ACPE Domestic Prospectus

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Established 1917



CONTENTS2014 03 Welcome 04 About ACPE 06 The ACPE Advantage 08 Studying at ACPE 08 Student Services 09 Academic Development 10 Career Development Office 11 Elite Athlete Program 13 Graduate Success 14 Facilities 15 Online Learning 16 Undergraduate Courses 16 Education (PHE) 18 Health & Movement (Sport)

20 Dance Education 22 Applied Dance 24 Sports Business 26 Applied Fitness 28 Sports Coaching & Administration 30 Sports Administration 32 Scholarships 33 Enrolling with ACPE 34 Entry Requirements 35 ACPE Academy


WELCOME Thank you for your interest in ACPE The Australian College of Physical Education is one of the oldest and most respected providers of higher education in the country. In the years since our 1917 foundation we have earned an enviable reputation for outstanding commitment to student learning, innovation in teaching and the securing of superior graduate outcomes. Today, ACPE is justifiably proud of the comprehensive services that complement our core educational offer. Whether through flexible entry criteria, dedicated mentorship processes, formal academic development programs, or the delivery of professional workplace learning, ACPE students are provided the opportunity to develop advanced technical expertise and key generic skills to ensure they attain their personal best. Close engagement with government and industry ensures that ACPE degree programs reflect best practice at every level. Complementing this engagement is the specialist experience of academic staff dedicated to the union of ground-breaking theory and hands-on experiential learning. With over 1000 students, the ACPE campus has a real sense of community. From O-Week to a monthly calendar of social and sporting activities, there will be plenty of opportunities to make new friends at ACPE. Ours is among the most dynamic and rapidly changing of all professional sectors. This leads to enormous opportunity, as well as significant challenges – clearly, your choice of education provider is a crucial one. As you prepare for a successful career, one that combines your passions with your skills, ACPE welcomes the opportunity to partner in your personal and professional development. Dr Brian Nook Dean / Head of College




ABOUT ACPE ACPE is Australia’s leading provider of specialist undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the related disciplines of sport, dance and physical education.

As an independent tertiary institution located in the centre of Sydney’s internationally renowned Olympic Park precinct, ACPE attracts individuals from around Australia and the world who wish to launch or further careers in sport, dance and their related professions. A trainer of physical education teachers since its establishment in 1917, ACPE’s educational offering reflects the increased complexity of sport and sports-related fields.

Our degree programs encompass the disciplines of physical and health education, dance, applied fitness, sports coaching and administration, sports business and high level athletic performance – all delivered in the context of an holistic educational ethos that integrates academic excellence, sporting endeavour, social engagement and that sense of balance essential to any truly healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

VISION To be recognised as a leading national provider of innovative career education in sport, physical activity and health.

MISSION • We deliver quality education through a unique blend of applied theory and practice.

• We foster superior interactive

learning through staff that Here, innovative teaching techniques are committed, qualified and combine with access to a host of experienced. world-class sporting facilities to • We enhance the student experience create a unique learning experience. by providing a supportive and ACPE is proud of an educational inclusive environment that history that is reflected in the success nurtures individual potential. of its alumni – community leaders who have engaged at the highest level • Our students develop the of industry and made outstanding knowledge, skills and attributes social contributions over many years. that promote success in their chosen careers.



Bachelor of Health & Movement (Sport)

VALUES In addition to affirming societal values such as honesty, integrity, ethicality and social responsibility, the college demonstrates commitment to the following specific values in the pursuit of its Vision and Mission: • Intellectual Freedom We recognise the importance of ideas, intellectual freedom and the pursuit of open enquiry.

GOVERNANCE AND QUALITY The delivery of academic programs at ACPE is the responsibility of the Academic Board. The Academic Board is appointed by, but is independent of, the College Board. Part of the Academic Board’s role is to uphold excellence in educational standards and ensure that students receive an innovative and challenging learning experience during their time at ACPE.

• Quality We strive to improve the quality Chair of the Academic Board of, delivery of and access to • Associate Professor Pamela Coutts educational programs and services. BSc, Dip Ed (Syd), BA (Hons), PhD (Macq) • Innovation We anticipate the needs of the market. • Practicality We ensure students are job-ready. • Support We partner in the personal and professional development of students and staff.

Appointed members of the Academic Board • Emeritus Professor L Michael Koder AM BSc (Hons), MSc (N’cle), PhD (NSW)

• Associate Professor Donna O’Connor BEd (Hons) MEd PhD (USyd)

• Mr Peter Ross Assoc. Dip Rec (Kuring-gai), M. Mgmt (UTS)

• Emeritus Professor A G Shannon AM BSc (Syd), MAMLitt (UNE), PhD (UNE), EdD (City), DSc (UTS)

• Ms Margaret Sullivan BEd (Technical) (SCAE), BAdEd (Dist), MEd (Hons) (Macq), Grad Cert

• Dr Paul Webb BEd (Tas CAE), MHumKin (Windsor Can), MSc, PhD (Oregon)

ACCREDITATION ACPE is an accredited Higher Education Provider (HEP). Our registration with the NSW Department of Education and Training and our status as a HEP recognised by the Department of Education, ensure that ACPE graduates receive a degree that is equal to that of any public university and have access to FEE-HELP. All ACPE courses are accredited by the Tertiary Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA). In addition all education courses are accredited by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES).





ACPE DEGREE + CAREER MANAGEMENT = EMPLOYMENT SUCCESS Clarity of purpose ACPE is crystal clear about its objective; to help you build a competitive advantage in the job market.

Career management Our program is nothing like the career counselling you may have received before. This is a different level of service based on a current and intimate understanding of employer requirements in the education, sport, dance, health and business industries. All career materials are built by a leading professional Career Consultant with 17 years of experience in this area in the corporate, community and education sectors.

Job competency building We’ll help you identify what job competencies employers are looking for in the field you want to get into, and then give you the strategies and/ or tools necessary to attain those before you graduate.

Access to the right people We’ll link you with leading industry employers and leaders to build your network and exposure to opportunities.

Academic preparation and job search We’ll help you learn how to write essays and study for exams or with literacy and numeracy needs if you’re struggling in these areas. Plus, we’ll teach you how to search for the right jobs, how to write resumes and how to be competitive in interviews.

Learning by doing ACPE utilises a hands on approach to your learning so you have a sound theoretical base plus a high level of focus on practical application of that knowledge.

Personal touch and high standards We pride ourselves on being able to deliver our programs to a high standard for two reasons; our lecturers are experienced industry experts and we have low teacher-to-student ratios. So you will have abundant access to academics, student services and support staff.

Location No other facility nation-wide can boast access to Australia’s premier sporting facilities and organisations within a stone’s throw of your classroom.

Athlete support and finding the balance We cater for both elite and recreational athletes and strike the right balance between supporting students in the pursuit of their academic, athletic, and personal goals.

Financial support Domestic students have access to FEE-HELP, the Federal Government’s financial assistance scheme that lets you study without paying tuition fees upfront.

Credibility and history ACPE is an accredited Higher Education Provider and our degrees are accredited by Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency. We’ve been helping people build careers in sports, dance, and education since 1917.

Culture Ask any of our students or graduates and you will find that our culture at ACPE is rated one of the best aspects of the College. While we push ourselves at ACPE, we think it’s just as important to get to know your fellow students and celebrate your achievements together.



STUDYING AT ACPE The ACPE learning environment is designed solely around the needs of students, who are supported in their development at every step.

STUDENT SERVICES ACPE is proud of its strong sense of college community. Our Student Services department is responsible for providing services and activities that encourage interaction between students and help them to maximise their enjoyment of college life. Student Services staff are readily available to assist students in any way they can, either face to face on-campus, or via phone or email. Advice and information Staff at ACPE provide information about job opportunities, seminars, courses and news, communicated to students via regular meetings, notice boards, Facebook and email. Events such as the Annual Awards function offer additional opportunities for information sharing, interaction, and fun.

Counselling Service ACPE is committed to the health and wellbeing of students. The ACPE counselling service operates on a weekly basis throughout the year. For appointments and further information please contact Equity Officer ACPE’s Equity Officer assists students with a disability or a health condition to achieve their academic goals. Contact equityoffice@ for appointments and further information. The Student Leadership Group (SLG) The SLG gives students the opportunity to develop their leadership capabilities. Members are elected from a number of programs within the college and incorporate students from the range of degrees. The SLG meet on a regular basis to discuss news and information relevant to the student body. Conversly the SLG serves as an important voice for the student body in providing feedback to the college.

Orientation Week Orientation Week falls immediately prior to the first week of classes. O-Week is designed to help ease the transition into college life and to:

• Familiarise students with their degree program

• Inform students about the resources and services available on campus

• Provide the opportunities for new students to meet and engage

• Introduce students to the staff, support services and campus facilities Special consideration ACPE is aware that personal issues may impact upon a student’s capacity to study and complete required assessment tasks in a semester. When such issues arise, our support facilities offer help, hope and encouragement.



Bachelor of Education (Physical & Health Education)

ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT The Mentor Program The Mentor Program was established to ensure that new students feel welcome and supported and can integrate smoothly into the College community. In providing access to a mentor, the program provides students a structure for discussing concerns about their academic or personal life and a constructive avenue for sourcing further help if and as they require it. Social activities There’s a lot going on at ACPE besides study! Getting involved in the social life of the College is a great way to meet others and have fun. In addition to O-Week activities, students participate in fundraising events, university games, student barbecues, harbour cruises, the annual sports awards function, welcome parties for new students and much more.

University and social sport ACPE conducts social sport on campus with Staff VS Student games in sports such as netball, basketball, ultimate Frisbee and touch football. These are a great way for students to take time out from study and assessment work and socialise with their peers and staff. Teams can also be entered into local community competitions off campus in OZ Tag, basketball and touch football on weeknights. One of the large sporting events that ACPE takes part in each year is University Sport events.

The Academic Development Office is a resource centre for academic and career-related skills that are essential to professional development and success. Resources and workshops are developed in the areas of study skills, exam preparation, essay writing, critical thinking and time management. The ADO staff are on campus daily and are available to all students for a personal consultation. Students can obtain feedback on their written work or just receive some help to get started on their assignments.

All students from all disciplines These occur on a regional level in July and year levels are encouraged to use the ADO Studysmart pages, an and a National Level in September. online student learning resource Students compete in sports that that features useful links, suggested they have experience in or they try texts, downloads and writing guides. something completely new such Overall, the ADO is committed to as ultimate Frisbee or lawn bowls. helping students maximise their University Games is a program that has seen ACPE be very successful on academic potential and achieve their personal best. a per capita basis over a number of years winning medals and trophies include spirit of the games. These events are integral in encouraging an inclusive and community environment at ACPE. Many student return to college after the games with a whole new perspective and a real connection to ACPE.



STUDYING AT ACPE ACPE’s focus on experiential learning is one more factor that sets us apart. Here, students learn by doing.

CAREER DEVELOPMENT OFFICE Career development is an important discipline to stay ahead of the game, navigate the on-going changing world of work and maintain skills and knowledge for the future. Career development integrates the whole ACPE experience to ensure students are best positioned and supported for the post-graduation employment phase of their careers. Career development at ACPE includes implementation of a structured Career Management Program and integrated industry and professional experiences that support students in taking control of their career choices and enrich their overall life experiences. Personal Career Plan Program The access to ACPE’s qualified experts is an extremely powerful opportunity that prospective students can now take advantage of before making potentially life-changing decisions. We know that planning for your career is one of the most important things you will do in your life. A degree at ACPE offers numerous career pathways in the sport and dance industry, and our ultimate goal is to help you attain a successful and fulfilling career in your chosen field.

With this in mind, ACPE offers prospective students the rare opportunity to meet with our qualified experts and receive personal career guidance. To find our more visit Career Management Program A Career Management Program delivered through coursework and workshops that individually addresses the fundamentals needed to plan and manage successful careers. Engagement Opportunities Conference and Network opportunities to interact with industry leaders in education, dance, health and sport are offered several times each year. Professional Industry Experience Professional and Industry Experience Programs are conducted as a compulsory course requirement, allowing students to make informed careers decisions and the opportunity to establish a professional profile in their chosen field. The College maintains strong partnerships with many education and sports-related sector partners and these translate into meaningful

and relevant professional and industry experience opportunities. Students gain experience in a wide range of settings depending on their chosen course of study. • Applied Fitness Fitness centre franchises including Fitness First and Tribe Social Fitness. • Applied Dance Professional placements in the dance industry. • Dance Education Professional placements in a range of primary and secondary schools in each year of study. • Health and Movement Conferences, volunteer opportunities and health industry placements. • Physical and Health Education Professional placements in a range of primary and secondary schools in each year of study. • Sports Business Conferences and workplace visits, in addition to a professional placement and networking events. • Sports Coaching and Administration Seminars and workplace visits in addition to industry placement.


Bachelor of Education (Physical & Health Education)

ELITE ATHLETE PROGRAM ACPE is recognised as an ‘Elite Athlete-Friendly Institution’ by the Australian Sports Commission, the Australian Institute of Sport and the NSW Institute of Sport. This recognition is given under the auspices of the National Athlete Career and Education program. Elite Athlete-Friendly status acknowledges ACPE’s ongoing commitment to the needs of elite athletes by providing opportunities for successfully combining their sporting careers with their academic aspirations. ACPE has dedicated staff contact officers who work closely with athletes and their course convenors to help manage their study and sport commitments throughout the semester. Identifying elite athletes Athletes who identify themselves as elite are verified through the registration and scholarship processes, or are recognised as elite by the National Athletes Career and Education (ACE) program. In the latter case, the national ACE manager acts as a representative from the Australian Sports Commission to investigate, verify and make a recommendation to the college.

Students may also qualify if they are recognised by other organisations as an elite athlete, for instance:

There are many elite athletes currently studying or have graduated including athletes from the Olympics (Athletics, Swimming, Waterpolo) • Australian Institute of Sport and Paralympic Games (Cycling); • State institutes or academies Commonwealth Games (Swimming of sport and Athletics); Rugby Union on an International and Super 15 • AFL Players’ Association level; NRL and Under 20’s NYC; • Australian Cricketers’ Association Cricket on a State, National and • Rugby Union Players’ Association International Level; Australian • Rugby League Professionals’ Fitness Representatives; Cross Fit Association Games; Australian Touch Football; • Australian Professional Footballers’ Australian Handball. Association

• National senior squad members from Coaching and Athlete Career Education (CACE)-supported sports

• Coach Career Management Program • Securing Career Opportunities and Professional Employment (SCOPE) Program Breakfasts and seminars are organised during the semester as part of the regular college event calendar to foster interaction among athletes, build time-management skills and encourage them in their studies.


ACPE was enjoyable, engaging and provided me with great foundational knowledge. I found the learning environment dynamic and contemporary.

Anthony Brooks - Graduate 2007 Bachelor of Sports Business

Read more about Anthony’s successful sporting career at




ACPE degree programs are designed to help students develop a formidable array of skills and qualities.

We’re committed to cultivating the following graduate attributes: Communication The ability to communicate effectively in any situation, in particular those requiring literacy, numeracy and IT skills. Independent and lifelong learning A commitment to ongoing learning, intellectual development, critical analysis and creativity. Information literacy The ability to use information effectively. Social justice Respect for diversity, equal opportunity and individual and civic responsibility.

Discipline knowledge and skills A command of disciplinary knowledge and relevant professional skills. Ethics An awareness of, and sensitivity to, ethics and ethical standards in relationships and professional work. Teamwork An ability to show leadership and work collaboratively. Global perspective Respect for cultural and intellectual diversity.


The opportunities surrounding a career in sport are endless, and can only be limited by your own imagination and drive. Wherever you wish to be, ACPE can give you the tools and experiences to reach your career goals. We have been doing so since 1917. To find out where you could be with a career in sport, and to find out more about some of our successful alumni, visit:


ON-CAMPUS ACPE is located at Sydney Olympic Park, the home of the 2000 Summer Olympics.

Our main campus is located in Figtree Drive, adjacent to the NSW Institute of Sport. In addition to excellent transport links, ACPE students enjoy access to a host of outstanding sporting facilities in the Sydney Olympic Park precinct: • Athletics Centre A world-class multi-function Athletic Centre. It boasts a two-arena complex and operates as an international-standard track and field facility for competition events and training. • Aquatic Centre One of the world’s best, its three pools cater to all aquatic sports, including water polo, diving and synchronised swimming. It also features spa, sauna, steam room, gymnasium and cardio theatre facilities. • Tennis Centre A state-of-the-art venue hosting regional, national and international tournaments. The centre is home to Tennis NSW, responsible for the growth, development and promotion of the sport. • Sports Centre A focal point for regional, national and international sports as well as seminars, functions and concerts. • Hockey Centre A training and competition venue for players of all levels, from school teams to international representatives.

Our on campus facilities include: • Sports Hall Multi-purpose area that caters for a range of sporting activities. • Computer Labs Over 140 computers for classroom and self-study. • Wireless Internet Available throughout the main campus. • ACPE Library The ACPE collection is considered a centre of excellence for sporting information. The library is at the service of ACPE and ACPE Academy staff and students, ACPE alumni, selected institutions and members of the public. • Science Labs There are two purpose built laboratories at the main campus. These labs contain facilities and equipment used to teach science-based units such as anatomy, physiology, mechanics of movement and exercise physiology. • Dance Studios There are two air-conditioned dance studios with imported sprung floors, high ceilings, mirrors and sound and data equipment providing a superior general studio space. • Student Common Room A place where students can relax when not attending classes. • Kitchen Kitchen facilities are available to students. • Parking There is on-campus parking and additional parking available at a nearby parking station at cost.


ONLINE LEARNING A flexible study option that allows you to study anywhere, anytime.

Want to kick-start your sports and fitness career but your current situation does not allow for studying on-campus? ACPE offers online courses, so you can earn your degree from home or wherever you are while having access to the same learning resources and support that is available to on-campus students. ACPE is known for its tailored, intimate learning environment and this commitment is translated to the online format. The online learning environment at ACPE is designed to let you study from wherever you are, whether at home, at work, inter-state, in training or overseas. Our design helps you to interact, participate and engage in learning that helps you on your way to a dream career. Courses offered online:

• Bachelor of Sports Business • Bachelor of Sports Coaching & Administration

• Graduate Diploma of Sports Administration

WHY ONLINE? Online learning at ACPE gives you opportunities for connecting with your lecturer, the course content and your peers at your convenience. The flexible online learning platform allows: Tailored content: To complete tasks that have been especially designed for the online environment including regular active participation in virtual classes and interactive discussions with peers. Flexible study options: No set class timetable so you can work your formal education around your personal/professional commitments but certain requirements of the units do have deadlines to make sure you complete your degree in a timely manner. Personal support: The same high level of support as an on-campus student, maximising your chances of success including on-call tutors, regular feedback, one-on-one support from the academics who developed the study materials. Full access to course materials & resources: Including forums, live chats, recorded lectures, quizzes and assessments, links to external resource materials and videos.

Student Support: Online courses run by the library to help you on your journey to be an independent and lifelong information user and improve your information technology skills. You also have access to the: Academic Development Office: Resource centre for academic and career-related skills. The staff are committed to helping students maximise academic potential through workshops, online services offering useful links/resources and access to tutors. Careers Development Office: Provides the Career Management Program, industry and professional work placement and helps you develop your job search skills. Student Support Services: Responsible for providing services and activities that encourage interaction between students, and help them to maximise their enjoyment of college life.

Find out more at





EDUCATION (PHE) The ideal pathway to a career in Secondary PDHPE Teaching OVERVIEW

Major study strands:


Degree duration 4 years full-time or part-time equivalent Delivery On-campus Major areas of study Education, Curriculum, Health, Movement and Science Suggested secondary school subjects English, PDHPE, Community & Family Studies, Sport Lifestyle & Recreation, Biology, Senior Science, Mathematics, Society and Culture Intake March/July Entry requirements See page 34 FEE-HELP available? Yes

• Education This focuses on teaching skills

The Bachelor of Education (PHE) can be completed in four years of full-time study. A maximum nine years is allowed for students to complete the degree part-time. The degree program is divided into eight semesters, each of 12 weeks duration.

DESCRIPTION If you’re keen to pursue a career in honing young minds with knowledge about physical & health education, the Bachelor of Education (Physical and Health Education) will provide you with the graduate qualification to become a PHE teacher. ACPE’s Bachelor of Education (Physical and Health Education) is an integrated qualification comprising discipline studies.

• Curriculum Design What you teach • Health The ‘H’ in PHE • Movement Teaching sport • Science The theory of human movement The theory and practical competencies acquired through underaking these instructional units are extended in a practical, schoolbased context through ACPE’s Professional Experience program. This program provides students with a diverse range of practical experiences designed to accelerate professional skill sets, as well as the values and understandings that are the hallmark of the professional teacher.

Study involves approximately 16 contact hours a week (excluding examination study weeks). ALTERNATIVE ENTRY If you do not meet the direct entry requirements for the Bachelor of Education (PHE) you are able to study the Bachelor of Health and Movement for one year and then transfer into the Bachelor of Education.

This degree meets the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Graduate Teacher Standards.



On completion of the Bachelor of Education (Physical Health and Education), you will be nationally qualified to work as a PHE Teacher within secondary schools. PHE Teachers instruct students in sports, recreational activities, and healthy lifestyle issues. Individuals in this role are tasked with the safe and inclusive promotion of students’ physical fitness, as well as the encouragement of their self-esteem and interpersonal skills.

Teachers of Physical Education and Health are employed in range of educational environments, principally in government and independent schools For more information please visit:

ACPE gave me a professional base from which to build a wide and varied career both in Australia and Internationally.

Robyn Foy - Graduate 1973 Diploma of Physical Education

Read more about Robyn’s successful sporting career at



Teaching & Learning





Understanding Health

Principles of Movement



Movement: An Historical Perspective


Health: A Sociological Perspective

Theory and Application of Movement

Anatomy and Physiology

Health Priorities for Australia


Child and Adolescent Development

Classroom Skills 1

Contemporary Youth Health Issues

Composition and Performance

Professional Experience 1: Orientation to Teaching (10 days)

INTER-SEMESTER EP220 Professional Experience 2: Professional Experience in a Range of Settings (20 days) (prereq: EP110 and ED114) SEMESTER 4

Intelligence & Cognition

Curriculum Planning for Learning and Teaching in PDHPE 1

Promoting Health

Curriculum Planning for Learning and Teaching in PDHPE 2

Building Resilience

Physical Activity Across a Lifespan


Social Influences and Student Diversity

Classroom Skills 2

INTER-SEMESTER EP325 Professional Experience 3: Teacher as Manager (25 days) (prereq: EP220, ED214 and CU2146) SEMESTER 6

Research in Action

Literacy for Learning & Teaching for PDHPE

Athletics and Aquatics Specialisation

Biommechanics of Human Movement

FOURTH YEAR The Inclusive Principles and Current Issues in SEMESTER 7 Classroom Practices in Assessment Teaching PDHPE Note: All units are assigned six (6) credit points each and EFTSL of 0.125 unless otherwise indicated & Reporting Current as at 31 August 2012

Exercise Physiology for Educators

INTER-SEMESTER EP425 Professional Experience 4: Towards Independence (25 days) (prereq: EP325, CU214 and CU319) SEMESTER 8

Aboriginal Education

Health & Activity for Diverse Groups

Leadership through Outdoor Activities

One elective unit from below (prereq: any three Yr3 BEPHE units) 16 Leadership in Physical and Health Education Psychology and Performance Nutrition, Health and Sporting Performance Note: All units are assigned six (6) credit points each and EFTSL of 0.125 unless otherwise indicated Current as of March 2014




HEALTH & MOVEMENT (SPORT) This Degree delivers huge career flexibility within the health and sport industries, meaning you aren’t committed to a single job path OVERVIEW Degree duration 3 years full-time or part-time equivalent Delivery On-campus Major areas of study Movement studies, Sport, Health and an introduction to exercise science Suggested secondary school subjects English, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, Biology Intake March/July Entry requirements See page 34 FEE-HELP available? Yes DESCRIPTION The Bachelor of Health & Movement (Sport) prepares students to work at an advanced level within the health and movement industries. The degree covers the theoretical issues underpinning health and movement, as well as how to apply knowledge in practical situations across a range of fields. You may exit the course and undertake a graduate qualification in teaching to become a PE teacher or you may choose to enter the sport industry directly.

If you’ve decided your career lies in sport and health but aren’t sure what career will suit you best, don’t worry – this is still the right degree. ACPE’s Bachelor of Health & Movement (Sport) delivers huge career flexibility within the health and sport industries, meaning you aren’t committed to a single job path. The degree takes a socio-cultural approach to the discipline. Health is explored across historical, scientific, economic, cultural and political contexts. Movement is treated in terms of composition, performance, analysis and life-long adherence.

STRUCTURE The Bachelor of Health & Movement (Sport) can be completed in three years of full-time study. A maximum of seven years is allowed for students to complete the degree part-time. The degree program is divided into six semesters, each of 12 weeks duration. Study involves approximately 16 contact hours a week, (excluding examination and study weeks).

The course has four distinct areas of study: • Movement Games and skills • Science The theory of human movement • Health Improving quality of life • Integrating and Elective Units Professional Skill development



Health and Movement is a unique degree opening doors within the health and sports industries. After graduation, potential roles include:

Qualified professionals can work

• • • •

Recreational Officer - supporting, coordinating and developing sporting programs Sports Development Officer - promoting a particular sport or physical activity in the community Health Educator or Administrator - promoting healthy lifestyles Sports Administration - managing sport clubs, sporting bodies and associations

This degree can also provide a pathway into a Masters in Health Promotion or Education.

• • • • • • •

After School Programs Councils Sporting Clubs Gym Facilities Sports Centres Sport and Recreation Government agencies – e.g heart foundation

For more information please visit:

I love sport and I love health so a course that integrated both inspired me to choose this avenue. Bachelor of Health & Movement (Sport)

Olivia Young - Current Student





Understanding Health

Principles of Movement

Skill Acquisition



Movement: An Historical Perspective


Health: A Sociological Perspective

Theory and Application of Movement

Anatomy and Physiology

Health Priorities in Australia


International Health

Strength and Conditioning

Applied Exercise Physiology


Promoting Health

Physical Activity Across a Lifespan

Biomechanics of Human Movement

Professional Ethics

Athletics and Aquatics Specialisation


Youth Health and Resilience

Introduction to Sport Psychology

Raising Health Awareness


Research in Action

Introduction to Understanding and Using Research

Inclusive Physical Activity

PLUS TWO FROM THE FOLLOWING ELECTIVES: Indigenous Health I Nutrition for a Healthy Life I Leadership through Outdoor Activities Composition and Performance I Health, Lifestyle Disease and Exercise Prevention I Contemporary Issues in Sport Business I Sport Finance Note: All units are assigned six (6) credit points each and EFTSL of 0.125 unless otherwise indicated Current as of March 2014




DANCE EDUCATION If you want a professional career as a teacher of dance and movement, ACPE’s degree is specifically designed with you in mind OVERVIEW Degree duration 4 years full-time or part-time equivalent Delivery On-campus Major areas of study Dance, Science Movement Studies, Education, Health Suggested secondary school subjects Dance, English, Personal Development, Health & Physical Education, Biology Intake March/July Entry requirements See page 34 FEE-HELP available? Yes

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) is offered as a parallel course of study, enabling students to qualify in a second teaching method and a key learning area in secondary schools. Major study strands include: • Education This focuses on teaching skills • Curriculum Learning what to teach • Dance Performance, Composition and Appreciation


• Health The ‘H’ in PD/H/PE

The Bachelor of Dance Education prepares graduates to teach dance in the secondary school system, or apply their skills and knowledge in other educational contexts. The degree is unique in Australia in that it positions the study and practice of dance as an art form within the broader context of physical activity and physical expression. Students who undertake this degree build a foundation for the lifelong development of skills and attributes appropriate to professional teachers.

• Movement Learning to teach sport e.g. athletics, gymnastics and games • Science The theory of human movement

STRUCTURE The Bachelor of Dance Education can be completed in four years of full-time study. A maximum of nine years is allowed for students to complete the degree part-time. The degree program is divided into eight semesters, each of 12 weeks duration. Study involves approximately 16 contact hours a week. ALTERNATIVE ENTRY If you do not meet the direct entry requirements for the Bachelor Dance Education, you are able to study the Bachelor of Applied Dance for one year and then apply to transfer into the Bachelor of Dance Education.



On completion of the Bachelor of Dance Education you will be able to share your passion for dance and PD/H/PE as a teacher within secondary schools. You will be responsible for working with young minds and bodies, for teaching students to engage in artistic and physical activity, and for exploring issues of personal development. In addition to undertaking general teaching tasks and practical activities, Dance teachers are also expected to contribute to the cultural life of the school. This qualification will also see you recognised as a PDHPE teacher in secondary schools.

Dance Teachers are employed in range of educational environments, principally in government and independent schools. The qualification is valued internationally and a number of ACPE graduates have taught abroad. Some have chosen to work instead in the private studio industry. For more information please visit:

I chose ACPE for a number of reasons including: The degree structure that allowed me to study both of my passions at once, Dance and PD/H/PE

Lenae Kelly - Graduate 2011 Bachelor of Dance Education

Read more about Lenae’s successful dance career at









Child and Adolescent development

Foundations of Dance

Skill Acquisition

Dance History


Dance Composition 1

Anatomy & Physiology

Popular Dance Styles Dance Production


Classroom Skills 1

Classical Dance Styles

Understanding Health

Practices in Movement

Professional Experience 1: Orientation of Teaching

INTER-SEMESTER Professional Experience 2: Professional Experience in a Range of Settings SEMESTER 4

Curriculum Planning for Learning and Teaching in Dance 1

Dance Analysis

Elements of Movement

Curriculum Planning for Learning and Teaching in PDHPE 1


Classroom Skills 2

Curriculum Planning for Learning and Teaching in PDHPE 2

Dance & Technology

Contemporary Youth Health Issues

INTER-SEMESTER Professional Experience 3: Teacher as Manager SEMESTER 6

Social Influences and Student Diversity

Curriculum Planning for Learning and Teaching in Dance 2

Dance Performance

The Inclusive Classroom

Current Issues in Teaching

The Art of Teaching Dance

The Application of Teaching Games


Building Resilience

INTER-SEMESTER Professional Experience 4: Towards Independence SEMESTER 8

Literacy for Learning and Teaching

Dance Composition 2

Aboriginal Education Note: All units are assigned six (6) credit points each and EFTSL of 0.125 unless otherwise indicated Current as of March 2014

Biomechanics of Human Movement




APPLIED DANCE The Bachelor of Applied Dance prepares graduates to undertake a range of roles within the dance and cultural arts industries OVERVIEW Degree duration 3 years full-time or part-time equivalent Delivery On-campus Major areas of study Dance as Art Form, Dance and the Industry, Supporting Studies Suggested secondary school subjects English Intake March/July Entry requirements See page 34 FEE-HELP available? Yes DESCRIPTION This innovative course offers a mix of theoretical and experiential learning that will allow work-ready graduates to secure dance-related opportunities across the dance and arts industries. The Bachelor of Applied Dance is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge required to function at an advanced level and in an autonomous way within the dance industry and with a wide range of community groups, in roles such as teachers, choreographers, facilitators and administrators.

Through the presence of two major strands, the course promotes the acquisition of competency in the three practices of dance (performance, composition and appreciation) and in the development of industry relevant skills in business, communications and production. The degree’s two major strands are Dance as Art form and Dance and the Industry. The balance of the degree is structured around Supporting Studies (Anatomy and Physiology, for example), as well as Problem Based Learning (PBL), and Practical Experience. The result is a qualification that imparts substantial vocational skill and expertise across the breadth of the dance discipline, which is evaluated in terms of its physiological, social, cultural, historical, and commercial aspects.

STRUCTURE The Bachelor of Applied Dance can be completed in a maximum of seven years of full-time study or part-time equivalent. The degree program is divided into six semesters, each of 12 weeks duration. Study involves approximately 16 contact hours a week, (excluding examination and study weeks). The course is taught via lectures, tutorials, dance classes, performance workshops, seminars, and individual tuition. Students also undertake three Professional Experience sessions.



Graduates of this degree will have substantial knowledge of dance across parameters of performance, composition, and appreciation. The result is a framework of expertise that allows opportunities around every aspect of dance, and the cultural arts more generally.

Employment opportunities may include teaching dance to specific groups within the population and in a range of situations including private studios, community organisations, schools, fitness organisations, facilitating dance activity for community development and/or performance outcomes.

Specific job titles may include Artistic Director, Choreographer, Performance Director, Specialised Dance Tutor, Event Manager, Adjudicator, Creative Director or Dance Motivator.

For more information please visit:

ACPE gave me the opportunity to learn from special guest teachers that other students don’t get to experience and to be pushed physically by our amazing teacher.

Rebecca Heagney - Current Student Bachelor of Dance Education


Dance as Artform

Dance and the Industry

Supporting Studies



Foundations of Dance

Skill Acquisition

Dance History

Child and Adolescent Development

Professional Experience 1 SEMESTER 2

Dance Composition 1

Dance Production

Anatomy and Physiology

Business Skills for Dance 1: Effective Professional Communication

Fitness and Active Lifestyles

Popular Dance Styles


Classical Dance Styles

Adult Engagement in Dance

Professional Experience 2 SEMESTER 4

Dance Performance

Business Skills for Dance 2: Small Business Management

Problem Based Learning 1: Industry

Teaching Dance

Exit point for Associate Degree of Applied Dance


Dance and Somatics

Dance and Communities

Dance and Music

Mechanics of Movement & Performance

Professional Experience 3 SEMESTER 6

Dance Composition 2 Dance and Technology in Contemporary Practice

Business Skills for Dance 3: Project Management

Production Note: All units are assigned six (6) credit points each and EFTSL of 0.125 unless otherwise indicated Current as of March 2014

Problem Based Learning 2: Community




SPORTS BUSINESS If it’s the commercial aspect of the sports sector that inspires you, ACPE’s ground-breaking sports business course is precisely what you need OVERVIEW Degree duration 3 years full-time or part-time equivalent Delivery On-campus and online Major areas of study Sports Management and Leadership, Sports Marketing and Communications, Sport and its Social Context, Finance, Accounting and Economics Suggested secondary school subjects English, Business Studies, Economics, Mathematics Intake March/July Entry requirements See page 34 FEE-HELP available? Yes

Australians have earned an enviable reputation for excellence.

Major study areas: • Sports Management and Leadership

ACPE is helping to build that reputation by delivering an innovative • Sports Marketing and degree, taught by lecturers with Communications demonstrated real-world expertise. • Sport and Its Social Context As an emerging discipline, ACPE’s • Finance, Accounting Bachelor of Sports Business brings and Economics concentrated focus to the commercial aspects of the sports industry. STRUCTURE The degree involves learning about The Bachelor of Sports Business how sports businesses operate, with can be completed in three years of particular emphasis on marketing, full-time study. A maximum of seven management and administration. years is allowed for students to Learning outcomes are maximised complete the degree part-time. by the degree’s structure, which tests DESCRIPTION The degree program is divided students’ skills and knowledge in The knowledge covered in the into six semesters, each of 12 order to emphasise the professional Bachelor of Sports Business is weeks duration. Study involves judgement necessary to succeed in focussed on the business operations approximately 16 contact hours a the sports sector. of the sports environment. In week, (excluding examination and Australia the sector has transitioned study weeks). If you are studying from being largely semi-professional online, you are expected to study a to its current status as a multi-million minimum of 9 hours a week per unit dollar corporate industry. Sports - this includes completion of weekly Business is a global field in which activities, readings and preparation for assessment tasks.

WHERE WILL THIS TAKE ME? Sports Business is a diverse area with endless career options, limited only by your own drive and creativity. It provides a great platform to launch into various sectors within the sporting industry. Potential job outcomes include: Sports Management: Team Manager, Athlete Manager, Trainer, Sports Therapist, Development Manager, Facility Manager, Sports Agents, Program Directors, Marketing Agents, Promotions Managers, Sales Representative, Coaches, Publicists. Sports Marketing: Planning and Strategy, Commercials and Advertisements to Corporate Sponsored Tournaments and Events. Potential outcomes within this area of expertise include Account Coordinator, Event Management, Public Relations, Advertising, Sales and Market Research.

Sports Event Management: Responsibility across Conception, Planning, and Staging of a broad range of Projects and Events in the Sports, Fitness, and Leisure Industry. Athlete Management: Responsible for building the brand of a Sports Star, Negotiating Contracts, and Scoring Deals for Athletes.

WHERE CAN I WORK? Qualified professionals can work • • •

Professional sporting organisations such as Cricket NSW, NRL, AFL Amateur sports organisations: local clubs, sports and recreation facilities Not-for-profit sectors such as Cancer Council, Diabetes Australia and other community organisations

For more information please visit:

The college offered a more personalised education and experience. I was also impressed by the college’s course structure, which had a good balance of theoretical education with practical experience.

Read more about Sam’s successful sporting career at

Sam Lloyd-Green - Graduate 2009 Bachelor of Sports Business


Sports Management & Leadership

Sports Marketing & Communications

Introduction to Sports Business

Sports Marketing

Sport and Its Social Context

Finance, Accounting & Economics

Integrative Experience





Economics of Sport Business

Sports Administration Event and Project Management

Media Management


Management Information Systems

Professional Experience 1




SECOND YEAR International Sport Business

Consumer Behaviour

Sport Business and Society Sport and the Law

Human Resource Management

Accounting for Managers Statutory Requirements for Sport Business

Contemporary Issues in Sport Business (PBL)

Professional Experience 2 Exit point for Associate Degree of Sports Business




Facility and Risk Management

Public Relations and Sports Management

Health and Lifestyle Management

Leadership in Sports Business Sport Finance

Sport Business Project (PBL) Research Methodology for Sports Business Entrepreneurship in the Sports Industry

Professional Experience 3 Note: All units are assigned six (6) credit points each and EFTSL of 0.125 unless otherwise indicated Current as of March 2014




APPLIED FITNESS If you’re looking for the next level of fitness degree – one that combines with a superior Personal Training course – you’ve come to the right place OVERVIEW Degree duration 3 years full-time or part-time equivalent Delivery On-campus Major areas of study Fitness Studies, Science for Fitness, VET and Management, Professional Skill Development Suggested secondary school subjects Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, Biology Intake March/July Entry requirements See page 34 FEE-HELP available? Yes DESCRIPTION In past years, Australia’s rapidlygrowing fitness industry only required vocational qualifications as an entry point. However, in recent years higher level qualifications are being increasingly required for successful career opportunities in the fitness industry. The Bachelor of Applied Fitness incorporates both Certificate III and IV in Fitness qualification while delivering a higher level of qualification – namely, an undergraduate degree.

Designed by professional fitness association members, providers of current industry accreditation and academics with industry experience, the Bachelor of Applied Fitness is divided into four strands: • Fitness Studies • Science for Fitness • Vocational Education Training (VET) and Management • Professional Skill Development Subjects include: • Health Promotion • Fitness Management • Human Anatomy • Kinesiology • Nutrition

STRUCTURE The Bachelor of Applied Fitness can be completed in three years of full-time study. A maximum of seven years is allowed for students to complete the degree part-time. The degree program is divided into six semesters, each of 12 weeks duration. Study involves approximately 16 contact hours a week, (excluding examination and study weeks). At the completion of all first year subjects students are qualified to work as Personal Trainers. Many students launch PT careers while undertaking second and third year studies.

• Exercise Physiology



A career in Applied Fitness is perfect for those enthusiastic about improving the health and fitness of others. This qualification will make you a specialised Fitness trainer who can deliver training programs and sessions for groups and individuals, instructing them in nutrition, weight control, lifestyle health and general wellbeing. You are not limited to merely training clients in a gym. You can develop your personal skills and talents to specialise in areas such as special populations, work within marketing and promotions sectors for fitness/equipment companies or be self-employed.

Qualified professionals can work at a number of different locations, including professional sports clubs, fitness centres, clinical settings, government agencies, corporate sector, cruise ships, resorts and spa’s, hospitals, universities and in private practice. For more information please visit:


I chose ACPE because of its specialisation in sport, its location, the fantastic facilities, and the high quality of lecturers and range of support services available to students. Bachelor of Applied Fitness


Scott Reynolds - Current Student


Science for Fitness

Exercise Prescription

Professional Studies


Understanding Health

Foundations of Human Biology for Fitness

Fitness Principles and Programming

Introduction to Responsible Fitness Management


Methods of Motivation in Fitness

Anatomy & Physiology

Exercise Prescription throughout the lifespan

Small Business Management Principles for the Fitness Industry


Health & Activity for Diverse Groups

Applied Exercise Physiology for Fitness

Strength & Conditioning

Professional Communication


Principles of Health Promotion


Exercise & Social Development Through the Lifespan

IT in Fitness




Associate Degree of Applied Fitness Exit Point


Fitness Industry Trends and Issues

Mechanics of Prevention and Rehabilitation

Professional Ethics

Physiology & Nutrition for Populations with Lifestyle Diseases

Small Business Management Practices for the Fitness Industry

Introduction to Understanding and Using Research


Problem Based Learning: Theme of Fitness for Diverse Populations

Professional Practice and Reflection in the Fitness Industry Note: All units are assigned six (6) credit points each and EFTSL of 0.125 unless otherwise indicated Current as of March 2014




SPORTS COACHING & ADMINISTRATION If your interest in the sports industry is not limited to a single type of role, the sports coaching course delivers genuine versatility and breadth of expertise OVERVIEW



Degree duration 3 years full-time or part-time equivalent Delivery On-campus and online Major areas of study Dynamics of Human Movement, Training and Performance Principles, Professional Skill Development, Coaching and Coaching Pedagogy and Sport Administration Suggested secondary school subjects Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, Business Studies, Biology, Senior Science Intake March/July Entry requirements See page 34 FEE-HELP available? Yes

The Bachelor of Sports Coaching & Administration is a specialised degree that fosters the coaching, administration and professional skills necessary for a fulfilling career in sport. It educates students in modern coaching and conditioning techniques, as well as in the management of the political, legislative and administrative complexities encountered in the sports sector.

The Bachelor of Sports Coaching & Administration can be completed in three years of full-time study. A maximum of seven years is allowed for students to complete the degree part-time.

The degree offers a unique mix of human movement and coaching studies, along with a variety of administrative and generic professional skills. More than being simply knowledge-based, the course incorporates a strong problemsolving focus.

The degree program is divided into six semesters, each of 12 weeks duration. Study involves approximately 16 contact hours a week, if you are studying on-campus, (excluding examination and study weeks). If you are studying online, you are expected to study a minimum of 9 hours a week per unit - this includes completion of weekly activities, readings and preparation for assessment tasks. The Associate Degree serves as an exit point from the degree after two years.



As a sports coach you will work with individual athletes or teams to maximise performance. Armed with specialist expertise in the sport, psychological and motivational skills and knowledge about advanced performance techniques, you would be the vital component of any team. The majority of graduates specialise in the following two streams (within varying industries): • Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches: Schools, AFL, NRL, Amateur Clubs, Rowing Coaches

Sports coaches are needed across various industries at a professional and amateur level. ACPE alumni have gone on to work in positions that include coaches at schools and sports clubs, trainers for both professional and amateur sporting organisations and swimming instructors & supervisors. Roles in Sports Administration can be found in schools, Special Olympics, amateur and professional sporting clubs, athletic clubs, sports team, athlete management, fitness industry and private companies.

• Sports Instructors: Swimming Centres, Athletics Centres, Gym Instructors

For more information please visit

The sports administration element of the degree will equip you with the skills needed to operate in administration and management roles within the sporting industry, from amateur clubs through to professional teams. Administrative tasks can be as diverse as securing sponsorship for sports teams, sourcing viable partnerships with other sports organisations, promoting upcoming events and developing sport programs.

It allowed me to make many contacts in the sports industry that I now have daily contact with. It gave me the confidence through the professional experience program to get experience in the industry. Bachelor of Sports Coaching & Administration

Ben Jack - Graduate 2012

Read more about Ben’s successful sporting career at


Coaching & Coaching Pedagogy

Dynamics of Human Movement

Sport Administration

Professional Skill Development

Coaching Techniques and Pedagogy

Foundations of Performance for Human Movement

Sport Administration

IT in Sport Coaching and Administration

Strength and Conditioning for Human Movement

Governance in Sport


Professional Experience 1 SEMESTER 2

Psychology of Performance and Participation Officiating


Athletic Development Through the Lifespan

Understanding Motion and Human Movement

Effective Professional Communication

Preparation, Performance and Rehabilitation

Professional Experience 2 SEMESTER 4

Advanced Training Principles and Exercise Prescription

Human Resource Management Legal Issues in Sport

Problem Based Learning 1 Theme: Identification and Development of Talent

Associate Degree Exit Point


Theory and Application of Coaching Sport

Event and Project Management

Professional Ethics

Public Relations in Sport Management

Professional Experience 3 SEMESTER 6

Performance Analysis and Research in Coaching Inclusive Coaching

Sport Finance

Problem Based Learning 2: Theme – Acquiring and Retaining Coach Expertise

Note: All units are assigned six (6) credit points each and EFTSL of 0.125 unless otherwise indicated Additional course requirements for Associate Degree: (a) Level 1 (entry level) Officiating accreditation & (b) Level 1 (entry level) Coaching accreditation or equivalent Additional course requirements for Bachelor Degree: (a) Level 1 (entry level) Officiating accreditation & (b) Level 2 (entry level plus 1) Coaching accreditation or equivalent Current as of March 2014




SPORTS ADMINISTRATION This program offers a flexible approach to accelerating the development of sports industry leaders through access to online degree study OVERVIEW



Course duration 1 year full-time or part-time equivalent Delivery Online Major areas of study Applicants should refer to the course structure table Intake March/July Entry requirements • Bachelor of Health & Movement (Sport); or • Relevant undergraduate degree; or • Advanced Diploma and work experience; or • Extensive work experience FEE-HELP available? Yes

The design of the Graduate Diploma of Sports Administration acknowledges industry’s need for managers and administrators who are familiar with the contemporary sports environment. The increasing political, legislative and commercial complexity of the issues surrounding the administration of sport demands managers with enhanced qualifications at a postgraduate level. The strength of this course lies in the breadth of its focus – governance, finance, law, ethics, facility management, human resource management, marketing, media relations, event management and risk management.

The course comprises eight units of study. Students can elect to exit the course after four units and graduate with the Graduate Certificate of Sports Administration.

The exploration of administrative principles within each unit is supported through the use of case studies specific to the sports industry. Case studies provide students with strong application-based and vocationally-relevant learning experiences.

CAREER OUTCOMES Employment opportunities Graduates commonly gain employment as middle and senior managers in local, national and international sports organisations such as: • Government and semi-government agencies • Not-for-profit sport organisations and businesses • Professional sports leagues • Private sports organisations and businesses



After completing the Graduate Diploma of Sports Administration, you will be able to manage various sporting organisations – from amateur clubs to professional teams – and handle administration tasks as diverse as securing sponsorship for sports teams, sourcing viable partnerships with other sports organisations, promoting upcoming events and developing sport programs.

• • • • •

Schools Special Olympics Self-Employment Professional Sports Clubs Athletics Centres (Pools, Gyms, Health Clubs)

• • • • •

Sports Teams Managing Athletes Fitness Industry Private Companies Amateur Sports Clubs

For more information please visit


The combination of theory and practice in the industry has given me great insight and has helped me feel ready for the next stage of my career. The support I have received from academic and other staff has been brilliant, and especially important when completing distance education. Graduate Diploma of Sports Administration


Adam Coles - Current Student


Principles of Sports Administration

Accounting and Finance in Sports Administration


Law and Ethics in Sports Administration

Event and Risk Management in Sports Administration

Independent Case Study in Sports Administration

Graduate Certificate of Sports Administration Exit Point SEMESTER 2

Facility and Human Resource Management in Sports Administration

Marketing and Media Relations in Sports Administration

Note: All units are assigned six (6) credit points each and EFTSL of 0.125 unless otherwise indicated Current as of March 2014




The offering of study scholarships at ACPE attracts genuine leaders and reinforces our culture of contribution. SCHOLARSHIPS

• Academic achievement • Accomplishment in sport, fitness, dance, or officiating

• Leadership and future career direction

• Community contribution ACPE Scholarships provide students with a financial discount from tuition fees of up to either $15,000 or $30,000* for a 3 year degree program, or $20,000 or $40,000* for a 4 year degree program (*Academic Excellence Scholarships). Successful applicants retain their scholarship for the duration of their degree providing they continue to meet the requirements for holding an ACPE Scholarship. These requirements relate to academic achievement and community contribution.

The scholarship application process can only begin once an application to study at ACPE has been received. Scholarship applicants are required to compose a vision statement about their intended degree of study. Recipients of scholarships are expected to meet the terms, conditions and procedures described in the Scholarship Policy, in the Scholarship Agreement, in guidelines published by the Scholarship Committee and in the Student Code of Conduct. It is anticipated that scholarship holders will take on leadership roles in the college community.

Access Awards are offered to a commencing student each year and are based on a 600 word Personal Statement relative to the Award category. The Awards are for a duration of 1 year and are valued up to $5000. Recipients of an Award are eligible to apply in Year 2 for a continuing student scholarship.

Applications for scholarships close approximately two weeks before semester intake. To find out more about the scholarships available and to apply, please visit:

I’m a very sports driven person, my love for sport is what attracted me to ACPE.

The prestigious ACPE Scholarships are awarded to students with demonstrated potential to make an outstanding contribution to the College. Scholarships are granted to new and continuing students in the following areas:


Josh Patterson - Current Student Bachelor of Health & Movement (Sport)




[1] Visit us at [2] Attend a Campus Tour (Highly Recommended)



and complete a student interview

You can register on the website by clicking on the ‘Campus Tour’ button.

Lodge an Application Form

You can either apply online or forms can be downloaded from the website (hit the “Apply Now” button) There’s no need to wait for your Year 12 results – the college accepts applications at any time throughout the year.

Attend an advisory session (optional)

Sessions can be booked online or by calling 02 9739 3333. Advisory Sessions are an opportunity for you to meet with a staff member, have any questions you may have answered and to gain a greater understanding about your chosen course.

Sessions are usually conducted at the completion of campus tours, however, an alternative time can be arranged by contacting us on 1300 302 867.

Dance qualifications require applicants to pass through an audition process.


Submit your Results

Submit Year 12 results (HSC or equivalent, TAFE and/or other post-secondary academic results) and any other relevant documentation.

RECOGNITION OF PRIOR LEARNING (RPL) The College recognises relevant prior learning in the form of post-secondary study at diploma level or above and in the form of practical/professional work experience. RPL submissions may be considered as part of – and at the same time as – the overall college application process. In the case of undergraduate award courses, to qualify a student must normally complete a minimum of (the equivalent of) 50% of the award course at the college. In general it is expected that students applying for credit will complete at least 50% of the final year of the degree. For further arrangements about RPL and credit arrangements, please refer to the Academic Board Coursework Rules, available in the Policies and Procedures section of




ADMISSION ACPE endeavours to make admission accessible to a diversity of students who demonstrate potential for success in tertiary study. Special consideration is given to applicants who have been disadvantaged in their education but who exhibit strong academic potential. General Admission to the college is governed by the overarching principles of fairness, transparency and timeliness and is based on a combined range of factors, including merit, academic performance and a student interview.

GENERAL ADMISSION CRITERIA Undergraduate Courses Applicants must meet at least ONE of the following criteria to be considered for admission: A. A minimum NSW HSC (Higher School Certificate) average of 65 (calculated from the average of the highest 10 units completed) or equivalent. B. A qualification from a recognised higher education provider. C. An Associate Degree, Associate Diploma, Diploma, Advanced Diploma, or Tertiary Preparation Certificate from a TAFE or other recognised VET provider qualification. Students wishing to enter through Certificate IV must have completed to Year 11 or equivalent. D. Completed one year full-time or equivalent in a degree course at an Australian university. E. Satisfaction of entry requirements specified under formal articulation arrangements as determined by the ACPE Academic Board. F. A recognised overseas qualification with demonstrated proficiency in English.

G. Demonstration to the Dean’s satisfaction of good selection prospects as a student (for example, relevant work experience and motivation to study) and ineligibility to compete for admission based on the academic achievement criteria (A) to (F). English Literacy Requirements – Pre-Service Teacher Education A. Domestic applicants seeking admission to an undergraduate teacher education degree course, such as the Bachelor of Dance Education, must additionally provide evidence to the College that they have attained an English proficiency of Band 4 or higher in the courses Standard English or Advanced English or English as a Second Language in the NSW Higher School Certificate, or equivalent. B. An applicant for a teacher education degree who does not meet the Band 4 English proficiency requirement may be permitted to enrol in a linked undergraduate degree (see Sections 9.11 and 9.12) on the understanding that the candidate will be permitted to transfer to the second year of the linked teacher education degree subject to: C. The achievement of Band 4 English proficiency level (or equivalent), and D. The satisfactory completion of all first year units in the degree of initial enrolment. English Literacy Requirements – All other courses A. Applicants with an HSC mark of below 65 in the NSW Higher School Certificate English courses, or equivalent, will be granted Provisional Admission (see Section 8). B. As part of the conditions of their Provisional Admission, such applicants may be required to complete successfully the Foundations of Academic Literacy (FOAL) unit provided by the College.

Special Provision for Applicants unable to meet the General Admission Criteria An applicant seeking admission who is unable to demonstrate that he or she satisfactorily meets the General Admission Criteria will be considered by the College for Provisional Admission. An applicant should be aware that if he or she is being considered for Provisional Admission, he or she may be requested to provide evidence that will demonstrate to the Dean’s satisfaction that he or she has a reasonable likelihood of success in his or her studies with the College. They may also be required to attend an interview with the Dean. Special circumstances also considered for admission are:

• Elite Athletes who can demonstrate that their training and/or competitive commitments have affected their academic achievement. • Educational disadvantage due to circumstances beyond the applicant’s control. • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, in recognition of the past exclusion and current disadvantage in these people’s experience. Graduate Diploma Applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria: A. A Bachelor degree in a relevant area. B. An Advanced Diploma, Diploma or higherlevel vocational certificate with additional relevant work experience. C. Extensive relevant work or educational experience demonstrating potential to undertake work at the Graduate Diploma level. Such students may be accepted to the Graduate Certificate and can progress to the Graduate Diploma on successful completion of the four Graduate Certificate subjects. For more information, please visit



ACPE ACADEMY Take a pathway to ACPE or launch your career as a personal trainer!

Leveraging the rich and successful 95 year history of ACPE, the Academy enhances ACPE’s range of qualifications relevant to fitness industry careers by providing vocational level qualifications. The Academy suits those who are seeking a career in areas such as personal training or massage, as the Academy’s courses will see students fully qualified to enter the workforce in a range of fitness and health related professions.

The campus is located within Sydney Olympic Park Sports Centre, close to the ACPE main campus. ONLINE AND ON-CAMPUS STUDY OPTIONS IN: • SIS30313 Certificate III in Fitness • SIS40210 Certificate IV in Fitness • SIS50213 Diploma of Fitness • BSB51107 Diploma of Management • HLT40312 Certificate IV in Massage Therapy Practice

• HLT50307 Diploma of Remedial Massage The ACPE Academy can also provide a pathway to ACPE degree programs through its nationally recognized For more information please visit vocational training for those who have not met the entry requirements to ACPE. RTO Code: 5806


Certificate III and IV in Fitness


Quality education worldwide The Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE) is part of Study Group, a global leader in providing academic pathways that create superior career outcomes for students. We are proud of our role in the education community, and are passionate about helping students achieve their dreams and aspirations. Our strategic pillars: • Access to Higher Education • Provision of Higher Education • Provision of Career Education • Provision of Language Education

Social Responsibility As a global education provider Study Group seeks to make a difference by funding the construction of schools in disadvantaged communities. Through our charitable initiative Building Futures, Study Group works to identify those communities where the building of a school will contribute to the preservation of the social structure for future generations. Study Group also recognises its responsibility towards protection of the environment and fosters among its staff, suppliers, customers, shareholders and local communities an understanding of environmental issues in the context of its business. Our collective task is to ensure that we continually improve the environmental impact of our global activities.

Contact Australian College of Physical Education Registered Office and Address 1 Figtree Drive Sydney Olympic Park NSW 2127 Phone: 02 9739 3333 Facsimile: 02 9764 4144 Email:

Postal Details Locked Bag 2000 Concord West NSW 2138

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