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Bangalore Niranjan Babu

On the special day of 28th of May, 2023, at precisely 11:30 in the morning, the Prime Minister, as the embodiment of rationality and free will, graced the event with his presence, marking the official inauguration. It was a celebration of human achievement, where the values of self-reliance and the pursuit of excellence were honored and embraced.


In the heart of New Delhi, a visionary plan took shape in the fall of 2019—an audacious endeavor to breathe new life into the historic Central Vista Avenue. It was a plan that echoed the spirit of adventure, a quest for revitalization and progress. The conception of the master plan for the construction of the New Parliament building occurred in September 2019, as a visionary undertaking to revitalize the Central Vista Avenue in New Delhi. In December of that year, Honourable Prime Minister Sri Modi, embodying the spirit of self-reliance and progress, laid the foundation stone for the New Parliament building, symbolizing the triumph of human ingenuity and ambition. The resolute efforts of the construction team were crowned with success in May 2023, a testament to the power of purpose and determination of the new India.

At the time of the inauguration, the zodiac sign Leo was rising, with its lord, the Sun and the king of planets, well-placed in the 10th house. The Moon, the queen of planets, was in the 12th house, which can also be interpreted as the 11th house from the 2nd house of family and finance. However, Guru Chandala Yoga (GCY) was in effect, with both the planets Jupiter (the preceptor) and Rahu (the mleccha) in close conjunction at almost the same degree on that date. This GCY occurred in the 9th house of Dharmasthana (godliness, righteousness, teacher, philosophy, science and literature, fame, leadership). The chart also indicates that at that time, the lord of the 9th house Mars (the commander in chief), who is also the yogakaraka (being lord of a Kendra and a Kona), was in debilitation in the 12th house of loss.

Role of Tapaswi Yoga

Twenty parties opposed the inauguration of the new Parliament building. They opposed the inauguration on the grounds that it was a violation of the Constitution, as the President of India is the only person who has the authority to inaugurate a new Parliament building.



Jayant Agasthya

Dr. Jayant Agasthya is a qualified Company Secretary and has worked in several multinationals. He learnt Jyotisha under late Prof. M. K. Ramachandra and Dr. K. N. Ravi and has been practicing for the past 25 years. He completed his thesis on “Vimshamsha – understanding spiritual journey through horoscope” under the guidance of Dr. Prof. N. S. Murthy. He has also published articles on Soundaryalahari in Vijaya Karnataka newspaper.

In simple terms, the word muhurta indicates a unit of time. Vedas, especially Taittiriya Brahmana, lists out 15 muhurtas viz., saṁjñānaṁ, vijñānaṁ, prajñānaṁ, jānad, abhijānat, saṁkalpamānaṁ, prakalpamānam, upakalpamānam, upakṁptaṁ, kṁptam, śreyo, vasīya, āyat, saṁbhūtaṁ, bhūtam. It further goes on to state that a muhurta is 1/30th part of the day, which translates to 48 minutes, in layman terms.

It is a well-known fact that people who want to achieve success in their endeavours choose the right time / particular time of the day to commence their activities. They approach the astrologer and based on the astrologer’s guidance, commence the respective work. There are muhurtas that give good results as well as bad results. Hence, understanding the concept of muhurta and prescribing a correct time in the day to commence an auspicious work becomes very critical.

India achieved Her freedom at 00.00 hours on 15th August 1947 at New Delhi. From this day onwards, there have been numerous governments till date with many people who have held various positions. However, the common factor in all these governments and the bureaucrats is the Indian Parliament house. The old Parliament house was in use from January 1927 till May 2023 and as we all know, the new Parliament house was officially inaugurated and opened on 28th May 2023. As per the official Government notifications, the festivities started at 7.30 AM in New Delhi.

Some people opine that the muhurta for the purpose of analysis must be the time when it was officially inaugurated and opened for the public – i.e., 12 noon. Some other say that the muhurta should be the time when the Raja-Danda or Sengol was installed in the Parliament house. However, all learned astrologers are unequivocal that the muhurta of the new Parliament building is the time when the rituals started on the morning of 28th May 2023, i.e., 7.30 AM. Reason being, this is very similar to a common man doing a Gruhapravesha where the yajamana & yajamani of the house enter the house (according to their respective traditions) in the muhurta given on a particular date after the necessary cleansing rituals (Vastu homa, Rakshoghna homa etc.,) are done the previous day

Let us now understand the inherent strength and weakness of the muhurta from an astrological angle. Chart of the new Parliament building inauguration: 28th May 2023 @ 7.30 AM in New Delhi.

Basic details:

Rising lagna is Mithuna – a dual sign, and lagna is in Rahu’s nakshatra. Sukra, lord of 5th and 12th house is placed in lagna in Guru’s nakshatra. Lagna lord Budha is in the 11th house with Guru and Rahu. Budha though is in his enemy – Kuja’s house, he is placed in Sukra’s nakshatra. Budha is inherently weak in Mesha rasi and Bharani nakshatra. For a major event to be successful in the long run, a strong lagna lord is essential, which is not so in this scenario.

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