removing from the air. Industrial refrigeration type dehumidifiers work on the same principle. By lowering the air temperature (dry bulb temperature) to a point that is lower than the dew point temperature, they “squeeze” the water out of the air passing over the coil. The water, with no place to go, condenses on the coils, runs down to the drip pan and out the condensate line. The air leaving the unit is colder, but also drier than what entered. By drier, we mean a lower dew point temperature. The relative humidity is near 100% leaving a refrigeration dehumidifier. This is why in some applications; we actually re-heat the air to lower the relative humidity. It may sound a little ridiculous, but this is how a refrigeration dehumidifier works. You cool the air past the dew point temperature then warm it up again to lower the RH. This is an effective and very valid method, in warm, wet climates. When temperatures cool, however, these units become less effective. If the coils reach temperatures

below freezing point, they begin to ice up, restricting air flow. Eventually, they must be defrosted. There have been various advances in this technology to minimise this phenomenon, but there is little that can be done to consistently deliver dew point temperatures much lower than 4 degrees C with refrigeration equipment. Consider a tank coating project where you are trying to preserve the blasted steel. It is commonly agreed that to do this, you need to maintain the dew point temperature at a level at least 8.5 degrees C below the steel surface temperature. If the best your refrigeration type dehumidifier can do is to deliver air at a 4.5 degree C dew point, with limited infiltration, you might be able to maintain a 7 degree dew point in the tank. This would mean that your surface temperature had better remain above 15.5 degrees C at night (8.5 plus 7). So in the real world, we believe refrigeration should only be used when surface temperatures are expected to remain above 18.5 degrees C to ensure the 3 degree C margin can be maintained. Break this rule and you are at serious risk of the blast turning.

In order for the desiccant to begin attracting moisture after it was heated, the material must first cool down. This is why these units work much better in cooler climates or if the air is pre-cooled. There is also significant heat generated in the adsorbing process. The supplemental heat can add to already uncomfortable working conditions in summer or provide more comfortable conditions in winter. Desiccant dehumidifiers will effectively remove large quantities of moisture at all temperatures, but performance is enhanced in lower dry bulb temperatures.

Bottom line As temperatures cool in the autumn months, consider using desiccant dehumidifiers and putting the refrigeration equipment up for the winter. If you are preserving blasted steel, watch your surface temperatures and don’t use refrigeration type equipment when surface temperatures drop below 18.5 degrees C. David Dawson National Sales & Operations Manager Dehumidification Technologies

Desiccant dehumidifiers Using a material like silica gel, (similar to the pouch of desiccant that comes in a new pair of Nikes or camera case) the desiccant dehumidifier causes the moisture to be attracted (adsorbed) to a large silica gel impregnated wheel or rotor in the air stream. This wheel slowly rotates through another chamber where a heated airstream heats up the desiccant causing it to release the moisture back into the atmosphere. The continuous process allows the air stream going into the tank or space to be constantly exposed to the dry desiccant, resulting in a very effective removal of moisture.

25 Ton 10,000CFM Refrigeration Style Dehumidifier.

3500 CFM Desiccant Style Dehumidifier.

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Technical Note

University Profile

To mark this development, the centre will relocate at the end of the year to the School of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. This move will enable the centre to hold on tight on the existing Corrosion Science expertise, but at the same time to embrace the discipline of Corrosion Engineering more fully. Furthermore, together with our sponsors, we are now seeking to widen the industrial collaboration by seeking closer ties with not only other Oil & Gas producers, but also their suppliers, with the ultimate aim to find new and additional members to the Technical Steering Committee that steers the direction of Corr-CERT. Chevron Chevron is one of the world’s leading integrated energy companies and through its Australian subsidiaries, has been present in Australia for almost 60 years. Safety has been a focus at Chevron for a long time. We are proud that the company’s days-away-from-work injury rate is globally, among the best in the industry. Our core value of protecting our people means we safely produced more than 315 million barrels of oil on Barrow Island and delivered more than $1 billion in revenue to the WA government. Safety is a part of the value system and culture at Chevron. We’ve turned words on a page into the daily actions of our workforce. Our workforce believes that incidents are preventable and they behave accordingly. We’ve accomplished this through leadership, setting high expectations, giving people the tools and processes to manage operational risks, auditing for compliance, and then holding people accountable for their actions and results.

36 Corrosion & Materials

We are leading the development of the Gorgon and Wheatstone natural gas projects, we manage an equal one-sixth interest in the North West Shelf Venture, we are a participant in the proposed Browse LNG Development and operate Australia’s largest onshore oilfield on Barrow Island and the Thevenard Island oilfields. In 2007, Chevron’s Energy Technology Company opened a Global Technology Centre in Perth to provide research, development and technical services to Chevron’s worldwide operations. We are also proud of our environmental record on Barrow Island and are committed to maintaining the island’s biodiversity and conservation values.

Woodside Woodside is the biggest operator of oil and gas production in Australia. We are Australia’s largest independent dedicated oil and gas company. Throughout Woodside’s 57-year history we have strived for excellence in our safety and environmental performance and we aim to ensure that wherever we operate, the community benefits from our presence. Woodside produces around 700,000 barrels of oil equivalent each day from an extensive portfolio of facilities which we operate on behalf of some of the world’s major oil and gas companies. Our operated facilities* include six liquefied natural gas trains, four offshore platforms and four oil floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels. To build them today would cost more than $70 billion. We are the most active exploration company in the deepwater provinces of Australia, having participated in

around 40% of Australia’s deepwater exploration wells, including Alaric, Australia’s deepest water-depth exploration well (water depth of 1,961 m). We have been operating our landmark Australian project, the North West Shelf, for more than 25 years and it remains one of the world’s premier LNG facilities. Woodside is one of the world’s largest non-government operators of LNG plants. The natural gas we produce and market helps meet the demand for cleaner energy from our customer countries, including Australia, Japan, China, Korea and other countries in the Asia Pacific region. Our international assets include a revenue stream from Algeria, deepwater production facilities in the USA Gulf of Mexico plus exploration acreage in the USA, Brazil, Peru and South Korea. In 2012 Woodside will begin production from the Pluto LNG Project. At full capacity it will add more than 100,000 barrels of oil equivalent a day to our operated production. We are seeking to expand the Pluto facilities and build new standalone projects including our Browse and Sunrise LNG developments. Through the depth of our experience, the capability of our people, and our strong relationships with customers, co-venturers, governments and communities, we seek to be the partner of choice. Contact details Prof. Rolf Gubner Chevron-Woodside Chair in Corrosion Engineering Corrosion Centre for Education Research and Technology Department of Applied Chemistry Curtin University Bentley, Western Australia 6102 P: +61 8 9266 7272 F: +61 8 9266 2300 Email:

Dehumidification Equipment Selection Refrigeration or Desiccant? As we move into the spring months, your choice of dehumidification equipment changes. While you had needed additional heat in winter, your project may soon need cooling. The performance of the dehumidifier is also greatly impacted by the changing dry bulb and dew point temperature. Where desiccant dehumidifiers were used, we now might consider refrigeration type dehumidifiers.

Refrigeration type dehumidifiers These units are much like the air conditioner at your house. The coil on your air conditioner has a condensate line that is constantly dripping while the unit runs. This is the water that the air conditioner is removing from the air. Industrial refrigeration type dehumidifiers work on the same principle. By lowering the air temperature (dry bulb temperature) to a point that is lower than the dew point temperature, they “squeeze” the water out of the air passing over the coil. The water, with no place to go, condenses on the coils, runs down to the drip pan and out the condensate line. The air leaving the unit is colder, but also drier than what entered. By drier, we mean a lower dew point temperature. The relative humidity is near 100% leaving a refrigeration dehumidifier. This is why in some applications; we actually re-heat the air to lower the relative humidity. It may sound a little ridiculous, but this is how a refrigeration dehumidifier works. You cool the air past the dew point temperature then warm it up again to lower the RH. This is an effective and very valid method, in warm, wet climates. When temperatures cool, however, these units become less effective. If the coils reach temperatures

below freezing point, they begin to ice up, restricting air flow. Eventually, they must be defrosted. There have been various advances in this technology to minimise this phenomenon, but there is little that can be done to consistently deliver dew point temperatures much lower than 4 degrees C with refrigeration equipment. Consider a tank coating project where you are trying to preserve the blasted steel. It is commonly agreed that to do this, you need to maintain the dew point temperature at a level at least 8.5 degrees C below the steel surface temperature. If the best your refrigeration type dehumidifier can do is to deliver air at a 4.5 degree C dew point, with limited infiltration, you might be able to maintain a 7 degree dew point in the tank. This would mean that your surface temperature had better remain above 15.5 degrees C at night (8.5 plus 7). So in the real world, we believe refrigeration should only be used when surface temperatures are expected to remain above 18.5 degrees C to ensure the 3 degree C margin can be maintained. Break this rule and you are at serious risk of the blast turning.

In order for the desiccant to begin attracting moisture after it was heated, the material must first cool down. This is why these units work much better in cooler climates or if the air is pre-cooled. There is also significant heat generated in the adsorbing process. The supplemental heat can add to already uncomfortable working conditions in summer or provide more comfortable conditions in winter. Desiccant dehumidifiers will effectively remove large quantities of moisture at all temperatures, but performance is enhanced in lower dry bulb temperatures.

Bottom line As temperatures cool in the autumn months, consider using desiccant dehumidifiers and putting the refrigeration equipment up for the winter. If you are preserving blasted steel, watch your surface temperatures and don’t use refrigeration type equipment when surface temperatures drop below 18.5 degrees C. David Dawson National Sales & Operations Manager Dehumidification Technologies

Desiccant dehumidifiers Using a material like silica gel, (similar to the pouch of desiccant that comes in a new pair of Nikes or camera case) the desiccant dehumidifier causes the moisture to be attracted (adsorbed) to a large silica gel impregnated wheel or rotor in the air stream. This wheel slowly rotates through another chamber where a heated airstream heats up the desiccant causing it to release the moisture back into the atmosphere. The continuous process allows the air stream going into the tank or space to be constantly exposed to the dry desiccant, resulting in a very effective removal of moisture.

25 Ton 10,000CFM Refrigeration Style Dehumidifier.

3500 CFM Desiccant Style Dehumidifier.

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Offshore cathodic protection anode retrofitting SVT Engineering Consultants (SVT), working in a challenging marine environment, designed a cathodic protection solution to a potentially expensive problem. PTTEP Australasia (formerly Coogee Resources) until the end of 2010 operated two Floating Production, Storage and Offload Facilities (FPSOs) located in the Timor Sea. The Challis Venture and the Jabiru Venture were located approximately 650 km off-shore west of Darwin. Onshore logistical support was based in Darwin and supplemented with a Perth-based engineering support and administration team. FPSO’s These facilities are usually ex-tankers converted for the processing of hydrocarbons through a process unit on deck. Product is stored in tanks below deck and offloaded to shuttle tankers at regular intervals. FPSOs are cheaper and easier to install than fixed platforms and do not require local pipeline infrastructure to export oil back to shore.

FPSO Challis Venture.

The operation and function of an FPSO is different from a normal tanker in the following ways: it is moored in one offshore location for long periods of time; regular dry-docking may not always be possible; and unlike other shipping, the external corrosion protection systems can be interfered with by offload piping, risers, mooring lines and turret structures being in close proximity to the hull. Cathodic Protection Systems The National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority (the governing body for offshore Oil and Gas production in Australia) and the Classification Societies (in the case of PTTEP - Lloyd’s Register) regulate the operation of these vessels. They both require that the facility operator have a robust and comprehensive corrosion management plan in place that ensures the integrity and protection of the hull against corrosion.

During construction, both FPSOs had cathodic protection systems installed. These were forward and aft transformer rectifier units: Challis Venture : 1 x 350 A (forward) and 1 x 350 A (aft) Jabiru Venture: 1 x 100 A (forward) and 1 x 450 A (aft) SVT carried out a site review of the cathodic protection systems and the effectiveness of protection being provided. In both cases, these systems were found to be functioning, but were nearing the end of their service life as several of the hull mounted impressed current anodes had failed. Anode Replacement Both FPSO facilities were nearing decommissioning and a cost effective solution was essential given their limited life expectancy. SVT’s Corrosion & Materials group was asked to provide an innovative and economical method of anode replacement.

Process deck - FPSO Jabirru Venture.

SVT first reviewed the various options and methods of installation in conjunction with the PTTEP engineering team. The anode replacement review considered essential criteria: installation requirements (based on the isolation of the facilities); anode output capacity; cyclone resistance; the event of the FPSO being disconnected from the turret and moving (a possibility due to cyclonic activity); and ability to move with the FPSO as it swings with the prevailing winds around the riser/turret. The review considered the following options for repair: 1. Replacement Hull Mounted Anodes To replace the existing hull-mounted anodes (as originally installed) would require the mobilisation of a dive crew of four to five men, plus all equipment, to the facility. This would have resulted in a significant associated cost, significantly above that of the anode elements. In addition to the anode replacement, for this option the dielectric shield previously applied would also have had to be reinstated underwater. This shield consists of a thick epoxy

38 Corrosion & Materials

Suspended anode being installed.

material, up to 1 m in radius around the anodes. This would have added a significant increased cost due to the extended dive time. This option was therefore eliminated on cost grounds. 2. Remote Sled Anodes To install remote sled anodes would have required the mobilisation of a vessel and the support of a ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle). These anode sleds are placed on the sea floor and feeder cables deployed from the anode sleds to the transformer rectifier units within the FPSOs. There was concern that feed cables could potentially foul the transfer hose used to offload from the FPSO to oil tankers. An additional concern was that if the FPSO was disconnected from the turret and moved (due to bad weather) the anode sleds would have had to be abandoned. This option was also rejected. 3. Suspended Anodes SVT’s solution was to design and install innovative suspended anodes as the most cost effective option. The added benefit of this arrangement was that site personnel could carry out a large portion of the installation work fitted in around existing maintenance tasks. The cantilevered suspended anode system design also eliminated the need to mobilise either a diving crew or ROV to site. The anodes were also designed to be retrievable and installed so that the normal

Typical suspended anode.

maximum roll of the FPSO would not cause contact of the anode/cable with the hull. Two anodes were installed at the stern of the Challis Venture and two anodes were installed at the forward of the Jabiru Venture, the locations being chosen to be similar to that of the failed anodes. The anodes were connected to the existing transformer rectifiers (TR) and all the original anodes disconnected from that TR. All anodes were lead-silver alloy and the location were selected to replace the depleted anodes. Results Potential measurements during the commissioning of the retrofitted anodes indicated that both FPSO hulls achieved adequate protection levels. Further reports from the FPSOs indicated that the anodes continued operating at the preset output current, and adequate protection levels were maintained until the Jabiru Venture and Challis Venture were decommissioned at the end of 2010. This cantilevered suspended anode system proved to be an inventive and cost effective measure to extend the life of an FPSO cathodic protection system. Where vessels are not able to be dry docked for extended periods, this could provide a temporary solution that is both flexible and cost-effective.

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Offshore cathodic protection anode retrofitting SVT Engineering Consultants (SVT), working in a challenging marine environment, designed a cathodic protection solution to a potentially expensive problem. PTTEP Australasia (formerly Coogee Resources) until the end of 2010 operated two Floating Production, Storage and Offload Facilities (FPSOs) located in the Timor Sea. The Challis Venture and the Jabiru Venture were located approximately 650 km off-shore west of Darwin. Onshore logistical support was based in Darwin and supplemented with a Perth-based engineering support and administration team. FPSO’s These facilities are usually ex-tankers converted for the processing of hydrocarbons through a process unit on deck. Product is stored in tanks below deck and offloaded to shuttle tankers at regular intervals. FPSOs are cheaper and easier to install than fixed platforms and do not require local pipeline infrastructure to export oil back to shore.

FPSO Challis Venture.

The operation and function of an FPSO is different from a normal tanker in the following ways: it is moored in one offshore location for long periods of time; regular dry-docking may not always be possible; and unlike other shipping, the external corrosion protection systems can be interfered with by offload piping, risers, mooring lines and turret structures being in close proximity to the hull. Cathodic Protection Systems The National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority (the governing body for offshore Oil and Gas production in Australia) and the Classification Societies (in the case of PTTEP - Lloyd’s Register) regulate the operation of these vessels. They both require that the facility operator have a robust and comprehensive corrosion management plan in place that ensures the integrity and protection of the hull against corrosion.

During construction, both FPSOs had cathodic protection systems installed. These were forward and aft transformer rectifier units: Challis Venture : 1 x 350 A (forward) and 1 x 350 A (aft) Jabiru Venture: 1 x 100 A (forward) and 1 x 450 A (aft) SVT carried out a site review of the cathodic protection systems and the effectiveness of protection being provided. In both cases, these systems were found to be functioning, but were nearing the end of their service life as several of the hull mounted impressed current anodes had failed. Anode Replacement Both FPSO facilities were nearing decommissioning and a cost effective solution was essential given their limited life expectancy. SVT’s Corrosion & Materials group was asked to provide an innovative and economical method of anode replacement.

Process deck - FPSO Jabirru Venture.

SVT first reviewed the various options and methods of installation in conjunction with the PTTEP engineering team. The anode replacement review considered essential criteria: installation requirements (based on the isolation of the facilities); anode output capacity; cyclone resistance; the event of the FPSO being disconnected from the turret and moving (a possibility due to cyclonic activity); and ability to move with the FPSO as it swings with the prevailing winds around the riser/turret. The review considered the following options for repair: 1. Replacement Hull Mounted Anodes To replace the existing hull-mounted anodes (as originally installed) would require the mobilisation of a dive crew of four to five men, plus all equipment, to the facility. This would have resulted in a significant associated cost, significantly above that of the anode elements. In addition to the anode replacement, for this option the dielectric shield previously applied would also have had to be reinstated underwater. This shield consists of a thick epoxy

38 Corrosion & Materials

Suspended anode being installed.

material, up to 1 m in radius around the anodes. This would have added a significant increased cost due to the extended dive time. This option was therefore eliminated on cost grounds. 2. Remote Sled Anodes To install remote sled anodes would have required the mobilisation of a vessel and the support of a ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle). These anode sleds are placed on the sea floor and feeder cables deployed from the anode sleds to the transformer rectifier units within the FPSOs. There was concern that feed cables could potentially foul the transfer hose used to offload from the FPSO to oil tankers. An additional concern was that if the FPSO was disconnected from the turret and moved (due to bad weather) the anode sleds would have had to be abandoned. This option was also rejected. 3. Suspended Anodes SVT’s solution was to design and install innovative suspended anodes as the most cost effective option. The added benefit of this arrangement was that site personnel could carry out a large portion of the installation work fitted in around existing maintenance tasks. The cantilevered suspended anode system design also eliminated the need to mobilise either a diving crew or ROV to site. The anodes were also designed to be retrievable and installed so that the normal

Typical suspended anode.

maximum roll of the FPSO would not cause contact of the anode/cable with the hull. Two anodes were installed at the stern of the Challis Venture and two anodes were installed at the forward of the Jabiru Venture, the locations being chosen to be similar to that of the failed anodes. The anodes were connected to the existing transformer rectifiers (TR) and all the original anodes disconnected from that TR. All anodes were lead-silver alloy and the location were selected to replace the depleted anodes. Results Potential measurements during the commissioning of the retrofitted anodes indicated that both FPSO hulls achieved adequate protection levels. Further reports from the FPSOs indicated that the anodes continued operating at the preset output current, and adequate protection levels were maintained until the Jabiru Venture and Challis Venture were decommissioned at the end of 2010. This cantilevered suspended anode system proved to be an inventive and cost effective measure to extend the life of an FPSO cathodic protection system. Where vessels are not able to be dry docked for extended periods, this could provide a temporary solution that is both flexible and cost-effective.

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Restoring Timeless Beauty for Future Generations Introduction Savcor has recently completed the meticulous restoration works for the facade of His Majesty's Theatre in Perth, Western Australia. As described below, this heritage icon is over 100 years old and can proudly lay claim to being one of the greatest examples of Edwardian era architecture in the country. About His Majesty's Theatre His Majesty's Theatre is an Edwardian baroque theatre in Perth, Western Australia. Constructed from 1902 to 1904 during a period of great growth for the town, the theatre is located on the corner of Hay Street and King Street in Perth's central business district. At the time the theatre opened, it was the largest theatre in Australia, and had seating for over 2,500 people. It is also thought to be the first reinforced concrete building constructed in Perth.

NB. Excerpt taken from

The Survey In 2008 Savcor’s engineers undertook a detailed survey of the facade. Considering the location of the building and the associated access difficulties the survey was undertaken using specialist rope access personnel (Figure 1). During this survey numerous defects and durability concerns were identified. This was to be expected considering the building's age and the fact that it had not undergone a major refurbishment since the late 1970s. Figure 4: Intricate restoration of decorative features.

Over its life, the theatre has hosted large-scale musicals, ballet, opera, Shakespearean plays and many other events. It has been renovated numerous times, most notably in the late 1970s when the State Government purchased it and performed an ornamental restoration whilst modernising the internal facilities. Since that time, it has been home to the West Australian Ballet and West Australian Opera Company, both of which perform there regularly. The importance of His Majesty's Theatre to the cultural fabric

Figure 5: Statue after the restoration.

Figure 1: Rope access specialist conducting condition survey.

Figure 2: Latex mould ready for casting new feature.

40 Corrosion & Materials

of Western Australia has been recognised by its inclusion on the State Register of Heritage Places and the Register of the National Estate. It has also been named a "State Heritage Icon", and is believed to be the only remaining working Edwardian theatre in Australia."

Figure 3: Recreated plaster feature.

Restoration Works The restoration project involved an array of specialist remediation techniques. In a similar fashion to the original construction, artisan plasterers painstakingly restored damaged cornices and corbels by hand, using purpose cut templates and tools. More intricate features, such as the flowers, were recreated by using latex moulds taken from the originals (Figure 2). New futures were then cast using modern repair mortars to create perfect reproductions (Figure 3). The new features were fixed to the building using helical stainless steel pins before being coated with a high quality paint system. Probably, one of the most challenging and interesting aspects of the works was the recreation of the stunning Juliette balconies that adorn the facade. The original balconies were constructed using a concrete with coke breeze aggregate, which was typical for constructions of this era. After 100 years of exposure to the elements these balconies were found to have suffered significant deterioration and after careful

Figure 6: The facade after the restoration.

consideration, it was decided that several of the balconies would be completely rebuilt. With their clamshell bottoms, curved profile and numerous plaster features this was never going to be a straight forward process. Nevertheless, by using a combination of latex moulding and traditional construction techniques, we were able to create a product with the same aesthetic beauty of the original, while providing superior durability.

The Future This investment in the restoration of the facade of His Majesty’s Theatre will ensure that people can continue to enjoy its beauty for generations to come. In addition, the skills and lessons that are being learnt from projects of this nature can be captured and shared so that we can continue to improve the way we build and preserve our architecture in the future.

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Restoring Timeless Beauty for Future Generations Introduction Savcor has recently completed the meticulous restoration works for the facade of His Majesty's Theatre in Perth, Western Australia. As described below, this heritage icon is over 100 years old and can proudly lay claim to being one of the greatest examples of Edwardian era architecture in the country. About His Majesty's Theatre His Majesty's Theatre is an Edwardian baroque theatre in Perth, Western Australia. Constructed from 1902 to 1904 during a period of great growth for the town, the theatre is located on the corner of Hay Street and King Street in Perth's central business district. At the time the theatre opened, it was the largest theatre in Australia, and had seating for over 2,500 people. It is also thought to be the first reinforced concrete building constructed in Perth.

NB. Excerpt taken from

The Survey In 2008 Savcor’s engineers undertook a detailed survey of the facade. Considering the location of the building and the associated access difficulties the survey was undertaken using specialist rope access personnel (Figure 1). During this survey numerous defects and durability concerns were identified. This was to be expected considering the building's age and the fact that it had not undergone a major refurbishment since the late 1970s. Figure 4: Intricate restoration of decorative features.

Over its life, the theatre has hosted large-scale musicals, ballet, opera, Shakespearean plays and many other events. It has been renovated numerous times, most notably in the late 1970s when the State Government purchased it and performed an ornamental restoration whilst modernising the internal facilities. Since that time, it has been home to the West Australian Ballet and West Australian Opera Company, both of which perform there regularly. The importance of His Majesty's Theatre to the cultural fabric

Figure 5: Statue after the restoration.

Figure 1: Rope access specialist conducting condition survey.

Figure 2: Latex mould ready for casting new feature.

40 Corrosion & Materials

of Western Australia has been recognised by its inclusion on the State Register of Heritage Places and the Register of the National Estate. It has also been named a "State Heritage Icon", and is believed to be the only remaining working Edwardian theatre in Australia."

Figure 3: Recreated plaster feature.

Restoration Works The restoration project involved an array of specialist remediation techniques. In a similar fashion to the original construction, artisan plasterers painstakingly restored damaged cornices and corbels by hand, using purpose cut templates and tools. More intricate features, such as the flowers, were recreated by using latex moulds taken from the originals (Figure 2). New futures were then cast using modern repair mortars to create perfect reproductions (Figure 3). The new features were fixed to the building using helical stainless steel pins before being coated with a high quality paint system. Probably, one of the most challenging and interesting aspects of the works was the recreation of the stunning Juliette balconies that adorn the facade. The original balconies were constructed using a concrete with coke breeze aggregate, which was typical for constructions of this era. After 100 years of exposure to the elements these balconies were found to have suffered significant deterioration and after careful

Figure 6: The facade after the restoration.

consideration, it was decided that several of the balconies would be completely rebuilt. With their clamshell bottoms, curved profile and numerous plaster features this was never going to be a straight forward process. Nevertheless, by using a combination of latex moulding and traditional construction techniques, we were able to create a product with the same aesthetic beauty of the original, while providing superior durability.

The Future This investment in the restoration of the facade of His Majesty’s Theatre will ensure that people can continue to enjoy its beauty for generations to come. In addition, the skills and lessons that are being learnt from projects of this nature can be captured and shared so that we can continue to improve the way we build and preserve our architecture in the future.

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Hempel at the Forefront of Innovation

Perth, Australia 2011 Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future For All

Discover the latest international research, technology and trends in • Coatings • Cathodic Protection • Corrosion Management • Corrosion Modelling • Inhibitors • Advanced Materials • Failure Analysis • Sensors and Monitoring and more.

Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre 20-24 November 2011

Mining Register now at


Oil & Gas

At Hempel, we provide our customers with peace of mind. We have more than 90 years of experience protecting our customers' assets in Marine, Protective, Oil & Gas, Mining and Heavy duty segment.

Proudly Presented By

42 Corrosion & Materials

Major Sponsor

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Hempel at the Forefront of Innovation

Perth, Australia 2011 Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future For All

Discover the latest international research, technology and trends in • Coatings • Cathodic Protection • Corrosion Management • Corrosion Modelling • Inhibitors • Advanced Materials • Failure Analysis • Sensors and Monitoring and more.

Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre 20-24 November 2011

Mining Register now at


Oil & Gas

At Hempel, we provide our customers with peace of mind. We have more than 90 years of experience protecting our customers' assets in Marine, Protective, Oil & Gas, Mining and Heavy duty segment.

Proudly Presented By

42 Corrosion & Materials

Major Sponsor

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All

Sponsor Profiles Major Sponsor Hempel Hempel is a world-leading supplier of protective coatings for the marine, protective, container, yacht and decorative segments. From windmills and bridges to hospitals and ships, their coatings protect man-made structures from the corrosive forces of nature. Hempel’s goal is to increase the long-term value of their customers’ assets by providing them with coatings that help extend product lifetimes and reduce maintenance costs. Their R&D teams around the world

Supporting Sponsor Jotun are constantly working to develop new and innovative products and solutions that improve performance and lower application costs for their customers. Hempel believe that the coatings industry can and should contribute to a better environment, so they invest in advanced products and innovative ideas to create environmentally friendly solutions that help customers cut fuel consumption and reduce emissions from their operations. Represented in more than 80 countries, Hempel have 21 factories, 47 sales offices and more than 150 stock points strategically located around the world. Hempel also have three main R&D Centres in China, Denmark and Spain, and regional R&D Centres in Bahrain, Germany, Korea, Singapore and the US. 1800 HEMPEL

Supporting Sponsor

Supporting Sponsor

Dulux Protective Coatings - For the job worth doing.

International Protective Coatings

Dulux® is an Australian owned and based company, committed to the supply of high performance protective coatings to the Australia-Pacific region for over 75 years. Dulux® Protective Coatings manufacturers a comprehensive and diverse range of protective coatings for heavy duty applications such as in the oil and gas industries, mining, infrastructure, chemical manufacture, purification and processing plants and coastal and off-shore construction. Long term corrosion control has been effectively achieved by the use of Dulux® zinc rich epoxy primers, inorganic zinc silicates, high build epoxy intermediates, chlorinated rubber, acrylic and polyurethane topcoats; micaceous iron oxide coatings and specialist high performance systems such as pure polyurea elastomers and heat resisting product lines. With our product range and customer-focused technical consultants, we provide tailor made corrosion solutions for just about every aspect of heavy industry. Information on everything from substrate preparation, detailed coating system specifications, application methods and maintenance scheduling. Dulux Protective Coatings also has the most extensive distribution network in the industry with a comprehensive supply chain network of over 230 trade distribution outlets nationally. This ensures rapid, reliable service right across the country. Call your local Dulux Technical Consultant or visit Dulux Customer Service 13 23 77. Worth doing, worth Dulux®.

44 Corrosion & Materials

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All

International Protective Coatings is the leading supplier of high performance coatings in Australasia and forms part of Akzo Nobel, a market driven, technology based company specialising in coatings and chemicals. Akzo Nobel is the world’s largest supplier of coatings with 5,500 employees in 54 countries, and serves the Marine and Protective Coatings market, under the brand ‘International®’. The Protective Coatings division supplies innovative coatings to the Mining, Oil & Gas, Water & Waste, Power, Rail and Infrastructure markets for both new construction and maintenance projects. Our leading project and technical service experts provide specialised coating solutions for all your project needs from concept to completion, including Interplan®, our asset protection system which offers a comprehensive customised maintenance painting service. Ongoing development and adoption of novel technologies sees International® now supplying Interfine® 1080 (single pack polysiloxane) and Intercure® 99 (direct to metal polyaspartic primer finish) into the Australasian marketplace. International also has a complete range of linings suitable for highly aggressive environments in both storage and secondary containment - Enviroline®, Ceilcote®, Interline® and Polibrid® 705E. International® is exhibiting at the 18th ICC Congress being held 20 – 24th November 2011 at the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre. Clients. Visitors and friends are welcome to visit us at stands 61 & 62.


Jotun is one of the world's leading manufacturers of paints, coatings and powder coatings. The group has 70 companies and 38 Jotun blue production facilities on all continents. In addition, Jotun has agents, branch offices and distributors in more than 80 countries. The Jotun Group has four divisions, and its head office is in Sandefjord, Norway. Jotun Australia Pty Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Jotun Group and supplies Protective Coatings, Marine Coatings and Powder Coatings for corrosion control and other specialised applications.

Black and white

In 1990 Jotun purchased the Dimet business linking the best of European technology with an Australian business that brought innovative products to the world. Our local manufacturing unit accredited to ISO 9001 is situated in Brooklyn, Victoria, where we maintain a NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) registered laboratory and a manufacturing facility recognised by Australian Paint Approvals Scheme. In addition the Brooklyn site holds accreditation to ISO 14001(Environmental) and OHSAS 18001 (Safety) management systems. At Jotun, we are able to draw on our vast worldwide experience to provide technical assistance and coating recommendations in Mining, Smelting, Chemical, Petrochemical, Offshore, Water, Sewerage and many other industries where corrosion problems are found. Jotun Australia has activities in all states and is able to provide a high level of local service supported by the global strength of Jotun’s worldwide activities. Jotun Australia’s head office and manufacturing can be contacted on +61 3 9314 0722.

Supporting Sponsor NMT® Electrodes

of chlorine, hypochlorite and sodium chlorate; inorganic and organic chemical manufacture; waste water treatment and metal winning are but a few areas where NMT® Electrodes’ products and technology has been utilised. NMT® Electrodes is now a well-established name in providing cost effective solutions and products in the Cathodic Protection field. NMT’s MMO and Platinised titanium Anodes are products of choice and are used and specified worldwide for use in concrete, underground storage tanks, pipelines, offshore and marine installations to name but a few. NMT’s full range of tubular, wire, ribbon, rod, mesh and plate anodes are available from its Australian, South African and now European facilities. Address (Australian): Unit 2, 26 Baile Road, Canningvale, WA 6155. Phone: +61 (0)8 9256 4499; Fax: +61 (0)8 9256 4599; Mobile: +61 408 931 072

Gala Dinner Sponsor Denso (Australia)

Denso (Australia) Pty Ltd are principal manufacturers of long life anti-corrosion products and sealing systems, which service a multitude of industry groups. Denso services, as its core markets, Oil & Gas, Marine, Mining, Minerals Processing and Water Industries, throughout Australia and New Zealand and Pacific Islands. Denso (Australia) Pty Ltd adapts and refocusses on a continuing basis, making certain that as the industries we serve change, Denso, and our products and services remain as not only the internationally recognised standard, but the supplier of preference. The Denso range comprises a variety of specialist pipe & structural coatings, marine protection systems, concrete and tank coatings, including tapes, brush and spray applied liquid coatings, mastics, primers and sealants based on materials such as petrolatum, butyl rubber, bitumen, plastics , heat shrink sleeves and epoxy resins. Systems are tailor made for individual anti-corrosion and sealing problems developed with the realities of an on-site application in mind. Denso’s extensive product range is suitable for use in a wide range of highly corrosive environments with operating temperatures from sub-zero to 250°C. Brand names include Seashield, Archco-Rigidon, Protal, Rigspray, Denso, Densopol, Ultraflex, Densoramic and Polybron.

For many years NMT® Electrodes companies have been offering industry a cleaner solution to many of its problems via the application of Electrochemistry. Applications such as the production

Associated group companies include Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd, Archco Rigidon, Premier Coating Ltd, Seashield International, Denso (New Zealand) Ltd, Denso North America Inc and Denso South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Toll free Australia: 131 474 Toll free New Zealand: 0800 808 807

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All

Sponsor Profiles Major Sponsor Hempel Hempel is a world-leading supplier of protective coatings for the marine, protective, container, yacht and decorative segments. From windmills and bridges to hospitals and ships, their coatings protect man-made structures from the corrosive forces of nature. Hempel’s goal is to increase the long-term value of their customers’ assets by providing them with coatings that help extend product lifetimes and reduce maintenance costs. Their R&D teams around the world

Supporting Sponsor Jotun are constantly working to develop new and innovative products and solutions that improve performance and lower application costs for their customers. Hempel believe that the coatings industry can and should contribute to a better environment, so they invest in advanced products and innovative ideas to create environmentally friendly solutions that help customers cut fuel consumption and reduce emissions from their operations. Represented in more than 80 countries, Hempel have 21 factories, 47 sales offices and more than 150 stock points strategically located around the world. Hempel also have three main R&D Centres in China, Denmark and Spain, and regional R&D Centres in Bahrain, Germany, Korea, Singapore and the US. 1800 HEMPEL

Supporting Sponsor

Supporting Sponsor

Dulux Protective Coatings - For the job worth doing.

International Protective Coatings

Dulux® is an Australian owned and based company, committed to the supply of high performance protective coatings to the Australia-Pacific region for over 75 years. Dulux® Protective Coatings manufacturers a comprehensive and diverse range of protective coatings for heavy duty applications such as in the oil and gas industries, mining, infrastructure, chemical manufacture, purification and processing plants and coastal and off-shore construction. Long term corrosion control has been effectively achieved by the use of Dulux® zinc rich epoxy primers, inorganic zinc silicates, high build epoxy intermediates, chlorinated rubber, acrylic and polyurethane topcoats; micaceous iron oxide coatings and specialist high performance systems such as pure polyurea elastomers and heat resisting product lines. With our product range and customer-focused technical consultants, we provide tailor made corrosion solutions for just about every aspect of heavy industry. Information on everything from substrate preparation, detailed coating system specifications, application methods and maintenance scheduling. Dulux Protective Coatings also has the most extensive distribution network in the industry with a comprehensive supply chain network of over 230 trade distribution outlets nationally. This ensures rapid, reliable service right across the country. Call your local Dulux Technical Consultant or visit Dulux Customer Service 13 23 77. Worth doing, worth Dulux®.

44 Corrosion & Materials

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All

International Protective Coatings is the leading supplier of high performance coatings in Australasia and forms part of Akzo Nobel, a market driven, technology based company specialising in coatings and chemicals. Akzo Nobel is the world’s largest supplier of coatings with 5,500 employees in 54 countries, and serves the Marine and Protective Coatings market, under the brand ‘International®’. The Protective Coatings division supplies innovative coatings to the Mining, Oil & Gas, Water & Waste, Power, Rail and Infrastructure markets for both new construction and maintenance projects. Our leading project and technical service experts provide specialised coating solutions for all your project needs from concept to completion, including Interplan®, our asset protection system which offers a comprehensive customised maintenance painting service. Ongoing development and adoption of novel technologies sees International® now supplying Interfine® 1080 (single pack polysiloxane) and Intercure® 99 (direct to metal polyaspartic primer finish) into the Australasian marketplace. International also has a complete range of linings suitable for highly aggressive environments in both storage and secondary containment - Enviroline®, Ceilcote®, Interline® and Polibrid® 705E. International® is exhibiting at the 18th ICC Congress being held 20 – 24th November 2011 at the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre. Clients. Visitors and friends are welcome to visit us at stands 61 & 62.


Jotun is one of the world's leading manufacturers of paints, coatings and powder coatings. The group has 70 companies and 38 Jotun blue production facilities on all continents. In addition, Jotun has agents, branch offices and distributors in more than 80 countries. The Jotun Group has four divisions, and its head office is in Sandefjord, Norway. Jotun Australia Pty Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Jotun Group and supplies Protective Coatings, Marine Coatings and Powder Coatings for corrosion control and other specialised applications.

Black and white

In 1990 Jotun purchased the Dimet business linking the best of European technology with an Australian business that brought innovative products to the world. Our local manufacturing unit accredited to ISO 9001 is situated in Brooklyn, Victoria, where we maintain a NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) registered laboratory and a manufacturing facility recognised by Australian Paint Approvals Scheme. In addition the Brooklyn site holds accreditation to ISO 14001(Environmental) and OHSAS 18001 (Safety) management systems. At Jotun, we are able to draw on our vast worldwide experience to provide technical assistance and coating recommendations in Mining, Smelting, Chemical, Petrochemical, Offshore, Water, Sewerage and many other industries where corrosion problems are found. Jotun Australia has activities in all states and is able to provide a high level of local service supported by the global strength of Jotun’s worldwide activities. Jotun Australia’s head office and manufacturing can be contacted on +61 3 9314 0722.

Supporting Sponsor NMT® Electrodes

of chlorine, hypochlorite and sodium chlorate; inorganic and organic chemical manufacture; waste water treatment and metal winning are but a few areas where NMT® Electrodes’ products and technology has been utilised. NMT® Electrodes is now a well-established name in providing cost effective solutions and products in the Cathodic Protection field. NMT’s MMO and Platinised titanium Anodes are products of choice and are used and specified worldwide for use in concrete, underground storage tanks, pipelines, offshore and marine installations to name but a few. NMT’s full range of tubular, wire, ribbon, rod, mesh and plate anodes are available from its Australian, South African and now European facilities. Address (Australian): Unit 2, 26 Baile Road, Canningvale, WA 6155. Phone: +61 (0)8 9256 4499; Fax: +61 (0)8 9256 4599; Mobile: +61 408 931 072

Gala Dinner Sponsor Denso (Australia)

Denso (Australia) Pty Ltd are principal manufacturers of long life anti-corrosion products and sealing systems, which service a multitude of industry groups. Denso services, as its core markets, Oil & Gas, Marine, Mining, Minerals Processing and Water Industries, throughout Australia and New Zealand and Pacific Islands. Denso (Australia) Pty Ltd adapts and refocusses on a continuing basis, making certain that as the industries we serve change, Denso, and our products and services remain as not only the internationally recognised standard, but the supplier of preference. The Denso range comprises a variety of specialist pipe & structural coatings, marine protection systems, concrete and tank coatings, including tapes, brush and spray applied liquid coatings, mastics, primers and sealants based on materials such as petrolatum, butyl rubber, bitumen, plastics , heat shrink sleeves and epoxy resins. Systems are tailor made for individual anti-corrosion and sealing problems developed with the realities of an on-site application in mind. Denso’s extensive product range is suitable for use in a wide range of highly corrosive environments with operating temperatures from sub-zero to 250°C. Brand names include Seashield, Archco-Rigidon, Protal, Rigspray, Denso, Densopol, Ultraflex, Densoramic and Polybron.

For many years NMT® Electrodes companies have been offering industry a cleaner solution to many of its problems via the application of Electrochemistry. Applications such as the production

Associated group companies include Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd, Archco Rigidon, Premier Coating Ltd, Seashield International, Denso (New Zealand) Ltd, Denso North America Inc and Denso South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Toll free Australia: 131 474 Toll free New Zealand: 0800 808 807

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All

Welcome Function Sponsor

Young Corrosion Professionals Sponsor

Non-OECD Delegate Sponsor

Incospec & Associates Australia

Galvanizers Association of Australia


The Galvanizers Association of Australia (GAA) has represented the hot dip galvanizing industry throughout Australia, New Zealand and SE Asia for nearly 50 years. The Association conducts research and compiles case studies in various areas dealing with corrosion protection, environmental sustainability and hot dip galvanizing. The GAA has established close links with international galvanizing and corrosion protection associations to maintain the latest technical knowledge and keep abreast of emerging industry trends on both a local and global scale.

AECOM is a global provider of professional technical and management support services to a broad range of markets, including transportation, facilities, environmental, energy, water and government. With approximately 45,000 employees around the world, AECOM is a leader in all of the key markets that it serves. AECOM provides a blend of global reach, local knowledge, innovation and technical excellence in delivering solutions that create, enhance and sustain the world's built, natural and social environments. A Fortune 500 company, AECOM serves clients in approximately 125 countries and had revenue of US$7.7 billion during the 12 months ending 30 June 2011.

Independent Corrosion Engineers & Consultants Established in 1981, Incospec & Associates Australia has grown to be one of the largest Corrosion Engineering Consultancies in Australasia. We provide both independent and authoritative consultancy in the fields of Corrosion Engineering and Asset Management. Our independence is a valuable asset, enabling us to offer our clients totally unbiased optimum advice, free from commercial constraints in the following areas: Failure analysis Cathodic protection

The GAA provides technical advice on hot dip galvanizing, environmental sustainability and corrosion protection to specifiers, engineers, architects and any other members of industry interested in the corrosion protection of steel.

Metallurgy & Materials Consulting

For further information on the benefits of hot dip galvanizing and to find out more on why HDG is the first choice for corrosion protection of fabricated steel articles, please contact Peter Golding (CEO) on +61 (0)3 9654 1266 or visit our website

3rd party independent coating inspection

Coffee Sponsor

Coating selection and specifications

Zintec Corrosion Solutions

Concrete condition surveys

Welding inspection and supervision Asset maintenance surveys


Asset Maintenance Management System Timely maintenance is imperative if structures are to remain in a sound and functional condition. Breakdown of coatings and lack of maintenance can result in the onset of corrosion and eventual destruction of an asset through loss of integrity. Guardian™ assists in maximising the value of your assets by allowing scheduling of preventative maintenance. Using a structured methodology, the Guardian™ survey encapsulates all data into a dynamic and usable format. Already in practice in the global oil & gas industry, Australian mining industry, bridges and government infrastructure, shipping and bulk handling and high voltage transmission lines, Guardian™ has proven to assist asset managers in justifying valuable maintenance expenditure.

Zintec Corrosion Solutions Pty Ltd is the distributor of Zinga in Australia and New Zealand. Zinga is a unique liquid zinc galvanising film for the recoating of weathered galvanised surfaces, abrasive blasted new steel or suitably prepared, previously painted steel. It has competitors that can demonstrate some of the benefits Zinga offers, but not all. Qualities unique to Zinga are that it is a very flexible zinc coating that provides cathodic protection of steel assets, with the ability to rejuvenate the coating in-field with minimal cleaning and surface preparation. If there is no rust emerging prior to recoating, the only requirement is a water blast to remove zinc salts and surface contamination. The rejuvenation process can be repeated indefinitely without the need for abrasive blasting, minimising life cycle costs. Service life can be predicted on a similar basis to hot dipped galvanising. It will depend on the coating thickness and the local zinc usage rate. The flexibility of Zinga enables a broad range of application possibilities. Steel can be coated for protection prior to bending or welding. New fabrications can be shop primed, with a second coating applied after installation in field. Properly applied Zinga will not flake, blister or peel and the cathodic protection qualities prevent under-creep if the coating is damaged.

Non-OECD Delegate Sponsor

Membership of the ACA is available to anyone with an interest in corrosion and its control. There are four categories of membership: Corporate, Individual, Student and Retired. For further information on the ACA, please contact +61 3 9890 4833 or

Non-OECD Delegate Sponsor Office of Naval Research

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) coordinates, executes, and promotes the science and technology programs of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. Information about ONR and its various components can be found on the ONR website at:

Australasian Corrosion Association (WA Branch)

Monday Morning Tea Sponsor


The Australasian Corrosion Association Inc (ACA) was established in 1955 to service the needs of Australian and New Zealand companies, organisations and individuals working against corrosion. A membership-based, not-for-profit industry association, the ACA promotes the co-operation of academic, industrial, commercial and governmental organisations that are involved with corrosion, and it works to disseminate information on all aspects of corrosion and its prevention by promoting lectures, technical meetings, symposia and other activities related to the industry. When members join the ACA they choose up to five Technical Groups which provide a structure for technical activities within a segment of industry or technical expertise. The eight Technical Groups created from and formed for the benefit of members and Industry are: Concrete Structures & Buildings Cathodic Protection Coatings Mining Industry Petroleum & Chemical Processing Industry Research Water and Water Treatment Welding, Joining & Corrosion

Corrocoat is a corrosion engineering company and a world leader in the production and application of high performance anti corrosion industrial coatings. Our coatings and linings are used extensively in the Oil and Gas, Mining, Marine, Petro Chemical, Power, Infrastructure and Structural Steel industries. Corrocoat has experience both on and offshore. Our track record goes back 30 years, to the North Sea and Middle East oil and gas industries. We have numerous case studies, confirming life expectancies of 15 to 20 years in extremely harsh environments. Corrocoat’s products are designed primarily for corrosion protection and the range extends from general purpose applications through to very aggressive and abrasive environments. Corrocoat Engineering (Aust) Pty Ltd provides local marketing, engineering and application of the heavy duty coatings for projects throughout Australia, Papua New Guinea, and surrounding islands. Their highly mobile application teams fly to oil rigs, mine sites and industrial plants completing projects quickly and efficiently before moving off to the next project. In addition, they have a fully equipped factory with blast room and pipe spinning facilities in Canning Vale, south of Perth. Visit our website at or contact us directly: Ph +61 8 9472 2500 / Fax +61 8 9472 2525 / Email:

Zintec Corrosion Solutions can be contacted on (03) 6273 5118.

46 Corrosion & Materials

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All

Welcome Function Sponsor

Young Corrosion Professionals Sponsor

Non-OECD Delegate Sponsor

Incospec & Associates Australia

Galvanizers Association of Australia


The Galvanizers Association of Australia (GAA) has represented the hot dip galvanizing industry throughout Australia, New Zealand and SE Asia for nearly 50 years. The Association conducts research and compiles case studies in various areas dealing with corrosion protection, environmental sustainability and hot dip galvanizing. The GAA has established close links with international galvanizing and corrosion protection associations to maintain the latest technical knowledge and keep abreast of emerging industry trends on both a local and global scale.

AECOM is a global provider of professional technical and management support services to a broad range of markets, including transportation, facilities, environmental, energy, water and government. With approximately 45,000 employees around the world, AECOM is a leader in all of the key markets that it serves. AECOM provides a blend of global reach, local knowledge, innovation and technical excellence in delivering solutions that create, enhance and sustain the world's built, natural and social environments. A Fortune 500 company, AECOM serves clients in approximately 125 countries and had revenue of US$7.7 billion during the 12 months ending 30 June 2011.

Independent Corrosion Engineers & Consultants Established in 1981, Incospec & Associates Australia has grown to be one of the largest Corrosion Engineering Consultancies in Australasia. We provide both independent and authoritative consultancy in the fields of Corrosion Engineering and Asset Management. Our independence is a valuable asset, enabling us to offer our clients totally unbiased optimum advice, free from commercial constraints in the following areas: Failure analysis Cathodic protection

The GAA provides technical advice on hot dip galvanizing, environmental sustainability and corrosion protection to specifiers, engineers, architects and any other members of industry interested in the corrosion protection of steel.

Metallurgy & Materials Consulting

For further information on the benefits of hot dip galvanizing and to find out more on why HDG is the first choice for corrosion protection of fabricated steel articles, please contact Peter Golding (CEO) on +61 (0)3 9654 1266 or visit our website

3rd party independent coating inspection

Coffee Sponsor

Coating selection and specifications

Zintec Corrosion Solutions

Concrete condition surveys

Welding inspection and supervision Asset maintenance surveys


Asset Maintenance Management System Timely maintenance is imperative if structures are to remain in a sound and functional condition. Breakdown of coatings and lack of maintenance can result in the onset of corrosion and eventual destruction of an asset through loss of integrity. Guardian™ assists in maximising the value of your assets by allowing scheduling of preventative maintenance. Using a structured methodology, the Guardian™ survey encapsulates all data into a dynamic and usable format. Already in practice in the global oil & gas industry, Australian mining industry, bridges and government infrastructure, shipping and bulk handling and high voltage transmission lines, Guardian™ has proven to assist asset managers in justifying valuable maintenance expenditure.

Zintec Corrosion Solutions Pty Ltd is the distributor of Zinga in Australia and New Zealand. Zinga is a unique liquid zinc galvanising film for the recoating of weathered galvanised surfaces, abrasive blasted new steel or suitably prepared, previously painted steel. It has competitors that can demonstrate some of the benefits Zinga offers, but not all. Qualities unique to Zinga are that it is a very flexible zinc coating that provides cathodic protection of steel assets, with the ability to rejuvenate the coating in-field with minimal cleaning and surface preparation. If there is no rust emerging prior to recoating, the only requirement is a water blast to remove zinc salts and surface contamination. The rejuvenation process can be repeated indefinitely without the need for abrasive blasting, minimising life cycle costs. Service life can be predicted on a similar basis to hot dipped galvanising. It will depend on the coating thickness and the local zinc usage rate. The flexibility of Zinga enables a broad range of application possibilities. Steel can be coated for protection prior to bending or welding. New fabrications can be shop primed, with a second coating applied after installation in field. Properly applied Zinga will not flake, blister or peel and the cathodic protection qualities prevent under-creep if the coating is damaged.

Non-OECD Delegate Sponsor

Membership of the ACA is available to anyone with an interest in corrosion and its control. There are four categories of membership: Corporate, Individual, Student and Retired. For further information on the ACA, please contact +61 3 9890 4833 or

Non-OECD Delegate Sponsor Office of Naval Research

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) coordinates, executes, and promotes the science and technology programs of the United States Navy and Marine Corps. Information about ONR and its various components can be found on the ONR website at:

Australasian Corrosion Association (WA Branch)

Monday Morning Tea Sponsor


The Australasian Corrosion Association Inc (ACA) was established in 1955 to service the needs of Australian and New Zealand companies, organisations and individuals working against corrosion. A membership-based, not-for-profit industry association, the ACA promotes the co-operation of academic, industrial, commercial and governmental organisations that are involved with corrosion, and it works to disseminate information on all aspects of corrosion and its prevention by promoting lectures, technical meetings, symposia and other activities related to the industry. When members join the ACA they choose up to five Technical Groups which provide a structure for technical activities within a segment of industry or technical expertise. The eight Technical Groups created from and formed for the benefit of members and Industry are: Concrete Structures & Buildings Cathodic Protection Coatings Mining Industry Petroleum & Chemical Processing Industry Research Water and Water Treatment Welding, Joining & Corrosion

Corrocoat is a corrosion engineering company and a world leader in the production and application of high performance anti corrosion industrial coatings. Our coatings and linings are used extensively in the Oil and Gas, Mining, Marine, Petro Chemical, Power, Infrastructure and Structural Steel industries. Corrocoat has experience both on and offshore. Our track record goes back 30 years, to the North Sea and Middle East oil and gas industries. We have numerous case studies, confirming life expectancies of 15 to 20 years in extremely harsh environments. Corrocoat’s products are designed primarily for corrosion protection and the range extends from general purpose applications through to very aggressive and abrasive environments. Corrocoat Engineering (Aust) Pty Ltd provides local marketing, engineering and application of the heavy duty coatings for projects throughout Australia, Papua New Guinea, and surrounding islands. Their highly mobile application teams fly to oil rigs, mine sites and industrial plants completing projects quickly and efficiently before moving off to the next project. In addition, they have a fully equipped factory with blast room and pipe spinning facilities in Canning Vale, south of Perth. Visit our website at or contact us directly: Ph +61 8 9472 2500 / Fax +61 8 9472 2525 / Email:

Zintec Corrosion Solutions can be contacted on (03) 6273 5118.

46 Corrosion & Materials

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All Monday Lunch Sponsor Anti Corrosion Technology

Anti Corrosion Technology (ACT) is an established Australian-based engineering company that was founded in 1993. ACT specializes in providing sustainable solutions in materials engineering and corrosion control for Oil & Gas, Water, Power Generation and Mining industries. ACT is the sole partner of STOPAQ B.V. who is the pioneer and manufacturer of the visco elastic corrosion protective coatings and sealants. ACT is the exclusive distributor of STOPAQ products in Australia offering unique cost effective solutions for external pipeline corrosion protection of field joints, HDD, steel pipe casing, road crossings and complete pipeline rehabilitation including valves and flanges as well as external corrosion protection of tank bottoms. In addition, ACT has selected an exclusive line of corrosion protective products and services for the rehabilitation of submerged structures such as piles and jacket legs for offshore operations. ACT is a leader in conducting “Cost of Corrosion” studies and providing full technical support to assess, evaluate and improve asset integrity, through its service life cycle, to avoid unplanned shutdowns. ACT is also fully capable to work jointly with asset owners to establish a comprehensive Corrosion Management Program (CMP) from the design phase to the decommissioning phase. CMP is a proactive and systematic, dynamic and continuous improvement model for both the asset’s integrity and the operator’s competency. If you require any information on ACT services or STOPAQ products, please do not hesitate to email the ACT team on

Tuesday Lunch Sponsor Rezitech Services

Rezitech Services Pty Ltd is a 100% Australian owned and operated company that commenced trading in 1968 with offices in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane and Townville. Supporting distributors can also be found in South Australia. Over many years Rezitech Services has been involved with major plant upgrades and expansions projects for many major companies servicing the mining, petroleum, power, chemical, pulp and paper and water supply industries. Through Rezitech Services extensive range of products and services they also support the food and beverage, plastics, marine and liquid waste truck industries.

Rezitech Services has the exclusive Australian distributorship for the Belzona range of wear and chemical resistant metal, rubber and concrete compounds from Belzona Polymerics. The Belzona range of products has many uses in virtually all process industries including cold curing, hand applied wear resistant coatings that provide similar wear rate to basalt tiles; ceramic coatings for pump internals and cold curing rubber for conveyor belt and dredge hose repairs; and rebuilding and coating materials for chemically or mechanically damaged concrete. In addition to the Rezitech portfolio is Sponge-Jet, a low dust alternative to abrasive blasting. “Sponge Jet” are leaders in clean, dry, low dust, reusable media for surface preparation. Sponge Jet protects your environment and bottom line. Further benefits of Sponge-Jet are its ability to allow other trades people to work in close proximity to the blasting area reducing costly production down time. The dramatic reduction in air born particles also significantly reduces the risk of eye injuries and respiratory problems.

Wednesday Lunch Sponsor AMAC Corrosion

Manufacturing in Australia for over 35 years! AMAC Corrosion is a family owned company and we have been manufacturing cathodic protection systems right here in Australia since 1974. Our factories, based in Melbourne, include casting areas for producing Aluminium, Magnesium and Zinc sacrificial anodes along with areas for manufacturing & assembling impressed current anodes and cathodic protection materials and equipment. We design and manufacture products to suit every application and industry. With over 37 years experience, we offer the most cost effective products, designed to minimise installation time.

Global Experience – Local Presence Our advanced coatings provide protection for Oil & Gas Industry projects worldwide

To maintain high product quality our company is certified to ISO9001:2008. We are regularly audited by Lloyds Register of Quality Assurance and have been ISO9001 accredited for the past 14 years. We are proud to be the first Australian Anode Manufacturer to achieve and maintain this accreditation. Our laboratory is set up to analyse the chemical composition of anodes to ensure they meet recognised standards and specifications. This is achieved through spectrometer analysis, electro-chemical testing as well as a range of other tests to ensure high quality product and consistency. With hundreds of moulds and over 37 years manufacturing experience, AMAC is able to manufacture to your needs. Contact us: Mark Rigg – General Manager Ph: +61 3 9729 8888

70 Jotun companies represented in more than 80 countries. 38 production facilities globally. Uniform standard of global service. 52524 Oil & Gas Adv Australia 190w x 125d.indd 1

48 Corrosion & Materials

Jotun Australia Head Office – 03 9314 0722 06/07/2011 08:15

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All Monday Lunch Sponsor Anti Corrosion Technology

Anti Corrosion Technology (ACT) is an established Australian-based engineering company that was founded in 1993. ACT specializes in providing sustainable solutions in materials engineering and corrosion control for Oil & Gas, Water, Power Generation and Mining industries. ACT is the sole partner of STOPAQ B.V. who is the pioneer and manufacturer of the visco elastic corrosion protective coatings and sealants. ACT is the exclusive distributor of STOPAQ products in Australia offering unique cost effective solutions for external pipeline corrosion protection of field joints, HDD, steel pipe casing, road crossings and complete pipeline rehabilitation including valves and flanges as well as external corrosion protection of tank bottoms. In addition, ACT has selected an exclusive line of corrosion protective products and services for the rehabilitation of submerged structures such as piles and jacket legs for offshore operations. ACT is a leader in conducting “Cost of Corrosion” studies and providing full technical support to assess, evaluate and improve asset integrity, through its service life cycle, to avoid unplanned shutdowns. ACT is also fully capable to work jointly with asset owners to establish a comprehensive Corrosion Management Program (CMP) from the design phase to the decommissioning phase. CMP is a proactive and systematic, dynamic and continuous improvement model for both the asset’s integrity and the operator’s competency. If you require any information on ACT services or STOPAQ products, please do not hesitate to email the ACT team on

Tuesday Lunch Sponsor Rezitech Services

Rezitech Services Pty Ltd is a 100% Australian owned and operated company that commenced trading in 1968 with offices in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane and Townville. Supporting distributors can also be found in South Australia. Over many years Rezitech Services has been involved with major plant upgrades and expansions projects for many major companies servicing the mining, petroleum, power, chemical, pulp and paper and water supply industries. Through Rezitech Services extensive range of products and services they also support the food and beverage, plastics, marine and liquid waste truck industries.

Rezitech Services has the exclusive Australian distributorship for the Belzona range of wear and chemical resistant metal, rubber and concrete compounds from Belzona Polymerics. The Belzona range of products has many uses in virtually all process industries including cold curing, hand applied wear resistant coatings that provide similar wear rate to basalt tiles; ceramic coatings for pump internals and cold curing rubber for conveyor belt and dredge hose repairs; and rebuilding and coating materials for chemically or mechanically damaged concrete. In addition to the Rezitech portfolio is Sponge-Jet, a low dust alternative to abrasive blasting. “Sponge Jet” are leaders in clean, dry, low dust, reusable media for surface preparation. Sponge Jet protects your environment and bottom line. Further benefits of Sponge-Jet are its ability to allow other trades people to work in close proximity to the blasting area reducing costly production down time. The dramatic reduction in air born particles also significantly reduces the risk of eye injuries and respiratory problems.

Wednesday Lunch Sponsor AMAC Corrosion

Manufacturing in Australia for over 35 years! AMAC Corrosion is a family owned company and we have been manufacturing cathodic protection systems right here in Australia since 1974. Our factories, based in Melbourne, include casting areas for producing Aluminium, Magnesium and Zinc sacrificial anodes along with areas for manufacturing & assembling impressed current anodes and cathodic protection materials and equipment. We design and manufacture products to suit every application and industry. With over 37 years experience, we offer the most cost effective products, designed to minimise installation time.

Global Experience – Local Presence Our advanced coatings provide protection for Oil & Gas Industry projects worldwide

To maintain high product quality our company is certified to ISO9001:2008. We are regularly audited by Lloyds Register of Quality Assurance and have been ISO9001 accredited for the past 14 years. We are proud to be the first Australian Anode Manufacturer to achieve and maintain this accreditation. Our laboratory is set up to analyse the chemical composition of anodes to ensure they meet recognised standards and specifications. This is achieved through spectrometer analysis, electro-chemical testing as well as a range of other tests to ensure high quality product and consistency. With hundreds of moulds and over 37 years manufacturing experience, AMAC is able to manufacture to your needs. Contact us: Mark Rigg – General Manager Ph: +61 3 9729 8888

70 Jotun companies represented in more than 80 countries. 38 production facilities globally. Uniform standard of global service. 52524 Oil & Gas Adv Australia 190w x 125d.indd 1

48 Corrosion & Materials

Jotun Australia Head Office – 03 9314 0722 06/07/2011 08:15

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011








MANUFACTURERS OF MIXED METAL OXIDE AND PLATINISED TITANIUM ANODES NMT Electrodes is the exclusive manufacturer of the TELPRO range of MMO and Platinised Titanium Anodes for use in the Cathodic protection of steel structures.

PRODUCTS OFFERED: • Tubular Anodes • Mesh Anodes • Rod Anodes • Ribbon Anodes • Wire Anodes • Plate Anodes • Disc Anodes • Canistered Anodes

Email: Website:

APPLICATIONS INCLUDE: • Oil & gas pipelines • Water pipelines • Above and below the ground storage tanks • Reinforced steel in concrete • Shipʼs hulls • Jetties and wharves • Condenser water boxes in power stations

Address: Unit 2, 26 Baile Road, Canning Vale, WA 6155 Phone: +61 (0) 8 9256 4499 • Fax: +61 (0) 8 9256 4599

Email: Website:

Exhibitor Profiles 3C Corrosion Control Company

A & E Systems

and preservation of industrial infrastructure, including offshore & onshore bolt-protection, mining conveyor protection, mothballing and standby equipment protection.

Stand Number: 56

Stand Number: 19

3C Corrosion Control Company is a specialised cathodic protection company devoted to work with corrosion control in cooling water systems. The company established in 1996 has developed special products to suit the special conditions in such systems.

The A&E Group is an international company with its headquarters, manufacturing and product development facilities in Malaysia and regional centres in the UK, Australia and the USA. The Company’s products have won wide recognition for innovation in the development and application of anticorrosion coatings for use both above and below water. They are international leaders in a niche market estimated to be worth over US$4 billion, with Enviropeel as the only system of its kind in the world, developed by the Group’s own engineers.

The environmentally-friendly characteristics of A&E Group products, their ease of use and durability in service are key factors in winning acceptance from the world's most demanding specifiers.

The company have over the years developed a series of rectifier modules ranging from 1 A to 500 A, based on primary switch mode technology the rectifiers operate on at an efficiency of 92-95%. The technology allows the rectifier to be very compact and light. Our range of special anodes are all made of MMO coated Titanium produced by NMT. They are designed to be installed in any curved surface or recessed into concrete walls. In cooperation with SCS another Swedish based company, 3C has the worldwide responsibility to market a new patented corrosion probe, the LC probe. The probe was originally developed to detect AC induced corrosion but it has a lot of other applications.

50 Corrosion & Materials

The Group’s philosophy is to provide the best possible products for the worst possible conditions. Its Alocit products have been used and proven for three decades in very difficult areas: sweating pipes, steel and concrete piles, ‘green’ and oily concrete, in the splash zone and underwater. More recently, Enviropeel, a unique sprayablethermoplastic anti-corrosion system, has created new opportunities for the protection

Abrasive Blasting Service and Supplies

Stand Numbers: 09 & 10 Abrasive Blasting Service & Supplies Pty Ltd (ABSS) was founded in 1989 after the Directors at the time recognised that there was an opportunity to manufacture Abrasive Blast Cleaning and Shot Peening Equipment here in Australia. We are an industry leader in the surface finishing sector throughout Australia and New Zealand. Offices and distributors are located across Australia and New Zealand so we can easily service all requirements. Vol 36 No 5 October 2011








MANUFACTURERS OF MIXED METAL OXIDE AND PLATINISED TITANIUM ANODES NMT Electrodes is the exclusive manufacturer of the TELPRO range of MMO and Platinised Titanium Anodes for use in the Cathodic protection of steel structures.

PRODUCTS OFFERED: • Tubular Anodes • Mesh Anodes • Rod Anodes • Ribbon Anodes • Wire Anodes • Plate Anodes • Disc Anodes • Canistered Anodes

Email: Website:

APPLICATIONS INCLUDE: • Oil & gas pipelines • Water pipelines • Above and below the ground storage tanks • Reinforced steel in concrete • Shipʼs hulls • Jetties and wharves • Condenser water boxes in power stations

Address: Unit 2, 26 Baile Road, Canning Vale, WA 6155 Phone: +61 (0) 8 9256 4499 • Fax: +61 (0) 8 9256 4599

Email: Website:

Exhibitor Profiles 3C Corrosion Control Company

A & E Systems

and preservation of industrial infrastructure, including offshore & onshore bolt-protection, mining conveyor protection, mothballing and standby equipment protection.

Stand Number: 56

Stand Number: 19

3C Corrosion Control Company is a specialised cathodic protection company devoted to work with corrosion control in cooling water systems. The company established in 1996 has developed special products to suit the special conditions in such systems.

The A&E Group is an international company with its headquarters, manufacturing and product development facilities in Malaysia and regional centres in the UK, Australia and the USA. The Company’s products have won wide recognition for innovation in the development and application of anticorrosion coatings for use both above and below water. They are international leaders in a niche market estimated to be worth over US$4 billion, with Enviropeel as the only system of its kind in the world, developed by the Group’s own engineers.

The environmentally-friendly characteristics of A&E Group products, their ease of use and durability in service are key factors in winning acceptance from the world's most demanding specifiers.

The company have over the years developed a series of rectifier modules ranging from 1 A to 500 A, based on primary switch mode technology the rectifiers operate on at an efficiency of 92-95%. The technology allows the rectifier to be very compact and light. Our range of special anodes are all made of MMO coated Titanium produced by NMT. They are designed to be installed in any curved surface or recessed into concrete walls. In cooperation with SCS another Swedish based company, 3C has the worldwide responsibility to market a new patented corrosion probe, the LC probe. The probe was originally developed to detect AC induced corrosion but it has a lot of other applications.

50 Corrosion & Materials

The Group’s philosophy is to provide the best possible products for the worst possible conditions. Its Alocit products have been used and proven for three decades in very difficult areas: sweating pipes, steel and concrete piles, ‘green’ and oily concrete, in the splash zone and underwater. More recently, Enviropeel, a unique sprayablethermoplastic anti-corrosion system, has created new opportunities for the protection

Abrasive Blasting Service and Supplies

Stand Numbers: 09 & 10 Abrasive Blasting Service & Supplies Pty Ltd (ABSS) was founded in 1989 after the Directors at the time recognised that there was an opportunity to manufacture Abrasive Blast Cleaning and Shot Peening Equipment here in Australia. We are an industry leader in the surface finishing sector throughout Australia and New Zealand. Offices and distributors are located across Australia and New Zealand so we can easily service all requirements. Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All At ABSS, our range of Australian Made equipment includes Abrasive Blast Cleaning Rooms, Airless Blast Turbine Wheel Machines, Abrasive Recovery Systems, Blasting Cabinets, Blast Pots, Mega Blast Vessels, Dustech Reverse Pulse Dust Collectors, Bucket Elevators, Screw Conveyors and Compressed Air Pre-Filter Systems. Working closely with our Global Partner Network, we complement our Australian Made products with a range of Growell Turbine Airless Blast Systems, Camfil Gold Series Dust Collectors, Mobile Dust Collectors and the latest innovative range of Wet Abrasive Blasting Systems. We carry an extensive range of Blast ancillary equipment and Blasting Media including Garnet, Glass Bead, Plastic, Apricot Shell, Ceramic Bead, Steel Grit and Steel Shot.

case histories and established network of associates and certified professionals, Carboline provides an extensive global service with products that have earned the reputation for proven performance at every level. Globally, and locally in Australia and New Zealand, Carboline and its associates offer a full “ Custom Specification Service”, and Corrosion Audits relating to protective coatings. Other services available are a “Service to First Maintenance Prediction Analysis” and Quality Assurance Training. Carboline systems provide cost effective low risk solutions for high risk environments, engineered solutions that are reliable.

Altex Coatings

Stand Numbers: 13 & 14 Altex Coatings, ISO 14001 accredited and over 55 years experience in the heavy duty protective coatings market, is one of 19 Carboline global partners supplying a wide range of high performance protective coatings and systems for almost every major industry sector. Carboline, a trusted name, is often recognised as the benchmark in the protective coatings industry and is dedicated to being the technology and market leader. Carboline specialises in high performance coatings, linings and fireproofing products for the protection of steel and concrete substrates from both corrosion and fire damage. With operations in over 90 countries, and extensive

Earthing and Electrical Backfills Holiday Detectors MIJ’s and Flange Isolation Casing Isolators Coating Repair Systems Pile Protection and Marine Anti-Fouling Nut and Bolt Protection Remote Satellite CP Monitoring Systems Swain Meters and Equipment Vapour Phase Corrosion Inhibitors Come and see us at Booth 73 & 74 in Perth

Anode Engineering

ABSS is ready to give our customers the best solution and the best attention by listening to them and understanding their exact requirements. John Bellato: +61 0 409 123 044 Jon Sweet: +61 0 430 391 926

Exothermic Welding

Toll Free: 1800 446 400

Anti Corrosion Technology

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All ACT is a leader in conducting “Cost of Corrosion” studies and providing full technical support to assess, evaluate and improve asset integrity, through its service life cycle, to avoid unplanned shutdowns. ACT is also fully capable to work jointly with asset owners to establish a comprehensive Corrosion Management Program (CMP) from the design phase to the decommissioning phase. CMP is a proactive and systematic, dynamic and continuous improvement model for both the asset’s integrity and the operator’s competency. If you require any information on ACT services or STOPAQ products, please do not hesitate to email the ACT team on

ArmorGalv – Thermal Diffusion Galvanizing Stand Number: 73 Anode Engineering Pty Ltd is a specialist supplier and technical service provider to the corrosion prevention industry in Australia, New Zealand and South-East Asia. We pride ourselves on being able to provide complete corrosion management solutions for our clients. Our long standing association with the industry has allowed us to become a market leader in providing cutting edge products and services technology for corrosion management and/or prevention needs. Our engineering group leads the industry in design, installation, commissioning and management of corrosion prevention systems. We provide quality services to the region in line with national and international standards. We supply products under the following categories: Anodes P Power Systems, Instrumentation, C Materials & Equipment, Cable, Services Coating Assessment and Survey Equipment Corrosion Probes and Monitoring Systems Earthing and Surge Equipment

Stand Number: 69

Stand Number: 04 Anti Corrosion Technology (ACT) is an established Australian-based engineering company that was founded in 1993. ACT specializes in providing sustainable solutions in materials engineering and corrosion control for Oil & Gas, Water, Power Generation and Mining industries. ACT is the sole partner of STOPAQ B.V. who is the pioneer and manufacturer of the visco elastic corrosion protective coatings and sealants. ACT is the exclusive distributor of STOPAQ products in Australia offering unique cost effective solutions for external pipeline corrosion protection of field joints, HDD, steel pipe casing, road crossings and complete pipeline rehabilitation including valves and flanges as well as external corrosion protection of tank bottoms. In addition, ACT has selected an exclusive line of corrosion protective products and services for the rehabilitation of submerged structures such as piles and jacket legs for offshore operations.

Thermal Diffusion Galvanizing or Sherardizing was invented over 100 years ago, but has never been introduced into Australia until now. Modernisation of the process has made it efficient, clean and cost competitive as a high end, highly corrosion and abrasion resistant coating alternative. The process creates a zinc/iron alloy coating which is almost identical to hot dip galvanizing alloy layers but without the free zinc Eta layer. However, ArmorGalv alloy layers have a higher iron content which makes them harder and more stable. TDG is hard, non-magnetic, weldable and spark free. The coating is heat resistant to 650°C and has excellent adhesion to paint and rubber. Coating thickness can be controlled precisely between 20 and 150 micron. The process has zero emissions, is RoHS compliant and does not create hydrogen embrittlement. The coating has proven itself over the last 18 years in severe marine and mining environments. The first plant began operation in Newcastle last year.


Australasian Corrosion Association

Stand Number: 26 ATTAR is an Engineering Consulting and Training organisation specialising in: Materials selection and protection advice; Failure analysis; Forensic engineering. Corrosion detection is one of ATTAR’s highly developed fields enabling detection through specialised NDT methods and provision of NDT training. Specialised Detection Methods ATTAR use Acoustic Emission (AE) sensing equipment, operated by ASNT qualified technicians/engineers, to perform condition monitoring of pressure vessels, tanks, structures and pipelines. AE identifies active corrosion, leaks, cracks and similar defects without access to the entire structure and without decommissioning. This powerful method can be applied continuously, routinely or remotely. Using highly developed Eddy Current technology, ATTAR provide condition monitoring services for corrosion detection in live, high voltage Overhead Transmission lines for reliable and remote detection without supply disruption. NDT Training ATTAR is and RTO and Australia’s largest NDT training provider providing NDT training in a wide range of methods including Visual Inspection, Ultrasonic Testing, Magnetic Flux Leakage and Radiography. ATTAR also offers training in NDT methods for engineers, managers and supervisors to enhance leadership roles and qualitative dialogue with NDT staff. ATTAR’s also offer Level III NDT consulting services that aid in the selection and optimisation of NDT methods and procedures. Contact information: Name: Tony Raven Position: Sales & Marketing Manager

Stand Number: 01 The Australasian Corrosion Association Inc (ACA) was established in 1955 to service the needs of Australian and New Zealand companies, organisations and individuals working against corrosion. A membership-based, not-for-profit industry association, the ACA promotes the cooperation of academic, industrial, commercial and governmental organisations that are involved with corrosion, and it works to disseminate information on all aspects of corrosion and its prevention by promoting lectures, technical meetings, symposia and other activities related to the industry. When members join the ACA they choose up to five Technical Groups which provide a structure for technical activities within a segment of industry or technical expertise. The eight Technical Groups created from and formed for the benefit of members and Industry are: Concrete Structures & Buildings Cathodic Protection Coatings Mining Industry Petroleum & Chemical Processing Industry Research Water and Water Treatment Welding, Joining & Corrosion Membership of the ACA is available to anyone with an interest in corrosion and its control. There are four categories of membership: Corporate, Individual, Student and Retired. For further information on the ACA, please contact +61 3 9890 4833 or

Tel: +61 3 9574 6144 Fax: +61 3 9574 6133 e-mail:

52 Corrosion & Materials

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All At ABSS, our range of Australian Made equipment includes Abrasive Blast Cleaning Rooms, Airless Blast Turbine Wheel Machines, Abrasive Recovery Systems, Blasting Cabinets, Blast Pots, Mega Blast Vessels, Dustech Reverse Pulse Dust Collectors, Bucket Elevators, Screw Conveyors and Compressed Air Pre-Filter Systems. Working closely with our Global Partner Network, we complement our Australian Made products with a range of Growell Turbine Airless Blast Systems, Camfil Gold Series Dust Collectors, Mobile Dust Collectors and the latest innovative range of Wet Abrasive Blasting Systems. We carry an extensive range of Blast ancillary equipment and Blasting Media including Garnet, Glass Bead, Plastic, Apricot Shell, Ceramic Bead, Steel Grit and Steel Shot.

case histories and established network of associates and certified professionals, Carboline provides an extensive global service with products that have earned the reputation for proven performance at every level. Globally, and locally in Australia and New Zealand, Carboline and its associates offer a full “ Custom Specification Service”, and Corrosion Audits relating to protective coatings. Other services available are a “Service to First Maintenance Prediction Analysis” and Quality Assurance Training. Carboline systems provide cost effective low risk solutions for high risk environments, engineered solutions that are reliable.

Altex Coatings

Stand Numbers: 13 & 14 Altex Coatings, ISO 14001 accredited and over 55 years experience in the heavy duty protective coatings market, is one of 19 Carboline global partners supplying a wide range of high performance protective coatings and systems for almost every major industry sector. Carboline, a trusted name, is often recognised as the benchmark in the protective coatings industry and is dedicated to being the technology and market leader. Carboline specialises in high performance coatings, linings and fireproofing products for the protection of steel and concrete substrates from both corrosion and fire damage. With operations in over 90 countries, and extensive

Earthing and Electrical Backfills Holiday Detectors MIJ’s and Flange Isolation Casing Isolators Coating Repair Systems Pile Protection and Marine Anti-Fouling Nut and Bolt Protection Remote Satellite CP Monitoring Systems Swain Meters and Equipment Vapour Phase Corrosion Inhibitors Come and see us at Booth 73 & 74 in Perth

Anode Engineering

ABSS is ready to give our customers the best solution and the best attention by listening to them and understanding their exact requirements. John Bellato: +61 0 409 123 044 Jon Sweet: +61 0 430 391 926

Exothermic Welding

Toll Free: 1800 446 400

Anti Corrosion Technology

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All ACT is a leader in conducting “Cost of Corrosion” studies and providing full technical support to assess, evaluate and improve asset integrity, through its service life cycle, to avoid unplanned shutdowns. ACT is also fully capable to work jointly with asset owners to establish a comprehensive Corrosion Management Program (CMP) from the design phase to the decommissioning phase. CMP is a proactive and systematic, dynamic and continuous improvement model for both the asset’s integrity and the operator’s competency. If you require any information on ACT services or STOPAQ products, please do not hesitate to email the ACT team on

ArmorGalv – Thermal Diffusion Galvanizing Stand Number: 73 Anode Engineering Pty Ltd is a specialist supplier and technical service provider to the corrosion prevention industry in Australia, New Zealand and South-East Asia. We pride ourselves on being able to provide complete corrosion management solutions for our clients. Our long standing association with the industry has allowed us to become a market leader in providing cutting edge products and services technology for corrosion management and/or prevention needs. Our engineering group leads the industry in design, installation, commissioning and management of corrosion prevention systems. We provide quality services to the region in line with national and international standards. We supply products under the following categories: Anodes P Power Systems, Instrumentation, C Materials & Equipment, Cable, Services Coating Assessment and Survey Equipment Corrosion Probes and Monitoring Systems Earthing and Surge Equipment

Stand Number: 69

Stand Number: 04 Anti Corrosion Technology (ACT) is an established Australian-based engineering company that was founded in 1993. ACT specializes in providing sustainable solutions in materials engineering and corrosion control for Oil & Gas, Water, Power Generation and Mining industries. ACT is the sole partner of STOPAQ B.V. who is the pioneer and manufacturer of the visco elastic corrosion protective coatings and sealants. ACT is the exclusive distributor of STOPAQ products in Australia offering unique cost effective solutions for external pipeline corrosion protection of field joints, HDD, steel pipe casing, road crossings and complete pipeline rehabilitation including valves and flanges as well as external corrosion protection of tank bottoms. In addition, ACT has selected an exclusive line of corrosion protective products and services for the rehabilitation of submerged structures such as piles and jacket legs for offshore operations.

Thermal Diffusion Galvanizing or Sherardizing was invented over 100 years ago, but has never been introduced into Australia until now. Modernisation of the process has made it efficient, clean and cost competitive as a high end, highly corrosion and abrasion resistant coating alternative. The process creates a zinc/iron alloy coating which is almost identical to hot dip galvanizing alloy layers but without the free zinc Eta layer. However, ArmorGalv alloy layers have a higher iron content which makes them harder and more stable. TDG is hard, non-magnetic, weldable and spark free. The coating is heat resistant to 650°C and has excellent adhesion to paint and rubber. Coating thickness can be controlled precisely between 20 and 150 micron. The process has zero emissions, is RoHS compliant and does not create hydrogen embrittlement. The coating has proven itself over the last 18 years in severe marine and mining environments. The first plant began operation in Newcastle last year.


Australasian Corrosion Association

Stand Number: 26 ATTAR is an Engineering Consulting and Training organisation specialising in: Materials selection and protection advice; Failure analysis; Forensic engineering. Corrosion detection is one of ATTAR’s highly developed fields enabling detection through specialised NDT methods and provision of NDT training. Specialised Detection Methods ATTAR use Acoustic Emission (AE) sensing equipment, operated by ASNT qualified technicians/engineers, to perform condition monitoring of pressure vessels, tanks, structures and pipelines. AE identifies active corrosion, leaks, cracks and similar defects without access to the entire structure and without decommissioning. This powerful method can be applied continuously, routinely or remotely. Using highly developed Eddy Current technology, ATTAR provide condition monitoring services for corrosion detection in live, high voltage Overhead Transmission lines for reliable and remote detection without supply disruption. NDT Training ATTAR is and RTO and Australia’s largest NDT training provider providing NDT training in a wide range of methods including Visual Inspection, Ultrasonic Testing, Magnetic Flux Leakage and Radiography. ATTAR also offers training in NDT methods for engineers, managers and supervisors to enhance leadership roles and qualitative dialogue with NDT staff. ATTAR’s also offer Level III NDT consulting services that aid in the selection and optimisation of NDT methods and procedures. Contact information: Name: Tony Raven Position: Sales & Marketing Manager

Stand Number: 01 The Australasian Corrosion Association Inc (ACA) was established in 1955 to service the needs of Australian and New Zealand companies, organisations and individuals working against corrosion. A membership-based, not-for-profit industry association, the ACA promotes the cooperation of academic, industrial, commercial and governmental organisations that are involved with corrosion, and it works to disseminate information on all aspects of corrosion and its prevention by promoting lectures, technical meetings, symposia and other activities related to the industry. When members join the ACA they choose up to five Technical Groups which provide a structure for technical activities within a segment of industry or technical expertise. The eight Technical Groups created from and formed for the benefit of members and Industry are: Concrete Structures & Buildings Cathodic Protection Coatings Mining Industry Petroleum & Chemical Processing Industry Research Water and Water Treatment Welding, Joining & Corrosion Membership of the ACA is available to anyone with an interest in corrosion and its control. There are four categories of membership: Corporate, Individual, Student and Retired. For further information on the ACA, please contact +61 3 9890 4833 or

Tel: +61 3 9574 6144 Fax: +61 3 9574 6133 e-mail:

52 Corrosion & Materials

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All ALS Industrial

element analysis. The Materials Science and Engineering group is comprised of over 30 metallurgical consultants and technicians spread across Australia. The services provided include: oot cause failure analysis of plant R and equipment

Stand Number: 20 ALS Group Global Reach. Local Understanding. ALS Group is a diversified and global testing services company represented in over 50 countries through a network of more than 300 laboratories and offices. ALS Industrial provides engineering-led asset reliability and integrity solutions to the power, oil & gas / petrochemical, minerals processing, mining & materials handling and water & infrastructure industries. ALS ‘Asset Care’ services assist asset owners, operators, constructors and contractors optimize asset utilization.

Identification of corrosion failure mode ATA accredited chemical analysis N (atomic emission spectroscopy) and mechanical testing P reparation of material specification and Inspection and Test Plan I n-situ metallurgical testing: metallographic replication, hardness testing, and positive material identification Wear debris analysis Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy analyses for high resolution imaging and elemental analysis.

Charles Darwin University Bureau Veritas

Bureau Veritas has over 50 offices across Australia and New Zealand. It is a Frenchbased, ISO9001 accredited company operating throughout 140 countries with over 34,000 experienced professionals servicing over 300,000 clients across the world. Bureau Veritas provides services via 8 dedicated business lines including Health Safety & Environment, Industry, Marine, International Trade, Certification, Consumer Products, Inspection & In-Service Verification, and Construction. Bureau Veritas Asset Integrity and Reliability Services (AIRS) in Australia is a part of the Industry business line, and provides a full suite of asset reliability management services including condition monitoring, non destructive testing, structural integrity, metallurgical services, root cause analysis, risk based analysis, risk based inspection, and finite

54 Corrosion & Materials

Charles Darwin University (CDU), with support from the Northern Territory Government and the oil and gas industry, has established the North Australian Centre for Oil and Gas within the School of Engineering & Information Technology. The Centre will be a hub for training and education programs, both on campus and externally through distance learning, together with research capabilities targeted at the specific needs of oil and gas operations and developments in the region. CDU is a dual sector institution with a strong Vocational Education and Training (VET) Division as well as extensive higher education and research activities. It also has particular cross cultural strengths in Indigenous and East Timorese education and training. The Centre will benefit the oil and gas industry and the Darwin community through: E ncouraging students to consider careers in the resources sector

Corrosion Control International

esearch activities in the area of R Maintenance and Asset Management and Multiphase Flow and Phase Behaviour S olutions-oriented research and consultancy plus long term strategic research P roviding a forum to explain industry issues to the wider community. Contact Details For further information contact the Business & Flexible Delivery Coordinator: T: + 61 8 8946 6828 E: W:

Cormac Contracting

Stand Number: 51 Thermal Metal Spray- Abrasive Blasting Thermal Spray Consultancy - Cathodic Protection

Stand Number: 18 Stand Number: 52

E xpansion and up skilling of the local workforce

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All

Cormac has been actively involved for 16 years in the application and development of thermal arc spray (metal spray) throughout Australasia for use in the prevention of corrosion to steel and steel in concrete utilising the application of metals such as zinc, aluminium, zinc aluminium alloys and Nickel, Stainless Steel, Hastalloys, Monel and Bronze. We are now the distributor for THERMION Inc., supplying thermal metal spray systems and technology and with offices in Australia; Singapore & Malaysia Cormac has developed unique mobile equipment & plant for all onsite Thermal Metal Spray and Cathodic Protection applications. The company boasts 19 high deposition thermal metal spray systems and numerous abrasive blasting units that can mobilise anywhere throughout Australasia. Our thermal metal spray applications are used for corrosion prevention, cathodic protection, nonskid and abrasion resistance, with projects ranging from every day structural steel fabrications to dams, ships, bridges, mining, oil refineries & offshore facilities.

Stand Number: 74 CCI is recognised as the industry leader in the design, production and installation of inshore and offshore, subsea and splash zone corrosion control systems. CCI developed its patented, cold applied Retrowrap® systems for retrofit protection of pilings, risers and pipelines as an alternative to factory coatings for new and existing underwater construction for quick and easy installation. Retrowrap is a gel-infused, tension induced wrap. The development of fabric and gel technology over the past 10 years has enabled one-piece wraps to be produced to cover pipe diameters from 3.8 to 305cm. Corrosion inhibitors and biocidal formulations contained within a range of gels provide “active” protection of steel, concrete and timber substrates in the range of -40 to 130 ° C. Retrowrap is capable of surviving cyclones and major flooding, requires little maintenance over an effective lifespan of 25 years, and is environment friendly due to minimal surface preparation requirements and the encapsulation of the thixotropic gel. CCI is exclusively represented in Australia, New Zealand and PNG by Anode Engineering Pty Ltd.

processing and manufacturing processes where precise humidity and temperature control are critical. The company was founded in 1993 in Houston, Texas where the business flourished in the heart of the petro-chemical industry. The firm operates from seven offices in the USA and two in Australia. These are Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Delaware, Corpus Christi, Houston, Melbourne and Sydney. DH Tech maintains an extensive fleet of mobile climate control equipment in the US and Australia with a focus on desiccant dehumidification. The desiccant dehumidifiers exhibit the latest technology in desiccant rotor technology and electronic controls. They are manufactured in the Houston, Texas factory. Over its 18 year history, DH Tech has been a leader in combining cooling and desiccant technologies to deliver efficient and exact humidity control in hot or humid environments. Responsible for the success and growth in the company, is a dedication to responsiveness and a deep understanding of customer needs. This is reflected in the design of the equipment, the internal processes employed and the choice of field personnel. In Australia, the company is represented by David Dawson, Dean Clarke & James Smith.

Densin Australia

Come and see us at Booth No 74 in Perth Toll free 1800 446 400

Dehumidification Technologies

Stand Number: 16 Dehumidification Technologies, Inc. (DH Tech) is a provider of temporary dehumidification, heating and cooling equipment. Industries served include industrial painting, commercial building construction, water damage restoration and a variety of industrial, food

Stand Number: 24 DENSIN High & Ultra high pressure water jetting equipment manufactured by Nilfisk-Advance, Singapore. Backed by the multimillion dollar parent company Nilfiskadvance in Denmark is one of the largest manufacturers of professional cleaning equipment in the world. We have recently expanded to Australia, as there is a demand for High pressure and Ultra high pressure water jetting equipment and assortment of accessories. Den-Sin produces a range of high and ultra-high pressure water jetting equipment ranging from 1000 bar up to 2500 and 40 to 150 HP units in electrical, petrol and diesel for shipyards, mining, earthmoving, refineries,

petro-chemical and the oil & gas industry. Based in Singapore where all design and manufacturing takes place, DENSIN services the entire industry 365 days a year. All components are readily available for dispatch by courier within 24 hours to any destination. DENSIN prides itself by supplying a full range of water jetting equipment and specializes in water jetting equipment for surface preparation of steel surfaces. Producing customized equipment is one of our strong points, with fast track design fast production times. DENSIN simplest design has proven to be one of the most durable and cost effective designs in the industry today.

Denso (Australia)

Stand Numbers: 45 & 48 Denso (Australia) Pty Ltd are principal manufacturers of long life anti-corrosion products and sealing systems, which service a multitude of industry groups. Denso services, as its core markets, Oil & Gas, Marine, Mining, Minerals Processing and Water Industries, throughout Australia and New Zealand and Pacific Islands. Denso (Australia) Pty Ltd adapts and refocusses on a continuing basis, making certain that as the industries we serve change, Denso, and our products and services remain as not only the internationally recognised standard, but the supplier of preference. The Denso range comprises a variety of specialist pipe & structural coatings, marine protection systems, concrete and tank coatings, including tapes, brush and spray applied liquid coatings, mastics, primers and sealants based on materials such as petrolatum, butyl rubber, bitumen, plastics, heat shrink sleeves and epoxy resins. Systems are tailor made for individual anti-corrosion and sealing problems developed with the realities of an on-site application in mind. Denso’s extensive product range is suitable for use in a wide range of highly corrosive environments with operating temperatures from sub-zero to 250°C.

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All ALS Industrial

element analysis. The Materials Science and Engineering group is comprised of over 30 metallurgical consultants and technicians spread across Australia. The services provided include: oot cause failure analysis of plant R and equipment

Stand Number: 20 ALS Group Global Reach. Local Understanding. ALS Group is a diversified and global testing services company represented in over 50 countries through a network of more than 300 laboratories and offices. ALS Industrial provides engineering-led asset reliability and integrity solutions to the power, oil & gas / petrochemical, minerals processing, mining & materials handling and water & infrastructure industries. ALS ‘Asset Care’ services assist asset owners, operators, constructors and contractors optimize asset utilization.

Identification of corrosion failure mode ATA accredited chemical analysis N (atomic emission spectroscopy) and mechanical testing P reparation of material specification and Inspection and Test Plan I n-situ metallurgical testing: metallographic replication, hardness testing, and positive material identification Wear debris analysis Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy analyses for high resolution imaging and elemental analysis.

Charles Darwin University Bureau Veritas

Bureau Veritas has over 50 offices across Australia and New Zealand. It is a Frenchbased, ISO9001 accredited company operating throughout 140 countries with over 34,000 experienced professionals servicing over 300,000 clients across the world. Bureau Veritas provides services via 8 dedicated business lines including Health Safety & Environment, Industry, Marine, International Trade, Certification, Consumer Products, Inspection & In-Service Verification, and Construction. Bureau Veritas Asset Integrity and Reliability Services (AIRS) in Australia is a part of the Industry business line, and provides a full suite of asset reliability management services including condition monitoring, non destructive testing, structural integrity, metallurgical services, root cause analysis, risk based analysis, risk based inspection, and finite

54 Corrosion & Materials

Charles Darwin University (CDU), with support from the Northern Territory Government and the oil and gas industry, has established the North Australian Centre for Oil and Gas within the School of Engineering & Information Technology. The Centre will be a hub for training and education programs, both on campus and externally through distance learning, together with research capabilities targeted at the specific needs of oil and gas operations and developments in the region. CDU is a dual sector institution with a strong Vocational Education and Training (VET) Division as well as extensive higher education and research activities. It also has particular cross cultural strengths in Indigenous and East Timorese education and training. The Centre will benefit the oil and gas industry and the Darwin community through: E ncouraging students to consider careers in the resources sector

Corrosion Control International

esearch activities in the area of R Maintenance and Asset Management and Multiphase Flow and Phase Behaviour S olutions-oriented research and consultancy plus long term strategic research P roviding a forum to explain industry issues to the wider community. Contact Details For further information contact the Business & Flexible Delivery Coordinator: T: + 61 8 8946 6828 E: W:

Cormac Contracting

Stand Number: 51 Thermal Metal Spray- Abrasive Blasting Thermal Spray Consultancy - Cathodic Protection

Stand Number: 18 Stand Number: 52

E xpansion and up skilling of the local workforce

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All

Cormac has been actively involved for 16 years in the application and development of thermal arc spray (metal spray) throughout Australasia for use in the prevention of corrosion to steel and steel in concrete utilising the application of metals such as zinc, aluminium, zinc aluminium alloys and Nickel, Stainless Steel, Hastalloys, Monel and Bronze. We are now the distributor for THERMION Inc., supplying thermal metal spray systems and technology and with offices in Australia; Singapore & Malaysia Cormac has developed unique mobile equipment & plant for all onsite Thermal Metal Spray and Cathodic Protection applications. The company boasts 19 high deposition thermal metal spray systems and numerous abrasive blasting units that can mobilise anywhere throughout Australasia. Our thermal metal spray applications are used for corrosion prevention, cathodic protection, nonskid and abrasion resistance, with projects ranging from every day structural steel fabrications to dams, ships, bridges, mining, oil refineries & offshore facilities.

Stand Number: 74 CCI is recognised as the industry leader in the design, production and installation of inshore and offshore, subsea and splash zone corrosion control systems. CCI developed its patented, cold applied Retrowrap® systems for retrofit protection of pilings, risers and pipelines as an alternative to factory coatings for new and existing underwater construction for quick and easy installation. Retrowrap is a gel-infused, tension induced wrap. The development of fabric and gel technology over the past 10 years has enabled one-piece wraps to be produced to cover pipe diameters from 3.8 to 305cm. Corrosion inhibitors and biocidal formulations contained within a range of gels provide “active” protection of steel, concrete and timber substrates in the range of -40 to 130 ° C. Retrowrap is capable of surviving cyclones and major flooding, requires little maintenance over an effective lifespan of 25 years, and is environment friendly due to minimal surface preparation requirements and the encapsulation of the thixotropic gel. CCI is exclusively represented in Australia, New Zealand and PNG by Anode Engineering Pty Ltd.

processing and manufacturing processes where precise humidity and temperature control are critical. The company was founded in 1993 in Houston, Texas where the business flourished in the heart of the petro-chemical industry. The firm operates from seven offices in the USA and two in Australia. These are Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Delaware, Corpus Christi, Houston, Melbourne and Sydney. DH Tech maintains an extensive fleet of mobile climate control equipment in the US and Australia with a focus on desiccant dehumidification. The desiccant dehumidifiers exhibit the latest technology in desiccant rotor technology and electronic controls. They are manufactured in the Houston, Texas factory. Over its 18 year history, DH Tech has been a leader in combining cooling and desiccant technologies to deliver efficient and exact humidity control in hot or humid environments. Responsible for the success and growth in the company, is a dedication to responsiveness and a deep understanding of customer needs. This is reflected in the design of the equipment, the internal processes employed and the choice of field personnel. In Australia, the company is represented by David Dawson, Dean Clarke & James Smith.

Densin Australia

Come and see us at Booth No 74 in Perth Toll free 1800 446 400

Dehumidification Technologies

Stand Number: 16 Dehumidification Technologies, Inc. (DH Tech) is a provider of temporary dehumidification, heating and cooling equipment. Industries served include industrial painting, commercial building construction, water damage restoration and a variety of industrial, food

Stand Number: 24 DENSIN High & Ultra high pressure water jetting equipment manufactured by Nilfisk-Advance, Singapore. Backed by the multimillion dollar parent company Nilfiskadvance in Denmark is one of the largest manufacturers of professional cleaning equipment in the world. We have recently expanded to Australia, as there is a demand for High pressure and Ultra high pressure water jetting equipment and assortment of accessories. Den-Sin produces a range of high and ultra-high pressure water jetting equipment ranging from 1000 bar up to 2500 and 40 to 150 HP units in electrical, petrol and diesel for shipyards, mining, earthmoving, refineries,

petro-chemical and the oil & gas industry. Based in Singapore where all design and manufacturing takes place, DENSIN services the entire industry 365 days a year. All components are readily available for dispatch by courier within 24 hours to any destination. DENSIN prides itself by supplying a full range of water jetting equipment and specializes in water jetting equipment for surface preparation of steel surfaces. Producing customized equipment is one of our strong points, with fast track design fast production times. DENSIN simplest design has proven to be one of the most durable and cost effective designs in the industry today.

Denso (Australia)

Stand Numbers: 45 & 48 Denso (Australia) Pty Ltd are principal manufacturers of long life anti-corrosion products and sealing systems, which service a multitude of industry groups. Denso services, as its core markets, Oil & Gas, Marine, Mining, Minerals Processing and Water Industries, throughout Australia and New Zealand and Pacific Islands. Denso (Australia) Pty Ltd adapts and refocusses on a continuing basis, making certain that as the industries we serve change, Denso, and our products and services remain as not only the internationally recognised standard, but the supplier of preference. The Denso range comprises a variety of specialist pipe & structural coatings, marine protection systems, concrete and tank coatings, including tapes, brush and spray applied liquid coatings, mastics, primers and sealants based on materials such as petrolatum, butyl rubber, bitumen, plastics, heat shrink sleeves and epoxy resins. Systems are tailor made for individual anti-corrosion and sealing problems developed with the realities of an on-site application in mind. Denso’s extensive product range is suitable for use in a wide range of highly corrosive environments with operating temperatures from sub-zero to 250°C.

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All Brand names include Seashield, ArchcoRigidon, Protal, Rigspray, Denso, Densopol, Ultraflex, Densoramic and Polybron. Associated group companies include Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd, Archco Rigidon, Premier Coating Ltd, Seashield International, Denso (New Zealand) Ltd, Denso North America Inc and Denso South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Dial Before You Dig - The Essential First Step

DIMET Anti-Corrosion

Stand Number: 64 DIMET Anti-Corrosion Pty Ltd, an associate of Tri-Star Industries Group, has a manufacturing facility in Perth, focusing on supporting the Energy, Mining and Infrastructure Industries in Australia. Tri-Star Industries, with a track record of more than 30 years, manufactures: ASTERCOTE Fasteners M (to Woodside Specs), DIMET Cathodic Protection Products,

The Dial Before You Dig organisation provides a vital national community service designed to prevent damage and disruption to the vast pipe and cable networks which provide Australia with the essential services we use every day - electricity, gas, communications and water. Dial Before You Dig creates a unique partnership with Australia’s underground asset owners. By providing a fast and effective referral system, we act as a single point of contact for anyone looking to excavate to receive information about underground networks at their work site. The Dial Before You Dig service is also designed to protect Australia’s excavators. Any excavation has the potential for injury, personal liability and even death. Obtaining accurate information about the work site significantly minimizes these risks. Dial Before You Dig is a not for profit organisation that prides itself on developing strong relationships with industry stakeholders at a national and state level. We work closely with our Members and are continually developing our service. Lodging a standard enquiry, though our online service at or by ringing our national call centre on 1100, is free

M*RAK Cable Support Systems and TRISTAR Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning & Torquing Tools. The Group has 8 manufacturing operations in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, the Middles East and Australia. It also has a steel distribution centre in Houston, USA. The Tri-Star Group prides itself on producing high quality standard products at internationally competitive pricing, and provides superb customer service. Some of our world renown customers are Energy companies and fabricating contractors such as ABB, Agip, Aker, Alstom, Apache, BHP, BP, Cameron, CB&I, Chevron, Chiyoda, Clough, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, FMC, Foster Wheeler, GE, Hyundai, JGC, Keppel, McDermott, ONGC, Pertamina, Petronas, PTTEP, Saipem, Samsung, Santa Fe, Seimens, Sembawang, Shell, Technip, Thai Petroleum, Total, Toyo and Woodside.

Dulux Protective Coatings - For the job worth doing.

Stand Numbers: 70 & 71 Dulux® is an Australian owned and based company, committed to the supply of high performance protective coatings to the Australia-Pacific region for over 75 years. Dulux® Protective Coatings manufacturers

56 Corrosion & Materials

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All

a comprehensive and diverse range of protective coatings for heavy duty applications such as in the oil and gas industries, mining, infrastructure, chemical manufacture, purification and processing plants and coastal and off-shore construction.

For three decades Energy Publications internationally renowned magazines, Oil & Gas Australia, PNG Resources and Asia Pacific Subsea World, have led the resource publication sector.

Gamry - Scientific Solutions

Long term corrosion control has been effectively achieved by the use of Dulux® zinc rich epoxy primers, inorganic zinc silicates, high build epoxy intermediates, chlorinated rubber, acrylic and polyurethane topcoats; micaceous iron oxide coatings and specialist high performance systems such as pure polyurea elastomers and heat resisting product lines.

Energy Publications

Stand Number: 47

Gamry designs and manufactures electrochemical instrumentation for corrosion measurement, physical electrochemistry, electroanalytical chemistry, battery and fuel cell development.

With our product range and customer-focused technical consultants, we provide tailor made corrosion solutions for just about every aspect of heavy industry. Information on everything from substrate preparation, detailed coating system specifications, application methods and maintenance scheduling. Dulux Protective Coatings also has the most extensive distribution network in the industry with a comprehensive supply chain network of over 230 trade distribution outlets nationally. This ensures rapid, reliable service right across the country. Call your local Dulux Technical Consultant or visit Dulux Customer Service 13 23 77. Worth doing, worth Dulux®.

Emerson Process Management/ Roxar

Stand Number: 72 Australia’s longest running, most respected and widely read oil and gas journal, Oil & Gas Australia, is a ‘must read’ for personnel in the petroleum sector, be it exploration, drilling, production, engineering and design. The magazine is distributed through a local and international subscriptions database and to exhibitions/conferences in Australia, the Asia Pacific and Europe. The magazine’s readership is approximately 7000 and comprises. This publication sets high standards in terms of accuracy and quality of reporting. Oil & Gas Australia is the only oil and gas journal from the region to be invited by the governments of Canada (twice), Norway (twice) and the United Kingdom (three times) to visit their countries and publish special supplements on their oil and gas industries. Consistently selected by major operators to publish supplements on their projects, each year also carries supplements endorsed by Western Australia, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory. Our other unique publications include:

Stand Number: 23 Roaxar is a leading supplier of internal corrosion and erosion monitoring solutions, with probably the most extensive product range comprising intrusive sensors and the non-intrusive FSM technology, for applications subsea as well as for topside/ landbased applications. With the novel Fieldwatch software, and being a part of Emerson Process Management, Roxar’s corrosion and erosion monitoring solutions can be an integrated part of a complete monitoring and measurement solutions, e.g. including sand or flow measurements.

Western Australian Petroleum Services Index (WAPSI) The Glossary of Petroleum Industry Terms New Zealand Oil & Gas Directory

Gamry is exhibiting the broadest range of instruments for electrochemical corrosion measurement in the industry. We’re demonstrating our full line of products for DC corrosion techniques, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, electrochemical frequency modulation, electrochemical noise, and critical pitting temperature. The Reference 600 Potentiostats is on display. We’re also showing the ECM8 Multiplexer for low-cost automated testing of corrosion inhibitors. In addition, we have a selection of electrochemical cells on display, including the MultiPort Corrosion Cell, the ParaCell Corrosion Cell.

GMA Garnet Group

Stand Number: 49 GMA Garnet Group is the leading producer of industrial garnet for blast cleaning and waterjet cutting with advanced mining and processing operations established within Western Australia and strategically located warehouses worldwide. The Group has pioneered the operation of large-scale garnet recycling facilities in Italy, Saudi Arabia, UAE and USA offering an environmentally friendly solution to the disposal of used garnet. Headquartered in Perth with GMA Group of Companies in Europe, Middle East, America and China, GMA Garnet is supported by a dedicated and professional global distribution network offering professional solutions and extensive technical support to the industry for over 20 years. The Group is the leading supplier of industrial Almandite garnet and meets a constantly

growing demand that is highly diversified. GMA Garnet™ abrasives are used as a blast medium in the surface preparation industry to clean ship hulls and service ships, construction of expertly manufactured trains, laying of record breaking pipe lines and the fabrication and maintenance of giant on-shore and offshore structures for the Oil & Gas industry. Level 18, Exchange Plaza, The Esplanade 2 Perth 6000, Western Australia Tel: +61 8 9287 3200 Fax: +61 8 9287 3201 Email: Website: Contact: Steve Clare


Stand Numbers: 41, 42, 43 & 44 Hempel is a world-leading supplier of protective coatings for the marine, protective, container, yacht and decorative segments. From windmills and bridges to hospitals and ships, their coatings protect man-made structures from the corrosive forces of nature. Hempel’s goal is to increase the long-term value of their customers’ assets by providing them with coatings that help extend product lifetimes and reduce maintenance costs. Their R&D teams around the world are constantly working to develop new and innovative products and solutions that improve performance and lower application costs for their customers. Hempel believe that the coatings industry can and should contribute to a better environment, so they invest in advanced products and innovative ideas to create environmentally friendly solutions that help customers cut fuel consumption and reduce emissions from their operations. Represented in more than 80 countries, Hempel have 21 factories, 47 sales offices and more than 150 stock points strategically located around the world. Hempel also have three main R&D Centres in China, Denmark and Spain, and regional R&D Centres in Bahrain, Germany, Korea, Singapore and the US. 1800 HEMPEL

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All Brand names include Seashield, ArchcoRigidon, Protal, Rigspray, Denso, Densopol, Ultraflex, Densoramic and Polybron. Associated group companies include Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd, Archco Rigidon, Premier Coating Ltd, Seashield International, Denso (New Zealand) Ltd, Denso North America Inc and Denso South Africa (Pty) Ltd.

Dial Before You Dig - The Essential First Step

DIMET Anti-Corrosion

Stand Number: 64 DIMET Anti-Corrosion Pty Ltd, an associate of Tri-Star Industries Group, has a manufacturing facility in Perth, focusing on supporting the Energy, Mining and Infrastructure Industries in Australia. Tri-Star Industries, with a track record of more than 30 years, manufactures: ASTERCOTE Fasteners M (to Woodside Specs), DIMET Cathodic Protection Products,

The Dial Before You Dig organisation provides a vital national community service designed to prevent damage and disruption to the vast pipe and cable networks which provide Australia with the essential services we use every day - electricity, gas, communications and water. Dial Before You Dig creates a unique partnership with Australia’s underground asset owners. By providing a fast and effective referral system, we act as a single point of contact for anyone looking to excavate to receive information about underground networks at their work site. The Dial Before You Dig service is also designed to protect Australia’s excavators. Any excavation has the potential for injury, personal liability and even death. Obtaining accurate information about the work site significantly minimizes these risks. Dial Before You Dig is a not for profit organisation that prides itself on developing strong relationships with industry stakeholders at a national and state level. We work closely with our Members and are continually developing our service. Lodging a standard enquiry, though our online service at or by ringing our national call centre on 1100, is free

M*RAK Cable Support Systems and TRISTAR Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning & Torquing Tools. The Group has 8 manufacturing operations in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, the Middles East and Australia. It also has a steel distribution centre in Houston, USA. The Tri-Star Group prides itself on producing high quality standard products at internationally competitive pricing, and provides superb customer service. Some of our world renown customers are Energy companies and fabricating contractors such as ABB, Agip, Aker, Alstom, Apache, BHP, BP, Cameron, CB&I, Chevron, Chiyoda, Clough, ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, FMC, Foster Wheeler, GE, Hyundai, JGC, Keppel, McDermott, ONGC, Pertamina, Petronas, PTTEP, Saipem, Samsung, Santa Fe, Seimens, Sembawang, Shell, Technip, Thai Petroleum, Total, Toyo and Woodside.

Dulux Protective Coatings - For the job worth doing.

Stand Numbers: 70 & 71 Dulux® is an Australian owned and based company, committed to the supply of high performance protective coatings to the Australia-Pacific region for over 75 years. Dulux® Protective Coatings manufacturers

56 Corrosion & Materials

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All

a comprehensive and diverse range of protective coatings for heavy duty applications such as in the oil and gas industries, mining, infrastructure, chemical manufacture, purification and processing plants and coastal and off-shore construction.

For three decades Energy Publications internationally renowned magazines, Oil & Gas Australia, PNG Resources and Asia Pacific Subsea World, have led the resource publication sector.

Gamry - Scientific Solutions

Long term corrosion control has been effectively achieved by the use of Dulux® zinc rich epoxy primers, inorganic zinc silicates, high build epoxy intermediates, chlorinated rubber, acrylic and polyurethane topcoats; micaceous iron oxide coatings and specialist high performance systems such as pure polyurea elastomers and heat resisting product lines.

Energy Publications

Stand Number: 47

Gamry designs and manufactures electrochemical instrumentation for corrosion measurement, physical electrochemistry, electroanalytical chemistry, battery and fuel cell development.

With our product range and customer-focused technical consultants, we provide tailor made corrosion solutions for just about every aspect of heavy industry. Information on everything from substrate preparation, detailed coating system specifications, application methods and maintenance scheduling. Dulux Protective Coatings also has the most extensive distribution network in the industry with a comprehensive supply chain network of over 230 trade distribution outlets nationally. This ensures rapid, reliable service right across the country. Call your local Dulux Technical Consultant or visit Dulux Customer Service 13 23 77. Worth doing, worth Dulux®.

Emerson Process Management/ Roxar

Stand Number: 72 Australia’s longest running, most respected and widely read oil and gas journal, Oil & Gas Australia, is a ‘must read’ for personnel in the petroleum sector, be it exploration, drilling, production, engineering and design. The magazine is distributed through a local and international subscriptions database and to exhibitions/conferences in Australia, the Asia Pacific and Europe. The magazine’s readership is approximately 7000 and comprises. This publication sets high standards in terms of accuracy and quality of reporting. Oil & Gas Australia is the only oil and gas journal from the region to be invited by the governments of Canada (twice), Norway (twice) and the United Kingdom (three times) to visit their countries and publish special supplements on their oil and gas industries. Consistently selected by major operators to publish supplements on their projects, each year also carries supplements endorsed by Western Australia, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and the Northern Territory. Our other unique publications include:

Stand Number: 23 Roaxar is a leading supplier of internal corrosion and erosion monitoring solutions, with probably the most extensive product range comprising intrusive sensors and the non-intrusive FSM technology, for applications subsea as well as for topside/ landbased applications. With the novel Fieldwatch software, and being a part of Emerson Process Management, Roxar’s corrosion and erosion monitoring solutions can be an integrated part of a complete monitoring and measurement solutions, e.g. including sand or flow measurements.

Western Australian Petroleum Services Index (WAPSI) The Glossary of Petroleum Industry Terms New Zealand Oil & Gas Directory

Gamry is exhibiting the broadest range of instruments for electrochemical corrosion measurement in the industry. We’re demonstrating our full line of products for DC corrosion techniques, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, electrochemical frequency modulation, electrochemical noise, and critical pitting temperature. The Reference 600 Potentiostats is on display. We’re also showing the ECM8 Multiplexer for low-cost automated testing of corrosion inhibitors. In addition, we have a selection of electrochemical cells on display, including the MultiPort Corrosion Cell, the ParaCell Corrosion Cell.

GMA Garnet Group

Stand Number: 49 GMA Garnet Group is the leading producer of industrial garnet for blast cleaning and waterjet cutting with advanced mining and processing operations established within Western Australia and strategically located warehouses worldwide. The Group has pioneered the operation of large-scale garnet recycling facilities in Italy, Saudi Arabia, UAE and USA offering an environmentally friendly solution to the disposal of used garnet. Headquartered in Perth with GMA Group of Companies in Europe, Middle East, America and China, GMA Garnet is supported by a dedicated and professional global distribution network offering professional solutions and extensive technical support to the industry for over 20 years. The Group is the leading supplier of industrial Almandite garnet and meets a constantly

growing demand that is highly diversified. GMA Garnet™ abrasives are used as a blast medium in the surface preparation industry to clean ship hulls and service ships, construction of expertly manufactured trains, laying of record breaking pipe lines and the fabrication and maintenance of giant on-shore and offshore structures for the Oil & Gas industry. Level 18, Exchange Plaza, The Esplanade 2 Perth 6000, Western Australia Tel: +61 8 9287 3200 Fax: +61 8 9287 3201 Email: Website: Contact: Steve Clare


Stand Numbers: 41, 42, 43 & 44 Hempel is a world-leading supplier of protective coatings for the marine, protective, container, yacht and decorative segments. From windmills and bridges to hospitals and ships, their coatings protect man-made structures from the corrosive forces of nature. Hempel’s goal is to increase the long-term value of their customers’ assets by providing them with coatings that help extend product lifetimes and reduce maintenance costs. Their R&D teams around the world are constantly working to develop new and innovative products and solutions that improve performance and lower application costs for their customers. Hempel believe that the coatings industry can and should contribute to a better environment, so they invest in advanced products and innovative ideas to create environmentally friendly solutions that help customers cut fuel consumption and reduce emissions from their operations. Represented in more than 80 countries, Hempel have 21 factories, 47 sales offices and more than 150 stock points strategically located around the world. Hempel also have three main R&D Centres in China, Denmark and Spain, and regional R&D Centres in Bahrain, Germany, Korea, Singapore and the US. 1800 HEMPEL

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All Incospec & Associates Australia

Intercept Technology

International Protective Coatings

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All Jotun

Mascoat Australia


Stand Number: 65 Independent Corrosion Engineers & Consultants Established in 1981, Incospec & Associates Australia has grown to be one of the largest Corrosion Engineering Consultancies in Australasia. We provide both independent and authoritative consultancy in the fields of Corrosion Engineering and Asset Management. Our independence is a valuable asset, enabling us to offer our clients totally unbiased optimum advice, free from commercial constraints in the following areas: Failure analysis Cathodic protection Welding inspection and supervision Asset maintenance surveys Metallurgy & Materials Consulting 3rd party independent coating inspection Coating selection and specifications Concrete condition surveys Training

Stand Numbers: 61 & 62 Stand Number: 32 & 33 Established in Western Australia in 1996, Under-Raps provide packaging for storage, logistics and preservation. A variety of products are offered including; Polymer films, UV Shrink films and the breakthrough Intercept Technology product range that offers protection against corrosion, rust, oxidisation, static, tarnishing and mildew. With current staff of around 30, including a dedicated sewing and welding loft, Under Raps supplies packaging solutions to the resources industry, the manufacturing industry and thirdparty logistics companies. Intercept products are environmentally safe and recyclable...and offer oil free corrosion and anti-static protection for use with electronics, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastics, paper and fabrics. Corrosive gases can be found anywhere and everywhere. The most common and most potent of these gases – sulphur and chlorine are the two major causes of corrosion and oxidisation.

Asset Maintenance Management System Timely maintenance is imperative if structures are to remain in a sound and functional condition. Breakdown of coatings and lack of maintenance can result in the onset of corrosion and eventual destruction of an asset through loss of integrity.

Intercept Technology neutralizes corrosive and migrating gases; similar to a sacrificial “anode”, these gases are permanently bound with the copper particles that are chemically bonded to the packaging materials. In other words, when corrosive gases come into contact with the Intercept material, they are instantly neutralised. All materials are equally protected – only one non-toxic packaging material for all applications!

Guardian™ assists in maximising the value of your assets by allowing scheduling of preventative maintenance. Using a structured methodology, the Guardian™ survey encapsulates all data into a dynamic and usable format.

Intercept Technology products are available in shrink film, polymer bags, woven plastics, foams, canvas and corrugated mediums – Intercept products can be custom designed to suit a diverse range of uses and objects of any size.

Already in practice in the global oil & gas industry, Australian mining industry, bridges and government infrastructure, shipping and bulk handling and high voltage transmission lines, Guardian™ has proven to assist asset managers in justifying valuable maintenance expenditure.

58 Corrosion & Materials

International Protective Coatings is the leading supplier of high performance coatings in Australasia and forms part of Akzo Nobel, a market driven, technology based company specialising in coatings and chemicals. Akzo Nobel is the world’s largest supplier of coatings with 5,500 employees in 54 countries, and serves the Marine and Protective Coatings market, under the brand ‘International®’. The Protective Coatings division supplies innovative coatings to the Mining, Oil & Gas, Water & Waste, Power, Rail and Infrastructure markets for both new construction and maintenance projects. Our leading project and technical service experts provide specialised coating solutions for all your project needs from concept to completion, including Interplan®, our asset protection system which offers a comprehensive customised maintenance painting service. Ongoing development and adoption of novel technologies sees International® now supplying Interfine® 1080 (single pack polysiloxane) and Intercure® 99 (direct to metal polyaspartic primer finish) into the Australasian marketplace. International also has a complete range of linings suitable for highly aggressive environments in both storage and secondary containment - Enviroline®, Ceilcote®, Interline® and Polibrid® 705E. International® is exhibiting at the 18th ICC Congress being held 20 – 24th November 2011 at the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre. Clients. Visitors and friends are welcome to visit us at stands 61 & 62. Toll free Australia: 131 474 Toll free New Zealand: 0800 808 807

Stand Numbers: 57 & 58 Jotun blue

Stand Number: 31

Jotun is one of the world's leading manufacturers of paints, coatings and powder coatings. The group has 70 companies and 38 production facilities on all continents. In Black and white addition, Jotun has agents, branch offices and distributors in more than 80 countries.

Mascoat’s specialised ceramic insulation coatings provide an alternative more effective solution for Insulation, Energy Retention, and Personnel Protection, whilst providing asset protection and corrosion protection to areas within all industries globally.

The Jotun Group has four divisions, and its head office is in Sandefjord, Norway.

Our Industrial Insulation coatings are specifically designed to replace conventional forms of Insulation / lagging type material on heated surfaces of up to 240 degree Celsius. Our coatings are environmentally friendly, maintenance free, and do not absorb moisture.

Jotun Australia Pty Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Jotun Group and supplies Protective Coatings, Marine Coatings and Powder Coatings for corrosion control and other specialised applications. In 1990 Jotun purchased the Dimet business linking the best of European technology with an Australian business that brought innovative products to the world. Our local manufacturing unit accredited to ISO 9001 is situated in Brooklyn, Victoria, where we maintain a NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) registered laboratory and a manufacturing facility recognised by Australian Paint Approvals Scheme. In addition the Brooklyn site holds accreditation to ISO 14001(Environmental) and OHSAS 18001 (Safety) management systems. At Jotun, we are able to draw on our vast worldwide experience to provide technical assistance and coating recommendations in Mining, Smelting, Chemical, Petrochemical, Offshore, Water, Sewerage and many other industries where corrosion problems are found. Jotun Australia has activities in all states and is able to provide a high level of local service supported by the global strength of Jotun’s worldwide activities. Jotun Australia’s head office and manufacturing can be contacted on +61 3 9314 0722.

Once the coatings are applied to a surface they will maintain their thermal properties for the life of the coated surface and protect personnel from injury whilst drastically reducing heat loss and protecting against corrosion.

Metz Specialty Materials

Stand Number: 50 Metz is an Australian owned company that was established in 1953. Since that time Metz have specialised in the materials that can be used to resist the aggressive corrosive effects of the harshest chemicals used in industry. Resistance to the action of highly corrosive chemicals depends upon chemical composition (type and concentration of acid, alkali or solvent), temperature and other physical conditions to determine which Metz material can best resist the specified environment. Metz range of materials include epoxy and other specialty coatings and toppings, acid brick and tile systems and acid proof concretes and mortars. Metz also supplies a range of the latest fluoroelastomeric coatings, caulking and sheet lining systems available. Metz ISO9001:2008 accredited manufacturing

facility is located in Melbourne. Metz also has offices in Melbourne and Brisbane. Most Metz materials can be installed by Metz to provide a unique single point of responsibility solution for our clients. For further information please contact Ian Ellis on and +61 0 419 816 783.


Stand Number: 07 Munters is a global leader in energy efficient air treatment solutions based on expertise in humidity and climate control technologies. With a network of depots throughout Australia, Munters can deliver state of the art dehumidification equipment for short-term or long-term climate control to any location. Our technical expertise gives you the added advantage of knowing that our specialist team will advise you on your requirements and timeframes ensuring you only rent the equipment you need for as long as you need it. Our technicians will also install, set and monitor the equipment throughout the duration of the project giving you the reassurance you need to know that the job will be completed efficiently and cost-effectively. Industrial Applications For over 60 years Munters has engineered and manufactured equipment to solve humidity and climate control problems. Surface Preparation & Coating Since the 1970’s, Munters desiccant dehumidifiers have been creating the ideal conditions for surface preparation and coating. Construction Drying We recognize that delays in completing building projects will lead to financial penalties, a loss of reputation and ultimately a loss of business long term. That’s why our experienced technicians can be on-site within 24 hours of appointment to assess the requirements to cost effectively speed the drying process.

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All Incospec & Associates Australia

Intercept Technology

International Protective Coatings

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All Jotun

Mascoat Australia


Stand Number: 65 Independent Corrosion Engineers & Consultants Established in 1981, Incospec & Associates Australia has grown to be one of the largest Corrosion Engineering Consultancies in Australasia. We provide both independent and authoritative consultancy in the fields of Corrosion Engineering and Asset Management. Our independence is a valuable asset, enabling us to offer our clients totally unbiased optimum advice, free from commercial constraints in the following areas: Failure analysis Cathodic protection Welding inspection and supervision Asset maintenance surveys Metallurgy & Materials Consulting 3rd party independent coating inspection Coating selection and specifications Concrete condition surveys Training

Stand Numbers: 61 & 62 Stand Number: 32 & 33 Established in Western Australia in 1996, Under-Raps provide packaging for storage, logistics and preservation. A variety of products are offered including; Polymer films, UV Shrink films and the breakthrough Intercept Technology product range that offers protection against corrosion, rust, oxidisation, static, tarnishing and mildew. With current staff of around 30, including a dedicated sewing and welding loft, Under Raps supplies packaging solutions to the resources industry, the manufacturing industry and thirdparty logistics companies. Intercept products are environmentally safe and recyclable...and offer oil free corrosion and anti-static protection for use with electronics, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastics, paper and fabrics. Corrosive gases can be found anywhere and everywhere. The most common and most potent of these gases – sulphur and chlorine are the two major causes of corrosion and oxidisation.

Asset Maintenance Management System Timely maintenance is imperative if structures are to remain in a sound and functional condition. Breakdown of coatings and lack of maintenance can result in the onset of corrosion and eventual destruction of an asset through loss of integrity.

Intercept Technology neutralizes corrosive and migrating gases; similar to a sacrificial “anode”, these gases are permanently bound with the copper particles that are chemically bonded to the packaging materials. In other words, when corrosive gases come into contact with the Intercept material, they are instantly neutralised. All materials are equally protected – only one non-toxic packaging material for all applications!

Guardian™ assists in maximising the value of your assets by allowing scheduling of preventative maintenance. Using a structured methodology, the Guardian™ survey encapsulates all data into a dynamic and usable format.

Intercept Technology products are available in shrink film, polymer bags, woven plastics, foams, canvas and corrugated mediums – Intercept products can be custom designed to suit a diverse range of uses and objects of any size.

Already in practice in the global oil & gas industry, Australian mining industry, bridges and government infrastructure, shipping and bulk handling and high voltage transmission lines, Guardian™ has proven to assist asset managers in justifying valuable maintenance expenditure.

58 Corrosion & Materials

International Protective Coatings is the leading supplier of high performance coatings in Australasia and forms part of Akzo Nobel, a market driven, technology based company specialising in coatings and chemicals. Akzo Nobel is the world’s largest supplier of coatings with 5,500 employees in 54 countries, and serves the Marine and Protective Coatings market, under the brand ‘International®’. The Protective Coatings division supplies innovative coatings to the Mining, Oil & Gas, Water & Waste, Power, Rail and Infrastructure markets for both new construction and maintenance projects. Our leading project and technical service experts provide specialised coating solutions for all your project needs from concept to completion, including Interplan®, our asset protection system which offers a comprehensive customised maintenance painting service. Ongoing development and adoption of novel technologies sees International® now supplying Interfine® 1080 (single pack polysiloxane) and Intercure® 99 (direct to metal polyaspartic primer finish) into the Australasian marketplace. International also has a complete range of linings suitable for highly aggressive environments in both storage and secondary containment - Enviroline®, Ceilcote®, Interline® and Polibrid® 705E. International® is exhibiting at the 18th ICC Congress being held 20 – 24th November 2011 at the Perth Convention Exhibition Centre. Clients. Visitors and friends are welcome to visit us at stands 61 & 62. Toll free Australia: 131 474 Toll free New Zealand: 0800 808 807

Stand Numbers: 57 & 58 Jotun blue

Stand Number: 31

Jotun is one of the world's leading manufacturers of paints, coatings and powder coatings. The group has 70 companies and 38 production facilities on all continents. In Black and white addition, Jotun has agents, branch offices and distributors in more than 80 countries.

Mascoat’s specialised ceramic insulation coatings provide an alternative more effective solution for Insulation, Energy Retention, and Personnel Protection, whilst providing asset protection and corrosion protection to areas within all industries globally.

The Jotun Group has four divisions, and its head office is in Sandefjord, Norway.

Our Industrial Insulation coatings are specifically designed to replace conventional forms of Insulation / lagging type material on heated surfaces of up to 240 degree Celsius. Our coatings are environmentally friendly, maintenance free, and do not absorb moisture.

Jotun Australia Pty Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Jotun Group and supplies Protective Coatings, Marine Coatings and Powder Coatings for corrosion control and other specialised applications. In 1990 Jotun purchased the Dimet business linking the best of European technology with an Australian business that brought innovative products to the world. Our local manufacturing unit accredited to ISO 9001 is situated in Brooklyn, Victoria, where we maintain a NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) registered laboratory and a manufacturing facility recognised by Australian Paint Approvals Scheme. In addition the Brooklyn site holds accreditation to ISO 14001(Environmental) and OHSAS 18001 (Safety) management systems. At Jotun, we are able to draw on our vast worldwide experience to provide technical assistance and coating recommendations in Mining, Smelting, Chemical, Petrochemical, Offshore, Water, Sewerage and many other industries where corrosion problems are found. Jotun Australia has activities in all states and is able to provide a high level of local service supported by the global strength of Jotun’s worldwide activities. Jotun Australia’s head office and manufacturing can be contacted on +61 3 9314 0722.

Once the coatings are applied to a surface they will maintain their thermal properties for the life of the coated surface and protect personnel from injury whilst drastically reducing heat loss and protecting against corrosion.

Metz Specialty Materials

Stand Number: 50 Metz is an Australian owned company that was established in 1953. Since that time Metz have specialised in the materials that can be used to resist the aggressive corrosive effects of the harshest chemicals used in industry. Resistance to the action of highly corrosive chemicals depends upon chemical composition (type and concentration of acid, alkali or solvent), temperature and other physical conditions to determine which Metz material can best resist the specified environment. Metz range of materials include epoxy and other specialty coatings and toppings, acid brick and tile systems and acid proof concretes and mortars. Metz also supplies a range of the latest fluoroelastomeric coatings, caulking and sheet lining systems available. Metz ISO9001:2008 accredited manufacturing

facility is located in Melbourne. Metz also has offices in Melbourne and Brisbane. Most Metz materials can be installed by Metz to provide a unique single point of responsibility solution for our clients. For further information please contact Ian Ellis on and +61 0 419 816 783.


Stand Number: 07 Munters is a global leader in energy efficient air treatment solutions based on expertise in humidity and climate control technologies. With a network of depots throughout Australia, Munters can deliver state of the art dehumidification equipment for short-term or long-term climate control to any location. Our technical expertise gives you the added advantage of knowing that our specialist team will advise you on your requirements and timeframes ensuring you only rent the equipment you need for as long as you need it. Our technicians will also install, set and monitor the equipment throughout the duration of the project giving you the reassurance you need to know that the job will be completed efficiently and cost-effectively. Industrial Applications For over 60 years Munters has engineered and manufactured equipment to solve humidity and climate control problems. Surface Preparation & Coating Since the 1970’s, Munters desiccant dehumidifiers have been creating the ideal conditions for surface preparation and coating. Construction Drying We recognize that delays in completing building projects will lead to financial penalties, a loss of reputation and ultimately a loss of business long term. That’s why our experienced technicians can be on-site within 24 hours of appointment to assess the requirements to cost effectively speed the drying process.

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All Nalco


Stand Number: 68 Stand Number: 27 Nalco Company is the world’s largest sustainability-services company focused on industrial water, energy and air applications — delivering significant environmental, social and economic performance benefits to our customers. We help them reduce energy, water and other natural resource consumption, enhance air quality, minimize environmental releases and improve productivity and end products while boosting the bottom line. Our Energy Services business serves the process chemicals and water treatment needs of the global petroleum and petrochemical industries in both upstream and downstream applications. Our bestin-class technology, technical experts and processes enable Nalco to offer solutions to your production and process needs to deliver HSE excellence, production maximization and cost optimization. Nalco is a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North America indexes. Operating at nearly 50,000 customer locations in over 150 countries with a comprehensive network of manufacturing facilities, sales offices and research centres to serve a broad range of end markets. We have more than 12,500 global employees of which 7,000 are technically-trained professionals. From our 600 research-and-development employees, more than 330 hold PhDs. Our research centres are located in; United States, Netherlands, Brazil, China, Indiaand Singapore. We own more than 4,700 unique formulations and 1,800 global patents. In 2010, we registered USD 4.25 billion in sales.

Neptune Asset Integrity Services provides a comprehensive range of inspection and nondestructive testing (NDT) services to clients in the marine, offshore oil and gas, petrochemical and mining industries. Combining state-of-the-art NDT techniques with multidisciplined NDT inspection personnel who are qualified to internationally recognised certifications, codes and standards, Neptune is fully equipped to assist clients with their continuous survey, inspection, repair and maintenance programs. To provide rapid, unrestricted access to a variety of on and offshore structures, Neptune technicians are qualified in industrial rope access techniques. This facilitates safe operations, cost and time savings, flexibility, unobtrusiveness and minimal or no disruption. Its specialist NDT techniques are commonly utilised for the provision of classification society special periodical surveys, process equipment baseline surveys, condition monitoring, weld flaw detection, corrosion mapping, non-intrusive vessel inspection and electrical and mechanical surveys. NDT inspection data and reports provided by Neptune can be used by clients and third parties to determine the structural integrity of their asset or equipment and assist in the early detection of possible structural failure. These NDT inspection services allow clients to assess the true condition of their assets and equipment, ultimately assisting to reduce risk, improves operational safety, maximise performance and reduce costs.


Stand Number: 05 NHPL represents in Australia and New Zealand a number of leading international suppliers of coatings test equipment. At the 18th International Corrosion Congress NHPL will be

60 Corrosion & Materials

featuring products from three of these suppliers: ElektroPhysik GmbH (Germany) manufactures coatings and wall thickness gauges. On display will be the new MiniTest 650, 70 and 720 series coatings thickness gauges. The MiniTest FH7200 wall thickness gauge will also be featured. Q-Lab Corporation (USA) product range includes the QUV/se and QUV/spray the world’s most widely used weathering tester plus the Q-Sun Xenon Testers and Q-Fog Cyclic Corrosion Cabinets. A QUV/se will be on display. VMA Getzmann GmbH (Germany) produces a comprehensive range of laboratory high speed dispersers and horizontal bead mills which are used by coatings manufacturers globally. We will be exhibiting one of the new DISPERMAT LC series dispersers. NHPL also represents BYK Gardner GmbH (colour and appearance measurement plus general paint test equipment), CyberChrome (OnColor colour matching software), DigiEye (digital imaging for colour measurement), Imaginant (PELT multi-layer non-destructive coatings thickness measurement), Torayceram (Yttrium stabilised Zirconium grinding media), VeriVide (colour assessment cabinets) Contact: Nick Harkness e. t. +61 2 9700 8110.

NMT® Electrodes

Stand Numbers: 53 & 54 For many years NMT® Electrodes companies have been offering industry a cleaner solution to many of its problems via the application of Electrochemistry. Applications such as the production of chlorine, hypochlorite and sodium chlorate; inorganic and organic chemical manufacture; waste water treatment and metal winning are but a few areas where NMT® Electrodes’ products and technology has been utilised.

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All and products in the Cathodic Protection field. NMT’s MMO and Platinised titanium Anodes are products of choice and are used and specified worldwide for use in concrete, underground storage tanks, pipelines, offshore and marine installations to name but a few.


NMT’s full range of tubular, wire, ribbon, rod, mesh and plate anodes are available from its Australian, South African and now European facilities.

Stand Numbers: 39 & 40

Address (Australian): Unit 2, 26 Baile Road, Canningvale, WA 6155. P: +61 (0)8 9256 4499; F: +61 (0)8 9256 4599; M: +61 408 931 072

Olympus Australia

Stand Number: 28 Olympus is a world-leading manufacturer and distributor of high-quality optical, electronic and precision engineering products, for scientific, medical and industrial applications. The Olympus industrial leading edge testing technologies include remote visual inspection, microscopy, ultrasound, phased array, eddy current, eddy current array, X-ray fluorescence and diffraction, high speed video, and optical metrology. The Olympus products include ultrasonic flaw detectors and thickness gages, videoscopes, borescopes, microscopes, high speed video cameras, in-line and advanced nondestructive testing systems, XRF and XRD analyzers, interferometers, and a large selection of industrial scanners, probes, software programs, and instrument accessories. Olympus instruments are used in industrial and research applications ranging from aerospace, power generation, petrochemical, manufacturing, and automotive to consumer products. Olympus instruments contribute to the quality of products and add to the safety of infrastructure and facilities. 31 Gilby Road Mount Waverley VIC 3149 Ph: 1300 132 992 Email:

NMT® Electrodes is now a well-established name in providing cost effective solutions

ORONTIDE is a leading Western Australian company providing specialist engineering, fabrication, preservation and integrity maintenance services to the Oil & Gas, Mining, Naval Defence, Marine and Commercial Industries. ORONTIDE operates two business divisions; ORONTIDE Engineering Services and ORONTIDE Industrial Services. ORONTIDE’s Engineering Services division operates substantial engineering workshops in Henderson, Port Hedland and Bunbury, Western Australia and in Sydney, New South Wales. From these workshops ORONTIDE provides specialist engineering services including design and reverse engineering, machining, fabrication, fitting and mechanical rotable equipment overhauls. ORONTIDE’s Industrial Services division operates a specialist abrasive blast and paint facility as well as water jetting operation in Henderson. ORONTIDE operates a diverse inventory of modern and environmentally efficient equipment for surface preparation and protective coating application. All units in our fleet of containerized pumps and vacuum recovery units are Hazardous Zoned to both, European and Australian Standards. Contact details: 54 Sparks Road, Henderson, Western Australia 6166 Ph: +61 8 9236 2555 Fx: +61 8 9410 2056

Pan Abrasives (Australia)

Stand Number: 25 With a history dating back to 1954, the Pan Abrasives Group has played a leading role in the surface preparation and finishing industry worldwide over an extended period of time.

Using this extensive industry experience to design and develop new product lines, Pan Abrasives now manufactures a complete and extensive range of surface preparation products, marketed under the Trademark name of "PanBlastTM". The range of PanBlastTM products for the abrasive blasting industry include pressure blast pots, all associated spares and ancillary accessories, suction and pressure blast cabinets, airless painting systems, right through to airless wheel blast parts to suit most popular brands. Pan Abrasives also supplies a complete range of abrasive blasting media, including EnviroGritTM Garnet, QuickCutTM Aluminium Oxide, PanaShotTM Steel Shot, PanaGritTM Steel Grit and BrightBlastTM Glass Beads. Our head office, located in Singapore, includes our central distribution warehouse and our final assembly, inspection and packing facility. Singapore's logistically central location allows us to distribute efficiently and globally via both our own branch network, as well as our extensive distribution network partners. In addition to our Singapore head office, Pan Abrasives has subsidiary companies located in Australia, China and Malaysia. CONTACT DETAILS: For sales enquiries, please email to: For general inquiries, please email to: Key Australian Contact: Chris Keenan National Sales Manager Pan Abrasives (Aust) +61 0 412 103 542

Papworth Construction Testing Equipment

Stand Number: 06 Papworth Construction Testing Equipment trading as PCTE has been in business since 2004, as an expert supply company focusing only on Non-Destructive testing equipment for construction materials. Originally started

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All Nalco


Stand Number: 68 Stand Number: 27 Nalco Company is the world’s largest sustainability-services company focused on industrial water, energy and air applications — delivering significant environmental, social and economic performance benefits to our customers. We help them reduce energy, water and other natural resource consumption, enhance air quality, minimize environmental releases and improve productivity and end products while boosting the bottom line. Our Energy Services business serves the process chemicals and water treatment needs of the global petroleum and petrochemical industries in both upstream and downstream applications. Our bestin-class technology, technical experts and processes enable Nalco to offer solutions to your production and process needs to deliver HSE excellence, production maximization and cost optimization. Nalco is a member of the Dow Jones Sustainability World and North America indexes. Operating at nearly 50,000 customer locations in over 150 countries with a comprehensive network of manufacturing facilities, sales offices and research centres to serve a broad range of end markets. We have more than 12,500 global employees of which 7,000 are technically-trained professionals. From our 600 research-and-development employees, more than 330 hold PhDs. Our research centres are located in; United States, Netherlands, Brazil, China, Indiaand Singapore. We own more than 4,700 unique formulations and 1,800 global patents. In 2010, we registered USD 4.25 billion in sales.

Neptune Asset Integrity Services provides a comprehensive range of inspection and nondestructive testing (NDT) services to clients in the marine, offshore oil and gas, petrochemical and mining industries. Combining state-of-the-art NDT techniques with multidisciplined NDT inspection personnel who are qualified to internationally recognised certifications, codes and standards, Neptune is fully equipped to assist clients with their continuous survey, inspection, repair and maintenance programs. To provide rapid, unrestricted access to a variety of on and offshore structures, Neptune technicians are qualified in industrial rope access techniques. This facilitates safe operations, cost and time savings, flexibility, unobtrusiveness and minimal or no disruption. Its specialist NDT techniques are commonly utilised for the provision of classification society special periodical surveys, process equipment baseline surveys, condition monitoring, weld flaw detection, corrosion mapping, non-intrusive vessel inspection and electrical and mechanical surveys. NDT inspection data and reports provided by Neptune can be used by clients and third parties to determine the structural integrity of their asset or equipment and assist in the early detection of possible structural failure. These NDT inspection services allow clients to assess the true condition of their assets and equipment, ultimately assisting to reduce risk, improves operational safety, maximise performance and reduce costs.


Stand Number: 05 NHPL represents in Australia and New Zealand a number of leading international suppliers of coatings test equipment. At the 18th International Corrosion Congress NHPL will be

60 Corrosion & Materials

featuring products from three of these suppliers: ElektroPhysik GmbH (Germany) manufactures coatings and wall thickness gauges. On display will be the new MiniTest 650, 70 and 720 series coatings thickness gauges. The MiniTest FH7200 wall thickness gauge will also be featured. Q-Lab Corporation (USA) product range includes the QUV/se and QUV/spray the world’s most widely used weathering tester plus the Q-Sun Xenon Testers and Q-Fog Cyclic Corrosion Cabinets. A QUV/se will be on display. VMA Getzmann GmbH (Germany) produces a comprehensive range of laboratory high speed dispersers and horizontal bead mills which are used by coatings manufacturers globally. We will be exhibiting one of the new DISPERMAT LC series dispersers. NHPL also represents BYK Gardner GmbH (colour and appearance measurement plus general paint test equipment), CyberChrome (OnColor colour matching software), DigiEye (digital imaging for colour measurement), Imaginant (PELT multi-layer non-destructive coatings thickness measurement), Torayceram (Yttrium stabilised Zirconium grinding media), VeriVide (colour assessment cabinets) Contact: Nick Harkness e. t. +61 2 9700 8110.

NMT® Electrodes

Stand Numbers: 53 & 54 For many years NMT® Electrodes companies have been offering industry a cleaner solution to many of its problems via the application of Electrochemistry. Applications such as the production of chlorine, hypochlorite and sodium chlorate; inorganic and organic chemical manufacture; waste water treatment and metal winning are but a few areas where NMT® Electrodes’ products and technology has been utilised.

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All and products in the Cathodic Protection field. NMT’s MMO and Platinised titanium Anodes are products of choice and are used and specified worldwide for use in concrete, underground storage tanks, pipelines, offshore and marine installations to name but a few.


NMT’s full range of tubular, wire, ribbon, rod, mesh and plate anodes are available from its Australian, South African and now European facilities.

Stand Numbers: 39 & 40

Address (Australian): Unit 2, 26 Baile Road, Canningvale, WA 6155. P: +61 (0)8 9256 4499; F: +61 (0)8 9256 4599; M: +61 408 931 072

Olympus Australia

Stand Number: 28 Olympus is a world-leading manufacturer and distributor of high-quality optical, electronic and precision engineering products, for scientific, medical and industrial applications. The Olympus industrial leading edge testing technologies include remote visual inspection, microscopy, ultrasound, phased array, eddy current, eddy current array, X-ray fluorescence and diffraction, high speed video, and optical metrology. The Olympus products include ultrasonic flaw detectors and thickness gages, videoscopes, borescopes, microscopes, high speed video cameras, in-line and advanced nondestructive testing systems, XRF and XRD analyzers, interferometers, and a large selection of industrial scanners, probes, software programs, and instrument accessories. Olympus instruments are used in industrial and research applications ranging from aerospace, power generation, petrochemical, manufacturing, and automotive to consumer products. Olympus instruments contribute to the quality of products and add to the safety of infrastructure and facilities. 31 Gilby Road Mount Waverley VIC 3149 Ph: 1300 132 992 Email:

NMT® Electrodes is now a well-established name in providing cost effective solutions

ORONTIDE is a leading Western Australian company providing specialist engineering, fabrication, preservation and integrity maintenance services to the Oil & Gas, Mining, Naval Defence, Marine and Commercial Industries. ORONTIDE operates two business divisions; ORONTIDE Engineering Services and ORONTIDE Industrial Services. ORONTIDE’s Engineering Services division operates substantial engineering workshops in Henderson, Port Hedland and Bunbury, Western Australia and in Sydney, New South Wales. From these workshops ORONTIDE provides specialist engineering services including design and reverse engineering, machining, fabrication, fitting and mechanical rotable equipment overhauls. ORONTIDE’s Industrial Services division operates a specialist abrasive blast and paint facility as well as water jetting operation in Henderson. ORONTIDE operates a diverse inventory of modern and environmentally efficient equipment for surface preparation and protective coating application. All units in our fleet of containerized pumps and vacuum recovery units are Hazardous Zoned to both, European and Australian Standards. Contact details: 54 Sparks Road, Henderson, Western Australia 6166 Ph: +61 8 9236 2555 Fx: +61 8 9410 2056

Pan Abrasives (Australia)

Stand Number: 25 With a history dating back to 1954, the Pan Abrasives Group has played a leading role in the surface preparation and finishing industry worldwide over an extended period of time.

Using this extensive industry experience to design and develop new product lines, Pan Abrasives now manufactures a complete and extensive range of surface preparation products, marketed under the Trademark name of "PanBlastTM". The range of PanBlastTM products for the abrasive blasting industry include pressure blast pots, all associated spares and ancillary accessories, suction and pressure blast cabinets, airless painting systems, right through to airless wheel blast parts to suit most popular brands. Pan Abrasives also supplies a complete range of abrasive blasting media, including EnviroGritTM Garnet, QuickCutTM Aluminium Oxide, PanaShotTM Steel Shot, PanaGritTM Steel Grit and BrightBlastTM Glass Beads. Our head office, located in Singapore, includes our central distribution warehouse and our final assembly, inspection and packing facility. Singapore's logistically central location allows us to distribute efficiently and globally via both our own branch network, as well as our extensive distribution network partners. In addition to our Singapore head office, Pan Abrasives has subsidiary companies located in Australia, China and Malaysia. CONTACT DETAILS: For sales enquiries, please email to: For general inquiries, please email to: Key Australian Contact: Chris Keenan National Sales Manager Pan Abrasives (Aust) +61 0 412 103 542

Papworth Construction Testing Equipment

Stand Number: 06 Papworth Construction Testing Equipment trading as PCTE has been in business since 2004, as an expert supply company focusing only on Non-Destructive testing equipment for construction materials. Originally started

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All in Western Australia by Frank Papworth PCTE has expanded to Service both the east and west coasts with offices in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia. The equipment they supply can be used to assess the Quality and Strength of new structures or old, to examine the geometry of structures that lack records, for concrete defect location, and to find corrosion before its effects are visible or to monitor at risk structures. From the beginning PCTE has endeavoured to not only just import equipment but to develop professional expertise in the equipment they sell, with a team of engineers managing the company and acting as sales staff they really understand the capabilities of the products they offer, and are always working to expand the body of technical knowledge on their equipment. Reuben Barnes is the Managing Director and head of the sales team operating out of Victoria, he has extensive experience in NDT and has trained internationally in such areas as Ground Penetrating Radar and Impact Echo testing. Please feel free to visit our website or by phone 03 9938 3830.

Parchem Construction Supplies

Stand Number: 38 Parchem Construction Supplies offers over 40 years experience servicing the construction, civil and concrete industries. Specialising in the supply and manufacture of construction and decorative concrete products, equipment and tools, Parchem brings together industry leading brands with a strong commitment to service and technical support. Parchem’s comprehensive range of construction products covers a cross-section of industries with professional advice to ensure the right products are used for your project. We offer services to architects and engineers to enhance the durability, strength and appearance of structures found in many major infrastructure projects. With trusted brands such as Fosroc, Vector and Max Frank, Parchem has a solution for all civil, commercial and industrial projects. With

62 Corrosion & Materials

a specific focus on the durability of concrete infrastructure our construction products include: Concrete repair materials – Renderoc Range of products Corrosion protection solutions – Galvashield range of galvanic anodes Protective Concrete Coatings – Silanes and high performance anti carbonation coatings C oncrete fibre spacers with known durability performance properties Controlled permeability formwork liners (CPF) which offer the maximum durability for the cover concrete at the construction stage – Zemdrain Andrew Dickinson – Product Manager, Concrete Durability Mob: +61 0 424 751 582 Customer Service: 1800 801 108

Peerless enjoys an excellent reputation in liaising with contract applicators, consultant design engineers and asset owners to qualify protective systems for their particular operating environments. Working with all ensures that the principle receives a system that achieves the maximum service life possible.

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All Phone: +61 2 9484 5449 +61 2 8911 0755 Fax: Email:

Phillro Industries

Peerless – Celebrating 65 years in 2012. Epigen – Celebrating 40 years in 2010. Chemproof – Celebrating 21 years in 2010. KIS – New Patented Elastomeric, high elongation – “Keep It Stretchy” Tel. +61 (0)8 9477 3788 Fax +61 (0)8 9477 3766 Email

Pervasive Telemetry

Stand Numbers: 36 & 37 Founded in 1971, Phillro Industries have grown to be a respected specialised supplier of high quality products and equipment including: C oatings fluid transfer pumps Spraying and Finishing Guns, Hoses and Systems Spray Booth Filtration

Peerless Industrial Systems

Associated Safety products

Solvent Recovery

chemicals, optical products, specialty materials and glass. Our vision is to continue to be the world’s leading coating and specialty products company, serving customers in protective coatings, marine, industrial, transportation, consumer products and aftermarkets. PPG is a publicly owned company and operates in over 60 countries with 40,000 employees in more than 140 manufacturing facilities and equity affiliates around the world. Since 1883, when PPG was founded as the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., the company has grown steadily and is now a global enterprise with operations in every part of the world.

Stand Number: 59

Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, Singapore, Hongkong

Pervasive Telemetry supplies web based hosted telemetry and control services and equipment.

Metal Detection

Epigen lining & repair composite polymers dominate in water storage & treatment, grouting & backing, linings for aggressive chemical resistance, process tanks, nonskid flooring, pump repair/rebuilding, turbine & motor chocking, joints, adhesives, and metal repair.

Pervasive Telemetry uses the mobile phone networks to provide realtime, continuous monitoring and control without the overhead of physical infrastructure, specialist staff or complex integration.

Sectors include power, water industry, mining, mineral processing, petroleum, refining, and materials handling with past projects including linings for the Merrimac (Gold Coast), Rosedale (NZ), WA21 in Perth, and lining materials for the Mackay WWTP. Water products are approved to AS4020 successfully date back to the 1970’s. Significant applications include internal linings in FGD and Stacks in Power Stations around Asia working closely with Institutes in China, ground breaking over recent years. The Epigen Chemproof 4000 range of novalac products; lead the field for aggressive chemical resistance; installed at major sites throughout Australia including Nickel West Acid Facility, Murrin Murrin, Tiwest, CSBP, BHP Billiton, for protecting concrete and steel.

Pervasive Telemetry offers telemetry made simple. With support for the latest mobile devices, we put the power of information and the means with which to act on it in the palm of your hands.

PPG Industries

Pervasive Telemetry is a proudly Australian company providing services to the corrosion management industry. We design and manufacture our products in Australia.

Stand Numbers: 02 & 03

Contact Information Pervasive Telemetry Pty Ltd Suite 15, 7 Sefton Road Thornleigh NSW 2120

PPG Industries, Inc., headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, is a global, multi-billion dollar diversified manufacturer supplying paints, coatings,

Stand Number: 46

Princeton Applied Research and The Solartron Group offer world class instrumentation and software for the characterisation and analysis of materials, employing spectroscopy techniques in a wide range of applications including electrochemistry, materials testing and metals analysis.

ProCheck Engineering

Phillro’s activities include Focussed Product Training, Sales, Service and Hire of Equipment manufactured by the world’s most respected Brands.

PPG Protective & Marine Coatings - Bringing Innovation to the Surface.

C oncrete Inspection

Pervasive Telemetry provides an end to end solution including software, hardware, support and training.


ProDigital Pty Ltd are the representatives in Australia and New Zealand for two global leaders in the manufacture of electrochemical instrumentation, including potentiostats and galvanostats for research electrochemistry, applied corrosion, battery and fuel cell research, biomedical research, plating and sensor applications.

Coatings Inspection

They are also trained and authorised service and repairers of Major Brands such as Graco & Ciemme. As the Principal Australasian/Oceania Importer Distributor for Elcometer Ltd, Phillro are the only Elcometer authorised Service centre in the region.

The company also provides coating inspection services, corrosion engineering services and welding inspection services.

PPG has been active in the Australian Protective & Marine Coatings market for many years through the Sigma and Amercoat brands providing an extensive range of innovative coatings systems and technologies to meet the wide ranging needs of the offshore, mining, power, infrastructure, petrochemical and marine environments.

Food and Pharmaceutical Fluid Transfer

Stand Numbers: 77, 78, 79 & 80

(NOPSA) and Department of Mines and Petroleum regulations for the inspection of registered Pressure Plant and Equipment.

Stand Number: 15 ProCheck Engineering Pty Ltd was formed as a fully independent inspection and corrosion engineering company. The company was formed to provide accurate, impartial assessments on behalf of clients, relative to conformity with regulations, standards, specifications or fitness for purpose. ProCheck Engineering is a Type A inspection body providing ‘third party ‘inspection services in accordance with AS/NZS ISO/IEC 17020: 2000 accredited by NATA (No. 15345). The company conducts business in West Australia, South East Asia and the Perth metropolitan area supplying a range of inspection and corrosion engineering services to the Oil & Gas, Mining, and Petrochemical and Refining industries. The company provides competent inspectors as required by and to satisfy WorksafeWA, National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority

Both being of a high standing in the industry bring together more than 70 years combined experience under Ametek Corporation. ProDigital Pty Ltd, now in its 15th year, offers local expertise, service and support for all the product range it offers.


Stand Numbers: 11 & 12 Pumpline Pty Ltd was founded in December 2001. We were at that time the first WA owned and operated Graco distributor. Over the last 10 years Pumpline has grown to become a complete supplier of products and services for the corrosion and surface protection industry. This includes spraypainting, sand blasting, powdercoating and Fibreglass application equipment. We also Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All in Western Australia by Frank Papworth PCTE has expanded to Service both the east and west coasts with offices in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia. The equipment they supply can be used to assess the Quality and Strength of new structures or old, to examine the geometry of structures that lack records, for concrete defect location, and to find corrosion before its effects are visible or to monitor at risk structures. From the beginning PCTE has endeavoured to not only just import equipment but to develop professional expertise in the equipment they sell, with a team of engineers managing the company and acting as sales staff they really understand the capabilities of the products they offer, and are always working to expand the body of technical knowledge on their equipment. Reuben Barnes is the Managing Director and head of the sales team operating out of Victoria, he has extensive experience in NDT and has trained internationally in such areas as Ground Penetrating Radar and Impact Echo testing. Please feel free to visit our website or by phone 03 9938 3830.

Parchem Construction Supplies

Stand Number: 38 Parchem Construction Supplies offers over 40 years experience servicing the construction, civil and concrete industries. Specialising in the supply and manufacture of construction and decorative concrete products, equipment and tools, Parchem brings together industry leading brands with a strong commitment to service and technical support. Parchem’s comprehensive range of construction products covers a cross-section of industries with professional advice to ensure the right products are used for your project. We offer services to architects and engineers to enhance the durability, strength and appearance of structures found in many major infrastructure projects. With trusted brands such as Fosroc, Vector and Max Frank, Parchem has a solution for all civil, commercial and industrial projects. With

62 Corrosion & Materials

a specific focus on the durability of concrete infrastructure our construction products include: Concrete repair materials – Renderoc Range of products Corrosion protection solutions – Galvashield range of galvanic anodes Protective Concrete Coatings – Silanes and high performance anti carbonation coatings C oncrete fibre spacers with known durability performance properties Controlled permeability formwork liners (CPF) which offer the maximum durability for the cover concrete at the construction stage – Zemdrain Andrew Dickinson – Product Manager, Concrete Durability Mob: +61 0 424 751 582 Customer Service: 1800 801 108

Peerless enjoys an excellent reputation in liaising with contract applicators, consultant design engineers and asset owners to qualify protective systems for their particular operating environments. Working with all ensures that the principle receives a system that achieves the maximum service life possible.

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All Phone: +61 2 9484 5449 +61 2 8911 0755 Fax: Email:

Phillro Industries

Peerless – Celebrating 65 years in 2012. Epigen – Celebrating 40 years in 2010. Chemproof – Celebrating 21 years in 2010. KIS – New Patented Elastomeric, high elongation – “Keep It Stretchy” Tel. +61 (0)8 9477 3788 Fax +61 (0)8 9477 3766 Email

Pervasive Telemetry

Stand Numbers: 36 & 37 Founded in 1971, Phillro Industries have grown to be a respected specialised supplier of high quality products and equipment including: C oatings fluid transfer pumps Spraying and Finishing Guns, Hoses and Systems Spray Booth Filtration

Peerless Industrial Systems

Associated Safety products

Solvent Recovery

chemicals, optical products, specialty materials and glass. Our vision is to continue to be the world’s leading coating and specialty products company, serving customers in protective coatings, marine, industrial, transportation, consumer products and aftermarkets. PPG is a publicly owned company and operates in over 60 countries with 40,000 employees in more than 140 manufacturing facilities and equity affiliates around the world. Since 1883, when PPG was founded as the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., the company has grown steadily and is now a global enterprise with operations in every part of the world.

Stand Number: 59

Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, Singapore, Hongkong

Pervasive Telemetry supplies web based hosted telemetry and control services and equipment.

Metal Detection

Epigen lining & repair composite polymers dominate in water storage & treatment, grouting & backing, linings for aggressive chemical resistance, process tanks, nonskid flooring, pump repair/rebuilding, turbine & motor chocking, joints, adhesives, and metal repair.

Pervasive Telemetry uses the mobile phone networks to provide realtime, continuous monitoring and control without the overhead of physical infrastructure, specialist staff or complex integration.

Sectors include power, water industry, mining, mineral processing, petroleum, refining, and materials handling with past projects including linings for the Merrimac (Gold Coast), Rosedale (NZ), WA21 in Perth, and lining materials for the Mackay WWTP. Water products are approved to AS4020 successfully date back to the 1970’s. Significant applications include internal linings in FGD and Stacks in Power Stations around Asia working closely with Institutes in China, ground breaking over recent years. The Epigen Chemproof 4000 range of novalac products; lead the field for aggressive chemical resistance; installed at major sites throughout Australia including Nickel West Acid Facility, Murrin Murrin, Tiwest, CSBP, BHP Billiton, for protecting concrete and steel.

Pervasive Telemetry offers telemetry made simple. With support for the latest mobile devices, we put the power of information and the means with which to act on it in the palm of your hands.

PPG Industries

Pervasive Telemetry is a proudly Australian company providing services to the corrosion management industry. We design and manufacture our products in Australia.

Stand Numbers: 02 & 03

Contact Information Pervasive Telemetry Pty Ltd Suite 15, 7 Sefton Road Thornleigh NSW 2120

PPG Industries, Inc., headquartered in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, is a global, multi-billion dollar diversified manufacturer supplying paints, coatings,

Stand Number: 46

Princeton Applied Research and The Solartron Group offer world class instrumentation and software for the characterisation and analysis of materials, employing spectroscopy techniques in a wide range of applications including electrochemistry, materials testing and metals analysis.

ProCheck Engineering

Phillro’s activities include Focussed Product Training, Sales, Service and Hire of Equipment manufactured by the world’s most respected Brands.

PPG Protective & Marine Coatings - Bringing Innovation to the Surface.

C oncrete Inspection

Pervasive Telemetry provides an end to end solution including software, hardware, support and training.


ProDigital Pty Ltd are the representatives in Australia and New Zealand for two global leaders in the manufacture of electrochemical instrumentation, including potentiostats and galvanostats for research electrochemistry, applied corrosion, battery and fuel cell research, biomedical research, plating and sensor applications.

Coatings Inspection

They are also trained and authorised service and repairers of Major Brands such as Graco & Ciemme. As the Principal Australasian/Oceania Importer Distributor for Elcometer Ltd, Phillro are the only Elcometer authorised Service centre in the region.

The company also provides coating inspection services, corrosion engineering services and welding inspection services.

PPG has been active in the Australian Protective & Marine Coatings market for many years through the Sigma and Amercoat brands providing an extensive range of innovative coatings systems and technologies to meet the wide ranging needs of the offshore, mining, power, infrastructure, petrochemical and marine environments.

Food and Pharmaceutical Fluid Transfer

Stand Numbers: 77, 78, 79 & 80

(NOPSA) and Department of Mines and Petroleum regulations for the inspection of registered Pressure Plant and Equipment.

Stand Number: 15 ProCheck Engineering Pty Ltd was formed as a fully independent inspection and corrosion engineering company. The company was formed to provide accurate, impartial assessments on behalf of clients, relative to conformity with regulations, standards, specifications or fitness for purpose. ProCheck Engineering is a Type A inspection body providing ‘third party ‘inspection services in accordance with AS/NZS ISO/IEC 17020: 2000 accredited by NATA (No. 15345). The company conducts business in West Australia, South East Asia and the Perth metropolitan area supplying a range of inspection and corrosion engineering services to the Oil & Gas, Mining, and Petrochemical and Refining industries. The company provides competent inspectors as required by and to satisfy WorksafeWA, National Offshore Petroleum Safety Authority

Both being of a high standing in the industry bring together more than 70 years combined experience under Ametek Corporation. ProDigital Pty Ltd, now in its 15th year, offers local expertise, service and support for all the product range it offers.


Stand Numbers: 11 & 12 Pumpline Pty Ltd was founded in December 2001. We were at that time the first WA owned and operated Graco distributor. Over the last 10 years Pumpline has grown to become a complete supplier of products and services for the corrosion and surface protection industry. This includes spraypainting, sand blasting, powdercoating and Fibreglass application equipment. We also Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All offer a full mobile service capability as well as service departments with highly trained servicemen. Pumpline also stock a complete range of spare parts and machinery with all leading brands in each field including Graco, ABSS, Gema, Glascraft, ITW and Airblast.

and removal tools proves we are a company constantly striving for new levels of excellence, investing in developing innovative technologies and offering new solutions in trade and industry to our customers.

As of last year Pumpline became the second largest Graco distributor in the country. This was largely due to the addition of the Melbourne office in March 2008 and of course focused and well trained personnel. The Melbourne office has quite a different market and client base to Perth that deals with the motor vehicle and OEM industries. The customers serviced include Toyota, Ford and Kenworth.


With branches on both sides of the country Pumpline has been well positioned to service a wide range of product areas. In Perth abrasive blasting products were added around five years ago and since then we have completed projects that include complete turnkey blast rooms, automatic blast processes, large dust collectors, abrasive recovery equipment, wetblasting and blast pots right down to small spare part sales.

Raschta Coatings

Stand Number: 29 Raschta Coatings is an Australian owned and operated company specialising in the distribution and marketing of pure polyurea protective coatings, plural component spraying equipment, automated spraying equipment and innovative coating removal tools to industry throughout South East Asia. We specialise in the supply of high performance product formulations offering protection from: Abrasion Corrosion Water Chemicals The high performance formulations, versatility, protection, innovation and quick application times of our coatings, application equipment

64 Corrosion & Materials

Stand Number: 30 Rezitech Services Pty Ltd is a 100% Australian owned and operated company that commenced trading in 1968 with offices in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane and Townville. Supporting distributors can also be found in South Australia. Over many years Rezitech Services has been involved with major plant upgrades and expansions projects for many major companies servicing the mining, petroleum, power, chemical, pulp and paper and water supply industries. Through Rezitech Services extensive range of products and services they also support the food and beverage, plastics, marine and liquid waste truck industries. Rezitech Services has the exclusive Australian distributorship for the Belzona range of wear and chemical resistant metal, rubber and concrete compounds from Belzona Polymerics. The Belzona range of products has many uses in virtually all process industries including cold curing, hand applied wear resistant coatings that provide similar wear rate to basalt tiles; ceramic coatings for pump internals and cold curing rubber for conveyor belt and dredge hose repairs; and rebuilding and coating materials for chemically or mechanically damaged concrete. In addition to the Rezitech portfolio is SpongeJet, a low dust alternative to abrasive blasting. “Sponge Jet” are leaders in clean, dry, low dust, reusable media for surface preparation. Sponge Jet protects your environment and bottom line. Further benefits of Sponge-Jet are its ability to allow other trades people to work in close proximity to the blasting area reducing costly production down time. The dramatic reduction in air born particles also significantly reduces the risk of eye injuries and respiratory problems.

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All

Rohrback Cosasco Systems

Russell Fraser Sales

Stand Number: 17 Rohrback Cosasco Systems (RCS) is the world leader in corrosion monitoring technology. Since 1950, RCS has provided leading-edge corrosion control and chemical injection solutions for such diverse industries as oil and gas, petrochemical, water treatment, chemical, pulp and paper, pharmaceutical, and utilities. Corrosion is an enormous cost to these industries as measured in equipment maintenance and replacement, leaks and system failures. RCS helps dramatically reduce this waste by delivering corrosion detection, extending equipment and asset life. We are fully certified and comply with the BSI EN ISO 9001:2008 Certification. In addition to the ISO certification many of our products conform to EU directives such as CE, and ATEX product standards. We are committed to product conformance to these equipment directives and are continually in the process of bringing additional products into compliance. Services RCS offers a wide range of corrosion monitoring services including: Corrosion surveys Specification writing

Stand Number: 08 Visit the “Toy Shop” on Stand 8 Russell Fraser Sales Pty Ltd (RFS) has been serving Australia and New Zealand’s NonDestructive Testing and Inspection community since 1993. Today, stronger than ever, the business has grown, along with its team of 10 staff who are committed to ensuring best customer services practices at all times. RFS supplies quality NDT equipment to the Corrosion, Engineering, Mining, Aerospace, Diving and Construction industries. We know how important it is to provide solutions to inspection problems in a timely fashion so our aim is to keep most items in stock and available for immediate dispatch. Specifically for the Corrosion industry RFS supplies Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges, Holiday Detectors, Field Microscopes, Surface Replication products and much more. Come along to the “Toy Shop” to play with the gear we have on display at stand #8. Russell Fraser Sales Pty Ltd Unit 8/29 Waratah Street, Kirrawee NSW 2232 T: (02) 9545 4433 F: (02) 9545 4218 E:

agencies. The EnvirAnodeTM impressed current CP system that lasts twice as long as traditional technology. The EnvirAnodeTM solid column system prevents aquifer contamination and eliminates noxious gas and the need for a vent pipe. EnvirAnodeTM provides superior cathodic protection for less money on a net present value basis ("NPV") as it not only lasts twice as long but requires fewer wells and eliminates well decommissioning costs. EnvirAnodeTM is THE only cathodic protection solution that will protect the water supply for future generations. SAE also manufactures Conducrete®, an environmentally friendly, long life, conductive backfill for performance enhanced AC mitigation, cathodic protection and grounding systems. Conducrete® conductive concrete grounding applications include electrical utilities, telecom, broadcast, wind farms, mining, oil and gas, industrial and manufacturing, municipal and institutional and military applications. Offices in Canada, USA and Mexico. Address: 19 Churchill Dr., Barrie, N L4N 8Z5, Canada. Phone: +1 877-234-2502 Fax: +1 705-733-1218 E-mail:

Savcor ART - Advanced Rehabilitation Technology

Civil and marine sectors Water & Wastewater Oil and gas Power generation Our professional services include diagnostic condition surveys, design, supply and installation of specialist corrosion management systems including cathodic protection, concrete and steel structure rectification, facade refurbishment, protection from chemical attack, specialist flooring systems, abrasive blasting and coatings, precision grouting, structural strengthening, waterproofing and joint refurbishment. Our in-house technical team includes engineers and experienced industry professionals capable of providing asset owners with technical and practical remediation solutions. Our corrosion products division, Savcor Products Pty Ltd, specialises in the supply of corrosion related products in Australia and New Zealand. These leading corrosion products are either key brand name products sourced from overseas and local manufacturers or manufactured directly by Savcor.


Project planning Project engineering


System Design

Savcor is Australia’s leading company in the fields of repair, rehabilitation, protection and maintenance of buildings, infrastructure and industrial assets.

System& corrosion data analysis Education & certification Data acquisition, analysis, and web based reporting Installation & commissioning of RCS equipment Coupon & probe insertion, retrieval & processing Retrofits & hot tapping

Stand Number: 76 Stand Number: 35

Stand Number: 55 Founded in 1990, SAE is a design-build, engineering firm. SAE provides environmentally friendly, long life cathodic protection (CP), AC mitigation and grounding systems. SAE manufactures the patented, environmentally friendly EnvirAnodeTM CP system, “The Green Groundbed”©, for the oil and gas sector and approved for use in deep anode beds by environmental regulatory

Savcor has the resources and the technical capabilities to fully develop and implement remediation and corrosion prevention solutions for reinforced concrete and steel structures. Savcor calls on many years of experience and brings world class technologies to provide engineered solutions to the following sectors; Mining and mineral processing I ndustrial Commercial buildings

Seaforce is a leader in professional diving services, setting the benchmark in quality, service excellence, safety and environmental management in underwater marine construction, repairs and maintenance. Seaforce provides specialist marine construction and diving maintenance service. With a head-office in Perth, Western Australia and operations throughout Australia and SE Asia, we provide 24 hour / 7 days a week comprehensive services in: Wharf and subsea maintenance and remediation Pipeline installation, inspection and remediation Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All offer a full mobile service capability as well as service departments with highly trained servicemen. Pumpline also stock a complete range of spare parts and machinery with all leading brands in each field including Graco, ABSS, Gema, Glascraft, ITW and Airblast.

and removal tools proves we are a company constantly striving for new levels of excellence, investing in developing innovative technologies and offering new solutions in trade and industry to our customers.

As of last year Pumpline became the second largest Graco distributor in the country. This was largely due to the addition of the Melbourne office in March 2008 and of course focused and well trained personnel. The Melbourne office has quite a different market and client base to Perth that deals with the motor vehicle and OEM industries. The customers serviced include Toyota, Ford and Kenworth.


With branches on both sides of the country Pumpline has been well positioned to service a wide range of product areas. In Perth abrasive blasting products were added around five years ago and since then we have completed projects that include complete turnkey blast rooms, automatic blast processes, large dust collectors, abrasive recovery equipment, wetblasting and blast pots right down to small spare part sales.

Raschta Coatings

Stand Number: 29 Raschta Coatings is an Australian owned and operated company specialising in the distribution and marketing of pure polyurea protective coatings, plural component spraying equipment, automated spraying equipment and innovative coating removal tools to industry throughout South East Asia. We specialise in the supply of high performance product formulations offering protection from: Abrasion Corrosion Water Chemicals The high performance formulations, versatility, protection, innovation and quick application times of our coatings, application equipment

64 Corrosion & Materials

Stand Number: 30 Rezitech Services Pty Ltd is a 100% Australian owned and operated company that commenced trading in 1968 with offices in Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, Brisbane and Townville. Supporting distributors can also be found in South Australia. Over many years Rezitech Services has been involved with major plant upgrades and expansions projects for many major companies servicing the mining, petroleum, power, chemical, pulp and paper and water supply industries. Through Rezitech Services extensive range of products and services they also support the food and beverage, plastics, marine and liquid waste truck industries. Rezitech Services has the exclusive Australian distributorship for the Belzona range of wear and chemical resistant metal, rubber and concrete compounds from Belzona Polymerics. The Belzona range of products has many uses in virtually all process industries including cold curing, hand applied wear resistant coatings that provide similar wear rate to basalt tiles; ceramic coatings for pump internals and cold curing rubber for conveyor belt and dredge hose repairs; and rebuilding and coating materials for chemically or mechanically damaged concrete. In addition to the Rezitech portfolio is SpongeJet, a low dust alternative to abrasive blasting. “Sponge Jet” are leaders in clean, dry, low dust, reusable media for surface preparation. Sponge Jet protects your environment and bottom line. Further benefits of Sponge-Jet are its ability to allow other trades people to work in close proximity to the blasting area reducing costly production down time. The dramatic reduction in air born particles also significantly reduces the risk of eye injuries and respiratory problems.

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All

Rohrback Cosasco Systems

Russell Fraser Sales

Stand Number: 17 Rohrback Cosasco Systems (RCS) is the world leader in corrosion monitoring technology. Since 1950, RCS has provided leading-edge corrosion control and chemical injection solutions for such diverse industries as oil and gas, petrochemical, water treatment, chemical, pulp and paper, pharmaceutical, and utilities. Corrosion is an enormous cost to these industries as measured in equipment maintenance and replacement, leaks and system failures. RCS helps dramatically reduce this waste by delivering corrosion detection, extending equipment and asset life. We are fully certified and comply with the BSI EN ISO 9001:2008 Certification. In addition to the ISO certification many of our products conform to EU directives such as CE, and ATEX product standards. We are committed to product conformance to these equipment directives and are continually in the process of bringing additional products into compliance. Services RCS offers a wide range of corrosion monitoring services including: Corrosion surveys Specification writing

Stand Number: 08 Visit the “Toy Shop” on Stand 8 Russell Fraser Sales Pty Ltd (RFS) has been serving Australia and New Zealand’s NonDestructive Testing and Inspection community since 1993. Today, stronger than ever, the business has grown, along with its team of 10 staff who are committed to ensuring best customer services practices at all times. RFS supplies quality NDT equipment to the Corrosion, Engineering, Mining, Aerospace, Diving and Construction industries. We know how important it is to provide solutions to inspection problems in a timely fashion so our aim is to keep most items in stock and available for immediate dispatch. Specifically for the Corrosion industry RFS supplies Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges, Holiday Detectors, Field Microscopes, Surface Replication products and much more. Come along to the “Toy Shop” to play with the gear we have on display at stand #8. Russell Fraser Sales Pty Ltd Unit 8/29 Waratah Street, Kirrawee NSW 2232 T: (02) 9545 4433 F: (02) 9545 4218 E:

agencies. The EnvirAnodeTM impressed current CP system that lasts twice as long as traditional technology. The EnvirAnodeTM solid column system prevents aquifer contamination and eliminates noxious gas and the need for a vent pipe. EnvirAnodeTM provides superior cathodic protection for less money on a net present value basis ("NPV") as it not only lasts twice as long but requires fewer wells and eliminates well decommissioning costs. EnvirAnodeTM is THE only cathodic protection solution that will protect the water supply for future generations. SAE also manufactures Conducrete®, an environmentally friendly, long life, conductive backfill for performance enhanced AC mitigation, cathodic protection and grounding systems. Conducrete® conductive concrete grounding applications include electrical utilities, telecom, broadcast, wind farms, mining, oil and gas, industrial and manufacturing, municipal and institutional and military applications. Offices in Canada, USA and Mexico. Address: 19 Churchill Dr., Barrie, N L4N 8Z5, Canada. Phone: +1 877-234-2502 Fax: +1 705-733-1218 E-mail:

Savcor ART - Advanced Rehabilitation Technology

Civil and marine sectors Water & Wastewater Oil and gas Power generation Our professional services include diagnostic condition surveys, design, supply and installation of specialist corrosion management systems including cathodic protection, concrete and steel structure rectification, facade refurbishment, protection from chemical attack, specialist flooring systems, abrasive blasting and coatings, precision grouting, structural strengthening, waterproofing and joint refurbishment. Our in-house technical team includes engineers and experienced industry professionals capable of providing asset owners with technical and practical remediation solutions. Our corrosion products division, Savcor Products Pty Ltd, specialises in the supply of corrosion related products in Australia and New Zealand. These leading corrosion products are either key brand name products sourced from overseas and local manufacturers or manufactured directly by Savcor.


Project planning Project engineering


System Design

Savcor is Australia’s leading company in the fields of repair, rehabilitation, protection and maintenance of buildings, infrastructure and industrial assets.

System& corrosion data analysis Education & certification Data acquisition, analysis, and web based reporting Installation & commissioning of RCS equipment Coupon & probe insertion, retrieval & processing Retrofits & hot tapping

Stand Number: 76 Stand Number: 35

Stand Number: 55 Founded in 1990, SAE is a design-build, engineering firm. SAE provides environmentally friendly, long life cathodic protection (CP), AC mitigation and grounding systems. SAE manufactures the patented, environmentally friendly EnvirAnodeTM CP system, “The Green Groundbed”©, for the oil and gas sector and approved for use in deep anode beds by environmental regulatory

Savcor has the resources and the technical capabilities to fully develop and implement remediation and corrosion prevention solutions for reinforced concrete and steel structures. Savcor calls on many years of experience and brings world class technologies to provide engineered solutions to the following sectors; Mining and mineral processing I ndustrial Commercial buildings

Seaforce is a leader in professional diving services, setting the benchmark in quality, service excellence, safety and environmental management in underwater marine construction, repairs and maintenance. Seaforce provides specialist marine construction and diving maintenance service. With a head-office in Perth, Western Australia and operations throughout Australia and SE Asia, we provide 24 hour / 7 days a week comprehensive services in: Wharf and subsea maintenance and remediation Pipeline installation, inspection and remediation Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All Underwater welding and cutting Surface welding and fabrication

Industry, Marine Industry and Concrete Structures.

Also on display: 1. Manual, air and battery operated applicators for dispensing sealants, adhesives and coatings packed in single and two component cartridges, sausages and pails.

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All blasting enclosures to meet these stringent requirements, including dust collection, abrasive recovery and containment systems.

Underwater drilling and blasting

Silvion reference electrodes are manufactured using a technique that results in a porous silver matrix being formed around a silver wire skeleton producing the element. This porous matrix increases the active area of the element monitoring surface a hundredfold and enables the deposition of a larger quantity of silver chloride on to the element which is precisely controlled by electrolytic coating, this provides:

Project management


4. Spray Polurethanes and Foams



Svenic’s services include:


Mooring installation, inspection and repair Corrosion and non-destructive testing S alvage Ship repair and maintenance Seabed surveys

Our services are backed by state of the art, quality equipment, maintained to the highest safety standards and supported by the versatility of fully equipped dive support vessels. Marine Construction & Remediation For over 20 years, Seaforce has been the leader in marine structure construction and remediation. At the forefront of technological advances in the corrosion engineering sector and applying innovative solutions, we deliver outcomes based results to projects of all sizes.

3) GREATER ACCURACY and 4) INCREASED LIFE PERFORMANCE. Silvion range of products include Ag/AgCl reference electrodes for:

S oil Applications

Silvion take pride in offering our clients high quality products that include the latest advancements in reference electrode technology. Our products, due to their proven reliability, stability and accuracy have been used extensively in CP systems including the Onshore/Offshore Oil & Gas Industry, Petrochemical Industry, Power and Water

66 Corrosion & Materials

3. Crack Injection


Contract filling of sealants, adhesives, coatings and foams Providing specialist materials in our two part cartridge system under your own company’s brand

Graco E lcometer

GMA Garnet S cafclad For further information please visit our web site or contact us via email or phone + 61 8 9350 5940.

Temco Distributors

Tinker & Rasor

Stand Number: 34 Svenic will display its UNIQUE two Component Coating and Foam Spray Dispensing System. The Svenic CAF new and unique (Coating and Foam) System, sprays paints, polyurethanes, polyureas, epoxies, acrylics, and foams through a lightweight portable or hand held dispenser. Each component of the material is packed into separate, two component cartridges. Mixing only occurs when the two components enter the static mixer. Atomized spraying is then controlled from the static mixer. The system is compact, low cost, easy to use, significantly improves OH&S and reduces material wastage. Clean up, maintenance and training is very minimal. CAF is ideal for spraying pipes, decks, equipment, floors, repairs and maintenance, small jobs and hard to get at areas.

We appreciate your interest in Tinker & Rasor products and want you to know that when you purchase any of our products throughout the world, it is our belief that you are purchasing the highest quality, most practical instrumentation of the latest design at competitive prices. Our Master Distributor in Australasia is Anode Engineering Pty Ltd Toll Free: 1800 446 400

Titanium Anode Corporation Titanium ANODE CORPORATION PTY LTD

Specialist Applications

Svenic Australia

Silvion, the UK’s leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of Silver/Silver Chloride reference electrodes for use in the cathodic protection (CP) industry was established in April 1984 by Dr Pathmanaban an Electrochemist/Corrosion Scientist with considerable experience in the use and manufacture of Silver/Silver Chloride (Ag/AgCl) reference electrodes for the corrosion and battery industries.


Potable Water Applications


Stand Number: 60

2. Syringes, cartridges and static mixers, suitable for metering and mixing sealants, adhesives and coatings, such as epoxies, polyurethanes, acrylics, polyesters.

Concrete Applications Seawater Applications

Amongst other leading industry brands we supply and support:

supplied the most practical instrumentation of the latest design at competitive prices whilst providing products to help protect the world’s infrastructure from the process of corrosion.

Stand Number: 63

Stand Numbers: 21 & 22 Temco Distributors specialise in the supply of equipment and consumables to the abrasive blast cleaning and protective coatings industry. Temco Distributors are a proudly West Australian owned and operated business. Established in 1983, Temco has developed into Western Australia's market leader in the supply of abrasive blast cleaning and spray painting equipment. We have a simple philosophy. Provide the best equipment available and back it up with the best after sales service. We listen and work with our customers to properly understand their needs and advise how best to achieve the desired results. Temco Distributors stock the largest range of the highest quality equipment, spares, consumables and abrasives in Western Australia. Our service extends state wide with extensive experience in projects in West Australia's North West both on and offshore. As environmental concerns grow we are continually developing new abrasive

Stand Number: 75 Tinker & Rasor is an electronics firm manufacturing Corrosion Mitigation Instrumentation and related products. Our product lines include Tinker & Rasor instruments, detection locators & accessories, Tinker & Razor CP test stations & line markers. Tinker & Rasor prides itself on customer satisfaction and dependable products. More than 40 products have been designed and built with an understanding of their use from more than 60 years of manufacturing experience and the feedback received from the users of our products in the field. Incorporated in 1948, Tinker & Rasor has been continuously manufacturing Holiday Detectors since the founding of the Company. Our Holiday Detectors are in wide use throughout the world.

Titanium Anode Corporation Pty Ltd (TICOR) has been licensed by Titanium Electrode Products Inc of the USA to produce in Queensland its worldwide recognised and specified range of MMO and Pt/Ti anodes for use in Cathodic Protection. TICOR brings to Australia anodes with MMO coatings for use in the onshore, offshore, marine, industrial and civil industries which have been independently tested to NACE TM108-2008 at Manchester University, England. TICOR offers clients in Australia full anode design support by qualified and experienced Cathodic Protection engineers, allowing clients to produce optimised technical solutions in the most cost effective way. Contact Details:

Wattyl Australia

Stand Numbers: 66 & 67 Wattyl Australia manufactures and supplies high-performance protective and marine coatings solutions throughout Australia and New Zealand. Wattyl has an extensive network of companyowned and independent distribution points, with a presence in every major centre throughout Australia so Wattyl can provide you with rapid access to its coatings when and where required. Wattyl’s dedicated team of industrial sales representatives and specifiers has extensive field experience and technical knowledge. They can provide you with assistance in the development of corrosion prevention solutions for assets in most segments of heavy industry. Wattyl’s dedicated industrial laboratory has developed protective and marine coatings specifically designed to meet the requirements of the harsh Australian environment. The technical team continues to strive to provide the most durable and user-friendly coating solutions available. In addition to Wattyl’s protective and marine portfolio, Wattyl also supplies coatings solutions for the architectural, texture, industrial metal and timber market segments. Wattyl is now part of Valspar. The Valspar Corporation is a global leader in the paint and coatings industry. Since 1806, Valspar has been dedicated to bringing customers the latest innovations, the finest quality and the best customer service in the coatings industry.

PO Box 280 Sunnybank, QLD, 4109 e-mail:

Constant research and development assures the product consumer all the advantages of the latest design plus proven dependability and performance. Research and service are our keys to success. For 60 years we have

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All Underwater welding and cutting Surface welding and fabrication

Industry, Marine Industry and Concrete Structures.

Also on display: 1. Manual, air and battery operated applicators for dispensing sealants, adhesives and coatings packed in single and two component cartridges, sausages and pails.

Corrosion Control, Contributing to a Sustainable Future for All blasting enclosures to meet these stringent requirements, including dust collection, abrasive recovery and containment systems.

Underwater drilling and blasting

Silvion reference electrodes are manufactured using a technique that results in a porous silver matrix being formed around a silver wire skeleton producing the element. This porous matrix increases the active area of the element monitoring surface a hundredfold and enables the deposition of a larger quantity of silver chloride on to the element which is precisely controlled by electrolytic coating, this provides:

Project management


4. Spray Polurethanes and Foams



Svenic’s services include:


Mooring installation, inspection and repair Corrosion and non-destructive testing S alvage Ship repair and maintenance Seabed surveys

Our services are backed by state of the art, quality equipment, maintained to the highest safety standards and supported by the versatility of fully equipped dive support vessels. Marine Construction & Remediation For over 20 years, Seaforce has been the leader in marine structure construction and remediation. At the forefront of technological advances in the corrosion engineering sector and applying innovative solutions, we deliver outcomes based results to projects of all sizes.

3) GREATER ACCURACY and 4) INCREASED LIFE PERFORMANCE. Silvion range of products include Ag/AgCl reference electrodes for:

S oil Applications

Silvion take pride in offering our clients high quality products that include the latest advancements in reference electrode technology. Our products, due to their proven reliability, stability and accuracy have been used extensively in CP systems including the Onshore/Offshore Oil & Gas Industry, Petrochemical Industry, Power and Water

66 Corrosion & Materials

3. Crack Injection


Contract filling of sealants, adhesives, coatings and foams Providing specialist materials in our two part cartridge system under your own company’s brand

Graco E lcometer

GMA Garnet S cafclad For further information please visit our web site or contact us via email or phone + 61 8 9350 5940.

Temco Distributors

Tinker & Rasor

Stand Number: 34 Svenic will display its UNIQUE two Component Coating and Foam Spray Dispensing System. The Svenic CAF new and unique (Coating and Foam) System, sprays paints, polyurethanes, polyureas, epoxies, acrylics, and foams through a lightweight portable or hand held dispenser. Each component of the material is packed into separate, two component cartridges. Mixing only occurs when the two components enter the static mixer. Atomized spraying is then controlled from the static mixer. The system is compact, low cost, easy to use, significantly improves OH&S and reduces material wastage. Clean up, maintenance and training is very minimal. CAF is ideal for spraying pipes, decks, equipment, floors, repairs and maintenance, small jobs and hard to get at areas.

We appreciate your interest in Tinker & Rasor products and want you to know that when you purchase any of our products throughout the world, it is our belief that you are purchasing the highest quality, most practical instrumentation of the latest design at competitive prices. Our Master Distributor in Australasia is Anode Engineering Pty Ltd Toll Free: 1800 446 400

Titanium Anode Corporation Titanium ANODE CORPORATION PTY LTD

Specialist Applications

Svenic Australia

Silvion, the UK’s leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of Silver/Silver Chloride reference electrodes for use in the cathodic protection (CP) industry was established in April 1984 by Dr Pathmanaban an Electrochemist/Corrosion Scientist with considerable experience in the use and manufacture of Silver/Silver Chloride (Ag/AgCl) reference electrodes for the corrosion and battery industries.


Potable Water Applications


Stand Number: 60

2. Syringes, cartridges and static mixers, suitable for metering and mixing sealants, adhesives and coatings, such as epoxies, polyurethanes, acrylics, polyesters.

Concrete Applications Seawater Applications

Amongst other leading industry brands we supply and support:

supplied the most practical instrumentation of the latest design at competitive prices whilst providing products to help protect the world’s infrastructure from the process of corrosion.

Stand Number: 63

Stand Numbers: 21 & 22 Temco Distributors specialise in the supply of equipment and consumables to the abrasive blast cleaning and protective coatings industry. Temco Distributors are a proudly West Australian owned and operated business. Established in 1983, Temco has developed into Western Australia's market leader in the supply of abrasive blast cleaning and spray painting equipment. We have a simple philosophy. Provide the best equipment available and back it up with the best after sales service. We listen and work with our customers to properly understand their needs and advise how best to achieve the desired results. Temco Distributors stock the largest range of the highest quality equipment, spares, consumables and abrasives in Western Australia. Our service extends state wide with extensive experience in projects in West Australia's North West both on and offshore. As environmental concerns grow we are continually developing new abrasive

Stand Number: 75 Tinker & Rasor is an electronics firm manufacturing Corrosion Mitigation Instrumentation and related products. Our product lines include Tinker & Rasor instruments, detection locators & accessories, Tinker & Razor CP test stations & line markers. Tinker & Rasor prides itself on customer satisfaction and dependable products. More than 40 products have been designed and built with an understanding of their use from more than 60 years of manufacturing experience and the feedback received from the users of our products in the field. Incorporated in 1948, Tinker & Rasor has been continuously manufacturing Holiday Detectors since the founding of the Company. Our Holiday Detectors are in wide use throughout the world.

Titanium Anode Corporation Pty Ltd (TICOR) has been licensed by Titanium Electrode Products Inc of the USA to produce in Queensland its worldwide recognised and specified range of MMO and Pt/Ti anodes for use in Cathodic Protection. TICOR brings to Australia anodes with MMO coatings for use in the onshore, offshore, marine, industrial and civil industries which have been independently tested to NACE TM108-2008 at Manchester University, England. TICOR offers clients in Australia full anode design support by qualified and experienced Cathodic Protection engineers, allowing clients to produce optimised technical solutions in the most cost effective way. Contact Details:

Wattyl Australia

Stand Numbers: 66 & 67 Wattyl Australia manufactures and supplies high-performance protective and marine coatings solutions throughout Australia and New Zealand. Wattyl has an extensive network of companyowned and independent distribution points, with a presence in every major centre throughout Australia so Wattyl can provide you with rapid access to its coatings when and where required. Wattyl’s dedicated team of industrial sales representatives and specifiers has extensive field experience and technical knowledge. They can provide you with assistance in the development of corrosion prevention solutions for assets in most segments of heavy industry. Wattyl’s dedicated industrial laboratory has developed protective and marine coatings specifically designed to meet the requirements of the harsh Australian environment. The technical team continues to strive to provide the most durable and user-friendly coating solutions available. In addition to Wattyl’s protective and marine portfolio, Wattyl also supplies coatings solutions for the architectural, texture, industrial metal and timber market segments. Wattyl is now part of Valspar. The Valspar Corporation is a global leader in the paint and coatings industry. Since 1806, Valspar has been dedicated to bringing customers the latest innovations, the finest quality and the best customer service in the coatings industry.

PO Box 280 Sunnybank, QLD, 4109 e-mail:

Constant research and development assures the product consumer all the advantages of the latest design plus proven dependability and performance. Research and service are our keys to success. For 60 years we have

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


David Pocock



Australasian Industrial Wrappings & Coatings Pty Ltd.

D R MAY Inspections

“Your one stop shop for the pipeline and construction industries” Roger McElhone - Managing Director Mob: 0419 242 638

22 Irvine Street Bayswater WA 6053 T: 08 9721 2265 F: 08 9271 2235 M: 0409 112 010 E:






David Dawson National Sales & Operations Manager

10/7 Lyn Pde Prestons 2171 PO Box 40 Miller NSW 2168





SuPPLying inSPection & teSting equiPment

Welding Supervision Welding Inspection NDT Specialist Coating Inspection Inservice Inspection

Geelong Office: 193 Station Street, Corio, Victoria 3214 Australia Postal Address: P.O. Box 1080, Corio, Victoria 3214 Australia Tel: +61 3 5275 3339 Fax: +61 3 5275 0585 Mob: 0412 520 699 Email:

Unit 23, 58 Box Rd Taren Point NSW 2229 Tel: 02 9524-0558 • Fax: 02 9524-0560 Email: • Web:

Cathodic Diecasting


Abel Metal Services Pty Ltd

• Mg & Alloy Ingots • Mg Anodes • Backfill

Specialist Infrastructure and durability consultants Ph: 1300 763 319 |

Mail: PO Box 90, Moorebank, NSW, 2170 Phone: 02 9602 7740 Fax: 02 9602 7780 Email: Web:

Manufacturing anodes since 1984 Queensland (Head Office)

Phone: +61 7 5476 9788 Fax: +61 7 5476 8268


Phone: +61 3 9755 3770 Email:

ABN: 93 821 370 828


Cathodic Diecating - small advert 3-2-10.indd 1

Dr David Nicholas Principal Consultant Tel: 02 4952 6593 Int: (+612) Mob: 0421 745 059 8 Bambara Close, Lambton, NSW 2299, Australia Email:

Materials and Corrosion Consultancy to the Water Industry

3/3/10 10:51:21 AM

The new name andPROTECTION address for Ian Godson & Associates: CATHODIC


Ph.D, B.Sc (Hons), FIE Aust, CP Eng

• Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges • Holiday Detectors • Coating Thickness Gauges • Pit Gauges • Borescopes & Magnifiers • Surface Replication products

David May

113 Bonds Road Riverwood NSW 2210 Australia


Russell Fraser Sales Pty Ltd

SYDNEY t: 02 9545 4433 F: 02 9545 4218

Phone: 1800-RENT-DH (736 834) Mobile: 0450 008 259 Fax: (02) 8525 8850

DeHumidification Technologies PTY LTD

Industrial Chimney Services Windshield / Flue / Lining Crown Dams / Bridges / Jetties Silos / Towers / Buildings Concrete Surveys Remedial Repairs Protective Coating Industrial Rope Access & Suspended Platforms Confined Space Entry & Standby Rescue Height Safety System

M: 0413 806 232 P: 61-2-9700 0812 F: 61-2-9700 0813 9/41 – 43 GREEN ST BOTANY NSW 2019 IRATA

Ph: (02) 9608 8111 Fax: (02) 8783 7055 Web: Email:

Leading Suppliers of NDT Equipment for the Corrosion Industry

Manufacturers and Suppliers of: • Dessicant Dehumidifiers • HCU- Humidity Control Units • Temporary Humidity Control Systems

LIDA® – Mixed Metal Oxide Anodes • Sacrificial Anodes • Silicon Iron Anodes • Transformer Rectifiers • Reference Electrodes

Prevent corrosion on your:-

Toll free: 1800 008 379 Fax: (02) 88431589 Email:


�/��� Burwood Rd Hawthorn East VIC ���� –Zinc, Aluminium Magnesium Ph: +�� (�)�and ���� ���� • Calcined Petroleum Backfill • Surge Protection, Insulation

• Strip, Rod, Tubular, Ribbon, Disk and Wire

For Applications in: • Surface preparation and coating • Condensation and corrosion prevention Munters Pty. Limited Sydney – Brisbane – Melbourne

Infracorr Consulting PL.

Agent for:


–Copper, Zinc and Silver


Tel: +61 (03) 94672520 or 0413 201562

Corrosion Durability Repair

Email: • Committed to Professional Service, Competitive Pricing and Customer Satisfaction


The new name and address for Ian Godson & Associates:

Infracorr Consulting PL.


�/��� Burwood Rd Hawthorn East VIC ���� Ph: +�� (�)� ���� ����

Silver Silver Chloride Reference Electrode


Tel: +61 7 5476 9788 TM

DQ advert 60x40.indd 1


Corrosion Durability Repair

27/4/11 3:01:03 PM

Gareth van Loggerenberg

A.B.N. 82 101 032 788 1300 723 924

• Anti Graffiti • Sign Writing • Line Marking • Pressure Cleaning • PCCP/NACE Accredited • • Protective Coatings • All Related Services • Building Maintenance •


Abrasive Blast Media Supplier

Factory 5, 227 Wells Rd Chelsea Heights 3196 • 1300 723 924 • Fax 9773 3522 • 0417 338 773

Exclusive Distributor for Australia & New Zealand

Business Development Manager

90 Corrosion & Materials

Corrosion and Coating Failure Investigations Fitness for Purpose and Remnant Life Assessment Expert Witness and Litigation Support Corrosion, Materials & Mechanical Engineers Applied Scientists, Metallurgists, Coating Inspectors NDT Technicians Australia Wide +61 7 3718 0300

JUSTIN BREEDON Divisional Manager Abrasives (Australasia)


AU Free Phone 1800 309 734 NZ Free Phone 0800 646 372


t: +61 (0) 8 9256 4499 f: +61 (0) 8 9256 4599 m: +61 (0) 408 931 072 e: w: Unit 2, 26 Baile Road Canning Vale Western Australia 6155

Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


David Pocock



Australasian Industrial Wrappings & Coatings Pty Ltd.

D R MAY Inspections

“Your one stop shop for the pipeline and construction industries” Roger McElhone - Managing Director Mob: 0419 242 638

22 Irvine Street Bayswater WA 6053 T: 08 9721 2265 F: 08 9271 2235 M: 0409 112 010 E:






David Dawson National Sales & Operations Manager

10/7 Lyn Pde Prestons 2171 PO Box 40 Miller NSW 2168





SuPPLying inSPection & teSting equiPment

Welding Supervision Welding Inspection NDT Specialist Coating Inspection Inservice Inspection

Geelong Office: 193 Station Street, Corio, Victoria 3214 Australia Postal Address: P.O. Box 1080, Corio, Victoria 3214 Australia Tel: +61 3 5275 3339 Fax: +61 3 5275 0585 Mob: 0412 520 699 Email:

Unit 23, 58 Box Rd Taren Point NSW 2229 Tel: 02 9524-0558 • Fax: 02 9524-0560 Email: • Web:

Cathodic Diecasting


Abel Metal Services Pty Ltd

• Mg & Alloy Ingots • Mg Anodes • Backfill

Specialist Infrastructure and durability consultants Ph: 1300 763 319 |

Mail: PO Box 90, Moorebank, NSW, 2170 Phone: 02 9602 7740 Fax: 02 9602 7780 Email: Web:

Manufacturing anodes since 1984 Queensland (Head Office)

Phone: +61 7 5476 9788 Fax: +61 7 5476 8268


Phone: +61 3 9755 3770 Email:

ABN: 93 821 370 828


Cathodic Diecating - small advert 3-2-10.indd 1

Dr David Nicholas Principal Consultant Tel: 02 4952 6593 Int: (+612) Mob: 0421 745 059 8 Bambara Close, Lambton, NSW 2299, Australia Email:

Materials and Corrosion Consultancy to the Water Industry

3/3/10 10:51:21 AM

The new name andPROTECTION address for Ian Godson & Associates: CATHODIC


Ph.D, B.Sc (Hons), FIE Aust, CP Eng

• Ultrasonic Thickness Gauges • Holiday Detectors • Coating Thickness Gauges • Pit Gauges • Borescopes & Magnifiers • Surface Replication products

David May

113 Bonds Road Riverwood NSW 2210 Australia


Russell Fraser Sales Pty Ltd

SYDNEY t: 02 9545 4433 F: 02 9545 4218

Phone: 1800-RENT-DH (736 834) Mobile: 0450 008 259 Fax: (02) 8525 8850

DeHumidification Technologies PTY LTD

Industrial Chimney Services Windshield / Flue / Lining Crown Dams / Bridges / Jetties Silos / Towers / Buildings Concrete Surveys Remedial Repairs Protective Coating Industrial Rope Access & Suspended Platforms Confined Space Entry & Standby Rescue Height Safety System

M: 0413 806 232 P: 61-2-9700 0812 F: 61-2-9700 0813 9/41 – 43 GREEN ST BOTANY NSW 2019 IRATA

Ph: (02) 9608 8111 Fax: (02) 8783 7055 Web: Email:

Leading Suppliers of NDT Equipment for the Corrosion Industry

Manufacturers and Suppliers of: • Dessicant Dehumidifiers • HCU- Humidity Control Units • Temporary Humidity Control Systems

LIDA® – Mixed Metal Oxide Anodes • Sacrificial Anodes • Silicon Iron Anodes • Transformer Rectifiers • Reference Electrodes

Prevent corrosion on your:-

Toll free: 1800 008 379 Fax: (02) 88431589 Email:


�/��� Burwood Rd Hawthorn East VIC ���� –Zinc, Aluminium Magnesium Ph: +�� (�)�and ���� ���� • Calcined Petroleum Backfill • Surge Protection, Insulation

• Strip, Rod, Tubular, Ribbon, Disk and Wire

For Applications in: • Surface preparation and coating • Condensation and corrosion prevention Munters Pty. Limited Sydney – Brisbane – Melbourne

Infracorr Consulting PL.

Agent for:


–Copper, Zinc and Silver


Tel: +61 (03) 94672520 or 0413 201562

Corrosion Durability Repair

Email: • Committed to Professional Service, Competitive Pricing and Customer Satisfaction


The new name and address for Ian Godson & Associates:

Infracorr Consulting PL.


�/��� Burwood Rd Hawthorn East VIC ���� Ph: +�� (�)� ���� ����

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Vol 36 No 5 October 2011


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