The Advocate, Issue 17, Feb. 15, 2013

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Gresham, Oregon | Februar y 15, 2013 | Volume 48, Issue 17


The independent student voice of Mt. Hood Community College


Photo by Mike Mata/The Advocate

www. advocate -online . ne t

Lunar New Year

To celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year, members of student government held an event in the Student Union Tuesday. The MHCC mascot “Barney” is pictured above dancing with students dressed as a dragon.

Photo contributed by Associated Student Government

MHCC students join fight for tuition equity

Students, including members of the MHCC Associated Student Government, wait at the Capitol building in Salem as legislators discuss the issues of tuition equity.

fireplace gallery

Mike Mata The Advocate

As proponents and opponents for tuition equity testified back and forth across the Capitol in Salem Wednesday, seven MHCC students added their input through personally political Valentine’s Day cards. Eduardo Ortiz, MHCC student senator of legislation, led the group from MHCC to Salem. “We got a group of students together . . . and we made Valentine’s cards,” he said. “Basically we did arts and crafts — it was really fun — then we put in little messages like ‘support tuition equity.’ Just like your average Valentine’s card, with a little political twist.” Laura Aguon, Associated Student Government director of state and federal affairs, added, “They [the cards] had a lot of information in them. A lot of them said ‘support equality, support education for all’ and ‘education is a human right’ and we asked them to be our tuition equity supporters.” Aguon said the cards were handed out to Oregon legislators. Tuition equity is up in the Oregon Legislature under House Bill 2787. If approved, the bill would grant in-state tuition to undocumented students attending public colleges and universities if they pass certain requirements including: attending school in the U.S. for five years, studied at an Oregon high school for three years, graduated

“The Mechanics of being”

See “Equity” on Page 4

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There is school on Presidents’ Day “All Around And Through You Atoms And Energies Are Flooding The World” by Jerol Eshleman

from high school and have an affidavit with an Oregon public college or university stating the student has or is planning on applying for citizenship. Ortiz said he has a personal reason for being involved with lobbying for tuition equity. “I have a friend who is undocumented and was brought here as a young child,” he said. “Her brother, who is a year older, is enrolled at Mt. Hood Community College, but unfortunately, she’s the middle child and she is now college-age too, but unfortunately her parents have to say ‘wait until your brother graduates because we can’t afford the tuition of community college.’ “I can’t imagine how sad it must be for her parents and for her to be told ‘wait on your degree and education because we can’t afford it’,” said Ortiz. In a Wednesday article posted on by Yuxing Zheng, Karla Castaneda, a Parkrose High School junior, testified Wednesday that even though she takes Advanced Placement courses, does theater and mock trials, organized a fundraise for Special Olympics and is on varsity water polo, she would have to pay out-of-state tuition and therefore would be unable to afford to go to college. Ortiz said Thursday, “These stories are not needles in a haystack. It’s a story that applies to a lot of people that

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