The Advocate, Issue 18, February 18, 2010

Page 1


FEBRUARY 18, 2011

MHCC does the TIME Warp 'Rocky Horror' coverage

Pages 8-10


Men's basketball wins sixth straight game vs. Chemeketa



Faculty contract impasse sets clock ticking By Jordan Tichenor The Advocate The MHCC District board declared impasse Monday in the fulltime faculty contract negotiations, provoking a variety of responses and sharpening the focus on the impact on students and the college as a whole. According to a statement on the MHCC website, the board declared impasse “in an effort to protect students from possible faculty actions that may impact students’ ability to successfully complete their coursework.” Seven days after declaring impasse, both parties must submit their final proposals to the Oregon Employment Relations Board, and 30 days after declaring impasse, the administration may impose their last best offer. At that point, with a 10-day notice, the faculty may strike, making March 26 the earliest day a strike may occur. Winter term ends March 18, and spring term classes begin March 28. MHCC District board chairman Brian Freeman said the board’s action was taken so there would be “no possibility of strike action until after winter term ends,” and because “something else needs to happen or you could go on forever” with no resolution. In addition to declaring impasse, the board agreed to more mediated sessions, according to a statement on the MHCC website. Two such sessions in January, where the parties sit in separate rooms but trade communications through a state-appointed mediator, failed to reach agreement. No date has been set for another mediation session. The board has asked for a session on or after March 1. Jack Schommer, the president of the faculty association, said the faculty association had previously sent a letter to the board requesting either face-to-face or mediated sessions.

See Contract on page 13

Jazz Band returns from Taiwan trip

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