June 2011
THE ADMIN REPORT WELCOME NOTE Welcome to the first official newsletter written by admin workers for admin workers every-where.
Each month there will be different articles based on topics and issues that are relevant to you and if you would like to submit any This newsletter discusses articles or express any the admin world, office issues or opinions let me issues, and any other office know so I can submit them related topics specifically into this newsletter. written for administration workers, virtual assistants, This month I hope that you clerical officers, office will find interesting and managers, receptionists informative. and any other admin based profession.
To contact me for any comments you have on any articles or topic submissions, please don’t hesitate to contact me:
Renee Chapman The Admin Chick
For article submission or comments, contact Renee at
In this Issue: • Welcome Note • Ergonomics of Being Mobile • Why is Sustainability so Important? • Website Accessibility
THE ERGONOMICS OF BEING MOBILE When laptops first came onto the market they were for executives on the move and expected to be used for short periods of time. Laptops are designed first and foremost to be portable, not for the ergonomics of use for long periods. Now of course laptops are integral in the busy lives we lead. They are used in dedicated home offices, the kitchen, the car, the train and when we travel. With the convenience of laptops there is also a health cost from prolonged use in the form of neck, low back and arm pain. We need to use laptops ergonomically. The good news is that the solutions are simple. Where possible, a docking station or port replicator bar and peripheral keyboard and mouse are recommended. The laptop user has only to raise and tilt the screen and attach a peripheral keyboard and mouse to give themselves the flexibility to be comfortable while working. The screen should be raised to avoid neck bending and therefore the keyboard cannot be used easily. Using an infrared or other peripheral keyboard
and mouse allows the user to place the screen slightly further away which is more comfortable for the eyes. The eye to screen distance should be around 600mm. Using a plug in mouse gives the user the opportunity to work with the shoulders relaxed and elbows by the body, where fatigue is much less. The screens of laptops are usually smaller than desktop computers. When carrying your laptop, look at using a purpose-designed laptop backpack over a briefcase or shoulder-slung bag as they are more ergonomic when worn with both shoulder straps. As a guide short and frequent ‘refresh pauses’ are beneficial for the eyes, neck, back, shoulders, arms, hands and fingers. How you schedule pauses depends on your work habits and comfort threshold. Some people prefer to use a stretch software to remind them to change posture and stretch.
For article submission or comments, contact Renee at
“You are a product of your environment, so choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyse your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you towards success - or are they holding you back?”
W Clement Stone
Why is Sustainability so Important? As Australians, we pride ourselves on our natural environment and our underlying belief in equality and fairness. For most of us our country provides a good standard of living, potential prosperity and a sense of identity. Our key industries, e.g. agriculture, fisheries, forestry and tourism, rely on our natural environment to meet the world market demands for healthy, sustainably derived products and services. On a global level we extract resources, manufacture products and deliver services in a way that is threatening our unique environment and our personal health. Responsible businesses have taken on these challenges and have discovered “the business case” for responding positively to these issues. Being a Responsible Business Owner and Member of the Community By adopting socially responsible practices business is able to provide a much more positive role in society by: • Offering products or services with integrity, • Avoiding waste and pollution, • Supporting local businesses that are ‘doing the right thing’ (e.g. operating their own environmental or social programs) • Offering your staff a better work environment • Developing respectful and supportive relationships with suppliers • Avoid supporting socially unacceptable activities (e.g. child labour, exploitation of resources and cultures, cruelty to animals, promotion of alcohol, gambling, etc) Highlight potential savings from green office initiative. In almost every field some organisations or businesses have active green office initiatives already underway. The most common benefits cited from operational improvements is savings in purchasing and. You may also benefit from:
• Reduced operational costs (e.g. energy bills or in reduced waste disposal costs). • Reduced purchasing costs (e.g. stationary costs printing costs, postage etc.) • Improved staff morale & public image. Better relationships with suppliers and the local community. Emphasize the economic benefits, morale improvements, marketing advantages or public profile gains that your competitors may be realizing through their efforts. Don't let your company be a laggard! Indicate likely reactions by Customers, Board of Directors, and Stakeholders. Determine how key groups will respond to changes in your products, packaging, and improved internal operations. Today’s public is concerned about environmental as well as human rights issues. Your efforts to green your office may translate into positive public relations and better sales. You certainly can’t afford to risk the bad press associated with not addressing these issues. Remember everyone who starts up a successful program has to face obstacles. Sometimes an idea is presented at a time when it must compete with more urgent matters. Look for initiatives that will offer the biggest benefit for the smallest effort. And there will always be a few people who will object to any change, but don’t let them deter you. Be patient and keep trying. Join your local business network to find out what others are doing in the area. Once you have your supporters you should formalize a ‘Green Office Team’ to further participation and action within your organisation.
For article submission or comments, contact Renee at
Website Accessibility Web pages are sometimes subject to accessibility issues for people with disabilities, different languages, people with learning difficulties and other factors. Below are some quick tips to abide by when managing the website accessibility guidelines and for information on how to meet the Website Standards set out in the Website Accessibility Initiative, for more information, you can visit the W3C website at • Images & animations: Use the ‘alt’ attribute to describe the function of each visual. • Image maps. Use the client-side map and text for hotspots. • Multimedia. Provide captioning and transcripts of audio, and descriptions of video. • Hyperlinks. Use text that makes sense when read out of context. e.g. avoid "click here.” • Page organisation. Use headings, lists, and consistent structure. Use CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) for layout and style where possible. • Graphs & charts. Summarize graphs and charts to explain further. • Scripts, applets, & plug-ins. Provide alternative content in case active features are inaccessible or unsupported. • Frames. Use the no frames element and meaningful titles. • Tables. Make line-by-line reading sensible and summarize. • Check your work. Validate your work using tools, checklist, and guidelines at © W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio) 2001/01This has been taken from the W3C Guidelines Website for study purposes only. Other processes that are regularly used are as follows:
1. Complying with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. 2. Ensuring other languages are displayed other than English 3. . Designing the site to be viewed by different sized browsers and operating systems 4. Incorporating text only, print friendly and large fonts for other modes of access 5. Display of a contact us page for users to direct their issues regarding the website Audience Make sure the website has been designed to be available to as many users as possible including:
For more information about Copyright, please refer to the copyright website for advice. Editing Tips
Simplicity – The key to website management and design is to • People with disabilities that may keep it simple. Making it easy for use assistive technologies users to navigate quickly to the • Users that have slower internet relevant information they are speeds or use less than state of looking for will keep users coming the art equipment back. • Rural and Regional users Consistency – It is important to • People with different language & keep the designs, styles, font size cultural backgrounds and colours consistent across all pages on the website It is essential that all content and Images – Images will make the information is accurate, easy to website more attractive and understand, legible and user appealing the users and it is friendly. Access to written important to keep images looking information can be difficult for professional. Also it is vital to ensure some people who have learning that images are accepted to use, disabilities. Using clear and simple noting of copyright laws is language promotes effective essential. communication including those Site Map – A Sitemap can be very that who have learning disabilities useful for people that cannot find and other issues. the information they are requiring. Sitemaps contain all of the Copyright webpage’s and headings that are accessed on the website even Unless otherwise indicated, those that don’t appear to have a information, including images and link to them. text contained on the website Contact Page – This is essential maybe protected by copyright. because if any of the users that are It is vital to address all issues accessing the website regarding copyright from the have trouble viewing any owner of the material. All content information or any other queries that has been used on your they need to know that they can website must have permission contact us to address their granted from the agency of concerns. concern and credited of their material.
For article submission or comments, contact Renee at