Round Rock Neighbors

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Hello Neighbor Accent, the student newspaper of Austin Community College, is about to finish a terrific first semester housed at the new ACC Round Rock campus. To celebrate, we are offering our Round Rock neighbors special pricing for ads placed in next semester’s issues of the Accent and on Accent Semester Highlights September 10 - sets new record with 5,083 hits for the day September 21 - First issue of Accent produced in Round Rock hits the stands across the ACC district October 8 - Accent staff awarded 20 state level journalism awards at TCCJA conference November 22 - Number of students published in print edition passes 30 for semester December 6 - Final issue of semester hits stands

10% Off Advertising Space Offer only good for businesses located in Round Rock. Offer may be combined with 10% six issue discount for 20% total savings. Discount may be applied to print display, online, and insert advertising reserved before Jan. 19, 2011. E-mail or fax this coupon with attached insertion order to reserve your discounted space. Offer expires 01/19/2011

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