First Copy Free
Dec. 6, 2011
Volume 14, Issue 6
NEWS Professor makes chemistry easier to grasp | Page 4
CAMPUS RESA club aims to solve gender imbalance | Page 6
News → Community
‘Daytripper’ wins Emmy
LIFE & ARTS Austin celebrates vintage fashion | Page 8 News → People
International student rates growing at ACC Austin Community College ranks high in nation among foreign student population Karissa Rodriguez
Dana Manickavasagam • Web Editor
WINNING TRIO — Nathan Locklear, Chet Garner and Richie Lozano share a light moment with their Emmy statuettes Dec. 1 outside of Northridge Campus. “The Daytripper” won its second consecutive Emmy for Outstanding Texas Heritage Program.
ACC sponsored travel show wins second Lonestar Emmy Era Sundar
Campus Editor
Joey Galvan Staff Writer
Having won its second consecutive Emmy for Outstanding Texas Heritage Program/Special at the 9th Annual Lone Star Emmy Awards Nov. 5 at Warehouse Live in Houston, “The Daytripper” continues to deliver Texas-sized adventure during its third season on PBS. “It’s truly an honor to be awarded a Lone Star Emmy two years in a row,” creator, executive producer and host Chet Garner said via press release. “Even though I’m the guy in front of the camera, this award is a testament to the hard work of our amazing crew and the continued support of our PBS partners, sponsors and, of course, our fans.” Garner said he was inspired to create the show when he realized how little
Texans actually knew about their state. Each episode entertains viewers with Garner’s humorous historical re-enactments and provides travel ideas by documenting his visits to various Texas towns and cities. “The Daytripper,” which airs on 12 PBS stations including Austin’s KLRU, is able to showcase local destinations through the sponsorship of Austin Community College and other local businesses. Many of the show’s crew members are also ACC staff or students. “I love taking interns from the [Radio TV Film (RTF)] department to show them they shouldn’t be intimidated by the TV industry,” Garner said. “It’s all about trying your best. It’s about doing the best that you can no matter what your resources are and telling a good story.” Also contributing to “The Daytripper’s” Emmy Award winning stories, were former
producer Nathan Locklear and current producer Richie Lozano, who both hail from ACC’s RTF department. Locklear teaches editing and is an equipment manager, and Lozano is a teaching assistant. “I was very pleased because we put in a lot of hard work and effort,” Locklear said. “It was an honor and it also reflected well on the college and the [RTF] department.” Lozano, who has been with the show since its inception, enjoys the opportunity to travel and explore his home state. “I like road trips, I like food, and then I get to do the other thing I like which is make videos and TV,” Lozano said. “So put it all together and the Emmy thing is just pure bonus and enriches all of it.” Like most of the crew, Lozano is a lifelong Texan and stands behind the work done by “The Daytripper” to raise awareness of local travel destinations.
“The reason to watch the show is to find something that you really didn’t know existed,” Lozano said. “Some of the most exciting people and great food are right under your nose and we can show that to you.” In addition to showcasing local communities, the program gives back through its “Cans For Q” event held at Rudy’s Country Store and BarB-Q, which is also one of the show’s sponsors. The event provides an opportunity for fans to meet the crew and eat free barbecue in exchange for can food donations to the Central Texas Food Bank. “I know the Capital of Texas Food Bank feels a lot of stress this time of year so if I have a platform to help out I’ll absolutely do that,” Garner said. “The Daytripper” airs Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. on KLRU. For more information visit
Boasting 649 foreign pupils, Austin Community College has been ranked among U.S. institutions with the most international students by The Chronicle of Higher Education. Making the decision to move from Hamburg, Germany to attend ACC was not the easiest decision nursing major Jana Hoffmann has made in her life, but it is a decision she said has provided her with many positive experiences and benefits.“I wanted to attend the University of Texas at Austin (UT) after attending a Longhorn football game with my uncle when I visited him when I was a 13 years old,” Hoffmann said. “I couldn’t afford to go to UT, so I looked up what other schools were in Austin and learned about Austin Community College and it seemed like the right fit for me so I applied, got accepted and am really glad I moved here.” Hoffmann said ACC has been a great experience so far and is looking forward to her last semester at the college this spring. “I really enjoy the nursing program at Eastview Campus,” she said. “The professors are great and I’ve learned a lot while here.” To enroll as an international student, prospective students must complete six steps before officially enrolling as a student, this includes an English language proficiency text, filling out student applications, providing high school and/or college transcripts, providing proper documentation and remitting a $100 application fee. The sixth step, after being accepted to enroll at ACC, requires students obtain an F-1 visa in order to legally enter and live in the U.S. ACC currently accepts students with M-1 and F-1 visas, according to Carol Duss, International Student Admissions and Records Supervisor. “Our main population comes from F-1 students,” Duss said. “Those are the students we have to get approval from the Department of Homeland Security to accept. M-1 students are more short-term students than F-1, which are long term.” The main difference between F-1 and M-1 students according to Duss is that F-1 students are traditional students, while M-1 students are mainly vocational study students. In addition to proving English competency through the TOEFL, Duss said prospective students must prove financial solvency so they become a dependent on the U.S. system. “Those are the key differences for international students versus regular admission students,” she said. “When you think about our numbers, we have 45,000 students and then you have 649 international students, thats pretty small in comparison to our overall population,” Duss said. “And we don’t recruit so we were pretty thrilled to hear that.” Duss said she feels international students may decide to attend ACC because the college’s reputation and the connections students make with their peers and college employees. “I know that we are a feeder school for UT,” Duss said, “but I also know that they really like the service that they get in our office. We get to know our students and they often come back to see us after they graduate.”
Want to know where ACC international students hail from? See page 5 to view our infographic.
News → People
Deaf Student Association presents message loud, clear Club provides link between deaf, hearing communities in Austin Era Sundar
Campus Editor
With a growing population of more than 200 deaf students attending Austin Community College, the Deaf Studies Association (DSA) has taken on the role of encouraging and supporting ACC’s deaf community while fostering interaction between hearing and non-hearing students. Membership in the club is open to all students regardless of hearing ability. “It’s good for deaf students to react with hearing students and DSA provides a beautiful opportunity for collaboration between both groups,” counselor, professor and club adviser Patti Singleton said. “I am the only deaf counselor at ACC, so I have a vested interest. I see students who were
like me when I was in college and I tell them they can do anything — except hear.” The concept of achievement against the odds is one that Singleton demonstrates by example. She is the first deaf woman from Texas to earn a Ph.D. from Gallaudet University in Washington D.C. According to Singleton, the club’s role is not to shelter deaf students but to help them develop skills and show them how to help themselves. DSA President Roxanne Ruiz is hard of hearing and relies heavily on lip reading and sign language to communicate. She said she credits the example set by Singleton and her own membership in DSA with giving her the courage and help she needed to fulfill her educational goals, which include studying social work at Texas State University this spring.
“Our main goal is to promote leadership, socialization, community service and empowerment,” Ruiz said. In order to foster leadership development and community involvement, DSA will hold its biggest event, ASL Fest, during the first week of March at Riverside Campus. The three-day festival will be a collaboration among DSA and other agencies and schools that serve the deaf community such as the Texas School for the Deaf, Vocational Rehabilitation and Gallaudet University Regional Center. The first day of the festival will focus on high school students and their transition into college. The next day will highlight professional development, and the third day will celebrate family and community with free food, an art display by deaf artists, drama presented by deaf actors and music. According to Singleton, the club is trying to book a deaf rock band from Austin for the event. In addition to major events like ASL Fest, DSA meetings provide an environment for
Era Sundar • Campus Editor
SIGNS — Deaf Studies Association (DSA) advisor Patti Singleton (left) and DSA President Roxanne Ruiz (right) speak using sign language on Nov. 28 in Singleton’s office.
students who study American Sign Language (ASL) to practice their skills. “I picked up a lot of new words at meetings,” DSA secretary and SOCC representative Sabrina Holland said. Holland, a recent graduate
of ACC who is now pursuing a certificate in American Sign Language, said she has always been fascinated byASL and found speaking with one’s hands to be beautiful. Although not hearing impaired, Holland said being involved in DSA has been beneficial and has taught her
about deaf culture. “Get involved and get to know them,” Holland said. “Being deaf is not a disability. They are unique.” For more information or to get on DSA’s contact list, email DSA advisor Patti Singleton at drpatti@