2 minute read

Students Apply Their Area of Study into Their Own Businesses

By Patrick Davis

You may have heard quotes like, “do what you love and never work a day in your life,” or “do what you love and the money will follow.” Two psychology students are seeking to infuse their future profession with their passions.


Lorelai Wilson incorporates these decks of tarot cards into her client consultations.

Wilson is a licensed massage therapist. In addition to her class load, she is also employed by a local spa and operates her own massage business, Copper and Calm. After eight years in the security tech industry, Wilson stated that she was feeling burnt out and decided to enroll at a massage therapy school in the Seattle area. Upon graduating in 2016, Wilson immediately moved to Austin.

ACC Student Lorelai Wilson sports her Phi Theta Kappa sweatshirt. Image provided by Wilson.

Lorelai Wilson consults her client, Deanna Lawrin, prior to her massage at Wilson’s home in Austin.

Her goal for the future is to become a clinical psychologist and open a wellness center that integrates psychology, massage, and other healing arts. Wilson hopes to treat patients in a way that honors the “close connection between the mind and the body.” Wilson relies heavily on her ACC professors, advisors, and classmates to help her navigate her busy life and achieve her goals.

Lorealai Wilson massages the scalp and forehead of Deanna Lawrin at Wilson’s home in Austin.

Lorealai Wilson utilizes her elbow and forearm while massaging her client, Deanna Lawrin, at Wilson’s home in Austin.

“Having that safety net and that reliability in my academic life really helps me explore what I want to do with my career and my professional world,” Wilson said.

Ali Simmel is a student, artist, musician, and entrepreneur.

ACC student Ali Simmel at Cosmic Coffee and Beer Garden in Austin. Simmel is an artist, musician, and entrepreneur.

Tilt Gallery in Fort Worth, recently agreed to represent the artist. The gallery will be selling Simmel’s prints and original paintings. Simmel also operates Canvas Clothier in collaboration with their sister.

Various original works of art are displayed in Ali Simmel’s home studio.

The clothing company is currently focused on embellishing and reselling vintage clothing but plans to produce and sell original items in the future. Simmel is currently pursuing degrees in psychology and studio arts. They plan to pursue a doctorate in psychology and eventually open a clinic focused on art therapy. Like Wilson, Simmel speaks highly of ACC.

Ali Simmel paints in her studio while her daughter looks on.

“I love ACC. It’s amazing.” “It made me believe I can actually go to school and do well… and provide a steady income while continuing to pursue my passions,” Simmel said.

By immersing themselves in ACC’s environment of mutual support, Wilson and Simmel are empowered to lean into their individual strengths. By focusing on those strengths, they prepare themselves to create new and innovative support systems for their communities.

Soul by Ali Simmel.

Absent by Ali Simmel.

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