Urban Hub 8: What We Can Do: Cultivating Change

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Urban Hub Integral UrbanHub

What We Can Do

Cultivating Change Thriveable Cities

Paul van Schaik integralMENTORS

© integralMENTORS

A series of graphics from integralMENTORS integral UrbanHub work on Thriveable Cities presentations.

© integralMENTORS

Urban Hub What We Can Do - Cultivating Change Thriveable Cities Integral UrbanHub


Paul van Schaik Curator integralMENTORS © integralMENTORS

Copyright ©© integralMENTORS– November 2017 ISBN-13: 978-1979134279 ISBN-10: 1979134278

© integralMENTORS

This document is not about clicking our links and following our path of discovery but about engaging and searching your own path in collaboration with us and others and developing pathways for our combined action. Each of these 8 volumes adds to our search & understanding of the field and are best used as a whole. www.integralmentors.org

“Myth is much more important and true than history. History is just journalism and you know how reliable that is� Joseph Campbell



Content One of the functions of intelligence is to take account of the dangers that come from trusting solely to the intelligence. Lewis Mumford

Urban Hub Content Introduction A Broader View The Good City Change Makers Education Wellbeing Change Maker Apps Evaluation

© integralMENTORS

Preface This book is one in a series of presentations for the use of Integral theory or an Integral Meta-framework in understanding cities and urban design. Although each can stand alone, taken together they give a more rounded appreciation of how this broader framework can help in the analysis and design of thriveable urban environments. The Guides for Integrally Informed Practitioners (adjacent) cover much of the theory behind the Integral Metaframework used in these volumes. For topics covered in others volumes in this series see the following page. Key to an Integral approach to urban design is the notion that although other aspects of urban life are important, people (sentient beings), as individuals and communities, are the primary ‘purpose’ for making cities thriveable. All other aspects (technology, transport & infra-structure, health, education, sustain-ability, economic development, etc.) although playing a major part, are secondary. This volume has been put together with the help of Alan Dean for the Education section and Barbara van Schaik for the Wellbeing section. Urban Hub 8. Pdf versions are available free at https://issuu.com/paulvanschaik - as well as Urban Hub 1 to 7 Hardcopies of Urban HUB 1 to 8 and the Guides are available from Amazon in many countries. www.integralmentors.org

Preface This series on Thriveable Cities so far covers: Smart Sustainable Thriving Cities Integral Methodological Pluralism Integral Theory Integral Workbook Visions & Worldviews 1, 2 & 3 What We Can Do: Cultivating Change Although each book can stand alone, taken together they give a more rounded appreciation of how this broader framework can help in the analysis and design of thriveable urban environments.

Urban Hub 8. Pdf versions are available free at https://issuu.com/paulvanschaik - as well as Urban Hub 1 to 7 www.integralmentors.org

Context “There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.� Douglas H. Everett

Urban Hub Introduction

Introduction What is this book (from UH5) Integral theory is genuinely post-postmodern or trans-modern, vastly inclusive yet disciplined, so combining richness with rigour, breadth with depth, and giving equal value to the subjective and objective while also grounded in empirical evidence. It guides studies in various fields, providing a conceptual framework that stimulates new insights by highlighting neglected areas of investigation and unexplored relationships. Integral Theory provides a framework for understanding the evolving complexification of values, worldviews, behaviour, culture and systems. That is; subjective and objective worlds as well as intersubjective and interobjective worlds. Simplistically put: Consciousness and Cultures of interior subjective worlds and Capacities and Creations of exterior objective worlds. All based on ‘scientific’ studies appropriate to each domain. www.integralmentors.org

Introduction Walking in the world not talking of the world

How to use this book

No one vision is sufficient in and of itself – visions can guide but only by collaborative action in a creative generative process can visions grow and become part of an ongoing positive sociocultural reality.

A taste of many visions in our world.

Without taking into account the many worldviews that currently co-exist and crafting ways of including them in a positive and healthy form we will continue to alienate vast sections of all communities and humankind. It is through the growing healthy versions of all the different worldviews that we can attempt to move towards an equitable, regenerative and caring world. Through action we will move forward – through only ongoing talk we will stagnate and fail.

Visions both positive - utopian, and negative - dystopian. Each claiming to be true and enfolding all the others But in reality they are ‘true’ but partial – and some more ‘true’ than others. Each ‘shallower’ truth transcended but the best is included in the next ‘deeper’ or broader truth It’s how we use them together and in collaboration that will define how successful we are. It is the morphogenetic pull of caring that will determine how we succeed as a human race. It is the ability to generate an equitable, fair, resilient and regenerative ‘system’ that must drive us forward. The means will be a combination of many of the ideas showcased here but many more still to be discovered on our exciting journey into the future. Held together through a syngeneic Integral Mythological Pluralism

These curation are to be dipped into – explored and used to generate ideas and discussion.

Too little courage and we will fail – too much certainty and we will fail. But with care and collaboration we have a chance of success. Bringing forth emergent impact through innovation, syngeneic enfoldment & collaborative effort.

A catalyst for collaboration and action.

And a deeper understanding of a broader framework will be required – that is, a more integral vision.

And most importantly grown, modified in a generative form.

Explore and enjoy – use as many of the ideas as possible, enfolding each into an emergent whole that grows generatively.

This is a living document - any suggestions for inclusion in the next volume send to: info@integralmentors.org

At each step testing – reformulating – regrouping – recreating. Moving beyond, participating, thro’ stake-holding, thro’ shareholding, to becoming a thrive-holder. www.integralmentors.org www.integralmentors.org

Perspectives Subjects do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different states of subjects bring forth different worlds. Meaning that a subject might be at a particular wave of consciousness, in a particular stream of consciousness, in a particular state of consciousness, in one quadrant or another. That means that the phenomena brought forth by various types of human inquiry will be different depending on the quadrants, levels, lines, states, and types of the subjects bringing forth the phenomena. A subject at one wave of consciousness will not enact and bring forth the same worldspace as a subject at another wave; and similarly with quadrants, streams, states, and types (as we will see in more detail). Subjects do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different states of subjects bring forth different worlds.

An answer is valuable only in so far as it stimulates further inquiry. This holds true even in the exact sciences where the hypothesis serves as a springboard for the searching mind. The favorite answer of an age, however, is often one in which only a minimum of problems is preserved and which has been promoted to its place as favorite because it seems to render superfluous all further questioning. It closes all doors, blocks all ways, and just because of this permits the agreeable feeling that the goal has been reached and that the rest is granted. Martin Foss

Cultivating Ideas The chief function of the city is to convert power into form, energy into culture, dead matter into the living symbols of art, biological reproduction into social creativity. Lewis Mumford

Urban Hub A Broader View

Too often development efforts are plastered onto a region or community without full respect for what is already present and what is naturally emerging. An integral approach asks the question: What is already happening here, what is already emerging that could be further supported? This appreciative, community-based way of approaching development is quite a different way to begin a project. Further, applying the evolutionary view that integral theory provides, we are able to get some sense of where a community, or a person, is presently coming from and what might best support this emerging potential. This approach can be applied to both groups and individuals, and essentially honours the inherent trajectory of evolution already occurring, and simply intends to support that as fully as possible.


An Integral View What can be said about a more integral model of human possibilities? Before talking about the application of an integral vision — in education, politics, business, health care, and so on — there needs to be some general notion of what it is that is to be applied in the first place. Moving from pluralistic relativism to universal integralism, what kind of map might be found? A more integral cartography might include: •

multiple waves of existence, spanning the entire spectrum of consciousness, subconscious to selfconscious to super-conscious.

numerous different streams, modules, or lines of development, including cognitive, moral, spiritual, aesthetic, somatic, imaginative, interpersonal, etc.

• multiple states of consciousness, including waking, dreaming, sleeping, altered, non-ordinary, and meditative. • numerous different types of consciousness, including gender types, personality types (enneagram, MyersBriggs, Jungian), and so on. •

multiple brain states and organic factors. Subjects do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different states of subjects bring forth different worlds. © integralMENTORS

An Integral View A more integral cartography might also include: • Cultural factors the extraordinarily important impact of numerous cultural factors, including the rich textures of diverse cultural realities, background contexts, pluralistic perceptions, linguistic semantics, and so on, none of which should be unwarrantedly marginalized, all of which should be included and integrated in a broad web of integral-aperspectival tapestries (and, just as important, a truly "integral transformative practice" would give considerable weight to the importance of relationships, community, culture, and intersubjective factors in general, not as merely a realm of application of spiritual insight, but as a mode of spiritual transformation). • Social system the massively influential forces of the social system, at all levels (from nature to human structures, including the all-important impact of nonhuman social systems, from Gaia to ecosystems). Subjects do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different states of subjects bring forth different worlds.

An Integral View A more integral cartography might also include: •

the importance of the self as the navigator of the great River of Life should not be overlooked. It appears that the self is not a monolithic entity but rather a society of selves with a centre of gravity, which acts to bind the multiple waves, states, streams, and realms into something of a unified organization; the disruption of this organization, at any of its general stages, can result in pathology.

Such are a few of the multiple factors that a richly holistic view of the Kosmos might wish to include. At the very least, any model that does not coherently include all of those items is not a very integral model. Ken Wilber


An Integral View Integral as against Integrated Integrated means Balance, equilibrium and harmony minimise tension and reduce chaos

Integral (AQAL) means Emergent and healthy tension that holds things together as they evolve These tensions provide order in the chaos

Strives for: • certainty • order • sureness

Respects: • uncertainty • disorder • insecurity

Places a lot of emphasis on harmony within systems

Respects creative, dynamic and evolving nature of human and natural processes

Integrated strives for uniformity of similar things

Integral strives for a sense of unity in differences (emphasises unity as much as diversity)

Leads to a constrained sense of reality

Leads to a fuller sense of reality

The integral approach reveals the interior side of life The integral approach weaves together the internal and external components of reality. Alongside an understanding of the nature and complexity of interconnected systems, there is also recognition of interior dynamics (psychological, cultural and spiritual) in the system. An integral approach, therefore, retains the existing practices that focus on the "exterior" components of life, such as biological systems, economic initiatives, social organizing, governance and sustainability, and also works with the interior components, such as worldviews, values, and awareness. These interior parts of society inform our opinions and decision-making, essentially guiding the ways we make meaning of our surroundings and interactions. With an understanding of interiority, it becomes easier to identify the underlying values, needs, worldviews and motivations that arise when engaged in the work of social change. This enables a more effective working dynamic between and among individuals and communities, as well as more psychologically sophisticated way of collaborating with colleagues, staff, employees and project coordinators.


A Broader Framework Integral View The word integral means: • comprehensive, • inclusive, • non-marginalizing, • embracing. Integral approaches to any field attempt to be exactly that - to include as many: • perspectives, • styles, and • methodologies as possible within a coherent view of the topic. In a certain sense, integral approaches are “meta-paradigms,” or ways to draw together an already existing number of separate paradigms into an interrelated network of approaches that are mutually enriching. – Ken Wilber Subjects do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different states of subjects bring forth different worlds.


Deep Structure


Zone 6

Empiricism: Explores measurable behaviour

Systems Theory Explores functional-fit of parts within systems


Current Framework

by means of: • Biochemistry, • Biology, • Zoology, • Behavioural Studies ….


Zone 8

Deep Structure

by means of: • Science of Politics, • Complexity Sciences, • Integral Economics ….


A More Objective Framework

Surface Structure

• etc. …

Empiricism: Explores measurable behaviour Deep Structure

by means of: • Biochemistry, • Biology, • Zoology, • Behavioural Studies …

Zone 7

Social Autopoiesis: Explores self-regulating dynamics in systems

Zone 6



Zone 8

Deep Structure


Surface Structure

by means of: • Socio-cybernetics, • Communication Studies • etc. ….

Systems Theory Explores functional-fit of parts within systems

by means of: • Science of Politics, • Complexity Sciences, • Integral Economics ….


by means of: • Biophenomenology, • Cognitive Sciences

Zone 5


Autopoiesis: Explores selfregulating behaviour


A Broader Framework (IMP)

Structuralism: Explores patterns of direct felt experience

Hermeneutics: Explores mutual understanding

by means of: • Interpersonal Values, • Global Ethics …..

Zone 1 Surface Structure

IMP – integral Methodological Pluralism

Surface Structure

Empiricism: Explores measurable behaviour

Zone 2 Deep Structure

Zone 3 Surface Structure

Cultural Anthropology: Explores patterns of mutual understanding by means of: • Ethnomethodology, • Cultural Studies, • Semiotics …..

by means of: • Biophenomenology, • Cognitive Sciences • etc. …

Zone 5

Deep Structure

by means of: • Biochemistry, • Biology, • Zoology, • Behavioural Studies ….

Zone 7

Social Autopoiesis: Explores self-regulating dynamics in systems

Zone 6



Zone 4

Deep Structure



Zone 8

Deep Structure

Surface Structure

by means of: • Socio-cybernetics, • Communication Studies • etc.

Systems Theory Explores functional-fit of parts within systems

by means of: • Science of Politics, • Complexity Sciences, • Integral Economics ….


by means of: • Meditation • Introspection, • Contemplation ….

by means of • Genealogy, • Developmental Psychology ….


Autopoiesis: Explores self-regulating behaviour



Phenomenology: Explores direct felt experience


The Extreme View Quadrant absolutism

Extreme Scientism

Extreme PostModernism

Extreme Systems Thinking

(inner mind is everything)

(culturally constructed meaning is everything)

(outer matter is reality)

(web-of-life is reality)

Individual Objective

Extreme Idealism

Collective Inter-Objective

Collective Inter-Subjective

Individual Subjective

The ‘Flatland’ view from one domain or Quadrant only produces the extreme views found so often in siloed academism


”….Morin’s effort would be to develop a form of thinking—and of being in the world—that is always self-reflective and self-critical, always open and creative, always eager to challenge the fundamental assumptions underlying a system of thought, and always alert for the ways in which, covertly or overtly, we create inviolate centers that cannot be questioned or challenged. Knowledge always requires the knowledge of knowledge, the ongoing investigation and interrogation of how we construct knowledge…. This once again gives us an idea of Morin’s constant battle against reductionism, the attempt to reduce a complex phenomenon to one potential aspect and manifestation, and in the process dismiss it…. This reflects a guiding principle of Morin’s work, found in Pascal’s statement that it is impossible to understand the whole without understanding the part, and impossible to understand the part without understanding the whole...” An Overview of Edgar Morin’s Intellectual Journey Alfonso Montuori

The Good City One of the functions of intelligence is to take account of the dangers that come from trusting solely to the intelligence. Lewis Mumford

Urban Hub Visions

The Good City Thriveable Cities A thriveable city will be most of these & more

People-Centred &

A thriveable city will integrate most of these & more

Some signs of non-thriveable cities

























































Mental Health





























Work ……



The Good City Suburbia Reimagined

Leon van Schaik and Nigel Bertram

Setting out to drive from Westwood Los Angeles to San Diego we were warned that we would never get there. Sheer ennui would halt us. And indeed after driving for some hours through rolling hills combed over with houses, we did lose heart, stop and turn back‌ In this book we counter this all too prevalent drive-by, fly-over clichÊ view of suburbia. We find generators of development that can power the second and third generation inhabitation of suburbs. We discover potentials arising in the boundary zones between suburbs and the regional facilities such as university campuses, research and business campuses, shopping complexes, transport hubs and industrial sites. Designing interventions at every scale from ramps, bathrooms, second dwellings, new apartments and new subdivisions of the ground plane we demonstrate how the open weave matrix of the suburb can deliver social and economic benefits through new ways of populating suburban space. We identify and propose a full range of interventions of increasing but incremental scale that serve the second and third and subsequent inhabitations of suburbs. Our focus is on developments that are within reach of individual owners; that enable social housing providers to insert facilities piecemeal. We avoid comprehensive redevelopment and promote instead a catalogue of improvements that range from home improvements to home replacements, to extensions and new build apartments. Our emphasis is on enabling individual agency such that people in all stages of life may optimize their opportunities for engagement in social and economic life. We take our lead from the successful arrival cities of the world, where suburbs allow newcomers to establish enterprises alongside established residents and ladders of access to housing and business formation are available to all. "Suburbia Re-Imagined" by Leon van Schaik with Nigel Bertram - looks into how suburbs can be made more livable, especially for the ageing! – published 2018

The Good City Sedimentary City: Brisbane

Brit Andresen & Mara Francis

Time Slice Sedimentary City of Brisbane is layered city-on-city, its layers existing in time and in space. New layers carry the trace of past cities with catalyst landscape fragments for change. First City’s ancient watershed, floodplain and freshwater creeks ebb and flow in drought and flood. Great orchid-laced forests, abundant with food, grow bowers of shade in subtropical sun. Each city’s born, collage-layered, opaque, invisible and overlaid fact on fiction. Time unfolding dream-cities transformed to city nightmares burning and flooding. Now City’s floodplain is built up and buried pipe-grids funnel lost creeks underground. Now steel pylon forests, dense with cables coiled in tangles, radiate hot light on hard slabs. Floodplains, now buried and overlaid with knotted loop-de-loop highways, once held forests. And swamps to nurse tropical downpours downriver without breaking the banks. Fast-forward, in business-as-usual mode, Now City morphs, layer on layer, as Inferno City, Emerging in red-rust dust-storms after seasons of drought to alternate with flash-flooding tempests. With dust-storm and tempest the land takes its toll, creeks burst from their pipes upending construction. In ruins we see what is not the inferno regaining space for lost floodplains. Floodplains recover freshwater creeks and new forests growth stretches long-fingered parklands from river to ridge. Subtropical City emerges outside the floodplain as rain-roofed, wind-walled, eucalyptus tectonics, structures in tune with the nap of the land. Venice Architecture Biennale 2010 'Now and When Australian Urbanism


The Good City Sedimentary City: Brisbane

Brit Andresen & Mara Francis

In this project we are in search of the natural environment of the city of Brisbane. This project asks: “Where is the Sub-Tropical City of tomorrow? This project contributes both a way of thinking about the city and three narratives, whilst based on factual data each narrative has a fictional outcome. Each of the three narratives revolves around the search for - the future citizen’s relations with the natural environment - in tomorrow’s city: Envisioning One (e1) The project begins with a snapshot survey of the contemporary city layer, followed by a sequence of future layers that incorporate interpretations of current forecasts and proposed developments. Culminating in a meditation on the intensification of these future city layers is the creative work titled Envisioning One. Envisioning Two (e2) This provocative scenario is immediately followed by a second narrative, titled ‘Envisioning Two’, which switches from the distant future to the long ago past of The First City – a term used by architect Peter Meyers in his article “The Third City”. Our second narrative un-covers hidden or lost parts of The First City that may be re-covered for the future city - and concludes with a provisional and fictional map of the city of the past - as a potential guide to an alternative scenario for the city of tomorrow. Envisioning Three (e3) The third and final narrative begins with a reminder of the - confronting future city scenario - of the Inferno and Flood City. This is quickly followed by the First City of the past laid-over the map of the contemporary city for comparison - to search for the place of lost or hidden qualities from the past – qualities that can be drawn forward into the contemporary city. Process-es of overlay and erasure contribute to the construction of the creative work titled ‘Envisioning Three’ – our proposition for survival - and implementing tomorrow’s subtropical city. Venice Architecture Biennale 2010 'Now and When Australian Urbanism


The Good City Taming the Madness Roads are core to the metabolism of any nation. As a network, they are space filling and optimising. Space filling: the furthest you can get away from a road in the contiguous states of the USA is 22 miles, at one region of Yellowstone National Park. Optimising: there is constant pressure to increase capacity and smooth the flow in the main trunk routes. But this process is incremental and evolutionary, and so disruptive and wasteful. It is time to rethink how this network is structured. Trunk routes can seriously negatively impact urban communities. We see high indices of deprivation within areas that are thus isolated from urban centres.

Prof. Paul Krause Ditch water and groundwater: Roads shed water containing sediments and pollutants into ditches and then into groundwater, streams and lakes. Altered wetlands and water flows: Water flows blocked by wetlands can shrink natural wetlands and floodplains, or lead to localised flooding in formerly dry land. Dispersed land use: Roads naturally encourage linear, sprawling developments, rather than compact multi-purpose developments, further exacerbating all the above problems.

Other impacts include: Habitat loss: Roads and road verges may cover 1 – 1.5% of a country’s total land area. This leads to loss of valuable natural, amenity and agricultural land and indicates the volume of greenhouse gas and pollutant emissions. Roadkilled animals (including humans): Globally, millions of animals per year are killed. Fragmented habitats: Roads, especially those with speeds above 80 kph (50 mph) are major barriers to animal, insect and seed dispersal. This leads to island effects in both human and natural habitats, with isolation of sub-populations and loss of (bio-)diversity. Traffic noise: Affects liveability and amenity for humans, and reduces diversity in sensitive animals, birds and reptiles in a corridor 0.24 – 0.75 miles on each side of a busy highway. www.surrey.ac.uk/cs/people/paul_krause/

The Good City Moving Towards Solutions

Prof. Paul Krause

Electric cars in themselves are not the answer. They still have the same volume of traffic, will emit particulates from tyre and brake wear, and production of their batteries yields significant CO2, as well as consuming scarce metals whose production leads to significant environmental impact. Suppose instead we power the vehicles by electromagnetic induction from conducting strips buried beneath the road surface. This would eliminate or significantly reduce battery use, with energy regeneration systems used to slow the vehicles down when needed and significantly reducing particulate emission from brake pads. The feasibility needs to be assessed in detail but we do have experience of this working in railway systems, and the use of induction hobs in kitchens supports the safety case for their use. We could then take the evolution of self-driving vehicles further and safer by turning major routes into “netways” where individual or larger, public, pods move without an onboard driver, but governed by a region wide traffic flow management system. Furthermore, these netways may be elevated above, or (partially) sunken below, ground level. Noise and pollution will be massively reduced. The netways themselves can be supplied by renewable energy from wind, solar, tidal, and in some cases, geothermal energy to take CO2 emissions way down. Construction of the netways from durable recycled plastic composites will sequester carbon. Lighting on the netways can be low level and shielded from the surroundings to both save energy and eliminate light pollution in natural and residential areas.

Graphic by Taco Iwashima Matthews

The raising or lowering of the netways will allow for freedom of movement of wildlife, livestock and humans when cycling or walking. Attractively designed and landscaped “transfer stations” will have much lower impact than trunk road junctions, and allow people to transfer to local pods, or in some cases drop private pods down to local roads where the journey can be continued on conventional local infrastructure. Space for working or leisure activities can be provided at these transfer stations in cases where demand exceeds capacity of the netway. For more ideas, see: Forman and Sperling, 2011, The Future of Roads: No Driving, No Emissions, Nature Reconnected, The Solutions Journal, 2, 10-23. www.surrey.ac.uk/cs/people/paul_krause/

The Good City Incomplete Urbanism A Critical Urban Strategy for Emerging Economies Incomplete Urbanism is a dynamic, hybrid interactive concept, which destabilizes the current architectural and urban theories and practices. Its main characteristics are indeterminacy, inconsistency and changeability, which are particularly challenging in the context of the New World Order and the fast emerging global digital network. It is a concept that can be effectively applied to any sizeable section of existing cities without the need for major readjustments and can be implemented at different rates in response to specific local conditions. As for the word 'critical', I use it deliberately in order to convey the essential need to think creatively and positively in a controversial contesting and socialorientated manner about what we do, as it will constructively influence the way we do things that impact our values and social environment. William Lim

The Good City The Urbanism of Exception This book challenges the conventional (modernistinspired) understanding of urbanization as a universal process tied to the ideal-typical model of the modern metropolis with its origins in the grand Western experience of city-building. At the start of the twenty-first century, the familiar idea of the 'city' - or 'urbanism' as we know it - has experienced such profound mutations in both structure and form that the customary epistemological categories and prevailing conceptual frameworks that predominate in conventional urban theory are no longer capable of explaining the evolving patterns of city-making. Global urbanism has increasingly taken shape as vast, distended city-regions, where urbanizing landscapes are increasingly fragmented into discontinuous assemblages of enclosed enclaves characterized by global connectivity and concentrated wealth, on the one side, and distressed zones of neglect and impoverishment, on the other. These emergent patterns of what might be called enclave urbanism have gone hand-in-hand with the new modes of urban governance, where the crystallization of privatized regulatory regimes has effectively shielded wealthy enclaves from public oversight and interference

The Good City Ecological Learning Curve

Sim van der Ryn

For years as a Professor and consultant to schools at levels from pre-school through high school, I imagined in my mind a picture of how all the elements of learning at different ages could be represented in a diagram that integrated learning levels with place, pattern, and process and also spatial scales of natural and humanly created systems. The Ecological Learning Curve is that diagram. The learning age levels is represented vertically from bottom to top. The type of learning is represented by the circles of Place, Pattern, Process. Place at the bottom recognizes that young children learn best no through abstraction but by direct experience of Place. As their minds and brains grow, they begin to learn patterns, and later, the processes that shape our world. The scale of systems – natural and invented – is represented horizontally from the largest on the left to the smallest on the right. The center line represents a “home base” of scales closest to us in size, with the left bar moving to large scales, the right side to smaller scales. www.simvanderryn.com/philosophy/

Change Makers Towards An Ecological Epoch

Sim van der Ryn

A simpler diagram of Towards an Ecological Epoch asks four basic questions: •

How do we use Nature?

How am I Nature?

How am I Culture?

How do institutions & technology reflect values?

These four questions circle the four realities that influence . The move towards or lack of movement towards an Ecologic Epoch: •

SELF: what it means to be human

ECO-LOGIC: how the living world works

TECHNOLOGIC: how technology shapes us and our world

IDEO-LOGIC: our beliefs, values, and world view

"The heart of ecological design is not efficiency or sustainability. It is the embodiment of the animating spirit, the soul of the living world as embodied in each of us waiting to be reborn and expressed in what we design.” Sim van der Ryn www.simvanderryn.com/philosophy/

The Good City The Consciousness Structure Diagram

Sim van der Ryn

The Consciousness Structure Diagram is my attempt to synthesize information from diverse sources into a map of the various stages of human history on the planet and relate them to the essential and changing nature of Place, Pattern, and Process. Through each stage of civilization. I identify five stages of human development form the first humans to today’s civilization dominated by a separation from nature and self through technology, homogenization of cultures and oligarchy, with hope for a transformation into a new Integral Consciousness that restructures our race towards extinction.


“Scale-linking systems imply a holism in which everything influences, or potentially influences everything else — because everything is in some sense constantly interacting with everything else. Nature is infused with the dynamical interpenetration of the vast and minute, an endless dervish mixing. Matter and energy continually flow across scales, the small informing the large and the large informing the small … Unless we work with nature’s own finely tuned scale-linking systems we endanger the stability of life on the planet… If we are to properly include ecological concerns within design, we must take seriously the challenge offered by scale linking. We need to discover ways to integrate our design processes across multiple levels of scale and make these processes compatible with natural cycles of water, energy, and material.”

Van der Ryn & Cowan

Cultivating People One of the functions of intelligence is to take account of the dangers that come from trusting solely to the intelligence. Lewis Mumford

Urban Hub Change Makers

Change Makers Integral Without Borders

Integral International Development Centre

Evolving Development Praxis

Evolving development praxis

Our Network

The network is made up of Integral practitioners from around the world

The current trend in development praxis is towards greater integration. People and organizations are becoming more and more aware that single-discipline thinking no longer meets the full complexity of global issues today. Already the term 'interdisciplinary' is present throughout the discourse, and there is a recognition of the need for greater system's thinking as well as the inclusion of personal development and consciousness. However, this can't be a pat cross-talk between disciplines from the safety of one's own discipline. But rather a true integration of these ways of thinking, doing and being. This can't just be about tacking on some personal growth work onto an otherwise unchanged project management style. It must involve a more sophisticated application of human psychology in sustainable development work. To put it frankly, in order to be meaningful, this has to be a full and complete integration; so complete that one's entire approach is actually transformed. Integral Without Borders exists to ask questions on what that looks like in practice, to experiment with such an approach in the field, and to bring together practitioners in a learning community in which we discuss and hone this integral praxis that is emerging across the planet today. www.integralwithoutborders.net

Change Makers integralMENTORS integralMENTORS works with individuals or small groups to gain a deeper integral understanding of praxis in the field of international development. These practitioners tend to have extensive field experience in international development in the design and implementation of programmes - they also have a grounding in Integral Theory. Because of the nature of an Integral approach we don’t as a starting point concentrate on any one issue or action - so no concentration on leadership or best practices or interiors or evolution or sustainability etc. - but an approach a contextual understanding of a number of different perspectives. This will in time probably include many of those listed above. Unless the process is generative, morphogenetic - and probably snippable - it tends just to repeat or overlay both ‘good and bad’ processes from other contexts. Interpretation of these issues will be different depending on the mindset Address from which it is seen The intention is not to make the world integral - which is a misunderstanding of what 'integral' means - but to help individuals become effective Integral practitioners. To enable them to have a much broader and compassionate view of the issues before them and thus a much more comprehensive ‘tool’ kit with which to work. And in the long term to make the world a healthier place for all stages

Partners ​


integralMENTORS works internationally and is currently based in Kent, UK; Cape Town, SA www.integralmentors.org

Change Makers Burning2Learn MOTIVATING TOMORROW’S ADULTS TODAY YOU CAN TAKE A HORSE TO WATER BUT YOU CAN’T MAKE IT DRINK Burning2Learn works closely with local businesses, government organisations, and young people in both schools and Scouting groups. Looking through both local and global lenses. B2L recently introduced the UNSDGs to the Cub Scouts. Asking them about which of the 17 goals they would like to find out more. They choose to focus on Number 6: WATER They were then asked to look at the amount of plastic bottles they use in one week and encouraged to look at the actions they take and how to act locally to tackle a global problem. Some brilliant ideas and programmes were developed working both Cultivating Tomorrow’s individually and collectively. B2L bridges the gap between education, business and society asking 10-year olds through to business leaders to understand the power we all have.

Future Today


Change Makers Burning2Learn IT STARTS WITH ONE! JOINING THE DOTS... PLANT AN IDEA AND WATCH IT GROW After a Cub Scout meeting talking about our impact on our environment and the UNSDG’s, one Cub Scout decided to clean up his park. He brought back a carrier bag full of litter. Large business and corporations will discuss for hours how to sort out such problems, yet it starts with one!

Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG)


If we all adopted the same attitude as this young Cub Scout local and global communities would be transformed - it starts with just one! Cultivating Tomorrow’s Future Today


Change Makers Burning2Learn THROUGH THE GENERATIONS PATHWAY TO THE FUTURE Dr Amit Mukherjee’s story rings out as we bridge the gap between continents. It was marvellous to hear Dr Amit Mukherjee’s story of how he trans- formed Tata Steel’s failing hospital in India into a larger profit-making development. Burning2Learn share Dr Mukherjee’s ethos and values.


Honesty and integrity are the foundation to build stronger, healthier working relationships and with this foundation, businesses and organisations can work together to make stronger communities for all. With this collaborative and undivided state of mind our goals can and will be met.

COMPLETING THE PUZZLE One company at the heart of change, Diligence provides project management for a variety of infrastructure projects, bringing their business ethos into the communities. Giving to others is very important to Managing Director, Nicola Coppen. As a voluntary Group Scout Leader at 1st North Cray Scout Group, a School Governor at Dartford Science & Technology College and she is also a Business Mentor to students at The Leigh Academy in Dartford. With these shared values, whilst joining the dots and the pieces of the puzzle, businesses and communities alike can really make a difference, both locally and globally. Change will come if we continue with this shared ethos.

Ethical Leadership Asia Plateau, Panchgani, India

Cultivating Tomorrow’s Future Today

www.diligence-pm-services.co.uk/ www.burning2learn.co.uk

Change Makers Cultivation.AP

Walking with you not talking at you Positive ideas are all around, but the media lacks hope and often chooses to focus on death and destruction. Cultivation.AP looks for people in communities with the aim of creating safe spaces to allow adventurous actors to experiment and share their results and to develop tomorrow’s community cultivators. www.cultivation.ap.org

Change Makers The Kairos Project

OUR PURPOSE Our purpose is to create an international network of Kairos Project Hubs that will offer social and environmental organisations affordable and accessible coaching-based learning and development. We believe that current practices in the world are not sustainable and that we, the coaching profession, are in a powerful position to help these organisations create a better future. Coaching-based learning is highly effective at facilitating change. We will make sure that these organisations have the best possible chance of achieving their missions.

OUR VISION A sustainable world in our lifetime. We dream of a world where social enterprises are mainstream enterprises; and our collective energies, talents and brilliant minds are engaged in meeting the social and environmental challenges of our times. We dream of a kind and fair world where we honour and respect each other and our planet – no matter what our religion, gender or race; where we measure our success by the wellbeing of the whole.


Change Makers The Kairos Project

We believe that working towards the SDGs is the most important work on earth. And we believe that professional development is critical in enabling the change agents of our time to meet today’s enormous challenges. All funders know that in reality they are backing people; for it is the leaders of these organisations that will either drive impact and make a difference or not. Our aim is to work alongside over 700 of these leaders in five years in order to give them the best possible chance of succeeding in their missions.


Change Makers EARTHwise Centre

EARTHwise Centre is a wisdombased enterprise providing custodianship, leadership, valuecreation, regenerative design, capacity development, holistic education, and vision development for our collective flourishing and actualisation. We support organisations to raise their standards, and develop internal capacity and leadership for ecological value creation and thriveability. We bring the heart back into our human activities and networks.

What we do Custodianship & Empowerment. Through our training, coaching, and educational services we support organisations and individuals to develop their internal capacity and leadership as custodians for a thriveable world and future. We make concrete how people can contribute to the flourishing of people, planet, and life, through their activities and relationships. Innovation & Regeneration. As change leaders we work at the intersection between the visible and invisible worlds of our collective (un)consciousness. Accordingly, we are able to support the emergence of new evolutionary potentials through which innovation and regeneration becomes realized. Healing & Advocacy. Our societies are deeply divided, much healing is needed before all of us can thrive and flourish. Through our Vector of Love™ Initiatives and EARTHwise Campaigns we stand with people for the issues that require our conscious attention and collective care. www.earthwisecentre.org/

Cultivating Transformation EARTHwise Centre EARTHwise Vision & Community Development – 5 Step process The following 5-step process has been used by thousands of people around the world since 2012. We designed this process to support the development of shared visions and collective collaborative actions for thriveable communities. Accordingly, the SDGs can be implemented in ways that empower, inspire, and engage people. To learn more about this methodology and how we can support your communities and organisation with this process, please get in touch with us via info@earthwisecentre.org. Step 1 – Connect: Clarify the purpose of this session with shared agreements for how each person can contribute to and benefit from this process. Introduce the SDGs, and/or the vision of thriveability, very briefly. Invite people to connect with each other, sharing what this means for them in their local context. Step 2 – Envision: Facilitate a guided visioning process, asking people to project themselves into the future of a thriveable society. The visioning can be introduced by asking people; “What if we can co-create the most amazing thriveable communities around the world, what would we be doing?” Support people to explore from a future perspective how thriveable communities feel and look like, engaging all their senses. Ask people to reflect from this future perspective on the gap between their current reality and this vision. Ask; “what actions do you believe are necessary to bridge this gap?” After the visioning exercise, invite people to share their experience and draw a collective vision map. Step 3 – Engage: In small groups, ask people to explore: (1) what do we need to learn; (2) what do we need to change; and (3) what actions do we need to take to create the future (outcomes) that we want. These ideas can be shared in each group on a large piece of paper. Step 4 – Reflect: Create some quiet time and space for people to reflect on their commitment, and the actions they are wiling to take as a first step to help implement the shared visions. Step 5 – Share: Invite a sharing of their commitments, and create categories for the themes that emerge through which action-teams can be formed. Harvest and share the collective learning gifts. Repeat the process again for future meetings as a living framework to actualise our shared visions through collaborative actions.

Global Dialogues for Sustainability, Mauritius 2012 www.earthwisecentre.org/

Change Makers Peace Geeks

WHO WE ARE PeaceGeeks is a global non-profit, volunteer organization that uses technology to build the technological, communications and management capacities of grassroots organizations who work to promote peace, accountability and human rights. We develop partnerships with these organizations to provide meaningful support designed to increase their skills, effectiveness and impact. OUR MISSION We build technology and innovation capacities to strengthen peace, human rights and humanitarian response. OUR VISION A world where changemakers are empowered to amplify local voices, build local resilience, and make communities safer

WHAT WE DO Technology has rendered individuals more powerful than ever. We put technology and communications tools in the hands of peacebuilders, human rights defenders and humanitarian responders. We connect them with skilled volunteers so they can gain access to relevant technology, tools and training. With these tools, we empower civil society organizations to build safer and more stable societies, cultivate good governance, promote gender equality, respond to humanitarian crisis, and share critical knowledge. Our Values: Empowerment We empower our grassroots partners by focusing on opportunities that further their mission, and by acting as equals with shared commitment www.peacegeeks.org

Change Makers Girl Effect

Nike Foundation


Change Makers Global Opportunity Explorer


Change Makers Eeco Sphere


Change Makers Ashoka Changemaker Schools Topic Areas

Four Focus Areas


Change Makers I am Code (Africa)


Change Makers The Empathy Business


Change Makers Change Maker Apps


Change Makers The Iceberg that Sinks Organizational Change How Does The Iceberg Impact Organizational Change While many aspects of change are apparent and obvious, there are also many more factors that are hidden under the surface, and more ubiquitous Some aspects of organizational culture are visible on the surface, like the tip of an iceberg, while others are implicit and submerged within the organization. Because these ingrained assumptions are tacit and below the surface, they are not easy to see or deal with, although they affect everything the organization does. Most of an icebergs bulk lies below the surface. Ships that ignore the ice below the water are in mortal danger. Likewise, organizational change efforts may flounder because of a lack of organizational focus. The Iceberg That Sinks Organizational Change The change management iceberg is visualizing the essence of change in organizations: Dealing with organizational barriers. It is better to be mindful of things below the surface TORBEN RICK www.torbenrick.eu/blog/culture/iceberg-that-sinks-organizational-change/

Change Makers Barriers to Organizational Change – What are the Challenges The brutal fact is that about 70% of all change initiatives fail. But why? In most of the cases organizational-change failures are driven by … negative employee attitudes and unproductive management behavior. The most general lesson to be learned from the many studies is that organizational culture is the most common barriers. CHANGE MANAGEMENT HAS BECOME MUCH BIGGER The reality is that today’s organizations were simply never designed to change proactively and deeply – they were built for discipline and efficiency, enforced through hierarchy and routinization. Breaking down the barriers to organizational change As a result, there’s a mismatch between the pace of change in the external environment and the fastest possible pace of change at most organizations. Change management is no longer a term that denotes only operational improvements, cost efficiencies and process re-engineering. Change management has become a much bigger, more interwoven part of the overall business fabric – an embedded leadership requirement that plays into everything Torben Rick www.torbenrick.eu/blog/culture/

Change Makers Tomo Analytica Blockchain Impact Design Blockchain has revitalized the partnership between business and technology in an unprecedented way, and will most likely reinvent the very practice of business analysis. It also has a remarkable resemblance to the advent of the first world wide web in the 90s in that, even people from non-technical backgrounds recognize that this will change our lives in a major way. Although, we have yet to discover the shadow side of these emerging technologies, we can nevertheless be certain that we have a tremendous opportunity for social impact. Implementing a blockchain solution design requires stakeholders to shift their mindset and not just their strategy. So this technology is not just disruptive to social structures but our identity itself. Moreover, blockchain impact design also demands a inter and transdisciplinary approach, which goes to show that technological disruption needs to be supplemented by innovation is research design.

Define the impact you want to have.

Perform Business Systems Analysis

Assess adaptive capacity of the system and stakeholders

Map resource flow and feasibility

Assess cultural values and mutual understandings

Assess knowledge and skills gap

Assess authority and power

Incorporate laws and policies

Design blockchain architecture

Design smart contracts and digital assets

Design permissions, database and encryption protocols

Incorporate immutability and data integrity rules Seek 360 feedback from stakeholders

Design scalability and security

Measure impact


Change Makers Tomo Analytica EVOLUTION OF DATA

2012 Onwards - Big Data, Data Science, Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics Main concern: What can happen? 1990s - Spreadsheets Main concern: What happened?

Age of Data Innovation, Explosion and Hype Age of Digital Realism

2000s - Business Intelligence Dashboards Main concern: What is happening?

In the near future – Transdisciplinary Analytics, Contextual Data Ownership, Transformative Data Praxis Main concern: How can data transmute us? www.tomoanalytica.org

Change Makers 10 Work Skills for the Post-normal Era

Stowe Boyd

Boundless Curiosity – The most creative are insatiably curious. They want to know what works and why. Freestyling – We have to learn with the robots, not to run away. However, we still need to make sure that AI is limited enough that it will still be dance-withable, and not not-runnable-away-from. Emergent Leadership – The ability to steer things in the right direction without the authority to do so, through social competence. Constructive Uncertainty – The idea is not predicated on eliminating our biases: the are as built into our minds as deeply as language and lust. Complex Ethics – All thinking touches on our sense of morality and justice. Knowledge is justified belief, as our perspective of the world and our place in it is rooted in our ethical system, whether examined or not Deep Generalists – Can ferret out the connections that build the complexity into complex systems, and grasp their interplay. Design Logic – It’s not only about imagining things we desire, but also undesirable things – cautionary tales that highlight what might happen if we carelessly introduce new technologies into society. Post Creativity – We should expect that in post-normal times creativity will have a few surprises in store for us. Posterity, not history, near the Future – While we need to learn from history, we must not be constrained by it, especially in a time where much of what is going on is unprecedented. Sensemaking – Skills that help us create unique insights critical to decision making. www.medium.com/@stoweboyd/10-work-skills-for-the-postnormal-era-2c07a1009a25

Change Makers Solonics Why now and what is the function of Solonics? Why now?

For many, the change in human capacity, or “the momentous leap”, has already happened, they are just learning to grow into it.

Just when the old era becomes so challenged it is unable to cope, a new era struggles to be born. We live in such times. Many vital signs suggest that humanity’s significant and growing footprint is changing the natural world faster than natural adaptation can occur. Equally, the natural cycles of the Earth and the Universe create their own challenges. Solonics offers an “Integral Thought Leadership Capability” as a principle-based approach to intentional adaptation and thrival. What is the function of Solonics? The primary function of Solonics is to stimulate the release of latent human capacities which enable people to successfully navigate through complexity.






Application of Solonic Practice stimulates the ”involution” and broader utilisation of Integral thinking. Its scope of application is across all contexts and activities where people exist. www.5deep.net/

Change Maker Solonics Human Thinking Theory Why do we think and behave the way we do? The 5 Deep Iceberg offers a distinctly different point of view about why we think and behave the way we do. It is the stages or the core adaptive intelligences which speak through us, that influence all that we think and do. Through a complex subtle and gross interaction with the Life Conditions, when activated, these core adaptive intelligences underpin the Mindset. The perspective we hold, whether it be first, second or third person, influences the degree and intensity of our awareness. Together, our active adaptive intelligences and perspective in a given moment define our unique “Kosmic Expression.� This is the centre of gravity for our way of thinking. All surface level behaviours and actions, designs, structures, and systems, are influenced by these complex adaptive intelligences. A Solonic practice starts at the base of the 5 Deep Iceberg, through an examination of the Life Conditions and the active Complex Adaptive Intelligences.

The 5 Deep Iceberg Behaviours Systems Mindset

(values, beliefs, memories, mind brain processing patterns)

Adaptive Intelligences Life Conditions www.5deep.net/

Change Makers Solonics The Six Conditions for Evolutionary Change

Second Order Change Moving From One Coping Mechanism to the Next ① Potential: The mind is open and has the potential for more complex thinking. ② Solutions: Problems related to current and previous life conditions are resolved.

6 Conditions for Vertical Change Vertical

③ Dissonance: The inability of the active Coping Mechanisms to adequately respond to emerging life conditions leads to dissonance and a need for change. ④ Barriers: The barriers to change are identified and overcome. ⑤ Insight: New awareness about root causes and viable options emerges. ⑥ Consolidation: Consolidation and support exists for the transition. When all six conditions are met, latent Coping Mechanisms may awaken. Others fade to become the fundamental building blocks of the new system. Note: Vertical change may be upwards or downwards. If downwards, higher systems fade to ghost mode and can be rapidly reclaimed should life conditions require it www.5deep.net/

Change Makers SDGs

Governance of the SDGs follows the path created by the Global Redesign Initiative that was proposed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos in 2012. As explained by Harris Gleckman, Senior Fellow at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, “the initiative is the most coherent representation of a post-nation state governance system. The main premise is that multilateralism should be replaced by multistakeholderism, which for the WEF is primarily corporate-centered”. The Global Redesign Initiative has set forth an agenda to transform the UN into a public-private partnership, with institutions promoting market values influencing formal policy advice and financial contributions into the domain of global governance on par with states. This trend comes with a number of pitfalls, notes Fiona Dove, Director of the Transnational Institute: “It is worrying because you get people with a very particular sense of what constitutes success responsible for whether or not SDGs are successful. Secondly, the influence of the UN is being undermined. <…> With businesses in the driving seat of the process, there is a reason to be concerned. They are trying to dress it up as something democratic which it is not.” Therefore, governance of the SDGs is a window-dressing exercise in democracy. The multistakeholder model dilutes boundaries of accountability and is not representative of the needs of the many; on the contrary, it serves the interests of the privileged minority advocating for the neoliberal world order. www.longreads.tni.org/two-years-into-the-sdgs-neoliberalised-development/

Change Makers The Good City SDGs

Overcrowding Pollution Poverty Resources Slums Sprawl Stress Not only does private finance in its current shape and form have little impact on development, it can also Ugliness wreak havoc on local communities. Investigations carried out by Inclusive Development International Unemployment have demonstrated the link between the IFC’s investments and forced evictions, the economic displacement of tens of thousands of people, environmental pollution, child and combat labour, land grabs, and even the Violence killing of activists. ……. ………. Consequently, the dynamics exhibited in the governance and financing of the SDGs, as well as the indicators, highlight the view that international development has been co-opted by neoliberal economics. It signifies a fundamental restructuring of the development mechanisms and the power dynamics within them. As the latter are in favour of private and corporate actors, development becomes a one-way street with little space to accommodate democracy, accountability, and justice. By removing all discussions about power from their agenda, the SDGs reinforce the status quo of socio-political relations. Two years since their official inception, one might ask, do the SDGs transform the world? They certainly do. The question is, who benefits from this kind of transformation? www.longreads.tni.org/two-years-into-the-sdgs-neoliberalised-development/

Change Makers



Change Makers Human Data Commons Foundation Human Data Commons: Data Activists working to make data collection and use more salient, ethical and beneficial to the well-being of Humanity. We live in a big data age, where keeping up with the implications and impacts of big data in our everyday lives is nearly a full-time endeavor. The speed and range of data collection is ever increasing. Some collection is voluntary, such as when we sign up for a platform or service and provide personal information. Increasingly, much of it is collected passively, or involuntarily, like geo-location from cell (mobile) or wifi signal tracking, for example. Even more significant is the prevalence of practices of brokering data that is collected without you actually entering it – your browser history, likes, the time you spend on certain sites and how often your return to them, what you view before and after that, and so on. The data that wafts off your digital activities, be they online or anywhere that you interact with technology – for transportation, payments, or anything that registers your presence – is collected by search engines, business analytics, browser providers, etc., and stored so that it can be commercially traded with other entities, usually business.

The main point is that the policy more often than not amounts to an ultimatum: “sign the policy, or you can’t use the service, platform, etc.”. Some policies are more pro- individual data rights, and this is a standard that we at Human Data Commons are working to shine a light on and encourage more widespread adaption of policies like this. Why? Because data rights and best practices are fundamental to the digital future being a liveable, equitable world-space for all humans. “Data is the new oil” is an expression in the industry that hints at the value of this resource. We are a sober voice in the gold-rush fervor for businesses to stake claim to as much data territory as possible. We co-create and spread data-use standards in order to pre-empt colonizing in this new worldspace, as well as work to ensure equitable economic benefit to producers or sources of data, as well as those who harvest and mine for it. Through strategic influence, digital education and promotion of industry standards, we’re building a more inclusive and livable digital world-space for all.

When you sign on to a service, platform, etc., data collection policies typically require that you agree to what in essence is a unilateral agreement about what data they can collect, what they can do with your data, whether and how it can be deleted, and so on. www.humandatacommons.org/

Change Makers

Picasso's "Guernica"

Change Makers Holon Evolution – 20 Tenets 1. Reality as a whole is not composed of things or processes, but of holons 2. Holons display four fundamental capacities: - self-preservation; self-adaptation - self-transcendence; self-dissolution 3. Holons emerge 4. Holons emerge holarchically 5. Each emergent holon transcends but includes its predecessors(s) 6. The lower sets the possibilities of the higher; the higher sets the probabilities of the lower. 7. The number of levels of which a ‘hierarchy’ comprises determines whether it is ‘shallow’ or ‘deep’; and the number of holons on any given level we shall call its span 8. Each successive level of evolution produces greater depth and less span


Destroy any type of holon, and you will destroy all of the holons above it and none of the holons below it

10. Holarchies co-evolve 11. The micro is in relational exchange with the macro at all levels of its depth 12. Evolution is directional 13. Increasing in complexity 14. Increasing differentiation/integration 15. Increasing organisation/structuration 16. Increasing relative autonomy 17. Increasing telos 18. The greater the depth of a holon, the greater its degree of consciousness 19. Every holon issues an IOU to the Kosmos 20. All IOUs are redeemed in emptiness Ken Wilber – A brief History of Everything

Cultivating People One of the functions of intelligence is to take account of the dangers that come from trusting solely to the intelligence. Lewis Mumford

Urban Hub Education Curator: Alan Dean

Cultivating Transformation Since the 19th century, the School has played three major roles: the education of children, the socialization of children and, finally, a utilitarian role, that is to say preparing students for the world of work. Today, however, the first two seem to be lost in favour of the third. This is now taking a dominant role - training children for a world of work that is increasing out of date.

School – Mythical and Magic : M&M -

Through imitation and repetition Animistic analogies : fairy-tales, cartoons and animal metaphors Chants, dances, rhythm music, rituals Practical kinaesthetic Learning what the ‘Tribe’ learns is a major driver

The relationship with the "teacher" is critical - that person must be a mystical, shamanistic figure.

Transitioning – M&M to GOE Learning by modelling is still important - but satisfaction of the embryonic ego will also influence what is learned

School – Growth of blossoming Egos : GoE -

Instant results - pain or punishment No threats, only promises of certain outcomes Hands-on action learning, the opportunity to experience it for themselves What is learned needs to be immediately relevant to the circumstances individuals perceives themselves to be in - Respect for the "teacher" as a hero figure is important but

“Teacher” must respect back blossoming egos

also to

show the

Transitioning – GoE to C&C What pleases (or is immediately relevant) is still central but there is also some desire now to know what the procedures for learning are - and that leads to WHAT should be learned

School - Control and Conform : C&C -

Acceptance of Truth from the Higher Authority Prescriptive teaching/learning - following set procedures Right/wrong feedback - testing on the learning

A utilitarian role, that is to say preparing students for the world of work

The work set by “teacher’ will be done because it is "the correct thing to do" - but don't expect imagination in the work or more than is set

Subjects do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different states of subjects bring forth different worlds.

Cultivating Transformation The primary goal of the school is to provide the citizen with a foundation of knowledge, to inculcate common values and standards in order to promote the solidarity of individuals within a society and possibly to contribute to social mobility. A more detailed analysis shows that the school is not neutral and always contributes to the legitimization of the system in place. Transitioning – C&C to E&I Self-motivation starts to emerge - though learning procedures are still necessary

School – Enterprise and Innovation : E&i -

Developing future sense with possibilities of multiple outcomes Trial-and-error experiments to achieve anticipated outcomes Opportunities to analyse and improve - particularly via technology Complete self-motivation to achieve the desired future outcome(s)

"Teacher" role is resource to be used



Transitioning – E&i to ODP Broader concerns now start to emerge and there is a need to make sure everybody is getting opportunities

School - Opportunity and Developing Potential : ODP -

Bigger picture thinking and emotional responsiveness What is important can be subject to consensus Learning from peers/group learning Personal development/development of self, within the group

"Teacher's" role is to facilitate the development of the group and individuals within the group.

Ivan Illich – deschooling society

He proposed as a solution the setting up of an educational network with three objectives: that anyone who aspires to the knowledge can do it independently of the diploma and at any age, to promote the pooling of knowledge among those wishing to teach And those who wish to benefit from it, as well as to give the possibility to any individual who has a new idea to express without fear the disapproval of the ideological apparatus of State Transitioning – ODP to EO Broader concerns now start to emerge and there is a need to make sure everybody is getting opportunities Subjects do not perceive worlds but enact them. Different states of subjects bring forth different worlds.

Cultivating Transformation Levels of Child Participation


Cultivating Transformation

It should be noted that most of the higher levels (6 to 8) are not even considered as appropriate with most public participations in projects initiated by governments (at all levels) nor by NGO and consulting firm. Replace children with ‘Community’ and adults with Government, NGO, etc. to understand the situation.


Cultivating Transformation Neuro Network in Education What We Can Do:

Education focused on transformation from inside out, in a bottom up approach Maximizing human potential through the neuro programs based on the Human Evolutionary Matrix (HEM) is highlighted in this document. The neuro programs are about linking brain development, human evolution and human potential. On a broad spectrum, this addresses the human journey in its various categories integral to life: the phylogeny, ontogeny, physical, intellectual, emotional, social, civilizational, cultural, religious and spiritual components.


Neuro Network has been setting a new trend in education by coaching parents and teachers to enjoy being the best educators of future leaders. 'Edu-cate' in Latin means, to 'draw-out'. In view of this, one objective of what we do is to facilitate for better understanding of the multi dimensions of brain development as the springboard for tapping into human and spiritual potential for all ages. Program activities that address brain development also deals with the numerous labels we are diagnosed with (related to learning difficulties) including the growing trend in mental illnesses manifesting at a much earlier age. Globally a lot of money is being spent in two key areas: a) assisting the younger generation to address a deepening social crisis b) assisting indigenous communities to adapt to modern civilisation The neuro program gives individuals a natural access to inner resources of balanced development, critical thinking skills and consequences of behaviour including an intrinsic understanding of universal values. Wherever the neuro program has been delivered, it has enabled a three dimensional appreciation leading to a higher perspective and spontaneous enthusiasm from within. The noun enthusiasm comes from the Greek word enthousiasmos, from enthous, meaning “possessed by a god, inspired from within.� Individuals develop leadership skills and initiate taking responsibilities to becoming global citizens. www.neuro-network.org

Cultivating Transformation Neuro Network in Education Using the Human Evolutionary Matrix (HEM), which is measured against ‘Time and Space coordinates’ we have a simple table of what we can do through the neuro program to achieve the ‘fourth dimension of human potential’ outlined in the HEM. When implementing the activities outlined in the above table, a much broader scope of noticeable changes are also observed in the following areas:The Qualities of the Human Template • Multiple Intelligences • Three Dimensional Appreciation of Life • Competence in Fine Sensory Motor Skills • Balanced Sensory Motor Integration • Consistent Cross Coordination • Likes and Dislikes • Survival Instincts Impact of Meaningful Integration Within (Spiritual Template) • Universal Values • Harmony • Compassion • Contentment /Peace / Higher Purpose • Perfection / Competence • Intuition See Urban Hub 7 for more detail

Human Evolutionary Matrix reference

What We Can Do

Phylogeny – The Physical Body Intelligence

Reinforcing the Sensory Motor Hub Meaningful integration and appreciation of the three dimensional perception. Here visual, auditory and tactile pathways integrating with mobility, language and manual skills to deliver sound foundations for realising human potential.

A physical developmental program is implemented ensuring neurological wellness. This is based on the early childhood sequential development, which is the foundation for life and learning skills. The body is the vehicle or temple and cannot become the prison

Ontogeny – The Physiological and Breathing Intelligence

Ensuring neurological development as a way of life to enable well balanced functioning individuals across all dimensions.

A program of yoga and breathing activities are offered in combination of the foundational program. Health is wealth

Intellectual / Thinking Intelligence

Learning the way the brain is wired to learn. Right brain focus and education for critical thinking. Tapping into the right brain functions of the photographic memory and speed-reading potential available to young children.

Values based education, inspiring confidence, communication, critical thinking and solution finding skills plus scholastic learning to deliver life skills and academic excellence. Empower people to seek or create their own enthusiasm from the inside out.

Emotional Intelligence

Living life with enthusiasm, confidence, cooperation and the ability to bounce back. Free from fear and control dramas

Healing the inner child and training individuals to have the needed resources to deal with their subconscious fears, rigidities, belief systems and obstacles to inner freedom.

Cultural and Civilizational Intelligence

Maintaining the strengths of the cultural traditions and being able to transcend into the 21st century technology, innovation and life style demands upon us all.

Providing leadership training to achieve a global perspective. Living the vision of the global family in the global village with shared universal values.

Spiritual Intelligence

Grace, peace, inner harmony, living for a higher purpose and for the common good.

Inculcate the practises of quiet time, deep listening, discernment, right action, reconciliation, building trust and forgiveness. www.neuro-network.org

Cultivating Transformation Earth Charter School EARTH CHARTER AROUND THE WORLD The Earth Charter Initiative is a diverse, global movement comprised of organizations and individuals that have embraced the sustainability vision that the Earth Charter articulates and that use it in various ways to guide the transition towards a more just, sustainable, and peaceful world. Click here to see information about activities in various countries and this link to see the list of organizations from around the world that are affiliated to the Earth Charter International. Bournemouth’s Avonwood Primary School

When the little ones arrive at Bournemouth’s Avonwood Primary School they are greeted with the positive mantra – to change the world ‘it starts with one.’ Although they don’t know it yet, these four, five and six year-olds who attend Avonwood are in a very privileged position; they are at the UK’s first ever Earth Charter school. Avonwood Primary opened its doors in September 2014 as Bournemouth’s newest primary school and the first to adopt the charter as the moral compass for all it does. So from their early years’ curriculum right down to the school mascot, the principles of the Earth Charter seep through everything Avonwood does. And it was no surprise that when the idea for this new school was conceived back in 2013 the Earth Charter would be the heartbeat of its formation. Avonwood is part of the Avonbourne Multi-Academy Trust, which has endorsed the Charter’s ethos since 2008, when Bournemouth Borough Council became the first Earth Charter local authority. www.earthcharter.org/news-post/uks-first-earth-charter-school/

Cultivating Transformation Earth Charter School PRINCIPLES I. Respect and Care for the Community of Life

1. Respect Earth and life in all its diversity. 2. Care for the community of life with understanding, compassion, and love. 3. Build democratic societies that are just, participatory, sustainable, and peaceful. 4. Secure Earth’s bounty and beauty for present and future generations. In order to fulfil these four broad commitments, it is necessary to:

II. Ecological Integrity

5. Protect and restore the integrity of Earth’s ecological systems, with special concern for biological diversity and the natural processes that sustain life. 6. Prevent harm as the best method of environmental protection and, when knowledge is limited, apply a precautionary approach. 7. Adopt patterns of production, consumption, and reproduction that safeguard Earth’s regenerative capacities, human rights, and community well-being. 8. Advance the study of ecological sustainability and promote the open exchange and wide application of the knowledge acquired.

III. Social and Economic Justice

9. Eradicate poverty as an ethical, social, and environmental imperative. 10. Ensure that economic activities and institutions at all levels promote human development in an equitable and sustainable manner. 11. Affirm gender equality and equity as prerequisites to sustainable development and ensure universal access to education, health care, and economic opportunity. 12. Uphold the right of all, without discrimination, to a natural and social environment supportive of human dignity, bodily health, and spiritual well-being, with special attention to the rights of indigenous peoples and minorities.

IV. Democracy, Nonviolence, and Peace

13. Strengthen democratic institutions at all levels, and provide transparency and accountability in governance, inclusive participation in decision making, and access to justice. 14. Integrate into formal education and life-long learning the knowledge, values, and skills needed for a sustainable way of life. 15. Treat all living beings with respect and consideration. 16. Promote a culture of tolerance, nonviolence, and peace. www.earthcharter.org/discover/the-earth-charter/

Change Makers Foundation For Environmental Education Positive change on a global scale We educate to protect. To protect not just our environment but the people who live in it, the communities who depend on it, the businesses who profit from it and the ecosystems which rely on it. Our programmes With members in 73 countries around the world, our programmes represent the absolute cutting edge in Education for Sustainable Development and Environmental Education. While our Eco-Schools, LEAF and Young Reporters for the Environment programmes educate young people to cultivate a more environmentally conscious approach in their lives, our Green Key and Blue Flag initiatives are known across the world for their promotion of sustainable business practices and the protection of our valuable natural resources. It is the vision of the Foundation for Environmental Education that our programmes empower people everywhere to live sustainably and in an environmentally conscious manner. Green Key Unlocking sustainability in the hospitality industry Blue Flag Pure water, clean coasts, safety and access for all Young Reporters for the Environment Giving our environment a voice Learning About Forests Getting back to our roots Eco-Schools Educating the youth of today to protect the climate of tomorrow www.fee.global/

Change Makers Foundation For Environmental Education

Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) aims to empower young people to take a stand on environmental issues they feel strongly about and to give them a platform to articulate these frustrations through the media of writing, photography or video. The programme offers these enthusiastic youngsters a chance to make their voices heard and to feel that they are being listened to. The ultimate goal of these young reporters is to highlight environmental injustices and to have them righted by the appropriate authorities, but the upshot of this is that these young people get to feel like they can make a difference and hopefully the opportunities provided by YRE engenders in them the desire to continue to do so.

Ensure young people have power to be the change for sustainability that our world needs by engaging them in fun, action-orientated and socially responsible learning. The programme’s greatest achievement is arguably the fact that it produces generation after generation of sustainably minded, environmentally conscious people. These individuals will carry the behavioural patterns they uptake under the auspices of Eco-Schools with them through life, in turn teaching the next generation the habits to make a difference. Each school follows a seven step change process and empowers their young people to lead processes and actions wherever they can. www.fee.global/

Cultivating Transformation Learning Power: Learning Power is an interdependent set of 8 human qualities, values and capabilities that combine to determine an individuals learning effectiveness in a given context. Researched, Identified and captured in a formal diagnostic tool by University of Bristol, England, the researchers found these dimensions exist in all of us and, while some may be more natural to use than others, we can all improve any of them. As learning power improves through practice, our ability to perform, including the quality of our thinking, decision-making, self-awareness and interpersonal effectiveness also improves. The Learning Power model has been developed, extended and scaled by Learning Emergence LLP, a not-for profit partnership working globally to embed Learning Power diagnostic and improvement tools and processes in education, business and social change organisations. Learning Emergence is in the process of driving a transformational change in its ability to deliver Learning Power Improvement via the build of a mobile Learning Power Improvement app and supporting Learning Analytics platform. www.learningemergence.net/2015/04/06/learning-power-new-research-identifies-mindful-agency-as-central-to-resilience/

Cultivating Transformation Learning Emergence:

A CLARA profile is a research-validated self-report questionnaire which provides immediate feedback to individuals about their learning power on eight dimensions. It forms a framework for a coaching conversation designed to support the alchemy which converts self-diagnosis into strategies for change. Anonymised feedback provides facilitators and leaders with information about culture change.

Deakin Crick, R,. Huang, S., Ahmed-Shafi, A. and Goldspink, C. (2015) Developing Resilient Agency in Learning: The Internal Structure of Learning Power. British Journal of Educational Studies, vol. 63, Issue 2, pp.121- 160. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00071005.2014.904038 www.learningemergence.net/2015/04/06/learning-power-new-research-identifies-mindful-agency-as-central-to-resilience/

Cultivating Transformation EARTHwise Centre EARTHwise Centre is a wisdom-based enterprise providing custodianship, leadership, value-creation, regenerative design, capacity development, holistic education, and vision development for our collective flourishing and actualisation. We support organisations to raise their standards, and develop internal capacity and leadership for ecological value creation and thriveability. We bring the heart back into our human activities and networks

Education: EARTHwise Youth Custodianship Empowering our Youth by training them (and their caregivers/teachers) in developing the competencies, wisdom, and skills to become Custodians for our collective thriveability is one of the most important tasks of our societies. This is clearly outlined in UN Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and it’s SDGs. To implement these commitments, however, requires a whole system approach. This starts by re-envisioning the role and purpose of education. It also requires a decoupling of educational policies and goals from our mainstream economic models that are currently driving goals and outcomes that are incompatible with the SDGs. These are the principles we work with, as part of our Education for Sustainability programme. www.earthwisecentre.org/

Cultivating Transformation EARTHwise Centre Educational Principles for cultivating Youth Custodianship. 1. Holistic development of the child – Aim to facilitate each child’s unique and natural development holistically and systemically, with full respect and care for the child and his/her unique circumstances and capabilities. 2. Value based education – Support children to discover and develop their intrinsic custodianship values experientially. These values include, among others, care, love, mutuality, respect, listening, reciprocity, compassion, empathy, gratitude, playfulness, and curiosity. Provide projects and learning tasks that inspire children to discover, experience, and apply these values experientially. 3. Learning by being part of the world – Facilitate learning tasks that support children to feel at home in the world, and especially in their natural environment. Contextualize learning in “dialogue with place”, to develop relationships of care and custodianship for the places in which we live, and the people and beings we share this with. 4. Encourage whole-self development – Support children to discover, develop and actualise their whole-self potentials physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually - in an integrated way.

5. Sustaining and enhancing the learning potential of the child – Through playful systems thinking exercises, practices of care, and innovative learning methodologies keep learning fun, meaningful and applied to the whole self development of the child. Contextualise their learning experiences to the real life challenges that matter to them by facilitating their development from within these challenges. 6. Create ecosystems that learn from and with the children - Develop and implement holistic evaluation indicators that engage children to provide and receive meaningful feedback, as conscious learners within the larger ecosystems in which their learning takes place. Align these with the SDG goals, and implement this into the curriculum systems. 7. Learning from and for the future – Inspire higher educational standards based on a positive vision about the purpose that education is meant to serve, within the context of our current sustainability challenges. Empower children as the Future Custodians for thriveable societies, based on regenerative design principles and practices of deep care for our planetary and collective wellbeing.

EARTHwise Education for Sustainability Schools, Mauritius


Cultivating Transformation Change Process

from Amber/Blue to Orange

The Two Faces of Change Always remember there is no 'reality'. Change is neither good nor bad - it always involves danger and opportunity. Change involves begins with loss.




You have to let go of where you are, to get to where you want to be.

You have to leave something behind.

Whether a change is positive or negative, loss is always involved.

Change also always involves opportunity. •

The opportunity may not be obvious or immediate. Sometimes you need to search for it.

Seeking the opportunity is a choice. This choice depends on your own attitude.


Cultivating People A Periodic Table of Design Thinking


Thriving People One of the functions of intelligence is to take account of the dangers that come from trusting solely to the intelligence. Lewis Mumford

Urban Hub Wellbeing Curator: Barbara van Schaik

Cultivating Wellbeing What is Wellbeing

Co-creating Wellbeing


Cultivating Wellbeing City of Well-being City of Well-being provides a radical and holistic introduction to the science and art of town planning. It starts from the premise that the purpose of planning is the health, well-being and sustainable quality of life of people. Drawing on current and historic examples it offers inspiration, information and an integrated perspective which challenges all professions and decision-makers that affect the urban environment. It is both authoritative and readable, designed for students, practitioners, politicians and civil society. The science. Summarizing the most recent research, the book demonstrates the interrelationships between the huge issues of obesity, unhealthy lifestyles, inequality, mental illness, climate change and environmental quality. The radical implications for transport, housing, economic, social and energy policies are spelt out. The art and politics. The book examines how economic development really happens, and how spatial decisions reinforce or undermine good intentions. It searches for the creative strategies, urban forms and neighbourhood designs that can marry the ideal with the real. The relationship of planning and politics is tackled head-on, leading to conclusions about the role of planners, communities and development agencies in a pluralistic society. Healthy planning principles could provide a powerful logical motivation for all practitioners. www.amazon.co.uk/City-Well-being-radical-guide-planning/dp/0415639328

Cultivating Wellbeing Thriveable Futures for Thriveable Cities Making good happen is ultimately not just a technical problem to be solved, but an intensely personal journey that will help you and I become better people. Living a simpler, better life the other side of complexity is a worthy goal. Finding common ground on this journey requires us to begin those deeper conversations where synergistic ideas and initiatives can emerge. Redefining the Good Life requires systemic change, so this is where we need to integrate the three key ingredients of making good happen using The Good Cube. • Firstly, clarify which of the sixth pathways to a thriving future you are on, both in your current business and in your development plans. Identify synergies between your organisation and adjacent opportunities; • Secondly, assess your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses regarding the six capabilities we’ve just covered; • Thirdly, map where you are on your journey to good. How can your products, services and processes leapfrog and be reinvented to be better, good, or even very good? In the past five years, my colleagues and I in Thriveability and Reporting 3.0, have helped lay some of the foundations needed to integrate historic sustainability reporting to be context-based and multi-capital. In “Making Good Happen” I describe the next steps in this journey, which relies on our ability as a global community to redefine economics from a thriveable rather than a classic perspective. Integrative maps such as the Good Cube can help you plot your course toward a thriveable economy.

In a thriveable economy, the ability to create true future value is the ultimate measure of goodness. The role of businesses, governance and activist organisations in a thriveable economy must be to trigger the transformation of our lifestyles and the core institutions upon which they rely. This is why the ability to assess and enhance our transformation potential is key. “Making Good Happen” here: http://amzn.to/2gj3csl

Cultivating Wellbeing Redefining the Good Life for Thriveable Futures “The Good Life 1.0”

“The Good Life 2.0”



Maximising “happiness” with a 1.7 planet footprint is a recipe for disaster More than half the people on our planet have been conditioned to believe they need more stuff and money to “be happy” in late-capitalism in order to “be all they can be” To “Thrive” we must cultivate meaning, engagement, positive emotion & positive relations along with our current obsession with accomplishment For us all to thrive in a flourishing biosphere by 2050, we need to maximise “thriveability”- our ability to thrive in the beautiful, connected simplicity the other side of the complexity catastrophe we now face in a materialist, consumerist, hyper-competitive global political economy Thriveability is a measure of our ability to thrive in regenerative, inclusive ways When appreciative human systems redefine the good life by its ability to create measurable true future value rather than material and intangible financial value, we can work with, not against the web of life and meaning The “Good Cube” offers us a way to collaborate, generate and measure our journey from “a good life” to a “thriveable life” “Making Good Happen” here: http://amzn.to/2gj3csl

Cultivating Wellbeing Can We Improve Wellbeing In Cities? Another social activity strongly tied to the idea of wellbeing is the participation in decision-making in environmental and local affairs. This is certainly not automatically more feasible in small rural communities than cities. At least in the UK, there are numerous structures in place to enable this civic empowerment, but we must always ensure – wherever the community – that this participation is meaningful and not tokenistic. Rural and urban life I think is too different to be compared; as the percentage of the world population living in cities continues to rise, the question now is more likely what kind of city encourages wellbeing? I would like to see an investigation in to the varying levels of wellbeing between different cities, to understand places that enhance and maximise the opportunities and benefits of urban living. The recent trend for ranking ‘liveable cities’, however, often glosses over many key aspects, complexities and subjectivities. Moving beyond vital infrastructure for physical health often taken for granted in developed cities, including accessibility to basic services (what we might term ‘objective wellbeing’), we can think of more subtle – but still crucial – ways to support holistic wellbeing in the contemporary city. www.thinkingcity.org/2013/01/31/wellbeing/

Cultivating Wellbeing Can We Improve Wellbeing In Cities? Leeds : England Getting healthier involving everyone People across Leeds are invited to play their part in making Leeds the best city for health and wellbeing after leaders endorsed a new health and wellbeing strategy. Following a wide range of contributions from local people and experts, the focus of the strategy is on reducing health inequalities and building stronger connections across communities to help people live happier lives.


Change Maker One of the functions of intelligence is to take account of the dangers that come from trusting solely to the intelligence. Lewis Mumford

Urban Hub Apps

The Good City - Apps Digital Access and Equity in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside One does not often make the connection between technology and the Downtown Eastside (DTES) of Vancouver. While it is true that the average DTES community member will not have the latest iPhone or tablet, the wake of technology’s rapid advancement is transforming the digital landscape at all socioeconomic levels. Project linkvan.ca is about challenging the misconception that DTES community members do not have access to technology. It is also about strengthening digital literacy in the DTES community to allow people to participate fully in their lives. The Downtown Eastside Literacy Roundtable is a coalition of adult educators in the DTES who work in academia and agencies that offer and promote access to adult and family literacy education. Although diverse in their perspectives and educational contexts, Roundtable members share a believe that literacy as experiential, rooted in everyday lives and tied to broader institutional regimes. Reading and writing are only part of literacy but they are useful tools that create opportunities to learn and engage more. This group has been collaborating since 2006 to share skills, ideas, support and information. ……. We don’t believe that access to technology will lift people out of homelessness or transform their lives overnight, but we have learned that interactive and responsive approaches to designing online information about services is an act of social legitimation. User-experience interviews can be invitations to developing “technologies of the imagination” in which people “experiment with possible futures” and develop new literacies, rather than merely being told what services are on offer. It has not escaped our attention that millions of dollars and resources are dedicated to the automation of public services, yet almost none has been given to the innovations and improvisations that happen each day in local communities among people and communities striving for digital access. Linkvan.ca, in collaboration with digital rights groups and adult literacy education, is playing an important role in redressing this imbalance. bclaconnect.ca/perspectives/2017/04/30/digital-access/ Willem Booth -adult educator & coordinator of the DTES Literacy Roundtable.


The Good City - Apps City Apps


Change Makers - Apps Ethical Apps


Change Makers - Apps SDG Apps Index


Change Makers - Apps Digital intelligence DQ is the set of social, emotional and cognitive abilities that enable individuals to face the challenges and adapt to the demands of digital life. These abilities can broadly be broken down into eight interconnected areas: Digital identity: The ability to create and manage one’s online identity and reputation. This includes an awareness of one's online persona and management of the short-term and long-term impact of one's online presence. Digital use: The ability to use digital devices and media, including the mastery of control in order to achieve a healthy balance between life online and offline. Digital safety: The ability to manage risks online (e.g. cyberbullying, grooming, radicalization) as well as problematic content (e.g. violence and obscenity), and to avoid and limit these risks. Digital security: The ability to detect cyber threats (e.g. hacking, scams, malware), to understand best practices and to use suitable security tools for data protection. Digital emotional intelligence: The ability to be empathetic and build good relationships with others online. Digital communication: The ability to communicate and collaborate with others using digital technologies and media. Digital literacy: The ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share and create content as well as competency in computational thinking. Digital rights: The ability to understand and uphold personal and legal rights, including the rights to privacy, intellectual property, freedom of speech and protection from hate speech. Above all, the acquisition of these abilities should be rooted in desirable human values such as respect, empathy and prudence. These values facilitate the wise and responsible use of technology – an attribute which will mark the future leaders of tomorrow. Indeed, cultivating digital intelligence grounded in human values is essential for our kids to become masters of technology instead of being mastered by it. www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/06/8-digital-skills-we-must-teach-our-children/

Change Makers - Apps Digital Skills 2



Change Makers - Apps Aid and International Development How satellite connectivity can enable successful delivery of the United Nations’ SDGs Information and communication technologies will be pivotal in helping to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals At the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit on 25 September 2015, world leaders adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and tackle climate change by 2030. Information and communication technologies will be pivotal in helping to achieve these and Inmarsat is delivering the global satellite connectivity that is essential to giving people access to the modern digital world even in the most isolated locations. Health Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages

Education Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries Education is a fundamental human right, and yet there is a huge disparity in the provision of education services. Many rural communities suffer from a lack of teachers and poorly equipped classrooms. Satellite connectivity is helping to bridge the gap by supporting the use of digital learning solutions. Children have access to quality online learning materials and virtual classrooms, training organizations can up-skill teachers remotely, and online degrees mean further education is far more achievable for these communities.

Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all In rural communities, technology-enabled healthcare applications coupled with satellite connectivity can help counteract a lack of healthcare infrastructure, support an under-skilled workforce, control the spread of communicable diseases and record the increase of manageable conditions such as diabetes. eHealth solutions can also enable a more equitable treatment for girls and women, by empowering them through access to health information to improve their lives, especially during pre and post-natal care. www.aidforum.org/mobile-for-development/how-satellite-connectivity-can-enable-successful-delivery-of-the-united-nat

Change Makers - Apps Aid and International Development

The app is designed to increase awareness of and engagement with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through providing a global forum “through which industry, governments and individual citizens can collectively realise the promise of the SDGs.” The SDGs in Action app features: • Detailed information about each of the 17 goals, including targets, explanatory videos, key facts and figures, and suggestions on how you can help achieve them take action. • The latest sustainable development news from around the world. See how innovation is helping to achieve the goals, interact with global citizens around the world and see the latest news. • The ability to choose what goals are important to you and receive notifications about that goal. • Access to the World’s Largest Lesson explaining each of the Sustainable Development Goals. • Find actions and events near you that you can join to support the goals. • The ability to create Actions you’re planning in your area, and invite others to join. “The app will bring the Goals closer to people and help make them more understandable and relatable to everyday life,” said Cristina Gallach, the UN Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information. “So many people and groups around the world are already undertaking innovative projects in support of the Goals. What is special about this app is that it connects people and activists who want to make a difference in this world.” www.aidforum.org/mobile-for-development

Change Makers - Apps We have Built a Digital Society and So Can You


Change Makers - Apps We have Built a Digital Society and So Can You


Change Makers - Apps Community Tool Box Tools to Change Our World

CTB Community

A Model for Getting Started

Toolkits (examples)


Change Makers - Apps Smart City Hack - apps The Process – from idea to MVP


Communities & Cities Involved

A sample of Apps developed


Change Makers - Apps Poverty Stoplight App

fundacion paraguaya Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life". - Nelson Mandela



Change Makers - Apps Poverty Stoplight App

fundacion paraguaya


Microfinance program Fundaciรณn Paraguaya 28/07/2010



Change Makers - Apps Common Cause Foundation The ten groups of values can then be divided along two major axes, as shown above: • self-enhancement (based on the pursuit of personal status and success) as opposed to self-transcendence (generally concerned with the wellbeing of others); • openness to change (centred on independence and readiness for change) as opposed to conservation values (not related to environmental or nature conservation, but to ‘order, self-restriction, preservation of the past and resistance to change’). Much of the ongoing research on values simply supports some commonsense, intuitive ideas. Some values or motivations are likely to be associated; others less so. When we are most concerned for others’ welfare, we are very unlikely to be strongly interested in our own status or financial success (and vice versa). When we are at our most hedonistic or thrill-seeking, we are unlikely simultaneously to be strongly motivated by respect for tradition. But it also reveals that these relationships are not unique to our culture or society. They seem to recur, with remarkable consistency, all over the world.


Change Makers - Apps

The Smart City Wheel

Innovating the Future of Human-centered Tech

Designehh We are Innovation Engineers Designers and Business Developers We contribute to smart-city development bringing new technologies to companies and society


Change Makers - Apps Urban Context Analysis Toolkit

Stronger Cities Consortium

Today, over half of all internally displaced persons (IDPs) and refugees are living in cities. This means that forced displacement is both a humanitarian and development challenge, given that displacement is often long term, with more than 80 per cent of refugee crises lasting ten or more years. Current models and tools developed mostly for rural, camp-based settings are not equipped to help responders understand and navigate the complex nature of urban contexts. Context analysis approaches can help humanitarian actors have a better understanding of the dynamics in a given setting by unpacking the political, economic, social, service delivery and spatial factors that could potentially enable or hinder effective crisis responses of affected populations. The urban context analysis toolkit was created to provide an analysis toolkit that is user friendly, relatively quick to use, and adaptable. The toolkit contains a set of practical tools (work plan, questionnaires, analysis tables, report templates) tailored to conducting analysis that informs context specific responses – targeting both the displaced and host communities – in a given urban crises setting. The guidance note provides step by- step guidance on how to apply the context analysis toolkit in practice. This toolkit will enable users to identify relevant stakeholders, existing power relations, resource distribution, governance and legal frameworks, sources of livelihoods, social networks, and access to services that will help responders to determine suitable entry points and improve the effectiveness and responsiveness of their programmes. www.pubs.iied.org/10819IIED/

Change Makers - Apps Urban Context Analysis Toolkit

Stronger Cities Consortium

Graphic depicts the themes for the urban context analysis. This framework applies a system-thinking approach that aims to understand both individual thematic areas and the interconnections and relations between each of the areas. The framework is based on research conducted by the IRC (Meaux and Oso san, 2016) and ALNAP (Campbell, 2016) on humanitarian response in urban areas. It is organised according to analysis themes (described below) and sub-themes identified as particularly relevant to an urban context analysis. It also contains a series of key questions to be used as a starting point to explore the themes, sub-themes and issues of interest to the implementing organisation.

Themes: Politics and governance: exploration of who holds power, in influence, and decision-making authority and whether the reality of these dynamics corresponds to official policies, regulations and laws. Social and cultural: consideration of the social structure, identities (eg language, ethnicity or religion), and individual factors that may support or hinder social relationships and cohesion. Economic: examination of issues such as income-generating opportunities, wage rates, commodity prices etc. that have a close connection to opportunities and vulnerabilities of affected population(s). Service delivery and infrastructure: review of access to quality services for affected population(s). Space and settlements: analysis of the space in which the crisis is taking place (physical organisation, risks and access). The framework also incorporates ‘Do No Harm’ and gender equality as cross-cutting themes. ‘Do No Harm’ analysis helps to ensure that programmes do not increase tension or undermine existing local systems (eg existing service providers or local government support).

Gender equality refers to the disparities between women and men as a result of the responsibilities assigned, activities undertaken, access to and control over resources, and decision-making opportunities assigned to them. Considerations of these cross-cutting themes are integrated throughout the toolkit, including the questionnaires and analysis steps, to be gender and conflict sensitive. www.pubs.iied.org/10819IIED/

Change Makers - Apps Three Horizons – Patterning of Hope H3Uni is an educational enterprise dedicated to empowering people to develop the skills and experience necessary to foster transformative innovation in their communities and organisations. Our vision is a worthwhile future for everyone. H3Uni offers collaborative practices that transform the way we think and act together – locally, globally, and all points in between. Realising this vision requires a fearless adventure into learning how to collaborate ethically and creatively so that together we can build beacons of hope, thoughtful action, and reconciliation throughout society.

Tools & Practices H3Uni supports individuals and groups to develop capacities to lead participatory processes. These processes are gateways into refining group facilitation techniques that support shared purpose and meaning, navigating uncertainty and leveraging complexity. These interactive practices are based in strategic foresight, systems thinking, developmental learning, scenario planning, complexity and ‘second order science’, which combined, ensure that people are empowered to work together towards common goals easily and effectively.

We believe that real impact will come from learner-led in person and online platforms for collaboration, allowing for the building of collective wisdom over time.

Three Horizons

World Game

Wheel of Wisdom


Change Makers - Apps The Three Horizons Foresight in the Face of Uncertainty The dynamics of this shift can be represented by an approach called

Online courses are convened in groups of up to 20 people & unlike webinars are conducted interactively with excises and discussion

The Three Horizons. Horizon 1 is ‘business as usual’. Horizon 3 is the new ‘unusual’ paradigm in the process of creation. Horizon 2 is the turbulent transition between Horizon 1 and Horizon 3. Horizon 2 is both crisis and opportunity. The time span of transformation is probably three generations.

H3Uni Core Practices These practices offer proven approaches to complex messy challenges


Monitoring One of the functions of intelligence is to take account of the dangers that come from trusting solely to the intelligence. Lewis Mumford

Urban Hub Evaluation & Monitoring

Integral Monitoring & Evaluation

Types of data to be collected:

Impact on Mindsets

Impact on Practices

Impact on Culture

Impact on Systems

(ways of thinking about and approaching problems)


Guiding principle here is that you need enough diversity in what data you are gathering and how you are gathering it, that you can adequately capture impacts that are occurring in all quadrants.

(practices & conduct carrying out work)

- third-person data (objective) such as surveys or other quantitative ways to measure change, - second-person (intersubjective data) such as data that is generated and interpreted together as a group or within a process, and - first-person (subjective data) such as reflective answers, thick description, or other qualitative descriptions (one-on-one).

(collaboration, cultural perceptions, and social discourse in issues)

(policies, structures that support innovation in work)


Integral Monitoring & Evaluation THIRD-PERSON DATA COLLECTION • Build in content from the indicator table into the feedback forms, proposal questions, grant reports, forum retrospectives, etc. • This will generate actual numbers along the 1-5 spectrum for these indicators, which can be quantified and used in evaluation analysis and reporting. • Any thing you quantify (numbers of participants, proposals or multi sector tables) can be useful to analyze and include.

FIRST-PERSON DATA COLLECTION • To generate thick descriptions on these indicators (about how and why changes occurred as they did): • use more in-depth reflective questions posed within one of the activities, such as a qualitative question in a survey • or by doing key-informant interviews with a sample of the target audience.

SECOND-PERSON DATA COLLECTION • At the Evaluation Pod meetings and Development Evaluation (DE) meetings generate discussion and reflection through prompting with skillful DE questions. Then, harvest the insights and doing pattern-finding; that is where indicators come in. • Community Liaison carry out this pattern-finding afterwards then reflect back to the other participants later. • During the DE sessions, do some group patternfinding with indicator tables written on flipcharts, and participants use post-it notes to tag where in the spectrum they would say the outcome was achieved. This is based on participant-observation, and is co-generated in a focus-group style meeting.


Integral Monitoring & Evaluation


Reflective, experiential inquiry Description: interior felt-sense, how one feels (about oneself, org, project, issue), Methods: phenomenology Methodologies: personal ecology sheet self-reflection (can use this tool to guide the process, can be an ongoing cascading reflection-stream, and/or can be accessed through journaling).

Developmental inquiry Description: interior personal change, developmental stages, changes in motivation, attitudes, and values. Methods: structuralism Methodologies: developmental assessment (includes pre/post interviews that are carried out one-onone with a sample of the population and the interviewer is trained to ask the same questions that hone in on indicators for motivational, attitudinal

Interpretive inquiry Description: culture and meanings held by the group or community; for example, how do people generally feel and what do they know about “conservation”, what does “conservation concession” mean to them? Methods: hermeneutics Methodologies: focus group (using a guided method, shared below, as a pre/during/post method of “taking the pulse” of the group—where motivation lies, what is working what is not, how can the project shift and flow.

Ethno-methodological inquiry Description: changes in social discourse, implicit “background” social norms, and shared worldview. Method Family: ethno-methodology Methodologies: participant-observation (using a tool with focus questions on specific domains of change) Integral Methodological Pluralism application - international development framework : Gail Hochachka IWB


Integral Monitoring & Evaluation


Empirical inquiry Description: quantitative measurement of seen changes in behaviours, for example: shifts in land-use practices, uptake of conservation practices in the household, behavioural change in gender relations. Methods: empiricism Methodologies: measuring, ranking, and quantitative analysis (pre/during/post measurement that ranks certain behaviours from 1-10 and can compare/contrast to later assessment, after which time that data can be analysed using quantitative methods to create graphs and figures of what percentage of behaviours changed through the lifetime of the project.)

Systems inquiry Description: quantitative measurement of seen changes in social, economic, political systems in which the work is carried out. Methods: systems analysis Methodologies: systems-analysis tool

Integral Methodological Pluralism application - international development framework : Gail Hochachka IWB

Integral Monitoring & Evaluation Funding Organisations

Integral Without Boarders

TOMO ANALYTICA 123 Commercial Drive Vancouver, BC V5N 3S3 www.tomoanalytica.com


A global network of practitioners dedicated to integrating perspectives and manifesting greater depth in praxis of integral development

Do you know the true impact of your projects? Tomo Analytica provides a transdisciplinary data driven analytics to define, measure and improve your project’s impact. There has been a surge in technological advances in social charge work in recent years, and the capacity to network and crowdsource is now possible for any problem. However, the issue of measuring true impact remains a puzzle to be solved. This is mainly because increased social complexity has created the need for a framework that combines new technologies with emerging social change disciplines and narratives. Our platform uniquely synthesizes breakthrough transdisciplinary research methods and cutting edge data science technology to generate insight into patterns and trends never before possible. We can uncover hidden potential in your organization, foresee emerging threats and blunders, identify strategic partnership, and better position yourself for future growth.

Do you know the true impact of your projects?

Tomo Analytica provides a transdisciplinary data driven analytics to de How do you measure impact? Each project tells project’s a unique storyimpact. through theThere data it generates. We work fine, measure and improve your has been a su with you to qualify the quantitative data, and quantify the qualitative data to better understand your story. This rigorous and field-tested in technological advances social change work inimpact recent years, methodin gives you better handle of the true of your projectsand and t empowers you to more fully manifest your vision in the world. capacity toData network andDiscourse crowdsource is now possible for any problem Human analysis can identify Development profiles can Commons how your team’s motivation, illuminate how individuals are However, the issue of measuring true impact a puzzle to be collaboration and cognition is remains likely to perform and better Instilling data collection changing over time. understand their needs. practices with integrity solved. This is mainly because increased social complexity has created and freedom Impact orientated business Leading edge technology will intelligence reports redefine give you unique capacity and needhumandatacommons.org for a framework that combines new technologies with emerging your strategies and resource enhance strategy. management. social change disciplines and narratives. Our platform uniquely synthe Seeking Clients receive a dashboard of data driven analysis and • Strategic partnerstransdisciplinary es breakthrough research and and cutting edge patterns to better executemethods strategic goals maximise • Early adopters impact data science technology to generate insight into patterns and trends n Our analytics are co-created and customised for you so you have full the types of reports you want to generate er before possible. Wecontrol canofuncover hidden potential in your organiza Define > Measure > Learn > Improve > Greater Impact


Integral Monitoring & Evaluation LOW POINT ASSESSMENT: Moving potential forward, addressing gaps and sticking points

FOUR QUADRANT MAP: Working With Complexity

Topic or Issue:

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Integral UrbanHub

What We Can Do

Cultivating Change

Thriveable Cities

Urban Hub

A series of graphics from integralMENTORS integral UrbanHub work on IMP and Thriveable Cities

This work shows the graphics from a dynamic deck that accompany a presentation on Visions & WorldViews and Thriveable Cities. The history of the co-evolution of cities, evolving WorldViews, Visions & Mindsets in urban Habitats and technology is presented in an integral framework.

Integral theory is simply explained as it relates to these themes see UH 2 & UH 3 for more detail. This volume is part of an ongoing series of guides to integrally inform practitioners.

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