First Copy Free
Nov. 8, 2010
Volume 13, Issue 4
Students grow facial hair to raise cancer awareness PG. 5
community → people
From Afghanistan to Austin, teaching soldiers to write
Lead levels keep drinking fountains closed at RGC
Karissa Rodriguez • Photo/Web Editor
on one of the Rio Grande campus water fountains informs students not to drink the water.
RGC remodel the only way to fix the problem Natalee Blanchat Staff Writer Photo courtesy of Kyle Long
ENGLISH TRAINING — ACC instructor Chris Leche (center in black) sits alongside Air Force soldiers from an English class she taught in
Afghanistan in 2009. “It was difficult to teach in a tent on the Bagram Airbase flightline simply because of the constant F-15s and other fighter jets taking off on combat missions,” Leche said in an e-mail describing her experience teaching the English class.
Writing courses designed specifically for veterans Christopher A. Smith
50, reenlisting as support staff. On the way to class she’d hear the C-130s, C-180s and F16s that were constantly taking off and landing. In the cool morning air there would also be the Great Voice. A monotone human voice coming over loudspeakers, always calm, The day always began the same in the little without inflection, giving announcements and plywood B-hut that Christine Leche shared with sometimes instructions. six other people on Bagram Air force base in “The gunnery range is now open,” sometimes Afghanistan. Behind her plywood partition she would come over the speakers. would gather her toiletries quietly so as not to “Proceed to the bunkers, proceed to the bother her bunkmates and then step out into the early Afghan morning. Andrew Pagan • Lead bunkers. Red alert, proceed to the bunkers,” Photographer would come over as calmly as a call to dinner. It was a three block walk to the latrines and Leche spent nine months from 2008 to 2009 in showers, past the prison where suspected Taliban Leche teaches her Bagram and at Forward Operating Bases around insurgents were kept and along a road with ditches class of veterans how to improve their Afghanistan. She came to know her students well for diving in during mortar attacks. creative writing skills. and they trusted her. She’d returned to her bunk to pick up books, “I liked the banter in the classroom. I like the student papers, and her computer, not an M-16 camaraderie of it,” said Leche. She strove to create an open and and body armor like most of her students. Leche taught creative writing, speech and English to soldiers trusting atmosphere for her students who, coming from the strict and structured environment just outside the classroom who, instead of enrolling in college, signed up for the Marines, the Army, the Air Force. Some were 18-year-old kids toting rifles and going outside the wire on missions. Others were 40 or See VETERANS, pg. 4
Upcoming event
Teaching inside the wire
“Honoring the Service” Veterans Reading Thursday, November 11, 2010 7:00 p.m. ACC Riverside Campus, Room 8100 The event will feature a reading of works written by ACC Veterans as well as a reading by awardwinning novelist and veteran Larry Heinemann.
news → Facilities
RRC televisions to remain blank as cable dealings fail Michael Needham Campus Editor
All of the blank television screens on Round Rock Campus might eventually be showing something, but it won’t be cable programming. After months of negotiations with four major cable companies, ACC administration has hit a brick wall in their attempts to get cable television at Round Rock Campus any time soon. “All we can do right now is put ACC stuff on the public
TVs because we can’t get cable right now from anybody,” said Round Rock campus manager Judy VanCleve. Manager of Video Support Services for ACC, and the man who was in charge of trying to get cable programming for Round Rock, John Kennie, explained the difficulty involved in attempting to strike a deal with any of the cable companies. “I have been making every effort to find cable,” said Kennie. “At this point no cable [provider] services that specific location.”
He explained that some cable companies were willing to bring service to the Round Rock Campus on the condition that ACC pays to get the line out there. ACC is unwilling to pay this cost because it is too high, said Kennie. Facilities project manager Paul Mason said that it would have cost ACC $150,000 to $200,000 to get Time Warner Cable to run a mile of line from their nearest hub. Kennie explained why they
See REMOTE pg. 3
Diana Leite • Staff Photographer
NO SERVICE — Students in the Round Rock
Student Life office socialize in front of one of many TVs found throughout the campus. Most TVs are not used due to a lack of an available cable provider.
The water fountains at the Rio Grande Campus, which have been off since Sep 29 will be out of commission for the foreseeable future. The fountains will not be turned back on until the building is remodeled with new lead free plumbing. According to Rebecca Cole, the executive director of environmental health and public safety, the campus master planning committee will be submitting a timeline to the board of trustees for review sometime early next year. It will include costs and predictions on the amount of time it will take for construction and completion of remodeling. “As of now, there is not a specific timeline for the remodeling of Rio Grande” said Alexis Patterson, ACC’s media relations coordinator. The problem with scheduling the remodeling is finding somewhere to put everyone at Rio Grande while it’s closed for renovations, according to Patterson. For now, ACC is supplying the campus with bottled water. The estimated cost for supplying bottled water to the students and Simon’s cafe is approximately $51,000 for the academic school year, according to Cole via e-mail. Additional testing for lead on the Rio Grande Campus drinking fountains was done in Oct and those results will be posted on ACC’s Environmental Health and Safety website in the next couple of weeks. After the board of trustees approves a timeline, and the college comes up with a plan for the Rio Grande community, it will still be some time before the actual remodeling occurs. According to Cole, the next step will be to get public approval for funding through bonds and other revenue sources. Cole doesn’t believe that the water at Rio Grande is very dangerous. “The original testing of the water fountains revealed a level of lead well below the action level required by the EPA.” said Cole “However, because it was slightly above the level of “no known risk,” the college moved forward with shutting down the water fountains as a precaution, particularly for high-risk groups such as children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with compromised immune systems. We take a conservative approach where matters of health and safety are concerned.”
news → events
Central Texas split on annexation Sarah Neve
Assistant Editor Of the five school districts in central Texas that were considering annexation into the ACC taxing district, two voted to do so. Elgin ISD and Hays CISD are joing the ACC taxing district and a campus will be built in Kyle and Elgin. Those campuses should open in 2013 according to the college. The annexation will lower the cost of tuition for students in those districts from $150 per credit hour to $42 per credit hour, and raise the tax rate for homeowners in the district
by a total of $0.0951 per $100 assessed property value. The other three school districts, McDade, San Marcos, and Bastrop ISD opted not to join the ACC taxing district. McDade, the only district that wouldn’t have gotten its own campus if annexed, shot down annexation by 70 percent. San Marcos and Bastrop voted against the bill with much closer margin of about 55 percent. In an election marked with strong anti-government, antitaxes sentiment. ACC had a hard time convincing voters to agree to the taxes that go along with annexation. “I wouldn’t say it’s a specific
political climate, but in a tough economy, it’s a harder sell on anything that involves a tax,” said Alexis Patterson, ACC’s media relations coordinator. This semester, 272 students registered for classes at ACC that live in Elgin. In Hays, 1,007 students registered for fall 2010 classes. If any students in those two districts have already registered for their spring classes, they will be getting a refund on their tuition. Over the Summer ACC entered into contracts to purchase about $35 million worth of land around central Texas. They are moving forward with the purchase of
the land in Bastrop that would have been the ACC Lost Pines Campus. It’s 87 acres of land that cost $3.19 million. “By doing it now, we ensure that we have attractive land at the best value...It takes a lot of land to build a campus, and annexation will be revisited in Bastrop at some point,” said Patterson. For the campus that will be built in Kyle, ACC spent $9.84 million for 96 acres in late June. The land in Elgin was $3.3 million, and the college had been in an agreement for land in San Marcos, but that effort was contingent on annexation.
2010 eLectIOn resULts Elgin ISD *For Against Hays CISD *For Against McDade ISD *For Against San Marcos ISD *For Against Bastrop ISD *For Against
2,064 1,360
60.28 39.72
6,879 4,891
58.45 41.55
147 343
30.00 70.00
4,570 5,568
45.08 54.92
4,750 5,847
44.82 55.18