The Advocate, Issue 28 - May 18th, 2018

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Independent Student Voice of MHCC

Volume 52, Issue 28 MAY 18, 2018

Iran deal, or no deal ? PAGE 2

Conscious students would pay PAGE 3

Streamlining of registration process PAGE 6

MHCC: NWAC TRIPLE THREAT Sharing the Himalayas with MHCC PAGE 4





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But is sustainable, fair trade coffee doable for Black Rock? Kyle Venooker the advocate

How much is saving the world worth to you? According to people on campus, about a buck. A small survey taken on Monday, May 14, questioned 30 MHCC students and faculty dropping in at the Black Rock coffee bar, a recent addition to the campus library. Black Rock, the company, opened in 2008, and has rapidly expanded in the subsequent decade. With over 50 locations in five states, the franchise nonetheless presents itself as an intimate reflection of a neighborhood’s character: According to its website, “As part of local communities, each Black Rock Coffee Bar team finds ways to serve their neighborhoods. And by doing so we help raise the bar for relationship and compassion.” If the bustling lines are any indication, students at Mt. Hood agree. But what does drinking coffee ‘compassionately’ actually entail?

As Sarada Krishnan noted in the Oxford Research Encyclopedia, the global coffee trade has been characterized by chronic instability and price volatility, which have led to “poverty and food insecurity in countries where the majority of coffee producers are subsistence farmers.” Additionally, almost a quarter of all the coffee on the global market is imported by Americans – as such, our collective coffee habits have a significant impact on the coffee trade. The good news is that in recent decades, Americans have, by and large, been growing more aware of the collective impact of their lifestyles, with “An Inconvenient Truth” and other films, movements such as permaculture and farmto-table eating, and the explosive growth of market share experienced by local organic produce, not to mention the success of Fair Trade labeling. These trends, it seems, are reflected in the attitudes of the student body at Mt. Hood. In the survey taken at Black Rock, several people (age 17-69, with a median age of 19) indicated they would be willing to pay more per cup if they knew their coffee was either environmentally sustainable or ethically sourced (meaning the farmers were fairly compensated for their work). Of the students surveyed, 40

First year issue

percent indicated they would pay $1 more per cup for environmentally sustainable coffee, and 46 percent indicated they would pay $1 extra for ethically sourced coffee. This willingness to pay more doubtless stems from a sense of responsibility, rather than any excess of spending money – almost two-thirds of those questioned indicated that they felt ethically sourced coffee was either somewhat or very important to them, and almost 60 percent said environmentally sustainable coffee was either somewhat or very important. Time for action? Given that the overwhelming majority of participants reported they often got coffee at Black Rock, and most stated that they would pay a premium for ethical coffee, would it make sense for Black Rock to offer an ethical option? It’s hard to say. There are many different factors that go into offering sustainable options, not the least of which is price. According to a 2001 global study, researcher Daniele Giovannucci found that the industry average per-pound [price increase] for sustainable coffee was between $0.53 and $0.62. Per a 2008 publication by the same author, sustainably certified coffee accounted for just 8 percent of the market – though this represents

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Cover Photos by Fletcher Wold

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coffee, if Black Rock as a company just doesn’t have that as an option, then our campus coffee bar won’t be serving it any time soon. Meantime, the lack of a sustainable option doesn’t seem to deter current customers. Though most of those surveyed indicated they’d be interested in having a sustainable option at Black Rock, they were still lining up, regardless. If it isn’t broke, why fix it? While significant change might not be imminent, incentivizing customers to find ways to reduce their own waste is definitely on the table. Offering customers a discount for bringing their own reusable cups (as do the competing food/coffee outlets at MHCC) would be a great way to promote the sustainability their base is interested in, while saving money on supplies of cups and lids – most of which don’t get recycled. If Black Rock’s mission truly is to “find ways to serve their neighborhoods” and “raise the bar for relationship and compassion,” offering students options they’re looking for could be a great start. Photo by Matana McIntire // the Advocate

Each spring term, the Advocate encourages first year staff to try out new positions. This is their work.

Editor-in-Chief Cassie Wilson

News Editor Greg Leonov

a significant increase over time, indicating that consumer demand is making a large impact on coffee markets and imports. Unfortunately, the manager of Mt. Hood’s Black Rock was unavailable for comment on the question we raise here, as was the CEO of Black Rock, and the firm’s website does not contain any information as to whether or not its coffee is sustainable, ethically or environmentally. Given that most coffee retailers who offer organic or fair trade options make a point of emphasizing this to customers, it’s safe to assume that Black Rock’s coffee likely falls short of the sustainability criteria dictated in Giovannucci’s studies. (Please note: This does NOT necessarily mean the coffee is unethically sourced or has a negative environmental impact). On top of that, the outlet at the MHCC Library is a franchise – meaning, while the business is independently owned and operated, it’s still obligated to sell Black Rock coffee and merchandise. Even if patrons were adamant about having fair trade

Mt. Hood Community College 26000 SE Stark Street Gresham, Oregon 97030 Room AC1369

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Terror support makes a good enough reason to exit Lukas Brito

the advocate

Iran, Trump, and nuclear deals, oh my: The Iran nuclear deal is a complex agreement involving a lot of documents and money. And there is no simple answer to this dilemma. In fact, every potential answer has its pros and cons. First, some key background. In 2015, the Obama administration formulated an agreement, known as the Iran nuclear deal, which was further endorsed by Iran and P5+1 (the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council – the United States, United Kingdom, Russia, France, and China – plus Germany). This agreement boiled down to three key points: sanctions relief, uranium enrichment, and inspections. Basically, this deal was to ensure that it would take Iran at least a year (if able elude detection) to aggregate enough nuclear material to make a bomb.

The previously imposed sanctions on Iran were crippling its economy, and leaders in Tehran, the capital, wanted them immediately removed. Upon the implementation of the 2015 deal, sanctions by the EU and U.S. and most of the U.N. sanctions were dropped. These sanctions consisted of freezes of weapons development and assets, and sanctions in trade, oil experts, and much more. Upon this relief, Iran gained access to $100 billion of previously frozen assets. In exchange, Iran was to maintain only a fixed amount of enriched uranium, one of the most critical components of a nuclear bomb. The deal restricted the nation to just 300 kilograms (661 pounds), compared to the 100,000 kilograms (220,460 pounds) it used to have. It really came down to this: Iran could enrich uranium to a maximum 3.67 percent U-235 – a potency useful for civilian energy purposes, but far below that needed to produce a nuclear bomb. Iran also was to allow inspections by international monitors, who would check a number of enrichment facilities, uranium mines, and plants that produced centrifuge machinery. One of the most crucial parts of this agreement was to give the P5+1 access to facilities, scientists, and documents related to nuclear research. Overall, this deal sounded like the answer to a lot of pressing issues: It regulated Iran’s uranium enrichment and requires transparency in Iran’s nuclear program, in return for lifting economic sanctions. It appeared a win-win for everybody.

Deal No production or stockpile of highly enriched uranium Low-enriched uranium stockpile reduced by 98 percent and capped Centrifuge machinery reduced by twothirds Track Iran’s nuclear activity with robust transparency and inspection

Accusations raised Just one big problem: On April 30, just three weeks ago, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Iran’s nuclear program at the defense ministry in Tel Aviv. He had one point to make, and he made it clear: “Iran lied. Big time.” Netanyahu claimed that Israel has custody of a series of documents that make clear Iran continues to run a secret nuclear weapons program. These include 55,000 pages and 183 CDs obtained from Iran through an intelligence operation, and then authenticated by the U.S., he said. These documents are said to hold incriminating charts, presentations, blueprints, and videos relating to Iran’s weapons deceit. Just like every president, President Trump took office with agenda full of campaign promises, one of those being a renegotiation of the Iran nuclear deal. Netanyahu’s claims about Iran lying came just weeks before Trump’s formal decision to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal, and may have had significant impact in his decision, given the close relationship of Israel and U.S. as allies. But, Trump had reasons beyond Netanyahu’s claims to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal. Two reasons, actually: First, being that the Iran nuclear deal did not provide oversight of Iran’s manufacture of ballistic missiles that could launch nuclear warheads as far as the U.S.; and, second, being that Iran is the world’s leading sponsor for state terrorism. The president’s intention with Iran

is to slap the sanctions back on, as well with any other country that does international business with it. He wants to drive Iran’s economy to its knees, allowing it to have either a sustainable economy or a nuclear program – but not both. Controversial move President Trump’s exit from the Iran nuclear deal does come with some backlash. His wish to re-impose sanctions on Iran and any of its trade partners has created tension with some of our strongest allies in Europe. Critics, and even some of his own advisers, argued loudly against pulling out of the deal, too. Some even accuse the president of trying to incite a new conflict with Iran. Yet, it’s important to remember that just because the U.S. withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal, this does not mean the arrangement no longer exist: We now have to see what the remaining P5+1 countries decide to do. With Trump’s high-profile campaign promises to undo most of Obama’s policies in Iran, and the U.S. media’s swell job of portraying anything that has the name “Trump” associated with it as terrible, or ignorant, it’s difficult to decipher what is actually best for the security of our nation. As I said before, the Iran nuclear deal is complex. A deep dive into every single pro and con could bore you to death. But maybe Trump is right about this one: Maybe we should, indeed, exit a deal that allows the economy of the world’s leading sponsor for state terrorism to soar. Something tells me that new nuclear weapons and a country that sponsors terrorism just shouldn’t go together.

No Deal Gas prices could rise U.S. can implement sanctions on Iran U.S. businesses looking to operate in Iran either give up or get sanction waivers Sanctions on Iran will complicate trade with Iran

Graphic by Sheila Embers // the Advocate

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HIGHLIGHTING THE BEAUTY OF CULTURAL DIVERSITY Artist brings to life her memories of the people of the Himalayas Matana McIntire the advocate

Sometimes, all it takes is a small reminder in our day-to-day lives to reinvigorate old memories. For artist Erin M. Price, that reminder was uncovering a box of photos from her time living in the foothills of the Himalayas. Price is a longtime artist, educator, and mother of three currently showing in Mt. Hood’s Fireplace Gallery in the Student Union. Called “Mountain Memories: Glimpses of Asia,” her series is an ongoing one that she says is “a tiny fraction” of what she plans to create. “I could probably spend most of the rest of my life just documenting so many different aspects of the richness of their (Asian) culture,” she said. According to Price, the part of the Himalayas her and her family lived in was on the Tea Horse Road, which was a network of trade routes through the mountains of Sichuan, Yunnan and Tibet in Southwest China. Her family came to that area so that her husband could study Chinese at a local university, and Price often spent her time visiting with the locals – usually photographing them. “Being an artist and a former world history teacher, I’m just so enamored by all of the different cultures [in that area],” Price said of the crossroads of cultures and people groups on the Tea Horse Road. She would

Photo provided by Erin M. Price

Erin M. Price (right) pictured with a woman from the area where she lived during her time in Asia. A character wearing the same clothes can be seen in one of Price's gallery pieces, "On Main Street," which is hanging in the Fireplace Gallery.

befriend many of the locals and took many photos, photography being her main creative outlet for the majority of her adult life. It wasn’t until she came back to the States and moved to the coast of Oregon that she stumbled upon these photos of her time in the foothills. “While I think about the people and those experiences fairly regularly, just seeing

so many of them literally all together brought back this flood of memories,” Price recalled. What spurred her to create a series around the memories of her time in Asia was a desire to commemorate the people and the experiences that made an impact on her and her family’s lives. The actual process of creating the Mountain Memories series was a family

effort. At the time that Price took on this new endeavor, she was working as an art teacher where she was “starting programs from scratch,” she said. She recalled coming home from 12-hour workdays, setting up her canvases on a drawing board in the family living room and painting each night while her family “lived life around her.” It became her stress relief. “It was really special,” Price said of the creation process. “I think we were all more emotional than expected when that first show came about. Not just my memories, but their memories (too) were encompassed in those works.” Now living in Missouri, Price will continue to work on her Mountain Memories series. She says that she’s committed to heralding the cultures she portrays in her artwork. More than that, she hopes that her work encourages people to appreciate the beauty of diversity. She also says it’s been just over five years since her last visit to Asia, and she’s starting to get that itch again. “Most of the people that are portrayed in [my artwork] haven’t had photographs or had access to any portrait of themselves,” Price said. “I would love to go back and share some of my artwork with them.” Her series, Mountain Memories: Glimpses of Asia, will be displayed in the Fireplace Gallery on Mt. Hood’s Gresham campus through June 8. Gallery hours are 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday.

¡Bienvenido! Добро Пожаловать


Located at the MHCC campus Above the Library, Room 3308A College of Business & College of Education (503) 491-7000 PA G E 4


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Flourishing alt-rock bands set to mesmerize Portland fans Cassie Wilson the advocate

The most-anticipated, blossoming rock show of the spring touring season is making its way to Portland’s Wonder Ballroom on Thursday, May 24: The Wonder Years (not to be confused with the TV show), Tigers Jaw, Tiny Moving Parts, and Worriers are bringing their emotionallycharged performances together in town this month. All four of these bands tend to get lumped into the pop-punk box of the alternative music scene, yet their most recent works shatter those creatively stifling labels. They sometimes upset fans who don’t want the bands to evolve their sound despite those changes resulting in their best albums to date. The artists’ sounds bend more towards emo or indie-rock than generic, fast-paced pop-punk, but some do share plain pop-punk influences, which are particularly evident in earlier releases. It’s also a pleasant surprise to be seeing an alternative show, at an all-ages venue, that isn’t just a bunch of twenty-something dudes performing. As someone who’s under 21, I often miss out on the most diverse tours coming through Portland because they take place at Mississippi Studios or the Doug Fir Lounge, some of Portland’s more elegant venues. Fortunately, this tour also features a handful of non-men in the bands. (Though, there will always be room for even more diversity). Worriers Kicking off each night is Worriers, a punk band that has been quickly growing, especially since signing with SideOneDummy Records and releasing “Survival Pop” last summer. They’ve definitely worked hard to make their way to opening for a tour of this scale as they’ve already played several shows internationally. Worriers write songs about gender, and societal expectations of what femininity is supposed to look like. They also touch on mental health throughout their music which is a very common theme in all of the bands on this tour.

Photo by Cassie Wilson // the Advocate

The Wonder Years performing at the Hawthorne Theatre in Portland in March of 2016. The band has played in town a few time since, and is set to headline the Wonder Ballroom on Thursday, May 24.

Tiny Moving Parts Second on the bill are the Midwestern cousins, in Tiny Moving Parts. This threepiece plays a unique style of indie mathrock. If you’re not familiar with math-rock, it’s characterized by a lot of complex timesignature changes throughout songs, typically more technically advanced instrumentals, and guitarists often tapping on their fretboards instead of strumming all the time. All of these traits are true for Tiny Moving Parts, but the other elements they’ve added make them stand out on every show they play. Their lyrics are quite sad, something you may not expect if you’ve ever seen the smile that’s plastered to vocalist/guitarist Dylan

Mattheisen’s face at any given moment. Their new album, “Swell,” features some of their most energetic, yell-along worthy material. Tiny Moving Parts sound as tightknit as ever, and will undoubtedly put on an explosive live show. Tigers Jaw Tigers Jaw are serving as direct support on this tour – rightfully so, as they’ve been longtime scene favorites, and especially popular with music lovers on Tumblr. Their most popular songs feature prominent lyrics that end up in the form of tattoos, fan art, and photo captions. Their latest release, “Spin,” has a rock tempo to it, but the guitar tones and vocals

are so warm and inviting that these songs make you want to vibe out and gently sing the words, as opposed to headbanging. Based on past experiences seeing Tigers Jaw, I anticipate their set will be a perfect balance between songs from “Spin” and a mix of songs from the rest of their albums. That would satisfy fans both new and old, and make for a fluid transition into the headliner. The Wonder Years The Wonder Years: Putting this band into words is difficult, which is what makes seeing them live so powerful. This band puts forth an energy and feeling that will grab you and won’t let go. Personally, it took me a couple years to get into them despite them being one of the biggest bands in modern alternative rock, and being comprised of musicians that I have always really respected. I learned that they’re a band that comes to you – when the time is right, their music will captivate your ears and your mind like they did at the end of 2016, for me. Their entrancing qualities became especially true with the release of their new album, “Sister Cities.” The new record sees The Wonder Years reaching their fully realized sound. They break out of the musical boxes that they’ve been put in, and offer listeners a look at the beautiful realities that pop-punk bands have the potential to become. “Sister Cities” examines the world through the lens of the band’s international travels, a departure and mature step forward from their previously inward-looking styles of writing. Every time I’ve seen The Wonder Years, they’ve put on a focused, thought-provoking set that simultaneously leaves me satisfied, yet always wishing I could see more artists do what they’re doing. So, The Wonder Years, Tigers Jaw, Tiny Moving Parts, and Worriers will play the Wonder Ballroom on Thursday. Based on the authenticity in these artists’ music and previous performances, it will likely be one of the most memorable shows of the spring.


Tigers Jaw

Tiny Moving Parts


Graphic by Megan Phelps // the Advocate

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Greg Leonov the advocate

An ambitious undertaking is happening at the main Gresham campus to help students register, get financial aid, and accomplish all the tasks required from individuals when they want to become students at Mt. Hood Community College. The goal: Streamline and simplify the often-confusing process. Currently, the first stop for prospective students is the Orientation Center. Staff in the center assist students with the steps needed to become a student at the college. Then, the individual is usually directed to the Business Office. Depending on what the student is hoping to study at the college, staff there may send the individual to Advising or to another area of the college in order for that individual to get all the documents to be fully registered as a student. Plenty of lines in various departments and a proverbial treasure hunt for documents and financial records can wear a student down well into the first few weeks of the term, when courses are well under way. To change that, various MHCC advisers, financial aid staff, faculty members, and other employees have explored this problem and are working on a solution to smooth out the registration process. A proposed student hub is a pop-

ular solution, most likely to be centered in the Business Office location. “It’s kind of symbolic in a way because it’s physical, it involves moving parts,” said Matthew Farina, Title III director of retention for MHCC. “We’re getting students and staff to collaborate and to really get buy-in as we go.” Currently, the team involved with putting together the student hub is working on a prototype, based on various models. “It doesn’t need to be perfect, at the get-go,” said Farina. The purpose is to have a single, clearly identified area where potential students can get all information required in order to take classes at MHCC. “From a student’s standpoint, all they need to know is, ‘You get to the hub, we’re going to take care of you.’ That’s the goal behind it,” said Farina. In order for the project to work, the group needs to be mindful of its budget, which is not huge. “We don’t have the money right now to knock down walls, we really can’t do any major upgrades,” said Farina. “We could move furniture, we could really change the flow of things – there’s a lot you can do with some basic stuff.” Before agreeing that the Business Office is the best place for the hub, the group evaluated multiple options. The Bookstore and the Sol Center underneath the Student

Union were a couple of them. The Bookstore was dismissed because the cost involved with making that change “was just astronomical; plus, where would the Bookstore go?” said Farina. The Sol Center didn’t work out mainly because of ADA compliance, and the fact that it sits in the basement. “It’s like, why are we putting students in the basement? That’s not what we’re trying to do here,” he said. The Business Office is already the first place students usually go to when looking to apply to MHCC. “Most of the services are already there anyway,” said Farina. “All the infrastructure’s there: wiring, computer ports, electricity, all the signage is already there.” And, the area is easily accessible for those who need ADA accommodation. Farina and other leaders are working through organizational and logistics hurdles. If all goes well, students can expect to see the hub taking shape when they arrive on campus at the end of this summer.



Cassie Wilson the advocate

The Sandy River Watershed Council’s de-paving project is officially under way in Mt. Hood’s E, F, G, and H parking lots to install rain gardens to filter the polluted runoff that currently drains untreated into Beaver Creek, where endangered salmon live. It’s a big step in MHCC becoming the first official “Salmon Safe” community college in the nation. On Saturday, May 19, volunteers can help remove asphalt where the rain gardens will be built this summer and fall. The event runs 8:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. Anyone interested can visit sandyriver. org/projects/depave to learn more,

Graphic by Nicole Meade // the Advocate

MOUTHS OF OTHERS Cassie Wilson the advocate

The Mt. Hood community can learn much more about the new Student Hub at a “New Student Experience” showcase, to be held noon to 2 p.m. on both Wednesday and Thursday, May 23-24, in the Student Union. Visitors can enjoy tamales, drinks and music while they view creative work behind the project. For more:

and to register to help. A total of seven parking spaces will be permanently removed in favor of the rain gardens, but the construction will affect spaces around these sites during the remainder of Spring Term. Most work will occur during late June or July. There is ample parking on the east side (lower level) of campus to serve students the rest of Spring Term, the school notes.

Mt. Hood’s Humanities Department will be hosting its next Mouths of Others speakers series event, from noon to 1 p.m. on Wednesday, May 23 in the Visual Arts Theater, featuring award-winning author and speaker Rene Denfeld. Denfeld is the author of “The

Child Finder, “The Enchanted,” and essays in publications including the New York Times. Her writing is inspired by her advocacy and social justice work with sex trafficking victims and innocent people in prison. She was named one of 19 heroic stories of the year by the Times. She currently lives in Portland and is a mother to three kids adopted from foster care.


If you were to break open one of the original Pokémon games for the first time, you would be given a choice to start off with one of three little creatures: a green, four-legged critter with a seed on its back; a tiny, blue turtle; or a red lizard with a flame at the end of its tail. All of these starters are adorable in their own right, but fire-type Charmander seemed to be the popular choice for all the young players back in the early 2000s. For a period of time on Saturday, May 19, Pokémon Go players will have the chance to catch loads of Charmander and also play alongside other enthusiasts in the community.

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As in previous Community Days, the event will last from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., and there will be some additional incentives to venture out to your local parks for May’s version. This includes bonus stardust to make your Pokémon stronger plus lures that will last for three hours. But what has almost become the main attraction of every Community Day so far is the frenzied search for shiny Pokémon. In the main series games, every individual species of Pokémon have an alternate coloration, different than how it would normally look. For each Pokémon you encountered, there

was about a 1/8000 chance of discovering a ‘shiny’ variant of that

Graphic by Amy Welch // the Advocate

Pokémon. This same idea was brought to Pokémon Go with a handful of species possessing an extremely rare color pattern. Every month since January there has been a new featured Pokémon for Community Day, complete with a shiny version of that select Pokémon. Charmander has been a fan favorite since early on in the history of the whole franchise, mainly because it eventually evolves into Charizard: a fire-breathing beast with wings like a dragon. It was, and remains one of the most recognizable faces of Pokémon, behind Pikachu.

Now if you happen to see crowds of people roaming around popular outdoor areas with phones in hand, chances are it’s Pokémon Go Community Day and many of those players are on the hunt for a rare addition to their growing collection. Anyone walking away from this event with a slick, black Charizard with red wings will have had a very successful day. Some may snag three or four; some may not see any at all; but the real enjoyment comes from searching with other players. To find information on events and meet-ups in your area, you can find dedicated groups on Facebook plus other websites such as Discord and The Silph Road.


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STUDENT ART ON DISPLAY IN VISUAL ARTS GALLERY MHCC student artwork is now on display in the Visual Arts Gallery, and will be through Thursday, June 7. Hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday "Happy Otter" painting by Robin McGuire; "Dying Drag" concrete sculpture by Molly Garnette Anderson; and "Truth Coming Out of His Hellpit to Shame Mankind" bronze sculpture by James Edwards are all on display in the Visual Arts Gallery now.

Photos by Shyann Tooke // the Advocate


Photo by Jeff Hinds

Jonathan Zacarias the advocate

Playoffs for baseball! For softball! For track and field! Playoffs for everyone! Come one, come all to the NWAC championships! You heard it right, Mt. Hood’s spring sports have all made it to postseason action. Head coaches

Donohue and Hendrickson, and cocoaches Fantroy and Holding, all did a great job this season reaching the goal of getting their athletes to the championships. So, here's our applause for their hard work and dedication for Saints sports this year. Baseball We start off with Mt. Hood

baseball, which didn’t have a very good start to the season but gained a lot of momentum in the second half, as they ended their schedule a winning streak of eight games. The Saints finished 20-24 overall on the regular season, with a .467 percentage and 14-16 record in South Region play. Their current streak started with winning four of

the five games they played against Southwestern Oregon Community College (losing the first one just 6-4, then winning the last four with scores of: 9-3, 9-1, 2-1, and 5-3) a week and a half ago. They then won a series sweep of Olympic Community College (4-3, 4-3, 5-3, and 5-0) this past weekend, May 1213, which lifted them into third place

Photos by Fletcher Wold // The Advocate

in the South and into the playoffs. This makes the fourth consecutive playoff appearance for Mt. Hood, and comes after Saints were South Region champions the last two years.




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MHCC will strive to move on to the NWAC championship bracket – featuring the top four surviving teams as well as the four No. 1 seeds from all four regions, set in Longview, Washington starting Thursday, May 24. But before that, Saints baseball must come out alive from the league’s North super regional, set in Everett, Washington, where they begin at 1 p.m. Saturday, May 19. It’s a double-elimination bracket, where Mt. Hood will face Centralia Community College first.


Saints softball team celebrating a win over Clark College.



Continuing the good news, the Saints softball team once again made it to the NWAC Championship tournament, which begins in Spokane, Washington, this morning. Mt. Hood will take on Wenatchee Valley Community College at 12:30 p.m., to help kick off the double-elimination tournament. The Saints are coming in much stronger compared to last season, where they barely slid into the playoffs as the No. 15 team among all competing in the 16-team tournament. The 2018 Saints finished 26-14 overall on the regular season, with a .692 percentage and 18-8 record in South Region play, good for second place. This places the Saints as No. 8 this year among the tourney teams. Mt. Hood softball also ended the season in a good note as they beat Chemeketa Community College in a double-header, sweeping the first game, 9-0, and winning a much more even second game, 4-3. Advancing to the NWAC playoffs is a tradition for Mt. Hood softball, as this will be the 23rd straight season they will be participating (and winning five titles in the last nine years.)

Earn your Oregon State business degree in Portland. With classes in-person at OSU’s new downtown location by Pioneer Square and online, we’ll help you thrive as a student and prepare like a professional.

Photos by Fletcher Wold // the Advocate

Thrower Jacob Cason getting fine-tuning tips before NWACs. PA G E 8

Track and Field We finish with track and field, where many Saints will perform in the NWAC championship meet, taking place right here at Mt. Hood on Monday-Tuesday, May 21-22. Some male athletes to keep an eye out for will be: Michael Botchway, who will be racing in the 100-meter and 200-meter dashes where he looks to place in the top three; Austin Dewolfe who will run the 400-meter hurdles; Romanre’ Williams, who will have a busy two days as he’ll perform in the high jump, long jump, and triple jump; Jacob Cason, who also will have his hands full in the men’s hammer, discus and shot pot. On the women’s side, Mt. Hood has Grace Buchanan, taking part in the hammer, shot, and javelin (where it seems that she’s a heavy favorite); Therese Nahimana in the 400-meter hurdles; and Taylor Presley, who will run the 100-meter and 200-meter dashes. So, whether you’re in class, finding some time to kill, or just wandering round campus, stop by Mt. Hood’s track this Monday and Tuesday to see and cheer on your fellow Saints.

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