Volume 46, Issue 2
September 24, 2010
in the courtyard Page 8
Faculty counter-proposal made at contract meeting
Art with an 'attitude'
Best friends on and off the court
2 Opinion
The Advocate
September 24, 2010
Editorial Editors-in-Chief
Jen Ashenberner & Jordan Tichenor
Sports Editor Jon Fuccillo
Advertising Manager Copy Editor David Guida
Living Arts Editor David Gambill
Assistant Living Arts Editor Anevay Torrez
Photo Editor
Devin Courtright
Opinion Editor L. John King
Reporters Joseph Baird Jill-Marie Gavin Chanel Hill Riley Hinds Jessica Ison Richard Ison Yuca Kosugi David Lopez Mike Mata Kylie Rogers Mario Rubio Shelby Schwartz John Tkebuchava Jessica Winters
Bob Watkins
Assistant Adviser Dan Ernst
E-mail advocatt@mhcc.edu 503-491-7250 (Main) 503-491-7413 (Office) 503-591-6064 (Fax) www.advocate-online.net
Mt. Hood Community College 26000 SE Stark Street Gresham, Oregon 97030
The Advocate encourages readers to share their opinion by letters to the editor and guest columns for publication. All submissions must be typed and include the writer’s name and contact information. Contact information will not be printed unless requested. Original copies will not be returned to the author. The Advocate will not print any unsigned submission. Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and guest columns should not exceed 600. The decision to publish is at the discretion of the editorial board. The Advocate reserves the right to edit for style, punctuation, grammar and length. Please bring submissions to The Advocate in Room 1369, or e-mail them to advocatt@mhcc.edu. Submissions must be received by 5 p.m. Monday the week of publication to be considered for print. Opinions expressed in columns, letters to the editor or advertisements are the views of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The Advocate or MHCC.
Front-page photo by Jessica Ison
MHCC parking — A problem with solutions
Parking this week is more than likely on the minds of every student at MHCC. However, The Advocate has some no-nonsense information that we would like every student to pay attention to, acknowledge — and then get back to focusing on more pressing issues. Parking is always an issue. Anyone who has been at MHCC for any period of time knows this. There has been significant enrollment growth, resulting in even less parking than usual. Although official figures will not be available until after the fourth week, we can tell we have a lot more students because of all the waiting (bookstore lines, financial aid lines, class waiting lists, etc.) we have had to do this week. When we look at the fact that our school is in debt up to President John Sygielski’s ears, not being able to find a parking spot for 20 minutes doesn’t seem to be that big a deal. Debt versus no parking equals no brainer. The Advocate has some ideas for students to consider that could help alleviate the parking situation for everyone:
• There are carpool passes available in the College Center. Carpool parking spaces are right up front so buddy up with a classmate, split the cost of gas, and ride together to school. Even without buying a carpool pass, fewer people driving will always equal more parking and fewer headaches • We understand that this may not be the favorite option but there is always Tri-Met. It’s a great time to pull out the old textbooks and study while you ride to school. Plus, riding the bus with the public offers a good opportunity to check off your good deed for the year by standing while allowing a pregnant woman to sit, or helping an elderly person get situated with their walker. • Instead of spending money on gas to drive back and forth to school, students can utilize one of the bike racks found around campus and ride a bike to school. This would also help the environment. Parking is always going to be an issue, but rather than complaining about it, think about what is causing the problems, and what part you can take to solve it.
Guest column
Student awareness can help deter 'crimes of convenience' By Cherilyn Nederhiser Public Safety Officer Every month, the majority of all the crime reported at Mt. Hood Community College involves the theft of unattended or unsecured property. Although MHCC is a safe place, it doesn’t mean everybody who studies, visits, bikes or walks onto the campus will remain honest when they see an opportunity to steal. An item such as a backpack, purse or laptop that is left unattended on a table or in a locked vehicle is like flashing dollar signs to a potential thief. Would you leave a pile of money sitting in your car? “Opportunity theft” is a crime of convenience that is committed by people who have adopted the philosophy that they are not guilty unless caught. They may view a visible GPS unit as an open invitation to break out a car window. While most people are honest and turn in property to the College Center Lost and Found Department (AC 1051), others have a finder’s-keeper’s attitude. Thus, the vast majority of crime on campus can be prevented with minimal effort. Removing the opportunity to commit these thefts will usually prevent them from occurring in the first place. To help resolve this issue, the Department of Safety and Security Management has teamed up with the Associated Student Government to launch an innovative adaptation of the popular Neighborhood Watch program. Campus Watch is a new program being developed by ASG President Larry Collins-Morgan, which will encourage students to act as additional “eyes and ears” on campus by observing and reporting suspicious activity. In addition, students can apply to participate in “Students on Patrol.”
Student patrol members will conduct foot patrols through the parking lots and Academic Centers of the Gresham, Bruning and Maywood Campuses reporting suspicious activity, new graffiti, concerns or safety hazards. Collins-Morgan believes that “when students actively watch their campuses, it sends a message that crime will not be tolerated here”. Student on Patrol volunteers must successfully pass a criminal background check and orientation training prior to going out on patrol with another volunteer or Public Safety Officer. Interested students should call 503-4917310 to obtain an application or ask questions about this new program. According to ASG Vice President John Francis, “students can now do something to prevent crime on campus instead of only rePhoto Illustration porting it.” Keeping the campuses safe is the responsibility of all students, faculty and staff. The more the entire College community works together, the less crime we will have.
-In Issue 1 of The Advocate, there was an error in the story entitled “Crime watch aims to involve students.” Cherilyn Nederhiser, public safety lead, did not submit a formal proposal to the MHCC District board. The Advocate regrets the error.
-In Issue 1 of The Advocate, there was an error in the story entitled “Mackintosh Braun hopes to bring tears worldwide.” The band was never on the set of “Chuck.” The Advocate regrets the error.
September 24, 2010
Looking to the stars New planetarium director hopes to rekindle the magic of space By John Tkebuchava/The Advocate Photo by Devin Courtright/The Advocate
MHCC is starting the 2010-2011 school year by welcoming Pat Hanrahan as the part-time planetarium director and replacement for Doug McCarty, who retired in June after 23 years at the college. Hanrahan has taught astronomy at MHCC for three years as a parttime faculty member. He also teaches astronomy at Clackamas Community College and Portland State University. Hanrahan was told of the opening by McCarty, whom he has known for several years. Hanrahan said he has nothing but respect for McCarty. “I have a tough challenge (ahead) filling the boots of Doug McCarty as he has done an excellent job in his position,” he said. Hanrahan said he is enthusiastic about his new role and has established several goals in hopes to better the program. “My goals include showing that astronomy is not a dead science and that there are many fascinating new discoveries being found all the time,” Hanrahan said in an email last Tuesday. Hanrahan is also pleased that the
planetarium will run live shows. Other programs, such as those at OMSI, often use pre-recorded shows for their presentations. At the MHCC shows Hanrahan will direct, he will point out major constellations and planets. A slide show will include images provided by NASA’s Hubble Telescope, as well as a few images he has taken. “I encourage questions from the public during my shows as these are an important part of the program,” he said. Hanrahan also hopes to instill an enthusiasm for astronomy and spoke of rekindling the “magic” of space. “I’ve had students that have told me that they remember their first visits to the planetarium when they were in grade school and how magical those visits had been,” said Hanrahan. Born in Oregon, Hanrahan has lived in the state for the majority of his life. He received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry at Portland State University, and received his masters in chemistry at the University of Illinois. As an amateur astrophotographer, he often spends his vacations with his telescope and camera in Central and Eastern Oregon where he hikes by day, and looks for deep space objects by night. He intends to add his collection of personal astrophotography to the planetarium shows. “Most people are not aware of how much amateurs are advancing in [astrophotography],” said Hanrahan. Students are admitted free to the public planetarium shows. The first will be Oct. 4 at 7 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. The public shows will continue on the first Monday evening of each month at the same times, and daytime school shows will be hosted on Fridays.
On-campus parking a concern for students who arrive late By Anevay Torrez The Advocate
Everyone’s heard a version of the following saying: “If you’re on time, you’re late; if you’re early, you’re on time.” The early part should be taken literally when hunting for a parking space at MHCC. Cathy Merlo, a second-year student in the registered nursing program, has experienced evidence of higher enrollment of students this year and said there are limited avenues of resolution. “For people who have kids and a job, it’s not an option to get here an hour early to find a parking space, but I always come an hour early because by 9:15 a.m. you’re pretty much lucked out,” said Merlo. During the first week of fall term, students were forced to look for parking in the lots located by the Child Development Center and Fisheries Department because there was an
orange mesh roadblock located at intersections throughout the campus. According to Richard Byers, director of facilities management, the orange mesh is meant “to force people to drive by the parking spaces on the east side of campus, and to keep traffic from backing up with people going in and out from Stark Street.” Merlo said, “There’s room for a structure. Off-campus parking down on Stark Street, by the mall, with shuttles, could work. It would help with the traffic and frustration of finding a parking space. “We’re only three days into the term,” said Merlo. “It could be like this all through fall term or in two weeks people may not come every single day.” With a higher full-time enrollment, students may continue to run into parking issues but, according to Byers, “the parking spaces near the athletic department are available.”
September 24, 2010
Giving for a good cause Above: BJ Perkins takes time out of his day to donate blood. Middle: Jes Smith took time out to donate also, as a Red Cross nurse assists. “I just like to help people,” said Smith, “I feel like I have extra blood some people don’t have.” Photos by Mike Mata/The Advocate
Students option for health and wellness to be replaced with Internet version By Jessica Winters The Advocate
The MHCC Health and Wellness Resource Center in the College Center has been closed but college officials are developing a new online information option that will soon be available to the MHCC community. The Health and Wellness Resource Center closed at the end of the 2009-10 school year. The new health and wellness resource program is being developed and will be launched as an online referral service, according to David Sussman, manager of College Center Student Services and Grant Funded Programs. Sussman said, “We want to make sure students and the community have access to that information. What is the best way to reach as many individuals without sacrificing privacy? In today’s world, the best way to do that would be on the Internet.” The HWRC that had been located in the College Center provided resources on health needs, health care, immunizations, alcohol
and drug problems, first aid, etc. Sussman said the center closed “due to a combination of faculty reassignments and a strained budget.” Nursing instructor Chrissy Bloome, who had previously worked with the HWRC, has returned to full-time instruction. This new program will offer much of what the HWRC offered, but because the new service will be online, its hours will not be constrained by those of the College Center, but will be accessible 24/7. Students will be notified via email or the MHCC website when the online referral program is available. According to Sussman, the program is scheduled to become operational during fall term. For additional services, here are some continuing options: • If students need basic first aid, the College Center has it available at the front desk. • If an injury occurs or for help beyond basic first aid, the Public Safety Department is available to help.
Class raps strive to increase number of voters By Jen Ashenberner The Advocate
The Associated Student Government is conducting a campaign to register 1,500 students by Oct. 12 to vote in the Oregon general election Nov. 2. “The power is in numbers,” said Josh Baker, Oregon Student Association Campus Organizer. “The more students that we can get involved, the more impact we can have on important issues that affect our lives.” Baker has been working to gather student registration forms and encourage students, who are not registered, to get registered now. Kate Burns, ASG director of state and federal affairs, was directing the campaign prior to her resignation earlier this month. In an email in early September, Burns said,
“As a component of the voter registration part of the campaign, we have a team of students that is going around the MHCC campus doing class raps.” The class raps are three-to-fiveminute-long speeches packed with important voting information, Burns said. The class raps are scheduled to continue until Oct. 12. The campaign is an effort to get as many students involved in the voting process for the upcoming November elections. Burns said, “Oregonians will be voting for a new governor and our state’s next senators and representatives. “These politicians will be setting the direction of our state’s leadership and have great influence over funding for higher education and other issues important to students and the MHCC community,” he said.
September 24, 2010
Newly appointed director of communications
Armed with new experiences, Huffman is back in town By Kylie Rogers The Advocate
As of July 26, Maggie Huffman has filled the position of Director of Communications for MHCC, despite the two-week vacation she took to Italy with her daughters just two weeks after being hired. She jumped right into work though as soon as she got back. "I remember I got home on a Friday and went straight to work come Monday," she said. "When I got the job offer I was thrilled! I thought it was a perfect match. I have a passion for Mt. Hood Community College and it brings me home, I know this area." said Huffman. Huffman graduated from Gresham High School to find herself being recruited to work for "The Advocate" by the journalism adviser at the time, Mike Byrd. According to Huffman, Byrd was a bigger than life character; he was a former pro football player, he had a booming voice, smoked cigars in class and wore pink striped pants. "I'm fortunate to have learned from someone with as much caliber as Byrd... His rules of design still impact me today," said Huffman. Huffman spent 2 years at MHCC pursuing journalism back in the early ’70s before moving onto the journalism program at Oregon State University. "Journalism was a career choice back in grade school," Huffman recalled, "In 5th grade there was a writing assignment to write a tall tale and when I got it back the teacher had written a comment asking me if I had considered being a writer." In the years before her return to MHCC, Huffman spent her time in a variety of communications jobs, which resulted in award winning newsletter publications from the International Association of Business Communicators. She spent 6 months working as a reporter for "The Valley Times" where she realized that she didn't want to be a journalist, but instead work in communications. She spent 8 years working for Crown Zellerbach producing the company newsletters - designing, writing and editing the publication. "When I started my boss thought my photography skills needed work so he hired
David Falconer to help me. I spent a week learning about photos with him," she said. Sir James Goldsmith eventually bought out the company and she was laid off. Huffman Creative Services was her own business for 15 years in which she was producing photos, videos, speeches, ads and award winning newsletters for companies. Huffman spent another eight years doing press and media relations for Legacy Health System. She dealt with proactive stories, such as new surgical technologies, as well as reactive stories, such as Maggie Huffman high profile car crashes or shootdirector of communications ings. She even planned the opening ceremony for the first new hospital in Washington State in 30 years; at which she found herself singing Frank Sinatra and Bruce Springsteen into the microphone of a then empty outdoor tent. "I've never been one to carry a tune," she said, "I believe in having fun while you work." And most recently Huffman spent two years working as the Manager of Public Relations and Communication for Health Net insurance, a Fortune 200 company based in California. Her office, however, was in Tigard. "I've never been one to enjoy a job where there's a potential for boredom," Huffman said. Huffman plans on using all the available communication outlets to spread the word about MHCC including making a twitter account for the school among other plans. Huffman is also working with Gale Blessing, Director of Safety & Security, and Stacie Huffaker, Risk Management Coordinator, on updating the incident command system.
"When I got the job offer I was thrilled! I thought it was a perfect match. I have a passion for Mt. Hood Community College and it brings me home, I know this area."
Maggie Huffman, appointed the new director of communications, was a student of MHCC. PHOTO BY Richard ison
Faculty offers contract proposal Randy Stedman, the labor relations consultant hired by the board to bargain the contract The MHCC Full-time Faculty Association for the administration, said the current conMonday presented a counter-proposal on sala- tract had a step spread of 77 percent. “That range of 77 percent is extraordinarily ries to the administration during contract newide. Range spread is typically 55 or 65 pergotiations. cent,” said Stedman. The proposal the Stedman also administration had Board Proposal → Faculty Proposal said that the top given the faculty in Three-year plan → One-year plan step is higher than May eliminated cost average, and the of living increases Eliminate cost of living → Maintain 1.7% cost of living bottom step is lowfor faculty at the top increases for the top step adjustment er than average. step, while increasDecrease step increases → Maintain 4.5% step increases The faculty ing adjustments for said its counterfaculty at the bottom Maintain all steps → Eliminate bottom two steps proposal puts the step. The proposal is spread within the a three-year plan. range sought by the The counter proposal from faculty is a one-year plan that administration without changing the step inmaintains the 4.5 percent increase between creases or the cost of living adjustment. Sara Williams, a math instructor and the steps as well as a 1.7 percent cost of living adjustment. The proposal also eliminated the faculty’s chief negotiator, said the faculty feels uncomfortable with the administration’s probottom two steps. The administration said its proposal was posal for Article 21 because she said the salary based on comparisons of MHCC’s full-time freeze at the top of the scale amounts to a perfaculty contract with five community colleges manent earning loss. in the state: Clackamas, Lane, Linn-Benton, The next negotiation session will be 4-6 Chemeketa and Portland. p.m. Thursday in the district board room.
By Jordan Tichenor The Advocate
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6 Living Arts
September 24, 2010
The art of Mike Hill
Photos by Devin Courtright/The Advocate
By Mario Rubio The Advocate It’s 5 p.m. on West Powell Boulevard in downtown Gresham where recently retired dentist Mike Hill sits in his studio above his office looking at some of his proudest watercolor paintings. With an exhibit titled “Realism With an Attitude” on display in the College Center, Hill, 67, has had his art deeply rooted in Gresham for the last decade. The title comes from his work. His paintings are of real people and objects seen in everyday events, but with the watercolor aspect they are given a sense of nostalgia. Although he recently retired from practicing dentistry, Hill still has weekly visits from longtime patients whom he has grown to love and, in essence, become family. While retirement gives him more time to paint, he still practices part-time in order to maintain his dental license. He began his dentistry career 37 years ago after he earned a doctorial degree from Portland State University. The office he operates today is the first one he opened almost four decades ago. While becoming a dentist was a slowly developed passion for the Portland artist, it is art that has been in his skin since his youth. To Hill, painting is a way to work his eyesight in a different perspective and master the way he sees everything around him and try to capture it on canvas. Born in the San Francisco Area in the 1940s to a commercial artist mother, his family moved to Portland in his early youth, living in various areas
of Southeast and Southwest Portland. His mother was one of his earliest artistic influences. “Instead of using a coloring book, my mom would make me sit and copy one of her drawings and I could never trace, only copy,” said Hill on his earliest memory of drawing. The hobby never left him, often competing in art shows while a student at Lincoln High School and then later attending The California School of Fine Arts in San Francisco. Shortly after his third year in college, he enlisted in the military and served in Vietnam. The six years he spent off and on as a medical ambulance driver would transform the way he looked at people from all walks of life. “The experience just really made me respect life” said Hill. He would later adopt a young girl from Vietnam and raise her with his wife Jeanine and birth daughter Andrea, in Portland. When he ventured back to Portland, he enrolled at PSU where he earned his doctorial degree. It was 10 years ago when his art itch resurfaced. He began attending evening classes at MHCC with now-retired instructor and painter Patricia Schmidt. He said Schmidt would helped him see that he never needed the beginner’s course he was enrolled in, but rather a quick reminder of how he wanted his work to turn out; thus he began work on watercolor paintings. For 10 years now his work has been displayed all around town, mostly in Gresham, where he moved in 1973 from Portland to begin his dental practice. His paintings have popped up in murals
in places such as City Hall, the Gresham School District building and even in the College Center here at MHCC. His three favorite objects to paint are classic cars (from the ’20s and ’30s), people in their everyday affairs and flowers. The work he creates is first imagined through a photo he takes of a certain individual or location and moves its way through a sketch pad, then through his brush strokes onto canvass. Painting equipment can be expensive and Hill admits he’s fortunate to be painting full time now and can focus on an individual piece at a time. The process takes him roughly two to three weeks. Each painting goes for $2,000. Hill takes pride in Gresham as it has a strong sense of community and remains low key to people from neighboring suburbs. “A lot of my work has been inspired from images here in town” says Hill, speaking on his creative inspiration. He cites local areas such as Walter’s Hill and Main Street in downtown Gresham as a source of inspiration, both of which have been transformed into his paintings. He also points out that there are not many art galleries in East Multnomah County and is happy to have helped established a minor art scene here. Now in his late 60s, Hill is more enthusiastic than ever about his watercolor pieces. His collection of work titled “realism with an attitude” will remain on display in the College Center until Sept. 30, available with a description of the piece and the artist himself. His work can also be seen on his website (www.mikehillwatercolors.com).
Living Arts 7
September 24, 2010
Beth Fadel is motivated by, "Dressing for the carrer path I want to be successful in."
Kara Pierson "I try to be as least intimidating as possible while looking my best."
Andrew Serino owns two pairs of "Tom's shoes."
Denzel Weekly "The way you dress tell a lot about you. I try to show who I am."
Photos by Devin Courtright/The Advocate
Fall fashion: Is this the year of the cardigan? By Jill-Marie Gavin The Advocate When fall fashion trends come flowing in, it may be overwhelming to think about the cost of revamping your wardrobe to fit what’s popular. Fortunately, for men especially, many of the trends are innovative spins on already existing styles. The cardigan continues to be a staple throughout recent years. Men can wear their cardigans with polo style shirts or with simple v-neck t-shirts. Ladies should consider pairing an over-sized cardigan with leggings. Outerwear sells out fairly early in the season and should be considered for purchase early in the school year. Motorcycle jackets and military style coats are two unisex options in addition to the fitted pea coat and double-breasted coats. Pea coats hold potential for layering. Men: A blazer with a fitted cardigan beneath is a growing trend; also keep your eye out for vintage graphic tees to wear under your motorcycle or military style jacket. Even if you have 20/20 eyesight, don’t overlook the possibility of using eyewear for fashion. Glasses are a great accessory for any ensemble. Run DMCstyle glasses, aviator-style reading glasses and rectangular mod-style glasses are all good options whether you want a youthful, hipster or sophisticated feel.
An over-sized beanie is a casual option to keep you warm, add individuality to your outfit, as well as conceal a bad hair day. Although considered feminine in the past, scarves can be a nice finishing touch to an overall look. Brown shoes are much more popular now for men, especially in boating or loafer style. If you’re partial to athletic style, try wearing a track jacket and fitted cap combination. With a matching fitted track jacket and sneaker color scheme, the rest of your outfit can be as laid back and flexible for workouts as you’d like. Even sweatIf you are interested in venturing outside of Gresham/Troutdale for shopping needs, included is a list of coed bargain aimed retailers. Buffalo Exchange (new and used): 1420 SE 37th Ave, Portland and 1036 W Burnside St, Portland Crossroads Trading Co. (new and used): 3736 SE Hawthorne Blvd. Portland Forever 21: 700 SW Fifth Ave., Suite 1035 Portland H&M: (Coming to Portland in November)
pants are acceptable. Women: Leggings continue to reign supreme as a comfortable and fashionable option. If you haven’t yet been alerted to the fashion hybrid of jeggings (jean/denim leggings), please believe that stores such as Target, Old Navy, Forever 21 and just about any retailer providing women’s clothing are increasing their stock of these items weekly. Army green tailored pants are a dressy new addition that you may consider adding to your wardrobe for earth tone days. Lace, floral, and floral lace prints are popular this season. They can be made edgier when worn with a leather jacket if you’re concerned about coming off too mature or overly delicate. Over the knee boots come in flat and high heel. Flat boots are recommended if you’re motivated by comfort and conservative style, heels are recommended if you disregard both. Tom’s shoes or “Tomorrow’s Shoes” (a shoe company that supplies a child in need with a pair of shoes for each pair of shoes purchased by consumers) are a popular unisex option and are available in various styles and colors. You may find these at retailers such as Nordstrom or online at www.tomsshoes.com. Flannel print can be spotted all over campus. For men, a thicker fabric may be a good option to make jackets optional. For the ladies, a thinner fabric such as cotton might be nice due to its form fitting properties and allowance for accessorizing.
Movie review: 'It's Kind of a Funny Story' proves to be a pretty funny story By Shelby Schwartz The Advocate “It’s Kind of a Funny Story” is based on a novel of the same name, by author Ned Vizzini, because, let’s face it, what movie isn’t based on a book these days? The movie features: newcomer Keir Gilchrist as Craig, a stressed-out 16year-old who checks himself into the psychiatric ward of a hospital; Lauren Graham (Gilmore Girls) as Craig’s mom Lynn; Jim Gaffigan (Going the Distance) as dad George; Zoe Kravitz, (Lenny’s daughter) as Nia who plays Craig’s best friend Aaron’s girlfriend; Emma Roberts (Julia’s niece and Valentine’s Day) as Noelle; Zach Galifianakis (The Hangover’s Alan) as Bobby; and Viola Davis as Dr. Minerva. In a quick rundown of the plot, Craig, in his own words, “has a lot going on in his mind,” including a girl and a summer school application.
Also, he’s suicidal and has been depressed for a year. He accidentally checks himself into the psych ward of a hospital, and the teen floor is conveniently undergoing renovations so all teens are staying with the adult patients in the wing known as “3 North.” After begging to be admitted, Craig comes to his senses once he meets his roommate, who in Craig’s words is “a depressive middle-aged Egyptian dude” who creeps him out. He then asks to be released but is told by Dr. Minerva that he must stay for five days, no longer than 30, before he will be released to his parents. Without giving too much away, Craig’s parents come to visit and his mom (Graham) convinces him to stay, as she feels it will be good for him and he might feel better when he is released. In one of those inner monologue type things, Craig says, “Don’t blame my parents for how messed up
I am even though my dad works too much, my mom is a little too fragile and my sister is some kind of child genius.” In Craig’s five days in 3 North, he meets plenty of crazy, interesting people, such as Suicidal Bobby (Galifianakis) who he bonds with, and teenager Noelle (Roberts) who becomes his love interest in the film. During his time there he participates in activities such as drawing, which he thinks he is terrible, but it turns out he is really good and he begins to draw strange map pictures. He decides this is something he likes. There is also a musical number featuring the psych patients singing Queen’s “Under Pressure.” This movie has a cool, laid-back feel, jammed packed with crazy oneliners from crazy psych patients such as: “Back in the day I was sir-lick-a lot;” “It smells like a hobo’s band-aid;”
and “You should be on Coney Island bird-dogging chicks.” Also, I love Galifianakis because he is so funny without even trying. Gilchrist also has a good performance as a stressed teen trying to navigate his way through school, life and talking to girls. Roberts plays the slightly mysterious teen that catches Craig’s eye. I am going to classify this movie as a comedy-drama because yes, you will laugh, be sure of that, but the characters are all struggling with being different. Craig and Bobby both have issues that they work through during the movie, so it’s all very dramatic at the same time. This movie is funny, moving and definitely interesting. I say go see it because you will love it, the characters are believable and the acting is good. This comedy-drama, from Focus Features, is rated PG-13 and opens Oct. 8.
8 Living Arts
September 24, 2010
Concert Review:
Neural Sturgeon Staff member brings alternative rock to MHCC Main Mall By Anevay Torrez The Advocate
Noontime on campus is typically buzzing with the conversations of students visiting with others students while eating their lunch — except on Tuesday when Portland’s Neural Sturgeon played the Main Mall. This was their third performance since they started playing together a few months ago. Neural Sturgeon members include bass guitarist and MHCC English instructor Michele Hampton. Her husband, Scott Hampton, is the lead singer/songwriter who teamed up with drummer Ryan and guitarist Josh. Together their alternative rock sound created a great atmosphere for students to sit and listen while eating their lunch. Ryley Croghan, a first-year engineering transfer student, said, “It’s pretty mellow. I like it, it’s cool to have something to do during lunch.” Along with other students listening, Croghan seemed to be enchanted by the band’s easy-going presence and rockin’ performance. Seeing the familiar face of Michele Hampton as bass guitarist sparked interest in students, watching a Photos by Jessica Ison
Top photo from left to right: Drummer Ryan and Bass Guitarist Michelle Hampton playing in the courtyard. Bottom right: Guitarist Josh singing backup while playing acoustic guitar.
faculty member sharing a side of themselves that students normally don’t see inside a classroom setting. Among the MHCC students hearing Neural Sturgeon for the first time was Jill Black, a friend of the band who was jamming out to every song played. “I love it,” said Black. The band has only been playing together for a few months, which is impressive in the way that they didn’t miss a single beat during their performance. If you like what you heard in the Main Mall, it doesn’t have to stop there: Neural Sturgeon’s next show is Monday at The Report Lounge, 1101 E. Burnside St., Portland. They can also be found on MySpace.
SAB brings carnival fun to MHCC campus By Shelby Schwartz The Advocate
Thursday marked the end of Welcome Week as the Student Activities Board sponsored a carnival in the Main Mall despite the rain. The carnival from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. featured lunch for students that including corn dogs and grilled cheese sandwiches. The carnival did not get into full swing until about 10:40 a.m. as the rain forced the game booths under cover. “I spent the summer (about a month and a half) planning for Welcome Week to get students involved with the campus, let them know about the different departments and majors to give them a good ‘welcome back to school’ feel,” said SAB director Leigh Oliver. The carnival included booths for a balloon dart toss, a ring toss and a bottle smash. SAB seasonal events coordinator Keis-
han Dorsey said there was fun and games to win prizes and get students engaged early so they didn’t just go to class and then go home. The games were set up like a circuit and once a student earned a ticket from one booth, they would then have the chance to spin the prize wheel and the chance to win prizes depending on what number they landed on. If they landed on a space with no number, they had the chance to win an umbrella, hat or shirt. If students landed on numbers 5 through 9, they could pick from a notebook, binder, water bottle, lanyard or cup. If they spun 1 through 4, they could pick from a pen, license plate frame, keychain or Frisbee. Although the weather did not cooperate, many students were still able to enjoy the food and games despite the cold and rain. “Being in the Main Mall brings everyone together,” Dorsey said.
Photo by Richard Ison
From Left Ruby Harris recieves Frisbee prize from Keishan Dorsey at SAB carnival.
September 24, 2010
By Jon Fuccillo The Advocate
Volleyball returns to former glory under leadership of Chelsie Speer
By her second season, Mt. Hood’s head volleyball coach Chelsie Speer has turned this program back into a powerhouse after a one-year stint when the team went from first (NWAACC title in 2007) to worst in 2008. As an assistant coach, Speer was part of two NWAACC championships in 2006 and 2007. She’s had a fair share of success under Lena Chan, now head coach of the Pacific University Boxers in Forest Grove. When the Saints played in the land of the beloved onions this past weekend, at the Walla Walla Crossover Sept. 17-18, they once again walked away victorious and came home with hardware. It wasn’t an easy test after losing to Walla Walla University in a best of three games match on the first day of play. They turned things around and won their next five matches including four in a row on Saturday. During a recent poll in the Southern Region, all the coaches said the Saints were still the team to beat after going 10-0 in conference last season and taking second place at NWAACCs. Not a bad first season in what most thought was going to be a rebuilding year with the transition of head coaches. Three new coaches in three years can be a turn off to recruits and in choosing a college. Most people would say “they would have to be the clear favorite after a season like last year.” That’s true on the surface. But with that said, like all community college sports you’re only eligible for two years of action, unlike four-year schools who can develop their players over a longer 4-5 year span. With all of this said, if you’re a new, not so new, former student, or staff member just wandering around campus, please show your support and attend home games. College is all about the experience. So come experience an amazing set of young talent on the hard floor. Like every season the goal is to win it all. But without fans and other outside support, beyond their close family and friends, it can become less motivating — even though this group of young gals would beg to differ.
Cross country uses tough competition to move toward goals By Jon Fuccillo The Advocate
Cross country head coach Matt Hart continues to be satisfied with his young runners performance, although they have finished at the back of the pack in consecutive meets. “These first few races have been vital,” said head coach Matt Hart through email Wednesday night. “Our freshmen have received a lot of benefit in understanding competing at the collegiate level.” The women took 13th place out of 17 teams, while the men placed 16th out of 17 teams on Saturday after competing in the Sundodger Invitational at the University of Washington. Out of 191 competitors in the women’s field, two Saint runners finished in the top 100 in the 6K race. Sophomore Amanda Faggard placed 58th with a time of 23:57.03 and freshman Gabriella Diaz took 71st with a time of 24:14.35. Shawna Schooley, an Everett Community College sophomore runner from the 2009 NWAACC championship team, finished in 12th place (22:32.12). This was the first time the Saints competed against Schooley who was the individual winner at last year’s 6K NWAACC Championship and the clear favorite in the 2010 NWAACC Championship Nov. 13 in Clackamas. For the second week in a row, Donnie Coulson was the top male to cross the finish line for the Saints with a
photo contributed by matt hart
Sophomore Amanda Faggard placed 58th in a field of 191 competitors Saturday in the Sundodger Invitational at the University of Washington.
time of 28:16.21 in the 8K race. This was the second time that he has competed in the 8K. (Coulson competed in the 5K during high school.) “It’s a completely different atmosphere from high school,” said Coulson who attended The Dalles-Witonka High. “The distance is the biggest difference. “It has been surreal competing against some of these (four-year schools). I’m just having fun with it. It’s my first time running in the 8K. I’m just trying to gain experience.” Coulson said his goal is to lower his time into the mid-27-minute range.
“I want to break 28 minutes this year,” Coulson said. (Coach Hart) has us working hard. I don’t know if he’s doing anything special since it’s all so new to me. Every new meet brings a new experience.” The team will next compete Oct. 2 at the Charles Bowles Invitational at Bush Pasture Park at the Willamette University. “We plan on competing at a high level at the Willamette meet,” said Hart. “We are at the point where our fitness is high and we need to focus on strategies of racing.”
Saint Athletes of the Week Amanda Faggard -
Cross country
Faggard took 58th place out of 191 competitors Saturday at the Sundodger Invitational at the University of Washington. The sophomore from Molalla finished with a time of 23:57.03. She was the first Saint to finish the race.
Kyra Speer - Volleyball Last year’s Southern Region Player of the Year is back where she left off a year ago. Most recently in a match against rival Chemeketa Wednesday nigh,t she ended the game with nine kills. On Sept. 15, the NWAACC awarded her Southern Region Offensive Player of the Week.
Donnie Coulson -
Cross country
In back-to-back weeks, the freshman runner from The Dalles finished as the Saints top male runner in the 8K. He finished with a time of 28:16.21 Saturday at the Sundodger Invitational at the University of Washington. The week before, on Sept. 10, he crossed the finish line with a time of 28:51.69 at the West Coast Preview at the University of Portland.
Devan Belshe -
The freshman outside hitter led the way Wednesday night with a match-high 11 kills in the conference opener against the Chemeketa Storm. She has been one of the team’s most consistent freshmen.
10 Sports
September 24, 2010
Too easy: Speer and company sweep Storm
Photo by devin courtright/The advocate
The Mt. Hood Saints won its first conference match Wednesday night against the Chemeketa Storm in a three-game home sweep. Kyra Speer (8) said Wednesday. “We just came out and wanted this game.”
Saints pick up where they left off last year, easily winning first conference match of year By Jon Fuccillo The Advocate
Early season games have not offered much of a challenge yet for the Saints volleyball team — and that held true in their first conference action Wednesday night against the Chemeketa Storm at home. The Saints took the match in three straight games (25-16, 25-14, 25-16) against last season’s second-place Storm. There were a lot of high fives and smiles after the game in celebration of the three-game sweep. Co-captain and outside hitter Kyra Speer especially was in a good mood, something she has gotten used to as a Saint. “We just came out and wanted this win,” said Speer. Freshman outside hitter Devan Belshe, twin of teammate middle back Demi Belshe from Roseburg, ended the contest with a game-high 11 kills, including the hit of the evening in game three that sent a handful of Storm players to the ground rolling around and confused. Speer chipped in with nine kills.
Coach Chelsie Speer said Devan and Kyra have a great counter balance and that the two played significant roles in the win. “They push each other,” the coach said of the two outside hitters. “Those two strive to do better than one another. It’s healthy competition.” What impressed her most about the sweep? “We definitely did a lot of the little things well,” Coach Speer said. “Those were the things that were frustrating me the most (earlier in the season).” She said she also enjoyed her team’s polished start to each game, something she admits has been an issue in past matches. “The way we started (was great),” she said. “We haven’t started that well and held that. We usually start off bad and end up finishing strong.” First-year Storm head coach Peter Piexoto was disappointed after the sweep. “I was expecting a win,” Piexoto said. “You never expect to just play okay. I was expecting to compete and come out with a victory, and that obviously didn’t happen. “They were the more aggressive team,” said Piexoto. “I think they wanted it a little more.”
Although the Saints made winning look easy Wednesday night. Coach Speer wants her team to focus on one game at a time no matter the competition. “I’m huge on respecting opponents,” she said. “We have to go out and give it 100 percent. I don’t like being cocky but at the same time I am confident with who and what we have.” Missing in action Wednesday was sophomore cocaptain Haley Leithem. The outside hitter sprained her left ankle on a freak accident after jumping and landing on it wrong last weekend in the Walla Walla Crossover. She had previously sprained her right ankle less than two months ago. Leithem, who didn’t want to make any excuses for not being on the court, said she plans on being back as soon as possible and is waiting on clearance from the coaching staff. “I want to play this weekend against SWOCC ,” said Leithem, who had a light practice on Tuesday afternoon in easing her way back to action. The Saints travel today to Coos Bay for a 7 p.m. match against the Southwestern Oregon Lakers.
Upcoming Southern Region schedule Teams playing
Quote of the game
September 24 Mt. Hood vs. SW Oregon
Coos Bay
6 p.m.
Clackamas vs. Umpqua
6 p.m.
Linn-Benton vs. Chemeketa
7 p.m.
Mt. Hood vs. Umpqua
1 p.m.
Clackamas vs. SW Oregon
Coos Bay
1 p.m.
September 25 Head coach Chelsie Speer
"We definitely did a lot of the little things well. Those were the things that were frustrating me the most (earlier in the season)."
September 24, 2010
Sports 11 Volleyball co-captainsHaley Leithem (left) and Kyra Speer steal a moment away from the Chemeketa Community College game Wednesday. photo by Devin Courtright/The Advocate
Story by Chanel Hill The Advocate
Best friends play together with trust and tunnel vision
ou may know Kyra Speer and Haley Leithem as MHCC’s co-captains on the said of Leithem. “She’s always helping out with everything. It’s been real helpvolleyball team, but you may not know them as “Savage” and “Drill Sergeant.” ful. Last year I had headaches. Those girls (the co-captains) have stepped it up Tack on intense, driven and good-hearted and you’ll begin to understand to lead.” the two best friends who have played together since their sophomore year at The two take time away from their matches and practices to have fun, enjoyGresham High School. ing the occasional girls night out, even sharing nearly every class their freshOn the court the girls are known for their intensity and skill. Off the court man year. They share a bond that serves as an asset not only to the team, but they appreciate each other’s quirks, which extend to unique eating abilities. “I also to one another. call her Savage for a few reasons,” Leithem said about Speer, “but this girl can “Haley is just a really, really good friend.” said Kyra Speer. “And that’s how crunch food like you’ve never seen. She eats so much food and she’s still a twig.” she is on the court, she is there for her team.” The two first met in high school when Leithem Speer has had her fair share of individual success, moved from California for her sophomore year. racking up just about every award imaginable in the “I call her Savage for a few reasons.” “Kyra was one of the first people I met,” said sport. But her coach has been more impressed with Leithem. “We were more acquaintances sophomore her confidence this year. Haley Leithem year. We got close junior year, and by senior year she “Kyra is more confident,” said Chelsie Speer of her Co-volleyball Captain new sister-in-law. “She hasn’t always been so confiwas one of my best friends.” After the two graduated in 2008, they decided dent. Last year she got down on herself.” Which is Mt. Hood was next on their agenda, and in their rookie season they placed sec- where Haley plays her part. “She (Haley) helps me out a lot. Anytime I’m feelond at NWAACCs. ing down or my game is off, she’s the one there telling me I can do it.” said Speer Now as sophomores, the two who were unanimously voted co-captains by the Whether on or off the court, the co-captains and friends share a trust that at team are combining their personalities and athletic ability to lead. times requires no words. “When we’re on the court, she looks at me and I know “She’s known all around Gresham,” said a hoarse-voiced Leithem following what to do. She trusts me over everyone else.” said Leithem. a recent practice. “She’s a legend; she has the skill set. People look up to her From their encouragement of each other at practice, to their weight room because she leads by example.” rivalries, their friendship remains the constant along with a shared tunnel viLeithem has a different leadership style. “I’m encouraging, as you can hear sion goal for their team: winning this year’s NWAACC title. from my voice,” she said. “I’m crazy and loud. People call me the team mom.” “We want our team to play with heart. We know what it’s like to finish second Coach Chelsie Speer repeated that the team calls Leithem the team mom, and we don’t want that feeling again,” insists Speer. “Our friendship helps a lot. adding that she has shown a new sense of maturity from last year. We are always on the same page.” “She’s just one of those people that I don’t have to worry about,” the coach -Jon Fuccillo contributed to this story
12 The Flipside
The Advocate
September 24, 2010
Day Forecast Saturday Partly Cloudy 80o F Sunday Few Showers 72o F Monday Partly Cloudy 75o F Tuesday Partly Cloudy 71o F The MHCC bookstore experienced lines this week that wound through aisles, around the back of the store and even out into the Main Mall. “Textbook rentals have quadrupled,” said Rachel Avery, representative for Nebraska Book Company.
Did you know . . .
IBM filed an application for a patent that would enable them to develop a traffic light system that can “remotely stop and start the engines of vehicles,” according to PhysOrg.com. The idea behind the patent would be to “reduce wastage of fuel and optimize the movement of vehicles through the intersection or crossing.” This is how IBM proposes the system would work: It would be able to sense the position of a vehicle waiting at a red light by using Wi-Fi technologies, cellular networks, or satellite communications. The vehicle would be placed in a queue with others waiting at the same signal. Once it has determined that the vehicle has waited longer than a set threshold (two minutes), the system would send a signal to the engine or engines to shut them off. Once the light turned green, another signal would be sent to re-start each engine in the order of the queue.
Fashion comes to Mt. Hood with new trends and easy ways to update your current style.
Wednesday Partly Cloudy 69o F Thursday Sunny 67o F Friday Sunny 64o F
Updated information and stories on www.advocate-online.com
Hmm . . . maybe IBM has too much time on its hands.
October 6
Topic: Global warming wPlease deliver entries by 4:30 p.m., Oct. 6, to Janet Campbell in Social Sciences, office 2667. wSubmission must include hard copy of both the photo and a brief explanation statement. GRAND PRIZE: $40 GIFT CERTIFICATE TO BURGERVILLE!
Winner will be announced at the "350" Global Warming Event in the College Center Oct. 8, noon-1:30 p.m.
Event Sponsored by ''350''.
Graffiti exhibit submission by Doug Forest located in the Visual Arts Gallery.