The Accent Issue 2 Spring 2012

Page 1

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Feb. 14, 2012

Volume 14, Issue 3

NEWS  Carnaval Brasileiro celebrates CAMPUS  ACC Gospel Choir 35 years in Austin  | Page 4 concert extravagant  | Page 6

CAMPUS  Bus 3 moves from Rio Grande  | Page 7

Campus → Community

LIFE & ARTS  Cisco’s Restaurant, Bakery & Bar’s migas taste phenomenal  | Page 8

LIFE & ARTS  “Chronicle” film fun, unique superhero story | Page 9

LIFE & ARTS  Dallas indie electro-funk band Ishi to play SXSW  | Page 10

LIFE & ARTS  Deleted scenes deliver solid indie rock performance at Mohawk  | Page 11

Involvement Fairs spark interest


Alejandro Alvarado  Staff Writer

A variety of clubs, organizations and services offered Austin Community College students an opportunity to be more engaged in their school’s activities at the Involvement Fairs held Jan. 31 and Feb. 1 at several campuses. The Office of Student Life hosted the fairs, giving students a live overview of many different student clubs and organizations that are available to them. Some of the groups presented at the Northridge Campus Jan. 31 were The Creative Incubator, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK), Circle K International (CKI), the Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA), the Emerging Leadership Challenge (ELC), the Men of Distinction (MOD) program, the Multicultural Awareness Coalition (MAC) and the National Society for Leadership Success (NSLS). Adjunct professor of business Dawn Haley was at the event assisting students who were signing up for the NSLS. She said the nationwide group is devoted to teaching students to achieve their goals and enhance leadership skills through motivational lectures and connections with like-minded individuals looking to maximize their success. Haley said she believes involvement fairs are a great way to connect students with organizations and clubs they may not have known about otherwise, and she encourages any student to stay “plugged in” with all campus happenings through such events. “A lot of students don’t know what is offered, so they don’t know where they can fit in until they start asking ‘what’s going on?’,” Haley said. “So don’t be afraid to ask questions.” ACC student Lashavia Moreman signed up with the ELC, a seven-week leadership training program that offers a chance for students to develop teamwork and leadership skills through exploring weekly topics and service projects that include peer-to-peer teamwork. Moreman said the Involvement

Skylar Bonilla Staff Writer

Walter Challapa • Senior Staff Photographer

MONEY FOR SCHOOL — Students get information regarding financial aid during the Involvement Fair on Feb. 1 at South Campus.

Fair appeared more active this year than the previous fair held at Northridge Campus in 2011. “I guess it was something like this,” Moreman said, “but there weren’t as many people involved like today.” When student Victoria Alvarez came to the fair, she said she signed up with the ACC Creative Incubator, which is a network of students from different areas of creative arts including music, film, dance, photography and more. She said she heard of the club over

winter break and was very excited to hear it was offering sign-ups at the fair. “I’m in music but it [offers] so many other things to learn that I like about it,” Alvarez said. In addition to the sign-up tables, a karaoke machine was set up at the event where students sang along to their favorite tunes. ACC student Ren Floresca sang a karaoke sing-along with many other students joining in. He said making new connections was

the best part of the event. “Getting to meet new students, actually going out of my way to inform them of upcoming events is always a good thing for me,” Floresca said. Students who missed the fair are still able to sign up for the many organizations and services offered by contacting the Student Life office at any ACC campus or visiting the My SL website at austincc.

Ancient cultures come to life through architectural exploration During the summer, Austin Community College offers nine study abroad programs, which cover interests ranging from anthropology and language immersion to literature and film history. This semester, the Accent will spotlight different study abroad programs in each issue. This summer, as part of ACC’s study abroad program, students will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Peruvian culture and study anthropology in Peru’s capital and largest city, Lima. Dr. Karen Bell, an adjunct professor of anthropology, will lead the trip. Students will spend

The Student Government Association (SGA) found itself in a controversial situation regarding the legitimacy of their last meeting Jan. 20 at Highland Business Center. Fall SGA president Dylan Pera chaired the meeting as the acting president. Acting SGA parliamentarian Bretton Johnson said in doing so, Pera was in violation of the SGA constitution because he was not yet registered for classes at ACC for the spring semester. In light of this fact, the Jan. 20 meeting may be deemed null and void because technically it was never called to order. “In reality, the senate chair David Wedel should have been chairing that meeting in order to make it official,” Johnson said. In the meeting, Johnson assumed the role of vice president through a nomination by Pera and a vote backed by the senators. However, he said after the meeting Pera informed him about chairing the meeting even though he was not enrolled in classes. Johnson said this is a huge conflict of interest for the SGA. He values the merit of parliamentary procedure and said he wants to obtain more responsibility with the executive committee, but on the right terms. Stacy Moreno was also voted into the Eastview Campus senator position at the Jan. 20 meeting. She and many other new senators and executive officers who were sworn into office were forced to wait until the Feb. 10 meeting to go through the election process again. “The events that took place on [Jan.] 20 were a shock to us all,” Moreno said in an email. “But this will not hold SGA back in anyway. I respect the recall and acknowledge the meeting as unconstitutional, due to fact that the meeting was never ‘technically’ called to order.” SGA now has an opportunity to grow from this

See Government, pg. 5

Study abroad spotlights anthropology in Peru Staff Writer

Elections null, void?

Student Life hosts annual recruitment drives, clubs, organizations reveal opportunities for active student SGA meeting unofficially participation

Campus → Culture

Aaron Davis

Campus → Sga

three weeks in Peru visiting sites of archaeological and anthropological importance around Lima, all the while earning six credit hours in ANTH 2302 – Introduction to Anthropology and ANTH 2373 – Field Methods in Archaeology. Bell said Peru holds great importance in the field of anthropology. “Peru is one of the two seats of high civilization in the new world,” Bell said. “What we call Mesoamerica is one, [which is] Mexico and Guatemala essentially. Peru is the other.” Students will also have the option of traveling to Machu Picchu, Peru, which is host to a famous site and monument of Incan culture. The cost of this excursion is separate from that of the main program and

participation is not mandatory. “I try to show students the archaeology of Peru that is not Machu Picchu,” Bell said. “Americans ... tend to fly into Lima and the next step is to fly to Cuzco and go to Machu Picchu.” She said that while students will have the opportunity to go to Machu Picchu, there is so much spectacular archaeology outside of the city. Her favorite part of Peru is the north coast. “We’re going to go to a little town of Huanchaco, and that is where the great Moche civilization was,” Bell said. “The huge sights of Chan Chan, Huaca de la Luna, El Brujo — I’m just amazed at how big they are and we know virtually little about them.” She said Americans aren’t tuned into those huge sights in Peru,

especially along the north coast. Bell, who has led the summer Peru program since 2008, said she is excited to teach students about other civilizations in Peru besides the Incas. Very few of the sights the class will visit outside of Machu Picchu are Incan sights, she said. “The Incans were mountain based, up in the Andes, and we’re going to be primarily along the coast,” Bell said. “[Most of] the sites we’ll be seeing will be of other cultures, especially the Moche.” Although students will not be studying in a classroom while in Peru, there will be two weeks of class time in Austin associated with the program. Students will be responsible for two major projects during the length of the program, one for each course taught. “In one case, each

student will become an expert on each of the archaeological sites we see,” Bell said. “In Peru, the student will brief us on the site and what to be especially aware of. At the end, the student will give us a verbal report on the site he or she has become an expert on.” The trip itself is an excellent opportunity for students, Bell said, and last year one student got a little extra from the program.

“Two of our young ladies fell in love with Peruvian men,” Bell said. “One of [them] came back to this country, but the other came back, divorced her husband, went back down there and hasn’t been heard from since.” Shannon Smith is a student who participated in the 2010 Study Abroad program in Peru. “There’s one [site] called the Armament Museum... it was amazing, I’ve never seen more weapons in my life!” Smith said. Whether a student’s major is anthropology or something completely unrelated, students can find many opportunities for educational and cultural enrichment in Peru this summer with this study abroad program.

Kristen Sauls • Layout Editor


page 2 Feb. 14, 2012 Forum → Opinion Columns

Forum → Editorials

NDAA threatens freedom


Natalie Casanova


Sometimes it’s tough not to get caught up in the overcommercialized Hallmark holidays like Valentine’s Day. Couples may feel obligated to be a little extra gushy than normal, and singles everywhere reflect on how single they are. For those who are looking for love or even to simply meet someone outside of their regular bubble of interactions, online dating has become an immensely effective tool in connecting people and expanding social horizons. According to Experian Hitwise (a website traffic researching company), there were over 593 million visits to online dating websites in October of 2011. It is no longer taboo to use these resources, and I think it can be a really profound way to connect with people. Dating websites give you the ability to interact socially with people who actually share common interests and ideals with you, as opposed to being limited to knowing people you may just run into on the street due to proximity. There are also millions of success stories out there. According to, 1 out of 6 couples that married in the last three years met online. I, myself, am a success story having met my long-term boyfriend, Brian, through a dating site. After a few months of talking online and over the phone, we met in person, then after just a few amazing dates we fell in love. By getting to know each other online first, we knew we would just “click,” and we did. A few months later we moved to Austin together, and have been happily cohabiting and planning our lives together ever since. But before you jump right into the online dating pool, there are a few things you should remember: Don’t focus on appearance, and read into their character instead; remember that many people lie

on their profiles; be honest about yourself and with yourself about what you want in a partner. I made up my own quiz to put on my dating profile, and it had quirky questions which were somewhat related to my personality. Some were truefalse, some multiple choice and some required any interested individuals to write their own answer. The right or wrong answers may not matter, but what will is your reaction to their answers. Brian said having this self-made quiz on my profile also made me seem much more approachable. He said it was a great way to break the ice since he felt a little intimidated by me and was at a loss for words. One of my queries was multiple-choice, asking which date of the list was their favorite. The given answers were A. dinner and a movie B. coffee and an art gallery and C. beer and a concert. Brian wrote in his own answer — let’s fly kites — and that just melted my heart. As for the date itself, I swept him off his feet when I brought kites I had made for us from scratch, even though they barely ever left the ground. He still keeps my beat-up, flightless arts-and-crafts projects as mementos of our early love. Another great tool for sorting through potential dates online is to make a list of must-haves and must-not-haves. If you’re honest with yourself about what you need in a partner, then your dating choices will suit your personality much better in the long run. Brian and I agree that if we didn’t see eye-to-eye on so many fundamental levels that we wouldn’t be as attracted to each other as we are. Dating websites such as OkCupid match you up with others’ views by percentage of compatibility, by way of answering several questions. These numbers can be pretty spot-on considering Brian and I matched at a whopping 91 percent. That 9 percent difference is what makes him not the same exact person as me, and I love him all the more for it. One of the main problems associated with online dating is the potential for users to lie about themselves to some capacity. Although people may lie about themselves in real life, it is much easier to lie online. Be aware of this issue, but don’t let it ruin your overall experience. If you take these basic bits of advice on online interactions into consideration, it can drastically change your dating experiences for the better. So get out there and do something about your singularity... if you want to, that is.

Forum → Letters

Letter to the Editor Patty Tammerman


Project Enable I recently read an article about how Austin Community College physics professor Richard Baldwin developed a usable physics computer tutorial program called “Accessible Physics Concepts for Blind Students.” In the same interest of helping ACC students who are blind and who have other differences, I want to share information about a program in Library Services with the same goal. Much like Baldwin, who made a totally blind student become able to be a part of his class, make good grades and restored their confidence within themselves, Accessibility Facilitator for Library Services Melinda Townsel is trying to support student success through Project Enable. Project Enable is intended for students who have disabilities, such as visual

impairments and mobility issues. The purpose of Project Enable is to investigate and assess the usability of selected accessibility devices, software and hardware for use by ACC students. Any student can participate in the study by using any of the accessibility devices and completing a survey. The results of the students’ responses will help Melinda and Library Services to choose adaptive and assistive technology for college-wide distribution for use in libraries or classrooms. The items are available through the online catalog for checkout. For example, students can checkout smart pens that take notes for them, talking calculators, a Braille writer and even a portable CCTV. Melinda has received many types of equipment that can be used within the library and classrooms.Currently there are three Project Enable computers that are adapted with Jaws and Magic software. The Jaws software is able to read anything that is on the Internet windows and any kind of PDF files or other documents that are needed for classes. Jaws is very accessible along with being helpful. Magic is also another software that can be used for reading and for anything that is required in our classes. However, through Project Enable, the Northridge library now has a scanner that reads

Personal liberties cower behind national security legislation as lawmakers overlook Constitution

Staff editorial The scales of justice are no longer balanced. Ever since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, Americans have been frightened into believing that the suspension of personal liberties is a necessary and reasonable price to pay for national security. This imbalance was further exaggerated when President Obama signed H.R.1540, The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), into law Dec. 31, 2011. The counter-terrorism provisions of Sections 1021 and 1022 have turned what would have been an otherwise routine, annual military budget, into part of an alarming trend to limit freedom in the name of safety. These sections have caused an a outcry among civil liberties organizations and drawn criticism from many law makers and the very President who signed the act. As college students, we should be concerned as well. Sections 1021 and 1022 allow the U.S. military to indefinitely detain without trial, anyone suspected of involvement in terrorism, including American civilians on American soil, and provides for the eventual trials to be carried out by military commissions rather than civilian courts. This portion of the NDAA practically annihilates due process of

documents and handouts from classes or newspaper and magazine articles. The scanner is needed in combination with Magic to allow students to read print materials. I recently started at Northridge two semesters ago, and when I met Melinda in the library we started talking about how to improve library services and accessibility services for students with disabilities of any type. Even though we have a group of people working together on this project, it could not have happened without Melinda. She put a lot of effort, energy and long hours into Project Enable to make an opportunity for all ACC students to learn. I have been the proud “guinea pig” in this project and I would like to spread the word around campus to let other students know about it. I want students to tell their friends about Project Enable and how participating in this study could possibly help with their classes for those who would like some kind of assistance. I, myself, am one of those students because I am visually impaired. I am also trying to

law as provided by the fifth and sixth amendments of the Constitution. While the ugly reality of terrorism must be dealt with aggressively, this law is so broadly constructed that it leaves the door wide open to the same sort of governmental abuse that was criticized during the Arab spring. No trial means no checks and balances and any barriers between personal liberty and national security interests all but disappear. Can a college student writing a paper about al-Qaida be picked up and held by the armed forces based on research found on his or her computer? Will students be intimidated into giving up their right to peaceful protest for fear of being labelled and investigated as dangerous dissidents who will have all rights to a fair trial stripped away? As students in an institution of higher learning, we are encouraged to ask questions and value the free flow of ideas. We don’t want to find ourselves in a position where overzealous attempts to curtail terrorism dampen our freedom of speech through fear of government retaliation. Proponents of the NDAA such as Sen. Lindsay Graham

get some laptops accessible for us as well. It is very important to me that I receive the same opportunity as regular students and I am sure that other students like me have the same concerns. Melinda wants to see all students succeed and has a special passion for helping students with physical differences. She really does not like the word disability. Library Services believes that an adoption and usability pilot study like Project Enable gives students a chance to experiment and use technology they may not know exists or have had a chance to learn more about. Project Enable is a great way for ACC students to find out if certain assistive devices can help them with their academic courses and accomplishments. Studies like Project Enable also help students to stay independent and have more flexibility when it comes taking notes in class and studying. You can learn more about Project Enable by visiting http:// for questions or more information contact me at patty.temmerman@g.austincc. edu or at 512-785-8138.

of South Carolina said that when Americans helping al-Qaida ask for a lawyer, they will be told by interrogators “you don’t have a right to a lawyer because you’re a military threat.” But how can their status as enemy combatants or sympathizers of al-Qaida be proven without due process? Although sections of the law exempt American citizens from the requirement of military detention and custody, the Authorization for Use of Military Force signed by President George W. Bush Sept. 18, 2001 affords the President so much discretion that it is not clear what the effect of the NDAA will be. In light of this potential for ambiguity, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California proposed an amendment to clarify that the military custody provisions of the NDAA only applied to Americans “captured abroad”, but the amendment was defeated by a vote of 55 to 45. This defeat shows deliberate intent to allow Americans to be taken into custody and held by the military on American soil. Such provisions shift law enforcement authority from the Department of Justice to the Department of Defense, paving the way for martial law. While these

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provisions are intended to fight the war on terror, they are being proposed with no time constraints or other conditions to prevent abuses. In a press release/signing statement President Obama said that while he had serious reservations with the provisions that “regulate the detention, interrogation, and prosecution of suspected terrorists”, he signed it anyway, partly because his administration would only “interpret and implement the provisions described below in a manner that best preserves the flexibility on which our safety depends and upholds the values on which this country was founded.” Unfortunately, this you’re-just-gonna-have-totrust-me approach doesn’t work and is dangerous. It allows sloppy, lazy and even insidious lawmaking to occur and ignores the possibility for abuse by this and future administrations. That kind of leadership is not acceptable. As Sen. Bernie Sanders from Vermont said, “While we must aggressively pursue international terrorists and all of those who would do us harm, we must do it in a way that protects the Constitution and the civil liberties which make us proud to be Americans.”

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RRC, 4400 College Park Drive, Room 2107 Round Rock, TX 78665 Editor-in-Chief....................................................................................... Natalie Casanova Assistant Editor..................................................................................... Era Sundar Layout Editor.......................................................................................... Kristen Sauls Web Editor............................................................................................... Dana Manickavasagam Multimedia Editor................................................................................ Joey Gidseg Photo Editor........................................................................................... Jon Shapley Accent Adviser....................................................................................... Jamie Lay Student Life Director.......................................................................... Cheryl Richard Staff Designers Allison Bastien Staff Writers Daniel Al-Jamal, Aaron Davis, Nathan Bustillos, Alexander Aries, Josh House, Birdie Michaels, Skylar Bonilla, Adella Fernandez, Jessica Blair, Hannah Hargis, DC McClean Photographers Walter Challappa, Janice Veteran, Kristie Bocanegra Staff Artists Megan McKay ACC President Dr. Richard Rhodes Board of Trustees Dr. Barbara P. Mink—Chair, Jeffrey Richard—Vice Chair, John Michael V. Cortez—Secretary, Tim Mahoney, Nan McRaven, Dr. Victor H. P. Villarreal, Guadalupe Q. Sosa, Dr. James W. McGufee, Allen H. Kaplan

All rights reserved. All content is the property of Accent and may not be reproduced, published or retransmitted in any form without written permission from the Office of Student Life. Accent is the student newspaper of Austin Community College and is printed by the Austin American-Statesman. Accent is published biweekly. ACC students may submit articles for publication in Accent to RRC’s Student Publication Office, Room 2107; e-mail articles to or fax submissions to 223-0904. ACC does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation or disability. Accent offers ACC’s faculty, staff, students and surrounding community a complete source of information about student life. Accent welcomes your input, as well as information about errors. If you notice any information that warrants a correction please e-mail Individual views, columns, letters to the editor and other opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the views of Accent.

Feb. 14, 2012

Forum | Page 3

Forum → Opinion Columns

Giants top Patriots in Super Bowl... again

Josh House

Staff Writer

Super Bowl Draft Eli, Giants top Patriots in Super Bowl... Again Second verse same as the first. The New York Giants met the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl for the second time in the past 5 years and beat the top quarterback and coaching combo we’ve seen this past decade… again! The Giants were led by quarterback Eli Manning who has firmly cemented his place as an elite player, and in my opinion, as a hall-of-famer winning his second Super Bowl MVP. Manning has lived in the shadow of his big brother Peyton Manning for so long,

even with one Super Bowl win already. This one must have felt like sweet vindication for the young quarterback, though he would never admit it. While Eli is on what seems like a meteoric rise to elite clutchness, his opponent on the other side of the ball, Tom Brady is on the downside, or so it seems. Ever since that 2007 season when Brady was setting all kinds of records in the regular season, he has had only one playoff win since then, and that happened this year. Will Brady bounce back and regain his swagger? I think so; he is still an elite quarterback despite being in a downswing

right now. A lot of people owe Giants coach Tom Coughlin an apology; that man has been crucified in the media all kinds of ways and he just keeps his cool and keeps winning super bowls against the best. He has certainly punched his ticket as a first round hall of famer and rightfully so. He has done so much for the Giants football organization. The beginning of the game had Brady making mistakes that are uncharacteristic of him such as the safety that was thrown against him on his first throw of the night. The Giants were in control in the beginning

Forum → Opinion Columns

From one veteran to another

Kristen Sauls  Layout Editor

“One, two, three, four, let’s wake up the Air Force!” It was 5 a.m. Blind with sleep, I peered outside my thirdstory window; the entire Army detachment was doing jumpingjacks in unison a stone’s throw from my bunk bed. It was early March at Fort Meade, Md., and the temperature was well below freezing. I was in tech school at the Defense Information School, which journalists, photographers, videographers and graphic designers from all services attend.

I don’t mean just the American forces either; I had a Master Sgt. from Saudi Arabia in my class and my photographer friend had a guy from the Royal Bahamas Defence Force in hers. The Air Force military training leaders hadn’t made us wake up at 4:30 a.m. to workout since the frosty temps started. Presumably because they didn’t want to freeze while standing outside ordering us around; it’s not like they wanted to make our lives easier, heaven forbid. The Marines and the Army seemed pretty jealous. They were constantly under our windows, waking us up. There was a lot of childish service-to-service competition running amok, and to be honest, I still encounter it today among veterans of different services. Our dorm was directly across from the Marine dorm and we shared what was referred to as a “drill pad,” but was really a basketball court. Every day after school, our training leaders would hurriedly march us to the drill pad to form up for our end-ofday briefings before the Marines could set up for theirs. Some days we got there first, some days they got there first. Consequently, we heard a lot of each other’s dirty laundry.

We knew what they were in trouble for and vice versa. We were actually in trouble for a lot of the same things, and it was interesting to see the difference in the way the respective services handled both the lecturing and the punishment. There had been some incidents (of an adult nature) involving Air Force women and Marine men. The Air Force responded by making it illegal to “fraternize” with Marines. Our commander literally made it a code on the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and we were repeatedly briefed (with the Marines watching) that if we were caught we would be arrested and dishonorably discharged. The Marines formed up. Their drill instructor said, “Don’t knock up the Air Force. Hoorah?” Then they responded with a hoorah so deafening it shook the dorms. The Army and the Marines still like to refer to the Air Force as “the Chair Force,” and while that may have been true during the Cold War glory days, it’s certainly not true now during the Global War on Terror—a fact neither Army nor Marines have caught up to. But the Air Force has always led the services in harshest punishments; Airmen get dishonorably discharged for

the same infraction a Soldier or Marine would get a letter of reprimand for. Except for all of their (sometimes hostile) teasing, we all usually got along quite well. So much so that the males had some strange inter-service network going on. We got fresh-frombasic-training troops in every couple weeks. My first week there, I was at the bus stop when a Sailor I’d never met before said, “I hear there’s seven new female Airmen inbound today.” My jaw dropped. I’d only heard about it 10 minutes prior, and I wasn’t even sure of its validity. But sure enough, we got seven new females that day. Apparently the Air Force has more women than the other services, go figure. We also got our own digs in. As soon as the temperature hit 33 degrees, Staff Sargeant Akamine woke us all up at 4:30 a.m. She hurried us out to the drill pad and instructed us to yell, “One, two, three, four, wake up the Marine Corps.” It was somewhat fun to hear all their windows slam shut to drown us out. But to be honest, I thought it would feel more vengeful than it did; it mostly felt silly. I guess that’s why I joined the Air Force, though.

Forum → Opinion Columns

ACC President tours college campuses looking for friends

Alex Aries  Staff Writer

Austin Community College president Dr. Richard Rhodes is poised to kick off his latest attempt to connect with the staff

and students of ACC. “This is a very exciting time,” Rhodes said as he preened in front of his office mirror. “I hope they like me!” Dr. Rhodes has planned for a series of “conversations,” to be held at each campus, between Feb. 9 and May 14. When asked what he hopes to gain from these town-hall-style meetings, he replied “14 new friends on Facebook” and cited the recent success of the “President’s Podcasts” series put on by ACC. “The President’s podcasts were excellent, in that they allowed Dr. Rhodes to reach out to students and put a voice to the face of their president,” explained Brette Lea, executive director of Public Information and College Marketing for ACC. “Even more importantly, Dr. Rhodes’ Facebook page has

gained six new followers since the podcasts came out! That puts him up to thirty-seven friends!” “We like to joke around,” explained Dr. Bocknack, head of the science department. “You know, see who can get the most online friends … I think Barb (Dr. Barbra Mink, Chairman of the Board of Trustees) has a few friends on me, but I’m catching up!” “I’m really optimistic about this,” said Dr. Rhodes. “I think I’ll be able to do a lot of good with these meetings, and bolster my friends-list.” In a recent online poll, 67 percent of students expressed interest in the President’s planned “conversations,” and 22 percent said they’re actually planning on attending one of the town-hall style meetings. “I think it’s an important

civic duty,” ACC student Karl Toth said. “I think the President needs to hear from his constituents in order to take care of the problems we encounter on a daily basis. For instance, when I order pizza from Simon’s Café it takes way to long. This needs to be addressed!” Event planners have only delegated one hour for each “conversation” held. Hopefully, such important issues will be able to be resolved in such a short amount of time. Rumors surrounding the events range from celebrity guest appearances to Rhodes warming up the crowd with a stand-up routine. “I guess you’ll just have to come and see what happens,” Rhodes said. “I guarantee there will be a few laughs before the night is done.”

and Windows platforms and the mobile version is available across all Apple, Android, Blackberry and Windows Mobile devices. According to the website for Evernote, ( evernote), the program is most compatible with Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari. Best of all, the app is completely free. This app has found its way onto the top ten lists of many websites and rightfully so as it is one of the most convenient ways to stay on track on or off campus. The ease of Evernote could make even the most cluttered, unorganized person free of that burden.

With Spotify, users can listen to all their favorite songs and find related artists. In addition, you can share specific tracks or entire playlists with other users and listen to tracks others are listening to. The ‘radio’ feature gives access to customized stations featuring artists or genres of music. There are 3 tiers in terms of the memberships available with Spotify. The aforementioned features are all available on the free membership. The ‘unlimited’ membership is $4.99 a month for access to all the same features with the addition of removing advertising in between tracks. The ‘premium’ membership is $9.99 a month for additional access to the mobile version of Spotify and play songs on Spotify using certain stereo devices. Despite the limited access available on the Free membership, Spotify gives you a wealth of music to listen to and the opportunity to discover new artists you may not have heard otherwise.

Forum → Opinion Columns

Study Buddies

In this issue of Study Buddies & Study Breaks, you’ll find that convenience and organization does not always have to come with a hefty price tag. Using your mobile device, you can download hundreds of applications that you could use to keep track of homework assignments, notes, useful websites and other information when you’re on the go.

Study Buddies

Nathan Bustillos  Staff Writer

If a college student’s life could be more convenient in terms of having time to study or finding ways to stay organized when you’re constantly on the go, college life could go much easier.

The California-based company Evernote has created a mobile application by the same name that will allow you to take notes on a mobile device or computer, and seamlessly transfer those notes when you need them. For example, if you use a desktop PC at home and you want to transfer notes or test review sheets to your laptop for use on campus, Evernote can help you do so quickly and easily. Evernote is available on both Mac

Study Breaks One music program that has become a widely used service is Spotify. The Pandora-like application was founded in 2006 but due to the service’s “invitation only” membership in its early days, Spotify is just now beginning to peak in popularity.

and the end, with many clutch plays by Manning and his fantastic defense who pressured Brady all night. Despite all of that, the Pats had a chance to ice the game with 4:06 left in the game when Wes Welker dropped a pass that would have given them a crucial first down. However, Manning made his game winning drive and iced the game in favor of the Giants once again. Both teams have reasons to be proud, and both have very bright futures in the game. The Patriots still have Tom Brady and Wes Welker to build around and are always a threat to make it all the way.

The sun shines brightest on the Giants however, with a young Quarterback who has quietly found his swagger and confidence surrounded by wide receiver studs such as Mario Manningham and Victor Cruz and a defense led by a voracious defensive line. The sky is the limit for this young team. Of course the team will also be led by Tom Coughlin, the most vilified yet successful coach in the past 7 years or so, the calm and collected leader amidst the raging storm that is the New York media. Congratulations to the New York Giants 2011-2012 Super Bowl Champs.

Forum → Opinion Columns

Make the system work for you

Era Sundar Assistant Editor With a law degree and 15 years as a stay-at-home mom under my belt, I’m not the traditional college student, and I’m not alone. Many students are attending college under unique circumstances at various stages of their lives. Based on my experiences as a nontraditional student, I will share tips in each issue of the Accent, on how to make the most of your time at Austin Community College, whether you are fresh out of high school or starting over like me.

Make the system work for you While applying for internships last semester, I received the following response from a local media outlet: “Our corporate policy limits acceptance to upper-class students at four-year schools. I encourage you to re-apply, should you enroll in a four-year program.” Okay, while that was less painful than a poke in the eye, it hurt nonetheless. Despite that company’s policy, there are several companies that do work with community colleges to help students gain workforce experience and prepare for growth in their chosen industry. Sometimes you just need to be a little creative and make your own path.

Combine available programs to meet your goals Although ACC offers degrees and certificates in 93 disciplines,

you may have to be inventive to get exactly what you need. This can sometimes be achieved by mixing and matching degree programs. While this approach does take extra planning and may require a few extra classes, it can pay off by leading to multiple degrees or certificates at graduation. In order to study multimedia journalism, which is not a specific degree program at ACC, I combined classes from the journalism and radio TV film (RTF) departments. This sort of multi-disciplinary approach provides career flexibility and can be a viable option when transferring to another school is not. If you already have a degree or have taken classes at another college, make sure to get your transcript evaluated. Previous college credits can help you achieve your goals faster.

Design your own internship If the main discipline under which you are studying does not have an internship program, you may be able to set one up with a related discipline. For example, the journalism department does not have a full-fledged internship program, but the RTF department does. By interning at a radio station, I am satisfying the RTF program requirements while getting the broadcast journalism experience that I need.

Work around financial challenges If the number of courses you can take is limited by finances, consider using some of the free time in your schedule to volunteer with a professional organization or club that will allow you to sharpen your skills and acquire knowledge in your chosen profession. Volunteering is another way to get your foot in the door and further your professional goals without losing momentum. Sometimes roadblocks and hardships occur, but don’t give up on your goals. Like anything else, education is a tool designed to help you realize your ambitions. Decide what your objectives are and see what resources are available. Talk to your professors, department heads and even fellow students to get ideas on how to make it work.


Page 4 Feb. 14, 2012 News → Community

Brazilian Carnaval celebrates 35 years in Austin

Jon Shapley • Photo Editor

FULL HOUSE — Singer Marianna Ebert of Beleza Brazil motions towards the crowd during an instrumental interlude. Beleza Brazil performed two sets during the Carnaval Brasiliero party at the Palmer Events Center.

Jon Shapely • Photo Editor

DANCING THE NIGHT AWAY — The singer with Beleza Brazil motions towards the crowd during an instrumental interlude. Beleza Brazil performed two sets during the Carnaval Brasiliero party at the Palmer Events Center. STAGE PRESENCE — Dancers from

Academico’s Da Opera dance on stage during Beleza Brazil’s performance at the Palmer Events Center on Feb. 4th, 2012. Earlier in the night, the dance and drum group had performed two sets featuring rhythmic drums and festive dances.

staff photographer

SHADOWS — Silhouetted party-goers watch the performance at Carnaval Brasiliero, on Feb 4th at the Palmer Events Center. The event celebrated Carnaval and paid homage to the vibrant festival in Rio de Janeiro. Dana Manickavasagam • Web Editor•

Local groups participate in vibrant cultural tradition Serena Kelley  Staff Writer

Brilliant colors, flashing lights and thousands adorned in an array of exotic costumes while dancing to unstoppable samba beats, brought to life the heart and soul of Brazil in Austin’s own Carnaval Brasileiro Feb. 4. Now in its 35th year, Carnaval is recognized as one of the largest Mardi Gras celebrations outside of Brazil, attracting visitors from all over

the country. Held at the Palmer Events Center, each year brings a different theme to the event, this year’s being The Wizard of Oz. Carnaval Brasileiro Austin originated in 1975, in an effort to bring Brazilian students in Austin an important piece of their homeland’s festivities. This annual tradition embodies the free-spirited culture, love of dance and music Brazil is so famous for. Founder Michael Quinn put together the initial band along with two of his colleagues.

“I am a Brazilian music fanatic, and this gave me an opportunity to have Brazilian music live at least once a year,” Quinn said. “The music is still what drives me and I get very emotional when we play. To me it is all about the music and living it.” Acadêmicos da Ópera, also known as the Austin Samba School, made their ninth appearance this year, with 130 members performing. Founder of Acadêmicos da Ópera Robert Patterson said that the group began meeting eleven years ago at the Austin Lyric Opera with just a few students. “Every year we get bigger and our members range anywhere from 20 to 65-years-old,” he

said. “Just like a real samba school, we have a love and appreciation for Brazilian culture, as well as a strong sense of community.” One of these members includes Brazilian-born and current Austin Community College student Patricia Justh, who has been dancing at the school for two years. “We teach anybody who comes in; you don’t have to know anything about samba or dance,” Justh said. “Most of the students are not from Brazil and it doesn’t matter.” The electrifying sounds of Beleza Brasil kept the crowd sambaing all night to their vivacious beats. The Brazilian band is comprised of seven

members and is in its 10th year of attendance. “We have a responsibility to deliver good Brazilian music,” band leader Jorjão Silva said. “Everyone loves our music, we love performing and the crowd always enjoys themselves.” Making their debut performance this year was Capoeira Evolução, a local Brazilian martial arts academy. Martial arts instructor and former ACC student Alex Rodriguez, also known as Contra Mestre Metido, began with only five students and now has over 60. Rodriguez said the group has helped with Carnaval security for the past four years. “This year with the Wizard

of Oz theme we were asked to perform as the flying monkeys and who better than capoeiristas?” Rodriguez said. “It was a great introduction for us and I hope to be a part of this show for years to come.” From its humble beginnings in Austin’s Unitarian Church to the lavish music and dance celebration it is today, Carnaval Brasileiro Austin is an experience that leaves a lasting expression. Whether attending as a curious spectator or parading an extravagant costume, the sights and sounds are sure to thrill.

Feb. 14, 2012

News Briefs

ACC website update enhances convenience for students

News | Page 5

News → Community

Experts link energy use, water woes Panel discusses conservation as continued drought threatens future water supply

A new section has been added to the Austin Community College website under This new section has a user-friendly interface and brings together information for current and former students alike. According to the website, this new section brings academic resources and student services together in one place for convenience. The ‘classes and tuition’ subsection contains information pertaining to ACC’s course catalogue, registering or paying for classes. And the ‘student services’ area offers information about advising and counseling, financial aid, transfer information and parking, just to name a few links. The ‘academic resource’ subsection is listed for information on computer labs, libraries, testing centers and tutoring to help students with all their academic needs. And the ‘news’ section provides information relating to all ACC campuses. The ‘student community’ subsection has information for those interested in getting more involved on campus. It lists links to student clubs and organizations on campus, the honors programs, the Student Government Association, The Accent newspaper, social media and Student Life. This subsection is meant to be a resource for students who want to join in extracurricular activities and get to know fellow classmates. This newly added section of was put in place to make it easier for students to find information in an easilynavigated format.

Carnival ah! accepting proposals for student performances now Austin is a hub of different cultures and heritage, and for those wishing to show others where they come from, Carnival ah! 2012: How Did You Get Here? provides such an opportunity. The event, sponsored by the Arts & Humanities Division and the Center for Public Policy & Political Studies, will take place April 11-12 at the Rio Grande Campus. The annual event explores Austin’s regional heritage through art, dance, drama, creative writing, language, food and film. For students who would like to showcase such talents, proposals are now being accepted. Carnival ah! 2012: How Did You Get Here? is looking for students who would like to gain a better understanding and appreciation of their neighbors, history and humanities as well as express and define their identity and community. Students can submit proposals for any of the following categories until Feb. 17: dance, music, theater or performance arts shocases, visual arts, readings, lectures, workshops, forums or presentations, craft display and demonstration booths, outdoor classrooms or film. Students who submit a performance piece should note that each performance must be at least 20 minutes long but no longer than two hours. For those students whose performances are less than 20 minutes but still wish to perform, each event will provide an open mic opportunity. All events must include time for Q-and-A or discussion, which does not have to be factored into the event duration. For more information visit the Carnival ah! website at:

President Rhodes hosts meetings for students, faculty on campuses Austin Community College president and CEO Richard Rhodes will be making the rounds to all eight campuses and two administrative office locations this spring in a series of town-hall-style meetings being billed as “Conversations with the President.” The 10-part series of conversations consists of a one-hour reception at each location in which students, faculty and staff can ask questions of and become better aquainted with their president. Faculty accessibility is an important part of the college experience and is also related to student success, according to Rhodes. “I’d say first and foremost, it’s all about relationships and it has to do with creating an environment to where students feel like they belong, and that happens with all employees at all levels and that is building a mentor relationship or a relationship to where you know people,” Rhodes said in an interview. Remaining “Conversations with the President” are scheduled as follows: Mon. Mar. 5, 12-1 p.m. Rio Grande Campus Main Bldg., Rm. 201

Mon. Apr. 9, 9-10 a.m. Riverside Campus Bldg. G, Rm. 9109

Mon. Mar. 19, 12-1 p.m. Northridge Campus Bldg. 3000, Rm. 3140

Thu. May 3, 12-1 p.m. South Austin Campus Rm. 1130

Tue. Mar. 20, 9-10 a.m. Eastview Campus Bldg. 8000, Rm. 8125

Fri. May 11, 9-10 a.m. Service Center Rm. 133

Wed. Mar. 21, 9-10 a.m. Cypress Creek Campus Bldg. 2000, Rm. 2223

Mon. May 14, 10-11 a.m. Highland Business Center Rm. 201

Tue. Apr. 3, 2-3 p.m. Pinnacle Campus Rm. 1013

City to ban plastic bags, suggests phase-out plan The Austin City Council, directed by City Manager Mark Ott, voted Aug. 4, 2011 to evaluate a new ordinance that proposes to phase out single-use plastic bags at most retailers. The phasing out period would run from January 2013 to January 2016, after which time it would become unlawful for any business establishment within city limits to provide single-use carryout bags to their customers. To facilitate a smooth transition under this ordinance, a threeyear period has been proposed during which a $0.25 surcharge will be added to plastic bags for customers who do not have a reusable bag at checkout. Exceptions to the surcharge will be made only for customers using Texas Health and Human Services Commission issued Lone Star Cards for payment. For comparison, the Austin City Council Environmental Board has been looking into other U.S. cities that have similar plastic bag ban ordinances. The following cities have all made an effort to ban single-use plastic bags: San Francisco and San Jose, Calif.; Telluride, Colo.; Washington; Westport, Conn.; Portland, Ore.; Bellingham, Wash.; and Brownsville, Texas. Brownsville charged a voluntary fee of $1 from January 2010 to January 2011 after which the fee was required. Retailers are allowed to keep $0.50 of every dollar and the rest goes to the city for environmental programs. For more information visit

Joan Brook • Staff Writer

ENERGY SAVERS — President of Beneficial Results Tod S. Wickersham Jr. (right) addresses a crowd during a sustainability Q-and-A and panel Feb. 2 at the Capitol. The event focused on current and future weather trends in Texas due to La Niña conditions.

Aaron Davis  Staff Writer

Amid the looming drought that threatens Central Texas for yet another summer, the Texas Coalition for Water, Energy and Economic Security hosted a panel discussion Feb. 2 in the Legislative Conference Center at the Capitol. The panel brought together top experts in their fields to discuss the current energy problems that are being faced by Texas. The panel started off with Dr. John Nielsen-Gammon, Texas state climatologist and professor at Texas A&M University. Neilsen-Gammon discussed the current state of La Niña weather conditions and what that means for the future of Texas weather. According to NeilsenGammon, this is our second year in La Niña and the past two cycles of it have been at least two years long, both having gone into a third year. Therefore, it is safe to guess that Texas will see a third summer of much drier, La Niña-like conditions, he said. “[Last summer] we broke our previous record by 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit, it was also Texas’ driest on record,” Neilsen-Gammon said. The next to speak was Dr. Carey King, research associate at the Center for International Energy and Environmental Policy at the Bureau of Economic Geology at the University of Texas. King drew a connection between energy consumption and the water turmoil.

Government continued from pg. 1 experience, she said, as well as uphold its obligation to the students by continuing to keep the momentum going in a positive direction. Moreno said by doing this she hopes it will successfully accomplish the SGA’s goal to keep order by remaining professional while representing the entire student body. One main issue discussed in the Jan. 20 meeting was the vote on whether demerits for smoking ban infractions should be applied to students’ transcripts. Another involved the new Capital Metro route changes that are affecting the safety of disabled students traveling to and from campus. SGA director of communications Shane Manning said everything in the Jan. 20 meeting is null and void, but that all of these topics were revisited at the next meeting. “It is not the goal of SGA to hide anything from the students that it serves,” Manning said. “We want to take care of all discrepancies in an open-meeting atmosphere in which the faculty, students and news coverage can witness our decision making process.” Moreno said she was disappointed that she might not be able to represent SGA as a senator during voter registration and other planned events but is confident the work of now-acting Eastview senator Mike Wade, along with help from Student Life, these events will be successful.

According to King, Texas used over 400 terawatt-hours of electricity in 2011, which is 10 percent of what the nation as a whole used in the same year. Of that usage, 36 percent came from coal-fired power plants and 45 percent from natural gas. This can cause problems, King said that since power plants require a large amount of water for cooling-off procedures. If the heat index continues to rise, it could decrease the efficiency of plants and they would have to throttle back on their output, something that many power plants in Southwest Texas have been dealing with on a regular basis. Speaking after King was Mark Armentrout, president and CEO of Texas Technology Partners and former Board Chair of the Electric Reliability

Council of Texas (ERCOT). Armentrout spoke highly of smart meters, electrical meters that are able to digitize readings and catalogue information much faster as well as provide added security and better asset management. He quoted a study done by Berkley Labs, citing that the United States loses $80 billion in electricity per year due to blackouts and sub-par grids. Amrentrout said better planning from electricity councils is a must. “ERCOT has to consider that the droughts will continue,” Amrentrout said. “They have to, it wouldn’t make sense otherwise.” President of EnviroMedia Kevin Tuerff ended the discussion by talking about conservation education. Tuerff cited the Water IQ

project and how it was able to reach consumers on multiple platforms. “For someone’s behavior to change, you need to be able to reach them seven to ten times,” Tuerff said. Water IQ is designed to meet people on multiple fronts such as at public events, in front of home improvement stores and through multiple media campaigns. “Three out of four Texans, when they turn on the [faucet], don’t know where their water comes from,” Tuerff said. “And when people did know, they were twice as likely to conserve.” The panel members all agreed on one thing, Texans need to get smarter about their water and energy use, especially if we are to see it through another summer of record heat and drought.

Campus life

Page 6

Feb. 14, 2012

Campus → Community

ACC gospel choir stages musical extravaganza

Students, faculty, staff blend voices to ring in Black History Month Caitlin McDermott  Staff Writer

Jon Shapley • Photo Editor

GOIN’ SOLO — Ravin Brown practices for the Austin Community College Gospel Extravaganza Jan. 30. Brown stayed after the rest of the group left to work on a solo piece.

Three rows of 13 powerful voices rocked the East 19th Street Baptist Church Jan. 30. The Austin Community College Gospel Choir was rehearsing in preparation for their 12th annual Gospel Extravaganza held in celebration of Black History Month Feb. 11 at the Eastview Campus. Angelic-sounding soprano voices guided the rest of the choir from the front row. Alto voices held the middle, while booming tenors brought the choir together from the back, adding depth and foundation to each song. ACC student Leland Adams played the piano and gave vocal direction to the members. Each choir member is either a student, faculty member or on staff at ACC. Some members have been with the choir since it was created 12 years ago and some have just joined this year. Adams performed a spotlight piece on the keys;

ACC student Ravin Brown sang a solo vocal performance. ACC police officer Roy Chip led the concert as the choir’s master of ceremonies and also shared a solo piece. Some of the songs the group performed were “Souled Out” by Hezekiah Walker, “A Move of God” by Norman Hutchkins, “I Just Can’t Give Up Now” by Mary Mary and “The Black National Anthem” (“Lift Every Voice and Sing”) by James Weldon Johnson. ACC students and sisters, Patricee and Sarina Jackson, are the newest members to join the gospel choir, Jan. 30 with being their first rehearsal. “I thought it would be interesting to see what it was all about,” Sarina said. Patricee said she also loves music.

Loretta Edelen, ACC Director of Community Outreach, has been with the choir going on its 12th year. She said not only is she a choir member but also acts as the hostess of events for the group since its inception. “This [was] a great way to kick off Black History month,” Edelen said. There are many other events to be held at ACC after the Gospel Extravaganza that are also dedicated to Black History month, she said. For more information about ACC’s Gospel Choir, contact Loretta Edelen at edelen@

CHORAL GRACE — (Right) Keyboardist Leland Adams motions to members of the choir during their performance at the East 19th St. Baptist Church on Jan 19, 2012.

Campus → Community

‘Bats on Bikes’ prepare to roll onto campus Despite initial roadbumps, student hits stride on road to forming ACC’s first biking club to offer support, advocacy for students commuting to, from campus DC McLean  Staff Writer

Bats on Bikes, a new club being formed to encourage and support riding enthusiasts, seeks to promote bicycle commuting to and from campus. According to Bats on Bikes President Sasha Wasko, commuting to school can be tough, especially for those students who aren’t lucky enough to own a car. Biking seems like a great alternative, but it’s not always easy. “It’s kind of like taking public transportation and if you’ve never done it before, you don’t really know the ins and outs of it,” Wasko said. However, she also points to the positve aspects of cycling. “The best thing about bicycling is that you’ll never

get stuck in traffic, ever,” she said. “Traffic doesn’t exist in your bicycling world.” Bats on Bikes is a new club at Austin Community College. So new in fact, that it’s not even officially a club yet. Wasko is trying to finish the paperwork for a club that she said people might be apprehensive to join. “It’s kind of a big step to try to ride a bicycle to school if you’re used to driving a car,” she said. “It might take a little energy; you have to plan differently, so it’s important to have a space where we can provide information for people.” However, there are several students who have shown an interest in joining a club like Bats on Bikes.

“It’s a good workout,” student Jana Burke, said. “Not only are you out in the environment, enjoying what could be presumably a nice day, but you’re working out in a cost efficient manner.” Still with all the interest, Bats on Bikes had not been started earlier. “I tried to [start Bats on Bikes] last semester, but I had some personal things come up and the wild fires kind of got in the way of being able to complete the paperwork,” Wasko said. She is close to fulfilling requirements for the club to be formed and already has another student on board to be an officer, but she’s still looking for another student so the group can be formed.

Wasko has many plans for Bats on Bikes. In addition to events such as recreational rides with groups like Social Ride Austin, plans are in the works for Bats on Bikes to hold fundraisers so every campus at ACC can have new bike racks to provide support for those that commute by bicycle. Aside from bike racks, Bats on Bikes would also provide students with a place to find information about how to bike safely, what the best routes are and champion issues that affect bicycle commuters. “Our ultimate goal is to provide some advocacy,” Wasko said. “And to feel like you have a community, so you’re not just some small individual swimming amongst all the cars.

BAT BIKES: Sasha Wasko carries her bicycle, at Northridge campus on Feb. 6. Wasko sought students who could join a new bike club, ‘Bats on Bikes’.

Campus → Community

Walter Challapa • Senior Staff Photographer

GSA hosts ‘Snag-A-Straight Person’ Masquerade

Mardi-Gras themed event commemorates unity, shows appreciation Abra Gist Staff Writer The Austin Community College Gay-Straight Alliance hosted “Snag-A-Straight Person,” a Mardi-Gras-themed masquerade ball Feb. 4 at the Q Austin located at 3408 West Ave. According to GSA president Megan Rue, this was the second year in a row the organization held the event and the goal was to not only engage more straight people in the club, but to show appreciation for straight allies supporting the movement. GSA secretary Brittney Tovar said, “Straight allies are important to the LGBT fight for equality. Sometimes it takes a straight person to tell another less open-minded straight person that gays deserve equal rights.” The student funded event featured a cupcake ornamentation bar, a mask decorating station, tons of food cooked by former professional chef and GSA director of communications Anthony Zuvikch and flavored popcorn donated by Cornucopia owner

Layla Elayyadi • Staff Writer

GET THE WORD OUT — A table at the Q Austin displays

information about GSA, their future meetings and information and products for safe sex.

Nadia Elhaj. Local Austin musician Jacob Matthews performed as well. Matthews’ set included covers of hit songs that made the crowd dance and sing. At one point in the evening he asked guests if they would like to step up to the microphone. Soon an impromptu karaoke spree began which included covers of “Across the Universe” performed GSA art director,

Angelia Welch and Seether’s “Broken” performed by ACC student Franchasca Charles. “Jacob did such an excellent job, he really brought the life to the party,” Tovar said. “It unified the group and he did it all for donations.” Matthews said, “It’s not a matter of gay or straight alliances to me, people are people. Matthews said he had a great

Layla Elayyadi • Staff Writer

ART WITH A PURPOSE — Megan Rue, supporter and event participant, is drawing her own version of a masquerade ball. GSA’s celebration included arts, music and outreach. time at the event and enjoys supporting people. “Everyone has their own special talent and music is my gift,” Matthews said. “I don’t want to say my

music changes people, but your attitude can change people.” Non ACC students also came out to support the movement. Joe Carr, a local

resident, showed up decked out in a cape, a long beaked mask and black and white wingtip shoes. “I’m actually here to support this organization and our community,” Carr said. “There’s been a lot of fear since the recent murder of Esme Barrera and attacks on women in the area.” Carr later made an announcement to the group about an upcoming candlelight procession being held for Esme and all victims of violence on Feb. 11 starting at 3100 Guadalupe St. and ending at the Q Austin. The masquerade was all about inclusion. GSA makes it a point to have meetings at the Q Austin, Carr said, instead of on campus because they want people to feel safe and welcomed. “The first time I walked in, it felt like a home, it’s comfortable,” Charles said. “I’m not gay, but I got a chance to see what the group was all about and got to interact with the GSA community.” GSA holds meetings at the Q on the first and third Tuesdays of the month and welcomes anyone interested in learning more about the organization to join them. They will be hosting a Pancake Social from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Feb. 23 at the Northridge Campus student lounge, as well as other events throughout the semester. For more information visit them online at organization/gsa.

Feb. 14, 2012

Campus Life | Page 7

Campus → Rio Grande

Capital Metro moves route 3 bus from Rio Grande SGA organizes petition for students affected by recent city bus route changes in hopes of bringing bus 3 back to Rio Grande Campus, argues student safety at risk

Janice Veteran • Staff Photographer

PASSING BY — Students now pass by the oft deserted bus stop at the Rio Grande campus, because the route 3 bus no longer stops there. SGA has started a petition to bring back service to the stop.

Aaron Davis  Staff Writer

Students at the Rio Grande Campus may have noticed a particular change made during the beginning of this semester.

Capital Metro’s route 3, which used to pass through Austin Community College on Rio Grande Street, is no longer making stops at the campus. Instead, students who travel north or southbound must

rant & rave

The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 was signed into law Dec. 31, 2011. The law is criticized for giving the government the power to indefinitely detain any person anywhere for suspected involvement in terrorism. How do you feel about the new NDAA?

Abraham Minjarez P hi

losophy Major

now walk to Lavaca Street or Lamar Boulevard to catch a bus. “The percentage [of riders] is relatively low in comparison to the rest of the route,” Capital Metro Transportation

Authority route coordinator James Gamez said. “The number of the people on that bus stop was 4 percent of all riders … only about 1 in 10 were getting off at that stop.” Gamez said the increased

amount of construction has impeded the route 3 bus’ consistency over the past few years. “We recently introduced an extension of [route] 18, which runs through MLK all the way

out west past ACC and into Enfield,” Gamez said. The route 18 bus can pick students up in front of the campus on 12th Street. Student Mariah Brocket said she doesn’t have a problem with the new change. “It’s fine because the 338 comes right up Lamar,” she said. “I’m young and able to walk.” She said she doesn’t understand why Capital Metro changed it, but assumes they had a good reason to. However, she also feels that there were a lot of students who really relied on it, especially students who are visually and hearing impaired. The Student Government Association (SGA) began surveying students about their opinions on the matter Feb. 6, and asked those who relied on the route 3 bus to sign a petition. SGA member James Juarez said, “We’re concerned about the safety of the students walking those blocks at night [because] they’re not well lit.” Juarez said there should at least be a patrol officer or street lights put in place to aid the many students who take the night bus. “A lot of times the bus drivers don’t see the students,” he said. According to Juarez, the survey process will last a couple of weeks before they take the results to ACC’s board of trustees. Members of SGA will poll students at the campus as well as the bus stops. For more information on the petition or to comment on the matter, contact James Juarez at bringbackbus3@

Campus → Community

Simon’s Cafe ponders fate

Long-time campus food vendor to decide next steps as lease comes to a close Skylar Bonilla Staff Writer

“I think it was necessary, but obviously the [indefinite detention] of Americans citizens with no parameters for the battlefield (that could mean right here in this hallway) is extremely dangerous and it goes against what’s in the Constitution. It’s seems like it’s the antithesis to the idea of America.”

Lauren Inselmann or

for Sciences ogy Ma l o j Bi

Simon’s Café has been a staple at Austin Community College since 1996, but principal of Simon Burger, LLC Jae Park said the food vendor’s contract with the college is due to expire. Park graduated from the University of Texas in 1994, then opened his first ACC cafe two years later at Pinnacle campus. At the time, the establishment was known as Krack A-Jack. In eight years time the name changed to Simon’s Café and is now at several campuses including Pinnacle, Eastview, Cypress Creek, Northridge, Rio Grande

and Riverside. Simon’s cafe attempts to offer a wide range of ethnic and American cuisine, Park said, and to service over 30,000 ACC students. The diverse food is related to the diverse population at ACC, and according to the Simon’s Café website, they are always open to suggestions for new items on the menu. Park did not release any specific details on when the food vendor’s contract will expire, and said he was hesitant to discuss future plans for the cafe. Park said nothing is set in stone as to any plans of relocating his business, but he

Walter Challapa • Senior Staff Photographer

CLOSING ITS DOORS — Simon’s Café is closed when Alfredo Limas, janitor at the NRG campus, cleans up on Feb. 3 after school hours. The restaurant has nearly arrived at the end of it’s contract. did say the contract is expiring. Student Mackenzie Michaels said in her early years at ACC she would eat at the cafe quite often, but has not done so in a very long time. She said the reason is because the food is always the same and the quality of the food is poor. Kevin Marshall, also a student, said, “The food was unsatisfying and overpriced.” He now brings his lunch to

school. Reflecting their unhappiness with Simon’s Café, Michaels and Marshall both said a change in food vendors would get them to frequent the student common areas more often. Shane Manning, director of communications for the Student Government Association, said SGA believes that student opinion should hold merit in the decision-making process.

Campus → Community

“The concept ‘indefinitely’ strikes me as very unjust because I would think in a country that supports freedom of speech and the right to a fair trial and innocent ‘til proven guilty that sneaking something like that through the system seems very inadvertently corrupt.”

Natalie Lau chology Major Psy

“It really kind of defies everything that most people come to America to seek and it’s your personal freedom and if we don’t have that in America then why would people seek living [here?]”

Interviews by Natalie Casanova • Editor-in-Chief Photos by Joey Gidseg • Multimedia Editor

PTK announces spring officers Janice Veteran

Staff Photographer

The Alpha Gamma Pi chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) came back in full swing for the Spring 2012 session with the election of new officers and a meeting for returning members held Jan. 27 at the Highland Business Center. PTK boasts many reasons to join the group, including access to scholarships at ACC and many leading universities. This semester PTK committees will focus on community projects such as making stuffed bears for children in hospitals, supporting cancer patients and organizations in Austin and mentoring other PTK students. The organization also focuses on helping the local Ronald McDonald House charity, collecting children’s books for distribution to under privileged and hospitalized children and creating talking books for those who need them. The Spring 2012 president of PTK is Garrett Staas and each

Janice Veteran • Staff Photographer

INTRODUCTIONS — President Garrett Staas and Adviser Mary Kohls introduce each of the Phi Theta Kappa officers to the membership. The meeting was held at Highland Business Center on Jan. 27. campus has a vice presidential representative •Bethilyn Sanford represents Eastview •Jordan Monk represents South Austin •Joanna Anderson represents Riverside •Sean Clinton represents

Cypress •John Paul Deschambault represents Rio Grande •Splash Vela represents Northridge •Jerri Kerley represents Pinnacle •Mathew Schneider represents Round Rock

Joshua Scott represents students who utilize distance learning. The south vice presidential representative at large is Holly Carrico, and Averi Segrest holds the title for the north. Additional officers include treasurers Fabio Lima and Christie Taylor, secretary Jennifer Moncivais, parliamentarian Kevin Lyon, Student Life liason Nathalie Szostak and historian Marcelo Tafoya. PTK is currently having their membership drive to encourage eligible students to join. The criteria for joining Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) include enrollment in a degree plan with a declared major, enrollment in at least six semester credit hours, and completion of at least 12 hours with a GPA that meets the minimum for your credit hour level. For more information on membership criteria visit html#criteria .

page 8 | Campus Life

Beer brain on the

for those 21 and up

Feb. 14, 2012

Food for thought: Rio Grande Kristie Bocanegra Staff Writer

Janice Veteran

Staff Photographer

Cisco’s Restaurant, Bakery & Bar 1511 E. 6th St.

Stouts `Although you wouldn’t know it by Austin’s weather, it is winter in the northern hemisphere. Winter is the season for stout beers, and many people are afraid to try these beers because they are so dark. A stout is actually made with the same grains as other ales, but with about 15 percent dark roasted malt added for flavor and color. Stouts are best consumed around a temperature of 45 F, which is about eight degrees warmer than what most typical American refrigerators are set to. Beers in the stout category vary in flavor, alcohol content and texture and “feel” in the mouth. Some people may not know it, but Guinness Draught Stout is one of the lightest dark beers around, with 4.3 percent alcohol and only 126 calories per 12 ounce serving. Don’t let that black color fool you; color is not relative to alcohol content. Guinness is known for its creaminess because its effervescence comes from nitrogen rather than the CO2 used in other beers. Nitrogen has smaller bubbles which give that velvety feel. Many Austin breweries also make stout beers.

Independence Brewing This brewery produces “Convict Hill Oatmeal Stout” and adds oats to the malt during the production. The oats give a creamy body to the beer and smooth the bitterness. Convict Hill pours a deep black color with a thick, feathery-foam head. There are noticeable aromas of coffee, brown sugar and toffee. Nice flavors of milk chocolate and slight smoky notes can also be tasted. The alcohol by volume (ABV) is 8 percent in this beer, so be sure to drink this one wisely. Independence Brewing Co. won the 2012 Good Foods Award in recognition of the Convict Hill’s exceptional quality and the brewery’s commitment to sustainability while supporting the Austin community. They were also the only Texas brewery to win a 2012 Good Foods Award. For more information about the brew and where it is available visit

(512) brewing company This microbrewery crafts the “Cascabel Cream Stout,” but only as a draft beer. Cascabel’s flavor and texture is similar to those of milk stouts. Lactose is added for sweetness and over 20 pounds of Guajillo chilies are added after fermentation to warm you up when the night gets chilly. This beer is rich, creamy and delicious, and at 6 percent ABV could be considered a dessert beer. The Cascabel compares favorably to the nationally recognised Left Hand Brewing Co.’s milk stout. For more information about Cascabel and where it can be found, visit

Whether it’s the teal-colored building that grabs your attention or the painted portrait of Rudy Cisco Cisneros, founder of Cisco’s Restaurant, Bakery & Bar, Cisco’s has secured the heart of many Austinites as an enjoyable breakfast spot. Lydia Guerreo, an employee for over 20 years, said Cisco’s has been a staple in Austin for 50 years. They also mentioned their busiest hours are on the weekends when college students, politicians and many of their regulars crave a taste of home-cooked Mexican food. “These walls speak for themselves,” Casey Cisneros, grandson of Rudy Cisneros, said. Casey regularly helps run the restaurant. Photos of the Cisneros family paint the establishment as being a true family-run place, and “thank you” letters from Texas politicians pour out their love for the filling food. More comical pieces, such as their “15 cents doesn’t mean 15%” sign, give humor while reminding customers the staff is here to make your experience worthwhile. One thing is certain, people keep coming back to enjoy the breakfast and inviting staff. When I walked into the restaurant, I immediately felt at home. For the past 21 years, my Hispanic roots have graced my taste buds to grow fond of fresh homemade corn tortillas filled with scrambled eggs, diced bell peppers, onions, tomatoes and cheese. Some may call this treat heaven, but this dish is officially known as “Migas Tacos,” a dish that Cisco’s prepares right. Priced at $2.50 per taco, I ordered two. When my waitress brought over the dish, I soon realized that maybe one taco would have been enough. Each taco was loaded with scrambled eggs, which were a full, fluffy consistency, and melting cheese oozing on the plate’s surface. Every bite was promising and filling. Pan-seared onions and bell peppers gave a crunch in every bite, and a small portion of salsa added a moderate kick to the overall taste. As a newly acquired customer, I was enthralled with my experience at Cisco’s. Perhaps it is the friendly staff that drew me in, the craving for a nostalgic taste or how excited I was to read every piece of Cisco’s wall art. But one thing is certain: I will be a returning customer in the future.

jester king craft brewery This local brewery released the “Jester King Black Metal Imperial Stout” as their winter seasonal beer. The imperial stout style of beer is rich and complex, and Black Metal is no exception. At 10 percent ABV, Black Metal is filled with huge flavors of roast, chocolate, burnt malt and alcohol, and it carries a slight hint of leather. For more information on this seasonal brew and where it can be tasted, visit

$ Scale: $ = under 15 dollars an entree $$ = 15 to 20 dollars an entree $$$ = 20 to 25 dollars an entree

Photo by Kristie Bocanegra • Staff Photographer

Layla Elayyadi

Staff Writer

Best deal for your buck

Best guilty pleasure

Best food & hang out spot

Counter Culture Frozen Yogart 6705 W US Hwy 290 St# 610 •

Sweet Treets Bakery 6705 W US Hwy 290 St# 608 • SweetTreetsBakery.Com

Nutty Brown Cafévv & Amphitheatre 12225 W US Hwy 290 •

If you are in need of a healthy and fast snack, try either dining in or hitting the drive-thru at Counter Culture Frozen Yogurt. They originally started in Louisiana in 1977, and decided to bring their success and love to the Austin area. Locals seem to love the variety on their menu, which consists of frozen yogurt treats, parfaits, shakes, cold and hot sandwiches along with soups and salads. They are known for their “Humphrey Yogart,” which has an awesome combination of three different fresh fruits of your choice, granola and honey. Another house special is their avocado delight sandwich served on wheat bread. Whether you are in a hurry or want to relax in their colorful comfortable setting, Counter Culture Frozen Yogurt is a healthy place to help your snack attack.

We’ve all seen the baking shows with elaborate cakes, cupcakes and other treats, but would you have ever guessed that locally we could have a bakery just as good or even better then the ones on TV? Well, once you stop into Sweet Treets Bakery, the overwhelming sweetness will ooze into your pores. They have some of the most delicious cake balls on this side of town, including their mini cupcakes in multitudes of different flavors. They range from lemon, strawberry and — their fan favorite — red velvet. They also have treats that are gluten, nut and dairy free. Sweet Treets makes everything from scratch daily with the freshest fruit and ingredients. Stop by and satisfy your sweet tooth cravings at this delicious bakery.

The overall spot for food, fun and entertainment is located at a one-stop shop in the Texas Hill Country. Nutty Brown Café has some great authentic Tex-Mex and grand ol’ Texas food. The best part about their menu is their options for vegetarians and their plentiful options for the omnivores as well. They also keep you entertained throughout the week, starting with their Tuesday “Kid’s Night.” They party all day with live children’s music, face paintings and inflatable jumping castles. With kids’ meals for only $0.99 on Tuesdays, this will certainly keep everyone happy, especially parents. They also host open mic nights, karaoke, live jazz during Sunday brunches and their ever popular “N’awlins Night.” Not to mention the concerts they have starting in March at the amphitheatre. To find a schedule of upcoming bands and acts, go to their website for the dates and pricing. Layla Elayyadi • Staff Writer

Feb. 14, 2012

Page 9

Life & Arts → Culture

Austin Variety Show celebrates 2 year anniversary

Natalie Casanova • Editor-in-Chief

INAPPROPRIATE! — Austin Variety Show host Troy Dillingers explains how to play risque game to participants Jan. 28.

Natalie Casanova • Editor-in-Chief

MEEEE-OW — Electro indie rock musical group Miss Stephanie and Her Melodic Cat saunter around the stage in their wild costumes Jan. 28 at the two year anniversary party for the Austin Variety Show. The group originally played the show’s first installment last year.

Aaron Davis Staff Writer

A local favorite, The Austin Variety Show welcomed the start of their second season Saturday, Jan. 28 with a special preview party for fans at their new studio in Highland Mall. The audience was packed with die-hard fans and local business owners, some of whom were involved with the show, as host Troy Dillinger gave a sneak peak of “Entervention,” the first of a two-part season premiere episode. The Austin Variety Show is the product of Dillinger, a former actor, musician and local Austinite. The show started as an Adult Swim

Viewing party four years ago. “So it was two hours of Adult Swim on a giant screen and I would have a comedian beforehand, my band would play, we’d have burlesque, sponsors, make games up and stuff like that,” Dillinger said. Except for Adult Swim’s presence, their two-year anniversary party was no different. The show opened with local comedian Kerry Awn and had audience involvement games with local radio host Charlie Hodge. The show also hosted performances by comedian Ramin Nazer and musical act Mistress Stephanie and her Melodic Cat, which can only be described as the best part of the “electro club kid”

scene that survived New York in the early 90s. Both Hodge and the electroperformance-dance group made guests appearances in the season opener, which told the story of Dillinger’s increasing ego and inability to work with co-host Tom Booker. The show opens with an intervention aimed at Dillinger from the show’s staff. Dillinger then spends the better part of the episode making amends with Booker and other groups such as the other half of Mistress Stephanie, Adam Sultan. “We played his very first variety show a few years ago,” Sultan said. “Troy and I knew each other sort of on the music scene. Since that show we

played another show, we just kept in touch, and that was the show that just premiered.” “The cool thing is part of what happens in real life does go into the show,” Dillinger said. “We’re hoping to season part of the story as [the plot is] going on national TV.” Dillinger said his character will have the ego and difficulty that comes along with expanding the show nationally throughout season two. As Dillinger said, part of that plot line is true; Austin Variety Show is currently in a bid to get on national television. But for now, fans can catch the show every Saturday night at midnight on KBVO “MyAustinTV.”

Natalie Casanova • Editor-in-Chief

BANTER — Local radio host Charlie Hodge (left) jokes

around with Austin Variety show creator Troy Dillinger (right) after airing the show’s new episode “EnterVention, Pt. 2.” The two comedians invited guests on stage for games at the Jan. 28 show.

Life & Arts → Film

‘Chronicle’ fun, thrilling, supernatural

Photos courtesy of Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation

Found footage film explores telekinesis abilities as experienced by group of highschool guys, struggles with power ensue Natalie Casanova


For lovers of found footage films like “Cloverfield” and “Quarantine,” “Chronicle” is a fascinating story of a group of teenage boys who chance upon telekinetic powers. The film plays out as a record

of Andrew Detmer’s (Dane DeHaan) life beginning the moment he decided to chronicle his every breath on video. His father is an abusive drunk and his mother is dangerously ill, relying on scraps and insurance money to pay for her in-home medical care. Already, you feel bad for

Andrew who hides behind the awkwardness of his camera, filming anyone and everything he encounters on a daily basis. Andrew’s cousin Matt Garetty (Alex Russell) proves to be one of his only friends, taking him to school every day and to parties in hopes of helping him socialize. At a party, the two boys run into an acquaintance, Steven Montgomery (Michael B. Jordan), the group then stumbles away from the dancing crowd to find a hole in the earth leading them to a cave of wonder. There they find the undiscovered thingamajig that gives them super

powers, and that’s all you pretty much ever find out about it. I like the mystery behind that. It doesn’t give too much away or waste time on details that don’t have any effect on the focus of the movie. The real center of the film is Andrew’s social detachment and hardships at home. The typical high school outcast story is a little played out and Andrew seems a little too good looking of a guy to not have any other friends at all, but this is a ‘tell’ to his true inner workings. At one point Steven tries to explain to him that his camera creates a social barrier between him and everyone else, but Andrew doesn’t seem

to mind the isolation. This is indicative of the adversities the group faces as they learn to deal with sublime power. I’ll go ahead and admit I wanted to see this film because I have a fascination with telekinesis, but then again, who wouldn’t be uber jealous of the power to move things with your mind. Immediately after watching the film, my mind raced with ideas of things I would do with the power, and if I would use my powers for good or for awesome. It’s hard to tell, but I know I’d definitely enjoy flying as much as the characters in the film did. The trio soared through clouds, made plans to

travel the world and take full advantage of their inexplicable capabilities. It truly was a joy to watch them exercise their brain power and witness it all through creative camera angles. The brilliant use of Andrew’s powers to free-float the video camera gave “Chronicle” more depth than other found-footage films. The swooping, areal pans over each landscape they explore make for a 360-degree view of their supernatural experiments. Overall, “Chronicle” is fun to watch, makes good use of the viewers’ imagination and touches on current social trends and behaviors. For the most part, the special effects are just the right amount of computer-generated imagery (CGI) and don’t take away from the dialogue or muddy the plot. This film should be on every sci-fi thriller and action movie lover’s watch list for its unique modern-day twist on a superhero story.

life & arts

Page 10 Life & Arts → Music

Ishi Preview

Rising Dallas indie electrofunk band to play La Zona Rosa, SXSW festival Abra Gist Staff Writer

As a soul and funk inspired indie-electro band that attributes some of its major musical influences to folk legends such as Simon and Garfunkel and Bob Dylan, Dallas band Ishi creates not only a unique sound, but an original atmosphere as well. Ishi will bring their highenergy, funky-electro dance party to Austin for two shows this month. They opened for The Bright Light Social Hour at La Zona Rosa Feb. 10, and will play Feb. 15 at The Parish with Boombox. They have also confirmed a few undisclosed unofficial shows lined up during South by Southwest and will tour Texas and Oklahoma until then. Ishi lead singer John Mudd said the band is on a journey to bring back folk music elements and energy into electronic music. They want their music to encourage honesty within everyone and bring awareness to the world. “Folk music was inspirational yet observational,” Mudd said. “We seek to entertain and provide a high energy show with a free-spirited vibe.” Ishi’s tribe consists of lead singer John Mudd, his brother, drummer and programmer J.J. Mudd, guitarist Rocky Otteley, female vocalist Becky Middleton and frequent collaborator and producer Brad Dale. Their name is derived from the last surviving member of

the Yahi, a Native American tribe indigenous to California who lived outside the realm of European American society in the late 1800s. John and Dale formed Ishi

in 2006, and despite a few controversial member changeups over the last year, the band is still developing and making huge waves in the Dallas scene. Their notoriously provocative shows sell out, and they’ve won local music awards due to their authentic and popular tunes. John said they hope to see that success spread and gain more national appeal with the release of their upcoming album “Digital Wounds” set to drop later this year in August by Make It Records. “We have been in the studio and it’s going really well with the new members,” John said.

“Everyone is on board. It’s the best team I’ve had and we can’t wait to see where this second album goes.” Ishi’s music mixes steady, thumping electro-sex-rock beats with funky, electric and acoustic guitar riffs that accent the verses and choruses. The MIDI aspect of tracks are typically melodic yet unconventional. The folk vibe beneath the surface of their indie-dance-funk music works well and sets this band apart from other electronic acts. While John’s vocals dominate most of the tracks, Middleton’s echoing sultry female vocals balance out

Feb. 14, 2012 the sound. The lyrics are inspirational, colorful stories that cannot help but make hips sway and lips move. Their words invite crowds of listeners to participate in the musical experience rather than listen passively. Some tunes worth checking out before seeing the band live are “Pastel Lights,” “Come Closer” and “Shake Your Dandelion” off of their first album, “Through the Trees.” Then you should seek out their new infectious ‘70s-inspired homage “Disco Queen,” to be released on “Digital Wounds.” John said Ishi strives to be

Photo courtesy of Phoenix Taylor

Life & Arts → Music

Local band delights Kristie Bocanegra

Staff Photographer

Walter Challappa • Senior Staff Photographer

ROUND UP — Timothy Abbott, Mary Joe Torrance, Natalie Zoe, Danny Guochow, Matt Smith, Brett Barney and Dick Ross, of Timothy Abbot & Arcana Mundi pose for a band photo at Smith’s Studio.

more than just a danceable, genre-defying electronic act. Their lyrics are poetic, their sound is sexy and they have a real message that they want to share with their audience. “I am trying to use my introspective journey, especially on this next record, to address people’s misconceptions and illusions of the world we get caught up in,” John said. “I want to see us heal these ‘digital wounds’ inflicted on the heart and soul.” Editor-in-Chief Natalie Casanova also contributed information to this article.

Timothy Abbott and Arcana Mundi, never fall short of incorporating diverse sounds in their music. As a singersongwriter for previous projects including, “Up Periscope” “Argument Client” “25 Smokin’ Figurados” Abbott carries his past knowledge on to breed an album that’s lyrical content speaks truth of overcoming futile relationships, dealing with loneliness from lost love and finding happiness when new love surfaces. “This is music with no rules, or confinement to genre” Abbott said. “Our Time Has Come” which was released in 2012, exemplifies bluesy acoustic guitar riffs, keyboard synths and sensual saxophone melodies. In Abbott’s more up-beat songs including “Restless”, his voice portrays the sounds of

Billy Idol while the rest of the album reminds listeners of the pleasing, slowed down tunes of Lenoard Cohen. Mundi keep listeners in tune by playing with different computerized beats and instruments that elicit a fresh sound to once popular melodies that ultimately describe Mundi’s classic style. “Our Time Will Come” is comprised of lead vocalist Timothy Abbott, saxophonist Joe Morales, drummer Bryan Austin, keyboardist David Webb, guitarist Matt Smith, bass on track Ed Freidland and backup vocalists LZ Love and Matt Smith. The album closes with “I Like You” This country tune portrays the love story of a man that spills his loving heart by predominately singing “I like you” throughout the whole track. Abbott and Mundi compose a simplistic song that is meant to be listened to by lovers. Their new album offers a world of sounds that areaimed at those who seek intricately paired melodies behind bass heavy riffs, acoustic fingerpicking guitars and snazzy saxophone solos.

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Feb. 14, 2012

Life & Arts | Page 11 Forum → Opinion Columns

Dear DC,

DC McLean Staff Writer

Kristie Bocanegra • Staff Photographerr

LEAD SINGER — Daniel Scheuerman of Deleted Scenes plays guitar. The band performed at the Mohawk Jan. 30.

Life & Arts → Music

‘Deleted Scenes’ rocks Washington indie rock band pleases Mohawk crowd Jan. 30 with tunes from new album ‘Young People’s Church of the Air’ Hannah Hargis Staff Writer Washington indie rock band Deleted Scenes rocked Mohawk Jan. 30 to a small yet pleased crowd. Deleted Scenes recently released their sophomore album “Young People’s Church of the Air,” a followup to their first album entitled “Birdseed Shirt.” The band is comprised of vocalist and guitarist Dan Scheuerman, bassist and keyboardist Matt Dowling, drummer Brian Hospital, and guitarist, keyboardist and disc jockey Dominic Campanaro. The band formed in 2005 after Dowling and Scheuerman graduated college. “We had talked about wanting to do something serious,” Dowling said. “Dan had gotten some songs ready and that was kind of the basis of the band.” They spent their first year playing shows in the Washington area and it wasn’t until 2007 that the band started their first national tour. The name ‘Deleted Scenes’ derived from Scheuerman’s desire to write deeply emotional songs.

“I thought the name was appropriate for the type of songs I wanted to write,” Scheuerman said. “They’re very personal and not anything you would want to show people. Just like the parts of the movie that don’t make it … That don’t fit the coherent, easily digestible view of life.” Deleted Scenes’ influences include The Dismemberment Plan, Radiohead, The Beatles and Meshuggah, to name a few. “We’ve gotten a lot of fair comparisons to Modest Mouse,” Dowling said. “That’s a band we loved when we started this band.” The group delivered a solid performance at the Jan. 30 Mohawk show. The crowd was meager, but that is not a reflection of the band’s quality. When listening to the recordings, their songs can get a little repetitive. It’s not until the band plays live that the emotions of the songs are truly felt. So much of their sentiments gets lost in the recordings. As the band played each song, the crowd was drawn in further. By the end of the night people were letting the music move through them; they were dancing to the beats and

I think sex is interesting. Others say that I seem to be very passionate about the subject, but I think it’s simply because it’s everywhere. The media learned a long time ago that sex sells and because of this, they have no problem exploiting it for all it’s worth. Sex is predominant in almost everything I see on television, almost every piece of music I hear and in almost every book I read. It is for this reason that I find myself to be in disbelief when I try to talk about sex with other people in a public place. If everyone has sex and if sex is so universal, why do people find it to be such a sensitive subject? Maybe it’s because sex is given such a negative spin. In the rare times that sex is talked about in an educational environment, the dangers of sex are usually addressed. There are several lectures about the trauma of rape, STD’s, and unwanted pregnancy, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard one that discusses something like safe sex. Even worse, subjects like sex are not discussed openly in places where people usually start having sex. In Texas, sex is not even discussed in High School classes like health, but instead talks about abstinence,

which doesn’t work. Teen childbearing is associated with reduced educational attainment (Texas also has one the highest teenage pregnancy rates in the US) and an astonishing 94% of teens fail to attain their high school diplomas and GED’s rather than those who delay having a child. The lack of knowledge only brings negative side effects to young people. “The younger you are having sex the less likely it is for you to know about it,” Diana Guillen, Psychology Major said. “And that’s why there are so many stereotypes when it comes to younger people having sex.” This has also caused many to correlate sex as something meaningless. I know many people who have found sex to be fruitless and use it as the means to gain an end. “Many people use sex in the wrong way,” Lazaro Sanchez, Art Education Major said. “Using sex as a way to pay someone or to get revenge is wrong, especially when sex is a beautiful and intimate thing between two loving adults.” However, there is hope. While sex does have many consequences there are several organizations and groups that have a sex positive spin. Organizations like Planned Parenthood and The Q Austin teach many young people how to correctly use contraceptives, and many groups such as Unzipped at ACC have discussions where sex is often addressed. As many students who are educated will say, they are all for safe sex. “I think I’m a big advocate for safe sex,” Unzipped President David Seanz said. “I also think safe sex starts with healthy relationships.” Send any questions, comments, suggestions or topic requests to editor@ to be considered for DC’s next advice column.

Kristie Bocanegra • Staff Photographer

TUNE UP — Guitarist Dominic Campanaro of deleted scenes tunes his guitar between songs. The band performed at the Mohawk on Jan 30 2012.

enjoying everything that they heard. The audience came for a good show and Deleted Scenes did not disappoint. As for the band’s future, that remains up in the air. “We just want to keep doing what we have done, which is keep trying to play good shows

Caitlin McDermott Staff Writer

Most college students are on a tight budget and continue to look for ways they can keep their style fresh without overdrawing their bank account. Sophisticated designer labels can be important to some, but so can genuine vintage pieces that won’t be found at Forever 21. The local Buffalo Exchange in Austin is a onestop shop for snagging the season’s hottest trends for a fraction of the cost of a department store. Austin Community College student and Buffalo employee Corbin Chase said he thinks it’s a great place to shop because it’s cost effective and you can wear what you want for a lot less than you would pay at any other store. Not only does the store offer prices that attract shoppers, but many customers are students at the University of Texas or ACC. Considering Buffalo is within a five-mile radius of both ACC’s Rio Grande Campus and UT, Riverbats and Longhorns pack the dressing rooms on weekdays before and after class. When asked how many students come into the store on a daily basis, Chase said they have about 100 students come into the shop each day.

and keep writing,” Dowling said. “And [to] try to write a record that’s better than our last record.” Deleted Scenes is a talented band who knows how to deliver a good show. They will be back in Austin next month for SXSW and are a festival must-see.

Kristie Bocanegra • Staff Photographer

DELETED SCENES — Members Dominic Campanaro, Daniel Scheuerman, Brian Hospital and Matt Dowling, of Washington-based band Deleted Scenes, performing at the Mohawk on Jan. 30.

Current winter trends are anything from neutral-colored, vintage tweed blazers paired with black pumps, to bold leather jackets worn with outspoken T-shirts or tank tops. Brand name designer labels like Banana Republic, True Religion, Joe’s, BCBG and Marc Jacobs can all be found on the racks with appealing resale prices attached. ACC student Elora McCullough said her favorite things that she wore this winter were her Ray Ban sunglasses, black skinny jeans and tons of rings. “I’m always looking for clothes that define my style—confident and fierce,” McCullough said. “Not what everyone else defines as the new trend.” Buffalo Exchange is also a buyer of clothes. Customers often take in large bags from home to try and sell to the store in exchange for cash or store credit. Buffalo employee Jen Garza said, “We’re always looking for good quality items that have a chance of being sold out on the floor.” She said currently Buffalo is looking for sweaters and jeans. A cost-effective spring is fast approaching and trends are due for a change. No matter the season, Austinites everywhere continue to do as they have done for years, and define their personal styles at this thrifty store.

page 12 | Life & Arts

Feb. 14, 2012

Life & Arts → Music

All photos by Jon Shapley • Photo Editor

EMOTION — Devin Usher of Milk Thistle performs an emotional song during OH SNAP! Music Festival. The band played early in the evening Saturday, Jan. 28 for the benefit concert held in honor of deceased drunk driving victim Sergio Machado.

Music fest roars

‘OH SNAP!’ music festival benefits scholarship fund in honor of drunk driving victim Jon Shapley  Photo Editor

SOFTLY SINGING — Inne Aguilar of The Shears sings her unique vocals at the OH SNAP! Music Festival. The band played performed their set to a packed crowd and a full house Saturday Jan. 28.

ROCKIN’ — Singer and

“Oh snap! The lights went out!” someone yelled from the audience as the soaring melodies and infectious hooks of the Saturday night line-up of electro-rock bands at the OH SNAP! music festival Jan. 28 gave way to a cavernous silence. Indie band Little Lo was about 20 minutes into their set when the inconceivable happened: the festival seemingly blacked out the northern half of Sixth Street with rock ‘n roll. Indeed, the lights went out prematurely, and in a way the anonymous quip was a pertinent reminder of the true purpose of the event. OH SNAP! Festival, which just celebrated its third iteration, is a project to commemorate the life of Sergio Machado, who was killed by a drunk driver in his native Mozambique in 2009. “He was a laid back musician and always had a positive energy,” festival organizer Dave Winter said. “[Sergio] always said ‘OH SNAP!’… and we wanted the festival to be as inclusive as possible.” Each year the festival showcases local musicians, artists, dancers and comedians in an effort to celebrate Machado’s life. The event is also the signature fundraiser for the Sergio Machado Memorial Scholarship which, with the support of his alma mater Southwestern University, helps international students attend

college in Texas. This year’s event planned for 50 bands to perform over three consecutive nights, and it included acts such as Mother Falcon, Whiskey Shivers, The Lemurs, Little Lo and Megafauna, along with many others. The blackout itself was a musical success, and fist pumps and enthusiastic expletives erupted from the stage and crowd. Penumbral figures shuffled about in the darkness until another voice informed everyone that Shakey Graves was still performing downstairs. In a room illuminated by two flashlights and an iPhone app, one-man-band Shakey Graves played lo-fi folk music. He wore an aged gray suit and a battery-powered amp on his belt, and the crowd was mesmerized and silent as he drummed on his kick drum built into a suitcase. This chimerical man, reminiscent of an antebellum wayfarer, was a far cry from the loud music and flashing lights that had dominated the festival thus far. In many ways the scene was fitting because it was an intimate and enchanted reminder of the deeply personal connection between music and experience. “It bonded everybody … he just kept playing because he knew it was for the scholarship,” festival organizer Kara Knorpp said. Such an intimate performance was a bittersweet and surreal conclusion to a festival where

many, in an attempt to take in everything, spent straight nights trekking up and down the staircase that separated Beale St. Tavern from The Parish. Friday night was dominated by high-energy performances from nearly every band, but Mother Falcon killed it with back to back sets and nearly an hour and a half of music. According to band member Nick Calvin, the entire second set was improvised. Covering for The LaRues, Mother Falcon opened the latter of the two with “Ring of Fire,” the countrywestern song made popular by Johnny Cash. Members of the mega band climbed onto speakers and chairs, and the performance hearkened back to a churchyard revival with an indisputable energy and presence rarely seen in live music. Singer Claire Puckett climbed onto her brother’s shoulders to play the trumpet with one hand while inviting the crowd to sing along with the other. Shortly thereafter, three-piece prog-rock band Megafauna showcased all of their talent in a packed room downstairs. Singer and guitarist Dani Neff opened their third song with a wink and a subtle yet predatory shuffle, before she proceeded to lay out impressive guitar riffs. The trio borrows heavily from a variety of genres, ranging from math-rock to vintage mental, and their performance left the crowd yearning for an encore. A pervasive sense of unfinished business has hung in the air, but luckily festival organizers arranged the OH SNAP! black-out party on Feb. 10. The Bang Bang Theodores, Wild Moccasins, Little Lo, Smoke and Feathers and Ume all agreed to reunite at The Parish, and the fundraising continued.

songwriter Patrice Pike and her band perform a rockin’ set at the OH SNAP! Music Festival. The group brought energy and swaying to the crowd at the benefit show Jan. 28.

STRINGS — Members of the mega-group Mother Falcon look on as the singer beckons to the crowd with a trumpet. The band performed back-to-back sets. THE LEMURS — The Lemurs killed it with a high energy performance during the first official night of OH SNAP! Festival, on Jan. 27.

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