Issue 4

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First Copy Free

Nov. 8, 2011

Volume 14, Issue 4

NEWS  New organization fortifies student voices  | Page 4

CAMPUS  Former SGA president recalls ACC education  | Page 8

Life & Arts → Visual Arts

News → Events

East Austin Studio Tour to give glimpse into art program

LIFE & ARTS  Get your nerd on at Austin Comic Con  | Page 10

Racing for a cure

Jon Shapley • Staff Photographer

FEATURED — Michael Garcia poses at his home studio, next to his painting-in-progress. Garcia’s painting will be on display along with other ACC students and faculty at Reji Thomas Studio located at 1101 East 5th Street . Visitors have two opportunities to see his work, as EAST runs for two weekends: Nov. 12-13 and Nov. 19-20 between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m..

Bethany Wagner • Staff Photographer

SOLE SISTERS — Stacey Stover, middle right, is the fearless leader of the Sole Sisters, a team of ACC professors participating in the Susan G. Komen Race for the cure that takes place on November 13. Team members from left are Linda Welsh, Sheila Rodriguez, and Loretta Edelen. The race raises funds and awareness for research to help find a cure for breast cancer.

Students, faculty artwork to Austin Community College faculty, staff join together to be showcased at ACC exhibit honor friends, family by participating in Race for the Cure Joey Galvan  Staff Writer

A group of art galleries, artist studios and other spaces will open their doors to the public to showcase art in the East Austin community at this year’s East Austin Studio Tour (EAST) which opens Nov. 12. EAST is an annual event that gives the public an opportunity to discover new artistic talent, see working studios and learn about artists’ tools, techniques, and inspirations in addition to supporting the art community and local businesses. One new artist to have his art featured at EAST is Austin Community College student Michael Garcia. Although he said at times he questions his artistic ability, ACC Art Professor Victoria Suescum felt strong enough to recommend his work for the East Austin exhibit. “I was very shocked when professor Suescum brought me into her office and asked me if I wanted to do this, to feature me,

because I never thought I had artistic ability,” Garcia said. Early in his academic career Garcia said he recalls a teacher telling him that his artwork wasn’t very good which may have led to his self-doubts. By returning to art on a whim, he said he found a deep love and appreciation for painting that brought him to be a featured artist in an exhibit today. “I recently remodeled my house and have nothing on the walls. I was too cheap to pay for anything so I thought maybe I should learn to draw or paint,” Garcia said. Currently Garcia is still torn with the idea of which piece he should have featured in the show. “I’ve done two still life paintings and one of them is more whimsical and the other is a little bit more serious,” Garcia said. “I’m going to do another one. Then myself and professor Suescum are going to decide which one we like the best and

See STUDENTS, pg. 5

Karissa Rodriguez


A group of Austin Community College faculty, staff and students are preparing to tie their laces, don pink attire and proudly wear pink ribbons at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure event from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Nov. 13 in downtown Austin. The race will be a 5K and there will also be a 1K family walk taking place. Sole Sisters is the name of the team of ACC faculty and employees who will be representing ACC at the Race for the Cure. They will be walking with a group of ACC students. Team captain and Department Chair for Creative Writing Stacey Stover, Department Chair for Child Development Linda Welsh, South Austin Campus Library Assistant Lisa Gillespie and Health Sciences Specialist Sheila Rodriguez are a few of the team’s members Whether they are

participating to stay fit or help raise money for breast cancer awareness, it is clear that for a lot of participants that they are running or walking in order to honor someone who has been affected by breast cancer. Several ACC staff members will be participating in Race for the Cure to honor former ACC Child Care and Development Professor Amanda Hernandez. Hernandez was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007, according to her obituary. She overcame cancer a year later with the help of chemotherapy and family support. Unfortunately, one year after beating breast cancer, Amanda was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Leukemia which she ultimately died from on April 20, 2011. Welsh knew Hernandez for ten years and explained that she was a long-term early childhood advocate. “My favorite Amanda story is when she hosted a quincenera for one of her three daughters,

I think it was Miranda,” Welsh recalled. “She was a wonderful mother and full of fun. At the reception, we were delighted by Amanda’s high heeled tribute to Tina Turner in the tallest heels and mini-skirt. She had us in stitches.” In addition to honoring Hernandez, Welsh is also participating in Race for the Cure to honor another family member. “One of my daughter-inlaw’s mothers passed away from breast cancer when she was 10 - this is to help honor her.,” Welsh said. “We lose too many women to breast cancer and I want to help raise awareness and funds.” Another ACC staff member honoring a loved one at Race for the Cure is Gillespie. On Oct. 18 Gillespie attended the memorial for Vicki Faulfer, a former work colleague and friend who died from breast cancer after one year of battling with the disease. Gillespie is participating in

Race for the Cure to honor Faulfer. “You never know what people mean to you until you no longer have them,” Gillespie said. “I want to honor Vicki somehow and thought this would be a good way.” Gillespie who had her own scare with breast cancer in the 1990s which turned out negative after several mammograms failed to give conclusive results, believes that people should be more aware about how the people around them affect them. “We lost touch and i hadn’t seen her for years, but that doesn’t change how I felt about her and how she touched my life,” Gillespie recalled. “You just don’t know what significance they hold for you until their not there.” In addition to receiving a mammogram, Gillespie encourages women to perform

See STAFF, pg. 4

News → Education

Incubator promotes creative business ventures New club encourages entrepreneurial growth Era Sundar

Campus Editor

As its name implies, the newly formed ACC Incubator has taken its place among ACC’s clubs and organizations to nurture and encourage students in the creative use of their talents through business ventures and community collaborations. ACC student and local business woman Wendy Lopez is the president and founder of the Incubator. Lopez said that her motivation for starting the club was to help students who are

starting out in their careers, just as she received help as a young entrepreneur. The premise of the club is to provide students with real world experience by using their skill sets in actual business ventures. The plan, Lopez said, is to have students form businesses around specific projects. Students will learn the steps involved with setting up the business along with using their skills to produce a product or service for their client. There are also plans to have presentations by ACC professors and CEO’s from Fortune 500

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Commercial music management major and Incubator treasurer Aimee MacArthur (left) shows off the club’s new logo along with Incubator president and founder Wendy Lopez (right) after the orientation meeting held on Oct. 21 at Northridge Campus. Lopez, also a commercial music management major, founded Incubator at ACC in order to help students gain professional experience while still attending college.

companies to instruct and guide students in the running of their businesses. Each company will engage students from different departments such as film, music, architecture, journalism, fashion and photography. According to Lopez, Incubator projects may stem from many avenues such as putting on events for Student Life, fellow ACC students and community members. Jeffery Gonzales is a veteran

See Incubator, pg. 5

Era Sundar • Campus Editor

Fun Fun Fun Fest

Occupy Student Life Project Build a Park

█ Three days of fun, fun, and more fun. The sixth annual Fun Fun Fun Fest took place on Nov. 4 - 6 at Auditorium Shores and features over 150 bands, comedians and performers.

█ Facebook account Fix Studentlife organized a protest similar to the Occupy Wall Street protests against ACC’s Office of Student Life on Nov. 4 at Rio Grande Campus.

█ The Office of Student Life hosted the tenth annual Project Build a Park event on Nov. 5 at Roy G. Guerrero park near Riverside Campus. Students and staff spread mulch and clean up the park.


page 2

Forum → Opinion Columns

Nov. 8, 2011

Forum → Editorials

From the editor’s Conservatives vs. women’s rights desk: adopt our newspaper please

Karissa Rodriguez


The Accent Newspaper is like a child to me. I have worked here in a number of roles over the past three years and have watched first hand how the paper grew better and better each semester. I care deeply about Accent, but its really hard to understand why we do not have an adviser yet. In September, the position was offered to someone, but they declined. Next, the Office of Student Life conducted another interview process and chose someone else and the Accent staff was excited to hear that a new adviser was finally hired and slated to begin working with us on Nov. 1. Bad news. They called the day before their first day and said that they accepted another position somewhere else and won’t be working for Accent anymore. This is really depressing. I’m struggling to figure out why we are having such a hard time finding an adviser given that we are an award winning newspaper with a very dedicated editorial staff. I am beyond proud of the work that my fellow editors, volunteer writers, photographers and designers, and I have accomplished this semester. I couldn’t ask for a better staff to work with, but having them all look up to me for guidance is a difficult pill to swallow. As much as I love my job and getting to know the ACC community so well, I hate being in the limelight. I want to tell other people’s stories, not my own. That’s why I chose to work in journalism.

Giving Accent readers the news that is important to them is my priority, not adding clips to my portfolio or getting stuck sending emails all day reminding staff members to fill out paperwork. Helping new writers learn the ropes is always an amazing feeling and I love sharing my limited knowledge, but I still need help too and that’s where the role of an adviser would kick in. From what I’m told if someone is hired and actually accepts the position in the next round of interviews, we should expect a new adviser by December. Dec. 6 is the date of our last issue of the semester and the last issue that I will be acting editor-in-chief of. So getting a new adviser this late in the semester is just a moot point from my point of view. Sure, they will be able to be prepared for next semester, but what about what is happening now? In addition to needing a new advisor, we will be needing new editors for the spring semester as well. Look for an announcement on our Facebook page at facebook. com/accentnewspaper in the next few weeks with job postings for editor positions. Guiding the Accent during this semester has been a rollercoaster ride. Its been overwhelming, exciting and depressing all at the same time but its worthwhile. I have met some amazing people through this newspaper and have learned so much. The current editorial staff that we have for Accent has given their all to help this newspaper live up to its awardwinning status. My only hope this semester is that I achieve my main goal of passing along my knowledge and helping new staff members and editors improve their own work. The other day someone in our newsroom mentioned that the Accent is like one of those kids just waiting to be adopted. We keep saying ‘Pick me! Pick me!’ in hopes that some will do just that. Well think of this column as Accent’s sad puppy eyes because even though we are currently staying afloat, we need a reliable, full time leader to help guide us.



Creative writing by Austin Community College Students Contextual Parables by Natalie Casanova

Such beauty there is In the great unknown Vast empty darkness A blue dot, called home

Natalie Casanova • Assistant Editor

Republican-heavy House passes controversial H. R. 358 Protect Life Act, also known as ‘Let Women Die Act’ Staff Editorial Pregnant women are now viewed as second-class citizens in the eyes of the republican-dominant House of Representatives. At least that is what one can deduce from the House’s recent Oct. 13 passing of the House Resolution 358 - the Protect Life Act, also known to many as the ‘Let Women Die Act.’ H.R. 358 is the anti-abortion work of Rep. Joseph Pitts (R-Pennsylvania) and is now at the Senate floor waiting for a vote. If the act goes into effect, it would prohibit women from receiving abortion coverage from insurance companies in any newly-created health plans. Also, it would allow hospital workers to refuse services to women in need of emergency abortions even if they are dying. Health care providers could refuse to aid dying women if abortion is not within their moral standards. This is ridiculous. Yes, abortion is a very touchy subject and should be treated with caution, but some women have no choice but to abort or face death. In many of these cases, women are miscarrying and bleeding to death with a good chance their fetus will die anyway. If this happened to you, don’t you think you deserve the right to services that could at least save your own life? Conservatives feel that aborting an unborn fetus is unacceptable, but it’s okay to purposely let a woman die. That makes absolutely no moral sense and you don’t have to be prochoice to see there is something wrong with that picture. In 1986, Congress passed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) which (in layman’s terms) gave anyone who arrives at an emergency room access to health care regardless of their financial or insurance status. No patient with an emergency medical condition can be denied examination or treatment, even if they can’t pay. H.R. 358 aims to amend EMTALA, refuse this right to pregnant women and discriminate against a group of people in need. A vast majority of conservative republicans dislike abortion because of fundamental Christian beliefs. Pro-life advocates


Ages have passed With obtuse explanations The stories still last Stirring all my frustrations

The Accent loves to hear feedback from its readers. The following is one comment we received on our website in response to the Oct. 25 article “Smoking ban kicks butts off campus.”

The sullied perspectives The hidden agendas The crooked detectives “Signs” of when the end is

“I can guarantee that smoking will still occur on all campuses. The only differences will be that some smokers will be a bit more furtive about it, and there will be cigarette butts ALL OVER the parking lots rather than mostly concentrated in one area. Take a look at any of the area hospitals; there are more butts in the lots now than there ever were before. The smoking areas are also a good social outlet for many people who would never talk to each other under other circumstances. I have had more students approach me for help in the smoking areas than ever sought me out during office hours. The have told me that the office felt “too intimidating.” Now that I will be forced to smoke in my vehicle, which the State of Texas has declared to be an extension of my private home under the “Castle Doctrine,” even fewer students will ask for help. Smokers and fat people--the last groups it’s still legal to overtly discriminate against, claiming that as minorities, their “rights” don’t matter since it’s the majority who must be appeased.” -Anonymous Want your comments and opinions published? Leave a comment on our website, like us on Facebook. com/AccentNewspaper and follow us on Twitter @theaccent or better yet, e-mail us a letter at or accent@, and we’ll be more than happy to publish your thoughts.

Cease hunger, ease pain Be kind and rule fair Don’t live in disdain, And discourage despair Release the hold Of corrupt control Test what you’re told About the “soul” Of all the creatures On this sand and sod We are the only teachers Of an invisible god Want to be published? Please send your creative writing to We would love to add you to our Literary Corner.

argue that abortion is murder and frequently claim the Bible supports their case. This is contradictory to many verses in the book such as Psalm 137:9 and Hosea 9:14-16 which condone killing babies, or Numbers 3:15-16 which implies babies younger than one month are not considered persons. These views are contextually outdated, but this is not a religious debate, it is question of morality. According to Gallup Polls, these same pro-life conservatives tend to be pro-death penalty, which is “morally” quite hypocritical. Rep. Jackie Speier (D-California) spoke out against the act on the House floor and mentioned her own life-or-death situation with abortion. Speier made a strong point that women deserve every right to health care, and to inhibit that right is simply misogynist. We should be way past women’s rights issues by now, but conservatives clutch to dogmatism and pre-disposition. It’s also no surprise that 84 percent of House Representatives are male. “The time has come for us to stop taking up this issue over and over again this year, and do something that the American people really care about,” Speier said. “They want jobs, they want to be able to hold on to their homes, they want some mortgage relief and what do we do? We stand here on the floor and create yet another opportunity for women to be cast in shackles.” Why is Congress wasting time still bickering about this issue while the Occupy movements make it apparent we have bigger fish to fry? The House seems to care more about people before they were born than when they are adults. This act is purely insane and an irrational jab at women’s rights. Lucky for the rest of us, President Obama’s administration has stated he will veto the bill if it ever makes it to his desk, but we shouldn’t wait until it gets that far. Austin and surrounding areas’ three republican representatives voted ‘yes’ on this bill, while the only democrat (Rep. Lloyd Doggett) voted ‘no.’ Now is the time to contact our senators and urge them to vote ‘no’ on this fanatical bill. You can voice your opinion of the bill to Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison at hutchison. and Senator John Cornyn at cornyn.

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RRC, 4400 College Park Drive, Room 2107 Round Rock, TX 78665 Editor-in-Chief....................................................................................... Karissa Rodriguez Photo Editor........................................................................................... Joey Gidseg Layout Editor.......................................................................................... Elizabeth Brown Campus Editor....................................................................................... Era Sundar Assistant/Life & Arts Editor ............................................................ Natalie Casanova Co-Multimedia Editor........................................................................ Dana Manickavasagam Co-Multimedia Editor........................................................................ Edgar Rodriguez Accent Adviser....................................................................................... Vacant Student Life Director.......................................................................... Cheryl Richard Student Life Communications Coordinator............................ Lori Blewett Staff Reporters Nathan Bustillos, Layla Elayyadi, Birdie Michaels Staff Designer Kristen Sauls Writers Joey Galvan, Alexander Aries, Danielle Wellborn Photographers Bethany Wagner, Jon Shapley, Adrienne Sparks, ACC President Dr. Richard Rhodes Board of Trustees Dr. Barbara P. Mink—Chair, Jeffrey Richard—Vice Chair, John Michael V. Cortez—Secretary, Tim Mahoney, Nan McRaven, Dr. Victor H. P. Villarreal, Guadalupe Q. Sosa, Dr. James W. McGufee, Allen H. Kaplan All rights reserved. All content is the property of Accent and may not be reproduced, published or retransmitted in any form without written permission from the Office of Student Life. Accent is the student newspaper of Austin Community College and is printed by the Austin American-Statesman. Accent is published biweekly. ACC students may submit articles for publication in Accent to RRC’s Student Publication Office, Room 2107; e-mail articles to or fax submissions to 223-0904. ACC does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation or disability. Accent offers ACC’s faculty, staff, students and surrounding community a complete source of information about student life. Accent welcomes your input, as well as information about errors. If you notice any information that warrants a correction please e-mail Individual views, columns, letters to the editor and other opinion pieces do not necessarily reflect the views of Accent.

Nov. 8, 2011

Forum → Student Columns

Forum → Student Columns


Bonding through the military




Homemade notebooks

Natalie Casanova

Assistant Editor

Being a college student during these economic times is tough on the wallet. Doing or making things yourself instead of buying products and services is one way students can save money. I’ve learned to be a Jill of all trades and I want to share my penny-wise ways with readers so in each issue of the Accent I’ll be covering do-it-yourself methods for all kinds of projects. Even with smart phones and tablets, we still find a need for journals and pocket books. We may use these little notebooks to take notes, draw or write to-do lists, and if you’re like me, you’ve got a collection of journals in all shapes and sizes. Before you spend a few bucks on a new journal, why not try your hand at making your own? Here is what you’ll need: • A stack of paper or cardstock (it can be blank or

lined, whichever you prefer) • A few sheets of decorative paper • A sheet of non-packaging cardboard (thin like a cereal box or poster board) • Scissors, a ruler and a pencil • Glue or a glue stick • A needle and some strong thread or string First stack the sheets of paper or cardstock in groups of and fold them in half hamburger style. You can use the edge of the ruler or glue stick to make sure the crease is flat. Measure along the outside of the crease and mark a few spots of equal distance from the edges, making three marks for smaller journals, and five marks for larger ones. You’ll want to measure, cut and fold the cardboard so it covers the folded pages. You may wrap the cardboard in decorative paper if you like then make marks on the outside crease of the cover so they match the pages. Next, line the pages and cover up and sew through them together at the marks, starting at the middle then working your way from one side to another. Tie the string or thread together tightly on the outside of the edge of the cover and cut off the ends. Glue a long strip of decorative paper or a strip of fabric over the notebook’s spine to hide the bindings. And there you have it, your own homemade journal. Use recycled covers like postcards, paint sample cards or scrap fabric to save the environment as well as save you money on materials.

Board of trustees set smoking ban punitive measures

Staff Writer

In keeping with their “Zero Input” policy, the ACC Board of Trustees recently laid out guidelines for which punitive measures will be employed to enforce the new smoking ban at ACC. “We really don’t anticipate needing the thumbscrews, but we understand that some people are really going to need that cool, sweet nicotine rush,” said Dr. Barbara Mink. “For those people, we have actual thumbscrews.” The punitive measures will feature torture ranging from public whippings to the ever-popular iron maiden. Mr. Jeffrey Richard, the Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, explained how the torture is scaled. “The first offense will result in a day in the stocks. We believe public humiliation is one of the best teachers we have at ACC. From there, the punishments range from a few days of sleep deprivation to water-boarding.” When asked how these policies contrast with international laws against torture, Mr. Richard explained: “Our ‘Zero Input’ policy isn’t just for students…if we aren’t going to listen to the student body then we sure aren’t going to listen to the U.N.” Reactions from the student

Kristen Sauls  Staff Designer

Reveille--the song I grew to hate-- usually went off at 4:45 a.m., but it occasionally blasted through the speakerbox at any given time in the wee hours of the morning. One particular morning during Basic Training, it hadn’t yet gone off. But through the speakerbox, a voice filled the two-room dorm that housed all 50 of us girls: “Everyone! Get to the box--NOW!” It couldn’t have been later than 2 a.m., but without thinking, all 50 girls instantly rose up like zombies from our

body ranged from “there’s a smoking ban?” to utter disbelief. “This is just another example of how out of touch the Board of Trustees are with the students and staff at ACC,” said members of the Occupy ACC movement. “It’s like they’re murdering our rights here. Non-smoking is murder!” Dr. Richard Rhodes, ACC President and CEO, also weighed in on the debate. “By banning smoking, ACC is promoting a healthier lifestyle for its students. It is with that initiative in mind that I will be supporting a policy requiring all students to enroll in 2 semesters of gym class, which will culminate in a physical readiness test and evaluation.” When asked what exactly students of ACC need to be physically ready for, Dr. Rhodes mumbled something about the “coming zombie apocalypse,” but was unable to further elaborate. “Look, it’s really easy,” explained Dr. Mink. “Don’t smoke on campus. Period. Or, you can spend a few hours on the tenth floor of Pinnacle Campus being tortured. The choice is yours.” With this news, the already-unpopular smoking ban is sure to see more opposition. Unfortunately, until the Board of Trustees changes its “Zero Input” policy regarding decision-making, that opposition will all be for naught. This reporter can only hope that the Board will take into consideration the viewpoints of the student body in the future. Editor’s note: This column is intended for entertainment purposes only and should not be considered factual in any way. All opinions are those of the writer and do not reflect the opinions of the Accent or Austin Community College employees.

slumber, and gathered around the speaker-box. “We’re all here, Ma’am,” the on-duty dorm guard reported to the voice. “What?! I meant the dorm guards!” The voice berated us for being idiots, and we sheepishly shuffled back to bed. Of course the voice had meant the dorm guards; they were required to report the body count and room temperature every 30 minutes. But, it was the last week of Basic Training and we were so eager to graduate, we mindlessly followed orders. For me, it was a significant moment: a nonconformist since birth, I struggled to adhere to military standards. Our training instructors constantly shouted my last name like an expletive. It was a miserable seven weeks, and at that moment, I knew I was going to make it. (I had been afraid I would be stuck there forever.) I made it out of Basic, but to my chagrin, the rest of my enlistment went much the same way. It was a long four years. But, it was worth it. I met fellow service-members who became more like family

than friends. Half-a-world away from our loved ones, we shared holiday dinners, laughter, home-sickness and deployments. The bond between brothers and sisters in arms is hard to explain. During our service we’re often thrown into uncomfortable and intimidating situations. In Basic Training, it’s the three strangers to a shower-head five minutes upon arrival situation. At home station, it’s the girl you met at the bar last weekend who now has to watch you pee for a urinalysis situation, and in the desert, it’s the…well… being in the desert situation. Service members are often required to do a job we’ve never done on strict deadline, with no one to show us how to do it. It’s not bad when the job is a menial task, but just as often, it’s checking cars for bombs when you have no idea what a bomb looks like. There’s also 24-hour days during weeks-long exercises, commander-mandated curfews, bad chow hall food, being the government’s vaccine guinea pigs, and for many Marines, Soldiers, Airmen and Sailors, there’s the very real possibility that a friend won’t

make it back. We learn to have fun in spite of the crappy situations and bond together quickly. It doesn’t matter if we didn’t experience those things together—we’re bonded through the mutual understanding of the parallel universe known as the military. When I moved to Austin a year and a half ago, I didn’t expect such a large priormilitary population in a city devoid of an active-duty base. I also didn’t expect Austin Community College to have such a high veteran enrollment. I’ve been pleasantly surprised to find at least one fellow vet per class—in some classes even four or five. At ACC, I’ve found that a CamelBak backpack, or other signs of military-issued gear, equates to a fast friend. My experiences with fellow ACC veterans has been reminiscent of the military; we become friends quickly, exchange notes if we miss a class and generally look out for each other. With that in mind, Happy Veterans Day to all my brothers and sisters in arms, especially those at ACC. Thank you for your friendship and your service.

Forum → Opinion Columns

Study breaks, study buddies to help students the most common roadblocks students run into when they’re trying to study, and some ways to get past those blocks. Study Buddies

Nathan Bustillos  Staff Reporter

Forum → Opinion Columns

Alexander Aries

Forum | Page 3

For many students, one of the hardest things to bring themselves to do is to study. Whether there’s an upcoming exam or if you have to study a chapter from your textbook before the upcoming lecture in class, there always seems to be roadblocks that prevent you from studying for it. Some of these roadblocks are self-imposed, others may not be. In this issue of Study Buddies, I’ll talk about a website that outlines some of

We all have our reasons for not being able to, or even not wanting to study for school. Sometimes procrastination gets the best of us and we find ourselves in a bind not knowing the material and subsequently being unprepared for upcoming tests. will help you feel more prepared if this situation arises. has articles compiled from several sources that discuss things like reasons for procrastination, and how to take in information easier and apply it to papers, tests and major projects. The website provides information on specific subjects ranging from Accounting to Theater. It also categorizes articles based on specific needs (i.e. preparing for studying, processing the information etc.) There’s no miracle cure for any of the bad habits or anxieties people may have

when it comes to studying or test-taking. Still this website is definitely one of the few that has a wealth of great information to combat the problem little by little. Some of the content available on the website is a few years old but it is nonetheless relevant and useful for people who find it difficult to actually study or have trouble retaining information after studying. Study Breaks Over the last several years there has been a noticeable influx of social networking sites beginning with Friendster and Myspace in early 2002 and 2003 respectively and leading to Facebook shortly after. However, today there are more social networks that are dedicated to specific categories. Sites such as dedicated to video production and video sharing and Pandora Radio and for music. is another site specifically geared toward music. On you can sign in using your Facebook login information and listen to music based on the

information on your Facebook profile. In addition, you can find new artists to add to your Favorites list. provides users with a free 14-day trial for the service. Thereafter you have the option of referring new users to the site to earn more free music or you can upgrade to one of two payment options available. is not as wellknown as sites like Pandora Radio or but it is still just as good. The payment options available are $9.99/ month to be able to use the site on your computer or mobile device or $4.99/month to use it strictly on the computer. The payment plans also allow you to use the software on internetready devices aside from the computer as well. In addition to listening to music, you can read music-related blog posts and articles about different artists. The site also provides suggestions based on the tastes of other listeners signed up to the website. Despite having to pay for a membership, I think this site is well worth the price to have another way to enjoy music.


Page 4

News → The Board

Riding green on the bus ACC Green Pass program proves to be successful since inception Nathan Bustillos  Staff Reporter

Over the last two years, Austin Community College’s Green Pass program has seen growing success. In the span of time the program has been active, ACC’s riders have amassed nearly 800,000 uses per year. In January of 2010, ACC developed a new program that would provide Capital Metro passes to ACC students, faculty and staff. The Green Pass program is funded through ACC’s sustainability fee and employee parking permit fees which is currently set at $1 per semester credit hour for students who are enrolled in credit classes. “The program has seen an increase in ridership from 80,000 at this time last year up to 120,000 in [October] alone” ACC Director of Environmental Stewardship Andrew Kim said. Passes can be used for Capital Metro’s fixed route service, the Express bus service, Special Transit service, and the Capital Metro Rail. The Green Pass program is one of many of ACC’s efforts to increase sustainability in the city. ACC has set aside a fixed budget for the program as per their contract with Capital Metro, according to Erica McKewen, a member of Capital Metro’s Media Relations team. ACC has set aside a budget of $500,000 for a 20-month contract which spans from January of this year until August of 2012. As of now, McKewen said close to

Photo Illustration by Bethany Wagner

THINKING GREEN— ACC student Rebecca Wagner swipes her Green Pass on a Capital Metro bus. The Green Pass program promotes the use of Austin’s public transportation system to keep students thinking about the importance of being environmentally friendly. $400,000 of the budget has been used and it looks as though ACC will probably go through the rest of the money by January of 2012. “At that point Capital Metro will bill ACC for any amount over that $500,000 budget,” she said. The program offers not only helps students save money, but offers the convenience of reliable transportation on a large scale system of buses, rails and transit services. “It comes in very handy for me especially because otherwise I would have no way of getting around without it,” ACC student Justin Simmank said. McKewen said the partnership with ACC for is not the only the only service the company has available. Capital Metro also has partnerships






with the University of Texas at Austin to provide service for their students, and with the City of Austin employees for service at a reduced rate. McKewen said All of these programs are intended to increase ridership for Capital Metro. Students can pick up a Green Pass at the cashier’s office at any of ACC’s campuses. Students will need to present their ACC ID to receive a pass, and to ride the Capital Metro bus and rail systems. The passes are good throughout each semester and new passes must be requested at the start of every semester. For the current fall semester, passes are good from August 8, 2011 until January 16, 2012. To obtain a replacement for lost or stolen passes, students will be assessed a non-refundable $25 fee for a replacement pass to be issued.


2000 40000 Fixed Route Service Rides - 2011


Fixed Route Service Rides - 2010

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

1000 Unique Riders - 2011


Unique Riders - 2010

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Elizabeth Brown • Layout Editor

GET ON THE BUS — The above graphs reflect how much ACC students utilized their Green Passes by riding on Capital Metro buses throughout Austin. The Green Pass program was created through ACC and Capital Metro’s partnership in January 2010.

News → People

Picture captures memories Former ACC photography student wins award with picture of grandfather Era Sundar

Campus Editor

A visit with his 98-year-old grandfather in Uvalde, Texas during the summer of 2010 provided Robert Gomez with both a cherished memento and a prize-wining photograph for the FotoWeek DC International Awards Competition. Gomez’s portrait of his grandfather, Daniel Gonzales, won third place in the Student Single Image category and will be on display from Nov. 4-12 in Washington D.C at the fourth annual FotoWeek Central festival. Gomez, a first time photo competition entrant who learned about the contest from a friend, said he never thought he would win, but is now inspired to enter more competitions. “Photo competitions are a good way for photographers to get their work noticed,” Gomez said. The FotoWeek DC website lists its annual festival, where winning photos are displayed, as its biggest event, having received more than 40,000 visitors in 2010. Having their work on display on the organization’s

website, also provides exposure for student winners such as Gomez. Currently studying history at the University of Texas at Austin, Gomez has completed the requirements for an associate of applied science in photographic technology at Austin Community College. “ACC has an excellent photography department,” he said. “Students don’t need to go to a major university. ACC prepares you to start working in the field.” Gomez said that the images produced by ACC students can stack up against the work of any professional. Upon completion of his education, Gomez said he plans to run his own business specializing in commercial photography, and perhaps use the history degree that he is pursuing as part of a teaching career in the future. Gomez said his interest in photography goes back to when he started taking pictures in high school and that he has always had a passion for photography. He pursued that passion during the four years he spent in the Air Force before coming to ACC. “During my travels I always had a camera with me,” Gomez said. Having a camera with him last summer in Uvalde, Texas, allowed Gomez to capture that specific moment in time with his grandfather which was one of their last together. Daniel Gonzales died this past July. Looking back on that time they spent together, Gomez said, “I’m glad I was able to make the time for that visit.”

News Briefs

Students invited to attend tour of local universities Students interested in transferring to the University of Texas at Austin or Southwestern University in Georgetown are invited to attend Tour de Transfer on Nov. 11. Tour de Transfer is an Austin Community College sponsored event hosted by the ACC Transfer Academy, where registered students will have the opportunity to visit prospective universities, according to Riverside Campus Student Services Dean Virginia Fraire. “Students learn general information about transferring, meet and speak directly with university representatives and participate on a university tour,” Fraire said describing the event. “We believe that visiting prospective universities is an important part of the transfer process.” Students should arrive at Northridge no later than 8:30 a.m as the tour will depart from the campus at 9 a.m. and return at 4 p.m.. Students must register online at and have the required emergency contact and consent forms filled out prior to departure. Attendees should dress comfortably for the tour and will be treated to a campus meal at UT before leaving to visit Southwestern, according to Fraire. “Students learn about prospective universities from ACC advisors and counselors, university representatives, and websites,” Fraire said, “but there is no substitute for actually visiting the campus where they intend to transfer.”

ACC President Richard Rhodes launches podcast Recently appointed President and CEO Richard Rhodes spoke to Brette Lea, executive director of Public Information and College Marketing, about his first impressions of Austin Community College and the keys to student success in a podcast published online on Oct. 28. “My first impression, you know, as I walk from campus to campus ... and I get the opportunity to visit with a lot of faculty and staff and students and community members, is that there’s such a passion that exists at ACC and such an interest in making sure that students can complete what they start – that they can make it to achieve their dreams,” Rhodes’ said in the inaugural podcast. The podcast is the first in what is to be a monthly podcast series featuring Rhodes who will be addressing topics important to the ACC community. Those interested in viewing or listening to Rhodes’ podcast can visit and click on the link in the sidebar. Students, staff and faculty are encouraged to submit questions to be answered by Rhodes. To submit a question visit php to fill out a form for submission.

Veterans Day event to be held at Riverside Campus



Nov. 8, 2011

In celebration of Veterans Day, Austin Community College students who are veterans or currently enrolled in the military will be presenting their creative writing works at the free event “Honoring the Service” Veterans Day Reading at 7 p.m. on Nov. 11 at the Riverside Campus in building G, room 8500 which is open to public. ACC professor Christine Leche will teach English Composition I and Introduction to Creative Writing courses in the spring semester, which are specifically geared toward veterans. Leche was featured in the Nov. 10, 2010 Accent article, “From Afghanistan to Austin, teaching soldiers to write.” Leche spent over 15 years teaching on U.S. military bases around the world and upon returning to Austin, she has worked with ACC’s creative writing department and English department to set up two classes designed specifically for military veterans. Leche said she also helped plan last year’s “Honoring the Service” Veterans Day Reading. This year’s “Honoring the Service” is co-hosted by ACC’s Center for Public Policy and Political Studies, the Arts and Humanities Division, the Veterans Affairs Department and the Creative Writing Department. In addition to students presenting and reading their own work at “Honoring the Service,” the evening will also include readings from Mark Harden, manager of Veterans Affairs and from the 2011 Poet Laureate David Parsons, who is also a veteran, according to Creative Writing Department Chair Charlotte Gullick. “The evening is offered as a means to highlight the talents of our student veterans as well as demonstrate our support to this group,” Gullick said. “We want to honor their service and increase community awareness of the sometimes unique challenges that veterans face once they return.”

Staff, faculty share breast cancer screening resources continued from pg. 1

Jon Shapley • Staff Photographer

HIGH HONOR — Robert Gomez poses with his awardwinning image of his grandfather. The photo he took was awarded third place in the Student Single Image category at FotoWeek Central, an international photographic competition. The photo will be on display from Nov. 4-12 in Washington D.C.. Gomez’s work may be viewed online at For information about FotoDC Week’s festivals and competitions, and to view the work of competition winners visit .

self breast exams. “Women should do a self breast exam every month — even every week,” Gillespie said. “You have to get familiar with your own body and you are the number one [preventive person] and everybody can do that whenever they want to start doing that [at any age].” Gillespie also recommends that women get a thermograph, because for some women like her, mammograms can be painful and smaller breasts have more density so it is harder to detect cancer in those women. Women with dense or non-fatty breast tissue may need additional breast cancer screening according to a recent study conducted by researcher Dr. Roshni Rao, assistant professor of surgery at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. Breast thermography produces an infrared image that shows the patterns of heat and blood flow on or near the surface of the body. However, The Food and

Drug Administration states that thermography is not a substitute for a mammogram, which uses X-ray technology to detect growths in the breast. Thermography advocates say that this method is a superior, less painful and effective method. The FDA recommends to only use thermography in addition to receiving a mammogram. The main goal for Race for the Cure organizers Susan G. Komen Foundation is to help educate women on these types of resources. Through community grants, the Komen Austin Affiliate is providing funding to local nonprofit health care organizations for breast cancer screening, treatment and education programs for the uninsured and underinsured in Travis, Bastrop, Hays, Williamson and Caldwell Counties. The remaining money raised by advocates participating in Race for the Cure will fund the national Susan G. Komen for the Cure Grants Program, which funds ground breaking breast cancer research.

Nov. 8, 2011

News → People

News → Education

New web series created by professor, ACC graduate launches Nathan Bustillos  Staff Writer

A new web series created and produced by Austin Community College students and faculty debuted online on Oct. 28 and has garnered over 500 likes on Facebook so far. With the tagline “they say you can never go home again, once you leave,” new web series “Once You Leave,” was written and directed by Nathan Locklear, an Austin Community College adjunct assistant radio, television and film professor. Locklear is the co-creator of the series along with ACC graduate Kayla Olson who also stars as the main character in the series. “Once You Leave” follows Kayla Marshall, a woman who returns home only to find that it is no longer home to her. While trying to find a home, Kayla embarks on a journey of self-discovery along the way. The series is part of a fourpart media project that began development earlier this year beginning with a series of blog posts from a central character to the story named Rachel Perkins. The third part of the entire media project is to post the series itself followed by a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the series in part four of the project. The second part of the project is a “hidden” secret to fans according to the series’ Facebook page. “The second part is going to be a one-issue comic book before episode 1 takes place. It’s the events that lead up to Kayla leaving for Africa. I don’t know

how long it’s going to be or when it’s coming out,” Locklear said. “There might be a second issue after that but I haven’t planned for it or anything.” Those who wish to watch the first episode can visit or on the project’s Facebook page. So far episodes one and two have been posted online and four more episodes are slated to be posted in the common weeks. The series recently had a successful advertising campaign set up on the website indiegogo. com, a website that allows users to post information on current projects they may be working on and allow users to donate money to the projects. The “Once You Leave” project generated just over $1,300. When asked about whether fans can continue to donate to the project, Locklear directs them towards the project’s Paypal account. “We still have our support page on our main page to donate via PayPal,” Locklear said. “We probably will do another indiegogo event in the future, like for phase 2 and we’ll have an event where people can donate money if they want to.” As for future plans for the series, Locklear says his biggest goal would be to generate a large fan base dedicated to the series. “I think getting the dedicated fan base, people who attach to the series and find meaning in it,” Locklear said. “One of the biggest questions for people making a web series or anything like that is ‘do you want to make money, do you want a big fan base’ etc. For me, being able to generate a large fan base would be great.”

Incubator nurtures continued from pg. 1 of the Iraq War and an ACC student whose new project may be a perfect fit for the Incubator. Gonzales said that he joined the Incubator for help with Operation Talent. Operation Talent is an organization that Gonzales wants to start in order to help fellow veterans suffering from conditions such as anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder by allowing them to express their talents and gifts through art therapy. According to Gonzales, it is sometimes easier to express emotions through art than by talking to a therapist or psychologist. “That’s what worked for me when I got back from Iraq,” he said. Gonzales said he has already learned a lot about setting up the venture from attending Incubator orientation meetings. Commercial music management student Rodney Espinosa has also joined the Incubator. “I see a good opportunity to advance my studies with real life experiences,” Espinosa said. “I’m just trying to broaden my experiences to help my degree plan.” As a commercial music management major, Espinosa said that he is interested in Incubator opportunities that will involve launching the careers of musical artists and has expressed this interest to Incubator president Lopez. Lopez is also the owner and president of WCI Entertainment which provides services ranging from event

News | Page 5

planning to sound, lighting and stage management. Having managed and promoted bands as part of her current business, Lopez said that she has already contacted some up and coming artists who would like help in launching their careers. “Knowing the positions I’ve held and the businesses that I’ve run, people have come to me asking for help since I started college in 2010,”Lopez said. The Incubator’s role, according to Lopez, is to help the artist get their career to a point where they are big enough to hire a professional company. Lopez said that, any proceeds generated from music promotions or any of the other Incubator businesses will be used to fund future Incubator projects. According to Lopez, she is a major proponent of entrepreneurship because it allows people the freedom to do what they want. “I’m not saying we’ll all be millionaires, but we may start our own little business doing exactly what we love,” Lopez said. “It’s a great way to live.” Lopez who is relatively new to the college experience, said that she is enjoying her time at ACC and with the Incubator. “Even though I’ve accomplished so much in the business world, I never had the opportunity to go to college. So this is my turn,” she said. “I hope everyone gets to do what they want. For me, this is it,” Lopez said. “I love to teach and I want to help.”

Students to display art continued from pg. 1 that one will be the one we select.” Half of ACC’s art faculty is involved with selecting which students get their art featured in EAST. “It is as important to gain experience exhibiting art properly as it is to make it,” Suescum said, one of the professors chosen to select artwork to display at EAST. “I am so glad to be able to provide hardworking talented students with opportunities like this one. It reinvigorates student engagement with the art program.” Garcia said he has strong convictions about the positive effects of events like EAST happening. “I feel ACC plays an important role in this community and I think the more ACC is shown within the community the more people realize the classes offered they can benefit from,” he said. In addition to showcasing artwork, Suescum said EAST provides inspiration for others to create their own work. “[EAST’s exhibits] provides samples of work students can hope to create in ACC studio class,” Suescum said. Garcia’s work, along with other ACC students and faculty will be on display from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Nov. 12-13 and Nov. 19-20 at Reji Thomas Studio located at 1101 East 5th Street. “I’m really enjoying the fact that I can be creative and show people to inspire others to be creative too,” Garcia said. Visit to download a map of local exhibits hosting EAST artists.

Students try on new SOCC

Era Sundar • Campus Editor

COMMUNICATE — Maria Garcia (left) looks on as Ron Stevens (right) uses sign language to relay statements made by

members of the Student Organizations and Clubs Council (SOCC) during the Oct. 28 meeting held at the Highland Business Center. Garcia attended the meeting as the SOCC representative from the Renewable Energy Student Association and Stevens served as the SOCC representative from the American Sign Language Friends United Club.

New council to enhance student involvement in rules, regulations concerns for clubs, organizations Era Sundar

Campus Editor

Growing pains and learning curves marked the Oct. 28 meeting of the Student Organizations and Clubs Council (SOCC), as newly elected officers received a crash course in parliamentary procedure and handled major items of business. SOCC is the newly formed governing body for all student clubs and organizations on campus, and its first item of business was elections. Sabrina Holland of the Deaf Studies Association (DSA) and Nathaniel Vasquez of Circle K International (CKI) leadership organization were elected as co-chairs. Cathy Gould of the Social and Human Services club (SHS) and Jason Hershey of the Center for Student Political Studies (CSPS) were elected as co-secretaries. Immediately following elections, the new officers dealt with the business of entertaining motions and voting, proved to be challenging at times.

“Bear with us, we’re learning,” co-chair Holland said as she and her fellow officers became better acquainted with parliamentary procedure. Despite slow going in order to ensure adherence to procedure, members of the council appeared optimistic about the group’s mission and future. ACC Incubator president and founder Wendy Lopez said, “Everyone has to go through a learning curve and once they do, they’ll be strong.” Ryan May, former secretary of the Student Government Association who was also in attendance, echoed Lopez’s optimism and support. He said the council had a lot of potential and that difficulties were understandable considering that the newly elected officers were thrown into a situation they may not have been familiar with. As the officers became more comfortable with parliamentary procedure, they settled into the rhythm of handling the issues at hand. One such issue involved the attendance

requirements placed on clubs and organizations for certain events. For recruitment events such as Involvement Fair, clubs were required to have five officers in attendance while organizations were required to have 10. Falling short of those requirements would result in the club or organization’s loss of good standing. In an overwhelming majority, SOCC members voted to reduce the attendance requirements to one officer for clubs and three for organizations. In a similar vote, attendance requirements for the annual Nuts and Bolts workshop were reduced to two officers for clubs and four officers for organizations. Nuts and Bolts is a Student Life program which teaches the officers of clubs and organizations how to successfully organize and run their groups. Phi Theta Kappa honor society representative Garrett Staas voted in favor of the attendance reductions and explained why he voted to

make requirements for Nuts and Bolts higher than those of other events. “For Nuts and Bolts you have to have that extra person because there is so much information,” Staas said. “It’s also best to have another representative in case one is not able to fulfill their duties. The other representative can then share the information with their group.” During the discussion on attendance, Jason Hershey, the newly elected council co-chair, said that an academic exception to the attendance requirements was needed because any policy that required students to attend meetings instead of classes because of a scheduling conflict, was setting them up to fail. As council members grappled with attendance requirements and the disciplinary actions that could result, Quevarra Moten, Student Life ccoordinator at Northridge Campus, said that the council should set the rules however they saw fit. “This is your tool,” Moten said.

News → Events

GSA to host feminism debates Q Austin teams with GSA to host debates, discussions about feminism, civil rights Natalie Casanova

Assistant Editor

Q Austin and Austin Community College’s GayStraight Alliance have teamed up to host a series of debates and discussion on feminism and civil rights. GSA member Adella Fernandez said she is interested in learning where young adults’ views fall on these topics currently, and thinks these meetups will be a great way to the pros and cons of related issues. Meetings are to be held at 9 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month, but the first gathering will take place 9 p.m. Nov. 16 at the Q Austin’s meeting space located on 3408 West Ave. GSA Secretary Brittney Tovar said future meetings may be held at Spiderhouse café or other venues of interest. Discussion and debate topics will be voted on by attendees and chosen for following meetings. GSA President Megan Rue said a few predetermined questions and points of interest will be laid out, but the topics will be open to interpretation as well. Rue said she thinks it would be interesting if two opposing opinions were represented then compared and contrasted. Tovar said there is also a possibility they will host panels of feminists and differing viewpoints. Tovar said current topics of interest include civil rights, queer theory and various and types of

women’s rights movements such as modern, liberal, traditional and cultural-based feminisms. Scholarly articles related to each topic will be selected prior to meetings, she said, so attendees will be informed of the issues. “We can have discussion,” Tovar said, “but we need to have [pertinent] information beforehand.” Facilitators from the Q Austin will be in place to lead the discussions, Rue said, and sometimes guest leaders, such as professors and knowledgeable figures, will lead discussions. Ashton Harding, outreach coordinator for the Q Austin, said she will be the main facilitator of the discussions and is creating an email group and Facebook events to keep attendees informed of upcoming topics, guests and meetings. The group will also talk about the roles of feminist activists, such as Virginia Held, Gloria Steinem and Judith Butler; and the impact of women in politics, such as Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, on the movement. Tovar said another concern is how women and queers are depicted in films, and if it is true to the core way society views these groups. ACC student and GSA member Adella Ferndandez said she would like to speak with women who have more traditional “stay at home with the children” values, so she could better understand their mindset.

Natalie Casanova • Assistant Editor

CIVIL RIGHTS — Austin Community College’s Gay-Straight

Alliance President Megan Rue (left) discusses upcoming debate and discussion topics with GSA Member Adella Fernandez (right) on Nov. 1 at The Q Austin’s meeting space. Harding said they might organize a collaboration of events with feminist groups at the University of Texas at Austin in the spring. Everyone interested in feminist and civil rights issues is encouraged to come, Harding

said, not just students or members of GSA. Fernandez said there are many men who support women’s rights as well, and all genders are welcome to attend the discussions. “It takes a real strong man to support a strong woman,” Fernandez said.


Campus Life → Rio Grande Campus

The Lucky Spot opens to public at Rio Grande

Nov. 8, 2011

Campus Life →Rio Grande Campus

Board answers to students

Kelly MacNiven • Staff Photographer

THE AMERICAN DREAM — ACC students James Hawkins

ACC drama department students, faculty perform play based on Beth Henley Depression-era comedy Karissa Rodriguez


HEATED — John-Michael Cortez, secretary for the board of trustees, addresses concerns over the new smoking ban raised by audience members during a Board of Trustees meeting at the Rio Grande Campus on Oct. 25.

Students express concerns about new smoking policy, renovations, parking during board of trustee forum Danielle Wellborn

Staff Writer

The hour long forum at Rio Grande Campus on Oct. 25 seemed to have one central theme, and that was the well being and happiness of the students and faculty. Trustees were grilled with questions from students concerned about new policies, renovations at Rio Grande Campus and transportation. As students took the microphone it became apparent that the new smokefree policy, that was passed Oct. 3 was a main concern for many attendees. The policy does not take effect until January 2, 2012; however, the discontent resonating among smokers at ACC was clear when multiple students asked trustees where they would be allowed to smoke. Trustee and manager of Capital Metro community

involvement John-Michael Cortez stated that students can still smoke on public property such as sidewalks. “We’re not saying you can’t smoke, you just can’t do it here,” Cortez said. Other students expressed concern about the lack of student involvement in the decision making process. “We relied on student government and other associations,” said board of trustee Chair Barbara Mink in regard to the lack of smoking vs. non-smoking student polls. The smoke-free discussion showed no sign of halting until SGA senator, James Juarez, redirected the floor to students with concerns about the Rio Grande building. Massive renovations to all campuses have still been consuming board meeting discussions- illustrated in the Master Plan. “Rio Grande is a little more challenging,” Cortez said.

Due to its designation as a historical landmark, ACC is banned from tearing down any of the original structure, and must perform renovations. strictly. A beginning date is still to be decided on renovations, according to trustees. In the last minutes of the forum students squeezed in questions about parking, and transportation. In reference to student questions about the possibility of buying metered spots from the City of Austin, Cortez replied, “we had to decide… are we building parking or are we building classes?” Cortez reminded students about the parking garage and also encouraged them to get a free Green Pass from the cashier’s office. The forum ended with speculation on both the increase of hours needed for full-time federal aid, and ACC tutor and learning lab service times.

Mink addressed the federal aid concerns and said, “The legislature is the one that needs to hear from you.” “ACC does not control those decisions.” ACC student Kelsey Blair walked into the forum with one main concern. “More one-on-one time with professors and tutors [is needed],” Blair said. “While I know there are students with other concerns, we’re all here for a good education.” Blair left the forum with a positive feeling. “[I feel] optimistic the board shares the same priorities,” Blair said. Juarez explained the importance of holding these type of forums after its conclusion. “It’s important to hear the voice of the students, as well as students being able to hear the board of trustees on new policies, and how they are implemented,” Juarez said.

rant & rave Are there any issues at ACC that you think would merit an Occupy Student Life movement? If so, what would they be? What do you think about the Occupy Austin? James Huttenmaier

Jami Monontano

television and it ve fi a

liberal arts

Adrian Arriaga ter studie thea s


After making its debut this past weekend, Austin Community College’s drama department will be presenting again on Nov. 11-13, Beth Henley’s Depression-era comedy about a group of down-ontheir-luck misfits who dream of opening Louisiana’s hottest new dance hall at the Rio Grande Campus in the Mainstage Theater. Showtimes are 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays and 2 p.m. on Sundays. Suggested donations to attend the play are $5 for students and $10 for general audience. All box office funds will benefit drama and dance scholarships. “‘The Lucky Spot’ involves a group of down-on-their-luck misfits on Christmas Eve in 1934, at a Victorian farmhouse turned Dancehall (“The Lucky Spot”) outside New Orleans,” Drama Department Chair Shelby Brammer said. “Reed Hooker, a gambler, is the owner, and his estranged wife, Sue Jack, has just been released from the penitentiary. It’s a very passionate, very funny, very sweet story about hard times, banding together, and trying to strike it lucky.” Brammer chose to direct this production because she believes the characters involved are good roles for college-aged actors. “I chose it because it has always reminded me of wonderful films from the 1930’s directed by Frank Capra and Preston Sturges -- screwball comedies that were aimed at Depression-era audiences who needed to have something to laugh at,” Brammer said. “With current hard economic times, it just felt right to offer up something along those lines. I’m really hoping audiences will enjoy [it].” Theater Arts major Briana Loera plays the character Cassidy and joined the production on a whim. “I had Shelby Brammer last semester for Acting I and she mention that she would be doing the Lucky Spot for the fall show at ACC,” Loera said. “I really love theater and I enjoyed having Shelby as a Professor so I figured why not just give it a shot and audition. I think the show has a solid balance of drama and comedy.” Loera explains that balance

of drama and comedy will provide audiences with a wonderful experience. “There are moments in the show when you’ll want to cry with the characters, while other moments you can’t keep from laughing,” Loera said. Also starring in “The Lucky Spot” is Yesenia Garcia who plays Sue Jack Hooker. After reading the script for Sue Jack, Garcia knew she wanted to play her role. “Sue Jack is a fierce, powerhouse, female role,” Garcia said. “I couldn’t pass it up. She’s got just the right balance of comedy, tragedy and physicalization.” This isn’t the first time Brammer has directed “The Lucky Spot.” “This was the first play I directed for ACC, back in 2000 We did it upstairs in the Gallery Theater, and had a wonderful cast, and it went really well,” Brammer said. “But it’s a tiny space, and Drama faculty, Peter Sukovaty (who is the set/lighting designer), and I had always thought it deserved a bigger space, so we’re producing it this year in the Mainstage Theater.” Brammer has been the Chair of the Drama Department since 2000 and has directed and produced around 13 shows since coming into her position. I enjoy directing in general, and specifically at ACC where I get to work both with wonderful student actors and also guest artists from the community,” Brammer said. “The challenges [of putting on a play at ACC] mainly have to do with our facilities-- a lack of training space, and storage space for equipment, costumes, props, and scenery. Our theaters need to be updated/renovated, and we hope someday, in the not too distant future, we’ll see that happen.” As for any underlying theme found in The Lucky Spot, Brammer suggests that the plot of the play shares the same values as the Occupy Wall Street movement. “I think in this particular “Occupy Wall Street” moment, the play says something we all want to believe about our country -- that it doesn’t (and shouldn’t) matter if your ‘father was a lord in a castle or a bum on the road ... It don’t matter,’” Brammer said. “Everyone deserves a shot at happiness and the American Dream.”

Jon Shapley • Staff Photographer


and Cole Christensen star in “The Lucky Spot” - the drama department’s latest production, performed at Rio Grande Campus. The show will have it’s last run Nov. 11-13.

“I think the Austin occupy movements are justified, but I don’t see anything getting done.”

“There is always room for progression and there is always going to be something to argue about, but I really feel that things here at ACC are organized. It’s a small college so students can deal with and it can get taken care of quickly. As far as occupy Austin, its organized and they are getting the media’s attention, but I feel the protesters are wasting time and not getting to the point.”

“The parking, I feel that they haven’t paid enough attention to how many students they enroll and that there is not enough parking to accommodate how quickly the school is expanding.”

Interviews and photos by Edgar Rodriguez

Nov. 8, 2011

Learned What I’ve

Campus Life | Page 7

Brad Burnett

Karissa Rodriguez


Adrienne Sparks • Staff Photographer

University of Texas (UT) student Brad Burnett wasn’t always cut out to be a college student. As a high school drop out with a 1.3 GPA who eventually graduated in 2003, Burnett attended Austin Community College from Fall 2007 to Spring 2009 to give himself a fresh start and a better shot at getting into a university. “What I took away most from ACC were the skills I learned,” Burnett said. “ACC made me a college student. There is absolutely no way I would have been ready for UT had it not been for ACC.” Currently Burnett is a triple major at UT in government, history and Islamic studies. “The plan is to take a year off of school after I graduate to have some fun and see the country a bit,” Burnett said. “Then it’s off to law school to get a Juris Doctor degree. I also want to get PhD in either government or Islamic studies. My hope is to become a professor. I’m not sure if I want to teach law and government or American law and Islamic law, but one of those two things.” Burnett credits ACC professors as playing a role in helping him get to where he is today. “David Lauderback and Jeff Millstone both have been incredibly helpful during my academic career,” Burnett said. “By demanding excellence from me academically, they have both made me a better student. They have continued advising me throughout my academic career and I can say without a doubt that without their generous help and interest in me as both a student and as a person, I would not be the student I am today.” Communication with ACC professors is something that Burnett says is a big difference between attending ACC and UT. “Both [UT and ACC] have great professors who are demanding academically.” Burnett said. “What differentiates a professor at ACC from one at UT is that, by and large, the professors at ACC are more accessible and put more effort into getting to know their students. Earlier this week, I walked past a professor I have had for two classes. He looked at me and didn’t even recognize me. In the first class I had with him, I sat in the front row every class period; in the second class, I sat directly next to him at a table with 9 other students. I sat next to this man for sixteen weeks and there wasn’t even a hint of recognition on his face. On the other hand, I had one class with Dr. Lauderback and we still

talk to this day. If I had a problem academically or personally, I could go to Dr. Lauderback and he would be more than happy to sit down and talk with me.” In addition to taking classes at ACC, Burnett was also very involved with student organizations including serving as ACC Student Government Association president. “Being involved at ACC was very important to my development as both a student and a person,” Burnett said. “The lessons in leadership, public speaking, and organization I learned have served me well at UT and in my life in general. I also met many wonderful people as a direct result of my involvement at ACC. I have kept in contact with many of the people I met at ACC and they are always there for me whenever I need guidance academically or in life.” Based on his experience, Burnett encourages current students to get involved on campus also. “You can actually make a difference!” Burnett exclaimed. “As students, we have lots of great ideas about how things could be even better at our college. Over my two and a half years at ACC, I saw over and over again how students with a good idea can change things for the better.” Through connections with ACC’s Center for Public Policy and Political Studies Burnett even landed an internship at the State Capitol in Representative Mark Strama’s office during the 2009 legislative and special sessions to which he earned college credit through ACC”s governmental internship class. “I was the constituent relations coordinator, Burnett said. “Basically, I worked one-on-one with constituents to help their government work for them. So, if someone needed their driver’s license expedited or needed help navigating the food stamp system, I would be the person to help them. I also did some policy work — tracking changes and amendments to bills mostly — and I met with quite a few lobbyists both professional and non-professional.” Burnett encourages current students to take advantage of all the resources ACC offers. “ACC is an awesome place,” Burnett said. “The people who work here are incredible professionals who, by and large, could work at any place of higher education in the state. They chose to work at ACC because they want to make a difference in the lives of students. Take advantage of this.”

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LIFE & ARTS Page 8

Life & Arts → Film

Austin Film Festival showcases major talent

Life & Arts → Music

Musician goes solo, creates new album

Spiraling songwriter Tom Brislin pursues solo album to be released end of 2011 Natalie Casanova

Assistant Editor

Natalie Casanova • Assistant Editor

ZOMBIE LOVE — Writers, directors and brothers Brett Pierce (left) and Drew Pierce (right) strike a pose with actress Natalie Victoria before viewing their film “DeadHeads.” An encore screening of the comedy horror showed Oct. 27 at the Austin Film Festival.

Films featured at festival offer compelling, dramatic, funny stories with stunning visuals Natalie Casanova

Assistant Editor

Cinemas and theaters all over town were swarmed with movie buffs waiting in long lines to watch screenings at this year’s Austin Film Festival (AFF). A manifold of dramasoaked, laughter-ridden and dark-mattered films graced the screens of the Paramount Theatre, Hideout Theatre, Alamo Drafthouse, Regal Arbor Cinema, Rollins Theatre and Texas Spirit Theater. Writers, directors, actors, producers and film fans mingled around downtown Austin at various parties, panels, workshops and events. AFF held several competitions and juried events, and awarded several films in categories like ‘narrative feature’ and ‘animated short.’ Johnny Depp was inaugurated as the first-ever recipient of AFF’s ‘Extraordinary Contribution to Film – Acting’ award, and made an appearance for the world premiere of his new film “The Rum Diary.” Here are some highlights of films I reviewed at AFF 2011:

Searching for Sonny Shot in Texas by independent writer and director Andrew Disney, “Searching for Sonny” is a playful, comedic-noir take on a mystery movie. It’s kind of like “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” meets “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World,” minus the comic bubbles and call-outs. The story begins when a miserable pizza delivery guy, Elliot Knight (played by Jason Dohring), receives an invite to his high school reunion signed by his estranged friend Sonny Bosco (played by Masi Oka). Right off the bat you feel a little sorry for Elliot’s pathetic existence and wonder what went so wrong that lead him down this path of self destruction. At the reunion, Elliot runs into his old friend Gary Noble (played by Brian McElhaney) and is bombarded by his obnoxious, fraternal twin brother Calvin (played by Nick Kocher). Neither of them have seen or heard from Sonny since high school, when Elliot tried to “kill” him. Elliot’s gorgeous ex-girlfriend, and everyone’s secret crush, Eden Mercer (played by Minka Kelly) appears and things start to get interesting. The group realizes Sonny invited them all, except Calvin who is clearly not part of the gang, to the party but is nowhere to be found. They are led on a hilarious, punchy wild goose chase which seemingly resembles the plot of a play they were involved in during high school, which was written by Sonny, himself. This film is wildly entertaining and bursts at the seams with perfectly timed quips and antics.

DeadHeads A witty and unique twist on a classic horror genre,

“DeadHeads” is a tale about two “smart” zombies on a journey to find an old lover. Writers, directors and brothers Brett and Drew Pierce give a new hilarious outlook on zombies and true love. Mike (played by Michael McKiddy) and Brent (played by Ross Kidder) find they’ve risen from the dead, but are still capable of intelligent thought unlike the rest of the pack of flesh-eating zombies. Mike finds an engagement ring in his pocket and remembers he was going to propose to his girlfriend Ellie (played by Natalie Victoria). Even though the scenario is obviously ridiculous, it’s still sweet and alluring. Mike and Brent set out on a crosscountry road trip, with the help of a nostalgic and raunchy old widower named Cliff (played by Harry Burkey). The outrageously funny adventure really takes off when they realize they are being chased by zombie-killing bounty hunters that will do anything to stop them dead in their tracks. This movie’s plot is nowhere near realistic, but it’s fun to watch unfold.

The Artist Highlighting the beauty of the early age of moving pictures, “The Artist” is a glorious black and white film, directed by Michael Hazanavicius, about two silent film stars transitioning into the era of ‘talkies.’ George Valentin (played by Jean Dujardin) is a silent movie star in the late 1920s at the premiere of his latest film. A young woman, Peppy Miller (played by Bérénice Bejo) mistakenly bumps into George on the red carpet and uses that chance moment of fame to get cast in his next film. Dujardin and Bejo seem to be perfectly cast for their roles and make their characters easy to love. George finds interest in Peppy on set, and his attraction helps her become successful actress through a few small roles she gets in George’s films. When the studio boss Zimmer (played by John Goodman) tells George the future of film is talking, George refuses to follow the changing tide. One might speculate why George is so against speaking in films, it doesn’t seem to be that big of a deal but to him it is a bane that inhibits his success. George, still refusing to talk, funds his own silent film which fails at the box office right after the big stock market crash of 1929. His wife leaves, he sells all his possessions and wallows in misery and depression all while Peppy is enjoying the spotlight of the talking world. The two have clashing views of the future of film, but that doesn’t stop Peppy from caring for George after he hits rock bottom. The facial expressions of all the characters are priceless and telling. Overall, the cinematography and score were beautiful and complementary.

I felt a little unsatisfied with the amount of romance in the script, but I guess it sticks to the true nature of this time piece.

Below Zero This interesting story by “method” writer Signe Olynyk is definitely a film made for especially for writers. It’s about Jack (played by Edward Furlong), a screenwriter who has a nasty case of writer’s block, and is nearing the deadline for his screenplay. He arranges to be locked in a meat cooler to help stimulate his creative juices and finish the script. Jack dreams up a storyline similar to his own experience so far, but the main character is accidentally locked in a cooler belonging to a serial killer. The film dips in and out of reality and breaks character often to rewind and rework situations, confusing viewers as to which story is real. Certain scenes convey a feeling of sheer loneliness and isolation, while others may make you gag in disgust. As if the film wasn’t Meta enough, in real life Olynyk actually spent time locked in the same meat cooler while writing “Below Zero’s” script.

In the Middle This short film by writer, director and actor Thomas Ward is a wonderful little display of a frustrated waitress at a middle-of-nowhere diner who is stuck serving a trio of sneering college girls on spring break. Anyone who has worked in the service industry can empathize with the waitress’ utter annoyance with the girls as they joke and engage in obnoxious banter. They try to involve the waitress in their games and debase her until she snaps. The whole situation has a very “Twilight Zone” kind of feel to it and has you guessing what the catch is until the very last moment when the waitress realizes the jokes and games are her life.

Nov. 8, 2011

Popular music these days often is swash of catchy lyrics and melodies and hardly exhibits any tactful insight or skilled composition. Repetition and samples of already famous riffs rule the airwaves and pop stars are a dime a dozen, but when you stumble upon an ingenious artist like Tom Brislin, it makes their music all the better. Tom Brislin, the keyboard virtuoso and lyrical genius behind New Jersey melodic, electro-pop rock band Spiraling, is working on a new solo album to be released before the end of 2011. Brislin said he left the full-band format to play alone in 2009, but has always been a solo songwriter. With his powerful keyboard riffs and soothing vocals, Brislin has toured and played keys for many big names such as Yes, Meat Loaf and OK Go. After a rush of new songwriting, he said he officially started working on the album in 2010, but after moving and touring he put off recording for a while. He began focusing on it again and launched a Kickstarter campaign this past June, which reached its goal in less than a month. is a website used for funding a variety of creative projects, where fans and supporters can pledge money at different levels and be rewarded with different incentives laid out by each campaign’s creator(s). Brislin said he now has about 40 songs to record in addition to the album, and his music is headed in a new direction. “Any sound I like is fair game, but it really starts with the song and the piano;

that’s how I write,” he said. “Sometimes I’ll build a completely different sonic landscape if the song is pulling me in a certain direction.” On Oct. 3, he posted sneak peek track “Your Favorite Day” on his Kickstarter page to update supporters on his recording status. The song is reminiscent of blissful childhood memories and has all the essentials of a perfectly enjoyable summer day. The tempo starts slow but with gusto, slowly drops then picks up pace leading into the chorus. His vocals are charming and on point. Brislin released his own version of “Steppin’ Out” by Joe Jackson earlier this year as an experiment with the video-song format popularized on YouTube by indie duo Pomplamoose. His rendition is a playful, electro-funk style cover. His other new track, “When You Told Me Not To Go,” is a vocal piano ballad with a string section, and it evocates a dissonant style heard in some older Spiraling tracks. He said his solo album will have elements of both worlds and other sound avenues, and his goal is to move people, meaningfully. “I grew up treasuring certain albums, and they almost always bring back good memories,” Brislin said. “My aim is to make something like that for someone else.” Busy recording the album, Brislin said he hasn’t started building a tour yet, but will be playing everywhere possible after its release, including Austin. To listen to his new solo work, Spiraling or to support his new album, visit for streaming tracks and contact information.

Fortnight Forecast The Late Show: Jurassic Park

Friday 11/11 | 11:45 PM | Alamo Drafthouse at the Ritz All fans of this cult-classic, early 90s piece of cinematic mastery should take advantage of this screening. If enormous dinosaurs aren’t enough to thrill you, perhaps reliving retro graphics with fellow fanatics will.

A.A. Bondy w/ Gold Leaves

Sunday 11/13 | 8:00 PM | The Parish Having been classified as alternative folk, A.A. Bondy’s raw, stripped-down acoustics and melancholy vocals are much more emphatic than the average one-man folk act.

Arts and Drafts

Every Thursday 7:00 PM | Rio Rita While some crafters are prone to be house cats, Arts and Drafts welcomes all resourceful socialites. A few drinks should provide boldness for any aspiring creative-type to seek friendship – and even assistance – in the common threads of fellow Austinites.

Master Pancake Celebrates Hanksgiving

Friday 11/18 | 7:00 PM | Saturday, 11/19 | Alamo Drafthouse at the Ritz In lieu of a month of giving thanks, why not relish in the absurdly diverse work of Tom Hanks by attending a Hank-a-thon?

Ghostland Observatory

Saturday 11/19 | 7:00 PM| ACL Live at the Moody Theater When two men can create enough sound to procure the most epic dance party of your life, the resulting show is well worth an evening otherwise spent doing something far less exciting than moving to their electro beat. Lace up your dancing shoes and move to the seemingly effortless synth-pop sounds of Ghostland Observatory.

Food for thought: Riverside

Jessica Blair

Staff Writer

Figuring out what to eat between classes is an important decision for any college student. All campuses have some form of a Simon’s Cafe. However, stepping away from the campus provides other choices to fill those tummies. Accent will feature several restaurants around the different campuses. In this issue, we feature Riverside Campus.

Last Christmas Writer and director Geoff Redknap tells a sad story of a ten-year-old boy Josh (played by Quinn Lord) as he looks after his grandmother who suffers from dementia. At first it seems like an average Christmas Eve, with a grandson helping his grandmother with chores around the house, but clues point to an unusual twist to what is really going on. Josh asks Nana to tell him old stories while they decorate the Christmas tree, which distracts and keeps her from knowing of the secrets of the dark, snowy world outside. This short film exhibits a touching family relationship and emphasizes a depressing outlook on having to ‘let go.’ For more highlights and reviews from the festival, visit

Joy East

2410 E. Riverside Dr.

If you are looking for a good Chinese buffet, don’t come here – but if you want an “okay” buffet then this will do fine. Joy East has a great atmosphere, but they really need to work on their food temperatures. If food is cooked or left at too low a temperature it can be very hazardous to eat. The baked salmon had all the right seasonings and a bold flavor but it was dangerously cold. Fish is naturally salty, so you have to try to counter and balance the flavor while allowing the meat to still taste fishy. Their popcorn shrimp had a similar problem. The veggie lo mein was very good and had the right temperature, but you can’t just make a meal on noodles and veggies alone. That might work for vegetarians, but I would like to have some protein in my meal. All in all I had a very bad dining experience. Maybe next time they will learn how to read a temperature gauge. Scale: $ = under 15 dollars an entree $$ = 15 to 20 dollars an entree $$$ = 20 to 25 dollars an entree


Photo by Dana Manickavasagam • Web Editor

Nov. 8, 2011

Life & Arts → Music

Life & Arts | Page 9 Life & Arts → Music

Skinny Puppy releases new album “HanDover” Industrial style music veterans deliver album number 13 Album art courtesy of SPV

Joey Galvan  StaffWriter

CELLO— Sadie Wolfe, cellist for Wild Child, performs on the cello for fans at The Parish on Thursday, Oct. 27.

Austin band Wild Child dishes new album “Pillow Talk” at release party Oct. 27 Layla Elayyadi

Staff Reporter

There has been quite a buzz and following about Austin-based, indie-folk, pop group Wild Child. This group has an amazing vocal duo, Kelsey Wilson and Alexander Beggins singing simple and beautiful lyrics, and a six-piece band that plays instruments ranging from drums, banjo, strings and many more. You can’t help but notice the raw talent exhibited in their new album “Pillow Talk,” which went on sale Oct. 25. The infusion of instruments and smooth vocals take you to a relaxing state while their lyrics paint a realistic picture of pain and love. Through the lyrics of their twisted song “The Tale of You & Me,” you experience all the things that make Wild Child so unique. They have a great combination of instrumental solos and sad lyrical content. In their song “Real Estate,” you hear Beggins’ point of view of heartbreak, while in “Bridges Burning” Wilson wants him to wait on her even though she knows the bridge between them is burning fast. Every song on their 15-track album is honest, whimsical and just darn right perfectly placed together. It also helped that Grammywinning engineer Erik Wofford helped master their debut album. The photography for their album is simply exceptional, creative and shows the diversity of their band. Wild Child plans to continue performing and touring nationally, so don’t miss an opportunity to enjoy them performing their new album live. For more information about their album and upcoming shows visit

BELT IT OUT— Kelsey Wilson, singer and violinist for Wild

Child, sings and plays the violin at The Parish on Oct. 27 during a performance celebrating the band’s new album “Pillow Talk’s” release.

Returning to the electronic scene, industrial music innovators Skinny Puppy just released their thirteenth album “HanDover.” With a musical catalogue spanning nearly thirty years, they follow up their 2007 album “Mythmaker” in prime form, dispelling any question of fading into irrelevancy. From the moment “HanDover” abruptly begins with track “Ovirt,” you are pulled into a classic 80s Skinny Puppy sound. Emerging in this first song are inviting synthesizers and effervescent beats which provide an enchanting backdrop that complements the distorted vocals. The stage is set early on for an array of songs that are able to satisfy even the most diehard Skinny Puppy fans. It is an album of powerful musical landscapes, compelling imagery and gritty lyrics. They have never seemed afraid to take risks in music and this album is no exception. Some of the most intriguing tracks on this release are “Cullorblind,” “Wavy” and “Village.” Each of these is uniquely different but adds something distinctively wonderful to the album. It seems chancy for such a heavy band to start out with such intensity on the first song, but then they backtrack with a soft-spoken

power ballad like “Cullorblind,” and it manages to flow together seamlessly. The removal of vocal distortions makes the cryptic lyrics more powerful and gives the heavy guitar sound a platform to build on. By far, the strongest track on the album is the song “Wavy.” It’s hard to put into words all the effects and musical soundscapes in this track, but it consists of a slow, waning synthesizer that enthralls the listener with an elegant and lingering drumbeat. It paints a picture of a vintage, black-and-white horror film with a dark creature looming in the background. Toward the end of the album, “Village” is an upbeat danceable hit. Progressive beats coinciding with signature Skinny Puppy sounds help bring this album to an amicable ending point before closing with an instrumental track of noise. Due to their unconventional sound, Skinny Puppy’s latest musical endeavor may not be for everyone, but this album definitely deserves a listen in its entirety if just for a glimpse into how modern technology can be used to create music. They have always been on the cutting edge of the industrial music threshold. This album is a brooding lullaby I recommend for anyone with an affinity for dark, atmospheric music or an appreciation for the band’s previous releases.

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BEAT KEEPER — Carey McGraw, drummer and vocalist for Wild Child, keeps the beat during their album release show on Oct. 27. The atmosphere at The Parish felt like an intimate house party.

WILD — Kelsey Wilson, Indie folk musician and a vocalist for Wild Child, performs on the violin at The Parish. All photos by Jon Shapley • Staff Photographer

International Studies Accent 3.4x5.27 BW Runs 10/25/11

Rio Grande Campus

Layla Elayyadi

Staff Reporter

Best study spot

Dominican Joe Coffee Shop Finding a place to study outside of school is not an easy task, so discovering Dominican Joe Coffee Shop was like uncovering a pearl in an oyster. The location is perfect, the amount of study space is great, free wi-fi is always a plus and their drinks are amazing! They serve coffee, juice and other various drinks along with pastries, light breakfast and lunch items provided from other locally owned businesses. The most rewarding part about buying from Joe’s is that proceeds help the children and families of the Dominican Republic. To learn about their cause or to view their menu, please go to their website at

Best hang out spot

Best Vegetarian Vegan Spot

Conscious Cravings Some of the best, affordable vegetarian and vegan food is from Conscious Cravings food truck located at the intersection of Rio Grande Blvd. & Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.. They have more menu options than expected with great prices. Enjoy their $5 and under menu items consisting of spicy chickpea wraps, Pan seared tofu, Quinoa salad, healthy smoothies and their famous baked rosemary fries – Yum! Conscious Cravings supports local suppliers and creates homemade organic sauces and dressings using spice blends from all around the world. Their food is awesome and they are growing fast in the area. For new locations and an online menu, visit

Shakespeare’s Pub For the students 21 years of age and older, Shakespeare’s Pub is the place to be – especially on Saturday nights! They offer drink specials until 8:30 p.m. and they have great music playing upstairs and two different spots downstairs. The music variety is sure to please all different crowds until 2 a.m., but the line at night can sometimes get long. The small wait is worth it, once you see the variety of people having fun, and you will soon dive into the action. So stop in, have fun and check out upcoming events on the website Photos by Layla Elayyadi • Staff Reporter

page 10 | Life & Arts

Nov. 8, 2011

Life & Arts → Culture

Nerds to unite at Comic Con In just a few days Austin Comic Con will be held at the Austin Convention Center on Nov. 11-13. For those who haven’t meticulously planned out their cosplay here is a list of Do’s and Don’ts when getting together a last minute costume. Karissa Rodriguez





There are a plethora of science fiction characters to embody, but one of the hottest nerd shows to watch in recent years has been the revival of the long running series of Britain’s Doctor Who. There have been some amazing renditions of TARDIS costumes spotted at other Comic Cons this year, but one that’s sure to catch your eye is a sexy TARDIS given that the Eleventh Doctor has so eloquently given his sentiment time-andspace-traveling police box the name Sexy in the season 6 episode “The Doctor’s Wife.”

Hot superhero characters this year are the classics from DC Comics and Marvel Comics, but remember that these are really popular costumes so accessories are your best friend. Going as Thor? Don’t forget Mjolnir, Thor’s favorite weapon of choice. Also, with the recent release of the critically acclaimed video game Batman: Arkham City, Batman, his cohorts and villains are sure to be a big hit this year at Austin Comin Con. One superhero to avoid this year is Spiderman though. The character of Spiderman has been reinvented so many times in recent years to the point that its becoming hard to keep up. Whatever happened to classic good ol’ Peter Parker? Depending on which comic or movie storyline you follow he’s either dead or younger and cooler than ever in high school.

AMC’s Emmy winning show The Walking Dead has stepped up the game for dressing up as a zombie. Its no longer acceptable to just paint your face and draw a few cuts and bites on yourself. Now prosthetics are the standard for zombie costumes. Zombie costumes are the best to dress up in because they are so much more creative than dressing up as a specific character since you don’t have to be as consistent with your costume. Bite marks, peeling flesh, rotting internal organs, and of course lots of blood are excellent ways to zombify yourself.


DON’T BE A HIPSTER Dressing up as a hipster at Comic Con in Austin really isn’t a costume when a large chunk of college aged students dress up like this everyday in Austin so try to be a little more creative. Large plastic glasses, leg warmers, and handlebar mustaches are all clear cut signs that you are a hipster who are notoriously known for being lazy and having everything handed to them in life.

The worst costumes are the ones that clearly are worn by posers who think being a nerd is the cool thing to do now so they try and (fail) to act the part. If your going to Comic Con and are new to the nerdtastic world of sci fi, comic book superheroes, cult classics, and/or Japanese anime please don’t make this mistake. Besides who wants to get picked on and laughed at by a nerd anyway? In fact, nerds would love to correct you and explain in detail how your costume is not accurate.



his is what you can expect to see at this year’s Wizard World Comic Con...

10 Eisner Award winners and nominees to attend

Total exhibitors and retailers Autographs from over





Celebrity and artist Q&A sessions

celebrities, artists and creators

75% Male


College Educated

66% Married

70% Ages 18-44


ho is Comic Con?


programs including: storytelling... readings... screenings... and MORE!!!


Household income $50K+

D Don’t miss this year’s ComicCon! Graphic by Elizabeth Brown • Layout Editor Sources:

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