clubs and organizations
campus governance
lubs and Organizations helps students make connections on cultural or academic levels. This program helps students increase their involvement with the college and with each other, while helping bolster their transcript or resume. Involvement in Clubs and Organizations also allows students to gain field experience when they work with a group that connects with their degree plan. For a list of available clubs and organizations visit the Student Life Web site. If you find there isn’t a club or organization that you like, you can start your own by stopping by any SL office. Starting a new club only requires at least three people and must include a president, secretary, and a treasurer. In addition, a faculty or staff advisor must be involved. Other requirements include participation. Clubs must host at least one event per year and organizations must host one event per semester.
or the politically minded student, getting connected with Campus Governance is a way to help represent the student body’s point of view and act as a voice to ACC’s Shared Governance system. Campus Governance is divided into the Student Government Association (SGA), the Shared Governance Committee, and Student Activity Fee Advisory Committees (SAFAC). Students can participate in SGA by running for office, voting in student elections, attending meetings, or by contacting their campus senators about concerns. Every campus has at least two senators, and other senators are appointed for other areas like the Distance Learning or the NonTraditional Student senators. Students can visit the SGA Web site to locate contact information for each member and bring to the senator’s attention anything that they would like the administration to consider.
Connect on Campus: Nuts and Bolts Phi Theta Kappa Men of Distinction Squad Equality Now 50 + Club
I connect to Austin at the Austin Museum of Art.
– Joshua Bacak SGA President
I connect to Austin at the Frost Bank Tower.
– Katherine Petsche Phi Theta Kappa President
Get Connected: Megan Fullen 512.223.8233
Get Connected: Aaron Hinojosa 512.223.3113
Fall 2009–Summer 2010