Refund drop date moved five days earlier
September 26, 2011
‘Light and Dark’ dominate Fireside Gallery exhibit
Map may help students navigate MHCC campus
advocate the
Volume 47, Issue 1
Parking at MHCC
Student pockets Take a
As fall term begins, students face increased tuition and a new parking fee and permit system.
Local Community College Parking Fees
by John Tkebuchava The Advocate
In addition to tuition increases, MHCC is also imposing a new parking permit fee, effective Oct. 5. There are signs posted throughout campus indicating where students can acquire their permits. Students can purchase a permit in cash for $25 per term or $75 per year at Student Services. However, students can save a few dollars on both if they buy the permits on the MHCC website. There will be a grace period until Oct. 5 to allow students the chance to obtain permits before the policy is enforced. A citation for parking permit violations is $25. Students with motorcycles will receive special bands rather than permit slips that can be attached to their vehicle. Each car permit and motorcycle band will be equipped with serial numbers that are registered into the system and are linked to the student’s name and information. Students can register up three vehicles under one permit.
See Parking Page 3
Portland Community College
$150* Mt. Hood Community College
$75* Clark College
$0* Clackamas Community College
$0* *Cost of Annual Parking Permit
ASG to make a push on diversity by Mike Mata The Advocate
Developing a Diversity Resource Center (DRC) is a main goal this year for Associated Student Government President Jackie Altamirano and Vice President Erika Molina. After returning from a retreat in the third weekend of September, ASG will hold talks with the administration to develop a DRC to benefit all members of the student body, particularly those who are minorities or “a part of a disenfranchised community,” Altamirano said. “We are doing a lot of research into how others colleges and universities are doing it and getting a feel for how it can be run,” she added. Molina said, “We (ASG) want to know how to best represent everybody, how Gresham is changing and taking that into account so we are representing and embracing all cultures.” Besides the need for greater diversity awareness and support, Altamirano and Molina are leading ASG to a greater presence at the Capitol in Salem and to lobby for student issues and rights. These issues include a bill for tuition equity that allows undocumented students to pay in-state tuition if an Oregon school accepts them. There is also a bill that would help regulate textbook prices in Oregon.
See ASG Page 4
Hundreds of students welcomed at orientation by Mel-Isha Jones The Advocate
Nearly 800 nervous, excited and in-between new students flooded the MHCC gym Thursday and settled in for the eighth annual student orientation. “Don’t go through life disoriented. Go to orientation,” print center office assistant Theresa Snyder said. Students were welcomed at a breakfast while Associated Student Government officials and Student Activity Board members danced with Barney, the college mascot. They worked up the audience and gave out t-shirts, chanting, “When I say ‘Mount,’ you say ‘Hood!’” MHCC interim President Michael Hay, ASG President Jackie Altamirano and Vice President Erika Molina officially welcomed the students. Hay said he was also a community college student, and reassured the audience, “It’s all about you. We want to make that the hallmark for what we do.”
See Orientation Page 4 Mt. Hood Community College
Gresham, Oregon