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Getting Remote Career Ready with ACC Career Services

By Adam Cherian

Career Services provides ways to adapt to a job market affected by a pandemic


In the turbulent job market that COVID-19 has created, it’s essential that college students adopt the best qualifications for remote or online work. Given the volatile nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, searching for work virtually can feel like a safer option than in-person. Because there is no conclusive end to this pandemic, remote work seems to be normal. That being said, there are new sets of skills that students need to adopt with such a shift in conditions. Career Services provides the best ways for ACC students to prepare for a career, remotely.

1. Search for Jobs with ACC Career Link

The best way to start your job search during a time when most things are remote is with the ACC Career Link job portal. ACC Career Services realize that the pandemic has hit working students hard. In order to help those who have lost their jobs, Career Services has created a page where you can look for job listings in your area. There is an excellent amount of positions ranging from in your field of study to entry-level jobs. Give it a look to help you find the best remote career opportunities.

2. Read the Career Essentials Student Reference Guide

This guide is a game-changer. It provides you with essential steps to prepare you for the job search and applications.

This guide is extensive, with sixty pages of extremely helpful information. It details everything from resumé tips, to Linkedin profile checklists. Securing a remote job is made easy with this guide, which gives you the best tools to make you stand out. Consider giving this a read when applying for jobs to better prepare yourself and to impress your future employers.

3. Take a Glance at the ACC Resumé Guide

Need more help making your resumé stand out? During a time where remote work is becoming more necessary, a resumé that exceeds your employers expectations is a crucial step in securing a job. ACC Career Services has a resumé guide that is filled with tips, instructions and examples to make sure you secure that remote position! Give this a read if you want to give your resumé a professional finish.

4. Consider Practice Interviews using Big Interview

The interview process can be nerve-racking. With the added pressure of remote interviews and technological barriers, this process can be scary. Thankfully, Career Services provides us with a platform where you can practice interviewing in your specific field. Students can use this to practice at any time because the questions are prerecorded. Give this a try and see how helpful practicing real world interviews virtually can be.

5. Schedule an Appointment with a Career Counselor

Once you have visited all the other resources ACC Career Services has to offer, it’s time to visit with a career counselor. Career counselors will provide the best advice on how to prepare for and land a new job for yourself. Speaking with professionals on how to better suit yourself for a remote job is priceless, and ACC offers it for free! If you want to understand everything you need to know for remote work, schedule an appointment with a counselor today!

The year 2020 has thrown everyone for a loop. Hopefully these resources will help ACC students better prepare for the remote job market. These tools will get you ready for a new career and ACC students get them for free.

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