Your Questions, Answered Q.
Q. A.
Q. A.
What are the minimum requirements for consideration for financial aid money?
To qualify, students need to demonstrate need, except with certain loan programs, and have a high school diploma or equivalent, and they must enroll at ACC and be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen. Students receiving aid cannot get it from two schools in the same semester.
I’m interested in the Work-Study program, how do I get involved? To receive a WorkStudy job, a student must have applied for financial aid within deadlines and be eligible for the award based on the federal need analysis, and be enrolled in at least six semester hours. There is a Work-Study orientation that students have to take to participate in the program. Work-Study pay starts at $8.45 per hour.
What forms do I need How long will it take to to fill out for financial aid? get my money? Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) at fafsa. Complete the ACC Financial Aid Institutional Application available at the campus Financial Aid Office or on the financial aid Web site, and submit a high school transcript or GED certificate to the Admissions and Records Office. Some students might be required to fill out additional verification paperwork.
After all the paperwork is submitted to the Financial Aid Office it will take about four to six weeks. There are priority deadlines for financial aid applications to give ample time to students to have their forms processed. Students can apply after priority deadlines, but awards are made on a first come first served basis, so it’s advisable to get started early.
Resources: Web sites: Financial Aid Student Life
Q. A.
What is my eID?
It’s the first letter of your official first name followed by your seven digit student ID number. Your ID number is on your ACC ID card, but you can also click on the “What’s my ACC eID” link on the Web site to find out your login information. As with all Web site problems, you can contact the helpdesk (223.4357) during business hours for assistance.
Q. A.
What is Blackboard, and how does it work?
Blackboard is an online course management system. On blackboard you can view grades and read assignments and notices from professors. Some professors have students take exams on Blackboard. Some exams can only be taken on an ACC testing center computer. A complete list of the ACC Testing Center locations and hours is available online. You must have an activated ACC eID to use the site. Problems logging into Blackboard can usually be resolved by calling the ACC helpdesk at 223.4357.
Phone numbers: ACC help desk 223.4357 ACC financial aid 223.4243
Fall 2009–Summer 2010